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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1887)
tmuml THE DEMOCRAT IV the bent a Advertising medium In the Central Willamette Vslley. 1 Advancing rale trad known.on ap plloetion. VOL. XXIII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 33, 188T. NO 8 SUB TO DEMOCRAT, 2 IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 AT END OF YEAR. PHOFKH8IONAL CARDS. L. H. MONT AN YB. ATTORN AT LAW Notary Public. Albany. Oregon. Offloe, ovr John Hrl' ntort TUn2Stf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PCBUIO.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, liril,L PRACTIOK IN ALL THB COUNTS OPTHK lsasSaia B" to Wolw and AATOQlaa la 0M rtomt Tsssoto. (1 c.n.woLvnsrroiv, o. h . ntvitr WOLVERTON & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW pMOX up stairs In Foster's Illoek. ALBANY, OREHON- POWELL & BILYET7. .TTORMEY8 AT LAW And Solicitors in Chancery, vv. . - oRnfnoN. Col Winn promptly made on all pointa. Gonna negotiated on reasonable terms. MTOflloa In Foster's Rrlok.-tae vMnltif J. J- WHITNEY, Morner Ind Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Public. UBANY, OREGON, Vim irsotb' In all of tb Ooorta of instate 111 boaiaMaa Intrusted to him "1 s promptly attended to. eOSHAY A MASON, raia an h eists and Booksellers, Ascents far John B. Aldan'a publications, hleh wa aril m publisher's prima with aatagadJtd 4I.K4Wf , Oil K 4 JO V. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Met rticles, Etc. riRlCliniUI MMNLLT FILLED. Opan day and night. Albany, Or. Revere House; ALBANY, - - - OREGON. CHAS. PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR. Plttad up In first-class atyla. Tablra aupp.'ird with tha boot In tbe market. It ic aleeplng npsrtmnts. Sample rooma for commercial trsvelers. ! to and E, BECK WITH. M. D. HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon, Office over Grsdwohi s store. ALBANY, OREGON, FURNITURE made to oraler or at my shop wi Albany, Or. and of Third Street, S. A. DECKARD. HOLY ANGELS COLLEGE. A Boarding School for Boyi ! I Conducted by aecular prieate and ley tree hers. Flrt term open first Monday in Sep tember corH term open first Monday In February. For rrop-ctua drires Rev. F A Bckkr Vsn-ouver, W. T. Box 108 ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinfa rough, dressed nd 0vAstva lumber .laths a T)icirts kept .onstantiy on wTtd "Bills sawed to order on ehnrtest notice Use only bst r1oTorvfl timber Price and tf r s made satisfactory. ROBINSON 4 WEST. HE NORTHWEST Fire and Marine INSURANCE COMPANY. No. 5, Washington St., Portland, Or, BEPBBKMCBS FOB ALBANY : f,. Flinn, It. E. Blain, 8. E.Yonng, Stewart A Sox. Money loaned on approved real otlate security. J. H.TOWNSEND, Special Agent, Albany. SAM MAY. e. cxxders MAY k SENDERS. Sealers in General Mbrcnandise HARRISBURG - - - - OREGON Will buy Grain, Woo! and all kinds Cointry produce. "Jim Westfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full line of Chinese goods of all kinds on hsnd, Also full line of JAPANESE GOODS. OEEBOH PACIFIC COIiTaAOTOB, lor tbii -pction Laborer furnished on short notice for any purpose. Opposite S. E. Young's, Albany, Or BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. 1 am now receiving my fall and winter stock of boots and shoes, I have as nicely a fitted up Boot sod Shoe Store, and as complete a stock ss any this stds of Portland and vary few batter in Portland. I buy a'l my boots and shoos iireet from msuufaoturers and am authorised to warrant every pair no mat ter how cheap. N 6rm io Oregon have any advance of m in buying aa 1 buy in quan'Ktes and pay tba oaab. In ladies', uaies and children's ahoee, I keep n -i -It he sr.-, . .d'great eat variety in the oitv. Mv aim will alwaya be t. giv aa good valne for the as poasibly can ha done. SAMUEL E. YOUNC. First National Bank OF AI.B4JI1, ORKUON. U Pi.lN S. E. Tot stj OEO. E. CHAMBERLAIN TRAJC8ACTB A OKXKRAL kaokinc AOCOtnrrs KkPT esbjaet ba SIGHT EXCHANGE and aa Sr York, sai. PhsmIbi am aad PorU COLLECTIONS MADE oa farorabla w. E Toeaa, L. B Blai. Uso. E CnasasBtui!) L. Pusw. WaLram K Ti aaati., H. F. MERRILL, Banking ani Insurance. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Maw York, San Day SU . een ty and a'ty warrant. Intaraat alio wad an ColiacUoiis win racriva preeajA Btawsnea. traaa a. a. to I p. at. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DR; J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon. Offloe oor. First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY- - OREGON. WILL BROS., Dealers In all (be Leading Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos. A fall line of Sheet music, musical merchandise, ammunition, fisblnz tackia (to. Warn! ted razors, butcher THE BEST KIND OF SEWINC MACHINE NEEDLES, Oils and Extras for all Machines supplied. LINNC OUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE GO. Repairing of sewing machines musics 1 instruments, guns, etc. neatly done, ALBANY. - OREGON. J. GRADWOHL, rockery, Glass Ware and Hardware. OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements, Agent tor Fire and WILL, CURE Diarrhoea and Dysentery. WILL CURB Pimples on the face, and Freckles. WILL CURE Old Bores and Ulcers. M WILL CURE Wind in tbe Stomach. WILL CURE Headache and Nervous Depression. WILL CURE Scrofula. WILL CURE Summer Complaints. WILL CURE Rheumatism and Gout. WILL CURB Pains in the Bones and Joints WILL CURE aU Skin Diseases. FOR SALE BY ALL YITITATED BLOOD MerofHlovM, Inherited at tngloua Humor Cured by 4 ittlcurn. Through tha milium of ona of ynur book received thrx.utfh Mr Prank T Wray, DriurgUt, Apolla. IV, i-uaJatoil with ..ur OiU.uir I'.rituxlliw, and Uk Uil.ohiMirtunUv tu taaUfv to rou tlulthnlr u ha. iivruunauuy etirad ma of ona of the worst SSSS f hloo.l (miaouing, In ronnavi inn w th ryatpali that I hava avar aaan, and Uila attar having Wr rtroiiouuveh Incurabla by soma of fia boat ih.vlrtana i! our c.i..nty. I ukc wrcat plraauro In forwarding to ton thla lasUmuiilal, uit.mtlel a ll la uy you, In rur that other auflorton fem hiU!i nialadiea uiav ba a rouragad to viva Cutiiira RaSMaiaaa trial. p h. wiUTi.tgtiKSt. i.Muhbart. p. Itaforanc : Krank T. Wray, DrujrsUI, ASllo, Pa. St Kill l i.oi h I i, t: lift. Janiea l. Kloharlaoii, t'uaUun IIouni Naw Orleans, Aoatkaara: "In 70 Hrrofu'ua I'ltwra bruka out vn tay body unli1 I waa a maaa ( onrntUoti. Kvary thitiir known to tha medical taeulty waa triad In vain. I Im . m. a mere wrack. At titnea soesi not lift my hamlatoiny hMul.rould not tu:n In b.i wa In con aunt w4n, and tonkad uhwi lira aa a eaeM n ratlaf or in In tan Joan, In ISM I heard of hr t nlliura Kumwllr. n ,1 h. m and waa pwrf. fnrad " worn to before l . M. t m J P Catwroaa. ONK Or THKWOKST t'AEBB. We have bean aalHnv oar CnUcura Kenaodl. tar voara.aint Ka the flrat wimolainl y. t to rewva front a nuti. baa. . ne nt the w rat eaaea a Sesstubv t ever aaw waa intra. I by tho u.e nl f b ttles f t Hi rum keeolvent, Cutlcura, snd OuUuttra Ho-v.v Tit Moo take th- "sake" har . a madiuiual ansav. Tvi or t TATLoa, PrUjtviata, Kiankfort, Kan. M ltOH MU S. IKIlfeRITKO. Ami ('ottUileua Kuatora, with Im of Hair, and Eruptlona of the akin, are ixwititvly ourwl by CuUcu ra and t'mU ura Hoat etlrruaJ'v. and CuUeura Hl vrtit internally, whan all other wieUU knea IU. for i 'o, ir. ' Dill CaUlf4T USe Till W aave ubtaUHd eaUafictoey reanlu tnm tlttuw our wn family, asS rer nd ttn'm ,v,u 1 aov n-.aerrem-die. fori at the akin a id bioud. The deiuaml for thetu Rtow aa their meriU I rntw known. MAtMtLkaa A Co., DrugxleU, Lvtrobe, Pa. I TI1URA RISHEDIKS are aold vorjrwhwr. Price : t'uUcura, Ui Ueaat Bats mre, aw vis; rmiauri auap. is aiqusia essat ttfler, tS eta; Ctttlcura HeenUenl, the New Blend Purifier, fl. PotUrr IVrurf and Cbesaloal Co., Boatoa. plea, Blackhaada, Skis MeexJebca, and Baby Humor, uaa ullcure Choking Catarrh. Have you awakened from a dkturbed eletn with all th horrible aenaatlon at aa MSBaeia qtsaeAtsg your throat and preeainc the lUe-brealh from your tightened cheat T Ha v you noticed the Uvirfoor and debility that auc-wed th effort to clear your throat and head uf title catarrhal matter T What a denreav- I u tuditenceit elerU utwn the mind. . iauJlaa th mentor) aitd filling th head with Jna and etn n .(! How .ittBcuit It ia to rf! the uaaaJ twaaagwa, tit;. tat ait.1 luttiia of UU onlaoi.eue uocwa all eu ttfy wb.. ar alStctad with caaatrrh. Hew dsaVultto mutstthe renagal Bear mmd kidney a, sal ehyaaaMa WW admit. It b a ton late iflamm. and erlea out for rr Hcf and cure. The reourkl.U curallve wrr. when all ol rvmwdle utterly fail, of Banturu a Badloal Cere. attests! by tbuuaaou whogroatefully to frll iw aoSviwr. Maauteaant t m Seek aaeset nalsiea was bottle ofth RadieU Cure, woe bov of Catarrhal itolvanl. and an Impfweei Inhaler, with tresAUm ami directions, sad la ecu by ail for SI. PoTTca Oat-o e fsawicAi. fo Bu.n, IT STOPS THE PAIN l ot ttlatTI am ulc. ktassMJT Aclalrw bak, btj. ami and uterine imtue, waahne uuit-iu, rlt.iun.4. i. ii.... i.ifi. ii. I nf -ue na ajgjnvai la mm mtwete by that le antnUHa to pala and In Auu-Paia nastev. aeau : ft for fl ; at all aVaa-gaSU or Potter lrag and Chaav tt f t. L. COWAN. J. w. Ct'SICK Lino Oanty Bank, COWAN 4 Cl SiCK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TEANSACTS a general banking bus nasi. DBAW SIGHT DBAPTS en New York, Sea fraa ami foMlamf, SkfBSSI LOAN MOff'ETeo approred aacnrhy. RECEITE tip salU esbjoci to cheek. COLLECTIONS ntruatad to u w 11 reeeiva prompt Stuss House, J, GIBLIN, Proprietor. This house is oow ooen and furnished with the beat new furniture. Everything cletn sod ermmodioos, .flrrn g tn the gel era! public snpenor accotnnn.t'ationa to any io the city. and pocket knives. Marine Insurance SmS. Q am NiiM t i jxiii an i tt( al'ta DRUCQI8TS Aftf CffOOtftS, W iimJi irijft on (Jtmm our rwjulr wfNjkmtfCftt.) Wahhinoton, D. C, Sept. 5th, 1887. President Cleveland's "luck,"whlch was auch a noticeable feature of hla eartr i' . . . . i careerthat U, from the time he was elect ed Sheriff till hie elevation to the Presi dency haa become almoat proverbial, ao that many regard the great reformer of the Democracy as a verltabl"man of dsatiny, and they cknaider the fortune of the par ty aafe while entrusted to hU uniformly aucceaaful leaderahip. Aa remember the liurchard aUUeretlon,tlterainvdav inw York and the victory won by aome twelve hundred plurality ! Sines hi inauguration all of the Pteaidcnt'a Democntth rlvala u fo have been t amoved by deathtnd hi er compeiltora ha done nothing to im prove their chance ; true.lllsinc Its kiss ed the fllarney stone, but he haa since for feited the support of the Jrfcth vote by hnboobbiiiK with the Pilnceof W.ilr. snd winning Hrltiah popularilv Htttter hat plsCrd himself on record aa favoring the wholcaale pensioning of sol di'i , including even the ev-Confederatet; St. John has had enough and decline an other nomination But, last, though not lea.t, Delve Lock wood must be permitted to tell her own atory, which ahe doea aa follow : "To quote several Illustrious el am pies'! am out of poll Ilea' just now. The Woman Suffrage party will be in the field, however, you can depend upon that, for will never give up the flht until the victory la won. Now, 1 think we ought to nominate the moat popular woman In the country for PreldenMn 8S8. I have b;en looking over the list of candidetea, an I rhave come to the conclusion that Mr. Cleveland I that Sbiium Nominate Mrs, Cleveland for President nd we will aweep the country. She fa my candidate." Gen. Sherman haa also made the same nominatioiumd o between Cleveland snd Clevelsnd the Democrstic regime should be prolonged for another term at least. Spesker and Mrs. Carlisle are the gueats of President and Mr. Clevelsnd at Oak View, and rumor has it that the visit la net entirely of a aortal character that, In fact, a tariff acheine Is being formulated, the financial features of which arc the abolition of the tobacco tax, non-Interference with the whisky tax.and a large reduc tion in the customs duties on the necessi ties of life the internal revenue feature to be admitted only as a compromise in consideration of a very positive reduction in duties. This la said to he the outlineof the Administration program. Secretarv Pairchild and Mr. Mill, who is regarded as the coming chairman of the Committee on the Ways and Means, will, it is said, join the conference nest week. 1 am con vinced that at the coming aeaaion of Con- gresa the whole influence of the President will be exerted in behalf of a conservative readjuatntent of the tar Iff .and 1 think with a flattering prospect of auccea. Secretary Bayard ex pre see the hope that the aolution of the annoying Cansdian fisheries dispute, which has been a bone ff contention between the t'nited State and England nearly a hundred rears. Is now at hand, a an International Commis sion of the ablest Statesmen of the two countries will soon meet In thi city for the purpose of deliberating upon that vex ed question. If the President and his ad visers can settle the disputed Canadian boundary 'ine In a satisfactory manner, it will certainly be the greatest triumph of American diplomacy of the present ccn. turv. The doctors have captured the Capital ; thrr are here la full force from everv State and Territory of the Union and from nearly every foreign nation, and their Medical Congress meets to-day. Perhaps it would not he too much to sar that the results of this meeting will mark the be ginning of n new era In the history and practice of the healing art. Many of the large drug firms of the country are utitlx ing the occasion as a vast advertising a:hemc, and some of the exhibit of drug and medical appliance would do credit to an international exposition. One ia said, has expended $46,000 in such display. The doctors will probably agree with the opinion of the novelist, Wm Howell, who pronounce Washington the most charming city in the world." Al though they visit the city where malaria most prevails, stilt, it i believed, the doc tor will not mind a trifle like that. Several years ago Marsh L. Polk robbed the State Treasury of Tenneee of several hundred thousand dollars while serving as Stale Treasurer. He fled, but was subse quently arrested and returned to Nashville. In due time he was reported to have sick ened and died. His body was shinned from Nashville to Boliv&r, Tenn.,where it was buried. Now comes the news that one tiamble,a prominent citizen of Annis- ton, Ala., has jutt returned heme from an extended visit In the City of Mexico, and while there he met Polk on the street and talked with him. He made further inves tigations and found Polk in business in that dtv. The affair has created no little excitement in that partof the State. Gam ble was well acquainted with Polk while he wa Treasurer of the State. The Albanv Journal makes a point against the South because homes arc pro vided for maimed and dependent Confed erate soldiers, and calls It "reviving sec tionalism." We suppose, therefore, It is the dut y of ihe Southern people to let these helpler, men starve. General Grant did not think so when he gave a liberal dona tion to found such a home in Richmond. But Grant is dead, and the country Is not een building him a monument. The Catholic Church, without Govern ment aid, maintains in this country twenty-eight boarding schools and fourteen day chool for Indian, and in conjunction with the Government seven boarding chools and six day schools. In these 3,050 Indian children receive instruction. It is a worthy work. Prodace of all kind takes in oxchar-go at Shine . Lonswsy's. POMTICAh EVOLUTION. The Republican In the late campaign In Kentucky had the Democrat badly frightened and actually made great gain upon them. The Democrat not only frightened the Republicans of Rhode Is land, but actually routed them "horse foot e and eVagroon" and elected their entire state ticket and a majority In the legisla ture. The Republicans are joyous In the hone of carrying Virginia and Maryland this fall, while the Democrat are looking for eaecea In Iowa and Ohio. Tennessee that used to give ao.ouo to 3,xj Demo cratic majority now give 10,000 to 15,000. Massachusetts that used to give 40,000 Re publican majority now gives 15,000 to 45, oon. Missouri that used to give 60,000 Democratic majority now gives 35,000 to v'v.otw majyi (y . Illinois that used to give AO.doft Republican majority now glvea i8 00O to J 5,000 majority. What do thcae sign indicate i They show that there I a political evolution going on in the land. A rtfe passions aroused by the late war fradusHy die away this evolution In polit ical sentiment goes steadily on. It is not Improbable therefore that some heretofore reliable Democratic state may cast its electorial vote for the Republican candi date for President next year, or that some Republican state may vute for the Dem ocratic candidate. As new issues come to the front men find themselves in harmony with those from whom they have differed very much on other Issuestnd at variance with those with whom they have formerly affiliated politically. These facts show that a new adjustment of political parties will take place In the near future, PKtK "wHlSKY. The cry for free whisky meets with a cold reception in Southern Ohio, and the Cincinnati CmmeraJ (iateitt, the cham pion of the new crusade in that section, Is getting some hard raps in consequence from within the Republican party. The paper has been driven to take refuge be hind such reasoning. The Internal reve nue tax on whisky waa not instituted on moral grounds ; it has not been continued oa moral grounds ; therefore morality is not concerned with ita abolition, a non eequttur so glaring aa to deceive no one. If the taxes must be reduced, as the Com mtrtimi (iatHt Insists, why remove them, from hurtful luxuries like whisky and k-rp them upon necessities ? There Is no answer to thi question that will satisfy sober-minded people. Judge W. M. Dick- son. a prominent Republican of Cincinnati, pointedly tells the fArrefrV : J would like to remain in the Republican party ,but if It Is to tax the poor man's coat and to make whUk v mav be better to take Cleve- and again " . .as e e The Southern Oregon Trauxripi says the more we broach the subject, the more convinced are we, that it' would be a re form pleasing to a majority of our people. to chooae United States Senators by pop ular election. The election of a United States Senator is a local matter. A local vote I cast In other Iocs! mstters ! Why not In thi 1 This would not please the Doiph and the Simon gang In Portland, but it would please the people aad in the end promote their interests. A Chinese Banking scheme for doing an extensive banking business in China has been organised by Philadelphia capi talists. The directors of the syndicate are half Americans and half Chinese. They have obtained the privilege to do their business in any part of China. They will also engage In the building of rail roads and, telephonca, having obtained from the Chinese the exclusive right for fifty years In constructing the latter. Glcaaon, the horse tamer, says that the word "Whoa" should never be spoken to horse unless it is desired that he stop still. A lad near Albany. N. Y. knows what sound advice this Is. He was on a mowing machine and fell in front of the knives. As he fell he shouted "Whoa !" to his horses and they stopped, lite cutting knife of the machine was resting on top of the boy's foot when he was taken up. Hsd the horses taken a single step more the boy's foot would have been mangled. A solution of the domestic service ques tion offered by a correspondent of the London Times is that domestic work shall he taken in ivand by an army of trained assistants, both male and female, whose financial and social position and individual independence should be tbat of trained ar tisans. A district kitchen would furnish meals to a neighborhood, and a staff of organized housemaids might be brought under the management to ao round to clean the roonts,inakc the bed, etc. Dan Emmett, the father of modern negro minstrelsy, is selling milk tor a living in Chicago. He is a genial old man of 72, who entertains his friends with in teresting reminiscences. Occasionally he blacks up and gives them a taste of what negro mtnistrelsy was before it degen eVated into burlesque opera and male bal let business. Emmett's fame will rest on the authorship of "Dixie," which he wrote to please some professional friend in New York, never dreaming that it would become an imperishable national air. We are told that the protection of the manufacturer helps every industry.includ ing agriculture. The farmers would pre fer that some kind of protection be given them and let the other get their benefit through the general prosperity. a The alliterative Dr. Burchard bobs up at Saratoga. When asked what brought him to that gay resort he answered : "To seek rcst,refrehment and recreation." mm IiKlispensablfl to tbe Toilet. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid cures obaf imr. nruntions and inflammation of all kinds ; cures in flammed or sore eyes relieves pains from bites or stlnga of io; sects and or feel ; dostiojs all taint of persuoraUon or offensive smell from the lent or any part of the body 4 cleanses and wbheoa tho skin. Uwd as a dentifrice it purines tho breath ; preserves tho teeth and cures toothache ; sore gums and oank or, A llttla of the fluid In the water used in bathing is very refresh Ing and eepeolal lyjbonoflttial to tbe sick. Cl'KRENT EVENT. The old, battered silk hat worn by Mr Blaine on his trip through Pennsylvania during the last campaign, I kept In a glass case by the Kcpubiican committee of that State, In about a year Mr Blaine will be ready to be substituted. In these day of great booms it is inter eating to note that not every fellow knows what a splnakcr boom is, but all tars, ama teur and professional, will be interested to know that the plnaker boom of the This tle I only about a foot shorter than the mainmast Itself. Miss France K WiUard, President of the W. U. T. I'., has aomctfmc ten Hecreurie at work. Some years she ho traveled 30, 000 mite, writing on the cars nearly oil her speeches and articles for the press. She has visited every town in the United State of 10,000 population, and many with only L. tjoo, organizing brandies of the W. C. T. U. For ten years she has delivered on an average a speech a day. Tha following item it goia-j the roeoJ of the prase, and if true makes this world a vary bad one. We do not knew jest where the law is 1 but if our "brethren" usa scare a man rnesoeuouh to take a pstier and sneak eat of paying for It wo are glad they have found a way of doing it : "The new postal law now in effect makes the takia of a newspaper and the refusal to par for the same a theft, and any person guilty of sash action is liable to criminal proceedings, the sesse as if bo had stolen goods to tba amount of tho aabseription." Oor preassaao, Mr Fax Parrisb, recently ran off 85 papers, with a frtsket, en a Wash ington hand proas, ia 13 minutes. Who can beat htm f Milvston Appeal. The writer when a "devil" in an ofhee in the East seed to knock tha qooins oat of that, easily best ing it and eattng a big watermelon daring the spare moments. Try agaia. The latest notion among the young ladies is a "hair album"--gentlemen's hair. Young men are besought for a lock of hair, and the request is such a flattering one that they are only too happy to comply when the right damsel apply. The contribution Is tied with a blue ribbon and goes Into the "hair album" along with the hair of a crowd of other fellow. Over It will be written the name, age, color of ej go date of receiving the memento, and general remarks as to personal appearance, etc., which may or may not be complimentary, as the album ts never to be seen by any other than feminine eye, t he young ladies are as proud ot their trophic as the Indian warrior is of the scalp betakes. aa) at SS' fate ate raatod. Patents grafted to cMsena of the Podie States during the past week and reported ex presely for the Drmocbat by C. A- Snow Si Co., Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, opposite I'. S. Patent Office, Wash ington, I. C. : F II DeGaerre, San Francisco, Cal., re versible sash window. K W Eubank, Rnthrrford.CaL. combin ed trunk and bureau. A S Hailldle. San Hrancisco.Cal.. wire rope making machine. J II Johnson, Traver, Calhay rake. M Jory, Salem, Or., pie holder. D H Kathan, Davisville. Caf,' animal stock. A D Kllhorn. Oakland, Cal., lubricator. I ak k aSaS a S e . , " A S t I r K Knapp, aan jacinto.v. at., wnip. LA Lasher, Napa. Cal., trace and whif fle! ree guard. 11 W McNeal. Ferndale. Cel.. hand weeder. G Meriden. Vancouver, Wash. Ter au ger. C F Shore, Sacramento,Calhore hold ing device. C A II Smith. Oakland, Cal.. kitchen utensil. A C Swain, Merced, Caln gas machine. G W Swan, San Fram isro.Cal .. paint. The poet office at Glad Tiding ,in Clack - ama county, ha been discontinued. PhyssMaaw Have Kouad Oat That a contaminating and feteifn e oment in the blood, developed by indigestion, ia the cause of rheumatism. This settles upon tbs sensitive sub-cutaneous cover Ing of tho muscles and ligaments of the joints, causing constant and shifting pain, and atrgregatlagaa a calcareous, chalky deposit which produce atiSnesa and dis tortion of the joints. No fact which ex nartenoe haa demonstrated in regard to Hoatetter's Stomach Bitters haa stronger evidence to support than this, namely, ti.ta mawtlnlnat of rtiinnrehsnslvs uses checks the formidable and atrocious-iss ease, nor la It leas positively .established - - - - - m . that It is preferable io mo poisons oiien used to arrest It. since tno medicine con tains only aalutary ingrodieoU. It la alao a signal remedy for malarial fevers, cm atlpetlon, ayapepout, money sua oisu uer ailments, debility and other disorders, See tnat you get tbe genuine, For Toilet Use. Ayer'a Hair Vigor keeps the halt soft and pliant, imparts to it the lustre and freshness of youth, causes it to grow luxuriantly, eradicates Dandruff, cures all scalp diseases, and is tho moat clean ly of all hair preparations. AVFR'Q Hair Vigor has given me O perfect satisfaction. I was nearly bald for six years, during which time I used many hair preparations, but without success. Indeed, what little hair I hod was growing thinner, until I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor. I used two bottles of the Vigor, and ray need Is now well covered with a now growth of hair. Judaon B. Chapel, Peabody, Haas. sj jMQ that haa become weak, gray. nifl and faded, may have new life and color restored to it by the use of Ayer'a Hair Vigor. Hy hair was thin, faded, and dry, and fell out in largo quantities. Ayer's Hair vigor stoppea the falling, and restored my hair to ita original color. As a dressing for the hair, tills preparation has no euual. Mary N. Hammond, Stillwater, Minn. VICAR yutn' and !?6.tnt,in II3Un appearance of the hair, be preserved for an indefinite perlo in the nmy period by thnninnt Avar's RsirTinff. A dis ease of the scalp caused my hair to be come harsh and dry, and to fall out freely. Nothing I tried seemed to do mo any good until I commenced using Ayer'a Hair Vigor. Three bottles of this preparation restored my hair to a healthy condition, and it is now soft and pliant. My acalp la cured, and it is also free from dandruff. Mrs. &. K. Fees, Milwaukee, Wis. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Bold by Druggists sad Perfumers. Prefect Safety, prompt action, and wonderful curative properties, easily place Ayer's Pills at the head of the list of popular remedies for Sick and Nerv ous Headaches, Constipation, and all ail ments originating in a disordered Liver. I have been a great offerer from Headache, and Ayer's Cathartic Pills are the only medicine that has ever riven me relief. One dose of these Pins will quickly move my bowels, and free Sj head from pain. William L. Page, ohmond, Va. TT Ayer's Pillsf Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Aver ftCo., Lowell, Mas. floTa by all DeaWsela stoateias. NEW SPRING Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Ec At prices never before offered in Albany and N. H. ALLEN & GO.. are the ones that are .making the offer. We propose to sell goods tor CASH AND only, and will duplicate the prices given in any Spring Oatalouge in the State. We prop-.? a her after to talk to point, and Give You Prices upon application by mail or otherwise that will ASTONISH YOU. Mail orders solicited, andsamples sent upon ap plioatiOXL N. H. ALLEN & Co. s" 57 First Street Albanv, C. B. ROLAND & CO. NEW STORE AND CONSISTING OF- Mens' Furnishing Goods, Hats and Cans. Boots and Shoes and fine clothing. Choice selections in fancy Summer neckwear, 1 " . 1 1 rran nnnoTinaaK hmo r 1 gu uuuwwoat, n, wtota uu f ittgga glOVGS. The V61TV best make Of h&Jldsewed shflfiR Fit a vaev i , sowoov ouyico iu iudub, juUbUO ttUU UUJS CiOuIllDg. All the celebrated make of hats in every style. FINE CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. Remember our entire stock consists of briirht. new, fresh goods, and as "Honest, Fair dealing is our motto, : Mk A. " ana get our prices, jno One door west of qvt ussssf lawasssaassaTmaarg MAGNOLIA MILLS. ; John a. Crawford, Proprietor. TXniiL furnbth sacks lo fsrmei-s and vv receive wheat at tho usual n test of storage, Tho highest market price paid for same. BEST MannoUo flonr always on hand, for sale or exchange at reasons! e rales, JOHN A. CRAWFORD. Palace Meat Market. J. Y. PIPE, PROPRIETOE, FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. Will keep constantly on hand taf, mutton, nrrfc, veal, sausage, etc.. tl e best meats and largest variety in the city. Cash paid for all kludslof fattoch. DR. Ce WATSON M ASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms 3 and 4. Foster's Blosk. ALBANY - - ORISON. 1 GOODS. PRODUCE NEW GOODS, silk underwear. Balbric- m ' - ! t n n tr n " . . - jr and Square" We ask the public to ca A H St mt mm. trouoie to show goods C. 8. Roland & Co., e Revere House, Albany, Oregoa. m Hew and Second Hand Store Owingto 1 lie i 00 res vet 1 demands of our business we have Leon compelled to move Into a larger sto"e and we can now be found next door to 8, K, Young, where wo will beftdeased' to see cur patrons. If you r eed any stoves, furniture, tinware, eroskery, clocks, carpets, picturse, fruit jar, truukr, books, roller skates, hddle, saws, planes, etc., and a ihonsand de ferent ani'uKful attic'os yon can n 1 do belt 1 this si. J 11 f van Francisco than jo i can do with 11 -. on mi r chase or exrhsni.- . M. FRAKKLIR & CO. 123 Vnt Street, Albany. Or, L. W. CLARK, Porbr i Photographer. S.i mgs ly appoint men :, COPYING AND ENLARGING. Tweed ale's Building. ALBANY, - - - OREGON.