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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1887)
-:--.-.-::::,.- ! olsoreb Strsetsr ?. P.Cbpeoh. Ptohlng.rwy Sal. bet a, vfce, D. D. babbath School si tttO p. M Prayer Mlit every Wednessday evening. Ivamublioal GaoacB. PrwAohiag on Sob Sat, at 10,90 A. ML, and 7 P. a. Sabbath sakeel 100. Prayer meeting every Wed- avis, potior. AU1 invited. OeMeBBBATION At. tiu mm. wici er rtahbath uiorniuii and Zoning Sabbath intini ou Wdusd MUI1 ,.l , wok. ReV. H. T. KonmiK-1 , IV;.. i M. K. . uinw k,jubtu. Preach ma ver th.rd aebbain iu eah mouth el ll o clock A. At I it Oluvt P M. lal.balb 8oliKl Sabbsth at 10 o'clock a. M. I'ravvr sseettug Friday sveuing's at 7 o'olook. J.W. Crauj, l'aa tor, M K Csuacs Soots, Tabobrt. Preeck big on tbo ur.i Sabbath of each mouth morula- and uiuk S uudey school each oei beth at 10 o'chvtk a. in. Praor meetm Tbamlay evening J W Crsuj, Pastor. M. tLtJauaca. -Proaohiug every Sabbath seeming and eveuiag 8oug aorvioo iu ths avcuu ig bgiure aoraioa. Sabbath School dt ISO r m Prayer meeting every Thurs day a'eaiLj Rev. U p. Webb, pastor. Ik JkW . . am a rAviruiAN n iK( h. StrToo every labbath morning and evening in Church MT. Brvadalbia and Ftf tb Sta Sunday School NRSAsilateiy slur the niorniiitf tfrvuv, rrayar mooting avery Wednesday eveum. awt a n rrociiard, pastor. rwar rtAm tOU Kt H. Preaching ever) Sabbath morniiit and eve' Church oo 5th root. Sabbath School immediately aiUr saermag eervioae. Prayer meeting Yr Bursa y eveeiug at 7:90 o'clock. T orowoooo, aa tor. Catholic Cucach -Service tvery Bun AJ at 10:10 A M. and 7 r M. I set Sunday ot tna mouth service at Ktigeae City. Kv Leah kleUyar, Roc tor. ALBANY GOLLSfiUTS INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 18S0, 1887. III. I A TMMrM. B. Bv, irulral A tail corps of Instructor, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Ooaro of study ar ranged. lo moot tho seed or All gTAdoAaOi students, SersW indrntetnents ojferfxl students from abroad. Tuition ranges from 16,50 to $13,50 Board In private families at tow rates. Room lor self - boarding at a ma! I oxr enae . A oarefni supervision exercised over atu- deats away from home. Kali term opens September 7tn. For circulars and lull particulars address the President. isr. av j. neimi, s. . Albany, Oregon. Conrad Meyer. -PROPRIETOR VV STAR BAKERY, Cornar Broadalbin and First Sti.f DEALER IM ChMtacel rraita, Cannerf Mealsj, Qiaatsvt are, Oxaiware, Orled:Fraltst VegetAbles, ( igars, Iples, Elc., Bi., In fact everything that la kept in a gen era! variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Oregon Pacific Railroad. 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LE88 TIME. Accommodation unsurpassed for com fort and safety. Fares and freights via. Taqnina end the Oregon Development Company's Steamahlp much leea than by any other route between ail prints In the Willamette Valley and San Francisco. Daily passenger train except Sundays. Leaa TaiSMi, 7:00 a.k.. Leave Albany, 190 p. u, ArriT,CerTllU.l0.3i a.m. Arrt. CorIIU, tSftr.u. Arm Albany, 11:10 a. m, Arrive Yaqoina, 6:40 p. m Oregon and Callfornis trains connect at Albany and Corvallu. Fato between Corral lis and Albany and Ban Francisco : Rail and Cabin, 14.00 Ball and steerage, ftf.OO. WM. aj . isic, Oenaral Managar. C. . eyecK, AO. W. and P. Agsnt, CerrsUis, Or. Oregon Developement Co. First-class Steamship line between Y.quiua and Sen Irsncisco connecting si Yaquina with the trains of the Oregou Pasific Railroad Company. SAILIMO DATES . noM YAornsA AO.. WtfOneaday, June 26. FSOS KAX rSAMCTSCO E.O., Wednesday, July 6. W. V., Tuesday, July 12. K. O., Tuesday, July 1Mb. W. V., ttanoay, July tth W. Vn Tseeday, J sly Uh E. O . Monday, JuJy 1Kb. W. V., aondsy, July 17tb. B. O., SS-.uidsy.Juiy 2r0. ulr Zlrd.lE. O.. Frtdav. Julv20th. W. T.rSturosy, Julr 30tbW. V., Friday, Aug. 6th. The Company rose ryes .bs right to change asiiing d rye. A at TOBV, Oen. F. and P. Ayeot, 104 Montgemery St., sen. Frsncieoo, OaL 0VEF1AKD TO CALIFORNIA -orijw Oregon & Caliromia R. R, AMD 002JNECTIOK8. THE ST. SHASTA MITE. Close easjuatiam made at Ashland with stagea of the California, Orej nA Idaho gtaye Co'upany . Only e tone., mi elaclae. Tbaa betweenAlbary and gai Fiancic, 86 hours. SALirOaJflA BXrRB TSAIMI DAILY. Ssalh" " North. 4.09 r. M. I Lesre Portland Arrire I 10:40 a s A.-06 r a Lesre Albany Leave 7:06 a M 8:0 a M I Arrire Ashland beare 8:0 r u boeAi. rAsassecR trams pailt (except Sunday). M A M Leave Portland Arriv. 3:45 r u 11:40 r m ) Leav. Albany Leave j 11:36 a m :40 m (Arrive Enron. Leare 9 00 a u vocal rAsaaseis tsaihi daily, S10 r u tave Albany Arrive T 6:46 a M f Mr M I Arrlvt- Lebanon Lisve 5:00 a M lt:60rs I Leave Albany Arrive 2:45 rs 1:96 rs J Arrive Lebanon Leave ) 2:0ipm P8LLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. dally between Portland and A.hlaud. The O and C R It Ferry make conMlona with all be regular tnins on the r'aat Uide DivUion from foot et W Bbrstt. West bide SdvUlea. MMi'WSSM romxtvw ins ok r all m. hAiltiain daily (tixoept Svnd.y.) V.t A S 16 r a Ueave Arrive Portland Corv tills Arrive Leave 0:16 r m 1:80 r S bi r rsbs trains daily (excjpt Sunday.) d:M r M I Leave fcOOrs I Arri e Portland MoMinnville Arrive I 0:00 A u Lave I r.46 a m At Albany and Cervallin oi.ncet with tra Orjj-f.n Paeide Uallros'l (or Yaquina Bay. rains of Far (all iiiloreiatlon regarding rates, maps, etc., sail on Oomnitni's Afeut. k. EOBHLAt, K. P. kOOESS, Msnssr. O. P. A Pass AvenC CHA3. H. DODD & CO. Front, Mr and Vine St., Portland, Or. WHOLESALP DEALERS W I I I HARD- i i i WARE, i i i m AND I FARM-MACHINERY. Agents tee Oregon, Washington aud Northern Idaho for the BUCKEYE REAPER AND MOWER. These Machines are too well known to need comment Thousands of Farmers have eg! tbsm and speak of them with praise. that will give entire aatlstacuou to ins pui MILLER'S NEW MODEL PHSNIX STRAW The BUCKEYE STEEL FRAME TWINE -BINDERS. The features that dlsiinguUb thU Twlne-lilnder to the Lightness of Draft, oombtned with lid Kxtraordlnary Strength and Durability. The Binder la of the Appleby pattern, the only realty uinnesml one yet known. We have two styles, the Klevator Hinder and the Platform Binder-botb saesUent-both recommended by huudreds of patrons. BfssHsteJ sMsBsgKaPgtssVssisRfls Prank 8. Spraguc, BOOTS, SHOES -AND SLIPPERS. 1 an sow receiving my fall and winter stock of boots and shoe. I bare as nicely a fitted up Boot sod Kbee Store, and as complete a stock as any this side of Portland and very few better in Portland. I bay sM my boots and shoos direct from manufacturer snd am authorised to warrant every pair no mat ter how cheap. No firm in Oregon here ssy advantage of me in buying as 1 bay in quantities snd pay the cash. In ladies', misses and children's shoes, I keep much the large t, boAt aod great est variety in the city. My aim will always be to giro ss good value for the money ss possibly can be done. SAMUEL E. Y0UHG. w OOD CUTTERS, ATTENTION Nersr forest tbat we always keen in stock a full line of azee, cross-cut saw, steel and Iron wedges,sledge, maul rings, etc Swwamt A Soa. Sheriffs Sale, (n the Cirruit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. Z, F. Moody, tiovtrnor, R. P. Earhart, Secretary of State and Edward Ulrsch, Treasurer of tbs State of Oregon, consti tuting toe Kosrd of Commissioneis for the sale of school and unt varsity lands and for the InvsMtmeot of the funds ariatnK therefrom, Flaintifla. vs. a M Savage and Mary J Savage: bis wife u m main ana winis tm Staiger, Defen danta. NOTICE is hereby alvsn tbst bv virtue or sn execution snd older ot sale irfseed out of the above named Court in the sbove entitled action to me directed snd deliv ered, I will on Satardsr tke Stk day mf July, ISS7 at the hsar of one o'clock, p. m. in fron t of the court House door in the city of Ai Deny, iinn con my, oreaon. soil at public auctiun or cash in hand to the highest Diuuer too rsai property aescribed in said executio n aad order of sale as follows to wit: The fractional southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 26 and tbe east one half of the northeast quarter of section zo in iowosmp iz south of Kaoge 4 west of tbe Willamette meridian in Linn county. Oregon, containing 105 acres. Tbe proceeds srising from tbe ssle of said real froperty to be applied as follow, tow It : irst to tbe payment of tbe costs of suit taxed at $48.25 and tbe costs and expenses of sals, Sscend to payment to tbe Plain tiffs herein tbe sum of 1290.20 with inter est thereon at the rate of S per cent per snnum from the 27th day of October, 1885, aad tbe further sum of $125 Attorney's fees; Third to tbe payment of tbe fellow ing sums to tbe Defendant L E Slain, to wit : The sum of $830.75, the sum o $88,29 and tbe sum of $86.87 with accr u ing interest on escb of said sums at the rate of 10 per cent per snnum from the 27tb day of October, 18S6, provided that should the proceeds of said side of said property be insufficient to payea b of said three sums last above mentioned in full. then ssid proceeds shall be applied pro rata there ou. Fourth to tbe oavmant to tbe Defendant, L E Blaiu tho sum of $298.55 witb accruing iuieted. at 10 i r cent per annum from October 27th, 1885. H lflb to t e pay meat to the Defendant, h. E Blaln the sum of $70 Attorney leex. SJxth to the payment to the Defendant, Willi tm Staiger the su in of l...i..'i.r with interest from tbe day of September, 1885, al tbe rate of l per cent per annum. and the overplus if any, to be paid to the Defendant R. M Mavagp, his heirs or ae. signs. Dated Juno wtn, J, D, S Smith, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregou S OA LES. IRON, STEEL i i i They are the only Harvesting atsouioes VIBRATING THRESHER. BURNER ENGINE, and Successful Combination for Threshing and Uieanlng tiraln ever Constructed. Sohuttlsr Farm Wagons, Deere Flows, Psora Bulky Flows, Cook A Oo.'s Oar. riages, Fhsrtons and Top Buggiss. Four Spring Mountain Wagons, Buokboardt, Superior Drills and Seeders, Oorbin Disc Harrows. Hodaee-Haines Htidin, Halsh Barbed Wire. SSND FOB CIECTJLASS. Agent, Albany,Or, CURES AIL HUMORS, a common Bloteb. or FrnMlos. t. eroinlsw lalt.rbfon, m SnortdwsnaSBS caused by Uad Wood ard SttSfy'fcSi'" unVr lUntneioM. in. but turn w niaiiira s eur weTee, Sore ft nweiiiitirtt. Wfclte Sweitlui iJn Scrof ii Ibue A a mm tn Tilt: i.i It rtv tMOnm aw. - CtolSen HeAieal sMtcovrr y, and gwwd Slgrat Ion, m fair akin, buoyant XgTir. ita, v I fal Strength), and) eouneineae of cuaatitttttona wuTBe eslsbllahrd. CONSUMPTION, wmoh to Scrofulous Disease of tjks Annas, le prppj.tly and c rtit.r arrested Mwwa 07 mms wooriven rrnoy, ir taw samraoi inn ojassse are i Its woodrrfut power over this I. aammaa to the bubiin. I)b l'i.. r WrlOUSlV of liiiur It kla fmm- waspiion t;u re," Dot SS too limited fur a md wonderful o.mbinartoa of umlc, inm ,ff...Hw r.f - - peotorsLand nutrtti v.. omj-rti., Lt uooqt pot only as s remsdy iw oonanmptk u tunas, ou aor su CHRONIC DISEASES OTTOS Liver, Blood, and Lungs. oo race or nouy, frequent hesdpehe or ewa ama wu in owoitn. not vtiu am eqaT" A-tscovery has no equal. east jLntoga, Kptttlna off Blood. Brawwawoi ssreatn, aresebUls. W Cwwgke, CousosaptlasH and ainorea sneotlonA. k k A sor ruton erased r. Sand test ernta In atntnna v. n- - Off Breath, Brwsietoltlav book on Uioaumptkm. Sold by BfwggtsAAV PRICE $1.00. KfaV'STSS! M Bteptfttry fctol limliHw, trjrxtotors,g3 Uatn 8A, BcyyAxo,V.T. AVCCTS LITTLE OsBsW TTTTTO XiTtlUVO ava FILLS. Aim-BlXIOfJSJ and C ATM All TIC Sold by Druggists. 25 cents s vtsi. $500 REWARD for a case of catarrh which thny cannot cure. If von ha.ViA itt.rliai Amm imam oneoaiva or wum, paroai lessor in bead, you terminate in onrwumpOoc Intelligent Readers will notice that Tutf s Pills re not "ir-arranted to eure" all classes f disease, but only sneti as result from a disordered liver, vis: Vertigo, Headache, Dyspepsia, Fevers, Costiveness, Bilious Colic, Flatulence, etc. For these they are not warranted in ffitlWU; but are as nearly su as it In no. alble to make a remedy. Price, 29et. sold j:vi;itxWiij;iM:. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersign ed Administratrix of tbe estate of James fi. Downing, deceascr, baa tiled in the County Uourt ot L4nu comity, Urcpon, her final ac count in said estate, and Tuesday the 5th day of July, 1887, at the hour of 1 o clock, p. m. of aid day at the (.' unty Court room in the Court Houe in the city of Albany, in Linn county, Oregon, in tho time And place et hy aaid Court for the hearing of objec tio is if any to Buid accouutand the final aet- tlement thereof. DAted May 27th, 1887. b 1'owiiino, A. ministi atr i Notice for Pablication, .'jand OlTice at Roxcburg, Or., June 1st. 1887. f Notice is hereby niveu that the follow ing named setih-r has filf d notice of his intention to make final proof in support of niM claim, ana mat said proot will be made before the Jurifco or Clerk of tbe County Court of Linn Co.. Or., at Albany, Or , on Saturday, July 2;tr.l 1S87. viz Perry Mo Queen, Homentead lintry No. 3812 for tbe S W l4, Sec. 8, Tp. I Will eaat ilism- ette meridian. He names the following ivUuesses to e upon, and ultivation oi, nai? land, v., : John Hen- trsnn.. at . Hurrlrtan Minor mmjumii i . . ins rl ailT. or preaMras sndtSrwisK his contmn-.nH rcsidenc FRIDAY... JULY 8. 1IST FFIOULl! and MaPBJ, Hi w. ATan O SON. car auiaoriasa aasuu. TEMPmNOE DSPA&TI8HT, SD1TBD ST TBI B W$m$i,i Cirlitlu Tern pert net IiUi The W. 0. T. U. meets on tbe 111 aud Sid Tuesday of escb month at $ o'clock P. m.i at the A. O. U. W. Hall, over French's Jewelry Store. COirwOODTORD. On Thursday last, at Oakrllle, Got. Woodford delivered ona of bis tolling addresses to a large ardieooe. This talented man captivates tbo people wherever ho goes, and is doing grand work for the amendment. The Leagues and lbs Unions throughout the state should make every effort to aeon re bis Ban lone He understands our need BDCt thoroughly having gone through the I wa and Kansas campaigns, and ss a o imp igu speaker be ii unequalled H deals with the groat tone in a gen tletnanlr, dignified easnner that cool 1 sot fail lo win tbe respect even of those opposed to tbo amendment A VtmCS'rUJUUKlUY. How shall I vote oo tbe Prohibitory Oonttittttiooal Amendment ? I must rote Yea, or No ; as a eitisen of this State, I most not, I cannot dodge tbe responsibility of meeting this ques tion ; thete is too much st stake I most vote, and I stoat boar tbe respon sibility of my own vote. Bat bow sbsll i veto f That is tbe question. If I vote against the Amend ment, my vote will bo in favor of tbe saloon, aod will involve tbe perpetua tion of the drink traffic, with all ita at tendant consequence of lawlessness and erime. If I vote against tbe Amend ment, 1 am voting in favor of a traffic which destroys m ko men, you eg sad old, ruins more bosses, and costs more money, then wer,tilenee and famit.e, alt combined. Wnat has the saloon and liquor traffic done tbst is of any benefit to tbo in dividual, tb j family, the community, the Ute, or tbe na .ion ibt I should vote for its pSfpetdAtioo t It has put one dollar into tbe Treasury by way of revenue, bat it has takes more ibao two dollars out of tbe tax -payers' pock SSS to meet tbe expense of ukiug ears of the remits of the Now if I vote for the Amendment, I vote for tbe destruction of tbe sslom and the drink traffic, for tbe stopping SSS oases and curse of drunken noes, I vote for a roduotton of over fifty per StAt oi osr Usee. I vote for the peace, prosperity, safety and happiness of tbe borne, tbs community, tbe eta'e,and .he How sbsll I voe, for or against the saloon ? fui or against the dunk 1 tbat te tbe question. My vote may decide this question for I or for woe. Which shall it be T My r jtefmay asvs maoya man ft cm a drunkard's grass, many a borne from sorrow, desolation, and sadudas,sr.d tut a Other homes now wrecked into abodes of sobriety, comfort and gladness, sty vote mey tars millions of dollars which ere now worse than wasted into chan nels of irsds and industry, thereby giv ing work and support aod comfort to i houaands who are sow destitute, pau pers, tramps and oitmiaals. My vote may continue tbe saloon aad tbe drink trsffie witb all their attendant evils. I wsnt this f My vote oaonot be. a party sne now. Nu ! INo I! it moot be a citizen's vote, looking toward tbe greatest good of tbe greatest number. I must veto for or sgsiait tbe saloon. Which t By Q jd's help, by my reason an'l oommen sense, and upon my own personal responsibility, I mast decide my vote, and accmnt for tbe same to Ood,the Judge of si I, snd to my fellow men ; to pleadi) outran snd defence less children. I cinuot walk up to the ballot box and vote ai the saiooo keep. er doee, ai th gambler doe,as the be trayer of innocence dees. N. I ctnnot d that. Whattv -r wronj I have done, here it s chance to do lighr. Here is a chance to be a patriot and a brother to Hu manity. By Gad's gtaoa I'll d it. I'll vote for i he Amendment. Tbou shalt not kill. Tbat strikes a death b'ow at the ua of I'vmoKe bev enues end tobacco, snd every kind of dissipation, as well as against tight iaeing and fashionable dresaiog tbat die. regards health snl comfort, snd a hun dred other evils of modem society Thou rhalt n t kill, Obedience to tbia commandment wou'd close up evey distillery aod brewery and whisky and beer saloon in tbe world ; this U the verdict of science, alcohol is a which is taken is to the human system with iojuriom tffrcts un'exs needed for medicine as a counter-irritant. Thou shalt not kill. Lot tbat command h obeyed by states an 1 legislatures and i' wo ild wipe oat every liotnxe law in the world and lay an immediate rret up Oi the most iniquitous uyHtsui- ihn curses the earth 'he license system. And yet there are profee edly Ciirisiian people, and aome of them Chr'atian minUterwhofly in the fioeof this jiro. ! tion atd work aal vote io ftvor of i this (Is FASHION NOTES. Brown gauze ribbon and open work embroidery on eream eolored alternate stripes, were the materials oomsosiug tke tunic and bodies trim- log of a very stylish afternoon cos tume, tbe bodice and baok of the skirt being of brown faille. Very simple but tasteful and beentn ing eveniug gowns are of white faille, with S diep, lull Houolh of bhiok lat e falling from tbe waist to the edge of tbe skirt. Tbs 10 i slight lv draped by bows of satin, v bich ate ush) as a decoration for tbe bodice. A simple but stylish bonnet had a brim of Tusosn strsw, toe erown being of gold laee over white satin. A few loops of whits wstrred ribbon st tbs left side, holding a cluster of Ostrich tips, ssrvsd ss trimmings. Hats of gathered tulle, plaio or over some eoler, are light in weight,aud may be made to match sty costume. A some what fantastic model bad the erown of black net, tbe brim being of red crepe edged with blaek lace, Tbe newest velvet mantle resembles a loose Jsoket opening in front to sbow long scarf ends of black laoe. A sim ulated hood of laee, with b opt of jet beads, is placed upon tbe back, and tbe loose sleeves era of jetted net. Ladies who spend ths summer months in tbs country msy find pleasant em ploy men t in gathering greases, moss end flowers, which msks pretty lamp shades wbeo arranged in tastefut designs upon transparent panels, which are inserted into a frame of oardboard,snd are veiy effective when shading a lighted lamp. A useful garment for children, which is being adopted by thoughtful mothers, is modelled upon a former's smock. It is tucked aod finished with a broad hem,and fastens at ths back, an oblong piece of tbe material being pit si upon tbe front and back, as in ths origins) garment, sod a broad, turn down collar fastens at tbe lock. For a boy it is worn with a belt, and for a girl with a sash of soft silk. Many dressmakers are making up light beiges, or eermeiitee, for picnic wear, with white waistcoats Long coats or elosks with boot's of the same, lined with silk, soma limes accompany tbeee dreesee, but the abort jacket is most favored. Mauve end wbitA striped at aCs is one of tbe new drees atei isis A charming model Leghorn bat was tarned sp at the back, and eoqueitisbty bent to sbsde tbe face in froot. The sole get uiture was a Urge, loose cluster of roess,bsvieg fbe ep.roareoee of laving fresh I r cut. In soma of the new straw bnnm-tc tbe strsw is not plaited et ail, but the eater Butfeee, dyed in sabdaed tones ot eotor, ie carried over tbe foundation of tbe bonnet in vsrioas unique dsvioee Bowssts cotniMssrd of fine white h et - bslr, kaown to our grsodmotbers as Msspoliun,1 sie once more to vogue, sod will no doubt meet witb moon favor, as they are light and very Ian I j In appearance. Tbe favorite brtdemaide' di esses for Jons weddings srsof white silk lace in design like those of the black marquise See. Plain Brussels net, point d'repr it, striped laee, sqoare-mesbed Russian OS sod polk a -dot ted net are eLo BSSw for tbeee gowns. Yellow ia a favorite color for bride aids' dresses. It usually appears in skirls, bodices sod sashes of watered ai'k, with white laee or Kussiao net dresses. CVRKMJS FACTS. "Browning" oranges grow a iu the Went Indies snd Mexico, so that tb-y sbsll pass mustot as real Floiida fru t, is lis devioe of an rnterpiisiug Yankee. Tbs presses consists of putting the fruit into a large sieye and passing it ovei a hot fire until tbe oranges omtaintd therein are aufficiently acorcbtd, tech nically "browned," to give them tbe true Florida tinge, which is peculiar to tbat delicious orange. Tbe "browued fruit ia meetly shipped North and Wtst Some of tbe trees of Arkansas hate peculiar properties. The fruit and roots of tbe buckeye are used by Indians on their fishing excuisions. They pot the fruit and roots io a Img, which they drag through the water. In an hour or so the dtk rice to the suifaoe dead. Cattle die after noting of the fiuit o leaver. Man eats the fruit of the paw paw, but bogs won't. Ropes and mats are made of its bark. The fruit n d bark of the bey tree sre supposed to le a cure fot rheumatism and iuterm t'ent fever. Administrator's Notice, Notice is berebv triven that th nnriar signed has filed nis final account as Ad ministrator or tne estate of Henry Wil liams, deceased, in the Onni nnri rv Linn oountv. Orerron. and tho Qr h riiv July, 1887, at the hour of one o'clock, p. in. ns oy too vourt oeen nzed lor Hear incr abisotlons thereto and n ih. went of said estate. Thw tbe 8rd day of June, Ih87, Hiram Williams, Administrator oftheaaid Ksute. tor Infants ChsSSSriaisaeweasda I""" "i ill HaagttBaaicrrveaayprsacrtptioa 1 i tL A. Aaenaa, M. D Hi So. Ojtfass ths aaaalslys, v. T, tmi POISON INTHE ASHES What the Mt. Lebanon Shakers Found Incident In tbe His tory of Quiet Community. The Mount Lebanon (New York) Shakers are a quiet com munity, secluded from the fret and worry of the outside world. They are widely known, how ever, for their strict honor and probity in business. The Bhakei-H believe that na ture ban a remedy for every dis ease. A few have been found the rest are as yet unknown. Many were discovered by acci dent Others came to light as the result of patient experiment and research. Nervous Dyspepsia is a com parative! u .m, growing out of tli . . f modern life. It ti , tion of the digetivt nervoiw v :ixl of the i. Til ho two were formerly treated as sepa rate ailment, and it was left for the clear-ij.ditd Shakers to prove that the basis of this terrible and often fatal compli cation lies chiefly in the disord ered and depraved functions of digestion and nutrition. They reasoned thus : "If we can in duce the stomach to do its work, and stimulate the excre tive organs to drive out of the body the poisonous waste mat ters which remain after the life- ftving elements of the food ave been absortied, we shull have conquered Nervous Dys pepsia and Nervous Kxhaust lon. And they were right. Knowing the infallible power of Bhaker Extract igel's Syrup) in less comiili ested though similar lU-aes, they resolved to test it fully in this. To leave no ground for doubt they prescribed the remedy in hundreds of cases which had Wen pronounced in curable with jwrfeet success in every instance where their directions as to living ami diet were scrmiulously fol low . i. Nervous IlyspepSagi ami Ex haustion is a jH'culiarly Ameri can disease. To a greater or less extent half the people of this country suffer irom it both sexes and all ages. Iu no country in the world are there so many insane asylums filled to overflowing, all result ing from this alarming disease. Its leading symptoms are tlue: Frequent or continual head ache ; a dull pain at the base of the brain ; oad breath ; nau seous eructations; the rising of sour and pungent fluids to the throat ; a sense of oppress ion and faiiitness at the pit of the stomach; flatulence; wake fulness and loss of sleep; dis gust with food even when weak from the jieed of it ; sticky or slimy matter on the teeth or in the mouth, especially on ris ing in the morning; furred and coated tongue; dull eyes; cold hands and feet; constipation; dry or rough skin ; inability t. fix the mind on any lalsor call ing for continuous attention; and oppressive and sad fore bodings and fears. All this terrible group Shaker Extract (Seigeloi Syrup) removes by its pos itive, powerful, direct yet painless and gentle action upon the functions of digestion and assimilation. Those elements of the food that build up and strengthen the system are sent upon their mission, while all waste matters (theashesof life's fire) which unremovi'd, poison and kill, are expelled from the body through tne Isiwels, kid neys and skin. The weak and prostrated nerves are quieted, toned and fed by the puritied blood. As the result, health, with its enjoyments, blessings and power, returns to the suf ferer w ho had, Mrhaps, aband oned all hope of ever seeing another well day. IauIIcb Fii SltorT! N II Alloc h C .. are aowireosiviux direct from the maaufaoture, H J Holbrook & Co., of IHca, N. Y., a foil hue of his jua'ly cel ebrated tine atises for ladies aod in sies in C. I). IC. an 1 K. K. widths. These gooda will give aplendid aatisfaotion, in faef there arc no better isade. RECTANGULAR AND BARKKL CHURNS. ne largest stock ever carried in Aibanv and will be sold at lower prices than for merly. We want all butler makers to cemu and ee them. fM wajtA Sox. nd Chlldreria rHaaaels mnmm rvflt fWeliUn 8w gvomach. UiarrboBa, EnjwtaUen. asaiaa nwna. arms, gives sleep, and promotes dl- on, . iBjaRoas TneniAAtiQfi Obwsass OcatrAirr, 183 Fulton Street, H. Y. rOPl'LAR SCIENCE. An interesting series of expetimnts hoe been made by Dr. J. W. Frsser oo the influence of our comdion beversges On digestion. Among these drinks, be finds that water isdttaally the $t, Of infusions, tea or Oseea scis most favor ably when bread ia rsier-, and 0ofSS is tbs bet for use iih meats oi tgs. Eggs srs the beat animal food wi.h in fused beverages, and should i i.oft boili d when tea is tbet eversgr.and hard boiled with cefJle or iosJqsl Gold Waters, hy bammtring, can re- i dues gold ss thin that 202, (AX) must be laid upon tecb other to produce tbej ii.n hi.h.h at nu inch , yet ccb leal is ao protect and lies fiom bobs that one of tbcm, laid on any urfce,as iu gild lug, gives the of ,olnl gold. TLey sre so thin that, if formed into a bock, 1200 won.d only cccopy the sj of a tingle, leaf ot common paper ; srd an octavo volume of sn inch thick would have as msoy pages ss the books of a wall stocked library of 1500 volumes, I with J 00 pages in sacb. Csrefu! experiments on thestnsc cf smell in dogs hate been tnsde by Georgo J. Kotnenra, who has eom mi fi les ted the reSOhs to tbe Liouseau Hocic ty of London, He finds that not only the feet but the whole body tf n x bele a peculiar ot individual i dot .w hich a dog can noogniKe as that o hia n es ter smid a crowd ti other persons ; tbst the indivtdusl tjnali'y of thiM cdar csn be rrengbixs'd at great Uisisi.o a to wicdward, or in calm weather st groat !.!.. in Sny direction ; sr.d that tftii (Huwerful p r.'umrs msy not :iter come this rdor. Yet a aiogU, she. t of biown psper,wben sfeopf-d ui on instead of the grour.d. and afterward temov.'dt was si fBcnni lo piersmtMr. KomsmV dog from following Lis ttail. Second batod babytcarriag? for sale, at IiKMOr'RAT pfboe. Cidl Siiinmons, In the Circuit Court oj the Hkntt of Oregon Jir Linn County. Mary K. B ett, I'falntiiT, a. William C. Holmes, DefendAut. To William V. Holmes, the above nam ed tfefondsnt : 15 tbe name of tbe state or Oregon, yon . ore hereby required lo appear and ar -er tbe complaint of tbe above named Plaintiff in the abore amlt'ad Court, now on file with tbe Clerk of said Cosm, on or before tbe four b Monday of October, 1IW7, it being tbo day mt Oetotier. ISST. arm you are hereby notified tbat Ir ru fail to appear and answer aaid complaint, ss bereby required, the plaintiff w!t apply to the Court for tbe relief demanded I here in, to wit : tbat Plaintiff be decre. d to bo tbe owuer in fee sinsple of tbe equsl tin ulvtded one third of tbe northwest quarier of tbe northwest quarter of Mection ono aud tbe north bait of the unrteest quarier aud tbe ao tit beast quarter of the northeast qusrter of Section two, all in Towusbin twelve, south of liange one, west of tbo Willamette meridian in l.inu ecutiiy. Oregon, Hintsiuina IM 3J ISO sree more or lose, oonveved by dcd by yot lo I'lsioiiiT in lltTd, whe h said tleed has been lat, thit ait' b dtH-ressIaiidan 1 ! record lultv I I bi Mitntood'Vl-. rsabllabad In th fTA-ra- Kiohts Iikm. ckat Uy ordf-r of Hon. K.1 I Boise, Judge of said fouit. uhicb said i orier v. as made at 'bamUra in tbe City of Sal opa. Marion county, Oregon and ' dsted on tbe lUtn day of May, 17, WRATOKKPOI n .V Bl.At KBl'KN, AUoraeyi f r Plsiutiff. Notice for Pablication. Laud Office at Roswburg, Or., 1 June 1st, 18S7. ) Not U-e ia hereby glvn that I he follow ing named settler ha Iliad notion of his intention to make final proof ho aupportof nis irtim so.i mai Kaiti jmor wiif DO made before the Judae or Clerk tr the County Court of Linn County, oietion, at Albany, Or, n haluidav. July 23rd. I7. via : vlvear Cochran, iiom-ai Kntry No. 301 tor the 8 K M See. So, Tp. 14. s Hi west Willamette meridian. He names tbe aiintseee to prove bia continuous residence uion, and cultivation of, said Laod, vis: Geo. 8,1 Miller, Saru'l Glass, Joseph .Solw E. It, McCaw, all ol Craw fords v 11 le. I.iun Co,' Oregtm. I DAS. W. .!( HVSTON, liegiider. BEAST! Mustang Liniment ounxia Sciatica, Scratches, Contraetod lumbago, Sprains. Muscles, Rheumatism. Strains, Eruptions, Burns, Stitches, Roof Ail, Scalds, Stiff Joints, Screw Stings, Backache, Worms, Bites, flslls, Swinney, Bruises, Sores, Saddle Galls, Bunions, Spavin Files. Corns, Cracks. THIS GOOD OLD STAND-BY accomplishes for everybody exactly what Is claimed fur 1 1. One of the reasons for the great popularity of the Mustang; Liniment Is found In its universal n ppllcnhility. Everybody needs such a medicine. The Lumberman needs It In ease of accident. Tho IIottewIfo needs It for generslfamlly use. The is v n lev needs tt for his teams and his men. The Mechanic needs it always on his work assysa. The Miner needs It In ease of emergency. The Pioneer needslt cant get along without it. The Farmer needs It In his house, his stablo, aad his stock yard. The Steamboat man er the Boatmnn neada It la liberal supply afloat and ashore. The Horae-faucler need it-it is hU bast friend and safest reliance. The Steok-srevrer needs It-It will save htm thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. The Railroad man needs It and will need It ao long as bia life is a round of accidents and dangers. The Uaek woodaman needs It, Them Is not h ing ilka It as an antidote for the dangers to life, limb and comfort which surround the pioneer. . The Merchant needs It about his store among his employees. Accidents will happen, and when these come the Mustang Liniment is wanted at once. Keep a Bottle in the House Tut the best ef economy. Keep r Bottle la the Factory. Xtslmmedlata Vista case of accident saves pain and loss of wages. Keep a Battle Always la the Stable for Si ,Ird l,,r,lwl1"1 " t-ynirucm r MANT LAMP OlIMNETB ABB Zi'llt1?'??:, Vlttr mw h '"""r oftered for sale rjpresentd 7t.i i . . ,'","",u Uly on a ''owl as tloo fatuous tilled to in sonny ami l-.kI i,.,1(.. MUAVU" SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR For all Diseases ef the liver, Kidneys. Stomach and Splsea. This purely vegetable pre pjsratlon, now so ceUbr'ated ss s Family Medicine, origlasted ia lha bwih Is 1SSS. It aus gently on rhe Bowels snd Kidneys mnA correct dss action oflha Liver, and is, there fbrs, ths best preparatory roedldne, whatever ths ska. nea may prove to ha. Is all common oiseasei il wHI, sm asslsted try sny other medi cine, sSeet m apeedy enre. The Kesrn later ia sals to administer in ssy fMKhtkm of t)e system.and under no dream slune can It do harm, it will Ii isnisss hk tttH of Whss, but Is no WiticaOnsfasss- gee! Inn, iSsalpale headach. and geaer ally tone up the ayatsm. 'Die oVsa m small, not on pleasant, and its virtues eaaaubtad. No loss of Ume. no later mpilon or stoppece of while Uking the CWdren comftlsinlng of r.olie, Headaebs. or Mrk Otomaeh. a era will givs relief. If taken occasionally by to to MALARIA. the poison and presses n attack. A ofMxiav. I bsvs been prscsiclsg sasdktae t n twenty year, and have never bees able to put sp a vrr t .bte comnoundthAt wotiW. Uk Simmons Lirer Kc-. lator, promptly and edectlvely nsove th- ly'v- r to actios, and at the tne time aid (instead of waV sning) lbs liflillrr and aasimiUrive powers -A th sy-t. L M. MnrToe, M. D. .WasWngiwi, Ark. SET. THAT TOC OCT THS OKKVIAK r as as an sv J. H. Zet'tn A Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Palace Meat Market J. ?. PIPE, PEOPEKfOL FIRST1ST. - - ALBANY. OR. Win krep constantly on band mutton, porx, real, sausage, etc., tbs meant and largest variety in the city. Cash paid for all khtdaf fat stock . HOFFMAN & PFEIFFER -PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works. Aad Manufacturers of CHOICE CONFECTIOSERY, We are now prepared to eell at whole sale, always fresh snd pure at Portland frtece to dealers. We also keep a foil Ineof Huts and Tropical Fruits, OUR - OIQAR AND TOBACCO dettartment is corn-V" We keep the IK, fines: stock of siokig and chewing tobacco, meerschaum snd brier pipes that ia a delight to smokers. O BITER CblOX s ad 1 SIS yesur. Bll 3,500 hole U1VKS Wtsalsssls itirret to saoeawners mm mil TMrAl or Camily atse. Tails order, aasd gdres exact uanag yew sua, eat, ortssk, veesur. Isrnve rsta wttb. Tlsese 1STAX.C BOOKS reatstiia ta rroro trie ssusrltets or Use wotml. we rill raa.ll at sepy FSXS to or ie eta. t Iwtwa MO WTGOM ER Y WARD A CO. SST As rO WsdWAsai Aveasa BIT TRET ARE NOT! And like all Counterfeits latest tste Suable LASTING Qualities OF THE CESsTIlfSU PEARL TOP lBd Iniiat sa CU1JOIT The PEARL TOP is Mann facto red ONLT by GEO, A, MACBETH & C0. PITTSBURGH. PA. JjOR 8ALK, " " One half block In eastern port ef ths city with fair house and horn wiU beeold cheer t OMaiiied, sndall therbusisess la ths U. B. Pease Bice attendeded to for moderate fees. Oar sSies ia oppoeii tbe U. S. Patent OSes, and vs can ebuia Putcitts leas tbaa than those Tints rvtn WasUnrten. Seii4 biihIW er drawing. W tu to patsai ' fre f charge land weuiake o ebsrgs anises S ebUUtt patent. W reler here, to the Postmaater, the Seat, ol aeasf Onler Div. and to officials of th V . B Patent . sa. For tsnular, advice, terms, and afarsaess o actual el ifi its hi your own State or county, assises Ca Ae SNOW&COee Oepeaite Patent OSJea, WsatdMvea, S . As 0, Us W. Members Wuhinsomployment or dtsiring uslp, will pleasecsll at Read tt BrewneU' store And register their names. By Ordbr or I.cpob A0ENT8 WASTED to sell "REMINISCENCE, ol CO YEARS in the NATIONAL METROPOLIS. BEN PER LEY P00RE Illustrating the Wit, Humor and Eccentricities ot n ted re lebtltte. A richly Ulastrated treat ol inper Society History, from "ye olden time" to the wvddiujfof Cleveland. Weaderfally pepalsr. At enu report rapid sales, Address for streulsr m .! teratF, A. I KiM Kon st CO., PvbHah er i, San Francisco, Ol. 'M MAY. C'SaSnBRS MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General leitOliafidiBe. HiVRRISBURO Will m toi - - - OREGON. Wool aad all kinds ffl2X THIS HAT1SQ flMHHBR LABEL them SBSH Rr SM .ITavSl with raVOet. 80 . 1888. . S 1