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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1887)
m Sheriff's Sale. fa IA Ciromi Court of the 9kdm of Qrofou, for Limn county. L, K. Klein, Plaintiff. VS. tteo. W. Furrj, and Laura A. Furry, hi wife and A. J, Hubler, Dafsndaota. NOTfOK la hereby given that by MM of an execution aod order of sal Is aad out of tba above namad Court In tl a above entitled suit to we directed and dt Itvarad, I will on Sstarsiu Ik Sa day mt A , ISST, a: tba Court IIoiiso ooor In tba oily of A) bany, Linn county, regmi. at tba hour af 10 o'clock, a m , sell at puMlc auction tor cash In band to tba highest blddar tba raal property described In aaid execution aad onJar ot aala aa folio am, Jo wit ginning at tba north wwl eornar of Not ill cation No, M, Claim No. 49, Township 11, aonthof ranga 8 waat of tna Willamette otertdian In Linn county, Dragon, and ruuulug ihanoa north MS H aaat Id a loo chains ; thenoe north 30 H aaat 18 97-100 chain; thanoa waat 84 87-100 chain ; tbaooa aoutb 1 86' aaat 18 l 100 chain, to the place of baginning.ontaixingift and S3-ISO aoraa mora or less, altuatad In l inn oonnty. State of Oragon. Tba proceed ar riaing from tba aala of aald prwintaaa to ba applied t Ftrat to tha payment of the cost aad dlaburaamanta of thi an it tax ad at $17.04 and tha ooetaaod expenses of aala. Second to tha payment to tha Plainttrf haraln tba aum nt $1495 with Intaraat froiu tue 8Stb day of J una, 1887, at tha rata of ona par cant par month. Third to tha payment to tha Defendant herein, A. J. H abler, tba aum of I liHy 16.100 with in taraat at the rata or tan poroant per annum from tha 16th day of January, 1880, and tha overplus if any tberebe to ba paid to tba aald Defendant, (3. W. Furry, hie boira or assigns. Dated tut 14th day of Julv, 1887. D.'H. smith. 8her.IT. ALBANY COLLEGUTE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1886, 188T. BT. K. J .TJMIeavV v ., rreaMeat. A toll corpa of Instructors CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL ANB NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of study arranged; to meet tha nana ox ait graaea.oratudeota. Soctal inducements ofarod to Undent from abroad. Tuition ranee from 85.58 to 812.59. aoara in private ram U lee at low rates. Room lor ealf-boarding at email ex renae careful super vision exarciaed over sin i?ll!!2mtJlJV2?VWA uvpwuiuv. nu. rui uiruuiar miu mil particular addraaa tha President. MY, B. J. TJMMrMM, 8 a. Albany, Oregon, Conrad Meyer. PROPRIETOR Of- STAR BAKERY, Gorner Broadalbin and First Sti., DEALER TK Causae! f'raits, Glassware, Dried Fruits, : Mania, 4)aeeaware, Vegetables, Clgnrn, toSea, Tea, att Ele., In fact everything tha. i kept In a gen variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Oregon Pacific Railroad, '225 MILES SHORTER 20 HOURS LESS TIME. Accommodation unanrpeaaed for com fort and safety. Faraa nod freltcbta via. Yaqolna and tbe Oragin Development uaanpanya Hteamtnip moon lean tban by any other route between all prints In the Willamette Valley and San Franciaoe. Daily pataeuger trains enceft Sunday. : A,S.,Leara Albany. 1.15 r. a. Lsasa Conrallia.l ) a Amn Albany, 11:16 a. La uorvaiu. l.-ftsr.s. a, Arrira Yaquina, 6:46 r. a. I Oregon and California trains connect at Albany and Corvallis. Fsi . between Corvallis and Albany and San Francisco : Kail and Cabin, 14.00, Hall and steerage, 88.00. waj sj. BSJAa, c. aocrr, A. u. r. aadP. Agoot, CorrsJOs, Or. Oregon Developement Co. Toquina and Ban frsndeco connecting at I ran iima with tbe trains oi tna Oregon Pasifle Railroad Company. SAILING DATEN . rsoa TAQf'isi- rsoa av rsAsenwo W. V . Friday , Aar. 6h CO., WadSeaday, Any. 10. W. v., Tossday, Aug. 10. K, O , aoaday, Aug. 2tat. W. V., aatorday, J air 30th E. O .. Tbnralay, Aug. 4th W. V., TuaaUay, Attir. 9i K. U., anndav, Attif. 141b, Y. Q.. Sa'.urday. Aa. 20th T. Q.. Saturday, Aug, 27. W. V..Thurady. Aus.26. W. V.. Thuraday. Sep. 1. K. O,, Tsaaday. Aug. 30tb 1 1. O., Wrfnady,ep, 7. The Company rase ryes iho right to change sailing days. v a TOBY, Gas. F. aad Y. Agent, 80t Montgomery St., Saa. Francisco, Cal. OVEPLAKD TO CALIFORNIA -TIA- Oregon & California R. R, AND CONNECTIONS. THE MT. SHASTA SOI TC. Class BBBaiBBS Baada at Aahiaid w th atafea. of tba Oalifaraia, Oraga and Idaho Stage Company. O sly to Mlleasf atalo. Thas between Albany aad Saa Frasciee, 86 asaav OALiroasu xxraaaa raaua daily. ISoutb Sortfi; 4.00 r. h. j Lsava Portland Arrira I 10:40 A a 8:0b r a I Laara Albany Leave 7:06 A a irSO a a Arrtre Aasiand baare 6:4S r a local rasssssss tsauti vaiux (except Sunday). 9:00 a s Laava ParUaad ' Arrira :4 r a 12:40 r Leave Albany Leave I 11:85 a a lidtra Arrira Kusena Leave 0 00 a m LOCAL rASSBIIOBS TSAIBS DAILY. TO r a I Leave Albany Arrive j 6:46 a s tMr m I Arrive Lebanon Leave 6:00 a m U Wra I Leave Albany Arrire26ra IM r a I Arrive liebanon leare 2:00 r u PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. daily between FortUsd asd Aahland. The O aad C R R Ferry make connection! with all Mrsaaiar train on the Faat Bide Dlvialou from foot W sarset. Wast fttaU advlspa. arrwBEx roariaaa cohvallim. a Ail tsaim DtiLT (ssosptftsndaj.) 7:3 A M I Leave aastssv Portland :rvHU Arrive lsava 0:16 r u 12.15 r M m r m irasa mini sailv (exejp. Bunday ) 4:b0ra I S:00m! lve Portland Meaflnnvllle Arrive Lfave 0:00 a u 6.44 AS At Albany and Con allie cokneet with traina of O rafoo Paclfle Ral'jread For fall information regarding rates, aana, ate., aall as Coiany' Age it. R. EOKSLSR, 8. P. ROOCR. Isaoaasr. 0. F. k PasrAfeni IA I NTS AMD OILS Of all kinds, mixed ready for ne, kal Jndge, aosnine aad alabaatine brushes, ate , for CHAS. H. DODD & CO. Front, Mrst and Vine St., Portland, Or. WHCkKtALr DIALERS IN I 1 1 HARD- i i i WARE, l i I FARM MACHINERY. oto Agent gr Oragon, Washington and Northern Idaho for tha i BUCKEYE - REAPER ANO MOWER, a- a are too wall known to need of them with praise. Thaw are tha only liafraetlng Machines that wUl gtva anUre aaUahwUon to the purchaser. MILLER'S NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRESHER, PHOENIX STRAW BURNER ENGINE, The most Effective and Bonos ful Oombl nation for Threshing and Cleaning Grain ever Constructed. BUCKEYE . STEEL . FRAME . TWINE - BINDERS. a, The feature that distinguish thi Twlae-Binder 1 tha Ughtneaa of Draft, combined with IU Extrsorut nary Strength and Durability. The m nder 1 of the A ppleby pattern, tha only really suocossrhl ona yet known. We have two sty lea, the Elevator Binder and tha ftttfluiu Binder both excellent-both recom mended by hundreds of patrons. rs iaVK.,LMt l Jij Frank 8. Spra?ne, Sheriff's Sale. In f A Circuit Comri of the Stat of Oregon for uana 1 0Kvy. Hiram Smith, Plaintiff. Job F- Martin, Defendant vs. Jai W I . ... , -"y a" " 1 y virture e-t led ..ut of the above named Court in the above entitle.! I will on Salarday the flia day af Aagaaf. lati. at the Court Honaa door in the City of Al bany, Linn oeaatv. Oregon, at the hour of on o slock, p. as., sell at public aeotioa for m in hand to aha higoeet bidder tha real property here auf ere attached in aaid actios described as follows, to-wit : All of tha right title and interest of the saffd dafendant on ar after the 7 th da v of Ms v. 1887. ia aaat 10 toe iu in block 1 la MaCalisy'a addition io I ne ouy of Harris bars, in Lias snsstv. Oregon. Aieo lota 8 aad 10 in black 4 ia said addition to said city of Harrisborg. Also ioU 9, 10 aod 11 in Section 16, Township 15, S. R. 4 w of tha Willamette meridian io Linn county. Or .containing 6786-100 acres, mcl .id ing a franchise for a ferry. The pro aside aria. ing from tha aala thereof to ba applied flrat to trip payment of the costs and rtishsr n it o: seat taxsd at 836. 90. and the cosU and x paaasa of aala. tscoad to the navmeat to the Plaintiff Ifterain the earn of 8825 with in terest st the rate of 12 per oent per aoaom from the 28tb day of Jane. 1887. Dated Joly 21st, 1887. D. S. Smith, Sheriff. Hotice for Publication. Land Offloe at Oregon City, Or., Jnlv 22nd. 1M7. in Notice is hereby given that tha follow, g namad settler haa filed notice of hsr intention to make flnal proof In aopnart aar claim, and that said oroof will ba made before tha Countv Judae or Countv Clerk of Linn county, Or., at Albany, Ore gin, on Tbaradsy. araSemaer 1Mb, leaf, vis : Lydia Etnerson. widow of i nomas I Emerssn, deceased, who made lioms- Entnr No. 4274. for the 0 W id of Sao. 24, Tp. IS, H M 1 E. She names the following witnesses to prove aar own and bar deneaaei husband's continu ous residence noon, and cultivation u aald bind, via : O. Fray, J. H. Lawla, T. Wed die and J. Pickens. a!l of Sweet Horns Poet Offloe, Una county, Oregon. W. T. Be CKNKT, Register. Notice for Publication. Land Offloe at Oregon City, Or.. 1 July 21t, 1867. J Notice ia haraby given that tba following named noUlor haa filed notice ol hia Inten tion to make final proof In sunoort of hi claim, and that aaid proof will ba made before tba County Judge or County Clark of Linn eaunty, Oregon, at Albany, Ore gon, on Taeadav. AcalfaalMr ink. isai. viz : Dudley Haddea. Homeatead Kntrv No. 4717, for tha Lota. 5. 6. 7 and 8. of Mac. 22, Tp, 9, 8, R, IE, Je names tbe fol lowing wltnaaaaa to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said iana, viz: j. racnard, 8. Prichard. J. Bsrry and J. She! ton, all of Jordan Post Offloe, Linn county, Oregon , T. Bl'rmt, Kegiater. - Citation, In the County Court of the State oj Oregon or Ldrnn Uounty. la tha matter of the estate of Charles H Cowan, deceased. To Samnel H Prather, Mattie Ptatber, Eliz abeth Holet, Mary Keen, Thomas Prather, Crocia Prather, .Samuel Prather, Archie Prather, Mattie Prather, William Prather. Carrie Prather, Amanda Fiina, Elisabeth Loekndge, Thomas Prather, Charles Prather. Phillip Prather, Ham u el Mares.Barton Mares. Charles Hayes, Marian Tamer. Elinor Prather, Edith Wettiake, aad to all others known and unknown, interested in aaid estate if any each therebe. Greeting : III tbe name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby cited and required te be and at pear in tbe County Court of Linn county, in tbe Btste of Oregon, at tbe Court House in the City of Albany, in said county and State, on Monday, the Mb day ot Kept -nabsr, 1807 at the boor of 10 o'clock in tbe forenoon of said day, the same being the first judicial day of th regular term thereof, to wit 1 Tbe September term, 1887, and then aad there show cause if any exist, why an order a sale should not be made, directing aad licens ing J L Cowan, Executor of the last will and tsKtament of Charles II Cowan, deceased, to sell all the right, tittle and interest of tbe said Charles H Cowan, deceased, both ia law and in equity, at the time of bis decease, of, in and to the real property hereinafter de scribed, as prayed for in the petition of the said J L Cowan, Executor, as aforesaid, which said petition is now on file in tbe County Clerks office in Linn county, Oregon, which said real property is described ss fellows, to wit : The east half of Section 29 ia Tp. 11, 8 of R 9 west of the Willamette meri dian, in Linn county, Oregon, tbe same be ing tbe original donation land claim of Mar garet Jackson, and the heirs of Joan M Jack. aoo, deceased, Not. No. 3080, containing 320 acres, more or less. Also lots Mo. 1, 2, 3 and 4, in block No. 106 in Hackieman's ad dition to tbe eity of Albany, Oregon. Ales lots No. 6, ti aod 7 in bioek No, 107 in Haekleman s additon to the City ot Albany, Oregon. Done by order of Hon J J Whitney, Jadire of tbe County Court of Liu a count v, State of Oregon. In testimony whereof I bsve hereunto set my baud and afbxcl tbe seal of ssid Countv Com t this 2nd day of August. A. D., 1887. L. 0. J. JP, UALBJIAITH, Clerk. Published four weeks io the Stats Kiout Democrat by order of J J Whitmv, County j. c. rowixL, Att'v for Executor. I I IRON, l I I STEEL i r comment. Thocutaaua of Farmer hare used Bohuttlar Farm Wagons, Dear Flows, Deare Bulky Plows, Cook Go 's Oar Hages, F has tons aad Top Buggies, Four. Spring Mountain Wagons, Buokboarda, Superior Drills aad Seeders, Oorbln Disc Harrows, Hodgee-Haines He adsrs, Halah Barbed Wire. SEND FOB CISCULABS. Agent, AlbanyyOr, I nvali rJs'Hsle! 2 Sargfcal Instituts 33 U "lrnJtJLCym 35T. wita a fan aUChrsai OOR FIELD OF SUCCESS. SiTftt"1 arrh. Throat art vrfi or without slag tba t i M baaBSsj L Come and aTlJ 9T cants "luraiiai' uaaae SU Dextaoalara. fives rTaTTeswjBaaiiity.iaiaa. Practleaa are i.isalllj STshtaSnt Upon TfJMOn and VTWUrTVnE9 ton cents in mr Nrnii u i BiiffaJn, W. Y. The ti HrtsjiMi of s of those to the 'In veins' HiH jBSdeeko DR. Favorite Prescription H tbe reanit of this vast mm ham BBS. a ltatMu-te ?Y.r"s sub cure, sjuh eorrbe Tyxeeneive or flow! Infnl hi I rnenetm rnauon ral iudbn 101 fall inn of th oni a. ' - ist of llhs n i ri-m-Z-ZZ JtT nto version, retroveralon. ismtZl town, ee naatlona. ehronie on ana aieeratloa Ott anA wleei 01 tbe st and tend neat, and mb. lnflaHmailan. ! and teaderneaa In ovaries, luisrusi rumalA w.bH. h prom m it isaasvaa and cures and Wesknns of Stomach, indices. 1 a, Nervous Prostration. Haepioaauesa, tu eltaver sex. PRICE $1.00, ??. VESSt Treatise on Disease of Woasen, Illustrated. Iwfcti Ihmwj Bijtetl It Hilitiw, CJC3 Mala Btrset, BUTFAiO, B. T. SICK-HEADACHE, SI 11 on a Readaeha, btzxmeiM, Couattpal m .1 1 .1 . . mr Flereea Flftisnt rtirvatlve VaUeta, a Ttsu by Tutf s Pills After satin ins. atamans of at bilinno balt will derive arrest benefit by t alt iaa; one of tit ess pill ar yens nave aeea DRINKING TOO MUCH, they will promptly relieve the nanaoa, SICE HEADACHE and nervousness which follows, re store tbe appetite and remove gloomy feel Ina. Elegantly sugar coaled. SOLD EVERYWHERE., Office. 44 Murray 8t., New York. Sheriffs Sale. In the County Court of the County of Linn for the State of Oregon : Elijah Saltmsrsh, Plaintiff. vs. 8 D Cagor and M J Osger, Dsfea lanis. Notice ia hereby given that by virtue of a writ of uxecutiou and order of sale issued out of ths aboye named Court in the above en titled action, I will on Saturday the flYth Cay f Aagast, lf. at the Court House door in tbe City cf Al bany, L.inn couf;ty, Oreton, at tbe hour of one o'clock, p. ui., sell at public suction for cash in hand to t h- h bidder the r :al property lirctofor attached in said order of sale rbjicribc I an f lnwn, to-wit : The frac tional river lot in tho southwest quarter of .See. 28 in Tp. 12 Sou'h of Range 1 west of the vviilmerte mcitdian n Linn county, Oregon, the same beiui; ail the and lyiog west of the Santi&m Rivtr nd ast of t ie east line of the donation land laira of Elm r Kees, Notification No. 2519 0 aim No. 53 ui said Tow i.hi, containing 3 acres, mora or lesa. The proceodu sriring from said sale to he applied, brat to 'ho payinsnt of the CCS and diabursineuta of suit taxed at 831.25 an I the costs and expenses of pale, and $12 At torncy fees. Second to ths payment to th said Plaintiff the aum of 125.86 and in teres-, at oro: per cent per mouth f rom tbe 4th day of June, 1883, 1h the sum of $70. Dated July 21 at, 1887. 0. 8. Bmn, Sheriff. ANO 1 ScasT ff asathaasa toacLilw.j. D WOiEl 1 Ik tmuut. FKIDA Y ..AUOU8T 12, 1887 TIIP1RAH0K DlPUIUlf, ijsi-, - 1 1 Nawasrgaapsw aoiTnu nt ran WohidB'i ChriiUsB Tenptrssei Hits rsassseaaBBBeanaaeas Ilia W. 0. T. V. meets un tbe Is i i 8td Turidav ut each mouth as S 'cluck r. St., at the A. O. U. W MaJI, over Kiench s Jewelry Store. tkxaT Tha recent grand rally (or prohibition at Forth Worth.was attended by fully as,- 000 people. Delegate representing many countlea were present. The procession wa two miles long. From bcxjutu 10,000 people were congregated s round the speak ers' stand ; other thousands were distrib uted about the extensive grounds. Among the speakers were such man as ex-Senator Maxey.ilon. W. S. licrndon,Hon. Marion Martin.Hon. Buck Walton,of Austin, Hon. Thomas Booner, of Tyler, Judge Klttrell. of Jewetl.and Rev. A. Grant,of Tustln.and W. E. Klanagan.of Henderaon,snd others. A resolution was adopted declaring 1 "We view with alarm the attempt oi for eign brewers and distillers to corrupt a free Texas election." An important letter was read from United State Senator Reagan, from which we quote the following : The liberty of making drunkards and 01 being drunk is not one of the liberties which the wise and good man who framed our good government contemplated it is necessary to be protected. It is the mak ing of drunkards and being a drunkard that we are trying to arrest. Surely tha privilege of man making a brute of him self, and of apcndlng his money In worse than an Idle way, to the neglect of hie family, if he has one, and to prepare him self to abuse his f ricnda.hi neighbors, his wife and ehlldren.h! re!atlvcs,sureiy these are not matters of civil liberties that the law desires to protect and defend. As to the prohibition of selling whisky in saloona being sumptuary legislation, if the saloon and the sale of whisky leads to crime and is not a beneficial branch of commerce, then it cannot be sumptuary legislation which the law guards against. Suppress them. It Is not the purpose of this amend ment to Interfere with the buying or sell inif af anvthinit that U nrccary It I only Ita purpose to prevent the selling with the exceptions mentioned in thestat ute, of thing hurtful to society and hurt f ul to individual. I trust that the meeting at Forth Worth may be all that is antic I pated of it I hope to see the wise and good men of the State aaacmble there, de daring the purpose of adopting, for the atate.a policy which ahall place our people upon a higher plane of civilisation, to se cure for them more ot the comforts and enjoyment of life and relieve them from the effects of saloon and drunkenness the badges of bsrhsr ivm " MR. POWDBRLY ON "UQCID VILLA NY T. V. Powderlv. Eta,, the executive head of the Knight of Labor, replying recently In the Journal of I'm ted Ibor to a critic on the liquor question, writes : "Among the letter that came to me to day l And one which take me to task for my word on the temperance question spoken some ten or twelve days ago In Hoton and Lynn. My friend make the candid admlaalon In starting out that In the main I am right that even the rumeeiler will not deny the justice of my position. Having said as much, he should have stop ped. Even then he told me nothing new. I know that 1 am right. I know that In rcfualng to even touch a drop of strong drink I was and am right In refusing to treat another to that which I do not be lieve to be good for myself to drink, I know I am right. In refusing to associate with men who get drunk I know I am right. In not allowing a rum seller to gain admittance Into the order of the Knight of Labor I know I am right. In advising our assemblies not to rent halls or meet ing rooms over drinking places I know I am right. I have done this from the day my voice was first heard in the council halls of our order. My position on the question of temperance is right. I am determined to maintain and will not alter it one iotor tittle. If 'in the main' 1 am right, why should I alter my course f "Ten years ago I was hissed because advised men to let strong drink alone. They threatened to rotten-egg me. I have continued to advise men to be temperate, and though I have had no experience that would qualify me to render an opinion on the efficacy of a rotten-egg as an ally of the rum-drinker, yet I would prefer to have mv exterior decorated from summit to base with the rankest kind of rotten eggs rather than allow one drop of liquid viilanny to pass my lips or have the end of mv nose illumined by the blossom that follows a planting of the seeds of hatred, envy, malice, and damnation, all of which arc represented in a solitary glass of gin." The Chicago 7'rsessw.commenting upon the strike of the bricklayers against their employers, in that city, finally ended by arbitration, with an estimated loss of up ward of $3,000,000, says 1 "It is hard to find words sufficiently strong to denounce the unwisdom of the men who began this strike. It was a strike begun for the benefit of the saloon keepers and the detriment of the workingmen's families. Its sole aim was a drunken ca rouse Sundays. Its Injurious effects have been felt all over the United SUtes, and it hati been a most serious blow to the build ing interests of Chicago ; and beyond al! this financial loss there are the misery, want and general demoralization enUlled on thousands of families, the support of which depended week by week on the wages of their respective heads." A recent Paris telegram mentions that in a recent discussion in the French Sen ate upon the report of the Committee on Consumption of Spirits, M. Claude said that the committee had come to the con clusion that "the drinking of spirits in France had come to such a height as to be a social danger." France is a wine drink ing country, in which we have so often been told that American travellers"see no drunkenness t" In the light of the recent discussion in the French Senate it is quite obvious that an abundance of wine serves rather to whet the appetite for the strong er liquors than as a "cure for drunken ness." Second-hand baby carriage for sale. . Call AfHtn tT.TI HAI. HTK To get the best results from a dairy cow her treatment should he as gentle and quiet a possible. Any encUement what ever tends to teseen the flow of milk. Heavy milker are often rough-boned cows, with large frames, but joints and 111 shapes are not essential In the make-up of a good cow. Some of the best dairy cows arc smooth, neat and trim. A Massachusetts farmer say "he has evidence leading him to believe that the crown spread hog cholera, j Unless all car casses be destroyed by fire the crows carry fragments of flesh to distant points. He states that he has found piece of wine flesh In his flctd, apparently dropped there by crows." Any time after the bushes are in full leaf is good for cutting them down with a view of destroying them. This Is usually recommended for August, but at this late date the buds wilt often start In the spring. If cut now, what sprouts start may be ef fectually destroyed by leaving the brush over them to dry and burning it a month later. There is not so much good summer but ter made as formerly. It Is difficult to get It good enough to retain its flavor until winter. The more enterprising farmers use creameries for butter making, but the butter from creamgwhose milk has never soured does not keep as well as that made In the old-fashioned way from setting the cream in pans. It requires more care to make good butter by the old-fashioned process, but the butter 1 enough better to pay for it. Most farmers allow timothy to become too ripe before cutting, under the fmpres ion that its seed is very nutritious. Even if it were, iu amount is not sufficient to make It worth considerlng,and more than alt that Is gained In the seed is lost In the woody character of the straw. But if tim othy has got In full bloom, It Is best to let this drop off before cutting, as It maker the hay very dusty. The proper time tdj before It gets Into bloom. Iu weight Is then less, but the quality of the hay Is enough better to offset the deficiencies In quality. TBK CAUSE OF CYCLONES. In cyclone we find the largest manlfc tatlon of that energy by which the super heated lower air whirl upward from the earth through opening which it haa rent In the higher cooler lay era. In Iu funds menUl cause the cyclone is essentially like both the Icaacr claaacs of whiria, the dut whirl and tornadoes, but the field of It work i raatly greater, though the en crgy which It exercises at any one point U lc The conditions which lead to the formation of a cyclone are as follows : In thoc heated portions of land and sea where the circumstance permit the air to remain for a long time undisturbed, it be comes very warm and charged with mots turc ; the hotter It becomes the more moisture It rontain,aml the lea it permit the heat radiating from the surface to pa through IU texture . at the same time tha upper air, deprived of iu uual share of radiant heat, becomes abnormally cold finally ,a in the dust-whirls and tornadoes, the lower air break through the appcr and rushes toward the sky. Although at Its beginning a cyclone storm U probably of no greater slse and of much less ascend ing force than a tomado,there are several reasons which make its history different from that of the smaller whirls. In the first place, the field of heated air which cause the cyclone 1 far more extensive than that which produces the tornado, though at the same time the difference of temper ature between the upper and lower air may be less. The greater bulk of the lower stratum of hot and moist air permit the cyclone to grow larger, but the less ascensional force of the lower air make it rather le violent in iu movement As soon as the ascending current brings a portion of the heated air from the sur face into the higher level It expand, and the force, originally In the form of boat, which kept It in the aUte of vapor serve to Increase the ascending column just as much a would the direct application of heat sufficient to vaporize the water. Thus we have two sources of force to impel the air in the cyclone upward. Both these forces appear in the tornado.but there the original heat of the lower air is the prin cipal cause of the motion.- From "The instability of the Atmosphere," by N. S. Sit At. eh, in Scribuer's Magarino for Augtut. AS OTHERS SEE US. Generally, Britishers don't know much about our style of government. The fol lowing amusing aketch.given as an extract from the London Court Journal, will serve as an illustration : "Hon. W. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) was a close companion of a man named Boone, who discovered Ken tucky in 1869. Mr. Cody married a grand daughter of a distinguished gentleman known as Sitting Bullfrog. Cody was twice governor af Chicago, and was at one time mayor of the Arkansas legislature. He served in the confederate army in the command of Gen. Butler.who so gallantly defended New Orleans against the threat ened Invasion of the federal Gen. Long street. After the war Mr. Cody went to congress from the province of Detroit and Introduced a measure for the relief of the citizens of Buffalo, which gained for him the name of Buffalo Bill. He has contrib uted largely to the Atlantic Monthly, a newspaper edited by Mark Twain and Uncle Tom Cabin, a man who is mainly noted for his negro dialect sketches. Mr. Cody has a ranch of many acres in St. Louis, where he constantly keeps a large lot of Indians and ponies constantly on hand." Pateats Oraatsd. Patents g ra ited to citizens of tha Pacific States during the past week and reported ex- presely forth Democrat by C. A. Snow ft Co., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, opposite U. S. Patent Office, Wash ington, D. C. : P 8 Katsenys, Astoria, Or., roller attach ment for boat. E J Lid di coat, Astoria, Or., beer cooler, 0 Meeker, Albina, Or., vermin -eradkator. Following was the business ox the Salem 1 post office under the carrier system for July its first montn ; Registered letters deliver-1 ed, 68 ; letters delivered, 6,i0i ; postal cards, dellvercd,858 ; newspapers, circulars, etc., delivered, 5,803 ; local letters collect ed, 306 ; malt letters collected, 4,316 ; mall postal card collected, 353 ; newspapers, cir culars, etc., collected, 588. Bo, tor Yaqaiaa. But you must have a good pair of boots or shoes, so call on Henry Joost, one door north of Telegraph office, on Broadalbln St. QUITE AS BAD AS BULLETS. As 01.1 Sold tar laths of Mis Camp 's-i In Virfinla-The Kaesnr la Ami...... Twenty Year After. Selma, N. C, Feb. 11, Gentlemen. Your inquiring wi . -tli-tr or not I hid been benefited by 1 kine, and if so to what extent, Its, to hand. In reply will say that my I hn not lieen as good in twenty j a now. I suffered with chills frora malarial poison contracted while fry ing in the Confederate army on tha Peninsular Campaigns in Virginia. Did not miss having a chill at least om in twenty-one days, and more frej'i ?!y ont:e in seven days, for more than hf teen years. In this condition I visited New York in November, 1885, on hu While there I stopped with Mr, I l. Barker, of the University Publishing Company. I told Mr. Barker of my condition. He called my attention to your Kaskine and procured for me a bottle. After my return home f tool the ellet a dirt cicd audfot.n mttdi relief afforded thereby. Of Has 1 h inge I wrote Mr. Barker, who sent tw or three bottles during the past year. My health greatly improved. 1 iiu :r cased in wtight frotn '65 pound to zoo pound, my present weight. 1 believe the Kaskine did it. Quinine had fail ed, a had other remedies usually ad ministered in such cases. Naw, unless in case of exposure to extra bad weather, I do not have chills, and my general health is quite good. I turned over half a bottle to a young lady frieud a few weeks since. 1 1 from her mother that she was much benefited by it while it lasted I trust you may be able to introduce Kaskine generally in this country, in whii h many suffer from diseases con Sftiuent upon malarial poison in the system. From my own experience I can emphasize iu excellence for stn h diseases. If I can serve you call on me. I am very truly yours, Jon s- C. SCAJtaOKOUGM. Seven years ago I had an attack of bilious remittent fever, which ran into intermittent malarial. I tried all the known remedies, such as arsenic, mer cury and quinine. The latter was ad ministered to me in heavy and contin ued doses. Malaria brought on ner vous prostration and dyspepsia, from which I suffered everything. Last win ter I heard of Kaskine and began us ing iL A few bottles of the wonderful drug cured me. Malaria and dyspep sia disappeared, and as you have seen a June day brighter for the summer storm that had passed across the sky, . lite cloud left my life and my health became steady and strong. Mas. J. Laws. in. 141 Bergen St, Brooklyn, N Y. Mr. Gideon Thompson, the oldest and one of tbe most respected citien of IMdgeport, Conn., says: " I am ninety years of age, and for the last three years have suffered from malaria and the effects of quinine poisoning. J recently began with Kaskine with b broke up the malaria and increased my weight aa pounds." Other letters of a similar character from prominent individuals, which stamp Kaskine aa a remedy of undoubt ed merit, will be seat on applu tkai. Price $1.00, or six bottles, ,oo. Sold by Druggists, or sent by mud oa receipt of price. The Kaskine Company, 54 Warren? St., New York, and 15 Fvriimdosi Road, 1 .01 ul. iu. RECTANGULAR AND BARREL CHURNS, 'tha laraaatatoek ever carried m At bap . and will na sold at lower price lbs fee many, we want an nutter meer to 1 osme aad see them. rTgwaar ex Baa. j d StM tat MoL Sheriff's Sale. In ike Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for the County of lAnn. J P Schooling, Pl&iutitT T S Thompson, Drfeodaut. NOTICK is hsrshv given that by virtue of an execution and order of sale istusd out of the above named Court in ths above entiled action, I will on Satarday the lata day sf September, last. at the hour of one o'clock, p. ra , at tbe Court House door in tbe oity of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, sell at public auction for cash io baud to the highest bidder the real property heretofore attached in said action aad deecribed iu said execution and order of sale as foliows, to-wit : The south half of the northeast qusrter and the east half of the southeast quarter of Section 20 ami the south half of tbe southwest quarter of Sec tion 21 and the north half ot the uortbwcst quarter of Hec. 28, all in Township IS south range 2 wt-st of the Willamette meridian, containing three hundred and twenty sores, 1 more or less, tojeth. r with all and singular 1 the tenaments, heriditanients and appurten ant thereunto belonging or in anywise ap- t pertaiuiog. The ptoceeda arrt:na from the I sale of said premises to be applied, tirat to the payment of tbe eoata and disbursements of autt taxed at tbe sum of $33 50 and accru ing oesla, and the sum of $35 Attorney's fee. Next to the payment to the Plaintiff ths sum of $355.45 with iutereat thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 2Sth day of June, 1887. Dated August 4th, 1887. D. S. SMrra, S iff. Notice for Publication. Land Offloe at Oregon Oit v. Or., July 22nd, 1887. Notice i hereby given that the folio w Jnar named settler ha flled notice of his i intention to make final proof iu support of bis claim, and th-u said proof will be mads before the County Jadga or County Clark of LI an county, Or., at Albany, Oregon, on Tiimrsday, September 15th, ISST, Lewis, Jr., Homestead vis : James II. Butry No 4288, for the N X of tha NWH of sec, 20, i p is . tt, 1 tsi, ne namea tno following witness to prove hia ont nuou residence upon, and uultivatioa of, sal J land, vis: Q. Fray, J. Plokens, O, W. Pickens and T, Waddle, all of fewest House Post Office, Ltnu county. Ortgon, vv, T. Bob war, Register. an am 07. Kzii7ir e1fA SJUT .mi Tl.. immil them ?! mOtmV Sim. dnT Hkni SaTTii ntuMr-il rMnti Tho Boston Record saye ; The gath erings of ths blue and ths gr);y about town are full of little incidents of color. Uaptaiu Bookar.of the R. K. Leecauip, played a prominent part iu on ? Friday uigbt. He waa dining with bit old comrades at Faneutt Hii. Joliry reigned. Tbers wae v telling f stories td a elinkiiig ol Kises. Tbe deft waiter ran to and lo supplying tbe guat,nd Captain Bo ksr wet in a gay group. Another toast bad bt-on proposed and a fieh round of oham psgas waa in oreta. Oaytaiu B kei t fined hia glass in tbi- i as a signal t.. 1 be waiter for moi it.-. A rum cam toraid him. Captain Buaker whs my-1 log attention to tbe table talk. Hefeit' a alight touch oa but sboukbr end Unit I turned to mi his glass of wine. H looked at tbt satu-r, and the waiter ati bitn. Tba glass drey pad and the bottle too. Tbe aurfiise ovsroatns them buth. I i 1 vurnisas Dis.Ker an w in . t traiter s form r slavs of rhy"' h- bad nt swn Muoo tbe War. The colored nin bit? found hia old ujaetrr, uosw.i, f,,r r,. f.i twenty y-rs. It was a p!esb'. iseng nition,and the waiter found it a profit able ono. The farmer around Danhurv. 'Oonft., hav noticed that since tbe aovent aou use of the mowing roa ch! no make of all kinds have year by year grown beautifully less. Th machine cut very close to the ground, and coming upon the makes unawntos, they are cut ioto uumber less pieces. It Is not uncommon the farmers to find in the hay pieces of their bodies. This is especially true of black snakes, spotted adders streaked snakes. In this line mow. in machine la a benefactor, hut It also destroys many email birds, and their scarcity ii t-ogjnoing to be aeeo sod felt. Those birds are d itoyed which build their net in tbe ground. Tim teeth of the cut ting bar tear op the neets and rnnib the eggs. Frequently a net of young birds are picked up behind the ma chine cut almost ioto meat. The old ones oftentimes lose logs or wings, uit most generally arc fce headed. This happens because tbey hear tbe noise of tbe machine and stretch up their head Ut see what is coming. In this way tbe birdn that make tho me dowa tbelr borne are u log gradually wiped out It is hrg Inning to dawn on the ml ad of the Florida grove-owner f t.nt there Is bfg money Io late or pnge. 4 The orange grower of the future," temarks th Jacksonvilb- Itmeo-Union, msy he able to mfee hia fruit rifsn Just whfD he f4eae, and an make the orange seeaoo t "H tbe year round. This would b II tbe patent pri'nfrxlng roeese. that have h-en invented.' aakoas. or Lie aw Habit, csa be Cured bj a auautarias; Ut Bataas Oelesa tpsninr It eaa ba given in a eup 01 coffee or tea srtih ow toe knowledge of tbe person taktnx It. et imins a speed, nl permm: care. XSm ths patient is a moderate drinker or aa alco "T Tht drunkard have ?SimaiH!SmpfrmU W wt, hare taken the 1 ..den specific In their coffee without their " ledge, and to-day believe the quit drtuk n ( their own tree a 111. Jio harmful efjrrt rsastra from Its administration. Core rtinrnn. ' het,i for circular aad full particulars. A tdrsss ib confidence Goi.neji bracint Co. 19 aace SL. ciaeinuati, Ohio. ' Hotice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon Cty, Or, July b, 1887. J Kottce la hereby given that tha follow ing named settler baa filed notice of hia Intent. on ti make lion I proof iu support of hi claim, and that said proof will be made befom th KegMer and Koosirer of tbt U. 8. Land Office a Oregon City, or,, on Friday, Aaawst seta. ism. via : Harvey Graham, HomoMsad Kntry No. 4 Mi, for the W ; of 8 W of 800. 14, Tp. 10, 8 R 1 E. He nam - the follow ing witnesses to prnv hi continuous reai'tenco upon, and cultivation- of, -gUd land, via ( H nhr!'.n, J Brvan,D eal, aiul P hilyeu, all of Jot dan Post Office, Linn county, Oregon, T. lU-Rsrav, Register SAM M.W. a. saxnaaa MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General Mbrcnandii;). HARRISBURG - - - - OREGON Will bey Grail, Wool aod all kinds Cointry prodsce. BEAST! Mmm Mustang Liniment OTJXI.Z1S Sciatica, I.ujui.r.g'o, EheaiaatU&i . Bums Scalds, E tings, BUss, Bruisos. riVta Scratches. Contracted Sprains. Muscles, 5 traina, Eruptions, Stitefces, goof Ail, 6 tiff Joints, Screw Backache, Worms, Galls, Swinney, Sores, Saddle Galls, Spavin Piles. Cracks. ; B a nice-, i Cora?, THIS GOOD OLD STAND-BY Rvocin; lUlieo fur evwjhOvly axactly what la claims I feir it, 0 1 of tAo reasoaa for the great popularity of the Mustang- Liniment ia found in Its universal npplIcnhiMty. EvoryoodynedaBUCh a medicine The I .umbermos need Htn case of accident. The llnuaewlte seed It tor general family us. The Cs-alcr ned it for his teams aad his men. The Aiechuate aecda It always on hi wort: beach. Tho Winer- seed It in eaa of emergency. The l'isaeornMdn can't gat along without It. The Pursier need it In his house, his stable, and his stock yard. Tbs Steamboat mnn or the Bastmaa neerti it la liberal supply afloataad ashore. The IIoraefnncIer needs It it la his best frtead and safest reUanoo. Tbe Htack grower needs It It will save him thousaads of dollars and a world of trouble. Tbe Railroad man needs It and will need (ten long a his life la a round of accidents and dangers. Tbe Hack woodsman needs it. There Is Both roKlte It as an antidote for tho dsagers to life, lifb aid comfort which mirrouiid tha pioneer. The Merchant needs itabont his store among ha employees. Accidents will happen, and when tbesocome th Mustang Llaiuiinc ts wanted atone. KeepaBeitlelMtheHsaeo. Tis tha best ot soonomy. Keep a Battle Is the Factory . It !m media t use In esse ot accident saves pain and loss of wages. Keep m Battle Always tn ths Stable far sae wsttt wasted. KSTLKaSKBSS- svcvL eaarraacs SAilt.TI.CSS sstsneinc. mill iaIM, M. HI LA DELPHI A The majority of ths ill ot U has en bsdv srise from a diseased Llwr. Klia mons Liver Reaalator haa been tbe means of restoring mora people to health and happiness by giving them a hesllcry Liver than any other agency on earth. SJTS THAT TOT7 GET TUX O Tha Btrrasta avium se a a sin HnUH 3.SOO nas ctiirSE wasisssts direct to etnwumm Oaa all esaaaasal or foully sue. Telia order, sued aires exaeS east of will aasil s copy VmSw.t aaty 1 sure upon receipt ear IO eta. to eawssss of aaaflrng. Lot ma host yos. Kapoetnlly, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. eev Or. Wohssh Areas FDR SA STENTS fata 0. a Pates U tor OwSaBfefMit tba U.S. Patent Otss. asd fit m aSase I Mblj fret ,4 charge . aad rhUin patent. coc Order Dir.' and to oftbeU. 8 "awe. r or circular, adtire. tan o actual cImmW Ui your own State I s ty. c. a. snow otcOi o..r fsawnSw. Waahhsrta. P Aamimstrator's Notice. Natice ut hereby j(iven that 00 tbe 22a day e.f Jane. 1S87, the andersigued J tbe Coanty Court of Linn conj- Oregon, duly appointed AtlminUtr-'.0' tate f WtllUra Rohoett -"?f 4 coontr, de ceased. That owsiffneil has Only qusJ- ihttdas n AdmtDUitrator. All aaaaas hat -?t claims agaiost aaid estate are hereby .iti tied to present them with the proper vouchers, within six months from the date hereof, to the undersigned at his residence hear Crawfordsrille, una county, Oregon. Hated this Mb day oi July. 1887. D. F KOBNETT, Administrator of aaid estate. W. R Biltstt, Attorney tor the Administrator. Gitation. In the County Court 0 the Stnte of Oregon for Linn County. In ths matter of the estate of 1 af Cooper, deceased, To Rebecca Cooper, mother, acd B W Cooper, Joel Cooper, Samuel Cooper, George W Cooper, Livonia A Pardons, Martha A Frutn, Cordon Cooper, Abhie Paauiaatoo, Jane Bringham ard N.ney Duncan, brothers and staters, and next of kin and heirs at law it ssid 1 M Cooper, deceased, and to ail others kuonn end unknown, who have or claim to hate any interest iu ssid estate. In the name of tbe State of Oregon, you are herei.y cited to be aud appear iu the County Conrt for the County ot Linn at the Com t Hons in the City of Albany iu said County and State, on Wsatlay the Sth stay st September, iaa?, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of aaid day, tha aii-e being a day ot the regular September trim of aid Court, 1887, and then end theie show caute if any exiat why an order of sale unould not be made direct ing aud licensing George W Cooper. Executor 01 the it wiil aud tc ataman t oil M Cooper, deceaeei, 10 at It all the right title and inter cat of tbe :--id I M Cooper at the time of hia death, both iu law and m equity, of 10 aud to the real property heiein after described, aa pra -d for iu tbe petition of the said George W Cuopar, Extcutor aa aforeeaid, which said pctitio ia now oa hie, in the Couut Cietk'a otfice of Linn county, Oregon ; anica aid real property ia described aa follows, to-wit : The N i of tbe N K $ of Sec. 35 4 the S J of tbe N K ! of See. 26 ; tbe S Ejof Sec. 26 ; tbe S of the N W J of Sec, 26 ; tbe S VV Jd . f Sec. 26 ; and the N of the N W of See. 35, in Tp. 11 S R 3 weat ; the dotation and ciaim ot Samuel Cooper, btisg Not. No. 1191 BodClasm Ko. 60 iu Sections. 28, 29, 32 and 33, in Tp. 11 S R 2 west, containisg 320 acres, mors or leas, and being in all 960 ciea. Also Lota 5 and 6 in Block No. 2 in the eastern add' lion to tbe Ciiy of Albany, Luin coanty, Oregon. Tut interest of ssid I VI Coopr, ib. ceased, at tbe time of his death being hu uudvidcvl oue-eievsnth interest in feo Btmp t! of in and to the hereiubeforc des cril t-d te.ti pfOttrity : The poitic;i cf aid ral fn.,eit -..t prt to H csoea Cooper ss the dvi-ee of sjid 1 M Ci op. r, deceased, ining described aa follow.-, to-wit : Begin iting ta itooe 6x8x14 inches st the south u cit corner ot the laud set apart t.i E. V. Cooper, and running theuoe ooith 79 90 ohstus t ktoee ; thanoe .v.Et 12 50 chains toivbt ne 5x1 fx 14 wehea ; t hence south 79. 68 ehains to at"tte 8X8.10 inohea ; thence eaat 12.50 chain t-vthe piaos if. beginning, coo t.ii ioi. 9J 76-100 :re, save and except tbe ngl t of iierttofoie conveyed to tbe Al bsuy and Lebanon Rati road Company. AH in Tp. 11 S R 3 wett in Linivconnty. Oregon. D aa by order of the Hou. J. J. Whitney, .ludie of s?iid Ccu rt. Iu icsf.m ny whereof, I, J. P. Gal'oraith, County Clerk of Linn county. Oregon, and Cierk of the County Court have hereunto aeS tt-. : aiid affixed the seal of said' Conrt, at office iu Albany, this lOthdsy of Julv, A. D., 1887. BaaXTB, Clerk hr ran with, inoas iwvass'BsdBS ti m SSOM C4SSSSBV AS all BEtsl!0WG& v ss rstsat nale cheap by Stewart & box,