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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1887)
Ibe gfttwcrat. AUDACITY. Th Ortgonian says we misquoted It. This is sheer nonsense. Why not tell how and where we misquoted it. No, it said just after the presidential election that : "All over the South they expect to tee the war amendments annulled through the reorganisation of the Supreme Court, and full compensation made for slave liberated and property destroyed." This h just what we quoted it as saying in our last issue, and its denial now of it is simply audacious. Docs not every one of any intelligence see that this charge about the people of the South wanting compen sation for their slaves was without any foundation whatever ? In the light of what has transpired since the Democrats went into power, the public will not fail to see that that charge was pure, blatant dema gogy . Then again the Orrgnum said : "Should it (the attempt to elect a Dem ocratic President) succeed, the pld ante bellum status would be substantially re stored Do we misquote ? No.this is taken from the filet of that paper and the evidence la indisputable, and the Ortgmimm simply makes itself ridiculous to attempt to ex tricate itself from its awkward dilemma by denying an open and established fact The Orrgom. persists in making out the Democratic party the most iniquitous and Infamous known in history, not withstand Ing which, this same party goes before the people and elects a President over the Republican party. What must be thought of the character and quality of a party that la so easily defeated by so infamous a party, us that paper makes out the Demo cratic party to he. "Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his aou from troubles." SPOILS. By careful tnveatigation it appears that the whole number of employes in the gov eminent service in Massachusetts, includ ing Massachusetts people, in government departments at Washington, is 4614. of which 3828, or 83 per cent, are Republi cana,drawing five million dollars a year In salaries. And yet the Ortgomimn and other Republican organs keep up a continual howl about the Democratic party being one of spoils. Can the Republican party in its twenty-five years lease of power make such a showing of non -partisanship in federal appointments ? Nay, verily. No party ever had such a clear cut, well defin ed policy on any subject as the Republi can party's that the offices belong to the party in power, and no one la so foolish as to think that that party would have a different policy if it should come into pow er again. JUDGES AND CLERKS OF ELECTIOX. The Judges and Clerks of election who aerved,as uch,at the last general e'ection, (in June, i3S6.) will act as Judges and Clerk at the special election to be held November 8th. Judges and Clerks hold for two veara. In case one or more Judges of election shall not oe present at the time of opening the polls, the bystanders may elect one or more from their number to fill such vacancy. If one or both Clerks mre absent the Judges shall appoint to fill the vacancy. These Judges and Clerka must be qualified voters. ari i mi mil 11 DONT YOfJ POKGET. Let every tax-payer bear in mind that the Board of Equalization meets at the Court House,in this city.on next Monday, the 36th Inst., and will be in session all week. If any tax-payer has objections to his assessment let him speak at the Board raeetlng.or forever after hold his peace. MOW IT WILL GO. Looking over the battle-field in Tennea- a -e with a newspaper's duty to give the n .'ws, in view.whether pleasing or not, we a-- led to say that it looks very much like prohibition would be defeated by a consid erable majority. An anarchist meeting was held in New Y irk Monday evening to protest against fhe hanging of the Chicago anarchists Ti-ee thousand five hundred were pres ent. Resolutions were passed condemn ing the se itence as murder and a crime gainst civilization. Herr Most made a speech, in which he said : MS ven policemen were killed,and they want neven of our brothers lives. A life for a life. You cannot allow that hanging to take place. Arm yourselves and for every drop of blood that is spilled from our friends, let it coat a human life. Iam not alone an anarchist, but also a revolu tion i -4 . The capitalist shall be the first to uffer. No one shali escape his just doom." The time is fast approaching when men who disregard the law as Herr Most and his bloody crew threaten to do, should be taught,that while this i a free country, it is one of law and order,and that anarchiste must be subject to the powers that be, or s iffer the consequences as other criminals. And now they ay an arrangement has been entered into between the friends of Cleveland and Hill, whereby the former is to be nominated for President again and the latter renominated for Governor of New York. Very, well. So spanking a team would attract the attention of the whole country and take the first premium. Eastern Washington Territory papers are growling ominously because the peo ple have to pay from four to four dollars and a half per barrel for flour when wheat is selling for only forty cents per bushel. T.ireats are made to start new mills that will grind for a fair and reasonable profit- Nine counties in Missouri, a few days since, voted on prohibition und. r the local option laws of that state. Seven voted for prohibition and two against. This makes t.iirty countiee that have prohibition. Eighteen others will vote son. The Republicans have nominated Col. Fred Giant for Secretary of State,of New York. They nominated "Fred" because he is the son of his father, and, ao far as we have heard, no one claims any other merit for him as a candidate. Speaker Carlisle will submit no evidence in the case that Thoebe, the labor candi date.make for his teat. lie says he wants Congress to try the case as his opponen has made it out. He has no fears that he will lose his seat. The reader's attention is directed to a communication entitled, 'Communism and Anarchy," in another column, from an esteemed correspondent whor thoughts e worth v of careful consideration. ALL LIKEWISE ASK PLKDUKD. Our neighbor, the Di.mitr, says, "it nearly time that those who have ben talking ao loudly of reducing the treasury aurplua commenced operations " Our cotemporary is quite right about the mat- ter. There haa been a great deal of talk -1 ..1., ,1,. .,,,.1,,. mn. 4n i.p u about reducing the aurplua, and, ao far as ... , ' thla talk has been done by Democrats, w hope our neighbor will Insist that me pledge shall be redeemed. If a party sol- etnnly makes a pledge in ita platform to do a certain thing, not only members of that party, but the oppoaltlon party , have a perfect right, as cltitens, to demand a re- demption of such pledge. It will be re- membered that the Democrats in tnetr last national platform resolved In favor of auch reduotlon.and Republican as well as Dem- ocratic paper, have the right to Insist that . . a a . . a 1 aa . n the paru making sucn promiac anau carry it out. The troth ia that Republicans, aa citiiena, have aa deep an Interest In this question 01 reaucuon 01 me surplus as .. . . 1 Democrats, and not merely in the matter of redurtirtn.hut In the manner as well. It w 1. U, .h.; on., their privl.,,,, their dttty, to speak out aloud on this sub- iect, and, for theae reasons, we are glad to wieAm th J- - Into the arm v of muii w tuw wr (.iiiiiii w. ....... . of our neighbor to the fact that it, at well as the Democrat, affiliates with a party 1 L-i.j 1 ,1 th. rT"ua'u ,vu""""' " 1 Republican party naving pieageo useu in favor of reduction In Ita national pUtform. Both oartiesare eouallv pledged to furnish relief tothe overburdened oeoole by cheek- ,M , , ; I I m mm mm am. tkta M r sasawlaaai srrPs w f rYtWi IhAl r " ! I people's pockets Into the treasury of the Ifnhod Sn it will be seen that both Dcmocr-Uc d I RubHc.,. ,c KMU"".' lw ik" 1 point. The great question to be deter- mined now Is. how shall this reduction be I - Tk. XmAtwrn n Krtth nartlo. I " -r-- to reaucuon .mp. m. ,wwn ... p.- tisanship. It Is not a party question. The duty of a Democratic Congressman in the i ,. 1. ftr. ..Min.mrv or immtr. j... -m . I auve man is me amy 01 . puWH..n Congressman. It is not enougn tor a ive-1 publican Congressman to shield himself u-u...a .v.. -. k. k.. . . . .. . .. . .. .... . I majoniy in me wwer nouac, ana n.i .n consequence of that fact Democrats alone are responsible for legislation. He has -. . . . j . t I 0 I nis rign 10 cri ana uc- psrrrn. as well a a Democrat. Let him Introduce I hia bill or support that offered by a I Jem-1 or rt if he annrove it or offer amendments ' WW T I he doe. not like it. This is the proper way to get the sentiment of the House. In view of this statement, the correctneaa of which we think no one will denv. we hope our neighbor will tell Ita readera In ' MB -41 it W X . 1f'rTr :i W w what way It would have the aurplva re duced. Would it have the internal reve nue tax on liquors repealed r Would It repeal the tobacco tax ? Would it reduce the tariff on salt, lumber, coal, iron, woolen goods and other of the necessaries of life for the poor people of the country t Would it approve and adopt John Sherman's ex pedient of removing the tariff duty from sugar and then pay our own producers of sugar a bonus for the sugar produced ? This is a vital question in which every man is interested, be he Democrat or Re- publican. Will the Dimeminator tell the public its views on thla question ? It urges reduction. Then let it tell how reduction should be accomplished. T.IET VOTED. B afore the election in Texas.tbe Orgo- with an elated feeling of now-we'll- prove it,aiJ that the election in that state on prohibition would be one in which the colored man would vote freely and unmo lested, and after the election it aaid, as though a losd had been lifted from ita editor's mind, that, for once, the negro voted without question. That paper esti mated that the vote in that state had in creased about 50,000 since the presidential election. Ita position was that the colored people were not allowed to vote at the last presidential election. Let us exa.i.ine the figures. At the last presidential election C'eveland received 223,308 votes, Blaine 88.353 vote. Butler 3,321 votes and St. John 3,511 votes, making a total in the atate of 318,393. Now add to thla the 50, ooocstimated increase and we have a total nit it artlt 1A1 mm 1 1 m ,iU, that mlnkl ka been expected at the late clection.providsd there waa a free election in 1884 and this ytar. But as the Ortgman asserts that the colored people were not allowed to vote in i88a,and were allowed to vote this year.t hen we would look for the aggregate vote of 1884 increased by the colored vote of the state and the 50,000 above named as the aggregate of this year's vote. This would give u a grand total of 450,000. But what was the grand total this year. ! Here is the official vote as published by the j Voice : For prohibition.! 20. 273.and aarainst prohibition, 211,934, making a total vote of 31,207. This knocks all the props from under the Ortgonian's ra w-head-and-bloody bones atructure about the auppreased col ored vote in the South. But that paper will keep up this sectional cry,all the time weakening its own party by such nonsense- The Republican press are denouncing Cleveland and Mrs. Cleveland for being discourteous to little Governor Forak er.of Ohio. They aay that the Preaident and hia wife snubbed the little Governor the other day at turning their backs en him. As yet there seems to be no evidence that such is the case. But why do not our esteemed cotemporaries reprove the little Governor for being so discourteous as to call the President a whipped spaniel, "a"dog"and other choice names, in the eyes ot these e. c's the lit tle Governor's politics cover a multitude of sins. Last Tuesday the Democrats of Massa chusetts elected the following delegates at. large to the next National Democratic Convention : P. A. CollinsJ. H. French, J. W. Cumminga and J. G. Abbott. The following are the alternatea : C. G. Lewia, J. G. Delaney, G. Morae and J. R. Thayer. Theae are the first delegatea elected to either of the principal conventions. The first bet on the result of the next presidential election was made at the Rus sell house, Detroit,Tuesday,when Michael Jeffers, of East Saginaw, bet W. G. Allen, of Plymouth, $400 to $300 that Grover Cleveland, if he lives, will be the next Preaident of the United Statea. Little J. B. Foraker,- Republican candi date for Governor of Ohio, is the smallest man that ever ran for Governor of any state. He is round on the stump calling Cleveland a "whipped spaniel," "dog" and such choice epithets. Thia discloses the size of the man. He is too insignificent for decent consideration. COMMUNISM AND ANARCHY. "Every step of human progress has been marked I nv human rights bursting the bounds of law which accidental might, not natural Justice, had cast about them." "Under the fugitive slave taw every Northern man was a preaumtive hound to catch runaway negroea." "What did New York do when the ami- . . . . , ,, 1 , renters rebelled against their landlords f Oregomiau, We mgkm the illustrations. Acting upiJn tuch rrysd right the "Whiskey Rebellion" wn, organised in Uennsv lvanla nd preaii to Virginia In 1794. The famous Hartford" eouvsotlns was called in 1813 actust by such a spirit of resistance. Upon a like theorv thc "irrepreaaible conflict" Inaugurat to overturn the "covenant with death and ue wUh ,w .tinnUm of the v s , ml .flte two bllllona of prop- rnU M ju,y to protection as w w w - h And Inspired by the Mine idea . . Brown u Revolullon ln Vlr 1 . . . f d h, j.-.,. Endorgin the same doctrine, over aixty thousand men voted for Henry George for Mavor of New York and nominated him 3Ka? .! the ume xw and tfw ita aervanU In at- . . m sv. . a , , . a . tempting to execute it and the same law la now raiaing the acaffold upon which to th conveyances to real property were. written with the point of the sword dipped in the blood of overpowered and conquered , - 1 t .1.1 1 . Wior occupams. c migm muiupiy wirsc M.M aJimdmilmm and in ihetn ret-all rlr- cum.Unce. implicating our own neighbors and iHemls and that should be condemned alike by all. If there be one sentence fuller meaning and more to be cherished by Americans than any otner, it la that of Mr - - f .... a Bayard In the u. . senate, that "this Is a country of laws " The moat vital principle to be under all circumstances Inculcated and Sg SliSS'SaSs 10 be, sustained. The Orgoim commenting on the result of the trial of the Chicago anarchists re marks that "the thing to be thankful for In an thla business U that these men ate to die by the hands of the lawful machinery of ;utuCe and not by the lawleaa action of Judge Lynch. What a deplorable act of lolly H would Itave been had theae men been lynched by a Chicago mob $ for then we hTe had onc oi the ipottln 0f anarchy perishing by the hands of i jer set of reckless men assuming to wrowg br taking the law into tnetr own hands. The carefuL thorough trial given lhaw nArchiats makes their final execution jn ju Mung motal effect worth all the do lav It has coat." V . . l . - .. . a ..I M - 11 me movers 01 me rusmic acneme iot Mmr9iMttm ...Uull nd Arfylt. .he .nu!k ft,td k h rlin.l conspirators, who selfishly AwswsfW, fram- ed and executed the nrreprcaalbtc conflict. . . ; L.L. t.1 i A triousm or auteamanahlp of Calhoun or Tilden, slavery, the perpetual menace to our institutions, would have been abolished witnoui ine war as oioou ana wwra ircw i - k . J 1 . A I ure. 1 ruiv conspirators -nave a arena ful responsibility of moral guilt to answer 1 for 1 These men orougnc forward a tun 01 rights heretofore unknow and still unwiit-Utc ten, a "fugner law" enacted by whomsoever may deem himself or another oppre wherein la denned tne wrong su tiered, the relief desired, and the redress determined upon. 1 ney reiuoea to oe gutaea oy rea mm mm. a ai-a. son, the admonitions of the fathers, or the light of history, but with a blind fanaticism hulled us into revolution. If four million slaves have been freed, twice that number of white fremen have perished or had their lives and fortunes wrecked bv the fanatics. Realizing the precedent established by a policy tolerated, because enacted in behalf of enaiaved humanity and under the plea of necessity, let us repudiate the principle In volved and return to eternal vigilance In the enforcement of the law, aa the price of liberty. Our constitution and laws are of that elastic character that amendments may readily be made where defects exist. By i hi course only can we tench commun ist, socialist and anarchist that while we en tertain the broadest sympathy for the op pressed humanity in every condition, yet the remedy for all these evils must besought aa the law prescribes and if the law is de fective in reaching this end it must be amended according to the manner pre scribed by the constitutions of the country. B. Tea MrrUasja. Arrangements have been made by the Linn County Prohibitory Amendment League for a series of discussions of the temperance question at the following p aces and dates, and by the following named speakers : mi day, scrr. 23rd, '87, 7:30? m. SdoD C McFailand. Geo Oibbeny Halaey-C A Wooley E G Vichael. Sweet llnm,J p. m. George Sutherland, V A voaea. TcaaoAY, si n 27th, ib87 Brownsvillej :3)p in Go W Gibbeny B H Irvine, T P i.oodman. Providence, 2 p. m ilas Williams, A M Acheson. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 38th, '87, 3 P M. rrawfordsviile - P A oaes,B H Irvlne.T P Goodman Tangent H P Webb, G trvlne. Lebanon, 7:30 p. m T J Wilson, C E Wolverton. Till XSDAY, SEPT. 29th, '87, 3 PM. Rock Hill - -A M Acheson, Jack Adams. Lake Creek S G Irvine, E G Michael. ; Harmony TJ Wilson, J H stinc. PR I DAY, SEPT. 30th, '87, 2PM Soda vl lie Geo Southerland, A 1 Ache son. Oakville D C McFarland, S A Dawson. fibasnswtai PmrtW" a. N H Allan A Co., hava in stock a ileu di14ina of o rseU. Consistiui( of thn jastly calibrated C. P'a. Dr Waraer s, Dr lu'i K's, tba Albaay Standard, our spinal brand, also lha Evarlsstiutf, Self Adjusting, Nettie and maoy other u.skas. Ladies ara especial ly invited to call and inspect them. Still Baying. L. Senders la buying horses every day and can be found at his residence in Albany. He takes all horses suitable for the market ' of 1000 pounds and upwards Pays cash ' down. j Immense Bargains. Standard white shirts, 65 cents ; Boss of tha Road overalls, 50 cents ; 4 psir of seam less souks, 25 ceuts ; regular price 4 fo.- 50 cents, and attier bir tins ts ntatcti, at A- H. Mcll waio's Wall Paosr, Shades, Etc. N II Al!a &Co. keep in stock a full line of tb above goods, inoladin a fine assort -mealfc of daooratioue for aaalinga, which they will aall at tha lowest possible prices. We have new in transit oaa of tbe laret stocks of these goods ever in this market. Alboay Market. Who? I -000. Oats 40c Butter -25 eta per lb. Eggs 25 csnta per doz. Hay -14,00. Potatoes -7 ct per bushed Boof-on foot, 24o& to Apples -75 cents per bu, Pork; 4c per lb. Bacon hams, lVKc. aho aiders, 7s. sides, 10c. Lard hie per lb. Flour 4 .80 per bid. Chickens 2.50 per doe. Mill Feed-bran, 14.00 per ton. short, 10. mlddliuas, 30. Chops, 30. MY FALL Drv Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Cloths, Window Shades Wall Paper and Decorating Paper, Everything kopt In a ftrttdse Drv thorn It n dnraand for. Novelties of the Season In every lino j am prepared to MEET ANY PRICES quoted In the papers or circulars, nod wilt take Cash or Merchantable Produce aod will not turn you off when you get out of money. Samuel E. Young. and Orcaa Given Away. Oa Ian. tat, 188a, we will give away 700 frtaoo and a 1160 organ. Bawls She way to gsS one ef Ihsea. For every dollars wwrtk of goods yen psrsksss yea wdl raoeive a ttames, wnan yea get nve you anay 1 geeas ef the number of passes of sain kibited in a glass globe is one frost wt which, with your Basse wilt be regis Utred, up to tb first of Jiaaarv. The one aaaaaina w . . . The piano, a Bradford upright, 7 eetavea. 1 ass weed ease ess., and the orcaa made by Juliu ur. f Uhiaana. 5 oetavaa. 12 stay be aeon at the sssre ef B W fang 1 daw, f wbess doo, of whose they were parabans. Every one purenaetng goods of sss wilt get them at as low a prtoe asm the Valky, with a splaudtd steek to aoteet from. H. Aixn 4 Co , Albany, Or. The Barest of True dt-licacy of flavor with true efftosey es sot on. ba beam attained In the Cantons California liquid fruit remedy. By run of rigs, lot piaYMtt& taste aou boficil facts have rendered it laamooasly popular For sale by Foebay at Mason. Tbe f ery I bare sddsd Is my essf end sent sleek s line of the eatabrata-t Laird. Sckoher k MUcML Pkitadtipkia Fie Koet for ladi. a misses sod entMreo. Ask urn m (edged by l strr gaaarally to be the beet yaiaa aod rwt tilting fins shoe made, widths C. D, E, and EE. A child oaa bay aa eboap aa a 8aM TEL B. YOCMO, Bate Ageot, AJbaay. Orogsn. M-srs Y bt Mason, druj;uta. are m.i. W I mh'. R rum wholesale aaid r il an iful ptetare eards with aasapf b t rVswivl tbe stoat perfect aad -nn srtk-U 1 br fci'iH in tbe markat rtyrep ef t igs. 'n ifnnrwf mf nf the California Fig rui On.. Ben Pmnetseo. Cal.( fa Nr turn's mo I roa Laxative. Thla plena atr Hfornle liquid fruit remedy may he had nf y Maaoa at fifty eon to or on do' tar tt in ths moot pleasant, i-r ot,.i 'ii 1 fleetive rooaedy known to . ti too yatona ; to not on tbe Liver, KMmy-, and Biwela gently yst thor 'Mivh v j ft dl-pal Headaehoa. Colds, aad F ears ; to cure Constipation aod kindred ills. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powSer aster varies, A ossrvalaf parity. strength and 1 More eeooomusu Owuiitis ordinary kiads. aad asaaotba sold la petition srlah the awdUSoas ef lew test, short welfrht, slum orpbasphets powdsrs. Scvuj twtr ffl os. Eorsk sUxafe yaa GO., MS wastes "T. T JOHN BRICCS, ALBANY, OREGON Roses a Specialty. Cemetery lota planted and attended to. Administratrix Notioe, Notice is hereby given that ths under signed haa thia day been duly appointed by tbe County Court for Linn county, Oregon, Adealniatratr:: of tbe estate of John P, Hawk, decsnsed, Into of said county aod State, All parsons having claims against aatd estate are bereby notified that they are required to present Lhelr olaloaa duly verified within eix months from the dots hereof to tha un dersigned at her residence near Harris burg, Linn county, Oregon, or to her At torney. Sept. 19tb, 1887. Nawct J. Hawk, Administratrix of said estate, J. X. WSATHMJrOR, Attorney for Administratrix. AND WINTER STOCK Hu Arrived, Including- Oooai nod Boot and Shoo Hoom, from the cfattapfet to m good n quality an I bought theft goods mostly In Now York and Chicago and AT BOTTOM CASH PRICES, and have and an rootiviog Do You Want bargains. THEN A. B. Mcllwain's, where yon can got the very boot in DRESS GOODS, LAWNS GINGHAMS, ETC., BOOTS AND SHOES, Clothing and Furnishing Goods Csvab or produce taken, and prices g van that defy competition. GOVERNOR'S P.iOClAMATIOM. STATSorOnEOOn,ExncLTivE Dnr am-. I mbxt, Sal ax, Sept tat, 1887. ) By the authority vested In me by the leg islative aaaembly of the atate of Oregon, I, Hylvester Pennoyer, Governor, do hereby submit to the tesral voter of the state, at a apecial election hereby called to be held on Tuesday succeeding the first Monday in November. 1887. the following proposed Amendments to the state constitution. rtnsr mnHinrrioN amejcpmemt. Skctiom i. The manufacture, sale,or the giving away, or the offering to sell or give away, or the keeping for sale, of any spirit uous, vinous, malt, distilled, fermented, or any Intoxicating liquors whatever, is prohib ited in this state, except for medlcinal,sclen tiftc, or mechanical purposes. Miction 2. The leaiaiative aaaemoiy snail provide by law in what manner, by whom, and at what place such liquors, or any of them, shall be manufactured or sold.or kept for sale for medicinal.scientSfic or mechanical purpoaea. , Section 3. I his amenomeni anau tane effect and be in full force ln alx months from the date of Its ratification by the elec tor. Skction. The legislative assembly shall without delay pass all necessary law with sufficient penalties necessary to enforce this amendment. aaCOND AMENDMENT TO SALARIES OW STATE OFFICERS. Article XIII. Section 1. The Governor, Secretary of Bute, Treasurer of State, Judge of the Su preme Court, and all other atate officers of thia atate shall receive an annual salary of such sum as the legislative aaaembly shall hereafter by law for each of such omcers provide ; provided.that when the legislative assembly shall have by law fixed the salary of any such officer, auch aalary shall neither be Increased nor diminished during the term for which the incumbent of such office shall have been elected or appointed. THIRD AMENDMENT TO TIME OF HOLDING GENERAL ELECTION. Article II. Section 14. General election shall be held on Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, biennially. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the great seal of the atate of Oregon to be affixed.this istday of September, A. D., 1887. l. s. Sylvester Pennoyer, ,Governor. . By the Governor : Geo. W. McBride, Secretary of State. CROSSEN & ALLEN, PROPKIS3TOB8 Albany Tracfcmnd Dray Oe., No, 1. Goods handled with osvre and dispatch. Oil GO TO pilose mad quantise, oossisting of BUs stock o! Dr y CsJi on bins for your sacred to the MEMORY of Taa LOST dollar I I I II I 1 i 1 I 1 if mi I i it i I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I MM I I I I i I I Mil 11 I E ERECTED BY WALLACE & THOMPSON there to remind you of th a dollars yon might have saved by taking advantage of tbeir close prices. NOW FOR THE FUTURE I W. dc T. will aell you more groceries and better qualities at to war prices than any other live man. Rectify the errors of tha past, and nve money in the future by patronising Wallace A Thompson, First Street, Albany, Or. Wm. FortmOler k Co, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attention-First-olass Hearse jasTAfter business hours call at residence, corner fifth and Baser street. You are we want CRITICAL will only serve to throw more light upon our methods of doing business. Wo ask for comparisons. Wo like them. Compero our stock with any other in tbe Central Willametto Val ley and you will find WE LEAVE THEM ALL we have n Clothing, Gents and Boots wbieb fr quantity, quality nod prices BEATS TUB WORLD I Tha ehotco was nenr m Hi extonatee, in fact We have a Full House and bavo placed everything in it at prisma wbieb WILL SOON EMPTY IT 4 I e We wear the LitUs Red School Hu$ 6Aoe, nod so do our tietots and oar cousins and our aants, end if you went them go tn tbe City Boot and Shoe Store where vou will find a targe snd complete assortment of goods in this line, of noirly every grade snd m tkr, sod A dollar saved h a dollar mttde. REDFIELD J. P. Hail, ALBANY, BR., AGENT FOR Columbia Bicycles and Irinycles, Second hand wheels constantly on band. Send for 1887 catalogue, MRS. B. HYMAN, next east of 8. E, Young's, Albany, Or. Catting and Fitting a Specialty. STAMPING OUTFITS, AND STAMP ING DONE TO ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING, Wadnssdays and Thursdays of each week, and palctmg done to oidor on plaques and other malarial, -Nice assortment of Artist materials on hand. Pnbiic Sale of Personal Property. T will, oa September 2th, 1887, at 10 o'clock, a. m. , on the farm of Dr B. C Hill, 4 miles northwest of Albauy, sell at public suction to aha highest bidder the allowing property : 20 head of horses, 6 hcwi of cat tle, a email baud nf sheep, a oue-hslf inter est in a lot of farm machinery no -third interest in a 14 font Haims header, one Sulky plow and other farm implements, etc., etc. Ttrms of sale: All sums nnder S10 eaah down. All sums over $10 twelve months time with note at 10 p rct iv, interest with approved aecurity . RcrusTHoarsox. Tha rkatajraeker, Albany, r I have all the ega ves taken by A B. Paxton aod any one can bavo dupli cates froin their negatives by addressing us, at tte following prices ; Card sine, '2 per doaen, cabinet size, 3 per do n, bou noura, 6 per doaen. I keep Us finest line of Oregon views in the west, Cata logue furnished on application. Copying, and enlargirg old pictures a apeou Ity. J. Q. C4Vi JOsU. the Man to gee. stock of Furnishing Goods and Shoes, COMPARISON L E. BLAIN, Albany, Or. BUT CM. HEN DERSON& COTS eJUNSTtO BOOTS X SHOES PHICASO. i at prices which will open your ayes. & BROWN ELL NEW TAILOR SHOP. f . McLaughlin, Fashionable Tapor and Practical Cutter, is located next door to Mr, Thompson's Saddle Shop, Main St., and is prepared to make suits and pants any style, below coat, Spring bottom or straight panto Best in the market $8 to 9. Also clean ing and repairing promptly attended to and cheaper than elsewhere Call and see Ma, Albany, Or. ln ucccsful o.if ration since 186. natranittd business men and leading educators. TBS MOST PKKFKCTLT EQUIPPED SCHOOL of its clsss on thc Coast, it offer priv-.e or clsas instruction, day ; n 1 evening throiif hout tha year, ia Ariihmctic, Writing, Correspondence, Book-ktepisg. Hanking, Shorthand.Type-srriting, Business aad Lags, Forms and stl Common School Branches. Students of all ages and both sescs admitted at aay time. OstalftRue free. Armto - rd Wsw, P-owtwa A u essor's Notice. Notice i hereby c ve 1 that ths Board of Equalisation will att. ni at the office of ths Ceunty C!erk, in Linn county, O egos, on the fourth Monday, it being tbe 26tb da? of September, A D.,I887,and public y examine the assessment rolls and correct "all errors either ia valuation, description or qualities rf lands, lots or other property . Dated thi 2nd day of Sept.. 1887. P. M. Smith. Aseoaor. Executrix Notice. Notice ia hereby given that the undersign ed haa this day been duly appointed Execu trix of tha last will and testament of Perry C. Lanes, deceased, by tbe County Court of Linn oouuty, Oregon. AH persons having claims against aaid estate are hereby notified to present them withm six months from thia date properly verified aa by law required to the undersigned at Albany, Oregon. Sept. 12th, 1887. Martha M. Links, Executrix ot the last will and testament of Perry J. K. Wrath krkohd, C. Lines, Dee d. Att'v for Executrix, Est ray Notice, Dun pony, 5 years eld, black stripe along back, Hack mane and tail, horse shoe brand on right shoes all round. Lost near Halsey. Any one finding same will confer a favor by writing me at Oakville, Or, or ajaving word at Kooutx ft Lane, Halsey. K. t. Smith. t