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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1887)
f Iw tmmt Rutered at ths V it Office at Albany, Or a second -olaau mall mailer. FrUDAY AUGUST 20. 1887 8TITE3 & tUltar ana HUTTING. rreprleters. Ptr. NITIINC). Leeel Batter. A. MAN ABOUT TOWN. No matter what kind of garb a man mav wear If he dead beats hit way year after year he deserves to be called by the right name. O The divorce business is not over done here, notwithstanding divorces are granted and everybody knows about it. In San Francisco there is about i divorce to 6 mar riages ; in Chicago i to i0 ; in Minnesota i to 23 ; in Linn county there lias been about 1 to 25 during the last twenty years. When the looseness of our laws is considered it Is remakable that the ratio is so high. Peo ple who t. ilk at random aoout everybody getting divorces should ponder over these facta, O "Culling" ties U an operation that tills tie makers with agony. The M. A. T. has heard several loud groans. Contracts call for 8 inch face by 6 inches, and out thev go when not according to specification. This is culling, and, as quite frequently more than haft the ties are culled the result is not one received with halleluiah's. It makes lots of difference whether it is tSc.xtOO or ifjcxaoa Fast tie makers will pile up JO to 35 . O The If. A. T. hears of an Albany young man who purchased of a traveling lady tourist a can of "Rose Jelly" for his sister. On reaching home he was somewhat crest fallen on ascertaining that he had bought a hex of "Rose Jelly Corn Cure." O To-night Albany people will have an op portunity to pay 75c to hear a two bit show. Oregon people have had double prices put on them until they are getting used to it, the same as they "are to taking ly doses of third-class troups. Oar Coll. At a meeting of the trustees of the Al bany Collegiate Institute held a few even nt since, Rev. E. N. Condit, was elected President of the College, and will at once assume the dutie of the position he has heretofore occupied so long in Albans-.after Btsarly two years absence from the College. Prof W 11 Lee will act as Assistant, and a competent teacher will be employed in the primary department The following pet! t ion presented to the Board is the beat en cordum on it action : Albany, Or., Aug. 11, 18S6. To the Board of Trustees of Albany Col lactate Institute, Albany, Or. : Gextumin : Recosrnbdne the efficient services rendered by Prof E N Condit In the capacity of President of the Albany col legiate Institute in previous years, and be lieving him to be a thorough educator and the proper person to take the control and management of said institute, we would most respectfully request vour honorable body to again elect him to that position We believe that by such action you would subserve alike the best interests of said In stitute. the natrons and the pupils. We are very respectfully yours, h W, R A Irvine, W L Carter, E D Cuskk, Wm H Miller, Julius Gradwohl, J as Ellison, F M French, K F Sox, J G Crawford, A B Wood in, W H McFariand, W E Turrill, If Lampman, G M Strong, GU Piper, W R Bilveu, DVS Reid, J K Weatherford, Curt an & Monteith, J M Irving, D PMaso i, T J StUes, N B Humphrey, N II Allen, G W Maston, C H Stewart, Thos Monteith, 0 C Awbrey, J L Hill, H F Merrill, 1 N Althouse, E D Barrett, C W Watts, John Foshav, J W Cuskk, M Sternberg, C E Wolverton, Shane St Lonsway, E L Power, J II Foster, and others. Harvest Notes. Mr Alf Blevius, of Tangent, informed a Da mock at man that the wheat threshed by his company would probably average 22 to 25 bushels pet acre. Mr Matt Scott, the member of a thresh -ing company, of Lebanon precinct, believes the average of wheat threshed by his com pany will be 16 to 18 bushels for fall wheat and the average for the whole county less than this. He places the fall crop among, the list of poor ones, Spring wheat is much better ; but oats are only fair to middling. One day Mr Scott's company threshed 1O7 acres of fall wheat that only yielded about a thousand bushels. This' would indicate that the 25 and 30 bushel yields heretofore reported by us have offsets. The Demo cr at does not intend to exaggerate. It gives good and bad yields if it can get them ; but it is a fact that people haying the form er are most apt to Itave a good memory. The fact Is the late forsts did considerable injury to fall wheat, and as a result meshes only had two and three grains ; this though was only in sections of the county. A Eight to the Pistes. John Doe and Richard Roe, two brick masons, working together on the Flinn Block, had a difficulty Saturday which re sulted in the afternoon in a small sized fight. They were parted. In the evening they met again, and going to a shed back of the block fought the difficulty out accord ing to their own rules. The fight lasted about twenty minutes and was a bloody one, each being- well bruised up, and one nose be ing broken. It was a draw. After quitting, the dark fellow suddenly e rasped an iron and struck the Swede a cawardly blow on the head, cutting a bad gash. The difficul ty, we understand, arose from the fact that the former was jealous of the Swede, who was laying the most brick. On Monday W K Reves was fined by Recorder Hen ton SiO and cowts for assault with a piece o Iron. Threshing Areldeflt. Last Saturday evening near Scio a son of Mr. A. Mills was standing on a thresher be ing run by Lay-ton St Compton, when in stepping forward he accidentally slipped into the cylinder of the thresher. One of his legs was mashed in a fearful manner, so badly that amputation became necessary The leg was successfully taken off, and th voune man, according to last reports, was out of danger and doing well. Deer H anting. Phil, Wesley, John Baltimore and Fred Blount hunted at Upper Soda last week and killed five deer. They had only just begun to run, and the prospects are that there wil be fewer than in former years. Lafe Wil liams, ot Salem, a crack hunter killed two during the week. Ed Zevssand Doc Conn of thii city, returned the first of the week from Snow Creek with a record of one big DUCK. Wanted, Fiicy c r li uri wo I, at li, uup'.e or fir j (. in c 1 n.) lou. Term , cask oa delivery. A,v y ttiu orlije. There ore 1947 pages in the new Oregon Apportionment tf seats! funds. Following are the several amounts appor toned to each school district in Linn coun ty for August, 1887. Warrants for the re spectre amounts have been forwarded to those clerks only who have tilled their bonds wkh the County School Superintendent, there being only twenty-sin bonds now on file : U 4 a It i as into si in j r M ss si t1 M OS a as n u w it 16 as Sl 1ft 64 t U S6 6 740 ttt 00 66 7T MM 61 17 16 6f 67 19 06 7 73 SS at 67 111 43 40 6S 17 II 96 t 88 7 17 60 64 UtO It 8t Ml 00 46 16 76 11 03 It 06 01 t 10 16 It 07 tt46 ft B0 It 60 15 91 91 66 03 19 0 OS 14 99 1966 64 94 11 90 16 06 9910 06 16 8 76 It 119 7096 90 II 04 17 90 91 16 07 40 14 00 19 60 190 OS ST 19 96 19 47 10 46 60 t S M I) 70 14 60 70 97 19 96 91 31 10 1 71 St 11 SO II 60 1900 71 10 IM tS 90 t ft 79 00 94 16 94 4t 16 SO T4 90 SO Sft 01 11 S6 76 4J 14 70 SO 79 17 06 70 41 14 70 IT 93 11 16 T? SO 1060 tH 69 SO 06 TS SO 910 90 37 1196 70 16 HU 50 tt 9 10 SO SO 91 00 51 44 16 40 11 T6 90 96 59 Tl tt S3 St 41 14 S6 St 31 10 IS S3 SS 19 96 S4 63 1166 04 St 11 66 86 90 10 SO 06 11 SOS SO OS ttTt SO 10 000 87 03 33 64 07 St 1166 M SO 1060 0 tt 19 00 SO 00 91 00 tt 41 14 70 40 40 1010 09 St 13 SO 1 149 61 16 Ot SO 10 60 49 916 76 St tt tt T7t 43 03 II 70 93 IS USD 44 19 It! 94 00 1100 46 tt It 66 06 Of 1186 4t 6 8 76 SO SI 10 86 47 96 8 76 07 tt 910 48 40 1000 00 SS 176 49 00 1100 00 84 840 60 48 UI0S 100 98 St State fund, $t 00 per capita ; County whole amount State fund, tec per capita ; fund, $5,706 00 ; whole amount County fund, $1,007 10 ; whole number of pemon between four and twenty, 5706 I). V. 3. K KID, County School Supt. Klevatloas sad Distances. The 8. P. R. K. Co't time table furnishes the following as the distances and eleva tions of the several stations between San Francisco and Portland 1 Dist Kiev 4 13 San Francisco Oakland Pier ..a .10 .18 .to ,.JJ 33 West Berkeley. San Pablo Vallejo Junction Port Costa Benlcia 9 30 it 13 to Suisun M Elmira 60 Bat. 1 via 6 Dixon 66 Davis 77 Sacramento 90 Junction 108 Lincoln lit Wheatland 130 Marysville US Chico 1S6 Tehama ai3 Red Bluff t5 Anderson 049 Redding too Delta 098 Castle Creek 37 Dunsmuir . . . 34 Upper Soda Springs 335 McCloud 335 Sisson 33 Edgetrood 355 Gazelle 363 Montague 377 I lorn brook 39; Cole's 4O4 Ashland 484 Med for J 439 Grant's Pass 469 Roseburg 567 Eugene 643 Albany 685 Portland 765 It 79 7 54 30 103 67 90 60 93 aaa 43 1138 IMS 3385 3360 3349 3555 9SS 2700 "54 1 399 487 455 J40 5 half According to the above figures the way point is between Montague and Ager's Station, Siskiyou county, Cal., or in the neighborhood of Oregon slough. Meliwain Clothing. Mcll wain's fall and winter stook of cloth ing is arriving. It include the latest styles and is commanding attention, otehts Ohm chill coats. Fiu stock to seieet from. AH goods warranted as represented an i perfect tits guaranteed. REAL ESTATE. Following were the recorded sales In Linn county during the past week I D D Michael to N B Standish.lot 6, Linn county $ 40 4000 3500 5 55 5 S 50 ohn Conner to Anson H Marahall, Block 39, Albany ames Boyle to Acosna bo vie, 300 acres th 12SR2 W 5 deeds dated in i887,con veying 330 acres to J. H. Miller W D Crank to II Cornell, nH, acres W P Couey fo Sarah L C00per.78.48 acres, th 12 S K 4 W F Munkers to W V St C R R Co 2 acres right of way 1 Arnold to WV & C R R Co right of way, 2 acres State of Oregon to H W Thompson, 40 acres school 14 b K a w M Berngan to R Glass and son, 840 acres A fine line of gent's underwear and furn ishing goods just received at Mcllwsin s, will be sold at pnoss that defy 00m pot 1 ten. Be Careful Where Yea Baoke. On last Sunday evening when the through California train pulled up and stopped at the depot in this city, an old man who seemed to have more cheek than good breeding nonchalantly walked into the Pullman car and began to smoke in the presence of ladles who occupied the car. A brakeman who observed the illbreeding of tho old man, politely asked hhn to go to the smoking car to smoke, informing him that it was a viola tion of the rules of the company, as well as that of good breeding to smoke in the pres ence of ladies. 1 he old man took this at a grievous insult and drew a knife to make war upon the brakeman. The Conductor was notified and he and the brakeman took the knife away from the man and by main force compelled him to go into the smoking car. Here the old man showed fight again and the railroad employes were compelled to give him a sound pounding before he was reduced to, a state of submissive decen cy. People who smoke should remember that those who do not smoke have rights which smokers are bound to respect, and if they don't Conductor Young will make 'em. Prof. Powell. Prof. L. J. Powell, whose death was an nounced in the Democrat last week, was 53 years of age. He was born in Kentucky and came to Oregon in its earlier days. He held the chair of Mathematics in the Wil lamette University for several years, was President of the Albany Collegiate Institute, twice elected State Superintendent of public instruction, and in 1002 accepted the Presi dency of the State University of W. T. at Seattle. He leaves a wife and five children. Clearance Sale, We would call the attention of the public to th a f icfc that We havo a fine assortment of lammir :il tail millinery goods which we are selling at oast in order t make room for the wmtor stock. A Call next door north of the Pestolice. Haapjotfully, . aud C. gray let, Soto, Or. Killed by a Hns. Wednesday forenoon about ii:jo Mrs. John Rogers, of this city, was going west along Fifth street, and had reached Lyon street when tho Rust and Revere House buses approached from the depot. She was motioned back by the driver of the former but, and being somewhat deaf and quite aged did not notice tne approach of the Revere House bus, which was being driven by Charley Cunningham, a young man of about nineteen. So she started to cross hist as the Russ House bus had passed. The other bus was upon her before It could be stopped (though, as In most such cases, there is a difference of opinion on this point.) She was struck by the tongue of the bus, thrown some distance ahead In the road, when the large off horse stepped on her head, crushing it In a fearful manner, and the hns pasted over her. Help was Im mediately called, but life was extinct. The body of the deceased was taken to the home of Mr. Rogers In the First Ward, where a Coroner's Jury was called, it returned a verdict of accident by unavoidable death. Mrs. Rogers was 7a years of age, was pioneer of Oregon, and leaves a husbaad, several children, relatives and friends to mourn her death. The family have the sympathy of the entire community over the unfortunate accident, and the loss of a good wife and mother. Nest Week's Karri. Tut u.ces heretofore announced for Thursday and Saturday of next week at the fair ground near this city promise to be as interesting as any ever trotted in this coun ty. The first is to take place on Thursday afternoon.beginning about 3 o'clock and will be between the get of McKnlght Brothers Oneco and Ans. Marshall's Alwood Breeae, It Is for $350 a side and is to bt a test of blood.and hence will be a blooded race. Mc Knlght Brothers have six to pick from and Mr Marshall seven. McKnlght Brothers have named Delco, dam, Dolly S., the other Is not named. $350 was posted sev eral months ago, $135 more by McKnlght Bros, and Marshall's was to be put up last evening This race is attracting consider able attention. The best colt will win. The second race will be trotted on Satur day afternoon between Mr W B Barrow's Oners and one of two colu I cine trained by Mr Shannon.of the Alwood Breese stock, both two year olds, aod is for $35 a side. 1 1 promise, to be a fine contest. Halt far Might of Way. The Oregon Pacific has secured the right of way in this county through all the land along the line with one exception, that of T. W. Gentry, tenant of land owned bv E. E. NK Kinney and others beyond Munkers Station. A tender of $6s an acre for six acres was refused. Suit was brought, and an Injunction obtained restraining the de fendant from interfering with the work of grading on the defendant' land. It was served on Wednesday by Deputy Sheriff Humphrey. Fllnn St Chamberbiin and Wolverton Si Irvine appear tor the plaintiff, and Hewitt St Bryant for the defendant. Wheal 8)1 Per Bssttel Would make the farmers happy aad coo tented, bat it would be no-benefit to farmers to be able to sell their wheat at $1 per bashel if evety thing they had to boy should he increased in price in proportion. Their financial condition is as easily improved in the redaction of the price of what they bay as in the increase iu the price of what they ears to s 11. Any farmer doabttog this proposition will here his doubt removed by calling at Wallace A Thompson's to boy his groceries wb-re a fall hoe of the Met may bo ruui at ttiff .west poanihlt ago ret. Aggravattag, Nothing makes newspaper readers more aggravated than to have an erciting item on some interesting topic end by a refer ence to the beet place to get your groce ries, dry goods.etc. We get caught every day on sucn utile items with the business endings, and sometimes fee! like kicking ourselves because we did not buy our clothing, furnishing goods, or boots and shoes of L. E. Blain. whose stock Is the largest and finest ever offered to the peo pie of this community. I si means Bargains. Standard white shirts. 05 seats : B mm of the Road overalls, 50 cents ; 4 pair of seaov less socks, 25 ceo is : regular price 4 for SO certs, and ether bargsios to match, at A. B. Mcilwsia'a. "Palsy." One of our citizens was walking along the streets the other day when lie struck bis boot against a nail that stood up at least an inch and a half above the walk, and tore a hole an inch long in his new boot. He raited his hand as if to invoke the wrath and indignation of heaven, when a feeling of his utter Inability to express his feelings came over him, and he contented hlmaelfby say ing : "Uh tor the language ot a rairchtld to express my sentiments. His Dry Goods. The fall aud winter stook of dry goods received at Mcllwain's, it a large one, well selected, embracing all th latest novelties, m and in quantity aod of a quality not sarpass ad here. Do not buy without examining Teacher's Examination. The regular public quarterly examination of teachers for Linn county, Oregon, will be held at the Court House in Albany . commencing at noon on Wednesday, Au- Sust 31st and continuing until noon on Fri ay, September and, 1887. Teachers de siring an examination for a certificate be fore the last Wednesday in November next will take notice and be present at the Au gust examination at the time of commence ment as none will be admitted after the hour of commencement and as private ex aminations are practically done away with D. V. 8. Reid, County School Supt, A. U. Mcllwsin has the largest end finest stook of carpets in Albany, new uoods of the lateit designs, a splendid stock to get a oar pet from, oold at remarkably low prices considering quality of goods. The Leading Printing House. Those in need of any kind of printing should call on or send their orders to J. H. Burkhart. He does work better and cheap er than any printing house in Oregon. All work delivered promptly either in person or by mail or express. No delays for the want of material, as he keeps on hand a large stock of all kinds of paper, cards, etc., that he has purchased in the East at prices that cannot be underbid. Send for price list. To Hop Plrkers, White hop pickers wanted by C S Mullen eight miles east of Albany. For further particulars address mc at Albany or see me on the place. C. 8. Mullen. John Day, E O, has a cat with eight legs. Per Bale. One hundred and twenty acres of the best quality of improved wheat land, all fenced into four fields, good house, hard finish, good outhouses, excellent fruits of. all kinds. Situated 3 miles west of Lebanon and one and a quarter miles south of the junction of the Narrow Gauge R. R., with the Lebanon branch of the O. Si C. R. R. Inquire at crtRRKNT KVtNTB. A negro at Santa Roan, Mexico, was liorn In i753,and hence Is u s years of age. There Is no doubt that he is the oldest person liv ing. A Chinaman committed suicide at the State Insane Asylum on Thursday of last week. Canned goods are reported scarce In the East and high prices will prevail. Prof O S Fowler, the noted phrenologist, died on the ittth Instant. Prof Fowler wat In Oregon several years ago. A dispatch from San Francisco to the OrefrwftfN reads 1 The steamer 'Yaqulna City," which has ju4t been undergoing re pairs, being freshly painted throughout, look like a new vessel. She will sail for Yaqulna Bay on the aoth Inst., in command of Capt Bennett, who formerly was her mate. Purs er Landers has been transferred to this ves sel from the steamer "Eastern Oregon." It Is rumored that the Oregon Development Company has two more fine steamers on the way to the coast from the East. Alvan Clark.the great telescope man,dicd at Boston last Friday, aged 83. . Tennessee will vote on prohibition In about three weeks. Several light shocks of earthquake were felt In California last week, Albany It the handsomest city In the Val ley and has advantages possessed by no other, and therefore mutt of necessity be come a great and Important trade center. Persons from the East will be specially pleased with Albany, because, In addition to the beauty and healthful situation and great possibilities for business, it ft provided with grand school privileges the latter fact being an overshadowing recommendation with them. W. The law business In Linn county is much less than it was at one time in the "history of the country. By the 1st of November the last spike will be driven that will bind Oregon and California by bands of steel. It will be a big event for Oregon. A fjOtOOO cannery was burned near Seattle Friday night. The fruit crop was a great failure in the East. A total eclipse of the sun occurred Friday and was seen In Germany and Siberia. A cloudy day In Germnny made observations Impossible. About eight mites more of track laying will close the gap between Oregon and California. As this is mostly tunnels it will take about two months to complete the work. A Dakota man, U W Eddy, has a pipe once owned by Senator Baker, which lie tayt he would not take $500 for. Mr L G Cannon, an experienced railroad man fronutbo Beat has assumed the duties of A UtatmfJcneral Manager of the Ore gon Pacifiqr Nell GrigWy, of Jackaon Co., committed suicide Saturday because his girl had gone back on ham. Salem's new fruit packing factory began budncsa lat Monday. It has nearly 30,000 huaheU of apples purchased. Master Workman Powder I v ha an Im mense backbone. Prof Morris, who was in Albany the first two weeks In March was recently married to a young lady named Meserve, of Colum bia county. She was his affinity. Poor girl, to be the affinity of such a man. The taxable property of Klamath county amount to 1,011,010 according to recent assessment. A Tacoma man says hope will be 30 cents. The run of salmon in Neshegak Bay Alaska, has been remarkably great. LaGrande has four hotels and tour res taurant, all doing well. A Pike county, IIL paper has the follow ing to say of "Dick Harcrator f -sheriff Wktdnaifter made a very oulck trio to Baker City, Or., to bring back Andrew Hamilton. being absent a days and 10 night. Hamll ton was readv to come Immediately with him. Those who knew Hamilton before he left recognized him readily. He las been visited bv a great many people since his return, lie feels confident of proving a clear case of self defense ami expresses himself glad of a chance to get the unfor tunate business off frrftn his mind. A saw mill is to be erected at Mchama, at a coat of about $80,000. It will be on the line of the O. P. in tlds county. ( omssoM Ceeeeil . Tuesday, Aug. 3rd Present All officers and members but Wtrtarnan and Marshall. The committee on Streets and Public Property recommended tliat the extension of Calipooia sewer asked for be posponed for this year, also ' hat O Si C track on Water street is on proper grade. The matter of a sewer on Seventh street was referred. Also of sewer in blocks 1O4 1 1 1 and us H's addition to Albany. An ordinance regulating Chinese laundriew and excluding them from First street, he l ween Washington and llakcr, was read twice and referred. Also one relating to construction of sidewalks. Also one rrferr ing to police. The matter of insurance of No. l's En gine house was referred with power to In sure. The following resolution was presented and adopted : Unsolved, That the (J 5t C railroad is hereby reoulred. within ten da vs. to move place and build its switch on Water street to the place and line on said street designated by an ordinance granting the right of way to the O Sc C Co, and to the Willamette Valley Si Coast Railroad Company for rail road purposes. Licenses to sell liquor were granted Mon teith Si Huffman and J A Gross. Street Commissioner was directed to pur chase 4OOO feet of lumber of Eli Carter at 10. Chief Engineer was instructed to purchase six dozen hose washers. Among Onr Kx s J. F. Moore recently returned from a trip through the Willamette valley and Y equina Bay, and returns satisfied that f tine vine as a business center is far ahead of any of the towns he visited. He says he aaw some fine grain growing In the valley, but none so good as a Held of wheat on S. R. Slay ton's place on the Ochoco. -Ochoco Revurw. Our hop growers are getting impatient waiting for white pickers to come to the center. Their crops must be saved and there are plenty of white people who ought to ptcx to save them without importing a single Chinaman, but if contracts can not be mode very soon it will have to be done, and then you will hear the usual growl about the Chinese taking work away from needy white people. fcugene Register. L. Martin has sent to Portland.Salem. Al bany and other places tome of the finest peaches ever received in those places, and has had orders for more of that sort of fruit than he could procure this season. The purchasers say the peaches are much su nerior In quality to those received from California, and the fact that Ashland peach es bring higher prices than those from Cal rfornia is pretty substantial evidence of the uth ot this claim. Ashland Ttdimgs. The Rarest of Combinations, True delicacy of flavor with true efficacy or action, nan been attained m the famous California liquid fruit remedy. Syrup of Flea, Its pleasant taste anu beneficial ef fects have rendered it immensely popular. vox aaie oy rosnay at Mason, mi. - - - S 1 1 Letter List. Following is the list letters remaining in lbs Pas Offles, Albaay, Una county, Orefoa, Aug. 25th, 1887, Persons calling for these letters muni give She daks on which they were advertised : Berry, Thos Campbell, M las Msggle Duncan. S B Kvorett, Heidi, K J Gilbert P Goldsmith, I T Hunt, A B Hill, Daniel Uixen, Jaane P Holeberg. Joe MeOregor, Murdoch McDonald, Allen Hots, C Reed, Leake Shsdden, H C Thurman, Geo U Tucker, K t Taylor, Miss Mary PK1NTKTON. Princeton, N. I Aug. 13th, 1887. Editors Democrat : One of the most pleasant hours I spend each week la occupied with the news from nomc,the principal source of which Is found n trie columns of vour paper. And, as I rttvd the corresKndence and local ltems,and even the advertisements, and note the changes which a year has brought to Al bany and Linn county, and observe, at this distance, the signs of unmistakable progress, I am glad. And as I still claim allegiance there, the thousht occurs to me that the claim would better be asserted, lest, on a return some future day It be denied, and your humble servant classed among the 'newly arrived" from other parts. I his much done,perhaps a word about this coun try may not be uninteresting to some of your readers. There is very little of natural scenery in the Willamette Valley suuuestlve of New ertey. To those long accustomed to the mountains and forests of loftv evergreens so familiar to Western Orcgoniant, a level or slightly rolllne country like .Southern New Jersey appears very monotonous to the eye. an i-sonncrn part 01 tne state is varieu in that It has mountains , the tallest of which, lowever, would appear very Inconsiderable f placed beside the Cncade or even the Coast Range. The temperature at the place from which we write has varied during the last year be tween 10 below xero and 105 above zero In the shade. The fall and sprina are not unlike the same seasons in the valley there, while the winters are colder and the sum hotter. The present summer has been marked hy unusual and continued heat.and excessive rainfall. In conseiiueuce of the teat the seaside and mountain resorts have drawn large crowds. The hottest days are followed very frequently bv very violent thunder storms and showers the like of which we have never seen.evcn In" Webfoot." The produce of this country does not rary n klnd.gfeatly.from Western Oregon. There is lets In quantity of everything, excepting perhaps cum and peaches, and mosquitoes, the quality of each of which Is also excel lent. Of other fruits and cereals that coun try undoubtedly surpasses this In quantity and quality. Metliods of farming here are not more advanced than there. Oram is generally stacked In the open Held until late in the fall when one steam thresher does the work of a whole community. Some grain was destroyed this season by continued rains. Farms here are usually small and are kept scrupulously neat. St uhble-fields are worth less because of the care with which grain 1 removed. So far as I can learn, farmers in this region are practically free from debt. Aside from the larger cities, business is not so. brisk as in the West, and articles manufactured in New York.N. J. and Penn. sell as cheaply In the smaller towns of Ore gon as In places of equal site In N, J, ThouHh salesmen here, as elsewhere, vow that they are selling at costs plus transpor tation charges. Some people are very credulous about the West, and connect the representations of Buffalo Bill's Wild West with eyery day life. In the West This I often a source of great amusement- Princeton Is a place of inleret,conidered from an educational or historical standpoint. Hwre are manv land marks connected with men and events of national Importance and world wide tame. If of Interest, Mr. Ivditor, notice of these mav he taken at some future time. Very truly yours, J. i. C. Prof I'arno, of the Ceswervatery of Me- aod Miss Hal lie Parrish, the pip uslr soloist, will give a eoaeert at the Opera House in this city, on Friday evening. Sept 2. under the ausmoee of the Albany W. C T, U. They will be assisted by Mrs. Par vtu, so able eloeatioeist. and local talent. f.hrUSON. The Lebanon grist mill Is now run b Ben Cleever, who is receiving consider ah wheat and manufacturing a superior quality f tour. Dr. Hope ha been walking on crutche, the result of hrtng thrown from a horse re cently. Mr. John Carroll ha opened a restaurant here. Miss Julia Thayer Is building a new res! dence in the northern part of the city. A hall with a capacity of juois being fitted up bv Andrews Si Hackleman over their store. Prof. Gilbert's new hav press, which he invented last year, is proving a fine thing. Quite a number Lebanon men are work ing on the O, P. beyond the Santiam. Uuauieu In this city promises to be good the coming fall and winter, and in anttdpa tion of it the merchants are laying In Large atocks of good. This Is a good trade cert ter,one steadily Increasing. MHKOD. Warm weather. Fruits of all sorts a failure. Wm. dates, of Brownsville wa In the city last week. R. Kent, of Sweet Home paid us a p!eas ant call a few days ago. A hack load of folks went from lie re to the show at Albany on Monday evening of last week. D. C. Currie's small patch of spring wheat yielded 30 bushel per acre. Prohibition is the main talk of the time. A gentleman in this precinct who was formerly in favor of the Amendment, is now opposing it, on the grounds that a tern - perance man of Halsey precinct insulted him on the gi anger question. 1 nis gentle man will now oppose the Amendment. Heselatieas of Condolence. WukkEas, The Supreme Architect of the Universe hat teen fit to remove our be loved brother, W. A. Everts,from our midst by the hand of death, therefore, be it JfetlYtW, That recognizing In this, the inevitable decree of the Grand Matter of the Universe, to which we mutt all with tub missive reverence bow, we realise that hit genial presence, his able counsels and his perfect hrotheriy example wm never oe ten In our Lodge room again. Rctoved, That this Lodge has lost one of Its mod worthy members.who labored earn estlv, for the good of Odd Fellowship, his widow a kind and devoted husband and the community an upright and peaceful cltiaen ?r'.W?W, That this Lodge be draped in mourning and that its members wear the usual badge for thirty days. Risolvrd, That these resolutions be spread upon the Lodge records, a copy furnished the widow of the deceased brother and the press for publication. J. F. McCartney, H Reams, J. G. Senders, Committee. A Hood River fisherman caught 351 are trout in one day. Albany fishermen invited to surpass this story. Wall Paper, Shades, Etc. N fl Allen & Co. keep in stock a full line j of the above goods, including a fine assort ment of decorations for teahngt, which they will sell at the lowest possible prices, we have now iu transit one of the largest stocks I of these goods ever in this market. Thrifty people will appreciate our values auti yricoa. R sun eld St Brown at t. Syrup of Figs. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co-, San Francisco, Cal.. It Nature's Own True Laxative. Thin pieaa ant California liquid fruit remedy may be had of Poabay A Mason at fifty cents or one dollar, it in tne most pleasant, prompt, and tfleetl ve remedy known to cleanse the yMem ; to act on the Liver, Kidney", and Bowels gently yet thor oughly ; to dispel Headaehea, Colds, and Bevera ; to cure uensupauon ana tnuareu HOMK AND ABROAD. Cue I nights. Fit your sidewalks, i Y M French, jeweler. Some people talk too much. The beet harness at E L Thorn peon's. Prineville is to bare a Nstionnl Bank. S O Barrett's circus is coming this way. H Rwert, practical watchmaker and jew eler. Attend the races next Thursday sn-I .Satur day. Yaqutua Bey salmon appeared in market Monday. Is year wheat insured ? If 1. it call at II F Merrill's. J. P. Wallace. Physician and Surgeon, Al bany, Or. Drummers report business good thrvagb tb Valley. Oregoa codes au new be hail in two vol. umes for f 13. A pension has just been granted 1) H Meed of this city. The man who knows what wheat is worth it a very smart one. Candidates f.,r county efibes sre heard of. Flection uest Jane. Pre J ace of all kinds ttkea in tauhsngo at Shane A i.onswsv's. W II Klnm has been appointed Post- msster stSodayilte do to Shane k Lonsway' for all kiuds of millinery and fancy goods. Uetneinlxir Shsos St Lmswav are nelline dry goods at very low prices. Farmers, insure your e-raiu at Merrill's Agency, call aad get his rates. Mr II W Cundifr has been lying dangerous- y HI at His home to this city. Six shaves for a dollar and a eU eii,tiwef te every customer, at Tb. Jones. Before yeu insure your wheat uct rates from H P Merrill. Albany. Or. w av 7 0.kt cures rheumatism, ueuralgia and o dhsabt. Koebey A Mason, Agent, ttssors honed, set aod oat iu erder at Jones Shaving and Hair Dressing Parlor. The Portland AVitu is now an abler natter tbaa tt bat ever before been iu its history . According to a recent censas Meattie has s M.pulatton of 12.107 and Tacoma of 1,922. A cigar aad oeofecti unary store has bees opened four doors east of the Ksvere Hease A team belonging to Mr Whiteside ran away in Una city M mdey. Damage, nominal. F M French, agent Singer Maonfactnrina ..opposite Odd Fellows f empts, Albany, Or. Dr. M. II. Kllis. ubvsutan aad snrsrann Air any, Oregon. Calls made in city or ooaatry. Wheat was 81 cents iu Han Franeaaee WedoeWay. That will dampen the Albaay Oar rusticating citizens are returning from eeeoaa and mountains. Too anai.v to keen track ef. Do you want glass and crockery ware at cost. If so go tt Thorn ... u St Waters. Browosville. All styles of boots aod stoes and a lare attest of groceries is what we carry Uedtield .V Hrowosll, Do you want dress goods of all descriptions at cost. If so go to Thompson St W star. Brownsville. Prof MofClroy. State HctW Saoerintou dent, will attend the Nstional 0 A R at St Laii. nest mouth. Allen Parker's new cannery began busi es Yaqutaa Bar last Monday Toe ran tl fash is not large. Da you want ike Mason aad ITooi berry fruit jars at cot. If at g te Thmnptm St H aters, Brownsville. We take the oma, the customers take the bargsios, and the bargain take the cake. Hedneid A BrowneU. Do yea vast to save sacoey li o boy your Fall and tt'ioter goods from Thompson St If a tors, Brownsville, Fahroey's Celebrated Blood Cleanser for sale at Deyoe St Robseo's end Read Si Brown -ell's, P J Belu more, agent. Beery will be a walking edver ttsi.eut for ear bargain when tbey eeeoar prices. Redfteld tirowaeU. Oue of N U Alloa A C e prise tickets good for 5o 00 a dollars worth ef goods purchased at the new Secood Head a tore. Mrs Chat Keruee, ef this city, has entered her flue Inauguration Colt in the three year old race at the coming Huts fair. Benny Cieland, son of John Cielaud. who bas been very iow from a prolonged stuck of typhoid faver is now cou vales 000 1. Mr. Seraok hammer, the well -known man ef irrepressible good u store, has the thanks ef this ofMee fer a doe watermelon. Or Beckwith has opened an office over Oradwobl'e store where bit patrons Will find him when not professionally engaged. On Thursday of last week Cashier Chaos berhun purchased the John Powell property in the Third Ward, paying $1600 for it. The meeting of the Frets Aatoeittton at this city in October already promise to be a yery lotereeting as well as successful affair. The oldest pioneer of Oregoa is said to he I. .1 I K T . ... jean napusie warmer, wns lives at r lore bos, Lsue county. He came to Oregon in 181'j. The proposed O. P, depot at this city wil' be the finest in Oregon, it ut to be a perm- sneut affair, brick aud probably have a hotel. As a thorn gotta up into the head of a drunkard, so doth the loose nail iato the foot of a pedestrian on au Albany sidewalk Conn Brothers are agents for the celehrat ed "Red Utter" cigars, ttrictiy Havana fill ed, the best 5 cent cigar in the nai ket. Try one. Balaton Cux, C irvalhs' grocer, runs a two column ad in the Ubauou ICxprts. more tbaa any local sdvertiser. He know ho to advertise. Another shipment ot ladivt doe shoes in til widths snd slats iut in tiiu week. ;utoaa ert remark what perfect beauties. lUltn ld St BrowneU. Don't fail to call aod see our tiui school suits for tbe boys. Something new and nobby snd at bed rook prices. Thompson Si fraters, Brownsville. Should you desire to cell your property call on Burkhart A Keeety at they advtrtise property placed te then bud, and charge notlnug uuless they etTeot a hale. A r inevili0 man iu Ah.viya few days ago purchased $50 worth of g mU of an Albtuy mftreliust because he hid lao struck by his advertisements in the Democrat. Send B irkhart 4e K- a uamta an I sv' dresser of friends desiring infucm tUmi nf Ore Jon aod they wilt . i them copies ' be (fxtt iJitu '' 1 .V.U-. 1 itt.i't-. iet plete ditcriotioti iif ette ettttj t aadN issue As a mad man who cattvth firebrand, ar rows snd death, sots ho, who, walking along unconsicous of approaching dsrger, Mtteth his foot agsiust au uprising berl t the sidewsih and fal.'cth headlong to the r aiud Thursday of lest wuk, at To rear, t.ydia Deaycr, ngnd 'Si, was struck by u engine and kuoohtni tmmty-hve feet. N bones were 01 ic't. It was a ntrrow escape from death. Stewart Si Sex, of thucty, carry the finest stock of hardware to he fouud ainoag the Valley cities. Biug rolitble, enterprising men, they are dob.g an inireiiiugly lar-e business. We'll Fargo' express office has been min ed into the Western Union felegnioh otf just north of the Democrat offi ;e, on Km id. albin street, which by the way seems to be destined to become the late -al business street of the city. If you desire to possets a beautiful com plexion take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It cleanses and purin'cs the blend, and removes blotches and pimples, making the skin smooth aud clear, and giving it a bright and healthy ap lake it this month. A most enjoyable picnic was held on the f rounds of Capt W N Phillips, across the Villamstto. last Friday . It was under the auspices of ths W kVC . basket iu nature and was attended principally hy membars of the Corps, who reported a fine time. The beat medical authorities acknowledge the value of Avers Pill, prescribe them with the uiuKXit "confidence, as ths most effectual remedy for diseases caused by derail gemots of the stomach, liver, and bowels. Last week Conn Brothi r , of this c ceivad four hundred caus of fiae im tender and fragrant, cured in a scientific manner. People wanting an excellent tea "hould call on them for this brand. Messrs Foshsy Si Mason, druggists, sre selling Wisdom's Rohertine w holenale snd retail, and giving beant do) picture with every bottle. Positively the most pe feet and harmless aiticle of the kind in thetristkit J Oradwohl ha w of the be t fo I 0eigbt baking powders in the market, gatran' etnetly pure, sstiefaetion eiiaratitind o money refunded. Sold 00 its merits. M. (iradwob! hat tried it aud knows it it at rep resented. 26 cents per one pound MS. Trsde supplied at wholesale prines. J O.-a iwohl. sole agent, Albany, Or. Last Saturday Mr Ans fi. MaMftjafJ chased Mr John Conner' rsidenci pur prop ertyinthe Pir tWard, paying fdOOO for it. Mr Conner recently parens sed a fu tidsorne residence in IWtlsud and will move to that oty at otioe, wber- he will reside iss tbe fu ture. One of Albany's ol fivst residents it is with regret we see him leave a oity his name hat ao long been identified with. Fifty men passed up towards S wm t Home Wednesday on their way from Portland to the mountst ns for tbe purpose of plaoiug the W VAC W rood in a better condition, ia feet so it can be used much earlier s.tii later in the season. Among other improvements will li severs! bridges across streams here tofore forded. Tbeeeare improvements that should haye been made sometime age, Oa last Saturday Mr L Senders wan ttking a ride out to tbe fair grounds in a cart drawn by a rather tprightJy horse and when near the fair grounds, the horse bogan to kick and try te run Mr Senders reiewi the horse in towards a fence when one shsft broke sod the emi tipped over spilling Mr Sender out. Toe horse came into town with tbe csrt op side down, about an hour and a hsli ahead of Mr Senders. Senders said be wmi't hurt st oil. The Daum-RAT acknowledges tbe recepit of a ticket to tbe "Annual State fair which meets at Salem, September 12tb, IS87." Tbe nswociation since iu organisation hsi never failed to accord this favor to tk unti of Oregon, and it is one daly appreciated, as when need it saves solid silver and makes tbe editor feel as if he bed received tome pay meat for free adrertislne. Aa not done much pnfRag this year we publish an adv. in another colnmo, as we do not want something for nothing It will be several weeks before the wsgon road investigation going on at Salem ia com pleted. The whole tbiag involves 2,'2'J0,(J0t' scree of land. Of this 701.5O4 scree art. along the Uhanon road, which extends from Al heoy to Washoe Ferry. Malheur county, a distance of 447. 8 ,,!,, and 80ti,4f 'i acres atoog tbe McKeazie route, extending 42) miles east from P.agene. The qneetios of whether ths roads conformed to the g yern inHirtnisoGi is owing thoroughly to vestigated. Everybody wishes to tee jui justice dose, wherever the ax falls. The Centennial Kxbibitiou elicited the fact that American watches were superior to littte from other nations, sot excepting tht wend renowned Swiss watches, w&uh for cheapness aed durability bare been noted frost time immemorial ; but unices e'eaned ettee a year tbe best watch will net last half lb) days. How much more smsssseersr to et- I tend to the delicate machinery of tbe human , B,e7boaJ nd young, iiboabl Me rreeos namonrg l ea at least once a month, aud those who adopt this plan will newer regret following oar recommendation PEJtSOS AL ANI MOt'lAL. V M V Iftadmao. of libation, hat been in Pnoevtil lately. Virgil Parker and family returned frtm too Bay yesterday sons. Pete Hoblosser returned last Fridav from a two weens trip through Ksstern Oregon. Dr and Mrs Casick and daughter, of flsv lam are rusticating at Waterloo, in this toao- W K Terrell left oa Saturday for Krsnctaeo. He will return with his wife aad daughter. Mr Arch Monteith, i thia oity. on Lit rnosy, assumes me amies 01 book -aeeper for Forbes Wheeler, of Port Led Mr J A Barton, of Scio, called at this of fice Taoeday aod left evidences of bis sppre ctstion ef the merits ot the Dtuocs at. Mite Warren who has been vtsittus rela lives is her former home to New Vuik State daring the past year, returned t Albany last t uesday evening. Mrs Adda Carothera. who hat bees visit- ins: her many friends iu this city for some weeks, returned to ber home at barton. W. T . tbe first of tbe week. I I. V Loos way, of Shaoe A Lotwway, left Albaay Tuesday for Sao Francisco, whore be gees to bay goods, and as well engage a first class milliner for their millinery department. MrC F Lsfoliettsod brother and the bride of the former left for their homes near l'riue- yil'e last Tuesday. Mr C F. Utt bis name on our subscription book as all sensible newly m tjned men do. Rer I J Trumbull, of Harbor Springs, Mich., has htmm called to the pastorate ot the Haptist Church, is this city, sad will be in Albaay tbe first of October. Uev Trumbull it htgaly spokes of. Last Saturday soon Judge ft S Stiahon, of she Supreme Cwrt, and C W Wolds, of this city, left for San Francisco by way of Yaoslsa Bay, aod will be gone about two weeks. The bunting expedition mentioned last week was postponed. Mr James Boyce, of Muncie, Ind., a gen tleman of means, has been ie tbe city lately with a view to establishing a lint flax faetory here. He also hat the water works is view. It is te be hoped he will settle uptn Albany as a good place for investing his capital. Lieut. Merrill, of Portland, was in Albany Tuesday, and oa the evening of that day drilled tbe members of Company F. at the Opera House. Lieut Merrill is one o the finest tacticians on the Coast. Albany's Company is composed of one of the finest bodies of youag men to he found in military circles. Wm. McLtuhlio, tbe tailor, left Tutsday evening for some towu in tbe Willamette Valley. Ma it a skilled workman, stf ictly temperate and a good jolly fellow, aad he is bound to snooted yet although work was rather light here. Dayton Inland. Mr McLaughlin has settled down to bus-new here. See ad. in another column. Wheat insurance at luwest rates, at H F Merrill's, 11 bany. Or. lAdiee Fine Sheer. N H Allen Js" Co. are now receiving direct from the maanfocture, H J H.dhr iok St Co., of I'Mca, N. Y., a full lute f ins jus y eel ehrated fine shees for ladies .! in a ss in C. D. K. aud K. K. widths- The ifoodt will give p!endii swtts'aitioo. in fa t there! ore no better made. The Governors of twentv-two of the thir ty-eight states are Democrats and of sixteen Republicans. The legislatures stand nine teen Republican and nineteen Democratic. Corsets. N H. Allen A Co., have in stock a splen did hoe of corsets. Consisting of the justly celebrated C. P s, Dr Warser s, Dr lie i s is K's, the Albany Staudard, our spinal brand, also tht Everlasting, Sdlf Adjusting, N ettie and many other n.akes. Ladies are espicisl ly invited to call and inspect them. Wood Wasted. Oak and ash wood wanted at this office on subscription. Let those who intend to supply us wood inform us so that we wil know who to depend upon. Albany Market. Wbest c, Oats 50 c Butter 25 eta per lb. Eggs It cents per de. Hay -14,00, Potatoes 75 eta per bashel; Beef on foot, 2fc 3a Apples 75 cents per bn. Pork 5 30 per lb. Bacons hams, 123 at, shoulders, 7c. tides, 10c. Lard lue per lb. Flour 5.06 per bbl. Chickens 2 50 per dot. Mill Feed bran, 16.00 per ton. shorts, U. middlings, L SBSl MaRKIKD. 11 TTI I--ATCH McCOON,- On ug. a 1st, brides Dar 1SI7, at the residence of the en!, Mk. P. S. VRAx-ff and Mih Lizzie McCixiM both of Linn county. V. TLER COOTK On Aug. a4th,ioo7, nt the C. H Albany, by Geo. Humphrey, Eq.,Ms, w i. Bim.Kg and Miss Anna Mamy Cwtk. of f.inn r.oimty. BfKf. OnTuesd ACH K.SON atOakiille, after an illness of iw,0oy, several years.j As. K., son of Mr. A. M. Acheson, ajf J i') years, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1887, 1888. rirst Term pens September 134b, I OS?. A lull eorpa of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Coursea of study arranged. to meet lbs or an grades or xiuaents. Sffciat inducamsntt ofired t tmdtnl$ from ahrmad. Tuition ranges from Si.'.O to 112.6. Board in private faini'ies st low rates. Boom lsr aelf-bosrdinit at small ex "eons. A esrefnl tupervislou exercised over stu dent away from home. Fall term opens September 7th. For circulars and full pirtieulsrs add re the President. ttr.y. ri.ET x. statu-. Albany, Oregon, NEW TAILOR SHOP. W. McLaughlin, Fashionable Tailor and Practical Gutter, ie looatod neit door to Mr, Thompson' Hsddls Hbop, Main St., aod ie prepared to make ult and pants any atyie, below coat, Mprlng bottom or atralgdit pant 1 5et In the market pi to fit. Also o seu faifand repairing promptly attended to aed rbeap-r then elsewhere Call and mi lc , Albsny, Or. THE STATE FAIR meets a- Salem, Marion County, Oregon, on 'rplember J2, ,', . fj, 16 and if, iSSj, See big; posters. Notice for Publication. Lens OfUcw at Oregon City, Or AugitsJ mh, JB87. Notice is hereby tciven that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of hie Intention to make final proof in eupport of bis Halm, and that asid proof will be made beforo the County Judas or Clerk, of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Or eat ToessSy, October It taw StT, Viz : Jsbn W. M . . Homestead nulrf Ho. 4078. for the W j ; of S V end N of S W M of dee. 32. Tp. 13 S. tt, 2 E. He names tbe following witness to prove hie continuous residence upon, and cnltl veti 881 of, asid lsod, viz : a vV Howes. J fi Cieznisnner and L K Brooke, of Sweet Home PoMtoOice, aad J A MoGbes. of Al -bany P.vsp.fBoe, ail in Linn county. Or. W, T. Bl Rises', Register. Notice for Publication, Land Offi st Oregon City. Or. AUgUHt 23rd, ISil. No'.lcs is hereby utven that the follow ing named settler baa file notion of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made befsre the Con my Judge or CI 1 k of Lion count v , Oregon, at A uy, Orw.ou, oa Thara lat. Orl.Uer ISSts. ISS3. viz : Kzia Catber, fiomeaisa ' -airy, N . 731 fsr the S E of des. 8. l. 12 S K t K. Ho names the following witneeees to prove bis continuous residence upoo.and cultivation of, said land, rlx : N H Hudie hob, P Cole, C Williams snd T Todd, all of Lebanon Post office. Linn count v, Or. W. T. Bitnsit NOTICE, Not'ee is hereby given, that the Cm my C nrt of Linn ooiinty, Orwon, will, o Wednesday, ths Tth day of .September, A. D., lf-87, st one o'clock, p, m., rsvtvo sealed bids for a contract to baiut fifty rods of rock and dir: road, nmancing on the test end where tbe planking com tneaces on Bearer Hloogh near widow Ray's and run west over the ground where tbe old Braver Creek bridge now stands a distance of fifty rods, by taking the flooring off tbe old bridge and laying it on tbe ground cross-ways aa far es It goes. Then use fir poles the rest of the way until the whole fifty rods of g ouo in length It covered. Then c-ver this with rock st least t waive inches th ek said ten feet wide Then put dirt and gravel about three inches thick on the rock. There shall be two culverts in sid rock road. Tbe first one about ten rods from tbe staring point or east end of the old bridge. The second culvert to be i.bout twenty three rods from tbs east end of said rock road. Each of said culbsrte to lie made sufficient width to allow teams to pass. Done by tbe order of the County Court thia 4th day ot August, A. D 1887. J. P, Gai.bsaith. Clerk. Es BECKWITH j Ma De HOMEOPATHIC 1 Physician and Surgeon, Office vcr (xradwohls store ALBANY, OREGON, Andrews & Hackleman, W.LDQUGLAJ $3.00 SHOE WARRANTS SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON, - - 0RE60N THE NORTHWEST Fire and Marine INSURANCE COMPANY. No. 5, Washington St., Portland, Or, RKFKRENCKS bolt ALBAN Y : L. Flinn, L. E, Blain, S. K.Young, Stewart A So. Money loaned on approved real estate security. J. H.T0WNSEND, Spscial Agent, Albany. FURNITURE madt to arer or BEPAIEED, st my shop west end of Tmrd, wrest, Albany, Or, v ?7sH! cf aBKav aaa f this office B. THOMPSON, P. M. Ills.