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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1887)
Sheriffs Sale. In th Circuit Court of the. SUUt af Ortgon, for L, B, Blain, Plaintiff, veo. W. Furry, aad Laura K, Furry, his wife and A. J, dubler, Dafendants, NOTICE is hereby Ivan that by virtus of an execution and order sfaatt la- aed out ef the above iMfnad Court In the abov entitled stilt to ion ill reeled and de livered, I will oil Sasarslajr lh ma ctn r Asntast, isa:. at tha Court lioaee uoor In die oily of Al bany. Liun oonnty, Oregon, at the hour af 10 o'clock, a re., sell at public auction for eaah In hand to the htnbeet bidder the real property described In said execution and ordor ol sale as follows, to-wit : Be ginning at the northwest corner of Notln -oallen No. 9tt, Claim No. 4tt, Township 11, aouthof ranges wast of tne Willamette meridian In Linn county, Oregon, and running thence north 88 9i east lfl M 100 ohalns ; thence north SO H eaat 13 V7-100 chain; thence went 24 87-100 chains ; thence south 1 36' eaat 12 90 100 ohalns, to the place of beginning containing 25 and 62 100 acres more or !eea, situated In Unu oountT, Hute of Oregon. The prooeeas sr rlsing from the sale of said premises to be applied : First to the payment of the costs and disbursements of this suit taxed at l7.0a and the costs and expanaea of sale. (Second ta the payment to the Plaintiff herein the sum f $1405 with interest from t .a 26th dsy of Jons, 1617, at the rata of one per oant per month.- Third to the payment to the Defendant herein, A, J. 11 u bier, the sum or $ltW2 16100 with in terest si the rata of ten per cent per annum from the :0lh da? of January. ISsO. and the overplua if any therebe lo be paid to the said Defendant. O. W. Furry, his heirs or ass'stis. Dated this 14th day of July, 1887. D. S. Smith, Sheriff. ALBANY COLLEOUTE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1886, 1887. UT. K .J TSosrsoV. . u . President A tail corps td instructors,- CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of -tody arranged .to meet the need or ail gn.dtss.oi students. Sfociat inducements oferod to student, from abroad. Tuition rsngee from $5.50 to I12.VJ Board in private fauni'ias at iow rates Hooms tor -elf boarding at small ear ense. A caret n i supervision exercised over stu dents ) from home. Fall term opens September 7th. For circulars and run particulars address the President. SET. st. J THSNPSeK, 0. W. Albany, Oregon, Conrad Meyer. PROPRIETOR 0 STAB BAKERY, Corner Broadaibin and First SU, DEALER IV used fruit, Csnses Meat, lasiware, Qseesiwsr Driest Fraita, Yegetablea, Talavees, Clgssra, Ete Etc In faot everything that to kept in a gen and variety and grocery store. Highest arlrst price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Oregon Pacific Railroad. 225 MILES SHORTER 20 HOURS LESS TIME. Accommodations unsurpassed for com fort and safsty. Paras and freights via. Ysquina and tbe Oregon Developsasat Company's Steamship much less than by any other route between all prints in the Willamette Vslley and San Francisco. Dotty fatten gtr trains emceft Sunday t. Yssrsaaw, 730 a,.; Las re Albany. 1J0 r. u. Arrive.Cervellis.ieJS a.a Aniv Correliia. TAiir, n. imra Albany, line a. n. Arrive Yaqoius, 6:40 T. U. Oregon and California trains connect st Albany and CorvslUs. Paio between Corvallis and Albany and Ban Francisco : Rail and Cabin, 914.00. Kail and steerage, $9 00. wis. si. mm ac. Oenena Msosgrer. C. C. HOil E, A.U. y. sndP. Agent, Conralns, 0?. Oregon Deveiopement Co. First-class Steamship line between Yquina and Man f rsncisce connecting at Ysquius with tbe trains of tbe uregoa raeinc Kallroad Company. ft A I LINO OATEN . raos TA4CISA CO., Wednesday, Jons ti. W. V., Taedy, Julj 6lb. K. O., Mo mis j, Ju lltb. W. V., bundsy, Jnlr 17tb. g. O. , 8 ursiy,July Sard. V. V .Ssturtlsj, Jnlr 30th raos tv nuacisoo g. O., Wednesday , July t W. V Tender. July 12. S. O., Tasedsy, July lth. W. V., Sunday, July S4tta S. O., rrdy, JulySKS, w. v., Frider, Aug. MA. The C niprjy reseryes .be right in obange sailing uays. l . TOEW, Otn. F. and P. Agent, 104 Montgomery St., San. Franeiseo, Csl. OVEf LAND TO CALIFORNIA -VIA-. Oregon it California R. K, AND 0ONNECTIOH8. THK STT. SHASTA ROITK. Close esnrswtloas sis ill st Ashissd with stages of he California, Oregon nd Idaho Stags Company ealy te Miles ef staclag. between Albary and Sal. Fi viclaoa, S8 hours. OALiroasu axrasas tsaiss pailt. SoatF Mortb. AOS r. n. I Leave Portland Arrive I 10:40 a S 8:06 ru Leave Albany Leave I 7:06 A S I JO a n 1 Arrive Ashland heave 5:40 r s local rAssamaa tais bajlt (except Sunday). 8:00Ti iTTisve" PerUsnd ATrlve"!-si46 r is 12:40 r a j Leave Albany leave i 11 :5 a m t-.tnrm Arrive gaeeee Leers SCO am LOCAL PAMSXoa TSAI.t DAILY. A 10 firneavs Albany Arrive "l :46 A s S:aS r u Arrive Lebanon Leave I 6:00 a m 11:60 r a I Leave Albany Arrive I 2:46 r a l:Wn I Arrive Lebanon Leave tMru PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. daily between Portland and Ashland. The O sad CRI Ferry makes connections with aU tbe regular trains on the Pant Hide Division from foot eM W twVPaMC. West Side LivlstoH. BTWBH rOKTLAXB AND CORVALLIS, Alltsais daily (exeeptSundsy.) 7!St A m I Loat llSi JMjrl i ilea Purtland Corvlli Arrive Leave :16 r M 1:30 F M xrsass tkairs DAILT (excjpi Sunday . ) 4:60 F M I Lvavs ! ru Arrl-s Portland Mcftinnvllle Arrive Iare 0:00 A M 6.4S A V At Albany sed OrvaHie eoi.nect with trains ef Oregon Paciile kalfTtfad For full i (formation regarding rates, maps, eta, esll sa Cosinsny' Agent. g. gOggLSR, X. P. ROGERS, Isensger. C. F. S PusAaewt. r ,!! .. " . -T -pArNTS AND OILS Of U kinds, mixed ready for use, kal- as Gawtacb Coufast, 198 Faltou Street. H. T. I nMlsTMWnilsmTMMIll mil sn . IRarmbi &fm Ranon. i . . v.:...- . . .1 I CHA8. H. D0DD & CO. Front, First and Vine St,, Portland, Or, WHOLItALP OtAU.R0 IN I 1 I HARD- i i i WARE, "i i r mLa 3 MssMsMEsgsHMPMSlif x and., FARM-MACHINERY. Hole AgenU for Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho for the t BUCKEYE REAPER AMD Vh Maehlnes are too wall known to need and speak of them with praise. that will give entire enuatacuon to tne purchaser, MILLER'S NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRESHER, PHGENIX 8TRAW BURNER ENGINE, The most Effective and Sncosssfol Oombl nation for Threshing and Cleaning Grain ever Constructed. BUCKEYE STEEL . FRAME TWINE-BINDER8. The featorss that distinguish this Twine-Hinder la the Lightness of Draft, combined with its Extraordinary Strensth and Durability. Tbo Hinder Is ot tbe Appleby pattern, the only realty successful one yet known. We have two styles, the Elevator Hinder and the Platform Binder both excellentboth recommended by hundreds of patrons. Prank S. Sprague, Administrator's Sale of Real Estate, In the County Court in mud for Linn Conn ty, Oregon. Ia tbe matter of the estate ol W H Me Knight, deceased. NOTICE Is hereby given that b virtue of sb order of sale duly made sad entered of rec ord by the aboye entitled Ccart in the above an titled cause at the regular Jane, 1 887, term of said Court to-wit. Jane ?th, 1887, the un dersigned Administrators sf the estate of W, H. McKnight, deoeased. will on aatavsiay the asaa day ef July, lest, at tbe hoar of one o'clock, p, m.t of said dsy st the Con it House door in tbe City of Al bany, Linn oonnty, Oregon, sail at public auction to tbe highest bidder in parcels to suit purchasers the following described real property belonging to ssid estate to-wit i 1st. Ths north half of the northwest ouarter Si Bsetioo 10. tbe sooth west jaaxtr mud tbe .oath half of the northwest quarter of Sec tion 9, all in Township 10 south range one west of the Willamette mendisa ia I juu eouoty, Oregon. Sod. Lots numbered one ( 1). twe (2), three (3), foar (4). five (5) and sis (6) in block numbered thirteen (13) and lots numbered one ( 1), two ('2), tftree (3) and (4) ef block numbered fifteen (15) as known and rleeigaafsd open the maps, puts sad sur veys t Wheeler's addition to tbe town of Scto.Ltnnoonoty, Oregon. 3rd. Tbe undivid ed eae sixth of the following , Beginning 30 feet east of the northeast corner of Block No. 1, ia Bilyea's addition te the town ef Boto ia Linn county, Oregon, and running theaaa south along tbe center of the road about 127 rede to tbe Dooatioa Lead Claim ef M kandail ; theses west one hundred and three rods to the sooth west corner of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Seotioa eighteen in Township 10 south range I west of tbe Williamette meridian ; thence north 80 rods ; thence west te Thon as Creek ; thee os easterly up the center ef said Creek to a point twelve rods sad two feet west of the northwest corner of Block 7, id said Bit- yen's addition : thanes sooth eighteen sad one -bait reds : thence east bf ty half rods to the pases el beginning, including blocks one and foar sad fractional blocks live in Bi I yen's addition to the town of 1 ir T imm eoeatv, Oregon, also the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter ef Section thirteen Township 10, south range I west, Willam ette meridian, containing on hundred and seventy-eight acres more or less io Linn Co., Oregon. 4th . The undivided one-sixth of tbe southwest quarter of tbe north west quar ter of Section thirteen, township JO, sooth range 1 weat of the Willamette meridian in Linn county. Oregon, containing forty acres. 5tb, The undivided one-third of the follow, log to-wit : Beginning at tbe south west cor ner of the northwest quarter ef the northeast quarter of Section 17 in Township 10, sooth range 1 east of the Willamette meridian and running t banco sooth four and one-fourth chains ; thence north 58, eaat 11 94-! 00 chains ; thence north 5 ebains ; thence north 45", west 2 ebains j thence tooth 51$, weat 11 chains ; thence south 2 22-100 chains te the place of beginning, containing 8 seres ia Linn county, Oregon. 8th. Lot. asm be rod two and part of let three, beginning at tbe southeast corner of said lot two and running thence east 17 feet ; thence north to the bank of Thomas Creek ; thence west follow ing the meanderings of ssid stream to the east lins ef ssid lot 2; thence seatb along the east line of said lot 2, to the southeast cor ner of the same, all in Block No. two in Wheeler addition to tbe City of Scio io Lino county, Oregon, i 7th. The undivided one third of tbe west half of lots numbered 35 and 36 in the original raivey of tbe City of Scto, Linn county, Oregon. 8th. The undivided one-third of tbe following, to-wit . Tbe weat half and the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 17 in Township 15, sooth range 1 east of tbe Willamette meridian, Oregon, containing one hundred and twenty acres. Terms of sale One-half of the purchase price cash in hand, and tbe remaining one half in six months from day of sale with eight per cent interest, tbe purchaser te give mortgage ou premises to secure the asms. V. A. McKkiokt, A. R. McDoKALb, Administrators of tbe estate of W. II Me Rnigbt, deoeased. Dated June 20tb, If 87. Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given, that tbe under signed bss this dsy been by tbe County Court of Linn county, Oregon, appointed Administrator of the estate of Annie Barn ford, deceased, late of Linn counly, Or. All persons hsving claims sgainst said estate are required to present them to tbe undersigned at Halsey, Oregon, within six months from this date, ye rifled as by law required. June 18th, 1887, T. A. Powell, Administrator of the said estate WSATMBRFOBP A BLACKBURN, Att'ys for Administrator, for infants and Children, "CaAorlntosoweiladewj I I reoomroend K as superior to any proscription I luKrantonw." H. A. Ajkvjsb, M. in 8a Oxford BnxJdjrn, N. T. I I i IRON, STEEL TlT comment. Thousands or Fanners havs osso They ere the only Harvesting Machines Sohuttler Vam Wagons, Deere Plows, Deere Bulky Plows, Oook at Oo.'s Oar riaces. Phrstons and Top Busgtes. Pour Spring Mountain Wagons, Buck boards, Superior Drills and Seeders, Oorbin Disc Barrows, Hodges-Raines Seeders, XIalsh Barbod Wire. SEND TOE CIECULAES. Agent, Albany, Or, CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common Blotch, or Eruption, toJJ-L?i'? snlt-rVenfS; tn short, all iasses caused by bacnSood are DnHfTttw. sad I Ureal Katlna Ol- Ty heal under has It tiuu.iri Hi r. ft., I n'su IttSueoon. lujoteocyjn oSan while ftwelfluea. ttaltro. or Tfc Unas. Oeltr. or Tale If asssusjw Ksiisurgaa U lands. rVnd tea man In aOunr for a Li ran bMiiM.h mL pmv-m, ,s num wwiti, fir WW i arnwtisr no bcrvtulotei Affrcl BMWD 1M THK I.iri Itby ustnv Or. PlaraaSa it he 1?, coustitatiou, vT.ii Uj csoahlkhed. CONSUMPTION, Is RerofnlABa Satae .m i umnmmmm m praapr iy ana ccruuniy i Its wcsHk-rfui nowrr over t VttTtnl siiioui,err,"i SS too lirtruod t or a n but for all ' CHRONIC DISEASES or rus Liver, Blood, and Lungs, ir yon reel oun. An sallow color of sAln, or no nan or ooay. Rein with 1 t-rtornc vou arc auffLiiuir ..m i. cewiS:. fd ZZllZlT2 part of u-m symptotns are ernenoM. ft liT fill Kllf ;i geareJl lie Ul. Mt I aaav In) m w. aaaea ST ivrwv cry bss so ire. ftBittlnsr of mood, ion nose ol Urath. Urunrhliiiu the ii irsseu If taken lvlr. iro nwnei is tensTfi mss h!u nx 'fTnoa canine It bat "Cos. uii aijanooM! that name MLxUdne erhk-fa. fmm Urn 5 rtrg,: 51 aaidcir cqusJL For Weak tut P sre toaini. cosisaiMisa. atavlaama a result hlshly satisfactory to . it ir. A Jnvnfiilni - - . I mum '?tsSB ffi Jj jggg book on Consuuptlou. PRICE $1.00, S&'sfi&TSS VlfSaft BUpaajsf aWletl ftirmltihn; Prtrccic-tors, 603 Ualn St., Bcitaxo, Bt. Y, aven T f Tut eaahis LIVES oVW PILLS. and CATHsaTXC. w Gtuiis a vau. $500 REWARD tor a case of catarrh whjch may it you bayeadisafaargo from tho mrmn, offensive or other wise, partial loss of srjoelL teste, ?.bI??!UI 1 91 tertfiinste in coneuronttoD. I If You Have So appetite. Indigestion. Flatnreaee. atefc AeadaeMe, "all ruu down,' lee lag fiesta, yon will rind Tutfs Pills tke remedy yon need Ti!ufVunet".e LiS!.f."Sr SyX a . . SAT . I roller rrom t Item. S 1 coly aus;nr cou led SOLD KVKRVWHEItE. '.PIERCE'S LSCTBI0 BELT BxwtMaosI both exxsOared ioutMKiii.!ir,(. lOnly Perfect JHody Mtt fvnrliiVMn lOirsssBKlea irtc OasWAM BwlthorWJ JOOT AUI TEi.ianTRK b. IICB. Send for HKItKE wli j AfldfMsU, mm EBfl Second-hand baby cairiago for sale. Democrat ofliu. Call cams OoHo, Ccnipof.5on. loon. Dtarriuna. Erucuuton. orms, fives sleep, and nroiuoSai O on. injuRous mcohratlon. Sand trn annte UK IJPT -aj-or prassnva Piia ajb. UATABsm oSSa-SWIaJLUX MAOMET O ELART A TBIIIA sTTa sawa.?fflrMwswim - - "Tiur vfs Kills W Ike tmMtt IHDAV JULY n, 1887 Waihingtun. (Pram osr resale? esrrssseaasNt.) WAtmstoTog, July 4th, 1IST. Con troll tr of the Treasury Tren- the matter of tne sunpentlon of the Fidelity National Bank of Cin cinnati, hat toted with a promptness tod vigor becoming the dignity end responsibility of tbe Government, ami the catastrophe It not without Its let- toot and uses, at it tbowa the un questioned superiority of our Nation al bguking system over til others lo tbe world, for ourt It being rapidly recognised ot the model for most civilised nations. Wbeo.for instance, this book suspended, what man In the United States stopped tor a moment to uxamiuo whether or out be bad one of Us bills? real! ting the fact that if all the banks of the country were to break In a dsy, tbe Govern ment would be fully responsible at long at g United States hood It good for Its face value, sod esoet of them ftre worth a good deal more. There ia quite a ripple In tbe great and good Civil Service Commission over ft somewhat embittered dlta gteemont about the question of pay ing tbe expanses of the several local civil service boards while on their recent Junketing visit to this city, hut 1 hardly think the controversy wilt be as important as the proverblsl UtunoHt in s tea-pot How esd to s se that even this sugutt body It sub ject to the same infirmities of temper as sre ordinary people f Tbe changes in the different De part men is Incident to the beginning of tbe new fiscal year were not num vrou or important. Twenty Treas ury clerks were dismissed, also eeven in the Ouarter Master Ueoerai't . 7 .L j Office god forty am ployed In the U .vernmstll printing Offloe most of tha dlechars-e being mae on ac I . .... count of the spproprlsuon bill falling to provide for a continuance of the Innumiiania Tha order COOafilldatlOg revenue districts went Into effect st ihv 4Uie Wm an'! U the 2') pt-r cent reduction la aalarUa of Assists ot District Attorneys ; th.rewsres minor clerical cbsnges, In cesrl few minor clerical changes, lo tearly all tbt Departments. Under tbe beneflcoot methods ol our honest and upright Democratic A'Jmioistratlun tbe reduction of the public debt continues steadily the amount for tne month of June belog about $15,000,008. which Is s prstty good showing. Of 57 clerks in the Quarter Msslsr General's Office, who ware examined under tbe new Civil Service rule,9lx nun and two women felled to attain tbe minimum of 76 out of a possible 100. Tbe following fact Is regarded of mocb significance by the Com ml s- sioo. Before the examination, the Quarter Master General bad made markings for efficiency end kept them sacret. for cmnarlsn with those of W tbe oxsmlners,snd it turned out that both markings were eubetsntislly the lb Commission, ss It tend to dls- KT During tbe Isst fiscal year the Pen. (sloo Office Issued 111,840 cortlDcatae, which j said to be tbe beat showing lever made bv the bureau. It is slso said that there is not a case In the Peosion Office that has net been ex amined in tbst limn and tbe proper action taken to prepare It for fiasl settlementa record that is exceed ingly gratifying to tbe officials of that If a dynamite bomb had exploded lo the corridors cf tbe Patent Office the other day.' there could not have been much greater commotion among the army of Republican ciergs man when it wss made public, I hat.efler a patient investigation, the accounts of Levi Bacon, a protege of Ztck Cband ler's, who died s few days siuce,sftor having been many years financial clerk of the Patent Office -d log In tne position were short over $88, 000. Who can blame these Repub lican clerks for holding s eulogistic meeting over tbe dead defaulter, for they knew he held their due bills for thoasanda of dollars unlawfully ad van ced to them out f the public funds ? Many sf the clerks will not hsve sny salary in three mootns, as Secretary Lamar will deduct therefrom their dues. Tho boodsmen will have to pay the full amount for which they are rep maible, $10,000, yet It Is thought there will be a considerable shortage after the clerks sre made to refund, as most of the sum la in pa per ou Bacon's outside friends. It appears that his aecounta have been crooked eight years. Tbe Democrats can aford to raise a great deal of suoh unsavory "Bacon out of office." "Turn the rascals out." In the words of the nob'.e lamented Hendricks,'Open the books." Mr. John L. Nurris, of this city, ooe of Bacon's bondsmen, now expresses his emphatic conviction, to 88) the language of tbe great snd nouored THden, that ''Reform is necessary," aud says he believes that tbe accounts of other disbursing offi cers of the Government, will, if fully investigated, be found io as bad a condition as those of the esteemed ury Department shows that In the month of June there was an Increase of 2, 064,840 in ths circulation and a decrease of 3,152,031 of the ossh of the Treasury. Tne principal Increase In circulation wa In silver certlficfttes and United States notes, sod the prin cipal decrease In tbe Treasury cash was In gold and silver certificates, United States nntes and nstlnnsl bank notes. TEMPERING! DEPARTMENT, niTan st lata Wtmei'i Cbriitiu TiapeniM lulu The W. 0. T. U. meets on ths 1st snd trd Tue day of each month at I e'closk p. a , at tbe A. O. V. W. Hail, evsr French's Jewelry Store. URKAT NATIONS DrTR0VXD BY DK1NK. The great empires ot antiquity might till have been flourishing but for cer tain destructive sgsnciss oberisbod with in their own bosoms. Babylon wss conqusrsd, not so much by tbe arms of the Medes and by drunken ness snd revelry. Had it not been for tbe debsuohsrj of her kings snd princ esses sad ths general effeminssy of bar people , ibemight leng hsve reared ber lofty brow among tha na.ioos, wub ber banging gardens and fair palaecs, tbe adtnirsteon sod delight of all beholders. Persia fell, not so mocb by tbs energy aad v. or of the Greek armies, as by tbe drunkenness of kings sod people- lied it not been for ibis, tbst wonderlut people might still have hen a power in the world. Greece io ber turn, fell, not so much by tbe prowess of tbe Roman srms ss by bsr own dis cord and sffrmisscv. Ssve for ibis Athens, ia art, science snd ms oners, might atitl base bwi. th world's won der snd example. JhVm tell, not so mush by the hordes of Outbs, Huns sad Yandals desoending upon ber plains and assaulting ber cities, as by tbs oareless ease, sad Scottish tndiff-renee of bar people. Wine end spoil took away the heart ot that great em pit and unnerved its mighty am. But for this, Rome, from ber seven bills might stilt bsve been controlling the destinies of tha world, or, at least leading in tbe ran ef nations. Irish World, ies HON. D. B. (TLBCRSOV ON THK HAMXlN Ths Texas prohibitory eonstitntisos amendment campaign has called lortb soma verv pronounced utterances sgsinst the saloon on tbe part of tbe leading Democratic statesmen of tbe State. The Hon. D. B. Culberson concludes sn important letter in support of the amendment ss follows - "The feeble sod insignificant power for harm exerted by tbe saloon in tbs eeilier daye of the Republic bss grown to be sn osrshsiewinslusspotUm. It uwm W sesames to oonmd the Lauchiseof frae mso. It sets st defiance the lews sn sated to preserve tbe good order of so ciety. It enters tbe blgb and tow places of sothority. and stamps its will over the will of tbe people. The wrecks of manhood which fill tbe land ; tbe dis tress sbd bankruptcy wrought b its power ; the onerous burden of taxation imposed upon bonest industry to defray tbe sxrenaea of crime, the legitimate offspring of its power, stl shew bow deeply tbe public welfare is involved in ths evils of tbe liquor traffic. For oe, I believe .be time bs srrived when this despotism should be broken and ovarthrown.snd the welfare of tbe peo ple emaueieted from its thraldom." Ever effort was made by tbs wbteky party in La veo worth to buy tbe votes cf tbs atdored wotrnn, bnt with very little Sx a success, uia old woman, eery poorly clad, when asked to sell bar vote. She answered : "No , I am naked for olo'ee I hab nary drrss bnt sis ole salico ; but I am not naksd for prin ciple, sod I sbsi! vote for de Lord oo dst day." Wsstern Crank, College Springs, Ia. I insist that, considered merely upon tbe lower plsne of polittoaly economy, there is so ooe subject now before tbe American people at all comparable in gravity and importance with ibis one. How to curtail aud finally destroy tbi evil is the great problem of tbe hour Its solution stan i ux' ou the woridV calendar of progress. Ex-Secretary Windom at the Woodstock Fourth of July celebration. The assessed valuation of rual estats in tbe city of Nhw York for the present year is $l,254,a9l,8s9,an ioorcsse of a little mure than fifty over last year. The personal property subjsot to taxation aggregates $253,148,814, so inorssss of thirty-six milibn. The amount required for tbe fxpenses ot the oity government is between thirty-four and thirty-five millions of dollars. , -se i Ssveuty-four million dollars were paid in pensions to ex-soldiers and sailors of tbe wsr of tbe lebelHou dur ing tbe fiscal year ended June 30. The number of pension claims sllowed dur ing tbe year was 112,340,more than in any year sinoe tbe war,exsepting 1866. John WiUsrd Young, the youngest son of tbe late Brigbam Young's first wife, is abaut forty-three years of age and has ten sons and ten daughters. He ways bis father left an aetata worth sboul $2,500,000, or about $22,000 to eaob one of bis children. sea - There ia a good deal of hand-shaking going on at present between the Nottb and South. It is a most desirable sod A ties siv, uife Disregard th Druggist's Advice snd So Save the Life ef Her Huslisnd. I am n wo out of 111 . It Is my flit lite ! wrii I lit t wits ru iitd m tm i iloii" fi i- wifo thoi that I sit rwrrtedy I Hi too. I hv.. Third IllioUf l I (I i. 0! I msu. 'I l & ' for nun strong H.-ii nun or loss I. lust I hatl 0 it. ft was a, li came sty do, with snd aiitbi- "Hxht fever 1 yasrs und uempteysd & Brothers, in IVest ;i2d oiild wtmv It'll U'ell- t in Al i ris- in r W Hi nhv; fimluria hi the rwd'hb rtm Hot pl'l ; A' 411 ! in lHho 1 It ul mf ilrni .tt : .n on ns saVfi aitw U onoi hffidit' In-.. I f . tion, fhniOiuuH iipii u aftcrwafU, lit o . lion ti strstcb, and f.-rta. j v at tbst time n itinWiis furs it ui ms inf w street. 1 .i pi ' ih , off, but ss i IMn'i l i known r. ! ,UU- pli , i! o 'n m 'i ii liiiil toll! mo syiuti t. snd ,i'h j em in HHn lull tllO Wtioii I i'jtri i.p the Urst four f 'f my experj cw v. . a, (t .nsitioaliy 1 up for i v ! two, but on I 'i . i . m work. 1 k.-pt ''"' I i ! iv dose l j ,in etvsttd k pi Tctjing wcak ' j id sitrelv. all the Inking il yi-sr lo v i Hue. filnd Hit I r gnbsf ' 'it, ' stHie ol I tor mi . I Is w now wi ll ae I f. ;i..-! . '. ( . ,t inl v and I hail diouh i-ow in Worst ii was cr.ini.iij( tm-down In thai 1 i-' -.l do or the dsias '. It he ; . mo it: tfriu like nir; oil 'ic. 'J'lte ,Uon '- Hit' "vi i in. and i' h it. 1 was It, sad about work entiro I s a ick. and 1 ran down so into uii!-' is to r 1 went from house only by i r n 'nt to . ti 'lids te d'4i-S ol often tw (W-vtn W;( to i my ah iliMr, t long. r t'Vrn m ii4 ex 1 1 one n' Bants in I w ould it in r!t other -t bear in bead In as a aje Sick I ro From 1 I ran .- Of tt tlb. than . tea arm. lae until ' ' " The 'OS ilhuulation (. It broke wnlked the i'. ail nigiit t ti uoiacs My temper A ' to food, i old cat i in a day. turn from u ' ti ilu and . liks a Mt my ' giren 'i ii itch so If. r weight) iirht anil I lsstur It. '"I I taken a ha'cket an If a mnorkrtf mr tU,W nid killed me should mare 9m ! tt. Ornting ih. 5a.t4 r part of this period. mSL l'- u'' f1?" ld: Altllrr. therm a net use in my taking aay mor m -mi-r 'f v,u, j , .ut't do you anygvMMl. I mtghi niui p u.uls of qni ninr eWs your throat and it u-ouldVt help you." On'ih !. n-rth of Ciii l rrr,. t,e UAr ofquotiue si - h.-r. and made up say mind te do tiotiiiii more and take my Chun.-. . Vim-' weeks afterward --about tho Ust of .May my wife aw an ndvertlse-rrn-tit of k 1 Inc In n Ne Voik paper. Sh told mc of It. I anid: Stuff and iiniHPiiM'! it ean't do mo anv " But she neni to a drmjrit'. n. ?. ; . leas, to et it. The di-u-it s.d her tffitiut K;it.tiie: he said it was nothing ii ;i - . ..I. that hi onwbt not to tnrww an j sec money on i. dtc. He jsaM he d dn'i k.v; ii. but could get It If Site iaaisted on having it. Turn ing away in dtmust m wiff spoke to our ticihJ-. Sir. A. 'U. Hegewald, who oi hi r bottle at a drug store ia Sixth sveaast AJaaoal aawtast mv will, rtnd without the leul f:ii:l,, I b -. ui taking It. In one wet k 1 tvn 1 tier. 1 began to sleep. I 4o)rped M aeebg ghoata." U'gan to hav. Hii ;ipp'tite and to gain Strength. This wa mw the firt of Jum . iHxn. ,iii ,, ti,,. ,.m af tjlat mouth I wan hack t my bnclt at C. P. Smith'" send! nwing factorr in 116th Street, sin t I a-ork now. Bince i!.. i 1 have never bst a day frm di ktfeis. Taking Kaskine nly, slauit forty pclleta in fcnir nj ial doses a day. 1 eotitinocd to gain. Tbe ma laria sjuyesred to lie killer! in mv sys lent, and now I've got back my old weight- 175 pounds and my old streiifTih to hilnir. I am an astonish meni to myself and to my friends, and If Ki-kine ! not do thiis I d n't know what ttM. The only greatoi hing it coubl l wmiid 1 e to brlu a .lead man to lif. C P. S sbov- fsatl assali sade Seam avenm rif i. : p k A Mil v ; .;:! Str.-. i. New York, t ' .'it...iiit.- rmtri of the . S S ' - a a iwih i reierm mi. who an- pa Sn 'h th' facta: wing v ac-Alex- rOCSMl Kindt t reel . F. indt East w. 124 I will : ; i;.Gtb st .iSib jdivt'l it in! Jr. A. livebaa. aad Ui mdt avenue: Vaapai liitih itrsel sad ivi-ii'!; Mr. John Luntn strict: Mr. John 1 25th street, md manj b ihw reply b letters of uiqi We suimiit iltat the abt' istonish 'lvf t'tirtt. iNMU'hed (n- a it - by rcpu ifdc imMi.'is tlescrvlnj u , iltumugh tld frtiulid Hives i.-atioii by i Ii in kill's .I'upb'. And vi,' Rtrthei uiiiiiit that .vheu druifefn turn sway tustitnters by fsilaHyfiiy; the clumtctcr f a rcanaly Ihicuum' l c i!o nut lutpJH'ii to hsve ft on naial, llivy ! a wrung. M this uillivinl man bad mU dl.iicgsrded the dnij;yist" advb'c mul nt else where tr ih- rrlu d In- would without doubt have b i in I.'.-- gr ivr. Other htturs ul a ii i ! w character from piohiiiunt kaUvhluats, which stamp K.-'-kiiM' as a remedy of un doubted merit. wiU be st.m uii upjtlieft tlon. l'riei . k 1. tKj, or li bottles, $..00, Sold by Druggists, or sMit bv mail on receipt oi j.rice. Tbe stn-ktuc Company, 54 Warren St,, New Vi i K . ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber, laths an I pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice TJse only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. HARDWARE ! HARDWARE ! For tbo next ninety days I will sell furnl'ure at cost in order to reduce my stock and make room for a full stock of hardware. W hile st the same time 1 will continue to manufacture furniture at bed rock prices, E. GOAN, A FATUKK WITH A WO If RAO. Oslilernisn, who is the f. ther of a drixen children, bss hit upon s coheroe by which th youngsters om enjoy themsolvss lo tbefcr hriV on tept,aod at the same Mate d a bit of cork f r which tbir ;4reo! would have to pay heavily were he to employ si me other agency. He lives in Los Artgstes county, whtiro he -ywns a large tract of leod wbicb requires constant iirtatiou make it productive, and as his bank socount is not large be had considerable trouble iu obtaiuiug stifftaient water fori bis land. Finally a brigh Ides struck) bim. He dug a sixty-foot well,pot ink ncneep pump anh rigged at some dis tance one of thjee big Tamil swings common io pleasure gardens. "Here, you little rssoslK," ssid Psrofa to his little- fiiihes, "corns out bm in this swing. I'm going to give you some thing to play nitb." Q five minutes tbs children wars flying back and forth through the air. The pump worked up snd down, tasking s roc ry tune, and a fourteen-inch stresm of watur flowed from the well. The child rsn dno't know that they are working, sn the well is not in sight, and tbe swing connects with tbe pump by sn jn.o rd. Tho youngsters rsiao enough water during a day to irrigate a large frsct of lend. Jt is a great mistake to cletn br-s articles with acid, aa they vry aooo become doll after such troat-oent. Sweet-oil vitd putt ower, followed by sosp sod wtej, is one of tbe bare mediums for bright, -rii.g bra copper. a?ii The d- ere .- of the oul.lic d?ht for June is about $lM50,'J0,wbioh makes S total red oa-i tt t. t.- ti-c' fear ot about $109,300,000 What ih- c 'bat has phot onuy waioa is a Ofvy d at I in r. Hr-1 - pru cti'S Iv coctpVs,.d ot fare it baa t gsj Steal. Hotice for Publication. Land Offlce st Oregon City, Or. ) July 6th. mr. J Notice is hsssbv aivcu thsi th, fr,iii, Ine n a tried settlor bsa fi.ed netW of his Intention to make fins! proof In support of but claim, and that ald proof wtb be ms'le baforetbsi Vmntv Ju lae or Couttnr lrk csf Linn oonnty, On-gon. at Albauy, vira- rod, on TaesSar. Aosa.t fSrS. ISS. vis: Oeorae Waahiouton. iiorn u i vn No. 4228, f.,r tilts N )i of S V J of Hte. . Tp. 10 a K 1 E. He ustne. th follow. lllO Wlltl-MM-s ti t.tove lu rv nt in mom. sidmoe upon, and ctthlvstlnn of land, rz : E Wnot, C PepaHina. C W J i . . i . a mm. mnm. . . . mm ii union inj r ft tiivn all rt Ji.rH.n Valley Fct Offi . Linn county, Oregon. V . i. lil lJIF.T, Register. Hotice for Publication. Land Otw at Oregon Cttv, Or, ) Joltr cm. lea- f Notice la hereby sclvm that tbe feUow M BSSSssd settler bss tiled notiireof hfs leisotluf) te make deal proof in support of his cisim. Hod tkaiaaid proof alii be marie before the itegiater and ReoeiTer of the U. Hn Land Office at Oregon City, Or., on rrtrfar. SasstaS tih. isss, vis : Harvey Graham, Homestead Eittrv No. 4S3 for the W of 8 W Ji of Kfso. 14, Tp. 10.8 R I E, He uamea tbe follow ing wtineaaea to prove his couiiououa residence upon, end cultivation of, said land, vis : 0 R.riiar tson, J Bryao.D Neal, and Ptoilyeu.aii of Jotdan Pout OfUea. Linn eouoty, Oregon. W,T. BusjteY, Rog later. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Roeeburg, Or., ) June 1st, U7. Notice le hereby given that the follow ing ntiiued st-ttler bas filed notic ol his Intention to make final proof in jpr-ortof his claim, anU that said proof will be made before the Judge or Olerk of tbe Oonnty Court of Linn County, Oregon, m Albany, Or., on Saturday. Jnly 23rS, 187. vis: Nylveater Cochran, Hnrasiad Eutry No SclSlor tbeS K H teo. SO, Tp. 14, It 1 weat Willamette meridian. Us names tbe following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. aaiH Ktm . n.,. a Miller, Sara'l Ulaas, Jneeph KeeW, E.' N. c. aw, an oi trrawrorasvllle, Linn Co , j Cnrae. VV. JaBsarox, liegiater. at BEAST? Mexican Mustang Liniment tsfsxtaa, lumbago, Bheumatbr.' Burns, Scalds, Stings, Bites, Bruises, B unions Corns, Scratches. Sprains. Strains, Stitches, Stiff Joints, Backache, Calls, Bores, Spavin Cracks. Contracted Hassle, Eruptions, Hoof Ail, Screw Worms, Swinney, Saddle Galls, Piles. THIS GOOD OLD STANC'-BY neoomrllshes for everybody exactly what li claimed for it. One of tlio reasons for tho great popularity ol the Mustang Liniment Is foundlalta universal nvpllcnliillry. Everybody needs suoh a Bttdlolne. The Lumberman needs It In ease ofaoddent. The llotiseivlie needs It for general fa: nlly use. Tit e Cn icaler needs It for his teams aad bis men. Tho Mechanic needs It always ou Ids worlc bench. The Miner needs it In case of omergenoy. The l'leneer needs It can't get alougwlthout U. The Farmer needs It In ids houso, hi j stable, and his stock yard. Tbe Steamboat man or the Rontmun needs It la liberal supply sfiuat snd ashore. Tho Horae-fnncler iioe.)3 tt It Is his best friend and safest reliance. The Stock-srrowov needs it it will s avo him thousands of dollars and a world of trouble . The Rai I road man needs It und will r eed It so long as his life Is a round of accidents and i angers. The Backwoodsman r.eclslt. Ther its noth ing like It as an antidote foe tho danger I to life, limb and comfort which sorrGUTtd.the plonner. The Merchant needs tt about hut stoiv among his employees. Accidents will happen, a id when these come the Mustang Liniment Isw&ntc l at once. Keep a Bottle in the House. Tls tbo best of economy. tveep asletUe In tuo a acti use la case of accident : Keep a Bottle Al . a. i mv7B smatitv Atnst-ys in lie isuAnnB To Regulate IfRV T KAVORH V, HOME KF.MF.DT b I II K warr .oitd nrt in contain a mrtgie put s fill licV of Miury or say injnrtuus MsV tjusst, but parnl, yegpt,i,- U will dure all Diseases causes ty osranfjenisBt of the Liver, Ktdncys and Stomach. have e btmtnom Liver KsfMlalor. nnxtn anything hard of '1 hsy after raeak or M, tsVs S doMl 4 yM I and lcf piMat.Uy. sSssratile tti8Vr v relief m ones m Urgulator. It doss not 1 (losing, and cM but a SS yon. p hi the moral eg Hh a In yowr ovilli, "m Ivr RMubtor. It tst H fur it n(r Caibar fiirg UckneM. il'.ll.AWt, tit aytrra g ilHl4 I'llSSSS wflltmjf IntSsS. J.H.ZULM&CQ. tic!ohta,Pc. Palace Meat Market. J. ?. PIPE, P10PRIET0L FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, 08. Win kr-ep mnstantlv cn band mutton, pork, veal, aaaaags, sic,, tbe beat nsesis ano largest variety in tbe city. Cash paid fer all kinds of fat stock. HOFFMAN &PFEIFFER PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of- CHOICE CQIFEOTIOmY, W'e are sow prepared to sell at wfcola sale, always fresh and pure at Portland prtam to dealers, We also keep a fall line ef lots and Tropical Fruits, OUR - CIGAR AND TOBACCO department is cow's We keep ths very finest stock af sxtoauja aod ehewina tobacco, meerschaum ud briar pi pea that Is a delight to smokers. O CI IDS te st J SW31S StlX 3.5QO wlaola Ptctstrs GIVES Wkslss dirtrt to ronmumerm or fmxmXXj was. Tails have fmm with. lWWAT.STSSW.Wi liOOSta eatatata tram th markup ts mt Oae wiU aaait ewaw WSm CTtsrrnasfaT aaaiiisag. tent yon, JUaystlwIly, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. ssi m MANY L AMP CU13SSKYH ARB offered for sale represented as good aa the Famous BUT TOET ARE NOT! And like all CasmterfeUe lack tks Rcxnarkable LASTIXG QasOlUes or THE QEXCISE. ASK FOR THE PEARLTOP cniJctEi The PEARL TOP ia raanttractwred o.MV my PATENTS "btaiaetl. sad all ntksr buslnass In ths U. S ratss viBce attetxlfded to lor mderaU fee. ,B,?PP tbs U.S. PatsotOSsea, saS ovuun raisnw mi noM tfiaa tbsss i " "runtu. ne modi or dralnf . Wa a ability fr oi ciarje j and wemsks w sS sktsln natant. Wa retar hara, to tks Postmaster, Us. Sop, mt Msasy Ordar Dir. audio officials sf thsO. S fsteat "a r or care mar. ad vies, terma und actual eliaitta In your own Stat or eouoty, sdili aw Ca 4. SHOW tCO., OiMJMsH PatBt rSSea, WsskUarte. l . SAM .Mai. 6 SKNUBRS MAY k SENDEES. Dealers in general Ibrcnanaise HARRISBURG : OREGON Will buy Graiu, Wool ui all kinds foantry prodoce. Hotice for MMoatloni Land Office at Roeeburg. Or., Jane 1st, 1887. J Notice is hereby giveu that tue follow lug named aettler bas filed notice of his intention to make final proof iu support of his claim, and ihat said proof will be made before the Judge or Clerk of tha County Court of Linn Co.. Or., at Albany, Or , on Saturday, July 3ri. 1887. ! : Perry Mo Queen, Homestead Entry No. 8812 for tbe S W Sec. 8, Tp. 14 8ft 1 oast illam ette meridian. Ue names the lollowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation ol, said land, vis : John Hen derson, M. Berrigan, Minor McQueen, Prank Maloue, allofCrawfordsvilleTLina Co., Oregon, Chas, W, Johnston, Register. Administrator Notice. Notice is hereby giren that en the 22nd day of Juoe, 1887, the undersigned was by the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly appointed Administrator of the estate f William Eoboett, late of said connty, de ceased. That undersigned hss duly qaab ifiedaa such Administrator. All persons baring claims against said estate are hereby notified to present thtjtn with the proper vouchers, within six mouths from tbe date hereof, to ths undersigned at his resideneo hear Crawfordsvilio, Gnu county, Oregon. I) lieu this 8th dav of July 1387 XX F. Kosssrr, AdiQimstrator of said estate. W. It. Buykt;, WseHrSsSV fcSH Wf, Aad Insist -jjCBjgV THIS npon iHBalBsiX Exact '"""(HaH11"'1- a.wu OU t 1"3. : ; . ' jfiiVitoraev ior the Admiuis&raler.