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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1887)
Entered at the Poet Offioo at Albany, Or, nd -class mail FRIDAY. JUNE 24 1887 SriTEJ A HUTTING. Klltars aa4 Proprietors. r r. tr riu. imi mr. A MAM AHOtT TOW Whil at Salem lest week we paid a visit to the penitentiary and Insane ssylnm. Salem without them would belike a tallies dog. There were seven of us and a i x$ driver. At the penitentiary we were treated in a very alee manner and shown through the splendidly conducted establishment, but not until we had been relieved ol our shoot ing arms. Our guide was a handsome, gen ial fellow, with a well balanced tongue. The chapel, library, curiosity cabinet, cells closed semultaneous'ly with a clank, shoe shop, tailor sltop, dismal dungeons for refractory convicts, the kitchen with its immenss coffee vat.and lmmenscr bea i and baron stew pan, the great troughs of salmon cut up in eatable sites for the neat days dinner, the sheepish looking boy prisoner who hid his face, the yard, the dead line, the lonesome looking guards, the foundry, all were preeen ted for in spec Hon. The last was the most interest ing, and displayed a magnitude of business somewhat surprising to us. The work at the emery wheels is a deadly one, and is consequent! v given entirely to Celestial prisoners who generally survive about a Cir. lite whole race on the Coast should given emery wheels to manipulate. The men work at it for pay, silently, not a whis per being allowed, presenting In their strip ed suits, with their smooth faces, a spectacle full of food on which to reflect. A trip through the penitentiary is one full of in terest. At the insane asylum we were greeted by Dr. E. L. Irvine, who is becom ing fitted to his position and is proving him self to be the right man in the right place and a popular one with the patients. We were conducted through cleanly wards, up and down winding staTrs,tdiotically grinning faces, vtcant helpless faces, greeting us on all sides, sometimes with a shower of mean ingles epithets. Reason dethroned ; what a spectacle ; a stem without the apple, a shell without the meat. Man without mind Is nothing. O Last Saturday a gentleman rode up to a prominent store in this city and asked an obliging clerk, who was standing in front, if Mr. Cyclometer was in. The clerk himself was the one wanted ; but he forgot the fact and said "I don't know but will go in and see." He was revived by being asked what his name was anyway. 0 The Man About Town has been request ed to run his pen knife into the County Court in reference to the dangerous grade beyond the Calipooia bridge. Six serious accidents have occurred there in the last year or two, some of them very nearly fatal. It is time the road was placed'in a pauabU condition. The Sana Sirs' Case. Last Saturday forenoon at about 10 o'clock, after being out forty -eight hours.the jury in the case of the State against W. W. Saunders brought in a verdict of murder in the second degree, which was a compromise. As a matter of fact Saunders either killed Charley Campbell deliberately and in cold blood, or in self defense all the testimony showed this. If the former he should have been found guilty of murder In the first de giee, if the Utter acquitted What the uni versal opinion here is in the matter is ex pressed by the former just verdict and by the fact that if a pardon ever depends on any encouragement from this county it will ssot be obtained. Our people generally re joice over the fact that the case is disposed of, even if not as most believed it should have been. Laws delays have been great, and as well the nearly as we can estimate it, about $6,000. On Wednesday Saunders was sentenced for life in the peni tentiary, where he is now residing in a striped suit,short bair and smooth (ace, prac tically dead to the world. The Cheadle Old Property. Last week the Democrat as well as a contemporary, spoke of the "old Cheadle property ." Fearful that some may have misconstrued the meaning of the expression we hasten to say that the old did not refer to our young and dashing friend, the real estate speculator, who continues to be as lively as any one in Albany, but to the property. Perhaps it would have saved con fusion if it had read "the Cheadle old prop erty." f. S. Mrs. Cheadle has greatly improv. ed her new place on the corner of First and Baker Street, and moved into the house. She informed a Democrat man that it was like leaving an aged friend to leave the old place now being razed, after a residence in itjof about twenty years. The "CbroBlele" Attached. Two weeks ago the remark was made in these columns thai the editors of the Chron icle, of Corvallis, should stop calling the O. P. the Oregon Pauper long enough to see the holes in their own shoes. Last week Palmer Sc Rey attached the paper for an amount due, and then it became evident the holes were big ones. If it were not mean to kick even a cultis dog when down, we would say something mean ; but it is not generous to attack a paper that cannot re turn the shot, hence we desist Anyway we would prefer to wait until the editors have an opportunity to return compliments, as they always put their feet in their mouths. Fish Cannery. A company has been fermed to start a fish cannery at Vaquina Bay. John Priest and Allen Parker, of Newport and Mc Cracken, of Portland, constitute the firm. A building is now being constructed and the firm will be readv for work about the firRt of August when "the fish begin to run. They will be able to put up from 10,000 to 15,000 cases this season. No doubt this enterprise will prove remunerative to its projectors. A Dimmit Problem. Take these figureu, 1, 2, 3. 4, S, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, add them together, making such combina tions as you please, and make 100 without using any figure twice. When von have got ten the answer take it to L. . Blain, tbe leading clothier, snd he will sell yon a suit of clothes from the largsst and best stock of clothing iu tbe' valley at a yery price. reasonable Hand Mangled. While working in Robinson & West's saw mill last Friday James Moore met with a very severe accident by having his left hand caught in a saw, while reaching up from the lower part of the mill to clear away some sticks. The thumb and middle finger were cut completely off. Dr Maston dress ed the wounds. t;reat Millinery aide. On and after this date wo will seli all our spring ai.d summer millinery at cost ss ws positively will not carry any stock from ooe eason to another. - JaneQOth, 1887. Shane & Lonhway. Lost, Oa last Tuesday an ths streets in Albany a diary joeket-bcok containing a $20 green back aad a 95 gisenback and some bills written ia the diary. Wi) give suitable re ward for return of same to this office. COM M KXCKMKNT. The Commencement exercises proper, held at the College Chapel on Thursday evening of last week, conferred great credit on the participants, faculty and all concern ed. Rarely do such exercises pass of! with such clock work and In such an exceedingly Interesting manner. The chapel was crowd ed, many being obliged to stand for lack of seating capacity. Rev. 8. O. Irvine deliv ered the invocation. Music was interspersed during the exercises by the Arion Horn Quartet, of Salem, composed of Prof. J. M Coomer, A. Wain, George Mack and R. Rylev. Each time they were most enthu siastically encored, the audience being en raptured by their playing. Nothing of the kind has ever been heard here before more pleasing, nor that "took" better. James Powell delivered the salutatory with com posure and with a finely rounded olce. It was sententious and nicely worded. PBBCBY KBLLBY, of thU cltv. then delivered an oration on "Teachings of the Earth," a thoughtful sub ject, well handled, but delivered with some embarrassment, naturally expected on such occasions. The theme brought out some good thoughts in well arranged sentences. Svnopsises always do school orations an In justice, hence better not given. FRANK WATSOM fOWKB, of llalsev, orated on "Permanence of the Fast,' a subject he handled in a masterlv manner, several very fine figure of speech being Interwoven in the effort. ThU oration was particularly well commented on by those who heard it. Full of elevated thought and choice language, it made favor for the orator. JAMBS MNLAYKON POWILL, of this city, spoke on "Intellectual Improve ment, delivering a vcrv carefully prepared oration on a subject full of meat. His de livery was the model one of the class, less embarrassment and more composure being displayed than generally on such an occa sion. JAMBS LBWISTOMLIMSOX, of Well Station, delivered the Valedictory, suoject "Circles. The theme was very ap propriate for the termination exercises of a well rounded school life. Though the circle la not a Harvard or Yale it is one of merit and is progressive. Some excellent point were presented in this oration. K.ich L'r.iJti.te received a orofusion of flowers, with the compliments of his friends. in a great variety of tasty and artistic forms. President Thompson spoke feelingly of the members of the class, and addressed the alumni, members of the board of directors and audience In reference to the Institute,sn ( ornament to our city. At the close of the exercises the President was presented with an elegant gold headed cane by the mem bers of the class, James Powell delivering the presentation speech. It was a just recog nition of the services rendered them by their able instructor. Bring Yaar Samples. A. F. Miller, of Portland who is in the employ of the State Fair Association was Jn town last week and made arrangements with Stewart Sc Sox, of this city to receive all samples of grains, grasses, etc., which our fanners may contribute to this worthy purpose. These samples wilt be carefully labelled with the name of the person raising; it and the couutv from which it was sent. They will be exhibited at the State Fair this fall, after which thev will be taken to the Mechanics' Fair at 'Portland, and finally sent East on the exhibit car. Being labelled with the name of the person who raised it and the county where grown, this will be an excellent opportunity to advertise our coun ty and all it products. Let every farmer and other person who may have any samples of any product worthy of being exhibited at our fairs or in the east, prepare them and leave them with Stewart Sc Sox, of this city who have consented to take charge of and ship them free of charge. The railroads charge nothing for shipping, hence this la a fine opportunity to show our most excellent products. Now let all send in samples of all kinds of products. The Revere Hoes. On July 1st Mr. Charles Pfeiffer will re sume possession of the Revere House, after au absence from it of one year and nine months. Last week Mueller Sc Garrett disposed of their interest in this house, con sisting of furniture, etc., to Mr. Pfeiffer for $6500. They will go into other business here. The Pfeiffer Block adjoining the Revere House will be raised another story and be supplied with some elegant sleeping apartments, while the Revere House prop erty generally will be improved. Mr. and Mrs. Pfeiffer are among the most popular hotel people on the Coat,and being already familiar to the traveling public need no in troduction. Mr. Pfeiffer sold his interest in the job office of Bur k hart Sc Pfeiffer to his partner, who will now run that business. Children at the Baptist Chareh. Sabbath evening a children concert was given at the Baptist Church. It was a very pleasant affair. Among the features of the program were a well delivered address by Master Lair Thompson, an address to the flowers by Carrie Layton, recitations and readings by Zula Sheets, Ella Bisley, Clara Williams, Lizzie Thompson, Wena Voss, Bessie Dorris, Martha Rislev.Cetia Penning ton, Mrs W 8 Thompson and Fannie Curl ; declamations by Reuben and Freddie Thompson, songs by the choir, a duet by Arthur and Lillie 1'urdom, a dialogue by tint-. -.'-I - uTk. f ImU f , U ft UUl glibly l, II-- inline LS, Ulllllld Y , with drum and bell accompaninent, and a short, pointed address by Rev. Medburv. Alumni Meeting. At a meeting of the alumni of the Al bany Collegiate Institute held on Thursday of last week, Dr. J. T. Tate was elected President for the coming year, and the fol lowing program was arranged for 1 888 : Oration Frank Osburn, alternate Quincy E. Propst Poem Lillie 3d. Robertson, alternate Frank IF. Power. Literary, or histo;ical essav Annie Alt house alternate Mr. Hettie Teinpleton. Oration fairies L Tomiinaon, alternate -Dr. J. T. Tate. .scientific essay Mrs. Maggie Powell, al ternate . Irs. Elizabeth Merrill. Representative reading Yfarv Irvine, al ternate Hettie Miller. In a UlaMs liouiw. People In glass houses are always the ones who throw stones. The less the Herald says about dispatches with raised dates the better. It's little handful of antiquated and unimportant dispatches is a huge joke on dailv iournalisin. an atom pretending to be j a doff. The Dbmocrat does not publish dispatches forsjts own ; but it sometimes ouotes them. About that a. C It means Boise City, and the hands are the O. P. and C. Sc N. W. each bound for that city, which when reached will form a great transcon tinental line. Notice. Uood fencing lumber for sale on easy teiraa Inquire of Mom ru n Sc SairBNBACBt. Preaching. Bishop Hargrove will preach at St. Paul's Church In this city next Sunday morning and evening. Everybody cordially invited to attend. Letter Hal. Following is the list ot letters remaining in the P st Offloe, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, June 22nd, 1857, Persons calling tor these letters must give the dot on which they were advertised : Anderson, James Cstener, CO Madden, Pat Parker, Charley Tsppsnden, M s Win Andrews, Henry Uosford, Walter M ordlaud, fUiasey, J 8 Vieagadd, H. THOHPspS, t. ALBANY I'ROSPF.KITV. As indicative of the general prosperity of Albany we have taken a birds-eye view of the city and at the general giance we take In the following improvements 1 James Hail is building a neat residence on 9th street near the O St C depot. Wm Jester is building a substantial dwell Ing on 8th Street, near the O 5c C depot. Waiter Turrell is building a $4000 resi dence corner Baker and 7th Streets. Prof. Lee has erected a cosy dwelling on 8th and Calapooia. To be occupied In a few days, Mrs Sommervlilehas built and Is now oc cupying a neat new dwelling on otn street. Mr Vunk has built and now occupies a new commodious dwelling In the southern part of the city, Mr N A Blodgett has constructed and Is occupying an attractive home dwelling on 8th Street between Calapooia and Washing, ton. S E Young is erecting a $5000 dwelling on 7th and ! erry Street. 0 H Stewart is building a new front to his dwelling on 6th and Ferry street. Jas Dannals Is remodeling and improving his dwelling on ;th street, Cor. Broadalbln. Fred Mueller is constructing a substantial dwelling on the corner of 3rd and Ellsworth streets. Mr St. John is building a dwelling on the corner of 71I1 and Montgomery streets. ii W Young is building a dwelling on 7th street. Frank Burkhart will build a dwelling on 6th street opposite his former residence. Mr Irwin has built and is now occupying a dwelling on 6th street in the eastern part .d the city Mr Spaght has built and is now occupy ing a residence near the O Sc 0 R R in the eastern part of the city. Mr Carter, the jeweler has just occupied the new dwelling erected at the corner of and and Montgomery streets, Wm Huston Is building a substantial dwelling on the corner of 3rd and Railroad streets. Henry Clark has built and has just oc cupied substantial, cosy dwelling on 6th street Mr Keck is building a neat dwelling on 6th street in the eastern part of the city. Mr Hunt has part of the material on the ground for a dwelling on 7th street in the eastern part of the city. Mr McElllnger is building a dwelling on 5th street near the ditch. Mr Moore has built and now occupies a dwelling on 4th street in the eastern part of the city. Mr Fred Stahls has just finished a dwell ing on th street. Mr Cogte is building a substantial, stately dwelling on and street, between Jackson and Jefferson Mrs Cheadle is making valuable additions and improvements to her property on the corner of and and Baker streets. Judge Stratum has lately erected a wood en building for rent on his property on and between Ellsworth and Lyon. L Flinn has let the contract for a two story brick building on his property pur chased of Mrs Cheadle on and between Broadalbln and Ellsworth streets. The building wilt be 67 feet front and contain three store rooms and will cost about $6 000. Dr Maston will erect a coxy cottage on his property on the comer of and and Broad albin streets. Mr Ehert is building a dwelling near N B Springer's In the upper suburbs of the city. Mr S E Young will build a brick business house at the corner of and and Broadalbln now occupied bv Wallace Ac The Albany WCTU have cleared the ground and will In a few davs begiiKthe erection of a hall on Fcrrv street, near ond. Mr Ashby Pearce has entirely remodeled his building at the foot of Broadalbin street for a boarding house. John Derrieger has rebaile so old place into a aeat home property 00 the corner of Seeood aud lUilruad Strswts. Aa lajoyablo Katortalasuat. The aatertsiamont given by the pttptis the Bas tors school Tuesday evening wi fall of uealloysd interest, a very pretty affair frees beginning to sod, going off with tbst smoothness and prom ptoses tbst always characterizes tbeir oattrtai omenta Rev Bar nabas Held. 0 S B and Prater Plaod us Fa erst, 0 S B furnished the overture and inter lades by giviog duets and solos on the piano. presenting some of I be beet eseeated tnetro meat! music beard in the city. Miss Sadie Cohen dahvered the .Salutatory, a moeiy worded effort, with esootloot enoueiatioa. The operetta "Saow White" was remarkably well presented, very pretty cos to .nee adding to the effect. Clara Sternberg tilled the part of Soow White with composure, m a very distinct voice, aud surprisingly well for a girl of about thirteen. Miss Bsriit M the Jiaeeo, Miss Berths Kiefer as the old hag, iu not all the participants tilled tbsir parts con aeissitionsly It was an airy, enioyabJe op eretta aa reodered. "Whuuugton's Cat, a lively little melodrama in several acta was brought oat by tbe little folks witn floe ef fect, so see handsome oostames bemg ued in its production. Miss Sadie Stern burg is en titled to praise for the tine manner in which she tilled the part of Whittiugton, thnee Lord of London. Miss Fennel I, as the cook was almost perfection. Misi Dubruille ex celled as the qoeen of ths fairies, and the faires were pretty ones, fairy-like m their actions, with perhaps one exception. Tbe parte of Misses Marrett. Hoffman and Web ber, the darkies and particularly the ssvea long whiskered old gentlemen,' were well tided Besides deets were a short and nioelv reodered valedictory by Miss Carrie Pfeiffer, and a couple beautiful tableaux. I'onimun I'ountiil. A special meeting of the Common Council wa held Wednesday eysning. 500 feet of bose for the fire department was voted. The nutter of ths O. A C. switch was referred. Further time was given on the First Street wash house petition. Three ordinances were laid over until next meeting Application for city to psy for sprinkling equares no First St. laid on table. Ninth St. east line of Montgomery to est Hue of Jacksno was or dered opened. Bridg built screes Ditch at trator and 1 hnraton Hts., was aocpt-d. Sewer across Ellsworth St. ltm.'.-V. f'om mittee recommended building f iweC on Rai! street when bni' doptil. Mat ter of abating trei performance of Salva tionists referred . Several Matter rjirii:.g to ridcwalks and streets adopted Bicycle L'lub. Several of Albany's bicyclists reorganized Die Albany Bicycle Club last Friday even ing by the election of the following officers: T I Overman, President. W II Lee, Secretary. J P Hail, Treasurer. T J Overman, Captain. Jas F Powell. First Lieut. Percy Young, Second Lieut. Arrangements will be made for a bicycle track for the 4th of July races. A perman ent track should be established here. T-O-B-A-C-C-O-f. Largest stock in Albany at A. B. Mc II wain's, and the lowest prices. Here are some af the figure which tell their own story : Three 13 oz plugs, Clima, $1. Three 16 oz plugs, Knights Delight, $1. Four 14 oz plugs, The Hero, $t. And a large stock of other brands at ex tremely low prices. 1 1 Cyclone Brick. B. W. Cundiff has just burnt a kiln of first-class brick at the Cyclone brick yard, which he offers for sale at retail or reasona ble terms. Ho, for V'aiolua. But you must have a good pair of boots shoes, so call on Henry joost, one doo .. rrt-l. . L aRi tl, - II r - ri. noryv 01 mqfro onicc,oi! iiuak'4iwm m riKKNRM'B TOt'KX AMKNT. The N. W. Firemen's ToRVnament was held In Vancouver, W. T., last week, races beginning on Thursday. Following is a result of the contests t Steamer contest 1 Rescues of Astoria, 49 -5 conda ; Astoria, No. 1, 59 sec onds ; Vancouver, 60 ,VS seconds. $150 and $50. Hook Sc Ladder contest : Astoria H Sc L, No, i, 43 a-s seconds. Run to beat 53 seconds. $100. It should have been to beat Albany's time at Salem, 39 seconds. too yard foot race 1 E Cameron, A I Long and V E Logan, of Albany ; Ed Per guson, George Wilson, of Astoria I John Bryant, of Walla Walla ; Arthur Green, of Koseburg ; T Chamberlain, G II Eckard, J Christie, F Snprenant, A Haughton, of Vancouver ; J A Beard, R Bltyeu, of Leb anon, entered. Won by E Cameron In 31 a-5 seconds. $50. Tender contest, aOO yards -Rescues, of Astoria, 38 a-5 seconds ; Vancouver, 30 aj. Wet test horse race. Lebanon, no; Vancouver, 1:10 1-5 ; Albany, 1:10 3-5 ; Rescues Astoria, riMlM. ; Aston No. I, 1:103-5 5 Walla Walla, I til. Slow water. $100 and $50. New Vork race, (championship) Res cues, Astoria, 1 137 2.5 ; Lebanon, 1 :ta 3-5 j Astoria No. 1, 3:14 4 5. $a00 and $t00. Dry test hose race. -Walla Walla, 46 t-$ Rescues, Astoria, 47 3.5 ; Astoria No. I, 5 3-5 : Lebanon, 49 3.5 ; Albany, 53 4.5 ; Vancouver, 53 3 5. $i00 and S56. Speed hose race, 7OO yards -Rescues a8 4-$ ; Astoria No. 1, 31 j Lebanon, 30 4-5 5 Vancouver, 39 3 5 ; Walla Walla, 30-$5- Going the longest distance, Walla Walla, $35. It will be seen by the above that the prises were distributed as follows Res cues of Astoria, $450 ; I-cbanon, $a00 j Walla Walla, $I3C j Astoria II St L, $i00 j Astoria No. 1, $50 ; Vancover, 3)50 ; E Cameron, $50 ; Astoria tender, $35 At a meeting of the Association the fol lowing officers were elected : President, Gardner Kellogg, Seattle ; 1st. Vice Presi dent, C W Fulton, Astoria ; and Vice President, A McCurdy ; 3rd Vice President, I F Ressllng, East Portland ; 4th Vice President, J A Beard, Iebanon ; 5th Vice President, Chief J W Wentworth, Vancou ver ; Secretary, F L Parker, Astoria ; Treasurer, W F Dungan, Salem ; Statls. llcian. II F Worsley, Astoria. Board of Directors T D S Hart. Walla Walla ; J N Hoffman. Albany, and P W Weeks, As toria ; Topic Committee, Mr Preston, Eu gene ; Geo Day, Eugene ; L A Sanctuary, Koseburg. tTRRKNT KVKVM. A young man named Joseph Farleigh was instantly killed in the Siskiyou tunnel on 1 e iff , instant ov Having two cars against his head driving a bolt into it. come Losses by Are In were only $3,363. Oregon during May The daily Mmt is a new aspirant for dally newspaper honors. It hails from Newport. Dr G 11 Davis, of Champoeg, a town t8 miles from Salem, was arrested on Saturday charged with abortion. The doctor Is charg ed with being the seducer of the vlcti 111 of abortion, the daughter of Wm Yergen, a prominent Marion county farmer. There are thirteen prisoners In tlic coun ty jail at Pendleton. They v. Ill remain there until September. The fruit crop in Coos county Is pronounc ed a complete failure. A Militia Company has been organised at Corvallis srith a A W Smith as Captain, Jos 11 Wilson, tst Lieut , A W Rose, and Lieut. In the case of Laura Lakin against the Oregon Pacific the Supreme Court affirmed rtie judgment of the Circuit Court, which was a verdict in favor of tbe plaintiff for $l65a Cot. Wlilard Young has been placed In charge of the government work at Yaquina ana coos as v. II Will Pay. Quite a number of our busts c as men have on to us approvingly eoneoroiog the r - marks made ia the DbnocsUT last week about the propriety of oer citiaene taking stops to secure tbe attention of Kastern capi talists to the tine field open here for the tabiishmaat or a woolen factory. We believe It woo Id richly reward ear bueiaosa mu and the farmers within trading distanoe ef Al bany to raise a reasonable boons to taduoo men engaged ia the woolen manufacturing to build aad operate a woolon mill bore. W,,uid it not be well to talk tbe matter up and then after tbe4lh of July call a meeting to die cuss this matter ? Serious Aceittrnl. Last Monday Mr. and Mrs. M. 11. Beerles, of Scio, were driving along the high grade boy ond tbe Calipooia bridge, when, ia passing a team, they were thrown down the sleep embankment. Mr Searles escaped uninjured i bet Mrs Searles was hit on tho right leg a fearful blow by ths seatot the wagon, crush ing theJimb in a frightful manner. She was brought to this city, and attended by Ore Hill and Dtdd. Her condition is very pre carious, and if she survives is liable to lose her right leg. She bears her affliction with that christian fortitude which bee always charscterixsd her. Things Will Move. Nick Wernimout, au old aad faithful at tache of tbe O. P. was ia tbe city Tuesday. Nick says things are bound to move now, Manager Hoag arrived in the Valley the first of the week. All the eld debts will be liqui dated, and work will be pushed with vigor. It is understood the machine shops and round house, as well as the depot, will be bnilt this summer, and the trace laid to Camp Polk. An era of activity ia before nr. ami Albany is its center. I'ol. Woodford. This noted temperance orator lectured 1 this city Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, end wso to lecture hero last eveuiag. 011 tbo Pll!ing Prohiiutery Am-udrnoBt. He pfe aettted the quosiiou in a maonor ts convince an vone oonyinoMble.on any subject. No mors logical reasons or oleqitoiit speaker has eve talked to a Pacific L'oaat audience on tbt tern psr.mco question. Col. Woodford is doing much towards working up a spirit in Oregon iu favor of the amendment. Prises Drawn. Conn Bros., hsve completed the pariase sale of coffee heretofore advertised in the Dbmo cbat and ths following prizss drawn : Mrs M Baumgart, No. 26 half doaaa knives John Jones, No. 9, half dozin forks. F M Westfall, No. 39, half dozen table spoons. P H Bowman, No. 20 half dozen teal peons. rrana wood, JNo. 32 half dozen napkin rings. Virgil Parker. No. 27, a sugar spoon snd a butter knife. This wars was ail Roger's A 1 silver ware. Mr Deyoe opened ami dia- rnuntea the prizss. The Markets. Tbe local market which has pi toed wiieat at fljand $1.05, practically closed on Wed nesday. Tbe real market priee may be placed a. -a mw -s a ' a auou to cenw, inougn it to an uncertain matter. 24 coot has been paid for wool in small quantities, bat the prieo is fluctuating. Ei(ii ars 17 ., butter. 15 cunts, ard, 9j,tlour, Notice to Farmer. Wo want 50 ton old cast Iroa within the next 2 weeks for which wo will pay the high est ceuh price. Chbbby A Pasxbh, Albany Iron wks. Money to Loan i On gootf office. SB HOKK AND ABROAD. t M French, jeweler. Circuit Court Boat week. H. Eort. preutiual watolimaker and ieW mm, 3. P. Wallace. Phvsiuian and Suiveoii. Al bany, Or. 10 and 18 yards lawn, near M-i II alt,',, Jas. Elkins arrived home from Crook Co. last Tuesday. 85 o'irds of Ash sad 0-tk woilwtutal at Will Bros, dun Store. New line of hosiery at Mellwatu's for 6 oente per pair up. Fine stook. J H Townssnd, speoial sgont for the State Insuraoos 0 . of Sslem, Oregon. Six shaves for a dollar aad a oltau tovd to every custom r, at L. Vteriok s. Just received at Mollweiu's new lint of Kiu-htiis, 10 andl2 yards f r$l. KiPrsideat Mark Hopkins, of Williams College, died on last Friday. The Grand Lodge of Good Tempters eon venod in Sklem last Tuosday. A Kood horse power hay proas for sals. Inquire of Andy Hunt, at Albany. Hiahest cash price will Its paid for wool by Smith St Hsmmsok, at TeUmea. 7 O.Ws euros rheumatism, neuralgia and soothaoho. Poehay A Meson, Agents. Victoria's juhilos this week. Fifty years is a long time to be ruler over a people. Key. Irviue will be in Poftlaad nest Sab bath, hstioe no services at U. P. Cbarch. Hesorc honed, set and pat in order at Visreok's Hhsvtug aud Hair Dressing 8loon. F M Kronoh, agent Singer (Maoafaoturing Co., opposite Odd Pellows Temple; Albaoy.Or. Tfee Cheadle bai!disi(s are beiiitf movrd to the lots just north ef No 2s Kitgins house. The steamer 'Bentley'' passed through Albany Haoday 0 aa ssoursioo to Salem. Team for Sale -A span of large work. For partiealars call at Deyoe A R rb soo's. Orange pteoio at Jeffersou this week. Kverybody should go, as a big time will be had. Yon au get millinery at an aatnnisblv low prtoe just at present at Hueoe A Lonsway'e. Try it llr. M. (I. Kllis. m4.jiv, and surgeon AH any, Oregon. Calla mvte in city r country, Alt styles of boots and shoes and a Urge stook of groceries is what we earry Red tie Id St tkownell. An IS year old boy named Hubbard was drowned at Milwaukee guoday while bathing ia a prund. A bioyete track ha besa mads on tbe square in front of the Csurt House for the 4th of July rase We take the oete, tbe customers take the bargains, and the bargsios take ths cake. lUdfleld A Brown) I. Ed Sohsasor aad VI au rice Senders are ex peoted here to day over the mountains from Prioeville witu forty burses. Pahraey's Celebrated Blood Cleanser for ale st Deyoe Sc Robwm' sad Read St drown ells. P J Hslunsoro, ageet, Mr John Williams has leased the Uevete House bar, for throe years, sod will take piisiisstoe about July 1st. Hon John Burnett, of Corvaiiw, will do liver tbe 4tb of July oration at this city. A flee effort may be s pec ted. Kverj- customer will be a walk lag adver tiosiiiSQtfor oar bargains whoa they see our prices Red field St Brownell. One of N If Allen A Co'e Dries tickets good for Ae on a dollars worth of goads purchased at the new Seoood Head store. Ths mernsge of Prof W II le and Miss l.i hi oe Kr Un iller was to be emsa tasted at tbe l'rosby tertaa Church last evening. A pool of 16,000 pound ef Woo) woe soll in this eity last Monday to A B Ceheu, of San Fran risen, for S3 coats a pound. Tbe steamer Willamette Valley was quar soltaod last Monday oa arriving at Stu on account of a small pet ease 00 Wood working machinery , shaflinr. pul. linira, belting and to., at half prw. louuirt- of C. I Brush, foot of Lyon Street. Albany, Or. VThen you soms to Albany 00 In- 4th get yoar dinner at the WCTU tables. Fine spreads at cheap prions. Place given neit weak. Nettie O Royee sold Wednesday to Jsy Hi sin 25 acres of land in the eastern suburbs of this city. Coasiderattan, 12.500, bei og $100 per acre. One day last week ooe of the thedd ( enisr ptdgooos was lot loose at Salem, when it made tho trip homo, a distance of about forty miles, in $5 minutes. Tbe Rev. Josae Taylor will bold divine service ia St. Peters Kpisoopal Church, next Sunday, Juoe 26th, moraiag and evading. All are invited to attend. Al Long, of this city.aad a Rueeburg sprint named Green ran a 100 yard foot race at Tan co uver last Friday, the latter winning by about five feet. Largs stock of ladies tins shies just rscnv ed direct from tbo eastern factory at Mo ll wain's, ranging in price from $125 up fur kid button hoes . Should you desire to sell your property call on Burkhart A Keoney as they advtrtiee property placed ta tbeti bands, aud charge nothing unless they effect a sale. Plunder's Oregon Blood Parifier is ths great oouqueror of diuousoom and Liver oaeaplaiot. Relief certain in every case. S ld at one dollar a bottle . Try it. fiend yoar name to or call on Red field St Browaeti and get some of their Prise Pump kin seeds free. TbejLJhave usissroash prizes lor pumpkins raised from same. A Corvallis editor advised the citizens of that city to clssn ths streets adjoining their property, and he wss immediately requested to dispone of weoa adjoining nis otnee. The time table en the O Sc C hsa been slightly changed. Tbe morning train going north now arrives nere at 6:45 aod leaves at 7:30, being a change of 40 minutes in the in tereet of late risers. An Albany gentleman has a clam shell, oat of which (ten W T Sherman ate the must, when oa the Sound about two years ago. The shell has been artistically decorated with a picture of tbe scene of tho sating. Mr J K Morrison, of Albany, has taken the position of book-keeper for Master Ms flkuie Home at Vsuuma Cltv. Mrs M. went to loin him there on Stn day, acuoinp i. A bv her niece. Mrs N D Ilu-jhr. fi,t " 1 zette. Persons wishing the "Sua, Lion S Ivor Polish" for cleaning and polishing gold. silver. brass, brittauta, mirrois, windows, etc., can nur chase the same from F L Kenton at the Post Office. This is the best polish now in the market. Sent by mad for 25 cents. Last Tuesday forenoon a team belonging to Mr Peter Riloy rau away, Breaking things quite generally, and stopping in the timber oast of the city. Bud Fsrrsll, a little boy, who was in the waeon. was thrown out and hurt on the head some, though uot seriously. Anaordina to tbe postal law the Postoffioe ia nnlv reauired to tie sept open ooe hour on Sunday. Hereafter the Sunday morning mail will he distributed and ths othoo will remain essa antil 8:30 a. in. after which it will net Km Ansa for the delivery of mail antil Mou day morning. The public will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. The street sprinkler is well ran, and is a necessity It should be bettor supported than it is. Several short sighted men on First street have refused to subscribe for it at ail. though thoy get ths benefit of it every day. The city should also corns to time and do its hare. First street is liable to be shrouded in a cloud of dust if the sprinkler ia not kept up. Among those who attended ths meeting of the State Pioneer's Association in Portland last week were G II Babor, Forest Grove, 1845 ; Prior Scott, Corvallis, 18a5 : W R It irk, Brownsville, 1840 ; John Diamond, Coburg, 1847 ; Bush Wilson, Cor rallis, 1850; 0 P Burkhart, Albany. 1851 ; O R Warren, Coburg, 1852 ; W O Kendall.Ben ton county, J852 ; Hiram Smith, Harriaburg, 1853 ; Col John Kelssy, Corvallis, 1853. The Orand Chapter of Royal Aroh Masons, which met ia Portland last week, elected the followiug officers : Grand Uih Priest, R F Gibson, of Tbe Dolios ; Duputy iraud High Priest, George Huipphroy.of Albany ; Grand King, IronaldMacKay, of Pertland ; Grand gcrirw, Enoch lioult,of Lion county ; Grand So . rotary, R P Mat hart, of Salem ; Grand Tressurei, Ci is Taylor, of Dayton ; Orand 1ootorer, Hth L Pope, of Portland ; Orand (Japtaio of the Host, W H Harris, of Cor vallis. Hef erring to aa article published in the morning ChronkU oa the Oregon Pacific road, that paper says editorially: "Ins fact test tho Oregon Pacific Railroad Com pany bas secured f 10,000,000. bas a large foroool msn at work, and is pushing for Boise City, I T , eastward, for which point the Chioago St Northwestern is building through Wyoming westward, is tangible proof that tnis oity is to be blessed with an- ether new traoseootiasota) line at sn early day.' PERSONAL AND HOCIAL Kl Daly, of Suio. was in ths oity Tuesday. M I. PipS, Of ths t frrodlodlsst Satlir. dsy. llobt ChamWs.of Blk Creek, Bui to a (Jo., has been ia ths oity . Miss Annie Rtoe.of visiting at B W CendifT 's in this oity. Mr aod Mrs John loom rsturusd from their Virginia trip last week, after a very pleas ant experience Mr ACowau an.', sou J L. the bankorjeft Albany Mondsy for Prineville, where Mr. Sam Cnwen is lying deegsrously ill. Mr Frank O Will, a bfnthsr of Will Broth era recently arrived in Albany from the Kast. and ia now working in ths jewelry store of Mr Carter. Frsnuis Pfeiffer lett M t 1 1 1 on drumm ing trip to Southern Oregon. Hoffman At I'feilfsr srs doing a good wholesale trad, be sides their large retail trade. Hi aod Will Iliobards left last Tuesday morning for Prioeville, where they will so ioorn fr a while. They areooth g'Kxi music lana, and took tbeir instrumente along. Chief Baginoer Eokelaoo, of tbe Oregon Pacific, was in Albany Friday. His survey ing party is now at work just beyoml Fox Valley, and will continue aoroee the Ceeoade Mountains iota tbe Malheur country. Mr. Kokleoon aftor ransiaing here a day or two retained 10 Vox Valtoy. O F Russell, of Helena, Mo., but formerly of this state.sends us a oopy of ths St. Joseph (iaxriU, oeo tain tog ths dispatch fimn New York about ths formation of tbe syndi cate to raise mneoy to oompleto the O- P. Railroad. Tnanks But O. F. ws received that news jit thirteen days ago. Tea Pointers. t . J. J. Dubrullle ha as large and com- C'e a stock of harness and saddles as any sc In the valley. 3. You can get as much for your money at his store as at any house In the State. . You can get a harness or saddle for just the tame prue thtt your neighbor has to pay. 4. If you are advised by tome om to go to his store to trade, you may rest assured that that oinr one Is not paid a commission to send you In. c. lie will not sell you a harness worth $.11 Is $ provided you recommend vour neigh to get one just like it for $33 at his tore 6. His stock of whips is large and was bought for spot cash, and can and will be sola as fow as the iowesLalthough they are not sent out in bundles with bait prices for Inspection. 7. If you want anything in the harness or saddlery line when you come to Albany, calf on J I Dubruille and you will see as good goods aa at any house In the State. and at price as low as the lowest when quality of stock Is considered. 8. He keep the beat collar in the State. 9. He keep the best single harness in the State, all hand made and nickle plate for $16. 10. For what this means call at his shop and see. P1430 aad iiivea Away. Oo Jan. 1st, 189), we will give away a $7M) piano and a $100 organ. Here ia tbe way to get ooe of then. For every dollars Worth of goods you purchase yoa will receive a tieket, whan yoa get five yea may soaks a go ess of the somber of pieces of coin es- hibtted in a glass globe in oar front window, whiob, with your name will be registered, op to tho Bret of January. Tbe ooe ge easing oeartt to the right aausber will receive tbe piano, next tbe organ. Tbe piano, a Bradford upright, 74 octaves, eewoitd ease, etc.. and the organ made by Julius Bsor, ot Chioag.-t, 5 octavos, 12 atop, etc. may besvmj at the stare of K W lang don. ( whom thev were purchased. Kvery .n- purchsvini: nota of toe will get theui at as Ids a prion asm the Valley, with sp'vo.u l l' t i select from. N H. Ai A Co , Albany, Or. KK XelLvTAINtt CLOTHING before Baying. He has just received a large stock of clothing, on which he has placed greatly reduced nrice. that will ooen vour eves Suits heretofore selling for $20 he now sells for $18. $18 suits have been reduced to $16 ; $16 suits to $14 ; $14 suits to $13. His stock is large and varied, ranging in price per suit from $4. 50 up. Customers cannot fail to be suited. Call and see for vourselves. Veu will find our stock of carpets, oil cloth, matting and window blinds full and attrac tive, all that is new in patterns and styles can be found in our assortment, to see is to Wlieve. MoKTBITIt & SbITEXBACH. New To-day. We are showing a beautiful line of lace curtains, in pairs, and by the yard, plain and printed scrim, in designs entirely new to this market and invite those desiring goods in these or other lines to give us a call Month 1 th & Sbitbsbach. Spring stock of dress goods, fancy goo Is b iota and shoos, etc, kayo arrived and we arr uoe-showing tho most complete aod attractive stock of good ever brought to Albinv. A vimt ti. nureur will convince .1 we urc iu the tend. MoNTKl I'll .V Sf.IT BN BACH '. - . 1 i;ot: WALLACK. Oo Jae Kjort, KS87, to tbe wite oi Tos I. W ailee a girt. Weight 10 lb. an li'.miV j is heavier, 'i -II in "11 SS UTT H A Kill EB). BAY LISS DICKEY.- On June 1 2,1887, In Pendleton, Mn. Edward Bayi.iss and Miss S. Dickrv. HIKES- BELL. -On June 16th, 1887, at the Rusk House, in Albany, by Rev. S E. Davis, Ma. Y. E. Hinks and Mtas Emma J. Bell, WARD- GAY. Ou June 21, 18e7. at Mrs. . . a . a s . a a-a WW a Murray . in tnis citv, riv lieorve nnivpn. rwv, Ks , Mr. Geo. R. Ward snd Mjss Mary Gay, both of L'nn county. SYLVESTER - HARKI80N.-Cn Jure 20, )887,sft the Rnss George Humph rey, Esq., Mr. Alfred M. Sylvester and Mary M. Harrison, both f ihe "Forks ' ANDKHSON -ELS1SER. -On June 20th. in Portland. Mr. Thkodork Anderson, of th.s city, and MisaGrssiE Elsner, of Alb na. SIBi, SPENCER.-On Friday, June 17th, 1887, in this city Saaam, wife of C. II, Spencer, after an iflness of sometime. Mrs. Spencer was a daughter of Capt W.N. Phillips, and was a woman of irre proachable character. She leaves many to mourn her death.) SHANNON. On Sunday, June iothaS87, in Benton county, near this citv, Mrs. W B Shavnon. " . She had bng been, trou 1 d with neuralgia ami rneumatisin ana tier EunerinK for a month prior to her death were intense. She was buried at tbd North Palestine Church on Soap Creek Monday. Sacramento Rerord Union ple.tse oopy, I'r-.OBtA, V. do for Pi inhibition Msj r Johnson has a uuw buigy. It is a daisy. A pleasant party was held at M Decamps last week. Carter Alinghsm and Daoiel Myers have gone to tbo inountaii s on a hunting and fish ing trip. R Gsret and P Csrter hsve rarohased eew binders. James Gsmtt's favorite dog, oi l Dmk died last week of old age. lie was 17 J yosrs old. Cloyer hoy is being cot this week and b a good orop. James Gtrett and Cvoe Clfin man are tho main otovxr growers of fhis vi cinity. J C Cain will have his now ferry du::e iu a few d-yt, aod th j youug mou of Peoria will be able to py their respect ti Be u ton Co, once more. O Bsyne aui I) Crewao wore returning from Halssy with a four horse teem last Fn dsy in which they were working a eft, that became sxoitod and caused the otbr horses to runaway, smashing things u, billy. For tunstoly both escaped uninjured. The pieoie at HaUoy wss largely attended from Peoria. Wo thick it wss the Wit ever held st Halsey. Interesting scotches wer male by Col Geo Woodford, fin aire Grey aod others. A mstch garni of ba i b ill wss played between Hsrrisborg ami Hslsey. Hsrrisborg csms out victorious. If ajar Johnson is expecting his rtster, Mrs G W Gcissndnrfor from Missouri ami will most her at lodepeedenoo, polk Co nti Thursday next at half psat one p. m. We notice a beautiful Held of fall grain be longing ta Mr Couey,of Oakvil!e, it was sown oo tbs land following a wop of core. It is the Boost piece of grsin we have seed in Grr : eon. We estimate that it will average 45 bushels to the sere. It would be e gond ides i for tho formers who are complaining of imnr j crops to take a less oo front this and raise corn on tbeir summer fallow. Mr Coney has a orop of eoru aad will have about 20 bethels of wheat more to tho acre than be would have Eotten bad be allowed hie summer fallow to iy idle. This is the way farming psys. HALAEY, Mondsy night olocd the series of meetings conducted by Col. Geo. Woodford ia oar oommuoity. Last Saturday a large crowd from all parts ef tbe county assembled in Powell's grove aod gave de ight'ul attention to Col. Wood -ford's abls address. Ami ill will War wit noes ta the sobriety aad good order of a pic ate of 1200 people, wbea held by the side of a Prohibition town. Sabbath morning Col. W. addressed a large sod representative audience in the V f Church of this place aad Sabbath evening in tbe Cnrietata Church ef Harriaburg. The Hsr risborg audience paid him tbo compliment of intense interest, snd if he should over again address that people I predict for him crowd ed houses. Monday evetaag the M K Cbrcb of Halsey was crowded to near his closing speech aod well were we rewarded. A tine collection was taken for campaign work and a Large number of names added to ear League Ro!L Tbe enthusiasm was oontagiuus aad so deep and hearty that it will sot die oat with tbe occasion. Col. Woodford should ba beard ia every precint in Oregoa. snd tbe State Central Committee coBid do no wiser or more economic work than to make this a possibil ity. I V. W. HHRDD. The farmers in this vicinity weie greafv benefited last week by tbe rain. Geo. E. Bushnetl paid the city a call last week while on his way to Eugene City. John A. Robnett has taken the contract of hauling five thousand four hundred and sixteen pounds of wool from our firm to the Brownsville Woolen Mills. A. B laker received from Indiana on Thurs day of last week a car load of fine blooded cattle, consisting of 8 short hom and 8 Holsteins. All those interested in fine stock will do well to call and see the same. Davis Bros, have leased the Linn County Farmers Union Warehouse and will operate the same the coming season . Peter Bit her, George Davis and Charley Powers have returned from the Kitsin Springs. They had a p'eaaant trip and met with but few accidents, except that Mr. Bither'a team refused to pul! on Dead Horse Hill and a horse fell off a high b uff just bevond Point Lookout. Business called I C Robnett and D P Porter to the Capital this morning. BROWNSVIU.E. A man going by the name of Luther Dennis was arrested in this city last Thurs day by J C Ross,of Salem,and taken to that place. He Is said to W one Bryant Crandatl, who Is wanted In New York" State for de frauding several charitable institution.. He was arrested just Wfore getting ready to de liver a lecture on prohibition. Crandall's career,according to the account of tW affair. a a strange one and worthy of publication. Henry Archibald has rented the Kindle v soda springs and will soon take possession of the same A W Stanard is in Crook county, where be has some stock. Bert Cable and M S and W J Titus are at Linkville on a tour of inspection. Waters & Morelock have built a good sized warehouse for wheat adjoining their mill. Mr William Galbraith, father of the County Clerk, has been in the city recently. D DalgleUh, the W. M. man, has been in the citv. Oysters served in all styles at Hoffman A Pfei tier's. CHAS. H. D0DD & CO. Front, First and Vine Sts., Portland, Or. WHOCE8ALF DEALERS I . I 1 L HARD- WARE, i r jBSBBBB tl AND . 9 FARM-MACHINERY. Sole Agents for Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho for the st BUCKEYE REAPER AND - MOWER. These Machines are too well known to need comment. Thousands of farmers bare use " tbom and speak of them with praise. They are the only Harvesting Machines that will give entire satisfaction to the purchaser. MILLER'S NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRESHER, PHOENIX STRAW BURNER ENGINE. The moat Effective and Suixjessful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning 'Irain ever Constructed. J BUCKEYE STEEL . FRAME . TWINE-BINDERS. Sj : - . ' The features that distinguish this Twine-Binder is the Lightness of Droit, combined with Us Extraordinary Strength and Duiabillty. The Binder is of tbe Appleby pattern, the only .really successful one yet know a. We have two styles, the Elevator Binder and the Platform Binder both excel lent both recommended by hundreds of patrons. SBSSB Frank B. Spxague. urio. The thirtieth annual eMon of the Cen tral Baptist s leciation was held at this rlt v last week, beginning at to a. m. on the 15th Instant. Rev W J Crawford, of McMian villr, was elected Moderator and Rev T G Brownon, of Albany, Secretary and Treas urer. Sixteen churches were represented, though the Association Includes twenty, with a membership of oyer 1300. The ses sions held were full of interest, several able sennons Wing delivered. A missionary collection amounting to $215 was taken up, after a sermon by Kev Burchett. The fol lowing delegates were present : Albany --R C HIP, T G Brownson, Mrs S M Pennington, Mi fella Pennington. A ntloch j W Osborn, Jos Craven. J W Masterson, A S fxicke. Brownsville Mrs A W Stanard. Carlton W K McCutcheon, C G Scott, J Bakeman, J Wennerbcg. Dallas P Dolman and wife. French Prairie W II Ringo.F. E Shields, Clara Smith, Mary Tavlor. llalsev Jas Bond, John Bond, Elizabeth Bond. McMinnvllle-GJ Burchett, John Lvnch, W I Crawford and wife. Oak Creek W 11 Thompson, Mrs C J Thompson, Brice Wallace, Rob't Foster. Providence --C Clark, J W Compton, J M llasler. J II Pcery, Sclo -11 J Follis, Marv J Kollis, Harvey She! ton, J A Bilreu. ShikJ T Huff, E W Robertson, W II Hessman. Stayton C N' Thomas, Emiline Jeter, Jane Thomas. Union f) A Lynch and wife, M F 8 Ilenton. Yamhill A J llunsaker, L T Davis and wife. Maria Davis. OAKY1IXC. Miss Bells here fi.r aoire SUCy who has tern yisiting time has referred to her heme at H da-v. Rsv. I ry me was here on Mondsy. Man of our people attended the picnic at Hslsey. Mrs J B Couey since hsr return East bas been sn k. Rev T J WtUon. of Halsey was bore last week. Mrs C W Yates has hes-n visiting at tbe residence of Mr Wm Cochran, ef Brawns vOte. Picnic on the 30th, Gel Woodford will be bore, Byd Hariotou hia return d home from School. " School closes 1 est week. New school boos this summer. T i H e M sf i ji I3 Sty b e at tending ecbool at M n mouth thnir staler, Mrs J B MiG y . l.r.BANON. are vtsitiag There was considerable rjoiuag here over our firemen's fine record at Vaaeoevor, they winning $JttJ ia prise. They were given a warm r-cptiou on reiuroin home M.tuiday eveniog. Rev Dr McAllister will lecture ia tbe Band Hall in this city next Sabbath afternoon a: 2o !ock on "Theology. Chae Holt returned ta hie bono at Jeffei son the first of the aesk, bsvtng boon bete eev'eral daS clerk iog for J A Be rd during bis absence st tbe tournament. A Piobibition League was organised at Sods ville recently by Dr Watts, with a mem bership of seventy-two. The Ladies' Aid Society wiligivea ftsttval at the Band Hall 00 Thursday vtniag.Jaoe 23 d. Tbe n-csipts will bo lor tbe benefit ef tbe new M E Church, aad hence tbe festival deserves a liberal patronage. Ths beat harness at E L Thompson's. BIDS SOLICITED. The plans ar,d specifications for tie burld ing of ib W. C. T. U. Hall, are tow ready and can be seen at the store of L E Blain oa First St. Sealed bide are respsctfi.!(y so I licitad, the same to be cpeoed on July lEtb Tho rij. bt ia reserved to reject soy or sli bids. Br obubb or CoMmTTSB. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given, that tho under signed bas this day bean by the County Conrt of Lino comity, Oregon, appointee! Administrator of tba eat ate of Annie Bam ford, deceased, lata of Linn county, Or. Ail persons having claims against said estate are requi rod to present them to the under igned at Halsey, Oregon, within six months from ttoia data, verified ss by lew required. June rth, 18b?. T. A. PowaiX. Administrator of the said aetata. WttATHBRroBD A Black nvmt, Att'ys for Administrator, Kotic-3 to Wood Haulers. Soaled bids will be received at the offtos of the eountv Clerk at the Court Haass in Albeuy, Linn county, Oregon, until Wed nesday the aib dsy of July, st tba hoar of 1 sVlu.k. p. ni. for furnishing for Lisa c-ouuty, 45 cords large oak grub wood, tba sauti to be free from large roots and In good merchantable condition and 6 cords of body fir woou. Said wood to be do livei-Mi, and stacked In ricks 8 foot high, along aide the wood hours in tba Court Hou-e yaid, on or be lore tba 1st day of epteiotiei, 1887. The right is reserved to r-jt any snd sll bids. By ordr of the County Court of Linn couuiy, Or. J. P Galbraith, ork. J I I IRON, 1 1 1 STEEL 1 1 1 Sohuttlor Term Wagons. Deere Plows, Deere Sulky Plows, Cook A Co.'s Car riages, Phaetons and Top Buggies, Pour Spring Mountain Wagons, Backboard. ; Superior Drills and Seeders, Cor bin Die'. Harrows, Hodgos-Hainea Headers Haish Barbed Wire. SEND FOB CIECULABS. Agent, Albany-Or. 1