Sir Democrat. FRIDAY JULV 29, 1887 A NEW TAPER. The Evening Dsmocrat discusses the matter of organizing a joint stock com pany of leading Democrats ef the stale with a capital stock of $50,000, to pub lish a ftrst-olass morning Democratic daily newspaper at Portland. This matter has been dieoaeeed in en inform at way for several years, but it has never taken definite form. We have ao doubt that a first-class Democratic daily paper, with full associated press dis patches and firet-elasa editorial ability, would be a success. Suoh a paper witb good business management would be come a paying business within a year, and would then grow into a successful business enterprise. It could soon be made to pay a handsome income on the investment. We hope leading Demo crats throughout the state may take this matter up and push it on to suooess. Suoh a paper is sadly needed, as the party in the state is practically without an organ. Suoh a paper would receive very large and liberal support, and art trust those who are moving in the mat ter will push on to success. The New York World aays that the membership of Assembly 39 K. of L., which met at Fall River last week, has fallen from 85,000, one year ago, to 21,- 000, ia round numbers, at the present This district seat seventy-fivs to the Richmond Ganeral As sembly, but will be entitled to only eight at Minneapolis. A bitter fight is anticipated over the election of these dslsgetsa between the adherents of the Club and its opponents. The ot a anu-tradee-uaiouists is m . a . a a. B. McNeill, recent candidate for Mayor of B Mtoa on the working men's ticket. 9MEBBBBB Foraker Mid, "no rebel A tg abel! be returned while I am Governor." In the Ohio CNpiioI ia a stand of Confederate color captured by the Forty-sixth Ohio from the Thirtieth Louisiana at At!an ta. The Forty-sixth has invited the Thirtieth to a picnio next ninth, at which it will return the captured colors. The Governor will have to hurry up witb his mandamus. To a man who hae boys and girls to read, the local newspaper is worth ten timee it j subscription price. A boy or girl will gain more information in a year from the local newspaper than he will in a six months' school. No fam ily should be without a local or county paper. Every citizen should take it. Now is the time to order the Democrat. $2 per year. A committee of 100,beaded by May er Francis, of 8s. Lauis, visited Wash ington City the other day to invito the President to visit that city some time in October. The President accepted. It is said Tuttle will not be there through fear of being "insulted," and Fairobilda will bo conspicuously absent for fear of being "paralyzed." The Das Moines, la., Register hastens to call attention of its partisans to the fast that it would not be politically beneiioial to aaeeesiaete the President for the successor would be a Democrat. Has it come down to as fine a point as that? Bev. William N. Cleveland,the broth er with whom the President has bee visiting at Fcreetport, is a Presbyterian preacher that preaches at three different ohnrobes, alternating between thsm and preaching throe times every Sabbath. His oharges are six miles apart. BitUr think Bi a. no is the beet equipped p iblic man of tbe day. Bur thin B atler'aopioun is not very valua ble on matters political. In 1884 he thought be was a well equipped presi dential candidal, but the result of the election left him without honor or credit among tbe people ef the country. Tbe Ortgonian seeing that neither Blaine nor Sherman can be elected, now wants to run Sheridan on a platform whose main plank is tbe bittern eee and hate of tbe late war. And this is pro- More trouble 1 Tbe white Democrats of Brunswick county, Virginia, have just given a barbecue to their colored fellow citizens. It was expected tbey would make a barbecue of them. It is a disappointing world. Senator Sherman appears to have agreed to a cessation of hostilities, but tbe dulcet voice ef Colonel John C. New ia still for gore with a blood-red J. D. Wilcox bas purchased the Portland News. It will be solidly Re publican and rumor has it that it will change to anti-prohibition. We wish it financial success. A program is on foot to admit New Mexico with a part of Texas as a state. Republican" aay it is a Democratic scherce. The Germans of Philadelphia are causing Republicans much trout le in threatening lo vote against that party if the Sunday or blue laws are enforced. It is predicted tbet tbe Northern Pa cific will aoon pass into tbe control of tbe Union Pacifio. Jeff Davis wears a W. C. T. U. sil ver badge. AN OPINIO W.VNTitl. JoRiA!,Lnn Co., Or., July 25,rdll887. Editor Democrat : There are some objections being urged against the prohibitory amendment whioh it to be voted upon Novum bar 8th next : 1. That the state has not the power to prohibit tbe manufacture and sale of alcoholic liquors. 2. There is nothing in tbe onatitu. tion or laws of the state to warrant the calling of a special election on Nov. 8th. (One of my neighbors says he does not think any election will be oalted by the Governor.) 3. The adoption of the amendment would deprive individuals of their per sonal liberty. 4. It is a third party movement. I would like to have the opinion of the Democrat upon these points. Yours, etc, T. W. BatAHT. Without entering into a consideration ef the main question, we cheerfully give our views of the questions proposed. We believe under our system of gov ernment tbe power to prohibit the man ufacture and sale of alcoholic liquors exists either ia congress or the state. In order to ascertain whether congress has suoh power, we look to the consti tution of tbe United States. We find no suoh p)wer delegated to congress in the oonstitution,and, as"tbe powers not delegated to tbe United States by tbe constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, ate reserved to the etateg re spectively or to tbe people," we oon elude thai tbe power to prohibit the manufacture aad sale of aloobolic li quors is one of the reserve! right or powers of ths states. The Sipre-ee Court hae so decided and that queetion is settled. As to the second objection we need only say that the last legisla ture psseed a law authorizing the Gov tenor to call a special election on the first Tuesday after the first Moadey of November, at which election the pro posed amendments are to be submitted to a vote of the people. (See Bastion Law, 1887, pege 70.) The Governor will call tbe election. Tbe third objeo tion is antwered by saying that the personal rights of individuals are alwaye store or lees given up by individuate in the f irma'iou of governments. As be fore stated the Supreme Court of the United States hae decided that a state hat the power to prohibit. As to tbe voting on tbe amendment biug a third party movent an', we are unable to see bow any one can so understand it. B jth parties, Republicans aad Demo crats alike, voted in the legislature to submit the amendment to the people. It wae not regarded there as a petty qoeitim at all. In faot we think the manoar of its submission has a tendency to weaken rather than etiengtben the third party movement. WAS IT A SWINDLE t It will be remembered that prior to the last Legislature tbe minimum price of school lands in this state wae two dollars per acre. They ha 1 to be ap praised before the state board could sell them. Tbe last Legislature, without much consideration, petted a law, au thorizing tbe state board to sell all school lands at tbe uniform price of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre without regard to value. From reliable sources we learn that nearly all the surveyed school lands ot tbe state heve alread been sold. It it hinted that thousands of aeree of these lands have already paaeed into tbe bands of foreign speculators. This could only be done through a comprehensive scheme of swindling carried on through perjury and subornation of perjury. It Was certainly a great mistake to thus reduce tbe price of school lands, for many of them being surveyed from time to time are worth as much aa five dollars per acre, and even more than that in tome eases. Under this law no man can buy more than 320 acres, but, it is -suggested that foreign speculators from California and other plaose have sent men into Oregon to buy tbeee lands for them. If such it the case it behooves the state board to keep their official eyee very wide open and enforce the law rigidly in order to prevent such swindling. People all over tbe state are watching the course of things very closely ,tnd the board would dj well by its conduct to keep itself entirely above suspicion for their is talk of land rings and land grabbers. Let us have tbe old demo cratic vigilance tbet always calls forth the plaudits of the people. mmmmmammmsss Tbe Grand Army Record of Boston bat this sound advice to give : "Many comrades are asking whether the crusade now going on against the President s really on account of hia veto of the dependent pension bill or is a preconcerted political movement in opposition to a Democratic administra tion. Comrades, politics is a dangerous rock, which will surely wreck our or ganization ii we fail to give it a wide berth. "All bands about ship Vf Tbe Grand Army should cease fooling around tbe ragged edge of polities. Either oast out entirely the political devil that bas already shown its blas phemous presence or else tail in and dhow our band in square roan-fashion. It is evident thet there is a political motive in the attack upon tbe Piesident under the guise of Grand Army opposi tion. Notwithstanding tbe fact that it hat been admitted that the President had nothing to do with originating the order for the return of the rebel flags, tbe warfare against him baa been kept up with teeh venom that it bat dis gusted all faif-minded people." The task of keeping both the English aristocracy and the Irish people in a good humor gives Mr. Blaine a chance to display his proficiency in tight rope balancing. Piano nnd Or .in fJtvn Away. On Jan. 1st, 1888, w will give away e $700 piano and a $160 organ. Bars is the way to gat one of them. For eyery dollars worth of feoda you purchase yoa will waive a tioket, when you get Qva yoa may make a guess ef the number of pieces of coin ex hibited in a glass globe in our frout window, which, with your name will bereu;istnred, up to the first of January. Tho eat guessinc ucemst to tbe right number will receive the piano, next tha organ. The piano, a Bradford upright, 71 octaves, loeewood sao, t., and tha or:ii made by Julius Baur, ot Unioago, 5 ooUvaa, VI stops, etc may baaeenat theaters of K W Lang den, of wham thay were purchased. every ana purcUasing goo.U of ma will get them at as low a price as to the Valley, with a splendid stock to select from. N. 11 A U.K. A Co., Albany, Or, i i -mam-Ho. for Yaqalaa, But you must have a good pair of boots or shoes, ao call on Henry Jooat, one door north of Telegraph office, on Hroattaiuin ot. We Tell Yea Plainly bat Simmons Liver Regulator will rid you of Dyapepala, Headache, Constipation and Blllananest, It will break up ohilts aad fever and prevent their return, aad la a complete antidote For all malarial poison yet entirely free from quinine or eel omei. Try it, aad you will lo aatoniehed at the good results of tbe gannide sum mons Liver Regulator, prepared by J. H, ZelllndtCe, Sand Burkhart a) Keeaey uamaa and ad of frtenda daatnng information ef Ore go and they will sand thvm copies of th .i Knot t'eawyer whioh contains a com plsta dtsoriptiou of oaa county ia saoh iaae with either desirable iafor nitiea as wather e - ' Tha Baaiaalag of the Kad. Tbe beginning of disease la a alight do billty or disorder of some of the vital or gans, tbe stomach, tbe liver or tbe bowels usually, There arc dyspeptic symptoms, tbe liver Is troublesome, tbe akin growa taw nay and unbeeity looking, there are pains In tbe right aide or through tbe right shoulder blade. Tbe climax is of ten an utter prostration of the physical energies, perhaps a fatal iaaue. Hut If tbe cimeulty la met In time with Ho flat ter 'a Stomach HUtera, whlon la alwaye ef fective a a remedy, and It should be re stored to at an early stage, there will be no reason to apprehend those Injurious subsequent effects upon tbe ayatem often a a tailed by entirely cured dissssss. Far better la it, alaa, to employ this edtcal agent in fever and ages, and other malarial complaints, than quinine and other potent drugs, wblob, even when they do prove effectual for a time, ruin tbe stomach and Impair tbe general health. Northern California has a character nick named '-Strychnine Jack," through hia ca pacity for taking that drug, of which he con- umc a spoonful at a doe. If he cuts his flesh and let a dog lick the wound the ani mal dies. ta Briar, aad to th Point Dye papain Is dreadful. Disordered liver iaraleery. indigestion la a foe to good nature. Tbe hnssan digestive apparatus ia one ef tbe moat complicated and wonderfal things in existence. It la easily put out of order. Greasy food, tough food, sloppy fond, bad cookery, mental worry, bus hours Irregular nabtta, and many sthsr things wblob aught net to be, have made the American people e nation of dyspeptics. But Omen's August Flower baa done a wonderful work Ta reforming this aad business and making the American peo ple so healthy that they can enjoy their meal a and be happy. Remember : -No happiness witneut bealtb. But Green's August Klower brings health and happiness to tbe dys peptic. Aak your druggie, fsr a bottle, seventy Ave cents, An Illinois school teacher who kept a boy sitting on a chunk of ice for two hours as a punishment has had to pay $yo dam- tgtaj Am Cad Is Srrsptsg Edward Shepherd, of Hsrrisbora. III.. ssys : "Hsvisg received ao moon bonorit from Rleetrio Bitters, I feel it my dnty to let raftering humanity kosw it. Hsve had a running sore on my leg for eight years ; my doctors told me I would have to have the bone scraped or leg empotated. i use instead, three bottles of Elect no Hitters and seven boxes Buck lea 'a Arnica Halve, aad my leg ia now eoaod and well," Electric Bitters are eold at fifty cants a bottle, and Buckien a Arnica halve at 25c. per boa by ana avsr remmj tHetm The rheaegrspher. aihsay, Or. I havs all tha hmHm. i.i k. a B - - wmmwt VJ n . Faxtnn anil tn i. .1 1 1 - j uv vwi um v uupu cetes from their negatives by addressing na, at tts fo lowing prioss : Card stis, I par doeen, cabinet slaw, S3 par doxen. bou dours, fc p., doaen. I keep ths finest line of Oregon views in tbe wast, Cata- lOSrue fumlshud nn annlliiUn I' and enlarging old pictures a specialty. J. G. Caawroam. for Isle. One hundred and twenty acres of the beat quality of improved wheat land, all fenr-ed Into four fields, good house, hard finish, good outhouses, excellent fruits of ai! kinds. Situated 3 miles west of Lebanon and one and a quarter miles south of the itmrtinn nl the Narrow Guage R. R ..with the Lebanon orancn 01 tne u. K C. R. K. Inquire at this office. Baby trea sfsk. ws gass hae she was a Catta, aha sited fh Miss, she clung to C srakraChil4saa,.ke Baeh lea's Arste halve. The tiMit a&lv in tha wnrM f,.r iuivn, ouree, uicem, ru rcueum. r ever Sores, Tetter, Cnapped Hands, Chilblains, B-..I - U TTl . MM ' vorut ana sit nam nrupiiona, ami posw tlvslr AlirM Pll nr nn na i-.n.ilrUl Vi is guaranteed to give perlect satisfaction, or monev refunded. Price 25 coots per box. For aale by Koshay A Mason, AKlH POWDER Absolutely Pure. This oosrdar nerar rarias. A ntarrsl of parity, sferssurtb and wholosoiasaoai. Mors seanoeikot mn lbs otoanr kinoS . wvl osnnoS be sold iaaoo petWoii with tho Bmitiftaaa of lew test, short aaa. ltorAi Jaae VweVea Co., 100 VjJit., MY Drv Goods, Notions, Boots 'and Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Wall Paper and Decorating Paper, Everything kept In a first-date Drv mere it a demand for. Novelties of the Season , t In 17 line ; em prepared to MEET ANY PRICES .noted lo tbe papers or etrcaltrs, and will take Cash or Merchantable Produce tod will not turn you off when 70a got out of money. Samuel E. Young. Very Bail I have added to say last aad elat stack a lias of tha oslsbratad Laird, AAster 4 MUrMl, Philadelphia Fime Uat fsr ladiaa. tntsasa aad cbildrao, Aokaawlsdgad by (Icalavs gtoerally to be tha boat vales aad Hsst fitting Ana ahoa reads. Widths C. D. B, aad EE. A child oaa bay as ebeae as a man. 8am caL K. Yaw no, els Agaat, Albaay, Oragoa. Wall Paaar. Mtadaa. Eta. N H Allan ft Co. kalp in steak a fall Hea of tha above foods, iaeladiag e flee assert msot of dsoorattoas for aaaliaga, whisk thay will at tha loarest poasibla prioss. frs hsvs now to transit oaa of ths largsst stock af tkaaa goods srar ia this saarkaa, Thrifty people will sppsesitts tar valaaa aad prioss. RevrttU) ft Baowssix. Caad ' ta Usetw aw. D. A. Bradford, wholesale paper deeiav of ('hsttanaoaro, Toon., writaa, that he wae seriously afflicted with e savors eold that settled on his iungs ; had tried many ra medio without boosftt. Boiog loduooa to try Dr. King's New Diacovory for 'on umutkm, did ao and was ontiraly eared by the uae of e few bettlet. tXnee which timo ho has usod it in bta family for all Cough and Colds with beet reaulia. This ia tbe ezperienoe ef thoasands whaae Uvea bava bean saved by this Woaderfui Dtacwvary. Trial bottlaw rao at Foahay ft a umg I4011D TO THE MKHOIT or tu LOST DO L LA B I I IN 1 I I I l I I I I l i l i l l l I I I I I f i l l VI I i I n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ERECTED BY WALLACE & THOMPSON there to remind yon of the dotlare yen might bare eared by taking advantage ef their does prices. NOW FOR THE FUTURE ! W. A T. will sell yon more groceries and better qualities at lower prloee than aoy other lire men. Rectify tbe errors of the past, and save money In tbe future by patronizing Wallace A Thompson, First Street, Albany, Or. New Millinery Store, We deaire to oall the attea Uon ef A 1- hanr 1 a.riik and th nnhlln ranll . uui usw mna ozuidsito kooi or FASHIONABLE MILLNERY under tbe management ef Mia a Bar l a a a et s t .a ii. . . I "nn, mi neau miiuner or we waoie, I i,lf ,LIII mm kh id in 1 1 1 inirv iiur inmini nr m (iahav Valentine dc Golcamith of Portland ivhila mir- ntnnlr all that nan ha daalr d, our prices will be found extremely t . iow tor aret oiass Kooas, Froman'a Brick, apUTLERY. n pocket knives, butcher knives, earr ing seta, selseers, shears, raaofa, etc,, we keep a very large assort meat. Come around and look at our stock. STIWaltaltSZ. SPRING STOCK Has arrived, Including Goods nod Boot end Shoo House, from & nongni tnete goods mostly m mw AT BOTTOM CASH PRICES and have and am receiving DO YOU WANT BARGAINS. THEN A. B. McHwain's, where yoa oan got the vary heat in pi loos DRESS GOODS, LAWNS GINGHAMS, ETC., la unsurpassed. OaM BOOTS AND SHOES, Clothing and Furnishing Goods. Cash er produce taken, and prices given thet defy 00m pet It ion. C. B. ROLAND & CO. NEW STORE AND CONSISTING OF Mens' Furnishiner Goods. Hats and Cans. Boots and Shoes, and fine clothing. Choice selections in rancy Bummer necitwear, bus. unaerwear, ualbrig gan underwear, Pisk, Clark and Flaggs gloves. The very best make of handsewed shoes, The very latost styles in mens, youths and boys clothing. All the celebrated make of hats in every style. FINE CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. Remember our entire stock consists of bright, new, fresh goods, and as "Honest, Fair and Square" dealing is our motto, We ask the public to call and feet our prices, No trouble to snow goods, C. fi. Roland & Co., One door west of the Revere House, Albany, Oregon. HOTEL F04C BENT, mHB EXCHANGE HOTEl, 1W TliI8 I city Is now offered for rent on reason able terms For particulars Inquire of er addrese James Mubkay, Albany, Oregon. B A ft BED WIRE. A larere stock on hand and will be sold cheap. Also a fine let of plain galvanized wire for woven fences at the store of Stewart fc Sox. LOWS. iloms in and aae onr new stock 3f steel and chilled plows. We oan suit you.betb in goods and prices. Every Kuasell chill ed plow la guaranteed to be equal to any chilled plow manufactured. Btbwabt a Sox. LUE MONDAY OOODS. rlnaera. tube, washboards, buckets, etc., for aale cheaper than ever before by Stewart a Sex. Several klcda ef wringers aad something new In washboards. W AGONS AND CARRIAGES, Haoka, single and double buggies.carta, buck boards, and all kinda of wheeled ve hicles. Don't buy until you aee what we hare and learn our prices, sweat Straw abv dt Sox, the cheapest to m (food a qualify as tot ana unicago ana GO TO and qusUtiea. II is stock ot Dry Good OJ yo blm for your NEW GOODS, Dry Goods Store. SHANE ft LOSSWAY. Desire to call the attention of tha) friends and the public generally to thnir extensive atonic or DRY AND FANCY GOODS. embracing everything usually found in a first-clas exclusive Dry Goods Store we guarantee our prices oeiow those fort land, we invite close buy era examine our goods. Samples mailed appii'jan ts. SHANE A LONSWAY, Frothan's Brick, MONEY TO LOAN In sums to suit BY Bbrbhajut & Kxxvky, Albany, Or. New Some Good Advice. When Getting Your Spring Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Furnishing Go o ds Wi nd yonr way lo tbe More of Osf Wbolseda, C LO TH ING Hew tod In style, is unsurpassed in the Valley. His new stock e HATS- Is Ike beat In the market, am bracing all tho latest stylos. Ia FURNISHING GOODS Ha takea a front peerttlon. with a reliable, well selected stock. Hia sales at BOOTS AND SHOES Are large, because he keeps the beet, In qsality aad atylee A SPLENDID LINE OF SUITINGS ON HAND IN HIS TAILORING DEPARTMENT. New Goods Arriving Constantly 0 ji'''lfaflHHfafafafaflBPHa We wear (he Little Red School House Shoes, and so do oar eietcts and oar counine and our aunts, and if vou want thvm go to (ne City Boot and Shoe Store where you will And a large and coiopleta assortment uf goods in this line, of nearly every grade end make, and at prices which will open your yea. A dollar saved is a dollar made. REDFIRLD I. GREENBAUM DEALER IN- DRUGS, STATIONERY, ETC. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded DAY OR NIGHT 108 First Street, Albany, Or. J. P. Hail, ALBANY, SR., AGENT FOR Columbia Bicycles and Tricycles. Second hand wheels constantly on haod, Send for 1887 catalogue, DR. Gr, WATSON MAST0N Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms 3 aod 4. Foster's Bloek. ALBANY - GRECO. Q.ARDEN TOOLS ANDSKBD. Stewart A Sox keep an immense stnet of garden tools, a -id are aUu agdttt for the celebrattd Walla Walla gtrdou ;ee,ts, which gave bttter aaiisfaeti n ttian any sold in Albany last reason. P OWDKR, SHOT, jKTC Sportmen can alwavs find st our apienditl luie of ammunition of all and we also keep giant and bhtslin g pOlff der. fuse, etc, Hia Stock o & BROWNE LL LEVERSHAM. Tbe noted Cleveland Bay Stallion will make a fall season at the plaoe of under aigned, 1 mi. 5 south of Albany, beginning J uly 1st. 1 arsons from a distance can have pasturage for mares. Terms $2 Insurance, MILLARD & ELKIN8. Sheriff's Sale, a the Circuit Court oj the state of Oregon for Linn County. L Foley, for the use of A P Black bora, aad 1 W C'eaver for the ae of A P Blackburn, Plaintiffs. va. George Fegle, Defendant. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an execution issued out of the above named Court iu the above entitled action, T have levied upon the following described real prop erty and seised as the property of said Defen. daut, to-wit : Beginning at the northeast corner of A J Richardson's donation land claim, tit uattd in Township 13, south range 2 west in Section 4 ; thence west SO rods ; thence south to Reubeu Claypool's donation land claim ; thence east to the northeast cor ner of said claim : thence sooth on said claim line to the line of the north half of the south west quarter of Sec. 4 ; thence east to the east line of the west half of said quarter ; thence north to the place of beginning, containing 53 acres more or less. Also the following, commencing on the west line of the donation land claim of M B Ward aad Amelia Ward Notification No. 4000, about SO yards south of the northeast owner of A J Richardson's land olaim, Not. No. (1031, Tp. 13 S R 2 w ; thence south 32 reds ; thence in an easterly course 50 rods ; thence north 32 rode ; thence northwesterly to tbe place ef begin a ing, con taining GO acres more or less, and en Saturday the tl day or Aagast, 18:, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., at the Court House door in the city of Albany, Linn coun ty, Oregon, I will sell said real property at public auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder The proceeds of sale to be applied, first to the payment of the coats and disburse' mentcof suit taxed at 23.00 and the 00s ta and expenses of sale. Second to the pay ment to the said A P Blackburn tbe sum of $35.90 and the farther sum of $124.53, with interest on each of said sums at the rate of one per cent per month from the 13th day af September, 1886. Dated this 21st day of July, 1887. D. S, Smith, Sheriff.