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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1887)
ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 3.887, 1888. Vint Term spaas toatesaber lata, 1MR. A tuU oorps of Inatructorm CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of study arranged to meet lbs need of all gradea of students. Social inducements o feted to students trout abroad Tuition ranges from 5.60 to Board In private fun 1 1 let at tow rate. Room m lor awir boarding at small eocenes. A care fa l supervision exercised over stu dents awav from home. Fall term opens September 7ita. For oiroulars and full particulars address the President. REV. RLBBttT N. CtlMf. Albany, Oregon, Notice for Publication, Land Office st Oregon City, Or,, August tith, 1887. Notioe is hereby given that the follow ing named net tier bss filed notice ef his intention tn make final proor in support of bis claim, aad ibet said proof will be made bnf ra the County Judge or Clerk of Linn cxmnty, or., st A ban y. Oregon, on Tuesday, (September 2Tth, 1887, yla : Ears Gather, Homestead entry. Mo. 0731 for the 8 F et Sec. 8, Tp. 12 S K 1 E Willamette marfdlan. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residsnce upon and cultivation of said land via: N H Hud laaon. Frank Cole, Chaa Williams and Thomas Todd, all of Lebanon Foot Office, Linn county, Oregon. W. T. Burhbt, Kegiater. Summons, i the drvuit Court of the State of Oregon, or 0 W Carl, Plaintiff, T. John T WUIitme. Martha Williams. Danie W Williams ana H Bryant. Defendant. To John T Williams, Msrtha Williams Daniel W Williams, throe of the above named defendants : In the name of the State of Oregon, you ara hereby required to appear and answer the eompiaint of she above plaintiff in the above entitled Court, now on tile with the Clerk of said Court, against yon in the above entitled causa, by the first day ef the next regular term following the expiration of the time prescribed in the order of publication herein, which term will commence on the fourth Mon day in October, 1887. And you are hereby notified that if yon fsil so to answer, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in his ssid complaint, which is to foreclose a certain mortgage mads by the de fendants. John T Williams snd Martha Wil liams, to said plaintiff on the 33rd day of March, 1688, to secure the pe meat in gold seen of a curtain protnisory note to the order of C D Tarner for the sum of $600, with in tersst thereon at the rata of 8 per coot, per aunum. which aaid note was mads by A M Afc M Yonnsr, N Yonog and the 'defendant. John T Williams,aad afterwards transferred to plaintiff by said C I) Turner, which mort gage is upon the S K g of the n K J i Sect. 14, and the E i of t h- N E lof Sect. 2. snd they W i of me N W of Sect. 2 tin T 10 s R 1 W of the Willamette Meridian, in Linn county. Or go a, enutataiag 160 acres, snd is recorded on page 498 f U..k R. RVoord of mortgages io said ouuuty .and lor ganarai re lief. This Summons i published hy order of Ho. . E. P. Boise, Judge af s,idCnrt, made at Chambsrs in the City tt era, Oiegon, he 8ta day of Hepten.her. I8s7. W. R, BlLTBU, Attorney for Plaintiff. BOSTON MILLS. Bavin g nutned poeaeson of tb- abovo mill at Sbrdil, wo hereby give uotioethat We w II rowiv wheat ana grind it for one eighth or Uke It in exchange Tbe flour wifl bo equal if not better than that of twenty years ago, Wm 8imffion8 & Finley. 0 Pacific Railroad. regon 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HO0RS LESS TIME. A AO.r,' n.'i latiiitto nnnnee.adwau1 in .rrr.- " :Tr,X-wJr' V " . .uuiu. aiiu LIJC vice u m)oiluuivu, env other route between all rxlntn in the t Willamette Valley and San Francbico. Daily pansenger trains enceft Sundays. laavs Tanoina, C.S0 a.m. Lt, AJbanr, 1:00 r. any, 1:00 r. M. Letts CorvBijie,l()JS a.m. Arms Albany, U:l a. a. Leave Cor auu, i. nr, s. Arrive Yaquirta, 6:60 r. a. Oregon and California trains connect at Albany and for vail is. WM. U. HOiC, Usneral Manager. C. C. HOblE, A, ll. T. andP. Agent, CcrrsUk, Or. Oregon flevelopement Co. Firat-claaa Steamabip line between Yquitia and ban frsncisco oonnecting at Yaqnina with tha trains of the Oregon Pacific Railroad Company. HA I LI NCI DATEM . raoa TAQciva raea ax rtasctaco W. V., Wednesday, Sent. 7 W. V.Wednesday, Bei'.U O . gnUay. Sept. 12th g O.. Sunuar. bent, lstb Y. Q .1 hursdsy, bspt. 10th Y. 0., Krkiav, Kept. SM W. v., aiondar. iet. lMli w. v.. luceoay. sent. g. O., Saturday, ttept. 2g. O., Ha'arday, Oct. 1 T. G , Wednesday. baj.t. TueUa , Oct. 4 The Comprny reaeryea .be right I ohange tailing days. L. B. TOBV, Gen. F. and P. Agent, 804 Mot.tjxmxry St., Kan. Fracuisco, Cul. OVEHAKP TO CAUFOBNIA -sTIA-k Oregon & C iiifornia It. It, AND CONNECTIONS THE MY. ftBUftTA ROCYK. Cloee eoiineetionh maI. at Ashiaid w th stages, of tbe C'1 worms, Orig a and UUm Stage Cominy oaty to tlllesaf slaglag. Titce between Albary and Bat Kixuebee, id barm oauroaaiA sx rasas tsaiks daily. geata 4.09 r. n. I Leave :06 r s I Leave :S0 a M Ariire North. Purtland Albany Arrivo I 10:40 A M Leave 7:06 a m heave 6:40 r m tooAt raassssse tsaiss dau.v eacept gun4a). 1:00 a a i Leave Portland Arrivs r n 13:40 ra (Leave Albany Leave i 1 1 M a m 1:40 r a Arrive Eurene Lsar BAOaa LOCAL rASSSVSaS TSAIAl DAILT. S:10 raj Leave S:sflr a Arrive It-Mr n I Lsave I SO r m I Arrive Albany I-banoa Arrive Leave Arrive Leov f:4A a u 6:) A a 2:46 r M 2:0urs Albany Letat.on PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. daily between Portland aad Aablaad. The O aad CStf erry makes eeuteetious wiUi all ef TVm9L trtn PM( EV9U ,foat 'ot Weal aide Lt vision. POarLANU AVI OnYX2A, BtrrvrER.v hAil vsaim daily (x3pt Suoday.) 7:8 a u 13:31 r m Leave Arri re Purtland Cm villi Arrive l.:-VIJ 6:16 p a 1:80 r m tb Mai' dailt (sxe.-fi'. Sunday.) 4.S9 r m 8:00 m Isve Arri- s Portlund ttoU!uivilli Arrive Lave 9:00 a M 6.46 S M At Albany snd C.'rvall'.s councct with trains ol Oregon Pacific Kaiiroad Perfa: lutoraiatien tagardin; rates, maps, etc., sail ou Oompan.v Aytut. U. gOKHLEB, K. P. BOG gift, Manager. 0. P. Pass Aaeat. : ' . J i . ssjssssasspssi, Tn ii i i mi ip I L, """ : ' - ..'V'.rwj " 1 J . 1 1 J1XJSSII J'l!3B!iJLJ4 U WBSBSSSESSS J Tweedale & Hopkins, DEALF.US IN al pa'' AVSBBBBBBa -aj emsWi Hardware, Tin and Cop per Ware, Pumna, Rub ber Hose, and Plumbing Goods. ALBANY OREGON. Notice o! Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. Motion la hereby given that, under and by virtue ef an order of as e duly made and enters., of record by tbe t ounty Court of Lion county, Oregon, in tne matter of the estate of T. U Porter, de oaaaed, the undersigned as Administrator of said eetate, will, on Saturday, the 1st gay el Orleber. WSJ. at the hour of one o'clock, p. m. of said day, at thedoor of tbe Court Mouse In Al bany , Linn bounty, Oregon, offer for aale at public auction to the high blddoi for gold coin, oaeh in hand- alt of tha right, title. Interest and entato of said T. L, Porter deceased, at tbe time of hie death, or, tn and to the following described real prop ertv, to-wit ; Lota 5, 6, 7 and 8 lu Block 12 In the town of Halsay. Lion oounty, Oregon, eald aale will bo mad aobjeot to confirmation by aaid Court. Albany, Aug. 17th, 1887. W. J. Stxwart, Administrator. Executor's Sale. Notice is hereby given that tha under signed. Executor of the estate of Charlea U. Cowan, deceased, hy wdsr of the Couuty Court of Line couuty, Oregon, duly made and entered ef record, on Heptembtr 5th. 1687, wid on Oalardar tbe Stb star of evtobrr, Itag. at tha hour ef one o'clock, in the afternoon, at public auction, st tha Coart Hoase door iu Albany. Linn county. Oregon, sell all the right, title, intereet and estate ef tha said j Chartse H. Cowan, at the time of his death, j bolhia law and in equity, in and to the follow I log described real property, to-wtt : The caat half ef Section 29 io Tp 11, Sof S. wrst of tha Wtliaasatta Meriiiao in Linu uuty. Oregon, the same being the original donation land claim of Marg.rel J cU. on, and tha heirs of John M. J season, deceased. Not. No 3030. containing- 220 acrs more or lea. Aao Lhs No 1, 2. 3 and 4 in Blck No. 106. in rJackisuian's Additi n to the t'lty uf Allamy. Oregon. Al-o Lots No. 5, 6 and 7 in Ik No. 107 in Haokleinan's Addition to the City of Albaa. , Oron Tereas of sale Cash in hand on the day of mlsv J. L Cows. J C PowaxL, F. ,-. r. Atty ot Kxevu'nr. Sheriffs Sale. In the Circuit Court o Uv StaU ot Orrjamtr Linn County. Christopher Mlbernagle, Plaintiff va. The JSoclety of tbe Bloat Precious Blood, Defendant. NOTICE Is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of aale is.aed out of tbe above named Court In the above entitled suit, I will on . ftatareay the ath slay ef etehrr. lagf. at tbe hour cf oce o'ulcok, p. m , at tbe C-'urt Houae door In the City of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, cell at public auc tion for cash In band to the bigboat bid der tbe real property described In eald or der or wale, aa fa. lows, to. wit t Beginning at a point 90 rode east of the mart h west corner of the donation Ian elate gf Jamas Logan and wife and running t south ! rods ; thence east H2 rode tbenoa north 10 red , thence west 142 rode to pinoa the nlaaa of keelnnmor. onntainirii tl acres more or leas and txlng part of Sec -tiona 2. 8, 10 and 11 In Township 10, 8 K 1 of tbe Willamette meridian in Lam county, Oregon, the pr weeds arising from tne saie oi satu premises to Do applied mat to tbe pay meet Of the coftte and die bnraementa of suit taxed at 821.85 and tbe coats and expenses of aale and tbe sum of 140 Attorney's feea. Meat to tbe nivncnt ; to the Plaintiff herein tbe autn of $433 N in U, 8. gold coin with interest at tbe rate of 10 per cent per annum from tbe 27th day of June, 187, aad the surplna if any ta be paid to tbe Defendant herein. Dated Sept. Stb, 1887, D. H, H mith, bfaerlff. Sheriff's Sale a the Circuit Court oj the Atate of Oregon or Linn County. Anthony Bender, Plaintiff. a. Tha Society of tbe If ot Pseclom Blood. Defendant, NOTICE la hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of aale issued ont of the above named Court in the above entitled suit, 1 will on Seta May the ath dag el rteber, 1SJ7, at tbe boor of one o'clock, p. an., at the Court House door in the eity of Albany Linn county, Oregon, sell at public auc tion for cash In hand tt tbe highest bid der tbe real property described in aaid notice of sale as follows: Lota one(l) two (2) and (8), being 50 11100 aorea.known aa tbe Tien her place in Section 10, Town. ahiplO, BR 1 aaat. Also tbe following tract, to-wit : Beginning at the N B or nor of George W Bilyou's donation land claim aud running thence west 100 rod tbeaoa soul i 120 08-100 rods ; thence east 180 rods; thence north 129 OH 100 rods to the place of beginning, containing 129 08 100 acree, more or leee and being io 8c tion 10, Township 10, 8 K 1 aaat, in Linn county. Oregon, tbe proceeds arrisiug from tbe aale of aaid premises to he ap plied first to tbe payment ef tbe coats and disbursements of suit taxed at $21.95 and tbe oomh and ex pen a of aale aud tbo sum of f 100 Attorney's fao, next to the payment to tbe Plain iff herein tha sum of 11506.01 lu U. H. gold coin with Interest thereon at tbe rate of 8 per cent per aunum from tbe 27th day of June, 1887. and the residue If any to be paid to the Defendant, Dated this 8th day of September, 1887. P.B. Smith, Sheriff. for Infants and so well adapted to children that I rt as superior to any prescription I tuperior to any preecr H. A. AacBxa, It. D., . - j I & T. I Tmm sHiiclsSurgica! Institute orcantiarfi v ttii a fall ataff off steperlenocd ami Atilful rhyatetana and Surgeon j fbr the treatment of all Chroale Diseases OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. ChronM yfnaal CnrrhThroasan4 fefealBSeFfaaaaea,1 tlfejfaaea of women, moon ns seance auc nerv one Atrectloue, cured ham or at homo, wtthor without ax. Tog tho paiiont, tome and oohi" wiuca gives S3 parttoularav paused by fcouthtui tot llee and Pernicious Bolt tnry I-rnctlcce arc apeedUy and permuncoUy eurpd by our xK po-ivUd. W eta. in stamps. tea Ilnntaro, or BrearafU cauy i rod. without tha Antra, without dopondsnoa Upon tntssoK and with vary little, pain. Look aout for ten ceotg al,B VITMOnt and trout o! with too great. f t success. tor ten oenni in snunpa. MisrsKaaitr atsuirau t, jmeoyn. tf, Y. swvwvf sawsjassasa www ww snaasssasaMsssasi ..The ot many of thorn IRtUwtl U? to ft forded largo exnerlsuos lu aUapUng rausodlsg or ww uuru, auo their cure. DR. Favorite Prescription b the result of this vast expsrieoce. It Is a powerfui neetaratlve Tenia ajae flcrv lue. Imparts visor and atrength to the system, and eu etina. as if bv maato. las. earrfcea, or whtteat' exeeealve flowrlua?, painful monslrnaden. an Sate vera ten. retroreraian, aaarlag. own. aenaattone, chrojale aoagee aar! mcaroui n an A i iivhi aiiaaipsiioD su siseraiiea of tha varoaah. inflaumnaatton, pain :Ju,.nve?:a,. vxE&k"1 female weak retievea and tft aa f gitonaae if reueve neaa off oatlusr. Nervous , ecplcazueea, tn either sex. PRICE $1.00, S?.e 33JSS. gold by IHmetsta evorywhera, fiend 909 Baaxn Btreat, BUFFALO. M.T. SICK-HEADACHE, Billons Heaa'arhe, Mnlaeav C'oBMlpav. n , laaiB.iiivs, and Bilious Attache, promptly ouroa oy an Pteree's flisa raxive Fwtl a vfekby Tiffs Pills f'JSt ATHKT. a twesrt slrsrsnrtat ally aprtsiga. .. aayat "Tsar in this atate. pill. The sale of Tutt s Pills exceed those of all others combined. They ara weeal larly nslaagael ta saala rial sllaeasea, Oar gdayaiesaxm all awe- HOW EVERYWHERE. Office, 44 Murray Street, Hew York. Conrad Meyer, PROPRIETOR 0V STAR BAKERY, Oornar Broadalbin and First Sis,, -DEALER IN Catnned Frail, Cat at a eat Ha!, Cllaaaware, Drle4 Frails, Tobacco, agar, Coflrr, Btr.t gaeasware, Vsgetaalra, Igars, Mplcra, Tea, Is.. In fact everything that ia kept la a ral variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. HOFFMAN & PFEIFFER -PROPRIETORS OF- Albany Soda Works. And Manufacturers of CHOICE 00HFECTI01EET. We are now prepared to rail at whole aale, alwaya frsh and pure at Portland priors to dealers, We also keep a foil line or Nuts and Tropical Fruits, OUR CIGAR AND TOBACOO department ia nom- ft. We keep the rery finest atccx of auokiag anl chewing tobacco, meerschaum and brier pipes that ia a aeugut to smoKern, Red CrownMills S0M, LANN1NG A CO., PROPR'S. ggw rrtoccm noun mmatam, fob Agb BAggRg urn. VAMngM BE8T STORAGF FACILITIES. Hlghe.t Price in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. Children. Castarta fits wusw WW.. wu:v :, MM. rtstllj r n mi I ., Itr 1 fiar Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eniptatlen. AusiwuriMs, gs steep, ana pi dt- wlttout iajorioog mrinatlrti OggTAtm COaWAirr, 188 Fulton street, . Y. Mt mmzt QpFICIAL PaFIL THIS FAPKE laonnin fEMFE&AICl DEFAfiTMIII, SOI TBU BY VMM Wonet'i Chriillti Teapernei The W. 0. T. U. meets on tlte ! aad ltd Tuei day of eaob month at f 'clock p. at., at tbe A. O. TJ. W. Hall, over French a Jewelry Store. The Second District will hold its annual convention at Brownsville, Oct. 6th and 7th. Mm Skcl ton, lectured on the isth In Albany, to a large audience, and judging Irom the frequent applause she received, her hearers were well pleased with her handling of the subject. She is a forcible speaker, and the frequent anecdote told In her broken English take well "mtt" the boys. She ought to be sent to every Ger man settlement In the State. The World's Woman's Christian Tem perance Union has designated November uth and 13th as days of prayer "for the growth and universal diffusion n! all forms of temperance work." In Rockdale county, Ga., one person only is appointed by the grand jury to set liquor for medicinal purposes, and Is not allowed to keep more than ten gallons of spirits on hand at one time. The Dallas, Tcaas, Prohibition Advent says : "If the negroes and foreigners had been left out and Texans alone had voted prohibition would have carried the day.' TflK DRAM SHOP BURDEN gClKtt4 WITH HEAVY TAXES Business Is always better, other things being equal, when It is most lightly tased Heave taxes drive away business. Take your tax bill aad scan its Items : Item 1 . For schools. "A just, fair tax, you say, and pay It willingly. As people grow more lntelllgent,prosperlty Increases and property Is safer. Item a. For tire department. Just think a moment. How many fires occur from drunken carelessness. A victim fresh from the dram shop staggers Into a bam or out house snd tries to light his pipe. A blaae starts, and before it is put out, thousands of dollars lost, aad so mack expense to the department. Mark a goodly proportion of your fire tax to the credit of the dram-shop. Item j For poor. Ninety out of every one hundred paupers and occasloaal poor are so because of the dram-shop. Mark ninety per cent of your poor tax to that Institution. Item 4, For police. What constitutes the main work of the police In our towns and cities f Looking after the dram-shops and their products. Vlneland, with twelve thousand people, paya only oae hundred dollars per year for police Why ? Vlns land has had no dram-shop for the last twenty -one years. Mark a Urge partes your tax for police to the dram-shop. Item 3. t or criminal . Whence come our criminals f The experience of Judges. Sheriffs, and grand juries, and the Investigations of parliaments and legists e ture., go to prove that seventy-nve par cent of alt punishable criminals are grad uta'.es of the dram-shop. Credit a large part of your lax for criminal expenses to that institution. Now, what have vou You have the fact staring you in the face that the dram-shop helps business by lay lag upon it at least three quarters of all the taxes it pays. Should business sub mit to this great burden just that here and there a dram shop might get a laxv II lag ? But worse still i Every dram seller Is an able bodied pauper who lives off of the earnings and business of the country Suppose Jones puts up a bar .stands behind it from January to December ; takes in two thousand dollars, and gives out noth ing hut brown paper. Who has kept Jones and his family The earners and business men of this country. He haa produced ao'.hing and given nothing valuable In re turn for the two thousand dollars. He la an able-bodied panper. Suppose Smith sets up a bar ; stands be hind it from January to December ; takes in two thousand dollare.and gives out noth ing but whisky. Who has kept Smith and his family! The earners and business men of the country. He has produced nothing, and given nothing valuable In return for the two thousand dollars. 1 le is an able boiied pauf er. What lathe difference between the two? Jones was considerate enough to uke his living for no return, and harmed nobody. Smith was not contented with simply Uk ing his living but harmed everybody he could. If he had given brown paper in stead of whisky, he would have been as innocent a man aa Jones. Jones was a harmless pauper ; Smith was adestructtve pauper that is ail the difference. Is It good for the business of this coun try that it has to support ten thousand able bodied men and their families, and, in ad dition, to bear the burden of Uxation and ruin they impose ? CATHOLIC TOTAb ABSTINENCE UNION, The seventeenth annual convention of the Catholic Total Abstinence Union of America was held in Philadelphia on the 3rd and 4th ult. Rev. Father Cleary, of Wisconsin, presided, and delivered an an nual address. He gave an encouraging a count of the work and progress of the year. Referring to the relation of the drink question to workingmen, he said : " Hie rights and proper privileges of the honest workingman are in danger more from the intrigues of the liquor seller than from the encroachments of capital. It is a well-recognised fact that the wide spread evil of patronizing the saloon has much to do with delaying the settlement of the labor difficulties, as also of multi plying their number. If the giant curse of drink were removed the way would be easy and plain to a solution of the labor problem. It i not surprising, therefore, that the eader of the laboring men declares he would prefer a following of 100,000 total abstainers to 1,000,000 moderate drinkers. The laboring man will never secure the rights and privileges due to honest labor so long as the saloon receives a Urge share of his earnings." RwiisS yuio ntnrB i.TOvafsfTloar& I .. . 1 II III I f ll"t' llOJt T HRAK KVRKYTHlnU. l i ll If I i) I The art of not hear should be learned by all. It is fully as important to domestic happiness as a cultivated ear, for which so much money and time are expended. There are so many things which It Is pain ful to hear, many which we ought not to hear, very many, which, If heard, will dis turb the temper, corrupt simplicity and modesty, detract from contentment and ttappiness, that every one should be edu- cated to take in or shut out sounds.accord 1 ng to his pleasure, if a man falls Into a violent passion, and calls us all manner of names, at the first word we should shut our ears,and hear no mora. If, in our quiet voyage of life, we find ourselves caught in one of those do- mestlc whirlwinds of scolding, we should shut our cars as a sailor would furl his sails, and, making alt t ud before the gale, If a hot and restless man begins to inflame our feelings, we should consider what mischief these fiery sparks may do In our magazine belqw, where our temper is kept, snd Instantly close the door. If, as has been remarked, all the petty things said of one by heedless or Ill-natured Idlers were to be brought home to him, he would become a mere walking pin cushion stuck full of sharp remarks. If we would be happy, when among good men, we should open our ears ; when among bad men, shut them. It Is not worth while to hear what our neighbors say about our children, what our rivals say about our business, our dress, or our affaire. Tha art of not hearing.though untaught In our schools, Is by no means unpractised la society. We have noticed that a well bred woman never hears a vulgar or im pertinent remark. A kind of discreet deaf ness saves one from many Insults, from much blame, from not a little connivance in dishonorable conversation. Mark Twain has been the subject of many good stories In hie day, and the ap pended one from the Indianapolis Journal, about a trying moment In his courtship, it worth reproducing : "As every one knows Mr. Clemme first met his beautiful wife while on the famous voyage of the Quaker City, and he pursued his acqualnUnce af -tor their return so closely that at last the young lady's papa one day called the ar dent and devoted Mark Into hit private study and aaid, after some preamble 1 'Mr. Clemens, I have something to say to you which bears upon a subject of great im portance, at least to me and mine. You have been coming here 'for some time, and yemr manner leaves no doubt in my mind as to your object. Now, my daughter's weiUre Is very dear to me, and before ! can admit you to her society on the foot ting of a suitor to her hand I would like to know something more than I do about vou and aur antecedents, etc. Stop a j - minute ! You must remember that a man may be 'a good fellow' and a pleasant com pan ion on a voyage and all that, but when H is a question as grave as this a wise f ath r tries to take every precaution before al lowing his daughter's affeciions to be come engaged, and I aak you, as a gentle man, that you shall give me the names of some of your friends In California to whom I may write and make such Inquiries as I deem necessary, that is. If you still dealre our friendship.' It was now Mark Twain's turn. 'Sir,' said he, bowing profoundlyss became a young man who respects his hoped-for father in law, jour sentlmenU are In every wat correct I approve of of them mvself, and hasten to add that you ive not been mistaken In my senti ments toward your daughter, whom I may toll you candidly seems to me to be the most perfect of her sex, and I honor your solicitation for her welfare. 1 am not only perfectly witling to give you referencesf but am only too glad to have an oppor tunity to do so, which my natural modes ty would have prevented me from offer ing. Therefore premit me to give you the names of a few of my friends. I will write them down. First U Lieutenant General John McComb, Alexander Badlam General Under and Colonel W H. L Barnes. They will all He for me just as I would for them under like circumstances This conclusion broke the old man up.and he never asked more reference nor wrote to thoee gentlemen." Miss Frances E. WilUrd apeaking of the prohibitory amendment campaign now going on in Tennaasee says : "The clergv is solidly in favor of the Amendment Episcopalians excepted, making no objection to the clause that practically forbids fermented wine at the communion. The church is thus almost unit. There are 140 papers in the Sute, of which 110 are in our favor. Seventy per cent of the wealth and intelligence of the Stote la in the Democratic party, and that per cent Is overwhelmingly upon our side. The Amendment was submitted with practical unanimity -less than half a doxen dissenting votes.and none of these SJ ST Republican. That party controls the Col ored vote, and had iu golden opportunity to stand by this race and lift it to a nobler manhood, but it has chosen In the canvass and throush iu leaders to be untrue to this high calling." aa Drunkenness or the Liquor Habit Positively Cored by administering Br. E sines' Oolden Specific. It can be given In a cup of coffee or tea with out the knowledge ot tne person taking it; ta absolutely harmless and will effect a perma nent and speedy cure, whether tbe patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made tem- perau men who have taken Golden specific In their coffee without their knowledge, and to-day believe they ault drinking of their own free will. IT NEVER FAII4. The system once impregnated with the Specific It becomes an utter Impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. For lull particulars, address GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 185 Base st, ClacUaati. 0, Give them a Cbaaee I That U to aay, your lungs. Also all your breathing machinery. Very won derful machinery It ia Not only tbe larger air-passages, but the tbouaanda ef little tabes aud oavitiee leading from them When tneee are elogged and oboked with matter which ought not to be there, your lunga cannot half do their work, And what tbsy no.tbsy oannot do well. Call it cold, oougn, croup, pneumonia, oaUrrh, consumption or any of tbe family of throat and nose and bead ana lung ob struction, all are bad. All ought to be got rid of. There la just one ears way to get rid of them. That ia to Uke Boschee's German Syrup, which any druggist will aeti you at 75 oenta a bottle. Even if evarythiag olse has failed you, you may depend upon this for certain. Groceries. While looking after your supplies in the above Hue, dou't yoa forget that N R Alien A Co. keep groceries, and dou't you forget that you can get just as much sugsr, u f fee, rice or anything eke for a dollar as yoa can get in any stote ia the city, and all of the best quality. Call on Allen & Co., a hen yon want groceries and remember they sever 1 ow themisUes to be i i itold. Wood W.uited. Oak and ash wood wanted at this office on subscription. Let those who intend to supply us wood inform us so that we wl, know who to depend upon. X NIS'I, UK. a tiek Man's Wits Disregards the Orueglsft Advice and So laves Ihs Life at Mar Husband. lam 1 wood carver by twin nnd It Is otii of Mty line t writo latter; btft my wife thought it waa no more t han right that l ahoiild hit you know whnt your remedy has done for mo, nml I think o too. I live In East 157th street, west of Third avenue, ami havn lived lliorifor about twi iity-lhrsc jreara, whore I own roal eat ate. Up to tlte time I nm about to mention 1 bail been a strong, well ntast ThiTn was always more or loss malaria in the neighborhood, but 1 had not peraonally suflVrod from it. It was In 1M80 I had my first attack. It came on its audi attacks commonly do, with headache, loss of appetite and ambi tion, chilly sensatiotis with slight fever afterwards, a disposition to yawn and stretch, and so forth. I was employed at that time at KUHuns Hi others, furniture manufacture n n, in West 32d street. I hoped tho attack would wear off, hut OA it didn't I ooiisultod a well know ii and able physi i ni in Morris aula, who gave Ess q imno and told mo what to do. I can sum up the first four and a half or flvo years of my experi ence in few words. OccasionaUy X was laid up for a day or two, but on the whole I stuck to my work. 1 kept taking quinine. In kttgpar dose from, year to year, and kept esj getting weak er and a orac, slowly but surnly, all the time. My trouble wan now well de fined and iu symptom wero stoutly and regular. I hod dumb og-ue In It worst form, and it was grinding mo down in spito of nil that i eoold do or the doc tors eotild do. It hold me in a grip Uke fir in n burning coal mine. The poison hsd gone all through ami over mo and nothtbg was able to touch It I was fast losing flesh and streagta, and shout Marott. 1884, I knocked oft work entire ly ami went home to bp down sick, and to die for nil I could toll. I rnnahnvn so rapidly that I soon Ix-cam-' tin .. m aalk an v distance. Liter iwtm com to rHm in my own house only by frionda bmMfM me up by each rm. 'The ii.a-a ft: a litre nvr mmmssd uniil tin ; ni n et a 'Joe. The ofiin '. etft-t ; a'.ta f r.iy h floor, or ! ,ng. apt if i-ven sr. i mt at! nutation It hmka d the : tight it notsea .hie ui s. neb. My A i. per final. .i extrt- u S3 irri'. I-, to n n mr lliH- eiiH lreu w.u ! eat in iuhhI thau 1 could lit a day. uld order food and then turn from . lis um. I Mvod on q i ii and r i iinilanu and on gsgs ;. like a r in whiter. Tito quiuiac tot my bead in a whirl, and the liquor given as mMhtuo nude my stomach so sick 1 eoui.i not U derate It. From 7b poitrstS(my proper weight) Ii down to V7 pounds the weight of a light sdrl and was soarxxdy better than n k' ' ton. Ifnnuh-nii hmd tmhrn s hatched and kn ,fkd tne ,M,wi a id killed me thoutd hae 'itm falter ,f, ibiring ti. i ter part of this period, early in Jbbti. my physh ian said: "MM'er, th : ' no use 'in my taking any more money of you. I can't do you any -,-ood. 1 might pour pound of qui nine down jour throat and it wouldn't belt- ou." U ' rength of this I gave up the ue .altogether, and made up Uev tu . ro e. Th: . la- X in Mi no.'.Avn But h -O ex. do u ihmg mote ami take ks afterwards about the 'ivniy wife aw an advet tisc hT.'skine in a Now York pnj sc me of it I aaid: "Muff and fl it can't do me nay good." went to a druggist's, i"ievt r;ho get it The druggist atS soti hats, to arr ngamat naanino: ne Sain H was nothing but sugar; that she ought not to throw awny her money on it dre. He aaid he didn't keep It, but couhi t It if inaiatod on having It. Tuvn teg a ry in disgust my wife smoke to su. - - mw a i . a a our ij.'1'bor. Mr. A. O. Hagc a ,!d. Who a ui ug si Ur ill txt:: ai nue. Alm-H-t i-rainat my will, and without the !ent faith, I began taking it. In one week 1 was better. 1 Wgan to sleep, 1 Mopped " sewing ghosts " I heigan to have an aptatlte and to nin strength. This was now the firM of fun. lf8, and by the end of that month t waa bark at my bench at C. P. Smith' scroll sawing factory in Hffth street, where I work now. Sim-e then I have never lost a day from aiektiese. Taking Kaekine onlv. alou: forty pellets iu four rqual doses t !r. I continued U gain. The ma laria apjsoareri to be killed iu my sys tem, and now I've got bark mj old areight 175 pound and my " old strength to labor. I am an astoiiUb ment to myself and to my frioml. and A Kvskim? did not do this I don't know what did. The only greater thiug it nould do would be to bring a dead man to life, Fkedkkick A. MiLler. 680 Rust 167th Street, New York. F. 8. F. i the absolute truth of the bore rfttcmettt 1 refer to the following gentlemen, who are personally ac quainted with the faeU: Mi lex aadei vVoir, 15W 156th St; Mr. George Saaman. 1 nh street and Cotiitlauclt avenue; Mr. A. Moehus. 154 1 h street and Court landt avenue; Mr. P. F. Vanpel. 154th street and Coaniandt avenue; Mr. John Lunny, C50 Kast 158th street; Mr. John Renshaw. 124 125th street, and many others. I will also reply to letters of inquiry. We submit that tho above astonish ing cure, vouched for as it is by repu table men. Is deserving of a thorough tnd candid investigation by thinking leople. And we further submit that when druggisU turn away customers by falsifying the character of a re.mody because 'they do not happen to hare it on band, they do a gn at ragg. If this afflicted man had not disregarded the druggist's advice and sent else where for the reined v he, would without doubt have boon iu hia grave. Other let tors of a similar character from prominent individual, which stomp Kaskine as a remedy of mi doubted merit, will be sent on applica tion. Price, $1.00, or 6 bottles, $5.00. Sold by DruggisU, or sent by mail on receipt of price. Tbe Kaskine Company, 54 Warrea St., New York. Aordews & Hackieraaa, WLDOUGLASl $3.00 SHOE WfAft 0Af a SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON, - - 0REG0N1 HOTEL rott RESIT. THE RXCHAN'GE HOTBfi IN TrilS I elly is now offered for rent on reason able terms For particulars inquire of er address JaMEa Murray, Albany, Oregon. REPEATING RIFLE 1ST IN TM1 enzate and absolutely safe. Made la alt saws ; WORLDI bags ear small (rants. BAIOaARD Gallery, I! Hot tag anO. Tercet Itlitea. serm rttr urusti'eivd eaiaiM At&rtin Vlrv iruts Co. Kevr tiavan, Cc an. SmWik iHiir ' mm - 1 1 sfr- anasn. ,u OaaraTssjBgSsjy A 0 KM INK ItOU A SVK. Something like a half century aa Thom as Bean, a lad of ao.left his native town of Frederlcton, N. B.,to seek his fort jne. He left behind him a brother, Edward Bean, about four or five years his junior. For many rears nothing wns heard of the wanderer,but at last the rumor reached Fredericton that he was in Texas and do ing well. In fact two or three letters came from him conveying this IntelHac ice. But after this no word came from Tho nas.and fbr more than twenty-five years he has been to his friends as one dead. MenwMIi Kl. U.iU.. I ... manhood. He removed to St. Jot n,N. B., ( wbcre he married and became the father of six children four sons snd two daugh ters. These In turn grew to manhood and womanhood. Three of them married and settled in St. John. These were John and Thomas and a sister, who becsme the wife of Robert Watt. The other sons, Richard and William, came to Boston to seek employment, and with them came their sister Besste. The latter married and went to reside In Spring field. Richard and William still remain in Boston, and are employed in etable. So much for the family record of the Beans. Now for the romance. About two weeks ago Mr. Edward Bean, now an old man of over seventy, received Intelli gence from the Probate officers of Fred ericton that information had been received from a town in Texas io the effect that one Thomas Bean had recently died st that place leaviag a Urge amount of property. He had also left a will which bequeathed this property to Edward I Jean.his wife and children, share and share alike, if they could be found,and in the event of the In ability of the authorities to discover trace of Edward or his family, the property was to be divided among the negro scrvanta of the testator. It ia believed that the value of the prop erty, which is chiefly in real estate, is at least $10,000,000. which is to be divided among eight persons, thus giving to each a fortune of $1,250,000. Richard Bcan.onc of the legatees under the will of his uncle, is a young man of twenty -six ycars,and is employed at May nard's stable, on Bowdoin square. He is evidently of limited education, but Is of a quiet and modest demeanor, and Is not at ail excited by the news of hie good for tune. His sister Bessie,wbo lives at Spring field,has gone to St. John and Fredericton to investigate the matter more thoroughly. Botfon Advertiser. Fltl9 15 PAXUAROT. The badger-balling InstincU of the young English MgcnUemen" have full pUy here. Night after night some do; en of these aristocratic dullards come ir after dinner and Uke their nlaces on tbe front nearest to tne irubmen opjiotlte. They are mostly in evening dress, with roses in their buttonholes and an insolent, vinous grin on their faces. The moment an Irish member gets up to speak these gentry begin to laugh or jeer or say, -divide ! divide 1 divide !' imunisonu rapidly as they can. They vary this from time to time by saying audibly among themselves, -What a cad T -Who's his tailor, I won der r and things of that sort. There is in all this only the natural expression of instincts which have been bred in these cobs by generations of rat-killfng, dog fighting, fox-hunting, badger-baiting an cestors. These young fellows know noth ing beyond the noble range of what they call sport. If any one of these dozen -types of 10, ooo were asked suddenly who Katkoff or Jules Ferry waa be would look at you in surprise. He knows the names and record of racing horsea ; he knows the musters of the hunts, the beat cricketers, the own ers of the craoJsyachu. H does not know what century Chaucer lived In, but he knows that you may shoot grouse after the uth of August He is in Parliament be cause it is the right sort of thing to do, but of the merits or demerits of the meas ure discussed he knows and cares noth ing. He is annoved at Government keen t. . .. . . . ing the session going through the sum mer, while he might be having sport in the country. He rcvenaca himar-lf hv badgering the Irishmen on the sosta op- j posite. If he can not put his terriers into 1 the rat-pit lie can insult Parnellites. SIS . Sand Burkhart t Kc-nev naaaas and ad dressee of friends tit siring information uf Ore i Itu aad tbstv witl eand tnent ooyem e the Mtl iCotate Conoeoor wmcn . tauiu .,.. plate diecnptiou o oae oeuty id aci tx BEAST! Mexican Mustang Liniment Sciatica, Lumbago, Rheumatism. Burns, Seratohes, Sprains, Strains, Stitches, Stiff Joint?, Baekaehe, Galls, Sores, Spavin Cracks. Contrasted Muscles, Eruptions, Hoof Ail, Screw Worms, Swinasy, Saddle Gall i. Piles. Scalds, Stings, Bites, Bruises, Bunions, Corns, THIS GOOD OLD STAND-BY aceompllahes far everybody exactly what tsclaimixl font. One of tb reasons tar she great popularity f she Mustang Liniment is found In its aal versa! applicability. Ewsrybody needs snob a ntedtoine. The Lnmberat an needs it !n case of aecMent . The Hansawtft) aaeds it fee siswrsifasafly uts. The Caaaler needs it for Mrtesnigsnd hiamco. The Mocbanio needs It always on his woi bsaaa, The Miner needs it tn ease of smersraacy. Tho Pioneer needs it5&at get along wlthontit. Tha Farmer needs it In his bouse, his stable, and his stock yard. Tha Steam beat man er tbe Boatman neatta It ia liberal supply afloat and ashore. The Hetwe-fnaeter needs it it hi his bait friend snd safest reliance. The Stock-grower needs it It will save bi n thousands of dollars and a world ot trouble. Tha Railroad, man needs it and will need It ta long as hi lit is a round ot accident and dangers. Tbe Backwoodsman needs it. These is aotlt tafltke it as an antidote tor tbe dangers to lif. Lbnb aad comfort which surround tbe ptaaeor. Tho Merchant needs it about hi store among his ewntoyees. Aoeideats will happen, and whs a abase eome the Muatans Liniment it wanted at one u Keep a Battle la the House. TU tbe best ef economy. Keep a Bottle la the Factory. Its immediate ass ia ease ot accident saves pain aad hws ot wasa w Keep a Battle Always la tha Stable fa:? ase when vnatad. To Regulate mfffl FAVOR 11 V. HOME REMEDY b INK srsrMirted not to contain a injj.( j.r A Hsal tide of Mrcury or say injur k tub. , but is purely yegrtable. It will Cure all Diseases cauaed by Derangement of tha biver. Kidneys and Stomach If yew liver Is otii of order, then yow wh&te y.tri j Seraaasd. The Vtot4 impure the breath offensive ; you hare tn:'J,-.(.h. languid, dispirited and t rro if T6 prevent a mot wriotts coa- wiK n, Ukr at ones Simmons ItfiEB ATOR. If yo.. lead a lifr, or suffsr with Afreet loan, eeela K Irlrtfy snd bike Simmon Liver tTinlatsr eve U y : hare eaten soytbing hard of dig non, or feet heavy after meals or ?rH-s at night, take a dose aad yea r ill rl r!ievetl and steep pleasantly. if yott are a miserable sttAtter dth f moptJwtt, Dysasysla aad ttttonsttmw. k relief at ease as tem ! I..r K'sfuUv r It dm not teflsSte etMjmmti dosing, and coets but a llie. It alU cure you. 1 1 y u aake up is the morning with a enter, ,..) tasie fa your mouch, TAESz inm: as fwr f -gu!ator Ii eee mm the MSeue Stomach, sweetene s br-ath, end cleaosrs the Kiirred Ire n often need test safe Cattaw to sivrt appf41hing sickaSM. StTrliorIU relkvt Cobc. Head uu h ltvligtion, I dysentery, sad Otideat to Childhood. tl. A: T,y ytra feet your system needs aentn irg, tonit. tty. dating without rfaSeat P"I"K t c,wi ting whhewt hvtosi- caiiog. taks SiiasLi?.rS.plak aeAf O BV J. H. ZUUH CO., Philadelphia, Pa. ' Notice for Publication. Lana Office at Oregon City, Or., 1 August lLb, 1887. Notice ia bereby given that tbe follow tog named settler baa filed notion of bis Inumtlon to make final proof in support of his claim, and that aaid proof will be md bafWre tbe County Jade or Clerk, of Linn county, Oregon at Albany, Or,, on Taeedar. Oefeber 1 1 IS, 1SST, viz I John vv. IfoOee. HomeatassJ entry No. 478. for tho vv of S W and N U of 8 W of Hoc. 32, Tp. 18 B. K, 2 K. Ha namea the following witneaaae to prove hhf nontinoooa reablenee upon, and cnltl vall n of, eavid land, viz : i VV Howes J B 0.zatannr snd L K Brooke, of Sweat Home t'oatoffioM, and J A McCJhee, of Al bany Pastornne, all tn Linn county, Or, W, T BCBJKw, It- ki.tar. O THa mvYmMm mtvnt u OlVSwS direct tn wss'm era ail fsersassal or fatally sue. 1 alls sew Sat orAmr, and gives cxawt coat a onery Usiasa; yon sua aat drl&at, weeur, ear haw fun wttJs. Tnasa I JTT AMT ASUS MsrksO as thus Wl will msU a ton kVRSuR Sa sar a pom sa saint ot 10 eta. Sa ar aaauimsr, utassssr Uespeatrajly, MOMTCOMERY WARD et CO. ttt St WaSasa Arasaaa. CSSsasa. SM. PATENTS pbuiand. arm all other bast as ia the C. S OOWattenaeded So for asederau ieea. Oar eee la erseart the U.S. Patent weosa eauia Patenu lees tune than head asatfe or drawlaf. sbl.Mty free ef charge .and We a to we make o ewarge e aouin patent. ..We refer here, to tha tha wnney Order OW. and t ofiheU. 8. ' '"et r'orcirvalar. advu-e. t eSasl eheuts in your own State or county. C a Aa SNOW & CO., tvrite patent OAee, WwhUsruaa, D TH FAMOUS CUSTOM-MADE PLYIOUTH ROCK 13 PUTS. Out to order from weollesi! earetalljr esteeseC for style and we sr. Bear pair oaraiitee Sand raea es prow i t't retuneVd, er a new lair nu a, if tttrtOn are rtarnwd aa uaaaSb factoty. DO YOU WEAR PAHTS ? Tel. as about what aa- - r ou Use estid sir, hie in Mtue bsx tiiaire, taethrr wth SS Mid U eta. tor pestoaa (or ,,r n&iii .inwa) JI parking;. Or so. n ta as, or to the rites of this paper, nd cf seaiplea srill he trac ed yv.u, including pen Up-ssessare. as wa has dep.itmi with tlie proprietors of this paper a! of these tackagas tor sals at six cents. PLYMOUTH POCK PANTS CO., IN Summer at,, ttaslua, Masa. THE RICHEST HCIOROCS BOOK of the Agtis S AM ANT K A AT SARAT06A by Jnslab alien's Wife. ' ! Holly stieet at Isst seasons amid the whirl tf fashion at Saratoga and takes off its follies, flirtations, low neck dressing pug Jogs, etc, in her inimitable mirth-pror nking stylo, i he bonk is profusely illustrated hy 6pper. the renowned artist cf "Puck . ' Will sett tmmeaeatr Price SS. 50. MKISisST ACKhTS VTSbTICw). Ad dress A. L. RAN CROFT A CO,, Pubs. San rranAa eo, Cal 0. 0 flHFKRT o.BJrssx ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKRS, (Suocesaora to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, MwTiglits, and Iro Founders. HI K HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS AT.Tr completed, and are now prepared to handlo all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and; Saw Mill Machinery , and all kinds f Iron aad Brass Castings. ftrrettxs sbb om siiokt xoticb. Special attention given to repairing al! l vU of machinery. Will also manufao re tha improved Cherry & White Grain c t rator T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT -AND Notary PubUc. aaiswd SaaS. svmS Xaads. aaea weanr. mw Ml fspn. 'i HI, tMtteea,wHli aver 3, BOO IllaalvaStasie a TIF ASL TTT-1 f 1 B MX THAT VMS tXACT m Su;. el FaUat r