Kntored t the Pott Office at Albany, Or an second-class mail matter, FRIDAY 8UPTKMHUR 16, 1887 STITB3 & HUTTING. Hdltar and rreprletsi. -rkd r. nrrriiu, Leei unr. A HAH ABOUT TOWN. The Lord outfit in the Third Ward U a disgrace to Albany. Their influence is vl cious on the young of both sexes, Thev are a ceM pool in our fair communtly. Tlicy are not needed here. General reputation should be sufficient to abolish the establish ment they run. It should at least be regu lated. O The M. A. T. was fortunate in being one of a part of about ten last Friday that made a box of melons vanish without the dangers of a midnight raid. Mr Hub Bryant uncer emonlusly threw down an Immense box of melons, water and mush, before the County Oommlssioners and asked them if thev would allow the bill. The proceeded to investigate the matter ancf the result was that every item was allowed. Besides the County Court, Sheriff Smith, County Clerk Galbraith, Treasurer Curl, Justice Dorris and two hunrgy newspaper men were soon up to their ears In rinds, and all universal ly endorsed the action of the Court. A vote of thanks was extended "Huh." O If we get electric lights in Albany our Council will have to pursue a liberal policy. O The placing of the citv's sidewalks In a' passable condition would prove a ten stroke. O The Man About Town hears quite a gen eral demand for stores In the right places. Several could be rented If in trie central block. A Barracks It at. Laat Saturday evening during a meeting at the barracks of the Salvation Army Wm Fails disturbed the peace of those present, when LouU Meyer, one of the members of the Army, ordered him to desist. A fight ensued and Fails was ejected from the build ing. The next day both were arrested, Meyer put up $x and Fail put up at the caliboote. Monday the warrants were with drawn and another complaint made against Fails, but there was no warrant served and he was discharged, Tuesday morning he left for Salem. Fails has taken a bad start In life and needs to hold his horse or he will land where meetings are never disturbed. Boys who think they are doing a big thing In disturbing religious meetings either at a church or the barrack need to have some one tell them that it is the meanest kind of hoodlumUm. If they don't belie c in the Salvation Army men they should leave them alone. It is little persecuflbns that build the Army up. If left alone it couldn't make its salt most of the time. The Dasso ca at regrets being called on so often to mention disturbances around the Salvation Army ; but tlvey seem to be a part of the program so common are they. Another Chapter The Ortgmiam of Friday gives a strange account of an experience In Mattie Allison's life that recently occurred, in Portland. A man catered the house at night where Mrs Parrtsh, Mattie and a son were residing, Miss Minnie being with them at the time, and going to the room of the two young ladies either attempted to chloroform Mattie and carry her off or throw vitriol in her face. Covering her head with the bed clothes and screaming loudly she frightened him a war and aroused the household and neighbors. Two or three saw the man rush from the house and enter a cab in waiting for him and drive off. The matter was kept quiet for two weeks when it leaked out. Mattie s life is being filled with chapters of startling events. The Center of Attraction. Mr. A. 8. Barnes, the well-known New York book publisher, was-recently in Albany on a tour of inspection. Being an investor in the O. P. that road was one of his objects in view. While in the State he made the remark to a gentleman that he considered Albany the finest inland city in the State with the best prospects. He believed it would become the largest city outside of Port. and Jn Oregon, and expressed his con fidence in it by purchasing a fine farm near the city. It is a fact that outside of the State, as well a in it, Albany is the central Clnt on which most eyes are resting. If a did should strike the State it will be one of the first cities to reap a benefit, one that will be permanent, because it has the sur rounding country ,as well as infernal advan tages, to back it. Redaction in Fare. The Oregon Pacific Railroad Co., and the Oregon Development Co. have made a sweeping reduction in passenger fares be tween Albany and Cor vail is and San Fran cisco taking effect September 15th. First class fares have been placed at $10.75 and steerage $6vOO They have also placed on sale first-class round trip tickets at $19.50 each. The above rates are exceedingly low, lower than any one expected to see for manv years yet ; and the fact that the re duction is not made because of pressure of any kind is only another indication of the intention of these companies to give the people the very cheapest rates possible, and to fully merit the proud title ot the "Peo ples Line." A New Book. "Five Thousand Gems for the House hold" is the title of a new book by Mrs M S Fox, of this city. It teaches how to make paper flowers, wool flowers, hair flowers, feather flowers, tinsel flowers, bead work, oainliner. stamnincr. etc. Besides it has a knitting department, a crochet department, a home deoartmet. a cooking and ha Iter's department and "anything and everything. Mrs Campbell is canvassing for the book and we would advise everyone to examine It. . "Around the World fa a Chariot of Houg." We understand Philip Philips, the "Sing ing Pllgrim,"is on the way with hhv'Chariot of song," and will halt long enough to give his new entertainments in our city. Phe press speak in highest terms of his songs, which he illustrates while being sung, also of his "Illuminated Tours Ttound the World." His pictures are photographs of the scenes they represcntcolored by London artists, and shown by the Royal Photo- Optican and the most powerful lime light. New Outfit . J. H. Burkhart has received a large tot of all kinds of the latest styles of type, also some of the largest and best wood type in the State. 1 his with ins large stock ol pa per he is enabled to do better work and cheaper tlian can be had in Oregon. He will print 1000 Letter heads for $3.50, 1000 Note heads, $2.50, 1000 Bill heads, $3, and other work In the same proportion, all on good paper, uive him a call. Cheap for Cash. Work horse for sale. Inquire st this ofB oe As a family medicine in ail ordinary drs eases incuumt to child dife, nothing will be (mad mote universally adapted to such eases THOSK OVKkTHAKUE. Below we give the Railroad Commission's finding in the case of overcharges between Tangent and Albany. It fully explain the situation : The facts as shown in the evidence be fore the board are theae : Tangent is seven miles nearly south of Albany, and has been for sumo years a point where constderabla quantities of grain have been heretofore stored. Last year about 70,000 bushels were stored at this point. For the first time laat year the O. P. R. R. began competing with the east side road of respondent. The rates from Albany to San Francisco were S4.50 per ton via Portland ; from Albany to San Fianclsco, via Yaquina was $3 per ton. Efforts were made to get rates from Tan gent to Albany so as to get the benefit of the $3 rate from there to San Francisco. At first $iS per carload was offered ; then ii. and finally $14 was offered by respon dent. These rates were not satisfactory, and thereupon Mr. George Simpson procured teams and hauled 15,000 bushels to Albany, paying therefor $t per ton, when a com promise was reached, and he was offered rates by the respondent from Tangent at $3 per ton to San r rancisco via Portland, which were accepted. In consequence of this state of affairs, It is shown that less than one-half the usual amount of grain will be stored at Tangent this season, the same price being demanded as last year to transport grain from Tangent to Albany. Simpson states that grain can be hauled by teams from Tangent to Albany at $1 per ton It Is shown that'respondent Is now ship, ping wheat from Lebanon to Albany at the rate of $10 per carload, distance 13 miles, and from Goltra to Albany, 7 miles, at $3 per carload. Respondent claims that the charge of $16 per carload from Tangent to Albany is in accordance with the schedule of rates of May 22nd, 188s. This is true when compared with his distance tariff of that date, but that does not make the rate reasonable. Respondent himself seems to haye regarded those rates so obsolete, as on the and of August, i$86, he issued a tariff of rates on wheat "when destined beyond the limits of the state," in which we find the following rates : Distance from Rates in cts. per 100 lbs Stations. Portland. WilUbu wrg. skb. Milwau Clackamas 10 It w HI be Men from this that for six miles respondent's rates were 4 cents per 100 pounds, or $3 per carload of ten tons, and for ten miles it was 6 cents per carload, i .-ow it may oe ciaitncu mat this was lor wheat bound out of the state, but the rate is to Portland, and not to a point out of the State. At the same date, August and, 1885, ( the respondent issues a schedule of rates on the Lebanon branch, from which it appears. as we understand respondent a rule that grain is charged from Goltra to Albany a cents per 100 pound, or S3 per carload of ten tons, and Irom Lebanon, 1 3 miles, c cents per 100 pounds, of $10 per carload of ten tons U charged. It must also be noted that the rates on grain from Tangent to Portland, 86 miles, are lO cents per too pounds, or $20 per carload of ten tons on the respondent's road. From alt these facts the conclusion Is Ir resistible that the charge of $16 per carload of ten tons from Tangent to Albany Is un reasonable and exorbitant, and that a rate of $10 per carload would be a reasonable compensation for such service. KKAL KsTATK. Following were .the recorded sales Linn county during the past week : Oregon to S Bradshaw,40 acres school Md. Geo Darbam. Master, to C L Flint. 640 In N ii US to Henry Ktphsrt, 190.42 psteot las Ames to John P Donees,! acre 40 Virgil Parker to Walter Parker. 2 lots H's 2od A I Wltr Parker to Mary K Parker, time 1 E VY Ungdon to J P W-iUes, 2 lots Albany 9000 O Af to Sarah L Cooper, 38 7 acres 115 JG Powell to Wm I Mitchell, block 49 I Pa 2nd A 1400 Leyt West to J M Moer,2 lots W A Albany 700 Wtn liToniier to Geo Son thar land, 2 A a part lots. Hcie 2250 Harper L Craoor to Kate AUhouse. 100 acres tp 1 1 S R 2 and 3 wast. 2V Kate Althouss to Harper I. Crsnor, lots 4 and 5 E Iota, block 7, Al ban v . including dower, 3500 Marv Beard to J W Neweomo. 1 lot. Tangent 3 Abramf C Morgan by D S SinithSh'ff, to OP, 120 acres 126;.20 J K Sorbin aod O P to W V A C R R Co Canned IVocercflng-a. Tuesday, Sept 13th, 1887. Present All officer and members but Marshall- Committee on Ways and Means reported the insurance of No. 2's Engine house. A petition from S E Young and others asking for a sewer aiong Seventh St., from Broadalbin past Ferry was referred, and on recommendation of committee, granted, work to be done in thirty days, surveyor to survey same at once. An ordinance granting the right of way to the W V St C R R Co for a track along streets in the Third Ward was read twice and referred. The ordinance referring to Chinese laun dries on First street was amended and pass ed. Also ordinance referring to crosswalks and sidewalks. An ordinance regulating the appoint ment of the police force was passed. Further time was granted on the ordin ance regulating the fire limits of the city. The committee on ordinances was direct ed to prepare ordinance prohibiting the leaving of freight cars on switches on the public streets. The storing of coal oil on Lyon street was ordered investigated by the committee n fire and water. Adjourned until to-night, when a special meeting will be held. A Fanny Incident. A few days ago an Albany lady saw her boy, a bright little fellow of five, lying on his s to mar he on the floor, with a slate be fore him and a pencil in hand.looking terri bly wise and screwing his mouth around into ah imaginable snapes : Why,Johnny,what are you noing, asked his mother. "Oh, I am going to write one of those startling items for Wallace & Thompson that come out in the Democrat," said the boy, "they have a splendid stock of goods, everything in season and sell so cheap, al ways taking the lead,that 1 want everyoooy to know about tt." Johnny will make a great and wise man some day. Much the Largest and Best. Wm. Fortmiller & Co's furniture store has been nearly doubled in size, and filled with a splendid stock of furniture, "chuck" e full, twenty-five varieties of chairs and seventeen styles of bed-room sets, a6 an ex ample. Besides a fine line of upholstered goods. Largest and best stock In Albany. No doubt of it. 6 or 7 men are constantly employed in manufacturing it, and shipments are made to all parts of the N. W. from Tacoma to Grant's Pass. ThU beside a big retail trade. The buyer is bound to get satisfaction. UfK new feature Is a machine for trim ming wall paper pi which they have a large and splendidly selected stock of the latest varieties, sold cheap and trimmed free. Also nice line of window shades. His Dry Goods. Tae fall and winter stock of dry goods received at Mcllwaio's, is a large one, well selected, embracing all the latest novelties, and in quantity and of a quality not ear pass ed hers, Do not bay without saaininiag. COUNTY COURT. (J.J. WHltnsv Juila; H Miller, Alas llrarttloii CommtMlnnsrs) Continued Bill of E J Daly, arrests In State cases. Bill of L H Montanyc, ass't Dist Atty, $J5, in halicas corpus cast of John Herman, disallowed. F M Henllnc granVed license for 5 years to run a ferry. Rates, 4 horse team, 37H cents ; 2 horse, 25c , t Itorse vehicle, 20c 1 horseman, 10c ; footman, 10c ; cattle and loose horses, .sets per head, hogs and sheep, 3 cents per head. Miles Rainwater resigned as Justice ftthc Peace for Fox Valley and Henry Lyons was appointed, In matter of County poor Green Morris was let contract at $244 per week for com ing year. Matter of building stone road oyer Beuver Slough eontinucdmntll April term of Court, 1888. Contract for keeping I Uutchlns let to J Dottaca at $2.44 per week. Alteration of road granted as asked by J B Trask and others. A M Bhelton, T P Goodman and B II Irvine appointed viewers, L Senders assessment reduced to $5008. Warrants were ordered drawn for the fol lowing : G W Wheeler, lumber Dist 20 $55.17 Andrews&ilackleman.mdsc Orchards 24.00 IB Fits water, board pauper 18.00 W I Splcer.lumber Dist 18 20.00 C) W hitching post 3.25 ICGoodalc, lumber Dist 45 54.22 Stites St Nutting, printing 20. 50 D S 8mlth, Shff's fees 06.51 John Usher, as janitor 14.00 Mrs M E Davls,kecping The Riley . . 8. 50 Tweedale & 1 iopktus,mdsc and work . 22,40 R Glass if Son.aupport Pierr e family 15.00 J R Green, keeping llutchhis 21.60 I R Large, lumber Dist 30 6.JO R W Moses, 4 bridge signs 300 Henry Sueen,palnting C H roof. . . . 31.50 W E Cut l.salary as Treasurer 83.33 C W Watts, printing brief in D M & T I Co agt Linn Co 07.00 v'"ii rewuvtr oouy 01 m r jonn rcogcr 3S.65 10.00 Mrs C Houck.keeping Que Icy 5 weeks Fees State agt Otto Urldicinont Fees, preliminary examination traud L-g 18.75 C L Morris, keeping poor 59 7 5 Koonti A I .ant-.lumber and hardware 5091 Koonta Si Lane, relief Albert Havs. . 10.14 P Cohen, mdse ' . . . 1 5.38 D V 8 Rctd, salary 1 mo 50.00 C01 oner's fees over body unknown man 61 .05 R H Lamson, copy pleading D M Si T I Co agt Linn Co i3xx TJ Stitc,avtg teachers examination ac.?o a a a mm a . H H Hewitt, teachers examination 18.00 D V 8 Reid, teacher examination . . . IS Smith, ShfTs fees 9.00 37 o$-53 9760 16.50 (iXJD 200.00 Fees State agt John German, et al. . Iavi Hros, lumber , Dark iiron, hardware. . Train & Whitney, printing t john a: Mono, buUdiuir brkhre. . . L H Montanye.Dlst Ally's fees State agt I sh man 00 W R Bllyeu, Att'ys fees, D M A' T 1 Ittagt l-lnn CO D 8 Smith, ticket nauncr to S F I7xx Stewart A' Sot, hardware ti.ot John Schmeeer, livery 5.00 J J Whitney, County Judge 75-QO c Miner, uom 10,00 A Brandon, Com 14.80 D S Smith. Sheriff and bailiff 12X W Young, work on Crabtree and rhomes Creek bridges 26.00 Trmperaaee Meeting Arrangements have been made by the Linn County Prohibitory Atnendment League for a series of discussions of the temperance question at the following places and dates, and by the following named speakers : tcbsday, sarr. 20th,'S7, at 2 r M Charity Grange -T J Wilson.E i Michael. Uixfe Walton Skmworth, S ti Irvine. Syracuse -DjC McFarlandJ H Stinc. WKO.N'KMOAV, HKPT, 2ISt, 'S;. 2 PM. Peoria C A W 00k y. Peter Hume. Bel view -T P Goodman, A M Acheon. Fox Valley -William Cynwjohn CnLom THURSDAY, SKIT. 22nd, "87, 3 I M. Jordan---John Osbom, William Cyrus. Peter Powell' A M Acheson, Frank Roscoe. Shedd Peter Hume, C A Woolev. Harrisbuif, 7:30 p. m.-H P Webb, C B Montague. FRIDAY, KIT, 23rd, '87, 7:30 V M. Scio-D C McFartand, Geo W Glbbeny. Halsev C A Woolev. E G Michael. Sweet Home, 2 p. m. George Sutherland, PA .Moses. TURSDAY, SRHT. 27th, tSS7. Hrownsvillcj 30p. m. Geo W Gibbenv, B H Irvine, T P Goodman. Providence, 2 p. m. -Silas Williams, A M Acheson. WKDNKNOAY, BPT, 28tll,V7,2 P M. CrawfordsvilleP A Moses, U H Irvine.T P Goodman. Tangent-H P Webb, 8 G Irvine. Lebanon, 7:30 p. in. TJ Wilson, C E Wolverton. Tft'BKDAY,JMCrr. 29th, '87, 2 f M. Rock, Hill A M Acheson, Jack Adams. Lake Creek S G Irvine, E G Michael. Harmony T J Wilson, J 11 Stlne. FRIDAY, SEPT. 30th, '87, 2 PM. Soda vllle --Geo Southertand, A M Ache son. Oakville - D C McFarland, S A Dawson. items Worth Knowing. The College building Is being pointed for the first time in about fifteen years. The "Three Bister" has a limited navl- gat ion. Mr Turner' four legged roonler was in Albany Tuesday. The burnt child dreads the fire. Several Albany men declare they will never insure again. the price ot wheat docsn t make very much difference with the price of flour, Oats are forty cents a bushel. The Jefferson warehouse only has about 20,000 bushels of wheat in it this year. I.avt year it had about 50,000 bushels. It buck ed against the U. f. As we have repeatedly remarked our sidewalks need to be fixed. The city needs a new officer lobe called the "Sidewalk Car penter." Yesterday for the first time in history a train of cars was transferred from the Ore- on & California Railroad to the Oregon acific Railroad. The circus did it. An Albany firm has sold 20,000 pounds of white lead this year, which indicates that there has been lots of painting here this year. e As we went to press S H Barrett's circus was in fall sway, with a big crowd in attend ance. Masiin Underwear. I have received my new stock of inu&lin underwear. These goods are made on a look tioh machine, and warranted to be fuil size and length and price reasonable. .Samuel E. Youno. e Messrs roshay At Mason, druggists, are selling Wisdom s Rubertiue wholesale and retail, and giving beautiful picture cards with every bottle. Positively the most perfect and armless article ot the kind in the market. Mellwatn's Clothing. Mcll wain's fail and winter stock of cloth ing is arriving. It inoiudes the latest styles and is commanding attention, bee his Chin chilla coats. Fine stock to select from. All goods warranted as represented and perfect tits guaranteed. Will Bay Bogs. Highest market price paid for hogs, by "Jim Westfall," opposite S E Yonng't, Al bany, Or. Do not sell without calling on him. PRK40NAIi AND XMN'IAK Dr Ilenssl has moved to Brooks Station. J P Schooling, of lUrrisburg, wm la Al -bany Satnrday, Cap! Humphrey retaroed lat Saturday from Priasyills, Unas Montsith roturue4 frmn San Fran cisco last Saturday. G W Comptoo, of U.ity vtllo paid this of tios a visit last Monday. Hou F C Hausard, of Lebanon prsoioot, was in the city Monday. Called. Milton Hale returnsd Mondsy from bis trip east of the Casoadsa, Miss Mottle Miller is spsnding two or three weeks in Portland. Prof Mitchell pounood dowu into the oity Monday to aeo hi mauy friends. Mrs Amanda Long, of Newport, is in the etty visiting relatives and f Heads. Lawyer Wolverton left on Friday for a yisit anting relatives in Pelk county. Mr B F Tablar left Albany 00 Wednesday for Iowa, and will be goue about two months. Mrs T J Wilson, of Halssy, left last Tues day n a visit to her former home in tbe East Jadge Mosisr, of Roseburg, was to the city Ssturday. The DaNooaar acknowledges a call. W 0 Staaard, A C Humn and Jehn Waters, of Brownsville, were iu the oity Monday. Hughes Brothers returnd from the moaa tsios tae first of the week with a load of Use veuison hams. Mr Charon, a brother of Mrs Judas Flian, of this oity, arriyed iu Albany a few days ago on a visit. W C Twsedsls left last Mondsy for Den ver, Cat, as a delegate to the fatal IMm of Odd Fellows of the United Ststee. Mis Howsrd, of California, is visiting her brother, Mr Bsiger, of Harrisburg preotnet. They had not seen each other for Dearly forty years. Jeek Alphine, of K nily, K. 0., has been id the city several weeks and will leave in a few days for his home, where he raos a black smith shop. Manager Hoag, p and F agent llogue, Surgeon Rich and Private Secretary Kiplev, of the 0 P left for San Francisco Uu first of the week. Rev H V Romingnr returned from hie auor mer trip to California on Thursday evening f last week. Uev Roininiier was st Sen Joan during the irnmens real estate anet ion thst drew three thousand people from San Fran -cisco. Tho excitement wasirreet. W E Price, well known in this countv. who lives at Me. I ford is in the eitv this week. Mn reports tun MjurUh nv 111 S .nthm Oregon. He says the real estate boom has rti.hed that l.ehtt. maov CAtifomiana comiug in to boy the fruit He say Albany will get it soon. Mr and Mrs Albert HsfTeaden, f San li', rl.f iraia, bavt l-.n in the city this week hsving com he.e froai Kaet Portland whore they had been to attend the Weddum of Mr II sffeaden's brother. We noderalsnd Mr Haffenden has ma-le twenty to thirty thouaand dollars by fortauete rest estate speealatioae. Mtss f.mie MaNeil. wbi hte bssa tenon ing in ear public schools for tits past year, ha reigned and will leave on nest Monday for Liberia. Af.-ica, where aha gee as a teacher and nitseiwtsry. Forty -nine other young lathes wilt aoeompsuv her from New York City, all under the M E Church. Miss MoNoi will take with her the good wishes of tho commamty in the great life work she has mapped oat. CMWUKNTKVKXT. The gross value of property in I'ma- una county ts 3.505, 29 . Flour in Pendleton l worth $3 ;0 whole sale and $4 retail. Rough lumber U $& per iodo feet at Sitka, Alaska. There are over one hundred salmon can neries on the Northwest Coast. lane L. won a big race at San Francieco Thursday of last week. Rest time. 2 :3J. Several Albany men hive sold ail tlieir cows but two. The people of Crook county have raised $265 to furnish evidence in the wagon road Tlw Ocean House and Abbey' Hotel, at Newport, have both closed for the sum mer. 568 feet front of brick buildings In AU. ria UiU year. That U a good record. 690 feet la Walla Walla's record. The ocean, which is apparently level, on watcldng it from the beach lacks 2j-io nche per mile of being so. There are In Crook county 1,126 hoes. valued at $2,565 ; 223.237 sheep, valued at $J'A46 ; 20C47? cattle, valued at $ 313.; 1 2.o5 horses, valued al $346,22. . The MU4dppi river i locr than ll has Imen in twenty-five years, and only twice since the records were kept has it had as lit tle water. The drought on its watershed has brought it to thU low condition. WalUburg ironle hired an Eadcrn man to teach tlteir publk schools, he accepted and wrote for his family : but his better half refused to come ; when he went after her with the same results, and thru he re igned. The R. R. Coin, lias recommended tot lie O. .v C, O. P. and O. R. & N. the follow ing rates an short hauls 1 Oyer 5 miles and not exceeding 10 miles, 4 cents per too pounds or $8 per car. Over 10 miles and not exceeding 20 miles n cents per i00 poumK or $1 2 per car load. Will the rail roads open their cars, or continue doing as they please. A foot race of one hundred yards was run last Sunday between James Wright and liidweil, Wright winning. Hidweli gave Wright live feet the advantage. Prlnevillc AVnv. Bid well Is the man who was re cently beaten in this city by Cameron of Corvallls. Not .much of a runner for a professional, . MllKIMi. An arrest was made here lat week beware of wheat thieves. S P Brock, formerly of this place, but now residing 60 miles southeast of lugenc City, passecl through this place yesterday on his way to lus mountain ranch. Mr Brock is well supplied with provisions for winter. Mr May and Mr Fletcher, of this city, a m. m . . a r. . . . lett tor tne Cast last lhursday, accompan ied by Tone Cannon, of Peoria. Mr May M going to unto, Mr r (etcher to Masaacho setts and Mr Cannon to Kentucky. It was reported in the Shedd items week before lat that our town boy fohnny Blak er had turned up missing, lohnnv Is back again now and we hope he will stay with us tereatier. Rev N M Skipworth and family have eft us and gone to Hubbard, where they will remain the coming year. A Sign of Good Tines. Carter, the jeweler, at the "Stop'' fcign, is greatly enlarging his store, puttine in sev eral new show oases, and improving appear- n mi. ti . . t f l aocca geuerttuy. ana nrst Ol 100 weeK an received a large stock of new goods, which will scon 00 opened to the public. Several trays of elegant gold pens, Aiken, Lambert A Co's., a let of new watches, new plush goods, new chains, new clocks, etc., are features of his new display which may soon be seen. Lookout for some novelties. Car ter proposes to be op with the times. Dr Hope and a young man by the name of Peterson, both of Lebauon,got into a dispute Wednesday about some threshing done by the latter for tho former, when Peterson struck Hope on the head, cutting u clean gash abont two inohos loag. W ounds not danger ous. A straw stack was set fire in this city Wednesday evening and an alarm g'.ven, Re sult, lots of mad people. Unole George Hughes exhibited to us yes terday a fino bunch of millet over eight feet tall. i ' Speoial term of Circuit Court next week . Three right of way suitu will be tried, e Ed Martin, of Fish Like, is in the city. Look out for Carter's elephant, H0XR4ND ABROAD. State fair week. Hunt is hunting for fifty teams. The best harness at E L Thompson's. Prenoh, ths jeweler, keeps railroad time. the briok work is nearly done on the Flinn block. H Ewcrt, practical watchmaker and jew eler. Villard Is slowly heaving towards the top again. Spectacles to fit old or young at V M Frsnoh's. . I your wheat insured ? If not call at H F Merrill's, J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al bany, Or. Several hop men'were in ths eity Monday iter pickers. Ssveral prominent We I t Ksrgo men were ia the oity Monday. a Prodaoe of all kinds taken in xohange a Shane A Louswsv's. Wheat insurance st lowest rates, at H P Merrills, albaoy, Or. Ho to Shane A L-m sway's for all kinds of m illinery and fancy goods. Tbe free delivery system will be mtablish ed In Tacoma In November. Seaator Stanford and Col Fred Croeker.of dsn Prsaoisoo, are ia ths Slate. , Shane A Looaway French millin r arrived in Albaoy ths first of tbe week. Remember Shane St Laos way are selling dry goods at very low prices. Farmers, insure your grain at Merrills Agency, osll sod get his rates, Six shaves for a dollar and a oUtau towel to every customer, st Tboe. Jons. Rfor yon insure your wheat get rates from H K Men ill. Albany, Or. The fare from Albaoy to Salem sod return this week has bssa only $1.20. 7 OAs cures rheumatism, neuralgia and toothache. ViMthmy A Mason, Agents. Razors honed, set and pat ia raVr at J ones' shaving snd Hair Dressing Parlor. Aa immense stock of hate, latest to styles, was received Monday evening by L K Hlain. K M French, agsut Stuger Manufacturing Co., opposite Odd Fellows Temple, A I bany, Or. Tbs tisae est for completing the Oregon 1'acine to Botes City is aboot December, 19. R P Herbert haa been elected Secretary and manager of tbe N W Kirs Insurance Co, Watobe. clocks and jewelry for every body at K M FrenoYs. Pries lower than star. London people have quit gutug to theaters. It is said there ia not s safs thesis. ia the city. Tbs Roseburg R'eirw apeak s ia very 00 m -plimentsry terms of tbe Rase Hsuse at this eity. Dr. M. H. KUie. physieian and surgeon AH any, Oregon. ,fMt mads ia city or country, A Portland boy bad the groflol threshed with him laat week, for calling snotbsr boy Jo-Jo.' ' r AU styles 4 loti an I eSoee snd a Urge stock of grueehtM is what we carry. Redueld Si Brownell Tbs election on tho prohibitory amend -nxjnt in 'IVuneaaee ooenra on Thursday, Sep tember J9ih. A oar load of oats we shipped from A' bany to Mia Francisco 00 Tuesday, tt cents was paid for it. The track has been laid on tbs Oregon Pacific to the seigbborbl of Kent Batts beyond this eity. H B Heeds, the depot agent st Harru burg, haa resigned and moved t Idaho. Charles Carey eacossds him, Ws take ths osio. tbe customer take the bargains and ths birg im taks ths oaks. Redfleld A Brow sell. Ths Dettocsvr acknowledge, tbe receipt of a ticket to ths Lane county far to be hold Sept. 21, 3-2, S3 and 24. Febraey's Celebrated Blood Chanter for sale at Ileyos St Robsoo'e and U vl Si Bf own ell's, P J Beltiattt. agent Are yen going to get voir fall and winter bat or boo nt at Shan St Looaway 's. Their an a milhaer is so expert. I '.vary Mtatomer arid bo a walking sdver for oar barguut wbea they see our nwtnsid A Browaett. Ontf of X II Alien A C 'e pr ae tickete good lor on a dollar worth ot g eds purchased at the new Seooad Hand tort. Last Satnnlav considerable goal feeoing was burned on ths (arms of Hon Kn oh Hoult snd H M Rtherte, near llsrrisbnrg. The adv. i a ths I as t last week of a farm for sals or to rent was answered by eight or ten men inside of two days. A tine line of gent's underwear and furn ishing goods jost received at Mel wains, will In a. 1 1 at priest that defy oompotttoa I). T. Wymau, solioitingagent for the State insurance Co., for Lino Co.. rami leroe Second between Lyon and Baker Streets, Albany, Or. Sam Jonee eaye that when he finishes Ttfansasee be will come to Oregoa if be has any breath left, and ho will make things live Uev U W Camero'. is now located at Mon- tssaoo, W. T , snd ILv Jaac Dillon at Lapex Island and San Juan, bo in formely of Albany. A darkey boot black with both hgt off and a stove pips bat, was in Albany the first of the weak. He oust himself ' Stylish Charlis." The reaidenoe of Mr M Mot s near Tau cent, was entirely o msumed he fire laat wees. A asicctivo njc was ins cause. 30 . .j an w instiranoe. Another shipment ot Udi.-s Hoe sbeis in all widths and suns just in this week. Custom ers remark what peHect beauties. RaJHeld St Brownell. Mrs Iatbrop, Preiidont of the Michigan W C T U w.ll speak in Albany on taa neud iaa amendment on October 22od. This will be a treat. Mrs I. A McConoell has the thsuks of this for a basket of the finest Bartlett pears Ws have seen this season, 1 hey are luscious Yam, yam. Ths time table os she O.-agoa Paeine haa bssa changed so that trains now leave Al bany at LOO o clock, p in , 15 minutes earlier tlisu formerly. Last Sunday while ridin near Knox's Butte, Mr W a Scott met with a runaway . ... JC .. . experience, being thrown oat snd consider ably bruised op. Tbe law firm pf Weatherford A Blackburn of this city, has bssa dissolved, Mr Black barn moving into ths ofn.w in O F Hall oue doo south of tho firm's offtoo. Should you dostro to sell your property call on Burkhart A Keeuey aa they advtrtise property placed iu theii hands, and charge uothiug unless they effect a sale. Krause St Klein, of Salem, have leased one of tbe stores ia the Fliun block, aud will es tablish a boot and ehes store here on ths completion of .the building. Mr George Strong, who has been in ths frocery business for mauy years transferred is stock to creditors last week. Mr Strong did not believe in printer's ink. 1800 pounds of bams snd shoulders ware .brought from Stay ton to this city last Fri day, lhey were put up by Hobson S Shaw, who cured about four toua last fall, A Chicago man offers to build a $700,000 hotel in Portland if a bonus of $250,000 is given him. Some of these bonus men are "no bonus, to use a hogdatin expression. The warehouses along the lias of the Ore gon Pacific are reported fall. The one at Munkers under charge of Clay Marshall has had to be enlarged to meet the demands. Thirty hands, all told, are employed in the Salem Evaporator factory, mostly girls. They receive 5 cents a bushel for paring ap pies. Two girls pare about forty bushels On Tuesday Mr Allen Moessenger, of Glen Rock, Penn, sold four lots in the Third W aril to the WV4CRK Co., for 812o0 Mr Moessenger paid $1000 for these lots last April. Last Tuesday Mr W Kirk Price sold to Mr A S Barnes, the New York book publisher, 17 acres of land about a mtle from this city, for $ 2075 Mr liames will boy other prop erty also, A. B. Mcll warn has the largest and finest stock of carpets in Albany, new goods of the latest designs, a splendid stock to get a car pet from. old at rsM&rxablv low prices 1 W4 heavy work lories for sale cheap. loquireof CrotvHi & Allen, the draymen. Q I'rof Kittridge, of Corvallis, wm arrested last Monday for whipping a pupil named Hemphill, sod seqaittsd. Young Hemphill wan arrested for asaulton Kittridge sad Tiiied $5 and its. Divine srvioe will he held In St Peters Kpisoopal Church next Sunday, Sept 18th. morning and svening, All srs invited to at tend, Kvenlng service will be held in ths church Friday evening. Clarence Oaylord, ones a devil on tbs DtiMorK at, is purchasing ageat for Coatrse tor O W Hunt, with headquarters near the Hed Crown Mills, at this eity, MrO. is Mr Hunt's brother do law. Oakville people hays been greatly afflicted by toe depredations of a wheat thief, who has been helping himself to five to too sacks of wheat at a timo ont of tbe warehouses of different farmers, f Thesn is a much larger demaod for canoed foods in Oregon than the factories can meet, 'his ie an industry thst mast be greatly in creased. Why should not Albany taks a a hand in it extensively. Shane St Lonsway's new French milliner is one of the pest in the State, snd wbea you get s hat sr bonnet mads by her yen got one thst is tssty od in styls, Albsoy ladies should call early and leave orders. Take Ayer's Pills and 1m eared. Misery it a mild word to describe tbs sufferings of body and mini, caused by habitual constips tiao. A moderate nse of Ayer's Pills will in variably regulate, the bowels. Tbs young ladies of the Congregational society will give a Donkey social snd sapper Friday evening, Sept 23rd. Every elWt will bo made to mske it sgrsnd success. Further particulars will be given later. Albany mou who do oot advtrtise in the Dkmoomat, which reaches most of tbe people of the city as well as those of tho county gen erally, have a 'tro'fexampie of what is liable I A. A-It 1 . it, .Ll . w ioiiow, inareoeot lauure in snia eivj, A partnership bat bssa formed in tbs drug boxineee in this eity between Mr F. W Lang don and Mr Use L Blaekmao, who will con tinue the business at Mr Lsngdon's old and popular plsoe. Ths firm is a stoag oae. Last Monday Lee Kendall was arreeted st Halsey for stealing twenty bushels of wbest from Edward K ay ton snd tried bsfors a Jary, Assistant District Attorney Mootsnys con ducting the prosecution. Kendal! was foand "oot gailty Under a Itte law passed by tbs (Jrsod l.odgs of Oregon, I. O. O. r sathortsiag tbe merging of two or more lodges Into one when they so desire, Aooiveresry l.odg. No. 13, ot Salem haa been mVrged inteB '1 emeketa, No. 1 of thst city. Ths Albany Collegiate Institute opened last Monday with a good attendance, most of the old stod-nt return irg with several asw ones. Mrs 0) 8 Pollock has char je of ths primary department, sod is well spoken of as It looks very much a if s couple doctor a a I bought oat the Portland papers. We wouldn't mind selling on the same system for tea oats a line. A newspaper like every body else kas to make hay waite tbs son shine. A splendid line of a-roaeriee ad crockery ware at Conn Brothrre, also everything freeh to farm prodaoe. Tbe best brands of cigars snd tobaccos. Good gooda at bottom price-. hat ia their role. Call on them for your groceries. From Mr L B Luper, Secretary 6f tbs aogant Braae Band we learn that Prof J A Sibbetta. of Portland, formerly of Shedd ha bssa engaged by thai baud as teacher sad ladr for the term of one year, to c ommsoce tbe 26th of the present month. Mhaoe Si Lmwy' n stock of (foods are H'f, and it 1 a lareao l well ISlSOISSl os-( Ailing their counter. A oner tins of dry goods is rare'y found. Of ooorsssoo will call an 1 e tnsoj. which meant that yoa will boy. No trouble to ebow goods. I .set rVtday at Hepoar.Joo .Norman-! n waa shot and killed by Bruce Lobinsoa. The forn. s intoxicated snd it ia thought jutitiri Be'nnsoa in shooting him. Kobinaou was a or mer resident o( llarrttbur. wbr hi ha esraral relative residing. A Normal Business Collet ha jutt been nod ia Walla Walls, W T . with sever si important features attached to It Prof J P Mubbietield. recently of IxrOau o, i tsashsf of peaotauship, and be has ao?.e'od with hi 11 two ) ouug men of experieoap. Mr m diTi-isTT pseSarl Tuwa.tay avieaw by the Common Council after January !-, 188S, all wash bouses and laundries a-e to excludt-d from First street, ietsrnsn Wash iojftnaod Baker etreet. There are two es tablishment toat will have to move. Canker humors of svery description. whether in tbe mouth, thiost, or stomach, are x pelted from the system by tbs ue of A vera Saraaparilla. No otUer m a . a . a a m a a n ' compare wttn this, as a cure tor an aiea originating in impure or impreritbs I bio . I The attendanc at tbe Stats fair ha been a a e a Kl. Uo l oecday none meo nan a surprise, ths trotting race, Blsokwood, who sidd lowest ia tbs pools, won ths raos with much One man made $1530. Tom Daly won tbe runnui.- n 0 on Monday au I Tuesday. Tbe Portland Mercury shows how tke Na bobs of that ct'.y are dodging just taxes by all manner of tncksthousan-ls of dollar going untaxed. Men worth hundreds of thou- t omy pay taxes 00 a tew thousand doi- lars. After sit it u trie poor man who pajs the taxes. Report comae to us that Mr McUhee, who keeps the Hweet Home toll gate, snd Mr Mo- ma. - . 1 aa a a a Kin non, who lives oa we ton road, nau a difficulty tbs other day. when MoKinnoo struck McOkee with the butt of s whip, cut ting one ear aearty off. Mr Motlheo was ia Alianv ycsUirday for the purpose of getting oot a warrant for MoKinnon's srrsat. In accordance with the recommendation of the R R Commission rates oa the 0 St C havs bssa redacted by order of the S I as fol lows : "From live miles and oot exoeedtag ten miles 00 oar lead lots, foar cents per 100 pounds, or $$ s car ; over tan miles sad not exceeding twenty miles, six cants per 103 pounds, or 1 1 '2 per car load. ' We can not bo toi ctrafol, whrn exposed to malarious or raiasmati-: puion, to guard the system at every point against the ap proach so danger 1 a f w. A d-e of Krose'a Hamhuri' lta. Ukeu at interval ot tao or three wuek. or ofteour, will ward oil thi iu sidioas foe, aud keep tta system in ths best possible ondittni to resit', i's future ap proaches. Last Tueidiy Cauulo ii .auolo, stone masons, of Portland, began work on the foun-latbn of the Young Block. The block will hsvo a froiiU of 47 feet 10 inches sad snli be 100 rest deep. 1 nere wm he an eleven foot -ntranco in front, U a ling to each side ot the striv, alo ig the middle of which will run a ro of Iron pots. lo the rear on Broadalbin street will be an outrano into the grocery and oroskery depatt ne it. Tne lowr ssory will be 15 ft high and the up psr one L'l feet. T ie plan iu toe hand. of the masons show a hoe Iookiu oioox, p. am in structure but c-jiivoleto in details. . Stewart A Sm's advertisement in nuother column speaks for itself. This firm has one of the mo4t 0 nnplota stocks 01 hardware, as well as paints, oils, seeds, etc, to be Mima in the V alley. Investigate each item and call for the goods. They have them aud mauy classes not mentioned. It is a Ing advantage to havo a big stock to select from, and ts aiso an item when you oome to settle your bill, because it 1 leas on acoouut. ot it. Always reliable aud accommodating, it is a pleasure or tho Demosr.vt to refer its readers to this ive tit-in for anything m their line. On last Saturday evening at the residence of Mr Sarauol Conn, a reception was tendered Rev and Mrs Webb, 00 their return from the Confereooa at Portland, as a good will oner- ina for their being located here for another .... ... ,1 A,. - ... year, autt their tnirayear, jaesiues me mem bers ef tne O.iureh were many friend from outside who appreciate Uev Webb s worth as a pastoi and man. Alter the sproauiugoi a Iunub, highly enjoyed, Rev Irvine, of the U P Chuioh delivered an a-Mrc of welcome to Uev an I Mr Webhou behalf of the mem bers snd friend, and Rey Rominger offered praytr. Mrs Skeltoo. a mctnoer of the National W, C. T. U., lectured in tho Opera House in this citv Moudav tivetiiug to a full house, oa prohibition. Mrs Skelton, though speaking in a somewhat broken lanauage. being a ua tive born German, is an interesting talker and Dreaeuts many pointed facta. She has addressed (Jerinai audiences in different parts of the State with good effect. It is the 10 ten tion of the Albany league to bold meeting! Monday evenings of each week. A goot speaker will be oa haad ou next Moada; Stewart DKALKKH IN- HARDWARE, Iron, Steel, Goal and Chain. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS AND BUDGIES, WAGON MATERIAL, MECHANICS TOOLS, BUILDERS HARDWARE, ROPE AND C3RDACE, SILVER STEEL STEWART & SOX. PINK. Dr C R Holt, of Colfax, W. T is vUittoiT his parents in thU locality. I (expects to return home next week. Mrs Phillip Rlt.. of Walla Walla, has re cently been vlalting her ider, Mr BR I loll. Mr Fletcher and family returtieii from a vlalt to his father near Boston, las" Tuesday. Ella Thomnson returned laome on Thurs day from a visit to friends at Eugene City J B ilavworth had a lively runaway one day last week causing him a numlicr of bruitct from tbe eflect ot whirl t he still carrica hi arm in a sling. W J Bram well, of Colfax I standing a few weeks In this vicinity In hopes of bene fitting his health. lie to the gocst of his slater Mr AUiugliam. Mrs MAE Smith w!toe !oue was burned about ten days ago is having consid erable difficulty in getting the Insurance. Tbe company only offer her $740.00 of the $1 500 tor which the bou-c and furniture were insured. A daughter of Rev I P Allison is visit ing him at present froia Eastern Oregim. Mr Allison is preparing to move to a farm near Muddy Station. The IJorcas Society met at Mrs Getchells one day last week. Mr and Mrs Nolan, residents of this local ity, were unfortunate, etc , enough to lose their babe by death one day bast week The child had been ailing for many month. Mr Nolan lias returned to hi urveying contract at t'matllla. D W Allingham, wife and daughters were visiting relatives near here last Sun day. They were on their waj home to Camp Pols. Messra. Fletcher and Wilcox have renteS the farm now occupied by Allingham Bros , who, in turn, have rented S G Thompson's farm ami will take poeion the 1st of next month. Judge R S Bean, of Eugene City was In this vicinity on business one day last week Mr Jones is busily engaged in building his new house. item uiram Simhi h i occn umaing a new straw hed. Fortv bv hIv.Iv feet are llic dimension,. - I lop picking began veterdav. I land are rather plenty, Mr Purdy having engagetl mors than he can accommodate with work Mr Ooidron and family started to Silver ton this morning on a visit to his parents. Suppose they will take in the bta'e I-air. For Sale or Beet. Farm of 106 acres six miie eat of Al cows and calves, I ban v. Aio 4 horses, 2 binder, I wagon . 3 plows, 2 sets harness. i buggy and. harness household furniture, etc. Call at tarm prior to met. icth. W. W. Crcwder. Thrifty people will appreciate our v. lass and prices. RaoriSuD V Buo vsui, BORN. RHOAUES. On Monday, Sept.iuh, 157, In this citv, to the wife of Thos Rhoades bo v. MAHKiED. OCO N N ER SCH U BE RT On Satur- day evening, September 10th, 18S7, at the residence of Mr Fred Mueller, by Rev S E Davis, Mr Edward O'Connkr ani Miss Emma Sciu-dkrt, both of Albany. Mr O'Conner is one of the owners of the Willamette Packing Co., of this citv and Is also one of the surveying party on the O. P. while the bride is well known as Al bany's most enterprising milliner for sev eral years. 1 he Democrat, as well as many friends, extends the happy couple its congratulations. 1 1 AFFEN DEN DECLARK. Tuesday, Sept. 13th, 1887, in East Portland, Mr. Charles Haffenden, of Portland, once a resident of this ity.and Miss D sClark, of the former place", were uniteti in mar riage, and On the same day, passed through Al Ivanv for the Bay, on their wedding, tour. Mr llaffenden is now engaged In a large grocery store as clerk. ROBE RTS MAR KS Wednesda v.Sept 14th, 1SS7, at thrf-tdae nlltr Tas Murks, Center Precint, Mr Edward C. Roberts, of Shedd Precinct, nnd Mis Liz iK Marks, the accomplished daugh ter of Mr Marks, and niece of the Ulam brothers of this city, were united in mar riage, Kev Mcvjibney, of Lebanon, rer- forming the ceremony. The Democrat unites with mar v friends In extending this worthy young couple Us congratulations. LUDKRM AN WALLACE. Earls last Wednesday mornina Mr Ckoku 5 Lvder 51 aw and Mrss (Jkoeoia WAH.A('8,both of this city, were united in marriage at tbe residence of Mr. Carl Luderniau, Rev. E. R. Pritohard ofboiatinf. The happy cou ple left on the morning train for t.he State fair. Ths Democrat extends co igrstttla tious. MED. THOMPSONOn Sabbath. Sept. nth, i887,ln this city, of cholera morbus, Ione, daughter of Rufus Thompson, aged 6 months. CR0SSEN & ALLEN, ' -av. PEOPBIETOBS' Albany Truck and Dray Co., No, 1. Gooda handled with care and dispatch. Estray Notice, Dan pony, 5 years old, black str pe onn back, black rosne snd tail, horse shoe brand on riaht hio. new shoes ail round. jostnear Halsey, Any oae finding same WM confer & f.vnt lav nrricinff ma at (JekVlilO Iff & Sox, BARBED WIRE, BLACKSMITH'S SUPPLIES, POWDER AND SHOT. BLASTING ANO CIANT POWDER, PAINTS AND OILS, CARBEN AND CRASS SEEDS. Out Saws, The People's Cash Store. SOBER THOUGHTS FOR REASONING MEN ANO THINNING LADIES. Ilftl Qaesti-nna.-Wbere la Al bany 1 the fcoal plane to boy sen la for oasL? Echo has loe answered 'Where.' Bat SHANE& LONSWAY Have at laat aa we wared sound, with a certain They bare romovsd their Luaiasns to tbe store forun rly oceupie-i by Fax, A '.)., wbars they earry a msnasnctb stock of Dry and Fancy Boods, FarnisMng 003118, Millinery, Boots and ' Shoes, Oleaks, Ste. w don't propone to wiite an inann'ot adverilsment qaotlojr prioo of gooda to mis! sad tbe public We wil give yoa prionsnt oar counters thst will be, tossy the least, start! log. Wo don't intend to sell you Cabot brio a coat as a bait, and cheat on something not so ft miliar. We anil to all alike and mark all goods in pi. a far viot'Bus. Wo have bnt oxe Psion, a-id that the lowest. Most ruercbanta have '"IS." I Rock" i.rc w, but ws got ours in "under, lbs bod rck," an J new our customar want to know what wo am rei'iagon, ?bat qutstton la a niotxa n toQiotie It is tho first disover of tLat ragion. Wo way n t auecooJ on oar SHADE 9F PROFIT plan, but we swing out H- pa, taking for motto ou Faith snd EXCELSIOR Remember we make a epecislty of tit.f imported Velvets, Plushes, Silks, Our great stock nf Domjidlo Good will save many dollar to sensible bouse ki p ers who wUt trad ssclu.ioly with oa Table LinensJapkinsJowalshBst- ings, Muslins, Binghams, iway Down. Flannels and Blankets at M Prices. Ho siery for tiio Million. Ribbon and Lacs Separtments Overstocked, Our Millinery Department embraces very novelty invented by Dame Fashion, with Miss Fountain, at its head a San Francieco art int. If yon Bend milfiEory go to tbe Fountain Head" lor it. Wo have been driven Into tbe Boot and Shoe business by ths Importunities our easterners and again bring our long 03 in that branch of business into activity rgsln. We are gu)t t.v tha Wnnamaksr Clothing House of Phiiadlephia. Ws sell all goods for adi or produoe. )mrt Go in bvht t We will pay yon TO your wheat on trade, cents a bushel for SHINE & LONSWAY, Ore I tana ITrssu s Jfiaaiourg Tea. ' i -