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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1887)
Ike geiuoctat. FRIDAY JULY 8, 1887 'A 9R0WINU .SENTIMENT." I.ONW AND SHORT H AT I. The recti ver of the O A C. railroad before J udge Deadly and make the statement that toon thtt road wi!i be a through Hoe from Portland to Sao Francisco and that there it alao cona- mu nictation between theee points by ooean teamen, and between Albany end San Francisco by the O. P. railroad and the O. D. Co. He then asks "whether, under the interstate commerce act, such rates can be msde,for through travel and traffic, aa will enable the & C road to compete Tor the same, at points where competition by water or rail exists, although the rates for the long haul between Portland and Sao Francisco or intervening points may be lees than thoee for a shorter haul in tie tame direction between eaid pieces or such points ; and (2), whether, in con- junction with the Northern Pacific rail way company or other transportation lioes, the O. A C. reed mar meet the competition of the Canadian PaciSc road or other transportation lines, on transcontinental business originating to the north and eeet o Portland,although its share of the through rate may be less than the local charges over the road or its share of the through rate on competitive business between Portland and San Francisco." And tLe Court decides that, "the fact that there is competition in the carriage of persona or property to or fiom a particular place is a circumstance that Justifies a common carrier under $ 4 of the inter state commerce act to charge less for a long haul to or from eaid plsce than a short one included therein." Tnts practically annuls the whole act. HOW ABOUT THIS? In an article in the Democrat of July 2nd, 188C, under the oaptien of "A Growing Sentiment," we sat I A man a the facts demonstrated an J established by the reeult of the late election in the one that prohibition is a growing sentiment, or more trnthtuiiy spreading vital ptincip.e. It seises up on and tskee deep root in the fertile soil of the minds and feelings of people wh I re of a philanthropic turn of mind. However unpalatable the tact may .h to thoee who oppose prohibition, tlm fact is oo les apparent that the pnn- oiule of prohibition m gaining a deep foot hold in tbe rotntts oi tne voters ct the country, and promises in the nesr future to contest, with strong hope of . a a 0 t - L. mi success, wan one or note oi me oMmr a i .1 political parties for the control ef both state and nation. There are many cir cumstances whioh combine t produce this ra-id erowth of the Prohibition nartv. Of course, the prime and lead ing one,and one around which a.l others gather, it the prevalent evil growing out oi the Honor tretfio." Theee etili are of nttch character as to call loudly upon him mm hales the evil and loves the good Ml deyie some means !y bJh tby m le eradicated in whole, or at leat in part, from its strong foot hold iu society. There sre men who nVeLre th ir j.m peee tosupi-oit prohibition in o.der to remove the tempting bowl more nerlr beyond thsir own resch. fh y will use their ballot, as a meana of Vf f Such men are not shaken n il i taith by tbe objection that probi ti n is en infringement ofpeisonal tuhts. Thie position is Ucked by a vert na.ruw a - s a. I a t a 2a . . . .., . yiew oi toe su' iv '"" thelesa.frote which it ie almost luipua sible to drive tbem. There ere other men who support prohibition because they have a brother, a father, a friend, who is, or is fast becoming, a victim of the drink habit. He woulJ save this victim. Can yon doubt tbe integrity of his motive ? Can one doubt the in tegrity end earneetnees o.f tbe motive of bira who says be would use prohibiten as a means to snatch an only eon from an untimely,a drunkard'e grave ? This ia m voir narrow view tO take ot the subject, but the men wbo do so are foil ef stubborn earneaineei. But tbe ft eat class of people who support prohibition are those who regard the trafBc as evil and evil only, and wLo would use pro hibition as a means to save all mankind from these evils. It ie this daee that is increasing t ay by day in the North, in tbe South, in tbe East, in tho Wet. With taie close tbe motive to prohibi tion is largely a disinterested one, and toey are equally immovable from their position with the oter classes mention ed. These are tho facte in which tbe sentiment of prohibition takes deep root and becomes fixed irrevocably in tbe minds of thoee who edopt it. The aseociated press dispatches beer on their very faoe unmistakable evi dence that they are prepared end aent broadosst over the country in the inter est of the Republican party. The con temptible flings and innuendoes whioh a. - . - .at i thfv conUtu tiffiitiflt tin pr.tttfut atrip them of all claims t) oredenc or respect' MY SPRING STOCK Hm arrived, Including Drv Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Wall Paper and Decorating Paper, there le n demand for. I bought theee goed moitly in New York and Chicago and AT B OTTOM CASH PRICES and have and am receiving Novelties of the Season On July 3rd the survivors of the 69 h and 71st regiment of Union sol diers raised in Pennsylvania, and the eurvivois of Pickett's (rebeh division which met eech other in such u-rce conflict at Gettysburg 24 years ago,held a campflre oo tbe old battle ground where a spiiitof grsciousness and unit? of feeling l.t ween the blue and the gray exhibited that muat have caused of a Fairchildian disposition to clench his teeth in rage. The bine and gray aetOally mingled end commingled as though they wete citizene of one common country with a common nation el interest to promote. Old rebel lead ers opnly declared that it matters not who eball keep the battle flags captured in war. One said they paseed into the hands of Union soldiers in brave and manly combat and Confederates were perfectly willing for them te keep them. Tbe Union vatersns present manifested The ebsracter and quality of tbe men the most kindly and gracious feeling WOo ha ve in charge the mstter of secur- toward these who had worn tbe gray, u woelen mill at thie piece are eucb and the whole affair appeared to be en- . .nra success. When tbe whole gineered for the express purpose of tisld of enterprise is carefully snrveed, wiping out tbe spirit of anger and hate n0 undertaking can be found that will calendered by the war end to res tots J tt oac-, assure such satisfs story results that unity of feeling and purpose that ths investor and at tbe eame time actuated tbe fathers of tbe republic mucD to the business life, corn- Shall such conduct as this go uoreprov- mercil ,n(j industrial progr ed T Shall we not have another "palsy k.nv. Evarv man in the r w prsyer ?" W. F. tWumin has boujiht a half intetfst In tl Uweburg l'Uinul'ater . LJ LBBHal I'ianu ami Onran Hi van Away. On Jan. lat, we will give away a 1700 niaao and a 1160 organ. Bars is ths way to gat ona of thatn. For every dollars worth of goods you purchase you will receive a ticket, whan you gat tiva you may make s gueea ef the number of pieces of coin ex- in a art Kan itliilia ill nor frnnfc wind aw whit h, with your ume will ba registered, up Everything kept in a flrgt-elnge Drf Ooode and Boot end Shoe House, from the cheapest (o ae (rood a quality an to tni urn m xaaum; . iiiv umb Kvvnaiiig nearest to the right number will receive the piano, next the organ Ths piano, s RrsdloM upright, , octaves, loeewood eaae, etc, and the organ made by Jultua lUur, ( ( htoagn. . outavea, 1 Stops, etc, msy be seen at the store of K W Iang tlon, t whom tttiy were purchavetl 1 vi tv one purchasing oods of ats will gst tbem at aa low s price sa In ths Valley, with 1 a nlPnUtJ atocli to select from. N. H. Allxn Co.. i Albany. Or. Ho. for Yaqaisa, Hut you mut have it gtwxt psir of boot or boc, so call on Henry Joot, one door north of Telegraph other, on roj.4iuln St. We TeHri'Ulaly bat Simmons Liver Regulator will rid you of Dyspepsia, Headache, Conatlpatioii and nthoueueea, It will break tip chills sad fever and provsut thtr return, aad La a compbte amldole for all malarial pobmn yet SHsalraly free from quinine or eal ouiol. Try it, ad you will be astonished at the goof raaoila of tlm genu ids aim. mona Ll-sr, prepariM! by J, II, mi hit 4k CO. Send R'irkhart Keeaee ntme and sd dreeeee of (rtettda dairing infortsation of Ore gon and they will aead them cornea f tb Ileal KMat ( omc which oettae a tout plete diacrtntton of one county in aach ia with either deairab'e mforn tnn ss wether The Hegisaleg of tha The Iteglnnlng of diaeaw la a alight de bllliy or disorder of eoiue of the vital or gans, tbe stomach, tbe liver or tbe bowels usu ally, There are dyspeptic sy mptoma, tbe liver la iroubleaome, the akin grows tawney and unheally looking, there era pains tn tbe right old or through tbe riirtit shoulder blade. The climax Is of. tn an otter prewtrallmi of the physio 1 ratal isaus. nut ir Some Good Advice. When Getting Your Spring Clothings Hats. Boots, Shoes and Furnishing Goods nm prepared lo PRICES in every line MEET ANY euoted in the paper a or circulars, end will take Cash or Merchantable Produce and will not tarn youofT when you get out of money. Samuel E. Young. The Wary Bel 6. ' OcrcMSwi THE WOOLEN MILL nrBt(M. tertiane a the l Ifflcolty la wet in time with Hot- ter'a St ima-h Hitters, wblen la always sr fiiv aara rasnedv. and it should Im re tnrad to at an earlv .taun. thr will be no reason to apt abend iboee injurious lutwqttenl e fleet upon the syatew oOen entailed by euUrely etirod diseases. Far iMOar la II. aian. to employ lull asm rem mitral agent In fever and ages, and otber malarial complaint, man quinine anq i .t. - - VAM Md other potent urus. wnin. eTeu wan . rtt,r M l- ud. Widths C. D. K. do pnve elT-MMUSl for s time, ruin mm "Ism u-. -k- - eeiro. I have added to sy asef mud saet stack a line of tbe ulshrnSi Loans, gases ar ft MitchtU. PhUaJtlpkim Fimt Shw for ladies. I child ren. Act sew lodged by eti sad wblob. even tbev do avove eliMiisl for s time, ruin tbe stomach and Impair tbe general hallh. e beet littt and EE. buy, ftanvitB. Ye Sole Agent. Albany, Oregon. iiira Ihraa a C'baarr That Is to aav. your lungs. Also all vour breathing machinery. Very won dariul mschloarv it la Net enlv the lsraer si i nasoases, but the thousands ef little tubeaaod c-avitlee leading from tbem When theee sre cloaned and choked with matter which ought not to be there, yoor lnngs cannot half do their work. And what they do.they cannot do well. Cadi It cold, cough, ctoup, pneumonia, oatarrb, consumption or suy ef the family of throat and none and head and lung ob sanctions, all are bad. All ougbt to he get rid of. There ia Jttat one euro way to sat rid of them. That is to take Boecbee'a German Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at 75 cent a a bottle. Rven if everything olae has failed you, you may depend opon this for certain. e Wall Paper, Haeaes. Ese. N U Allen 3t Co. keep ia stock a lull lias I of the above goods, iselodiag s Uae assert- a m aa as S. a. S mnt of dseetatices for ssaiiags. wsieo sney will sell at tbe lowest possible prices. Hi hava now iu transit oo of tbe largest stocks ef these geeds ever ia this sssrkst. s Thrifty people will apprsciste ear vaiass and prises. Ktortau osowsaui.. W r.d joor way to the store of 00 Wbo leads. His Stock o Do You Want bargains. THEN GO TO A. B. Mcllwain's, can get the very beet In ptloes end 'juallties. eoneiating of U is stock of Dry Oooda baawVC Tke Pkiarapkrr. Alksay, t. I hava all tho nesrat'vee taken by I. Pax ton and any one can have dupli NOT BIGHT. , a oateefrom their negatives by addressing 01 AI no, at tLe following prices : Card ale. $i oiiv mnrl Dor dozen, cabinet alse. S3 per doeen, bou- J itnura. Sit iwr flrvuin I kam tho flnaat rrmnra in the surrounuing country no of Oreiron views in the weet. uata- , ... . . ..1.-1 I losrue furnished on aonlloatlon Copying should wveet some of their epere means snUrgit g old pictures a specialty. in thii enterprise. Lt the proveroiai j 0. Caawnroan enterprise and never-tail aptrit of Al bany now come to the front end make the undertaking a suceeee. If the One hundred and twenty acre of the best rer sole i .u . ii.l tn di ouslltv of improved wheat land, all fenced movemeov auu. uvw w lnto four fields, good Iwuae, hard finish. it will take years to reach the present outhoucs, excellent fruit of all kind. : i nh.', nrnaiM-itv is Situated X mile west of Ibanon and one pv.ot S..uu. - r r - - . o( . iuncUon 0, hanging on tbe reeult. Let her be true thc Harrow Guage R. R ..with the Ibanon branch of the O. Si C. K. K. inquire at this office HAVE THEY ? to herself agaio. It will be remembered that tbe laet Legislate re refused to make eoy ap propiiation to anpporc snd keep tbe State Board of Immigration in thie state, whereupon the members of the Board all eeot in their reaignatione to tbe Governor, but for some reason we know not of, be refused to accept thess. f.l t . t .... xncnr s sunaonpuon among citizens was havb tubs .' Bxeteaaet ia Tesa. taksn in sod enough money was raised I Great excitement baa been caused in lbs ' . . , . m. p.latd VufM and Lebanon Ex-1 vicinity of Paris, Texas, by tbe remaraa- to keep the board tunning, and n now The Portland ev$ and ieoanon ax ry of Mr. J, K. Corley, wbo was rnna n the name of the stste. One of preu express decided opposition to ex- 'jJJ'.' e very body said he the leust sets of the Bosrd was to a p- Governor St. John, e Ksnsss, coming fn-tfoonaumptloit. Atrial bottl ofDr poi.t Wallace B. Struble Secret.ry of 1 to Oregon to make public spt.che. in King'. New tTlartJ hJl. h. Tt,..rr n R ni,i;a1.n.i.nJ fitAr of nrohibition. Now. why this . boa of Dr. King's New Life Pills: xrxr. u.n , : a. T..K1 It i. o. by the time be had taken two boxes of iww owMiHir.iur ressoneussv sno td vvvwivhw r Piiu.m tan bottesoflhe IMacoverv am ' - ; i...- r.- "-' - I ik. f- nf it rht th onlv reason theee I was well and had gsine I In fleh thirty- u u. !:.., a w, U.WUW.. , 1 .1 ,1. Trll ,!! tit ih la fifMt a. I a . e - . i SIA ITiMuuai - ho wing himself very unfriendly to the papers oppose nis coming is tne OD I oioovery for C,ontimplion free at Foehay i a. . t . v, txt;i ..naini Anfc r( hi nandidacv for the tx Mason. lamette Valley, and we most earnestly presidency when Mr. Blaine waa defeat- orotest against the present besrd using ed. We have never ben of those wbo the nsme"8ute frmrd of Immigration" belief ed that hit candidacy beat Blaine tkk Mr. Struble as Secretary, as we Had he not been a caodtdate,the prohi - - m . m a f -el ure that tbe the board under bis bitiunists would have had another wuo oontro' will bee meance to tbe best would bsve received the prohibition interests of Linn and Benton countiee. vote. They were determined to have a candidate. Hove tbe Newt and Exprw WHEAT CENTER. mun hmmn prohibitionists of such long standing that they have the right to rise a . a a. a .a A 1 Albany wi.i hereafter be tbe chief aod dicUto who shall speak for pro- a a At mm m a center of tbe wheat markets in the Wil- X. X. lumette valley. We can ship by river to Portlsnd or Astoris, or by rail to Portland and thence by water to Asto ris. Sn Francisco and Liveawol. We iea Tba Vert let taaal W. D. Suit, Druggist, Hippos, lad., tee Uftea: "I oan reeommend Kiectrie Bit ters aa the very neat remedy. avery not tie aold haa given relief ia every eaae. One man took six boUiee, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years' dtag." Abraham Hare, dniggiat, Bellvllle, Otto, affirms : "The beat sailing medicine I have ever handled In my 20 yeare' expe pnence. ia Kleotrio Bitters' Thousand of others have added their teetlmony. so that the verdtot le unanimous that Wee ih. nitira do cure all diseases of tbe t.iv.r Kid nova or llleod. Only a half dollar a bottle at Foehay A Meson Drug Store. DRESS GOODS, LAWNS GINGHAMS, ETC., is unaurpaaaed. Cah on blm for your Baby wss sick . ws fare bee Osstorts. aba was a Child, abo ariad aw Caatarla, Whao aba Warns Kiss, aha oloog to Caatarla, Wheo aba bad CUUbwa, aba gora bam Ci A wee bit of a fellow, a ith a bit of k;n an.i ho runs a wee bit ot a ws saas i mv - paper, is much disturbed because a s BOOTS AND SHOES, Clothing and Furnishing Goods. Cash er produce taken, and prioea given that defy competition. CLOTHING New snd in style, ia unsurpassed in tbe Valley. Hie new stock $ -HATS- Is the beet in the market, embracing all tbe latest style. In FURNISHING GOODS Ho lake a front position, with a reliable, well selected stock. His BOOTS AND SHOES Are largo. heeaue be keeps the best. In quslHy and etyloa A SPLENDID LINE OF SUITINGS ON HAND IN HIS TAILORING DEPARTMENT. New Goods Arriving Constantly C. B. ROLAND & CO. NEW STORE The Gieat Philadelphia Clothing House! JOHN WANN AMAKER, The Great American Clothier and Leader in tyles has ESTABLISHED AX AGENCY In this City at the Dry Good Store of SHANE & LONSWAY. Hundred of Samples t o choose from; perfect fit guaranteed ; price AUi sa in t'ntlatleipiita. BVMaVaVHsWsWMMsW M.HCNDK CBHaYKa soots s sh z: s CMOAtO. AND liOUD TO THE MIMOBY or THE LORT IK) LUSH 1 I I 1 1 1 M IIP csn el ip by rail to Yequioa Bay meet!og of thu citizene of AUmny was tbence by water to the maikts of the caiiel last week, in sccordsnce with world. Shortly we will be able to abip Baggegtiona made iu these columns, to to San Francisco by rail. Albany wjeoMjder the steps to be taken to secure tbe rai'rrsd e iter of the valley, and U woolen mill in this city. Still we r.ilrewd centers Uf-onie centers of trade. have hopes that in tbe yesrs to com All of wbich is liteislly true, notwith- tbis wee bit of a fellow's mind will to atanding the claiuBs ol ether little vil-1 broaden aa to enable bim to rise up to Isges down tha ealler. Albsny. like- that plain where ordinary nuorUla do wisr, i he center cl the great wheat mmi congregate growing Mgiuiti of the valley snd don't W3M m you forget it. Aod now they say that an attempt will to made to unseat Senator Heiiat of California on account of bribery. If he is guilty of bribery we hope he wil not bs ueoted, but there are too many Senstors whoso seats were obtained in the same way Vb bone for anything in The Roaeburg J'laindeaf,er lays the Democrat favors cm mating the rebel fligs, and advises us to thus get rid oi the evidences of our unsavory reconi. The Plaindealer man knew be was giv ing publicity to a ttlsehood when b said the rebl flg weie evidences of our record. Our readers know tbafc Le told m "whopper" when he said we jgH,aa we 4KlH POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder tie or rariaa. A raanrel of ptulty. SteSOfth ana wholesomwita. Mora soonooiical Utao 5m ordinary k li(l. aid cannot be aokl In cotw natiUuii with tho mulUtaOS ot low tt, hort welaht.aluw orpb'pliMpoUrt, g;1 casa. lit as. Baju PoCBBa CO. , 109 WalUt, tL Y II Mill Hill I ! n i i I r 1 1 i i J J . -...I m I i mm I k a i n i . i rm i i i i i l ERECTED BY WALLACE & THOMPSON there to remind you of the dollara yen might have saved ny taamg aTo their close prices. NOW FOR THE FUTURE I W. AT, wlli sell you mors groceriss ami better qualltlee at lower pnoes man aoy other lfve men. Rectify tne errors oi the past, sua -ave money in iu iMfcU,, ' ,..r,.niin WAilaw a Thomnaon, First Street, Albany, Or. NEW GOODS, CONSISTING OF Mens' Furnishing Goods, Hats and Gaps, Boots aad Shoes, and fine clothing. Choice selections in fancy Summer neckwear, silk underwear, Balbrig gan underwear, Fisk, Clark and Flaggs gloves. The very best make of handsewed shoes, The very latost styles in mens, youths and boys clothing. All the celebrated make of hats in every style. FINE CLOTHING K SPECIALTY. Remember our entire stock consists of bright, new, fresh goods, and as "Honest, Fair and Square" . dealing is our motto. We ask the public to calj and set our prices. No trouble to show goods, 9mW mm C. B, Roland & Co,, One door west of the Revere House, Albany, Oregon. New Millinery Store. We desire to call tbe attention ef AU ban.v ladles and tbe public generally to lour new and extensive etoo W AQOSi CAKrtI of FASHIONABLE MILLINERY under tbe management ef Miss Bur hank, lata haad milliner of tbe whole . ' .... . v i.l 4 IffjtmAW bale millinery esiaoiiBBUjsu'' Valsntlne fc Golcsmitb of Pertlane whiu nur took is all tbat oan be deslr ed, onr prices will be found extremely low tor nrst otass jrooo. . SHANE U(5vr a i , ra.INTS AND OILS We wear the LittU Red School House Shoes, and eo do oar eieteie end our couftlne and oor auntat end if you want them go to tbe City Boot and Shoe Store where you will ftml a large nd complete assortment of goods in tbis line, of nearly every grade end mike, and at prices which will open your eyes A dllai saved i dollar made. REDFIELD & BROWNELL I. HOTEL IOK RENT. . . i ii mm, wmm AMM I -SwT lf . . tL city is now offered for rent on reason able terms For particulars inquire of er James Murray, Albany, Oregon. B addrese ARBED WIRE. A large slock on band aud will be sold cheap. Also a line lot of piam gaivanizou wire for woven fences at tbe etore or Stewart A Sox. LADIES, LOOK H U.K Bl. We want yon toreuaeojbertht we have a lot of those curling irons, also shears , scissors, tracing wheels, shelf and flower pot brackets, and a good many other things you would Ilka to have. Stbtwart A Sox. L0W& Come in and see onr new stock of steel snd chilled plows. We cau suit you,Doin tn goods and prices. Every Ruasell chill ed plow is guaranteed to be equal to any ohiUed plow manufactured. V STR WART & SOX. I New Dry Goods Store. SHANE & LONSWAY. Desire to call the attention of their friends and the public geuerally to their extensive stock qr DRY AND FANCY GOODS. embracing everything usually found in a flrat-olaSM exclusive Dry Goods Store We auarantee our prioea oelow those Portland. We invite close onyere e xamine our goods. Samples mailed a pplioants. s a A.NE A LONSWAY, Proiuau's Brick. 7f r in liHW i J. P. Hail ALBANY, OR., AGENT GREENBAUM -DKAL.KK 1N- ColumWa Bicycles anil Tricycles, Second band wheels ooosUntiy n hand. Send for 18S7 catalogue, UTt.ERY HIE MONDAY GOODS. MONEY TO LOAN In snraa to sunt In iMcket knivos. butcher kuiv carv ing sets, selssora, shears, raxori. etc., we keep a very large assortment. Come areund and look at our Htock. Strwar r Sox. DR. Cr WATSON MASTON Physician and Surgeon. Otlioe noms 3 and 4. KoStw's BUsk. ALBANY - OREGON. BIDS SOLICITED. i niiitU) and sfitftiil. jUiat.H ftii Ll.c and DRUGS, STATIONERY. ETC. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded DAY OR NIGHT 108 First Street, Albany, Or. (t A KDKN TOOIJS AND SEEDS. Stewart i Sox keep an immense stock of garden tools, and are also sgent for the eelebrattd Walla Walla garden seeds, which gave better aalisfaotlon than any sold in Albany last season, . P OWDER, SHOT, JBTTC. mn alwave iind at our store a i of ammunition of all klnaa. single aiiu 'l Th