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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1887)
f bt ewctat. a tht Pot Ode At Albany, Or aa axwoud-olass mall matter. FRIDAY AUGUST 12 1887 anre & nottino. Ur aa4 lroprteter. IH sirfitU, Lal dtlar. A MAN A BO FT TOWN One of the moet unassuming public Wett ing in Albany during the summer It the pump In f"ont of S. fi. Young's which has become a public institution People visit it from all parts ef the city. It suggests the idea that a regular fountain, with numerous lions mouths, would be a fine thing for the city, and an excellent means by which some publ ic spirited cltlwn could hand his name down to posterity. O The M. A, T reads with satisfaction that large numbers of Chinamen are locating in the East. Come day there will be a niece of pretty solid legislation on the Chinese question. Experience is the best teacher by odds. O The Man About Town visits no livelier place in Albany than Cherry & Parke's foundry. Over twenty-five men have been employed lately getting out iron fronts, warehouse machinery, etc. Their pay roll has probably been double that of any other establishment in the city. This U simply a Kiting notice of a dese'rved Industry here, lit up by rustle and without bonuses and ubkbe O The Man About Town has read a big paste board poster circulated by anti-prohibitionists, which is quite unique. Beside giving many quotations from the Bible, such as "take a little wine for ths stomache's sake," which bv the way have no bearing on the present issue, it says something about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, as an argument in favor of the saloon. This it good ! it, because the liquor traffic takes an nu.illv the lives of nearly one hun dred thousand people. 2nd, it gives men the liberty to murder, steal, debauch, whip their wives, ruin their homes, corrupt poli tics, fill our poor houses, insane asylums, penitentiaries, etc , causing eight-tenths of the crime of the world. 3rd. It brings happ nets to prospects ruined ( ?), makes men happ v with delirium tremens, blear eyes, tatteted clothes. What joy it elves starv ing children to see their father reel into their home with curses and blasphemy and how the wife's heart tills with joy when she see him out of emp his last cent in some hole of personal liber ty where men are allowed to cut their own throats bv sending down hem. not the juice of the vine, but an adulterated, poison ous, ruinous liquid, the enemy of good so ciety and respectability. O The M. A. T. is informed that San Wa keep Me new wife locked in her apart ments. No other Celestials are allowed to tee her, and on exhibiting her to several Albany ladles he very cooly took out his key, opened the door' to her room, allowed them to look at her and then locked her in again That kind of slavery may be al lowed in China ; but in the u. ft. the pa gans should oe made to conform to our cus toms or suffer the penalties of the law In the first place the Celestial is living with a woman not his wife by the laws of the IT S. It takes more than firing bombs to marrv people here. In the second place even If he were married he should never be allowed to treat a wife in this manner under the stars and stripes. COUNTY COURT. M. ft WWi. J4 ; Enoch Miller, A Brands Continued Bill of G W Wheeler.lumber for Dlst 30, $55.17 : D 8 Smith, bill ShfTt fees, $96.57. Bill of 8 E Young, mdso for poor, $6.75 dismissed. P M Smith, Assessor, was granted until 4th Monday in September to make report. Application for bridge at Mehama was granted and contract let to Pacific Bridge tjo for $7,400, bridge to be completed by Nov 4th. Ordered that there be one fee for peddler's licenses,$iO per annum and proportionately per month. Claim of Mrs II M Surles for damages by accident beyond Calipooia brldge.for $5000, was dismissed. In matter of tolls ordered that the toll be reduced three-fourths for all places on this tide Lower Soda and to Lower Soda. John Shea a.'lowed $10.25 for tools. 5O rods of stone road ordered built across Beaver Slough near vVidew Kays, lieeadv for bids in another column. Fees of County Court officers allowed. Ordered that the County Judge be au thorised tfi have a good, durable, hitching pott or rack erected or constructed in front of Court House. Warrants were ordered drawn for the fol lowing : . J P tlalbraith.pottage stamps $ 1.75 S h toung.matting for u II 67. u Foshay & ilsson, stationery 40-55 R Glass k Son.mdse Pierce family. . 1560 vV E Curl.Treasurer't salary 1 mo. . . 83.33 D V S Reid.Supt's salary 1 mo (0.00 J P Galbralth.Clerk's feet MVfJ Mary E Oavis,keeping Thos Riley. . 10.00 Marion count v. fees In Saunders case. 857.94 John Leedy, lumber t.56.63 f eet in Mcuantei case itt.oo C L Morris, keeping Co poor 52.50 r ccs in oiaicagi vims uraiwim ... 10 55 R Koldeway, stock inspector, station ery and postage 4 00 H J Hoaly. lumber Dlst at 20.31 Mrs C Houck, board Queley 8.00 Burkhart & Pfelffer, printing 13.75 D V S Rcid, fractional quarter. 39. 1 5 E W Whipple k Broa.lumber Dit 14 17.14 E T T Fisher, reestablishing govern ment corners at. 00 '5 95 2 70 M5 7 57 600 John Leedv, lumber D 8 Smith,Sherifl D V 8 Reid, Incidentals. Lee, Brown 3c Co, lumber. J K on Sanderson bridge. New tpax at Carter's. Try a pair. The Saunders case has been worn thread bare bv the Oregon press : but Cha. T him out of employment, spending I Caldwell, a member of a traveling concert company, who was In Corvallis last week, furnishes material for another dose.. He lived for years a neighbor of W. W. at Bon- hayn, 'leva-, and knew all about him. Saunder's father and a brother are physi cians, another brother a drug clerk and an other a student, all respectable. They are not rich. Wirt was engaged to be married o a Mitt Wl.llams, had a falling out. and married a Miss Stokes. Miss Williams also married, her husband died in about a year, when Mrs. a under became jealous She it now living with Dr. Saunders. W-rt was admitted to the bar and practiced law sever al years. Hit sign "Wm. Wirt Saunders k Co., Attorneys at Law was only taken down a few months ago. Haunders became adictcd to the use of morphine, and soon after forged a note and was indicted. He ran away, his father and a brother paying the amount of the bonds. At the time he was looked upon as a crank and morphine fiend. He never killed a man there and It it thought 75u I was never a cow-bey or ranger at all. In , . . - , 1 at concluding ms account ot saunuers caw- well tayt s Mv idea of the whole a (lair U, that Saunders, in ids diseased slate of mind wove these romances with which he ap pears to have stuffed the people of Oregon and then told them so often that he believed them himself. The news of hU killing Campbell was received with great sorrow by the people ot Bonliam and of Fannin county, and on account of the respectability of the family and the high esteem in which they were held the papers of that section never even mentioned the tragedy. The only notice I taw in the press of that part of the State was a sensational arttc r in the Fort Worth Heredd. which gave a circum stantial account of the hanging ml Saunders tome time in July, 1805. The above ts substantially the account given by Dr. Hill on his return from Texas which was published in the Democrat. No wheat market ) et. toSOc wdl be tbe figoite. TRRKNT RVKXTS. Mrs Henrv Ward Beecher it to write a book. A tabernacle that will teat J 000 people Is talked of at Newport. Gov. Pennoyer proposes to see that the salmon law is enforced. The Marion county fair meets some time In September. No free passes. Fifteen brick stores and a $jo,ooo opera house are being built at Pendleton. Colfax experienced a $50,000 fire last Sunday, Mtv's new hotel was entirely burned. Milibrook, Kan., wat practically demol ished by a cyclone latt Saturday. 79 build- mgt was the record. Twelve neonle were killed or fatally in- jured by an accident from the launching of a vessel at Milwaukee last naturuay . Some of our E O exchanges tell of yields of wheat averaging 50 to 60 bushels per acre ; but they don t look you square in the face when they do It. A shark was lately cnuuht off the coast at Monterey, California that weighed nearly 1 .000 pounds. Scientist estimated It to be 4OO years old. Mrs Adam Assclt, of Portland,has begun action against her husband, who lives at Newport, for divorce. Mr A. wat one of the proprietors of the Kuss House in this city for awhile. Two Albany boys recently helped them selves to tome machinery at the Monteith Milla aud sold it at tbe Second Hand store, claiming it was from their fathtr't nti'.l. Tbs trick wat discovered and the iron reternrd to ita owners Philip Eitner and Minnie Levy, of San Francisco, were engaged to be married. The engagement was broken off and Minnie married another man, and refused to return various articles of jewelry. money, etc. He sued her and recovered $400. The great wheat bubble burst In San Francisco latt anticipated, and $6, 000,060 is now reckoned as- the losses of the bulls. When we reflect that the farmers ha ye gotten tome of the benefit of thlt af fair It makea it one that It at least bearable. Plainly It serves the bulls rightly. Gamblers deserve to tuffcr. Last week near Monroe, Benton Co., a Mr Reese got mad at his son for reproving him because he had killed hit dog, and struck him over the head with a pitchfork.breaklng the handle, and wat going to pound him after he had fallen to the ground, when he was hetd back by several men. the affair caused considerable indignation. The Salem Stairs U making a fearful, gulping effort to make out that Salem it booming. In an article headed "Salem's Boom' It gives a list of six new dwelling house. the evaporator factory .a building for the Women college and a few small im provements, besides one or two propos ed structures. Great Sfccpy Hollow ! Al bany can point to three timet as many build ings going up at the present moment, and we are not booming at at). Congressman Herman and a friend when travelling through Eastern Oregon recently came to a house about night time, The friend being snubbed by the woman of the house otnger was sent forward with the following result : "When Mr Hermann reached the house the woman ocned the door just wide enough to glance at hlm.and In his usual polite manner took off hi hat and made one of hit best bows, and asked for food and lodgings. The woman replied by informing him that his partner had just been there and the had sent him away be cause the would not harbor tramps. "But," said Mr 11. "we are not tramps. I am Con- K Batman for Oregon ; I am not a tramp, t have monev with which to pay my way." "Well,1' said the woman, "you may be a Congressman, but you don't look en ough like one to make me believe It with out stronger evidence than your own word for It," At It wat growing late, and ap peared that they would have to move on, Mr Hermann donned hit tile and repaired to the wagot:." THE UABVEUT MOON The harvest moon of yesternight Wat United to orange red. The oven blast, the vellow light Of harvest day had tinged the night, And chafed her face ; Until the grace Of Indian girl, with head bedlght In copper jewela, to the tight, Would seem a moon Inttead f She mounted softly through the hate, Her face turned full on me. Her eye, a kindling, unfanned blase, ('Tit but the moon' I write to praise) Looked me, daring not to gate Too much on mc, Lest others Her look of love, enough to crate The sanest heart, and to amaae In lovert' lunacy ! The poet can not love the moon. Hit head it all a whirl. Hit Judat pen hat all too toon Betrayed hit heart ; and now the boon Of Luna's light and summer night Nee ma, Oh ! too weak to theme the layt That harp a loyal lover's praise Of tropic eyes and pretty way t She it my Indian girt ! Wft.L WlfATCOMC. Letter fro a Rev. t'mlg Editor Drmotmt .' The editor of the Benton Lender announc ed some time since, in hit paper, that hit columnt were alwaya open to replies from thote he critlclted. Up to a certain point I have no grounds of complaint against him in this respect. But the manner hi which he disposed of my two latt communication and the liberties he took with a private lei ter I tent him, at the same time, Induce me to ask as a favor and in justice to myself a republication, in your columns. Your generous fairness, hitherto, as a newspaper, encourages me to venture further upon your Indulgence. Of course the editor had the right to reject altogether an article Intended for publication in his paper. But he had no right to accept a portion that,erhapa, which r out ol Its connection wat more met 1 Tfci : ' - - G. A. B Eatertaiasseat. The Opera House will probably be crowd ed next Monday and Tuesday evenings,on the occasion of the entertainment hereto fore announced in the kmoceat. The principal attraction will be the drumming bv Major Hendershott, the famous drum mer boy of the Rapahannock, who will be accompanied by his son. He will play on the original silver drum presented him in 1862 by Horace Greeiy. Besides this fea ture there will be songs, tableaux, recita tions, etc. This entertainment will be one of the meet enterestine ef the season and vervbodv should net. Admission, sec' le- "TTM teats at Langdon'a, TOc, The tuiwjng to a Spokane Falls paper n a rugn mouie .Major Hendershott : Cheney, W. T, v,1v 30. The enter tainment here this evening given bv Major Hendershott and our home tawn, under the auspices of W, C. T. V. and G. a. r.. was a grand success. I he hall was crowd ed and the audience wat so well pirated that they gaye Major Hendershott three cheers and a vote of thanks, and welcomed him back to Cheney again. If your citizens fail to hear him they will mitt a treat. Old veterans from all parts of the country came to hear this drummer boy of the Rappahannock. He it simply immense. Lt'CV A. SWITZKR, President of W. c. T. V, of Eastern Washington, and two hundred citizens of Cheney. standing vulnerable to his criticism and reject the balance. Neither wat he at liberty to pub lish any part of a private letter without my consent. Both of these things he has done ; and it was this very conduct on his part which caused the Rev Mr. Michael to make 2;30 p. the statement, on the conference noor, If we gave the manuscript to the repreten- ( tatlve of the press then present, we had no UMuraucc U would be published as given. If he had garbled communication, in one case, he would not hesitate to do to in another. If thereby, the Interests of the cause he advo cates would be subserved, Mr. Michael stated the truth In thlt matterind the editor f the Leader will not and dare not deny It. The following Is the communication, one sentence of which appeared In hi paper 1 "Ckx! and posterity iiotd us responsible for the trust In our hands" to tayt President Arnold In his annurl report June, !K3c. This trust committed to us, by the State of Oregon, the M E. Church South proposes, sacredly, to maintain and conserve in the future, as she has tried to do in the past Very sorry our good friends of Corvallis do not appreciate our selecting their Dvautttui city as the center of our educational inter cs.s, our securing to them, in tlie first place lite Agricultural College of the State, and the more than 17 years of faithful donation lr. building up a school which is mere pecuniary and moral advantage to them, as citixena, than to the M. E, Church South as a denominational enterprise. I have been waiting to hear one little word of praise or gratitude from our "friend are to vigorously observing us. We had expected something of the kind from the editor ol the Leader, who boast of hi love for the Church, ami is to deeply concerned lest she- should tie ruined by not gracefully surren dcrinc a valuable franchise to thoc w!m HOME AMI ABROAD FM Prenoh, jeweler, Solo hat a photograph gallery, The best harness at B L Thompson's . H Rsrtrt, praolloal watohmaktr and Jew tltr. It your whtat itttared ? If nit otli at H V Mtrrill't. J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al baoy, Or. A National Bank hat bttn orgtuittd at Htppntr. Nut an idle otrpaater In Albany, and the city it full of them. Produot of all kiuds ttktn in tiohangt at Shane. Loot way't. Several dear parties will Itsve Albany next week for the mountains. Ho to Shane 4 Liotwty't for all kinds of millinery aud fancy good. Rtmsmbor Shsno ft Loos wty are ttlliog dry goods at very low prtott. The salmon'law is being obeyed. Tbt cttck amounted to 354,066 casta. Mr it Sendera tkippsd a oar load of borate 00 rridty to Sta Kranoitee. Farmers, latere your grain at Mtrrill't Agaooy, call and get hit rttet, Six shaves for a dollar and a cltao towel to every oattomtr, at Tbnt. Jonee. Before you inter your whett gtt rtt from H F Mm rill. Albany, Or. A Vancouver man w-m in the city Tuot day boy ing hay for the government 7 O.kt cure rlismnattttn, nturalgta and toothache. Kothay 4 Matou, Agents. Otto Salinger now hat bit stock el gnoda in the front part ef M Peyser's taloon. Rsaois honed, eat and put in order at Jones' Skavtng an l Hair Dressing Parlor. Seven men wort kilted by a blattit.g ao eideot at the Siskiyou tenuel latt Monday. A oaudy toot has beeu a feature of tbt city lately. Fresh taffy made before the publte. F M French, aaeot Singer Manufacturing Ot., opposite Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Or. Dr. M If. Kllit. phyjteiau and surgeon Alt-any, Oregon. Oallt made ia city or country. All stilts of boott tad aaote aud a large ttouk of groceries is what we carry Had field A BrowneU. The corner stone of tbt new Agricultural College will be laid at Corvallit Aug. 17 at The Speeor Optiel Co., of N. Y., making a ttsa tteeJ spectacle with gold piece. Carver telle tttcin. are 7 Dew. The Benton Leader hat been telling tome regular "fish stories" about the abundance of honey dew in Benton county. But these stories are all eclipsed by the one which we relate : The other day the "devil" of the Democrat office wat shooting at birds on the telegraph wires near this city, the wires being literally loaded down with birds which seemed to be busily engaged pecking at the wires. The "devils" curiosity led him to inquire into this strange proceeding of the birds, when he discovered that the wire wat literally covered with honey dew an eighth of an inch thick. Flies by the millions had alighted on the wires and - u aV . ee .ay e, at' "ttucKiatt 01 course, inc mrot were f taittng upon the flies. This condition of the wires was made known to the telegraph operator who readily accounted for it by the fact that one of our business men had just tent a dispatch to Yaquina Bay for a large supply of honey. New stvlee of ladies vests and fob at Cart er't Jewelry Store. Iter College. The Albany CoiWge should be supported liberally. The people ef this city cannot afford to be derelict in duty ;n reference to it, else tome morning we will wave Up with out a Collegiate Institute here, witsrj its real value would be appreciated. The saj. ing "the time to correct a blunder is before it is made" cannot be repeated too often. Our educational facilities are not complete without this Institute, It is an honor to the city in its way. Ii should be kept up, and made a stepping stone from our excellent public schools. And right here it may be remarked that the primary department hat been an unnecestary expense lately. It should never be kept up unlets self sup porting, as it it no part of a Collegiate In stitute. An effort is new being made to organize the College faculty for the next year. Uur citizens should put their hands in their pockets even if the entire organiza tion does not meet their complete approval. Loht. A buoeh of keys, including a patt office key. Please leave at this office. A Kan Loot. Likes Oregon Beet Mr. John T. Davit, of Sweet Home, who 1 a t a . a a. mM ' n&s taaen ine democrat an its nte, gave ua a call the first of the week on hit way t A - .1 ' - . . . 11 jmc xrom a inree montn s trip all over California. Mr. Davis informs us that he visited all the best portions of California. and while that state has tome good qualities, yet taken at a whole, it does not at all equal Oregon, and that he comet back now better satisfied with Oregon than ever before. He says he taw fields with hundreds of acres of wheat not an acre of which had been cut, being utterly ruined bv the hot north wind. Mr. Davis says at toon at the connection is made at sitkyou tunnel on the O. & C. and I! & O there will be a large emmigration from California to Oregon. On Tuesday latt an emigrant wagon was seen to come into town and come to a halt near the Rutt House. The famiiy consist ed of husband, wife, five boys and tlx girls all the way from Texas. In the course of half an hour a great commotion wat seen to exist among the family at the wagon, when upon inquiry it was found that the husband and father was lost and could not be found. The mother and children were wringing their hands in great agony. Peo ple were running in all directions when tuddenly the lost man was teen coming down the street, hit face ail beaming with smiles, and himself loaded down with great packages ef groceries and vegetables which hat had been buying al Wallace & Thomp son's whose prices he declared were the lowest he had known for years. Cenuell Proeeediag. Tuesday, Aug. oth, 1SS7. Pretent City officers and members of Council except Writsman. The Committee on Ways and Mean pre tented an exhibit show Ing the estimated revenues of the city for the current year to be $3535 and the estimated expenditures $2068.60 and recommended that no more main sewers be built the present year. The Street Commissioner recommended numerous improvement. Referred. Surveyor Warner was directed to take charge of survey of Ninth St, being opened. An ordinance granting certain rights ot way for an electric tight and telephone tvs tean to L D Brown, John M Pairchlld and F W SpauldJng was referred to the Com mittee on Ordinances. Application of Col Hogg for rebate on taxes refused. The sidewalk west side Kerry, first to Second, was ordered repaired. The new ordinances were ordered pre pared by Recorder, Committee and City At vrney for submission at a meeting ncit Tueedav evening. D fk N Blackburn resigned a City At torney. The mattei of extension of sewer on Cal ipooia Street wa referred. The bills of W C Tweedale, $7.50 ; Mar shal Weetfall, $23.50 ; drayman G W Coop er, $1.75 ; Surveyor J a Warner, $9.00 ; G M Westfall, $38.63 ; McClanc & East, for building sewer, $77 60 ; R A Bowman, extra police, $4.00 ; W A McClane, $3.00 ; and freight paid on new hose, were found correct and ordered paid. Harvest Sett. Wm. Hale thrcthed 30 acres that aver aged 2$'i buthelt per acre. Mr. Buckner 57 acres at 31 bushels per acre. Jesse McGhee 30 acres at 27 bushels per acre. Wm. Bogue 40 acres at 27 bushels per acre. John Porter 1 25 acres at 37 bushels per acre. A. M. Wilton 40 acres at 22 bushels per acre. J. F. Price 66 acres at 30 bushels per acre. C. P. Burkhart 85 acres at 37 bushels per acre. Mr. Gcisendorfer 95 acres at 22 bushels per acre. Chat. Slagle 90 acres at 20 bushels per acre. M. C. Chambers 100 acres at 28 bushels per acre. have cast a covetous eye upon it. Vhv should Mr Pipes wage such a relentless w aria re against the Church ? What harm hat she done him or hi friends ? Her mission i "good will to men," to all men Does the gentleman think the education of hit son is unsafe in the hands ot the church Or, is he. like tome other, actuated by an unreasonable absurd prejudice. The head and front of our offending even with our Democratic editor friend, such a Mr well and Pipes cem to lie that a majority of our members are supposed to vote lite Democratic ticket. Gentlemen we beg your pardon. If this offence grates to harshly upon your nerves, and, if, by refraining from voting, or clanging our (Millies we can es cape the odium of belonging to "the carcass of the rebellion" it may oe well to do so. If Paul would "eat no meat" in deference to the conscience of his "weak brother," most of us can forego this pleasure of voting the ticket represented bv these doughty editor. J. W. CRAM, Albany, July 16th, 18S7. PKOBIA. received. It it ia two vol hat to be approved by tbt Hoveru Being Poshed, Touching Setae. Wm It Accidental. Last Saturday Wm. Hathaway,druggist,of Halse was found dead in the mountains in the Blue River mining district, in Lane county. He was lying beside the river, with a bullet hole in his groins and his revol ver in the water near him. His hat and pipe were on the rocks beside him. On Friday, July 29th, lie left his camp and started for the camp of a friend a few miles away. Awhile after he left pistol shots were heard. On learning two or three days after that he had not reached the other camp search was made for him and kept up until the time stated. His friends think the shooting was accidental. Hathaway was said to have been near sighted and It it thought he lost ms way xrom mis. a coroner s jury ported according to the above. Last Wednesday the contract was let to G. W. Hunt for graduing 52 miles of road on the Oregon Pacific, 4a miles being the interval between Bennett's, 10 miles at the Summit and the thirty miles at this end beyond the Santiam and 10 miles be ing beyond the Summit. This will take the road 100 miles beyond Albany the present season. Mr. Bennett has nearly 1500 men at work, including Chinamen, and Hunt will put about as many more at grading. Old Settlers Hasting at Orowfordiville. re The citizent of Crawfordtvilie and vicin ity announce that there will be an old Set tler's or Pioneer's meeting on the camp ground at Crawfordtvilie, commencing at a p. m , Thursday, Sept. 1st, 1887, to which all and most especially the old settlers of the county are invited. Come prepared to camp on the grounds, as the exercises will be continued Friday, Sept. and. "The camp fire is to be lighted." Public speak ing and other exercises appropriate for the occasion. Good music in attendance. J as. H. Scott, Chairman Executive Committee. The people collected nttr the Democrat office the other day witaessed a scene that mutt have melted the hardest heart. An unfortunate laboring man, who hod recently settled in tht city, wat ran oyer and fearfully mangled by a heavy truck wagon. Notwith t tending the man was in the throes of death be Wat observed to be huldir.g a copy of the Democuat in one hand and pointing with the index finger of the other to an item thatred at follows: "Boy your groceries at Wallace k. Thompson's, one door nortn of the Dem ocrat ottiet," and wth eat acc:d the people shoutel. "So belt." I can not drop my pitch fork and take up my pen to write as you suggested last week, as I hae not had hold of it. Threshing is the principal amusement here. The Prohibition Amendment is gaining strength here. Gardens are standing the dry wetther well, but rain would not hurt them. Wheat is yielding very well though there is an abundance of wild oats that will re duce tome of the big yields, indications are thai outs will be a good crop. B. F. Zlggler is taking in wheat at Peoria. He has a new cleaner that does good work. The Croat steam thresher is in this vicin ity this week. Binding will be finished In another week. C. Clingman is cutting hit second crap of clover. Tohn Porter had 6j8 bushels of wheat on 135 acres 37 bushels per acre. New ferry boat works well. Grouse and pheasants are plenty. Johnny Cruse hat a new buggy. The citizent of Shedd's are becoming more quiet. Mitt Ella Clingman was so unfortunate latt week at to lose 37 canary birds. They were left alone in a room when cats got among them and killed them. Rev Acheson, of Oakville preached to a large congregation last Sabbath at this place. 1 Ped Carter's field of corn will make good crop. The coo! weather is bringing out late town spring grain. 8ttEf)i Fall wheat Is not turning out at heavy at it looked. Chas Farrow and R C Farwell patted through the city the 6th Intt. with a herd of horses, where they were going was un known. Peter Bither was in the city last Satur day. Mr Bither purchased a span of mules of Davis Bro's., betides 5OO tacks, which he expectt to fill with wheat and return the same, John A. Robnett hauled 3900 feet of lum ber last week with four horses from the old Edward's Mill to Messrs. Bain Bros., which is the largest load ever brought out 1 ef the mountains. BROWNSVILLE. Letter List. Following is the list of letters remaining in the Pjs OOee, Albaay, Una oounty, Oregoa, Aug. litis, 197. Persons calling for these letters nm give the date on which they were advertised : Advas, Oed'rey Bu-oh, Jackson Coshow et Cab's disss, Mrs Ball! Kslllithei, Sarg't Mc Hi main, Daniel Pritobett, J 0 Strauss. Martin ThOMuan, M Vlles, P M llnner, Mr Msgi Byu u, Mrs Dora Day & Henderson Hasbrook, Lieut A Jr. Kunlin, Mm A 1 vina May, Ueo W ('Jt) I roisser. Mrs Catharine Hperry, Mrs L Thomas, M 0 Wood, Utta B. THOMPSON, P. M. Mr Hudgens has been engaged to teach the Brownsville and Ben Childers the North Brownsville school the coming year. Both are well spoken of. J D Arthurs recently arrived home with several horses from Crook county. Mr Kirk's new residence, now receiving Its finishing touches is an ornament to this city. Many of our people have been off to the mountains and other places. Waterloo it a popular resort on Sundays. Still During. Thrifty people will appreciate our values I and price . Ranricu k Browmcu., L. Senders is buying horses everv day and can be found at his residence In Albany, ..Ti - i. - . - trr- .... i . w . He takes all horses suitable tor the market of 1000 pounds and upwards. Pay rath down. ill be o mere tiaedty trains on the Ibanoo breath of the 0 4 C aettl ter thtr uoitoe. Wallace k Thompson have a express wagon, ana now do their own delivering oe abort notice. Mr Martia wat on Monday hoed $i and ouete bv Keo rUr Heaton for beiuj drank and disorderly. A tooth extractor, who hat been bilkine southern Oregoa people, it bound this way. uooa out lew aim, We Uke the eio, ike customers take the bargain , and the barsiia take tin o ike. ttedbeltJ ft Mrownell. Fsvbreev t Celelrtl il!ool Cleanser fur tale at Devest A RbeWe aud Kivt k Brown ell's, I' J Haiti more, agent. Kvtry coalo nr will be a walking e lver for our bargains when they eet our r.wiheld Hrownell One of N II Allen A CVt priae tickets toed mm a -jr. . w- for 3c oa a dollars worth of goods purchased at tht atw Moeond Hand It ore Csytttllo Bl'. ast Attorney, and .t ot,e time fc.i.tof i ' ihe lloeemirg iMtewndeid ,lie1 in Htoteurg laat wet of poeewosua. Gas liestike wee arrested at C jrvalila Wed- Bttday anl taken through Albany to I t load, on tht charge of being a defaulter Pile driving for th Stntia-n bridge hat been ootapieteal, and Monday the pile driver paeaed through Albany for equina City. A rag aod juok store it to be opeatil in one si U o Mootettb t betiding oa the corner of First end Lyon Htreet, by a Portland maa The lirst whtat stored at Lea Station wat left there oa There ley oi last week at Hpioer at MclnUwh e, by II e and John Hilutoore. Lube Appiagateanaoeeeet ia tht Asbiand Tidj that he will stump Oregtn against pronibttioa. It is date lor Albany ia Uitober mm Ao aaboaod oopy IMl's new eode of Oregoa ha amte, aad I or. Mr J J Kin lay son, onee a rest lent of tint county, recently purchase ! a farm near !'it! omatb, and has moved on it from F r--t (trove. A section wi country in w woootte and Illinois is h io a genuine areata. Crop are rained and stock is dying by the bun A collision between ike Revere and It iss Met Wedbetday o eased tome very unueoettary harta word, as it era entirely accidental. The new warehouse at Munkert, at the juncuoo ef the O P svad N O mil be built by D Meyer k Co., of Soto, and will eost about $10,000. Another shipment ef ladtet lino shoes in all widths and sieit just in this week. Cuetom- ers remark what perfect beauties. Reiiield k Brow ceil. Ia Saptotabti Governor l'socov r will go to Philadelphia to attend the Ceuteantal of the adoption of the Constitution of the United Butt. ( harlot Ktea a teamster wa oa latt Men day at Siskiyou tunnel murdered io oold Meed by U a Caldwell, the keeper of a dance hoot. Jealousy. The Pendleton K. 0. tpeakt thoaiy of an JEr S "The fvenhtg Democrat, of Portland, hat an air about it at if it wot 1 1 toon climb th geldaa ttaira." Next Saturday Cap. Monteaye, of thie city, will matter the atw Military Company at Lebanon. Election of officers will occur at th time mentioned. Latt taturdsy Mrs L A MoCoaooll told 200 scree eff her farm just eatt of th city for $8,000, being t th rat oi 40an aere, JH Mullen wa th purohaaer. Phillip Rita, ef Wall Walla tayt the tar plus wheat in the I aland Empire (Eastern Oregon) will ameont to 17,003,003 bushels. This it too high aa estimate. Mrs A S Nauny, who wat rteeotly strick en with paralysis, at Tangent, wat oa If oa dee broach t to tint citv tad taken to the retideno of Mr George Simpson. Should yon desire to tell your property call oa Burkhart A Keeoey at they advsrtit property placed ia their hands, aud obarge nothing unlet they effect a tale. We would call tht attention of oar read ers to tbt eard of Dr Beck with in another column. The Dr lalely arrived from Ohio aod will permanently locate here. For removing dandruff, Ayer'a Hair Vigor hat no eoual. It restore faded aad gray hair to itt original color, stimulates th growth of the hair, and giro it a beaatitaj, glossy, ana tlken appearance. For all the ills that flesh is bir to, no, matter what the age, thtr it no household remedy equal to Freee't Hamburg Tea. Be tides, tht ohilden lik it ; there it nothing nauseating about it. A tramn nicked ud at Mittouli the other da v proved to bo the brother of two Chicago jsf . . eM e 1 1 av millionaires. He started oat wita i,wu t few year ago and had ran through the whole. He wot taken home. The resideuce of Mr Heunesa, near Me hama, was entirely burned by fire latt Satur day. Everything wat nearly now. Sparks from a burning tree oaaght ia tht roof of th house aod spread fast. Mr Herman Hulman, ef Terr Haute, led., laat Tuesday paid $90,000 for 200 feet front on Front Street, Portland. The Jonas lum ber yard and th W K Smith property wat what waa traatforred, Twenty- six of the subscribers of th Dallas Itsmmr at Perrydale, Polk county, stepped their tabtoriptiont to that paper en oc count of itt position in th Klty eta. Th fern- kf.r publishet their name. Siaoe tht last Circuit Court, which elated the first of July, complaint in Hve divorce tuits have been filed with the Cmnty Clerk of this county, and tht tame number of marriage licenses have been grant 1 J. Messrs Foshay & Mason, druitgiitf, are selling Wisdom's Bobertine wholesale and retail, andgiviogbemtifal picture card with every bottle. Positively the raoit perft ot tsd harmless article of the kind in the market. A letter from L Vnreck who it new ia 1..1..1.1..1.;. it... . rj...t hi,... atjaoancei hi tsfe arrival in that city. Hot weather ha beta the rate there, and !oats ha had hit hands full keeping dry thirtt on, and ceateueently yearns for torn of Oregon 't cool breeat. A very fine tipeotmen i t gold or waa ex hibited in Lsngdon If Co't drag I tort the rat of the week , It was taken from th Ba roe Mauunhaatta mine by Mr D Quixote, and the appearances would indicate $100,000 to th ton Alto a large cucumber in a email eked bottle. Considerable amusement for th boys wet offered in tht city Tuesday evenioa bv a squaw chasing two Spaniards around the city wita a ciuii. Bite plaited they bad seeae torn money for whiskey she had given thtee to buy eatables with, Mr (i W Cru m. who camt to Albaav Monday from lebeaon informed Dbko- t a r man that be passed through quite a fir on Mr. John Baltimore' farm, delaying the train about two boars. About $140 worth of wheat already ttoked waa ruined. Aytr's Hartaparilla U desiuut l for those who need a medicine to purify their blood. ito other preparation to Weil met t, this want. t lucres the appetite aed riuventtet the whole system. Its record, for forty veart, it one of couttaot triumph over disease. Rv TO Brow neon delivered bis farewell sermon at the Baptist Church laat fiabbath morning. He will now take aphis retideaee at MuMinnviil, m Presideet of th College .e a t tf m m e u inert-, itu made many friends to Albany. who will wish him abundant tuooeee 10 bit new field. 1 o day and to-morrow it the tseae aad Ya quina City th place, eet by the editor of Henton oounty, tor th orgeat itioa of Stat Pre Association, Heveral effort have been made at organization, without result. and whether tin meets the same fate will depewd m th number prevent aad interest Albany new cow ordinance will so into effect on the -'7th of tht month. Whether it will lie strictly enforced it a question yet to be decided. If cow ere kpt up eyo t night a benelit will result. Tne greaet evil from their running at large, though, occurs ia the dy time. lUlston C is, Corvallis' do 00 Is r arooer. ia known all over the Valley just beeaaae he use so much printers ink in the newspapers there. When people goto that ettv thav be. gin wondering where Cos's place ts, Thie young man started 00 almost nothing and hat built up fag bualoeaa by IttUog people snow lost he estate!. Oliver Coooet, formerly weli koowo ia thie UBAL RNTATK. Following were the recorded sales In Unn county during the past week s L 11 Lewis to R Thompson, I 9, block 3, W. A., Albany $ B N llardman to John Charles, lot 4, block 118, H'a A E. Stringer to A. G. Williams, V acre tpu.SR j W A. O. Williams to K.Siringcr, xfirt feet, Lebanon . . . ; , . . , II. Bryant to L. J. Wallace, Acre tp 1 1 H R 2 w Lucy A. MeConncli toj. II. Mullen, aoo acres, 1 mile east of Albany ). M. Ralston to A. K Arnsorge, 1 lot, Lebanon Est C. H. Cowan to S. W. Deyoe. lots 5, ft, H'a A., Albany, decree S. W. Dodd to M. J. Bridge font and R. A. Mason, t lot In Sodavlllc 1 Catherine Wert lojohn Roland, 70 acres, tp 12 s k 1 w kv J JO wo f SJ 4JO Htx So county, killed a man by the ueuso of Taraer, ..a ceee Creek, 18 mile from Pnoevtlit. a ek ago latt Wedaeeday. Tn di Acuity grew oat ef sheep which Taraer was berdfeeg atvd feeding oe Coaoot't premise. C jo net tried aeat discharged, havine 1 300 ntbw. Strayed from the Chris. Hardman farm 7 miles eatt of Albany, a red bull two years j old. fhe right ear is cropped a id ttlit and! the left ear split underneath. Branded on right hip with the letter "B" wita center bar extending back an inch or two. Any one finding him and shutting him up and in forming P. . Baltimore at Albany or N. N. Hashor at the llardman farm villi bo suit ably rewarded. P. J. Bai.Tissoaa. The Lead lag Prieting House. SThose in need of any kind of printing should call on or send their order to J. ft. Burkhart. He doe work better and cheap er than any printing house in O egon. All work delivered promptly cither In person or by mall or express. No delavs ftr the want of material, at he keep on hand a large stock of all kinds of paper, cards, etc., tiiat he has purchased in the East at price that cannot be underbid. Send for price list. PROCLAMATION THE' MOST GO. GRAND CLEARANCE SALE. Spring and Sumner Goods. Wtt now effer aod wH tell onr eiifi-a took of Spring and Bam user good at Coat, e n or it. tug ll Mty fv and ltecHp- tiona of Dress and Fancy Goods, LADIES PARASOLS AND MEN'S STRAW HATS, Way Down Below Cost, We will alto olot' out onr ttook of machine oil at fi at cost lee frwigbt. We here alto tn immenae ttock of choice CLASS AND CHINA WARE The Seal Rock retort property situated on South Beach IO miles from Yaquina Bay it now on the market for sale. For particulars call on Outran k Monteith, Agent, Albany, Oregon, at whose office can be found maps aod views of this splen am property, a chance to secure a lot and elegant cottage at this famous teatide re- which mint eleo go at t a a eoouio avail inrrteieea o Opportunity bt told tort for $50. CvKtiw k M on raiTit, Agents, A litany, Or. Regardless of Price to make ro:m for oar imntast ttook f FALL AND WINTER GOODS which will erriye within the next thirty dayt. wet acted iateU Lebanon baa a rsmvkably spry ok! aentie- atae tooordiag to tb following from th Ex prt-a : Mr R P .Scan laud of this nlaoa. on Monday oat will be SO year of tee. Donna tin summer ht ha attoooed to four (arda, aixi aone great oeal et ctber unit heave wra. Ma is tn gl KralUt, and front I its ap. poerauest w wate surprisa-l hn hotti I hm waa lour time twaoty. Attsnti.i i called to bit adv. of W tsi .-vnttnoote; fioley, ol the BosPto Mills at onedd. Year aif thasa uat ran th Botiett Mill. maufctnnir mob St.. . .a. . w - . -V w oiy ia ihmI n ir in tbt V ily . Thoy r urtxi smut in mil. ; but have again pure baa a it, na will teed oat better floor vn tn thstr former day. A will U soen by nr report of th last County Court proce iit.jra laau ooantv i It able to nave a 95000 damage sett oa lir bands, Mrs Surles hsvine or smut a clann for tbstattMunt as a recoiiioautc for 1amaae reaittag from the accident on tbs bih grade beyood tn Calipooia bridge, avrl week tgo. It i uodrateod a sou will bo brought. Th fotlewiag item from ee eiebge is to th potat, and we publish it for the bweefit of totne of ear tabsvaribere alee I There if a litti matter that tome ef ear iubfenberf hav totanogly forgottea entirely, tome of thetti bar made of many promttet, bat bat not aept them. To at it it a very impor tant matter ; itt aceeffary in onr baaiaeff VV are very model, and dim't like to f peak boot it. Thor it 00 rseeoa why Albany should not bar .1 scent sidewalks instead ot th many apologies here. One .mr erdiaaeeea were not rightjy balanottd for the bust nest ; bat tby hav ! en doctored, aod now seta other x oaso is ia ordsvr. Thie etty ha the reputation ef having abontae bad aid walk as any city in tht State, excepting perhaps eerli aad Dotyville. Last Monday efteroku in this city, op pomt Mootetth's pasture, Ed Cameroe, f Oorvaliia. and William Kiddle, ef Peswtll. rao a 100 yard foot t$m, for f 40 AboatflOO being ap mt th race. Gatnoroa won with tase by a boot hv feet. The winner will b re membered aa the Albany Hresaaa who won the 900 yard race at th tournament at Van--eueer. Time, a bent II aecond. Ratlioad Ctmmiwaoocra Wagair ami Slater were m Albany Mooday to hoar char gew iu a oomptaiot agtiott the O k C of ovtr charge between Tangent and thie city, nearly a mach being charged to Portland. Th Commtttioaett investigated the matter aad will report in a abort time ia rrfsewae to it. Tbit eompltiet it made an.ler tht llonlt law. lhc (' i:ntniasvn 1 doin all it a . i al 'W is postiDie f.r a Uummissma to d. Walt Paper, Khade. Kb . N H Alien asCo. keep in stock afeU lie of th above good, iaeiading a Sac svaterV oaent of decoration for sealing, ebih they will tell at tht lowest possible pnoee. H hav now ia transit oee ot the targe stoekt f thee goods ever iu this market. e bodies Pie N H Alloc k Cx are bow receiving direct fromth maafaotur. if J Hoi bt 00k k ( a of Utioa, N. Y , a full line of his justly cel ebrated One shoe for ladtet aod mti in C. D. ft aad E. K. width Thtee coodt will give splendid satisfaction, te fact there are no If H. Alloa k Co.. have ia tUask a splen did !tee of c waeta. Coosittiog f tb justly Ortswratsd U. fa. Dr Warner s, Dr Icot P. K 's, th Albany Standard, oar spioel brand. alto the Kverlsuag, Self Adjattiog, Nettie and many ether n.ake Ltdiet are peciaU ly tavttad to call and inspect ARitfEl). I.AFOLLETT-PRICE.-On Aug. 10th, 1887, at the residence of the bride par ent near this city, bv Rev. E. N. Condit Ma. Cmablks LaFollett, of Prineville and Mis Ax M. Prick, of Linn county. (The DgteocRAT extend thlt estimable young couple its heartiest congratulation, and wishes them success in abundance. Their future home will be near P rinevllle. They have our thank for a tupply of fine wedding cake. o-t. Lviie r , . . . 1 "111 Kiavii All tbe above goods moat Come aod see ua. We NESS which oar price strata to too. will BU8I-detaon- THOMPSON & WATERS. BaowaariLbg, Or., Aug. 2od, 18c 7. NOTIOB, Notice it brbv given, Uwt tbe County Court of Unn county, Oregon, will, ou evconesxiay, toe ih day of September, A. ib, oi, at one o'eiock. p. m.. reset ye seeded bids for a contract to build f fty rod of roek and dirt road, oommooefng on the coat end where tbe plank nc oom- tnenoee en Reaver Moagh near widow Ray' and ran weat over the ground where tbe old Beaver Creek bridge now stand a distance of fifty rod, br tskiou the flooring off tbe old bridge aod laying uou me groucu oroaa-wayaae tar aa it gsae. Then nee fir poles the rest of the way until tbe whole fifty rods of ground In length ia covered. Then cover thie rock at lea inc be th ok aad tea feet wide. Then pat dirt and ground about three ine be dirt end the roek. There bail be two eolberte in mid rock road. The first one about ten rod front the star: ine point or east end of the eld bridge. The second cuibert to be about twenty three rods froea the eatt end of said roek road. Each ef said col harta to be mad sufficient width te allow tsasss to peas. Done by tbe order of the County Court this 4th day ef Augowt, A. U ISaT. J. P, UtLlialTg, OUt. riKHON.VI. AXtt HOflAlt. BORN. BA SHOE. On Monday, Aug 8:h, 1187, to tbe wffeot A A Bash or, at Spacer a gad. CLEM. On August ink, 1887. to the wife of J. C-iem s sou. ( Regulation w tight rather proud of at - other Democratic bey. BOSTON MILLS. Having sir 4,1 n s SB ate it ooaaeesleu of tbe shore mill at Sbedd, we hereby give netieethat we wilt receive w be tend grind It for one-eighth or take it in sxcktnge Tbe floor will be eqaal ir not letter tb that of tweaty years ago . Wm Simmons & Finley. E. BE CX WITH, M. D. HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon, ALBANY, OREGON, Andrews & HackiexaB, mi nm ini AfYX r n.L.UUUbLMo $3.00 A F Wheeler, ef Portland, waa ia ths citv Friday. Mr Fanning ia lying dangerously ill at hi w wear mis city. W R Mc Daniel, of II arm burg, left for California a few dsyt ago. Mr and Mrs I. K Blain are expected homo from California to-moirow. Mr Petr Haiti, of Browatviib, was in Albany Friday ou business. Mr Wm Fortrailler returned on Tussday from a week vuit at the Bay. Mrs Goorg Dodder ret n mod from a visit to Independence the first ot the week. Rev Dr Thompson hat moved with bit family to Corvallit, where thty will reside. E W Lag i m and Charles Monteith left laat Tuesday for SUn Francisco bv way of Yaqaina. Hon H H Giifrey reading olrk of th U 3. Senate, waa in Albany laat wk. The Democrat acknowledge a call. Prof W S Wdksr, of Haatsvill. V. T., we in Albany th tiratof the week. He pro nonooe thiathe bast place in th valley. Mrs J M. Irvine and dauthtr, Mr Aroh Monteith aud Mrs F M Ridfield returned Wednesday from a month's sojourn at the Bay. Hon J K Weatherford went to Portland Mndty to try the Ooltra Foster ess ; hut it wat adjourned until Aug 17th, hence ht returned on the evening train. Messrs George and Bruce. MeKiiie ht sad family arrived in the county last week from their Crook oounty ranch, with a band ef horses, after tn absence of several months. Col Washington, th Washington corns pond, nt of the New Orleans Picayune, wai in Albany Unt Saturday He eouaiden. Ore s em a gon a country possessing tine n iyantajer "Corns ijain, t.ol. WiM Wehhrr, clrrk for John Crsn.of Port- laud, J'is Wbblter, .fr.. and Mr n Mrs Al Charoh and nhil Irco, h iv- boen visiting in the citv the auests of the narent of most of them. Mr and Mr Jo Webber. Will Humphrey, of this city, one of th moat expert operator in Oregon, has acnep' ed s ptrmsnent position in the Portland of fice, and will move, to that city with hit wif. Logaa Hays will succeed him here. W F Utad. Boht Brown, A Rhoad and Chas BrowneU left on Tuetdav for their new mine, near tht touice of the Santiam. The assay made iu Portland was satisfactory and they propose sinking a shaft aud working thtmiur. Mr Woodin, another owner in the mine is obliged to remain horns on aocount of a lame lsg. O F Russell who hat been visiting friends and relatives in Missouri during the past vsar rstunitul to his old horn last Tuesday. He reports ths corn crops in nearly all the west at badly injured by tb drouth. Hs visitad Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska and the Territories and i very emphatic ia ssying that thee ia no placs lik Oregon to live tn. REPORT OF THE CtfrNDITIOS or TUB FIRST NATIONAL BANK, AT ALBANY. IN THE STATE Of ORKQ.ON, Attseeln ef badass, 1st Asy ef August, 1M7. eswewees ItoatissnU discounts . U. 8. Bonds to stoat eiitauation Dos from snprovsd reserve sgsats Da true other National Banks Ou trees 8tte llauks and banker. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expenses tvl taxes paid. UiUs of other Banks V. '. '. '. Y. VJH".".'..'.V. rVaetioBsl psaw currency, ntctutsaat eeots ... JK.M ... S670.M si AS7.S1 tsruLS mst U 83 Sfiooiist MMtttiMMst - . . J3ftA3U S4 asfHMsf MMsMIM" Kutil..ti itttMiiit o 410 .00 tltsintlnit fund with U. A Treasurer (Ire per esnt ot circulation.) 90. OS Total tWMM.W Liabilities I paid In outeUodlntf . Capital stock Barpres tana... Undivided proets.... National Bank notes Diridnd unpaid.... Individual awoceha aubjeot to check Demand osrtiBostssot deposit. DO to othsr National Banks.. Das to State Banks and hankers . SOMtSO aasT.rt 1750. ae o.oo 50687. 0.00 873.83 Total rfiM.s Stats or Oasoos, Corxrr or Lnot, si : I, Oeo. E, Chamber laln.Caahler of Ui akov d bank do solemnly swear that tbs sbsv statement is tru to the best of my knowledge and bslisf. OEO. E. CHAMBERLAIN, Caahlsr 8ubseribed and sworn to before me this Oth day ef August, 187. T. J. :JTITES, ( l. s.) Notsrx Public Crbect Attest : L. FLINN, SAMUEL E. YOUNG. WALTER E. TUKKKLL Olrsetert. 3 a-. m Atinr ."tVA. tWaffiCST TAH SOLE AGKNTS, LEBANON, - - OREGON! THE NORTHWEST Fire and Marine INSURANCE COMPANY. No. 5, Washington St Portland, Or. nrvi'sasess ana tr ainT L. Fllnn, 8. E, Yocunw, L. K, Blain, Stewart & Sox. Money loaned on approved real aetata security. J. H.TOWNSENO, Special Agent, Alhaay. asr i - - t - -r "r i s rTT v S S S I S I I 1 I I B S B I a I lilfllllllflilfl Its I s it t John A. Crawford, Proprietor. WILL furnish sacks to farmers aad receive wkaat at the usual rates of storage. The highest market prios paid for same, BEST Magnolia flour always on hand, for sale or exchange at reasonale rates, JOHN A. CRAWFORD. Blackberries arc box. scarce and ten csats a Dissolution Notice Notice is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore existing betweer Wm. Fort miller and Chas. Brush under the firm name of Wm. Fortmiller & Co , it thit dav dissolved bv mutual content, Mr Brush re tiring. All indebtedness will bo paid and accounts colUted by the new firm, consist ing of Wm. Fortmiller and T. B". Cone. Albany, Or., Aug. and, 1337. 'SON In successful operation since 1S66, patronir I rem H ectlom of the Northwest, endorsed ty business men and leading educator. YHK MOST PEMPEl'TLT EQUIPPED SCHOOL of it class on the Coast, it often private or ttse. instruction, day and evening throughout the year, in Arithmetic, Wiitina, Correspondence, Book Keeping Banking. Shftrthand.Type-writinc. Business and Las Forms and al Common School Branches, Studsnis of all aces and both sexe admitted at anv tine. Catalogue free.t Armstrong and Wesce. Proprietors. notice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon City, Or,, August 8th, 1.87. Notice is btreby given that .he follow - log named settler baa filed nodoe of his intention to maaa nnai proor in support of his elaim, and that said proof will be made before tbe County i udge or Clerk of Linn county, Or., at Albany, Oregon, oa Tuesday, September 27ih, 1887, yis : Sara Gather, Homestead entry, No. 1731 for tbe RBfti Sec. 8, Tp. 128 R 1 Willamette meridian. He names tbe following witnesaea to i X ABIES, LOOK H ERIE. prove bis continuous resldeaot open and X-i cultivation of said land via : N H Hud We want yon to remem er thut we have leson, Frank Cole, Cha Wi llama an, a tot of those o irilug Ire is, also shears, Thomas Todd, al 1 ot Lebanon Pt at Office, scissors tracing wheels, .3 lie If and flower Lina county, Oregon, not brackets, and gxd many other W. T.sBontBT, things you would Hk t have. Regiatef, j 8)wajkx k lox, FURNITURE made to order or wees end of Third Street, S. A. DECKARD. at my akop Albany, Or,