The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 22, 1887, Image 3

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the gmiwat.
Kntnrad a tht Post Ottoe at Albany, Or
m MOond-oUuM mall matter.
rRIDArZZ JULY 22 1887
arrm A
K4lter e4
vmmmr. nvmnu, teeai mtr.
A MAN Alton' fOWN.
The Man About Town observes that Al
bany now baa ten church buildings and
eleven pastor of churches. In the matter
of religious denominations this city can not
be outdone in Oregon for its else Here
they are : Methodist, M E South. Evan
gelical, Christian, Baptist, Episcopalian,
Congregational, Presbyterian, United Pres
byterian, German Evangelical and Catholic.
The men who have charge of the Woolen
Mill enterprise say "it is bound to go."
The impressions of youth are the ones
that stick. Their cohesive power is im
mense. Habits formed are rarely changed.
Old men are but boys grown. These are
facts worth contemplating by young people
who have an ambition to become influential
men and women. It is a mistaken idea that
one can sow wild oats at will and reap
wheat at fifty bushels per acre and a dollar
a bushel. It cannot be done either practic
ally or theoretically, and several Albany
young men should digest the fact.
Drinking shop and tippling house are
evidently synonimous according to the or
di nance on our first page.
Last Saturday the Man About Town
made a flying trip down the O. & C. R. R.
about sixty mil. Pine wheat fields all
along. Some wheat cut and bound. Ex
Governor Chad wick on board going down.
An astute observer. Also Mr Boy n ton the
saw man, of New York. Great talker and
friend of the Salvationists, Watched them,
Human nature crops out on board cars.
News boys queer institutions. Importunate.
Ten cents worth of fruit for a quarter. Now
they pav the R. R. Co. so much for privil
eges. Formely worked for news company
in Portland. A Salem gentleman remark
ed that men of that city do not pull togeth
er Local jealousies.' Hinders progress.
Salem will generally be backward. Albanv
men work together!
There U this about the Salvationists :
They thrive on persecution. Tin horns, tor
pedoes and guttera! amen give them big au
diences. They are never put down by
hoodlumism. It U this kind of persecution
that spreads them out all over the U. S. It
serves at a free advertisement. If left en
tirely alone as a curiosity their sidehows
could never keep them up.' It is about time
the whole crowd, Salvationists, and big and
little tin horn hoodlums became ashamed of
themselves. As a combination it is certain
ly a nuisance.
titau MmI raad.
The State Board of School Land Com
missioners has made a distribution among
the several counties of this state of the in
terest which has accumulated during the
last year from the loan of the irreducible
school fund of the state. The amount dis
tributed is over $87,400, being one dollar
for every person of school age in the state.
The highest ever distributed heretofore was
ninetv cents to the pupil, which makes a good
showing for a democratic board. We trust
the democratic state officials will make sim
ilar favorable showing in all other depart
ment of the sUte. Of this $87,400 Linn
county will got $5706, and, as this fund is
distributed pro rata and not like the count v
fund by first giving each district $50, each
district will receive one dollar for each per
son of school age in the district. The total
amount of the irreducible school fund is
about $1,200,000, and is being increased at
the rate of $15,000 to $20,000 per month
from the sale of school lands.
Dr. Tyler died in this city last Sabbath
evening, at the age of 72 years, after an ill
ness of some time. Several weeks age the
Doctor was taken to the insane asylum at
Salem ; but improving, was brought home
a week or two after.
Mr. Maxfield, of Kings Valley, Benton
county, father of Mrs. R. McConnei;,of Al
bany, died at his home near that place last
Sabbath evening after a short illness. Satur
day he worked all aay in the hay field. He
was a man of sterling qualities and leaves a
large number of friends as well at relatives
te mourn his death.
Uan County Coal.
We have coal in Linn county. A few
days ago Mr. C. G. Burkhart brought from
Ids claim about eight miles beyond Lebanon
several specimens of coal, which, though
imperfect, indicate that there in a mine of
wealth in the foot hills. The coal is con
siderably like the Seattle coal, perhaps hard
er and much resembling in spots the Penn
sylvania anthracite. Capital might make
coal mining an important industry in Linn
county. A fine market could easily be ob
tained by the extension of the Lebanon
branch into the coal regions. Will capital
please come forward and investigate mat
ters. Company T.
The members of Company F., O N G
held their first drill in this city, over Pipes
butcher shop last Tuesday evening. The
following subordinate officers acted on this
occasion, and have been duly detailed to fill
the positions mentioned until permanent of
ficers shall be appointed : 1st Sargeant,
Geo E Chamberlain ; 2nd Sargeant, T 1
Overman ; 3rd Sargeant, M O Brink ; 4th
Sargeant, Geo U Piper ; 5th Sargeant, Jas
F Hall ; Corporals, R B Vunk, F M French
W E Oillet and Thos Wallace.
Fine Squash.
Mrs. I. M. Hassler, of the Forks of the
Santiam, has the thanks of this office for a
very fine squash which she has saved over
in a perfect state of preservation from last
year's crop. During the cold days of win
ter she had it covered up with quilts near a
stove flue up stairs, and it is now in sound
condition. She has about a half dozen yet
on hand. This shows what care and pains
will do In preserving the fruits of labor.
Notice to Thresher.
We have been asked by a number of
those who will run threshers this season to
extend a request to all the threshers in the
county to keep an accurate account of the
number of acres, and amount of each kind
of grain threshed, so that when harvest is
over the threshers may get together and as
certain how much per acre has been the
Co amendable Charity.
The citizens of Brownsville with a broad
spirit of generosity last week raised the sum
of about $56 and donated it to Mrs. Shanks
who had the misfortune to lose her son by
drowning in the Calapooia Creek. It is not
difficult to reach the hearts and pockets of
the people of Brownsville when circum
stances demand it.
Goo 1 feuou g lumbar for ssle on eaty terms
Inquire of
Mokteith Sc SsrrN sacra.
Dr. Wad-el-Ward, a native of Jerusalem,
of the tribe of Levi, who has been delight
ing and instructing large audiences in Port
land recently, will lecture in costume at the
Ottera House In this city Friday evening,
July 22nd, Saturday evening, July 23rd,and
Monday evening, July 25m. All wno ha v
heard this distinguished gentleman pro
nounce his lectures among the finest de
livered, and as a result he has ciowded
houses, lie should be given a big reception
In Albany. Following wilt be his lectures.
Friday evening "A Donkey Ride from
Dan to Beersheba." Comicalities and Real
ites of oriental life. He will take um into
the fields, streets, tents, houses, etc. Will
show you the people how they look, dress,
work, cook, eat travel, entertain company,
etc, Assisted by his wife, he will Illustrate
the music of the Orient by singing In vari
ous languages.
Saturday evening A Pilgrimage in Dis
guise to Mecca with the Mohammedans."
The "Do-sch," or treading of the faithful
bv prancing horses. Cross the desert. The
Bcduoins. The sacred canopy. The mys
terious black stone. The howling and
whirling Dervishes. Must get married. A
female candidate. What Is it 1 Married
and divorced in ten minutes. The moun
tain of blessing. A sheep for a scratch.
Running the gauntlet. Trip to Medina.
The burial place of Abraham, Issac and
Monday evening "One Hundred Min
utes with the People of Jerusalem." (With
tableau illustrations by twenty people in
costume. 1 Mohammedans at prayer Bar
gaining for a bride. The betrothal. A
Jewish wedding. Wedding procession and
feast. The divorce. Feast of the pnssover .
Redeeming the Nasarite. A market scene.
Grand tableau of Queen Esther.
Dr. Wad-el-Ward Is a graduate of Oxford
University, England,and Leipsic University,
Germany, and had the degree of LL. D.
conferred bv Harvard University. He con
ducted Dr. Thompson, author oi Land and
Book," Philip Schaff, compiler of the "Re
ligious Encyclopedia," General Grant and
party, and other notables in their journeys
through the East He has lectured in Spur
gcon's Tabernacle, London, and all the
large cities in England , Ta image's Taber
nacle, Brooklvn ; Plymouth Church, Trin
ity Church, Boston ;" SO nights in Boston ;
12O in Philadelphia ; 33 in San Francisco.
Ticket for sate at tangdon's. Course
tickets, $1 ; single admission, $Qc ; chil
dren under I J, single admission, 25c.
MeDealel Agmis Amsttesl.
After the discharge of W. R. McDaniel
in this city last week he was again arrested
on the charge of embezzlement and taken
to Salem on Friday. The Siatctmm of that
city thus pointedly gives the principal points
in the matter :
McDaniel is charged with embezzling
from the money order funds of the post
office at Harrisburg the s im of $1126 re
ceived by him in the postotfice. It Is the
duty of the different postmasters of Oregon
to daily remit to Portland a statement of
the amounts received on money orders, and
the balance, if any, over moneys paid out.
Some time last year Mc Daniel's remittances
began to come very irregularly, and finally
not at all. Inspector Mason went up to
Harrisburg in December last for the purpose
of investigating the matter. He found that
McDaniel was embezzler for over $4400.
Mr. Mason demanded the money, and after
some trouble succeeded in getting it.
In March it was discovered that McDan
iel was again behind in his accounts a little
over $1126. Shortlv afterwards he was re
moved from his position, but for some rea
son formal charges were not at that time
preferred against him. Several days since
McDaniel was arrested at Ashland, charged
with being an absconding debtor. He was
brought back to Harrisburg, and was ac
quitted of the charge. On the 1 3th Inst. U.
S. District Attorney McArthur filed Infor
mation against him for embeasling the
$1126 mentiened.and McDaniel was arrest
ed on this charge. He was examined be
fore Commissioner Walton yesterday morn
ing, and was bound oyer in $icoo bonds to
await the action of the U.S. grand jury at
Portland In October. Inspector Mason 'and
Postmaster Davis, of Harrisburg, testified
against him.
Following were the recorded sales
Linn county during the past week :
W fj Westlake to J D Parsons, lots 1,
2, 3, 4, block 50, Albany $ 3000
J D Parsons to W C Wcstlake, 12O
acres, tp 12 S R 2 w
L V Lonsway to Omar Hendricson,
S half lots 7 and 8, block 30 Al
bany 3.100
W L Carter to Rachel J Smead, lot
4, block 14, E A., Albany 1675
F Kendall by Sheriff Smith to Hugh
Rogers, 12O acres tp 13, S R 3
w Si
E Saltmarsh to John Leedy and
Jacob Sandrier, one ncrt in Wa
terloo...., 300
Martin Miller U, Edwin Coins, 2 loU,
block 117, IPs A., Albany 64O
U S to John A Smith, 315.3s acres
tp 13, ft R 3 w patent
Angeline Devine to J D McDaniel,
9 acres in tp 13 S K 1 w
C Hardman to Olney Fry, one lot irt
Via Oregon Sc California R. R. from At
bany to Lebanon and return. Sundav, July
24th, 1887. Leave Albany 7:30 a. m Leb
anon 5 p. m. Round trip ticket for adults.
75 cents ; round trip tickets for children,
4O cents.
E. P. K'li-KR'.,
G. F. & P. Agent.
New To-day.
We are showing a beautiful line of lace
curtains, in pairs, and by the yard, plain and
printed scrim, in designs entirely new to
this market and invite those desiring goods
in these or other lines to give us a call
N H. Allen ft Co., have in stock a splen
did line of corsets. Consisting of the justly
celebrated C. P's, Dr Warner's, Df Lee's 8.
K't, the Albany Standard, our spinal brand,
also the ErerUstiuit, Self Adjusting, Nettie
an 1 many other n.akes. I.idies are especial
ly invitad to call had inspect them.
Por Sale.
A No. 1 Chicago Pitts thresher, 1 2 horse
power, for sale cheap. For particulars in
quire at this office.
(ireat Millinery Hale.
Ou and after this date we wili noil all our
spring ar.d summer millinery at cost as we
positively will not c irry any stock from one
season to another.
Jane 20th, 1S87.
Shane St Loksway.
will find our stock of carpets, oil
matting and window blinds full and
tive, all that is new in patterns and
can be found in our assortment, to see is to
Monteith & Seitexbach
Letter Wst
Following is tbe list of letters remaining In the Pest
Ofllee, Albany, Una county, Oregon, July 21st, 1837 .
Persons calling- for these letter must giro the date on
which they were sdrerlised :
Andersen, P K Adams, Godfrey
Headerson, Geo Hsninger, J B
Hardin, lien Masters, T B
Mounts. IM Melville, Miss Sadie
Nichels, H Phlpps, Win
Itight, Mrs Ells Roberts. Mrs M A
Hodgcrs, E P Riee. R P
tets, Fred Blreightoff, Edward
oedbury, 1) M
Ralls have been laid on the (). P. about
four miles beyond Albany.
SS Train returned from Southern Oregon
last Wednesday. Mrs Train, who has been
quite ill, we are glad to know is improving.
n . 8. and I. Froman, with their families,
returned from the mountains Wednesday.
Several companies of soldiers recently
left Vancouver for a trip into the Cascade
mountains. They were to be here yester
day. From here they will go to near Camp
Polk and return to the valley by way of the
McKenzie route.
The contract for building the W. C. T. U.
and G. A. R. Hall on Ferry Street was let
last Wednesday to Mr R B Vunk, who be
gins work at once. The building will be
two stories high and 30x65 feet.
Mr George Simpson has leased the Mom
teith warehouse for the coming season.
A warehouse with i,co,ox 3 bushels of
wheat was burned near Minneapolis Tues
day night. Warehouses will burn, Linn
county farmers should call on II K Merrill
in this city, and get their wheat Insured as
soon as stored.
Mr Cole, of the defunct Oorvallis Ckrvni--,
is clerking in a store in 8pokane Falls.
His forte Is not running a newspaper.
Doesn't open his eyes often enough.
A man advanced $1500 on a piece of
property near Los Angeles, and then ascer
tained that his grantors were confidence
men and he had been swindled.
Dr. Anderson, em-president of the Mc
Minnvillc College, has been lying danger
ously ill at Oregon City. Softening of the
brain was feared.
Henrv Warner, of Roseburg, has just re
ceived $200o.i0 back pension, and an al
lowance of $16 per month. He was wound
ed at Gettysburg.
Last Saturday morning Mattie Allen, of
Sacramento, Cal., killed her lover by shoot
ing him and then took poison.
The heat through the East has beoi en
ormous. At Chicago it was on Sunday tOa
in the shade. 45 received sun strokes in
one day. it should be remembered that i00w
there Is equal to over 1 10 here.
Harvest hands are scarce in the liloue
$1.50 a day U paid for harvest hand in
Linn county.
Mary's Peak was illuminated recently at
night, the light being plainly seen In Cor
vallU. lOO pounds of Greek fire on this
peak would make a display worth seeing In
the Valley. An idea is suggested for tSSS.
Besides being arrested twice Mr McDan
iel, of Harrisburg, had the following suits
brought against lilm last Saturday : Snell, Sc Woodard, $6ci -44 on promissory
notes. I K Dawson, of the Merchants' Pro
tective Union, to recover in behalf of the
following : Esberg, Bach man A' Co., $140.18 ;
Lang & Co., $164.85 ; Burnhelm Man
ner. $149 72 ; Alisky, Baum St Co., $44.55;
J K Gill St Co., $23.28 ; Corbet t St Macleay,
$13.50 ; total, $553.58. W J Van Schuv
vcr& Co. to recover $157.89 for goods sold
and delivered.
It lias just been learned titat but Novem
ber Bishop Seglter, a Catholic missionary
in Alaska, was murdered by his companion,
Frank Fuller, formerly ot Portland.
Last Monday a Chinese den was raided at
Siskiyou Mountain by a Deputy Sheriff.
Several shots were exchanged, and some
blood spilt.
Congressman Herman has been to Lake
view, trie first Congressman ever to visit
that place.
Contractor Bennett signed the grading
contract with the Oregon Pacific last Sat
urday, and will immediately send several
hundred N. P. railroad men to the seat of
Several Salem gentlemen left for Mt
Jefferson a few days ago. On Aug. 1 51I1
at 1 1 0 p. m. they will burn 5O pounds of
red fire.
Wale IVstteotiary.
The expense of the State Penitentiary
for the quarter ending June 30th, 1887, weie
$12,389.02. Receipts, $6.0364 S. The pris
oners are now em ployed as folio s :
Contractors 170
Brickyers 39
Shoemakers and tailors. $
Hospital steward I
Cooks and waiters 19
Bakery 3
Boiler' house and wood sawyers to
Carpenter shop ... 1
Blacksmith and tin shop I
Laundry and soapmaking 9
Farming and gardening 10
Teamster and care of stock 6
Aged, deceased, decrepit, etc 10
Total 75
Port lead Bsslaeee Collage.
Special attention is called to tlie adver
tisement of the Portland Business College
which appears in another column. This
school has been in successful operation for
more than twenty years and is favorably
known in all sections of the Pacific North
west. The school now employs six teach
ers and liar in operation a shorthand and
type-writing department, and a common
school department in addition to the Busi
ness College. The Democrat takes pleas
ure In recommending the school to the
favorable consideration of its readers. Those
feeling the need of a practical education
houid send for a copy of the catalogue,
from which full particulars concerning the
school can be learned.
The Rev I esse Taylor will hold divine
service in St Peter's fcpiscopal Church next
Hunday, July 24th, morning and evening
All are Invited to attend. 1 fiere will also
be service in the church next Friday even
ing, July 22nd.
Three Hlster.'
On account of low water, the steamer
"Three Sisters" will be substituted for the
steamer "N. 8. Uentley" on and after Wed
nesday, July 20th and will make regular
trips between Portland and Albany only
upon the following schedule 1
Leave Albany, Monday, 1 p. m,
Leave Albany, Thursday, t p. in.
Leave Portland, Wednesday, 7 a. m.
Leave Portland, Saturday, 7" a. m.
Arrive Albany, Thursday, 13 noon.
Arrive Albany, Saturday, 12 noon.
C. C. Hoot'E,
Actg. G. F St P. A.
e '
Great Kale of Resort Property.
The Seal Rock resort property situated
on South Beach 10 miles from Yaquina
Bay is now on the market for sale. For
particulars call on Curran Sc Monteith,
Agents, Albanv, Oregon, at whose office
can he foun ,1 maps and views of this splen
did property . A chance to secure a lot and
elegant cottage at this famous seaside re
sort for $50.
Curran & Montbith,
Agents, Albany, Or.
Our Spring stock of dress goods, faaey
goods, boots aid shoes, etc , haye arrived
and we are now showing the most complete
and attractive stock ot goods ever brought to
Albany. A visit to our store will convince
all that we are in the lead.
MoirrzrrH & SsiraKaAcu.
Albany Market.
Wheat 7a per bu. New crop 80c,
GatiswS " '
Batter -20 ote per lb.
Kenn 22 cents per doz .
Hay -10,00.
Potatoes 120 eta per
Beef on foot, 2';'$ 3-.
Apples 100 cents per bu,
Pork 6Xe par lb.
Bacons hams, 12.
shoulders, 7e.
sides lOe.
Lard loa per lb.
Flour,-5.00 per bbl.
Chickens 2 50 per dot.
Sugar San Franclae 0, Sc.
Dry granulAted-7 c,
Mill Food bran, ls.00 per toe.
shorts. 19.
middlings, 21.
Chops, 22.
egagagHB".,,.jj,l.tiui ,jii,jL.ium
F M Krdholi, jeweler,
Hay, timothy, 8 to $1() ; obeat, $8 to 8.
Tha best harness at K L Thompson's .
Spring I tack needles at Will Brothers.
Lebanon proposes to have a military oem -pany.
Corvatlls has a juyenile baud, W St. Clair,
Is your wheat insured ? If not call at If F
J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al
bany, Or.
Carpenters are reported very searoe in
The Jones' barber shop is one ef the Basel
in the Valley,
Wheat insursnoe at lowest r.tei, at II F
Merrill's, Albany, Or.
Expresssge on frait from Southern Oregou
is 81.69 per hundred pounds.
Farmers, insure your grain at Merrill's
Agency, call and get his rate,
Before yen insure yoor wheat get rates
from H F Merrill, Albany, Or.
Six shaves for a dollar and a oh an towel to
every customer, at Thos. Jones.
On enr first page will be found the new
Ileum license ordinance. Head it
Prof V Oarrigns, the tnaaof ourious ideas,
of Indepeadeuce, died last Firday.
Jacob Sharp was sentenced to four years
in the penitentiary. Dear bribery.
7 0ks euros rheumatism, neuralgU and
toothache. Foshay ft Mason, Agents.
It is asserted that gold has been discovered
on the bar in the Sentient at Waterloo.
Bsaora honed, set and pat in order at
Jones' Shaviug and Hair Dressing Parlor.
F M French, agent Singer Manufacturing
Co., opposite Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Or.
Tbe men who lyneh are generally the low
eat in society, often ne better than the lyneh.
Team for Sale A span of large work,
bores. For particulars oajl at Deyoe ft Hob-
K-Indian Agent F M Wadsworth kas
Mrekased a half interest in the Vaonma
Threshing tbe first ef
next week
at Al
wtu so the first to store their wheat
Dr. M. H. Kills, phystgtaa and surgeon
All any, Oregon. Calls made in oity or
Rev J A Hausakar.of MeMiaaville preach
ed is tbe llaptitt Church ta this city last
Four students ran a war from
school a few days ago. Three of
the Indian
them were
Sheriff Smith lost a horse. Through toe
medium of the DaMucRAr be was enabled to
had it.
All styles of boot and shoes and a large
stock of groceries is what we carry, lied field
A BrowaelL
Wallace A Thompson, the grocers, will
have quarters in the new FHno Block on its
Mr B Montagae'a new residence at Ui.
aoon is prooouooed one of the finest places to
Una ooonty.
..RJriIO,IrVi wi!I preach in tbs Oak
( reek baptist Church nest siabbath aftensOSsl
at 4 o'clock.
C W Watts, job printer of this etty baa
been running five er sis hands 00 account ef
a rush of work.
Those who eosM from tbe Bay pronounce
the weather very cold ; bat that is what the
Hay country IS for.
Carpenters and painters, brick masons amd
stooe masons, plasterer and la) hers, ta Al
bany are busy oow.
1 working faros of a thousand men will
soon begin operations 00 tbe Oregon Pacific
beyond the fteotiam
We take the oa the customers take tht
Prof. Baser, a efficient "writing master, "
ha opened a school at the College with a
alaas of about twenty.
la the foot race at Astoria Monday be
iTSf? rU Grant and K.I lUa, 300 yards for
IHfOO, a tie was tbe result.
jFahroey'a Celebrated Bioud Cleanser for
sale at 4 RobWs and Bead ft Brown
ell's, P J Baltimore, agent.
Kvery customer will be a walking adver
tiseu.eut for our bargains when they see oar
.i4ci:.. ivrunew M llrowiitil.
One of N II Alien a Co'a nrtae tieketa
for If on a dollars worth of stoods imrchaaetl
at the uew Hecmd 11 .nd store.
Prominent mea of the United .State are
now engaged ta announcing that they are not
candidates fcr the Preaideaey.
Wad -el Ward te-aiarht. Fri,ll Halt
day sight and Monday uight. at the Ouera
House. Krervbodv should
' m
L O reen ban m hu Isseu eolIiosT div e-ooda
at auction. We understand he wi.l con
ttnne to run the drug department.
svepse C Bochatadier. ml thi eitw sssisaiv!
the contract last Saturday for furuiehiiur th.
sash, doors, etc., for the O P ronad boose.
W K liptOsY and J M' lateen, of $tWr
hat leased fovtrat warehouses on the Nar
row Oange and also tbe Auateyille flour mill.
Wood working machinerv. shaftin?. mil.
lings, lilting i d eto.. at half imc. luuuira
t C. U Uruah, foot of Lyou Strast, Albany,
wr. iarver wno was tu Albanv last v.r
4 a ....
laat I usday at Trenton. N. J., broke 1000
glass halls in 41 J minutes, missing only 24
A F Miller was in Albany Monday collect
ing cereals, giassew, ate,, for the coming State
tair. .1.100 county fttrnisned essse good speci
Dr. Mwtouwitl be to oscuov hi
new office opposite the Drmockat office in a
few days. Tbe location is one of the best in
the city.
If the worth of the O. P.. the "Peonlea
Bowl," to I.inn county alons eoold be mvsn
in round figures it would take at least seven
to de it.
The Boys Band of Salem attempted to give
an excursion te Albany last Saturday, but
the "Bentley" ttuos on a bar this side ef In
Another shipment oi ladies tins shoes in all
wislt is and sizes just in this week. Custom
ers remark what perfect beauties. Red field
Sc Browne!!.
A recent local census of MoMiaaville
shews its population to be 1800, making it
the largest city south ef Portland en the
West Side
Last Tuesday IInry Clark purobased of
Mr Shupp 40 acres of land near this eity,
paying 9 1500 for it. He will use it in the
brick business.
Milton is. s prohibition town. An effort
was recently made to start a saloon there
1 j. ,
ous wm ueieaisa, as tne remonstrance was
larger than the petition .
ti a 1 . .. . . ...
xx Durnnarc, me pnster, believes in
doing things by the wholesale, recently he
ordered from an Eastern firm two tens of pa
per to be used in his business.
The Agricultural College building at Cor
vallis was recently set on fire : but the fire
was discovered and extinguished. There is
some bad blood in that e ity .
Wallace & ihompson, of this city, have
made arrangements to manufacture baking
powder, and have secured the services of an
experienced man in the business.
Thursday afternoon nf lf. t, t;i
ot Deyoe Robson agt Po Lee came off be
fore George Humphrey, Esq. It was for $10
for tools and the plaintiff wen.
tie W Barnes ts writing a history of
Crook county ; which is being published in
the Prineville A etc. Barnes has been there
from way back and kuows all about it.
Last Sunday a mn hired a rig at Sehmeer's
livery stable, mashed things quite generally,
and came very near being jugged for his con
duct, at one time being surrounded by offi
Tommy Jones has rslitted bis barber shop
in one siyia mailing it a nandsoms shop. Tie
has secured the services of a iirst-class bar
ber and is doing as good work as is done in
Oregon .
Dr. E. Beckwith, recently of Knoxvillo,
Ten n., a homeopathic physisiaa ef experi
ence, will be in Albany the And ef neat wtsk,
for the purpose of locating here ptrmensttly
for tho practice of his profsssion. The Doctor
is highly rscemuaeo
Should you desirs to sell yoor property
call en Burkhart & Kesney as thsy advertise
property placed ia theit hands, sud charge
nothing unless they effect a sals.
Charles Doughsrty now carries his left isg
ina sling. Saturday, while riding on a load
of lumber he fsll off in saoh a way as to
wrsaoh his leg, spraining his snk's in a had
Ths sxenrsion given by Compauy C. of
Kugsns to Multnomah falls, en last Satur
day, was an immense affair. Did tickets were
sold at Eugene, and a large number along
the road.
Not a blackberry has been sees in the Al
bany market. For the benefit of those anx
ions to secure tome it may be stated that
large quantities have beeu seea ou the bushes
sroand Fish Lsks.
Whso the regon Pacific reaches Rasters
Oregon all of tbs immense wool elip of Crook
and other counties will ooms to tbeVslley.
The evsnt will add several cents to the yslue
of wool at Prineville.
Thos. Wssbburn, who lived near Harris
burg, was found dead in his bed Tuesday
morning, having died suddenly tbe evening
previous, whils slooe in his house. He was
unmarried and bached.
Jos Albert, of Sslem, wss arrested Satur
day for blowing a dues oall daring a speech
by s street patent madioiee tourist, asd
Monday was Mned 11.00. Albsny boys
might wsll take warning.
Ths first of tbs week J H Mulisn pur
obaaod ot Mr John Oeisendorfer sit lots in
front of the College, en elusive of tbe home
j property, paying 1 650 for ths same. T hey
will make good lots for residences.
Capt. Tassalo, ef ths Salvation Army, has
taken off hu red hst and vast, donned s pair
ef overalls, bought a paint brash aad goue
to work . Good for Capt Vassalo 1 and new
bo has a big field for saving eonls.
Mrs Writsmsn, of Benton county, mother
ef J 0 Writsaiah, of Albany, fell from ths
steps leading to her home s few days sgo,
breaking one of her arms. Mr '.Vritsmsn re
turned Monday from a visit to bar.
Messrs Foshsy St Mason, druggist, are
selling Wisdom s Rohertine wholesale aad
retail, aad giving beautiful picture sards with
svery hottls. Positively ths most pai feet and
harmless article of ths kind in the market.
Last Tuesday a son of Wm Albert, re id
ing near this oity wss running a binder, when
tbe team ran swsy, masking tbe binder into
s cheap affair ; but doing uo personal injury.
The accident was tbe means ef the ssls of
another binder.
Ths Oregon Paciic round ho nee at this
city will take about 000. CO brick. Both tbs
depot and machine shops to he hat't here will
a . a a s sv mm. A fea . a a m.m
Lr 01 ones . ina rormer win prooaoiy be the
best structure of ths kind is Oregon. Me
time is yet Used for beginning work on them.
lint preoaniy n it apnng.
-rt . .j.... - - as. . j a.,
1 ii" nuns isiursuus ha, wi oaiem, tbe
Northwest Fire and Marine Insurance and
ths Columbia Kite and Marine insurance Co.
of Portland bays joined the Pacific laaurano
Union, making svery company that doss
business here s compact company .
Tbe K. of P. ef Albany are eootemplatisg
holding s picuiu at this oity this summer.
The one given by them in I Wl wss one of
the most enocesesl ptanios ever bold ia ths
Valley. It was thee that en Albany editor
became famous as Bologna P -.
Tbe O P round bouse at this oity is being
pushed with alacrity. Fear brtok masons
aad several assistants are del eg the work
The struetuie will be 21t fast long on she
sooth side, following the circle. 37 feet to
aach stall, sud 23 test high. It will take about
000,000 brick to k on truotieo. A good job
1 being done .
T Mr i v It ve erstes of paathea srrivsd ia Al
bany M edoeeday morning iron Ashland and
Medford, sod sold for $1 AO a crate. They
reached here to epleodid shape. Some wr
from tbe orcb-wd of L Martin, of Ashland.
Use time is approaching when- Oregon oau
furatsb bar own fruits without tbs sssu
of Caltfoeaia.
A letter from Miss Mary Chesdle, of Sao
Kranoisos, ordering the DauocaA r, informs
us that she has been trsveiiog in Southern
Califswnia with bar brother, Ernest, who bas
permtneoily located at Los Angelas. Miss
Mary ia still single acvl has a sty glance to
wards asarriagoabls webfootsrs. 800 is wall
sad happy sad saads her regards to all her
C H Spsaeor. of Albany , who arrived here
00 tbs 6tS, received a telegram on the 9th
that his only child was laying st tbs point of
death iu her home in Albany. Chen y as
chartered a steamer at Newport and
to this city, where he chartered a lose-
motive and esbooss for $75, which took htm
homo la short order. We were pleased to
learn that bis little daughter was mneh bat
ter when be arrived at borne. Ysqaiaa Pot.
PSJtrtONAL. AMU SOt'l a.!..
Bene Martin, son of L Msrtie, of Ashland,
ia ths oity.
Mrs. Clara Strange, of Sslcia. has been ia
tbs city visiting friends.
Mr and Mrs T A Sheas, have been st the
Bay catching sea brasses.
Pestmsatar Morris aad Pots Smith jt Scio,
were in the eity Tuesday.
J W Braaisld, of Ysnutna Bay. was ia A!
bany Tuesday on real estate business.
Mrs Virgil I'srksr accompanied her mother.
Mrs Alien Parker to Y equina Bay Monday.
tlao J K Weather ford returned ths first
of the work from m business trip to Astoria.
Mrs Ella Baegg, of MuMmnviile, nasbasst
visiting ia the city the guest of Dr K C Hill.
Miss Flora and Vests Mason, of this city
have bees iu Salem tbe guests of Mist Jessie
North rup.
Johnny Hail aad Percy Young ran their
bicycles to Salem on Thursday of last week,
returning en Friday.
Mr A D Barker, of this eity returned frsm
t'ortlasd Saturday night, having been there
several days on A O U W business.
Miss Anuis Honek, of this city is spend
ing a few days at Wood born in oompsay
with her sister, Mrs Dr Irvine, of Salem.
W K Cannon and wife aad S G Dorris,
wife and baby rsturosd Saturday from a trio
to the mountains with a good Sshing record.
goett Ward, ef Plsinylow, accompantsd bv
bis family and several of his friends, left for
a summer trip to ths mountains last Monday
Mr Ch a H umbel, aa expert barber, ar
rived in Albany Saturday aad is assisting
Thos Jones at his shaving and hair cutting
Mr J N Duncan arrived ia Atbanv last
Sabbath from Prineville. His wife and child
have been in soother part ef ths county visit
ing friends.
Jss Klkios and family left Albany Wed
nesday for tbs Bsavsr Creek country, going
by way of the W V O w K. Thoy will
remain there until fall,
A most enjoyable iswn social wss given
by the ladies of ths M. E. Church, st the
Krsonage ef their worthy pastor, Rnv Webb,
t Wednesday svsning.
Rov 8 O It vine arrived homo Tuesdsy
from aa extended trip through the Fox Val
ley country, where he preached aad lectured
two or three tunes on the temperance ques
Mr Lonntr Ralston, of Arlington, E. 0.,
pent several dsys in ths city last week
saving tor noma en Saturday morning
Lonoer now has ths management of three
thousand acres of land, five hundred head of
cattle aad two hundred fifty horses.
Ixmis iereck left on Saturday fort Phils
delpkia, accompanied by bis wifs and child
ren. Tie expects to be gone a year. Mr.
Thos. Jones, who succeeds him in the barber
business, is a brst-olass manipulator of tho
razor sod shears, alo has secured the services
of an expert assistant.
Last Monday Mr Mitchell land agsnt for
ths W V & C W ft Co. accompanied by Mr
Arnold, a sen of Allen Lewis, of Portland, snd
two boys, left Albany for Harney Valley, to
be gone six wssks. Mr Mitchsll goat en busi
ness, Mr Lewis for health. A double team
belonging to John Schmeer conveyed the
party, which was well supplied with guns,
fishing tackle, and plenty oi eatables.
" ' ' 1
Flush the Sewirh. They are talking
shout flushing the sewers in San Francisco
all tbe time, and still it is only talk. In the
meantime, many asa carried off by the ma.
larious diseases who would be alive to-day if
tbs cleanliness of that city were properly at
tended to. Press's Hamburg Tsa is an ex
cellent medicine at aiPtimes, ss it fortifies
the hum in body against tho bad effects of the
gaseous poisons which, though invisible, are
iloattng m the air everywhere, potent t da-
P W Ryan i building a barn.
Albert Bryan is building an addition to
his house.
George W Luper lias rented A W Moses'
property In east Tangent.
J J Beard & Co. a few days ago had 11 cart
smash up which rest lliem anotit twelve
The Board of Directors of this district has
employed a good and efficient teacher to
take charge of and teach the Public School
at Tangent and pay him a good salary,
which necessitates the raising of a rate bill,
which causes some of the patrons of the
school to protest. Now, If we want good
teachers like the one employed hare we
must pay them good salaries. If we are
willing to take year by year the young and
poorly prepared teachers we cannot expect
to have our children educated properly.
es not f lic school teacher Instruct your
children for their whole life's work.
R E Moore & Co., of Albany sawed ijo
cords of wood in and around Tangent last
G W Luper and family !cft here last
Monday for Upper Soda 'Springs for a two
weeks sojourn at that place.
E L Br vim, C P Knighton, Geo Cochran
and M C Calloway have formed a Company
and bought one of the best steam threshing
outfits In the county and will start up next
M E Church South Conference com
mences at this place the 21st, with Bishop
Hargrove presiding. 25 or 30 preachers ex
pected to be In attendance.
11 M K.
Mrs. Gregory has gone to Spokane Kails
to spend the simmer in hope of benefitting
her health tliereby.
Mis Nellie iocke had the misfortune to
get both shafts of her cart broken by a run
away one day last week.
J. U. Henry returned from I'matilla the
first of last week with considerable sunburn
and a amlle on his face.
Russcl Wyatt started to the Springs last
John Porter the Eugene City acrobat was
in this vicinity last week.
Mr. McNary la at hi farm attending to
the harvesting of his grain.
The chief topic of conversation is harvest.
Everyone Is hurried and It is almost Impos
sible to And harvest hands.
Our school closed week Iwfore last and
tlte one In the district south last week. We
understand they had some Interesting com
mencement exercises.
Mr. and Miss Ward and Mrs. Jessie Wii
loughby went on Company CV excursion
last Saturday.
There was a slight sprinkle of rain this
morning, not enough to do any good,
Haying I almost done, and harvest has
This country has the best crop known
fov many years.
We had good seasonable rains, and the
dry season tuts not yet been felt.
9 ef
There Is an abundance of fruit of all
kinds, and the finest berries are a drug in
tlte market.
The earth here I stratified smoke, and
when it gets drv it lift and forms clouds.
Thi i a joke.
Washington Seminary closed the year
with a grand beom of ucccs,and the meet
ing of the Board and Conference was little
else than resolutions ot approval.
One hundred dollars was raised in ten
minutes to reseat the recitation rooms of
the Seminary. More ha been done since,
and next year will discover a patronage
shout double that of the last.
The M. K society here are building a fine
church in HuntsvlUo, and the fine brick
foundation is now laid, the money all raised
and the carpenters at work.
The teacher of this town and county
have been holding institute at Walla Walla
and Dayton. They noticed a more progres
slve spirit than 1 seen In many part of the
coat country.
Prof. Horner, of Roeeburg, formerly prin
cipal of this Seminary, has s new system of
book keeping for schools. This institution
will adopt it on sight Thus we show ap
proval. A bisse band is being formed in This
town. Prof Hawks went vesteniay to meet
a Portland gentleman in la ton, to find on
wtutt terms he can get instruments.
Prof. E. A Mllner, formerly Superinten
dent of Public Instruction for Benton Co.,
Or, evidently has a very fine school in
Idaho. We have the annual circulars of
the school, together with program of com
mencement exercises. It is at Haily.
The fanners are quite busy.
Fsll wheal will yield 30 bushels per acre
1 1 M. roer ha gone to tor vallis to
ive. We wish him success.
Dr. j. V. Gaff purchased one of those
$90 buggies of Turner St Nelson lst week
Tho. Wheeler, Esq., has returned to'
Sltedd. He has been gone about three years.
A. Blaker will undoubtedly have a big
run thi ear with his steam thresher. A
cook wagon will go along with the machine.
whtcn win oe a great hem.
The prohibition movement at the present
time is exceedingly dull. Manv sav thev
think it would he a help for the amendment
if St. John and Finch would come and help
wage the battle.
G II Watt principal of the Jacksonville
schools will get $1200 for his sen-ices next
John A. Crawford, Proprietor.
T X 7 ILL furnish sacks to farmers and
V V receive wheat at th usual rates of
storage. Th highest market
price paid for aaaa.
BEST Magnolia flour elwaya on hand,
for sale or exchange at roasoaals rates,
f rvrtrifiiiu
1 . ration since 1866, patronized Irons
1 "lit 't lite Nuriliwest, endorsed by
.... mt-.s uien and leading educators.
rt i:
Ji'S mi i!ie Cost, it flTers private or class
m-i mn .i, u.iy ami cvemne throughout the year. In
Ari'tifflstic, Writing, Correspondence, Book-keeping.
li.iiiklnK.north.iiid.Type-vnitine, Business and Legs'
Fonns mid ail Common School Branches. Students
ol ail Jici and both sexes admitted at any time
Catalogue ire
Armstrong and Wesco.
I tal contract with Messrs. Deyoe et
Kobiuson, of Albany, to fumis.Ii a larae
quantity of pure manila binding twine to
members at our order. All patrons oau
call at their place of business, and by tbe
metuoct adopted at our business council
secure the benefit of my contract. I have
also made arrangements with the same
firm to furnish a lot of Osborne steel
frame binders. Send in your orders as
soon as possible as harvest Is near.
Signed, - Mart Mills,
Financial Agent,
as m .1 m mi iiiimi ,i .ffrfT-wrsasTfltw
LANNING On July 13th, !&, in this
city, to the wife of Ctept. E. J. Lanning
a girl.
STELLM ACKER. On Julv i6th,iS87,in
Atbanv, to the wife of G. C. Stellmacker
a girl.
BRUSH. In Albanv, on the 17th day of
July, 1S87, to the wife of Mr, Charles
In the C'euay Court n f ih HM Oregon far
Unn County.
In tbe mstter of the eststs of f M Cooper,
To Rebecca Cooper, mother and S W
Cooper, Just Cooper, Samuel Cooper, Osorge
W Csoper, Idvoni A Purdom, Marths A
From, Gordon Cooper, Abbie Pennington.
Jane Bringbsm ar.d Manny Dnnnan, broths
and sisters, ssd next of kin snd heirs st law
ef sstd I M Cooper, dscssssd, aad ta
ethers known snd unknown, who havs
claim to hays say interest in ssH sstste.
In tbe name of tbe State of Oregon, you
are hereby cited to be snd sptoer io tbs
County Court for the Coaaty of Linn st tbs
Court House ia ths City of Albany in said
County and State, 00
Meatier tfhs Sih slay ef September, last,
st tbs hour sf oaa o'clock in tbe afternoon of
ssid dsy, the ssme being s dsy at the regular
September term of said Court, 187, aad
then and thsrs show cause if any es 1st why
an order of ssle snould net be made direct
ing and lisensingOeerge W Cooper. Executor
ef tbe last wili and testament of ) M Cooper,
dscsased, to sell sll tho right title aad ieter
eat ef the said I M Ceupsr at tbs time of his
death, both In law and in equity, of 10 and to
ths rssl property herein after deacribed, as
Prsyed for in tbs petition ef tbs said George
W Cooper, Kxecetor aa aforesaid, which said
petition is now on Hie, in the Cosnty Clerks
office of Linn county, Oregon ; wbiuii said
real property is described at follows, te-wit :
The N j of tbe N K of See. 36 ; tbe S of
the N K i of See. 'id ; tbs SB ef See. M ;
the S J, of the N W J of See. 26 ; tbs 8 W 1
of Sec. 26 ; sod ths N I of ths N W ' of
See. 13, ia Tp. 1 1 S K 3 west ; tie donation
land claim of Samuel Cooper, bdeg Not. Mo.
1191 and Claim No. 09 in Section 23, 29,
32 sod 33, in Tp. II 8 R 2 west, ceetaiuieg
320 seres, mors or loss, sad hem ia all 900
seres. Also Lots 3 snd 6 ia Bloh Ne. 2 ia
ths eastern addition to ths City of Albany,
Linn county, Oregon. The inters of ssid I
hi Cooper, dsessasd, at tbe time of his dsath
being sn undivided one-eleventh interest in
fee simple of in and to the hereinbefore des
cribed real property : Tbe portion of said
real aro party set apart to Uses ass Cooper as
the devisee of ssid I. M. Cooper, deceased,
being described as follows, to-wit s Begin -oing
at a stone 6xs 14 inches st tbe south
west corner of the laad sat apart to R. Y.
Cooper, snd running theses north 79 90
chain to e stone ; thence west l'i 50 chains
toa stone 6x1 1x14 iaebes ; t hence touth 79. s
ohaios to a stone 8x81 10 inches ; thence esat
12.30 cbsins to tbe piece of brginciag, con
taining 99 7 'MOO seres, save and except the
right sf way heretofore conveyed to the Al
bany aad Lebanon Railroad Company. All
inTp. 11 S R 3 west ia Unn county, Oregon.
Done by order of tbe Has. J. J. Whitney,
Js.lgeof said Court,
la testimony whereof, I, J. P. Gaibrailh.
Coanty Clerk of Lioa oeoosy. Oregon, aad
Clerk of the County Court have beronnto set
my hand affixed th seal of said Cuurt, st
aflesia Albsny, this Itibdsy of Jolv, A. D.,
J r-
Sheriffs Sale.
In th Circuit Camrt oj tht Male Oregon or
L Foley, for tbe use of A P Black turn, and
J W Cleaver for the off A P Black bom,
Ceorgs Fegle, Dsfcadant.
Notion is hereby gives that by virtue of an
execution tssasst oat of the above named
Court ia tbs above entitled actio. I have
levied upon tbs following described real oretv
erty sad seised as tbe property of sail Defen
dant, to-wit : Beginning at the northeast
of A J Richardson's dosmtioa land
claim, situated in Township 12, south range
2 west in Section 4 ; titeooe wast 80 rods ;
th to Res ben CtarpooTs do satis
t tbeaos seat to the aortheast oar-
of said etaim ; theooe south sa said claim
liae to the line of the north half of Us soath-
west qosrter of See. 4; theaoe east to tbe east
line a? the rest half of said quarter : theses
north to tbe piece of beginning, eontaiaing
SS seres more or leas. Also tbe following.
o tbs west Uaw of tbe donation
laad attaint of M B Ward aad Amelia K Ward
Notification No. 4000, about 80 yards soath
of tbs northeast osrasr of A J Richardson's
land claim. Not. No. 0031, Tp. IS S A 2 w ;
tbswoe sooth 32 reds ; thence la an easterly
course 50 rods ; thence north 32 rods ; thenos
northwesterly to tbs place ef begiaoit g, con
taining ou acres more or lass, aai en
aaterstay saw tTlh day ef Safest, 181,
at the boar ef oaa o'clock, p. m., at tbs Court
noose door in the oity of Albany, Lion ooon
ty, Oregon, I will sell said real property at
public auction for cash in band to the highest
b'dder. The proceeds of sals to be s aplied,
first to ths payment of tbs oast and disburse
tnentaof suit taxed at 823.06 sad tho costs
sad expenses of sale Second to tho pay
osaat to tbe said A P Blackburn tbs tarn of
835.90 mid ths further sum of $124.03, with
interest en sack of said aunts as the rata af
one per cent per mon to from tbe 13th day af
September, 1886.
Deted this 21st dsy ef July, 1887.
D. a Smith,
Sheriff s Sale.
In las Cirrn t Cottrt oth' Stat o Orejonjor
Linn Canary.
Hiram Smith, Plaintiff.
John F. Martin, Defendant.
Notice is hereby given that hv virturs at
aa execution sad order of sale iued out of
ths shove namd Court io the above entitled
setina, 1 will on
hetarttag the tlik ay r tut est. is:,
at the C jurt House door in the City of Al
bany, Lino oauaty, Oregou, at tha hour of
one a sleek, p. ta., sell st public section for
cash in hand to the higaest bidder tie real
property heretofore attached in said action
described ss follows, to-wit : All of the
right title and interest af the ssid defendant
on er after the th day of May, 188, , in and
te lot 10 in blaek 1 in McCulley's addition
to ths oity of Harrisburg, in Linn eoactv,
Oregon. Also lots 9 and 10 in block 4 in said
sddition to ssid city of Hsrrisbnrg. Also
lots 9, 10 and 11 ia Section 16, Township 15,
S. R. 4 w of the Willamette meridian i s Lion
county, Or. .containing 67 96-100 acres, inchd
ing a franchise for a feiry. The proceec s ant
ing from the sate thereof to be applied timt to
the payment of the easts snd disbursements
of suit tsxed at 830. 90, sud the costs and ex
penses of sale, oscond to tbe payment to
the Plaintiff hereiu the sum of $823 with in
terest at the rate of 12 per o-nt per annum
from the 2Sih dv of June, 18S7
Dated July 2Ut. 1887.
D. S. t-Mirit,
Sheriff's Sale.
a tht- Count Court of the Co unf it of Linn
for th State of Oregon :
Elijah Saltmarsh, Plain' iff.
8 I Cager sad M J ager, D. f indents.
Notics is hereby given that I y viitus of a
writ of execution and order of sal 1 iud out
of ths above named Court iu ths almv t er.
titled action, I will ou
Sa tarda the ttth slay ar Aaei, 148;,
at ths Court Houss door is the Ciy f Al
bany, Linn county, Oregon, st the hour of
one o'clock, p. m., sell st public auotisn for
cash in hand to tbe highest bidder tho rssl
property heretofore attached ia said order ef
sals described as follows, to-wit : Ths frac
tional Hvsr lot in ths southwest ansrtnr of
Sec. 28 ia Tp. 12 South of Range 1 went ef
the Willamette meridian in Ltan county,
Oregon, 'the ssme being all ths land ying
west of the Sanitate River and east stf ths
east line of the donation land claim ef imsr
Roes, Notification No. '2519, Claim No. $3 in
said Tswaship, containing 2 acres, more or
less. The proceeds arising from said ssls to
bs applied, first to ths payment of ths scats
and disbursmsnts of suit taxed at $31 2; i and
ths costs and expenses of ssle, and 111! At
torney fees. Second to the payment t the
said Plaintiff the sum of $125 . 88 aud interest
at one per cent per month from the 4th dsy
of June, 1883, less the sum of $70,
Dated July 21st, 1887.
Fire and Marine
No. 5, Washington St.. Portland, Or.
aKKaaarrras yon ai.naivr
L. Plinn. H. K. Ton
L K. Blsin,
Stewart A Sox.
Money loaned on approved
real eaiato
Special Agent, Albany.
Notice is hereby given that th Connly
Court of LI an county, Oregon, will, on
Wednesday, the 3rd day of August, A. D.,
187, receive sesled plans, specifications,
strain diagrams, and bids, for th purpose
of letting a contract to build or construct
n bridge, eixtoen foot wide, serosa lb
North Pork of lbs Kant lam River at Me
hams. The bridge to be about 800 feet
long. Tbe main span, wbieh will corn
mane on tbe Marion county std of said
river, and reach across tbe main ebsnnei
to tha Linn county aid of said river, to he
about two hundred sad thirty live feet
long, Tlie secend span to commence
where the first span leave off asd
run from there to the bank of said river
on tba Linn ooonty aid, about one hun
dred and twelve f.t. Alaoan approach,
whh-h will commence at tit termination
of I be second apsvn on the pier and run
to the hank, a distance of about on bun
dred aud fifty-three fast. The bridge to
reet on a double bent placed 00 od rock
Od '.ho Marion coooty side, and to run
op In a level with th bank. Th rood
pier to be pot across on the Linn county
aide of the main c hannel of said river, a
distance of about two hundred aad thirty
Ova feet. Hsid pier to be sunk down to
and put on bed rock, and to be mad out
of iron tubes Oiled with concrete, or to bo
mads of rock, lo bo built up asd pat 00 a
level with (ha bwrrta on th north, or
Msrlou eounty side of said rivr, Th
second pier to be put on oak piling drivers
to bad rock, or ss Jew as tba piles cau b
driven. Them Is to be sixteen piles put
tinder said pier, and they are to ba DO
las than twelve Inches io diameter at tbe
Httlo end. To be cribbed around said
pier and Oiled with large rock. Tbo sp
proach to rest on th second pier and as.
tend southward one hundred aad Aft
three feet, aod to rest on a mad sill, ar
bent on the bank. There anal b pat
under said approach good solid bents or
oak piling, about sixteen feet apart. Said
bridge and approaches to be completed in
vary res poet snd ready for travel, before
it is received end paid for- Each bid ta Oe
aooompaoied with plans and specifications
Bids will be considered for tha various
kinds of trusses, either of wood 0 Iron, or
combination. Tbe Court reserve, th right
to reject any or sll bid.
Don by order of the County Court.
'Jinny, Oregon. July I2tn, 1887.
J. P. Ui sfiAirn,
Notice of Final Settlement,
Notice Is hereby given that tlie under
signed, the Administratrix with th will
an hexed of tbe estate of James Mady, de
ooased, baa filed ia ths County Court of
Linn county, Oregon,4 bar final account
and said Court has fixed
Meastay she eth day .af eieaher. ISSJ.
at tho bonrof on o'clock p. m. of sold
dsy. st tha Coart Hans in Albany, Ore
gon, for hearing said account and the sat
tiament of objection a thereto All person
interested io said estate can appear at ssid
Urn and place.
July llth, 187,
Mabussjct Maar,
Administratrix, stc.
Wrath KB oau A Black bibb,
Attorneys for Administratrix.
Bids for County Poor,
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids
will be received by the County Court af liaa
coanty, Oregon, for boarding, 1 edging and
doing the laundry work far all the indigent
panpers now supported or to be supported
daring ths ensuing year by ssid coanty, far
tbe term ef one year, cnaamenotog Sept. 15th.
1887- Bidders ri!l state the pries per week
for which they will loard, lodgs aad do tba
laundry work far each af said paupers. Fer
fall particulars see ter ma of a coutract ta he
:aned by tbs successful bidder on file st the
Clerk's office of said ooonty. AH bide take
filed with the Clerk of Linn county. Oreeea.
on or before Wednesday, .Sept. 7th, 1887,
at 1 p. to.
J. P. fllURMTS.
Coanty Clerk.
Andrews & HackietnaQ,
' 'Ohf
Male & Hopkins,
Hardware, Tin and Cop
per Ware, Pumos, Rub
ber Hose, and Plumbing
Your are invited to oill a. W
B. Scott a
Gun Store and see tho
81 LENT NO. 8.
Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Mr chii 8.
It has the
of any machine in tl e
wor"( Paris for
srlll be
ali machines
We have a larue assortrr entjl
be sold on very reasonable terms,
Inducement given to farmers.
-Ki aejBEBev aa
mmamm w jam
tAAWUrfTlTL eada gJH
1 11 1 'iiii 1 1 1 sp 1 rsHBH maw
1 1