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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1887)
If be Jemwtat. at the Part Office at Albany . Or, mm second olaa mall matter. , 111 ' fRIDAY. JULY 8. 1887 arras at Kdllvrt an HUTTING. rraarleter. man r. irrritt. tui cit r. ii i 1 1 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm A MAN ABOfT TOWN. The Man About Town took advantage last Monday of a one Jar excursion over the O. P. to the Bar, hit first trip to Ore gon' popular tummer retort. A pleasant tide over the mountain. Col. Woodford on board. Cental fellow. Rugged scenery.niar velkmsly winding track. 50 miles by air line, 64 by rail, scattered houses, new village springing up, Yaqulna River, the Day, a quina Cltv. Here the Tereaa May took u to South lleach, asc, where Judge Kelsav wa taking his audience in a iWnt flight of oratory from 1494 to the days of Cleveland. Stiff breeae, sand, Ox barbecue, bread, cake and pie. How they vanished. Steam ferry lioat, two bits, (rood many people around. Mr. Wad worth and fami! v'.juat retired from Indian agency. Coll. VanCleve, with whole raft of children, Jim Potter on government works, Mrs. Amanda Long at Pete Abbey' hotel. Splendid place, nne room, good table. lrl! Lampman and Jim FcrtneTl, of this place.alo there as waiters. J B Cornel v around. Newport a hilly place ; but full of health and hope. Magnificent beach, hath houses, Rocky Point, etc. At 4 tor home. Tereaa May reliable boat Mon tacella ran ashore. ' Delayed train t hour jo minutes. J II Albert, cashier of md National Bank of Salem, on hoard. First made trip in 185. Trail. Skiff at Elk City. Whaling vessel at Bay. Quite a record. Albany at 10 p. in. O A primitive scene mm witnessed on Prit Street last Friday, that of a wagon standing in the verv heart of the huaineas portion of the cltv w"lth the horses hitched to the back end. This i, common on back streets and the public square ; but not for yean, hat the Man About Town seen First 'Street in vaded in this manner. The tight attracted some attention. 0 The principal thing about a ath of July celebration ia ihe crowd, and the principal imng about tne crowd 1 their capacity lor citric add water, orange and peanut.' O Two poor, lone, orphan men 'were In Al bany Friday with an arcordeon. One plaved and the other took up a collect km. It takes all kind of people to make up the world, and this I a fact some will never learn. A Tsasperanra Lcaaoe Tom Robert's life here has been a tern perance lesson. When he married hU pre ent wife about five year ago he agreed to leave whiskey alone, and has been agreeing and disagreeing ever sin. re He ha made his own life and that of his wife and chil dren miserable just because lie couldn't laave the atuff alone. If a friend asked him be would drink though he had just signed the moat solemn obligation not to do so Mr. Roberta could stand his treatment no longer and about three months ago ther separated. Tom went to Hhedd and has been working faithfully In the blacksmith shop there, as he well knows how when sober. Saturday he came to the city and while here called to see hi wife and chil dren, where his wife was living, but not un til after he waa "ginned up." While there he got mad, threatened to kill Mrs Roberts and was about to strike her. when Frank Gil more, who was present stepped in and lield him away, receiving a severe blow in hi own face. ' Mrs Roberts had him arrest ed, and he was examined before Justice Dorris arid held in $500 bonds to keep the peace. Gilmore also had him arrested for assault and he va fined $5 ami costs. Madura Death at Hei Last Tuesday morning about S o'clock, Robert Pent land while standing in 'the door of his home at Scio, suddenly fell to the floor from an epileptic stroke and died in about an hour and a half afterwards. He had been well previously and was not sub. ject to heart disease. Being one of the prom inent men of the county and one of Ore gon' earliest pioneers his death has caused feneral regret through the county. Mr 'ent land was born In Newcastle, England in 1820 and came to the L', 8. In 1844 and to Oregon in 1845. He ha resided In Ore gon since, except for awhile in 1849, when he waa in California. He built the largest mill In the State at Linn City, which was burned. Afterwards he resided at The Dalles for fifteen year, building two flouring mill there. In 1878 he moved to Scio, where he ha since resided. The deceased was married in 1841 to hi first wife and in 1876 to his present most estimable wife. He leaves two children by hi first wife, Mr L K. Brooks, of The Dalle and Fdward Pent land, of Monmouth. Krylag Pan to Fire. C. B. Carlisle has resigned a Secretary of the State Immigration Board and Wal lace R. Struble has been appointed to suc ceed him. It seem to be the rule for the board to have as iu Secretary someone who has proven a failure at the newspaper busi ne. Mr. Carlisle will edit a Southern Oregon paper that he ha been working for by sending immigrant Southward. Per haps Mr. Struble will get some grace in his heaitand do all parts of the State justice during tiie short time he I elected for. The Hon ml House. The contract for building the round house of the Oregon Pacific at this city was let to Joa. Clark and sons, of this city, who will furnish the Prick for the building. Fight stall will be constructed, having a capacity for sixteen engine. The cost will be about $12,000. The structure will be located southeast of the O A' C. depot and work will be begun nt once. fist ray Horse. Lost by ths undersigned, at Albaav. Ore- ton, ens dsrk brown horse, (I years old, 15 and high, a few white hairs in forehead, small white saddle mark. Shoes all round, well worn. IiSft evening of July 4th, !SV; Any information concerning him will be paid for. Bated July 7th, 1A87. I). S. Smith, She. if. Mii-uyed. From Albany a brown dorse about if. a 1 S a a a a e.a nanas nign, branded with figure o on figure 6 on left shoulder. Last heard from near Miller's Will reward the finder. Report at this of. flee Latt week twenty-one men, near Colfax, W. T, hheared 3380 sheep In ooe day, the highest record being that of Joe hurling ame, wlio sheared 174 Kheep. A remark able fea at shearing. I i Vine service will be held in St. Peters Kptscopal Church next Sunday, July 10th, morning and evening. Rsv. Jesse Taylor officiating. All are invited to attend. Tltere will also be service m the church on Friday evening, Joly 8th, at a quarter to 8 o'clock. The annual conference of the M E Church Wc South will ooavsne t Tangent on July 21t. cr:H n ! evening of July 20th B a hoo ItaaAo v e will 1 market T UK. WOOhKS MII.I.. In response to the call of the Woolen Mill Committee, mentioned last week, a meeting id citizens wa held in the office of Wolverton & Irvine Saturday evening. The Committee made the following report which explain the condition of the move ment : T Horn. J. .. Cettwa, Cktiiruutn and the t ten t " Atlmny : We your Committee to whom wa refer red the matter of ascertaining what water privilege and site could be procured for the establishment of woolen mills in the city of Albany and the best method of securing the erection of such woolen mill would most respectfully report a follows 1 First. We are Informed by Mi . John A. Crawford that he is unable at present to make definite arrangement concerning the water power, because of certain negotiation new tending with the Oregon Pacific Rail- ruad Company. 8econd. We are assured by Mr Craw ford that If he retain the water ditch or canal, he will donate at what Is known a the Klkins falls on said water ditch a sev enty -Ave home power for Hve year, and will furnish the same amount of water pow er after the expiration of that time at the schedule rate for uch power at the place above named. We also have aurance that if the Oregon Pacific obtain control of aid water ditch of even better terms than the liberal offer of Mr Crawford. Third. Four acre of land can be obtain ed either of Mr Crawford or of Mr Jame Klkin upon reasonable term in close prox imity to said fall ultable for the location of such woolen mill. Fourth. We would recommend the or ganisation of a joint stock company, with a capital stock of $100,000. Tliat a soon a said company I incorporated tock book be opened and nbcription of tock be taken until a sufficient amount is subscribed to complete the organization of ald company. That negotiation then be opened with cap ItalUU either on thla coast or in the East to take the balance of stock and take the man agement of said company, providing that upon equal term and condition Thoa Kay, of Brownsville be given the preference of taking or assuming the management there of. We find the btiidne men of Albany thor oughly alive to the enterprise in hand, and we believe the project should be vigorously pursued until success in that direction is ac complished Rcspeclfultv auhmitted, C:lK. WoLvaarox, J. W. Cvaii-K, ft. J. I.AN.XIMO. The above mm adopted and the stock placed af $;o a share. Hon Geo R Cham berlain, C Wofverton and W H Cioltra were appointed committee to prepare ar tides of cbyporbtlon. the name of which will be The Albany Woolen MilU Com pany. A meeting wa appointed to be bald last evening at the office of Wolverton 5c Irviaa for the purpose of completing the arrantlion of the joint atock company, and arranging for the opening of the hoaka for aubaeriptiona for atock. KaXOl.LTlONS OK INIHIt NATIOY HAM 00 LXBASON F.Nt.INK CoWrASV No. 1, Lebanon, Oa.July 11, 1887. At a regular meeting of lbanon Engine Co, No. 1, the following preamble and res olution were adopted : Wmi ri vs. On t lie 15th, 16th and 171I1 days of June, 1887, a tournament of the North western Firemen's Association, was held at Vancouver. W. T. ; ami WiiKRKaft, Lebanon, Engine Co. No. 1. of Lebanon, Or., sent a duly accredited Itote team to .aid tournament to take part there in ; and, Said team did attend said tournament ami did there, in an honorable manner, compete with various other hoae team for the various priies offered : and Wiikrkaa, Said hose team did in a fair and honorable manner win the second prize in the championship hose race ; and WllKKEaa, The judges of said tourna ment decided unanimously in favor of said Lebanon hose team and WitKKEAa, The Board of Director of said tournament composed of three mem bers from Astoria did wrongfully on ap peal from the unanimous decision of said judges, and contrary to the testimony of Ave disinterested witnesses, and disregarding all rules of decency and fair dealing, award said second prise to Astoria Co., No. 1, whose time was 3 minute 14 4-5 seconds, a compared with Lebanon's time of 1 min ute 44 4-5 aecond. Therefore he it Renal fed. That this company will not quietly submit to so gross and palpable in justice to our hose team ; and he it further RnlveJ, That the action of said direc tors wa inequitable, selfish and dishonest , and they are a disgrace to the Northwestern Firemen's Association, a well a to the As toria fire department, to which they belong. Resolved, That we, a a company, here by express our confidence in the integrity of Captain C C Hackleman, and member of his hose team. Immtm, That we extend our thanks to Mr Hackleman andall the members of his team for their galty nt conduct and refined deportment at sakl tournament Resolved, That we hereby extend our thank to the Vancouver fire department and citizens of Vancouver in general, for courtesies and their hospitable treatment of our hose team during their stay in Vancou ver ; also to the Albany hose team for fa vor rendered. Received, That a copy of these resolutions lie forwarded to the Albany Da mix rat and Herald, Lebanon ;v,, Oregonian and Hew ; and that a copy of the same he forwaided to the Vancouver and Walla Walla fue departments also ex-Board Di rector. E. E. Montaoi k. A. K.Cvki s, President, sec'y pro tern. (.real Hale of Resort Property. The Seal Rock resort property dtuated on South Heuch to miles from Vaquina Bay is now on the market for sale. For particulars call on Curran .v Monteith, Agents. A'bany, Oregon, at whose office can le found maps and views of this splen did property. A chance to secure a lot and elegant cottage at this famous seaside re rrt for $;o. CfRR.w He MoNrriTti, Agents, Albany, Or. ew Id v ery Stable W C and L J Peterson ha e atartevl a liverv and feed stable at Lebanon with new outfit, and solicit the patronage of the pub- li J liese are enterprthing,accommodating young gentlemen buainesa. and will do a rushing Aerident at l-bumtn. Last Monday several young men were handling a revolver in Churchill A Mouteith's atom, when it was aecideutly discharged, the ball hitting a piece of furniture and gt&i oing against Mr Churchill's forehead, f r uuately having speut its force, and doing no harm, Vou will find our stock of carpeta, oil clolh, matting and window blinds full and attrac live, all that is new in patterns and tyle can be found in cur assortment, to see is to believe. M'JMKII H & SglTBAC'H. New To-day. lag a beautiful line and THK 4TM Of JVtiV. It take a crowd to make a big celebra tion, and generally the gathering i the celebration. Album hud a uood sited crowd ; but not a large a usual, and the eagle screamed according to the modern code. The hot weather made the celebra Hon a small sized bonama for lemonade, Ice cream and orange stand, a well as the saloons, and the hotels were crowded. The W. C. T, Vm at their lunch room and Ice cream stand nearly opposite the Dkmocart office did a rushing business, taking in over j cm ., besides furnishing Iced water free for the thirsty multitude. At tO o'clock the procession formed and marched to Hacklemau's grove, where the spread eagle part of the exercise took place. These are really the only commemorative part of the celebration, and without them the days proceedings would be a farce ; yet only a small portion of those attending 4th 01 juit celebration listen to them. Hon. John Burnett, of Corvalll. delivered the uratton, a patriotic effort, full of sound ar gumenta and of hlttorical value, and Rev. E. R. Prichard.of Albany, read that famous old document that never loses Its lustre by age. After these proceedings and dinner the exercises were continued in the city. The bicycle races on the track In front of the Court House were about the most Inter esting feature of the dav. Four laps, one half mile were run in the order and time fol lowing, the record being good for amateurs, at least three of whom had never mounted a bicycle until this summer 1 Z L Rudd Geo Fish Percy Kellv I M Smith Percy Young Tf Overman N Smith J P Hall J F Hail 55 V 44 H4 I 47 1:46 1 t 1 45 4 ...... I 1 46 3 IU4 T J Overman winning the first prise gold medal, and fieorge Fish the second, a silver medal. J 1 Hail gave an exhibition teat of speed, running ten mile in j : min ute. At 6 o'clock a hose race, wet test, for a oriae of $15 was run between No. i's and No. i's of this city, the latter winning bv a fraction of a second. Time, No. j. no j t; No. i's, I: II 1.5. At 9 o'clock M fine display of fire works was given on the public square, some v art pretty piece being fired, as well a the usual amount of rocket and roman candle. -1 i 1 . a ev a a mm live uoice tar rstentc t. iut gave a cesaful ball at the Opera House after fire work, the attendance being good. SJOTK. sue the Several drunks In Albany. Not many serious accidents. Misee Bva Simpson and Artie 1 I1"" had their dresses ruined bv lieini: lired bi some bovs with mischievous tire crackers, a close call for serious reaulta, a then cloth ing wa in flames, which were put out only with an effort. While going home in the evening Marion Thomas' team ran off the bridge just east f the city, damaging the wagon consider ably, but not harming Mr Thomas and hi family. Salem gave iu first celebration for ten year. Beside the orations, etc., t lie bicy cle and lioee race were the feature of the day. The amateur mile race was won bv Lewi in t$ 3-5 second ; llarrv Albert, won the boy race. Merrill won the Slate cliatnpionahip race in 3:31 and 3:41 J Hatch wa his only competitor. No 3s won the hose race. Tiger tlie steamer race. The celebrations at Portland, Tacoma. Corvalll and Sweet Home, were all sue cefut. The Mt. Hood illumination wa a grand affair. The red light sbone 58 ec onds, wa plainly seen in Portand. e mile away, and slightly in Salem. Ueai her .Summary of Meteorology foe J ana. I AH?, from observations taken at Albany, Linn Oft Oregon, by Johu ltrigg.Keq. Hig'ieat Bar. 30 tH ; lowest, 39. ; mean. SMC Highest daily Bar. 30.0! I lowest. 20 5. iitgbews Temperature. 4 : lowest, 60; mean, 61.54 Highest daily Ther.. 7. 5 ; lowest. A3. Maaa st 7 a.m., 5A.9: t f. m , 71.93 5 9 p. m., 59.7S Prevailing winds, X Maximum velocity fores, 3. Total rainfall ami melted snow doriua month, 1.21 inches. Number of days mt which .01 iach or mors fell. 7. Number of days of cloudiness aver ears soaks of 10. i. Of 90 observation 50 were oIer,-J."i cloudy, 7 tair, 0 foggy, 5 rain, 1 haay, 2 overcast. Mcbewl Jaws of IMK7 Between July 1st and $th I mailed to the address of each school officer of I. inn Co., Or., a reported to me on last March, one copy of the School Laws of Oregon lor the year 1007. Home changes have been re ported in the list of officers and perhaps some change liave been made which have not been reported, in which case such new officer will not receive anv. Those not re- ... ceivmg a copy win nieae report the same to me by July loth, and oblige. Verv Respectfully, ' l). V. 8. Rrio, County School Superintendent. Rev 8 0 Irvine will speak on the pending proBlottory amendment at kviag a Frairts on Saturday, Jmy lath, at 3 p. m.. and at Fox Valley on Monday, July isth. at 10 a, m. 1 e The County Court vesterdav rata, I to an propriate $3500, or half the expense fur build ing a urtdge, at Alehama. Far gale. 1, Senders, of this city, has just returned from Prioeville with a drove of fifty head of horse, consisting ot mares, mare and colts. yearlings and some two years old, all f which as oilers for sale on reason able term. T-O-B-A-C-t'-O-M. Largest stock In Albany at A B, Mc fl sa. s . s mm uwain s, ami tne lowest price-.. Mere are some of the figures, which tell their ovvi story : Three ii ox plugs, Climax, $(. Three 16 ox plugs, Knights Delight, $i Four 14 ot plugs. The llcro. Si. And a large stock of other brands at ex tremely low prices. Notice. od fencing lumber for sale ou easy terms Inquire of MoMKiiii & Smre-Nau u. Repetta, the famous E. ). running mare, wins In tlie East nearly a easily a h did in Oregon, Our Spring stock of dre:s good, faucy goods, boots and shoe, etc , ha ye arrived and we are now showing the most complete and attractive stock ot goods ever brought to Albany. A visit to our store will convince all that we are in the lead. MowraiTH & Serrcw bach. Albany Marker. Wheat 07a per bu. Saw erop lOo, Oatamyft m Butter 20 cu per lb. Eggs 'A) cent per doa. PotatoaH 120 eta per bnabil. aehlea' Arntea aatve. The beat salve in the world for Outa, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Halt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, ( 'napped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It tsguarantesd to give porlect satiafaotiou. or money reiunuori. rnce zo cents per I M ' t . mm . m mix. ror sate 0 roanay oL M.tsou, Not ire to Farm PEKHONAb AMI MOI'IAIi Dr. J. T.JTsts returned horns Wednesday 8am May, of Harriaburg, called yesterday. Mr Adolph Headers, of Prioeville, hashes in the ei ty recently . Mrs. K. I). .S'loau, of WapinUla, Waeeo county, is in the oily. Mr J B Trask, of Kot Valley, was la the city Wednesday. W F Crosby, ths wbsst buyer, of Han Frauoisoo, arrived in Albtny Saturday. Superintendent I laid it attending the State Teacher's institute at Salem this week. Bon R A Irvine is east of the Sen tare aeouriag ths right of way for ths Oregon Pa mm, Adam In rig, ths solid nigh twatch. left last Friday for the mountains oa a h tuition pvditiou. Arthur Uraxfield. of Newnort. attended ths 1 doe far N unite ball iu this city Mon day evening. Mia Rurbanka loft lost Monday for her former home iu Portland, where she will re- main a few months leo Humphrey and I) P Mssou Isft for Cortland Wedneadav to attend the Grand Kiicamutneiit id M Mrs W I Turrell aocompeaied her father to hia bonis in Han Krauetsee last week, and UJ remain there several noath. W A Humphrey, thssxosrt W V operator of this eity, is in the Portland office, where hs will remain for several weeks. Ixgau Hayes is tilling his place here. M rs Jason Wheeler and daughters, Mrs. Walker and Mrs Rider, of the Warm Springs Agency, are visiting among their many friends in Albany. Mrs Whseler is jut re covering from a long siokaeee. Mist Anna Chiawell left far her horns at Albany en yesterday. Daring her stay In our town she made many friends, and was gen ersily popular. Doe and George havs pur chased erape. lUlbvs itemiiee. Prof J B Horner, principal of ths Rose burg Pablie Schools waa ia the city Saturday being in the Valley to attend the Stale Teaaaers' Association which msets iu Salem this week. Prof Horner has a new system of teaching book keeping which is pronounced very praotioabla Prof Mitchell ami John Swank, two of ths most noisy, sprightlr, rantankarons, boister ous gsats in and about Tallmeu started to dar for a trip in the mountains, whers they will spend several weeks eboul the Hotinua and Labs How they will make the walaia ring in ths mountain forests by their nmay t:arrying pn. 't ItRKNT KVKXTm. Hon Allen Parker Is at Han Kranclebo getting machinery for the Ympiina salmon cannery. Thejun slu small Am - - une salmon run on the Coluinlda Kate Field, the dress reformer. U In the Northwest on an inspection and lectur ing tour. She is now going toward. Alaska. Oscar Kelty. the Polk county wife mur. derer, ha about recovered, and will he in good condition when his hanging time comes He should have a snredv trial Prof J L Powellxd Seattle.! daiurerotisl v ill. The Canadian Pacific ia ruttimr rate $1 10 to New York and return on first clae t rains. An hem In Saturday's Oreranian statin a tliat too people would leave Walla Walla on the 4th wa headed -Walla WaiU will lc deserted. A hard hit on that cite which has a population of over 6yaoo. Jacob Sharp wa convicted of bribery in New York city lat week. Served the venal old scamp right. I here will he an assembly of the Chau tauqua Literary ami Scientific Circle of Oregon at Canbv. beginning fulv u and ending an the xh instant. Several con template attending from Albany. Vale defeated Harvard in the ereat foor mile rawing race, bet Friday Time. 2 1. RRAX stoat. Following werethe r.- rj. aa'.e in Linn county during the past week ! t) H Pickens to P J Forter. SO acra in tp 10 S K I m 400 P J Foster to Goa K ramrrr. e e s 9 i Geo W Keeoey to Lmia Mayer, Out I IO iMit 10 11 s '.'nd A . Albany 200 100 U B errett to R M Owens. ' lata m Peoria Haasa, 2 lots ta Peona John Hon to Peter Welt. 37.IS0 acre 100 tp 12 8 It I m 500 J N McDonald to F.h Darker, 40 sere. vp I - 1111 MM S W Roes to J L Hill. ISO acres near Sodeville .. 1900 MO Maria Talcott to Joo McCracken. : acrrs , Sarah W Thompson to John Conner. IU acre, tp 1.1 H K 4 w Kat Mercer Thompson to John Conner. IU( acres in tp P S It 3 w f.3B9 Preebrterian 4'onvoeatioa. Membvra of the Presbv teriau Churchea of the Willamette Valley will have a, grand convocation ami picnic at Aurora on Jaly it 1 to tie a gathering of t'reebytenana and frieuda from Kugene to Portland. If the af fair is earned out aa proposed, it will lie the largest gathering of tne kind ever seen in the State. Ibeapuakot will be ministers or- el dors of that Church. Mr E P Rogers give tne following rates to those desiring to at tend From Turner, 11.30 ; from Marion, $1 60 ; from Albany. $2 10 ; from Lebanon, $2 60 ; from Eugene City. 3 85 Parties going north in the afternoon will bare a pvtciai train to re tarn on, so that all will leave the grounds at the same time, 630 p. m, Presbyterian people who are in reach of this can confidently look forward to this aa a gathering that will he well worth attending;. The band from ths Indian school will furnifk the music. Any farther information will be cheerfully given on application to Rev K T legle, st East Portland, by mail or other wise. 4TRITIT rOTBT. Tne following cases were disposed of after ear press hour last week : 4. Assignment ot TV Monieiih. A-count aleJ and aaalgaee realgnad. 41 R A ftantpy gl II L Tkuntpaoii an.l an. Action on promisor) note, ('ontinuad. 75 Mai th 1 Houston a.'t Jtwia Tiniruian t a.. PsrtitioM. Continned. WCH Miller agt P V 8 Itwial. To recover money. Verdict for defendant , 111 J H rtHtiirea asrt Uertmnd Hermau at al. Jo ra- covar fKaewion of real proeerty. J OS KicharUaon appointed referee , 117 J C Johnson ast Jlarv J and Oreen Beard. To racoyer money. I'oullnued. IW Alice 15 KIHott airt Amanda J Rn. et al. Par titlon. Continued. 124 tio-i D Overton set sf Keenev. et al . Knulty te fUiei title. Decree for plaintiff. va. T J Black agt Nancy J Sippy. Te recover money. Demurrer to complaint sustained. Also to amended complaint. 130 J L 11 nil ton set Nancv Hamilton. Jiivotce, Pivores graated, tSS J A Jones airt Win Jones, et al. Default to Win Jones. Continued. 1SS J P Hchoolinir airt Hsv sml Ashbv. To reeOTer money. H H Hewitt appointed referee and fat sd. 130 J P Rjheotlnx act C F Wright. To reaever money. H II Hewitt appointed refere and continu ed. 141 R ghelten mul O M Curl and ano. To recover money Continued. 142. W W Banford agt Klbabatb Snford. Diyorc Uivorce granted. 148 Frank Harris sgt John Craft. Au peal 011 from J unties Ceurt te recover posseesion ef calf. verdict for defendant. SEE MrlbWAIN'S CUITH1NU He fore Baying. lie has just recei clothing, en which i a large atock ot ias placed greatly reduced prices, that will open your eves Suits heretofore selling for $20 he, now selis e been reduced, to $14 suits to $13. varied, ranging in 50 up. Customers Call and sec for for $!. ( $16 ; $( 1 H0MP. AND ABROAD. F M French, jeweler. Let us act Woolen Mill. The best harness st R L Thompson's. H . Rwort, practical watchmaker and Jew ler J. P, Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, At bany, Or. lOand IS yar.! !, v . v ptttrui,et Mo Ilwi0'a, About oDQO people wars in Albany on the Fourth. Mr J L Cowan is eu Urging hi residsaee on ths sast side. IB cord of Ah and Oik wo d w.iuted at WM1 Rroa. (Sun Store. I he W. V. & C. wagos road is uow open, (he snow having vanished, New line of hosiery at Mel I wain's for cent per pair up. Fins stock. Sit shave for a dollar an I a clrau towel to every customer, at L Yisriek's. Just received at Mcl I wain's new line of gtughsms, Hi and 12 yards forf I. A good horse power hay press for sale Inquire of Andy Huot, at Albany. 7 UJts ouree rheumatism, nenralgi s tootbacHe: Jf'oehay A Mason, Agents. M. H. Abbott, one of the founders of Democrat, died at Tacoina Wedcssday. apd th Mr James Powell hsa accepted a position in the First Nstienal Bank, of this city W H Ross has sold the Jefferson ferry to D B Alien, recently of Nebraska for S43O0. Raaora honed, set and pot in order at Vie reek's Shaving and Hair Dressing SaUan. Mr Peter Riley was admitted as a citizen of the U S before Judge Itoise last Saturday . F M Freneh, agent Singer Manufacturing Co., opposite Odd Fellows Tetnple, Albany, Or. Team for Sale -A spaa of large work, hones. For particulars esll at Deyee t Rob sou 'a A new postoffloe has been establmbed two miles beyond Waterloo with Jas Mat. bet as Nssby. The Oild Fellows of Lakeview will betid a two story brtck thirty feet by sttty fset this season. Or. M. II. Klht. piiyauia and surgeon AH any, Oregon. Cle made in oity or country, AH stylua oi koala and shoes and a large stock of groosnea is what we carry Redheld A Brnwnel!. . We take the coo, the customers take the bargain, and tin hsrgstns tike th Cake, lUMitiel.l A Brownell. A small child of Samuel Mill at Fox VaL lay waa recently scalded lodswth ly falling iato a pail ef hot water. 43 N Charchill mi M nda was elect i Chief sod El Croison, Assistant Chief of the Salem fire department, Lient. 1 A Manning and Mum Alios llstch were man ted in Salem last Wednesday. We extend ceagratulattona. Falirosy's Celebrated Meosl Clmmttr far sale at Oeyoe & Roban's and Head V Brown ell's, P J Raltiaaore. agent. Kvery customer will be a wsikisg adver tisen.entfor our bargain when they see our price, ueuiiehl 41 Orwe!l. One of X li Allen A Co's pruts tteketa god for &v on a dollars worth of good mrebaad at the new Second Hand store. Wood working machinery, ahaftio L pol lings, halting and ml- . at fo'.f lri.:. luuuire ml C L Hruah, f-ot of l.vou Street. AlHany, Or. Mr J 1 la, toe sewing nuvcblue a -cot etpeneucetl two runaways last weak, each a sewtng maabme being i.tWen to Anolhsr alnpment U ln line alto tti all widths and sixes inatiu thi week 4'astnm era reuiark what petfret beuntie. Ilwltield Urowaeli. s stock of lalteti te n et j t- reeefe sd direct from the ! astern facto-y at He Ilwata's, ranging in price from fl.2 u,. ir kid button shnea . Wednesday Mr Omar He sMMM par skaaed of lJrof 1. V loueway bis house ami aaw let, jUet east of the schoor house. Cn iderataon, 1300 aioce the 4 th Wallace A Thorn pa-m have hecxime very patrvtic and annoanos Uiat they are selling graoariae eheaper than ever. Try them liet their prions and bay of sunn. J O Clark will give readings through ths valley. The writer heard Mr Clark nearly twenty years ago a few miles from Mr Clark s former home. Syracuse, New York. Several attended the Oak villa pumic on Thursday of last week, and rep .rl a hoe lime, Col Woodford delivered a atirriug ad 4 res on the pending amendment and made Mi oed f popular generally just aa a Pionioer. The Dr. o hm goes to more subscriber at Albany tbao all other e wu' r paiK-r U gather, including one issue of dailiea, and always will daring the present msuagemeo'. ef it eity contemporary. Albert Brown, ef Corvallie. was dr wnsd in tbe Willamette at Cor vail. s last Monday. 1 le bad been drinking hard. I its body waa found Toeaday, and tbe exact streams tanoss of th drowning are unknown. One day last week a thirty month old son of Mr C a Smith, of OakvUie, fell on the graea at hia plane, breaking his thigh. M ist children tumb'e. but this hide fellow fell in a peculiar manner, causing the accident. Last Saturday while building a barn oa hi place in the Third Ward Mr Frank Country man fell to the gronod, striking partially on hi feet, wrenching one of his ankles, and cracking a bone slightly, Ir Maston attend ed his. Last Friday Oscar Kelty was examined oa the charge of murder st Dallas aad held to await the action of tbe Oread Jury without oail. It was reported here yesterday that hs was taken from ths jail Wednesday night and lynched. Judgs Usady baa de cided that more may be charged for a long than for a short haul. where water competition lowers the rate. (live Judge Oaady a chance and the inter state commerce law will be nothing hut a bundle of rags. Mr Jas Garrett, of Peoria, ths tirat of th week left a specimen of wheat at Stewart St Sox a that indicates fifty bushels per acre. It is See wheat, of the Lsudretb breed, aad if titers were enough Holds like it would make Linn county a wheat paradise. The Dkmoi'K at suggests th it the Chicago humorous paper that distributed cuts of a man laughing to kill about two ysars age, send oat some more as the ol.l outs are neat ly worn out by oar Oregon exchanges in ad yertisemeaU and in different capacities. Capt N B Humphrey and Rev H P Wsbb, of this city will deliver addresses ou the pendiug prohibitory ameudmaot at the fol lowing time aad places : Waterloo, July 12th, 4 p. m., Liberty ijhool house, July 13th. 4 p. m., Sweet Home, July 14th, 7:30 p. in,, Lebanon, July 15th, 8 p. 111. Under new legulations mail to No port is sent in a separate pouch and will reach that place on tbe same day it leaves Albany. Heretofore such mail was seat ia the Ya quiua pouch and laid over night at that place before reaching Newport. This will be a great convenience to Newport people. The foundation is being laid for ths new Flinn block. Mr Poly ia doing the woo l work and Clark Brothers the brick work. There will be bank room and two store rooms ou tbe ground rloor and six suits of of. floss on the second floor. Ths front will be three stories high, aad the finest in Oragou outside of Portland. The Democrat suggest that a mile amateur bicycle race between teams of eight or ten from thin oity and Salem be ran at ooe of tae cities. The contest would make a good ex hibition, and as bicyclists generally have a fellow feeling it could be earned on iu a manner to make friends among the devotes of cycling in the two citia s, and as well ad vance the interests of the bicycle. Mr Luther T Deoata, taeonverted clown, who was mistaken and arrested far Grandad, the Buffalo man. has been in the oity mak ing arrangements to lecture on temperance. As the oaieiii ppr rem sou no jjit Mr, Dennis a hearing we puhiiu his in another column, All meu hi be heard. stats m nt leeeu ot PKOKIA. The parties who went, to llelnan spring n lev week ago have returned. They had a pleasant time and are quite improved In neaith. Mr Baynewaeso well pleased with tlie mineral water that he I talking of put ting In a spring on hi place. Mies Maggie Johnson lias returned from an extended vllt In Polk county. Haying has commenced In earnest, and, owing U the dry weather.wlll hardly lie an average crod. The radih crop will lc good In this vi cinity If the cut worms do not injure them while in blossom. John Bamford, of Prinevillc. i down on huaineas. I le will probab! v take out a drove of cattle. Sheep lienring l over. The clip wa Arte and heavy. A new school house is being built at Oak- viilr, nnd It la needed badly. There are several district around here that tt new school bouse would not hurt. The house that are In them now do not apeak v rrv well as to the enterprise of tlie peoph-. Quite a number fram this place attended a tin nee at the Shedd ball June ,Vh. A pleasant rime wa had. China pheaaanta are very niimerou. There is considerable crnnplflint made against them, but we think that mo-t of It is made for other reasons titan for what they destroy. Rye I ready for the hinder and is u good rrop. Moaea Myers met with a severe accident tat Friday by being kicked by Mr Johnson' horae. A pocket book in l.i-kn warded off tlie blow, and be Is n art bad but what lie will recover. The sale of personal property of Harden Carter, deceased, occurred lasi Sat unlay. Tlie property o!d very cheap. A couple of our young men had an inter esting time at the dance at .jhedd. There are other place to aettle such diiKculties without their being made quite r publk. It would have kioked far more gentle manly in those young men at the picnic, vaho were requested in a polite way to atop smoklpg on tin- ground,to have done o. Mot of thr PcrwJa folks ajtrnt the Fourth nt Albany. Mi s Iottlc BUttcf, of Fortland.U viaitlng the family of James Cjarrett. Mis Nellie Taylor ia also stopping there. Ziggler and Uratton will run the ware house at Peoria thi season. Tticy are thorough buelne men and are warranted to give satisfaction. Mra F M Garrett and Mi Norie Cling man were viaitlng friends in Corvalli last week. Thev had a pleasant time. There U some of the finest fields of fall a a m.m. a. .a.a. .a a (ram in wit varimtv mat nave ieen seen tcre fur several rears. The prohibition pit niY at Oakville wa well attended and the program wa verv in teresting. The speaking was conducted lr the l P Church. The program in the furenuou was varied. .Singing bv lite Oak ville choir, followed the oitening prayer. speeclteo were made in favor of tlie amend ment bv Dr Irvine, of Atbanv. and Rev Wilson and Squire (irev, of ilalsev. then followed select leading by Mrs W U Bam- ford ami Mrs C C McBrkJe . Several decla mations were delivered bv children and kinging bv the Band of llojuvind last of all perchc by anv one in tbe crowd in favor ! against prohibition. No one apoke against It. In thr afternoon a speech was deliv ered bv Co1. VVoodioid. who did not arrive until late. After hi seech a paper was circu lated for the purpose of ascertaining the number present who would vote for the mendment. A large number of name were signed A refreshment stand was on the ground under live management of the v . t . I . I .. which was conducted on a thoroughly temperance plan. Oakville ia one of the strongest temperance neighbor- hoods we know of. and anvthing of that nature will attract a large crowd to that place. -on it. 1 Mr. A. I. Parrisli and sou, Wm. Smith, started lor Eaatern f)regott last Thursday to look at some v acaitt land to take up. A eacial bop was had ou last Wednesday night at tlie residence of Mr. lieyam In Par riahea near Sodav ille, at w hich the light tatttaatie toe tripped until two o'clock in the morning. Mr Caaasady. LofttT, Mill and Powell furnished the mu-u for 1 In- urea ion. The clicking of the mower can lac lieard 1st tlie land near here and all are very buv putting up their hav Mra. Sims tlie irk woman U improving in health slowly and also Mr Cooper ia get ting better. We had the pleasure of attending a Sun day school picnic down at Keck Hill on last iTiuraday, which wa an enjoyable af fair, splendid dinner. The Sunday School c!.-ies irritcd xvrll anl thcte wa good alng ing. Prohibition lecture by Rev II P Webb, of Albany, Preparations are being made for a large campmeeting at Waterloo after bar v est Mr Came' . familv are rusticating thi week at the Way to be gone aliout ten days. Mr I inutile Ho vies and wife moved to Sodaville eomctime ago. The fruit crop around here ia almost a failure, epeclally apple and plums. Most every farmer i building a straw shed in which to put -draw next fall. Quite a number of campers now camped at Sodaville. The people of thi place do not want such a low down place a has been started here, only good to learn little boy bad habit. SHKHD. J C Davis waa in town last week. A large crowd went from here to the celebration at Albany and Corvallls. Ed Power has returned from Sodaville, where he been for some time. Thomas Arnold, Esq.. passed through the city last Saturday on hi way to the moun tains with a load of hay. Voter who went from here to the Jeffer son picnic, who were formerly opposed to the prohibitory amendment, after the able speeches were made, a large portion have entered with the determination of support ing the amendment. Rkx. Mr. Uetuiii Steak. Litchtield, Salem' aapirant tor Piekrto niao fame, ia uow saying, "Thou art to near and yet so far $1000 reward. 1 would thou were mine,- $1000 reward . 1 sigh for tbee butaigh ia vain, $1000 reward.'' Luther T. Dsnuis is not the man Crandall, so no thou sand dolUrs and 110 reward are all that hs gets for his pains, publishing defauutory notices iu the 'iMrMtnnn after promising Marshal Rs that he would not say anything through the insdiu.n of the papers, to avail complications ; then writing and pubhshinx suoh scandalous statemonts that he could not believe himself, and then going around Salem and telling various parties tnat the Lord had aeut him a thousand dollars ; but the Lord failrd to honor hi draft, aud then begging the nowspapers to uot say auythiu about rtini when Ddttui wa turned louse. Luther T. Dennis believes that alien the Lord sends him a thousand dollars he will have some thing to show for it, that he will not have to go around begging the paper not to say any thing of a transaction of which ha is ashamed. Brother Litchfield, I am afraid the devil had your eyes hluulnd, so that all you could see was the mystical aud unrealistic figures $1000 reward, whioh haye uow vanished in the misty Oregon mist. He iiae missed it. Den nis ie not wppreased by Ihjuor dealers or per secution, the devil and the servants of tbe rixr.. Mr and Mr Fleti her jiaid a viait fe I'hil omstn Ihe fVrat of last weeg A Mr. Wiionx has rented the Oreen wood place of Mr. Wyatt and is moving onto if, having puruhaad Mr. Alijaon's crop on th place. Messrs. J. I, and M. Brsaawe 1 Imii leaaad the I) utint (erin for a term of t; rri year sad will move there ldtis eomlag tkil Home ent rpriiog Cohorgr hs atated s beef hack around through thia neighborhood. Mia Lillian McNary, of Sabm is visiting at Mrs Ijockesj Among other improv-mcLts iu this locality we notice imw grain home at Mr. Fletch er', Kdgar iiiitigham has been oa the sick list ahoutawrek. Seyeral grain he!ls are ready for the binder and one er two binder hate already startrd to work. OAK PLAI7 The following is a report, allowing the average scholarship of the school in Pist. Sk mm rno. Y), I Ann county. for the month ending June 29th, 1S87 : ixittie Harbin, too Ella Havidaoti,' ig , 100 ; George Mmirh, tjo ; lela Davis, ; Kthel Baaaett, too ; Jame McW 11 llama, Sj ; IlLanche Collin, Halt e Walton, 99 ; hate Smith. ) ; Dean Nellie Pugh. 00 ; Kate McWiHianis, j U dun, 08 ; CMM McCullough, jS ; Mary Phdlipp. 08 Stella Pugh, 97 , Lura Pugh. 07 j Lulu Ramsay, 95 ; David Bmhh, 05 ; ina .Mc Cullough, 97 ; (inssie DaHfn, 95 ; Clatul Iaviden, 9s . DeHa Oldns. 74 ; Keta Ramsay, m : Maud Walton, v Archie Ramsay, (Jj ; KatellaDavideeo. yt : KJmcr Kendall, 90 ; Charlie Pugh, 88 ; Florence Walton, 87 ; Karneat PugkC ; Samuel Ramsav, 8j ; Laura Wall on, 7c : Sidney Smith. 7 : Tiideti Quinn, $a. Ol.fvg lsr;. TeacJicr. so-hMl Hist ro t 44. Following ia tlie report of School No. 44, for tlie term commencJn nth and ending July let, 1817 1 No of dav a attendance, it 274 ; District I April No. of day absence, 3624 ; No. of time tardy, 15 ; No. of boy a enrolled. 10 ; No. of girls, I V Total, 25. Average No. lelonglng,25 : average dailv attendance. 18 zX-ja. Roll of Honor for first month. Guv Mc- Ogftney, Ella Davis. Kiette (ieorgc, Ezra Tslxon, Clara oodhn, Ida (,oodhu. Addie Hollow ay, Mary llolioway. Erne Ooodlin, Lulu llollowav, Ernest (ood in. Vernando (joodliit, Freddie Niton. Second month uy MeC.trtney, fieorge Davis. Ella Davis, "Ezra Nixon, Rictte fieorge. Clara (ioodlin. ElBe Giodlin. Fred die Nixon. Vernando ioodlin.Ernet ( iood lin. Third month. Guy McCartney, Ella Davi, Kiette Cieorge.Ceorge Davia.Charle NKon, Ezra Nixon. Vernando fioodlin. Fredilie Nixon. Ernct (iorxlhn. F'or the term - Ezra Nixon, I Vedtfic Nixon, Vernando Cioodlin, Earnest ioodlin. Ella Davfa, Riette fieorge. (etiy McCartney. B. A. Cot. 1. in. , Teaclier. The 4th of July lliener a Snreeee. The rit iens of Albany and 1 kinity de- serve much credit for tbe liberal and etb cient assistance which they gave the ladies of the W. C. T. C. iu making thrir 4U1 of July dinner a grand attcce. Nearly every one must feel omc interest in tlw object lor which it was designed : while few can fail to appreciate the spirit of honorable inde pendence which prompted tltein to dejre a hall of their own in which to hold their private and public gatherings, all must ad mit and admire their public spirited devotion to the good of our city, in their efforts to establish a public reading -room where our young men and hoys may spend a leisure hour, safe from the attractions, the influ ences, and the facii tat ions of trie saloon. We liope and trust that all future efforts in tne amc direction mav meet with the same hearty and generous response. A Lookua Ox. Tweedale & Hopkins, -PEALEUS IN- Hardware, Tin and Cop per Ware, Pumas, Rub ber Hose, and Plumbing Goods. ALBANY, ORE&Olt. LADIES, LOOK HERE. Your arc invited t call a' W. B Seo i a CJuu Store and aee the SILENT NO, 8. Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine. It ban the BEST RECULATI0N of any machine hi the world. ali maeh!nea will be Pari a for Duplicated. Administrator's Notice. Notice ia haroby itiyen that att-dlM --nd day of June, 1887, the undersigned was by the County Court of Liun county, Oregon, duly appointed A Imiuistrator of the estate sf William ltobnett, late of said count v, de ceased. That undersiijiied has duly qual itiedas auoh Adiiiiuiftrator. A 11 persons having claims agaiust sa d estat are hereby Dotiticd to present them with tu .r per vouchers, within six months fron. ths date hereof, to the uudersigned at his raidtnoe hear Crawfordsville, Linu county, Oregon. lilted this 8th day ot July, 1887. P. P. RoilNKi I, Admiuistrator of said estate. Vt. BlLYKl', Attorney tor tlie Admiuiatrator. rar MARKien. R FT f UK. I" KB W. all Andrews & Hack lew wloouglas 13.00 SHOE WSJ soli: ajkn LEBANON, - - HARDWARE 4IARD .8. For 1 ho next ninety fumHttta at coat In order stock and make room fi hardware. Vvhiloattbe continue to inanufactn rock prkiNi, LEVERSHAM Tbe noted Clavs'aiid Hay Stal makr a falJ seaaon at tbe place fdgncd, 1 ml. oulh of Allauy, July 1 erait na from 1 have paatiirage ?.r marea. Teens- i I nsiirane. MILLARD & ELK IKS ImJ AVfAWA Ll A44MAn IW V VIV JUUUdW ALBANY, 1 in r.i m (HAS. PFEIFFEIL rAOPRIEit 1 mvi . L. I , tm 9 mm -a mmm T ' m. mm for eoniiiit-retal travelers. RinuiuK vuunHM, 'mmm ma mw .mm m imh t'Stte 4-oaehli and lr. ro lie Administrator's Sals ofUeal Estate In lh County f'rmrt it and ft" f...mti tt, Oregon. I a the matter of I Us ea' tJ W H K night, deccaavd. NOTICK H hereby give" that by virtue 1 an order ot aaic duly made and entered of ta or I by the ahote entitled C art iu th abov entitled oauae at tbe regular Jan-. li&T.tera ,.i..u i 1 ...... ) ;, ikn' tUm. dertgoel Ahi.u.iitrator of the estate of H. UcKaigbt; dwead. will on aiwrl fate -asn nay r -tmif, m$, at the !. ar of n o'el ok, p. m.. t the Cvuit House dMr in the i bany. Unn county, Orrgi.u, st-ii auction to the highest bidder iat mm "ANTED ' mf .tl I ate"" towfl I suit purchasers the ldiau.g real printer! v behiKiiiii Ui sai-l estate iat . Too north t.ail ft the northwest quarter 9 of SoCtion lb, the south nest quart . and the 1 oath half d the nti'.heat quarter of Sec-, j tion 9, all in Towi hip 10 s'.otb range emi weat of the Vi!lm ttc- mvneian in l-i-n county, Oregoo. -1. Luia uumktvtl ittae (IK two C21, three 'A), four 4. hve .." acd six (t) ta block numberetl truiteu 1 13) aod 1 lnta nn mh mil one (. two fl. to r - i Al nl i (4) of block numbered fifteen (loj as and designated upon tbe maps, plate aad sbi - veysot NV heeler addition tti the town ad j t : i - 1 .,.1 , . m-iu, uaa tuunaj, urrjjuu. .int. i na BOUl iti -ed one sia;tb of the loUowtng : Begioains 20 feet east of the nortbeaat eu: .er.f Block . 1, in Btlyeu' sdditiu te thv ntva ef Scio iu Lino counte, regou. and ruuutm tijeitca KiTh ai'u.-- the eenter nf tbe roal ataont l T rotL to the lhiualion Land Claim of K If Randall ; thence weat ooe hundred aad thr. rod to the southwest corner of the north weat qoaitr of the souiheaat qaarter of S.ctia eighteen in Towasbip 10 aouth ange 1 weat of the Williamette meridian ; thence notth 80 rods ; thence west ta Thotras Creek ; tuecce easterly up the couter af said Cj-ect to a point twelve rrals aud two feet weat of f&e northwest corner of Block 7, in said Bii yeu'a addition : thauee aoatit aiahteea and one -hslf rods : theuce raat tiftyon aad on- half rtxla to the plsos of beginning, ittoludii bloclts one and tour nd factional blocks fi in Bilyeu's sddition to ths town uf Scio.Luio count v, Oregon, alaa the aoutkwsat quarter of tbe north a est qu trtr-r ot Section tbirteeu lownship 10, south rang 1 a est, WUlaiu ette meridian, eoetaiaing ou hundred and event) '-eight acrea more or less iu Lian Co., Oregon, 4th. The undivided one-sixth oi the southwest quarter of the m-rthweat quar ter 01 section thirteen, towcship III. suuth range 1 west of the iliantette p.aridiao iu Linn county. Oregon, containing forty acrta. 5th, The undivided ooe-thiid of ihe follow ing to -wit : Beginning at tbe southwest cor ner of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 17 iu Township 10, south range 1 east of the Willamette meridian ami running thence south four aud sne-fourth chain : thence north 33. east 11 04 100 chains : theoce north j chains : tbenoe north 4ft', west 24 chains ; thence south 31 J, weat II chains ; theoce s uth 2 'J 100 chain to the place of beginning, containing S acres in Linn county, Oregon. 6th. Lot numbexed two and iart of lot thre. begta.iiug at the southeast corner of a-d Ut two and ruuntug thence east 17 fet : ti.t-uct uoith ta the bank ot Thorn Crrk ; thence rt follow ing the incautleitngs ot v.d stream to the eaat line of aai.1 !t 2; thence swulh along tha eaat line tf aaid I it '2, to the toutheast ear ner of the same, ail in Block No. two in Wheeler's addition to the City of Scio in Ijna county, Oregon. - 7th. Ths undivided oe third of the half of lots nr.mbered 33 and & iu ;Ua ontuaisutvev of tha City oi Seta. Linn com tw.e thii-i t.t;igon. otu. I oe undivided tlie foHo-ing, to-wit : Tbe -eat bah aid tl tioithw eat oe : LI aouth rlXnji asclidasn, 0. g- southeast qu.titer of the of Section 17 iu Towasbip' tast of ths Wdlaniette c-i.taiaing tae hnadreil atd twent) av.ea. Terms of siib .-Utie-ha?f if the purchase priea ch in hand, and the reasaitting one ''.ill iu six luout lis from dav u( ai with eilu. pr cent interest, the purchaser to m r' sage on premises to secure the saiae. V. A. McKsioht, A. K. llcllosaJWh, Adu iiu. t atora of the estate t W. II Mc- Kuutht, dec a?ed. bated June 2th, mi. TO THE PATROSS 0? HDSBANDRY IHAVKTHIS DAY MA UK A f-PEU la uontmet with Me-rs. ix-yoe dr Kublnaou, of Albany, to futnbb a large quantity nf pure uiHinla bnr ir.j twine t tnembera of our older. A.l uutrcnaaii call at their ida o of business, aud bv th method adopted at our buMae!- couueil -e:nte th teueht of im .-o'ltrju-t. 1 have tlo male arrangement with ike name rirm to furnish a lot of Osborne aire! frame binders Sent! in your ordeia aw soon as possible as harvest Is Signed, MartMili., Financial Agent. Administrator's Notice, Ntleo is hereb given, that the tniih r- Mgmu -.ties iqis uay ueen ly tu U'ounoi i.'iin niniy, uregoti, ai ford. deeaed, iato of Linn count' s havtu&c elaitus atrainti undurli! sry at