The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 13, 1887, Image 3

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Ik gcmortat.
Entered ftt the Poet Office at Albany, Or,
m second-class mail matter.
f RtD.VY MAY 13. 1887
Kitttara mm.I Pmartetar.
t (ho N.wiMH.r Advvr-
(PI A When paM stiietly in ad
tjbajlitJtJ vanee this will he the
nrioe of th Drmocrat : at the end of
the year, $2.50, and there will be no
deviation fro as lei rule.
Last week through a misunderstanding
the M. A. T. mentioned Mr. Chas Pierce as
the leader of the Mechanic's Band. Mr. R.
A. H oh man is leader, who, by the way, at a
cornet player, has few equals in Oregon.
Mr. Hohtnan has done excellent service for
this band and the M. A. T. would not in
tentionally say anything to take away the
credit due him. lie Is entitled to renewed
thanks for many courtesies. Mr Pierce is
leader only of the Boys Band.
A petition was circulated, and signed by
nearly every business man in Albany ask
ing tike repeal of the provision in the police
ordinance prohibiting the riding of bicycles
on the sidewalk anywhere in the city. The
M. A. T. believes the petition should be
granted. Bicycle riding is now just as much
a means of navigation as walking, does not
Injure the sidewalks in the least and does
not endanger life or property. The bicy
clists of Albany are responsible young men,
and are entitled to be treated as in other cities
of the site of Albany. In Salem It is al
lowed except on the main buslneas street, in
Portland It is allowed except on and beyond
Fourth street, and everywhere the bicycle is
only kept off the business streets, and in
many place not even there. Albany can
not afford to be one sided in this matter.
The fact that the city officers have been In
structed to Mwink" at the matter does not do
away with the right of the petitioners to
have some kind of action on the petition.
The new divorce law, permitting divorces
en the grounds of one vears desertion, 1
now in effect. It will be a fine thing for
lawyers ; but is a disgrace to our statute
books. Our divorce laws are becoming
shamefully loose.
It is becoming too common for people, on
slight provocation, to have their neighbors
arrested for offenses thev are never able to
prove. On their ex part proof a case
easily made out larfore a Justice of the Peace,
and all he can do is to issue a warrant. He
gives it to the Constable, and all he can do,
u to serve it, if he has to travel several hun
dred miles to do it, though only a six year
old rooster has been taken. The history in
Linn county has been that in only about
two cases out of ten a conviction follows,
that in eight cases putting the county to a
large and unnecessary expense. The fault
is generally not with the Justice or Con
stable, but with the neighbor, who under
the heat of spite or passion, makes wild
statements. In order to effect an arrest, and
which when the trial, or examination before
the Grand Jury comes off he cannot sub
stantiate .
And now these Salvationists. It has be
come catching for newspapers to run them
down, and for the crowd to follow suit. The
M. A. T. does not like their stvleof convert
at. Mr. avir aanLMi
ing sinners ; but the fact is thev make less ; road Companies ha c always kept their
disturbance than the crowd that persecutes. own counsel in such matters, so it is useless
There are no doubt harlots and bad men in to speculate. The fact that a great tran
some of their brigades, but, like other relig- continental line is about to cross this t en
ious organizations, some of them are Tn tral Willamette Valley is what should In
earnest, and they reach a class of sinners terest the readers of the Democ rat. All
not touched in any other way. If the pub- J praise to those who are doing the work.even
lie would try the experiment of treating if they do not suit a few disappointed edi
them respectfully there would be less oc- tors. The effect of the final completion of
casion to keep up the cry of disturbance. J this transcontinental line on this part of
Like the Chinese, though, we can art alone Oreson cannot be made a matter of too
without them, but while here they should
not be persecuted.
The M. A.T. has no objection to being call
ed My Aunt Tabytha that is a good name,
but he objects to being hauled into fields
not his own, and about which he is as poor
ly posted as even N. P.
Arrested 'for Libel.
William R. Boone, editor of the Oregon
Siftinfs, was arrested last week on charge
of Peter Riley for libel, brought to this city
and Friday held to await the action of the
grand jury in the sum of $500 bonds, which
were furnished. This is about the wav it
happened. A scurrilous item appeared in
the Sif tings from this city about a well
known citizen. The subject of the sketch
went to Portland and hauled Mr Boone over
the coals. In the next issue of his paper he
apologized and said the article written was
signed by one James 9r William Riley, and
as there was no such person here it proba
bly referred to Peter Riley, whom he at
tacked in strong language. When Mr.
Riley saw this he was very naturally great
ly incensed, as it is generally considered a
disgrace to be connected with such a cor
respondence as has been going on in the
SitimgM, and Mr. Riley is not that kind of a
man. Hence the warrant of arrest.
Closing Exercise.
Closing exercises of the Albany Public
'School, under the management of Prof.
Lonaway and assistants, wilt be held in the
double rooms, at the school house, on
Thursday and Friday afternoons of next
week, beginning at 1 :30 p. m. each day.
There will be room for about one hundred
and fifty visitors. A cordial invitation is
extended to the citizens of Albany general
y to be present at these exercises.
So Hie Ihingles.
Those who went to Mr. William Fort-
miller's Friday evening ascertained the fact
that a shingle social is a very fine thing.
This one particularly was. Numerous
games were played by an uncommonly
large number of young people, and a choice
lunch served on nicely naturally scented
shingles, which, by the way,are much more
convenient than plates, and are novel for
the purpose. Albany needs a scries of
shingle or other socials.
State Grange.
The Oregon State Grange meets at Salem
May 24th to and inclusive of May 27th
An open reception will be given in the
Senate Chamber of the Capitol on May 24th
when Governor Pennoyer will deliver, the
address of welcome, which will be respond
ed to by Mrs. H. E. Hays, and Mayei
Ramsey will do the welcoming for the citv
Deleg ties are expected present from Wash
ington territory, Idaho and Oregon.
Fine Bouquet.
That fine bouquet which you have seen
standing on our front counter this week
was presented to us by a litt'e Miss, oldest
daughter of J. I. Livingston, living a few
ml es east of the city. We thus publicly
return our neartiest tnanks to the young
lady tor tru compliment paid us.
C R Meeker has been appointed Super
ThU paper was the first one In the world
that announced that the O R St N linen
would be leased to the UPRRUo. It is
now reedy to make other startling revela
tlons In the near future. -Washington tn
defendent. WmA UJl8i i o N M
-N iv m i 'w.i m
o ajapeaj jq uuojii o tau w iAp jnQ
JjgjiL iH' I iff
til w ' niu tl A
l lis ltolfS
a i
mmdJtx paeiwoj'jouieto jo
xo mji u uiof jaaau suoots aqi y pj
jmwieu a st ii pueq j aeop tuauiaAoui
Hujsop a'ij aqi Suh1Sv joj oui q
A large amount of fruit tree appear to
be so heavily laden that It may be necessary
to knock oft some of the fruit so that the
balance may properly mature. Jacksonville
7w.t. Ah I
fuiuatoa Uuaasil.
Present all officers and members.
The cow ordina nee was brought up, and
after being slightly amended so that one
owner can keep any number of bovlnes but
shad be allowed to have only two running
at large at a time between 6 a. m. and 9 p. m.
was passsed ; as was also the Chinese nui
sance ordinance.
The contract for building a bridge across
the Pitch at Water and Thurston streets
let to I. Haves and lohn Cleland at $8,
thev being the lowest bidders.
An ordinance providing for the regula
tion of the sale of liquors was Introduced
and referred.
The Recorder was directed to obtain est!
mates for the construction of sewers on
Railroad and Thurston struts from the
riqpr to Second and Sixth streets.
A petition from Albany Engine Co.
No 1, asking lor a steam fire engine was
referred to the committee on fire and water.
A Speeial Mertlnz
Friday evening the Common Council
held a special meeting. Councilman Grad
wohl in the chair.
The two ordinances before introduced
regulating nuisances and cows were read
twice and referred.
A petition signed by one hundred and
thirteen voters of the city asking that por
tion of the police ordinance forbidding the
riding of bicycles and tricycles on any side
walk in the city was read and laid on the
table. The city police, though were inform-
ally instructed to make no arrests except on
McGregor & Armstrong were granted a
brewers license and their bond duly approv
ed. 1
The Chicago and Northwestern R. R. is
slowly but surely approaching Boise City
from the east. The Willamette Valley and
Coast Railroad U slowly but surely ap
proaching Boise City from the west. When
they reach there they will form a line from
the Atlantic to the Pacific, the shortest line
in existence from Ocean to Ocean. Nw
who is doine all this I really immaterial
It is being done. The AV points directly to
it It is as plain as A- B. C. Where the
money comes from makes little difference.
Rcall'v it is no ones business. Both Rail-
' much importance. As far as Albany is
concerned, it means that It will become the
central distributing point for the trade tn
the Valley and along the line in Eastern
Ore eon ; and this is net a wild claim.
There is more daneer of the people of this
city not doing enough than in their becom
ing too enthusiastic over the matter.
Attention Coasroaos.
Head Quarters McPherson Post No )
5, Dep't of Oregon, O. A. R.
Albany, May lOth, 1887.
The 30th of May having been appointed
and designated as a day for strewing with
flowers or otherwise decorating the graves
of our comrades who have been "Mustered
out," and whose bodies now rest in the
silent city of the dead, and the day being
recognized by custom as a national holiday.
We would therefore repectfullv invite all
ministers of the Gospel, Churches, Mayor
and Chy Council, civil societies fire com
panies and al: other persons, especially tne
teachers and children of the Sabbath and
public schools, to unite with us in a proper
observance of the day.
and. Societies, schools and other organ
izations wishing to join with us, will please
meet at their respective places of meeting
and march thence to the corner of First and
Ferry streets where they will be assigned
their nlace in the procession, which will
form at i0 o'clock to march to the cemetery
Societies and schools intending to take
part in the exercises will please give notice
so that they can be given position in the
procession. By order.
B. r . Tabler, W. 3. K.EBCK,
Adjt. P.C.
Largest stock in Albany at A. B. Mc
IlwainV and the lowest prices. Here are
some of the figures, which tell their own
story :
Three 12 oz plugs, $1.
Three 16 oz plugs, Knights Pelight, $1
Four u oz plugs, The Hero, $1.
And a large stock of other brands at ex
trcmely low prices.
New Hoe of hosiery at Moll wain's
for 5
cents per pair a p. rina stock.
Death of Mis. Stewarteon.
Mrs. Sarah Stewartson, mother of Mr
R. Stewartson, of this city, died at the
home of her son, last Monday at the age of
sixty-five years. Mrs. Stewartson has been
ill for several years. She was born
Massachusetts, and came to this city with
her son in 1884. Funeral services took
place on Tuesday afternoon.
Large tock of ladies tine shoes just receiv
ed direct from tin- Eastern facto y at Mc
liwain's, ranging in price from 81 25 Up for
kid button shoes.
We Need It.
One of the crying needs of the times is a
regular messenger on the Eugene express to
take charge of mails from one local point
to another. Under the present arrange
ment we receive the Daily Statesman about
seven hours after the Oregonian and other
Portland dailies arrive, though the former
has but half the distance to come that the
latter does.
For Beat.
A piano in good condition. Appli
3-3 ? 7 7 3
i il ii ii w maw aw rr m w
(J. J. Whltnsy Jims ; Kitooh Miliar, Alex lirsnuuu
In addition to the proceedings of the
County Court given in our last Issue up to
the time of going to press were the follow
ing : m
Matters or fees In Mute against Delia
Lord, mate agt Arthur Davls,and State agt
James Keeney and son, continued.
The petition for the bridge across the
North Santlam at .Vlchama was not grunted.
J VY Grlmea,of I tarrisburg, was appointed
stock Inspector for the ensuing year.
Thos Rome, a pauper, was ordered placed
in the charge of C L Morris.
Mr Peter Hume was ordered notified that
the allowance for keeping Clark, a pauper,
would be reduced $5 a month.
The following fees of witnesses before the
U S Court were allowed J II Robb.f ji.40;
N Crabtree, $19.00 1 A Wheeler, $30.80 ; A
L Cannon, $ ; J VV McGee, $J5.8o ;
K Turner, $18.00 ; w R
Bishop, $i.(M ; J
I Schooling, $3.00 j J E Knox, $17.30 ; J
L Johnson, $18.00 5 N 0 Doxier, $36.00
I K Hammack,$ao,co ; Phil Smith. js. .so
The following additional bills weie al
lowed :
D S Smith, fees $47.63
P Galbraith, fees 151.85
I Porris , 38 00
B Kltxwater.keeplng pauper 8.00
P Galbraith, postage 3.50
ohn Marshal, keeping pauper b oo
I R Humphrey, lumlwr I7.JO
Mrs Porter, keeping poor 5.70
Fees of County Court officers were allow-
Following were the recorded sales
Linn county during the pat week :
A llackleman to lane E Carter, lots
5 and 6, block 11, U s and A
$ 600
A llackleman to A J Carothers.bkxk
4O H's and A . Albany
Aaron Baltimore to Ash'by Pearce,
S W block 64 ..
Moses Millet to Ann M Hays, N E
X block 33. H's and A.. Albany
Wllhelm Werth to Ueogre Buhl,
159x36 feet in Lebanon and ten
acres in tp 13, 8 R 3 W 33oo
H Bryant to E J Lannlng, 66x1 lO
feet in block m IPs A Albanv
Cyrus Weatlake to Ashbv Pearce, E
K block 45 and N E block 44
H's and A . Albany
Mary Ann R Savage to John B Cor
nett.ii0.80 acres in tp 13 S R 3 w
John II Simpson to, Ashby Pearce,
lots 5 and S, block 53, Albany . . .
Fire Oepartaarat Matter.
The new Board of Fire Delegates met at
the liail of I. inn Engine Co. Iso. 3 on
Monday evening and elected the following
officers :
Leon Power, President
U. C. Hale, Secretary.
C. E. Brownell, Treasurer.
At a meeting of Rescue Hook St Ladder
Co. held Kridav evenine. W R Btain and
Richard Fox apt lied for exempt certificate
Of the charter member of the Co. lhec
are the only two to remain in the Company
the required seven years.
No preparation whatever is being made
to attend the tournament at Vancouver by
any of the Albany Companies.
No. i s have postponed their proposed
picnic lor the present.
In the matter of water Albany is now
well prepared for any kind of a fire. The
cisterns, ditches and depressions generally
are full
Jest reeaired at Me II wain's n
ginghams, q acd 12 yards fcr$l.
All by iftasself.
A Marion county fanner said the cost cf
raising 3800 biuhets of wheat, beside the
threshing, was only about $50, and re
marked that "It is quite a secret to know
how to do all the work attached to the pro
duction of such a crop as this all your own
self " Another farmer answering this soMl
"He should however, have told the rest of
it and said that he made his own wagons
and harness and harrows and plows and nls
New .Monitor Unll' and his McCormick
Binder on his farm all bv himself (also the
twine) and consequently no part of his $50
had to go towards paying for those imple
ments. He should have also added that his
horses were made of cast iron (all by him
self) and never got out of repair, and that it
cost nothing to keep them. In short that he
is strictly a "home producer" imports noth
ing- exports everything for cash."
rid is a continuation of an item in last
weeks D smock at headed "farming."
A Diagraeefal Affair.
A sensational story wa started Tuesday
about eleyeo Albany yong men, who
came soar getting themselves into a very lad
scrape ; but aenaatioua) atones are aometi.m a
uncertain, hetioe are bxrdly ratten a! for
newspaper iterneao reliable papers. This one
though is proliably true and was a very dis
grioafu! affair. Th blankets and atraw bed,
n the aack home at the Parmrr warehouse.
the sendioif for a doctor at midnight, th
threat to commit auieide if one ..f the u-r
died, the aeve i empty whiskey bottle, the
elaroing of the owoership of the blatikeu
after they had been seut to be advertised,
etc., all atieak of tfuilt. and vet th case is
not in a taagibia form. If arteata ware to
follow a shsmefal practice might be broken
np that is iliagraciug our city.
The Crops.
Reports from various parts of the county
indicate that fall wheat on the higher lands
Is turning somewhat yellow ; while in low
er places it is looking uncommonly fine.
The present weather, though is bound to
bnng n out in good shape. In the county
ae a whole the crop may be set down as an
encouraging one. Spring wheat has only
been sown on the higher lands and Is look
ing well. Though late considerable oats
and some Spring wheat will be sown yet,
with promise of results. We are told of
Spring wheat sown as late as the 25th that
yielded well. The fanners of Linn county
have no reason to look downcast.
We Congratulate Her.
To-day Is the 85th birthday of Mrs. John
Smith, of this city. Her husband Is 87 and
they have been married about 63 years.
We all have birthdays and most of us get
married, but the cases where the united
ages of a couple reach 172 after such a- long
marriage are rarer, if possible, than angels
will find our stock of carpets,
matting and window blinds full and
tive, all that is new in patterns and
can be found in our assortment, to see is to
believe. .
Our Spring stuck of dress goods, fancy
goods, boots and shoes, to , haye arrived
and we are now showing the most complete
and attractive stock ot goods ever brought to
Albany. A visit to our storo will convince
all that we are in the lead.
Received this week direct from manufac
tures in Chicago, tailor made ulaters and
fancy jackets, plain black jersey jackets,
black jerseys, etc.
Samuel E. Yopno
For Bale.
A good organ,
good shingle mill.
Call at Dr Kelly's.
Call on J. H. Maine.
Among the entries for the Oregon State
An old settler at Lafayette predicts a long
wet season, In fact a repetition of iK$K. when
It rained until July 17. and crops and fruit,
though late, were good.
It will cast $a.o to ride In the sleeper on
the O St C iram Portland to Ashland. To
Albany the price Is 50 cents.
State Printer Frank tJ Baker spent Hntsu
and Sabbath In this citv with relatives and
New York City has a Mayor with a back
hone. His name is Ahram S Hewitt.
A genuine volcano has developed in So-
nora countv, Mexico.
fohnnv Stokes, aired It. of Fast Portland.
was leading a cay use pony, with the rope
around his body, when the animal ran away
drugging the boy several hundred yards,
causing his death.his neck being broken and
lis skull crushed.
Frothingham, the Adams express man,
arrested for robbing the company of $50,-
000, has sued the company and l'lnkcrton
for $100,000 damages. .
Ben Stinng.a well known cltlxcn of Salem,
while at Astoria last Saturday, fell from a
building and was Instantly klUed.
Three younir men. one of whom was
Rank Kdgar, of Turner, arrived in the val-
ev last week from Prinevllie.havlng walked
over the mountains. They reported a very
rough trip.
Iat week Wm Cochrane and wife, who
have been at Ban Jose, Cel., passed through
Alhany on their wav home.cotnlng by way
of Vaqulna Bay.
Miss Brown, of Oakland, Cel., worth $40,-
ooo. wanted to be a w she hunted for
dvine man. She trained one in a nrinler
named Me Kee, who has a brother In Ore
gon. 1 hey were married ; out the man
Instead of dying got well,much to the bride's
chagrin, who only wanted a dead husband.
Now she is In trouble. Pr Pe Kuv, who at
tended the case, is said to have had a hand
In securing the match. He has moved to
Lafceview in this State. The case is a ro
mantic one.
969 votes were polled In the recent elec
tion at Tacoma, indicating a population of
about 5.OOO.
Helena, Mwn., has a population of t una
according to a directory census jut taken.
Al Boenekl. of this now a newsboy
on one of the Eugene trains. He is cut out
somewhat for a conductor, and bo doubt
will get there in time should he continue In
the bukineaa.
Milton is a prohibition town.
Joaquin Miller has been in Eugene on
visit, and lias been doing some literary work
from that city. Joaquin Is now making
Oakland his home.
A war of words is now going on between
the rival papers In Jacksonville, Corvallis,
tacoma, fortland and fomcroy.
About twenty pasacngcra a day each way
Is the average travel to and front Mcdford
If thU rain keep on each sulk of wheat
In the country will be a California redwood
The rate on wool from Portland to New
York will be $150 ; on salmon $1. These
rales are generally considered reasonable,
and will hold good until July 7th.
Some strawberries have been received In
Portland from Roacburg.
r irt clas fare on the O. P. boats is now
$14. from Yaqnina City to San Francisco,
second class $9.
All over the Northwest contribution are
being sent to the Nanaimo sufferers.
During the essionof the Lutheran Evan
gclical hynod at Boonevllle, Hi., Philip
lfeig. a wealthy citizen of Mount Auburn,
. a m as
wno was prmcni M delegate, fell, as was
supposed, dead from apoplexy. The re
mains were hurriedly prepared for burial
and shipped to the home of the deceased
The baggageman who had handled the cof
at I a i a a
nn retateu mat nc nau heard the dead man
kick against the box three or four times and
that It did not handle like a dead weight
Word was sent to the chief of police at On
cinnati and information had been telegraph
ed that on the coffin being opened the man
was lying on hU face, hi shroud was torn
to shred and there were other indications to
.I.,.v, ,1, .1 I... I. .1 . IU l 1
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: 1 . , marneo 10 a nmeou.
trance nfdlum, and the parents have offer-
ed htm $i 0,000 to releaae her.
Two pri-oncrs being taken Is the new
penitentiary at Walla Walla on Tuesday
attempted to escape while the cars were at
Blalock. One was shot aod the other es
caped. Two Chicago barbed wire firms have just
failed. Cause, over production and Inter
state Commerce law.
A Chinese K. of L. ia a feature ml New
York City. It numbers nearly 600.
i here i talk in England of the whole
sale arrest of the Irish parliamentary party,
numbering about seventy. '
Two of Sloo and Smn for the heat
drilled Military Companies have been of
fered by the State Agricultral Association,
to be competed for at the coming Mate fair.
Before Bayiag.
He has just received a larse stock of
clothing, en which he has placed greatly
reduced prices, that will open your eyes.
Suits heretofore selling for $20 he now sells
for iS. $18 eults have been reduced to
io ; $16 suits to fia ; $14 suits to $12.
His stock Is large and varied, ranging in
price per suit from $4.0 up. Customers
cannot fail to be suited. Call and see for
IC m. I 18 yar.U I ten, new patterns, st Me
fcr 91.
Berne fine Item.
H. L. Thompson formerly of this vicinity
but now of Centerville spent last Sunday
visiting old friends near here.
James Nolan went to Portland Saturday,
he expects to go to Umatilla some time this
week. John V, Henry of this neighbor
hood and David Lytle, of Coburg will ac
company him on his surveying expedition.
The statement that Henry Coleman had
started to Eastern Oregon over the Mc
Kenzie route was erroneous, as he went by
way of Portland and The Dalles.
Frank Arnsplger spent last Friday in
the city of Brownsville.
Strawberries are ripening in spite of cold
and rain.
Dr. Fleming a nephew of Mrs. M. A. E.
Smith is visiting her at present.
Two families named Nelson arrived in
this neighborhood from Iowa the first of
last week, one Mrs. Nelson is a daughter
of Mrs. Clayter.
O. P. Coshow of Brownsville was up
looking after his fences the first of last
Correspondent Corrected.
Scio, May and, 1887.
I noticed a communication stating that
there had been a meeting of the Amend
ment League and about two hundred voters
present and only four spoke in favor of the
amendment, which I wUh to correct. There
were 12 or 15 spoke in favor of the amend
ment They took a vote which all voted
for, except two. We are of the opinion that
the Forks of the Santlam will go for the
amendment. Now is the time for the tem
perance men to shake off this evil.
A Democrat.
The Albany Dairy Co., Mr. Cone manager,
has made arrangements with Mr. M. T.
Whitney by which they oaa supply first
class milk iu any quantities- for 5-eent a
quart. Leave orders with Mr Cone.
Letter List.
Following: is the list of letter remaining in the Poet
Office, Albany, Una eouaty, Oregon, May 12th, US 7.
Person calling- for theu letters must give ta date on
which they were adyertwed ;
Cunningham, James 2 Windham, W i
. u:u
V M FresMh, )weir,
Fine millinery at Bbaae k Lonaway 's.
The bast harass at K I. Thomptofi't.
Ca I and sjttl 1 your lumber bill. Kli
Pay your citv and sohool taxes.
They are
Kwurt, praetiosl wa'ohmiknr and j
atreets nwd itnproyiug in tome quar
Oysters served la all stylos at Hofftnau A
J. P. Wallace. Physician and Huraeori, Al
bany, Or.
Ti 1 m tned hu' at K. and Ok Howard's fur
It totIO
T Ldasrier is now tiavelina saei.t fur the
Portland New.
Oidsr the Ifarma iisker al lhiu through
Shane A Loasway.
A demand for stock f.uns in tin Vail, y
is ltng worked op.
The State W C T U met at Tne Da hs
neat weak, May ItHK
For Hue drea itaoU of the latest atvlei uo
to Shane St Lenawav's.
The baioineter has been doing it beat to
eeare some good weather
An Aatorta mill shioi luin tr to U. over at
the rate of a ear load a day.
J II Tnwiit!ud. aoecial nn-ul for th Hi tie
loeuraaoe Ou. el Batetn, Oregon.
Hit ahavsa fur a dollar and a oUau towel to
every ouotomer, at L. Vieriok'e.
7 OJts cures rbeamatism, neuralgia and
toothache. Foabay 4 Mason. Agents.
Kxautiua Wood 111 'a Esteneioa tallies. To
ere -well ga and see the 11 for yourself.
For Sale A new milk aw Cat! 011 W...
Peaeook, near Albany in Benton county.
The District IxMiue 1 O i T will met at
Knox Butte on Friday, Jane 3rd, 18B7.
Th Baptist Church at Browusvilie. has a
ne bell, weighing fear hundred pound.
Thu (Friday) evening Hv T J Wda .0.
will 1 wture at Browuaville on "Piobibitioo."
Everything tint is ehsap, lie so i dosir-
abla at botto ji pnoea at E. and C. Howard's.
F M Kreuoh, agon; Singer Manufacturing
Co.,opp tatte Odd Feileare Temple, Albany, Or.
Fiuo widiiuory at Hhw.e St Ixms way 4 un
der the management of the expert Mia Bur-
loam for Sde -A a pan of tatf work Pottartioelar eall at Deyoe A It )
ThowJi o June will be a lagsl holiday.
Will Albany people celebrate the Lsbor
All stylos of boots and a noes aod a large
stock of groceries u what we carry. Head Si
Dr. M U. Ellis, pbystetan aod
Ad any, Oregon. Ceils made in
city or
Too chairs ate kept running at Vterick's
bwber ebon, The plaue get a shave or
hair cut.
Mr Joliot Joaaph has opened a clear and
tobacco atore in the block lately Occupied by
Mr Oradwobl.
We take the own, the ca toners take the
bargains, and the bar gat as take ib cake.
lUad A Broeruell.
The Salvation Army h ta cepturod oae
prujoeor in this city, Mr Daniel Wcbeur,
the job wgon man.
If yoa want value roeetff ed for year saooey
key year haroeae aod other goo la utht
line at J DabraiUe'a v
MrOaorfe L Block mau. recently from the
Eaat. has accepted a poaitioa to the drug
store of E W Laogdoo.
Fahraoy's Celebrated Blood C.eattr lw
sale at Deyoe it tiobWe aod Ue4 Si liroau
ell's, P J Baltimore, agrot.
Every cuetoeBer will be a walkio edver
tin.eut lor oar bargains when (hey sea our
prtoea. Used Si Brwwueii.
Whatever alee happen we can depend 00
a largo bay crop the oommg eesaoo, and lar
bay trope are needed here
Hoy J W Marru. of Salem, prvach- d ia
the Congregational Church iu thw city lt
t ..if Aft. I UlVMl.lll .
I Mr VVI..I-. .l.l...l.t .'... . L. It . L.
' "" w..e.Wi1w ur V' lAll
Warraated to cure csuheaud cld..
a. ...
j rroium,hM reniii AeMaad ia hie
gra. d aieb agaiuat bampa. W hat has Aab
Td done to dsre such au -Aoteeo,
J . . , . .
a nia oiurpuioo ur ojiiuiu noa
nave to take out alicoaso, which cn be oh
tatued of toe Couoty Cork leg oua dollar.
The McMinuvill ItrporUr ia original.
V. r two 01 throe hlank atjscea it bai the
wotde "To Les." Advertisers e.toeld ea'ch
Wood working maottiuery, ahaftio u pul
1. . 4 1. . . . . . .
uoa. ueiwag ana etc.. at nail prto. 1 , pir
1 1. U nrttili, loot ol Uyou Street, Albajy,
Mrs. Nellie, wife of Henry Baekenot .
formerly of .... city, died at Eugene City on
leal Wiuay. after an illnes. of several
"Well, what are ywi doing sow," aid one
man to another, ou First street Mouda,
"Oh, nothiog, I am a laboriog man," we the
Patraniae home Industrie, if you put your
self out to do it. Buy of home merchant,
hoi Id op yoorowa eity. Stand by Albany
ami all ner institutions,
Dr J W Watts lectured at the Court House
Wednesday evening on tSe pe.ding prohii
itory amendment to a fair house. The lev
tun aa a a'irring oue.
ftrtnk A V right, the tie 0 mtrac or have
delivered to the O Pr II 70.000 ti ior the
track e ood this euy, sufficient to l-udd the
road about thirtv-'lve nn ta.
tM. . tj a a a ja . ... .
1 mm noo ia aee 01 s pieoes wnion naa
adorned the show window of Wsilaoe V
Thompson for m time was drawn We 1
nesdey by Mr J P Oslbraitb.
Bhoald you deure to aell ynur pro;i-itv
call 00 Burkl art St. Keeucy as they advrtw
property placd iu then hau l, and charge
nothiug unless tmy ettoct a sale.
Mr VV H WHUrd, recently of Oak land has
eutereu tee lurniimc business m thu city in
p.rtterhip with Mr A B Woodie, hose
business has been rapidly increasing,
S nd your ium to or &-I1 on Read St
Brownell and get mine O thtdr Prise Pu mp
kin seeds free. They have o Tared cash
psizo for pumpkins isiae I from same.
As a family medicine, the Oregon Blood
Porifer has no equal. It has proved itself a
certain ami etnoacious remedy for all dis
eases caused by an impure state of tba blood.
Last Monday Henry Conner received a 52-
inch Expert Columbia bicycle which he or
dered through the agent here, J P Hail. It
is a beauty aod oue of the finest in the city.
Subscribe fjr the Helping Hand, a matri-
mutual paper, containing advertisements
from both ladies and gsntlemen wanting
correspondent. Subscription price, SO cents
s year. Address, Helptnj Hand, a. 1 ban y, Or.
The round house of the 0 P has been lo
cated ou the Company s lots, just south of
the city. Ten stalls will be built the comics
summer. The management of the road states
that work will be pushed eastward as fast as
A second -class rate on the 0 ifC between
Portland and San Francisco has been estab
lished and placed at $20, This will be a great
accommodation to many who are willing to
sltcp promiscuou'y for oue night in ordur to
save $11.
List week U C Hail. C E Brownell and
W E Gillet were elected delegates to the
Board of Fire Delegates from Linn Engine
Co. No. 2, and Leon Power, H H Hewitt
and W R Blain from Rescue Hook St Ladder
Co. No. 1.
Last Saturday Wcbiter's job wagon -team
ran away, overturning oue of Parker's do
livery wagons, causing the breaking of a
spring and some oonfusion, but fortunately
no loss of life.
The Democrat once in a while, as well as
'the Sifting, makes a typographical error.
Last woek the word "distinguished1' was
need instead of "extinguished," and Charles
i Pierce for R A Hohman.
Mr Mark Huibert, of this county, oue of
the most enterprising cattle men here, a few
days ago invested about $1000 in Durham
cauls, purchasing several fane bead of Davis
fl Forbes, ot Benton county.
We understand the subscription list to the
and have the great merit of b dug gotten up
In a pointed readable manner.
Rev 0 B Whitmore, of Astoria, lectured
on Thursday evening of last week, at th
Court House, on "That Dog Ram." His f
fort ia pionouncsd one of the beet ever ! -liveted
in Albtny on tin subject, aod made
a (.: od impression on those who beard i.
Tha first of the w iek Percy Kelley receiv
ed a flue piea? of mechanism in the shapt of
a Columbia Magnetic Cyclometer to lie used
on his biayclefor rewriting the dietaoee trav
elled, Percy says ho aspects to have it re
cord to about 200J miles before the year is
During the lat year or t w . , 0 000 of
the Snitch mortgages have been paid olf iu
Lion county. Some of this has been doue by
farmers selling pirt of their farms. Every
farmer who has sufficient laud, anything
over 100 acres and a mortgage, shmild do the
A fearful miue explosion occurred at Na
naimo, Ii. C, on Tbursdty of last week.
Over ono hundred whit men and a large
number of Chinamen were killed. Forty
seven widows with about one hundred and
twenty childreu ant left without protectors.
The case i onejof the most horrible in turn
ing exporisuce,
Mr James Sbeltou, of the "Forks," was in
the city Monday, with ninety fine hams,
which, under an arrangement with Col Hogg
and Messrs Blair and Pyue, of the C A N VV
R It made last summer, he ebipped to those
aeptlemru to the East. He will receive $210
for the ham, which is at the rate of eighteen
cents a pound.
Agaa well has been discovered at Munoie,
tod., which completely overreaches any
other. This is at the former boms ef Mrs L
A MoCrttneli, of this city, and is the place
towards which her brothar and son are going.
At the time of leaving Albany, tboagb, thy
bad no idea of the brilliant reception that
will await them.
The Oregon RtigUUp, of Laf tyetU baa dis
covered an unused mine of wealth near that
place. It ia the Yarned I river. By tha way,
the Santlam ditch, weeding its way through
this city, is a mine of wealth, used only to a
mall extent. like the Yanhill liver, it
hould be utilised.
Preparations are being made to make the
rendition of the play "Niagara." to be pre
sented in this eity ia a few weeks, the finest
amateur effert iu the history of the eity. Mr
Arch Mouteith is painting a huge amount of
y specialty fot this play, which will be
ted Thursday eveniog, AprU 25.
A sew feature iu Read A Browueli'a shoe
department is a Urge display of glass slip
pers, boot, bate, aa vila, etc., ia different
colors. They ate attracting considerable at
teuton. Every perchesir ef a pair of lady's
hues oostiug from $3 to $5 gets one of the
arttelwe, which snakes a hue or tamest, ae a
memento of the purchase.
The services nut Sunday morning aod
evening, both in this city and Tangent, at
. L. U 1 . . . tarn . -
tueai.o, v nurcfi ooo in, win be oevoted
exclusively to tbe children . Bssidss other
appropriate exercise, tbe pester will ad
dress the children here, aod Mr. J. B. Mc
Fariand a ill perform tbe same aery ice at
A petition ia being circulate 1 aakins tha
Board of Trade of Portland to uae its infle-
uce to tecum an eatenoou of tha tuna tar
which Sec 4 of tbe Interstate C unmeroe law
was suspended, in order to ulve time to ehin
all tne w. d crop of Oreou. Owinr t , thu
let, bad weather the thnnnuj wiil be inaoh
Bob Iegersolsaid that the only invest
meat 00 earth which would pay a man 10 .
is tne mttrnnooial investment, the ladies
Had the same to be tt ue by in veUag fhoir
money in milliner tfooda at E. aad C forw
ard. Call, those wh have aot already
done ao ami save onr 10 ou tbe dollar.
Mr. M,f. S.-t, aha was in the cut
Wednesday informed us that he ha a Da..
ham ea'f, twvutyone mouths of age. weigh
ing lOtt pounds, which takes tbe beef. Sev
er si of Mr Scott's neighbors are investing ia
tm ur.eo oi catue. eoout ten bead of blood
ed Durham bate been purchased recently.
e w -
We ware highly amused at uverhearinir the
fulloaini; colloquy beta ecu two little girl.
l-laymates, who bad been separated a few
lays ou account of the iline of oueuf ibass
named Clara. Her fn-ud Besaie remarked to
her : "I am so glad to see von out aaaia I
feared we should never play together again."
" ara I was very sick . roa waa
to have a doctor, but mamma a. id she would
try Dr. Frese'e Ifaiulmrtf 1'aa t aad aa snau
aa 1 began to lake it I began to get better
1 am Ktd alio gay it to me. for I think it ia
much nicer to take than tbe hornd mediciues
th- djetor always give s),, Bessie "Well,
.! tbat uaci, I will ask kit mamma to iret
nine and haye it in the house. I don't like
doctor stuff, tuber.
The enrteut nuoaberof Thf fftst SAore con
tame many beautiful eu2raVing of aoeucrv
Ot Or -go-,. Waahlllltou. Idehn Montn., !..)
nntuh UolamOla. Among the loailinc arti-
dee, ara "Myth of tbe Columbia River Iu
duna,' "HvdrauUc and Plaoer Mui ".nl
Klekkeu" an essav on the ahell
mouuoa 01 roe Northwest coast. "Mary
V in or jsco' 1 K-ibcrt H-inu. is the
tnrou!1 "tUod.
erotia hi.e c.-rn ;
title of another of tho.e inter tin,' r onb'ea
It I ilia-Irate l with atom
engravinge. I hu popular a-esUrn
magaaoie ha 00 rival in Its apacial work of
placing before the people the scenery and
literatuio ol the VYct. end making the
world aconaiuttxl with its woodarful re
aouiooaand progr ess. Published oy LSarouel
t 01 iiano, uregoo, at f2-50 ir year.
!... 1- ...
n.r.ti.iuaKvi are gn.iera V lo-ikel uuoa
ith dtatrust. but acoiirdiug to tbe feliowioK
the rtccnt new Mexuw earthquakes were
blessings in digutse. "AnoUer violent earth
quake ia reported in the San Joae mountain
lorty miles south of Port liuachaes. Souora.
and (i-neral Forsyth ha sent another ex
pioraiiou party to investigate, and report
are expected momentarily . The party just
r. lurneo irom Hants Uataliua mountains re
Ktts canyons full of water, brought to the
..ii i.e. oy tne eartbouake. 1 his is a areat
morn for this region, as there are thousands
if acres of good farming land at the base of
the m uotaioi An ther good effect of the
earthqnak is tho opening of two larg gold
vcn, were o.souverea in tni oauta
(Jataliu miuntaius, at a punt wher tho
a hole side of the mountain had slid down.
Several proapeotang parties left to-day to
locate water aud mining claims."
Mr. Tho. Morgan left Wednesday for
S tatilo, where h i brathsr William resides.
Miss Tony Miller has jnt returned from a
visit of seversl weeks in Spokane Falls, W.
Dr. IL inland family have moved to Leb
anon, where the D:ctor will practice his pro
fession .
Miss Ida Brush returned on last Friday
evening fr m a visit of several months in
Mr. Sott Ward, of Plaiuvlcw lfta few
days ago on a trip to Lone Bock, aud will be
gone about two weeks.
E B Kendall, of Shedd passed through AL
bauy tbo first of the week on his wsy to
Pendleton where he wiil reside hereafter.
Miss Mullie Woods and Miss Ada Wallace
returned to Albany by way of Yaqnina Bay,
last Monday, each after a visit of several
weeks with a sister.
Mrs Rev TG Brownson, of this city, is on
a visit to relatives and friend in tho East,
where she will remain a few months.
Dr E L Irvine spent Sabbath iu this city.
and is now at Salem, where he has assumed
the responsibilities of his position as second
assistant physician.
Prof Jos Emery, agent at Klamath, waa iu
the city one day last we di, on his way to
Coryallis. According to the Oautte Prof.
Emery condemns the action of the directors
of the Agricultural College,
Summer Boarder.
A family of four parsons, two of them
rhildren-a boy aged seven, and a girl of
ten years, were spending the summer in
the country, quite a long distance from
any town. The little boy, the pride of his
parents, was taken suddenly and alarm
ingly ill. The motber was nearly frantic
with grief, as all the simple remedies at
hand seemed to have no effect. A neigh
bor, who had boon sent for in great haste,
took with ber a package of Frese's Ham
burg Tea As soon as It could be pre
pared, a portion was administered and
soon a change wasappareu: for the better.
In a few honrs be was entirely restored.
sident Cleveland is a base ball adinir
Do You Want bargains.
A. B.. Mcll wain's,
whnre you cn get the very bevt In pttoM no t qualities.
ermslstlng of
Is uaurpsr1. V- V on him sv your
Clothing- and Furnishing- Qoods.
Cash mr produce taken, end pil j es gj' u Mod d. f . e m ; it Ion.
W bile looking after y nr sut plies is tbe
above line, dou't yoa forget tbat X H Allen
A Co. keep groeeries, and don't you forget
tbat yen can get just aa much sngar.tea, cof
fee, nee or aaythiog ! for a dollat as yea
can ret in any str in the city. and dl of the
beat quality. Call on Allen A Co. wbetl you
want rooerie and imeaber they oevar al
low themselves to be eudersoh'.
cm BBsaSe.
Persons knowing themselves indebted to
Mr. John Briggs wftl find tbe account ia the
hands of L H Mont-iaye, Attorney at la
and will do well to call 00 him and attend 1
to tbe same at once.
Notice to Paraters.
It will bow be as object to farmer te look
after their small fruits aod fruit trees. Tne
Wjlamotte Packing Company intend to can
blarge quae tit y of fruits of all kinds . There -y
establishing a market for the earn.
N H Alien St Co. keep tn stock a Ml lias
of the above good, including a Hon aa-ort-
meut td decoration for sealing, which they
will sell at tn loweet oomle pri -. v
ave now iu transit on of tbe largn-' at- cks
of thee goods ever iu this market
New Xelnjr.
We are showing a beautiful line of lace
curtains, in pairs, and by the yard, plain and
printed scrim, in designs entirely new to
this market and invite those desiring goods
in these or other line to give u a call
Eld lilovea.
Ladies when yon wish a good kid glove
e the latest aad met desirable sbal -s.kiud
ly remember tbat N H Allea 4 Co. is tbe
uls where yon can hnd them. A full line
of Royal and Joavias, ko the "Clothildc'
uo lred kid.
Thrifty people a ill
appreciate our v.
I je
and prices.
Read St Oroweell.
Notice Is hereby given that there will be
an auction sale on the faun of lohn I.oni
situated three mile eaat of Tangent, on the
3rd day ot June, commencing at 10 o clock,
m , at which time there will be sold : One
Buffalo Pitt threaher 28 inch cylinder, two
McCormick binders, one broad cast seed I
sower, one mower, one sulky hay rake, one
sulky plow, and several walking plows, one
spring tooth harrow, one rolling cultivator,
one scythe and cradle, and other scythes,
one cider press, one four horse wagon, two
two norse wagons, one hack, and ail other 1
kinds of farming implements, too numerous
to mention which are usually used on a
farm. Machinery and implements as sood
as new. A credit of five months without
interest on all sums over $jo, and all Rum
less than Sao to be paid cash in hand at
time of sale.
city la now offered for rant on reaumn-
able terms For particulars toquiro of er
aaoreea faa Murray,
Albany, Oregon.
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Land,
V. S, Lu I Offtae. Oregon Otty, Or.
May h, 1887. J
Notice 1 hereby given tbat, tn 00m pi i
anee with tha provisions of the AJ of
Congress approved Juno 3rd, 1178, onfltled
"An Art for tha sxh nf Timber La:ds in
1 be States of California, Oregon, Nevads
and Washington Territory," David Myers
whoae neat-offlos address is Scio, Linn
county, Oregon, has this day filed in this
office nls application to purobaae tiie 8 M
of N K 14, and N X of S E $, Section No
18, in Township No, 10,8 Range No, 1
eaat of tbe Willamette meridian.
Al persons holding any adverse claim
thereto are required to present the saaa
at I his office within sixty days from tbe
first publication of this notice.
W. T. Bpknkt,
Administrator's Notice.
Notice la hereby given tbat tbe Countv
Court for Linn county, Oregon, hie this
day appointed tbe undersigned Ad niuis
trator of the estate of Mary Ann W, R
Savage, deceased. All persons haying
claims against said estate are notified to
present them properly verified to the nn
deraigned at his residence near Shedd,
Or., or to Weatherford A Blaokbura, At
torneys at Albany, Or.
May 10th, 1887,
John Morgan,
Administrator of the said estate.
J. P. Hail,
OolumMa Bicycles and Tricycles.
Second hand wheels constantly on hand.
Send for 1887 catalogue,
COWAN.In Prineville, on April 30th,
1887, to the wife of Sam Cowan a daugh
His stock of Dry OoeJ
Ml I I I I I 1 I I t
I ! I
I 1 r ITiTm
hare to remind vou of th dollars v. n
might have hvI bv Uk'tnir advantsva ef
neir oioh- nr-
VV. A T. wiil ssf.ll
you mora groeerb
t loa-ar prion th n
and Mtsee ajalMae
any other live tnnn.
Kactlfv the arrera cf
tbe past, and ve mtney in tv. futur w
patrooisin? Wallace A Tb imp . Fi as
at root, Albany, Or.
Carefully Compounded
108 First Street, Albany, Or.
The best eotrp-.tind ever tnv,nt!d to
maka washinst aasy. Perfectly baruileaa.
Used in hard nr s-ft water without barm
to fabric or han l. an I wioiout t'ie aid of
For cleansing hstr. ahampoeing, and for
removing blood sta in from the linen of
dentists or butchers it is nnrivah d.
in thn xath tub it i a luaurv, eot.du
cive tt bealtb. and ahmiid lie frwsir uaed
in all asylums and hospitals as a dhdnfeet
iair detergent.
frlntara, painters, masons, farmers,
miners b!ok.stniths. snaebiait. nUiinh-
ers, and all workers in mta.a. aheuld
use rfl RI.I j E for wasbimc ibeir be
b'rimed hands aa well aa clothing.
For sale by
Albany, Oregon.
Farmers who have Deer ing or Mc
Cormick Twine Binders that need re-
S airing; or adjusting, can have them
xed at a very small cost by bring
ing; the binder attachment to S. E.
Young's Agricultural Depot or by ad
dressing J. A. SINGLETON,
Albany, Or.
New Off Goods Store.
Desire to call the attention of thah
friends aud the public jiieral!y lo ihalrj
xionsi- stfX'K nr
embraciuK overythiu usually found h
flraUolas exoiuiive Dry Goods Store
We guarantee on r price btdow thna
Ot Portland Wn Invite clone buvark
10 examine our eoons. samples mailed
1. - . . .
to 1 ipiioania.
Froiiian'H B icte.