Sheriffs Sale. in O Circuit Court of it Stat of On go, for linn county. L, ii. BUta, Plaintiff. ft vieo. W. Furry, end Laur 4. Furry, his Wife And A. J. Hubler, Defendant. XTOTICB 1m hereby given tbst by virtu 1 or u Kiwutluu ami nrier r si is- Mut-l out of ida bora ns'usd Court In ll.e , sbnva entitle I milt t m -1 td mi I d hvrd. I wiit on Ster..y re eth stay f A avast, last. a: Ibe tXart stieo uoor in lb oiiy of Al bany Linn oom.iy, r.g n. at the hour of 10 o'clock, a m , eit at puiuto auction for oaab In band to th highest biddor the raal property daaorlbad In aald execution and order ot sale aa follows, to-wit : Be ginning at tbe uurthwest ourner of Notlfi -at Ion V.. est. Ola.m No 49, IVtwiiahlp 11 I '( Of r . r n . .. f i .,iat a wti . nd u n. -ii.. north SB hi ass I6IM100 obaiu; tha unb 80 V at IS 07-100 chain a; thence weet 84 57-100 ohalna ; thence anutb la 86' aaet 12 On 100 obaina, to thepUo of beginning, c nti ing 25 and 6i 10" m h m ra or ten, -I .ixt.-d in i bin la ir -g n !' ..i.c h,ii ni ri-inir ii Iti' - n hi' v tM ur . ihmh ii t 1 1 K i i i i .ii,. in ,,f th coata our tient .fthi uu taxed at ,ud tu o a n I i iii. nww of Mala. an 117 n eonud i I h ,.!.. i to i h Plaintiff hereon aum -f I40 r n Im . si rr..rn t JKtM iwy dJuu lo7, i lb ratu of un , twin 'r intuitu rbirit to ibe p.orueui to ' i' i ' i 'in .mh, v.J. Uvular, th u n of ilva Hi. .on with In tarwk tbe rate of u-u per c-ut per annual frou i e lorn dav ol imiurv, IHS, and ihn nvir i - ft en ib rna b paid to lenasto. l it .U Knrrx !.n ueir oi e ), in - i J i s I IB, I If ALBANY ULbfiiATS INSTITUTE ALBANf, QtiEUOH, i. s. j - . ..i aSIIaL, oliiiHG, UUIUKY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL ClASatS. turaea of -iud eiiaii to meet ib n-ed of all grade of ntudwuia. - Special inducements offered to students from abroad. Tuition ranges from 6 50 to $18, Ml. Board in private bun i' mm at ow raiee. KooaiH tr --elf boarding at atualiex' en A oareful u per vision exercise! over tu- dewtMawav rrnm borne. Kab teini opatM S-Heniber 7(b. Kor oiroular and lull partbniiar iorew tbe Prweulent. If, ft. 4. THan, u. 0 Albany, Oregon, Conrad Meyer. -!: I KIKTU it 0Wo STAR BAKERY, Cnrnar Broalaibin and First 8ti.f -fEALKft IN C)Miaia1 rr.nta, 1 aaaeO leact GlMMwarf, ()nrfaare, Dried Frail, Vegetables, Tofeaeea. I Igarm, Kaleea, Kl-. In fact every thin tbe'. ia kept in a gen variety and granary atom. HigHeet prion paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Oregon Pacific Railroad. 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME. Aeoom modal ion h unaur penned for com fort and aafety. Fare and freight via. Yaquina and tba Oregon Development Company'! Staemeblp mocb lees tnan by any other route betweeo all pr ints in the Willamette Valley and a t rancieoo. Daily passenger trains except Sundays. Ufi Taqviaa, 7.00 a.m.. Albany, 1:M r. U, ArTtT,trvJii.,lt M A. ArriT CorvailU, t.Utr.U. imn Albany, U:ie a, M,Arriv Yaquina, 6:0 r. a. Oregon and California train connect at Albany and Cervallia. Faic between Corral lia and Albany and San Francisco : Rail and Cabin, 114.00, Bail and alee rage, $9.00. WM. M. A, Oeneml Maaagvr. C c. Betl'E, A. O. F. mad P. Agent, CenraUie, Or. Oregon Developement Co. First-class Steamship line between Yqnina and Ban fmnciaco connecting ai Yaqnina with tbe trains of the Oregon Pacific Railroad Company. MAILING DATES . raoHTAoenrA rasa iai riAVciaoo W. V., BstunUy, July 30th, W. V. .Friday, Attc. 6th. E. O., Thursday, Aug. 4tb K.U., waanaaoay, AUf.iu. W. V., Tuesday, Auf. 16. w. v., Tuesday, Auk. a. o., sanday, Aug. ltth. T. (J.. Satorday, Aug, 20th C. O.. Sanday. Auk. 2Ut. Y. O.., Saturday, Aug, 27. w. v., Tnuraday, Aug. 26 W. v., TMuraoay, nap. i. B. U, Taaaday, Aug. 30th : K. O., Wadn day.hop, 7 The Company reserve the right to change sailing daya. I BY TOBY, Qua. W. mod P. Agent, 801 Montgomery St., San . Francisco, CaL OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA Oregon A California R. R, AND 0ONNECTION8. TBE BT. MeaTA RBITE. Cloes eeaaaatloM made at Ashland with stages of tbe California, Oreg t end Idaho Stage Company. Only SO Miles oi etaging. Time between Albary and Sai. Fnaetase, M hours OAuroaaiA axraaas tkaiss dailt. South North. 4.00 r. a. I Leave Portland Arrive 10:40 am s:06 r m I Leave Albany Leave 7:06 a m S JO A m 1 Arrive Ashland heave 6:40 r M local rASBBHOBa ra Aias daily (except Sanday). sVooTm I Leave Pert land Arriv. S:46 in 12:40pm Leave Albany Leave i 11 M AS 1:40 fM I Arrive Karene Leave ) 0 00 A M local rAsaavaaa traiks daily, S:10 p a Leave Albany Arrive I 6:46 am 8.66 r M I Arrive Lebanon Leave 6:00 a m 11:60 r M I Leave Albany Arrtve I 2:45 v u XM p m I Arrive Lebanon Leave J 2:0urg PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. daily between Portland and Ashland. The O and C R A Ferry makes connections with all the regular trains on the Kaet bide Oivision from foot el rawest. West alee IVtTlsloa. gUrrWBB rOBTLARB A1B t oRVALLlS, m Ail taim daily (esoeptrlundsy.) 7T80 A Leive Portland Arrive H:Uyu 11:15 p M Arrive Crvllls Leave 1:30 pm BIPKBSS TBAHIS daily (exojp Sunday.) e 440PM I Lave 00 pm I Arrl-e P, inland McMinti villa Arrive Lave 9:00 A M 6.45 A M At Albany and Corvallls coi.nect with trains of O regoe Paatae Bsiird For fall information regarding rates, maps, etc., all oa Company ' Agent. A. K0XHLBR 1. P. ROOgAS, O F. A Pass Areet. pAINTS ANDUILB Of all kinds, mixed read v for ue, kal anmin and elabaatine bruhe. etc . for sale camp by Hi aw a ax A ox, MsMBaaseaalBBaaawBBBBaBaBwBa CHAS. H. D0DD & CO. Front, JFtrst and Vine St a., Portland, Or. WHOLESAir DEALERS IN I l I i HARD- i i i WARE I i i bIBB a iMn m FARM MACHINERY. Bole Agents tor Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho for the BUCKEYE REAPER . AND .' MOWER, a- Thaaa afachinea am too well known to need comment. Thousands of Farmer have ngg Ihem and speak of them with praise. They am the only Harvesting Machines that will give entire mlllfamion to tbe purchaser. MILLER'S NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRESHER, PHCENIX STRAW BURNER ENGINE, The moat fcflbettve and Soooamfnl Combination for Threshing and Cleaning 3 rain ever Conatrwstod, t BUCKEYE STEEL FRAME . TWINE-BINDERS. i Tbe featurea that dUUngulah this Twtas-Blnder I the Lightness of Draft, combined with Ita AraortMnary Streogtb and Durability. The Binder ia of tbe Appleby pattern, tbe only really anoeaasfol one yet known. We nave two styles, tbe Elevator Hinder and the inattorm Binder both exoaUent-both recommended by hundreds of patrons. Frank 8. Sprag e, Sheriff's Sale. a lAe Circuit Court qf the Slate of Oregon for Linn County. Hiram Sunt! , iLtuituT va John F. Martin, D. 'em'ant Notice ia hereby given that by virture of aa execution and order of eale leaned .nit of tbe above named Conrt in tbe above entitled action, I will on Salarelay tae V7lb slay ot Aagasl, I ear, at the Conrt Honee door in the City of AI bany. Linn county, Oregon, at the honr of one o'clock, p. a., sell at public auction for cash in head to the higneet btddvr the real property heretofore attached ia said action described as followa, tn-wtt : All of the right title and interest of the said defendant oa er after tbe 7th day of May, 1887, ia and to lot 10 in black 1 in MoCoiley'a addition to tbe city of Harnsbnrg. in I u.n eoaety, Oregon. Also lots 9 and 10 in black 4 in aaid addition to aaid city of Ham. burg. Also lot 9, 10 and 11 in aection 16, Township 18, S. R. 4 w of the Willamette meridian ia Lien eoanty. Or. .containing 67 96-100 acree, incl ud ing a franchise for a fetry. Tbe proceed ana log from the sale thereof to be applied brat to the payment of tbe cost and disbursements of suit taxed at 836 90. and the costs and ex penses of sale. Iscoad to tbe payment to the Plaintiff herein the sum of 8825 with in terest at the rate of 18 per oent per annum from the 28th day of June, 1887. Dated Jaly 21st, 1887. D. S. Smith, Sheriff. Hotice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Or , ) Jnly 22nd, 1887. Notios I hereby given that the follow ing named settler baa fl led notice of her intention to make final proof in support of Ler claim, and that said proof will be mad before the County Judge or County Clerk of Linn county, Or., at Albany, Ore gon, on Tbaraear. September lAta. ISffi, Thl : Lydla Emergen, widow of Tunnies J Emerwan, deceased, who made Home stead Entry No. 4274. for tbe 8 W M of Sen. 24 Tp. 13. H K 1 K. Sbe names ibe following witneesee to prove her own and bar demaaa J husband's continu ous reaidenoe upon, and onhivatlon id said land, Ss : O. Frey, J. H Lewis, T. Weddle end J Picksne, a' I of n weet Home Peat Office. Linn county, Oregon. W. r. BcawET, Register. lotice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City. Or., ) Jnly 21st, 1887. f Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice ol bis inten tion to make final proof in anpport of bla claim, and that aaid proof will be made before tbe County Judge or County Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Ore gon, on Tacseey, September 131a, IS?, via : Dudley Haddea, Homestead Entry No. 4717. for tbe Lots, 5 6, 7 and 8. of Hec. 22, Tp, 9, S. R. IE. He name tbe fol lowing witneeaee to prove bie continuous reaidenoe upon, and cultivation of, aald land, viz: J. Priebard, 8. Pricbard, J. Berry and J. Sbefton, all of Jordan Pest Office, Linn county, Oregon. W. T. BUKNBT, Register. Sheriff's Sale. In the County Court of the County of Linn for toe Htau oj Oregon : Elijah Saltmarsh, Plaintiff. VS. S D Osger and M J Gsger, Defendants. Notice is hereby given thst by virtue of s writ of execution and order of sale issned out of the above named Conrt in the above en titled action, I will on Sat ar4 ay tae nth day of Aagasl, 1887, at the Conrt House door in tbe City of Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, at the boor of one o'clock, p. m. , asll at public auction for caah in hand to the highest bidder the real property heretofore attached ia said order of aale described as follows, to-wit : The frac tional river lot in the sooth went quarter of Hec. 28 in Tp. 12 South of Range 1 west of the Willamette meridian in Lion county, Oregon, the aame being all the land lying west of the Ssntiam River and east of the east line of the donation land claim of Elmer Kees, Notification No. 2619 Claim No . $B in said Township, containing 3 acres, more or less. The proceed arising from said sale to be applied, first to the payment of tbe csts and diabursments of suit taxed at $31 25 and the coat and expense of sale, and $12 At torney fern. Second to the payment to the said Plaintiff the sum of $125.86 and interest at one per oent per month from the 4tb day of Jnne, 1883, less the sum of $70. Dated Juli 21st, 1887. D. S. Smith, Sheriff. for Infants and Children, issoweJlsptirftoehlldmofiuit I 43as4eria cores Colic. Constipation, Haarpsrkwtoanyrrcripdon I r SVxnach, Dtarrfcomtleti. SO ma." H. A. abcssl M I ya,Ji.T. I IBS r I laweeava.jsLa IRON,! STEEL i i i SchutUsr farm Wagons. Deere Flows, Deere Bulky Plows, Cook A Co.'s Car riages, Phwtons and Top Buggies, Fous Bpring Mountain Wagons, Buck board i Superior Drills and Seeders, Oor bin Die . Harrows, Hodges-Haloes Headers, Balsa Barbed Wire. SEND FOB CIECULAE3. Agent, Aibany90r, CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common motets- or Fruvtlou, to the worst Scrofula. Salt-rfceajss, cemjuerod by Uii puwrtni. purifying, and ttvsforatlng inediciun. Or cut KaflBjg tl eers rapidly beat under lea bvnlgu lufluw.". Especially baa ft mninr.wn-d 11 potency In curing Tetter, Rote Haeh. 0o I la. Car bane lea, Sore Ayea, tkrohiloas Soros and Swelling, Hip-Joint Dlase Walte Swelling. 6o!lre, er Thirst Keek, and Kalarged Claude. rV-nd tea cent in stiuui for a targe treat am, with col ored partes, on bkin Dieeaae, or the same Thoroughly cleans Itby using Or. alreef Slolden ft eel leal Afeo very, and sees! digestion, a fair akin, buoyant Aptr it, vital atrengtb, ai 1 aouuduca uf tutlou, srul bo t-atubilauvd. CONSUMPTION, which M Scrota! on I Lisn, I promptly avnd i of che OTtalnlr arrcated and curtu by t:;i u before t be kud ivm niwuy, ir nr.- its r v.-r tbU t.TTlMy cJ.-rlnsr tba now WSJ irl. eaasprttaa Care, bu tmndnr-.i that nam sa too nmii'-u rr n hm uu uw wi.u b, rrom MB ui oomiiinnii' n r t n le, or aiiingtaeo e. or M'x-i-rjimiutititf. anti- ubiimoa, I nutrftl v. pnp rth-, I tiruxjua a lensndv tor txmsnmnilna of but for all CHRONIC DISEASES Of TBS Liver, Blood, and Lungs. f you .feel dnu, drowsy, debilitated, sallow color of skin, or y. Urmiaa-brown on face er body, f rtMnt btadaebe or Mas. bed taste In mouth, lntornal beat or alternating with bot flnbe, low eptrSg guxnaj Borcuofiing. jrrvur p,M ute, fated torunie. yon r" usrTlns furtn Ii ge4lon.bypeMilod TarwIS Liver, or ' HI I iuane.' In manv rasrs ante part of thcuo eym,doms are ejm rhnosd. As a r-m.!y for all sm h nu, r. Flereee Cioldea neeUeaA Ifiscovery bat so 2ubL for Weak Lang, SplMlnsr of Blood, lartaeae of Breath, Aroaehltie! Severe Caw g ha, Couaaaiptlon, ar4 kindred affections, it k a eoverehm remedy. neon tm omta in Statnn r..r Dr. PkBBVS Ho lit by jJrwgglsie. PRICE $1.00, roa( Propriety fJiS Itoin 8t ItOTTAJLO, W. 7, AdVCCTs LITTLE eSaATt TTWD AVftJhXMO ' QVef PILLS. ABTl-BlIf017S and rt Tit A It TIC. Sold bf Urn gg lata. SlceuXs a vkd. $500 REWARD is offered by the propriotore of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy for a case of catarrh which they cannot cure. If you have a flMwbsswe from tbe ra.aft, offensive or atbor Tiir rnrtlnllnmnf win 11 tWsi tm beaxtrur. weak eyes, dullpaln In bead, you have (ktarrh. Thou- Advice to the Aged. At- bring larirmlffe. nh urn Ming. Stall bowel, weak kidney aad blent, er and torpid liver. Tint's Pills have n specific offer t on these orgvtH. Mlmulatiue; tho boiv :. , giving ul dlnrliurs? without Ml :,;' OS griping, and IMPARTING VIGOR to tho kidney, bln.idor und liver. They are adapted to old or young. uojljj i:yi:ic wiii:uk. Second band baly carri ie for aale Call )ld):vr Um MONEY TO LOAN Iu sums to anit BY BcmgRAKT & Kxxgxr, Albany, Or a" ,uu Osmtea Ooktast, 189 Fulton Street, V. Y. rfctrUL a idl. UT. BaaaatTm (JAtAjatTH kKsKlrV IaM Ohf Bji wtsssihsasis'Sr ihe gemoaat. K 111 DA Y AUGUST , 1887 TEMPERANCE DEPlEIISIf, ROITSD ST TBS Wanus'i Cfirlilisi Tempertore liisr l it- W. 0. T. U. meets mi tbe Is id Sid Itii ti v of esuh month at S .. .V.. a i it ir tj ... o . . r a , t a. vr. j it. nsu, ovsr ri r nob Jewelry Stoie. W. C. T. V. At the apsoial meeting of tbe Unio held last Tu i-li- of uiueb Ii - teresi. Th rJic-1 (! Supi. ureseai ed (heir ijiii eiljr repun sbowiug g work done in must of tbe departments Fun Piesident ted a thoughtful so oaislult) pit pared irview of tbe wu i I the qtiNtter, made miK valuable sug g.tiioits in regaM ti i he future. 8h stated that tbe atteutUuoe was (! llv tMoieaaiug, and th meetings b coming inure ml-ieei lug. Tbe Secretary re- ui ted n average atteudanoeof iAteen iBoBejf cot looted during tbe quartet. 210 U but., menis, 102 (Treas rets irpurt we failed tc ir t.) I'ti. building enmmiMeei i ejeo ted tb tovk had begun on the 1111. That h , ag .1 R. B. Vuuk f II II. ' $120 l'l g-. ! SAM duat tan nd ouutiNet sb wing tk i 'l. i.g Was iu guild sh e. K i ocepind. t a v mini' ret uui".id-t U ' dni01(H to the campaign fund, of money now i that i i U; m ' r. ih' i.-.- , . fill I I I l ft ' U "I- V s i Kg i is I , 400' ge St U HOB on band 2676 pMgea dinti i-u wti duiiug ibis aaitei A osll was read from OBI Natiou (Boers asking thst Sbnvb la, be nb- aerveel as s day ' prayer f.n th encore of the P.utibitiory Amendment is tb State of TessA The Pt a sppolote Mrs. Aitbouea and Mrs. VYcbb, a com mittee to arrange a uoiou asrttoeofai ibe oburebee, for thtbbaib evening. Mr MoCallister was sppointed Sabbath Sh.ol Sopi. . a a A NgW TCMPgKAN.'K CRL'HAUR. When ike decree against drinking and liquor -selling was promulgated by the recent Plenary Council f tbe Ii . man Catnolio Cburcb v Baltimore, thi r was s good deal of curiosity as to bow much it meant and whether its enforce ment would bo i newted on by tbo clergy. It is evident now that it is not to be treated as s dead letter. Tbo eruead against Sunday liquor-eel ling and drink ing hat boon inaugurated is Baltimore, ibe borne of Cardinal Gibbons, av sv ersl of the clergy of tbat city, aad it i said to base the active sympathy and uppert of Cardinal himself. Father Edmund Didier, io hi dis course at 8u Vincent's Cburcb, whic ia situated io a saloon -cursed portion of that city, tend several extract fr as tbis deetee on Hosdef , Ibe moot perti nent of which contained these commend able admonitions : Tbere is one way of profaning lbs Lord's day which is so prolific of evil results tkst wo eensicer it osr doty to utter against it oor special condemn a -tioo. This ig tbe practice of selling boor and other liquors on Sunday, or of frequenting places whets they are sold. This practice tend, mere thsa say obr, to turn tho day of the Lord into s dsy of dissipation ; to use it aa on oceasioa of breeding intemperance. While we hope that the Hund.v laws on this point will oot bo relaxed, but even more rigid ly enfoioed, we implore all Catholics, for the love ol God and of country, never to take part io such Seodey traffic, nor to patronise or countenance it. And wo sot only direct the attention of sit pastors to the rpree-ioa of this abuse, but we also call uin them to induce all of their fleck that may be engaged in tbe sale of liquor to a ban Jen, as soon as they can, tho dangerous traffic, and to em trace a more becoming way of making a living. And hen oe it behooves as to remind oar workiogmen the bone sod sinew of the people, sod tbe spseUtly beloved children of tbe church that if tbey wish to observe Sunday as tbey ought they must keep away from drinking places Saturday tight ; carry your wages home to your families, where they tigbtfully belong ; turn a deaf ear, t bereforo, to every temptation, sod then Sunday will he a bright dsy for all the family. If ell the Catholic clergymen in the country will follow tbo exsmplo of Father Didier and enforce this decree smong their respective flocks, they will do more to aboltah poverty than all the anti-poverty societies thst can bo or ganised by Dr. McOlynn aod Henry George in a lifetime. This interdiction is aimed at all excessive drinking, whether on Sunday or any other day. A geoeial movement all over tie coun try, oo the line Indicated by Father Didier, will do much good, sod it is to lie hoped thst it will be undertaken. Mure can be done in a practical way for the causa of temperance by a move ment of this kind than esn be done by legislation Superintendent Lawler of tbe Sobuy kill Division of tbe Reading railroad, Umm issued a notice to all employes of i Im division that tbey must abstain from intoxicants whether oo duty or not. Any oisu reported to him aa having bees seen taking a drink of liquor or beef will be summaiily dismissed from the service of the company. He says in bis orders that "Tbere is no businrss i bat needs level-beaded men more than railroading, both for the safety of em ployes And the traveling public.'' Chicago has eighteen solid miles of stloone. Iu Germany the law forbids the sale i f tobacco to youths under eighteen eat 8 of age. A ooorse ! throe Let urea to medio-il students or Alcohol, baa junc been given t.t I).. B W Bicburdson st tbe Psrkes Muss'iiu f Hygiene, L indon. Mr. PriwdyHy sate : "Iu ooe Pmn- i I VxMfil CIIO'V III M HlllglH VH-jr gl,- ! 000,000 wh epeut for liquor, and $1 1,- t ... a a 000,000 ot the amount cme tioin work- iagnwtb Liquor dealers ibroughout France are i nch Mlarm a tbe recent declarNtion in h- Oh otiiir-r of Dannie tbst legis Ui. e intetfHnce i neoenssry to pre- th alarming increase of drunken-ues. Wamlainvfton. (Treat ear rsgustr isrrssssesmb) Waskimoton, July 18th, 1887. Tho salutary efrVctg of tho tsosoos taught by tbo recout ezpt sure of lbs rascalities uf Bioou its tbo P.tout Office, Riul Hsrvey io tho Timteur, are perceptible to imuy wiye. Tdo leads of BurvMU ure mure- uiilMeni .od vigilant as well as ex h i i'g re g-ifUlng tho Berlin Ml 'l t'. fiu Hlig me public bualiica-, and tli c ras spprecisle tbo state ut .ff.i.i y In orsasod activity and thuroughue in porformlog tholr allotted tasks. Ia all the Departments there Is an 111 coocmied feeling of spprehousloa,nnt n ey MUapeuao, as b what a day may bring ioriii, and your corree poudent feels safe iu prod let lug that tbe sod is not yet that others lo nigh places are cowering lit ni,u irar uf si tuiprtisi luvostigaii iii uf heir dniogs reallxtiig tb) be '- uii would be ruluuus to tin m, 1 neve gKid regsub to Uellove met 40uerl but quiet oXMOatuatiuu uf the Rooounts of all disbursing officers in t e.i.g made by tlireetitdi uf su leestts .utbority tbati tbo Prewbi. ut himself. Postmaster General VtU was pari ty engaged this woek In the much at eded work uf revising tbo psiial rairulatious. which baVO hut l-ni .iu. ii led sluoe 1877 The P M ter General !' I und tftftej i , I ,i tbo otgtiiv- iu mo letter . t . ptNil ii Clerk, ..!. g p. rtnl- lui I hold , s eonvsotion to discus thn n etfs of lie eel vice, and adviaig ib iu I the proper way tu eeur t "t t, aud outl won ul ! to ma- gvstlu le lliu l) . r sk4 ur to them Iu I he i Tmat.6e uf 'le i r uuti- - Up to the prea-M.i lols Ssu ithj . ernttioht receipts umouot to au 11,000,000, aud tie Xp l-lur melustve uf 812,000,UOO,ih p lus, to $18,681,102, making an e . f.n the excess ofdisoursom in - uvi r rt t i, ts it le oetltuatrd tbt the r. . i, ti Vr the bda. to f the mu in alii tu 81,000,000 .id d Mssl tuvXptii lltoree wile b. iuii i.rgo in total amount uf bunds redeemed uu def IBS oii,w. Ub tiiaiurorl July M, li $1 8,098 ,2o0,leavi g still ..uUU"U isg uf the saw 81328.058, th wn .io amount of called bonds uulstahding Is 86,800, sod. At Beeut tee Treas urer finds itself unable tu supply tb heavy deratnd fur u tee of tn i I d iiomiQaliuos, but oruer btVe been Issued tu du su -o.o s practicable To pruTO that President Cl-v. I ,..d, who has probably received m tm Abuse sod adverse crl icUm fmai th soldiers then soy uf bis preJe-eea Is ro ily their btM friend, bsvlng dooe better by them tkao any other President, it is only necessary to re fer to the records of th Pension O' Boo. During tba firt two yer- of bis term, Prealdobi dovelsfd hes spptuviel 888 private poiiSiuo bills. Geo. Grant lo eight yoars, ooly ap proved 486, Hayes lo four year-. 303, end GatftVid aod Arthur out 738 in tbe same time. In addition to tnis. President Cleveland hss spprovod three general peneloo bills Marcn 19th, 1888, Incrossiag to twelve dol Isrs tho pensions of 79,787 widows, mlsors Rod dependent relatives of Union soldiers ; August 4th, 1886, in creasing the pensions of 19,0)0 Infirm and met rood (Uoleo soldiers of the civil war from 824 to 30, from 880 to $36,and from $80 to $87.60 to $46 per month. The set of Jan. 27 th, 1887, which has already placed upon tbo pension rolls 8,466 survivors of the Mexican War sod their widows, end durlog the present fiscal yoar tbst number will be Increased st least 26,008. Tbe Pension Office records demonstrate beyond theshsde of doubt, the sstertloo of Republican ourrespondeots to the contrary not wltbstaodlog,tbst 181,180 mora cer tificates of pensions were Issued dur ing tbe first two years of s Democratic Administration than during the last two yearn of Republican control. Aod during tbe ssme time tbe sum dis tributed to pensioners by the Demo crats exceeds by 816,617,026.99 tbe mount distributed by the Republi cans for too same purpose and time. It is slso susceptible of proof that in the metier of new names added lo the pension list, tho CievetRnd Ad ministration ts.16,408 names ahead of the lest two years of the Republi can regime. Such strong Arguments ss tbess ere sufficient to put to shame tbe Republican charge that President Cleveland end the Democracy ere un friendly to tbe soldiers of tbe Union. The disbursing officers of tbe Treasury were somewhat surprised tho other morning when a duly au thorised committee of ex pert account ants called unceremoniously to count their cash and see If the books woold balance. Similar action will be taken with all disbursing officers. Their accounts have never been overhauled, and it will be s great wonder If much crookedness io high places Is not un covered. A MINERS LUCK. A miner in Lead ville, who osc tssithet read nor write, is worth to-day at least 83,000,000. Four years sgo h hadn't a penny except what he earned from day to day as a miner. His name ia John L. Murriasey. H is a young man, not ove - 32 or 33. The Crown Point mine, like Tom Bowen'e Gulcond, was just sbou. paying expente. Her owners offered to sail her for $40,000 Merrissey went to Obiosgo and inter ested Dismond Joe Reynolds in tbe matter. Reynolds knew that Morris sey was an authority on miuing,even if he couldn't write bit name. Ha finally pu i chased the Crown Poiut,agrfsei,-ig to give Morrissey a half interest after the original sura was repaid. Within thir ty days they struck s vein of high-clans ore that has yielded them a monthly income of $18,000 apiec- ever sinc-t. There is said to he 85,000,000 worth of tre in sight. MorrieHy cannot even tell tbe time of day. It is a stock j ik among th bo? if von ask Morriusey abut o'clock H i fir him to pttfl fr ra hi-, foh a $500 w i-rofi rd, wib t c n dn.Mendln o. lei I V0U to 'I .k t"r 1 wt "! 'ben ye'li know I ..m net I 1 - A. ... ... sa 9$ .vmg t.u y. . Pr.ihibuit n has greatly diminished c im in A i Lit,Geot gia. Toa weeka yeo .a.,ry toim -i iv i g- ihrongv v. h h- criminal d cKy During the prwaeat year it was ciod out in two days. HE WAS GREATLY MiSUKEH. A Mary laud Otietu..i ueekoaed Without Mis ii... t. I live in the midst of the malarial dis tricts of Maryland, near (he city oi Washington, and arn exMised to all the dangctniiA and water Bcin tution. no di compi Th. influence of the impure air f that region. rurally of a strong consti- id fre'Hpfotry boasted that tl fever or other malarious i iltl fvi i tioiiLle me. , tu v extwrhVm s anil lite con dition in wkstsh I found m if six months txo, 1 fud noticed that I did not feel so torighily and vigorous as was my w til in no. enervate. I. And dtffh its api-ci ... ni ill creAsing In more Ihari stretchy fa . made ifi i Alwa and I i The 1 1 tering ui ih over me, and could ket i succeedi t! m hi. 1 secmetl to I rsfh if u pain in ih ) ed citatio. descrtbable ,i . Nausea ani veie rctcliM1. .. 41m , ittht passed nil I 1 ruled by .1 we.tknc I f clt tited and 1 1! i distinct would make fin ii. ion, in exerctst was Then a japing iiiy head, ii red heavy i (i let. Mi ( hat r. passed lothing lull was ui which the con t .lolent ,1 Ml uutl i heat- lids, with an in he lower limbs, ot curred with . ri the parox ui fjhjry pros thai was felt in jevery part of inc. 1 drugged myself with quinine, and obtained vonie relief, but my respite was uf bncl duration. I was now so much reduced that I mild hardly walk or stand 11 plight. Aly disease soon culminated m a tontimicd malarial fe ver which kept mc closely confined for about a week. 1 bp ime exceedingly depressed ami melancholy, so much so that 1 lust interest in my work, and, indeed, scarcely cared what happened to me. During all this time, it mast tie un derstood that 1 did nut neglect medical treatment. All the most powerful remedies were tried, such as liquid ar senate uf potash, valerianic uf iron, mercury, bromide of iotassium, chlo ride uf butituth. cliinotdine, chinchoni dia, quinine and several others. AU this I did under the advice of eminent physician. It was while I was in this deplorable condition that the claims made for Kaskine, the new quinine, as a specific for malaria, were first luuught to mv attention. I knew nothing of its value to justify my having any confidence in it, but as everything else had failed I deemed a my duty to try it, so I began its use, and its prompt and radical ef- ici.i 0 were 01 ine nature 01 a reveiatiorw 10 me. Many people may think ihc statement scarcely credible, but it is a fact that after only a few days' use of Kaskine all the leading symptoms in m . 7 T , my case were decidedly abated or ceased altogether: and in a few weeks . . fiom the tune 1 took the first dose I was cured. This w as about the first of January, And since then 1 have expcricncct) no recuneiiieuf the malarial symptoms in any form. A remedy of such ex ceptional virtue for the cure uf malaria ! ought lo be commended and univer sally msde knuwn. I have therefore urged it upon the attention of my fiends, several of whom have used it j with like good results in every case, and it is with the greatest pleasure gjtd onreril) that I commend Kaskine I to suflctcrs from malaria everywhere, j Respectfully yours. j. I). Hirii. B. a., P. S.Sh..uld any one wish to ad- dress me as to the genuineness of the above letter, I will cheerfully respond. Other letters uf a similar character from pintnment individuals, which j stamp Kaskine as a icniedy of un ! doubted merit, will be sent on appli cation. Price $100, or six bottles, $5.00. Sold by I Irnggists, or sent by mail on receipt (if lAKC. Tbe Kaskine Company, 54 Warren St, New York, and 35 Farringdon Road, London. Ho, for Yaqaiaa, But you must have a good pair of hoots or shoes, so cab on Henry Joost, one door north of Telegraph office, on Broad) bin St. ;r an keenest, er Liquor Bab it, eta be Cured bj s iminutsrusg Sr. Baiass' Golden Specif e. It ran be given in a cup of coffee or tea with out the knowledge of the person taking It, ef fecting a speedy and permanent cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an aloo hoiic wreck. Thousands ot drunkards have ew made temperate men who have taken the t. olden specific in their coffee without their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drink 114 of their own free will. No harmful effect 1 eauita from Its administration. Cures guarsii n od. bsnd for circular and full particulars. A id rets in confidence Golden racinc Co 15 Bare St.. Cincinnati, Ohio. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All Vlvsrla et aeanrets JM..Ai jVUkinda of rough, dressed Ulld SeBBCTasjd ItllSl Oer ,l&tu8 Btl i.4. .t-.4l piCketS kept Constantly Oil hand- Billl Sawed tO Ordei" on ..... st-A. SnorteSt notice Use Only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made Satisfactory, ROBINSON & WEST. Administrator's Notice. Notioe is hereby given, that the under signed has this dsy been by the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, appointed Administrator of the estate of Annie Bam ford, deceased, late of Ltnu county, Or. Ail persons bsving claims against said estate are required to present them to the under igned at Halsev, Oreuon, within . J . t. - f - .i.... . ia mmnue .rem u !",uou law required. J UIIH iniu, IOOI , T. A POWKLL, Administrator of tbe aald estate. Weathkrford A Blackbokb. 1 Avt'ya for Administrator, THINGS WEXL TO KNOW AND DO. Hot sunshine woi remove scorct. The beat liquid for cleaning old brans is s solution of oxslio acid, K nene sppitVd to unmet! turves will keep tin-in from rmttibg, A dump cl- tb tiippwi in emrnou sod will i r I 1, '.-li 'iiiwmi'iH-i.;, T eteas knivr : 0-i small oiio, l u ub 'htn. N hf r, mo OH g(duliy heafrd J ' b r so likely uj Mdw, losing a soli ftahttel. Mildewid iinoK rnay I restored " !m spot, Sod while erg' ;.,( by 1 bg tl I I I I I'fOft i 1 hlk. li ' 'V j AI ll , le-l 1 un i. . ml ' 'I it will di I wtr rt" "- ; . ni"ij- , 1, I ' ' bea ia- : i-nlt.-, biesrh. B mug wier sj tic eta, hi d ppln d 1 ewi wii't.v ebli Bt iiid never iie i i.ow, Lm-ji but ners 1 h . 1 tin pi n- louts, ibeuj li ul ir e s ii k iilv i' ii?. Boap '"-tn hve 1hisiibih "itn .1 i by boiling , 'er, iini; I tu Me ; th.-- H I, ff C t. d. Co, , a tit ii,, ' .it, ib g a links aud 1 ore A f w At' w ' Ir.cki g, ' t' .ii. K .His li ( a SpOOSrfsi 10 s gi el r - - ickiu. t ' g' l 'b .ie'l qnt4) he if 1 .ixj iiihU in 'i.e i.r it g. Powdered bfig in gMd, it on- d'-eldrdiy objtests to I he smell of keinaeoe. Bv the eflusl ol le W. V. T. U. h' 1 ei,a 1.1 S'llidsy Hchool asSSSSP on every b'-rieenb Sunday fur the neg ..ter ot ili las 00 tbe tern; er quest ion. It requires two million- of ponial card- day 10 upp'y ffae deabd. fiotice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Or. I July fttb, 1SS7, ; Notice Is hereby given thai tbe follow ing named asttler baa fl.ed netb-e of. bis intention to make final proof in auppor: of hi claim, siid thst said proof wilt be ovule before the County Judge or Cmmy Clerk 01 Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Ore gon, on Taesday. Jsssst trird, insj Vis : George Washington. IJameatead en try Mo 422S, for tbe if X of N W M of See, Tp. 10 M K i K, He name tbe roilow Ino wiinsssaee to prove bis onaUnuou r. Mil. n upon, and oultivalioo of, sakl Isnd. vig : K W.not, C Peperling, C W hichardeou an J P K Bilyeu. all of Jordan Vailey f'ot office Una county, Oregan. W. T, BusUfBV, KeguAer. Hotice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon civ. Or, Jaly tub, 1S87. J Notice far hereby given tbst tbe follow ing iiskmI settlor bas Sled notice of bis in i-nt on t . nuk tlnal t.roif l. atiittxirl uf ma claim, nt that aaid pruor am 1 tun.i iwfur the heguter and Keiver of the U. 8. Land Office u uregon City, or,, on idy. ts,s.t rsia. leaf. ; rit . Harvey Grabs m. Hnmtead Emrv No- 4ASA for the W J of 8 W li of Sob. 14, Tp. iu s it 1 K. He name tbe follow- ing witneeses to prov- bis continuous reidenea up.m, snd cultivation of. aid land, vis : C R.cbardaon, J Bryan, D Nal, and P Bilyeu, all of Jotdan Post uflije, ,',nn couoty, Oregon. W.T. BCRlfMT, Kgiater. SAM MAT. C. SLM1KRS MAY k SEUDERS, Dealers in General Mbrcnandiue HARRIS8URC OREGON Will MJ GlalH, Wool alld ail Alias Country produce. w BEAST! Mexican Mustang Liniment SciStie, Lumbago, Khsnmsthm. Burns, Scalds, scratches, Sprains, Strains, Stitches, Stiff Joints, Backache, Galls, Seres, Spavin Cracks, Contracted Muscles, Eruptions, Hoof Ail, Screw Worms, Swinaey, Saddle GaUt, Piles. Stings, ?"'r THI8 GOOD OLD ST AND" BY ftepomBlUhMfor eTerybody exactly what Uclalmcd for It. One of the reasons for the ijreat popularity f the Mustang LuUraeat la found la its ul versa 1 applicability. Everybody needs su a medio In., The Luhermn needs It in case of accident The Housewife needs It for gaMrelfamlly u. The Casaler needs it tor his teams and hla men. Mecbaaio ned u always on ws worK j Tbe Miner seeds it tn case of emergeacy. Tho lMoneerneeUlt can't gat along without 1 1 ! JKErsr" 61 Tke Steamboat man er the Boatman needs It la liberal supply afloat and ashore. The Horse-fancier needs It It is bis bet t friend and safest reliance. The Stock-grower needs It it will save aba thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. The Railroad man needs It aad will need It long as his life Is a round of accidents and dangers. The Backwoodsmanneedslt. There Is not i -Ing like It as an antidote for tbe dangers to lift , limb and comfort which surround the pioneer. The Merchant needs It about his store amon t bis employees. Accidents will happen, and vrheiv these oome the Mustang Ualment Is wanted at one. w HLee a Bottle ia the House. 'Ti tbe best ot SSOBBSSr. Keep a Battle ia the Factory. Its immediate use In ease of accident saves pain and loss of wegea Bleep a Battle Always in the Stable fo r a so whea wanted. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR Ffr .ill IjI :Aet of ibe Uvtt, iiaasyc, Strtitdh aad Spleen. TTds etiely vegetable pre- mtntUm. mrw ao cbUbrated sa a ready Mcdicinr, r.rigiaut 1 the Siith i l.t-a. jt acta W.I s " ' '"wel and Mieeeya and ..rreefs aw vt ti !.f:he Liver, ntvt it.hf.r . fuT( the beat trevrAti-rj Wt i I:." vh ttir (he skta- " ;,-...( a aft iaeassa e wtl' an- Th- Iteeniator is aale to adminiater in aay BMi'l.l on m the .y.trm, ami wride no eirr a tttiicf can it do harm . It will InvisoraSS Ske a clsea of wine, but la no eVvtr. sg f lead to (ntemprrant : 'ill .rmot M- K-at,n, U.hiput- lu iulut lii', aim gn n.llv u. Hie ayaiein. "llie doae t aa not nnplea-suit, and ita virtuea No los of time, no rt.p'lon or out ITiLS l.ualne wbSs Kegttls tor. Chiiiren r. m nla 1 n ig of Coite. iirn.i i, ,.-, .rf Steh Stwmoeb, a- ij-pjoAs) or sore wiii give rebel. If lake occasionally by pa tients erprMd to MALARIA, will eanef die ptnao and p react them from attack, a mvairjAirs ertxiev. I hare h-n praccid ng nv die ine ten twenty years, snd have never been able to put up a vg t-bla compound that would, like Simmons Utver W-go-tUr, pr'miptly snd effectively saovs Our Liv r ss S' lion, sad at the aame time aid (imtcad of ok cning. th lgp(ive and simllallv era '4 ipe ayetsar.. L M Hiarros, at. V , Waakngte-i , Ark. UKZ THAT TOt7 OCT TSr. OKKVIk: nttVAmru v J. il. Zeil'tn & Co., Phitadefphkr, Pa. o Tae BUYKBJT OIfjOB Is Ssll, 3.SOO G1VBB direct to consumers aa ell personal or fassilr as. Ts r, aasa give exaeft aeat ar rem as, eat, snnk, vraar, ear IX v AIvAJUdB af will mall 1 It 54 K tO upon aecetas ar 19 ess. sa sipnue erf asaUtag. IaS as 1 gem. Hepr-et fully, MONTCOMERY WARD A CO. ttt V ggp Walsaaa Aveaae. CBSes ga, US. MANY LAMP CHIMNEYS ABB ottered for sale repressmtSMl as sjcKNl as the BIT THE! ARE NOT! And like all Can a ter felts Remarkable I.ASTIX4 4kaalltlea of tiik tiunvtnwu PEARLTOP And Insist run THIS upon IIAVIXG them with LABEL ob ges maOrsT The PEARL TOP ia naanfaciareg 4vt.T By &tC0, A. MACBETH & CO., PITTSBURGH. PA. PATENTS .t.e-i. aim bS sthss kejAaas m Sk OsreSaboMHstt Us C. S. SsS IstC. 1 tba thsa or drarlna We av b4htyfree 4 charge ; and we make We refer here, to til Ei ssisisr. amssy Order Dir. and to oStossas of Use C. g sbsb. roretnuJar, advae, Ssrass, aast sSsisulss s i Baal cnetd fas yoar owe State or oeaaaty, saarsas a 4 SMOW & COae OtfD Ue SNatamt i'te. W.-I in. t,o. fi Administrator's Notice. Notice u hereby aiveo that oa tbe 22nd day of June, 1887, the undersigned waa by the County Cart of Lion eoanty, Oregon, duly appoint d Administrator ol the estate f William Robuett, Ute of said eoanty, de ceased. That uodemgued has duly qaal iriedas such All persons having cl a i in i agaiaat s:d estate ar hereby untitiod to present them wish ih proper vouchers, within six month from the date hereof, to the undersigned at his residence bear Crawfordaville, Linn county, Oregon. Dated this 8th day ot Jolv. 1887. D. P. ROBNETT, Administrator of aaid estate. W. R. BiLYkU, A Uorr-ay for the Administrator. Citation. In the Count y Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. In the matter of the estate of I M Cooper, deceased, To Rebecca Cooper, mother, and B W Cooper, Joel Cooper, Samuel Cooper, George W Cooper, U vonia A Purdom, Martha A Frum. Cordon Cooper, Abhie Penmagton, Jane Bringhare ard Nancy Duncan, broth era and sisters, and next of kin and heirs at law uf aaid I M Cooper, deceased, aad to all others known end unknown, who have er claim to have any interest ia said estate. In the natre of tbe State of Oregon, you are hereby cited to be and appear in th County Court for tbe County of Linn at the Court House in the City of Albany in aaid County and State, on Monday the 5th Bay or September, 181, at the hour of ooe o'clock in the afternoon of aaid day, the same being a day ot the regular Soptember term of said Court, 1887, and then and there show cause if any exist why an order of sale snould not be made direct ing and licensing George W Cooper, Executor of the last will and testament of I M Cooper, deceased, (o sell all the right title and inter est of the said 1 M Cooper at the time of hi death, both in law and is equity, of id aad to the real property hetcio after described, aa pray-d for in the petition of the said George W Cooper, Rxecntor a aforesaid, which aaid petitioa is now on ble. in the County Clerk's othcu of Liun county, Oregon ; wnicu said real property is described a follows, to-wit : The N 4 of the N E s) of Sec. 35 ; the S of the N E 1 of Bee. '26 ; the S E $ of Sec 26 j the S 4 of the N W of Sec. 26 ; th S W U f Sec. 26 ; aud tho N of the N W of Sec. 35, i'i Tp. 11 S R 3 west ; the deration laud chum of Samuel Cooper, heiug Not. No. 1 191 and Claim No. 59 in Sections 28, 29, 32 aud 33, in Tp. 11 S R 2 west, containing 320 acres, more or less, and being in all 960 teres. Also Lota 5 and 6in Blook No. 2 in the eastern addition to the City of Albany, Linn county, Oregon. The interest of said I i Coop r, deceased, at the time of hi death being au undivided one-eleventh interest in fee simple of iu and to the hereinbefore des cribed real ropi-rty : The pmtiou of id real rojiit set apart tu Rccecca Cooper aa the devisee el said I. M Coper, deceased, being described follows, to-wt : . Begm uitui st rtone 6xS 14 inches ot tbe aouth vtett c' i t r of the iaud -t apart to E V. Coopi r. and running thence nottn 79 90 eltaia t t-X. e ; tiienoe west 12 60 chains t. n t..i.t oxl ixl4 inches ; thence south 79 68 ohtt S to. a t in 8x8x10 inches ; thence ea t 12.50 i-h n t-itiie of beiiinu-g. coi t i n . 99 76-100 Ht-res. save and except In iivit w , Ik-j tufoi e co'.veyed tu the AI rmni and r-iaiii'. tlaiuoad C ra party, AH iu Ti.. il S 11 3 we-t in Linticon tv. Oregon. D no li iwder o; tu Houi. J. ). Wbituey, .iude f S'id Court, In lot m ny lortof. I, J i1 Gilbraith, County Clerk of Lum count. Oregon, and Clork of ti v ( oui ty Court have h teunto set my bai .1 ( Ifixid the ! of said Court, at ttii-e i-i A tan. ' 19'hday f Ju'v, A. D., !. 8 J. P. Galbraith, Clerk