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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1887)
Se9HC59E59IE9 rrnnnat. A VICTORY. The prohibition leader tome time since made arrangements with ex-Governor St. John, of Kansas, to deliver five lectures in Oregon in favor of the amendment, but scores of Manic Republicans all over the state raised the cry that if St. John came here they wonld defeat the amendment. Whereupon the prohibition leaders noti fied the ex-fiovernor, that, owing to this threat It was deemed best that his appoint ments should be cancelled. St. John ans wered, "It I all right." This is really a big victory for these Blaine leader. The have routed these amendment people In the matter of the selection of speakers to conduct the prohibitory campaign, to be followed bv u victory in the defeat of the amendment at the polls, for, mark our words. W Wm ! to iUftmt tk ammlmnt v'metmtr St John count or dots mot come. These kind! y concessions made in deference to the prejudices of these sensi tive niaine gentlemen will be returned to the prohibition leaders in the shape of bitter warfare against the amendment. Weil, Its not our fight, but as a news dis penser, we feel called upon to warn the prohibition leaders that they will suffer the very consequences in cancelling their arrangements with St. John, that they hoped to avoid In making them in the first instance. The Stttttsmxn savs the Iowa democrats have come out for free trade. Now.ln oil candor, we would ask our cotemporary what it means bv free trade. By political economists trade between different coun tries or nations is understood to be free when there are no legal restrictions thrown around it. Anv tariff or customs dutv ex- w r acted by one country upon goods import ed from another Is a legal restriction, and therefore trade In such articles is not free. Free trade would imply a removal of all customs duties upon any or all articles of merchandise imported from any country to another. An American free trailer would be one who favors the removal of all customs duties upon any commodity imported into this from any other country The Iowa democrats did not endorse this free trade doctrine. They demanded such reduction of war tariff duties as would prevent the accumulation of vaat sums of public money into the treasury of the I'nited States, there to remain idle. The democratic party is not a free trade party Newspapers that understand the subject and are candid with their readers, never -bring this charge of being free traders against the democrats. The democrats would so reduce and revise the tariff du ties as to collect enough money to pay the necessary expenses and demands of the government, administered economically, and no more. This it fair trade and not free trade. WHY NOT. Sam Small says : "I was born a democrat and raUeJ democrat. I studied its principles full 1 worked for it, I have stolen ballot for I have spent monev for it, I have drank whisky for it, I have stuffed boxes for it 1 did all it told me, and it took me within a half mile of hell." It is evident from the above that Sam has left the democratic party. For a long time the character and conduct of such men as Sam kept the democratic party in bad repute. Happily, it Is now rid of such men, and the party now stands approved by a large majority of the voters of the country. Sam may have done all the ser vices mentioned above, but the greatest, the best, the crowning ser ice was when he left the party. By the way would It not be the right thing for prohibition democrat, (if there are any,) to get up and swear "by the eternal" that they wil defeat prohibition if Sam comes here to talk for the amendment? Sam left the democratic party to become a third party man, as St. John left the republican p my to do the same thing. Come to think about it, we do not believe that Democrats are uch gumps. WHAT A NAME, The OmgtiMiti editor, llarve Seott,can t m ucs to writhe and twist under the flagel lation which he receives by the unfolding by US of his Inconsistent, foolish record The truth is, when Harvey become the victim of that strange, periodic hallucina tion which aeems to dog lii editorial life, he does and says things that even to him seem ridiculous when"he is himself again." He undertake to deny the extracts which we took week before last from the Orrjfv hum, but, finding himself cornered, he re sorts to dirty billingsgate, the refuge and defense of the low, the vulgar, the char acterless. The man who could write such a letter as the following might be expect ed to be o devoid of all genuine principle of truth and honesty a to deny his Savior at any time for thirty pieces of silver. But read the letter : PoHTLANn, Feb. 16th, 1874. MviJror Sir You will see that I have been making it swat for Deadv. I believe that if vou and other friends of our cause at Washington would acquaint Butler and other members of the House with these tremendous facts, Deadv would be imneuched. You know that the Ortgomiam is constantly attacking Hutler, and vou know also that Deadv Is editor of the ,-,, 'Mi, in Now if all these tacts were properly made use of, we could scare Deadv at least. What do vou think about It ' All our friends here dope that something will be done to rid the bench of this fisk!irt incubus." Please show this to Mr Moiiadav. Respectfully, 11. W. Scott. This letter was written to Mitchell at a time when Deadv was endeavoring to se cure the conviction of the Republican re peaters who, under Holladay, Scott Co., had carried the elections of 187J with the most daring frauds that the people of the state ever witnessed. Scott wa at the time of writing this letter editor of Holla day' BmtMim. lie was making it "uttrm for Deadv. trying to "scare" him out of his purpose to convict the men who had cat hundreds of fraudulent vote. And in the face of such an unsavory record he talks about honesty. "If you and other friends would tell Butler (Bon) these tre mendous fact, Deady would be impeach J." Butler aud Scott impeaching Deady ! Great Scott what a pmr mobte r. Harve Scott the time of writing this letter, a devoted follower of Mitchell. It will be remembered that early in 1873 Mr Mitchell "youthful indiscretions were mad: public, and in the fall ot that vear the Republicans held a state convention in this citv to nominate a candidate for ef Congress to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Jo. Wilson. Mitchell's -youth f u I indiscretions" came up for consideration as he was then in the U. S. Senate. Harve Scott was then collector of custo.n,having secured hi appointment through Mitchell Scott was at the Albany convention and used all his power to secure, (and did e cure,) the passage of a resolution endors ing Mitchell. Every decent Republican in the state wa overwhelmingly shocked and hung his head in shame at this - en dorsement." while Harve Scott, utterly destitute of all sense of shame, boasted of hi successes we are reliably informed by scores of Republicans who were present And to-day he is publicly denounced by large majority of the Republicans as being thoroughly dishonest and destitute of all true principles of manhood. And this represents in a feeble way the quality of the man who undertakes to judge of hon estv in others. PINR. A family from Minnesota, named Spur- lln have rented Mr, Dinwiddle's farm. J. T. Flctchall will move to Washington county this week, hi parents are visiting urn at present, thev live near Olenco In that count v Granvllle Morrow came home from Wol ula Junction the first of loot week and on I'linrsdav himself and family removed to Sew where he will begin work on the O P J. O. Douthii and daughter, Helen, came In from Mnv Creek last week. Miss Helen will attend school in Rugeuc again this win ter. Mi Uonililt will return home In a week or two. , Mrs. S. C. Thompson and family are moving to Monroe this week. A farewell )rtv will be given them at thcli residence this evening. A cigar stump thrown carelessly by the rmdsidc was the cause of quite a fire on the Cochran place last Mundav, a lively breexe whs blowing at the time, hut bv hurd work he flames were extinguished before they reached anything more valuable than a lot of fencing. John Morrow returned from Washington Territory last week. He had been absent for a vear. Hop harvest was finished hist week in this neighborhood, the J leld was far below last year s figures. W. J. Bramwcll continues to improve Ui health and talks of returning to Colfax In two weeks. Dr Mendeuhall bus rented the Cochran place. And, now, Portland and Salem want the Oregon Pacific Railroad. We really can not understand why such an overpowering city a Portland should want railroad communication with such a "frog pond" as Yaquina Bay. So insignificant is this Bay that even the broad-minded, far-seeing Senator Stanford wa heard to say the other day that there are but four entran ces along the whole line of the Pacific Coast, namely, Columbia River, Puget Sound, San Francisco and San Diego. We suspect that the Senator's eyes, like all hu man eyes, are liable to be more or lea dimned by clHnteet, and a the South ern Pacific ha no connection with Ya quina Bay, the Senator ha never inspect ed that point. Meanwhile the Dkmocrat hopes to sec the whole northwest covered with a net work of competing railroads whereby the inexhaustible resources of the country may be developed. President Cleveland, accompanied by Mrs. Cleveland, Private Secretary Lamont, W. S. Bissell and J. D Bryant,starts to-day on hi Western and Southern trip. The following cities will be visited : Indian apolis, Terre Haute, St. Louis, Chicago, Mil waukee, Madison, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omaha, St. Joseph, Kansas City.Memphis, Nashville, Atlanta and Montgomery. CLUMSY ATTKHIT Til HKTK1VK. That the associated press dispatches sent from the East for publication here are cooked up in the interest of the republi can party will hardly admit of a doubt On Wednesday a dispatch was published describing the meeting of the democratic state convention at Saratogo. It said "The event of the day for evervbod was the opening session of the Democrat state convention which begun at noon The famous watering place presented 1 striking contrast to its appearance of two weeks ago when the labor convention was held. Then the crowd seemed more or less poverty strickennd it was openly as serted that' the one day convention "was due to that fact. To-dav,however,the op posite was the truth. The silk hat.the ci gar, the gold watch were everywhere in evidence of money enough, while willing ness to spend it was apparent on all hands. Two weeks ago not a single band of music wa in town except the small orchestras at the hotels. To-day there were dozens,and the streets were gay with splendid march ing organization. Now, the attempt is here made to create the impression that the democratic party of that state is made up of capitalists and monied men, in order to drive laboring men from the party. Let u see how wide of the truth the above dispatch is. There was no labor convention in Saratogo this year at all. There were two labor conven tion in that state this at Roches ter seven week ago, and one at Syracuse six weeks since. There is a labored effort to deceive here, and we again warn dem ocrat that associated press dispatches must be taken with much allowance. MHKliD. A. Maker ' jelly house lias been remov ed. Mr. Edward Wolfe thinks of returning to Kansas soon. The citv butchers have had no trouble in finding plentv ot beef thU season. Thev kill three a week. John Robnctt is teaming for the railroad at present. He is teaming with two four horse teams und makes the trip in seven days. The wareliousc men claim 30,0110 bushels of wheat this season. We have not learned the amount of oats. Prank II . Porter leaves us next Monday. He is going to finish his education this win ter at the F.ugcnc Citv University. Robert Morgan has taken the contract of running Davis Brother's fruit dryer this fall. John W. Ellison lias iuat finished hi kitchen. The Prohibitory Amendment League will convene in this citv to-monow evening, the sfth at 7 o clock p. m. Jos Canncn has been arrested for firing Islington a few weeks ago. The evidence is said to be strong against him : and a well talk of lynching him. Dea't let that cold of your ran 00. Too think it to a light thing. Bnt it may ma into Catarrh. Or into pneumonia. Or con u motion, Catarrh i disgusting. Pneumonia to dsagerson. Consumption to death I tee If Tb breathing apparatus must bo kept boaltby and etoar of all obstruction and ffaasiv matter. Otherwise there to trouble ahead, All the dtoasussa sf these part, head boss, tbrest, bronchial tubes sod lanes, can bo dellghUully anl entirely eared by the ass of Boeehee'e Qerman Syrup. you don't known this already, thousand ana taonsaaa or people can ran you. They have been cured by it, and ' know how It to, themselves." Bottle only 7 cent Ask any druggist. Piano aad Organ tilvaa Away. On Jan. 1st, 1S38, w will give away 1700 piano and a $ I GO orgaa. Here ia way to get one of thorn For every dollar Worth of goods yon purchase yes will reoeiv a ticket, when oa get ft ve you jM make a goes of the number ol pieces of eotn ex hibited in a glase globe to war front window. which, with your asm will be registered, up w ui am 01 j senary, jneooe netting nearest to the right oeraber will receive the puvoo, aext the organ. Tb piano, a Bradford upright, 1 octaves, rose wood ease, etc.. aad the organ made by J ah us Bear, of Chicago, 5 octaves, 12 stops, etc may be eeso t the store of W lang doe, of wbeea they were purchased. Every oae pore basing good of me wiU gat tbem at aa low a price a in the Valley, with s splendid stock to select from. N. H. All ft Co., Albany, Or. LVT is SBKUbkr I h s 5 Ebh t mm flK" ilj': jS ' I , 1 ' -ManxHHC ) K3XsH I : '. If f III' f l-llT f I I 1 ' ' till 111 ff ' Ws are agent for SPRINGER BROS tailor made garments for ladies k ea SI a A a a a as aa . m m mm and children, and bar a rail line in all tb new style of Saf fjues, Wraps, Newmarkets, etc. Our etot is crowded with NEW GOODS, cat!. and we are displaying attractive lines to ory department Monteith & Give us e sacked TO TUB at R M OB t or rum - LOST DOLLAR - 3 m 1 T lit m rm 'IllM' 1 1 ERECTED BY WALLACE & THOMPSON there te remind yon of the dollar yea might bav saved by taking advantage of their eiose price. NOW FOR THE FUTURE I w. m. T. will sell yon more grocer ie and better quantise t lower prions than aay ether live roes. Rectify the error of the peat, aad save money la the future by Thompson, First patronising Wallace A Albany, Or. 7 Oik oars rheumatism, neuralgia toothache Posbay a Mason, Agnate. nd MY FALL AND WINTER STOCK -Has arrivedtfcinclud!og- Oil Drv Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Cloths, Window Shades Wall Paper and Decorating Paper, VMkla IrAnt la UmI-aIsu Tmtt I ww. . A t)-.... 1 mm m 4J',,',u,ui - - ' w soosj stoase, from the cbpet to as rood a anaiitv a I Snaass in a fta.msn.rt fnr I twwtK w. s- . - ILI . w " RTWU a quality .w - wau iwwy ia now r ora ana Chicago ami AT BOTTOM CASH PRICES, and have aad ana receiving Novelties of the Season la ewy line ; em prepared to Cash rfcetsxranarr, Sltsanf. Or I have ell the ascatlvan taknn bv nates from their nesratlven b A Secretary Fairchilds last week issued a call to purchase $14,000,000 for the sink ing fund. The Secretary is bent on mak ing as much war on bonds as the law will justify. He evidently wants to get rid of them. The talk in Indiana is that senators Voorhees and Harrison will be the dem ocratic and republican candidates for gov ernor next year. That would make a live ly campaign and bring senatorial rivalries front Washington to be settled at home. Jfaeh the Largest aad Beat. Win. Fortmlller & Co's furniture store has been nearly doubled in size, and filled with a splendid stock of furniture, "chuck" full. Twenty -five varieties of chairs and seventeen styles of bed-room sets, as an ex ample. Besides a line line of upholstered goods. Largest and best stock In Albany. No doubt of it. 6 or 7 men are constantly employed in manufacturing it, and shipment are made to all parts of the N. W. from Tacoma to Grant's Pass. This beside a big retail trade. The buyer is bound to get satisfaction. SaTA new feature is a machine for trim ming wall paper pi which they have a large and splendidly selected stock of the latest varieties, sold cheap and trimmed free. Also nice line of window shades. Would any one, fof a moment, suppose that the Republicans of New York would have nominated Col. Fred Grant for Secre tary of State had he not been the son of his father - Albany is in latitude 44 degrees, 3S min utes and 4 1 seconds north. Longitude Ii3 degrees and 58 minute west. Utter List. Following ie the list of letters remaining In ike Post Oface, Atbaajr, Una county, Oregon, Sept. 30th, 17. Persona calling fer these letters must fire the date on which thev were sdrertited : a. fax ton and any oa oan have dnpli "wrom toeir oearaiive nv atidrsswtine us, at tL folio wins' orlosa ; Card mi ml per dozen, cabinet afas. as new Assmn t,.. . doors, 0 per doaeo. I keen the Onset .a : m " - nam 01 orseon views in ins was. Cata logue Tarnished on aoolIustioB nonviue and enlarging old pictures a specialty. J. O. Caawsoan. If H. Allen 4 Co., have in stock a suleu dii line of corset. Consisting of tb jtly celebrated C. I' s. Dr Warasr e. Dr IW. S. K's, the Albany Standard, ear eptuaJ brand, b the Kverlaatiag, Self Adjusting Nettie and many other m.akea. Lsdiea are eepecisl ly invited to call and inspect them. - 11 e A man at Columbus, O., stood on the track to see bow near he dared let the en gine come to him. He hasn't got any heel on one foot now. MEET ANY PRICES quote! la too paper or circulars, and wilt take or Merchantable Produce and will not torn you off whan you get out ot money. Samuel E. Young. Immense Bargains. Standard white shirt, f5 cent ; Bss of the Road overall, 50 cent ; 4 pair of seam less sooks, 25 cents ; regular price 4 for 60 cents, and ether barotitis t match, at A. B. The late Go. McKee Dunn left all his fortune to his wife. Ills will was the short est ever riled in Wahineton and consisted 01 lour lines. Messrs Poshsy & Mason, druggist, are .tt U.-.t M.I l L . wi'iug n wuui uiogruuj wnoiaiate ana retail, andgtving beautiful picture cards with every bottle. Positively the most perfect and harmless article of the kind in the rnsrket Ambrose, August Dsn it son, A JZ) Carry, Mies AUdie bos i, L It Hodgif, 8am McKnle ht,l'ron J R Miller. Mise Anile McAdoo, J E ItcClore. J K RoadlanU, Frank (2) Smith, B V Williams, Miss Mary Veser, Mrs A A Ackermsn, Mrs M A Cunningham, Jamet C Damon. Charles 0 Fslthing, J M 1111, Charles McKinnon, Duncan Miller, Will McCormar, Miss Ell Parks, W R Wager, wm Smith, 3 Lord Young, Mlaa Ivs R. THOMPSON, P. M. The next session of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the I. O. O. K. will be held at Los Angeles, California. ajE9sjaWvcs Tangent, too, has caught the "boom" fever and real estate sale are of frequent occurrence. A number of new bui'ding arc going up. To Wheat It May Concern, A'l parties knowing themselves indebiel to us either by note or book account must make their arrangement to meet the same by December lat. We meat have money to do business 00. Don't wait for a personal dun, bat come forward and make settlement and oblig iBOMPftOM Si Watkks, Brawnsviile. Thrifty peopld will appreciate our value ni pi ice. Reiifiki.o Ac Brown ell, Walt Paper, Shade, Etc. N II Allen Sc Co. keep in stock a full Hoe of tb above goods, including a fine assort ment of decoration for sealing, which they win ecu at trie lowest posstnie prions, vv have now in transit one of the largest stocks of these good ever in this market. The Rarest of Combinations, True delicacy of flavor with true effloacy of action, ha been attainod in the famous California liquid fruit remedy, Byrup of Figs, It pleasant taste anu benafidal ef fect bavo rendered it Immensely popular. For aale by Foehav Maann, es A typo In the Riverside (Cal .) Ptvss office eats pie with a knife 75-years old,and anoth er has a coin over 200 years oid. The largest orchard of fruit-bearing tree in this country is claimed by Leavenworth, Kansas, which has one that contains trees, .Syrup of Fig. Manufactured only by the California Fig Sy run Co , San Francisco. Cal.- ia Nature' Own Tru? Laxative. This pleas ant California liquid fruit remedy mar be bad of Posbay A Mason at fifty cents or one dollar. It Is the meat nlosssnr. prompt, and feflective remedy knewn to cleanse tbe system ; to act on the Liver, Kidney, and Bowels gent y yet thor oughly ; to diepel Headaches. Coida, and Fever ; to cure Constipation and kindred tile. CITY feed and Sale Stable 4th St. between Ellsworth and Lyon. Horsee boaeded bv the dav. wssk or mom h at teaaosabls rata Rsild hav aad straw for sals, also oats, barley and chop always oa bead. MRS, Lv A. MCC0RNELI, PROPRIETOR. 0 DR. L BT, W00DLE, Veterinary Surgeon, Office City Feed and Sale Stable. ALBANY, OREGON. MRS. B, HYMAN, next east of S. E, Young's, Albany, Or, Catting and Fitting a Specialty, STAMPING OUTFITS. AND STAMP ING DONE TO ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING, Wednesdays and Thursdays of eaeh week, and painting done to Older on plaques and other material, Nice assortment of Artists materials on band. Do You Want, bargains. You are the Man we want to aa. A CRITICAL COMPARISON will obly at' r v f to throw otnm igl t upon ctir ath'..dft of 'icing hnsim-. V sale for eoeiperiffon. W like tlii-SB. (' ui; si- onr stock with any Other In the Central Willamette Val ! y aid ren will fli I WE LEAVfc THEM ALL BEHIND. we have a slock of Clothing;, Gents Goods and Boots and Shoes, whioli f r qun u y, qnslity and price BEATS THE WORLD ! The choice waa never more extensive, ta fact We be a Full House and have placed everything ia it at pries which WILL SOON EMPTY IT L E. BLAIN, Albany, Or. BLTSr C. M. HENDERSON A CXS CHrSBlTia BOOTS a : CHlCACa. We weer the LittU Bed Schot Hmu$ Shoe, and eo do our tiateif an I . ur cousin aud our aunts, and if yoa wsn thm go ta the City Boot and Shoe Store where you will find a large and complete asf-ortuaent of goods in thb line, of nearly every grade aud mkr, and at prices which will open your ayasv A dollar eavt'd U a dollar THEN GO TO A. B. Mcllwain's, where you oan get the very best in prices and qualities, consisting of His stock of Dr DRESS GOODS, LAWNS GINGHAMS, ETC., la ansurpassed. Call on him for your C. L. BLACKMAN, Successor to E. W. Langdon. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, eUf8, vUMB& and everything kept In a first-class Drue Store. Also a fine stock of pianos and organs, ALBANY. OREGON. MUSIC LESSONS GIVEN BY US. I STOOKMAN, her residence eppoait Albany College. BOOTS AND SHOES, Clothing and Furnishing Goods. Cash er produce taken, and prices given that defy. competition. JOHN BttiCCS, FLOBIBT, ALBANY, - r- - OREGON Roses a Specialty. Cemetery lots planted and attended to. Wm, Fortmiller & Co., CR0SSEN & ALLEN. PEOPBIETOBS Albany Truck and Dray Go., No, 1, Goods handled with care aad dispatoh. -FUNERAL DIRECTORS.- Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse jar After business hours call at residence, corner Fifth and Baker streets, RKDFIRLD Do You Want Foraiture ? IPTOU DOQO TO W. H. WILLARD, where you will find tbe best make and finest finished BEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS ANB LOUNGES. Also a fine line ot PICTURE FRAMES, and a hunderd different styles of Mouldings. Picture frames made to order. Tbe largest and bant stock of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, ever kept in Albany. Prices reasonable. & BROWNKTJ, NEW TAILOR SHOP. W. McLaughlin, Fashionable Tailor and Practical Gutter, is located next door to Mr, Thompson's Saddle 8bop, Main St., and is prepared to make suits and pants any style, below ccst. Spring bottom or straight pants Hist in the market $8 to $9. Also clean ing and repairing promptly attended to and cheaper than elsewhere Call and see Mc, Albany, Or. I.i su ci-4sful m WLsm J. P. Hail, ALBANY, SR., , AGENT FOR eraiioa xtnee tl u men ani Borihwcst, cndond by iJTleading cdttcuen. THK MOST PKRFECTLT EOUPPED SCHOOL ol u cl.i on Hie Ccast. it Men nrinte ar Columbia Bicycles and Tricycles, Second hand wheels oonstantiy on hand. Send for 1887 catalogue, Administratrix Notice. Notice ia hereby givan that the under signed haa this day been duly appointed by tbe County Ooqrt for Linn cronnty, Oregon, Administratrix of the estate of John P, llawk. deceased, late of naid counly and State. All persons having claims against said estate are bereny notified that they are required to present their claims duly verified within lx month from the date hereof to the un -dersigned at her residence near Harris burg, Linn county, Oregon, or to her At-torney. sept, tatn, mi. V Ad mini J. K. Wkathkb Attorney for sipct J. Hawk, said estate. itis:ructiun,day and tvcoing throughout the ytsr in Arithmetic V tliin Correspondenc. Book-kMlac. Hanking, Shorthand. T p-wriiin. Busineu an Ltni t ot ma and ail Common School Branch. StuOMts of .ill acts and both ext admitted at aay tin t alaiogue free. Armstrong and Wco. Proprietors Executrix Notice. Notice i hereby given that the undersign ed has thi day been duly appointed Execn trb of the last will and testament of Perry C. Lines, deceased, by tbe County Ceert of Lian county. Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them within six months from this dat properly verified as bv law required to the undersigned at Albany, Oregon. Sept. 12th, 1887. Martha M. Links, Executrix or the iaat will and testament of Perry J. K. Wkatiikrjokd, C. Lines, Dec'd. Att'y lor Executrix. Administratrix Notice, Notice is hereby given that the under sign ad has thi day been by the Counly Court for Linn county, Oregon, duly ap pointed Administratrix of the estate of William Drinkard, late of Unn county Oregon. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are j eq nired to present them properly veri fied vithinsix months from the date here of, to the undersigned at her home near Haley, Linn county, Oregon. Tola 15th of Sept. 1887. Martha A. Dbinkrb, Administratrix of the estate of t re w Wm Drinkard, deceased. J. K. Weathbbford, Attorney for Administratrix. Onu of N H Alien A Co's pt-ae tickets gotd f r 5c on a dollars worth of gted purchased at ttu sew Soad Hand store.