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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1887)
Ik gmwt. Entered at the Post Office at Albany, Or, a MOO nd clean mall matter. rRlDAY MAY 6 1887 SriTES & ((.liters im HUTTING. r represses. rr. r itnnj, Local Btnr. rrlOIiL ! and APER. Uvs Nowuir' Aur immAmwes of immi. our UIMMW agUM. TMS PAPER r. AA flfl Whnn ;aid sti id ly in ed tbaCalJU vnci ihio will be ibe prioa of tha Dkxiocrat ; at the and of tba year, $2.50, and there "will be no deviation from thin rule. A MAN ABOl'T TOWN The M. A. T., always after point, gives the following, clipped from an Ax. because It bat one : "Dr. Howard Crosby in mak ing a plea for high license before a New York audience taid : 'If you bad a tiger roaming around New York City wou'.d you not seek to confine him in as small a space a possible ?' A Prohibitionist cried out so at to be beard throughout the hall. 'No, shoot him.' The learned doctor finished his speech under verv great embarrass ment. O Sometimes the 11. A. T. makes a remark that pinches ; but he Is not vindictive and only does so because be believes it to be bis duty. The rule is for newspaper items to be one-sided, written merely for policy. A reform is needed. O A huge number of moderately small cot tages would rent rapidly in this city. The demand at present is brisk for them, with none to let. O The If. A. T. without much observation baa '.earned That neither weather nor life is ally sun shine. That one has to pay for a great many useless bones in a very short career. That politics make 'lean pocket books. That the leanest dog runs the fastest. That the greatest miser is the moat despised. That thing half attended to arc back acting. That exaggeration does not pay if it does sometime boom. That the hoodlum and his monev are soon parted. chestnut-. It looks very much to the M. A. T. as if the vicinity around the comer of First and Ellsworth streets was becoming the pugili tic center of the city. Since the famous mill between Vance and Froman two other encounters have occurred ; but unlike the first they have not all been heavy weights. O The M. A. T. begs to acknowledge one ot the pleasantest serenades in his expert ence, las Saturday evening, just as Mor pheua was taking "hold of him. The mem bers of the Mechanic's Band were the guilty ones, Charles Pierce leader. They are do ing tome splendid playing, and, on this par ticular occasion, though music always sounds best when heard dreamily, it seemed asi f the valves to their horns were marvel lously well supplied with well c horded plia bility, and old Levy himself had furnished them with power. CONTAINING rVrH Ochoco Rtvkw : - Mots-backlsm no long er is to retard the growth of Print v II le. Its Influence was broken last Manday when the school tax waa voted. We may now expect to see seme thrift and enterprise displayed in our town. Kugene City Rgittr : The Siattsmam is booming Salem by publishing a list of improvements about to be commenced. We are glad to note the activity, but it they just come up this way they can see more than double the list they have published already actually begun In "Eugene and vet our peo ple think we are having quiet tfmet. Grants Pass Courier : -The tact is, we are a thorough bred lop-eared Dutchman, And we beg pardon It we sin by speaking our thoughts as has always been the custom ot our nation. Oregon City Etrrise It pays. What pays Judicious advertising. Benton Leader : -It is an open secret that the game law Is violated In the killing ot grouse. It would be an effective preventive of this to organise a club and remorselessly prosecute the offenders ; that Is to say, if It Is really desirable to protect grouse. Corvallls Ckromch : -Mr. Cole and Mr. Struble da not care to undertake a defense of their religious conduct against attacks either hypocritically covert or boldly and abusively open. Upon any question which concerns or Interests the public, they are not unwilling to measure strength and dexterity with the brother, It so be that he desires to engage in such a passage. Pendleton E. O. : Nova Scotia wants to secede and be admitted as on ! the I'nited States. Now does anv otu ow Nova Scotia's politics ? Portland Xrn-s : Tlie advertising patrons of the .Ve-irj continue to crowd its columns. in the largest dailv journal north often Francisco, we are still enabled to give a arge amount of reading matter and at the same time find space for the advertiser. . Ashland TuUhjfs : -A gentleman stepped into the Tiding office yesterday and said he was just from l.tnn county ; that the last thing he remembered seeing before he left was an unfortunate Webfoot plowing up ground on which the mud and water was ankle deep ; that it had been raining nearly every dav there tor the past month, and farming seemed to be an amphibious occupation. Wait until you hear of our immense bar- vest in the fall and then howl. Koseburg PlaimiettUr : -Hundreds of our farmers from all parts of Douaias county have, without a single exception, declared that thev never had finer prospects far a heavy yield of fruit. The fact is, we have not bad any frost to hurt anything, and never have any frost here to hurt anything. What is all this smoke about anyway. Roseburg Revww : Roseburg has the AVr -.v.the leading county paper of Oregon. Now suppose Mr. Hermann sfeould say : "I am Binger Hermann,the leading Con gressman of our glorious Republic," wouldn't it make you weep. t'arsaiax. Tks 4th a Albany. A meeting of Albany firemen at tha hall ot Albany Engine (Jompany No. i, was held on last Friday evening. Good atten dance and business meant. It is our turn. Chief Engineer Hoffman in the clutir. The following committee of arrangements was appointed : i 1. 1 e. I W. Cusick, E. W. Langdon and Wm. Garrett. Firemen Jos. Webber, Thes. L. Wallace and Geo E. Chamber lain. Chairman of the committee as a whole Chief Engineer Hoffman. It Is intended to fill Albany this year from all directions, the O. P. rendering this pos sible. Salem is our only neighbor who has mentioned celebrate, hence a big time may le looked for. Let the Eagles' wings grow. The Committee of Arrangements met Monday, when It was voted to. hold the cele bration In Hackleman's Grove. T L Wal lace was elected Secretary ot the commit tee. The fallowing officers for the cele bration were appointed. George Humphrey, Marshal. Rev 5 G Irvine, Chaplain. Mayor Weatherford, President of the day. C B Montague, Lebanon , Sam May, Harrisburg ; Thos Kay, Brownsville ; T J Black, llalsey ; RW Moses, Crawford vllle ; J 0 Johnson, Scio ; Geo W Davis, Shedd A Bush, Salem ; W Nash, Corvai lis ; T G Hendricks, Eugene ; T J Buford, Yaqulna City . Peter Abbey, Newport, J Vanduyn, Independence ; J ) Daly, Dallas Vice Presidents. The following committees were appoint ed : e Finance -J W Cusick, N H Allen and Wm Garrett. Orator and Reader -lleo E Chamber Sain, E W Langdon. Printing Jos Webber, J W Cusick, Wm Garrett. Program --Geo Humphrey, Cluts Mon telth, J K Weatherford, E W Langdon. D P M.i -on Grounds Geo Simpson, John Hoffman, Geo Burkhart, (.'has Pfciffer, I L Cowan, John Giblln. Fire work. L W Watts. J J Dubrnille, L E it lain HOME riGUttBM. Financial, etc., exhibit of the several School Districts of Linn courtly, for the school year ending March 7th, 1887 : The following table will show the num berof the districts in Linn county, the number of persons between 4 and to years of age In each district forming the basis of apportionment for the school year ending on March 7th, 1887, the amount of money received by each district from the County and State during the school year ending on March 7th, 1887, the number of months of public school taught in each district for the same year the amount of money each dis trict paid out during the same year for teachers' wages, and the amount of money held over or in the District Clerks hands on March 7th, 1887. The cants in every case being omitted. In some districts the amount pai.i to teachers includes some balance that were due on the previous years wages of teachers and In other cases some amounts do not represent the full amount paid or to be paid out for teachers' wages for the rea son that there are balances yet due and which wilt be paid out of the April appor tionment of this present year. However H is believed thai the figure show a fair aver, age ot the amounts paid out yearly tor teac hers' wages, i li! I Against Hi feat Wheel. An ordinance passed by the Common Council Tuesday evening prohibits the rid ing of bicycle, tricycles and unicycle any where in the Hrr its of Albany on sidewalks. This if enforced will knock the tricycles of the small boy out entirely as well as the only large tricycle run by an Albany lady. .Speaking of tncvciea, they have been run continually on First Street, though a much greater nuisance than bicycles, which are not a nuisance in the right place. If the ordinance is to be enforced against bicycles it certainly should against the tricycle of the bey, though it will deprive him of a most healthful enjoyment Treat the big and small hoys alike. The Salvationists. The Salvation Army has readied Albany in their grand march on sinners : several girls and a tew young men, and propose camping here indefinitely. This is a free country and it is one of our glorious privi leges to worship in such manner as we see fit. If there is a class of people who think the proper way is after red jackets and gilt bands, to the tune of the tambourine, they have a light to do it that way so far as we are concerned, and should not be molested. It takes a big variety of people to make up this wor!d,and so let's treat the Salvationists decently. Two siiverton farmers are having a warm dispute with printers ink on the subject of money In wheat at 75 cents a bushel. Ac cording to Mr. Allen, evidently a pesssimist, the profit on wheat is only about 50 cents an acre on the average, by the way a verv foolish thing to claim. Mr. T. T. Geer, an optimist, shows how a Mr. Adam Burns rented a farm, paid a third of its products for rent, in four or rive years trot out of debt, and now owns a three horse team, self binder, plows, interest in threshing ma chine, recently went on a trip to Canada, came hack with monev in his pockets, and can go to more dances than any man In the country. Off thirty acres Mr. Geer sold $900 worth of wheat, at an expense of only his own time except tor threshing. He figured his net income from that one field at $800. In 1S84 when wheatfwas 55 cents he cleared $1000 from it. Besides this he raised looo bushels of oats, 1000 bushels of potatoes and 100 bushels of corn, and hence claims he knows what he is say ing when he states that farmers can make money raising wheat at even 5O cents a bushel. Mr. Geer's figures candidly given do show that the hardworking farmer, who is economical, temperate, etc., can save money. It requires management on the farm the same as in the store. Aa The StaUtmtm has been a careful reader of the Albany Drmocrat for some time, and this paper had been led Into the belief that the population of that city numbered some ten to twenty thousand. Now after a very careful round-up, the census taker has found twenty-five hundred people.including men, women.children.old maids Chinamen, Indians, students and the cemetery. We have nearly that many In the asylum and penitentiary, and that part of our population is Increasing at the rate of ten to twenty per month. When tlie editor of the Staitsmam wrote the above he counted himself for about two thousand insane and convicts, such is the immensity of his bis headednc. Take him and the asylum and penitentiary out of Salem and a mere way station is left. And what an enormous Eli Perkins, when he states that he has been led from leading the Democrat that our population is from ten to twenty thousand. The Democrat has been uncommonly conservative In its claim in this respect and ha even extended Its conservatism in estimating Salem's popula tiun, and there is the rub. Last week this paper very frankly admitted that it consid ered the private census taken about correct It has never claimed more. i iU 1 n t M I At 4 r rat a 1 n a ttt V It 10 t 11 . es It 7 IS 0 14 a m er m sis 17 TT 15 OS 19 U ft T tl st as ss si 54 tO u as at as ST SI 55 47 SS Si ss ss Si M st t SS S4 M M Sft 41 SS 7ft ST ST as SS J 40 SS 41 t it IBS as 44 tl 4ft 40 48 SO 47 SS 4f S4 49 48 so as ft! SS 1 H I 1 1 f ! A Very cw rail Last Saturday evening Mr. J. H. Wallace, residing a few miles from this city was re turning home horse back, being followed by his son in a wagon, when the latter team ran away, the wheel of the wagon having gone into a hole.throwiug the driver out, frightening the horses. Mr. Wallace saw the team coming, and driving along be side them caught hold of one of the horses when his saddle gave way and he was pulled off in front of the running horses. Catching hold of the neck yoke he was dragged several hundred yards, when most fortunately the team was stopped by Mr. G. M. Coffey, of this citv, who was hunting in the vicinity. Had Mr. Wallace let go or been thrown off he would in all probability have been killed. Pluck and a firm grip saved him. A Kl roavralsoea. Under the new arrangement a special train will run between A I ban v and Lebanon twice each way every day except Sabbath when it will run once each way so as to connect with the ( x ('. through trains. The new time table on the branch road wit be a great improvement. The prospects are that the mail will be carried on one of tlte trains in a closed pouch, dotntf away with the present abominable system. The morn ing train leaves Lebanon at 5 a. -m .arriving at Albanv at rtj, connecting with the ( Sc C. from the South ; leaves Albany lor Lebanon at 12:50, after the arrival of both noon trains, arriving there at 1 p. m. leaves Lebanon again tor Albany at 2 p. m., arriviog here at 2:45 p. tn., and again starts for Lebanon at 8:10 p. mim mediately after the departure of the through train, arriving there at 8 : 56. By this new arrangement all kinds of people, early risers and late risers, drummers and pleasure seekers are being completely suited. Forward A city progresses forward when it take the hose off the main business street. It is an indication that it is getting up in the world. No metropolitan city allows it. The wooden tank neatly painted and covered with attractive display advertisements lea thing indicating growth. How would hose look along the active, bustling streets of Portland, even Salem. They are all right on residence streets anywhere ; but watch the growing city and you will see them vanish from the business streets. The Maoager Back. Wm. M. Hoag, Manager, Vice Presi dent, etc., of the Oregon Pacific, arrived in Albany overland from California, on last Monday, and from here went to Cor va His. Something active is now looked for. Al bany people are anxious to witness the con struction of the machine and car shops sub scribed for in this city, and the completion of the road eastward this, year to Camp Polk, or thereabouts. We should keep quiet, though, and remember that great bodies move slow. A X acting of the Council. Tuesday evening the Common Council held a special meeting. The Recorder was directed to adyertise for bids for a bridge across the Canal at Thurston and Water streets. The Police Ordinance to correspond with the new charter, waa unanimously passed. A cow Ordinance, prohibiting the run uing at large of more than two cows owned by one person, and none between the hours of 9 p. in. and 6 a. m. ; a nuisance ordin ance prohibiting,many and divers nuisances, including the use of barbed wire on fences. thistles, etc. ; a wash house Ordinance pro viding for a quarterly license of $5, and regulating them generally, were introduced, and read by title. Changed Plate. Last Thursday afternoon Mr J R Stew artson, of this city, sold his dray business outfit and residence property to Mr George Cooper, an old resident of Linn county, for $5,140, taking in exchange Mr Cooper's farm property five or six miles east of this city, at $7,590. Mr Stewartson will become a farmer and Mr Cooper a drayman. Not Eathaslastio. Topics for discussion at the State Fire i men's Association meeting" at Vancouver in June have been assigned. Jos Webber,Chief Engineer Hoffman and O H Irvine get topics. There is no enthusiasm in Albany . over the tournament and probably no team will go from this city Salem ditto. It is t not a safe thing to" ha ye a pool seliev tor . President of a State Firemen's Association. So. l a. At a meeting of Albany Engine Co. No 1 held Monday evening, C W Watts, Al Ketchum and Walter Parker were elected members of the Board of Fire Delegates. A committee consisting of Jos Webber, C H Stewart and VV Monteith was appointed to petition the Council for a new steam fire engine. Jos Webber, C W Watts and Al Ketchum were appointed a committee to make arrangements for a firemen's picnic. Verily, No. i's are going to be heard from. A Kledgf Hammer. On complaint of Adrian Comely a negro going by the name of Davis was arrested by a warrant from Justice Humphrey's Court last Tuesday , on a charge of stealing a sledge hammer. He had lieen cutting wood for Mr. Comley, when the sledge hammer disappeared. The negro claimed it was ac- cidently dropped m the Ditch, and on ex amination it was found there. The defend ant therefore was discharged. Thrifty people will appreciate mr values and pries. Reap & Brown ell, Surgical Operation n. E. Katrtaiameat. The members of th M. E. Church gave a musical and literary eutertaiumeot Wd ssslay evening It waa well attaoded and highly enjoyed. The program oosiatad of several songs by tha school, a solaot rending by Mrs J en mi Brown, a vocal solo by Artie Huston and Eva Simpson, a recitation by little Stella Zeya,a song by Nellie at d Jeeeia Cliftoo and Klma Parker, ajl dressed tastily in red dreaoaa of tha asm pattern ; three recitations by Miss Amy Byars, of Seism, oho very wall displays the Salem tactic ; a duet by Vella Flint sad Nina Parker, a reci tation by Mies Ma Knox, a song by canning little Bsie Henton. reeiUtioa by Kior. Mason and Alios Porter ; aol by Mrs If Flindt.solo by Lillie Crawford.srlo by ausie Hurshbur, "The Wooing Froga, eoeored ; recitation by Lottie Ktchum, recitation by Mia Helen Crawford and a quartet. We Complete the Item, In mentioning the firm of Zeya Si I loch stedler a couple weeks ago we omitted aev' eral matters. Besides doing a large plan ing and turning business they are agents tor the Grant's Pass Sogar Tine Door and Lum her Co., and keep on hand a large stock of their unexcelled sashes, doors and fruit boxes, which thev sell at retail or wholesale at remarkably low prices. Another omls sion : they also have a yard of rough lum her, being agent for Bundy Sc Sons, of Harrisburg. Always reliable Zeya 8t HoctiHtedlcr can be depended on in any of these lines. ss ss S4 SS M S7 SS SS m t e-i a 64 65 SJg 87 W m 7S 71 78 71 74 75 78 77 78 Ttt 80 81 83 as 84 H5 88 87 146 S4 es ax ss 15 sot S4I 41S IS S2i B61 SJ 8 sts ITS SI4 SS7 ITS S4I J8I SIS. tas 71 134 SIS ISt m SSI l?t s S77 4 7 7 StSf ess sss sis i S7S IS i ISO m m sea m ise ITS IM tfrl S70 1st ;t S9 S7S 4 46 e 7 SS ss ss 4S m m 84 ST 4IS TS 9 SS ss s SI ss m SB ISO 41 SS S4 St S4 S4 SS 0 es st ss t 4 14 7f a 216 98 91 91 M 94 95 9ri 97 98 n lit S7 ten 4 w SS SS ISO S t4S 41 47 SSI S STS o st ias s ss ' 151 8 188 84 3w 998 188 818 88 ft 159 lot 89 167 8 198 117 41 9J8 ftX ItS 111 4t ?24 t IM t 85 198 6 160 120 59 1H 6 I9J 0 46 887 t 989 161 87 9J8 t 195 84 16 I1& 8 7ft 188 64 tie t ttt 70 loft 477 9 Sts 8 41 216 t 196 807 88 794 &H 174 91 87 300 ft 196 382 88 181 t 30 3 87 IM 4 180 11 61 898 6 SSS 43 76 SM 6 ttt 138 87 JO0 6 180 88 89 167 ft 314 171 38 167 t 16ft 54 16 0 8 90 58 IS 173 t 131 0 89 208 If 117 44 88 304 t 180 88 29 167 ft 188 t 84 188 t 176 13 89 20. 6 186 81 34 147 6 390 16 28 148 6 Iftt t i'. ttt Si 133 100 78 ftftS 9 808 83 26 155 31 80 93 31 185 8 100 St 37 IM t 261 14 19 0 88 0URKKMT EVBNTf. Curtis Balrd.thc Clackamas county school superintendent, arrested tor emhesllng school funds, was sentenced to four yearn in the penitentiary. Prineville had a regular Fourth of July celebration over Its new school house, and well It might. When a place wakes up to the necessity of placing education on top depend on It its people will prosper. Hcwnre of any town with poor educational facilities. Mr S Douty, an old resident of Indepen dence, died last Friday of heart disease. DrS W McDowell escaped lat Friday from the Insane asylum at Salem. He thinks he is Governor of Oregon and object to being kept In the asylum. He was cap tured near McCoy. An earthquake, well defined, occurred at Walla Walla and other W. T. places last rrlday morning, A rnob ruled Iouisvllle last Friday, It wanted to lynch two negro murderers. There are l to new buildings In course of erection at Hpokane Falls. The fallowing from the Sunday Wetfomr the unkindest cut of all i "Men who call at newspaper offices, whether they becousi try editors or non-paying subscribera, to haul oyer unfolded exchange and to get notices are bigger bores than Ladd'a East rertland affair." Thank gnodnc, w- have never been guilty of calling at the ffV(lw, office. There are few country editors, by the way generally the peers of uny in Port- aim, who fish tor 1'ortlaud prriul-.. The statement deserves being made, though. that Oregon editors need to fraternize more than they do, need to call more frconenttv. w nen going to Portland, let u remark.they will do well to only call on their euuaU. These are true gentlemen on the press of Portland , but the one who made the re mark referred to is not one of them. Of all the papers In Portland the Wmfmm has about the least reason to sneer at its coun try brothers. Th8 sensational story is now started that had Beecher lived only a short time longer he would have joined tlte Catholic Chun n Governor Hill and Col. I .a mom have been deleted tojfetlier. Great Caesar ! The State Board c.f Immigration will keep open doors until the 1st of September. A bank teller named Taggert, of Phila delphia, recently paid one of the neighbor ing State er provinces a visit, taking along with him Biixvxw of the bank' inonev- Mswt honorable and enterprising young man. A Huntington. W. T, physician recently refused to attend a printer who was bleed ing to death heciute he was monev less. Senator Stewart, of Nevada, was in Port land Monday. He 1 a great miner ami a mon led man. A big fight occuned at Salem Monday between the SalvatkmUt and several young men wno were attending one of thctr meet ings. This I different kind of fighting from what Salvationist pretend to be making. Dempsey broke hi arm In a prize fight in New York Uttv last Monday. He will probably quit fighting now for a few weeks. rtiere are cq6 children in Pendleton tlruwimt malic iitoiirv. ui less than in Al. ban v. ami yet it claim a larger population. mmm 1 Mr. John A Kobnctt. of Shedd. received a fait from a horse on Tuesday bruising him considerably, out not Injuring him dangerously. Tha following from the Yauulna ' i a good statement of the capacities of the Hav a a liarbor During the ix months ending with April Juth, there have been 88 entrance of steam veeeet Into this ixjrt. with 31 clearances, aggregating about 30,- 000 net tonnage, fluj actual tonnage was much larger, however, a vcncl general l carry from twenty five to fifty per cent more then their registered net tonnage. There were seventeen entrance and depart ures during November, two in December. six in January, eleven in February, fourteen in March, and sixteen during the mouth that close to dav a total of sivtv-six ves sel, or an average of eleven per month. The above report doe not indicate that there ia an truth in the OfcsMsajaWs tate- ment that, during tlte sis month under con kideration, the entrance to this Ilay wa at tended with "dimcuhie. if not positive jcril." MOMk AND ABROAD, F M ! 1- ui! 1, lewelsr. Fine miilincry at Shine A Lansway's. Tha best harnnss at K L Thompson's. Ca 1 and settla your lumber bill. Ki Car tar. H. Kw, it, ptaotioal watchmaker and jew eler. UyUin served in all styles at Hoffman A PfaftWe, J. P, Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al bany, Or. Triimmd halsat K. and C. Howard's for l to 910 Old pv r4 at the Dkmojhat offloe for 2ft oeuts a htiarired. ' 0 Onler the IFannamsker clothing through ' liinsway. Vtsjf'S v SJSej ninety pupils iu the North Droeiisville lml. For fine dress go 1 of the latest styles go t Nil .nil Urn way a. I'liiioinsth would like to Iu tha county seat of Benton county. The lttbanm Kxrt$ says : "Ht kiakiag. Che Ditoh Will ha built' Mail i now can ied ou the Oregon Pooifiu from thn Bay. Smator Kiitiu ha been unpointed Brigadier General of the State Militia. Work at Yauuina Bsv will lie beuuu neat Monday aoc irdlag to tha 'off. J II I' niul, neuil aneilt for th Stte lueurauoe Co. of Slon. Oregon. Six shaves for a dollar and a cltan towel to very customer, at L. Vieriok's. The Paciliu Postal Udegranh orase ia now locates! jut west of M I wain's. Since last week Mr Amhy Paro has pur based several more Iota in this city. 7 ) -k cures rheumatism, nearalgi and tonlhaoho l'ohay A Mou. Agent. Kxainine Woodtu's KtUosioa tables. They are - well go and see tbsm for yourself. For hUle A now milk ow. Call 00 W m Peeeook, near Albany in Benton county. Kvery thing that is cheap, lata ami desir able at bottom prices at K. and C. Howerd'a, A Kirt urooer sml a young man had a free right Monday morning. It waa adiaw. F M Frtm-ji, aeot Singer Manufacturing Co.,opposit Odd Fellows Temple. Albany, Or. The U'ed.UrgMt and finest as rtm mt of Spring iiidmnry in ttt vU at Miss S;hu- bert'e. Fine Bjdjtteeff at Sbv.a Sc txmswav un der the muegmeot of the esprt Mist Bur - SMS. Team for S Ar A span of Urge work hor es. For particulars cell at Days A Rob- P.'ery imaginable style of hate and bonnets for U l.c. MUss n I children at Miss Sebu- iwrt's. All styles of an t sos aed a Urge stock of grneriea i wh t we carry Bead & Brown!!. Ui nitons, laeee. festhers. flowers and 01 na bnn! nml' the lat4-,t .h sigu t Miia SjaW bert'e Or, M. H. Ellis, pbysieiaa and sergeoo Al'ny, Oregon. Calls made to city or country. Tao chairs at kvpt running at Vteriek's brbr ah-o. The place to gt a hve or hair cut. ! We wish all our ceuteniDorariaa saocees. Bless the newspsj ers anyway ; the mora tha bettor. Tl ay are the public educators ; tha builde np of c mm,i'.iti, 0 B Poland A Co., of Jefferson, have pur chased the stoo't of geol'i of .lu iu Joseph, consisting of geoU farusiong gncda.bate and taps, and will add a large sine of boot and shoe. Ttay will nptu ih"ir tore,jnst wast of the Revile fIoese,in ebont tet. dnys.when they will lie beard fron. F W Pof,cCos, an e!e rieaJ ieejssssrt waa in Albany tha first of the vet k for tha par pose af eetal hehin ; xu eloctric Iiglifc system. Fray whit has Albiny d me t eotitj 1; ta hail storm of laotrii:iu who p-opose so a.uch more than they dtsw. Harrisburg baa suffered aa snouh from baril times as any other town ia the vslley. But it seem to he recovering, aa talk of a new gnat, mill and other en -rprisee would indicate. By the way we notice thtt if on J P Schooling has juat completed a Hue 00m mod inn a, new pa6 that is a real orna ment fa bis premisea. The members of the Y W C T U gaya ao upeu meeting at the r-idence of Mr 11 M Koberteou, Tuesday evening. A good gathei ing and an enjoyable time. These aieetina art demonstrating that there ia a rising n -eratiounf young men here crowding the vn' ing age Many ot tnetn are getting a kom start ta the right direction. Bob logirsolstid thit ths o .'y fuveet meat ou earth which woo Id pay a man 10 ; is the mitriinouisl investment. 1 he ladies find the same So l tree by invetiM,- their money in milliner goods at K. and C How -srds. Call, thoaa who hay not already dona aa and save year 10 on the dollar. A communication from "Fata" arrived toe late for insertion this waek. It will ap pear in neit issue. Again we say that eor reepoadeoce mast arrive here by Wednesday noon in order to insure insertion, A brief itam of important news will be inserted if reeeived aa late aa Thursday noon. Corree poedaata should note a change in the arrival of mails in Albany and govern tbamaeiye eeeordiegly. Ia this age of progress, what a wonderful amount of skill mmA ingenuity i ipended in tlm construction, improvement and preserva tion of the costly and intricate mac hi aery Bead in the manufacture of tne various artl alas ao aeoees.ry to our comfort. How much more important is it that wa watch with rigid care this most wonderful machine, tl hu man body. Adjusting all its parts with nicest cere, each to the other, that all may perform their allotted duty. There is nottoiug better calculated to do this thoroughly end efficient ly than Freee's Hamburg Taa ; a simpia veg etable remedy, yet powerfal in its ability to build up and restore tbe wasted energies, and to give tone and vigor to all its power. PtteOSAi, AND SOCIAb. KEA Ij'eHT ATE. Following were tin recorded sales Linn county during tbe past week : A 1 lie to G t : Turne-, 3 U acres in in Brenner, 35x30 .$ too James Bilyeu, Ta sudsy. of Setn, was in the eity Several Albany men have stock in t,he Northwestern Fire Insurance Company uf I'..rtlaod. txM sty twtnr. (J J. waiusey Jaaee; Milter, Airs Brando trict Weather tlo, Y Farmers. Summary of Meteorology for April, 1887, from observation taken at Albany, Linn Co. Oregon, by John Briggs.Baq. IligSest Bar. 30 34; lowest, 29 44 ; mean, 29 85 Highest dsily Bar. 30.22 : lowest. 29 49 Highest Temperature, 79; loweet, 36 mean, 61. Highest daily Thar., 60 ; lowest. 46.6. Moan at 7 a. m., 46.8 : 8 p. m., 69 4 ; 9p m , 48.4. Prevailing winds, S. Maximum velocity force, 4. Total rainfall and melted snow during month, 4.65 inches. Number of days on which .01 inch r more rain fell, 16. Number of day of cloudiness average 8 scale of 10. 3. Of 90 observations 29 were clear, 21 cloudy, IG lair, 1 foggy. 14 raio. 1 basy. 8 overcast Frost on tbe mornings of 10, 17 and 18. Killing on tha 3rd. ws - --'Q ei. If you waotvslas received for your mosey buy your harness and other goods iu that line at J Dubrudle's. Ye tillers of the soil, ye wheat and oat raisers, will you want a mower or binder the coming season ? Mr. C. C. Cherry, e f this city has accepted the agency for some of the Champion machines, and will sell them at bed rock prices. The machines are among the best made and are becoming very popular. Mr. Cherry has the agency for the Celebrated Champion steel mower, the Celebrated Champion boiled joint mow er, the Champion Light self-raking reaper and the Celebrated Champion steel harves ter and binder. See them in his new dis play warehouse and store room. For Rent. A piano in good condition. Apply Miss E. M. Howard at residence of J. Allison. to A. Dr. Whites celb. ' Syrup, for sole at Warranted to care led Nrw York Cough Hoffman A Pffeifer's ooughsajul colds. On last Wednesday Dr. Hill, assisted by V Dr Wallace, removed a fatty tumor from the left side of Mrs. R. A. Murphy, of this city. The operation, though delicate, was successfully performed and the lady is now doing well. Mrs. Murphy is a daugh ter of Ruel Custar, of this city. "That Dog Bum." By O. B. Whitmore, of Astoria, an ele gant, forcible speaker, under auspices of Al- I bany Temperance League, Thursday even j ing, May 5th, 1887, at the Court House in J Albany. Mt. Pleasant Hehool. The following are those who are on the Roll of Honor for the month ending April joth, 1887 . Katie Huber, Emma Irvine, Sarah Thorp, Arreka Montgomery, Minnie Croisant, Freddie Beard. ' Katie Huber, Arreka Montgomery wete neither absent nor tardy during the month. Mattie Faul, teacher. Yon will find our stock of carpets, oil cloth, matting and window blinds full and attrac tive, all that is new in patterns and styles can be found in our assortment, to see is to believe. Monteith & Seitenbach. Received this wok direct from manufac tures in Chicago, tailor nud: ulsters and fancy jackets, plain black jersey jackets, black jerseys, etc. Saml'kl E. Youno. For Sate. A good organ. Call at Dr Kelly's. A good shingle mill. Call on J. H. Maine. Bow Backward. Application of J. D. Parson, et al for al teration of road granted and Hugh Nicker On, Walter Ketchum and Wm RaUton ap pointed viewers. Application of W R Powers ct al for county road granted and W K. Temple. 1 1 B Powell and a A Dawson appointed view er, 'l ho ic William. J M and h mttli and Robert John applied tor damage In connection with the said road. Taxes of H A Johnson reduced, except State us. F Falli allowed lumber for road dis- No. 3- Toll on the W V ' C M W R wa fixed as follow : I (trough trip, loin horse $3 ; two horse waron, $2 5 two horse heck, $1.50 ; two home buggy, $1.25, one horse wagon or buggy, $1 ; one I k rue- man, 75 ; loose horses, 20c. ; cattle, IUC. ; sheep or hogs, 3c. From Fish Lake it was placed at 1 four horse wagon, $2 ; two horse wagon, $1.51) ; two horse hack or buggy, $1 ; one horse cart, $Oc. one horse man, 2 sc. from IsSSwer .Soda, tmo nore wagon or hack, 6Cc. ; one herse wagon or cart, 40c. ; one horseman 30c. r ee ot County Court officers allowed. The following bills were allowed : W E Curl, Treasurer $83 . 33 DVB Reid, Sup't 5 .00 DS Smith 300 PW Spink, wood 9 00 R Glass Sc Son, Pierce family i c.00 H J C Averill, Manly family S.U0 Mary A Davis, board Riley 8.5O Burkhart Sc Pfeiffer, printing and stationery 36 00 Mr C Houck, board pauper b 00 E T T Fisher, surveying 37.OO D V 8 Reid, stationary . . 30.80 Robinson Sc West, lumber 83.54 Andrews & Hackleraan, Orchard family 16.00 John Marshall, keeping Thos Rome. 8.00 At the time of going to press the Court was in session, with several unimKrtant matters in hand. Wall Paper, Hhades, Kte. N H Alien He Co. keep iu siojk a full line Wm Werth. of Lebanon, kas of his butcher shop and will move with his family to Omaha. S take the coin, the customers take the ordain, sod the bargains take the cake. iiosu e siruwuell. Mr John Bngg wiil repair and sharpen bwn mowers at ht residence, corner of 4tb and I'wlipoote street. w iltiam Ilsutel now has charge of tbe drug store of the Capital Adventure Com paoy In Froman's brum. Fahrney's Celebrated Blood Ciesnser for sale at Iteyoe A B bsou's sud Bead A Brawn ell's, P J Bttiifnore, agent. Kvery customer will be a waikiag adver tmn.m t for oar bargains when they see our prices. Kcad A BroWBcil, 8 our new ads. We am crowded, bat etunot help it. People will advertise so aa tw reach tbe largeet numbers. W H M j Far land aed as Postmaster If vtnt of this city, have farmed a partnership in the stove and tlo ware hustoe. Wood working michiowry, shaftint. pal ting, bolting and etc.. at half prto. Inquire ot t 1.. i'ruh. foo-. of I.yon Street, Alhauy Or. Aa Al'may mxn who Ukat the Partlsnd XiftingM has con e out iu a card denying that he ia its sensational onrespmdent from this eity. Conveniences for giug to vt-r! ai.d H-t Is ville are now batter than ever. Remem ber wbaa at the farmer place them ,ts no such boose as Greas'e. The wheat and fruit crop ia this county, according to present prospects, will be aa commonly good this yr, ia fact gilt edged, four ply, tripiepleted. The throe story oext the P etolBoa, at KeJeoi, was tired by incendiary last Mon day forenoon, but was distinguished before mnch damage waa done Should you deeir to sell yoar property cell on Karkhsrt A Keauey aa they advr'i property plaoad ia theii heads, and charge nothing unless they eflect a sale. Ssnd your name to or eall on Read St Brownell and get some of their Prigs Parnp kin reed free They have offered oash pnzes lor pumpkins raised from same. Sabscribef jr thi ffelpimj fivtd, a m.tri momal pspr, containing a Ivertisemsnts from bth ladies and gutlenn wanting correspondents. Subscription price, 60 cents a year. Address, llrtviHi Hanti, llbany.Or. The jury ia the Awbrey ease return I a yordict of guilty of assault, with tha reoom- mandsti n that he suffer the penalty of the law, which i $300 tine. Kngene City RtyU is. This (Fri lay) evening a shingle sooianl will begivru at the rsoideaoaof Mr. William FortuitiTar, uer tho west and of Second street. Go and find out what a shiugla so cial is, Hon W P Ready, of Corvallis. has moved to Portland TbaoootraettirO W Hunt arrived in Al bany Friday. Mr E B Trent lea. Posts I inspector, eras ia s u sen aiimay Taeaeay. Mrs Capt Powell and daughter of Port - are ia the eity. Mr. Peter Hither, of Shedd. called at oar sanctum on Tuesday. Dr Tate left tbe first of taw weok for Seattle, to be gone a lew weeks. Mr Charles Monteith left Albany Monday for Spokane Fails, where his branch store is I tp f i S R 4 w O Morris to WfHss feet In Scio. . . , P J Baltimore to Aaron li Baltimore, 36.86 acre in tp 1 1 S Raw II 8 Richard to Ahby Pearce, lots 4 and 5, block 2, H. 2nd A .V bany J R Stewartson to E V Cooper, west half of block 44, Albany 3501 Geo W t'oopcr and wife to J R icw.n Not), 244.75 acres in tp 11 S R 3 w " M P and Mancrvia Chapman to John B and M J Moore, J17J4 acres In several parcels R Koehler to Ash by Pearce, one let In Monteith's 8. A., Albany Leonard Thomas to Endora Mc Culloch, 63.46 acres in tp ti S R 1 w. Jacob Ross to Samuel R Kothiger, 156.63 acres in tp 13 H R 3. . , . . J ) Kendall to Eliza Willett, interest In iand claim of William Bennett 'eorge Bilveu te J A Bilyeu, one seventh interest in 465 acres in tp 10 S R 1 w 75 1200 'JO 6500 200 500 14OO 1200 100 I4CIID TO THE KtallT OK THE LOST DoLLAIt - u mi 1 mm 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 i MM Mlilll I t I I Mill! Mil I I 1 1 111 1 Mm liscia Whitney left a few days ago ou visit ol several maaths to her old home ta Hueeit. Mr S M Hind man returned from Pricevilla Wednesday. He baa our thanks for never l important favors. Wm Vie reck, brother of tbe barber Loots V tereck . Has sous to Cbtcaco to reside Thos Joees, e goad barber will supply hi p ace ia tne shop Mm Dr E L Irvice and aoa arrive I in Al bany ttoxlnesday fro n Prineville, sad are vis iting at the home of Mr Irvine's mother, Mrs Houck. Mm Birdie St. Clair, daughter of Mrs. Cheedle, Albany's met ruterpnsi tj real estate speculate-, left tne tirat of the ek for Walla Walla. A reception was given on r.tday evening to Mm N M Frv. Department President of the Women's Roth f Corps, at tbe residence of Mr S 8 Train. Mr D MbbsAsM and fmdy, after a reai deees to Albany of over thitty years inoyed to Portland on Tuesday, where the best wishes of many friends go with them. Mr J A Miller, of Bnttna, Or., was in the city oo Friday. Haying business ia Portland he continued his journey here ta see relativ at and friends. His broth -ir and nephew Messrs Miller and Dougnerty, bad reached The Dalles on their overland trip East when be passed th tough that city Albany Bom Market. The following from the Democrat f May 7th, 1 886, aa compared with the pres ent shows how backward this Spring is "Last year strawberries appeared in mark et April 33rd. It is now May 7th, just two n tb above gooA, including a tins escort ment of decorations for seauugs, whieh they will sell at the lowest possible prices. W e have uow iu transit one of the largest stock of these goods ever iu this market. weeks later, and yet none have appeared in any quantito. Held strawberries though have been picked in sufficient bulk to taste. This may be set down as a late season. Ore- gon people glory in their early strawberries, and are anxious for their appearance." we win probably not have strawberries before the first of June this year. Linn County Temperance Alliance. The next regular meeting of the Linn County Temperance Alliance will be held at Scio, commencing on the evening of May 24th, and closing on the evening of May 35th. All the organizations entitled to send delegates will please take notice, and be sure and send delegates. The program will be published in due time. G. F. Mead, Sec. Ex. Com. L. C. T. A . New To-day. We are showing a beautiful line of lace curtains, in pairs, and by the yard, plain and printed scrim, in designs entirely new to this market and invite those desiring goods in these or other lines to give us a call. Monteith Sc Seitenbach. Kid Gloves. Ldis whan you wish a good kid glove ic tbt latest and most desirable shades, kind ly remember that K H Allen A Co. is the (lace h-'f sou can find them. A full hue ot Royal sad Jbovins, also the 'Olothilde' undressed kids. Uroeerfm. While, looking after your supplies in the above, line, don't you forget that N H Alien A Co. keep groceries, and don't you forget that yon can gat just as much sugar, tas, cof fee, rice or anything else for a dollar as yon can gat in any store iu the oity.andail of the bast quality. Call on Allen A Co. when you want fcrooarie and temamber they novar al low themselves to b undersold, Uur Spring stock of draw goods, fancy goods, boots and shoes, etc , hays arrived and wa are now showing the most complete and attractive stock ot goods ever brought to Albany. A visit to our store will convince all that we are in the lead. Monteith Sc Seitenbach Tall and Kettle. Persons knowing themselves indebted to Mr. John Briggs will a tha account in the hands of L H Montsnys, Attorney at law, and will do well to c.H on. him and attend to the saiiio at once. Notice to Far-mars. It will now be an object to farmers to look after their mU fruiig tod fruit ri-- Tn Willamette Packing Company iuie'.lm ti large quantity of fruits of all kiud . i hei by establishing a market for tha same. Mr Jam -s Marks his rented the Lever farm about two miles beyond Lebanon and will do his dairying on i. A boy wanting a place to liye and attend school, doing chores, can find one with Mr Marks. The total taxable property in Albany, ac cording to tha recant assessment is over $02t,00(). This is considerable more than in most other cities in the Northwest claiming even a much larger population. Tha Albany Dairy Co., Mr. Cone manager, has made arrangements with Mr M . T. Whitney by which they oaa supplv first class milk iu any quantities for 5 cents a quart. Leave orders with Mr Coue At tbe city election at Corvallis held last Monday J 0 Wilson waa elected Mayor ; W St Clair, Recorder ; F Q Clark. Treasurer ; A B Pygall, Marshal ; P P GreffD., B K c'arraaudW A Wells, Councilman. A few days ago Mr William Obermeyer.of Tangent, tound a dead bear in a slough near thai place, which hail evidently been poison ed. It accouuted far the loan of several sheep by some of Mr Obermeyer's neighbors. tieorge Woodford, a papular and eloquent temperance lecturer wiil deliver throe lec ture iu this city in a few weeks under tha auspices of the W. C. T. U. and Albany Temperance League He is pronounced one of the finestiemperanoe orators iuthe United States, Send $3 to C W Watts, Albany, for a complete list of tax-payers of Linn count)', containing gross amount of property, indebt edness and exemption, number of acres of land and assessed value of same Worth sav ers! times the of the book to any busi ness1 man. .1 K Weatherford has been appointed At torney for the school land commissioners for Linncoonty, succeeding 0 B Wolverton ; L Bilyeu tor Lane county, succeeding G W Washburn, and E R Crites for Lke county, succeeding R A Eakin. Partita sending mail from this city should got itiu the 1'oHUidice before 5:45 . m. far tbe early north beans) train, before 11 o'clock for the Portland uoon train, before 12:20 for Corvallis train, and before 7.'30 p. m. for so 'h bound through train. T D uly Qcaette is .t. fwe and fc hails i from Corvaliis. It ranks with any of th I Dstiios of the Valluv. Wa wh it ' L. Senders has just built a new commo dious stable one block south of the school house in this city, and is still buying all good horses that he can get weighing from 1050 to 1500 pounds in good order. Every one having such bring them to his stable where he will always be found. Towards the Utter part of May be will go to Eastern Oregon to buy in that market, not finding the inaaket here sufficient to supplv his or ders. Parties desiring to make purchases will find he always has on hand a well e iected stock of horses which he will sell at small margin. A Matter with a Point, to It. Tha season of house cleaning and Spring moving is about here. House cleaning is a ui"n h sinees : but it hai to be done. Yon will wnuit cirpet this Spring by all means. Get a good ou. a taaty one, one that your friends will hke to e. A B. Mcliwam has a magnificent stock. No such lea design have ever been suruassed bare. Ha will call these carpste at prices that defy oompetitiou anywhere 1.1 the Valley. Portland too. In general merchandise, boots, shoes, etc., Moll wain is prepared to meet a rushing year's trade with a splendid stock of well selected goods. Ha will not be undersold, And will meet Cut prions Every time, and on the same terms or iu large packages undersell them. He can do this because ha bays ia vary large quaotitaa, gats better prices aed much cheaper freight Try him in sugars, coffee, tobaccos, pick I a, n fact anything iu his store. ERECTED BY WALLACE & THOMPSON there to remind yon or th d-dlar yra might hare saved by t iking advaottge ef tbeir close prices. NOW FOR THE FUTURE ! w. a T. will mhi yOU more grooeriee and beUer qmiiu-ss at lovir itrieswi than any othr live moo. K sitlfv tha errera 0 tbe j at. an rave tn uio in the future try purnvhting Wsiiaee A TtioosfM-ra , Fine Wreet, Albany, Or. FARMERS NTEITIOI Farmers who have Dee ring or Mc Cormick Twine Binders that need re pairing or adjusting, can have them fixed at a very small cost by bring, ing the binder attachment to S. E. Young s Agricultural Depot or by ad- a ressi ng J. A. SINGLETON, Albany, Or. II O T E I. aj k r TkT, pHE EXCHANGE HOT.. 31 THIS A city is now offnned for rnat on reeeesv able terms For o ri inuuirs of sr address a J a. me McrststaTi Albany, Oregon. HOLY ANCELS COLLEGE. 1 Boarding School for Boyj 1 1 Conducted by secular priests aud lay teachers. First term open fii: M today in Sep tember, second term iu firs Monday In February. For pre rectus address Rev. F. A. Recksr. Vancouver, W. T. Box 10S SEEDS. AH kindn of grass seed. Red and White Clover. AhdkeCiover.frennlne Silver Hell Buckwheat, Oerm m Millet, Kentucky Blue ttisKX and several different vajietiee of Swtet aid Field Com for sale by Stew art A Sox Letter list. Followtnf Is She nst et letters remaining ia tks fast OSes, Albany, Una eotHjty, Oregon, May 5th, 1SS7. Persons colling for these letters must five the aate oa which they were advertised : Brown, MrsCary Ballard, John Campbell. Agus Calloway, J G Gorman, Mike E Nocinger, Samuel It Kernel!, C A Co Cook, tleo W Cellere, Joseph Fried .t.m.Dani 1 Mitchell, W N Parker. V R. THOMPSON, P. M. JARNIGAN.On April aSth" Brooks, to the wife of Rev. A. J. a eon. 1887. at Jarn;gan ( Wife and child doing well, but father's recovery doubtful. SPENCER On May snd, 1887. to the wife of C. II. Spencer a boy. MAMMIES). DOLE GLASS On May 3rd, 188;, at the residence of tbe bride's parent in Scio, by R. L. Dorris, I. P., Mr. L. E. Dole, of Albany and Miss Josephine Glass, of Scie. " IBD. -- asss FROMAN. On Thursday evening, April 28th, 1887, at the home of her father, Mr. Thos. Froman, Clara E. Froman, aged 20 years. The afflicted parents have the hearie sympathy of a large community in the toss of their daughter.just reaching womanhcod. access. ' Sn 1MVS stainless character. New Dry Goods Store. SHINE & L0M8W1T. Iicdre to cell the attenti n or theii friends and the public generally to thai xltMisjv stock r DRY AND FANCY C00DS. em bracing everything usually found it t iirfc'.cias exclusive iry Uwda store Wo guarantee our priewT bolow thos of Portland W lavit oloeo buyers to examine our goods. Samples malie' to applic ants. S9ANEA LOSSWAY, Froman'. Brick. Estrayed. Ou bay mare, from S1aw, Or., about February ISth, t87, weiifht if in good order about HW lbs., white spot In Tore heed, .me white foil, ft years o:d this Spring, high heeded, apparently wild, very lone, alim, black tail. Anyone gtT lag ii.funmtlmi of tho sam will be re warded by C. II. Moa box, Monroe House, Salem. Dissolution of PartnersHip. Notice is herebr given that the partner ship heretofore existing between H. Bundy, W. Bundy, E. Bundy, J. Bundy and L. Bundy, under the firm name of" H. Bundy & Sons is dissolved by mutual consent. The hi tln;s will be continued by II. Bundy, W . Bundy and L. Bundy. Harrisburir, April i9th, 18S7. H. Bundy, W. Bundy, E. Bundy, t. Bundy, L. Bundy, J. P. Hail ALBANY, 8V., AGENT Columbia Bicycles and Tricycles, Second band wheeia constantly on hand. Send for 1887 catalogue.