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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1887)
the gemotrat FRIDAY .....JULY 1, 1887 TIIK KLAUS Mow, what surprises ut about theae I rebel flag, ii tbi. : Way back in tht rood old darn of "Auld Una Am' - I boot six t y yoara ago, a law waa paaaed bf Congreaa that all flag, captured in of iifttiu t.. ft U i I - .wr. w Ukan oharge 0! by the war department nd diaplayad in some conspicuous Plao day reminder, of tba braver and erowesa of American aol- ' 7 . . . diera. But, alaa, forth degeneracy of ii ; aW. r ww v,w auu n uvanuwi i I nature, Gen. Grant had not patriotism . . , I WuUgb lait aitor toe Wr Wa yr ana ha "trophiea" of th war, but for eight year kept them boxed up and stored . away in vne attic ana cellars 01 tne war department abaolutely ahut ont from the vase of everr natriat. Under - nay, uie irmua, uie earn poucy 01 n ... 1 TTJ nm umvjxvj wa puiouww. uuu.i vft- fi.l.i and Artht'r no dovaJoitmank of patrtotlam waa abown concerning tbeae flags. Ob, how th rery frame of a Fairchilda or a Tuttle must have trem - bled and ahook with indignation at this lack pf patriotism on the part ef Grant, Hay, Garfield and Arthur, and how earneetly Fairchilds would have indulg ed in one of hi "palay " prayers if th had not bean Republican presidents. Here it waa (hat Fairchilda with an al most superhuman effort managed to keep his lips clojed, as he so dramat ically talis us he had done in time past. If Tuttle and Fairchilds eonld b as earnest, enthusiastic patriots whsn a Democrat is president, as when a Re publican is p real dent their patriotism would ovsrahadow that of any otbet oitizen. THR WOOLEN mill. in accordance with the suggestion. j - -- -1 ar being considered by a number of mwwu iu ft 4vaaavvatA a aeaavv v r mm bsvud i -i,i. . 1-.- .-.1 wws 'lusiiivee aajaas wuaicui as w wiou av 1 weiated mill is to be eatabli.hed here. I W ar justified by experience end aur- rounding facts in saying that in all ths history of the city no mora important euterprtee, am! one involving giea'er result r, has ever been undertaken by the citizen of Albany. The citizens of Albany with their proverbial pluck and enterprise ought not to fail in this ua I .0 . . , . I mmtmmn k i i luuiisva auuu lai urn uu i v . 7 . . . .... beneficial results to ths growth of the city. Let every man pot his shoulder t the wheel and push on this enter pries to full consummation. Let there be no laggard. A BRIDGE. A proposition is pending before the County Uonrr. to appropriate money to build a bridge acroee the North Santiam at Mebama. The County Court of i v 1 Marion ocunty is asked to appropriate navhslf th amannt necessary to bnUd I bndga, and, we undersUud, that body has signified its willingness to do I so. As we have said sev.rsl time be- for in theaa colomns, w know of n place where bridge is more needed than the one at Mebama, and wa hop onr County Court will make the appro- priatioo. Let the money Ukan fram the people in the way of taxes be ex ponded in public improvements that will be of the grea'eit good in tbe de- velepment of our eouoty. Th National Republicmn, published at Washington City, in a long article recently, took grounds in favor of Sen ator Leland Stanford as tba Republican candidate far prendent. While we cannot dispute that Stanford wonld make a vary good Republican president, be wonld not make a good president for the people. Of course ke could not be elected, aod hence wa will not nrge any objection against bis nomination. Hon. Bingcr Hermann, who is con sidered a Republican of most stalwart mould and inky hue, in a conversation with a Portlaod acquaintance during tba week aaisi : "Republican paper may aay a great deal to th contrary, bnt my opinion U that President Cleve land's cabinet is a most brilliant body, and C Isveland himself is a maa of largo heart snd broad viewa,and full of talent." The Philadelphia Pre is calling for "free sugar," bets use it means "sbsaper food for every mtn, woman and child." Rut why should tbe Press ysll fot "free sugar" when stock inga,dra were, under shirts and clothing generally, together with hundred of necessary bouaebold articles, are tayed higher tban augar is ' Jaff Dayis snd the editor of the Ore fpiutfH agree, snl heartily to , that the rebel Hags captured during tho war be long to tbe state from wl vnce tbe troops that captured them catna. Par nobile fratrum. 'I hie with vengeance. is "stat rights" The i mpernte and patiiotic tone of tbe Sou hern press in regard to the Hag episode ought to bring a sense of shame to some of tho less ca -hardened of tbe Northern ranter 1 for political tffeot. Will 4 H. B uck,who was Jast week elected Profeaaor ot Greek in Hampden Sidney College, Virginia, ia said to be the youngest c iiee professor in the United States. He ia 22 years old. The Broth uth recently e4tahiibsd by bet man, that a man may talk iboopi to dcath not ons that " l JT . . . U mimim ii . . . ' 1 i iiii 1 ..a t, ' a . wfi'!. Of all kinds, nixed ready for use kal I " SSsWsmSiBRlEfSBSJBJBJgHaa 1 , . - I SIJPPRKT UKOl'Nn. Many Republican papora.notably the Waaoo Sun, Oxonian and other, that very deefroua to make tnarniooay I campaign, are laying ihat Cleveland U aevum oi patriotism anu nun now proof, the fee, that during toe war be Wniahtd a auuetUuto rathor th in go 1.1 tr UT t V I ft la vnot I himself, w o 11 such oouauct w prooi T di.loyalty on tba part of Cleveland, tban thousand of tha sraat leaders of I - "apuwioao party w-aey ana 0 - vioted of baing traitor to their country; aya, Blame himaalf, the great mde. it.. publican, the great mogul of hi. part), . i- LU i.LL looatHi upon s ir.uur w oountrv.for he not only furni.hed a aub- I atitute.but allowed hi. friend, to pay aucb m.4.. .1 .L. 1 . .. .L.K wwhiuit, nn.iurn m " , money t refund to thoae who had fur- niahed aubautute he accouted tbial lI L 1.1 l..l ..x. I monay Miuuga w vw him nothing. The leaa Kapublioana aay aooui tiaveianu a auiwumie ujj wwr . 1 It L. a!& .1. . I I 1 .. " rrw ir. whn thav talk on that aubiect they ar ' I On very BUppery grouna. I . When the civil war broke out there Jived in Western New York three young men, broth era. toa el them, a lawyer, just beginning to practise, waa the sole support of his widowed mother and bis sister.. Th three young men I at that time he'd a conference and da cided that two of the brothers should volunteer and tba third abould stay at home and earn money to provide for the other members of the family. Accord ingly theee two brothers fought through the war in the Union army. Unfortu nately, the young maa who stayed at home wss dratted, and he procured a substitute refusing to plead these faoU whijh would bava exempted him. Afterwards when New York Stat was reimbursing those who hired eabeti- tntes, thi. young msn patriotically ra P "ro'r develan i' war record, and they who mJ tbmt Cleveland was opposal to the m unioo 10 me time 01 me civii war ate iihr ignorant of theM facta, or they dlrt 10 HP0 10 "P3 .a ae formation, aid in propagauog .ecttun.l hatred.and to keep alive the discord be- tween the sections. Those interested in the picturesque social history of New York and New England, during the early years of tbi oaotury, will find some exceedingly , . , bright a bright and entertaining pictures ot that period in Scribneri Magatim for July from the letter of Eliza South gat a Bowne, which are hero published under tha title of" A Girl's life Eighty Year Ago." They are the obeervations of keen-witted girl, who has preserved for us, as though by some mental instants neoua photography, a ast of picture of bar day. She waa connected with many inflaentUI old New York and New tria,j r. .Knu r,t. aMu latiau vw hwsw awv v a w have carefully preserved these letters. They wore written with perfect frank - Uass to membera of her family from Portland, Me., Salem, Boa to 1, Bailaton Spriags, New York, and other pi Among the illustration ar.e miniature, Uhou9tte,o 1 some isproductions from printa ef old New York. Tha seleetiona from thaas letters will be ctosluded in the August number of the Magazine. Because Gen. Sherman declines to make a fool of himself after the manner of Gsn. Tuttle.tbe Iowa State Register, a bleody-ebirt organ, denounces him snd charges him with having deserted th old soldier since ha cam within the malign "Copperhead influence" of New York. Dining with millionaires is another of the General's pastimes supposed to be sapping bis ioyal consti tution. Perhaps the old warrior ia aorry now that he did not get killed on th march from Atlanta to the sea just to insure the rjptct of th Lleoay-sbirt how lers. Piano sad Organ liivea Away. On Jan. 1st, 1888, we will give away a 1700 piano aad a $160 organ. Hers is ths way to get one of them. For eyery dollar worth of goods you purchase yoa will receive a ticket, when you get five yea may make a guess ef the aumber of pieces of coin ex hibited in a glass globe in our front window, which, with year name will be registered, up to ths first of January. Tbe one guessing nearest to tha right number will receive ths piano, next the organ. The piano, a Bradford upright, 7 a octave, tone wood ease, etc.. and tbe organ made by Jaime Bsar, of Chicago, 5 octores, 12 stops, etc. may be seen at ths store of E W Iaor don, of whom they were purchased. Every one purchasing goods of me will get them at as low a price ss in ths Valley, with a splendid stock to select from. N. H. Alls? k Co., Albany, Or. T--ATTrMMi. Largest stock in Albany at A. B. Mc II wains, and the lowest prices. Here are some ef the figures, which tell their own story : Three 12 oz plugs, Climax, $r. Three 160 plugs, Knights Delight, $1. Four ia ot plugs, The Hero, $1. And a targe stock of other brands at -tremelv low prices. e Ho. for Vaquina. But you must have a good pair of hoots or shoes, so call on Henry Joost, one door north of Telegraph office, on Broadalbin St. We TeirsTpisinl.v hat Simmons Liver lleguiator will rid you of Dyspepsia, Headache, Constipation and Biliousneas, It will break up chills and fever and prevent their return, and is a complete anudole for all malarial poison yet entirely free from quinine or eal omol. Try it, aad yon will be astonished at the good results of the genuine Sim moos Ltver Kegulator, prepared by J. H. Zeilin A Co, " S i ' Send Barkhert Keeney names snd ad friends desiring information of Ore j k a - j .1 - " ' a r 1 iiua uuwuci iinrvaar variea. m. m mr v sii en imlv. i bia n 10 m.i. sj -mjl ljj i sb tw PI KIT IT POPKT. I HA Itolmau fl Tpih.i Hunt tt l. Continual, lrUiln. ,J7? J3 to Awtynaumt R l stoveiu. itnai snprovsa pbaeea XMUUQil Ml IOWSU, 70 I R Dawm met .1 J lis. i r 1 ftnty ims n wll(km(MrtW ml , w Joh MM .1 rsauvsr massy. Contiauwl forstrvlo. "ary A V tllimonrjajl l." i: kit. I JMn iiKttft. py mm,9l jdum-nt fr want r ::awr 4 i:; ltmUrMn IW oi.ur. u-r-- for want ,.( t,.r. MlU(u luw j K WwwUk r,morlM.uall. confirm!. To rworsr mono . DUmlsMiI afto ThuBiaoit with ViT au,t ku ; Ky waiattau lor partm...,,, UubUmunI. 9J Pundna Mtif ami T I (.' II C t Klla J tUuwy t l. T Mil t : ' II Oom t si. On- anuaUoa, tato oaaflnMd, w Piatkaiiatai ana Mayar i u L lUmitv... Ta raOarw BMuay . UalaUU li! JUJginelit lor FIB. 100 suu ayt Uao Raar Ltaai. Dtimlaaad. lit J P HohMiilna airt K N Th imiHofi. Ti rajofar Jumanl f..r ..f ...arr n,latuekad a,aay. Jaimantky aiauit ami aitaauaj rr u t J niaokavt j a wuiiam. Toraouvaratoaay Judginani iv iri orJr4 aw. 119 J (' Johiiftoii ft It A ftiul ktarv K HiuiUi tla4. io i. w Dajoa tt numwa cum 'r I2l 1. K Ulaln Kt 0.. n urr at .1 Farawlotura Daoraa granta.1. ltS lllram Smlih .jt J .lm K Nftrtln. Ta raoor imtitav Jiiiiviitiiiii at ii 'i iiiij it Mi 1 nninan 1 nrnarau lt Strmhan au4 UUjeu tgi lh. t'luwtaln. Motion. Muii, in aiiowaa, 1ST NlU ift ( Kfettay. AsMull wlU Uaricr uu waaaon. Vardtct of aalll nfaaaaull and hi snat BBS, IIS Mary K Itaaaatl g Wm (' Halmaa. lor aarvioa. CouUaeatf Ii M U frftiirU .! K W LarrauHa !.. ft wiwi, .m. . ... tm . . 1 . . BUxmI. r'orvcloaara. r luraulnaura gran lad. ic 1 HiAaraagM it pr u.u niai Dsatca oc larsalasara srantau. lS lloanta I'foasSBSf WThoiui-wu SSSl Fora rlur, I'onlluuari, IM Hoanl S f Osst Mt tafak W Thampaun at al. t.raIttrv, (uiitlnuiHl. W School Knot! (mtttUai"iior It It llnntpkray, MJa oonBratatl, M J II JeSSCM a A' II Hrtx.lithtrft, Laava (raat ad to lamaraaaauan. M KlaU of Orac-o H bart KaiU. Saulaaaal ta county Jail ona month. 14. Uao W Young fttft Harah K Young, Pivoroa, uworaa yraatad, The Rcgtaalag of tha Kad Th beg Inning of alasaaa ta a alight de bility or disorder of aome of tbe vital or satin, tbe atomaeb, tbe llrer or tbe bowela usiiallj, There arc dyspeptic symptoma, tbe liver la troublesome, tbe akin grows taw nay and unbealtv looking, tbere are paina in tbe right side or ibreagh tb right aboolder blade. Tbe ellanax la of teu an otter prostration of the physics! snergisa, perbapa a fatal issue. But if tbe rifflcuity is met in lime with liostet ler's Htimaeh Ulnars, wbion ta always mi fsoiive as a reaoedy, and it should be re stored ta at an early stage, there will be np reason to apprehend those Injurious subsequent effects upon the system often entailed by entirely cured disease. Far better ta tt, alee, to employ this safe rasa odteai agent in lever and agas, and other malarial complaints, tban qulain and other potent a rugs, wbleh, even when they do prove effectual for a lime, rum the stomach health. aad Impair th general Astoai-biagHas ease It is the duty of every person who has Botrht'' Genua Syrup to 1st it woadsrfoi qn ah ties be known to their friends to caring Consumptioo, ssvsrs Coaf(bs,Croup, Aathms, I'sso moms, sod in fact all throat and lag dissasss. No psrson osn use it witbeet im media to relief. Three doses wdl relisve aay oaae, aad wa coasider it ths duty of all drugg ists ta recommend it to the poor, dyiag cos sumptive, at least to try oae bottle, ss 80, 000 deaen bottles wsrs srld last year, aad 00 one oaae where it failed was reported. a medicine aa the Henna Syrup sen not be too widely knows. Ak your druggist sheet it Bam pis bottles to try, sold st 10 cents. Hegoiar size. 75 cent. Hold by all druggists and dealers, in tbe United States aad Caned The rnetegrasfcer, Albany, Or. I have all the nonet: vea token br i B. Pax ton and any one can nave dupli cates from their negatives by add reset ng us, at the following prices : Card euve, S'X per dozen, cabinet size, $3 per doxen, tou- dours, 6 per doxen. I keep tbe finest une 01 uregon vtewa in tne west, cata logue furnished on application Copying and enlarging old pictures a specialty. J. O. CaawFaan. for aeJe. One hundred and twenty acres of the best quality of improved wheat land, all fenced Into four fields, good house, hard finish, good outhouses, excellent fruits of all kind Situated 3 miles west of Lebanon and one and a quarter miles south of the junction of the Narrow Guage K. R., wit tithe Lebanon branch of the O. A C. R. R. Inquire at this onice. siefc tea's Aralea Salve. Tbe beet aalve In tba world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Halt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, cnapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and ail Skin Kr options, and posi tively curee Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money reruneed. Price SA cents P box. For sale by Foabay eX Mason, Active, Pruhlas aad Bellshle. Foe hay A Mason can always be refisd np on to carry ia stock the purest aod beat good, and sustain ths reputation of being active, pushing snd reliable, by recommend, iog articles with well established merit and such a are popular. Having the sgency for the celebrated Dr King' New Discovery for consumption, colds and coughs, wili sell it on a positive guarantee. It will sorely cure any and every affection of throat, lungs, or chest, and in order to prove oar claim, wa ask yon to call snd get s trial bottle free. Baby wss sick, we save ass ( When she war Child, she eried As- Carters, Sfbea she nwcarun MIm, site clune to Caatoria. ' he had Children, she gave them Cl POWDER Absolutely Pure. '" 4KIH MY Drv Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Wall Paper and Decorating Paper, Everything kept to a fl rat-class Dry there it t demand ror. 1 sou go 1 these jpM mostly in New York and Chicago and AT 'BOTTOM CASH PRICES, and have nod am receiving Novelties of the Season ta ovary Una ; am prepared to . MEET ANY PRICES a .noted In tbe papers or circulars, and wilt take Cash or Merchantable Produce nod will not turn youoff when you get out of money. fsry a WHS- raj I hay added S my too. mmd shse stock a line of the oslehratod Laird, gassier h MiUkeU, PfuUuielpkim Fine Shoes fee ladies. children. Aoauaowieaaje r dealers generally to be the best vales sad best fitting fine shoe asada. Widths C, O, B, aad EE. A ehild east bey as cheap ss a Sanest. K. xecso, Bete Agent, Albany, Wall Paper. Hhaaaa, Ms. N H Allen ft Co. keep ia stock s fall Une .f th above goods, iacladiag a fine assart. t ef deooratioea for assJtngs, waiea tney will sell at tbe lows possible prices. s hav now In transit see of the largest stock ef these goods ever ia this market. Thrifty people will appreciate ear vslttee Kxovraxo fit Baowsau.. Wsssstorfnl D Hoyt Co., Wholesale sad Ret ail Druggists, el Borne, tie,, aay : We have been sellier Dr King's New Discovery. Bes trie Bitter aad Backlen'a Arntee Salve far two years. Have never that sell a wsU, or give isfaetion. There have been I rrs effected Ly these medicines ia this city. Several case ef pronounced na a f tton have been entirely oared by use of a few bottles of Dr King's New Discovery, taken ia uiaaiatli with Haatrie Bitters. Ws guarantee them always. Sold by Foabay A SACRED TO THE MEBteBY or THE LOST DOLLAR MINIMI I MINIMI n II M II I N II N I ll ll I I I II I INI I I ERECTED BY WALLACE & THOMPSON there to remind yon of th e dollars yen might have aaved by taking advantage ef their olose prices. NOW FOR THE FUTURE I W. A T. will sell yon more groceries and better qualities st lower prloes tban any other live men. Rectify tbe errors of the past, and save money in tbe future by stronixing Wallace A Thompson, First treet, Albany, Or. New Millinery Store. Wedealre to call the attention ef AH tany todies and the public generally mr new and extensive stock of FASHIONABLE MILINERY tndsr the management of Miss Bur ank, late head milliner of the whole ale mi winery establishment or Moeney Valentine & Goicsmith of Portland vhile our stock is a l that can be desir nd, onr prices will bs found extremely low ror first ciaaa good. SHANE A LONSWAY, Frontan's Briok. SPRING STOCK -Hu arrived, Including Good and Boot and Shoo House, from Samuel E. Do You Want bargains. THEN A. B. Mcllwain's, IS nan get the very beat la pilose aad qualities, consisting of DRESS GOODS, LAWNS GINGHAMS, ETC., la unsur Oa'l BOOTS AND SHOES, Clothing- and Furnishing Goods. Cash or produce token, and prtoee given that defy con petition. C. B. ROLAND & CO. NEW STORE AND CONSISTING OF- Mens Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, and line clothing. Choice selections in fancy Summer neckwear, silk underwear, Balbrig- gan underwear, jtisjk, uiarK ana maggs gioves. The verv best make of handsewed shoes, The very . 1 Mk HOTEL FOR RENT, mUR EXCHANGE HOTEL IN THIS I city ia now offered for rent on reason able terms For particulars inquire of er address James Murray. Albany, Oregon. B ARBED WIRE. A large stock on band and will be sold cheap. Also a fine let ef plain galvanised wire for woven fenoea at tbe store of Stewart eX Sox. A DIES, LOOK HERE. We want you to remember that we have a lot of thoae curling irons, also shears, scissors, tracing wheels, shelf and flower t brackets, and a good many other Ings yon would like to have. SfrlWART A SOX. jpLOWS. Come in and aee our new stock of steel and chilled plows. We can an it you.botb in goods na prices. Every Russell chill ed plow is guaranteed to be equal to any chilled plow manufactured. Svxwaavr A Sox. HIE MONDAY GOODS, . rriagera, tnbs, washboards, buckets, Tm ni nnnnr tntn avar nfiinra latost styles in mens, youtns ana ooys ciotmng. All the celebrated make of hats in every style. FINE CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. Remember our entire stock consists of bright, new, fresh goods, and as "Honest, Fair and Square" dealing is our motto, We ask the public to calj and get our prices, No trouble to show goods, C. B. Roland & Co., One door west of the Revere House, Albany, Oregon. tha cheapest to as (rood a quality ss Young. GO TO His stock ot Dry Uoods on blm for your NEW GOODS, aJ aB m m m m New Diy Goods Store. SHANE ft LOHSWAY. Desire to call the attention of tholii friends and the public general ly to thaiij extensive stock or DRY AND FANCY GOODS. embracing everything usually found in a first-clan exclusive Dry Goods Store we guarantee our prices oelow those Portland. We invite close buyers e xamine our goods. Samples mailed a pplloants. SHANE A LONSWAY, Fromau's Brick. MONEY TO LOAN In snms to suit BY Some Good Advice. When Getting Your Spring Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Furnishing Goods Wi nd j cor Who leads. CO CLOTHING New and in style, is unsurpassed -HATS- la the beat in the market, embracing all tbe latest styles. In FURNISHING GOODS De takes a front position, with a reliable, well selected stock. Ilia sales eg BOOTS AND SHOES Are bug, because he keeps the beat, In quality and style A SPLENDID LINE OF SUITINGS ON HAND IN HIS TAILORING DEPARTMENT. New Goods Arriving Constantly T"ll"ffl,aTrTI,"lTTT,T?niTB,BBT me breai rniiaaepia uoinins House ! JOHN WANNAMAKER, The Great American Clothier and Leader in tyles has ESTABLISHED AN AGENCY In this City at the Dry Good Store of SHANE & Hundred of Sam pin to choose name as in Pailadsipnla. We wear the Little Red School Heme ' BaTBBssWassBBssssWaWBBs iMassfsTawsi tUf aaas aTAHria idnsff a a eoMtna and ouraunt, -ui-1 if you want go to the City Boot and Shoe Store where you will find h large and complete assortment of goods in this line. of ncrly every grade and m k, and A dollar saved U a dollar tsde. REDFIELD J. P. Hail, ALBANY, SR., IV 1 "fc K AGENT F.m Columbia Bicycles and Tricycles, Second hand wheels cousUntiy on baud. Send for 1887 catalogue, JUTLEKY. In pocket knives, butcher knives, carv ing sets, soiasors, shears, razors, etc, v.e keep a very large assortment. Come art mid and look at our stock. St&wakt 4P Sox. DR. C WATSON MAST0N Physician and Surgeon. Onlce noma 3 aud 4 ALBANY Foster's filoek. - 03EG0II. BIDS SOLICITED. The plans st.d i iog of tha W. C. artd can be s ea & FirMt St. S iurt in i a J E way to tbe store of His Stock o in tbe Valley. Ill LONSWAY. from; perfeet lit guaranteed ssjjssj BlTST CM. HEN DERi;O.N4COS ) cfi3a:3 Beers a SMOis 1 CHICAGO. - i Shoes, and do our lat. is and ut- at prices which will open your eye. & BROWNE ri A 11 DEN TOOLS AND SEEDS. Stewart A Sox keep an immense stoek of gardtn tools, and are also agent for the celebrated Walla Walk a garden seeds, which gave better satisfaction than any sold in Albany last season, pOWDER, SHOT, ETC. Sportmen can alwava find at our at ore a splendid line of ammunition of all kinds, snd we also keep giant and blasting pow der, fuse, eto, Stxwaxt A Sax. AQOMS AND CARRIAGES, Hacks, single and double buggies, carta, buckboards, and all kinds of wheeled ve hicles. Don't buy until yon see what wo haye and learn our prices. Stkwaut A Sox, Always Victorious. i tOTatV 1 tfiii oTHVt alsH. 11.11 Every ons doty is not to allow tbe liver, the stomach and the kidneys, three great organs, te become clogged er torpid? and i n time expel all impurities of tbe bSeod. The Oregon Blood Pwrlflor. a purely vegetable compound, is The Kometly to cure all diseases ef the kid neys and liver, also those caused by im pore blood, sa Biliousness. Constipation, feksk Headacbe.Dyspopsia,Scrofula, Erup. in, RheuBiatism, etc. Try as