f he Democrat PIMDaT JUNK 10, U87 THK ltII.K U t OMMKMov The oourra Lesion hss made the follow ing reoommendstioos to the O. R, & N. Oo. : "KeoomaMndationa fur depot facilities at Dalles City, Oregon. The board having examined the oondition of Tha Dalles a respects depot accommo dation, and finding that said city is without a depot building or other facil ities for the accommodation of the trav eling publio arming aad departing therefrom, would respectfully represent to the Oregon Railway A Navigation Company and its lessee, that : the commission deem the early construction of depot buildings at said point a mat ter of great importance, and would reoommsnd that suitable depot build ings be at onoe constructed, with suoh accommodations as will meet the re quirements end necessities of said oity. This recommendation is urged for the reason that the present arrangement for stopping passenger trains,partly in the street and partly ever Mill creek, is inconvenient, unsatisfactory and even dangerous." kkl i rnoN OF RATS. Following is its recommendation for a reduction of rates : "The board would recommend to the O. R. & N. Company that its tariff of rates on wheat, flour, oata, barley, vye, farina, tax seed and potatoes be reduced to the following schedule of ratae : When in carload lots of 20,000 pounds, from all points east within the State of Oregon to Portland, Oregon: Rates per 100 pounds : The Dsl.es, Summit and in termediate points, 15 cents ; Celilo.Dee Chute j sod intermediate points,! G cents; Grant's, John Dsy.Quinn and interme diate points, 17 oents ; Blslock's, Ar- iingon,Willows,8hipeburg,Caetle Rook, Coyote, Stokes and intermediate paints, IS cents ; Umatilla Junction, Footer, Echo and intermediate point, 19 cents ; Barnbart, Pendleton, Kiet land, Adams, Ceoterville, Cayuse, LtOrande, Union, North Powder, Bker City,Bunttngtoo, Cold Spring, Juniper, Milton, Blue Mountain and intermediate paints, 20 cents. And the board would also reeOBcmend that the Oregon Railway A Navigation C.impany reduce their tariff of rates on wool, when in sacks or com pressed teles, to the following schedule of rates, to-wit . From all points east within the state of Oregon to Portland, rates per 100 pounds : Rowens, The Dalles and intermediate paints, 37 J emits ; Celilo, DesChutea and interme diate points, 45 cents ; Grant's, John day, Quinn, Blalock's and intermediate points, 50 cents ; Alkali, WilUw,Coy- ote,Umatiila Junction and intermediate point, GO cants , Fostei's, Echo aid intermediate poiots,65 oents; Barnbart, Peud.etoo and intermediate points, 75 cents; Cayuse, Hun tiogton and intermc diate points,75 cents ; Centerville,Blue Mountain, Milton and intermediate points, 75 cents ; Cold Springs.Juniper and intermediate points, 75 oents." The present rate per ton of shipments oo flour, whear, etc , from The Dslles is $4 per too, end the rate recommend ed is $3, a reduction of 25 per cent. Other redactions have been recommend ed on about the same beats. THE NKXT NATIONAL I'ONYKNTION. The Democratic National Convention of 188 will consist of 820 delegstes, divided as follows : The New England States, 76; the Middle States, 150; the Southern Stat as, 306 ; the Western States, 242 ; the Pacific States,25 ; the Territories and the District of Colombia, 18 The two-thirds rule ebuins in the grand caucus of the Democracy, ami the man who will he nominated will hare to receive, therefore, 547 votes. ITS MISSION. The "mission" of the Corysllk Chronicle seems to be to shone the Ore gon Pacific rsilrosd and its officers." East Orojonian. And to abuse those who do not abuse that railroad and its officer. The most remarkable conduct is that of Commander-in-Chief Fsircbild G. A. R. interfering with and rebuking the local committee of G. A. H., of St. Loo is, for inviting President Cleveland to lie present at tbe national encamp ment of G. A. R. at St. Louis tbis fall. It is suspected that Fairchild is a can- a a M a m a auute tor president sod tbts is s part of bis tactics to defeat Cleveland. Mr. Fairchild will learn in due time that he is too small a man for president. The Telegram asks : "Is it not about I me for Sim, (President Clevelsnd,) to ag in positively declare that he will not accept renomination ?" Now, in all etnd ir, is it ttdt aoout time that the Telejratn,or some one of the many other Rsp-ihlicsn pspers that have made the sanae charge, to stele the .ime aid place when Cleveland positively declared that be would not ;rept a rtnoiuination t Wm. A. WI.eeler, who succesded to tha office of Vice President ihroogh tbe retuiring board fraud of 1870, di d at his home at Watrtown,New York, lull Saturday. Tho Board of Asylum Commissioners has appointed Dr. Harry Lui.of Port land, So;ieiiutendent of the Insane Asylum. The Portland Packet keeps up quite a "rasfcet" ;o East Portlsnd about BOYCOTT." The Portlsnd .Vrtos hsi been "boy cotted" by the liquor dealers of Port land because that paper has seen fit to support the pending prohibitory amend ment. They not only withdraw their own patronage, but are "boycotting" those who patronise the JrVtct. The If not publishes the names of those who have withdrawn their patronage, and now it will receive ten fold more patronage from the prohibition people than it has lost through this sil)y"boy- cott." We know of nothing so foolish as boycotting a newspaper for express ing its opinions, for that which is suffi cient reason to justify one person in withdrawing his patronsge might be suilicient to induce two othets to sup port the same papsr. Suppose, now, in view of the fact that the Orejoman takes the snli-prohibiUon side and the Fete the prohibition side of the pend ing question, that ths prohibitionists of the state should "boycott" the Oreg- a i- ' a a a a a man ; wrist a loua cry against sum fanatical intolerance would we hear from anH-probibttionists all over the ftate. No, this is a 'ree country and men's months are not to be shut at the dictation of a few narrow-minded boy cotters. Ex-Governor O. 8. Saloman deliver ed an address on Memorial Day in San Francisco, in the course of which he said : "When I strew my flowers up on the honored resting place for one who died that his country might live,I consider it sacrilegious to decorate at the same time the craves of men who died in an attempt to destroy and ruin the country for which we fought. " Hon. Binger Hermann.oor Congress- Sana, on the same day delivered an ad dress at Roeebure, in the course of which he said s "la hoooriog the bine, let us as sn emblsss of a restored na tionality .tenderly drop a flower upon the soldiers who wore the a rev. The victo.- and the vanquished dwell togetb a a a a er again in peace, and as we nope wtu a single purpose and a common effort to advance this country in her onward march of unexampled greatness and grandeur. A new and a regenerated 8 uth ariers from the ashes of desolat ing war ; the eld flag floats over sll and the stars and bars which was lowered at Appomatox will never be raised again." Which is the true patriot sod devot el lover of his country T We venture if this qnmtion were asked of the old soldiers of the Union, nine-tenths of them would decide in favor of our Con- The northern part of California, in cluding Sacramento, will yield about the same amount of wheat as last yeer. Th yield in San Joaquin Valley is p'a:ed at 60 per cent and from San Francisco south, west of tbe Coast Range, tbe yield will uot exceed 40 per cent of last year. The Rose hurg Review says a.'l tbe signs of the times point to tbe renemio ation of President Cleveland bv accla mation and his triumphant re-eiection. The nearer 1888 approaches the more eertain appear these results. Senators Reagan and Msxey, and Congremman Lanh.m, Colbereoo, Hsre j snd Miller, all Democrats, of Texas, are working zealoualy to secure the adop tion of ths prohibitory amendment in thai State. We are informed that farmers in Yamhill oounty are offered 90 cents per bushel tor tbe new crop, the signs point to better prices tbis year than have prevailed for many years. Mrs. Duniway says tbe columns of tbe Statetman sre "p'thoric, (full of liquid,) and ipirited" Is tbst tbe tea- eon it opposes prohibition with such sarcastic earnestness t Tbe editor of tbe CentervUlian says it is hard for him to lie in bed, but why should it be harder to he in bed then in his sanctum 1 It looks very much now ss if all three pending constitutions! amendments would be defeated. smmmmassaBam Vee Sale. One hundred and twenty acres of the best quality ol improved wheat land, all fenced Into tour fields, good house, hard finish, good outhouses, excellent fruits of all kinds. Situated 3 miles west of Lebanon and one and a quarter miles south of the junction of the Narrow Guage R. R., with the Lebanon branch of the O. Ik C. R. R. Inquire at this office. C'ersets. N H. Allen k Co., have in stock a tplen did line of corsets. Consisting of the justly celebrated C. P's, Dr Warner's, r Lee's 8 K's, the Albany Standard, our spinal brand, also the Everlasting, Self Adjusting, Nettie aud many other makes. Lulies sre especial ly 1UV1C3U to can and inspect them. Kueklea's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Mores, letter, unapped Sands, Chilblains, uorns ami an sum Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, er monev reiunaea. rnee 'ib cents ier i - - i - S a aa m . & oox. r or sate ay jroonay K Mason, Ths Barest ef Combinations. True delicacy of flavor with true efficacy of action, has been attained ia the use of a California liquid fruit remedy, Syruo of Figs. Its plesaant taste and beneficial effects have rendered it immensely popular For sale by f outlay c Msson, wholesale and retail. Well Paper, Shades. Rtc. N II Allen Si Co. keep in stock a full line of the shove goods, including a tine assort- tnant of decorations for seahugs, wh:ch they will aell at tha lowest possible prices. We t r . . s . . A : nave now tu iraucic one fn toe targeav Waterloo. Just as we are going to ureas we re ceived a communication from Watsrloo giving an account of a runaway that occurred a short distance above Leban on last Sunday. The letter being too long for insertion, we give the main fscts ; Mrs. J. Thompson and three children, Mrs. S. A. DeVauey and three boys, and Miss Emma Drury, started in a wagon from Labanon last Sunday to Sweet Home. The team became fright ened in crossing a bridge on J. W. Bland's place and ran away. Mrs. J. Thompson was quite severely hurt, hor daughter Uttic had her arm broken. Mrs. DsVancy was thrown out,turniog ft summersault, dinging to a youog babe which, strange to say, was unhurt. Mrs. DeVaney and Miss Drury,though not seriously hurt, were seriously bruis ed. Others were mure or less bruised. Johnte Cams is very siok,but is some better. Gardens and gtaln look fine since the abower. Some travel over the mountains, et a few fail to make it. Pern McCartv. Wm. Hudleson and Adolphus K rents tar tea over last week and came back after reaching Elephant rock. The Waterloo colony seems to whow many signs of life. Mr. J. B. Wirt is wide awake and means business. By next Sunday we can get soda water at this piece, if no heavy rains CO 111 f. The debate at Sweet Home between Kid. A. lUws and E. C. Russell is progressing, and Russell is proving to be too tall for the Elder. He is hedging him in on all aides,and la snre to defeat him. The turn out to bear it is Im mense. The question is a vital one. Resolved, That the Latter Day Saints u the ooly churcb authorised to admin steer the ordinances. At'Tu. Trouble AUraU When the appetite fails.and alsep arrows restless and uirefreshlng.thore is trouble ahead. The digestive organs, hen heal thy, crave food.tho nervous system, wheu vigorous and tranqui:, gives Its possessor bo nneasinesa at night. A tonic, to be ef fective, should not be a mere appetiser, nor are the nerves to he strengthened and soothed by tha anaidod action of a tlve or a narcotic. What is required ts a medicine which invigorate tha stomach, and promotes assimilation of food by the system, by which means the nervous aye. teen, as well aa other part of the physical organ Um.are strengthened. Thews me the eOeoU of BssMBStStH Siommh Hitters, a medicine whose reputation Is founded firmly In public coull leitee, and which physicians commend for Its tonic, anti bilious aud other properties. It hi used with the beet result In fever and ague, e S St SS- a . . rnewmsiistn , a to ney anu uterine weak and other nsalsdi a. Some of the Apache arc on the war path in Arizona ilag. Kdward Shepherd, of llarrisburg, III., says : "flavin received so much bom tu from Mfctnc Bitters, I feel it mv dnty to 1st snlfe.ing humanity know it. Have bad a running sore on my leg for eight years my doctors told me I would have to have ths bone scraped or leg amputated. I igeftsai, mm heresies ol Ktecths Bitters aad seven boxes Buck lea's Arnica Halve, and my leg is now soand sad well," Electric Bitters are sold at fifty cents a bottle, and Buck leu Arnica Halve at ffft, per bos by r aansy c azaaon. Typhoid. Searlet aad YeUew Fevers. litptbrrta. Mmall pns. t'solrre, ete. Derbya Prophylactic Fluid will destroy the infection of sll fever and all con la glous and infections diseases. Will keep . L- . k. . r tt .... " uimupojru 01 any sicaroom pure ijk wuoiKwiine, aoaeroing and destroy ing unhealthy eiliuvia aad contagion. Will neutralize any bad smell whatever, not by disguising it, but by destroying It, use Lssrvys rropoyiactic rinid in sick-room. every Tbe Fketesrapber. Airway. 0r. have all the negatives taken by A axton and any one can have dunll- from their oeaalivea bv addraawlns , at tLe following nricn : Tanr mlijm mi 'dtS!' Xa una or Ureon views in the woet. Cata logue furnished on application. Copying and enlarging old pictures a specialty. J. O. Craw roan. S waa sfek. w aare boel wM aee was a cwia, etas erM fur Q wseeasss Kiss, abaelaag to raatawA, iaassasrajsssw( CiasMl Ir l la Kvery . O. A. Brsdford, wholesale paper dealer of ChstUneoiro, Tenn.. writes, that he wsa seriously afflicted with a severe cold that settled on his lungs I hal trie-1 many remedies without heneA(. Rning inluceu to try Dr. King's New Discovery for on sumption, did so and was entirely cured by the use of a few bottles, Since which time he has used it in bis family for all Coughs an I Colds with best results, Tbis ia ihe experience of thousands whoao lives have been saved by this Wonderful Discovery. Tr.sl bottle- ree at Posh ay A Masan's Daug Store, Steles Here rteasamt to tbe tests, more acceptable to the stomach and more truly beneficial in its action, ths fameu California liquid fruit renter! v. Svrun ef Figs, is rapidly superseding sll others. Try it. For sals by Foshsy & Msson. Send Burkhart Keimey uamts aad ad dressee of friends desiring information of Ore gon and they will send them copies of ths li'al Btnle Conveyor which contains a com plete discription of one county m each issus with cither desirable information, as wether, POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder nustr vsriss. In IB nowdor nn er vturi. k murv.l rt mrfi. trsnjfli and whoiMonsiusB. Mors sconomtesl Sbsa thoordir kind, Mid oft n not be oid in ooa itH th nmltiwda of w tmt, ahatt wekr St,luui or MY Dry Goods, Notions, -Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Wall Paper 'and Decorating Paper, Every tblng.kept In a first-class Dry Goods nod Boot and Shoe House, from the cheapest to as word a there la a demand for. I bought these goads mostly In New York and Chicago aad AT BOTTOM CASH PRICES, and have and am receiving a Novelties of the Season la every line ; nm prepared to MEET ANY PRICES quoted In the papers or circulars, and will take Cash or Merchantable Produce tod will not turn you off when you get out of money. a Samuel K Young. Waal a truly baaetifet world ws liveia Katurs gtyss aa grand r of BsoUis,g4see m nan damrs aO bsttar wha (set basltk bat haw oft do ths suj ty of psopl fl lik gtvtng it sp diakaarud, dasorad aad worn t with diss ss ka t bars is ae Bouesioa far tbis f ssdtag, as every suffssw oaa rasUy btai astssfssssry proof, thai Greem't Amnut tfmcet, will ataks tbssn Irs from diss, as wbssj bora DriSiSils zzrE sJ ssvni i ' ; W.. of ths Head. PalpiUUo of to Hsart, aad othr rtistisssies rmntasi Tbrs dosss t mLirruwa. a w v vww. a. twassnss i Amwmmt Finer will proir iu wodHol sfTct. Haatpi Uttlas, 10 oaoUt Try it. Vry I bays sddsd le sty boot mnd $ko stock line of ths oalahrstsd Laird, e'eseesr MitrhtU, PhilaA'lphim rime Shot lot ladies, mtsess sad obiidraa. Aokoswlsdgad by dssisrs fsnsnlly to be tb bast valns and hast ntttog fine sbe mad. Widths C. D. K, aad EE. A child oaa bar ss Mesa as a fiajieax R. Veeso, sis Agsat, Albany, Oregaa. - IACRID TO THK m k m ea t or THE LOST UOLLAX T I I l I l I I 1 I h I I I I l I I I I I I I JJ MM sjHassBB . j I 1 I I I M I I M ' I M M I M I II M ERECTED BY WALLACE & THOMPSON there to remind yon of th a dollars yen might have saved by taking advantage er their cloae prioes. NOW FOR THE FUTURE 1 W. A T. will sell you more groceries and better qualities st lower prioes than any other live man. Rectify tbe errors of the past, and save money in tbe future by patronizing Wallace A Thompson, First it ree t, Albany, Or. New Millinery Sto re. We desire to call the attention ef A I bany ladles and the publio'generally to our new ana extensive stock or FASHIONABLE MILLINERY andsr tbe msnsgemont of Miss Bur bank, late head milliner of the whole le millinery establishment of Moonev Valentine A Oolcsmitb of Portland while our stock is all that oan be daalr ed, our prices will bs found extremely tow lornrsc eiass gooas, SHAME Fromsn's Brink . B HIE MONDAY GOODS Wringers, tubs, washboards, buckets. etc , for sale cheaper than ever before by Stewart A Sox. Several kinds ef wringers and something new in washboards. g-xUTLERY. pocket knives, butcher knives, carv ing sets, scissors, shears, rssors, etc.. we keep a very large assortment. Come i hii itnn msiffs lawiss asi. intr uiwm . i i n ae iinnmBiii ac uiaawi in farniMm. i . sr. a na siu sxravavvK areuua SPRING STOCK Has arrlvedlncludlog- Do You Want Bargains. THEN A. B. Mcll wain's, wbr yon ean gat tbe very beat in price DRESS GOODS, LAWNS GINGHAMS, ETC., Is unsurpassed. BOOTS AND SHOES, Clothing and Furnishing Goods. Cash er produce taken, and prices given tbst defy competition. C. B. ROLAND & CO. 0 NEW STORE AND CONSISTING OF Mens' Purnishiug Qoois, Hats and Oaps. Boots and Shoes, aad line clothin . Choice selections in fancy Summer neckwear, silk underwear, Balbrig- fan underwear, Fisk, Olark and Flaggs gloves, he very best make of handsewed shoes, The very latest styles in mens, youths and boys clothing. All the celebrated make of hats in every style, FINE CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. s Remember our entire stock consists of bright, new, fresh goods, and as "Honest, Fair and Square" dealing is our motto, We ask the public to call and get our prices. No trouble to show goods, One door west of HOTEL FOtt RENT, fflHB EXCHANGE HOTEl, IN TnIS 1 city ia now offered for rent on reason able terms For particulars inquire of er address James Murray, Albany, Oregon. B ARBEU WIRE. A larce stock on hand and will be sold cheap. Also a fine lot of plain galvanized wire for Woven fences at ths store of Stewsrt A Sox. JADIBS, LOOK HKKK. We want you to remember that we have a lot of those curling irons, also shears , scissors tracing wheels, shelf and flower pot brackets, and a good many other things you would like to have. Stxwart A Sox. LOWS. Come In and aee our new stook of steel and chilled plows. We can snit you, both iu goods and prices. Every Russell chill ed plow is guaranteed to be equal to any chilled plow manufactured. Stxwsrt A Sox. CALEB. We have a o assortment oi scales to rms, Special iari v0 sVoIq. oq very ett4to e e- GO TO and rjnsiiiJos. HU stock ol Dry (Juod CaH on him fur your NEW GOODS, C. e. Roland & Co., the Revere House, Albany, Oregon. New Dry Goods Store, SHANE & LONSWAY. Desire to call tb attention of tlisH friends and the public ironerally to thM extensive mock, or DRY AND FANCY GOODS. embracing everything usually found in a firat-clas exclusive Dry Goods Store we guarantee our prioes oelow those Portland. We luvlte close buyers examine our goods. Samples mailed applicants. SHANE A LONSWAY, From an 's Brick, MONEY TO LOAN In sums to suit BY BeaxHAnff & K&kksi Some Good Advice. When Getting Your Spring Clothing, Boots, W nd tonr Who leads. C30 CLOTHING Hew and in style, is onsurpasaed in tbe Valley. Ill new stook c? -HITS- Is lb beat In the market, embracing all tbe Iatt style. In FURNISHING GOODS Be takes a front position, with a reliable, well selected stock. HU sales ? BOOTS AND SHOES Are larg, license hi keeps tho best, in qeality and styles A SPLENDID LINE Of SUITINGS ON HAND IN HIS TAILORING DEPARTMENT. New Goods Arriving Constantly Ihe Great Philadelphia Clothing House! JOHN WANK V M AKER, The Great American Clothier and Leader in Styles has ESTABLISHED AN AGENCY In this City at the Dry Good Store of SHAME & Iluntlr.! of S n plea to rhor-se aiueaa in i'niUle'fhia. We wear Ihe Little i? coush s and our atint, House u van I p,Wi'!,'wl'wasssasss mctMgamtaenemKeKttKtBwmwnBWKKtumKmt itBStkmk Coajffliuma sooaioEa cmcAso- 00. 'J . 1 ,. "fa. -aWWHFaTCICBBMi.SaWT 9' J .sLbbbmUbbbbbBMIsbV ivsBbbB V H ! Iy-ss5l3Bi fkW- sSPHbBBBBbVbBBBBbI. --.T, ; SLTlBVBBBBPbJ City Boot and Shoe Store wbero you will find t iarye and complete assortment of to kIs in tlila linr, of nearly every rade nd m kr, ntid at prioes which will opn your . A dollar saved Is i dollar in d . REPFIK LP & BROWNE LL FARMERS ATTENTIO Farmers who have Deering or Mc Cormick Twine Binders that need re pairing or adjusting-, can have them fixed at a very small cost by bring ing-tho binder attachment to S. E. Young's Agricultural Depot or by ad dressing J. A. SINGLETON, Albany, Or. J. P. Hail, ALBANY, SR., AGENT F : Columbia Bicycles and Tri eyelet, Second haul wtraeta cons' anti on hiid. Send for 1837 cat slog tie, DR. Cr WATSON MAST0N Physician and Surgeon . Hats, Shoes and Furnishing Goods wsy to Ue Mors of Ilia Stock o L0NSWAY. from : perfect fit cuaranteed pricsj Smjc, nod 3 do our sialoM anJ u - th-m g to the G AilDRN TOOLS AND SEEDS. Mowart A Sox keep an immense stook ot garden tools, and are also agent f r tha celebrated Walla Walia garden seeds, which gave hater satisfaction than any sold in Albany last season. pbWUER,SOT, WTC. Sporttnen can alwavs find t our stores splendid line or ammunition of all kinds, ami we also keep giaut snd blasting pow der, fuse, etc, ; ' Stkwart A Sax. AGON 8 AN D CARRIAGES, Hacks, single and double buggles.carts. buck boards, and all kinds of wheeled ve hicles. Don't buv until you see what we have and learn our prices. fciPKYf aar A Pox, Always Victorious. M Lvory ono's duty is not to allow the liver, tho stomaeh and the kidneys, three great organs, to become clogged or torpid, and in time expel ail impurities of tbe blood. The Oregon Bld Purifier, a purely vogetablo compound, is The fttcmedjr to core alt diseases f the kid neys anu liver, also those caused by im pure blood, as Biliousness, Oonstipatioa, iSick lleadache.Dyspepsia.Scrofnla, Emp tionti of th" Skin, Rheumatism, ete. Trv