"" nil mini i i rm i ' r - . STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. ae U ed every Friday tj STITESA NUTTINti. u us K4rricBia tsacrat BatMtaKea Btaaadatbla lrt. TERMS Or SUIISOtllTloN latla opv, pr yaar. In alvau ......... ft 0 laU ey, tr yr at .n ut yr I Ugl oapjr, months. . ., 1 06 Inula eopy. thr numtht u number 9 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. H. MONTA.NYE. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND-- Notary Public. tlbaay, Ora. Office upalalr, ovwr John Brtgfre 'tore, it street. vHnSStf JT. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) TTORNEY AT LAW, ALBAfV. S)KBeX. 7' 'ILL eftACTloa IH AU. THE COURTS Of THE SUU SpUI attention ifl-an to .'llvll.m. ami .t ' ra.ttar. CTOaiM In OvM PelLie-'a Tawpla H:V " I 11 III. I. O. POWBLL. W. J. RILTRU POWELL ft BILYEU, .PTORNKYS AT LAW, Aid Solicitors in Ckaiferr. 1LRAIVT. ... ORKflON. Collections promptly mads on all point. Ctaus ne-coiiand on rwMMMmn, SaT-OSee In Foster's Rrh'k.-sa lsnlfcf. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney M Counsellor it La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In all of tha Court of .uls Stat. All bualnaa Intrusted to him will ba promptly attandad to. L. W. CLARK, Portrait Photographer. Sitting by appointment, . COPYING AND ENLARGING. Tweedales Building. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. E. W. LANCDON, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, and everything kept In a first claw Drag Store. Also a flow stock of piano and organs, ALBANY. OREttON. POSHAY & MASON, ASS r.ti Druggists and Booksellers, i for JohrrB. Aldan's nubllcation. which we sell at publisher's prices with A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. . Stationary, toilet rticlsi, Etc. rtMCtlPTIMI CiREFl'LLT FILLED, Open dsy and night. Albany, Or. FURNITURE. I Bar the beat stock of nrnittire In city and will sail ths Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stoc1' of WALNUT FURNITURE ms the city and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, a complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try ma. A. B. WOOPIN, Aloany Bath Mouse. flllB U NDS K8IUNED WOULD RESPECT L t.lljiaforin the oitisani of Albsny and vi i tit that I havetakeo charge of this Katabliah at,att4,h7 kssping olsan roomi and psyis rlst tttsntiss to baiiosss, expect, to c!t si tarn wits stay faror a. with their patronage tae; Heretofore esrrisd on nothing bar first-Class Hair Dressing Saloons .ote to ;! entire estUfxtion to si -rTm, Laillst' Hair neatly so .4 JOS WEBBER. DR.J.L. KILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office cor. Firat and Ferry Streets, ABANY - - OREGON. e. o rmnnny. c.n.rrw.' ALBANY IRON WORKS CHERRY & PARKFS, (Snooesaor to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, MwTights, and Iror Founders. W E HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We wll manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Tron and Brass Castings. FATTEKNft 4BC W MMOKT NOTICK. Special attention given to repairing all lnds or machinery, win also man mac re the Improved Cherry A White Grain eprator Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Land. V. 8 Land Office, Oregon City, Or. ) May 9th. 1887. j Notice Is hereby given that, in compli ance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3rd, 1878, entitled "An Act for the ale of Timber Lands in tbe States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Waahington Territory," David M vers whose post.ofilce address is Solo, Linn county, Oregon, has this day filed in this office his application to purchase the S 14 of N E 14 and N X of H E i, Section No. 18, InTownahlp No, 10, h Range No, 1 east of the Wil.amette meridian, Al' person holding any adverse claim thereto are required to present tbe same t this office within sixty day. from the first publication of tbia notice. W. T. JBOaVNXY, VOL. XXII. First National Bank OF.AMHN i , ORKUON. ProLiant U rLUbIN u inidit wJk K-JLP.ik OuUvlar GEO. K. CH WtBKKUVlfl TRANSACTS A OENERAL banking biuhia, ACCOUNTS KKPT iabJot i cases. SIOHT EXCHANGE ail Ul.rhic iranafer. suh mi Now Trk. Smi rnnotacn. Cskwffu rorU i OOJ.LKCTIOMS MADE on faroaabla Urnis. MSSCVOBS. w. K YOVBS, SO, E ClUMSSSLAIM L. K B..i-. L. Vutin, WaUTSS K TtSSSU., ). I. OOWAN. j. w. ouniok Linn County Bank, COWAN & CUSHK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a pwil imnklng DKAW8IUIIT DRAFTS on Naw York Sen rm cIm and Portland. Oregon. LOAN MONEY a Sfswerwl aurttY. RECEIVE datoal la iubjact to check. COLLECTIONS en trusted u ms wilt ranaU prnit entton. H. F. MERRILL, Banking and Insurance. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Sail tesjs on Naw York, San K-anriacu and renkusl. Buv nnta. SU'a. county end r'tr warranta. lin eal ve de-lte -ubjeot to afB. hit.rr.1 allowed ou tiuto dcMns. CollacUoas will race! a prue altaiiOoti OarraapatMlatKa 4M taJ . aWOnVc h-mn from a a. an. to 5 p. m. IlOIISe. J. OIBLIN, Proprietor. This bouse) is now open sod famished with the best new furniture. Kysrythiog clean sod cm mod inns, offering to ths gen eral public superior sccotnatodstions to any is the city. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILL8. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber, laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. WILL. BROS., Dealers in all the Leading Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos. A full Sheet music, muaicsl merohandiae. ammnnitlon, fisblnjr tackle, etc. War rant ad rsaor, butcher and pockst knives. THE BEST KIND OF SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, Oils and Extras for all Machines supplied. LINN COUNTY ACENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN INSURANCE CO. Repairing of sawing machines musical instruments, guns, etc. neatly dene ALBANY, .... OREGON. J. GRADWOHL, Crockery, Glass Ware and Hardware. OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements, Agent tor Fire and JasaiaBaaamaTaWBasaaaBaSaT FRANK BROTHERS PORTLAND, -Dealers in- Farm and Mill Machinery. Walter A. Woods' Mowers, Reapers Thomas and Royal Self Dump Headers ; &aar, Soott & uo.'s xnresners ana norse Powers ; BiOck Island Walking, Bang and Sulky Plows. Moat Complete line ot Buggies. Carriage and Spring Wagona on the Pacific Coast, Having received aur goods during th low rates on rrelgni irem m ts" ,T , tomera tha banaftt. and sell tiiem irooas in our line lower than ever before. Write for tomers the benefit, and sell them goods Mrns and Prices. Add ress-F RANK Ul Address t rv a w iv mtuinaw wv., v. or J, GnADWoHb, Agent, Albany, Or, sHSBBaJBBSSsMBBasaaaaBBBMBawn GOOD for the cure of Constipation and Indigestion. GOOD for the cure of Biliousness and Dyspepsia. GOOD for ths cure of Bowel Complaints. GOOD for tho en of Kidney Diseases. GOOD for the euro of Lauguiahneaa and WearyiBaCste GOOD for the cure of Liver Complaints. GOOD for the cure of Bolls and Carbuncles, GOOD for the cure of. Fowl Breatn and Sour Stomache GOOD for the cure of Sleeplessness and Irritability GOOD for the cure of all Complaints. VITIATED BLOOD rroftiloNa. luhorltetl smd I on tsxious Unsworn Cared lj utlottras. THROtiOil Uie medium ol aa ft your bmke ra alvad tbrvush Mr. Frrok T Wray, Uruirgtat. Ap olio. Ha., I kauSAie acq ua hi ted with your C'uUrur It.iikadles, aod take tbla ..iortuilty to taetlry la yau that their uee haa Hnuaoavly cured ma ol one of Uie wurat cases of blued polaou(aE in OoiinetlMi with eryalpelae, that I had ever seen, and thla slier hat Inn fate pronounced Incurable by same of the boat )by .Ictaua tn our oounty. 1 take great pleasure In tor warding to you hta teetltuoiilal, unautleitsd ss It hi by you. In order that othara .uSaftng from Mint I r utaladlaa may bo anoouragsd bi ytvs your Cutb-urs Itemed lass tria'. P. s. Whitusok. Leet hburg. Ps, Kelereuea : Prank T Wray, Druggtat, Apollo. Iv H IIOFI I Of S ULCRata. Jaust K. Kichardsun.tiatoiu llouaa. New Orlaana, on oath ays I "In IS70 Scretuoue Ulears bruke out on iy body until I ssa a mass ( corruption. Kry thing known to the medk'1 tMulty waa tiled In vain. I leeame a mere wraok. At Urns could not lilt my handa a my head, eould not turn In bed ; wa In conetant pain, and looked upon life aa a euree. Ne reliat r core ia ten ear. In tSSO I boaid nf the UU cura Hemeiltaa, ueed them, and aaa peitectly cured. " Swern to bstwrs V. S. Coat. 4. D Csasroa. OSIK OF THK VI' OR NT CASRR. We save be seUinf your Cutiears Hewed tee fur yeere, aid havatheSrst complaint yet ta ra.i. I run. a purchaeer. (hi of ths wssst sssss si Serafttts I everaaw aa cured by the ass sfSvs beetle of Cuu cura Keee4vnt, CnUeura, .ml CuUcura .!. The Suap takea the "cake" be I a a a madMnei asap. Tttoa ard T ion. Dm Trw. Prank, Kan, Hi KOU X.OI . 1 a MERITED. And Coutagloua Humor, with Loaaof Hair.snd Itrap Uona of the Ski, are pualtlvely cured by Sulu ura and ( uucura Mawp etteinally, and I'u'u ura Haoul vaut Internally, when all other aaedlcinee lad. send for pamphlet. CMtcurs Reaaedlco are aald every where. Pries I I'uticura, the Mreat skin Cure, Ml eta. . CuUcura Soap en K.ui.a licauuSer, Sa eta. . Cuttcur tteawlvent. the Naw aUwid PuntUr. fl.OU, Potter prug aad ' h. mi. .. !.',, Uoaton. HaVa lUackhcada. Skin HuuMira. uaa CuUcura aadlUby HOW MY BACK ACHES ! Back Ache. Kidsey Palna and Weak, Sorcnww, laWaSassSj rrali.. and Palo re- Use Kin erf I In one minute by the CulUura Ant , li.fUabic. Administrator's Notice. Not km. Is bwtaby glr.n that the County C Mir t for Linn oounty. Oregon, baa iLta day appointed Iba underslguad Admlnl. trator of tha estate of Mary Ann W. R. Savage, deeaasad. All persona baying clalma a gal net said estate are not J ha. 1 to present them properly verified to tba un deraigned st bit rsaiusnoe near sbedda Or., or to Wealherf.-rd Y Blackburn, At torneys at Albany, Or. May lots, 18S7, J(.H MOSUAV. Aduilaiatricor of the aald est la. line Marine Insurance IMPLEMENT CO., OREGON, and Steel Wheel Twine Binders ' RaKes ; Hodges' uouoie uraper 4& ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE (rrem oar ragwlar corre.peaU.Mt i WAsitMQTON, Muy 1.1111, 1187. The reunion nf the Army of the Cumberland, the Aruerlenn Surgical Association and the snnusl conven tion of Hotel Proprietor are tho most Imports nt gst her lugs of the week to this popular reudesvous t,f nil kinds of Nations! interests. It wss the eighth annual conven tion of "Mine hosts" of the American traveling pubtic,ahd the primary ot Ject of their meeting h to give the proprlrlot, manager and clerk; t hotels a ehsnee to talk over mallet a of mutus! inierest. They ail want to know (you kn) the heet mauiifr of getting rid of deed lats, snd aht ut alt kinds of Ore escape and such things. In addition to thh inter change of experiencp,lnformatlon and idtas, a mutual bunt-fit Insurance as. soclailon is carried on, and during the sf van yoara of Ha existence the ssso cistion has paid out to Its beneficiaries the aura of $77,871. It Is seldom that so many epicurt meet around one table as hanqauud together In the targe dining saloon of Wltiard's Hotel on Wednesday oigbl. The banquet was given to the visiting Bonifaces by the local hotel proprie tors, aod such a feast It waa aa filled the gueeta with enthusiasm and prompted them i give ibe palm to Washington for entertlnmei.t. Near ly two hundred proprietors aod titan gers,reprt'vtttiug ihe leading eillea aqd tb leading hotels la the (Jolted Stitcs, and a few specially iuviied guutls composed the company. The tablta aod the Mora were profusely decorated with cut flowera and potted plants, and hero ami there stood Ira meoat. specimens of the tiUfvctioner's art lo fanciful and appropriate d slgos. The menu was very choice, aod toe company waa a Jovial one, hardly needing the inspiration of the band, wnlch discuirod, oputsr music from an adj lining room. It was nearly eluveu o'clock before) feasting gave way to oral- ry. (Tbe 1'resldant of the Uuited Blatee," was the first toast, pr .preoU by Toas maa tar Garrhsm, the ex-prealdem of tr.e aaa 1 .tlon. To thla fjen. Black, tha Comiulasio,ar of Penioits,rspifitrHl n an eloquent strsln twenty urloute okg. He never onco mtiiittonr-d the aame of any particular Preaitlont.bui he painted a graphic picture, eaaily recognizable, f Lincoln as he re membered him away back in I860, when a a la wye., he need occasion ally to vliit the little frontier village In Eartr rn Illinois, which was Geo. Black's home. He painted Lincoln In hia rustic simplicity and his home spun suit as ui Instance that rel dents do not always spring from tne aristocracy, and then, enlarging upon the power and the greatness of the Presidential office and pronouncing the President of the U- lied 8tt the foremost roan in the world, he roused the company to enthusiastic applause. Yesterday the visitors were taken on a drive to Soldiers' Home.at noon they bad an interview with the rVet ident at the White House, in the afternoon they had a sail to Moot Vernon, In the evening they were taken to the theatres, and to-day they are having a round of the public building. The chief event of the reunion here of the Army of the Cumberland waa tbe unveiling of the Utue of Garfield, which took place to-day amid impos ing ceremonies. There was an im mense concourse of people at the un veiling, and the President and Mr.-. Cleveland occupied seeta on the Grand stand, while Mr. Keifer, who once figured here as Speaker of tho llou-tc you remember, and who for eom in scrutuble reason was chosen orator of the dsy, wa there to perform his part. Gen. Sheridan, the president of the society of the Army of the Cumberland, rodo In a carriage in the parade with Gens. Sherman, Buell and Rosecranz,trte three surviving of tbe five commanders who succeeded one another at the head of the Army fof the Cumberland. Among tbe huay preptratiene for the Drill is the pyroraro which will be exhibited each riightt ami which will represent the naval battle In Hampton roads between the Merri mac and the Monitor. Unlike a panorama, the war vessels in this case are real, are seen moving about and real guns are fired, depicting Ihe Bhock and fire ot battle vividly. The Illusion is such that the spectator seems to be standing on the shore of Hampton Roads. In the diatar.ee car. be seen Fortress Monroe and a num ber of vessels of the federal flaet anchored near by. The drama opens by the appearance of the Cumberland, which sails In under full sail and tacking around drops anchor. The Merrimac then appears and the work of destruction beglnsieuding with the battle between the Merriumu ami Monitor, and Ihe final horning of the Mtrrltnac. The fUruee leap lo Ihe rigging, ap. pareuUy, thus mlmlclog the awful spleodoi of the thrilling scenes In Ha mp t.ui Hoads. MMMMMMMMMMMMB THK OL0 TIMKK. The 01d.titner,M the "Forty-nioerl" What a fined ol reoolleotions enter my salad, both kindly sod amusing, as I dwell on the many vat bus specimens of this family thai I have met during my aojearninga in the West, There ate three distinct classes. The "oid-tieW who have nude a success in life, snd there are large numbers of these lib ereUbearted met., vboaf pillaraof the strength in the Territories. But it is lo the other two olssaes in which you find the fund of anecdote snd interesting charsctsriatio which mk the "old timer" the pilgrim's hero, it is those who have made and lot tin- ft? tune which were so eaaily g a ia tbe "palmy days,'' and th ate who have never made any gieat atalte, but always ' just miss ed it." The first of li.e last two o'aases a on i. who r-i.fTer.ti ail the htdHp of the Hip from Outal to C.iifoM,t.an.l, in ihe '60.,wim to Mane kail M intanr, undergoing altuo) MaWeehttas rxteti. enceat, ra:es I. on. th- Indiana, from statva'ioa sad from eo!-i , which pot into plain worJ in the tfey nf p laee co. che aero a ths C n inen;, raise sne pieioos tbtt tba itn oosti'on of ths nsr ratur ia gettiuj th heei of him. Hut tna ot myim tna. "trtito h t rangor than 80 ten' was never tr isr tbao ia j this oeae. Moat of tUt lost their fn- j teoee y reokleeso-, tbiaktng what j was made so eaaily coed be made again. . Tbe mumi -f tbaaa een, therefore, pos- , seas th are qtialitiss which redeem them : from the vulgsr poverty of their pros- j eat condition. Tbe Labite of year leave j hair trace, .od they will to day divide .beir last meal with a sUaager that oomes to thi cabin oor.and feel insu t- j el if ievm nt la offtrtd. But haw bit ' M. f-., 1- k. a-,. 1 - . the count ry settl n . up with large num here of raople from the "States'' to wbom hats bat e tramp, and ha Bud himself slowly wending bis way to tbe ( tariff laws ? Ktaphatit -lly it is. But lioorhouse. What a fall from leiog we are here toM th tt this inter-euta i a a . a. it. tna oonorvj goe at iae rougo uoaru 01 at tana asore fortunate partner, to oe 2.0 - -t . . I ) itited out aa an ohjaot af suap'eiou and a fit suhject for tba Oounty Crm- ni. inter's rartf. Wa who know treat, Mia si! tha more kindly, and to u he nuhiiidrus his seal. In ilm third-less are found the wit tv t mi y tellers tbe nren who apin the vams act taking to th v mthf.ii er. Thnicvrt. muy smr',lr4i.t) ra!! h, hrough one fatal lack in their morai and in-' ttS okiu, li vi never brn autihitig hut rtrSere, ii I having vat f 1 .il ot . .' ! tsif rui t l i'i auJ tti'.Ual . x , t'-nc tS draw UtOU, tod with a vivid iuxgina'io", can weaesl Net nJ fanes lato aHwlaw sbst tll hoi I ihe in iisnc-t of open m u h d "wudei'feet" aMUhoner. U.i ( tbty are going, sod very soon a gem inn "old-timer" will bea'thtngof lo- pear. They have fi'led a noble lilacs in tbe history of the United States ai d th" present generation owes much tithe few who risked all that the to ! y e u'd follow. PERSONAL. Viscount de Penaudiere,a j .urnal istic young Frtnchmto, Ulms to have pipers in hia possession in t a hand writ ingof N oleon III. showing that the mperor c u ton plated ma -ryiog the Prince Irapritl to mi Or leans prince, thus settling the French succession l't the asms way that Ihe En Irtish concluded the War of the Botes. Samuel Cousins, who died in Lon don on Monday, was on of the oldest and most favorably known of mezzo tint engravers Mr. C mains born in 180l,Mnd studied his art un der the teaching of Samuel Reynolds. In 18S8 lie was elected an associate ofiheitoysl Aeademy,and promoted to the full honors of the Academy in 1855. Some of Yale's professors are fairly well off.. Among those who pay taxes on more than $20,000 nro the follow ing : Simeon E. Baldwin, $74,970 ; ez-Presldent Theod re D. Woolsey, $01,895; President Timothy Dwight $54,880; Othniel 0. Marsh,$42,6Q0 ; Arthur M. Wheeler,$37,290; Joseph M. Hoppln, $86,020 ; ex-President Noah Porter, $80,130 ; George E Day. $28,401 ; William D. Whitney, f.27,850; James D. D-tna, $23,380 ; D tnlel C. EHton,$21,800 : George P. Fisher, $20,600. An tiriHccountsbla sfiaaru of virtue svcins to he swashing H around tlrn circle, and ill temperate fever is par ticularly Mtulent. It .roraifn to he the rvest summer knr.v in mtny years. mail 111 1 1 mil IJ. M S Our frtttii the in iHrit;i s'.AtH 1I11 there ia nothing like drink to promottrt reel fun. 1887. CAN NOT PNOKIt-lTANI). . ".S oiiM.hm n ifnliow ee u't.lct aau I ia why O eni taefi i.rad goxl. shouhl advance in isf I . rm t;t) Mint of the iu'er.attts aaam reee Uw,whtt tits ra v iott-M9: -tt woieh h oods ar made is pr i.luc I inih. m ihliorb ail where tanNMtfsjetMfWl, V snuh laelaim ed to Ire thefso. TneUa jw apparently made the eeose f r rhbert oa sli bauds, and the aodiinr it is repealed o amVsdad tbe better fat the oouaumer.M Wasco Hun It U nn"Mi isf Hnrp'iae to us that one as eat nearly aVwss 1 to tbe idea of protection as the 9m could have failed to perce ve why Oreg n maaafaeturedgoo 1 shou'd sdvotoe in p'ije ot ace tout of thaint-r Hale c '101114101 Uw.,io." The anwr t rhi. q km- . 1 1 1 in , tiesrh peeyf d.v. I fi the '.'a of dvanta icjjully xwur- l the few to the dirfad.ai.ttaga of tbe to iy in exaetly iIik ssme nrxi.ner that the lariff taws aft r l ho (vantage lo th-- faw at the 't'iif f liMum . I'm - f . 4Mli cf the .. ..( the intr-stat cotametee ! t'i alaueeiii frexgnt ee trans g9Atleeatal lin n wi.trh m4 it neoea. tiy 'oadt snc" th mim of ad menu fcliir'i t(Htli sltip-. ! ov,t ih'se lines, rbls analitril 'hn iuin.f mas ol gooia ! O tfon 1 1 in , , utc d hie g ssss viii Ht( i ,o"i i .h" p aaVSSjl bis OJmpetirio . m trde with similar ariioles shtpad from tbe East over these lines. B it the .9m telle us that tbe raw mat : ul coot no more now than befor th paaa(e of the law, and therefore our li-ou manufacturer sbould net il.,c lie u-ire ..f hit 0vL. stmp'y beou. h- hi the power to do so. Sirupi .,.!! , j ever tbe Sun knvw of a n nufectiite or any one else, for that metier, gtvio op any part of an incr. a -d ilotM gained through the . p , ,ti ,, of h. ? Do tnsntifactur are who bavs Urge adrsutagee afforded them through the operation of our tariff laws onsada an v of this ad van tags back to the cin,.Mr "f he article whieh they pr k.lnC, Ny ,iiy. u not this p one t n which incide-ntally sssnssai i . .... t .... IZ" L 7.. . T". ewiuujju ue o.io . n i (fin 1 1. 1 cr -state oommeroe law jj-r, 4 reasooahla and seoibie a ,hat sfforiei to our msr.a- fWoturer through ti . . ration of oar o)tnmerc law protects the Oreeon " " mtnnfacturer at the expense of tb Eastern manufacturer,!! citixeus alike. GranteJ. B ri bv w 1 even pro testing for nearly a hundred rears, un der our tariff laws, fw thuu-snd manufacturers at tha 1 x,-ne of .ll lions of cmatim-ii , til oriaeoa alike, ot one com 00a vmnry ? Coriaini':. I- It OOl lt. . . II 'I- I fc! 1 , uitU rnerce lea n odious Woauaa it rot-ciS one ci ixen at vh rxense ot anotbvr cnin. our ts.iff law are .tJao odio is beo Hi) they, 1 a iwlawh greater uen, jir i;t one ci'-s-u tb e pataan as nnhe. T Wn:ch h m of tha diiemtn wi ! ihe Sun choose t ffSSSSSSSSS.. . ' li O th- 121,600 000 tvieb ia of bet iniorted into Great Bitttin las vear tbree-6fth-,or 72.000.000 ou-.hels.oara a from tbe if u ire I S-.strs 20,000,000 bushels frjui Iddi-, 7,200,000 from B iwi, an equal quantity from Austria and Germasy together, 7,488,000 hush e: frotu Caned , 3. 144,000 bushels from Chili and 2,960,000 bushels from all other countries. With these figures as an iml-x tar the future thure doesn't seem to ha any ground to fear an im rne he'e falling off in Ihe English de mand foe Ammiceu wheat, nulaas the E iglij'i Govern n.mt sttaM c noliele to iu ost '.hit 1 no i.l in on Engliah rum ash 1 must go bnngry or he fill tl iih so nethtna lesidea wheat bread. Wm. A. irasell.sn intelligent colored man, an architect snd designer of mo saic atatned 'as, residing at Minnea polis, was arraigned in court Saturday cn a ch.trge of ci iniog a disturbance in the A-ria Hou-f. Mr. Hasell said tht he ba t bean curtui I t'rom every hotel in Sr. Paul on account of his Ojlor, ud whon told Friday night at tbe Astoria House th tt he ootid not have a room, he insisted the', oue should he given him, for which he whs hauled off to jail. rio candi'latM for the Supreme Court JuaticcRhi,), wh-o names - are being prouiiutvtly tliaotissed, iooluda Sr-cre-taritisba) ni, Lamar, End icotr, Attorney-G.-nrittl G-rrlaod, Sinntora Qib.-.on aud George, Genral Klinund V. Petti, of Ala'a 11 1 ; fx-G.vernor Uoadiey and J. Lia.iduljih Tuckr, At'empta weie mtdo to murder O'Biim, the Home Rul editor, at a meeting held by him at Hamilton, Cnad, last Monday. Eight hots were fired at. him by Orangeman. The drivel of the ctrrisge a wounded in the hlid. Sens icr McPherson of New Jcrsr-y is quile confident Cleveland will he re nominated and re-elected Presideut in 1888. He says Cleveland ia eonutantly growing in strength and will easily car- NO 44 I NEW SPRING GOODS. Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Ee At p.ices never before offered in Albany and N. H. ALLEN t GO,. a are the ones that are propose to sell goods tor CASH AND PRODUCE only, and will duplicate the prices given in any Spring Oatalouge in the State. We propose here after to talk to point, and Give You Prices upon application by mail or otherwise that will ASTONISH YOU. Mail orders solicited, and samples! sent upon ap plication. N. H. ALLEN & Co., 57 First Street Albany, TO WHOM It May Concern. Albaxy, Ob, March 9th, 18S7. Self preaervatl m la the first law cf nature. Among my old friend and customers who hive been trading with uie for the last ten years, and who still do the samn and profit thereby, some designing party with enmity In his soul Is circulating the report that because some onrelse re ceived the'sugar contract that was let last week by certain business man agers I am higher Qiu prices than others. Gentlemen, it was Impossi ble for me to get tbe above contract, aa I was not akel for a Hid, why, Is best known to ihemjelves. Byg?H ing and ascertaining my prices you can judge fur yourselves whether j ualice h)ia hell d,me tll yoU or uof, SF " and whether the prices of my goods are not as hw r lower than any other house. In case that I should be com pelled to give up my business on ac count of the above,! will be compelled to become an office ueker. Very respectfully your?, P. COHEN. Red CrownMills (S0M, LANNING & CO., PR0PB S. nsw pitocasa flour scpkrior von mnun ANT) BAKKR8 USR. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest :Price in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. O. K.WOLVHRTON, O, H , IRVIHB W0LVERT0N & IRVINE V ATTORNEYS AT LAW ice up stain in Foster's Block. ALBANY, OREGON T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT -AJSfD JLA STATE SIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADVERTISING rFDIUM I THK WILLAMETTE VALLEY, Mpeoiftl burtincH noiicr- In lasJ efi urnna 10 cenls rr line, ft cent a en h additional itinerllofi. For legal and trsnoifirt advrt!eu.enl M O0perKusre for ihe ftrat iiisfrileetot lnertlon,r PtiVmre fi,rtm4'h .lrsan-iri Kates for other sdrcrliseoienls mace known on application. making the offer. We The Hew Second Hand Store ia tbe place to tret tbe bast hargins in FURNITURE, STOVES, CROCKERY, TIN WARE, CLASS WARE, ETC, 1 Wrt buy f.r csh and, sell for eah 1 trade. All kiud of or Second Hand Furniture, Stoves, Tools, Carpets, etc., Wanted, It Is to yr.m interest to trade with us. M. FRANKLIN & CO. First Street, Albany, Or. THE BICUEST III JIRUI S BOOK f the Ijrrris SAM ANT HA AT SARATOGA by Ja.Uk Alloa' Wire. His Uolly iat a la-t stto'im ihl,! :hchirl f fttioii at Saratoga, atul takea off its MUt. flirLuicim. low nm-k araaif. puzdojr. su-., iu her inlii)iuhl niirtli -ir t feiny style. The book is irfuaelv illo.strate.1 by "M'Vr. th rewr-,l a-iit ..i TinU.- rt ill.c.! tiunx-narlv. Prioc.' URIaiMr ACtsTS Vf t.t V1 tlrA.L. RAWKOKT C iha. Sax rraneia ao, Cal Remarkable Offer. Ths Democrat 12.00 New Yuan World . 1.00 Fink History or the U. S. !.50 AjejtRTCAR Farmer 1.00 $5.50 And chenp st the price : but we offer the four for $3 2.", pviag rwiiiarkaW bsrgain. Drop the Amrrimti Ftirmrr snd ycu can have the three remainifttf fr Drop the Worl I nt WiCry ami y or. can haye the twoe'ber for $51. 2o. The history i a .TJ0 page book nicely boanri, an.l ia worth the egula price. 1, . II 1 . Ill u Administrator's Notice of final Settlement, Notice is hereby Riven that ths under tiitrnoi'. Alniiuittrator of the estate of S. T. Jones tlewa-eU.has fl'etl hia final account of his Adiniuiotmaioti of aid e tate in County Court of Linn county, Oregon, ana sM Court h fixed Montiav the (ah dy of June, 1887, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., qf sal;l dav for hearint tbe same. All persons interested .in saiii t state are reriuired to appear st ii time in said Court aud show oanse if any exists why said eetate should not be finally settled. Dated Albany, Or., May 2nd, 1887,. J. A. Jokes, Administrator nf ant stasia, HOLY ANGELS COtLECE. i Boariing School for Boys ! ! Ourduete 1 Vy secular priests and lay teeehers. First lerm 1 111 first Monday in Sep tember. SeiHi trm opene first Monday in Felvrnarv. V. r oroapectus d dress Rev. F. A. lWfi tr. Vancouver, W. T. Box 108. TpAINTS AND OILS ' Of all kinds, mixed rttadv for use. kal. iniin ami a'abastine