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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1887)
U. fVCHraom. leeohingerery Sabbath, moraine and evening by Kev. F Q. Ir iaa, D. D. Sabbath Hohool at 2:30 r. M Pray" meettaa; erery Wedaeaaday evening. KT veauoAi. I nunta. Preach iaa ea Sab- at 10.30 m, , and 7 P. M. Sabbath IOiOOl Pnw ttotin or srv Wad- esday evening 7 JO. 8. S. Davis, patter. Ail art lavitea, OaKaaaoATioHAL Church. ServioeeeYer tabbaab morning and evening. Sabbath oheol at 12:15. Prayar meeting on Wedmwday evening of each waak. Kev. U. T. Koraiaaer. Pastor. w - w w M. K Cannes, Sooth. Preaching every tbird feabbath in aaoh month at 11 o'clock a. m. and at 7 o'clock r. at. Sabbath Sohool Mb Sabbath at 10 o'clock a. M. Prayar Mating Friday craning' at 7 'elook. J.W. Craig, Patter. M. K. Chvboh South, Ta kokrt. - Praaob ing on the tint Sabbath of aaoh mouth morn ing and araning. Sunday school aacb Sat batb at 10 o'clock a. m. Prayar meetiug Thnraday araning. J W Craig, Patter. hi. E. U a o bob. Praaobing a vary Sabbath wUg and tnamg. Song tarrioa in tba evesaag before sermon. Sabbath School dti.90 r uu Prayar matting trary Thurs dtyt, raning. Rar. H. P. Webb, pastor. PnaHMTtaiAK CrnrBCH. Servioe trary oar. Braadtibin and Fifth Stt. Sunday Sohool immediately after the taornlag tarrtoa, Prayar meeting avary Wtdntaday araning. R I R Pntehard, pastor. Ftntnr BarnsT Cbcbcb. Praaobing every Itbbntb morning and eve' Church on 5th Strati. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting avery Tbnrtday amine at 7:30 o'clock. T 0 Catholic CncncH. Sarrioa mot erery Ban ML lntBnaday ay at iO:W a. m. and 7 r. t the month eerrice at Euaene Citv. Ear. Lenit Metayer, Ratter. ALBAIT COLLKBJATK INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1886, 3.887. it. H-.TeltMmt. . ., rrtaldeal. A fall eorp of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Coarsen of tudy arranged, to meat the Heed of nil gradasgof atndenta. Sfdl inducements oftred Undents s - J Tuition range from 16.50 to 113,50. Board In private fawiiiee at tow ratee. Rooma tor eelf-boarding at small ex ' ense. A careful tu per vision exercised over stu deata away from borne. Fall term opens September 7th. For circulars and full peirtieulara addreta the President. hbv. b. vwur. o. av Albany, Oregon, Conrad Meyer. PROPRIETOR 1. STAR BAKERY, Onmar Broadalbin and First 8t., DEALER IV CBusaeol tratta, tiKavsnwnre, Drid:Freilia, Teaaee), 7asjstet ff eat, Qnrenawtre, Vegetablea, Cigar, pleea, .'flees Tea, Bit),, lite.. Is fact everything that la kept in a gen era! variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Oregon Pacific Railroad. 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME. Accommodations unaur passed for com fort and safety. Fares and freights via. Y equina and tbe Oregon Development Company's Steamship much leee than by any other route between all pclnta in tba Willamette Valley and San Franeteoe. Daily fataengtr trains exctft Sundays. Leare Ysqatae, 7:00 a,a. j Loae Albany, 188 r. a. Arrire,Corvaili,lU:3 t.s Arri Corrallis, X:0tr. M. Ames A lbs ay, n ae a. a, Arms Yaqaina, 6:40 r. Oregon and California trains connect at Albany and Corvalli. Paa between Corvallhi and Albany and ten Franciaco : Rail and Cabin, 14.00. Rail and ateerage, 9.00. wji n. ho at, c. A.O. V. sod r. Agent, Corrallis, Or. Oregon Developement Co. First class Steamship line between Ysqnioa and Sen f rancitce connecting at Yaqtiina with the trains of the Oregon Paul 6c Railroad Company. MAILING DATES . raoa vaapita raoa saa raasaaoo W. V., Mondsy, May 10th. K. O , Tuesday, Msy tith W. V., Haturdat, Msy ttth g. o., Baaaav. sum ub. W. V.. Sstorday. Hay 21. K. O , Tueadsy, Ms; 31st. W. V., Saturday, Juns 4th E., June 11. W. V., Thin-win. June l W. V., Thursday, J warn 9. ' O., i .J, June l i lh W. V Tuesday, June Ji. B.OWdaesdsy, July 29. O . Friday, June 24th. I V., Tossoity, Juim l. j O , WMtiieadar.JaJy b. ' the Comprny reeeryee .bt right to ebange tailing days. I B. TOBY, Gen. F. and P. Agent, 804 Montgomery St., Ban. Francisco, Cal. miUU TO CALIFORNIA V-lA- Ori'cou & California R. K AND CONNECTIONS. T HE BIT. Sal ST A KOI TK. Clone coimc-tion ma I e at Asr.ia it w .th aUgs of Uis C tlifornis, Orsg - ' Uho Stsgs Company Mr t Mile ef ataglas. Tims between AJh"y and Sat, Francises, 88 hours- oauroKKU axraasi tbaws daily. South From May 1st, 1887. Morth. 4.00 P. M. I Loavs 8:06 r tt I heavs t:U0 a u Aruve Portland Albany Athiand Arrive I 10:10 a U Leave 6:26 a u heave 6:80 r u local r Assasaaa teaiss baIly (except Sunday). .00 a a j Lsavs PsrtUnd Arri v ' '8:46 r a 12:40 r a Leave Albany Leave i li;35 a M :t0ra f Arrive Korsna Leave 900 a LOCAL PAaSSlfSBS TRAINS DAILY. 1 10 p li Leave Albany Arrive 6:45 a M 8:M r u Arnve Lebanon Leave 6:80 a u 18:80 r U I Leave Albany Arrive! 2:46 1 u 1:88 r a Arrive Lebanon Leave 2:0u t u PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. daily between Portland and Ashland. The O and ORK Kerry makes connections with all the retrulsr trains on the Kast Side Division from foot sf r 8 tsH. Wtss Side OlvtaloB. 888JTWBBM rOKTLAVO AM( 4.0RVALMS. m Ail yr m i daily (except Sunday.) 7:1 a a 12:9; r u Lsave Portland Arrive 0:16 r S A' rive Corvillis Leave 1:30 r a r i n in i axraasa tsaixs daily xe.3t Sunday.) A bOrm j Lave 8:00 ru ' Arri-s PiTtland MrMinnville Arrive Lave 9:00 A u 6.45 A U At Albany and Corvailia coi.ruct with trains of Oregon Pacflfl Railroad for Yaquina Bay. Frtrfull information regarding rates, maps, etc., es i on "omimny' A?ent. X. XOBHLXR, B. P. ROOBIL8, afaasfsr. O. F. k PatsAreat. Prtsh Yaquina Ha and Eattern oysters to itiolv a haul after to-day at Hoffman BOOTS, SHOES AND SUFFERS. 1 am bow receiving my fall end winter stock of hoots and shoes, I bare at nioely a fitted up Boot and Shoe Store, and at complete a stock aa any thia aide of Portland and very few better in Portland. I buy aU my boot a and aboes direct from msimfaoturei and am authorised to warrant every pair no mat lot how eheap. No firm in Oregon have any advantage of me in buying aa 1 buy in quantities and pay tbe oath. In ladies', mitaee and children's above, I keep muoh the largest, bast and great eat variety in tbe city. My aim will always be to give ae good value for the money as possibly can be done. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. W OOD CUTTKHM, ATTENTION I Never forget that we alwavt keen In atock a tali iins of axes, croes-out taws, steel end Iron wtdgee,aledge, maul rings, etc. s t k w a rt dt Sox . Summons, a (At Circuit Court oj the Stat of Ortjon J or Lmn County. Mary E. Baaaett, Plaintiff, va. William O, Holmes, Defendant. To William CL Holmes, the above nam- ed Defendant : IK tbe name of tbe State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appeer and an swer the complalat of tbe above named Plaintiff In tbe above entitled Court, now on file with tbe Clerk of said Court, on er before tbe fourth Monday of October, 1S7, it being tbe HUH Hajr ef wcteker. Ift7. and you are hereby notified tbtt if yau fall ta appear and answer eaid complaint, aa hereby required, the plaintiff w!!l apply to tba Court for tbe relief demanded there in, to wit : that Plaintiff be decreed to be tbe owner in fee aimple ef tbe equal un elvlded one third of tbe north went quarter of tbe northwest quarter of Section one and the north ball of tbe oorteaat quarter and tbe southeast quarter of tbe northeast quarter of Section two, all in Townabip twelve, south ef Range one, went of the Willamette meridian in Linn county, regon, containing 155 32-100 aorta more or Tea, conveyed by deed by you to Plaintiff in 1876, wbkh eaid deed bae bean lost, that anoh decree stand and be record ed aa a deed therefor and aa evidence of PlaintifPa title thereto, and for such other and further relief aa Plaintiff may be en titled to 1b equity and good conscience. This turn mona is published in tbe State RioHT-a Dk moor at by order of Hon. R.P, Boise, Judge of said Court, which said or Jer waa made at Chambers in tba City ef Salem, Marion county, Oregon and dated on tbe lOtn day of Mav, 1887, w ath Bare d A Black bcrh, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 0 Sheriff's Sale, In the Circuit Court of Ju State of Oregon for Linn County. Z, F. Moody, tiovernor, R. P. Ear hart, Secretary of State and Edward Hlrecb, Treasurer of the State of Oregon, consti tuting the Board of Commissioners for tbe tale of school and university landa and for the investment of the fuuda arising therefrom, Plaintiffs. va. M Savage and Mary J Havage; bis wife, E Blain and William Staigar, Dafen L danta. NOTICE la hereby given that by vlrtne of an execntion end otder of tale ieaaed out of the above named Court in the above entitled action to me directed and deliv ered, I will on lata relay tba MB day of Jaly, Its 7 at tba henr of one o'clock, p. m, in front of the Court Hoate door in the city of Al bany, Linn connty, Oregon, aeil at public auction for oath in hand to the highest bidder tbe real property described in aala oxecutio n aad order ef salt aa folio wa to wit : The fractional southwest qnarter of tbe north weet quarter of Section 26 and tbe eaat one-half of the northeast qnarter of Section 26 in Townabip 12 south of Range 4 weet of the Willamette meridian in Linn county . Oregon, containing 106 acres. Tbe proceeds arising from the sale ef eaid real Sroperty to be applied aa follow, to-wit : irac to tbe payment of the costs of suit taxed at 48.25 and tbe costs and expenses of sale, Second to payment to the "Main tiffs herein the sum or 1290.20 with inter, est thereon at tbe rate of ft per cent per annum from the 27th day of October, 1885, and the further sum of $125 Attorney's fees. Third to the payment of the fallow log sums to the Defendant L E Blain, to wit : The anm of 9839,76, the sum o 188,29 and the sum of f8.87 with aocru ing interest on each of aeld same at tbe rate oi 10 per cent per annum from the 27th day of October, 1885, provided that should tbe proceeds of said sale of said property be insufficient to pay each of said three turns last above mentioned in full, then said proceeds shall be applied pro rata there on. Fourth to the pay roan t to the Defendant, L E Blain the sum of 1296.55 with accruing interest at 10 per cent per annum from October 27tb, 1885. Fifth to tuo payment to the Defendant, L. E Blain the sum ef $70 Attorney face. Sixth to the payment to the Defendant, Willi tm Staiger the turn of $161.35 with interest from the day of September, 1885, at the rate ef 10 per cent per annum, and the overplus if any to be paid to the Defendant B, M Savage, his heirs or as signs. Dated June fitb, 1887, D, S. Smith, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon for Infants "aatoeSa S well adapted to cbiiflrcn that j oast. ' n. a, aarwra, m r Ui Sc. Oxfod 8t, Bwcklyo, K. T. Tea ONN BROTHERS' ASH GROCERY STORE Oppoalte Dtyoe dt Kobson'a. ALBANY, OREGON, ' Keep a'fresh atook of all kinds o( GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, TO., ETC. Silverware Given Away, with our Silver Prise Java Coffee, con alsi ing of six praes, H dor., table knlvet, Mi dot medium forks, ' dos, tablee poont, dot, tea spoons, dot napkin rlnga and Hujiar spoon end buttor knife, all KoR-er Bros Al allver ware, every pur chaser of a can getting one chance. CONN BROS. I. GREENBAUM DKALKR IN- DRUGS, STATIONERY, ETC. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded DAY OR NIGHT 108 First Street, Albany, Or. CURES ALL HUMORS, Blotch, or F.ra ation. fyvroiMiM. ceoqu-rtd by this rwrrruUjMairytne. ted rkroratinir rrHHcii;.'. . rt .in:u m l i ra mi. idly bcal under its uvnifu Influence. p-UJly Use It BBBBlMbBj Ha potrooy in ring Tetter Bote Hash. Holla, Car melee. Bore ISyea. Bcrofalew Borce sst Bwelllncw. ItlP- I to Swelllus. boltrr. or TbtcM B. ana t:uiarctt uian I tn ttamps for a buire tret a. PttiJ fasa with cot. by uatne r. Pie .FIereeB and a now nut pir tltgritlua, m tnir afctn, buojr is. vital strenctb, and sou eenatitutiuu, -jj bo crtahlsthw ac overv. rains iir tiUucee of CONSUMPTION, which l.Utl nga, tt promptly and certainly arreeted Vrful power over thlt tttvttto UMJUa1. smouiir tr ra sumption Core, but mm w uiuiK-a it a u um-iim wum ii . 1 . I i ! . A . 1 . Bay. alterative, or t'tood-ntaanalns;. snO-btttpoB pectoral, and nutrttlvo i.rwj-ni-, la uneuaaid, not only as a remedy lor cuotumptlon of the WUUUfTIUI L.tUUJllUU'nUl Ull II. lirRIT CHRONIC DISEASES Of Liver, Biood,anii Lungs, If von feel dnlL drowsy, debt mated, have eaUow enter of skin. or yeuowitto-tarown ua fore or bodr. fronutnt inlu'h. or bsd to in mouin, imernei neat or ef with hot Saahaa, low sprrtta sflssBM BtsBMSBBBBai BfBsntBBr ei-i coated torunHi. you are aufferlna from l88tTi cSS.KC'n-' Tn" m11 part of these rymptome ere eapertt need. At e rernwly for sJl such osjna, Wr. PlcreVe Golden medical Discovery kea so euusl or Weak Lnntt, Bp I tt Ing of Blood, nbortneaa of Breath, ffroneBdtta. Bevere Concha, C ousuaaption, and ntehTatifoT botooSnl IrUnilZSU PRICE $!.00a ?5arfaToo! ACO'S LITTLE VV FILLS. ArfTf-BIf.IOUS and CATHARTIC. Sol4 by Drngglete. 3& oauw a vbd. $500 REWARD m uuww try tne piuyi wtore of Dr. gaso't Catarrh Bemedy f or a ctte of otharrh waaoh thssr oannot am. tbe nose, offensive or.cAbir wisn, fl.rtJaJ lomofarjaLtatta, ffW hettrtner. smak- f ir tull rmkn li hi bsad. you taveCahwrh. Itou- MJ. m ium y i nan. iIUasmswwmtkiw nnss ttwvmt 1 VetB-tr CUBE CONSTIPATION. To enjoy health one should have ret; iilar evaciiatlouN every twen y four hone. The evils, both menial anal physical, eesultlug from HABITUAL CONSTIPATION ore mauy and erion. ror the cure of his common trouble. TiiII'n I.lver 1'IUm have Kuini' S a oopnlarlty mijisr. aviielcd. f lou5 I.-, ugur coated. 80LD EVERYWHERE. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the un lentigo ed Administratrix cf the cHtate of James H. Downing, deceaaed, haa filed in the Counl Court of Linn connty, Oregon, her linal ac count in said estate, and Tuesday the 5th day of July, 1837, attha hour of 1 o'clock, p. m. of 8id day at the County Court room in the Court House in tbe city of Albany, iu Linn county, Oregou, is tbe tiuitaod place tt by aaid Court for tbe hearing of ohjec. tioas if any to said accountaud the final set tlement there"'. Dated May 27th, 1887. F. Dowjtino, At.miiiUtratriji. and Children; Caatorla cttret CoBe, Oonstlpatlon, "r.ii7r - " dt- WitK tniorloTa ntedicatioa. QevfAcs Coaramr, 188 Fuitoa Street, 9. T. G .nn t fori ffiaTd snanT- V tBBsl Or nreasrrre "K?sta Totfs Pi lis IHe tmmL KKIDAV JUNK 24, 1187 TUB BQUAHHLK, The dispttclee tell ut that the O. A. U. Potts in Iowa vary generally endorse what Gen. Tnttle aaid about President Cleveland's being in danger of being subjected to insult in oase be should accept tba invitation to be present at the Grand Encampment af tba Grand Army in September. In order to fully understand tba matter, tbe attention of our leaders is oalled to the fallowing interview wltb Gen. Tottle,wbieb gave rise to the whole matter. It may be aafe to aay that not one poet in ten out tide of Ion a will endorse tbe course of Tuttle : St. Lou is, Jane 3. Gen. J, M. Tut tle.Commander of the G. A. R. Depart ment of Iovt,explained in an interview to-day why he objects to President Cleveland's visiting 8t Looia during tbe Grand Encampment. He eaid ; 'Til tell yon the reason. It's because we are net going to leod tbe organisa tion for the booming of any msn,0ieve land or anybody else Polities, so far, we have managed to keep out of the O. A. R., and thia is tbe first time they have tried to nee as. Now, it's jost at dear at day. This la only a boom for the President, and they mustn't think tbe G. A. R. are sunk fools tbey can't it, too." "Are yon opposed to the G. A. It. inviting tbe President simply because you want to keep politica out 1" "No, tbat isn't all. It'a because tbe nan is distasteful to tne u. a. it- a aa aa s . .ana o. ta Why, be has said that tbe Dependent Pension bill would inoreaee perjury, mendacity and mendicancy, and air, be has said tbe O. A. R. couldn't be be lieved on their oaths. When be atid tbat he knew be was lyiag. It iee't only tbat veto, either, it's all bis veteee. We are not saying anything about the vetoes themselves. What we object to is the insulting tone of bis language, sneering and filled with attempts to be feoetieus. Tbat'a what cote us." "But suppose tbe President should only review tbe parade f "Well, if he does, it will he at bis own risk. If be gets mixed up in that ptrade,I'll bet it wiU be the last parade bell want to review. The G. A. R. will not submit quietly to having any man foisted upon them." Then this complication will here a bad effect oo tbe attendance f "Don't know. May double ii," aaid Tattle laconically. "How's tbat f " Well, tbe bo a may all want to be here if there's going to be trouble, and there it a good prospect of there being troubie.toe. I don't mtao figbting,bqt unpleasant things said and done. But If tbey want fighting, ere can give 'am some of that. We've done it l I guess we haven't forgotten how to do it again. I know tbey will have their political clu here aad try to work tbem in oa ut, but it won't work. We are not going to have our reunion turn ed into a political Loom. We have faced tbe cr,t) btfore in solid ranks when tbey wei behind guns, and ere ear face tbem sjgnl when tbey at- tenpt to subvert tbe purpuece of our organization." "How do you understand tbe invite tbn r "I don't feel like e)ing eny thing about it, except what I have beam since I have been here. Tbe G. A. R. hta not invited tbe President ; not a bit of iu Tbat hss been dine by an exe citive committee eompoeed of Union men and rebels. Tbey oalt themselves Confederates down bare, but tbey call 'am plain rebels op In my State. That's the way It looks to me. If Mr. Cleve land ahoold come an organised effort would be made to entrap tbe Grand Army into aa indorsement of the pen sion veto. Every since tba Democrats came into power there has been a drift ing of newly appointed office-holders into tba ranks of the Grand Army. For twenty years these meu kept out of our organic ition because, s tbey said, there was too much Republicanism about it. Within the past few montbt these men have come into the ranks in singularly large number,nd ell aay they ere com ing to St. Louis. What we fear is that on tbe occasion of the cam u tire at a Scbnaeder's Garden, these men, assisted by a crawdof Democrats and ex-reb-ls, will try to pass resolutions of confi dence in tbe President. Any such at tempt will be sharply checked by the Grand Army men, but would lead to unpleasant fading and discord. Cleve land's veto has outraged 99 per oeut of the Grand Army, and we do not intend to let him patch up bis broken china in any such fashion. We ohjtct most strongly to bis taking any part what ever in tbe encampment, to his receiving nay official recognition from the Grand Army, and especially to passing in re view before him. We do not want him or any politician who it not a Grtn.i Army men to have any part er parcel in the encampment. We objtct, to his presence in any capacity, aad will stt y away to a man should become as the guest ef tbe Grand Army men. I cm aay this in behalf of the Department f Ioira, and I know that the fte'iog is as strong in Illinois. I have just; comti from that State, and beard nothing but indignation txpresaed at the mere thought tbat be was to be the guest of tbe veterans of tbe wat." H. C. Rutee!,Departoieot Command- viKiting here, indorsed Gen. Tuttle's views. He said : "Soatoe ly a corporal's guard oould be mustered In St. Louis were the President there at tbe Invitation of the Grand Army. The Nebraska veterans would most em phatically decline to do him honor, and It la most earnestly beped that be will not be present during the encampment in any capacity ,as our men do not want to see bin or have anything to do with him. His presence would be a great drawback to the success of the encamp ment,and would be about the most un pleasant feature that oould be intro duced. We all hope ha will stay away, as hie presence oould only introduce an exceedingly unpleasant and discordant element Into what would otherwise be the roost suooeetfwl encampment ever held." n. (Vrsn ear rejreJar ssrrasesoaset.) Wasbibotok, June 3rd, 1197. This year the city bae not been permitted to reiapee Into nn uninter esting dull condition, each as la usual upon the departure of the President; end all tbe representatives of public and private Interest tbat ere sure not to remain long, after hie abeence for a length of time bae been determin ed upon. The novelty of tbe National Drill has served to keep alive the public interest la tbe Capital, and tbe cue tomary May oxcuraionlst bltherward bae enjoyed no additional reduction in bis or ber railroad fare which seem I to be tbe great aad, after all, to be attained by tble claee of pleeaure sofkori. Ho, although the bote! man may have bad bis grievance, yet in tbe more unostentatious modes of en tertainment, aucb aa tbe boarding bouse and private heus afford , quite a showing might be made in the number of strangers who have lately been among us ; certainly our streets have been crowded with new faces and eeger sight-seers, and many old ecorcee have been settled by country coaeins lo the way of visit to city relations, in return for similar hoooi received last -.urn me r, a ben fruit ass ripe. But not for long, I fear me, will tbe account remain cloeed, for very soon tbe aoltry beat will send country w ard tbe remaining members of tbe house hold wbo have not already accom panied their lately departed gueat home. With regard to tbe drill, and the distribution of prlxee, leee dissension has resulted then waa naturally to bo expected where so much Jealous il valry existed. Tbe auccesaful attainment of tbe object of Its projectors could not be better ebown than by quoting tbe words of Col. Black, the President of the Board of Judges composed of reg ular Army officers. Said he "The drill has proved a complete succeea rom a military standpoint, and both tooae wbo managed It, and those wbo participated lo It are deserving of great credit Tbe different com peting organisations showed t hero es vee welt versed In tactics, and many of them executed the program with remarkable suocees, Tne public waa, doubtlees, surprised at some of tbe awards, as some of the compunie who were rated low, made the boat impression upon the spectators, but they were ait Ju Jged by a etrlct mili tary interpretation of military (actio. Every movement was marked on a sale from xero to ten. In each in stance themerks of the three Judges were added together, and the euro divided by three, thus giving the average. Among the last of the most prom inent men to take flight wa- Senator John Sherman, against whose Pr -i-dential aspirations certulu indiscreet admissions of his brother, Gen. Wil liam Tecumseh, are taken to be di rect assaults. Tbe too susceptible old wnrrlor haa t ld some lady confidante that it would be a great pity not to retain aucb a fascinating mlstrens of tbe White House for another term, at least ; and as the wife of the Presi dent Cwuots her most ardent admirers and staunchest allies from among her own sex, Irrespective of party affilia tions, it will lie easily seen that their championship In behalf of a second term, Is not one to bo despised. Some of the wise ones are endeav oring to 'itrtch a political significance to tbe early vacation of the President, seeing in it a preparation for an ex tra session of Congress. Tbey reason that Mr. Cleveland pursues his rec reations in tiie same earnest ratnner that he does his labors ; that ho will collect enough vigor in a short space of time to make htmsolf as good at new, despite the calamitous forebod ings of the doctors ; and that he will return the earlier to his sdf imposed task of giving personal attention te men and measures, and be ready to meet those high in thecounclls of the party, to discuss the extra legislation detraed to bo needed. With the lack of other subjects for discussion, the new rules for the reg ulation of promotions in the Dep.ut mttnts will be reviveJ. This feature ofCivil Service reform goes into operation this month, when its effects may be observed, whatever maj have been the object of its pro mulgators. Even this result will be difficult to reach, for those dropped from the public rolls are seldom heard from again, and t trances are but feeble, for (heir In fluence has waned with the advent of a new administration. And let the contrary be proclaimed as loudly as they choose tbe boasted removal o!iiiicb a,6,,-v 8U, a,lt ,,d do political pressure to influence appoint menta to, promotions In, and remov als from the public service, is aa far from being accomplished to-day as it ever was. Every head of Bureau, or office, hi importuned continually, and persistently for place ; and members of the Civil Service Commission them selves, have been approached, In or der that the candidate for an impend ing examination may have the ad vantage of a personal introduction. WHAT AILSTHE RATION? The Average Length of Life Do creating Not PoMtllenee . Mot Famine All our own Fault. Modern Cooking and Mod ern Living have brought it on. It corn eft upon ua una wares. The patienta have pains about the cheat antl rude, and sometimes in the back, They feel dull and sleepy; the mouth has a bad taste, especi ally in the morning. A sort of sticky slime collects about the teeth. The appetite is poor. There is a feeling like a heavy load on the stomach ; somi times a faint, all-gone sensation at the pit of the stomach which food does not p; eyes are mul and feet be- i clammy. A I r cough sets in, at i fy. The lid Landa I and feel while a t drv. but after a few mouths it is at tended with a greenish colored expectoration. The patient feela tired all the while, and sleep does not seem to afford any rest After a time he be comes nervous, irritable and gloomy, and has evil forelxxl inga. There is a giddiness, a sort of whirling sensation in the bead when rising up sud denly. The lowels become costive; the skin is dry and hot at times; the blood becomes thick and stagnant; the whites of the eye la-t ome tinged with C"rw; the kidney secretions nn s scanty and high col ored, deponitmg a sediment after standing. There is fre auently a spitting up of the food, sometimes with a sour taste ami sonn tinu-s with a sweetish teste; this is fre quently attended with palpi tation of the heart and Asth matic iyinptoins; the vision be comes impaired, with spots be fore the eyes; there is a feel ing of gi-eat prostration and weakness. All of these symp toms are in turn present it is thought that netuly one-half of our population has this dis ease in some of its varied forms. Shaker Extract of Roots (Sei gePs Syrup) changes the fer ments of the I )itr -stive organs so as to convert the food we eat into a form that will give nourish ment to the feeble body, and good health is the consequence. The effect of this remedy is simply marvelous. Millions upon millions of bottles have been sold in this country, and the testimonials in f avor of its curative powers are over whelming. Hundreds of so called diseases under various names are the result of indi gestion, and when this one trouble is removed the other diseases vanish, for they are but symptoms of the real malady. Testimonials fiom thousands of people speaking highly of its curative properties prove this beyond a doubt Sold by druggists. :VaC3l ) lidlea Fine Shora. N U Alias St Co. are uw r.-o -iviny direct from tha maaufaotnra, H J Holhrook & Co., of U'ica, N. Y., a full lin of his justly cel shrated tine ahes for ladies sod misses in 0. D. a. and E. E. widtha These goods will give splendid satisfaction, iu faet there are ae bettor made. Second hand hahy carriage at Democrat office' for sale. Call Administrator's Notice, Nation Is heroby given that the unU signed haa Sled a is final account in Ad ministrator of the f stats of Henry Wil ilams, deceased, in the Caunty Court for Linn county, Oregon, and tho 0th day of July, 1887, at the hour of one o'olock, p, m. has by the Court been fixed for hear ing objections thereto and to the stttte mentofsaid estate. This the 3rd day of June, 1887, Hiram Williams Administrator ef the said Batata. Notice for Publication. 1 and Office at Roseburg, Or,, June 1st, 1887. J Notice la hereby given that tbe follow ing named settler has filed notice ol his intention to make final proof iu support of hiH elaim.anrl tbat said proof will be made before the Judge or Olerk of the Conntv Court of Linn County, Oregon, at Albany, Or., on Saturday. .Inlv iuwt . - ' , J mvi m , .wvr v I. . I Sylvester Cochran, Homestead Entry Mo. ( west Willamette meridian. He names the following witntsets to prove hie continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz : Geo. s, Miller, Sam'l Glass,-J oae Bh beel v, k. jn , MeCaw, all of Crawfordsaiiie Linn Oo Oregon. ' ' ABOUT WKITINO LCTTKES. STontL of both sf xes may learn from the following extract bow to do tbat wa ntir tn the art or lettar writing-a "lost art," owing to postal car ls and newspapers, but which, when done at all, should he so perforaeiJ as to tsbow tbe writer to be a persoo of c ilture : As a role, every letter, unless insult ing in its ohsrscttr,reqtiires an anawer. To neglect to answer a letter, when one if written to, is as nnoivil as to neglect to reply when spoken to. In tbe reply, acknowledge first tha receipt of the letter,uientiantn 4 its dste, sud afterward consider all tbe points requiring attention. It tba tetter is to be verj brief, com mence sufficiently tar from the top of tbe, psga to give a nearly rqnal amount of blank paper at tbe bottom of t be sheet when the letter is ended. Should tbe matter in the hater con tinue beyond tbe titst ege,H is well to commence a letter above tbe middle of tbs sheet, extending as Tar as ne eeasary en tbe otber page. It is thought impolite to use a half sheet of paper in formal letters. As a matter of economy and convenience for business purpose, however, it is cus tomary to have tbe card of tbe business man priuud at tbe top of tbe sbM',ind a single leaf is used. In writing a letter, the answer lo wbicb is of more tenant io yourself than tbe person to whom you write, be sure to enclose a postage stamp for a r-ply. Letters should be as free from eras ure?, interlineations, biota at d post scripts aa possible. It iadacidedly bat ter to copy tbe btiera tbaa lo have (best appear. A letter of introduction and recom mendation abould never t o trh J,as tba bearer to whom it ta given ought Ut know tha cosRents. A eorreaMndent of tbe Portland News wbo has bten to Yaquina Bay baa tbia to say about tbe uarhor : "Tba O'fgon DveiopBitot Com pany steamer Willamette Yal ey and Kaateru Oregon lie sf their dock, and just bare we wish to reoord a lit .e im portant history. On Saturday morn ing, Ju ie 4th, tbn Wiiiametta Valley went to sea, and iu just tweotj-tigbt minutes from the time tf casting off be lines at Yaquina City aba waa out over tbe bar, bar bow turned toward bn Francicc , pic a ing the brioy waves. But here ia Something anil mure important, som facta tc U. cce tba lying tcngue of calumny forever, so far aa Yaquina bar nor and its and future for commercial pur posea are con earned. Tbe K9Um Oregon, on Tase day aiumine, Juno 8ib, erased iu over tbe bar at 9 a. m., oa a dead low tirfe, drawing thirteen Asst f aii-r. f u well kn vu tbst tbe tid.s iu June are bibber sod lower than at utbr sea son ot in ar. Tbe lowest de( th of water on the hr when tbe Extern Oregon croexd m was sixteen feet. Tbe bay eople atrc so elated to tee a large steamer cros tbe bar at duad low tide tbat tbey ahowptd l;tr up ami shcuted, "Great is Yaquina barb r, and most glorious i ber futuir !' Tbe LVwoorauc city ticket in Galena, IU., Id t.-n it a cf.diut. named Ruin aad one named Fair weathn, mvd people the,; at rfeey vitf nyin.; t csiry water 1 On boll, tl.i UlilH:. In the coui of t.i-cittrt-sa show man, i'arouni aaya be I.h taken 80, 000,000 at the donr. " Mexican Mustang Liniment OTJ3PIES Sciatica, Lumbago, BhsamatUiB. Burns Scalds, Stings, Bites, Bruises, Bunions, Corns, Soratohftf, Strains, Stitches, StiffJoiuta, Backache, Galls, Sores, Spavin Cracks. Contracted Maselsfi, Eruptions, Hoof Ail, Screw Worms, Swinney, Saddle Gall . Pilsa THIS GOOD OLD STANb-SY sceompllthes for everybody exactly what lsclalmi d for it. Oue of the reasons for the great popularity if tba Mustang Ltalment Is fooad In Its aaleerattl arpttcabllltr Every body needs auch a rsaXtlcIn a The Lumberman needs It in case of accident Tbe Howsewlfeneecsltforgensralfamlly use. The Caaaler needs it for hta teams and his me x. The Mechanic needs It always oa als woik bsnob. The Miner needs it hi oase of emergency. The Pioneer needsit oan't get along without it. The Farmer needs It In his house, hi ttabl. and his stock yard. The Steamboat man er tbe Boatman needs it la liberal supply afloat and ashore. The Horse-faaeler needs lt-it is his best f end and safest reliance. The Steok-grower needs tt-It will save bill . thousands of dollars and a world ot trouble. The Railroad man needs It and will need tt e leaf as his life la a round of accidents and dangers. The Backwoodsman needs it. There is Both lag like it aa an antidote for the dangers to Ufa. ; limb and comfort which surround the pioneer. The Merchant needs It about bis store am on ir bis employees. Aocidents will happen, and when these come tbe Mustang Liniment la wanted at ones . Keep a Bottle lathe House. 'Tla the best oi! economy. Keep a Bottle in the Factory. Itshamsdlakt j use tn osae of accident sstss pale aad less of wages. Keep a Bottle Always la the Stable for 1 when wasted. THE MEAT iMi1 v 3W riff& FOB LIVER DISEASE Rf HvTllMC H'tUrorfcsdtssMisi ! ,""IW,,, eoated was or wlih s brown fur ; psln in th bsck, sidss. or joint '(ten tni.taicen U.t Rheumatlim' sowr nUtmnth 1 loss ot apprUte ; tome time name snd wstMvrssh, or nvltfortion; Sstulaaey sad scid sraftaaaas; boweh sltsrmttry cosUts sad las; hottdsch I Iom of memory, wtdt a psinfu' n-lKm of having faikd to oV. tomething which riial.t 10 have been rlonc; deMlltr; low tpiriu; S thick, ymW ttppfannee of the lcin and ye s dry cough : fever ; r'tl-wx ; the urine ta Kamy ssil high colored, and, If aSoawd toMand, dceoiat a vrrlimcm. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (PUBf LV VCOCTABLO U feners,tty urd In the South to sraoss ta I orjsd Liver to a healthy actios. It ats with extraordinary el TIVEft. KIDNEYS, 1 - and BOWELS. s imam, metne ton HavlsHa, lysjMaaia, wfitiiitiwri. HUUtun-, Kl-lt lit ln .lanndi, r, ni, Cottc, Mental Iprln, Rowl Complaints, U,U., UA., JUe. Endwrwd by the uae of f Millions of LVttle. ss THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE For Children, tm Adults, and for the Agnl. SAFE TO TAKE IK Ml OOaQlTlOw Of THE STSTEMt J. H.ZEILIN & CO., una raorairroas. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Ill i ok. ai.oa. Palace Meat Market. J. Y. POT, PEOPRIEf OE. FIRST 8T. - - ALBANY, OR. w in keep constantly on band beef, mutton, pork, real, sausage, etc,, tbe beet ns'ats and large variety In the city. Cash paid for all kmdsof fat stock. HOFFMAN & PFEIFFEfi PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works. "-And Man u fact urara of- CHOICE CONPECTIONERY, We are aow prepared to sell ai whole sale, always fresh and pure at Portland prieaa to dealers, We also keep a fall line ef Hut and Tropical Fruits, ITV GROCERIES, We Keep a full line, aiwayajfraeh and at ery low prices. OUR CIGAR AND TOBACCO department la comV? We keep tha to finest stuck of i'uok.jg and ehewinsr Uibacoo, meerst hatim and brier pipes that ia a delight to smokers, O GtlDBS Ml 3 BIB 3.600 orvKS rf rre to tmnsmmtre eat all or family oae. Tails j rom sua, eat, crtnk. wear, ear Bsasre tkua wtth. TSaaae 1ST AXU AJSXJB BOOKS win saatl a ww FKBUB te urnr receipt eflOefa. te Wsayai ftilly. MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. aat se aao weasuss a MANY IjAMP CHIMXEY8 ARB oirered for aale represented as good as the Famous BUT THCT ARE NOT! an like sat Cennterf eita lack tka nemaurluable JL AST I. NO Qnatities Or THE GEJinXE. ASK FOR THE PEARLTOP CHlaVriT Tho PEARL TOP is nanafriur(l OXLT W &E0'AMACBETH & CO.. xiaiatitnuti, K saLK, (ne half block in eastern part ef th ttywith fair h ;is and rsarn will beeoisl cheap PATENTS Obtained, aad all other buslaass In tba TJ. B. Pats cs sstsadeded to lor moderate fees. Our allies is opposit tbs U. B. Patent Office, aad bia lem Urns than those rsmoto rui ttashtagtea. .hfJ" . ,or drhig- we sv to patosS aoiiJtjr fsss of oharf ; and we make o charts aalsaa we obtain ptnt. We refer bore, to tbe Postmaster, the Supt. ef oasy Order Dir. and to officials of tbe U. B Patoat Saos. For mixular, adrtce, terms, sad sfsisasss eastauu aiteuts iu your own State or county, address Ca Ae SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D . iOair Pert set ISNI Bawary rlnrant di BUnxt ManBlee Ourront Die. of both lorwTTaV sxxasOsred - - Atuus. 10 tfOSPSNSOBT Eatak.nmrs.4w firoajrsmeale SeJL 304 JTOHTK SIXTH A. 9. U. W. Members wiabtneemployinent or desirlnp; nelp, will p!eaeoaU at Resd 8t BrownalT atoro and register their names. Bf Qudkr or Lenox. AGENTS WAIsTKD to sell "REMINISCENCES of 60 YEARS ia the NATIONAL METROPOLIS. BEN PERLEY P00RE Illustrating the Wit, Humor and Eccentricities of noted releb. lllea, A rtebly IllMMrated treat of inner Society History, from "ye olden time" to tbe wedding sf Cleveland. Vt ndrrfully popular. Agents report rapid sale, Address for circular andtenn. A. L. BtCB!'T at CO.. PvbUsb er, San Francisco, Cl. SAM MAf, S. SENDERS MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in Bensral Mbrcnandlse. HARRISBURO - - - - OREGON Will buy Grain, Woo! and ail khfa v " a a"w BsavtV s? ai mm And lasUtr THIS Patfc. W , 1881, mmWmmmmMmmammK1u'0 aaaaaHsaaaaaaaaaaaaamsr TSTSTm ilUlT. Swft JOVT I klahtig TBiua rrr