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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1887)
wMmmmMKm :HHHI MHHHD . . HHHHHHMM Sheriff's Sate. a At (sweats Chart of tho Stmt of Ormyon, Jbr L. ft. Blala. Plaintiff. fa. W. Fa itt, ana Latere A. Furry, hla end A. J, HuUtr, rjefoadants. NOTIOl la hereby given that by virion af aa aKaeatioD and order of sale le eased aut r the a bora named Oourt tu ti a above entitled oult to me directed and dv- I will on the seta aay r se. iser, at the Oourt Mouse aoor la tbe oily of A! tea, Ltaa ooartty, Oregon, at the hour af 10 oTuiook, . m., Mil at pui.tio MM Uuu far aaab to hood to tha highest bidder tbe raid property deeorlhed in aald execution aad order at aaia aa follows, to wit : Be gtanlog at tba ourthwaat aoroar of Notlfl -ofttlooNo. tatt, Olft.m No. 49, Teweahlp 11. south of range 9 waatoflb Willamette mnrldlan in Linn oountv, Oregon, and running thsnoe north S8 east Id OS 100 obalna; theooeuortb SO V east 18 V7-lot) ohoine tbenee wast 24 57-100 obalna ; laoaoa aoatb 1 38' aaat IS Oil 100 chains, to tbaplaaaof boglanlng,c;atalilog26 and ti ion anrM inre or lee, situated In Idun count v. Hi hi f of tg m Tba preoaeeo ar rialng from tba aala of aatd premises to ba applied : First to tlia payment of tha ooeto aad alsasirsooaonta of this suit taxad at 17 j and ha oost and expeuooe af aala. Mooned to tba pay raant to tha Plaintiff baram tba sum af $1405 with Interest frosa t a SStb day of Jon. 1857, at tba rata of ooa par rant par month. Third to tba payment to tba Defendant herein, A. J. Hubler, the sum of tlOSS 10100 with In tere-t. at tba rate of tan par oant par annua irt wen tna loin aay or January, iwo, ana ib overplus if any lharaba to ba paid to tba said Defendant, O. W Furry, bis heir or aea'gnn. Dai ad tbift 1 4th aay of July, 1887. D. 8 8 surra, 8b riff. ALBANY OQLLEBIAH INSTITUTE ALBANY. OREGON, 1830, 1887. ttsv. e J ra)tarft. o a., rresideat A lull eorpe of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Couraaa of udy arranged, to moot tha aad of all gmdoo.of ot ndenta. $fciml inducements ojfered to students from ahrettd. Tuition rangaa from 85.58 to 13,58. Board In private families at iow rataa. Room tar vail - boarding at entail exrense A oarafm a par vision axaroiaad over atu deata away from homo. Kali terra opena September 7th. For otrculare and full particulars address tha President. a. jj. wairaww. . . Albany, Oregon. Conrad Meyer. -PROPRIETOR or STAR BAKERY, Cnrnar Broadalbin and Pint 8ti., DEALER IB Qaeenai Drlaal FralU, Vegetatblee, Twfeaveeo, t ig sire. Bpleaa, Ele.. la foot everything that ta kept la a aval variety aad greoery atora. Hbshes market price paid far ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Oregon Pacific Railroad. 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME. Aeoommodationa naaorpaeaod for fort aad aafety. Faraa and freiabta via. Taqulaa and tba Oregon Development Company 'a Staameblp much leaa than by aay other roote between all pcinu la the Willamette Valley and San Frencteeo. Daily fatten ger trains estceft Sundays. Taenia. S:0 AJL.LaaT Albany, 1:11 r. a. Leers qprralUe, 10:41 a,m Lwn Oorndae, VMt. a. arrive Aibenj, 11:16 a. a. ftrrira TaqauM, bM t. a. - Oregon and California trains connect at Albany and Corvallu. Ffti between Corral 1 la and Albany and Ban Fraaoiaoo : Rail and Cabin, 14.00 Kail and steerage, 80.00. GwMrai: c. c. aocra. A.O. F. sad P. Agent, CenrsMs, Or. Oregon Developement Co. First -class Steamship Una between Y-quins and Han f renciaco connecting at Taqnlna with the train or tna uregoa ratline Kail read uampany. MAILIMCI DATES . raoa taqcua raoa sas rasxcisoo W. V., geterdsy, July OMfc wr v ru. a Kh K. O., Theradsy, anf. 4tn K.O , Wsdassdsy, Aug. 10 Wm V T.. mmim - An. 1 w. r Taseisy, ana. ta CO.. Baadsy, Aug . Uth. K. O.. Saadar. Ao. tin. WJ . ., III J, nua. w T. CL. 8'.adT . A oar. 10th T. q., aatardsy, Aug. n W. V., Tbarsdsy, Aug. M. W. V., Tbaradsy, Bsp. 1 St. O., Tassdsy, Aay. Nth s 8. O., Wsdnssdsy.Bep, 7 Tba Company rose ryes ha right to oaanga aailing daya. BV TOST. Osb. F. sad P. Agent, 904 Itontgisiirygs., gsa. Prsoolseo, Cal OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -sTTA- Orncon & California R. R, AND CONNECTIONS. TBI MT. 8HA81A KOCTE. i st Ashssad with atscss. of aa osaanaJa, orserw sae lasae aisgs company Only ta lltTeeeT stnglng. Albany and gas Prsndsa, U bourn esxtroasu szraass vaauM daily. Seata" Worth. M r. m. I Leers Portland Arrirs 1 10:40 a a rbri Lost Albany Leers j 7:05 a m fcftt a M Arrlrs Ashland hssvs p:0 t u mcAi. rassaiMsa tsaiss baut (sxespt Sunday). 840 a a I Lesvs Pertlsad Xrrlvs f:4Sra trtOra Lear Albany Losrs 1 11;6 a a tisfra (Arrirs Kassas tears j DJOtn local rAMSvssa nun datlt, SA r a Lesvs Aibsny Arrive j 6:46 a.m Mr K Arrlra Lebanon Lcava I 6:S0 a a 1JJ0 r a I lesvs Aibsny Arrirs I 2:46 r a iTbt r a j Arriva Lebsaoa Lea re j.00 r a PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. daily bstwssn Portland aad Aahlsad. Tea O sed Oil Perry lasksa BiasieMiBJ with all slMrafaJsr trslsa oa tea Fast eUs Dirfcdeu from mot af r Mraat. Wsst Male IVtvUlsa. Banrwiaa raaiXARS) ab ckvalus. mAjl thai paily (axespt Ssndsy.) Ma a a Lasts Portland Arrirs 0:16 r a llta r aArrlra CsrvAlUs Lesvs 1:80 a airams raiur au.T (axejpl Sunday .) 4.M r s I Lam bitaral Arrf-s Portland Arrirs Laye 8:00 A M 6.49 A ft MeMlnnvili At Albany sad CorralHs eonnset with trains of 0 regea Pacifia Ballrsai Par fall Information rsgsrdlng ratal, amps, -, sail oa Ossaassy'H Affoat. 8. tOBHJJUR, 8. P. SOOKfta, a. P. a PawAseat. jpAIHTB AHDOILS Of all kiada, mixed ready tor use, kal i aau ai ftoaauna oruftuoa, oto , for CHA8. H. D0DD & CO. Front, JMrtt and Vine Sis., Portland, Or, WMOLE8ALP 08AL8R8 IN ,11 I. HARD- i i i WARE, l I I ellav 81 AMIS fl FARM. MACHINERY. i Aanatft Mr Oregoa, Waabtng m BUCKEYE REAPER Maeblnea are too well known to need od speaa of them with pralas. They are tba only Harvesting Machines that will gtva aatlre aUifaotlon to the gatabaaaii MILLER'S NEW MODEL PHCENIX STRAW The moat BnVeUva and i drain aver BUCKEYE STEEL FRAME TWINE -BINDERS, t- iB laa ffaatares that illatlagabdi tbUTwiae-Blnder la the Lightness of Draft, combined with lta Kxtraoranary Strength aad Durability. The Binder Is or the Appleby pattern, the only really isniaawYil one yet known. We have two styles, tha Elevator Blader and tba Flattorm Btadar-both axoaUaot-both raoommandad by hundreds of patrons. ifl T T OEhLRRMRRaRRaftRiaRa! Frank ti. Sprague, Sheriffs Sale. a (As Circuit Court tftke Sttttt of Orrgmfor JSfMfwW SaaJaJs Hiram Smith, Main tiff, va. John P. Marl in. Dafandaat. Notice is hereby given that by virtore at aa execution aad order of sals issued oat of the ebovs named Court in tbe above entitled actioa, I will on aeiereay the nth day of Ansae, leer, t tbs Ooart House door ia the City of Al bany, Lino eouaty, Oregon, at the hoar of oos e'slock, p. as , sell at public aaction for aaab ia band to tbe higomt bidder the reel property heretofore attached in said action described as follows, to wn : All of the right title and whereat af tbe said defendant on er after tbe 7th day of May, 1887, ta and la lot 10 ia blank 1 ia McCelley'a addition to aba city of Hsxriabarg. ia l.iua eoecty. Oregon. Abo lota 8 aad 18 ia block 4 ia said addition to said aity of Harris berg. Also lata 8, 10 aad 11 la fieotioa 16. Towosaip 15, S. R. 4 w of tba Wtllametie eiaridiaa ia Liaa coootr. Or..oootainiag 6786-100 acres, .ocl id tng a franchise for a ferry. Tbe prosnaa arts iag from the sale thereof to be appued 8rt to the payment of the costs and dtsborasmeoU of suit taxed at $3b.90.aod the costs aad sx paasss of sale. Seeaad to tbe payment to tbe Plaintiff hereto the sea of 8826 With ia terest st the rate of If per coat ptr aaaam from the 28th dsy of Jane, 1887. Dfttedjaly 21st, 1887. D. S. Surra, Sheriff. Irticf. for MliwUioiL Land Offloo at Oragon City, Or.. I July S2ad, 1887. Halloa la hereby given that the follow ag named settlor baa filed notice of Bar mention to make final proof In support of bar olaim, ane1 that said proof will ba atari before tba County Judge or County Clerk of Linn county, Or., at Albany, Ore fa, on Tbersals. I via : Lydia Kmoreon. widow of Tnomaa J Kmoraen, decoaaod, who made Hot ataad Entry Ho. 4274. for tba 8 W Vi of Sac 24, Tp. IS, 8 R 1 E. She names tbe following wltneoooo to prove bar own and bar denaaeei bueband'o oontino one roaidooce noon, and cultivation of. aid land, vts : O. Fray, J. H. Lewie, T. Weddle and J. Pickens, a!l of Sweet Homo Poet Office, Lion county, Oregon. W. T. IlC UN XT, Bogiater. lotice for Publication. Land Offloo at Oregon City. Or., 1 July 2let, 1887. Notice ia hereby glvea that tbe following named settler baa fled notice oi bis Inten tion to make final proof In support of hie claim, and that aald proof will ba made before tba County Judge or County Clerk of Lian eaunty, Oragon, at Albany, Ore gon, on Teoadsy. aOfdemaer 13th, I SOT, via : Dudley Haddea, Homestead Entry Ha. 4717, for tha Lota, I 6, 7 aad 8. of Sac. 22, Tp, 9, S, R, IE, Ha names tba fol lowing wltn as as to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, aald land. Tlx : J, Priohard, S. Pricbard, J. Berry and J. She) ton, all of Jordan Past Office, Linn county, Oregon. W. T. Buaaair, Regtstar. Citation, a the County Court of ihs State of Orsgoe for Xoaa County. Io tbe matter of the aetata of Charles H j e: , wuwto, To Samuel H Pratber, Bdattie Pratber, Khs beth Holet, Mary Keen. Thomas Prsthsr, Croc is Pratber, Samael Pratber, Archie Prather, Msttio Pratber, William Pratber. Carrie Prather, Amanda Flics, Elisabeth Lock rid go, Thomas Prather, Cbsrles Prather, Phillip Prather,Samual Mares, Barton Mares, Charles Hsysa, Mariah Turner, Elinor Prather, Edith Wsitlske, aad to all others known snd so known, interested in said estats if say aoeb thsrsbo. Creeling t F?f tha name of tha State of Oragon : Tea are hereby cited and required to be aad ap pear in tbe County Court of Linn oounty, a tbe State of Oregon, at the (Jourt Hease in the City of Albany, in aaid county and State, on Moadsy, tbe sab day af September, I88f at tbe hour of 10 o'clock in tha forenoon of mid day, tbe aame being the Aral judicial day of .the regular term thereof, to-wit : The September term, 1887, and then and tbara show cause if aay exist, why an order of asle should not be made, directing and licens ing J L Cowan, Executor of tha last will and testament of Charles H Cowan, deceased, to ssll all tha right, title and interest of the said Charles 11 Uewsn, deceased, both is law and in equity, at the lime of his deceits, of, in and to the real property hereinafter do -scribed, as prayed for in tbe petition of the aaid J L Cowan, aforeaaid, which aaid petition ia now on die ia tha County Clarke office in Linn county, Oregon, which aaid real property is described aa feliowa, to-wit : The aaat half ot Section 2V in Tp. 11, o oi K9 waatoi tna vr uiametts meri dian, in Lino county, Oregon, tha aams be ing the original donation land elaim of Mar garet Jackson, and tbe heirs of John M Jack son, deceased, Not. No. 3080, containing 320 acres, more or lesa. Also ins js. 1, a, J and 4, in block No, 108 in H so It Ionian's ad dition to tbe city of Albany, Oregon. Aio lots No. 5, 6 and 7 in block JNo, 107 in Haoklsman'a additon to tba City of Albany, Oregon. Done by order of Hon J J Whitney, Tods of the County Court of Linn oounty, State of Oregon. In testimony whereof I have hereunto sot my hand and affinal the seal of said Cmots Com t this 2ud day of August. A. D.. 1887. 1. S. J. if. (rAXSaarrH. Clerk. Published four weeks in theSPAOC Hjomt Dkmoorat by order of J J Whitney, County edge. J. C. Pesrswu, iJ L IRON, STEEL i r ton and NorUiarn Idaho for tba AND MOWER, a- comment. Thousands or Farmsrn nave oaeo VIBRATING THRESHER, BURNER ENGINE. tl Oomblnauon tor Tbiasblag aad Olaaalag Uonatruoted. BobnttUr Farm Wagons, Deere Flows, Deere Sulky Plows, Cook B Oo.'a Oar riagea, P batons and Top Buggies. Four Spring Mountain Wagons, Buck boards. Superior Drills aad Seeders, Oarbia Diae Barrows, Bodgea&aiaM Saad8V8a Belsh Barbed Wirt. SENS FOS CISCULABS. Agent, Albany, Or, CURES ALL HUMORS, Rsleaeku ho the "l everKroe,' acaly or MongB akin. hi short, afi dkejftem eauerd by bednMood are tasaiiaa ad by this powerful, flfa. and tavlfxwatlnf roedictoo. UrealnilMg tTu aere rapidly heal under tut benign tanuonoa. aapochohr boa B natnlrosted its rrds-any ta partaaiVaitorv Moeo MaaB. atolls banc lee. Sore Kvea. Ktarotnlona Uoltre. aw 1 RacB. and Enlarge Cilanla. Baal tap aaata fa atampa f br kune trvoltea, with oot on K-rufiilouaA ia THg X.11 by uotaw lr. Plsi apiaeat noeiieai gtioeovery. and gaps Blgeetton. m fair ok In. beep ant iptr. "T.1.1 ?8flaav.onaiBaaoo8 M Serwffal f the ataaoaof derftu ot U wonorrful power over tbto tarribty when flret otr g taai awweav anratad mnody to the thought aariousry or baV Caa- SBXtpt IOH vMrt m too hnuted for a I rat. w. I .and uij r aa a r but for all CHBONIC DISEASES OP xna Liver, Blood, and Lungs. sf aMal aaattg aa'WWe'aTy abQiKaVtSaaL taVVV onbodVff S bed mate ia mouth, tufia luai attarnattae; with hot flashes, low as tonsraav voo afesofortnarrnwnSi V'VJLVJZX 123 'Si ltd ry zor an soea jam vr. w a jBtaeueal IMeeovery baa no fJi ?PAljr "''"'Hi urontsui. bi a oui sipitos, axaa a, k aovereora remodr. tea sovereign . xtoMbylirai PRICE $1.00, g?a6sflSTSS rVocrietora,aa afato St, Bctwauo, M. T. ethW YTTTOT QYVett FILLS. ABTI-BILIOfjej and CATHABTIC. BeM by Irraggieta. x8 oonu a rial. $500 REWARD Tor a case of catarrh which they cannot cure. If you haveadaobargarVem the aceo, offensive or other. partial io Ms Pills Regulate The Bowels. Cesilveness deranejee the whole ays tews and begets diseases, earn as Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Fevers, Kidney Diseases, Bilious Colic, Malaria, etc. Tnit's Pills prodnee regular habit of body and good dlgeetlen, without which, no owe ena enjoy good health. Sold Everywhere. Sheriff's Sale. a the County Court of the County of Linn for the State of Oregon : Elijah Ssltmarsh, Plaintiff. vs. S D Oager aad M J Osger, Defendants. Notice i hereby given that by virtus of a writ of execution ami order of aslo issued out of tbe sboyo ns:nd Court in the above en titled action, I will on la tarda? the S7th day of Ansa, ISSf, at the Court House door in the City rf Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, st the hour of one o'clock, p. m. , sell st public suction for cash in hsnd to tbe highest iiiddtr the real property heretofore attached in said order of sale described aa foiiowa, to wit : The frac tional river lot in tha southwest quarter of Sec. 28 in Tp. 13 Sou h of Hangs 1 west of the Willamette meridian u Lion oounty, Oregon, the asme bemg a).' (he land lying west of the Santism River and -ast of tho at lins of the donation ind claim of Elmer Kses, Notification No 2519 Claim No. 53 in aaid Township, containing 3 acres, more or less. Tha proceeds arising from aaid sale to ba applied, first to the payment of the costs tnd disbursment of auit toXed at $31 25 and the coats and expenaes of sale, and 812 At torney fees. Second to the payment to tbs aid Plaintiff th6 sum of 125.88 and interest at one per oant per month from thcatb day of Jane, 1888, lesa the sum of 870. Dated July 21a. 1887. 0.8. -rn pectoral, and nutrtUvo rpajooaita. L. Jm a . mm 5 Pjarosi- l1 morsmaUttaana, DO neoniur. weak arm. dull oaln J R'aanua m bead, you have Catarrh. Thou preejBsshll Ike mmL 'KtDAY, AUOTJST 19, 1887 PAiHlON NOTES. UUok wnttrad silk it baring a gise uiiju.i now. Dr oases uf tbt antteiis l ipf iui.iv rjnadtut gloat aatwha i 'Hi ii peid in i bo ta t if the bou'toa, bad m "h ti . - sr c" i-ciljr eil bung n ",iws- put i he fft A I hoii O .Mei.ta fted other m ail a a t itits aio aaia to ba arowtna in favor a garoitura fur him, boons u aad sron a . a dresara. Olx"tiina e nr hate ata if nut1 a ts oit.o tvab'eobap , d op ran , b tri .. abapa by .v. . ngtog ud hi u.imt'fis atiayiog frn Ot at.. D i 8 inn . i i oi eia ore made i fjaftg mile t ii gv8 iaoe otmilavd I i v re mL u -rii s toil ruah. auo urn of etiue ohk ribbon, A clur- a bite oatriob iipa and a gold -.y i. tu. the garniinro. Tbt-jti set couib'n Hon mum are won uitst oxolusivolr by little yitls fa b. ia Lotting. That are light, well b at. g, a hi os use "to tajii'odimeni abat af to tbe limbs at tbe Httio ooaa when eainiag ta saiot or bathe Ah thata a ho consider the brshb and ml" if ibrir Utile onea pneur. i - iff linob cenvao oi tan laatboi, isovd it front end having rubber aolos, ftr ot untir and seaside a ear A pretty suit fur amail bora ir af hits Sftonel in sailor tyl, bsving i hut and looer jackal, with tight biaeche i.tiot.pii st tha koee god rod ot bin. -it ckmga. White flai nel sailor suits for lilt rfitla are i fien trtmmad with any row of ooloiad bra M. Pea jackals of blue pilot cloth, with brsas buttons aad anchors as trimming sis worn by little girls with sailor ttuiu of flannel at the saaaids. oa a m I ti as a h a at ai Ked nan's siom is in oigb isror roi children's d It is uaually trim inetl with white bends embroidered with eatf or with coarse rod aad wbito lira It is ssid to wear excellently. - Nearlj all tbe bod ten of tba nswett taiior-mada drawoa oloas invisibly. What is kaiwB aa hygiattlo alotba.ra- aembling tha carmaittoo of old daya, are used for oummar taiior-mada oostumea Tbara are light in weight and drape wall, aad ara particularly wall suited to young lad iee, a ho wear them with linen Teats and vary high collars. A pretty lioottng dreae of blue aergs bad a Hue and white striped pettiooet the stripes going! borisoo telly. Tbe atriped material also served for lbs ok and ilrevae af tbe bodtoe. Below the yoke waa a foil gathered waist of the plain Mao. which waa as tended ta) form tha d.sptrfaa, being adjugted by a bait A no vol iaWoOrigiaatiog with Kagliab toilois, ta tba uaa of lambektn as a me rer tot for collars end o tiffs upon at lor- made dresaas. A tbin, looaa Osaka of wool celled dpooge olotb is made op Into pretty Hummer gowns. Tbs fashion Me bodice is long sad somewhat narrow in r fleet, fitting tie figure aloaaly. CUBIOC8 PACTA Tbe glare of tba electric lights in tba rear's winter palace baa proven very ir Jurious to ornamental pie ata. It Is asid that during its period of growth, Indian eon draws from the a il tbirty-aix times its own weight of weter. A sdy io Lexington, O., has a ball of yarn that was spun snd werea dur- lot the Kerolotionarr War, over 100 , . . , , u rv u .uimu s.i, a -u-u S wwma aim w uwiw. Prof. Eiiba Gray is ssid to have dis covered a way by which the writing upon a sheet o paper eon bo exactly re prod seed by telegraph 300 mi too or mors away. A Detroit citiseo ia building a novel toboggan slide for bet beta at bis bath houses. Toboggans on rollers will carry toe bathers down the slide Into shoal water, giving a plunge that osoat be token to be appreciated. An inclination of one inch in fifteen miles is sufficient to give motion to water. An inclination ef three iaehes per mile in a straight smooth cbsnnei will give a velocity of three miles per boor, while three feet per anile would prodnee a torrent. Msrshe4l,Mise. .boasts of a baby slsv eo months old that whiatles. Battle Creek has got s baby boy three years old that spends all hia pennies foi eigats, snd has bees known to smoke five in one dev. Ha will steal a pipe snd beg passers for smoking tobacco. Tbe boy bss s perfect wisuia for tobsceo,tbat de veloped itself before be could tsk,wksn tbs youngster would crawl op to bis fatbsr's clothes snd steal cigars oot of hia pockets to smoke. Ha wears drees ee, and is am. II for bis age. HOW TO TAKB CAKE OF YOGS 1YEB. Keep a abode on your .amp or gas burner. Never read by twiligbt,moonlifbt or on cloudy days. Avoid all soodoo changes between light end darkness. Nevor read or sew directly in front of the light window or door. It is beat to let tbe light fall from 'hove obliquely over tbe left shoulder. Do net one tbe eyesight by light so bOaUt that ft requires an effort te dis- ! o. lttiins'e. Nfver alosp an that on first sWaksn lug rhe eM'& shall oou on the light of s imlow. Novel begin to tend, write or aow i r several minntas after oomtog from tin fcneaa to liglit. Tba gvomea piomn' slop itsitllf tbeiu If the syolid" wtikinv up tin i but Mpi 1 v saUva Hie tnMtincUvto) s iy eyas that women: hiO glur-d forcibly other on Hn them, win he linger it in the Arieedioa 'iiiiitaot in (hi. world then wash vtn w ter. eye and face io wartoi The great chess tournament at Frankfort, on the Main waa won by Capt Mackenzie, of New York City. First prise, lOOO marks Second hand baby carriage for sals. Call Demws at office. PtBSONAL Dwlght L. Mood.the cvangellat.U con templating sn extended tour af India. Tbs bill for the entertainment of Queen Kaplolsni snd tulle by the city of San Francisco amounted to $1415. Sixteen Anglo-Indian girl compositors and p woman proof reader now find em ployment on the Bombay 'Osxettr." It la the flrsfc occsilon in India's history where woman' worth hsa received recognition. Jule Verne reildei at Amlen. Since he wai accidental! y wounded, he cannot wslk without s limp. Strange to say, the man who ha delighted o msny KnglUh reader cannot apeak EnglUli. The wife of Viceroy Li of Chins recent ly vUited the foreign hospital for women tt Tien-Tain. She msnlfeated greet inter. sat in the nufferera snd dlatributed money to the more needy of the unfortunate. Weatford, Vt.,has s vetersnof the Mex ican War in G. R. Joalyn, seventy-two yesra old. lie fought st Monterey and Buens Vlata, snd wsa aent with the first Government wsgontrsln overland to Cal ifornia In 1848. Elam of the early California pioneers, now ninety yesra old, owna the valuable Aacstensa Ranch in California. At the celebration of hla tsat birthday an niversary sevsnty-five of hla family and immediate kin sat down to the table to gether. Nearly fifty yesra sgo William S. Wll- cox of Providence, K. 1., settled in me Sandwich I aland and married s half broad. King Kalakaua took a fancy to one of the aona and sent him to a military academy In Italy. He recently married s member of the princely house of Colonns, into which Mia Mackay married. Maggie Mitchell la s cloae second to Pstti ss s diamond owner. She hsa the cholceat collection of gema of sny woman on the American boarda,snd her diamond necklace ia reported worth treble the cost of Bernhsrdt'a bauble. Mr. Langtry'e jewel caae la not overburdened, ahe pre ferring to Invest her earninga in rich American real estate. HIJITg TO HOtSagf.EI'KBH To extinguish the flame from kerosene use Sour profusely upon them. To clean a spice mill grind a handful of raw rice through It. Stains on the wtndowe can be removed by using diluted spirits of salt. Flour should atwaya be sifted just be fore you wish to use It. To remove grease from coat collars and the glcy look from the elbow and seams, rub With s cloth dipped In ammonia. A brush broom is jut the thing to clean horse rsdlsh grsters snd silver. Baking powder should always be mixed with the flour dry. Whiting or ammonia in the wster i prefersble to soap for cleaning windows or paint. Salt sprinkled over anything that is burning on the stove wilt prevent any dis agreeable odor. Never scratch ths ears with anything but the Anger If they itch. I)o not use the bead of s pin, hair pains, pencil tip or any. thing of that nature. A vegetable acid, auch a lemon juice or elder, I asid to be a sure specific far moat cases of scarlet fever. Any gold jewelry that an Immersion in water will not Injure can be beautifully cleaned by shaking it welt in a bottle nearly half full of warm soapeudajo which a little prepared chalk has been added, and afterwards rinsing In clear, cool wster snd wiping it dry. Keep stl the apparatus for cleaning lamps on an old tray, and never use rags brushes, scissors or any of the articles for any other purpose than trimming lamps Pickles should never be kept In glared ware, sa the vinegar forma s poisonous compound with the glaxing. m SS arfer't WooMy, Republican, says: The peaion vetoes, for which he (Cleveland) la vehemently aaaatled.theyfmug wump)thlnk we have been generally wise . The order for the return of rebel flags, promptly revoked when found ta be illegal, they unqucatlonsbly think to hsve been un wisein outrunning present public aymps thy, but to have been due to a truly patriotic Impulae. The refusal to expose hla office to partisan Insult, they undoubtedly sp prove sa s dignified, juat snd msnly rebuke. The Mugwumps In supporting him against Mr. Blaine In 8a wslked lergely by faith. In supporting him against Mr. BUlne in 88 they would walk by sight. Whatever hia mistakes, and however hie course msy hsve disappointed certain ardent expecta tions, no sagacious observer can doubt that Mr. Cleveland is much stronger with tbe people of the United States than he haa ever been.and that tbe very chsrscter of the opposition to him shew that hia adversaries are conscious of this fsct. The possibilities sad disappointmenta of mining ventures in the west are well illustrated io a story which ex-Oav-ernor Hsuser, of Montane, tails against himself. Hia former partner, A. E Davis, once lent $1,500 to a miner lb Butte Citt with interest st 3 per cent a month. Whan tbe total indebtedness reached $3,300, the minor sgreed to turn his mins oyer to Deris' in full pay ment of the debt. Davis took tbs mine and offered Hauser s hnlf interest for $1,650- Hauser, wbb was tbea io tha banking business, objected to pay ing soy part of tbe interest, snd offer ad $750, half the prinotpal invested. Davis refused sod began to develop tbe property, which bss since been known as the Lexington .mine. Ho took out $250,000 worth of gold end silvei ore tbe first yesr, $500,000 worth tbe sec ond year, and then sold 13-16 of the mine for $1,500,000. Hauser saj s that hs bss been kicking himself ever since. Crook county has more sheep and pro duces more wool than sny other county in the State. The wool crop for the lset vear approximating 7,000,000 pounds, which st an sverage of nineteen centa per pound makea an income from that source alone $131,000 Then there has been from 2 000 to scOO head of horses sold out of this coun ty for the last year, which st sn average of $30 per head, putting it low,- makes from sixty to $70,000 more ; then there has been about 3OOO head of cattle sold, which at, say $23.50 per head, gives us 867,500 ; then say there has been 30,000 mutton sheep sold at $1.75 per hesd,sggregsting $30,000, making s grsnd total of $305,508. How is thst for s sagebrush desert ? News. ' Groceries. While looking after your supplies in tha oHovs line, don't yoa forget that N H Allen A Co. keep groceries, and don't you forget that you can get juat aa much sugar, tea, oof. fee, rice or anything also for a dollar as you caa got in aay store in the city, and all of the best quality. Call oa Alien A Co. when you want groceries and tem.absr they never al low tbemselvfts te be undersold. A Sis Man's Wife Dlsrsssrts Ihs Oruggist'i Asvios and 80 Ssvet lbs Life ef Htf Hutb4' I nm n fvnod nerve r by trade and It is out uf tu line hi write letters; but my wife thought It wns no more than right tlmt I should let you know wlutf your remedy bad done for me, and I think S" ('Ml. I live In Knot l17fh street, west of Thin! in Bfht, it ml hnve lived there for hiwt W 11 v I h roe y 1 Hi-, whore I own te I aetata. Up to tit" tlum 1 ;un ahmit i" mfiii 'u I had Wen n strong, well ninth Fhere was stwAye' Ittoru op luss malaria in tin ihifcrrimod, hut I had sad pet malty stifnwsel tmtmit. It was in 1 ea t Ii il m lit -i ;tiin-k. It eamo 1 Ha at 1 rttltifki NMiimoilly 1I0, with iithii'l" "t, loo of Appetite :itu ninbi 1, elli -en ill'iu mi;i light fever ufierw.tM '-. fi .4. tin. 1 1. 1 yawn and tl'ideh, A'ld so f-n!i. I ws iuphiyod it 1 st ! - in Jiilliit n A Hrotlieta, ti i it hi ' 1 'a iifni'lttivia. in West 'A'M fr i. if. 1. 11 1 known ani.t. -wind 1 and a h eitt'o in wns tai the wit". lflkil v. Ml' t . i ittut ' tropld tvear Ihlu 1 i -. t' d 11 well ite phi i.i in M rrls- r, 1 ill Oi. mid ti ill mil I ,i ih' tn 1 futir f my experi- (f 'i'K4,n;il;v f ii Up f'r a l y if two, hut on I "tu- k tti work. 1 kpt mine, lu l-irer tlose from if. rind k"'l !t irett. in' u I'ok. i- and writ, sbiwly hot mndy, nil the time. My trouble wna tiou well de ihiihI Mini ils avmptoitia were stead and 'ular. I had dumb ngoe in its worst foeas, and It was griiiding me down in -pile of all that i ewitfai do or the do. 1 1 could tin. It hold me in a grip Hke r in a bttrntnyrott nunc. The poiton had gone nil through and over me sad Kdhing was able to touch it. 1 was t-l losing aaaaaad aireiigth. and about laifh, IHH1, 1 kiKMkml oit work t'liiire and went hoiucto ladnwn iek. stud die for all I could tell. 1 ran down so ttphlly tlmt 1 aieu Ix-eanti- 1111:1; ' to Ik auy iliatntioe. Later 1 went from tu o r-mrn in my ow n house only by . : . uds In tilling me up by each arm. The doses of iiiiifne were Inerestaed until I cm tuoi- thirty grtUttt) at n iow. The .i-vtn of litis treiui-udou stiuitilntion wa to mnkf me uoarly wild. Il broke ni shHp alt up. and I oftrm walkwl the U'Nir, or staggered nlxuit It, nil night lug. scareelv able to bear any luiisos or even human enoo&k, My ii-iuju-r waa trxtremelv irrilablo. A to fuod, one of my fittl fhildren would cat nion in a meal than 1 eoutd in a day. 1 would order food and then turn from il in tliagu!. I lived on quinine and Other stituulaufa ami on niturlf, like a ta'ar in trluter. The quinine set my head in whirl, and the liquor -given as n medicine - made my stomach so sick I could not tolerate it. From 175 pound (my proper weight) I ran down to 97 pounds the weight of a light girl and was scarcely better than :i akcit-ttm. If 'i v ha I taken a hatchet and kn. ut d.rwn and killed me I should hfti r i et ti (miter off. During the latter jmrt of this period, oath in 1MM6. my phyai. inn aald: "Mtlier. there's no use in tut taking ant more money of you. 1 can't do you au good. I uiiglit pour pounds of qui nil'e down tour throat and it wouldn't help you." Oi. tbe strength of this I gave up tbe use of iptiiiiue altogether, and made up mt itiitel to do nothing more and take mt 'tusaapA Tbree Meeks aftarwarda-about the laei of May my wife aw an advertise sjaetsl of Kaakine in a New York paper. Mi o,i rue of it. I said: Stuff and m M-iise! it can't do me any gMal." But ahe went to a druggist's, neverthe. leas, to get if. The druggist advised her against Kaakine: he said it was nothing hut sugar: that she ought not lo tit tow awat her money on It. Ac. lie ti l be didn't keen it, but could gvt it if He :iisitet on having it. Turn ing Hhny in diagtist tnv wife spoke to our neighbor. Mr. A. "G. Hegetvahl. who ,'oi h,-r a bottle at a drug store iu hivi. 1 v. tine. A 1 to. againat my will, and without the le tt faiih, I laigan taking it. In one week 1 was better. I began to aesf I aittsssjesl aeeing ghosts." I in gjn to have an appetite and to ain - renglh, Thi was now the liri of Jone, 5d. and by the end of that m iftth I w as back at my bench at t'. I. .Suitih's scroll sawing factory iu 116th sirta-i. where ! a-ork now. Bitten then 1 bare never lost a day front hi, kneaa. Taking Kaakine onlv. ala.tll forty p. ileta in four equal lloe s day. I ctMitinued to gain. The ma teria appeared to be klthMl in my aye em. and now I've got tack my old iveighi 175 Nunds and my old dreitgth to lalair. I am an aatonish netil to myself and to my friend, and K iikiite dil not do thia I don't know v ital did. The only greater thing it ould do would he to brins.' a dead man to life. I nr Kt kii k A. Miller. 63U F. iM 157th Street. N'ew York. P. S. For the ahitolutc truth of the above atatcineiit 1 ivfer to the following Mpatliiojott, who are (wrsonally ac piaintid with the fwts: Mr Alex inder W. ir. am IMtb SL; Mr. (ieorge M'amitn. loMth street and t'ottitlandt tveiitM; Mr. A. Moebtu, 15 It ti street uid Courthtndt avenue: Mr. 1'. F. V.mpel. 151th street and Oottrtlassftt tvaSMSei Mr. John Lunuy, 6,K) East I5rtth atn-ct: Mr. John Kenihaw. 134 125th street, and many others. 1 will also tnqdy to letter? of inquiry. We subinit that the above astonish ing cure, vouched for as il is by repu irtme men. is deserving of a thorough ttul cantlHt iiiveattgatlnu by tblnkuig iMtanle. And we further Ktilmiil that when tlruffiMs turn ttway customers I'V mlaif 111 the chantcter of n remedy iH'causti Uti't do not hnimen to have ft sr - : " ' on lut nd. they d a giX wrong. If this nlUleteU man had not disregarded tin driijrist's advice and sent else where for tAtt it nn tlv liu would without doubt Nave been in iii jrrave. UUaer hdtrtrs of a similar character from prtiminoot individuals, which stamp Kaskiiie as a remedy of un tlouhiotl merit, will be sent on appltca tiou. PHt-e, $1.00, or 6 bottles, $'.00. Stihl by Druggists, or sent by mail o& receipt of price. Toe Kaskino Company, 54 Warren St., 'e Voik. RBCTANUULAK AMU BARREL OHURKS. The lsrgeststoek ever earned in Albany snd will be sold st lower prices than for- merle. We want all titular makera tn came sad soe them. Stewart 3 Sox. ILEOTRIO BELT Beer Masai Ohronlc Dis- asaeesfboth saxmOarad eslelne. for Notice for Publication. Land Office at Ore on Oitv, Or., ) July S2ad, 1887. j Notice Sa hereby given that the follow ing named settlor haa tied notice of his n ram Inn tu nuke Anal oroof la suonort of his olaim, and that said proof will be made oetore toe uoueiy auuge or county Clerk of Llan oounty, Or., at Albany, Oregon, on -4. tnlnmhr lfttha ISSt. vlx : James H. Lewis. Jr., Homestead Entry No 4288, for the N H of the N W Ji of ee 26, rp 13 h. R, 1 E. He nsmea the following witness e to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. said land, vlx ; O, Fray, J. Pickens, O, W, Plckena and T. Weddle, all of Sweet Hone Peat Office, Lion county, Oregon v , T. Burkby, Register. ejotrr AOXDs. - w -eaialC'otBaartll 1lAU hATION OF l.ltiroi; TRAFFIC. Journsls conducted in the Intereata of the rum sellers deny the right of sny one to Interfere with s man who withes to buy snd to drink sny beversge thst he de sires. This sounds like a defenae of per aonsl liberty, but it 1 mere nonsenee. t. No men hsa sny right to curry on s buaineaa which produces results for which other men must psy hesvlly. The taxes of every citizen sre more than doubled by the evils which flow directly from the rum traffic. The rum sellers wax fat, and the mass of tax-payer psy millions of dollars every year thai they may have th' privi lege of doing so. 2. No msn has any right to csrry on a business which corrupts the morsla of other men. Nine-tentha of the crime In this country springs directly from the rum traffic. It corrupts the young, deba-tches the old, destroy families, cripples work men, makes politics vlcious.defle ths Sun day laws, wastes the people's substance, Injures trade, and produce naut-erism. theft, murder, snd insanity. If society has no right to meddle with such s monstrous public nuisance aa this, then it haa not the ordinary right of self-preservation. Tex tile Record. In next month the centennisl of the formation of the constitution of the United .States will be celebrated at Philadelphia. The Governors of the several statea have been invited. If this celebrstion thouid S. t .. . MO) . . Mt e a a yiavc me cnect 01 awakening an interest In the study of the nrlncinlcs of the con stitution It would serve a great purpose. The more theae principles sre understood the less danger there will be from the centralization idesa of the Republican psrty. Drunkenness or ths Liquor Habit Positively Oared by sdasinbtteriag Or. Sataes' CaUsa toec&c. It can be gtvsn In s cup of coffee or too with out tbe kaewlirdge of tn person taklnx Hi Is aliolotely bannless and will etfeet a nerma nnnt and speedy cure, whether tbe patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic week. Thoussnds of drunkards hsve seen mads tem perate Bum who nave taken Golden Hpuctflc in inetr Without thHr kaowledite and to day believe they oult drtokinx of their own free will. IT NKVKK PAIlJt. The syitern ones impregnated with the Hpeeifle It becomes an utter Impossibility for thehouor appeUteto eilat. For full particulars, address (iOLDEX MPsXIFlO CO., 188 Race st. ClaelsaatL 0. SherifTs Sale. tn the Circuit Court of I he State of Oramon jor te oum; ay jauo. m m mm T . JPaohcolioa, r?laintii;. T 8 Thompson, Dafandant. NOTICK is berebv givea that by virtue of an esecotion and order of sate tsaued oat of the above named Court io the above entiled actum, I will on Satarstaf lavs ISih star t SepteasSer, I SOT, at tbe boar of one o'clock, p. m , at tbe Court Boose dor in the city of Albany, Lino couoty, Oreeoo, sell at public auctt o for cash io band to lbs bigbeet bidder tbo real property heretofore attached io said action sod described in said execution sod older of sale aa foiiowa. to-wit : Tbe south naif of the northeast quarter and the east half of the southeast quarter of section 20 and tbe sooth half of the southwest quarter of Sec tion 21 aad the north half mi h north weat quarter of Hoc. 28, ell in Tewosbip 13 south rotoe 2 weat of the Willamette meiidteo, oubtaiatag three hundred and t-ut acres, more or haa, together with alt and t utuhr the tenauirats, beriditameats aad apurtro oaeas thereaotti beloogtng r ia aowte sp pertainiaa. The ptueeede amaibs; iroos the sale of said premises to be epp.iod, in at to tbe payment f the cost and dtsouraemeuts 111 taxed at tb sum oi 833 50 aad aocru ib costs, and tbe Mm ot 835 Attorney's fee. Next to tbe payment to the Plaustifl tbe son of 8335.48 with tatsrest tben-00 at I Its rate of tea per cent per annum from tbe 28rdt dsy of Jane. 1887. Dated AoMttSt 4 th. 187. D. S. Ssjxtii, Sheriff. lottce for Publication. Lend Oflloe at Uroaon Otv, Or, ) July Oib, 1887. J Notice la hereby given that tbe follow ing named aettler haa filed notice of hie intention to make final proof iu aopport of his claim, and that aald proof wilt bo made before the Kegiatar end Receiver of tbe U. 8. Lend Office tt Oregon City, Or,, on Priaar. Ansnast rata. isan. via : Harvey Graham, Homestead Kntry No. 4532, for tbe W of 8 W ot 8c6. 14, Tp. 10, M R 1 K. He uameo tbe low log witneasoo to prove bio continuous reaulenite upon, end cultivation of. aaid land, ria : C Riehardaon, J Bryan, D Neal, and Philyeu, all of Jordan Post office, Linn county, Oregon. W, T. Bun nr, Hegieter. 8AM MaV. a. ecKDsns MAY k SENDERS, Dealers in General Mb. cnaMiste. HARRISBURG - - - OREGON Will boy C!nie, Woo! aid ill kinds Coiatry prodico. BEAST ! Mexican Mustang Liniment Sciatica, Lumbago, Rheumatisc). Burns, Scalds, Sting, Bites, Bruises, Bunions, Coras, Scratches, Sprains, Strains, Stitches, Stiff Joints, Backache, Galls, Sorea, Spavin Cracks. Contract sd Muse lea, Eruptions, Hoof All, Screw Worms, Swinney, Saddle Galls, Piles. THIS GOOD OLD STAND-BY aeoontvltahes for everybody exactly what lsolabned for it. One of tbs reasons for the treat popular ty ot tits Mustang Liniment Is found tn its universal applicability. Everybody naeds such a medl cine. Tbe Lumberman needs It la case of accident. The HoasewtfO needs it for general family use. Tho Caaaler needs It for hla teams aad his men. The Mechanic needs it always on his work bancs. The Miner needs it tn case ot emergency. The Pleaeer needs U can't get along withe nt It. The Farmer needs It lu his house, hia stable, snd Its stock yard. The Steamboat man or the Boatman needs It ta liberal supply afloat and ashore. Tbe Horse-fancier needs it It is his best friend and sat est reliance. Tbe Stockgrower needs it-it will sav him thousands ot dollars and a world of trouble. The Railroad man needs It and will need tt so long ss his life is a round of accidents and dantsrs. The Backwoodsman needs it. There ta soth ing like U as oa aaOdote tor the dangers to lite, limb snd comfort which surround tbe pioneer. The Merchant needs it about his atora sjaong bis employees. Accidents will happen, aad ehea these come the Mustang liniment is wanted at oaee. Keep a Bottle In the House. Tls the bet of eooBomy. Keep a Bottle la the Factory. Its Sea rat cute ass in case of accident sa rea psla Ad lees ot a ages. Keen st Beetle Always la tbo Otahb' far ase whoa wasted. To Regulate mffYJ FAVORI1 K HOME REMEDY Es H Vr wsrrsnted not to contain a sisal par- aeVaa liela of Mercury r arty injurious sub Msacc, but Is purely vegetable. It Will Cure all Diseases caused by Derangement of the Liver. Kidneys and Stomach. .If your Lr la out of ofdar, Own yam whole ytem I derssgsd. Tha Wood a mr.n- the breath odniir; you hav foci tasgirid, diapiriMd aad 1 l Io or.vrrn a ......... , . ' fti -n talc at ones biiamons 'n REGULATOR. If yot, lsd s A ,.T!'.War', Hfcj. m w,oi , Kldnry anvrttoaa. avoid ' fife SlSMuatt Liver Resahasv. ettirn XftVtliins Kr-I rJ 1, or t heavy after meab or at night, take a dose snd yoa - ' J neS T rtsssasllj n you are a miasrsbls saffersr with Hon, Iyspepbs sad as, aeek relief st oaee ia Urer R'Kiiltf.r. It don not Hi' ' 1 t Hual doiog, and costs bat s I.I cure you. It ak up is the morning with a t tasta In your svsuth. flEB fslsimon. lirer Regulator. It cor. rect. the Mm Stomach, tweetaas Itrratk - i cnuue ( iilulrrx r,li.B rwA .ik t e -d Tonic ta avert spprtechlsg slcfcaeai. gamntW Uvsr Reg.;lior will relieve Colic, Head. uTtrrt At any time yes mtt yesar syaSsss aaeSs dear,itm1ig.rer,Uiing without .iea Ptirgtag, r stunurlag without Inwai tanAg, take SS CPAS CO SV J.H.ZEIUM & CO. , Philadelphia, Pa. SW gB eaest yesur. Bag',xii B8v .aW 3.0OO mWkSW whole Pletaure kSW OiVKM Whole dlreet fe eswam ess an lisrsenal or fisaatly awe. Telle order, and srtvee win matt a eatsr rw stress warn receipt of 10 eta. So rtpi-i uf maUlng. et ata Bteaur frwa yeas. Kaapawtftslly, rVrONTCOMERY WARD at CO. 87 as ggw vrahosh Aveaau MAXY LAMP CMiJHBiKx'8 ABJ ofTerexl for sale represented as good aa the Famous ARE NOT! And Ilka all Caanterffetta latest tbo hustle e, ASTIX C QstaUlUes OF THE CiE9x7iaB PEARLTOP And Insist The PEARL TOP ia Sftanu far tn reel eatT by 010. A. MACBETH & C0.t F1TT8BTJBGBU PA- PATEMT8 all etbar basiaaas in ths U. 8. Our la apposit tha C. S. . . a er ilisalsa , Sisl to esssska e sbarf bill ty fraa r.1 eharga lata! veeatala patent. Ws reSw here, te ths sy orasr Die. sftheC. f or tin. aiar, aeeies. tan atteaas ta fesrsve gtate or eeaaty, C. A. SJKOWftCO aewte rataet raoes. Washhsytrat. D Aclmiiustrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that on tbs day of Jane, 1887, the aaderaigned was by tbe Coonty Court of Una coaaty, Oregoa, daly appointed Administrator of tbe estate o( Wtiitam Koboett, Isteof said coast v, do aaaood. That undersigned baa daly qaal t tied aa such Adastuisttator. AU uataoaa baring claims against aaid estate are hereby notified to present them with tbs proper vouchers, within six mouths front the date hereof, to the undersigned at bis raaiJasssa hear C'rawfordsville, Linn eouaty, Oregon. Dated thia 8th day ot July, 1887. D. P. RoassTT, Administrator of said estate. W. R. Bilyxu, Attorney tor the AdsainiaArabor. Citation. In the County Court of the Slot of Oregon for Limn County. In the rastter of the estate of I M Cm deceased, To Rebecca Cooper, mother, said B W Cooper, Joel Cooper, Samael Cooper, Qeorgo VV Cooper, Livonia A Pnrdom, Martha A From, Gordon Cooper, Abbie JPenoiegtoa,. Jane Bringbaro and Nanny Duncan, broth era and sisters, and next of kin aad heirs at law of said 1 M Cooper, deceased, aad to all others known end nok newts, who have or claim to have aay interest in ssid est to. la the name of the State of Oregon, yen aro hereby cited to be and appear in the County Court for tbe County ot Lian at the Court House in ths City of Albany iu aaid Cuuoty and State, on Joastay she Sth slay setesnar, IS?, st the hour of one o'clock tn tbo afternoon cf said day, tbe aame being a day oi tbe regular September term of said Court, 1887, and then and thete show cause if any exist way an order of sale soouid not be made direct ing snd licensing George W Cooper, Executor oi the lsst a ill and testament oil M Cooper, deceased, to sell all the right title and inter Sat of the said i M Cooper at tho tisae of his death, both in law and is equity, of in and to ! the real property herein after described, aa prsyd for in tbe petition ot tbe said treorge W Cooper, Executor ss aforesaid, which said petitioa is now ou Hie, in the Coonty Clerk's ; office of Linn county, Oregon ; wbich said res) property ia described as follows, to-wit : Tbe N t of the N E g of Sec 35 ; the S ot ti.e N E of Sec 26 ; the S K i of Sec 26 ; the S g wl tl" N w f Sec. 26 ; the S W U of Sec. 26 ; ami the N i of the N W ot See. 35, in Tp. 11 S R 3 west ; the doeation laud elaim of Samuel Cooper, beiog Not. No. 1191 and Claim No. 59 iu Sec tions 28, 29, 32 and 33, in T. 1 1 S R 2 west, containing 320 a errs, nurt or leas, sort beiagia all 960 acres Also Lota 5 and 6 in fiMoek No. 2 in the eastern add't ion to tbe City of Albany. ! Lino 4 t)tnty, O egii. Th.- inter, t nt asid A 1 t Coup r. lrf Ht i, at the rime of his death hetug rfii uo.'.' I one i ve. h itir -rat ia i fee Mtuo e t t' oo ic the htr tiheti e ilea jcriti -tl v ir 1 r. : The .. tioi. i t sid real tpertv -tt Hfixit t Reosoea On pe SO the devUee ef ssid 1 W Cooper, decoaaed, I being described i,s folluwK, to-wit : Regi&- iiing at s atoof 6a8s 14 inches at the south et corner ol the laud stl, apart to E. T. Cooper,, sud rucuinp thence north 79.86 chstns tu stone; theuce -fct 12 50 chaina t a st uic 5x1 1x14 inches ; thance south 79.68 ohatua to asttue 8x8x10 inches ; thence east 12.50 chini4 t the place of beginning, coa taiuinu 99 76-100 acres, save and except the right of way heretofore conveyed to tbo Al bany and Lebanon Rail toad Company. All in Tp, 11 S R 3 west in Linn county. Oregoa. Done by order of the Hon. J. J, Whitney, Judgoof aaid Court. Io testimony whereof, I, J. P. Galersitb, Couoty Clerk of Lift county, Oregon, ahd Clerk of tbe County Court have hereunto sal my baud affixed the seal of said O urt, at , office in Albany, this 19th day of Julv, A. D., 1887. -errr this "Pon fmM BA Exact H1TnetaHHLAB" them 5I V an Eaeh with 5 fpr CU1M5IT rat. Oct, 80, 18 8. Sepi. ef S Patstst