The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 24, 1887, Image 2

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    lite Democrat
Lust week the President, on the
recommend a! ion of Secretary Kndioott,
made en oider thet ell the federel end
ojnfeietate flags oeptured during the
wer And now in the custody of the wer
department should be returned to the
Governors of the states whose troops
oeptured them. This wet in line with
thet spirit of good feeling whioh bee
been shown, during the leet two or three
jeers, by various Grand Army Posts
end Ooufaierate soldiers meeting to
gether in various parte of the oountry
to show by their good feeling and kind
ly conduct towards eeoh other that so
fer as they ere concerned the war is
over end the unioo is restored. Now
a few leaders in the Grand Army who
are fierce at the president for hie yete
of the dependent pension bill, and who
have been making threats that they
would publicly intuit him if he should
go to St, Louis in September to review
the Grand Army Eucampmeot in re
sponse to en invitation that had been
extended to him, have raised a terrible
howl egeinst the president for making
tbie order.aod have indulged in all th
bitter seyirgt that show more passion
end Ites sense. The truth is that the
reel cause of grievance against the
president which Gen. Fairchild, On.
Tuttle end e few other political leaders
hate is hit veto of the dependent pen
sion bill, and not the order above re
ferred to. These few leaders have de
termined that under no circumatanoee
sbaM the Grand Army show the same
respect for a Democratic president that
they would for a Republican president.
This we eay in view of an interview
with Gen. Tutt!e,publiebed on the out
side page of this iasue.aod which occur
red before the order ebove wet made.
The president evidently made the order
without consideration it it now found
that he couid not lawfully make aucb
order. t h power to do to resting in Con
greet. When this fct was ascertained
he rescinded the order. We ere eatis
fled that a fee of these tou Id-be lead
era in tbe Greed Army are attempting
to rno tht organization as e Republi
can macbine,but we ere equelly satisfied
thet tbe good sense of a very Urge ma
jority of that body will rise up and pro-
teat against such diversion of tbe pur.
poeee of tbe order.
May God polar ibe bend thet wrote
tbe order ; may Gcd palsy the brain
that conceived it, end may God palsy
the tongue that dictated it."
This is what Fairchilds Commander-
in-chief of the Grand Army of the Re
public said when he heard of tbe order
of the Preeidsnt directing the rebel flags
to be restored to tbe Southern stales.
That Uniruaaw needs no comment. It
0 a-
oaniee ita own condemnstion in every
word and everv letter. There is neith-
w - -
er patriotism nor good eenee in it.
Fruit aaems to be almost a failure,
peciallv tame blackberries and plumbs.
Mr. Join Duncan, of Shedds, bought
-Haa arrived, Including
Tn nnr Inral columns will h I. Kind Fail cram looks wul 111 ;hia DSlt O
an article allowing the Improvements tbe oountry, but the 1st spring grain
that are going on Id Albany. These ""V l
signs of active life are not fco be taken
i indicative of a "boom," for there
le no "Doom" nere, nor ao me peopie 4Bd dm miit. limliw. nf.umn from
want ene. But three signs are svi the neighborhood Isst week.
dencea of that stoady growth which Miss Ca I lie 01 ay pool, of Albany, is
! necessarily the good fortune of a vhiting at her home in the country.
town with the many superior advan. Miss Lsn Duatln, of Long Creek, is
Mh Alhanv imHHSSts The nng wjiu nor aunt, urn. . w.
a a . i . ikl. n M tm t Iva m rut Irnarl
no m w w w - . , v .ill
center staonenes an ncium mnu m ... . , ... filp ,
a bright future. Duing me coniroi- Cr0tk nxt Thnrs l-v
ling factor In trade In Western Ore- (n the evening of tbe seventh the
iron on the fifth transcontinental rail-1 veuna folks met at brother Frank
road ta 1m oom Dieted in the near fU- Smith's and had quite a social hop.
tore bv the lunctlon of the 0. & N. De rumor has been telling us far Everything kept In a firat-clase Dry Ooode and Boot and Shoe Houee, from the cheapest to aa good a quality aa
Some Good Advice.
Drv Goods, .Notions, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Oil
Cloths, Window Shades, Wall Paper
and Decorating Paper,
When Getting
Your Spring
k d .ir-. t ih. aateiaaaa Uba past month of a wedding that was
uu v. . ,rt ..u ,.1 . I.' t AIW. !.,.. it. iM,mi
of the material growth of all that uu oonlr(U5tmg ,mrllw oaBt g,t
part of the state, l ne completion oi straightened up on their pastern jeluts
the O. P. from Yaquina Hay to AI- and ge, the coneent of their minds that hMnM ihn uttsr within three thet are ready to work in double her-
tuZH .n.tloras. Hence theie in a stale license aud
anu a nan nuur ui h-w9i( wmv. ... mj
. ' I a coup.a of wedding suits on baud, and
mus wb raiew iw wupwi r lttmmt, M tDe youoe and boyieli
San Francisco are more favorable I qreom journeys eleng he will sing tbe
thanatanv other town In all weatern 1 mri I li ft behti d u.
, 1..bul mm i knun nlvin. M AYKI.OWIR
tigee are by ao Inaiueu sweep, oo I
11 airlM of tha citv. bv the finest aurriT cotlBT
agricultural region ae wen aa uy wir Mtwtag u th.oJ.r for UwCtnmi Court wUick
power prlvilegea unequalod by any j ttonva in thu ui? Uooj
in me eiaie, Atoany my vmiwj wv
aaid to be on tne highway to prosper.
Ity. This Is no picture of the Imag
ination, for Albany's counterpart may
be found In Kanaaa City.St. Joseph,
Wichita, Los Angeles and dosena of
other cities whose marvelous growth
is attributable to the very advantagee
we have named aa belonging to Al
t' my.
there la a demand for. I bought these goad mostly In New York and Chicago and
Clothing, Hats,
Boots, Shoes and
Furnishing Goods
and have and am receiving
VTi nd jour way to the More of
Novelties of the Season
In every line ; am prepared to
14 J A IWt
Manas t Tp Huntti
Ho wt uo at
,,f Mel
n. aqnliy to rcuvr
at oo
i aNaaa
IS AMdmBMlt B L Stcvs
41 K A R) kfttl L Thompoo ml mtnx. Action
on nnmlor i."t.
it A P Klttckttum att oao raffis, sisase.
as J a Holt ut Wm Allonl at l. OonSr
to ! u Oswsoaaat i i lUy. Ts raootar tisesf
7S I D Wilton ajft W ud J W joiinaon To raoovsr
71 Mary A D OttRKntrlafft C C aaS 4ttt PkiKaru.
To roc over mooar.
5 Martha llowrtou art Joats Tbaaraiia ai..
78 W n MttDkara wtir Homioms at si. tor
SI Mfttaa HaUaat J r Warv.rk. fv
M J W aultr-okan ami ano aft i L l ullor t si.
94 I J Long t at ICUa J Rawy t . To asil
roal HUH for porutton.
Vt HuuUooMUraa
; f M Mlllr t I V S HoM. To r-. r mew.
lia fcw..ln. aim atei SM M I. llaitnitun. 3 1
lit anU T t Co it'. U Croat t J, Con
i s est'
i Mvor aft M L Hamilton.
o art Uoo
Ut J H Bridcoa ft
HartttMataL To ra-
oooar pinniiai n ii i roi iwnf.
US J V tkhoollng net K S Tbueojiooo, to rocsoToo
Ui Hugh Fiaa t u MinaaiwiB. to iounr
US TJ HI ' k ft J B niillanw. lonnnr wootr
t IT J C J .bnaun art Mary J sn l OrooS Board, To
I i . J i J..huaon art A " nd M'V K SmUh
130 L W Doroo t rioronco Clark ot ai. Bo,Uf lor
aain j-rfarmana r gtw wi l
1 '1 l. V hub aom mmm m rim w a". n" "
in AILm K aiTT.ti art Amanda J IUt, ot 1. Par-
I 'l lllrmHnill. .'Ulm F Martin, urrunr
The Orejomtm, in speakiag of the
confederate flags oeptured during
rebellion, say a :
They, ( he flags.) really belong to
the atatee whoee troops captured tbent
in battle.
Tbe Governor of Ohio tlagrapbed to
Geo. Boy n ton pretesting sgaioat the re-
torn of tbeee flags to tbe Southern
st s tea, saying :
"Take legal edaiee end institute pro
ceeding to enioio tbe return of rebel
a I .r a - - J---. kA , L. I uut tui
Aii oi woicb .ouwo - "w r m. T J BUck art rfaWCI J Wm
doctrine of "aUtee rigbU" that
the deaction of any Democrat t that
dictiin ao religiously hated by Rapub-
licana heretofore. Tbe troops toat
foogbt in the rebellion were in tbe ter-
eiee of the nation, and not o' tbe par
ticular atate frees which they enlitteJ,
and henee what lgt they oeptured be-
lou to tbe aenerel eoeernment and not d2 r D k K Wak
i 0 V - 17 J 1 ScROoIlM art Jn; lla To nrT
members the story in Webster's spelling
book about the farmer wboae ox was
g ired. So it is here. The Republicans
hate end deepiee the doetrine of
rights" when their party is in power in
tbe general government, and cling to it
as a cheiisbed principle when the Den:
cerate are in power,
quoted In the papers or circulars, and will take
Cash or Merchantable Produce
and will not turn youjoff when you get out of money.
Samuel E. Young.
Who loads, Hie Stock o
New end In atyJ, is unsurpassed in the Valley. Hie new stock c
The Very Bi
raaammmwmmsmma io...
lt4 tJ D O.rtou art M Kaonoy. ot si. feiaitjr U
VhntMjT am. -m l
M Strahan ana Uliyau ift inoa lhowo.
t7 BatlaagtOoa Kconoy. Aomult with
i-;h Mary X Baaaott aft Wm c HoMaaa.
i a Id M IMmucm art K W Lalra.-rt,
ISO J L Hamilton art Kanry llamilum
131 Anthony Bondor ft claty UM
Blond V ..r-l.uro.
too MlkMnuU ut Bnritv
IjJ Bosrd a V Omb aft S W Thoaapoon ot mi. for
To ryfonu
IIS J PaatooUnz art Hay and Aakar. To roeoror
laTi P SAllHsg set C f Wisjkt. Tror
Uta a r Com act SArah w
13 j J A Jon art Wm Joo. ot a!.
lot Oao W Torjae oft Sarah S Toun. DUoro.
141 B artoHun H't O U Oaui ao4 MM. To raroyor
aoV I mataaam
It:, w at aaaaaaaaiaap bua,BT.i .. '
I baya addad to wy boot suae aet eteek a
liea of the oaJebretad Zrd. aVAeer ft
MUrkrU, rhilaJ'iphim Flm aeaa fer Udiee,
uu.. sod cbtldran. Aokeewtadeed by
dealers gtaertlly to ba the bast yelae sod
heat Htttog 8oa aboa naade. wtdias u. w, r,
aod EEL 1 child eaa buy at obese at a man.
Mam est, K. Yeeno,
Sole Ageat, Aloooy. Oregon.
Wall Pepae,
K H Alloa Sc Co. keep ie eteek a fall Us
ai tha above good, ieolsdiaff a Bate aaaori
steot of deeeraakiee for aaeUagt, wbiek thoy
wfl Mil at tbe lowest oasibia pooaa. e
hava aow to transit ooo of too bweett stocks
of ib good orsr io Otta aaarket.
Thrifty otople will apptcstsit ear r,l
and prists.
Kannai o ft Beowastx.
Our oo temporary, the LHittminator,
it verv uooandid and unfair in ita treat
ment of Governor Pennoyer. In feet,
whi'e he waa e candidate, it grossly mie
repreeented bim.snd now,with tbe aame
partisan spirit thet actuated it then, it
aeya that the New York World repre
aente him ea toying that "it would be a
handsome thing to allow the flags( rebel)
to be returned." It then goes on
to criticise him for words garbled
and which it nut into his mouth,
knowing that he never used them
The Ortganian et Monday contains
tha disnatah from which the Di$-
vsminator obtained its information, and
in orlar that tbe public may know just
what the Governor did eay, we give tbe
dispatch in foil :
'If it was a handsome thing to io for
Gert. Grant on April 7, 1865,upon the
surrender of L' allow hm to retain
bis certainly would be a hand
eoeae thing to allow the flga captured
to be returned. In my judgment it
would have been magnanimous on tbe
part of tbe Grand Army orgaeizttton to
have first suggested such action "
How diflVtnt is this from what pur
ootomporary attributes to him. 8urely,
it the Great Conqueror, in tbe verv heat
of that fierce passion that accompanies,
and, in fact, conatiif tes, a part ef tbe
eeaeatial motive of internecine warfare,
could bo so magnanimous as to do for
Geo. Lee and the confederate army at
itu surrender iust what this order of
President Cleveland was intended to do
to the whole oountry, it would be very
shallow criticism to 1-cture one who
eimplv expresses a belief in this fact.
VYo publish in another column the
addreas of C imrade F. M Miller, of
Lebmon, ddlvered in this city on
Memorial Diy. It is able, in I creating,
and withal, breathes th;t bf.iad spirit
of patriotism and unselfish devotion
t the whole country nt stamps its
author m u Irue patriot and exem
plary citiz ot
Moot tM i ahoou wen will ask their
Giveruor to quarantine Oregon and
Oalitornu shnp a (Tooted with the scab.
I', is aaid one band of scabby Bbaej
diiven in fioni Oreg j lane year com-
muuicated the disease to 40,000 haad of
Montaua ahttep.
Tha ProhibitioMdte of Nw York
will hold ttn-ir Stai Cinvention Angus
25 b aod 26ib, to nominate a fel stat
ticket. Tbev claim ibey wid ctt 60,-
000 votes.
J. Q. A. Vaughan and wife returned
yesterday from a trip to Umatilla coon
' .. e a t t
ty. Tbey seemed wen pieteeu witn Mv k gowdors to
that county.
J. K. Jooee ie getting together the
material for e new bouaefto be built this
A new house ie to be built on tbe
Mansfield farm sometime during tbe
summer. Believe it is in coarse of con
straction at present.
J. B. Hay worth ia progressing nicely
witn hia new barn, haa tha plates up
G. R. Ward and Hiram Smith re
turned from Portland on Thursday.
Mrs. Owens tnd daughter, of Missou
ri, sister and niece of Hon. Hiram
Smith, have been visiting him recently.
A new bridge ie being built across
the slough near Mr. Fletcher's, a aueh
needed improvement. N. B. Mr.
Fletcher is not a widower, neither is he
a bachelor.
B. J. Willougbby spent a day or two
in Mohawk laat week on but mess.
Mr. and Mn. Cold r on returned leet
week from a visit to iclativee near Eu
gene City.
S. G. Thompson has gone to . O.,
hot is expected borne the last of this
week or the firs; of next.
George and B Allingham made a
abort visit in tbe vicinity of Hslsey last
J. B. Hay worth had thi miafjrtvne
to loae several head of cattle the other
day while attempting to swim them to
an uriand.
School waa dismissed for tbe teacher
to attend commencement et Eogene last
Thursday. Then it rained ao ahe could
not go. Too bad, but she waa not tbe
only one that waa disappointed by tbe
Mr. Tilton and Mr. Clayton spent
last Sunday picnicking on West Point,
and report having e very pleasant time.
Angelo McNary is road supervisor io
the eastern district. Look out for good
A "Bipedaliferous wheel" was to be
seen spinning along tbe road in this vi
cinity this morning, and "no man
knoweth whither it comet b nor whence
it goeth."
Mrs. Locke is having her house re
modeled. ,
Woederrai Cares.
D Hoy t A Co., Wholesale and 11 st a i
Dnuzuists. oi Rome. (ia.. says : We have
boon solluur Dr King's New Discovery. Else
trie Bitten and Buckleo's Arnica Halve for
two years. Have never bandit d remedies
that aeli as well, or give such i niersal sat
iaf action. There have beau some wotiuerfu
cures effected Lv these medicines in thi
city. Several case of pronounced connnmp
tion have been entirely cured by use of
few bottles of Dr King s New Diacovery,
taken io connection with Electric Kitten.
We guarantee them alwjys. Sold by Foshay
ft Mat on.
Folloarintr were the recorded sales
Llitn county during the pat week :
P T Brock to B A Stafford, let) seres.
ia tp 14 S K 4 w 40UO
J H Mallaa to Rub't Mcllbiooy, part
of block S3, Us 2nd A ... 4M
K S Burkbart to Edward Btirkhart.
50 aeree
D (loodlin, 81.53
i M Stafford and wife toll C Hard
man, 23.40 acre
Minnie Mack ta J A Bdyen, out
eeveathof 465 acres..
D B Meoteitb to L Fiino, 22 feet ft io
by 100 feet ia lot 22, block 8, AI
Same. 22 feet 5 in. by 100 feat next
east of last 3000
I) B Moateitb to First National Bank.
22 feet 5 io. by 100 foat next west
of laat two , 2660
R S Burkbart io Geo Burkbart,
51.01 acres 5
0 E Holdredire to Margaret J King,
1.5 of aero ia Solo 400
Tbe rhtsraber, Albaay, r.
have all the negative taken by A
ye onpu
oatee from their neaatlves by add
B. Paz ton and any one can have dap
y aod reaving
na, at tbe following prices : Card slate, f 2
per dozen, cabinet size. S3 per dozen, bou-
dours, S6 per dozen. I keep the finest
line of Oregon vtewe in tbe west. Cata
logue furnished on application Copying
end enlarging old pictures a specialty.
J. O. Caawremn.
I I l l l I I I ITT
Do You Want Bargains.
A. B. McHwain's,
bra you
can gat the vary best Ut price end qualltlee.
11 is stock ot Dry (roods
la unsurpassed. CaH on bits for yonr
Clothing and Furnishing Goods.
Ceah er produce .taken, and prloee given that dafyioom petit ion.
Wor sale.
One hundred and twenty acres of the best
quality of improved wheat land, all fenced
into four fields, good house, hard brush,
good outhouses, excellent fruits of all kinds.
Situated 3 mile west of Lebanon and one
and a quarter miles south of the junction of
the Narrow (ruage R. K ..with the Lebanon
branch of the O. C. R. R. inquire at
this office.
ataektea's Aralea salve.
The beat salve in tbe world for Cute,
Bruise, Bores, Ulenrn, Halt Rheum, Fever
Korea, Tetter, Cnapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns and all Hltln Eruptions, and posi
tively oures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give periect aatisraction,
there to remind you of the doll are yen
might have saved by taking advantage or
their eloee prloee.
W. A T. will aell you more groceries
and betier qualities ut lower priest than
any other live men. Rectify tbe errors or
the peat, and tave monoy In the future by
. . . f a fl I KM ma ,4.
itronizing waiiaee rnompawn,,
root, Albany, Or.
or money refunded. Price 2ft conts
box. For sale b f Koshav v. Mason
l I
1 1
r I I I I I I I I I UU
i I I I I i 1 1 l I l I I I I
Ia tbe beat In tbe market, embracing all the latest styles. In
He take a froat poet Hon, with a reliable, well selected stock. Hi ealee of
Are large, because be keeps tbe best, In qaility and etyleo
New Goods Arriving Constantly
ie Great Philadelphia Clothing House!
The Great American Clothier and Leader in tyles has
In 'this City at the
Dry Good Store of
Hundreds of San plea to ch ae from ; perfect fit guaranteed ; price
yaame aa in Pbtiaieipbla.
New Millinery Store.
We deti re to call tbe attention of A!
banv ladlet and tbe public generally to
our new and extensive stock of
under tbe manasemont of Miss Bnr
bank, late head milliner of the whole
ale millinery establishment or aiooney
Valentine K tJolcamuu oi reriiano
while our stock is all that can be deeir
led, onr prices will be found extremely
I low for first class goods.
Proman't Brick .
Mens' Furnishing Goods, Hats and Gaps. Boots
and Shoes, and fine clothing. Choice selections in
fancy Summer neckwear, silk underwear, Balbrig-
fan underwear, Pisk, Clark and Flaggs gloves,
he very best make of handsewed shoes, The very
latest styles in mens, youths and boys clothing.
All the celebrated make of hats in every style.
Remember our entire stock consists of bright,
new, fresh goods, and as
"Honest, Fair and Square"
dealing is our motto, We ask the public to calj
and get our prices, wo irouuia to snow goous,
C. B. Roland & Co.,
One door west of the Revere House, Albany, Oregon.
rinsers. tuba, washboards, buckets,
etc . for sale cheaper tbaa ever before by
te wart A Sox. Several klnda of wringers
and something new in w a ia boards.
a ii. use
L . I -i .-i. XI n nun h,tioH fer nrn. I Ofl
hitotionafc ',be local O0ioo eiecuon nen
Send Burkhart a; Kwney nacas and ad
drosser of friends desiring iufortnatioo of Ore-
n and they will seed them capias of tiit
'eil Mutate, Conveyor which cnetams a coin-
leta diseriotion of one county in each issue
Absolutely Pure.
This powder nta er rartss. A rnarrsl of parity,
strength and whetasomenea. More economical
.i T. . 1 1 wt.j. 4 . I. I
a tne
potitiou with
multitude of leer test, short
soj.onv ia
In pocket knives, butcher knives, carv
ing sets, scissors, shears, razors, etc,, we
keep a very large assortment. Come
arcond end look at onr stock.
Stbwart J9 Sox.
Physician and Surgeon.
Office rooms 8 and 4. Foster's Blosk.
Z "ifaT 5
HEN uCeiA!
We wear th Litt'e Red School llouto Shoes, and ao do our siaU ia anl oor
cousins and our eunt, and if you want them go to lne
City Boot and Shoe Store
where you will fin-1 i lare and
of nearly every rade aod m K -,
A dollar savvd Ii t dollar mde.
o opinio nssorttoent of good:) in this line,
nd at prloee which will ptn your eyes.
city ia now offered for rent on reason
able terms For particulars Inquire of or
addresa Jambs Murray,
Albany, Oregon.
large stock on band- and will be sold
cheap. Alto a fine lot of plain gajvanisea
wire for woven fencee at tbe store of
Stewart A Box.
We want you to remember that we have
a lot of tboae curling irons, also sbeara ,
scissors, tracing wheels, sbelf and flower
pot brackets, and a good many other
things yon would like to have.
Stkwaut & Sox,
Come ia and see our new stock of steel
and chilled plows. We can suit you.boib
in gooda and prices. Every Russell chill
ed plow ia guaranteed to be equal to any
chilled plow manufactured.
BTlWiBT A Sox,
We have a large assortment of scales to
be sold on very reasonable terms, Special
Inducement given to farmers.
New Dry Goods Store.
Desire to call the attention of their
frienda and the public generally to their!
extensive stock or
embracing everything usually found In
a flrat-claart exclusive Dry Gooda Store
We guarantee our prices oelow tboae
Portland. We invite close buyers
examine our goods. Samples mailed
Frotnan's Brick,
J. P. Hail,
Columbia Bicycles and TricyoloS,
Second hand wheels constantly on h tod.
Send for 1887 catalogue,
In sums to suit
Bn But ha at & Kexkjct,
Notice for Publication.
Ltnd Ofllce at Rosc burg, Or , )
June 1st, 18S7.
Notice is hereby given that tb foljow
lne named settler has fl!td notice of hit
Intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and i hat sunt i r iot wiu be rade
before the Judge or Clerk of the County
Court or l.inn Co.. or., at Albany, Or , on
Saturday, July 23rd 1887. IVrry Mc
Queen, HoaieNtead Entry No. 861 2 for the
8 W lA, S.-c. 8. Tp. 14 Sli 1 u it v, 11 am-
ette meridian.
He names the loUawing whoese io
prove his continu. us V xidrn -t upou, and
cultivation ot, fald land, via : Join Hen
derson, M.' Borrinan, Minor McQ' eeB.
Frank Malono. allot Craa-for.iaVttHi, jinu
Co , Oregon,
Chs, W. Johnston,
Stewart A Sox keep an immense stock
oi garden tools, and are also agent f r tbe
iV.abrtU il Walia V ala gardea eea,
w hich gave hotter a.isfa;tl tt than any
sold in Albany l&stseaeou.
Sport men can always find at onr a' ore a
apiendid line of ammunition of all kinds,
and we also keep giant and blasting pow
der, fuse, etc,
Stewart A Sex.
Hacks, sonde and double bugirles. carta.
buck boards, and all kinds of wheeled ve
hicles. Don't buy until you see what we
baye and learn our prloee.
Svrwaxx A Box,
Mmm Victorious,
Of all kinds, mixed r
somine and alabuetine
sale cheap by
for use, kai
Every one's duty is not to allow the
liver, tbe stomaeh and the kidneys, three
great become clogged or torpid,
and in time expel all impurities of tbe
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