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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1887)
Ik tmmt 5.ur4 m sh Pt Office at Aibauy, Or MMOond-oltMBMll matter. f 41 1 v V AUGUST 19 IHH7 dcirsa & II it Mar a ad NUTTING. Proprietor. KI. trrriWU. Lel thlltnr. MAN ABOUT TOWN. The 5dsn About Town spent Friday night, Saturday, Sabbath and Monday till ; a. m. at Ysquin Bar. Newport center of attraction ; hotels full, about eighty nt Pete Abbey's, who by the way is a very po- Sular boat'. Boarded with better half at Irs. Mat tic Humphtey's. Nice place ; but lots of sand Hand all over Newport by the way. Dirt on the hill ; vet picturesque. Can aee the lighthouse, ragliig.moaning sea, pretty cottages dotting the landscape here and there. lots of room. Prof. Condon with his great geological brain prying iiuo nature. Sleepy Hollow full. Ugh ! Mag nificent beach, Nep tide. Long rides, walks, stiff breeze, pebbles ; water agate scarce, people rake the beach for them and pay some boy a dollar for one. Several piomlnent Portland people present. Sheriff Jordan, Mr. Selden, Col. Taylor, Mr. Dicr dorf, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Payne and the wives of tome of them ; went" to Seal Rock with several. Magnificent I Mr. J. VV. Brasfleld mote enterprising than any other Newporter. Business. Treats people well too. Salem people ; the Scriber sisters, Mrs Scott, etc Bathing j to 5 p. in Iirimense fun for spectators. Cold, shivering, self acri firing business. Takes sand. Girls stand It beat. Salem girl lutlf an hour without a shake. Baldhcaded men in front seats.. Sarda.iapolis. Salmon just begin to run. Rock oad. Indians out over the bar. Government work progressing well. Jetty extending. Making a fine harbor. Oregon Pacific a fine road to ride on. Safe, fast, picturesque. Attachees accom modating, gentlemanly. Mr. Kennedy keen eyed, attentive. Passenger Agent Hoag the right man, accommodating vet u. f. destined 10 be part ot a transcontinental line. Fine trip. O STATE PUIWS ASSOCIATION. Pursuant to a call issued by the editors of Benton county about a doaen members of the press of Oregon with several ex-members and friends of the newspaper met in the parlors of the Yaquina Hotel on Friday evening of last week and organiaed a State Press Association. The following were present and signed the initiatory roll : Coll VanCleve, Post, Yaquina ; Will Parry,( r,Oorvalll,M. L. Plpcsattter.Corvallis ; l. s. McCain,AWrv,Salem ; D. R. N. Bell, ?::', Roseburg ; J. A, Vt,Entrjrite Oregon City ;J. B. Flthlan.PortlandlfVW Mr. Phelps, Mail, Newport ; Chas. Nickel!, 7Y., Jacksonville ; S. St Train, Herald, Albany ; J. B. Aldrich, Xtws, Newport ; D. T. Stanley, ( Arisiia rrsiY, Monmouth ; F. P. Nutting, Drmocrat, Albany, and Prof. Campbell, cf Monmouth, and Rob't Johnson, of Coryalli". A temporary organization was formed by the election of M. L. l'lpeaas Chairman, and Chas. Nlckcll as Secretary. I oil VanCleve. .1. R. N. Bell.S. 8. Train, J. S. McCain and J. B. Fithian were uppoint- il .1 committee on permanent organization, and J. If. Aldrich, Chas, Nickell and D. T. Stanley on constitution and by-laws. Let ters were read from fifteen or twenty editors with regrets. Some were quite humorous. Saturday morning the members of the association met in the same place and elect ed the following permanent officers : M. Tipes, f rest dent. Chas. Nickell, Secretary. S. S. Train, Treasurer. I. M. Shepard, R M. Hendricks and D. R N. Bell, Vice Presidents. J, 8. McCain, Sergeant at Arms. A constitution and by-laws were passed, a membership fee of $t, that nearly broke some of the members to pay, was provided fpr and it was voted to hold" a special meet ing of the association at Albany on Friday, October tJth ; and the annual meeting at Salem, on the second Friday In Aug. 18SS. An excursion was had to the canneries, when the members amused themselves in various ways. Saturday evening a meeting was held at Phelps Hall, when the following committee on program for the Albany meeting was appointed : Coll Van Cle've, F P Nutting and E O Norton. The Albany members of the Association were appointed a com mittee on arrangements for the same. A committee consisting of J B Fithian, The M. A. T., suggests that Van Cleve, I T M Parry and J R N Bell were appoint of the Pmst keep his immense mouthedon three questions presented by Mr. shut else a cold dock will be run in on him Fithian, as deserving of legislation : the in the shape of a letter he once wrote in publication of County Court proceedings in this citv, which is in safe, keeping for him two papers ; the publication should he jump over the traces too far. If this Is not plain it can be made so. The Finest ea the N. W. Coast While at the Bay last Saturday through the courtesy of Mr J W. Brasficld, a Democrat man was one of a party of about twenty-five who visited the increasing y famous Seal Rock property ten miles south of Newport. After a ride on one of Ihc finest beaches In tho world, with the waves telling their -never ceasing tale on the right and a fertile country on the left, rugged ami healthful, the leal Rocks rose before us in oil their unsurpassed picturesqueness Na ture did her beat in arranging them. Stretch ing out into the sea they form two of the most beautiful coves imaginable, each about a thousand feet long. Between them the waves roll up the beach, making bathing places, attractive for their convenience, beauty and safety. Facing these are the Seal Rock lots of which Mr. Brasficld has the management All of them ana located for cottages, sloping gently toward tne oeacn. 1 he soil is fine and there are plentlv shell beds on the property to sup ply a I the lots with a fertilizer. In the front Mr. Brasficld has a neat cottage for the convenience of pleasure seekers, and around the place raises prolificly everything one can wish for the table, flowers as weil as eatables, and this can be done on any of the lota, of which there are 5 00. These are being sold for $50 apiece, and the purchaser in due time draws for a lot and stands a chance of getting one of the thirteen fine cottages that will be built No where along the Northwest Coast is there anything equal to this as a location for summer cottages. It combine all the convenience aa well as grandeur of seen e ry. Curran k Monteith. of this city, are agent at this city for this property . " the publication of sales of pawnbrokers articie, and patent out and insides. Several members were called upon ami made trmiv second speeches. Alter a vote of thanks to the () & C, O P and citl tens of Newport and Yaquina City, the As sociation adjourned The Association has obtained a good start and promises to prove a success in the f u ture. Though small at the start It U bound 4o be large a the years roll bv. There Is vitality in It The It. A. It KnUrtaiammt. Harvest Note. Aa harvest continues the result seems to be more in favor of the farmer. The yield of fall wheat is proving fine, a our reliable figures given prove, and spring wheat is surprising many. In some place it is ahead of fall wheat This week we are able to give the following yields ; Around Oakyiile R A Bam ford threshed 35 acres at an average of 31 -bushels ; Pattt son Brothers, 30 acres at 25 bushels per acre ; Jos Yates 55 acre at 22 bushels per acre ; Cal Yates. i0 acres at 25 bushels ; Dr G W Gray 30 acres at 15 bushels per acre. In the vicinity of Miller's, in some re spects the garden spot of the county, Win Rainey's spring wheat averaged 33 bushels per acre ; Geo Reid's fall wheat, 35 bushels, C Buchner's, 30 bushels ; F Miller's, 3 bushels. J W Sutton, Canada, threshed 52O bush els from 13 acres, 4O bushels an acre. Turf Contest On Thursday, September ist the race be tween the gel of Onecoatid Alwood Breeze will tie trotted at the fair grounds near this city, and on September 3rd the long-looked for trial of speed in trotting between J. W. Shannon's bay filley, two years old, by Ans. Marshall's "Alwood Breeze,"and Wm. Bar row's bay colt "Onero," by ."Oneco, "owned by MclCnight Bros., will" come off at the same place near this city The contests will be one mile heats, two best in three. The prizes is $500, a forfeit of $250 being put up when the races were made some time since The race will attract a great many spectators, as all parties mean to win. l.ikcail their entertainments the one given by the G. A. R. aud W. R. C. Mon j day and Tuesday evenings were successes : financially and in every other respect Major iiendershott manipulates, the sticks with wonderful power, at time attacking the drum with the gentleness of a love pat and then agatn pounding it with the mad fierceness of a prize fighter, In either case witt absolute coirectness He used two finely drums, one presented to him in t86a by Horace Greeley. Following ws Monday evenings program : Piano kdo Rone Estel. Recitation -"Drummer Boy of the Rap pahannock," MUs Ida Knox. C. i. Grant's favorite march - Major Hen dersliott and aon. Vocal solo Mrs Lee. Encored. Gen fohn A Logan's favorite march Major 1 lender shot l and son. Character song and recitation W W Maccon Taking. Tableaux Eaves Droppers. Dropped. Imitation of an engine pulling an excur sion train on the O P R K.--Major Hen dcrshott His best Song "The Old Fashioned While Army Bean," Major Hendershott and Veterans. Recitation Mi Lora Vance. "The Old Army Sick Call" -"Come and Get Your Quinine." Major Hendershott. Solo with guitar accompaniment by Dr. El is Mrs Lee. Albany quick stepMajor Hendershott and son. Banjo W W Macuon. Encored. "Marching Through Georgia"---Major Hendershotf and son. Solo Mrs Burkhart Major Hendershott and son Drum solo Major Hendershott. Tableau A statue. Tuesday evening besides two or three repetitions by Major Hendershot and son the following program was rendered : Gen Garfield's favorite march Major Hendershott and son. Character wng Tho Jones. Recitation Miss Helen Crawford. Piano sola Miss Anna Flinn, Duet Miss Carrie Galbraith ami Major Hendershott. "The girl I left behind me" Major Hen dershott and son. Song Tho Jones. Tableau 1st Bliss ; 2nd Bliss disturled. Character song W W Macoon. Song Thos Jon. March "Wait for the wagon," Major Hendershot t and aon. Instrumental duet Messrs. Mcknight and Macoon. Young and old folks quickstep Major Hendershott and son. Dance. CURRENT EVENTS. Diptheria la wide-spread at Sum mervllle in Union county. MM J L Parrish died at Salem last week at the age of 46. A new oost office has been established At Kamela, Union county, Or. The California Club has Invited the Pres ident to visit San Francisco this fall. Dee Linn county intend sending a coun ty exhibit to Salem la September. In a sculling match between Hanlon and Tecmer on Saturday the latter won. A total eclipse of the sun occurs to-day and may be easily seen by going to Siberia. ('apt F J Babcock, of Salem, was in At bunv Tuesday and weut to the Bay Wed nesday. A great many laws are not enforced at all, for Instance ; the. dog law, vagrancy law, sidewalk law, etc. A little over half the grading on the Walla Walla. Pendleton road has been completed by Contractor Bunt. A bov only t years of aire was out Into jail in St. Augustine, Fla., for stealing four plums trom a garden. The owner of the "Tressa May," of Ya quina Hay, has been lined $1(00 for carry ing more passengers than the law allows. The government of the United States owns $75,0004100 worth of buildings, and has not a cent of insurance on the whole lot "Camp-meeting" John Allen, of Maine, is now attending his throe hundred and sev enty-third camp-meeting. He is 9a years old. The division of California into two states is being agitated. Justice Field says It is only a question of time when the state w ill be divided. In New York City 6,300 Chinamen are employed In the laundry business. The to tal Chinese population of that citv and Brooklyn is 1 0,000. The lamest yield so far reported is that of J P Turner.near Walla Walla,who threshed 2560 bushels of barley from 25 acres over ioj bushels to the acre. Eighty -live firms or Individuals in Walla Walla who pay taxes on $1 0,000 or over. U.ikcr & Haver are the heaviest, and trf . 000 are the figures. A solitary emigrant passed through Walla Walla with a team Wednesday, en route all the way from New York State to Skagiton the Sound. He said he had ex (tended $200 thus far on his trip. The State board of education voted to use the Mnith series of books on hviriene and physiology, published by lyiaun.Blakeman, Taylor & Co. This is In accordance wth an act of the last Legislature. fhc Lalirande Jnntmii savs the people do not want two elections every presidential ear, and will accordingly 'vote for the amendment changing the time of holding state elections to November. Crown Prince Rudolph, of Austria, dur ing three hunting days at Bercaencae re ccntly, sliot with his own gun forty-seven roscbucks, a feat unprecedented in the an nals of European sport. v cdnesday Stewart & Sox sold one of the popular J I. Case threshing outfits to 1. noiman v . 01 ucnton county. An accident ruined their old outfit which they have run for several years. O'Mallev the wild Irishman of Kansas spoke on the temperance subject as he sees It, at t'cndleton last Sabbath evening: O'Mallev is about as much of a speaker as a oeai and duino man and should be m If the Albany Dkmock will just keep its editorial shirt on for a few days more, it saa . a - sf win witnout a doubt receive some -free LEBANON. Mitt Flora and Vesta Mason, and Mies Clara Blaln, of Albany, have been visiting friends In this city. The wheat yield around Lebanon Is good, and Spring wheat Is much better than was anticipated, AH la quiet among our liverymen. An enjoyable concert was given at the Presbyterian Church Sabbath evening by the S. S. Mr R Cheadle, residing about a mile from the city has gone into the cheese bustnwss, and is manufacturing a very superior ar ticle. The Military Company did not mutter Saturday evening, though Capt Montanye was present and swore in twenty. five mem bers. Two weeks from next Saturday has been set for the muster and election of of ficers. Sodavllie and Waterloo are being fairly well frequented, particularly on Sundays. Mr Klum at the former place keeps a good hotel, A J F Miller, Post, G A K was instituted here on Saturday evening with a charter membership of seventeen. The following officers were elected : Chas B Montague, C. Z T Bryant, 8V C. G W Cruson, J V C. B M Donaca. A. R E Barrickman, Surgeon. Rev M Hickman, Chaplain. F M Milter, Q V. I F w biting, Officer of the Day. Wm E Smith, Officer Guard. I Saltmarsh. 8 M. Jacob Houck, Q 8. CHVtTlVA LLEY. Grain harvest is now In full blast Most of the farmers in this section of country have their fall grain all threshed. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Smith are rusticating n the mountains. Mr. Charlie Thomas, once a resident of Linn county, but now of Los Angeles, Cal., visiting ner mother, who has been sick for some time. Mrs. Carrow's funeral sermon was preach ed at Liberty Church last Sunday. Little Herbert Reklv, and also the little laughter of Mr. A. J. Crabtrec, have boon quite sick. The young man who rides the bay nonv. walks and ties now, just for a change. A whole delegation from this neighbor hood have been to Cedar Flat picking black-berries. Quite a number from the valley are seek ing rest and pleasure in the cool mountain air. But whv iro so far imi when the n. freshing waters of the beautiful Lake Mala-! ria, that favo.ite summer resort. Is within reach of all pleasure seekers. It ta one of t he most popular places In Crystal Valley, noieo ror its pleasant surrounding,anJ last, but not least, for its pure and healthful medical properties. It would be well for those visiting the Lake to stop at the gate and send a reconnoitering party In advance to secure them from all Impending danger. Mr. Jim Craft, of Fish Lake, made a fly ing trip to the valley the first of the week. tie reports everything lively at the Lake. Moss Roes. PERSONAL AND flOCI At. Hon L Hi I veil, of Kaeens. bos been in eiiy. Rev Priohsrd returned from the Bay last Tuesday, Cearad Meyer and fwnily went to tbe Bsy Saturday. L W Dejee and H Lampmau left for the raoaotains last Sabbath. Mrs Kate Protsman, of Portland, has bsen in tbe oity the guest of Mrs Lyle. Wm M Hoag, of the 0 V was in Albany Monday on bis wy to California, Mr Milton Hale left Tuesday no a trip through Eastern Oregon and Idaho. Mr and Mrs L Senders and too bavs bsen catching sea brseass at. Yaquina Bay. Kilter ('helps, of tbe Newport Maii, was in Albany Monday en his way to Southern Oregon. Mr aud Mrs James MoCoy returned last week, by orr; , from an extended visit at the Bay. Charles Nieksll and family, of Jackson ville were ia Albany Friday 00 thstr way to the Bay. 1 Mr Aubrey 8. Clair, son-in-law of Mrs Chetdlt, of Walla Walla has bsen in tbe oity this week. Rev Dr Newman, of Washington, Geo 'treat's old pastor, passed through Albany tbe first of tbe week. H W Tharatoe, a eierk la 8 B Young's store, rsteraed Tuesday evening from a sev eral weeks trip in the Bast. Fred Wbittier and wife and obild ksys located at Taqoina City, where Mr Wbit Usr's father roaidss, Mrs J W Bontley left Albany tact Friday m a visit to her ps rente at Amity, where she will remain several weaks. Mr J W Wigl and wife who hav fceaa visiting in th Bast, return! last Tnssday after a trip of several weeks, 3 0 Crawford and family hay bewa at the Bay this week. Mr Crawford has been get ting some more etoellsot view. Mr and Mrs Charles Lsfallett, returned to Albany Monday from she Bay and will soon go to their fatere home st Prinsvill. Ex-Sheriff of Crook Coeoty. baa been ia the eooaty lately, with haadqusrters at Brewosvitts. Also Sasriff Blak.iy, of Ms Austin, of Santa Craa, Cal , about eighteen years ago a resident of Albany, and bar two eniidreo, have beeo ia the oity the guests of Mr K F Sex. Oar fellowtewo's people, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Graham who have beeo visiting relative 00 tbe Soaod returned last week mueh im proved sod reinvtgorated in health. Mr Abe Haekisman will leave Crook oouoty for the Valley is a few daye with a baud of h erase. Ha will be aooosspanied by Charts Cusick, of this City. Mr ; .r Turret! was m Albany Wed nesday 00 his way to T acorn from ban Frea- sjsjb, . .ming y wsy 01 Y equina. I htm was Sweaty -one feet of waUrr on th ear as 0 j)fcS)M9r OMJ S Oea Oibbon, Cpt Dia and Cspt Patloa left this uart of tiio Valley tar VaBtwavw. The troops will return ou tt west si te. rhV earns do wa th McKens e, and there have brti no cmplaiuU of tb loss of yellow leg ged chickens. Ia a few days Judge It H Sirahao, C W Watts and W B Scott, will leave far the Do you want class and eosc If so go is Brownsville, erockoey ipsou m ware at Waters, HODAVILLf. passes" to the "Marion county fair" which "meets some time In September." S7an mam. I hanks for your kind consideration in looking out for us. The free paes part of the attalr, though, 1 a small one. The Polk county Jtemitr says "that Polk count is tor prohibition cannot be gainsaid. At the last session of the State Legislature everyone of lis representatives, both Repub lican and Dcmocratic.spoke in unmeasured terms m Its favor, and a rousing vote in its behalf will be the result in November next The following from the Chicago ItrraU illustrates how it is done generally : In 1 Rhode Island factory town a certain em plover recently paid out to his employe on Saturday night $700 in new bills that had been secretly marked. On the following Monday $460 of these marked bills were deposited in the bank by the saloon keepers of the town. The- stroke of lightning which entered a house at Bridgewatcr, N J., after smashing a window pane, ripped the matting from the floor, cut one of the castor from a bed post, flew into the kitchen and threw 4 ser vant girl to the floor and a cat into a water pail, passed into an adjoining room and tore the heel off the slipper of a vouog ladv without harming her, burned the edges of aa- at aa - a ns . a I rnoiw on inc wan, ana men disappeared. Orcgoniana can hardly appreciate such freaks. A singular and distressing accident hap pened recently at the residence of Peter Henderson, en tbe John iay. Mrs, Hen derson went into the yard for some wood, leaving her four-months-old girl lying on the bed. On returning she found the baby had in some way rolled off and fallen head first into a pail of water standing by the bed. The child was standing on Its head stone dead when found by its mother. It was unable to extricate Itself, and was drowned in less thai) six inches of water. A J Ryburn, lately from Kansas Citv, Missouri, died at the Monroe House ia Salem on Tuesday, from the effects of ia juries sustained in an accident last Saturday by his horse becoming frightened at the yard engine, and backing the wagon off a bridge near the passenger depot, precipitat ing four persons on tho rocks ten feet below, under both the horses and the wagon. Mrs Campbell, another of the party, is reported in a dying condition at Turner. There are several campers hero yet Mr R C. Miller's folks.of Rock Hlll.have been camping here for the benefit of their health. Mr. Ralph Fisher, of Albany, is visiting nrrc wun his lather in law. Mr Wm far rish. Hie wife has been here quite a while Rev. Wooley, of Lebanon, preached here Sunday at J o'clock p. m . to a large audience E. A. McAllister will lecture nere the last Sunday In this month. He did not fill his apKintment iaat month on account of being sick. Rev. Tumcan, of near Halsey, preached nere last Sunday. I larvesting is under rapid progress now Some threshing crowds have to lay off Oat account of green grain. The bat fall wheat is only turning out about tShushcle per acre, while oats arc only going from 10 to it bushels per acre. Mr Parrish had one piece of fall oat that averaged 50 nusneis. We arc informed that the spiritualists 01 Lebanon had an interesting meeting an a e s a near noca union last Sunday Some of our men have gone a railroad ing this summer. Sodavllie has Improved some this sum mer in the wsy of building, two or three new houses having been bulk. Born to the wife of M. D. llogan, at Rock Hill, Aug. nth, a big bouncing boy. Mr. G. W. Leslie is doing some good worjk threshing around here with his Tittle pepWr box machine. I. X. L. Do yen want d at oost. If so go Brownsville. mountains en a haatiag expedition . Messrs Cowan and Mo nasi tb. of this city, have on HOME AND ABROAD. Smoky. Cloudy weather, F M Freneh, jeweler, The best harness at B L Thompson's. H Sert, praotieal watchmaker and jew eler. J C Flood, tho millionaire is dangerously 111. When at the Bay by all means go to ''oeai Rock." Is your wheat insured ? If not call at H F Merrill's. Bom has been agitated to tbe center over a horse race, i. P. Wallace, Physician and Soigeobr Al bany, Or. I Oreenbaitm is selling oat at auction, in cluding drngs. Albany will uss sboat 1,500.000 brink in building this summer. Prod no of all kinds taken in ex hang at Shsae A Leoswsy's. Kx-Senator A A Sargeant died st Ban Kraneieoo laat Sunday. Onto Shane A Lwty'e far all kinds of millinery and fancy good. Remember Shane k IHtswsy are sell log dry good st very low prtoes. Isrmers, insure your grain si Merrill's Agency, osll and get hie rate. Six shaves for a dollar sod s oh so towel to every customer, at Tbe. Jones. Bsfors yen insnr your wheat get rates from H Y Merrill. Albany, Or. Th oootrset for building tbs Young Block baa been let to Mr B W fund iff. Last week two Ibssoa liverymen exer cised their otusoelt on each other. 7 O.ks ours rheu'natistn, nsarslgU snd Foshsy m Mason, Agents, toned, set and nut ia order st Jones' Shaving and Hair Dressing Parlor. f M Freneh, agent Siaesr Manufacturing (..opposite Odd Peilews Temple, Albaoy.Or. L Binders baa mvds two shipments of horses to Baa Francisco during th past week. Pertmiller St Co., furniture dealers are greatly improving the appearance of their store. Lset Friday J O Cherry shipped a large stiver retort to Mr Joh. Cbeoowitb, of Oak- Dr. M. H. Kills, phrsiaian and surgeon All any, Oregon. Calls mads ia efty or one a try. All styles of boot and sfeose and a large stack of groceries is what we carry. Red held Jk Brow nail. Hon L it Mtfotaaye ia miviog his iw of- lea into the Foster Block directly ewer Kucha? ft Mason's. Mr Fried msa, of Portland, te opeoi.ig a and band store oa th corner of First and Lynn street. The "Willamette Valley" stile 1 fro Y gam on Tuesday. Ws take theoeio, the cuetmsrs take th bargaini, snd the burg sis ttke lh cake. KdU"id BrowneU, A Urge ew and shingle mill will eoou be rotted at Crawfordsviile A Centsrvitl man male S2390 from patch of potat e men year. Hay has been seilieg in Albany for tit Iff baled. The market will re do geed, no doubt. Fahrney'e Celebrated Blood Cleanser fee sale at Peyno ft Rebsen'e and Read ft Urowo ell's, P J Baltimore, agent Kvery oastomcr wilt be a wslkiag sdver tisemsnt for cur bargain when they tered Hit mm agreement with Judge Ssrahan by which they are to pay htm 1100 pound fee boar must and ft a pen ad f r veoiaoa. y irst-clasa svideaee to be ai 1 titemsut for cur bargains when they eeeeur P H ftllll.s has test returned from a trio P. Hedheld ft Browneil to Malheur where he went to take stock, lie I One of N n Allen o pnx ticket peon weat out sad returned by the McKcnate for 5c on a dcBars srertb of goods purchased rants. Be ears after he erosssd the Cssead at tbe new Hsoontt Has statu. including wheat, rye. barley, eats sod vegetables bsd- of all ly injured by frost, so maeh so that but very 1 iittl would be harvest. He says the Mat- hoar is a good stock country, having so I abundance of excellent grass. REV. CRAM A RBPPBLICAS. EditTt Dmmott-Mt : Would you allow me a word to reply to Mr Craig In your lost week's issue Ho refered to us, otherwise we had not said a word. This paragraph of his is a prodigy. Read it, what doe it mean f There ft ia t "The head and front ot our offending oven with our Democratic editor friends. such as Mr BeU and Pines seems to he that a majority of our member are supposed to vote the Democratic ticket. Gentlemen we hag your pardon. If thh offence grate so harshly upon your nerve, and, a, by re fraining from voting, or changing our poi ttics we can escape the odium of belonging to the carcass of the rebellion' it may ho well to do so. If Psul would eat no meat' in deference to the conscience of hi 'weak brother.' most of us can forego this pleas ure of voting the ticket represented by these doughty editors, Who said anything about you voting any ticket ? This is the first we ever thought or heard of such a thing In connection with U I- (Vit.... mudbw A.. llu mk1I1m Mia I the thing, wherein we caught tho conscience '"'7 W,M w Tne Bed Crown Mills have abut down but will start up again ta about a week. Over thirteen hundred the sierl bricks have been made up to date ta Albany thts ssen snd still th work goes en Tn Coroners jury ia tbe easeef Wm Hath away, sb was drowned to l.vs eooaty, re- lun.ed a verdtet of dth by suicide. Ths "Three .Sorter ' left Atbsiy M m lay with over fifty tone of md-. for place along tbe nyr. even Ssletn and rerwand. A Ottio young man wrote his girl 47. love- lttrs in 130 dys, sod the refused l" marry him. A breach uf uremiee autt foiiowod. Owner of property h tying looss. tum'jl - down sidewalks should uW faste't U plank and drive in tb umls that have drswa out. JaneU.amsr own! by W S Ladd, f Portland, rroeutiy Uolitd a mil ia 2:20, the f jtt tim ever utd by an wregoo horse. A dra nrner in the city Tuesday mad th remvrk that Mr A O UtAter, E4 tbs 0 ft 0 depot, is the best baggsge n 11 ia tbe North weet. lorrejt. Another shipment of ladies do aa is in all widths and since iost in this week. Custom ers re nark what perfect bssntiet. Radfi Id ft Brownell. Oeerg Sutherland and Jams rfily 1 have night oat J K Bridgeferd, st San, a id are now full nedgd grocery men. Being popntnr efficisnt in keeping the body U g'wd cmdi tisoV A special meetiog of the Common Council Was held on Tnnsday evening, ikt ordinsaoeo to conform to tbe new charter were passed. Also the eleotrto light ordinsnce, and s reso lution providing for tbe filling ia of tbe lower end of Broads! bin street. The Thistle has arrived at New York City from Scotland snd will soon try her speed with tho Volunteer, America 1 representa tive for tb championship of the world . We hereby offer s years tub. to tht Dimociut t the wis ner. Yonug, old, and middle eged, all expert coos the wonderfully beneficial iffs ts of Ayer's8rsprill. Young children, -offering from sore eyes, sere ears, sesld hssd. sr with sny scrofulous tsint, Ire-some healthy sad strong by ths ns of this medicin . "Ooodnees grselous, why d.m't the Mar shal Ix thst dsngeroas wslk " Soeh ws ths Isngusgs u i.l by s Isdy wb 1 tripped against s loose plana, tearing s large hoi is s area new pair 'of shoe and eoeiptetely wrecking m fS parser,!. In acoordsno with wbst ths Dauo'-aai hss slvocsted for sum time n ordinance was introduced Tuesday night to sxteed tbe ttre hriute of th city from Wsshingtm to flaksr Htreete 00 First St., snd from vVssh- ington to KlNworth on Ssoood Ht. It should pass. I -sat week the 11 year old s m of S iM Ralston wss driviag th power for threshing sear Halsey, when is stepping oa the leyer missed bis footing snd ftli bt eeu th cog of tb large wheel sod the frso work ef tbe mscbise, ornahiug on of hie legs in fright- lui msonsr. Pre. Smith and Geary smputa ted the leg, and the boy w doing well. A little boy in this eity bad ben taught a rider no circumstances to as the word "bull." A few day siao he had eeeswioo to refer te s dog whose owner had callcl htm s "null dog" in th presence of the boy, and remembering tb lessen of his mother, the boy called it a "steer dog . " fact. Wm Fortmiller ft Co., we sot only eolerg leg and greatly tmprenog thoir farniturr store, making it a very nice place, but they r sa wsl) sdding to their stock, snd will carry mor goods than ever of the eery best patterns ef farniturs ia sU lines. Give them a anil when you want bed roots seta, sofa, chairs, etc. Tbe Albany market is well supplied with e - ta. e Se Lit a a irsro 01 su snnos, seen as spates, pears. from Oregon ! Me. or hard I v ever. ornta fathers most of tbesn. AnoU are from lino eooaty, end likewise blackberries, and most Of our vegetables, and thst is a boat ail. Mr F M French, of this city, has venr ingnios bell ringer. It is nothing lew than s aa ease in a box. A string connected with something stationary and passteg through s hole in tb box is sets -d by tbe mouse in its endeavor to sissps snd violently ieiked. csuiing s weight to jin.l agaioet s bH. asnfctBg the latter ring out a myi tenons peal. efwppr give mere for o otitis then sny othsr eeUbluhmsnt in immunity. Thr ootsnmae tusng IksJi nto- k g trarle they perpetnslly give sway their spaee on Whsso when sifted to th core Drove to be nothing but sil-irtissmsnt. Beside, tkev luosiveoontieaeu aplioatiuasforooptea; snd always send them, paying ths pnstaaja. Wbst mere bant would shin s yard of cal to te every applicant. The followioa should Dreeede Rev Craia'a .t M . Wf arsw ossar orst pan ; in exonae tor net publishing tbe article below entire wss its length. This wmtid have beeo satisfac tory reseej for tt rejection, aa whole 1 snd bad sot s third snare apnea bean eeeapied by the editesu oomments a one the a street nab tubed than would have ssrved f w tb entire A portion of the ssaanaenpt I to recover. Following is the part try l tits very Those interested in the newly dissever sd en Bine River, nontfscaet ef Brew as- viU sr making preparations te develop them after harvest. To this ad they will eassn up trail from sear McDowell's mill on the CeJansese ta the headwaters of taw Cal pouts. The dsstanee ta th mine by this uew rout will be but little mete than ktif aa far a tb old rout. It ia believed verv nob quartz leads will be developed in the mine. We hope cur enhsrpriaiog frie di win net ae dtsappotntod. Mm of Administrator's Sale of Eeal Estate. Notice is hereby given that, under and y y irtpo of an order of sale duly mad snd entr. of record try tbe County "ourt of Linfl county, Oregon, ia the natter of the estate of T. L, Porter, de TOSaed, tbe nndereigned as AdraiQiatrstor f esld estate, will, on aimr, tne is stay ef wctener. Met, it the boor of one o'clock, p. m. of said I sy, at the door of the Court Henna ia AU osny , I. in n county, Oregon, offer for sale it public aunt ion to tbe highest bidder for gold ooiti, rush In band, all ot the tight, :itlr, Interest snd estate of said T. L, Porter ta'ussed, at ths time of bis death, of, ia md to too following desorioud real prop erty, to-wit : IxKs 6, 6, 7 and in Block 12 lo tbe town of If sissy. Idna county, roo, ssid sale will be made no eject to tonflriaatiea by said Court. - Albnay, Aug. 17th, 1S37. - W, . frTSWAUT, Admialatrntor, N0TI0B. asm Csflfo Notiee ie hereby given, that the County Ceurt of Unn county, Oregon, will, on Wednesday, th 7tb day ef plena be r, A. 0 , Ihb7, at one oVIook, p, in., receive esled bids for n contract to build fifty rod of rorrk and dirt rood, eooameoctng 00 tbe east end where tb plsnklag com mence en Beaver Mough nenr widow Ray's and ruo west over the ground where the old Beaver Creek bridge now unda a distance of fifty rod, by taking tne flooring off tbe old bridge and laying it on tbe ground o roes-wsy s a far as it gees. Then ns fir pole the rest of the wsy uotll tbe whole fifty rods of geoa t IB length is covered. Then cover thie with rock at least twelve in bee tb ck nod tea feet wide Then pat dirt and gravel atiout three inehe thick on tbe rock. There shall be two culvert in said rook road. The first one about ton rode from the starting point or east end of the old midge. The second culvert to be ubeot twenty three rd from tbe suet end of said rock road Kicb ef said eolberta to be msdo suriU-iem width to allow teasae to peas. Done by tbe order of the County Court this 4th ifsy of August. A. D.. laeT. . P, Oanasarrxf, Cferfc. Et BECK WITH, H. D. HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon, ALBANY, OREGON. Andrews & Hackiemao, W.LDOUGLASl $3.00 SHOE . 1 mmmmmmmmw ei JmWsm vv m mum vt-XA. mma m SOLE AGENTS,! LEBANON. - 0RIS0M THE NORTHWEST Fire and Marine INSURANCE COMPANY. No. 5, Washington St., Portlaaa, Or, RgrsBsaeaa warn i W. E. Toang, Stewart St Sex. real Lwt Saturday eveaiog a team being driven by Ifrwae Frontsn snd Irs Lcmg baesvis fnshteDed near tbe depot and ran wy. Near th Santiam ditch bridge it sset Mrs Casey and son who were also in a oainsre. Th bnggtas ouilided and her team alee ran awav. she beiag throws oat st .the ties. A few blocks sw.y the hoy wss also lsft by ths roadside, Th teams were stopped with sees dsasaae ta the baits, rbe eerties thrown not were not injured, though sense were considerably fiightaaed. ' lbs pried for sellieg poos at th Ma rios county fair, eosnmeuiy called ths State fair, has esse 1st ta two Pertlsnd sports for aw. raw h a gont utastratten of the moral ot tb fair. Pool eeiUe i robber r. L. Fllen, L. E. Blaln, Money loaned oat approved security. I. H. TOWMSEKD, Spactal .eet. lbaay. MAGNOLIA MILLS, John A. Crawford, Ptepriaior. J" nd s fair that will sell the pnrnng doe aot tie. Laan gawd of alldescriptten to Tbomaaea dt Waters, Ntw spt-x at Cirter's. Try a pair. Remarkably High. Clothing at L E Blain's is remarkably J Do yon want to ssvs money If so bay gee Fell and Winter goods from Thompson k Haters, Brownsville. Horrible Wreck. high on the counters. Large receipts of j Last Thursday evening a train of fifteen new goods is the cause. Box after box has ' cars drawn by two engines, having 960 ex- been unloaded this week, until there is , cursionists on board making their way to Stop the Paper. hardly standing room in his store. New business suits, new dress suits, new boys suits, latest styles, substantial, nobby. A very large variety to select from. IPrices remarkably low considering quality. That is the universal verdict. Mr BUin buys good goods, and a a result his trade keeps increasing. Now his counters are full and everybody should call on him. Corner Htnne i.aA. An Albany saloon keeper came into th e office the first of the week, settled his sub. cript on and ordered us to "stop the paper." Of course we will not do it ; Intend to rurt right along just the same ; but we drew a line across his name ; that was business. Perhaps some one wlio does not believe a j saloon Is the center of personal liberty will The corner stone of the new Agricul- take his place on our book. In any cent , u..mJS- ..... uu I we shall not stop the paper Our list is too lu"u '-"" "unumK big and our advertising columns too full for li last Wednesday that We shall continue to giye the news and adyocate only those measures that tend to the upbuilding of our commercial and moral interests. Another saloon keeper "refused" to take the Democrat out of the office. PINK. of the King." What if you did or dU not vote the Democratic ticket, what has that to do with the crawfishing attempt upon your part and a few others In reference te the college question. An 1 1 see, you conceal a threat that you wilt not vote the Democratic ticket any longer, and yet but T). ..,r iw .k. a mMi,.. niku om. ion nme since you wrote "inat yon hss bWcanvassing the community during ft?1 to thto.cafC,f J?1" H, the oost week wet, or words to that effect Our poor tne past wees. frr. m a ivk.i m ,k- Mrs Lena War, set Baher, of Ashland, n -. i iimm. a th that was viaitlng relaUves here last week. I troubles us. We had honed to do some- J D Kennedy, of Marion county, hss been thins to advance the great doctrine as In the neighborhood several weeks looking 1 taught bv Jackson, Jefferson, etc., but now av . t m . . . v " "an. f - . m ancr nw farming interests nere. 1 our hopes are all biasteo, ana tne acteat ot Mrs E C Bailey and children, ef Albauy. the I3cmocrstic ticket, assured. Mr urssg is ylsltlng at her uncles, Mr Allingham 's at present. Mrs and MUs Stephens, of Crook county, Mrs Owens, of Eugene City and Miss Arm. itage, of Coon Range, are visiting at Hon S G Thompson's this week, De yon want tbe Mason and IK .rod berry frnit jars st oost. If so go to Thompson Si ffatars, Brownsville. intimates that he snd hism hitherto demo cratic friends and followers are going to vote for Ben Butler, St. John, Victoria Woodhull, or some other vicissitude, and what will we do f Echo answers, what ! Keep politics out of the Church my Br.. keep politics out of your church. J. R. N. Brll. REAL ESTATE. Wliy Is It ? Fruits and vegetables are being shipped in lajsas quantities from California, while our own producers have sufficient to supply the ! market. Our dealers say that our own pro-' ducers will not supply them as cheap as they can get them from California. W ater- ' melons are shipped here from California and j sold for half the price that is asked for 1 Southern Oregon melons. Peaches in great I quantities are shipped here and sold at less I figures than Southern Oregon peaches are sold for. Cannot the Willamette farmer grow beans, onions, cabbage, potatoes and tomatoes cheaper than his California neigh bor ? We believe he can. afternoon under the auspices of the Masonic order, R. P. Ear hart being master of ceremonte. M. L. Pipe read a historical essay, and State Superintendent McElroy delivered the address. Short speeches were also made bv Governor I'ennoyer, Hon. J. K. Wcath j erford, J: R. N. Bell and others. A fine 1 dinner was served at the City Hall. The j attendance was large, including several I from Albany. Niagara rails left Peoria, III., and was traveling at the rate of a mile a minute when it suddenly came upon a burning bridge, but the engineer in the lead dlscov cred it too late to 6top the train. The train was composed of six sleeping cars, six day coaches and three baggage cars. The first engine passed over safely, but the bridge fell beneath it, and the next engine with the six day coaches plunged into the gorge on the burning remains of the fallen bridge. The cars were smashed Into a terrible wreck, killing over hundred persons and wound ing 300 or 400 others. It was one of the most fearful and horrible wrecks in the history of railroading. New styles of ladies vests and fobs st Csrt- er's Jewelry Store. The MurketH. The wbest market continues down, no The biggest Order Made. HBOD. Spring wheat is surprising the farmers. Wm Forest has defeated the champion lumber hauler of Shedd by hauling iAJ feet from the Jim Conaway mill to Halsey. Our old neighbor, Johnny Edwards, who has been residing In Crawfordsviile of late, pleased us by a very pleasant call last week. A. Blaker expects thirty days run with his new steam thresher, We were mere than pleased to notice in the Peoria items that the Prohibitory Amendment was gaining strength in that place, but are very sorry to say that a new saloon has been opened in that place. Don't fail to eall sad see our floe school suits for the boys, Something new snd nobby sad at bed rook prices. Thompson Waters, Brownsville. "OAKVILLE. In Wallace & Thompson are selling sn im mense amount of f ruk of all kind,peaches, pears, apples, grapes, etc. They keep supplied, Wednesday evening they order ed 100 boxes of peaches from San Francls- m wll-Vi thv will K11 4nr rin rpnt, ? hnY. : 1 j ti t- c 1 " .. ... T" ' pr.c Wlug u.u. iinpiiapeii. rr ,u.o- , f. who e.- e racn in Portland tbint( good are encoa raging, our offer of a year's sab. for two bushele continues in force. eggs, me. '. potatoes, f 1 ; sp peas, 91 A Brick Depot. The O. P. R. R. Co. will build a fine large brick depot in this city this we are reliably informed. The architect has been directed to prepare plans at once. This company means business all along the 1 nt. Butter, 25c pies, 21 ; blackberries, 10c. ; peas, SI . 50 grapes, 10c. ; meat 8c to 15c for roasts and steak ; hams. 14c ; Yaquina Bay honey, 25c ; bran, $16 ; lard, lOo. by retail. Tb Spencer Optical Co., making a fine steel spectacle piece. Carter sells them. of M. Y., are with gold nose To Hop Pickers, White hop pickers wanted by C S Mullen eight miles east of Albany. For further particulars address me at Alt on the place. .Specific Medication. Dr. .1 B. Pilkingten will be st the Revere House. Albany, from Tuesday noon till FTednesday noon, Aug. 23rd and, 24th, (pres eot month.) Alleys, nervous, chronic or rectal diseases, as wells all uterine ailments, examined free. bany or see me 0. a. Wood Wasted. Oak and ash wood wanted at this office on subscription. Let those who intend to supply us wood inform us so that we will know who to depend upon. Following were the recorded sales Linn county during the past week : Anson Hobert to Jacob Sheltcl, J17 seres in the 1 1 S R 3 W $ F H Rosco to Geo H Liggctt.cixioo ft In Lebanon 7 David Busey to Wm Carothers.ioo acrestpuSRaW 500 Jus Hanlon to M w Werts,5 lotstu tangent jj M Ralston to Sarah Kelley, 2 lots Lebanon S A Dcckard to Elizabeth Deckard, lots 1, a, Block 10,3 IPs A.Albany U S to Elisha Harry, 160 acres in tp 15JS R a W patent Est Elisha Harry to David Busey, 160 acres tpijSRjW 35 U S to Mathew fountain, 330 acres tpiSR4W.. patent Alexander P Parr to L H Montanye, N half block 91 M's S A Albany. Alexander P Parr to J H Burkhart, 2 lots.block 9i,M's is A Albany.. '75 Boa 1300 500 Harvesting is in full blast here. From two to five threshers can be seen running at one look. Mr C B Noah, of Blue River, Lane Co., is visiting friends here. He has a mining claim on Blue Rlversnd has some very fine specimens of gold quartz. Mr Couey .partner of W E8plcer,ef Leng Station, Is visiting his parents here. Amicus. Letter List. Following is the list of letters remaining: In the Pes Of&ee, Albaey, Una county, Oreroa, Aug. 18th, 17. Persons calling for these letters must gira tee date oa which they were advertised : Albany Electric Ce. Ball, Wm (2) Frsh, Jesse Notice, Strayed from the Chris. Hardman farm 7 mile east of Albany, a red bull two years old. The right ear Is cropped and split and the left esr snllt underneath. Branded on rlnrht run with the letter "B" with center bar extending back an inch or two. Any one finding him and shutting him up and In- fArmne P i. Baltimore at A many or rv - . r. . Baahor at the Hardman farm wtn be ably rewarded. P. J. Baltimore Tbe Leading Printing Hoase. suit- Logan, Oscar MitehsHrse, Frank Parker, Mrs Mva Kiemensnidsi-, B Smith, Ju'ius Stuart, John Vance, J D Araeld, Richard (i) Clark, W J Ha;, Tobias Lovsjoy, Ames L Mayers, Miss Emm Parker, W If Hitcher, W A fnodrrass, W J Sister. George Williams, p D Woodward, Wm (S) B. THOMPSON, t. X. Those in need of any kind of printing should call on or send their orders to J. H. Burkhart. He does work better and cheap er than anv orintine house in Oregon. All While riding ur Testes t Taeadsy. I, Oreeobsnm snd W Dinsmore collided with s lumber wagon. Result, a ran wsy, broken baggy snd no loss of lit. Tbs printing oat 8. of tne BmUeti wss shipped from Albany Tuesday te Astoria, where it will be use! by U C Ireland to th publication ef the neer. Mr at inoeumaier who lives 4 ati'ss south ef ths eity sold last week seventy tee ef tim othy hay to th goveraessat agents from Vancouver at 114 per too. Bheald yon deeire to sell year property osll on Burkhart A Keeney as tbsy sdvsrties property plaeed ia then beads, and charge nothing unless they offset a sale. Last Saturday e renins a watch, K . of P. pin and several pieces of jewelry, valued at sboat $35 were stolen front the r. sideuoe of Mr Jss Hstl, adjoining the Col tag. The nsonle of Ysouina Bay bavs voted unanimous! that they want uo fish trm 00 the Bav. aslmou have beitun rusning and they are opposed to snythmg hut net. MrSehoendore, of Philadslpbis, recently obtained about $3Xi,O0O by signing othsr people's names to ah pa of psper, and is now njnytog himself north ef tho St. Lswreaat river. Wm Sptcer. f 3,icer, while working around a thresher last Monday had the mis fortune to hays his right haua barfly crushed in the maohtue. Oos of hi fingers was aia putated. A F Vsai.rurvt State Treasurer . e e ess tin. 1 1 ia an heir 1 1 V icu rreiiens v oseier, wno recently died. Tbe'e neiug uo will Mr Wheel er will receive a sissll pttrttos f tne eetvto, which was not large. A private letter to the Uc .! litor mi the DsMoretHT from Mr Louis Vieree'i stares that he has bought out a barb ir husi oeas st Bloom berg, Columbia C"., Peuu., sr.dwil reside there at present Moor.)' steam saw outfit is haynga steady run of business, therebv knckinjr too Leiss tisls out, a yery proper thing to d". The machine saws from lift-en to twenty cords a dsy ami three men otn run it. Mr J W Althons has purchase I of I) G Clark his horns property corner Sistb end Baker streets. Price, $2500. Mr Clsrk hsssl ready locsted st Spokane Fulls, snd his family will soon move to that eity. The average yield of wheat through most of the Eastern States is about thirteen bush Is per aurs, almnt half thit of Lian onuaty. and the prioe is about tbe same. Thar is solid food in this for reflection. Messrs Fo.ihay & M mod, druggist, sr selling Wisdom's Bobertine wholesale and retail, aud giving beautiful picture cards with very bottle. Positively the moat perfect and harmless artial of the kind in th mark! Don't fill the system with quinine, to pre vent or cure fever and ague, Ayer's Ague Cure is the specific for this disease, and leaves no poisons te produce dizziness, deafness, headache, or othsr disorders. fireat excitement orevali4 at Siskiyou mountain the first oi tb week over the loss of an old lady. 200 men spsnt several days ppsarea tn deserve the support of tbe poal ty is net jealous of the Manna omuty fair st all snd th uaMOoaATha never been slight ea, so it hss bo spite ; bat we weald like to see the f sir a State concern, and the racing run in a decent wot a than a mere lottery The U . P. R. H, Co. is having constructed another steamer for river traffic, which will be three tost the company will operste the earning fall snd winter. Tbsy will be ased sll along tb line between Portland snd Eupsse, and e very where they touch an ad ditional several sent will be udded to the price of wheat. Business ia meant, and if any othsr company dees soy work ea the Wil lamette there will have to be seas rustling. Even new th "Three Sisters" has her hands fall and they ore nimbi ones toi. WILL furn'Hb seeks u farmers atst receive wheat s: th usual rate of storage The highest nantkat pries paid for sssn. . BE4T Magnolia flar always em head, Car sale or esehengo at re tsuaal rat, JOHN A. CRAWFORD. MM -ucceuful operation since iteS, .l cclion ol 1 he Nonhwct. uuiieeas aaee ae pomAMO Teachers Bsaasisatios. The regular public quarterly examination of teachers for Linn county, Oregon, will be held at the Court House in A than v. commencing at noon on Wednesday, Au- ust 31st and continuing until ioon on rri av, September and, 1887. Teachers de siring an examination for a certificate be fore the last Wednesday tn November next will take notice and be present at the Au- Btt examination at the time of' commence nt as none will be admitted after the hour of commencement and at private ex aminations are practically done awav with. D. V. 8. Rkid, County School Supt, In TUK MOST PCRFBCTIiT EQUirm SCHOOL of iu class on the Coast, it offer, private or ctie intniction, day and evening throughout the year, ie Arithmetic, Writing, Correspondence, Hunt 1 1 11 lea, . Banking, Shorthand.Typc-wrlting. BuMeesa aa Legal Form and aU Common School Branches. SteeesSs of all ages asd both sexes admitted at any tteae. I eissBguc free. Armitroog and Wesee. TYwpirieteia. FURNITURE msde to order or end of Third Street, S. A. DECKARD. Thrifty people will appreciate our vl teg snd prices. Rannaxo k Baows ill. Wall Paper, Sksdes, f'.te. N 'd Allen & Co. keep to stcs'i a full line of th above goods, including i. line arwort ment of decoratioas tor sealiugs, whieh they will sell at th lowest pos-ubie prior. We have aow iu transit oa of tb largest st ik of these goods ver iu this mars st. - Ladies Fine Shoes. work delivered promptly either in person or hunting for her, aud she finally appei i. mu e -vr,re. No deiavs for the want eamp alone iu sn exhausted conditio. of material, as he keeps on hand a large If you dou't keep the sewing machine iu stock of all kinds of paper, cards, etc., that good order, you snow now muon woudi he has purchased In the East at price that cannot be underbid. Send for price list. it given you ; so you nave me ou-oan aiways at head. Prase's Hamburg t ea ts eqamy N H Allen A C r. are aow reesiviag direct from the manufacture, H J Holbrook k Co. of Utios, N. Y., a full line of hia jisi ly oel ehrsted hoe shoes tor ladies a id in a iss in C. D. fC. and E. E. widths Ths goods will civ splendid satisfaction, a fact there are a better made. at me ahop Albeay, Or, ABIES, LOOK HERS. We want you to remember that ws have a lot of those curling irons, also shears. scissor tracing wheels, shelf and flower KX bracket, and a good many other laga you would Ilk to have. Stbwabt A Soar. Iotic8 for PabMtion, Iu 1 Offl at Oregon Citv. Or,, August tb, im. Notice I hereby given that tbs follo w ing, named settler has filed notice of hi intention to inakn Aual proof in support of his claim, aed that Puld. proof will be made bfors tiie Countv Judge or Clerk of Linn outinty, Or., at A 'bwv. Oregon, oa Tueedsy, Sptml)r 27th, 188?, yig ; jfcra Cather, Homestead entry, No, 0731 for the S K i ! See. 8, Tp. 13S K1E Willametta meridian. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upn and cultivation of sail land vis: N II Hud leeon, Frank Cole. f'h Wiil amn and ThomssTodd, all or Lebanon Post Office, Linn county, Oregon. W. T. Bo an by, Register. BOSTON MILLS. Outsets. N H. Allen A Co., have in sreek a splen did hue of corsets. Consisting of the justly celebrated C. P's, Dr Warner's, Dr Leo's S. K's, the Albany Standard, our spinal brand, also the Everlasting, Self Adjusting, Nettie and many other n.akes. Ladies are especial ly invited to csll and inspect tseas. MARRIED. CURRAN BLATCHFORD On Wed nesday evening, Aug. 17th 1887, at the Depot Hotel, in Albanv, b- Rev. H. P Webb, Mr.. Chas. A. Curb ax and Miss Emma Blatchfokd, both f Albany. The Drmocrat extends congratula tions. BORN. ' ' CHAMBERLAIN On Monday, Aug. jth, i88y, in this citv, to this wife of Geo E Ghamberlatji a siri. flsviug sgtiu aaiu mod uosaewtian of the above mill at Shedd, we hereby give noucwiuai, wa wm leoeive waeat ana gnad It for one-elsrhth or taker It In szchsnue Tbs flour will be equal If not better than that or twenty years ago, Wm Simmons & Fialey, Dissolution Notice, Notice is hercbv given that the partner ship heretofore existing between Wm. Fort- miller and Chas. Brush under the nrtr. name of Wm. Fortmiller k Co., hi this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr Brush re. tiring. All indebtedness will be paid and accounts collated bv the new firm, consfct ing of Wm. Fortmiller and T. H. Cone. Albanv, Or.. Auff. snd. 1887 still Buying. L. Senders ix and can be foun lie takes all hor of 1000 pounds down. rv dv I ihun.' J