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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1887)
lWsWsWsWsWaBW lite Jemaaat. th Poet Office et Albany, Or, ad-olaas mail matuir. ratow. JULY 15 1887 anrEs se Miw aad HUTTING. rraprlctors. A MAM ABOVT TOW. An A'.banv gentleman Km invented a way to prevent wife killing. It It to take the hutband at toon at he makes hit first threat and hang him at once. Thlt will save the life of the innocent wife and get rid of a very bad man. "The time to correct a btunder It before It it made.M O If any one would like to hire the Man About Town for thirty dart and nay him a kernel of grain the ffrat day, two the next, four the third, doubling It each day for the thirty day, half a million grain to be esti mated at a buthel,they can do to by calling at once. Kind of work not much of an ob ject Responsibility of party everything. O An Albany gentleman who came here from Southern California lest than two yea rt ago told hit property there for about five thousand dollars. It hat since been ttruck by a fearful boom and can now be told any day for twenty-five thousand dol lars. Our friend down First Street should faint just to make the affair tragical. O Btds at an auction are sometimes raised In a peculiar manner. At the buggy auc tion Saturday fifty-nine dollars was being offered, when a gentleman yelled "tick" at a dog. "Sixty dollars I'm offeredV'cried the auctioneer, and the bidding went on. O The Man About Town observes that there are about ten who follow in the wake of the red appareled Salvationists. It hat been repeatedly asserted that this It a free coun try, and we have always treated the S't well ; yet the M. A. T. candidly admitt this week that he believe they are a first class nuisance. Genuine religion is never carried on ones body ; but in the heart or mind. We are sorry people re being ap parently deluded In' thlt matter. We have in Albany several churches whose pastor we know to be men of irreproachable char acters ; why not go to them for religious counsel. These Salvationists are importa tions, and their appearance certainly is not Inviting to people who are judges of human nature. Do not be deceived. Mills. The Woolen Mill meeting announced for Thursday evening of last week was held at Wolverton St Irvine's office ,nd was attend ed by several ptominent citizens. Articles of incorporation were adopted and Judge L Flinn, J L Cowan, Ashby Pearce and D B aionteith named at incorporators. The committee on articles of incorporation was alto appointed to prepare subscription pa pers and open books for stock for the mill. C E Wvdrerton and E J Lanning were ap pointed a committee to correspond with outside capital in reference to purchasing stock in the mill. Chairman Cowan was directed to appoint a committee of six to twenty to secure subscript iont of stock in the enterprise. Those woo have hold of the matter are thoroughly in earnest, and If tne citizens of Albany and Linn county generally aill come to the front in this they hae In other enterprises there can be no doubt of the success of our woolen mill project. The Chairman on Monday announced the following committee to solicit subscrip tions of stock : K I Lanninjf, Chairman, W II Goltra. J W Cusick, S Young, Geo J" Simpson. Oeu C Chamberlain, UBUon teith, U G Burkhart, It -.tcrnburg, Mrauder Froraan, N P Payne, I D Miller, E L Bry an, M II Wilds, B W Cooper. Deputy Sheriff George Humphrey went to Ashland the first of the week and arrett ed V. R . vie Daniel, of Harrisburg, on com plaint of creditors, it being charged that he was leaving the State to avoid the payment of debt. Me was brought to this city Wed nesday morning, examined and discharged. having satisfied the Court fully that he was simply tfoins; to California to visit a sick relative. Mr. Mc Daniel was recently post master at Harrisburg and a few months ago made an assignment for the benefit of cred itor. Contract Let. Last Friday the contract was let at Cor allis for the grading of the Oregon Pacific, forty mile beyond the Mr. Nel son Bennett, an N. P. contractor. He will begin work at once and push towards the foot hills and for Eastern Oregon. From this time on at weather permit there will be active rail toad work until Boise City it reached and the Oregon Pacific and C. & N W. become a great transcontinental line, the shortest from ocean to ocean by four hundred miles. The Berry Crop Poer. The berry crop around Albany has been uncommonly poor. Strawberries were about a third of a crop, black and red rasp berries, not any better, and blackberries arc so scarce that it will take rustling to get enough in bulk to fill half a dozen jars. This is a bad showing for fruit canneries as well as for individuals. Important. The post office department has advertised to receive bids up to July 24th for carrying 1 the mail from Albany post office to the de pot of the O & C R.R, and also from O Si C depot at Albany by Lebanon branch of O St 0 R R to Lebanon For further par tic u ar inquire of P. M. at Albany. An Old Pioneer Dead. Samuel Cioff. an old and liushlv eeteempd su t-A a u.u... z n VT ;,- , ur,.tl u, v D Burkhart, of this city, and Mrs Senator jn earn itn, died on June 30th, aged 67 years, 16 days, of dropsy of I he liver. .VI r. Goff came from Missouri to Oregon in 2847. He leaves a wife and seven children, and many relatives to mourn his death. Need Atbution. The plaifonn at the O. & depot, is too small for th" growing crowds that congre- gste there on the arrival of the trains. Public sentiment call for an enlargement of the platform Wc trust the managers of the road will look Into this matter. InxtulUtion. The following officers of Albany Lodge, No. 4, I O. O. F , were InstaHed last Wed nesdAy evening by T. J. Ktites,D. D. G. M. : E A Parker. NG ; O E Chamberlain, V G ; John Robson, R S ; W C Tweedale, Treas. For .Sale. A No t Chicago Pitts thresher, 12 horse power, for sale cheap. For particulars In quire at this office Letter Mat. relieving is the list of letters remaining in tae p,t Oaase, Albany, line oouoty, Oregon, July Uth, 1837. Persons oalliag far these letters must give the date on wsaoo they were advertised : Berry, I B Bayl'as, fttmusl Vowr issae Ooso, Charley Ovorum. H gi ,F e KeUo Wsfsr, John B Wrigh. Chss 9 e. f aoatntoif, r. at. HOW EKLTV WAS LYNCHED The report circulated here last week just previous to our going to press, and referred to In the Democrat In reference to Oscar Kelty's being lynched at Dallas, proved true, He was most thoroughly strung up to a tree. It happened something like thlt. About two o'clock Thursday morning thirty men, more or lest, rode Into Dallas, up to the county Jail, broke In the outside door, went up stairs, where the prisoner are kept. and after a half hour's work broke in the door approaching the cells, and appeared be fore Depew, the guard, who had been sleep ing In an adjoining cell. "We want our man," said the leader, who of all the crowd was the only one unmasked. "I suppose ou want the keys" said Depew On be ne answered in the affirmative he handed them to the spokesman, who unlocked the door to Kelty's cell. In the meantime ou hearing the noise Keltv knew what was up. and cried "they've come." He acted fran tically and demanded a knife of the guard. l pun being refused ne oroae nut tamp, which he was allowed, and with the pieces of glass desperately tried to cut his throat and then the arteries in one of his legs, only succeed ing in cutting himself severely. When found by the mob he was lying on the floor In his undercloths, with considerable blood on his body. A regular hangman's noose was made by the leader and slipped over Kelty's head, when he was dragged out of the building with his arms tied behind. The rope was thrown over the limb of an oak tree in the yard, and the body of the miser able wife murderer was soon hanging In the air. After twenty minutes, being satisfied that he was dead, they left him hanging and rode swiftly away. Depew immediately notified the 'Sheriff, a Coroner' Jury wat called, and the body given to relatives and taken to McCoy. The Sheriff in the morn ing began searching for the lynchers, whom it Is surmised live In the vicinity of McCoy. Besides Depew two or three others witness ed the affair, but remained silent . The lvnchlmr of Keltv is simnlv the re- f ar y w suit of the law a delay's and short coming! in the Saunders case, who after having a fair trial wat given another on a foolish technically that was Immaterial to the merits of the case. The people of Polk county feared a repetition, hence the lynch, inc. The Democrat has alwavt taken strong grounds against fudge Lynch, who Is a frontier Court of the most dangerous nature, J as dintAvMnUr sam onom Ia iawt euw4a t a a v -v n, v vuvuif w vsw awwa stws The mob did banely wrong and should be severely censunsd ; yet yet there M no doubt that justice has been done, and in thi citv, the truth niut be told, the news was received with satisfaction. It Is to be re p retted that our Courts of Justice do not do their duty so well that such an event as this would be impossible. Nothing should be done rashly, though. Justice I an impas- sionate executer. A PO RTL A N D ERS COMMENTS. The following from the Portia Democrat is a sample of the way outsiders look at At- bany : Albany is destined to be a great manu facturing centre and will be an important city. The possibilities In the Santiarn ditch are immense. Its water supply Is tapped al ready in many places to supply power for the various grist and other mills on the banks of the Willamette and it can furnish any amount of power for almost any num ber of factories. A large woolen mill en terprise is now being inaugurated with a capital stock of $100,000. The present Superintendent of the Brownsville Woolen Mills will probably take charge of the new enterprise. About $500000? the cardial stock Is to be taken by emerprWnr citisens of this place and air.' Kay, and his brother in the East, will probably take the balance and have a controlling interest. Mr. John Crawford owns the Santiarn ditch, and it Is likely he will take a large Interest In the mills. He is one of the wealthiest and en terprising citisens. Judge Flinn of the Na tional Bank and Mcssr. Cowan and Cusick of the Linn County Bank are expected also to put their shoulder to the wheel. In fact Albany is fortunate in having a large num ber of enterprising men, and the rising tide of prosperity in this country is stimulating them to active effort, Albanians credit the Oregon Pacific with a large degree of their prosperity inc uding the important advance in the' price of their wheat which now sells for at good price at at Portland. Albany is growing visibly. Brick stores are going up Tn many places, and even the Wizard Oil man and' fakir birds coin plenti fully. Everybody is repainting and fresh ening up his'premiscs. The Revere House, kept by Charley Pfeiffer Is as fresh and clean as a new dollar, and the city is mov ing northward. The Oregon Pacific round house is being rapidly erected, and I em ploying skilled workmen from every quar ter including Portland ; among these is Harry Gurr who is getting $6 per day as a brick mason The signs of vigorous pros perity are seen at every turn in Albany not alone in its new brick bui Idings but in the hopeful and buoyant faces of its citizens. SENATOR DOLPH, Of Oregon, was in Albany last Wednes day, on his way to Portland from Yaquina Bay. In the evening a serenade was given him at the Revere House, the Mechanics Band furnishing the music for the occasion. After a couple patriotic airs C. E. Wolverton introduced the distinguished gentleman, who came into Oregon on foot, when Senator Doiph delivered fifteen minute response, referring in encouraging words to the gov ernment work at the Bay, the hopes of an other appropriation next winter, Albany and its grand prospects as a railroad center, a well as manufacturing city, and the general welfare of our people. The Senator did not touch on politics, though he did remark that when the next appropriation bill is passed Congress will not adjourn until it either becomes a law by limitation or is vetoed, "when it will become a law anyway." The serenade was unpartizan, as was evi denced by the fact that an old time Demo- Crat took up the collection for the band School Report The following is the report of the school at Vlillers, District No. 32, for the term com mencing April 4th and ending June 23rd, 1887 : Whole No. days taught, 60 ; whole No. days attendance, ; whole No. I days absence, 242 whole No. cases tardi- ncM 30 . whole No boys enrol led, 2 1 ; whole No. girls enrolled, 16 ; total No. enrolled, I 37 average No. belonging, 32 ; average No. attending, 28. Myrtle and Cracie Winkley were neither absent ner tardy dur ing the term. Kate Price, teacher. SEE McILWAIN'S CLOTB1NG ! r"r" B7,DK' ii r. n . j He has just received a large stock of I clothing, en which he has placed greatly ! reduced prices, that will open your eyes Suits heretofore selling for $20 he now sells I tor i suits have been reduced to $f6 ; $16 suits -to $14 ; $14 suits to $12. His stock is large and varied, ranging in price per suit from $4.50 up. Customers cannot fail tn be suited Call and see for yourselves. Groceries. While looking fter your supplies in tb above line, don't you forget that N H Allen A Co. keep groceries, and don't yoo forget that you can get just as much sugar, tea, cof fee, rioe or aaythiug eiss for a dollar as yea can get in auy st .ru in the city.and all of the best quality. C til on Allen ft Co. when you want uro'teriei and ivn ) noer they never al low themdve4 to he undersold. Great Millinery Sale. On and after tkU date we will sell all oar spring ar.d summer millinery st cost sa ws positively will not oarry any stock from one season to aoothsr. Jane 206b, 1887. Shake St Lohswat. COUNTY COURT. (J, J. Whitney Jada : Boooh Millar, Aisx Brsaaaa I Fees of jurors at June term of Circuit Court, $8t.t6 i fees of witnesses, fcj 50 ; witnesses before grand iury.Sci ,40, allowed. In the matter of building bridge at Me ha ma, ordered that county expend $ 3500 ,or one-half expense of same. Continued BUI of Ceo D Barnard for record book, $48.30. Application of R Kolde way, sheep Inspec tor, for blank forms granted. Miles Rainwater allowed scraper for Dlst 1, Bids ordered advertised for bridge across Beaver Creek. Ordered that contract for bridge on coun ty road near Geo Hughes farm be let to St John St Stone for $aoo. j Bounty on cayotes reduced to $5. Matter of furnishing wood for County C. II . continued. Fees of County Court officers allowed, Fees In State agt Thoa Roberts, R L Dor lis, $7 8o,L H Montanve,Sc,D B Montelth, .$3 50, Frank Gllmore, $1.70, allowed. Warrants were ordered drawn for the fol lowing : Jas Williams, witness Mch term Cir cuit Court D C McFtdden, witness Oct Circuit Court, iHHj 7 10 C F Cunnlngham.scraper.Dist 44 ... . 10.55 W E Curl, salary June 83.34 W E Curl, handling school fund 3 mo 57.5a D S Smith, 8hffs feet 145.81 IP Galbraith, Clerk's fee 473,63 R Thompson, postage too II N Putnam, mileage and per diem J days, 1456 miles 1 51.60 Win F'rumm, table County Court. . . . i6jOO Ladles Aid Society, mdc for pauper P W Spink, t carumd.. R (J lass St Son, mdse Pierce family. . Max Friendly, Inn her Dist 16. . 8 10 J OO 1500 M H F Merrill, assignee, lumber at. J R Green, keeping Hutchlna. Peter Hume, mdse Clark D B Montelth, Constable' fees. Stale 600 agt Davi 6.a a jT a a a, a a. Of sars Ks nouck, keeping a (jufgly 4 weeks 800 cxi nsner, surveyor fees 7.50 v is norm, Keeping paupers. ....... 55.30 noomx x juame.mose Hays j.eo D B Montelth.Constable fees In State agt J B and Jasper Kecney 101.45 t a a. . a . . c. turner, lumber tor utst to 34.00 s t turner, lumber Utst 17. 34.00 Stewart A Sox,nails,snoveU, etc 6a. 30 J 0 r it water, keeping W A Fits water 5 weeks 10.00 H J Healv, lumber Dist 26 31.34 Stewart St Co lumber Dist tj MM)! Stewart S Co lumber IMst 1 a 12.09 G F Co.bert, labor and material Craw fordsville bridge T C Sloper. lumber Dlst I 8.48 Robinson & West, lumber ia.o John Hchmeer.livery team 4.00 mary e uavts, steeping The Kiley and clothing im May St ... 9 55 M Sommer, ... 1469 CP ERE NT EVENTS. Hong di, the Chinese murderer, who was found guilty of murder in the first degree and Imprisoned for life, In California, was taken out of jail Sunday night and hanged by the neck until dead. A mob. which thought Itself superior to Courts of justice, did the business. At a big fire at Hurley, WU.. Saturday night eleven lives were lost and $500,000 worth of property. The bodies of the six m Using Virginia City miner were found on Haboauusretrnt ing a blackened and horrible spectacle. Several Indian braves were in Albany at a. a as. Monday with about titty horses. Herbert Beecher has been accused of di ver enormous crimes, such as swallowing several vecl, getting hold of an immense amount of money not his own, etc. A yacht capsized on Lake Erie last Mon day and twenty -one people were drowned Last Monday, near Toledo, Ohio, lack Dempaey knocked Leavitt out In three rounds. A woman in vv hitman county, W. T , 37 years of age, b only 39 inches high and weighs 33 pound. It is claimed that she Is the smallest woman living. The hop yield In Linn county promises to be nearly 25 per cent better than last year. Last Monday at Lake view, A I Shcrfin, a brewer, shot C F Pope a herder, killing him instantly. The demand for lumber in California i immense, greater than the supply. The hotels at the Bay are reported about full. Another importation Wednesday from Portland and Salem will make matters there lively. In the base ball contests in the East, De troit leads in the League games, St. Louis in the American Association, and Newark in the International games. REAL ESTATE. Following were the recorded sales Linn county during the past week : The Kay and wife to Emil Koppe, 1 lot in Amelia .$ In 50 50 400 400 Thos Kay and wife to Louis Boeger, t lot in Amelia John E McCormickand wife to Wm B McCormick, one-sixth of 240 acres In tp 1 3 S R 3 w Mary E Davis and husband to Wm B McCormick, one-sixth of last. . . Ashby Pearce to Fannie W Carter, lot 4, block 14, E. A.. Albany. . . Jemlmah Ralston to G H BUtuO, 1 71 acre in tp 1 2, S R 2 w B H Barker to Edwin H Palmer, lot 3, block 56, Albany S E Young to John Charles, lot 7, block 37, IPs 2nd A., Albany . . . Jas D Walker to A if Harrison, 2228.12 acres in several parcels. A D Harrison to F R Csl ten, same. . SUte of Oregon to G F Juhrnke, 16O S SCO 10 10 acres in tp 13 8 R 1 A. . 209 Jas D Walker to Fred R Calton, power of Attorney - C M Duncan to O Fry, 98.13 acres in tp 1 1 S R 3 W . 15OO R Koehler to J F Hadley, lot 1 block 21 , IPs 2nd A., Albany 300 Ida isee rancis and husband to Nellie J Bryan, 3 lots in Tangent 5OO Oregon to G B Hartmus, 80 acres in tpo,8RiE 1OO P S Brenner, Adm'r estate H Ieiey, to Wm Brenner, 4 blocks, 3 lots, Scio, and 2 other pieces of land in said city 424 u ranow tocrtas wetj5ei.228.66 acres in tp i0 S H 4 wt 2744 u v roman, assignee, R L Stevens, 6 lots In M's 8. A., Albany Hnbert Curl to S T Harris, 80 acres, tp iO S R 1 w 600 Estray Hot. Lost by the undersigned, at Albany, Ore. en. ens dark brown horse, 6 yearn old, 15 ends high, a few white bairs in forehead, small white saddle mark. Shoes all round, well worn. Left evening of July 4th. 1887. Any information oonoerniog him will be paid for. Dated Jnly 7th, 1887. D. 8. Smith, Sheriff. Yoa will find our stock of carpets, oil cloth, matting and window blinds full and attrac tive, all that is new in patterns and styles can be found in our assortment, to see is to believe. MONTAITH & SklTENBACH. Should you desire to sell your property call on Burkhart A Keeney as they advertise poperty placed ie theit hands, aud charge uotmng unless tnsy eneot a sale. Our Spring stock of dress goods, fancy goods, boot and shoes, etc , hays arrived and we are now showing the most complete aad attractive stock of goods ever brought to A II a ... mi niuaujr, a vw uur evorv will convince PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Mr. Jss Shallot), of Jordan, was in tbe city Monday. D 0 MiobaeL of Brownsville, was in Al bany Saturday. Its? Brownson loft last Tuesday en a trip to Southern Oregon. Editor Dsll, of the Portland Dtmoerat. wss in the city Sabbath. Arthur Brasflsld is new W. F. express aaassaogsr ea the 0. fi Strands Frotnaa and wife left yesterday lor she Cascade Mrs C W-Cornelius, of Portland, has been ia the city the guest of Ur U W Ma too. Hen J H Peary, on of Dotyyills's meat prominent ottisens, was in ibe city Monday. Dr. Skiff, Jr., of sklem, was in Albany Monday, haviog rusticated a Soda villa over Sabbath, J U Smith, of lallmarj who hss boss, at Medisal Uks for some time, ha returned borne. Beaton Smith and wife, of Harrisburg were in Albauy Wednesday on their way to the Bay. Col Woodford has eaneelled all engage- meuts iu the Valley, and, we umierstsod, ie turned East. Mr L Senders left for San Fraocisoo a few days age with a bead of horses for the Cali fornia market. A. B. Wuodtn weel to Portland Wadase day with a one hundred pound seek of ore which he will ha vs assayed. Dr J M Powell, of Lebanon has retained from Sau Frauoisoo. where be baa been tusk tng tb study of surgery a specialty. Mr attrkpatriok aed daughter Ollie. re cently lea for Adams, E. 0., where Mrs. Kirmpasriok will reside with her so for awntle. Mr P a Bowman, of Ben ten oeaatv mini through the eity last Tuesday en his wsy tv Mainour 000 a try with a band of horses. Us will rseuru to aoout two months. John Nutting, recently ef Minnesota, yeoBgset brother of the junior editor of the DaauK Rar, arrived la Albany Sabbath even- tag, and will make the WUIamette Valley his A B Weodin, Frank Read and A Rhodes returned from lbs mountains last Friday af Ice an even da I and interesting experience They brought back some fine speoimees of gold and stiver bearing quart. Mr AlCary was ia the otty Wednesday bound for the camp bayeed tbe Santism witn a sent tit wdl start a store there, Mr Bennett's system of doing neatness maktuj one a oooveoieeoe. Mrs D W Wakefield and Mr and Mrs Use I, Walks, of Portland, arrived tn Albany Friday evening. Mr and Mrs Walker went to tb. Bay Monday aad Mrs Wskefie'd will visit friend her several weeks. Oscar Archibald. Q If Coffey and Will N Miller, of this otty, left Kagws Ctty Satur day morning ie a skiff aad arrived ia Albany about ten outeok Sabbath evening. They eanght nearly a hundred irout. Ftabtng though is net good. Mr. Lams Vterenk has soli has barber business in this city to Tns Jones, n first laas barber, and will leave with his family est week for Peemeylvaata, where he to tavds remaining a year. News of the sseieaa iiioees of bis mother oaases him to make the John Irving and P M Sedfield and their .mill left last Wednesday for Yea a tea Bay where they have a bone rested en tbe N orth beach. The families wUi rmiisttam five or six weeks ; bet Messrs. 1. and R. are liable to return most any time, Mrs. Mason, inother of 0 P Mason, and Dr J M Form aad wife, and MrsCarotor phaoe, all of the East, arrived in Albany re cently en n visits Dr. Foresee left en Safer day for Sitka aed Mm Forms and Mm Car storphane for San Fraoetsoo the Brat of the weak. Mm Masai will remain in Albany ea- ttl their return a&d endeavor to keen bar sen straight. Mr L Martin, of Ashland, arrived in Al bany Taeeday, on n beaia trip here. He broegbt with him a breach ef peathas raised on two year old trees that are very fins. Mr Martin bow has 1200 two-year old peach trees iatilsa ltd onuditiou. aud r&0arp aad berry vi. By next year be will have a good crop of fret, aed la fortunate in living tn a locality where frosts touch only light y when st all. Albany people w.ll know wbee to send for their n achat and grape with a 1 assurance ef getting goed fruit COMMON COUNCIL. Tuesday, July tath, 1887. Present Officers and members. The matter of Chinese laundries on First street was referred by the Committee to the Council. Surveyor Warner presented a report of hi survey of the proposed extension on Ninth Street, which wa filed. A remonstrance from R. Koehler against the removal of the switch in front of the Simpson warehouse wa rend and laid on the table. The liquor ordinance heretofore mention ed was brought up for final consideration and passed. Also ordinance granting right of way to the W. V. & C. R. K. Co. as well a O A U R R Co. on Railroad St. The Marshal wa directed to collect taacs remaining due at once. The matter of state of sewer pipe on Rail road Street was referred. J R -Stewart on was granted a rebate on d ravage license of $2 j.35 1 he matter of lateral sever on Ferry street was referred. Bills of city officers were allowed, includ ing that of the Marshal, for $180.16, for collecting taxes. I he City Recorder presented his quarter ly report, which shows the present condi tion of the city's finances to be good. Aaseual en hand March Slrt, 187 4 S IS Amount received from fines 5 00 Amount reset veu from ussasee. 166 Of Amount received from Uses Mas SO Amount received fro a sale ef Are buss 8 OS Total 1341 7l Orders paid (91) fetal so latsrest 17 61 BMli tt Balance on hand 2 use SOtb ,...J$ Sat SO ea band April 1st SM SO Orders paid 44 bv Balance street fund 19 S oases paid want avasrt. The expenditures for tbe quarter have been for the following purposes Council fees $ 62 00 Keeoraer lees. in 35 Street Commissioner end Marshal let tf City Surveyor ITS 5 City Attorney 60 00 Nlghtwsteb and engineer 880 00 fire department 104 00 Ors vol and Slrt 161 90 Kent .' ,. ... 18 75 Kerosene and lamp supplies 45 so WOO'l . Illllll WWI.....M.M.M. 8 00 Stationary. 7 00 Mess sod trosewaiks M 12 Printing t6 40 Lumber. seakee eeeeeeaeofseeeseeetw e sees Diayas i 60 Hard wars s e ......... . 16 75 Constructing; sswer 86 60 Totaf order issued 11671 M Great Sale of Resort Property. The Seal Rock resort property situated on South Beach 10 miles from Yaquina Bav is now on the market for sale. For particulars call on Curran & Montelth, Agents, Albany. Oregon, at whose office can he found maps and views of this splen did property. A chance to secure a lot and elegant cottage at this famous seaside re sort for $50. Cur ran & Mont kith, Agents, Albany, Or, . T-O-B-A-C-C-O-o, Largest stock in Albany at A. B. Mc II wain's, and the lowest prices. Here are some ef the figures, which tell their own story : Three 12 ox plugs, Climax, $1. Three 16 oz plugs, Knights Delight, $1 Four ia ox plugs, I he. Hero, $1. And a large stock of other brands f&fjft tremely low prices. Notice, Good fencing lumber for sale on easy terms HOME AND ABROAD. F M Frcnoh, jeweler. The Oregon Pacific moves Yaquina City is to have a bank. The best harass at E L Thompson's. Spring I sack needles at Will Brothers. The Ruts House boss is a handsome one. Rwort, practical watohmsker and jew eler Bead our new edva of which there are many. I your wheat insured ? If sot call at H F Merrill's. J, P. Wallace. Fhvsioian and Surgeon. Al bany, Or. 16 and 18 yards lawo.usw lie II sin's, ... The bay crop tn Linn county is turning oet well. 36 eords of Ash and Oak wood wanted at W-ll Bros. Cub Store Wheat Insurants' st lowest rates, at II F Merrill's, Albany, Or. A frost is resorted ia several oarta of tb oouoty Sabbath morning. Neki wk we will nuliluh thn nnw iiur licensa ordinance in fall. Farmers, insure your grain at Merrill's Ageney, call aad get bis ratea. Wednesday wss Orsnitsmsn's dev. No dittttrbttoes were reported. New line of hosiery at Mcllwaio's for fi cents per pair up. Fine atoet. Before you insure your wheat get rates from U F Merrill. Albany, Or. Six shave for a dollar and a oh sn towel to every customer, at L Wrick"-. The Kelty murderers havs not been ar retted and probably will not be. Jest motived at Mollwain new line of giaghams, 10 sod 1 2 yards U r$. Trsak laying is being paahed on tbe Ore goa Pacific towards the Santiarn. A$ood horse power hsy press for sale lo-jn ihp of Andy Heat, at Albany Salmon cannery No 3 is seen to be started a". Y equina Bay, on the north aid. There were five sasseslcnt to the IT. P. Oh arch last Sabbath, all yon eg people. 7 OA care rheumatism, neuralgia and toothache. Foehay k Mason, Agents. Luther T Dennis lectured in the Evsngel ten! Church Thursday night of last week. Threshers wilt confer a favor by reporting go id and bad wheat yields to the DaUtocaaT. The last WmrOrjf says. Hallelujah, niae tein souls saved ta Albany, six in one week. Bssors honed, set and pot in enter at Visreok's Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon. F M Prenoa, agent Singer Manafaotortng Co.,opp isite Odd Fellow Tern pie, Albaoy.Or. Team for Sale A span of large work. bones. For particular call at Deyoe A Bob- ou a Dr. M. tl Kilt, pay siot 1 and surgeon Alteuy, Oregon. Clls male in ctty or ooeotry, Allesylea of bl an 1 ete an I Urge stock ef groceries is what w carry. Bed tie Id & Browoell. The 'N. 8. BotteyH is doing an immense business on the river carrying freight and aversions. are raaaiag ia seme part of ths and threshers wiU begin buima nest Harvest has began wtthntmemsaonly bright espeets and ea eotlook fur duller been ef for wheat. y new new sidewalks and new paint, may be ail over tne etty. en si ar Cherry A Parke, of this citv are botldtnz front tor uof twelve stores in different We take thaoeta, tbe easterners take the bargains, and she bargains take th eake. hedfmld A Browaell. T V Puwderly will resign President of she K. of L. He u tired of d in the order, so be aaya. Fshroey's Celebrated Blol Cieaoser for sal at !hye & lUbeoa's and Kaad A Brown U s, P J iUlusteee, agent Every customer will be a walking adver nm sat for oar bsvrgains whet, lb as our Bidtild A Browaell. Meet ef ear exchanges are remarkteg that a ntsfi sever needs a aoiidsy so etuob aa ths day after one. Old bet tree. One of N M Allen A Co s prise tieket good for Ae on a dollars worth ef goods pare based at Ibe new Second Hand store. IS ins baggies were sold atanetien ta this oily last Satardey by an Eastern gsotl an. in price ranging from ang n fxS. Jerry Hay, of llantsbarg, while ia the country last Monday bad a swashing op run wy ; hat fortenateiy escapwd atatswtf. Wood working machinery, shafttor, pel ling, belting and etc . at half price. Inquire f C. L. Brush, foot of Lyon Street, Aibeoy, Or. Last Monday Wm E me rick, of this eity. perenssed of Mr McMuno, Shedd's Carrier pigeon breeder, two pigeons, psyieg f 10 for them. Since our last issue Chinese circles ia this etty nave been greatly agitated over the ad vent of a bey at the Kwoog Mow establish ment. Another shipment of ladle tine shoe tn all widths and sums just in this week. Cutom ers remark what perfect beauties. Redheld St Browaell. It ia new reported that the C A N W will have two terminal point on the Coast, on at Yaquina Bay and the ether ie Northern California. Cat II Humphrey, son of George Humph rey, Esq., of this city, has again been elected President of the Multoomsth County Typo graphical Union. The Boys Braes Band of Salem will give an excursion to tout etty to-morrow. Look oat for them. Tb Albany's Bays Band shoe Id welcome them. Ltrgs stojk of la list tin shoe just reesiv ed direct from the Eastern factory at Mo ll wain's, ranging tn price from ft 25 up for kid button sboae. Some of the fruit of the Willamette Valley Packing Co. has already been nlaced on the market. It is pet op in good form, and will equal any in tne Beats Ths remains of a man were foaod below Stay ton in tbe Santiarn a few days ago. They have boss identified as thos of Jack Lermott, who was drowned over a ear age Last week a gentleman advertised a lost horse in the Democrat. Tn advertisement was seen in this paper by the finder and the animal returned to its ewnsr on Monday A excursion up the Colombia by Company C, of fcugeoe bat been arranged for to-ruor- rTVelM6th. Fare round trip $3.66 Sev fanUMM vomonny r. 00a tern mate soma. Since the 4th Wallace A Thompson havs " become very patriotic and announce that they sre selling groceries ehsaper than ever. Try thsm. Get their prices and buy of them. Mr H Flindt's shoe shop is now located about twenty-five feet from First stret,jttst east of the Howard bitten Millinery store, where he wilt always be found at his bench. Julius Nabel was arrested for being drunk sed disorderly last Monday and on Tuesday was given ms liberty on condition that he would leave tbe city at a double quick time. It is proposed to make tae W C T U Hall in this oity two stones high, ths secoud story to be used by the G A B and Company F, the additional expense to be borne by them. Solo people expect to ship their wheat this fall over ths Oregon Pact rio, which will mean several cents mors per bushel tbsn tney otherwiss would receive, and a lest dittauce to haul it. John Sob meer received quite a serious ac cident iu Zeyss A ilochttedisrs planing mill Wednesday, by having one of his hands caught in a planer, several lingers bsiug badly eut. Mr Julius Gradwohl recently sold a Gear Soott A Co's threshing outfit to Burkhart A Cox. and it will soon begin whixxtng through tbs county, William Miller, of this oity will run the engine, There will be a regular meeting of the Band of Hope on Friday July 15th in the 1, O. G. T. Hli over French' a jewelry store. It be ing the regular day for election of officers. A full attendance is desired. J H Townsend has resigned his agency iu tbe State Insurance Company and accepted a . a e . sens sve T a - . Se ad in another column in a shooting affray between 3 ohn Hays and James Plonkett, at K lags Valley, Benton ooonty, last week, several shots were ex changed, bat without sot-ions damages. Hays snrrsndered unconditionally A prohibition pioolo was held at Browns' vilU Friday snu proved a grand snoces liti day and ae enjoyable time. Revs 11 P Wbb and I (i Irvine, of A I bin v war urea sot and delivered addresses. A sen pis Albany young men with an. aw gsastts and some operatic music serenaded several of tbir friends throagh the eity Sat urday evening. They have the Dcmocrat's thanss for a very sweet pice. Messrs Foskav St Mason, drnetriat. ar selling W dom Kobsrtine wholesale sod retail, and giving beautiful picture sards with every bottle. Positively tb most perfect and harmless article of ths kind in the market. Ths Isst quarterly meetina for tb confer. nee year ot the M E Church South, will bs hslrl at their chimin in this city next Satur day ami Sunday. Crmferonee being held at 2 o'clock Saturday and the asiial service o Sunday. Mrs Bsny and daughter wer going to their boms st Harrtsborg Tuesday when tbsir team ran away throwing them to tbs ground, Mrs Berry bad an arm broken la two places, and her hesd bruised, and bar daughter an ankle sprained. Ben Holtadsy, th great railroad man, whoss orer is familiar to Oregoaiaus died in Portland ou Friday, His ptll besrers were J H Mitchell. Dr Noma, Usury Fat It eg, J ad go Bellinger, Jas K Kelly, (leo H William and CADolph. Aa excursion will be given ovr th 0 A C to Lebanon next Sabbath. Ths trsin will lv here at 7 s. m. aad return at S p. m. ? Fare round trip 75c. Psgers will be transported to Sodaville or Waterloo nd re tern for b0 onilr An exchsoge says that some men setlls down and some settle up. Our rxp'-rieuce m that tb two rMf go together. If some of ear very dlinqst subscribers would do th latter they would con far a grett favor, and it is only business. A little daughter ef Mr Coggswell, living this side of Corvalli received a peculiar ae- oiilont Wodneaday. She was playing with a horse when it suddenly raited its head bit ting bar on the face cutting open her upper up n serious manner. Grouse and pheasants may new be giaing this morning. Ths most delicious of all birds, mm extend them our heartfelt arm pathy ever tbs slaughter that will follow. It ia to b booed thV have done thai dntu it, tb fattening bosinsss. Tbe chnreh building of tb M E Church sooth to this eity is being painted on th outside, the plastering repaired ami kalao minsd. seat varnished, new fence built, side walks repaired, etc., which will be a credit to the church and tbe eity. Mr Ban Wa, the pioneer lanndrymaa of Albany, and a seventeen year old almond Sad damsel of Portland, are to be united in e holy bead of matrimony in this etty in about two weeks. Tbe marriage will be cele brated in a Celestial manner. The Dwsoc&at has ths premiss of the great mg hearted editor of the Milton RagU, on of our most wsf easts exebaogss, fee a oo pie lane of strawberries, which, we re gret, cannot be shipped to as until next Spring. May th months fly. Will Linn county pleaee send a bora to th coming State fair, even a 5 minute plug, jutt so tins county may be represented. Tbe uly home in many yearn to confer honor en our trotting stock at tbs fair was Oneco, by the way, reared ia another eonaty. lib time aa electric motor was attached to our trotter. By reference to cur advertising edemas it will be en that the County Ceart has de termined to build n bridge seres the North Santiarn at Mehsms. This is a wis and pen dent thing for the Court to do, aa a bridge at that Mint is a great necessity. Mr Trsak who ha labored so long to secure a bridge deseevs great credit for a is pluck and energy'. Tl. n ar - - - m . . . im &rcrn noiiw oi aaie may. H do rr ,vt r Pfetffsr s isntgemstit is to be run under tb European plan. The dining department has been rent ed to Mr Dtereks, who has been heed cook for sometime. 11 will ran th res tnursnt aud Mr Pfeiffer the sleeping depart meats This system is well known and ia unite popular. These warm daya whan ones handkerchief is being taxed to keep ones fee freed from preaptraUon it may be of interest to know that sweat is eomposed ef. water 999 50 parts: sodiora ohloriTie, t 23 parts ; potassium, 0 24 part ; sodium and potassium sulphate, 0 01 parts ; sodium and potassium united to or ganic aetde, 2.02. While boat ridiag to tbe Calipeoia near Hrownsviite on Friday a grand-eon of Mr Noah Shanks, of wa with several other boys tipped into ths water, sod despite- tn snorts of bis companions drown ed. His mother, a widow, is greatly afflicted over bis untimely death. Wul Lister, tormerlv of this ennnty, now editor of the &ut Wruhinptonin, was re cently aeeaelted by a lame tailor, and dealt several severs blows with a loaded can. It east the tailor about f 100. Lister had prob ably told tbe traih about some of tbs tailor's prsoUoea, and, and as a guilty man always gets the maddest a caning insulted. Last Monday Will Brothers, of this otty received from Missouri an old German eloek that is a curiosity in its wsy. It waa origin ally brought from Germany and has the p- s t. m. m psnrsnce et owteg a osntury or more of age. ItooatiU'ts to click out tbe minutes and hours. Lovers of antiquated institution Should see this piece of mechanism. Mow many hard - worked initvi tuala ta all our great cities ar bemoaning their poverty, which prevent their finding tbe relief that cnang of place and circuaMtanoe, and, above all, rest, so frequently affords. A large ma jority of mankind are deprived of this mean of rasa p rating their exhausted snsrgies. But "there's a balm ia Otlad." Fr Bam burg Tea gives vigor to tbe vital fores, promotes digestion, aud gives tone to the system. Try it Jas McMunn, ths carrier pigeon man o Shedd. and genius generally, waa arrested iu totseity Saturday for being drunk and dis orderly, and Monday morning waa insd $10 and costs, which were liquidated by the sale of a model of an ocean schooner. Jas. was one a sailor boy and is a sprightly fallow en all oooastons. w ben he leaves the aery sis tent alone that turns men toosv turyey sad unfits them for all avooations of life, he ia all right and can manipulate a pigeon or dag with the best ; but 1st him get wall soaked with alcohol sad he imagines himself on board a schooner all aloe in the midst of the rasing billows Perhaps Jsmss was excited to ths present disorderly conduct by his re cent trouble ovsY th loss of a dog or two at the hsnds of a nsigbbor. At the first annual conclave of the Qrand " m aw a. a ea s a a Comntanoer 01 n.nignu ismpiart ot uregon, mm t . uv .w.,.,-,s ficers were elected 1 air Jas F Robinson, Eugene City, REGO ; Sir Geo Humphrey, Albany, h U Junior Warden ; Sir Andrew Roberts. Portland, E G Treasurer ; Sir F J Book, Salem, E G Recorder ; Sir J M Hod son. Eugene City, E G Standard Bearer s . , caw . 1 s . . . t ww n n l sir oeo fi svitoiugcon, rortiaoa, e t awota Bearer : Sir K r Earbsrt, Seism, E U G C Sir F N Shurtleff. Portland, E Q General- issitno : Sir D P Masoa, Albany, E G Cap tain Gensral ; Sir S M Meraa, Eugene City, E G Prelate : Sir Robert S Beau, Eugene City, E G Senior Warden; StrG W Maston, . . . ... sm -t , n 1 , t r Albany, tn u waraan : air aacn u r opt, Portland, E E Captain of ths Guard, The following taaen from the San Francis- 00 Examiner wilt be of interest to people of this eity many of whom know Dr Gtmble ; "Rbdwooo uitt, July 7 A. curious inci dent eecurred this evening in connection with the celebration of oir national holiday. Ibe committee presumed to plaoe a few flags on the office of Dr A W Gamble, oae of our leading citisens. This proceeding did not please the doctor and hs demolished the dec orations ia short order. This action aroused tne patriotic feeling of the young men of the town and they reseated it by elaborately dec orating the building. They had hardly com pleted their labors when tbey were surprised by the sudden appearance of the doctor on . r . . , . . t 11 L.i. the 06 a e rortmea witn a smau cattery, whereupon ths young patriots dispersed. The doctor then destroyed the decorations.'' Notico to Farmers. We want 50 ton old cast iron within the next 2 weeks for which w will pay the high est tosh price. Cherry A Pabkss, MHKDD. Ih hum of the rpers can be heard. flaying i over with butavr'v few ex- ceptions. Fruit, of ail kinds is quite scarce. Plums are nearly an entire failure. Every Sunday quite a number go from here to Sodaville. The water is splendid. Geo Thompson, W T. Rineliart end las R Davis returned last week frtm Waliiiit ton Territory. g II le The correspondent would like to ask the correspondent of the Peoria Item if he thinks the majority of the votem In Peoria will be for Prohibition. - fatente S3 ranted. Patents g ratted to citizens of the Pacific State during the pat week and reported ex presely for the Democrat bv C A. Snow lr Co., Solicitor of American fend Forelen Patents, opposite V. S, Patent Offlce, Wash ington, D. C. s G D Ilorton.Snoliotnish.W. T., stereoscope C Ifckenon, Portland. Or., button hole cutter. A E Diet, Oakland, Cal . snow plow. D R Campbell, W T, nut lock. J Beaulleq,Arcata,Cal., saw level and set A Heiion, San Leandro, Cel., trammel. W A Frick, I -os Angelos,Cl., pipe mold. A Schuch,SarrainentolCal.,wKNl turning machine. , M I Rodrigue. San Francisco, Cal., pen holder. . Hew To .lay We are showing a beautiful line of lace curtains, In pairs, and by the yard, plain and printed scrim, in designs entirely new to this market and invite those desiring good In these or other tinea to give us s call MOMTKITIf Si SITX.Ulf. Albany When 97 per bn. ffew crop oo. Osw ft Butter -20 rst per lb. Esrwa 30 tenia per dox. May -8.00. Potatoes -iZOct per bnsnel. oof -on foot, avtofii 4i Apples- cents per bn. rora-5)o per lb. Bnoonshaina, 10e. shoulders, frn. aides St tetrd -do par lb. Flour 6.00 per bbl. Chloknne -2 60 per dox. Sugar Han Prenmtc 0, tV. Dry gmnn fated 7 c. TO TEE Pif ROBS Of HUSB1HDKY. f HAVE THI DAY MADX A SPEC I tat contract with Messrs. Deyoe A Koblneoo, of Albany, to furnish n large quantity of pore tnenila binding twine v member af our order. All patrons can call st tbelr plaoe of boalnean, and by tbe method adopted at our business council secure the benefit of my contract. I have also made arrangement with the aaeae firm to f ornish n lot of Osoorne steel frame binders. Send In your orders ne noon an possible aa harvest ta near. Signed, Masrr Millss, Financial Agent. Sheriff's Sale. In As Circuit Court of the Stat of Onftm, for Linn county. L, E, Blale, Plaintiff, vt. veo. W. Furry, and Laura A Ferry, bis wife and A. J. Hnbler, Defendants, NOTICE ie hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of sale is sued out ef the above named Court lo the above entitled toil to tne directed and de livered, I will on aetonlnr taw teth day f Anejesl. lam, at tbe Court Honae eoor In tbe eity of Al bany. Linn county, Oregon, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a m., soil at public auction for eeeb in hand to tbe hbxbewt hid lr the real property deecrtbed in said execution and order of seie na follow, to-wit : Be ginning at the north west corner of Notifi cation No. fed. Claim Mo. 49, Township 11, south of ranges went of to Willamette meridian In Linn ooonty, Oregon, and ruuotng thence north 8S H earn 16 08 100 ohnine; tnence north 80 H east I J 07-100 chains ; thenee west 24 57-100 (mains ; thence south I 8T east 12 ft) 100 chains, to the plaoe of beginning, ontaintai; 25 and 62 100 acres more or lean, situated n Lion ennnty, Beam of Oregon. The preoeeee ar rising from tbe sal of amid premiere to be applied : First to the payment of tie cost aad disbursements of this suit taxed nt $17 0i and the coots and expenses of sale. Second to the payment to the Plaintiff herein the earn el $1400 with inter it from the 28th day of June. 1807, at the rate af one per oent per month. Third to tbe 6ajrnint to the Defondant herein, A. J. ubler.ihesnmof $1982 16100 with In terest at tbe rate of ten percent per annum from the 16th day of January, 1880, and tbe overplus If any therebe to be aid to the said Defendant, O. W. Furry, his heirs or assigns. Dated tbia 14th day of July, 1807, D. 8 Surra, Sheriff. lotice of Final Settlement, Notice is hereby si veu th at tbe and r- slgned. tbe Administratrix with the will anbexed of tbe aetata of Jam Mac y. d - eeweed, has fild in iho County Ccurt of Linn county, Oregon, her final account and said tpurt has fixed Monday tbe Sih day of Septeasher, !?, nt the honr of one o'clock p. m. ef said day. at the Coart Uause in Albany, Ore woo, for hearing said account and the set Moment or objections thereto a, 11 persons tniereetea in eata etat ean appear at aaia time aud place. July Uth, 1887. Maroahkt Maiy, Administratrix, etc. Weather ford A Blackburn, Attorneys ter Adminiatratr x. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Or, ) July 8th, 1087. Notice Is hereby given that tbe follow ing named settler baa filed notice of his j iatention to make final proof in support of hia claim, and that said proof will tx made before the Register and Receiver of tbe U. 8. Land Office a Oregon City, or,, on Friday. Awgast Mtb, ism. via : Harvey Graham, Homestead Entry No. 4532. for the W H of 3 W X of 800. 14. Tp, 10, s R l E. He uamea the follow- i lug wltoeeaee to prove his continuous residence uoon. and cultivation of, said land, via : C Richardson, J Bryan, D Neal. and P Bilyeo, ail of J 01 dan Poet 3ffice, Linn county, Oregon. W, T. BUBKhT, Regis tar. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Ot, ) July 5th, 1887, Notice 1 hereby given that the follow ing named Bottler baa Hied notice cf his intention to make final d root in auprert 01 his claim, and that said proor win do mane before tbe County Judge or county 3iera of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, ur gon, on Tuesday, August 33rd, last yiz : George Washington. Homesto d en try No 4228, for the N X of N W X cf Sen, 22, Tp. 10 i R 1 E, He names the fcllow ino witnesses to prove hla continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, via : K Wenat, C Peperlmg, O W Richardson and V It uilyeu, all or Jordan Valley Pout Office, Linn county, Oregon, w. t, Bcnnn ', Register. OK. SMITH. On July uth, 1887, in thi city, to the wife of Sheriff Smith a son. CARD WELL. On July 13th, 1887, r.ear Wells Station, Mrs. M. J., wife of C. W. Card well. The deceased was a woman of esthaable character, and leaves a husband ant! nine children, as well aa many friends, to mourn THK NORTH WijT Fire and Marine INSURANCE COMPANY. No. 5, Washington St Portlgnd, Or, Kf'.KKKKVKH Kofi A I. II AN V : U Flinn, It v.. iilsin, M. K.Young, Mr. wart dt Hox. Money loaned on approved real eNete aeonrity. Jr H.TOWNSENO, Special Agsnt, Albany. NOTICE MEHil A B&IDftE, Notice ta hereby given that tbe Coonty Court of Linn county, fregou, will, on Wounesday, tbe 3rd day of Augast, A. D.r tH7, ler-eive sealed plana, hj( locations, Htrain diagrams, and bidr, for the purpose of letting a contract to bnlld or censttuct a bridge, wlxteen feet wide, aeroa fho North Fork of the Nsntlsin Kler et Me- hama. The bridge to l about 600 feet lonr. Tbe msin pn. whi' h will coin tne uce on the Marion county wide, of said river, and reach across tbe main ebannei to the Linn ooonty aide of said ilver, to lie about two hundred and thirty-five feat long. The fterond pan to com mem o where the first even leave off and ran from there to the bank of entd river on the Linn ooonty aide, about one hun dred nod twelve feet. Also an approach, which will commence at the termination of tbe aecond span on Ibe pier and run to the bank, a distance of about one bun -drml end fifty-three feet. The bridge to rest on a double bent placx! on oedt rock on '.ho Marion count v side, and to run np to a level with tbo bank. The sfoond pier to be pot aero on tbe Linn county aide of the main channel of said river, a dtaanoe ot about two hundred and thirty five feet. Said pier to bo aunk down to and put on bd rock, and to be made out of iron tube filled with concrete, or to tie made of rock, to be built np and pnt on a level with tbe bent on the north, or Marion county aide of amid river, Tne second pier to be put on oak piling driven to trod rock, or aa lew no tne pile can no driven. There ia to be sixteen pile put under eaid pier, and tbey are to be not lew than twelve inches in diameter at the little end. Tb be cribbed aroand eald pier and filled with large rock. Tbe ap proach to rest on the second pier end ex. tend southward one hundred and fifty three feet, and to rest on n mod sill, or bant oo the bank. There shall be put under eaid approach good solid Bawls or nek plHur, about sixteen feet apart. Said bridge and approaches to be completed in every respect and ready for travel, before it ia received and paid for Each bid to be accompanied wftb plan and specifications. Hide will be considered for tbe various kind of trusses, either of wood or iron, or combination. Ibe Court reserve the right to reject any or all bide. Done by order of tbe Coonty Court. Albany, Oregon, July 12tn, 187. J, P. i A1.BBAITH, Clerk. Administrator's Sale of Land. Notice in hereby given, that the utder signed Administrator of the eamteof Geo ff. MeBride, deceaned, will in pnmunnr of en order of tbe County Court of Linn comity, Oregon, duly made and entered of record on Jul v 5th, 1887, at the Court Ho one door i a Albany, in said county on ftalareay. ,agat IMfe. 1087, si tbe honr of one o'clc-ik in the afternoon of eaid day, sell all toe riAht, liil in lereet and estate of said Geo. W. MeBride et the time of hi death in and to the fof lowing described real propjrty. to wit : Beginning at a point 16.50 chains north and 9.56 chains west of the southwert cor ner of Hection 15 Tp. 13. 8 oi K 4 went cf tbe Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon thence south 40 chain ; thence north 8V9 00" east 40 chains ; tbenoe north 40 chain ; thence went 40 chains to the place of beginning, containing 160 acta, to the highest bidder. Term of nale cash la hand on day of sal. July Oth, 1887. i A McEkiok, J, C. PowBivi, Administrator. Attorney. Bide for Oonnty Po, Notice is hereby gieea that sealed btds will be received by thCoant 'urt of Linn county, Oregon, for bnrdinf, lodging aad doing' th laundry work for all tb iodigect pan pen now supported or to be supported during tbe ensuing year by said ooaoty, for the term of one year, commencing Sept. 15tb. 1887 Bidders will state tbe price per week for which they will board, lodge aad do the laundry work for each of said paupers. For full particulars see terms of contract to be s'sned by the successful bidder on file st th Clerk s office of taid coonty. AH bids to he filed with the Clerk of Linn county, Orecnr, on or before Wednesday, Sept. 7th, 1887, at 1 p. m. J. P. i AI.BRAITfcl, County Clerk. Andrews & Hackieman, W.LDOUGLASl $3.00 SHOE SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON, - - OREGON. Tweedale & Hopkins, DEALERS IN- Hardware, Tin and Cop per Ware, Pumns,. Rub ber Hose, and Plumbing Goods. ALBANY, OREGON. LADIES, LOOK HERE. Your are invltid to call nt W. B SootCi Quo Store and see the SILENT NO. 8. Wheeler Si Wilson Sewing Machine. It ha the BEST REGULATION 1 r oj sWm saw - A aHBwraV .aBamaW- of any xaaohine in the world. Parts for all machine wilt be all that we are m the lead. Morrwra & Ssrrasum Inquire of MoTBITK &. SaiTBSMOH. special agency lor ino x one wets trim ana Insurance Maapaay of Albany Iron wkfs her death,