The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 17, 1887, Image 2

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    ftw. tm ml
FRIDAY JUNE 17, 1887
11 tbe bonds of the United Suits
that Are new redeemable bare boon
called in by the Secretary of the Treas
ury for redemption. There ere out
taodiog leur end ooe-haif (ier cent
bonds to the amount of 850,000,000,
but tbee are not redeemable until Sep
tember let, 1891. There are aleo out
deeding four per eeut bond to the
amount of $737,800,1 &0, but these do
not nature until July 1st, 1907. The
revenue now ourning into the treasury
of the United States exceed what is
actually necessary to meet all the de
mands ef the government by at least
810,000,000 per saonth.or 8120,000,000
per year. Now, it must be evident te
sven the superficial thinker that this
accumulation of surplus money in the
treasurer cannot go on very long with
out creating a very dangerous disturb
ance in the financial and business world.
How shall tats accumulation ot money
in the treasury be checked. Sjme,(uot
a few, either,) hare suggested that very
large appropriations be made for inter-
nel improvements, simply as a means of
getting this money bask into circulation
among the people. This precedent
would be so dangerous, end the policy
so incompatible with gooJ sense, as to
preclude its being seriously considered
by reasonable minds. The only eensi
see wey to adjust the matter is to cut
off lbs supply in part. It would seem
thst when the government, through its
system ot taxation, find itself receiving
More money thn it needs that it would
Ml be a difficult matter to out of some
of the sources ef supply and thus reduce
t'ue surplus, but there really is great
difficulty in securing suoh legielatioo as
will aecere this object. Tbure are two
general sources from which the govern
ment receives its revenue : Duties on
imported goods, and internal tevenue
taxes collected on whisky and other
Spirits and tobacco. To reduoe the
amount of revenue now being collected
Oengress will have to either reduoe the
rate of customs du'.iea, or the rate of
taxation levied upon liquors and tobae
oo, and herein arises the difficulty of
reducing the revenues flowing into the
treasury. The protectionists of the
eeuntry admit that there should bee
rsd notion in the revenues, and likewise
the revenue reformers not only admit
that such should be done, but say that
the highsat considerations of public in
terest require such reduction. Tbe pro
(ejotionisU are so wedded to their theory
of protection thst they would plunge
the country into financial chaos and
eonfutien tather than yield one jjt or
tittle of their notions of tbt system,
henos they demand that whatever re
dust ion is ( be made shall be mads on
the tax on whisky and tobacco, while
the revenue reformer! insist thst the
custom i duties ot war times should be
reduced, that the heavy duties levied
upon the necessaries of iifs,sucb as coal,
tit, iron, sugar, cotton and woo.en
good, cement, white lead, glass, earthen
ware, rice, and in fact nearly all other
noeeaearies of life. Tbo Democrats in
Congress, with the exception of Randall
and bis followers, wou.d reduce this sur
plus by reducing the dutiee on these
necessaries of life tSat are indispensable
to protect and feed the farmers and la
boring people. The Republicans in
Congress would get rid of the surplus
in the treasury by removing the tax
from whisky and tobacco, or by making
very extravagant appropriations for in
ternal improvements. Which shall we
htve ? Reduction on whisky, tobacco
and other luxuries, or reduction on the
necessaries of life above mentioned T
k dispatch from Washington says
that at ih crxt session of Congress it
is understood that Randall ill join
forces with Beck to correct abuses of
under vaiu-ttioa, and this union may
bring forth some decree of harmony be
tween the opposing factions in the Dem
ocratic party on the tariff questions.
Reform of methods of appraising and
collecting dudes must be made at tbs
same time with the genersl revision of
the tsriff.and its effect upon rates have
to be takau into consideration. A per
fect reformation of the system and the
incomplete and experimental adjust
ment of tbs tat iff, even with only suoh
reductions ss would involve no great
dispute between the two factions, would
be a progressive movement. Cjnpled
with the r i'icii) in intern" I revenue,
it might prove all that would be expe
dient at this time. Some sort of adjus
ment of the differences may ba made
on this plan without sacrifico of princi
ple on tithe side.
There will be a coofsrenee before the
meeting of pengssjsjsj snd great efforts
will be made to coma to some sort of an
agreement. Carlisle is expected bwre
before long, and when hi comae the
situation will be thoroughly diHciweed
between him and otbsr members ho
will be then in the oity, snd arrange
ments will be made for more formal
conferences, aad possibly for a caucus a
little later.
Representative Mtrriman of New
York is repress ited as avin thst the
Democrats are an re to curry New York
at the next election. He says thst
there is a bitter fight going on over
General Sherman with a brave.ganer-
ous heart reproves in strong, manly
words the effort ot those membeisof the
Q. A. R. who have been attempting to
make people believe that if President
Olevoland shall visit St. Louis in Sep
Umber, on the occasion of the meeting
ef the Grand Kuoampment of the G. A-
R., he would be subjected to iusult
from its numbers. He says susb an
idea is monstrous.
HUue Heel, Or.
What a great thing it ii to be great.
1 never fully realised what an a fully
graad and stupendous an article great
est! was till two weeks ago, when I
struok it then in al its gl y and mag
nificence. I bad read of one Alexander
the Grsat and Napoleon Bjnaparts,men
who had ruled the dostintes ot empires,
end held within their giaep the fate of
nations. 1 bad heard of a Vandtii hilt
and a Jay Gould, the great Railway
Kings, whose great railways reach from
the Atlantis to the racitic. I had oaos
looked through the cracks of the tenoe
and seen a newly appointed Post Mas
ter paes by clothed in power, greatness,
and an o.d linen duster. I bed stood
face to face with the living skeleton, or
tbe man thst married bin mother-in-law.
But never till I reached Rabit Citt ,on
the Narrow Gauge Railroad.did I have
e full conception of what human great
ness is. The sun wss just sotting in a
flood of molten gold as I reached the
city of Rabbit, and one legged chickens.
The agent had long since gone where
the woodbine twiueth, unable to stand
tbe pressure of the new regulations.
Taking from my ham pocket a p'e ted
handkerchief, i waved it in the face of
the coming train. My sigual was ana
wered by one of the most unearthly
yells that ever belched from the throat
of a steam whistle, and as the Weiten-
house air brakes wars applied, she slid
into tbe station alongside of a magnifi
cent wood pile, which, for beauty of
architecture, confers great credit upou
its builder. We were met at tbe door
by one of the officials of tbe rosd and
conducted into one of the fine palace
ears, of whioh tbe train was made up.
The car wae a model of beauty, baiux
furniahed with everything that wealth
and the most exquisite taste could sug
gest. Tbe seats were upholstered in
imported goods made from tbe hair ot
tbo 3 r William Ger, vulgarly called,
tbe Billy Goat, captured in tbe Forks
of the Santtam
Dropping into the only vacant seat, I
gased timidly around me, and, in e low
voice, I asked who run the road. Up
went tbe handa of the nearest brafceman,
and giving me a look that might have
killed a stronger man than I, he whisp
ered, "Who ere you ? Wbr hsve you
been 7 Dee t you ever read 7 Can it be
poeaiblsr "Hero boys," be yelled,
"aswn Hill Tki j ksnifttf ,. ... 'r sVraASBW
svuio mqi sas Aasaae wm wao w stuvw
who runs this rood." As tbe conductor
came up be said, "Great Scott." Then
I wondered what Scott it was. I knew
that Geo. Wiofield Scott had long ago
goae to a country where Narrow Gauge
Railroads are never built. Looking up
at tbe conductor with one of my blsnd-
it smiles,! asked who tbe deuce this
Scott is, anyhow. Patient reader,
those words nearly cost me my life.
With a yell that oculd have made e
Modoc brave turn pale with envy, tbe
train men drew their pistols snd, as I
threw up my little hands, I told them I
was no train robber, but would like to
kaow what this gentle tacket meant.
"Wretched man,"said tbs boss of tbe
train, as a wave of pity swept athwart
bis handsome face, "don't you know
that you are riding on a great trunk
line, whose anaconda length permits its
head t rest at Rsy's landing, while its
tail flops around in the city ot Coburg f
Ignorant creature, be cried, "don t
you Know that tbe Keoetver of tow
grand trnnk line is tbe greatest railroad
monarch of this or any other age f He
it was wlo framed tbe new regulations.
It wss his active end massive brain that
conceived and put into practice tbe
celebrated nine hour sysUm. Under
this system we, tbe vsesals of Ring
Scott, work nine boors in tbe forenoon
and nine in tbe afternoon. That is why
we bless bis nemo. That is why we
woik for one-half what we nsed to get."
With tears in my eyee I begged for
morcy and told tbem I would never eay
anything about it,and I never will.
Pelio Plum.
Astonishing 8a
It is the dnty of every person who has uses
Botehst's German Syrup to let its wonderful
qualities be known to their friends in caring
Consumption, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma,
Pseumonia, and in fact all throat and lung
diseases. No person can use it without im
mediate relief. Three doses will relieve soy
case, and we consider it tbe duty of sll drugg
ists to recommend it to the poor, dying con
sumptive, at least to try one bottle, ss 80,
000 dozen bottles were sold last year, and no
one case where it failed wss reported. Such
s medicine as the German Syrup esnnot be
too widely known. Ask your druggist about
it, sample bottles te try, sold at 10 cent.
Regular size, 75 cents. Bold by sll druggists
sod dealers, in the United States and Cauads
Worn Sale.
One hundred and twenty acres of the best
quality of improved wheat land, all fenced
into four fields, good house, hard finish,
good outhouses, excellent fruits of ail kinds.
Situated 3 miles west of Lebanon and one
and a quarter miles south of the junction of
the Narrow Guage R. R ., with the Lebanon
branch of the O. 8c 0. R. R. Inquire at
this office.
K H. Alleo k Co., have in stock a splen
did hoe of corsets. Consisting of the justly
celsbrstsd C. P's, Dr Warner's, Dr Lee's 8.
Ks, tbs Albany Standard, our spinal brand,
also the Everlasting, Self Adjusting, Nettie
and many other n.ake. Ladies are especial
ly invited to call and inspect them.
s -
Baefelen's Arnica Salve.
Tbe best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Halt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, O napped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by Foshay A Mason,
Tfce Starest ot Combinations.
Tree delicacy of flavor with true etficaoy
of action, has been attained ' in the use of a
California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its pleasant taste and beneficial effects have
rendered it immensely popular For sale by
Foshay k Mason, wholesale and retail.
Wall Paper, Shades, Kr -.
N H Alien & Co. keep in s ock a full li le
of the above goods, including a fine aseor,
mailt of decorations for sealing, whioh the
willsaJtatthtt lowest noastble owe vv
Piano and Orcan Utvsa Away.
Oa Jan. 1st, 1888, we will give away a
1701) piano and a tl60 organ. Hers is ths
way to get one of them. For every dollars
worth of goods yon purchase you will receive
a tiokeV when you get Hve yen may make
a guess of the number of pieces ef coin l-
atbited in a glass globs in our front window.
which, with your name will be registered, up
to ths Mrst of Jaauary. The one guessing
nearest to the right uuraber will reoeive ths
piano, next ths organ.
the niano, a Bradford Borbmt. 7 octaves.
ISSeWOSd ease, etc.. and ths orvnn made bv
Julius Haur, of Chicago, 5 ootavsa, I'J stops.
Sea. may ho semi at ths stors of K W I ana
uon, of whom they wvrs purchased.
Every one purchasing goods of me will gst
mom at as low a prion as in the alley, with
a splendid stock to sslsot from.
N. U. A. A Co.,
Albany, Or.
Own i Kiperlmettt .
You cannot aftord to waste time in expert
msntiug whsu your longs are in danger.
Consumption always seems at first, only s
cold. I not i" run t any dealer to impose
upon you with some cheap imitation of Dr
King's New Diacoyory for Consumption
Coughs and Colds, out be mho you get the
gouuiuo. because he can make more profit
he may tell you ho haa something just as
good, or just the same. Don t bo deceived,
but insist upou gettiug Dr King's New Dis-
overy, which is guaranteed to give relisf in
It Croat, lung and chest affections. Trial
ottlas free at roshay k Mason ding store.
The f ery Best-
I bay e added to rey boot mud shot stock a
line of the cllrated Lain!, behober k
Mitchell, Philtfiflphim fin A7,y, for ladies,
misses and children. Ackuewledged by
dealers geui-rallv to SS the bsBjl value and
beat fitting fine shoe made. Widths C, D, F.
and hb. A child can buy as cheap as a man.
Sami'ki. R. Yeeao,
Sole Agent, Albany, Oregon.
Typhoid. Scarlet and Yellow Fevers,
Ulpinerkrt. Small pox, ('solera, etr.
Darbys Prophylactic Fluid will destroy
in In few Ion of alt fevers end all con la
gious and Infections dlaeaaea. Will keep
tbe atmosphere of any sick-room pore
ana wnoieeome, absorbing and destroy
lug unhealthy etliuvla ad contagion.
Will neutralize any bad rnell whatever,
not by disguising u, but by destroy lag it,
Use uarnys rropby lactic Fluid in every
sick room.
Tas rastssrsshrr. Albany, Or.
I have all tbe negat'vee taken by A
B. Pax ton ami any oue ean nave duel!
esese from their negatives by a (dressing
us, at its following prices : Card also, $1
per tloxan, cabinet miao, S3 par doaen, bou
dours, 98 par doaen. I keep the ones
Una of Orewou views in the west. Cata
logue furnlmftd on appiluatlon Copying
and enlarging old pictures specialty.
J. G. CaawtenD.
Bear was sick.
sU was a Child, saw
seansessM lOss, she dangle
as sad CUlewea. she gave Sheas
aevesl Mis Life
Mr D I Wilooxaon. of Horse Cave. Ky
ssys be was, for many years, badly afflicted
with Phthisic, also Diabetes ; the pains were
almost unendurable and would sometimes
almost throw him into convulsion If tried
Electric Bitters and got relisf from first bot
tle and after taking sis bottles, was entirely
cored, and had gained in flash eighteen
pounds, bsya he positively believes hs would
have died, had it not been for the relief af
forded by Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents
a bottle by Foshay k Mason
e . i i i
Being Mere rieaaanl
to tbs taste, more acceptable to the stomach
and more truly beneficial in its action, tbe
famena California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup
af Figs, is rapidly superseding sll others.
Try it. Far sale by Feebay & Mason.
8eod Bark hart Keesey names and ad
dresses of friends desiring information ef Ore
gon and they will send them copies of ths
Mml Ertat Conveyor whioh contains a com
plete discription of one county jn each issns
with either desirable information as wsthsr,
Absolutely Pure.
ThispowSernssrvsrlss. A marvel of purity,
stfwnrOi and whoiesomsnes. Mor eaononieal
Sssn wis ordinary kinds, and osnnot bosokJ in com
petition with the multitude of low teat, short
wsrrt, slum orphophi tcwdwi. RoLfowtru
cans, Bovaii BASixe FoW Co., 100 Wallet,
('ut u srder from wsollsu
i-lsths caie fully selected
for sifts and wear. Every
sair trusrsiiteed snd men
ejr promptly refunded, or
a new pair nuuie, if eo-4a
art returned si unattlr
favtory. DO YOU WEAR
Tell us abeut what col
i )uike, send usysur
wall, nip and Inside Isf
'ueaaore, tfcgethar wi'h
13 mi 8') cts. fur pot S
far MetanVJ ;xir) and
packJnjf. Or eeud 0 U.. oi titer te u. or to ths oftier
f thia paper, aud a imaksye of aaniplas will be mail
ad you, Inoludinfr a go! Unco tape-measure, aa ws
bays depoaited with the pruprlgtor of thla paper a
number of these paukeret for aula at aix cunts,
IS Summer Ml,, nekton, Mas.
Strayed or Stolen.
A small Kpan of dark brown horses
(rather inclined to be a little dapple)
weight, lues lbs, well matche4, on May
31t from pasture of Alfred Wbeeler at
Sand Kidge. Brands, a small sr on left
-boulder of ech. Tbe near horse is also
I rand adjust over tbe V with the speeta
c:e brand on t be same shoulder ,
Aav bereon eivin information reirard-
saw U
' y
ing the same win ta rewarotsa oy nou
1 a i i -- I I t
Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Oil
Cloths, Window Shades, Wall Paper
and Decorating Paper,
i ' e
Every thing kept la a first-cUtse Dry Goods and Boot and Shoe House, from the cheapest to as good a quality as
there la a demand for. I bought these goods mostly In New York and Cbieago and
and have nod am receiving
Novelties of the Season
In every lino ; em prepared to
quoted la the papers or circulars, and wilt take
Cash or Merchantable Produce
and will not torn you off when you get out of money.
Samuel E. Young.
or TUB
'.I I '
i I i ) I i; I
there to remind you of tbe dollars yea
mignt nave saved by taxing advantage er
their oioas orteee.
W. dt T. will sell yon more groceries
snd better qualities at lower prions than
any other iive men. Kectlfy tbs errors of
tbe past, and save money in ths future by
patronizing Wallace A Thompson, First
Street, Albany, Or.
New Millinery Store.
VsAssImIamII it Hmllm f A 1
onnv 1ST) lea n th. ntihlln Miiara v in
uu usrw ana extensive stoos or
inder tbe management of If lea Bur
enk, late head milliner of tbe whole
tie miillnnrventehllelimentnr Hmmav,
ValMfltin flnl, ,mllk nf
... .w vu. mnwwL m aits wu unn
si, our prices will be found extremely
rillln AMr MUl tm mil k. m . k. Amm
" iwr una dish go oas,
rmman'i Hrira.
Wrineers, tubs, washboards, boskets,
etc, fur sale cheaper than ever before by
Stewart A Sox. Several kinds ef wringers
and something new In weh boards.
n pocket knives, butcher knives, carv
ing sets, scissors, shears, razors, etc,, we
keep a very large aasortmeat. Come
arcund and look at onr stock.
8tswat et Sox.
Notice for Pablication.
Land Offloe at Roseborg, Or., 1
June 1st, 1887. J
Notice is hereby given that tbe fol lew
ins named eettler has filed notice of his
intention to mske final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before tbe Judge or Clerk of tbs County
Court of Linn Co,, Or., at Albany, er , on
Saturday, July 13rd. 1187, via : Perry Mo
Queen, Homestead Entry No. 8612 for the'
I WX, Sec. 8, Tp. 143 K 1 east tvillam
ette meridian.
He names the lollowlng witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation ol, said land, vis : John Hen
derson, M. fierrigan, Minor McQueen,
Frank Melons, all of Crawfordsville, Linn
Co , Oregon.
Chas, W.Johnston,
lotiGB for Pablication,
Land Office at Roneburg, Or,, )
Jnne let. 1887. )
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named aettler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the Judare or Olerk of the County
Court of Linn County, Oregon, at Albany,
Or., on Saturday, July 23rd. 1887, viz :
Sylvester Cochran, Homestead Entry Mo.
3018 for the S B Sec. 80, Cp. 14, M R 1
west Willamette meridian.
He names tbe following witnesses to
prove bis continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, said land, via : Geo. S,
Miller, Sam'l Glass, Joseph Seely, E. N,
MeCaw, all of Crawfoidaville, Linn Co ,
Has arrived, including-
A. B. Mcll wain's,
where you can get the very best In pi loss
Is unsurpassed. Ca4 on blm for your
Cash or produce taken, and prices given that defy competition.
M aiis' Purnishiiiflr Goods. Hats and Cans. Boots
and Shoes, and line clothing. Choice selections in
. - S as l -9 j v. i .
fancy summer necirwear, buk underwear, joaiong-
an underwear, Pisk, Clark and Plaggs gloves,
hfi vrv best make of handsewed shoes. The verv
latost styles in mens, youths and boys clothing.
aii tne ceieDraxeamaK
Remember our entire
new, fresh goods, and as
"Honest, Fair
dealing is our motto, We ask the public to call
and get our prices. No trouble to show goods,
C. 8, Roland & Co.,
One door west of the Revere House, Albany, Oregon.
I city la now offered for rent on reenon
eble terms For pertieulara inquire of er
addreee James Murbat,
Albany, Oregon.
A larse stock on band and will be sold
nhssn. Also s fine let of Dlain ealvanized
miro for sovsn fsneas at tl j store of
Stewart St Sox.
We want yon to remember that we have
a lot of tboee curling irona, alao shears
scissors, tracing wheels, ehelf and flower
pot brackets, and a good many other
thinga you would like to have.
Stbwaxt A Sox,
Come in and see onr new stock of steel
and chilled plows. We can suit you.botb
in goods ana prices. Every Russell chill
ed plow la guaranteed te be equal to any
obifled plow manufactured.
Btxwaxt A Sox.
We have all
assort meat ot scales
sold on ver
reasonable terma, Special
and qaaiitiee. ilia stock ot Dry (foods
and Furnishing Goods.
ox nais m every SDyie.
stock consists of brier ht.
and Square"
New Dry Goods Store.
Desire to call the attention of thH
friends and tbe public generally to theid
extensive stock of
embracing everythiog uaually found in
tiratolasf exclusive Dry Goods Store
we guarantee oor price of low tnoae
Portland. We invite close buyers
examine our goods. Samples mailed
Froman's Brick.
In sums to suit
Some Good Advice.
When Getting:
Your Spring-
Clothing, Hats,
Boots, Shoes and
Furnishing: Goods
W nd your
Who leads,
New and in style, is unsurpassed in tbe Valley. His new
Is the best in tbe market, embracing ail tbo latest styles, la
Hs takes a front position, with a reliable, well selected stock. His sales of
Are large, because be keejas tbe beat, in quality and styles
New Goods Arriving Constantly
Ine Great Philadelphia Clothing House!
The Great American Clothier and Leader in tyles has
In this City at the
Dry Good Store of
Iltittdmls of Sample to cIkx so
i - mi ssw n ear ctisKtATto e
t i r im - -7-
MasssssssssssssssPr-"-? BjT 'S' '
liLssssssssssssssssssasssssssssCSsQ fcfiV'
! r I IsssHI I tWt: w
We wear the IMlte Rtl Scftool Home Shot, aud so dj our sidtuie and oil
couaiuA and oor dunta, and if you want them go te tne
City Boot and Shoe Store
where you will fin-l n large and complete assortment of good in thia line,
of noarly every srad wtd mkr, nntl at prices which will open your eyee.
A dollar aavvd i a dollar in :dt.
Farmers who have Deering- or Mc
Cormick Twine Binders that need re
pairing or adjusting, can have them
fixed at a very smail cost by bring
ing the binder attachment to S. E.
Young's Agricultural Depot or by ad
dressing J. A. SINGLETON,
Albany, Or.
J. P. Hail,
Columbia Bicycles and Tricycles,
Second hand whnela const ntiy on hand.
Send for 1887 catalogue,
Physician and Surgeon.
Office rooms 3 and 4. Foster.' Block
way to tbe afore of
His Stock o
from: oerfoct flt sntnntikvt nrisi
vv i j a Jul i j
Stewart A Sox keep an immense stock
ot garden tools, and are also agent far the
celebrated Walla Walla garden seeda,
which gave better satisfaction than any
sold in Albany last season,
SDortmrn can slsrssra finH at vn
splendid line of ammunition of all kinds,
and we also keep giant and blasting pow
der, fuse, etc,
St sew art k Sex.
Hacks, single and double buggies, csrte,
backboards, and all kinds of wheeled ve
hicles. Don't buy anttl yon see what we
hare and learn our price.
ftMWAxr A Sox.
Always Victorious.
Every one's duty la not to allow the
liver, the stomach and the kidnejs, three
great organ a, to become clogged er torpid,
and in time expel all imparities of the
blood. The Oregon Blood Partner,
a purely vegetable compound, ia Tne
Keraetly to cure all diseases ef the kid
neys and liver, also those caused by im
pure blood, oa Biliousness, Constipation,
Sick Haadacbe,Dyepopsia,Scrofula. Erun-
tions of cbf Skin, Rbeumailam, etc Try