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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1887)
CharehBlrerler If. PCauam. -Poaching very BahbaU, MM aad evaninir bv Rev. F.. Q. lr vaae, 11. U. Hal.bath Behoo at S:90 r. M a C . T M - fmw lasetias; erery Wedoessday evening. ahowutoal Caoaca. Pnaoutaa 8eb Neta at 10.30 a. m., and 7 r. at. Sabbath WMM 10:00, reaver meeting every Wed- eveanu? T JO. . K. Davie, pastor. Allar tavited. 0sanoATioNALCHcaoH. Hervioeaever Sabbath morning and evening. Sabbath avjaeoi at 12:1.. Prayer meetinf on Wednesday evening of saoh week. lisv. H . Bssatagsr, Pastor. M. K. CaoiicH, South. third Sabbath in saoh month at 1 1 o'clock a. u. and at 7 o'clock r. m Sabbath School sack Sabbath at 10 o'clock a. at. Prayer Mating Friday evening's at 7 o'clock. J. W. Craig, Pastor. M. B. Causes Sooth, Tako but. Preach tag on the rirst Sabbath of each mouth morn- tag and eveniua. Sunday school sack Sal bath at 10 o'clock a in. Praysr meeting inaraday evening. J W Craig, raster. M. E. Church. Preaching every Sabbath seraiae and svemoa. Song aarnos in the svaniag before sermon. Sabbath School dtl'90 e at. Prayer meeting svery Thurs- ayeveaiag. Rev. H. P. Webb, pastor. 1'k.assi rsmiAH On c rch. Samoa every Sabbath morning and evenimz in Church oar. Broadalbin and Fifth Sts. Sunday School HameJistsly after the morning ssrvioe, rrayar meeting every Wednesday evening. sev & K I'ntohard, pastor. ruuR Baptist Church. Preaching eyery Sabbath morning and ere' g, at Church on 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after asaraiag services. Prayer masting svery Thareaty sveaioa at 7:30 o'clock, t 0 ttrewueoa, pastor. Catholic Cavaou. Service every Sun- Cay at 10:90 a. m. and 7 9. at. Last Sunday t tha month sarvios at Kugano Ctty. Ksv. Laait Metayer, Rector. They Meet St. John's Lodge, 63, in Foster's Block ad Saturday of month. Corinthian Lodge. 17, at Hall, 1st Sat urday. Barlev Chapter. 8. at Hall, ath Sat urday. K. of P., at O. F. Hall, everj Thursday , evening. L O. O. F., at their hall.every Wednesday evening. A. O. U. W., at their hall, every Monday evening. Orgeana Encampment, at O, F. Hall, every and and 4th r riuav. G. A. R.. at A. O. U. W. all, it and grd Saturdays. I. O. G. T., at A. O. U. W. Hall, every Friday evening. United Friends of the Pacific, at O. F. Hall, 1st aad 3rd Fridays. Ata 1 aa ga uonraa Meyer, .-PROPRIETOR OF- STAR BAKERY, Corner Broadalbin and First St?., DEALER 1st rraiU, DrtslFrnlte, Vegetables, Tsbsces, Igara, flagatr, Swlees, Cwfles Ete,, Kle.. In ftsot everything that ia kept la a gen end variety and grocery store. Highest prioe paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE.! Oregon Pacific Railroad. '225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOORS LESS TIME. Accommodations unaurpaaaed for com fort and safety. Fares and freights via. Yaquina and the Oregon Development Company's Steamablp much leas than by any other route between all pclnta in the Willamette Valley and Ban Francisco. Daily asHgw trains except Sundays. Lsavs Yaquiaa, 0:20 a,a.:Lssvs Altauiv, 12:40 r. u, Arrir,Crvnia,U)3S. a,m. Arriva CurvaUia, l:tt r. B. imn Albany, 11:20 a. a. Arrive Yaquina, &:i& r. a. Oregon and California train connect at Albany and Corvallis. Fares Between Cor - all ia and Ban Fran eleoo : Bail snd cabin. 14. Rail and steerage, $9,88. Faes xBeteen Albany and Ban Fran cisco : Rail and cabin, f 14.45. Rail and steerage, flu. 33, wai. u. BteAC, . Osnstal Manager. C. C. e&iUE, A O. T. snd P. Agsnt, CarvslUs, Or. Oregon Deveiopement Co. First -class Steamship line between Yaquina and Ban f rencieco connecting at Yaquina with tbe trains of tbe Oregon Paetfie Railroad Company. MAILING DATEM . raOM VA9OTSA rsoM ham MAaciaco W. V..Wednwday,Kar 4. V.C.. Wadassday, May 11. W.V., Wedoaadar.Ha IS T. C ,W-dnaaday, May 25. W.V., Wduaaday.Jona 1, T. C , Toasday, May 3rd. w. v., Toaaday, May ISUk T. q.,Tuaaay, May J7th. W. V.,Toaaday, May Uth. T. C . , Toaaday, May Slat w. v., roaaaiy, June ;ta. The Company reeeryea .he right to change sailing days. L U. TOSV, 0n. P. and P. Agcr.t, 304 Moatgocaary St., Saa. Pranelaco, Cat. OYEHAND TO CALIFORNIA- VIA- Oregon & Oalilbrtila R. K, AMD CONNECTIONS. Para (ram Portland t Baa Fransiao. .32 t a aaaata. SSS Cloat oannaettoaa mada at Atklaad atagaa. of tha Califoraia, Oregoa and Idaho Htaga (DAILY K1CEPT SUNDAYS,) cast .Isle Mvlalea. aurrwEEX poktland amb ashlari. Mail Train, t-SAvS. aSftlVS. ParUaag .S 00 a m Albany 11:45 A M eViaaey 12:06 r m Aabland 4 :(W a a Aaalaod Ai r u Albany 11:26a a Alaaay 11:46 a a Portland Mfi r u Albany Express Train. LSAVS. ASBiVS. 4:00 rn Albany H:M r m tMru I Umjiun flpSOrn 4.46 am! Albany 1 u AJkaay .6;0 a a Portland 10:06 a M 0LLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS dally bstwasn Portland and Ashland. Tha O and CRR Parry make connect! una with all Mm ragalar trains on tha East Stda IMviaiou from foot rawsst. West .Ids Dlvlalea. Barrwaes reBTLAV anv oktallis. Mall Train. MUVI ASSIVB raruauS .7:80 am Corral I is 12:26 r m Csrvagls 1:30 r m Portland 41:16 r a At Csrvailis connect with trains el Oregon Pacific mm- laajnina cay. Kxpress Vrala. LSAVS. AKKIVS. Psrttand 4:60 r u McMinn villa 8:00 r n EsKtaaTiUa 6:46 a m Portland 9:00 a c tasal ticket (r sal and iMugfags checked at com senysap-toira offloe, (.or. Pi as and Second Streets. vlaasia far principal points in California can only bt sresarsa Company's orace, corner rand Front Ms . .ParOaad Or, Freight will not u received f 01 shlMsat after five o'clock p. at. on either tbe East srlWss' - IMviaiona. E. gOKULCR, K. P. ROGERS, Manager. Q. P. k Paas A?nt. A. 611 hi ex CO, Real Estate -Agents. Office on south aide of Rrt Streel. tween Hcveie ana Kus Houee. be- i habit. iiHriMiM t ?u wprwwa. v rjmeeyar!SSBS ' ia 1'rice 10 and Tb eants ner oouie. vmu una n How's Your Liver? Is tho Oriental salutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. When the Liver is torpid the Bow els are sluggish and con stipated, the food lies in the stomach undi gested, poisoning tho Wood ; frequent headache ensues; a reeling of lassi tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how the whole system is de ranged. Simmons Liver Regulator has been tho means of restoring more people to health and happiness by giving them a healthy Liver than any agency Known on earth. It acts with extraor dinary power and officacy. MKVtn BCCN OI8APPOINTCD. As a general family remedy for 1 'anopsia, Torpid LlTor, Constipation, etc., I hardly aver uae anything olm, nnl have never been disappointed In the effort irtHluMn: It seema to lw almt it Hrfo rur for nil dlsouace of the stoiuitoh ami liowela. W. J. MctLiun. Meouu. Oa. BOOTS, SHOES -AND SUFFERS, I am mow receiving my fall and winter stock of boots and shoes, 1 have as nioel y a fitted up Boot and Shoe Store, and as complete a stock ss any this side ef Portland and very few better in Portland. I boy aU my boots and shoes direct from manufacturers and am authorised to warrant every pair no mat tar how cheap. No firm in Oregon hare any advantage of me in buying as 1 bay in quantities and pay the cash. In ladies', misses and children's shoes, I - U-- bast anrea. est rariety in tbe city. My sim will always be to give as good value for the money as possibly can be done. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. InvalidslteliSurgioal Institute 27. ism with fan atae? as rleaessl Mai aklliriil Physielana aU OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. el0riCJ!fM1 Csunrrls, Threat aasl -nfggmE m?EZ va nvwa.oiOM Via J Affee?lona. cow with or without seeing- the L y. WronePebillty,frnpo. Oeubite I lirjoVvJr-i iwnssq ty jrouinrt lee and Ferntcioi ary fractlcea are speedily BpecM Bookv post-paid? actaht by our imps, rsdi- JWt"ee or Breach, radi cally tnirwd, wlUtotit the knife, without dependence upon teases, and with very atta Bdptubl in stamps, msa ar ten otmta nsatod with the greatest aucoeaa. Book sent for ten cents In stamps. Address World's Dupkhhart Medical AssooLaZiOM.e38 Street, DuSaio, if. Y. rn "mn'w I .The treatment of many 1 ttonsands or caaee of those (Diseases of pneuuor to Women. at the Invalids' Hotel and , . . . vurgioal Jnstttote, has af eisai1WiM DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription the result of this vast experience. It is a noworf ni nMMi.. n Nervine, imparts vigor and strength tl'2em as if bv inagTeK corrhca, or "whites." Hesaalvs rnini aiemir a 1 " Promptly relieve and cures If ansea .fkneee of Stonarh, Indiges tion. Hlontl lur. Nnnnn. a.Aa...r. - . ' ' -a - mm BV WVSSSSIIVS and Mleopleaauess, lit cither sex. PRICE $1.00, ?$n TSS&1 Sold by Xrn ggita everywhere. Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's larm Treatise on Dlsenseiof Women, lSwLto World's Dispensary Medical Association, 63 Mam Street, BUFFALO, H.Y. SICK-HEADACHE, Billons Headache, Dizziness, Couatlpa. "on, Indlgestton and Bilious Attacks! promptly cured by Dr. Vterees Pleiaut Pmrgsailve Pelleta. 25 seats a vial, by DrugsmEa A. 0. U. W. Members wishinaemolovmeut or desirinc nelp, will pleasecall at Read Brownell's stors snd register their names. By Order ok L01 eg. """"- anenatrnation an natarar aupjoreeaioiia, prolapsue or falling of tho utcruVwcatt hack, raion, retroversion, hearing! "mwm ' mmaniniiiHwM..jM.av. msj ror . ..MAY 6, 1S87 THK HUsrsl KAMKUJ TO. UOMH 1 II K AT LANTlC. Ia 1810 the Atlantic was flrst cross ed by ship using atearn. This was the Savannah, of 380 tons, launched at Uorleat's Hook,NewAYork.Augut 22, 1818. She was built to ply between New York .ml S.v.oo.h H.og lck. et. no was. nuwever, purchased by I . . . : ""a '";"" " aafattam tm murthi naet I li&a bu1s-IIs t&ihimlai I : " ' V. .1 COUB"UC:eU l ,d Z ::r r: : ":r. r: um. v...- ju,u .u. ,U,T?m a 20ih of May, ...d reached Liverpool tu vo uays, using stesm is asys. 1 no i , , log-book, still proved, notes .ever. el times taking the wheels in on deck !lo thirty minute. KKIDsVY.... Crnnsladt An effort was made toU.. nf penhagen and Arendal, and arrived oa .y. tier mscninery uter wss taken out, and she returned her j original character as a saSlingJpackel, ana enaeu ner asys oy neing wrccnea on the south coast of Long Island, But stesm power had "y 1830 grown lstge t n ugh to strike out avast si Iwiljllk !tt iiattHiti. eV.k. I w "c w vs sn iu which ste im was Oil 1 .. ... in.... .... .. . .1 very ,werful kind. Our coaatwiee .tenmers. M wall as Ihwe emplnyfd in ureal onu.n(M iu voyage 01 the Enterprise to Calcutta in 18o2i (though .he to 113 days In dolog It,) had settled the possibility of the use ofatearn at see, and the questioo bad now become whether a sblp could be built to cross the Atlantic depend- log ftiilreiy on her stcitm power. It had become wholly a question of fuel consumption. The 8avannah,U may aeassaiai . oesaia, useu , me on ner out- voyage, anu woou was lor a very lung time the chief fuel for s"",u,u Auier.c.. n . .111 . . r,u,M fwyeiupimjui o. " aa aa it a a a n eaeam iup, oy t omn,ntier r. i& Cbadwick, U. 8. Navy, In Scribntr', Mvjaine for May. . r , i me vrrgou uaaningtoo lerritorj K .1 1 .ir,,, .v- ,. , si I 1 rlaaaUaaUs ,0 ... 1 . , r r ' of Pendleton capital taU.have CotnmsnO- tt. ,o.4 from W.llul. u, r..dl.a in . , . kiuic iv uiuc luti jsai a viup mb wuw sursJ. Tb. funds sie secured. An agent is in tbe East buying material, and several hundred men and team. have begun wcrlc in Vacsickle caojon A branch road from the he,d of Van- siskle can) on to Centerville will also be built this summer The(tusin line will be forty-five miles lot.g and tbe branch about fifteen. Both will pas. through an almost contiouona wheat field at.d will lake, this yrar, over a million bushels of bet to WaUula, as uo hiiiing that ear. la avoided aiii be done at Pmdleton or other ( ou.u on the line 1 l be O. R. At N .owing to ea cesaive fteigbt rales. Tbe President of the c mpaoy h Jacob Piaxef, wcai'.by and rakiab'a farmer and criiilalist t,f Pendleton. Nathaoiel 8nda, of New York, waa contic-'t.d and sent to jail two years ago for bi inging stolen goods into this 8tata. He waa aecoaed soue time ago f tak ing a $75,0 K) bribe for I. el ping Old Tweed to fond a fraudulent loan of $15,000,000. Tbe Sbeiiff was waiting to re srreat Sim on the chrg, but Sands mysteriously scaped from jil an hour abead of lime and took the train fr;m towr. Rev. Doctor Parker of tbe Cuy Tem ple, r ow steles tbst if U aim-t crtain ibat be will accept th" bon ir ot pro noiiuotiig a eulogy on (lie late Henry Ward Beecher iu New York. Dr. Paiker expects to sail f r America early in June. General Josepn . Johnston, Com missioner of Railroad, U rvrted ts believing that he Ins the right to in. ve.tigktte all matters into which the now Pacific Railway Commission is authorized to inquire into. He ac cordingly treats that body with cold- ties.-'. Freight Hates. The new transcontinental freight rates between Portland and points given below are aa follows, subject to Weatern classific ation ! Classes. f First $3 oo $4 50 4 70 Second 3 5 3 85 4 00 Third 3 00 3 20 3 35 Fourth a 50 2 65 2 75 Fifth 2 25 2 36 2 45 A 2 10 2 20 2 30 B 1 75 '85 1 95 C 1 40 1 50 1 55 D I N x 20 1 25 E , ... 1 00 1 10 115 The rate per hundred between Portland and Missouri river and points common, St. aul and Minneapolis valventon and ileus- ton, Texas. The rate o'er hundred between Port land and MissiKHippi river points including New Oi leans, La. t The rate per hundred bet ween Port land and Chicago, Milwaukee and points common therewith. The reason of Ja. G. Blaine's bad luck in the Presidential race it now learned. His name does not end in n. Had Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Jackson, Van Buren, Harrison, Buchanan, Lincoln, Johnson and Tilden added ah e to their names they would never have been President according to this superstition, and the e in Tilden's name just preceding the n kept him out of the chair. Such talk is cheap,for the names of Monroe, Fillmore, Pierce each end in e. The real reason Is that he has hot been wanted. Ji ifpiimf i Old oaoers 25c. a hundred at the Dkmo iMne8, ana au ay "Wttaihin yrton. (from eur regular eorraspoaosnt.) Washington, April 15th, 1187. I have seen all torts of receptions." said one ol the tired disgusted ushers at the White House, "bat I oever I saw ny thing like this before. It I whs simply awful." He was alluding to the scene which took place Id the East Room od Better Mondsy, the .1.... .... ,t.lnt, IhmnDh.HniA hnnnr. ' ; t. . trici or uoiutooia are anoweu ins ttMitg9 of th, WhU. House ground, r " I Iter the purpose of egg-rolling. At the h9nr tor President's tn-wekly handshaking, u.y took .BtNr.f - i nrnir Into th Executive Msuvlon.aod the Jam that . ,hfla lht f .... . , .K- l. it'll iiic9vuv civ mm wbii mm wh WftJ iyjttlg u requlred . f f tbe ffreilter Dart f , in n tu vKAiia I we iwi seajW w viws mm w I oranse peels, moors and other rem- I ism a mm vm mw . viiv It 1. the doll season, and perhaps aubleuLa of conversation are at! n roe. but j ,toabt wnther anything relst- . . th piriMt aa ever more dlxumtid than thst absurditv about I hs to have g .go wsy maUe for hU Bkmg ftt ODe of th 1.. fchMtraa of thla eltv. Of , eh reauest nor b(d any fMac1 rjMir nor eVer even I thought of such a thlog. There probllb,y Mvr WM t democratic! . ha do woa tmlie. merja ofaQy klad eomoientty ofleo to w.Qt fpoU eoowwlMeee for LIIBtef Tha h. la dreadful truth about the mt(tflr ifl thHt tbey ,re havoK wm MW exiu aod ,HtraQCM cxn.trtieted Albt0f n,g thMtr tby ore mnti nnm nt thAm. .iiv do tod, can be opened at any time to et perseoa ia or out. Tne Proeldeot Urtd of the staterneot I Mtahtd ihml he bad requeated a ,vgU eotrAOCJ fr himm)l, ,otl gtated that he had oever been tub jecUKj loeonvenlence or difBeolly I in reaching hie btw, thai be had no I ' lobieetlon to rsaaatne thronah tbe au ditorlacfl; ao4 met his wUhee were DOt consulted In regard to change. then uoder way at Aibnugh's. 80 " . . . M-W wavpassa. The Senate which cloaesi its sgjieioa . " lo-mo .od lh.My- four Democrat.. As newly const i- tiled, it will consist of thirty -oloe Republicans and thirty-seven Dem ocrats. The Preeldeot I. being ad vised to call both H oases of Oongren. together la extra session next August or September. He wilt not do that, nor la It considered expedient by his best counselors, but It is quite proba ble that October will find Congress In aeaaloo. The President Is quoted aa say'. g that the Forty-ninth Congreaa left undone many thing, that It ahould have done," and that he in tended to give some thought to the subject of an extra session at hi. ear Host convenience. His auditor re marked that if Mr. Cleveland believe. the public good demands an extra aeaalon be will call one In .pit. of the presiding genius of Hades, that he was jost mat sort of a man. U seem." Private Secretary Ltmont find, his ofltef.l life rather monoto nous so far as gossip Is concerned, and dee. not understand why be 1. per mitted to remain undisturbed In his position, sioco the III wishers of the Administration have been so persist ently officious io break log the Presi dent's official household. Highor officers than the Colonel have beeo made to resign repeatedty during tbe past two year., aod why should not his turn come ? When a newspaper man asked him which would be tbe next hjg appoint ment, he replied, "the new Private Secretary, I suppose. " When asked If he was cot afraid to perpetrate fcuch a Joke as (hat on even a moder ately enterprising news gatherer, he aald, "not at all, why ahould I be afraid ? I have enjoyed nearly all the glories of public office except that greatest glory a quarrel with tbe Administration and a resignation. I thiok it is fairly my turn now to come In for a little of the fame w'jich grows out of a resignation of office which is Lot resigned. Qo ahead," continued he, "and say I have re signed." The newspapers had con ferred almost every other distinction upon him, hesaid,and they would set it all right at last aryhow. Tbe Alta say. : 'The public debt of Canada is about equal t out surplus. Qo 00 with your bait monopoly." But the Alta stems to forget thst our public debt is about four times (be amount of our suiplu,beue. our publio debt is four times that of Canada. Tbe bait monopoly is against us. THAT HACKING COUGH ean be so quickly cured by Sh Hob's Core. We guarantee it. Fosbay ax Mason, ag'ts. WHT WILL YOU cough when Shiloh's Curs will give In medial, itlitf. Trlre SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. SLEFPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible oough. ' Shiloh's Cure is he reaae 3j for you. For lame hack, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cents. SHtb H'S VirALlZBR is what you 1 ourtipstion, Loss of Appetite, mptoms or Dyspepsia, H1NTM TO llol MKK KKi'KHS. Grained woods should be washed with cold tea, and then, after bolng wiped dry, rubbed with Unseed oil. Cloths dipped Into hot potato water are recommended fur immediate and ooP rollef merest cases of rneuraausm. a a Ma j A piece orcnarcoai isia upon a bum a a a . li l. a. a .. as . a si wm " u aunost iinme'iiateiy, ana lf kDi lhw6 lbout ttn hoor-11 Mld P wouua w,u io"reiy he.ieu. I m i it. a as It TlVUM tieoomS WIIMlU lUSlOTO Vif a ul ln w.ri llBn,tl. tll, ,0ll, lank - tk i vrv h,,. .t.r v, w - ' ' . -ill ,.g.i lb if s . t a t P" 'reaunssa. Vor these suffering from weak longs . h.ckiDg . few drop, or taken on a lutnp of sugar will give re- Mf ; fir. or .1, drops should b. suffi. eieot for . gr0wo psrwn. Whso attacked bv ...luiution of the w w hivirt ist the patient li. down as soon as possible on the right lideamrtislly on the faee. Io this positiim the heart will rssuss. its action almost imme- distal. Oileloth. should never he washed ia hot soap suds : they should first be washed oiean with cold watr,theu rub. bed dry with a cloth wet iu milk. The same treatment sppltts to a stone or ,ule beartb. Lime water may be msde cheaply by taking a fresh niece of lime as large as Ian eec.ponring two euarte 0f soft water en it aad allowing it to stand two or . . . three aours,sbakng it occasionally. Uot- tie and keep for use. To preserve good, fiom motba,do not aae camphor in any form. Piecea of tar paper Isid in fur boxes and io clue- ets are a better piotooiion. Five cenle will buy enough to equip all the pack ing boxes and closets of a large hause for a year. A bottle of turpentine eheutd be kept in every bouse, for it. uses are numerous. A few drop, sprinkled where eoJtrosob -s congregate will ex terminate them at once ; also ants, red or black. Moths will flee from tbe edor of it. Besides, it is an excellent appUoatioo for a burn or cut. It will tak. ink stains out of white muslin, when added to aoap, and will help whiten clothes if added to tbem while billing HUtUe rsvee. In order to secure a means for cheap amuasinent as well as for a valuable drill, etc., the young men of various place In Oregon are petitioning for militia com. parties. Thclaat applicant is Prinevllte. It order to altow what a funny thing mmic think it in to work lot t'nele Sam where play instead of work ia anticipated we give Spokesman George W Barnes application lor the Prinevlllc company : Pa in tv 1 i.i.k. Or.. April 7th. Hon. Sylvester Pennoyer, Governor of the State of Oregon and Commander-in-Chief ef the State Militia The irrepreaaihle and invincible cowboy of Crook county deal re to serve their country and work off ome ef their superflooua martial ardor (commonly called cusaedneaa), In a way that will send their name thundering down the sges ; they burn to wear a uniform, hear drums and see s battle ; they want to be soldiers, begad ! to that when the eeinon of havoc whoops "carnage" and the dogs of war they can rush to the fore, and, side by side with the Portland brave capture a hen roost and lift tlje scalp off a beer bottle, and to that end most respectfully ask to be au tborited, empowered snd allowed to form a militia company, with headquarters, bar rack, free lunch counter, or whatever it is called, at Prineville. We are a hundred strong and we do not ak to be appointed General. A few of the boys arc perfectly willing to be Colonels, and even some would be corporals. We are not stuck up ; we only ask te be allowed to serve our country and draw our proportion of the public funds, in fact the-latter is the main object. Ait the ttoys are experts on the draw, and we can assure veu we will not shirk anv tinsn cial task you as Commander may impose on The CenterviUiam has a ijcnlle wav wav of getting even with its delinquent ubcriber It puts a red cross oyer an item announcing the fact When the myriads of neighbors borrow the paper there will be that red cress announcing in bold and telling terms that the paper ha not been paid (or If these neighbor have any conscience they will put their hands down in their pockets and tr.ake up tne deticit ALBANY GOLLEBUTfi INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 1886, 1887. BV. K ;j .THOMreo. . u . rreshteat A lull corps of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of study arranged to meet tbe need oraii grades stamota. Special inducements offered io students from abroad. Tuition range, from $5,60 to $12,50 Board In private families at low rate. Rooms tor self-boarding at small exrense A careful supervision exercised over stu dents away from home. Fall term opens September 7th. For circulars and full particulars address the President. key. b. 1. TBeairaew, i, . Albany, Oregon, lotice of Final Settlement. Notice is aersby given that tbe undersign -ed Administrator, de bonis nan, of tho estate of CP. Adams, deeeaisd, hss hied in the County Court of Linn coaaty, Oregon, his rinsl account in said estats and Tuesday tbs 3rd day of May, 1887, at ths hour of lOo clock in tbs torenuuu of said day at the County Court room in the Court House iu tbe c'ty ol Albany, in Liun county, Oregon, is ths time and place set for tbs hearing of ohjeo tions to raid account and the final settlement thereof. Dated at Albany, Or., April 1st, 1887. 0. Farlow, Administrator de bonis non. Palace Meat Market. J. T. PIPE, PEOPBJETOL FIRSTIST. - - ALBANY. OR. Will kf ep constantly on hand beaf, mton, pork, vsal, sausage, etc,, tb. best ossats and largest variety in the city. r aU kiadalof fat stock WHAT KILL, 1 1 CANS. At TJvma inn- tffirfttrlnk Jcaleasvo t I'asslaas 1 lag Pear Pelhlo.i Ta : of this !"bi)ity and nm under it is ftHHeii- country i im1, w prostration. it many name btt lially i!,.! paint lie complaint. iiospituU tions for crowded. GSju private iiiMtitu licrvotH patients are The avrrnue of lif! in thn united States is de creasing ever) year. Sudden deaths from nervous collapse among our business, profess ional and public men are sc frequent as scarcely to excite remark. The majority of sui cides, committed without ap parent reason, or under so-cal led "depression or spirits," are really prompted oy nervona prostration, which is a fruitful source of insanity ami crime with all their grief and hon or. These facta are startling. They threaten the very life ol the nation. They assail the springs of its power and pros perity. They wreck manhood's strength and woman's useful ness and beauty. Every one should know the causes. What are they ? The answer is easy and terribly plain: Our vicious personal nabits ; our careless and lawless eating and drinking: the in tense mental and physical strain Bribing from .our nil rsce after money, position and influence; the feara and struggles of pov erty; the use of narcotics and stimulants; our fashion of turning day into pight and night into day; and, briefly, our deserato willingness to pay any price for au hour's pleasure or success, 80 we lurn life's candle at both ends and till tho luratto asylums and the graveyards, The disease frojj which we suffer and die is, in plain Eng lish, Nervous Vysjsepsia, as it is seated in the Ierves and in the organs of Digestion, Assim ilation and Nutrition. Healthy ligestion Wing impeded or des troyed, the whole IkkI y, nerves included, is liteixilt' sta id; even when there is no emaci ation to tell the sad story. Nervous prostration sends out its warnings: headache in the morning; a persistent dull heaviness or aching at the base of the brain ; wakef tilness ; loss of appetite and disgust with food ; loss of mental energy and interest in ordinary duties and business; restlessness and anx iety without any assignable reason; eructations; bad breath; foul mucous on tho teeth; occasional giddiness; palpitation of the heart; sal fuwness of the skin; coated tongue and gradual failure of strength and ambition. The remedy is a total aban donment of the habits and cus toms which cause the disease ir. each individual case, and t he use of Shaker Extract of Roots (Seigel's Syrup) to cure the mischief already done. This great remedy, prepared by the Shaker Community of Mt Leb anon, N. Y., is especially adapt ed to eradicate Nervous Dys pepsia. To do this it acts directly and gently but power fully upon the disordered stom ach, liver and kidneys, restor ing their tone and rigor, pro moting the secretion of bile, ex pelling waste matter from the system,and purifying the blood. Upon the nervous system Shater Extract '(Seigel 's Syrup) acts as a safe and wholesome anodyne without the slightest narcotic effect, and then leaves the nerves to regain their nat ural tone and strength through its wonderful influence ujon the function of nutrition. It is safe to say more nerv ous dyspeptics have been re stored by it from the depths of misery to a fresh enjoyment of life and labor than ly any or all other forms of treatment combined. 0. S, WO I, VK ETON, O, H, IRVINK, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW JaSTOtloe up stairs in Foster's Block. ALBANY, OREGON. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersign ed has been duly appointed Administrator of the estate of George A. Hal', deceased, by order of the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly made and entered of record. aod all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present ths same to the undersigned at Scio, Oregon, duly vanned within six months from the date hereof. . March 31st, 1887. Jkff. Meyers, Adm'r. Administrator's No ice. Notice is hereby given that the! under signed has been by the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, sppointed Administrator of the estate ef J W . SUvens, deceased. All persons having olaimt against said estate aie hereby required to present them within six months from date, properly verified to the undersigned at his residence in Santiam Pre cise, Linn county, Oregon, or to Weather fold ft Blackburn, at A'bauy, Oregon. March 2od, 1887. UttABTRSB. Sheriffs Sale. In tlut Circuit Court of the, fftntf of Oregon, for" I onn county. The Dundee Mortgsge ano Truat Invest iMttm vumpsny, iuntteu, riaiiiitlT. VS. HmU-rt ('rr.a anil Mirv V.. i'mmm hi ir.. and K. M. llasen and Klixabetn' Ilaseu. his wife, Defendant). TOTlCE la hereby gtveu that by virtue 11 of an execution and order of sale ie- ftriL'S fiiirrif..! Vtsaat. if. Ibi. tY - warVVW aaaa mitm Wllt III I J I above entitled suit, I Will on Nalertta lur 7th 4ar or Mar. last. at ihe Court House door In the City of U uuy, ninii county, oron, at tho hour os' rn o'clock, p. m., sell at nubile aoetloe for caak In hand u thm hi.i.Mi real property described in said execution f ... "IU.I H Mill u MJIIOWM, lCWlt 1 I BS ' north half of Section fifteen, (1ft) except i fourteen (1) acre in a rectangular form f u iTrfy tr,,nH cst end .f the north hair (H) of tire northeast quarter (K) ef ald section fifteen (16) and one (1) acre Id aald Section used as a burying g ound, also the east one-half () ol the northeast quarter, (H) the sootbwt nuart-r () of tne northeast quarter, (H) the aeutheaai quarter () of tbe nartbweat quarter (Ml tbe uortheaHt quarter (M)of tbe wouthweat quarter, () tbe west half (14) of the noith wot quarter (1) and the north went quartet (i) of the southwest qusrter (1) of Section sixteen (16) all ol the above landa Itiog and toeing In Townahip twelve (12) aeutB range one (1) went of the Willamette me ridian In Linn county, Oregon, Also bv Kinaiuif Mt tlio miarfxr uuiiUn .....r Im Hhe cenUsr of tha east boundary Una of fstectlon sixteen (10) In Maid Tfiwiiahln twelve (12) south range (I) west of the Willamette meridian and running thence south twenty-four (24) chains and thlrtv- .lit l.l XlmW. I I a. u u AS. - . a m m a m mm ima m wte north tine or s. w. ooraa 1 tonal ion tmnA pi.i.. :...iu,.. 7. - Z -. il.nii, . - ' J l I i i 1 m. tloU IbOV. (Jlaiiit Ki. 4 1 .. ,.1,1 n: - - - w - we eaw waa sis ion iinw i y and Katige; tuence east fifty-four chain .) linn u me eastern ioun 4..m 11m. u . . . . . . . H. K. lUrdman, Noilfl.aUlon 2T12, Claim 43 In said lowshlp and Kange ; thence north twfenLv-rVmr ..k.u. .i .v.:-... " n louaiion l.rnl (Malm nt Jink ; thenvo wat fifty four chains sad uuny ono nnaa u it., plaes or beginning, contalnlntr ohm iuinir.i .mi i........ acres and forty onehuudredtha of an acre, all of said real property containing iu the aggregate seven hundred fifty saven and forty one hundredth acres, more nt lass, t he proceeds sitting from the sal of said vtPhny ,u psnad aa follows, to Wit ; r U Hf (O fl. i. uir,M,l r.f f has i and diMbiiraemonta of suit taxed at ths Hum of aM.7u Includtnv tin rln t U Ai. Utrney'a fees j lowed Io aald suit, t wit : the auui of taas.MOand ti co( and ea ienea of sate, tteecod to the payment te the Plaintiff herein the earn of S840I with accruing interest thereon at tbe rate of IS per cent per annum from the lath day of March, ISST, and the overplus If any tharebe to be paid to the Defendants, Herbert Crose and Mary K Croaa. Dated this ll day of March, Sa7. D. 8. s i rn, ahei Iff of Linn county, Oregon. NO HOME BLESSED WITH A BABY is complete without the monthly visit ol BabyLttod.lhitl delight, com fort and aid of the mother. Ouly public U441 ia tha world devoted to the care of youag childi eo. We are glad to recommend it. (5 Bee k man St.. N. Y.) glJK) a year ; 15 c n la a copy Clubbed with the Daaio CBATfor $3 a year. AST! M a slang Liniment Sciatica, I Scratches. I Contracted Lumbago. i mjmm Bhaamatlrtt. Strains, Barns, Stitches, Eruption!, Hoof Ail, Stiff Joints, Backache, Gali., Sores, Spavin Cracks. Screw Vy mwM Sariaoey, ladslaalsa Piles. Waft, Bites. Buaicu', Corsa, THIS GOOD OLD STAND-BY seeomHalMM for vprybody exactly what la claimed forlt. One of the rean tot the greet popularity of the Xestaair LhUment la foanSimlU ualvereal apelicnbiUty. EeryUdyaaadsthauattleua. Tbe l.ambcriMB need It la ease of aeddeat. Tha Uoaaewife need it for gesarai family uae. The C'aaaier aaaila it for Mi tseaassai aaSaasa. The Mechanic aeedS It always oa BJe work bench. The Miner need it tncaae of aaargeaey. The Pieneer need H can't rat along without it. The Farmer need it la his house, his stable, aad ata stock yard. Tha Steamboat man ar the Beatssaa aeeda It la liberal supply afloat and aaaora. Tha florae-fancier needs It It Is his best friend sad safest reliance. The Steck -grower needs it-it will save him thousands of dollars aad a world of trouble. The 11 a. 1 1 road aaaa aeeds it and will need tt so long as his life 1 The Back waa sTaasaa aeeds tt. is not a- tag like It as aa antidote tor the to life, limb and comfort which surround the The Merchant needs It about his lildfcil lni Accidents will baomo. aad whan theWeosne the Mustang Liniment Is wanted at once. Keep a Battle la the Hease. Tls the beet of Keep a Bottle is the Factory. ItthtuaaSlsSs aeons esse or aeoiaaas saves paia aad loss of wages. Keep a Battle Always la the Stable for aae when waated. SAM M.aI. 6. vl Mil KS MAY ix SENDERS. Daalers in General EbrcnaMice HARRISBURG - - - - OREGON Will bny drain, Wool and all kinds CoBRliypru-Cie. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT UA -AND Notary Public Notice for Publicatioiu Land Office at dretron City, Or. ) April 26.h, 1887, Notice la herobv given that the follow ing named settler baa filed notice of his intention tn make final proof in sunnort of his claim, and that aald proof will be made belore the County Judge or County Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Or. on WetlneMlay, jlincl5lh. ISSJ, via.: John Warren, Homestead Entry, Na. 4586, for the W of W H , of Section 26, Tp. 13, 8R2W, tie names the followirir witnesses to prove his oontinuou residenceupon, and cultivation of. said land, viz : Cvrua J Newland, Jamew H Warrei., Win U Kitk and Jobu W Gassett, all of I rownaville rotiiomcfc, Linn county, Oregon. W. T, rlu 1".nkt, Kgitter. AGENTS WANTED to sell "RKM1NISOENCE8 ol 60 YEARS in the NATIONAL METROPOLIS. BV BEN PERLEY P00RE liluBtratintf the Wit, Humor and Eccentricities ol noted celeb, itic. A richly Itinerated treat ol Inner Society History, from "ye olden time" to tha wedding ef Cleveland. Wonderfully popular. Agents report rapid sales. Address for circular j and taruis, A. J.. BAACKOFT A Publish e BE Sheriffs Sale, In the Circuit Court of the. Stmt of Oregon fin Linn County, J E Holt, Plaintiff. vs. Wru Aliord and Mary Ann Alford, Doled danta. NOTICE ia hereby given that by virtue oi an execution aod order of aale isssed oat of the above named Court in the above entitled suit, 1 will on Safardajr, ffee 14th amy eTHay, issj. at i hs Court House door in the city ef aVt hsuy, I inn county. Oregon, at the boar of one o'clock, p. in., sell at publio auction for caah in band to the highest bidder the rati property described in sskl order of ssls aa lollows, to-wit : Beginning at the N E cor ner of donation land claim of Elizabeth A Ray, claim No. 47, Not. No. 2860 ia Tp. 15, H It 4 W, Willamette meridian ; thence west 43 00 chains and 23 link,south 37,00 chains, seat 43.00 ebaics and 25 links ; thence north 7.00 chains to the place of beginning, eoa taining 160 acres more or leas. Also begic- rinff at '. li Moaa' nrth urt. . t k ........ south to David S Oasey's land ; thence west to Job 'i D lve land S thenca m.rth in A W lewis's land ; thence to vuct of herinnin K. tag io See. 11, Tp. 15, S II 4 w.cootaioiog IS ':r' more or less, all iu Linn countv.Oraava. Tho prweeds arising from tha nt .;,! premiers to be applied aa follows, te- wit : First to the payment of the costs and dis bursements of suit taxed at S20 &nd the ocete and exoeases of sale and the anm .f aino or as Attorney a fees . Next to the payment to the 1'Uiutiff bercio tbe som of $2584.00 ia V. H. gold coin with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annam from March 16th, l7, and the reaidue. if in tn k.n.;j tn thm Clerk ef said Court for the use of the Defen dant. Wrn. Alford. Dated this 14th day of April, 1887. d. S. Smith, Sheriff. HOFFMAN &PFEIFFER PROPIU ETORs:o K Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of- . 0H0I0E COIFECTIOHIEY, We tre SOW msntraH tn mmli'mt aUI. sale, alwaya freah and pare at Portland I """, w iaira, we also keep a fall llneef Nats and tropical Mitt, I IV GROCERIES, We keep a fall line, a! wave' fresh and as very low price. OUR- CIGAR AND TOBACCO de(rtment hi comVest Wa keep th rsrj flccat atock of auoalaf aad ehewina. lobacco, aseerNchaum and briar pi pea thas mt ... . .1. A a m ueiiKUl w aiuoKera. o BUY shxui wkvele Phetsuv Oallegy UIVXS direct to eonsuinrrs oat Wat IwraottaJ or family atae. Tails order, aaaa fvea exact eesat eat ev fJakas; jrens nae, eat, drink, weaur have tsua with. BOOKJS contain froaa the market. of will mall a sspy FHKK So pon reeelpt ot 10 eta. tat aw mntltaa- ImA mm atsaar Sbwaa jroat. staapee Usui jr, MONTGOMERY WARD st CO SC7 V aa W abash Aveaae, GEO mm FOR 3A II kr.rnp) Mrrei. aaa t'raarlre. Cel. Nrrvous Debility, 8emiral Weakaesa, VitaUtv, KTiuatorthtKa. Last Mai.litd. li iaral'i, l'nsiatorrhea, and all tha tarrtbi i uf a. K 'iut, and txras in aaturer years, tuca as Ltneef n fairy, Lassitude, Nocturaal Eaiissiaaa, avri .u U m eiety. Dimness t Ui. u. Nelaaa la tbe HeJ iho v.ui flura peaking unobeened 'a th ana. anl inanv other di that lead te insanity aad death. 10B XV MIX Sufferiikg frum any ( tbe above ayaiptoass, sbeaid onsaH ns at once. The draia can be stopped, vt tality restored, and life be made acaia a pleasure itisUd ot a but den. The e v many MIDDLE'S; r.B KBH who are trouble with too (reauent crac Bailor of tbe bladder, often set omanitd b a sl'abt aaartia or bunding sensaUon. and a weakening ot '.ha sissssi la s nianuer they cannot account for, Ropy Bcdisssal la the urine, etc Many die of tha difficulty ignorant of th cause, which is tbe second stags ef seminal weakaaas. i urea Ktiramietd in all such eases. t'oNftU'taliuM frre Thorough examituUiea aad vlvice, nu-tutiuiir cheu.leal nlyis and asswasssjsls sat epinioa oxaminaUn ot the urine, ft An boa set it i ven in erery case. The following medicines supplied at th yricas -lamed : MK AMTLKY OtlPEK VITAL KEaTwKA- ri E. fa a bottle, or lour times the quantity, HO. SIMPLE BO 11 La Eft EE. Sent to any one applying by letter, stating tyscq oms, sex and age. Strict secrecy in regard to CD business transsciiona. The Celebrated Kldaey Keatcdy, NKPBBBTl CUM, tor all kiuds of Kidney and Bladder Coaaplainsi, vlnuorrhoes, Uleet, Leucorrhoea, etc. For ssls by til druggists ; 11 a bottle, or six bottles for $5. The English D.4KDELIOW, LI V Eft ANB 81 lHl .t PILL is the best in the market. For sale jy all drugiriKts ; pi i. c &0 cents a bottle. Address Eaailoh Medical Dyspeasary. No. 11 Kearnv Slrtet, San Francisco, Cal 8ALK, One half block In eastern part of the sty with fair house and barn will be so Id cheap PATENTS 'Jbtained, aad all other business la tbe O. 8. Faiea tSBaa aiSaaHaJaH In for mAdapata fmaa Oar eflea is epposit '' -a aktain Patents the U. 8. Patent Office, and leas time than those remote f Wssblagten. ad saadie or drawing. W dv to patent kiHty free of charge ; and we make o charge unless WS ektaJa patent. W refer here, to ths Postmaster, ths Sunt, of llaaey Oraar I)i. and to officials of the U. 8. Patent taass. For strcular, advice, terms, and efereueas aaaaal clients in your own Stat or county, address Ca Aa SNOW &COa, OtMrft Patent Office, Washing oa, D Wtray Notice. Notice is hereby given that I have taken up one cow, four or five years af age, s jeokled red and white, mostly white, Kiiuare crop oft right ear, no other marks o- brands, that the same has been duly a mraiaed by George Humphrey, Esq. , J P., of East Albany precinct, at 20. The st id cow is at my resideneo near Knex Butte, about six miles from Albany. mt SB awa wt W w waiila VsVW W A.MAGBEimGQ. Mitts bu rgisMB IXafsCTjEALEWS tHrTTMOlt.