ALBANY OULLEBUn INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1887, 1888. firat Tern Opens ertaktr issfl A tall corps of lnatrnotorv CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Oourawe of Hudy arranged to mott the of ail grade of aludunta. Sfrcutt intucemmts ofortd to stuJeMt Tuition rmiK'" from So. 50 to 8l2.Sv Board tn private femi'iec at tow rulea Room lr Mil boarding at email catenae A careful supervision exercised over eiu desta away from home. Fall term opens (September 7tb. For oireulara and full particulars address the President. BBS. BLBKBT N. COXOlT Albany, Oregon. BOSTON MILLS. Having vain asanmed poaaeaslon of the above mtHatShedd, we hereby giv kocloe that we will rvostv hat anci grind it for one eighth or take H In exchange Th flour will be equal if not bettor than that of twenty yesre ago, Wm Simmons & Finley. Notice for Publication, Lani office at Oregon City, Or,, August 8th. 1807. Nnit. I r b gjiveo that the folio v ! new ri i ttlod notion of hla on i, final proof in r-upporv f at hat aid proof will be " -J j. ('.unt Judge or Clerk of i. nu , r., at A bany. Oregon, on l iifi-o e ihiuImt 27t h. 1887. vie: Kara . yhi: mo. . ii mr.iii eutry. o, 1 i 8 Tp 128 K 1 E d t 0731 fur the Willamette fo ' win wltreae to i and V A X I Hud . v i i m- and L t hi . n Puat ( tnce, VV T Mrjawi'T, K-giMter. otice Iuj Publication. ii llli " at i, gou City tu . I J ii v 2?ad. IW7. I b cl'iht the foil" Uel la it . vl imi'iv of h u mIii' thin v r"of in Mippoii nu that ku proof will b m ' i nut - Judge or Count nu .- iinty, Or., at AP any, Ore- H'K I - ItlN D i L i UitV.1 t lira o g u thirMl a : ;. o t J Mntmt ii ' Hind Kn :. -i lis iS oeptrSBBwr a, I ton. i nil of i uoruv . a ii ed ktome 47 MM lite X of i l K Mi e names the following wiiii- to pr vt- her own and her dwuaw I hnataiKt'a continue oua r-iJfiiot BpOB, aw. cul. ivalion ad said and, viz : U Prey. J. II Lawis, T. Weddie and J Pi- nana, a1 1 of Mweet Home Poat Office. Llun county, Oregon. W. T. BCHMBT, Bafjtatsr. . Conrad Meyer. -PROPRIETOE OF- STAR BAKERY, Comer Broadalbin and First 8tg., -DEALER IW- CaauexJ Fruits, OlaMware, Dried Frail. Qaeeuware, Vegetables, Igara, Cofleo, Etc,, El, In fact everything that la kept la a gen variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Oregon Pacific Railroad. 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME. Accommodation u nan rpaawad for com fort and safety. Fares and freigbta via. Yaquina and the oregn Development Company' 8teamhlp much leea than by any other route between all p tnte in the Willameue Val ley and Hn FranciMW. Daisy fiumtmger trains rxcrft Sundays. Lear Taquina. 9:00 A.M. , Leare mr, 1:1ft r. M, bears Corvllii,ll:42 a.M Amu Albany, 1 1 . i .. a. a. liaa flaraaasj l:Mr, a. ArriT Yaqoina, 6:46 r. a Oregon and California trains connect at Albany and torvallis. Faio between Cor val lie and Albany and San Franciaco : Rail and Cabin. 14.00 Rail and steerage, 9 00. vra. m. umAV, General Manager. C C. M4Ct E, A. O. T. aedP. Ageat, CorraUU, Or. Oregon Developement Co. Firat claaa Steamabip line between Y-quioa and Han f rancicco connecting at Yaquina with the traina of the Oregon Pacific Railroad Company. MAILING D AT EM . vaoa ta(ji ima W. 8turi, July SOtb K. O., Thursday, Aug. 4th W. V., InceJaj, Aug. 9lb B. O., Bondsy, Aug. Hih, T. U.. Hm-ardmy, An, 20th W. V., Tbsraiay, Aug. 26. B. 0 TtMtday, Aag. 80th nou uam raavciaoo W. V., Friday, Aug. 6th. E.O., Wadoalay, Aug. 10. W. V., Tueaday, Aug. 16. B, O., Hunday, Aug. 2 let. Y. q.. Saturday, Aug, VI. W. V., Tkuraday, Map. 1. E. ()., Waaaceday.aap, 7. The Company reservM be right to ehange nailing day. S It TOBY, Cm. T. and P. Agent, tM MoetgeaMrySt., Ban. Frandaoo, Vmi. OVEFLAKD TO CALIFORNIA -,YIA- Oregon & California R. B, AND CONNECTIONS. Tan mt. an AST a boltk. GMMeanuactioni made at Aahiaod w th atagaa, of tba Otlitemia, Orajf-a .nd Idaho Stag Company only M Mllea mt ataglng. Tiro botwaan Albany and 8a i. Fiaeotaea, U bour. oaLiroaau Kzraa4a Tama eaar. m . i i i . . &"o'-h Worth 4.00 1. u. I Lear Portland Arrive 10:40 AS 8:05 r u Leara Albany beara T:06 a m JO A M Affly Aahland baava 5:40 r M IjOcal raaaaireaa Tauaa daily (except Sunday). ScOO a M Laava Portland Arrira I S:4iTa 1140 r a j Leara Albany Leava 1 11:85 a m ijiOra lArrire Euraee Leara 0 XX) a u UKAL PAMKKOBa TRAINS DAtLr. B10 r m I Leara Albany Arriva j 5:45 a a 8:60 r m I Arrive Lebanon Ixave J 5:00 A M 11:50 r a I Leave Albany Arrira 2:45 r a 1:W pm I Arrive Lebanon Leara 8:00 r a PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. dally betaratn Portland and Aahland. TheOaSdC B B Perry make connection with all tae regular train on the ret Mid DirMaa fi of Ktreri. Weill IMe M vial en. BETWEBv POMTLANB AND COBVA1U. aAlii igAia daily fssajpt Sunday.) 7:a a m Leave Portland Arrive 0; i'ft p m H:5 r i Arrive' Orvtlli Lear 1:80 r Bwaass TtiAiira daily (excrpt Sunday .) 4:50 t M 1 Leare Portland Arrive I 0:00 a m hM r a I Arri- e KcMinnville Laye 6.4S a m At Albany and C rval!i connect with traina of Oregon Pacific Railroad Par fall InformatUn regarding rale, map, t., eall on Company' Agent. R. XOBHLBB, E. P. ROOBRS, Manager. O. P. Paaa Agant. CHAS. H. 00DD & CO. Front, First audi Hne St., PwtUmd, Or. WMOL.KBALP OlAUIMt IN i i i HARD- rrT WARE, i i r 9 , AND SI FARM -MACHINERY. aole Agaata fur Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho fur the BUCKEYE REAPER AND MOWER, w igaiaa re too well known to need nd apeak of them with prates. that will give onUroatAaaaeUou to ineparsaaaav MILLER'S NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRESHER, PHCENIX STRAW BURNER ENGINE, The moat Effective and taoaaaml Combination for Threshing sad CUanlng Drain ever Constructed. BUCKEYE STEEL . FRAME TWINE-BINDERS. features that dittlacnlah thta Twine-Binder la tot Lightness of Draft, combined with tut Extraordinary Strength and Durability. The Binder la of the AppU by pattern, the only really enooeeaful on yet known. We have two atylea. the Elevator Binder and the Platform Bladar-both exceuent-both tswanmandart by hondreda of patrons. Prank B. Sprague, Tweedale & Hopkins, -DEALERS IN- Hardware, Tin and Cop per Ware, Pumos, Rub ber Hose, and Plumbing Goods. ALBANY 0IEQ9N. Citation, In IJU County Court o like StaU oj Oregon for Lkm Cosaty. Ie tie matter of the estate of Charles H Cmei, dec i To Samuel II Prather, Mattie Prather, Elk abeth Halet, Mary Keen. Thomas Prather, Crocia Prather, Ssmael Prather, Archie Prather, Mattie Prather, William Prather. Carrie Prather, Amanda Fline, Elisabeth Loek ridge, Thomaa Prather, Char lea Prather, Phillip Prather, Samuel MareatBarton Marea, Charles Hayes, Mar tab Turner, Elioor Prather, Edith Weitlake, and to all othera known and unknown, tntereated to said estate if any such there be. Oreeting : IN the name of the State of Oregon : Yea are hereby cited and required to he and ap pear in the County Court of Lion eounty. tn the State of Oregon, at the Court Ho nee in the City of Albany, in aaidoounty and State, on say, the 6th Say of ftepreaeeer, 1SS1 at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of aaid day, the earne being the flret judicial day of the regular terra thereof, to-it : The September terra, 1887, and than and there abow cauae u an exist, why an order of aale ahould not be made, directing and licena log J L Cowan, Executor of the last will and testament ot Charles ri Cowan, deceased, t aell all the right, title and ictereat of the asid Charles H Cowan, deceased, both in law and in equity, at the time of bur decease. of, in and to the real propetty hereinafter do -acribed, aa prayed for in the petition of the aaid J L Cowan, Executor,ae aforeesid, which aaid petition is sow on Hie in the County Clerks office io Linn county, Oregon, which aaid real property u deaenbad as follow, to- it : The east half ot Section Z in 1 S. 11, 8 of R 3 west of the Willamette men Han, in Linn county, Oregon, the came be ing the original donation laud claim of Mar garet Jackaou, and the keira ef John M Jack eaar wr - . aaaa aon, deceased, not, no. dUWJ, containing acre, K,o.-e or leia. Also Iota No. 1, 2, 3 and 4, in block No. 108 in Hackleman'a ad dition to the city of Albany, Oregon. AU Iota No. 5, 6 and 7 to block No, 107 n. Hackleman'a additon to the City of Albany, Oregon. Done by order of Hon J J Whitney, lodge of the County Court of Linn county, State of Oregon. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my band and affixed the real of aaid County Corn t this 2nd day of August. A. D.. 1887. L. J. P. Oalbbaith, Clerk. Published four weeks in the Stawje Kicirvs Dkmoobat by order of J J Whitney. County Judga, J. C. POWBlL, Atl'y for Executor. Wood working machinery, anal tin j, pal lings, belting and etc., at half price. Inquire of C. L. Brash, foot of Lyon Street, Albany, Or. NOTICE, Notice ia hereby given, that the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, will, on Wednesday, tb 7th day of September, A. D., 1&87, at one o'clock, p, in., resolve asiled bids for a contract to build fifty rods of rock and dirt road, commencing on the east and where the planking com mences so Bearer Slongh near widow Ray's and run west over the ground where the old Braver Creek bridge now stands a distance of fifty roda, by taking the flooring off the old bridge and laying it on the ground erose-waya aa far aa ft gags. Then use fir poles tba mat of the way until the whole fifty rods of g .eun In length is covered, Then cover thiu with rock at least twelve inches thick and ten feet wide Then pet dirt and gravel about three inches thick on the rock, There shall be two culverta In aaid rock road. The first one about ten roda from the starting point or east end of the eld bridge. The second culvert to be about twenty-three roda from the east end of said rook road. Etch of aaid culberts to be made sufficient width to allow teams to pass. Done by the order of the County Court this 4th day of August, A. D 1887, J. P, GAltBtAfTH, Clerk. THE STATE FAIR meets at Salem, Marion Oouaty, Oregon, oa Stptmnixr i. j, j, 6 and n, tSSy , IRON, i i r STEEL I i i comment. Thouaaada of Farmera have oge They are the only Jiarveauag aaannaa BohutUer Tvm Wagons. Deere Piewt, Deere Sulky Plowa. Cook Oo.'e Oar rlagea. Phatona and Top Buggio. Four Spring Mountain Wagons, Buokhoardt Superior Drtlla and Seedera, Oorbin Disc Barrows. flodges-Halaas BiBd0tS Haiah Barbed Wire. SEND FOB CISCULASS. Agent, Alb any, Or, CURES ALL HUMORS, kcaiy or Meagl MB la, eaiaied by bad Mood are Iter, I Bwelltaca, Ii7 taloataWai Wtl weiitnsBs itip. Joia Ptasasa u i un, uoilrc, o niuraea Cilaaela. IIIubS Ooltre. or T Bleat BcaaBBJa with oof BBBi Daaaaa. thu trcatlex on Buruf 1 1 fotai A ffrtloes, IbOOa If TNB iMrSP wamsltby using BMr. riereea lesu aviseovery I Beat to lta. vital inir as in. v aTSBwaaa coast ltu tie o, will ttm bo whkb la acroraloas Bjoaga, u) promptly sad esrnunly ana curcn oy tine ixxr-giyen rrnw-iiy. wtokx uanmaaprrujpowerrvaT etnatcd nmedy to tbo public. !, thought, aerloualy cf caJlloa; it hla aw aa ptlonCnrebnt atndoned t SB too limited for a medicine which. pSccal. and nntrttlve not only as a remedy hags, but for all UMKUIHXU DTBKASEl or ma Liver, Blood, and Lungs. Tf yon fee dull, ?rrway, A aaUryw color of akin, or y liow r.n face or body, froquit boa neaabad tasto m n-.iitb. in aihmMlnawith hot flanlvk aa -rs coated tongue, you aro euffering fi fastlj on. uyape pais, ana xorp srysaspsia. ana Torpia 1.1 ver. or aiiiioaaaeas. Jn many saaat only part of tboae eymj, rr rirrv rt.wiel. Aa B remedy for all such msea, 9r. Plsress uoiaoB saoaicai Discovery cquai. FurWOBatl, aTaortnsse of inn, ftp It ting off Blood, I lireath, Broac tails, be, Coasnsaptloa, and Severe Cow a: ha. t'oumnBilna. WnAred affectlooa, it le a aov. reign remedy. a?4 n9tfL.m "'"C. "r. PtsyseS book oa Oonaimptton. Bold by Ifrogglats. PRICE $1.00, gVafSTSS! Proprietors, B58 Main U BctPAbuv Jf.T. oayM aXCritw PILLS. AJfnBlXIO7S and ATHABTIO. Bold, by Brnsglsaa. oams a vat $500 REWARD Is offered bv of Dr. aase'a Cavtarrb for a eaae o f oatarrh whloh they cannot oum. 1 f you have a discharge from wlanoeaflL htW" "r wS WawaaaaBBa a4BBPSaaA w prmmm m neau. you have wanao caaa orrmmaxn m Ir. )Wl i !at AJtnrj VrVl and ar in fao vi prcottaeae. Dpp is the tae of the pressat aeneratloa. It is for He cure and its nltewBsnta, SJIeB Head one, Conetlpatlon and Ftlea, that Ms Pills tsnvs ao famoua. They art anaadllv and arentlv on the dlseativo oraa. alvf a ttoern tests sad vt .,.. . - lani later sod. No griping or a ajar So Bold Everywhere Office. 44 Murray St., New York. Notice of Administrator's Sale of Feal Estate. Notice is hereby given that, under and by yirtue of an order of sale duly made aud enteral, of record by the County Court of Llnn county, Oregon, In the matter of the estate or T. La Porter, de ceased, the undersigned an Administrator of aaid estato, will, on Mnturday. I be lat day ef October. 187. at the hour of one o'clock, p. m. of said day, at tbo door of the Court House in Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for gold coin, cagti in hand, all of the right, title, interest and asUte of said T. L, Porter deceaaed, at t he time of his death, of, In and to the following described real prep erty, to-wit : Lots h, ii, 7 and 8 in Block' 12 iu the town of Halsty, Linn county, Oregon, said aale will bo made subject to confirmation by said Court. Albany, Aug. 17tb, 1887. W, J. Stiwart, Administrator, LZCTRIG BELT BbstMajxI DUw a it nre4ntt twtsn'm noynni eptr- a meted il taken risJflB laaaffB HP 9 latarrn. CD OOBBL HMnriBrtiit'daK. VPWsHatS laiyaaajdBMeajBaas mm rXtwronle FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 1887. WaaBjhinyton. (Prea ear ragaar mrrssyiasssi) Washimoton, D. C, Aug. 15th, 1867 Bx-Congresainsn Brady, one of the Re publican leadera of Virginia, was In the Capital a day or two since, and being at altea and serene with little Billy Mahone, the Republican hose of that State, Mr. Brady gently submitted to an Interview In which he gives aome interesting Informa tion regarding thejpolltlcal situation In the Old Dominion. He says that Mahone In hit mad desire to make every other Inter est subservient to his amhltloa to return to the United States Senate, has alienated all of hit oldjleutenants, including such men as Senator Rlddleberger, Ex-Governor Cameron and two of the Republican Con irrettmen-elect-eo, that only listless apathy and egregious Blunders on the part of the Democrat can secure Mahone' return to power from The Mother of Presidents. That piece of monumental folly and pet Republican measure, the Biair Educational Bill, has been sat upon In the house of its friends, or what was supposed to be such, for the Committee on Federal Affairs In the New Hampshire House of Represen tativea, by a vote of seven to three, was laid on the table resolutions endorsing the bill. And this from cranky Senator Blair's own State and party t "That was the most unklndest cut of all" worse by far than the Democrats could give, Secretary r airchlld, a few days since, dismissed a pair of Republican cterks for consuming a portion of their valuable time during office hours in abusing the Demo cratlc party one of them being a brother of the brass-throated G. A. R. howler, Gen Grosvenor, Congressman from Ohio. The ycirelarv well says that he thinks it too r e ar ood in the Administration to keep Rc mblicana in their places.but.that indecent criticism of the Democracy should not be permitted. The sentiment of the able and popular young Secretary of the Treasury will find a ready echo In the hearts of thou sands of Democrats, with the wish that there were more Falrchilds in the Cabinet Secretary Whitney it pushing forward with the earnestness and enthusiasm char i tcut it of him, his efforts to re-hab!titate the American Navy, having Just awarded 1 he contract for the building of two gun boats and three cruisers, after the most approved designs, and with such iron-clad test as to speed and capacity that full com pliance with these conditions Is guaranteed. Another commendable action of the Sec retary la hla continued refusal to furnish any funds for the repair of rotten hulks like the Monocracy that were Inherited from the late Republican regime. Two Republican chief clerks of the In. terlor Department have reaigasxt during the present Administration the successor of the last one not yet having been chosen. I trust Secretary Lamar will be able to find some good and worthy Democrat for the position. It Is a fact.perhaps not gen erally known, that with a single exception, every chief clerk of a department under President Cleveland's Administration, Is a hold-over Republican, although those places are not under ctvll-service rules. Why this Is thus, I have, aa yet, been un able to discbver.but. It "overcomes me like a summer cloud." In the Washington Police Court the pre liminary trial of the Crawford fornication case, which I have heretofore mentioned, sftll drags its stow length along tike a slimy serpent, owing to the fact that It must give way each day to the regular routine of cases. There was s most exciting scene in this scandalous case ; one of the defen dant's counsel told the Judge that the United States District Attorney had said to the two associate counsel for the defense, that the Judge would decide the case in the Government's favor, regardless alike of argument and evidence that, in fact, be had pre judged the case. This statement the Judge had reduced to writing, and as the venerable Jurist read the charge in open Court, his anger and passion were so overpowering that he shook like an aspen leaf, as he denounced the arraignment "as a false aspersion upon my character. "Then the District Attorney and the opposing counsel had an unseemly wrangle the former affirming and the latter denying. I fully agree with one of the defendants lawyers, who, in a towering rage, declared that the way the case was being tried was a disgrace and an outrage on all concern ed in it." PBICI OF PRODUCE. It may be a matter of some Interest to our distant readers to know that hay sells readily in this valley this year at $15 per ton, and $1 per bushel is offered for new wheat, and $1.50 per bushel for rye. No oats has been marketed yet, hence no price has been placed on this cereal. Flour is worth $7.50 per barrel, and Crook county has not produced enough wheat this year to bread its people even at that price for flour. New potatoes are pentiful in the market at the present time, and are selling at three cents per pound. Other vege tables are high in proportion. But the people must eat, hence they purchase. Prineville Nwm. President Cleveland has accepted the invitation tendered him by the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Library t American Philosophical Society, Franklin Institute, College of Physlcians,Law Aca demy and Historical Society to attend a banquet in his honor on Saturday evening, September 17. In the afternoon of the same day the President will attend a ban quet tendered him by the Hibernian Socle lv. Miss Murfree (Charles Egbert Crad do:k) is small, with big eyes that look big ger when she has been lionized till she is pathetically tired, and is dark haired. She does not look like an invalid precisely, but is evidently far from strong. She is very simple, natural and straightforward in con versation, modest to a degree, in spite of an amount of adulation that might have turned any woman's head. Personally the editor of this journal favors a prohibitory law, and has no hesitation (having had personal experience in the workings of prohibitory laws)in saying that where the moral sense of the community will back up the law it will prove to be a good one, but where the people are careless about it, or cannot inforce it, the tendency will be to licentiousness and debauchery. Grants Pass Lnvr. THE MCUWUMPB IX IBM. It may well be that the Mugwump having given the Republican party a fair trial, proposes to do the same now with a Democratic President. Such a courae would do much to explain the difficulty which the Republican editors find in ac counting for this action. It might be said that the Mugwump has not borne half as long yet with Mr. Cleveland as he did with the agencies that were demoralising the Republican party. But, beyond this, we are Inclined to hold that if, in spite of all President Cleveland's faults, the Mug wump stilt loves hi in more than he loves the Republican party, the Republican party has Itself greatly to blame that this is so. The Mugwump has seen fault In the President, and he has frankly stated them, but when he has turned away from him in search of better influences and better men In the Republican ranks, he has utterly failed to find them. The Re publicans have not Improved one lota since the late Presldentai election. On the contrary, they have gone back on many points. Since that period the country has had front them Southern educational schemes, profligate pension bills, tentative trials of the temper of the country as re gards taking taxation from whiskey nd keeping It on the necessaries of life, and the concomitant train that attends them. Even when there did appear something like light in the bringing forward of a statesman like Senator Sherman as a pos sible candidate for the Presidency, Mr. Sherman hastened to abnegate his claim to statesmanship by Identifying himself with some of the worst points of this pro gram, and adding to them the sectional Issue In lu most repellent aspect. A STORY Or BISHOP SIMPSON An Incident showing his gifts is related by his uncle. Late one Saturday night he arrived at a town in the mountainous re gions of Pennsylvania, where he was a total stranger. The next morning he made his way to the Methodist Church, and accost ed the pastor.telling him he was a brother in the ministry. Simpson being extreme ly awkward and plain in appearance, the pastor was half Inclined to omit the cour tesy due a brother preacher.of asking him to deliver a sermon. If he inquired of the bishop as to his name he mast have failed to catch it. for he certainly had no idea to whom he was speaking. His request for the stranger to preach was therefore ex. pressed in the most formal and constrain ed manner. The stranger readily agreed to fill the pulpit, and the pastor's chagrin was evident, as he resigned himself to his fate. The bishop preached one of his pow erful sermons, and everybody in the audi ence whispered to hi neighbor, "Who is he ?" Before he had taken his seat, the pastor Bad him by the hand. "What did you say fyour name was P "Simpson." -What ! Not the bishop r -That is what they call me." The minister instantly sprang to his feet and shouted, "You have just had the privilege of listening to Bish op Simpson. Let us sing, 'Praise God from whom ait blessing flow.' "Frtm t Am rum Mmgmjtimt fr Srfletmmw. OkKAT EXTRA V ABA JtTB. Bsopus paid for a singte dish Saocxcoo, Caligula spent for one supper $400000 Ilellegabalus spent for one meal $100, Luc nil us usually paid $ tooyooo for a re past. Mesaeta gave $x,ooo for the house of Antony. Lentulu. the tooth saver, had a fortune of $17,500500. The philosopher. Seneca, had a fortune of $12,500000. Casar .before he entered upon any office owed $14,075,000, Tiberius, at his death, left $118,1 a 5.000, which Caligula spent in lets than ten months. an ente rtainment.gave An tony a pearl, dissolved In vinegar. It worth $40,000. He swallowed it. Antony owed $1,500,000 at the Ides of March.paid It before the Kalends of April, and squandered $147,000,000 of the public money. Croesus possessed in landed property fortune equal to $8,000,000, besides a large sum of money .slaves and furniture. The people who are the he were of wood and drawers of water are told that our very simple tariff system is too intricate for their stupid intellects to comprehend, so that they have nothing to do but He still and permit the fleece to be shorn. But the question of tax reduction is up and will down at no man's bidding. The people will press the issue and keep it uppermost. The ballot is the weapon of free men, and democracy itself, entrenched as It is in the hearts of the great majority, will longer ignore this issue of overtaxation at its peril. The output of cotton goods it the South em states has increased from 153,761,298 yards in 1880 to 303,988,384 yards in 1886, or one-third. Since 1880 49 cotton facto ries have been established. The great in crease has been in the capacity of individ ual mills, and there are is said.over thirty under erection and projected. As a rule the very rich men are not those who build up a community and create homes. A single business man full of life and snap and enterprise, who is not afraid to talk and talks sense, and knows how to advertise, is worth any doxen very rich men, who usually only take advantage of other people's booming to increase their values. Groceries. While looking after your supplies in the above line, don't you forget that N H Allen A Co. keep groceries, and don't yon forget that yon can get jus as much sugar, tea, oof fee, riee or anything else for a dollar aa you can fet in any stoie in the oity.and all of the bast quality. Call on Allen A Co., when you want groceries and remember they never al ow themselves to be undersold. Still Baying. L. Senders is buying horses every day and can be found at his residence in Albany. He bakes all horses suitable for the market of 1000 pounds and upwards. Pays cash down. SOU n ' One of the great need of this country is more people. At least two of our coo tempo arses agree on this fact in about the ame language. While referring to the subject we would like to remark that the tramp ele ment should be excluded, we are not cryio for him, nor for the man who expects to n xx dollar pieces on every corner ; but men who baye muscles and brain and know what economy is. HE WAS GREATLY MiSIaKEN, A Maryland CkeinM Hnekoaed V? It boat ttla Heat, I live In the mul! of the malarial dis tricts of Maryland, near the city of Washington, and amt-rpmcd to all the dangciou mfiuertces of the impure air and water of that region. Being naturally of a utrong consti tution, 1 had freqaeBttf boasted that no i lull- and fever or other malarious complaint would ever trouble me. This was my experience ;uhI the con dition in whidi I found myself six months ago. I first noticed that I did not feel no sjrrightly and vigorous as was my wont to do. I felt tired and enervated. Soon ( noticed a distinct and distressing bark ache would make its appearance in the afternoon, in creasing in severity if the exert ise was more than usually violent. Then a stretchy feeling with profuse) gaping made its appearance. Then my head, always clear as a hell, would feci heavy and I began to have headaches. The cold stage was marked with chat tering of the teeth, severe rigors passed over me, and no amount of cloth log could keep me warm. The chill was succeeded in tutn by the fever, in which I teemed to be burning up, the con gestion in my head produced a violent pain in the frontal portion and a heat ed sensation of the eyelids, with an in describable aching of the lower limbs. Nausea and vomiting occurred with severe retchings, and when the parox ysms passed off 1 was thoroughly pros trated by a weakness that syaj fcit in every part of mc. I drugget) myself with quinine, and obtained some relief. But my respite was of brief duration. I wa now so much reduced thti I could hardly walk or stand upright. aly disease soon culminated m .-. tax tinned m tl.triat fc ver which ke;.: si 1 !..! confined foi about a week I .. nu 'hngl) depressed .m l m 'am hoiy, so much so Hat 1 lot tiiu-ict in my work, and, mdeed, scarcely cared what happened to inc. During all this time, it must be un derstood that I did not neglect medical treatment. All the most powerful remetlies were tried, such aa liquid ar senate of potash, valerianic of hon, mercury, bromule of potassium, chlo ride of bismuth, chinoidine, chtnehoni dia, cpiininc and aeveral others. All this 1 did under tin; advice of eminent physicians. It was while I was in this deplorable condition that the claims nude for K&sktnc, the new quinine, as a specific for malaria, were first brought to mv attention. I knew nothing of its value to justify my having any confidence in it, but as everything else had failed I deemed it nfy duty to try it, so I began its use, and its prompt and radical ef fects were of the nature of a revelation to roe. Many people may think the statement scarcely credible, but it is a fact that after only a few tlays use of Kaskine all the leading symptoms in my CBte were decidedly abated or ceased altogether; and in a few weeks from the time 1 took the first dose I was cured. Thi was about the first of January, and since then I have experienced no recurrence of the malarial symptoms in any form. A remedy of such ex ceptional virtue for the cure of malaria ought to be commended and univer sally made known. I have therefore urged it tiKn the attention of my friends, several of whom have used it with like good results in every case, and it is with the greatest pleasure and sincerity that I commend Kaskine to sufferers from malaria everywhere. Respectfully yours, J D. Mian. B.A., AaaMtaot CherolM Mary n r.. uiimal CeUage. P. S. Should ant one wih to ad dress mc as to the genuineness of the above letter, I will cheerfully respond. Other letters of a similar character from prominent individuals, which stamp Kaskine as a remedy of un doubted merit, will be sent on appli cation. Price $t.oo, or six bottles, $5.00. Sold by Druggists, or sent by mail on receipt of price. The Kaskine Company, 54 Warren St., New York, and 35 Farringdon Road, London. 11 EOT ANGULAR AND BARREL IS, CHURNS. The largest stock ever carried in Albany and will be sold at lower prices than for merly. We want all butter makers to came aad sot them. 81 B W ART A SOX. TJAINTS AND OILS Of all kinds, mixed ready for nae, kal aoratne and aiabaattns nruabsa, etc . for tale cheap by Htbwart A Sox, Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City. Or., 1 Juiv list. 1887. Notice ia hereby given that the,following named settler has n led notice 01 bis in tan tlon to make final p-oof in support of his claim, and that aaid proof will be made before the County Judge or Couuty Clerk of Llnn eaunty, Oregon, at Albany, Ore gon, on Tuesday. Sewteatber 13th. 18?. vix : Dudley Hadden, Homestead Entry wo. 4717, ror tne Jbota, 0, s, 7 and 8, or Bee. 22. Tp, 9, 8, R, IE. He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, aaid land. via: J. Priohard, 8. Prichard, J. Barry and J. Shelton, all of Jordan Peat Office, Linn eounty, Oregon. W.T. Burn st, Register. Hotice for Publication, Land Office at Oreaon Oitv, Or., July 22nd, 1887. J Notice ia hereby given that the follow ing named aettler ha filed notioe of bis intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that aaid proof will be made before the County Judas or County Clerk of Linn county, Or , at Albany, Oregon, on Thursday. September 1Mb, IBS?, vix : James H Lewis, Jr HoraMtead Entry No 4268. for th h of the N VV X of see 26. Vp 18 n. R, l E He names the following witne ato proya hia continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, vis: O, Prey, J. Ptokens, . W, Pickens and T. Waddle, all of Sweet Home Post Office. Llnn onuntv Oregon W , T. BtraarBT, Register. HINTS TO HOI HKKKHT.R. Ink spots may be taken out of white goods by soaking and rubbing thr pot in milk. . It is said by SOSpe housekeeper that the addition of a little vinegar to the water in which tough meat i boiled will have the effect of rendering It tender. The white of an egg, beaten to a ntlff froth, whipped up with the juice of one lemon and taken half hourly, will relieve the hoarseness aud soreness of the chest. Window and mirrors can be made to shine without long polUhir ' artcr iir, ng are tnbired washed In hot oat drvwlthit iieu-utian.r f , , . Warm alt water inhaled through the nostrils will cure cold and catarrh. Bathing the eyes when tired or weal, in warm alt water will soothe and strength en them. Many women find themselves afflicted with rheumatism, but never think to look In the cellar to find the cause. ''If 1 cauldn't have a house with more than two rooms in it," said a bright lady, as hc was examining some architect's plane, "those two should be a bath room and a piazza." And then, no doubt, she would want three closets in each room A great convenience in the bath-room or about the washstand is a splasher mode of enamel cloth, with two or three pock ets ; the edges should be bound with scar let braid. The pockets are useful for holding brushes, soonges, etc. A cement to be used to mend rub!er boots and shoes is made by dissolving rubber cut fine In benzine. This cement It is claimed will firmly fasten on a rub ber patch. In a recent letter to a dally papers cor respondent states that he has made twenty-six trips or fifty two tours across the Atlantic, and every instance except the last, suffered very much from seasick ness. On this last trip, he had with him a rubber bag, twelve inches long and four Inches widc.the mouth of which was closed by an iron clamp. This he filled with small pieces of iceotnd applied to the spine at the base of the brain for half to three-quarters of an hour every morning. It had a most soothing effcct.and he enjoyed every hour and every meal. i o Drunkenness or the Liquor Habit Positively Cared by adr&l sitter lag Br. Haines' Golden Specifie. It can be given In a cup oi e&fl or tea wtth uui tin knwwlrSge o the pru taking lt to aWitulHy harmieas and will effect a perrta- nitt and speedy cure, whether the paUeut a rtxwierale cnnaer or an alcoholic rmt Tnouanda of drunkards have bn made tem perate men who have taken In their coffee without th-.r to day believe they auit drlnkliur of free will IT NEVER FA I I s The sru onee impretnaUed with the Mpeetse it becomes an utter irepoaal Willy tor laeltouor appeUte to ettot. for full partieulars, address GOLDEN BI'ECIFIC CO.. 1H& Race at.. 1 iaelaaaU. O. Sheriffs Sale. Ik Circuit Court of tkt Stair of Orrg m for 1 ho County of Linn. i P Schooling, Plaintiff. YS. T S Thompson, Defendant. NO'l ICE is hereby given that by virtse o aa execution and rrder of aale iaaoed out o the above named Court in the above entitled action, I will on astaraSy, the lath stay f Sepfeaaher, I,aa9 at the hoar of one o'clock, p. m., at the Court House door in the city sf Albany, Lint: couMy, Oregon, sail at public auction for oaab tn hand to the highest bidder the real property heretofore attached in aaid actum aad deaenbf d la aaid execution aad ordnr of aalees follow a, to-wit : The sooth half of the northeast quarter and tne east half of the aoutheaat qoarter of Section 'JO and the south half of the southwest quarter of 8eo- tica 21 and the north half of the northwest quarter ot Sec 28, all in Township 13 south range 2 west of the Willamette meridian, containing three hundred aad twenty acres, more or leea, together with all and eiogolir tbe tenements, hereditaments and appurten aoeea tbereuato belonging or in aoywiae ap pertaining, lite proceed arriMng from the aale of said premises to be applied, first to the payment of the eosta and dtabaraementa of rait taxed at the aura of B.T3.") and accra tag cists, aad the tarn of S35 Attorney's fee. Next to the pay meet to She PiaintitTthe som of B&A.45 with interest thereon at the rate of ten ptr ent per annum from the 28th day of June, 1S87. Dated Aagoat 4th, 1887 D. S. ssrrrH, Sheriff. SAM MAT. B. SBHDBJta MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General Hbrcnanaiu HARRISBURG - - - - OREGON Will bnv Graii, Wool ami til kind. CoBHtry produeff. BEAST! Mexican Mustang Liniment Sciatica, Scratches, Sprains, Strains, Stitches, Stiff Joints, Backache, Galls, Seres, Spavin Cracks. Contracted ' Muscles, Eruptions, Hoof Ail, Sorew Worms, Swinnsy, Saddle Galls, Piles. Boras, Scalds, Stings, Bites, Braises. Bunions, Corns, THI8 GOOD OLD STAND-BY accomplish for everybody exactly what Is claimed for It. Ono of tbo reasons for tho great popularity o t the Mustang Lialmect a found la Its universal applicability. Ewyixdy needs such a medicine. The Lumberman needs Hincaseot accident. The Hensewtlb needs It tor ganer family use. Th e CnsaJe needs It for bis teams and ha men . The Mechanic needs it always on Bat worlt bsaoa. The Miner needs It hi ease of oaaxBSBoy. The Pioneer noedstt-oaatget along without It. Tba Farmer needs it la bis house, hla stable, and bis stock yard. The Steamboat man or the Boatman need 1 it a liberal supply afloat and ashore. The Horse-fancier needs it IS Is his best friend and safest reliance. The Stock-grower needs it it will gave him thousands of dollars and a world of trouble, The Railroad mas needs it and will need It so long as hla life la a round of accidents and dangers. The Baek woodsman needs it. There to noth ing Ilka u as aa antidote for the dangers to life, limb and comfort which sorroond the ptcastr. The Merchant needs it about his store amouit ato employees. Accidents will happen, and when these come th Mustang Liniment Is wanted at one . Keep a Bottle in tho House. Tls the best of economy. Keep a Battle Is the Factory. Italmnedtot se Is case of accident sarea pain aad loan of wags. Keagi a Battle Always in the Stable fei' B when seated. How's Your Liver? Is the Oriental salutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. When the Liver ia torpid the Bow els are slug&sh and con stipated, the food lies in tho stomach undi- fssted, poisoning the lood; frequent headache ensues; a feeling of lassi tudo, despondency and nervousness indicate how tho whole system ia de ranged. Simmons Liver Regulator has been the means of restoring more people to health and nappines by giving them a healthy Liver than any agency known on earth. It acts with extraor dinary power and efficacy . NEVES BEEN DISAPPOINTED. Aaaeeneral family remedy tor DyMpepsIa, Torpid Liver, Conatlpatlon, etc.. 1 hardly ever use anything elae, and bave nver heen dlajiM,lnted In the efliyt prodnoed : It seems to be almont a porter core for all Qiacasss 01 me Miouiaun nnu itowcia. W.J. McEluot. Maootj, Oa. Notice for Publication Land Office at Oregon nty. Or.. Angut 19th. 1H87. I Notice la hereby given that tbo follow ing named eeUler has filed noteo of bis Inten ion to make final proof io aopport of bis e aim, aad that aaid proof will be md - before tbe Ooonty Jode- or Clerk, of Lion eounty, Oregon, at Albany, Or,, oa TaesBsr, SSrSeber nth. IBffX, viz : John VV, McUee. Homed J entry Wo. 4678, for the V of N V and N of 8 W X of Meo. 32, Tp. 13 S. R, 2 K. He wans as tbe following wttnatisa to prove bin uontinnona reaidenoe upoa, sod eaiU vatl n of, said land, six : W Howes J H Gaaaianner aad L K Brooks, af flaest Homo Postoffies, and J A McGbse, of Al -bany Post.ffioe, all in Llnn eounty, or. W, X. BtJBVB, O at Ysatav avion ss al 1 SIB dirrrt to all Telle ordtr. tautex rem tae eat, sbrtmSx, reus wtta. laaeti xavsubu will mall a It oE 10 eta. to of mining. Let mm Sxesv yu. Wsaaesitrsity, rVfONTGOMERY WARD & CO. -'7 ev IM W Avesae, 1 MANY LAMP CHOnfEYSABB offered for Sale represented ob good aa the Famous BIT THEY ARE NOT! And tths all Conaterf elte lack the Stcmatrkaihls LASTTXC1 QuaUitlee or thus oEinnw &, ASK FOR THI PEARLTOP And taWM THIS LABEL with vCTBV CHUOEY Pat OrTso; 1883. The PEARL TOP is KaaafactBred OXLY ay GEO. A. MACBETH & 00.. PITTSBURGH. PA PATENTS saAefasa taaaS ia the 0. & rates OaWattaatadedtof.i woppoait tbe 1.8. Patent OaSe. and la ardrmwfo. W ar to ability fr af charge ;siid we make e charge we obtain patent. We rassr here, to the Foil 111 ml m, tbe Stoat, at ey Order Dir. aad to offlefcala ef SheU. B oSJoe. For circular, ad nee, ten eaenjal client ut roar earn State etessata. C. A. SNOW & CO., opywiie ruumn we. wangaw, v Citation. In the County Court of tho State of Oregon for Linn County. In tbe matter of the estate of I M Cooper, dsoassed, To Rebecca Cooper, mother, aad B W Cooper, Joel Cooper, Samuel Cooper, George W Cooper, Livonia A Purdom, Martha A Fruin, uordon Cooper, Abbte Pennington, Jane Bringbam ard INancy Duncan, brothers and titters, aad next of kin aad heirs at law of said I M Cooper, deceased, and to all others known end unknown, wbo have or claim to have any interest in aaid estate. In tbe narre of the State of Oregon, yoa are hereby cited to be and appear in the County Court for the County ot Ltan at the Court House in the City oi Albany iu aaid County and State, on Monday the ftah day ef September, lSS?r at the hour of oao o'clock in the afternoon of said day, the same being a day oi the regular September term of said Court, 1SS7, and then aud there show cause if any exist why an order of aale anould not be made direct tng and licensing George W Cooper, Executor of tho last will and testament of I M Cooper,, deceased, to tell all the right title and inter est of the aaid I M Cooper at the time of hia death, both In law and is equity, of in and to the real property heiein after described, as pray d for in the petition of the aaid George W Cooper, Executor as aforeesid, which aaid petitioa ia now on tile, in the County Clerk's olfice of Linn count)', Oregon ; which said real property ia described aa follows, to-wit : Tho N $ id the IN E of Sec. 85 ; the S of the N E I of Sec. 26 5 the 8 E of Sec 26 ; the 8 i of the NWjof Sec, 28 ; the S W U of Sec. 26 ; and the N y of the N W of Sec. 33, iu Tp. 11 S R 3 west ; thedoration land claim of Samuel Cooper, being Not. Ho. 1191 and Claim No. 50 in Sections 28, 29, 32 and 33, in Tp. 1 1 S R 2 west, contain! g 320 acres, more or lees, aad being ia all 960' acres. Also Lots 6 and 6 in Block No. 2 io the eastern addition to the City of Albany, Lion county, Oregon. The interval of aaid I M Coopsr, deceased, at the time of hia death being an otidmded one-eleventh interest ia fee simple of in and to the hereinbefore des cribed real property : The portion of aaid real property set apart to Reoeoea Cooper aa the devisee of aaid I. M. Cooper, deceased, being described as follows, to-wit ; Begin ning at a atone 6x8x14 inches at the south west corner of the land set apart to E. T. Cooper, and runuing thenoe north 79 90 chains to a stone ; thence west 12 50 chain to a stone 5x1 1x14 inches ; t hence south 79. 6S chains to a stone 8x8x10 inches ; thence east 12.60 ohains to the place of beginning, con tainink' 99 76-100 acres, save and except the right of way heretofore conveyed to the Al bany aud Lebanon Railioad Company. All in Tp. 11 S R 8 west in Linncoanty, Oregon. Done by order of the Hon. i. J, Whitney, Juries of aaid Court. In testimony whereof. I, J. P. Galhraith, County Clerk of Linu couuty, Oregon, and Clerk of She County Court haxe hereunto tab my baud affixed the seal of aaid Court, at oihoe in Albanv, this 19th day ci Julv, A. D., 1887. ii. a. 32satV HAVING