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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1887)
-a- v Mm llw gmomt. totaled at the Port Office at Albany, Or, as second-class mail matter. rum t&lO V.Y APIUL29 13S7 Bailors aad MQTTIHO. rreorletrs. ruir xrrrnti. sni wn-r. 0 BOUNTY A FFICUL Ijanil APEE. THIS PAPER bLTCaviii1oi ta on fi In PhllaaVlnhla AA ff When ptil strictly iu ad WaVsUU vanoe i his will He the price of the Democrat ; at the end of the year, $2.50, and there will he do deviation from thin rule. A MAN ABOUT TOWN. The If. A. T. does not hear of that vast number of petition rolling Into the sanctum f the Oregon Railroad Commission due to a body of such august importance. Is it possible it is already forgotten. Something should be done to make its members earn their $7000 a year and free transportation. Put this fact In salt and keep it. R R. Com missions do not lesson the profits of railroads nor do they in the whole bring any benefit to the people It is the old gag again of trying to beat a man at his own game. Circumstantial evidence is sufficient to convict a person of murder ; but when it comes to keeping saloons open on Sunday or running disreputable bawdy houses at least the practice here requires positive proof. This is simply ridiculous and a travesty on justice. Reputation alone, established by a sufficient number of witnesses, should be ample evidence on which to convict. It is high time that the old bull dosing systems of defense in such cases were done away with. O Albany, Eugene, Corvallls and Prineville have applied recently for Militia Companies. Is it possible our beloved State is in such need of soldiers. Is an invasion from China looked for, or are we liable to have an up rising among the few relics of the noble red man scattered in several corners of our State. It looks very much as if the boys want some fun at the expense of the State, to which the M. A. T. is not objecting. O There are numerous ways of making money in this world. Recently a man had a 75c. pair of overalls stolen, lie had the thief arrested, and received about $i0 in witness fees. Thinking he had received good pay for the overalls he very generous ly gave them to the thiel who wore them away from the city after serving hs term in the county jail." The 75 cent overalls cost the county over fifty dollars. O Mr. Watts' directory and census of Al bany just completed shows the bone fide white permanent population of Albany to be 3064 Adding Celestials, students, etc ., the population of the citv mav be placed at 2300, indicating a booming growth during the last year or two. In connection with the census the directory will show the as sessment of tome of the residents ; but, alas ihere will be more names not assessed than assessed, many of them being of persons owning property, even real estate. The directory will speak for itself on this point, A Big Weddiag at Harriabarx- Last Sunday evening at llarriaburg Dr. W. H. Davis and Miss Dora Heodrex, two of Harrisburg's most popular citizens were duly united in marriage before a large num ber of friends. Rev. Sweeney, of Browns ville performing the ceremony, the C ity Band furnishing musk for the occasion. A large number of valuable and useful pres ents were tendered the happy couple. The event was one of the most brilliant of the kind in the history of llarrisburg, so we are informed. The l)bmocbat extends congratulations. Council. PresentAll officers and mefnbers. An ordinance on police regulations was reported A report from the Committee on Fire and Water favoring the purchase of 500 feet of hose for the fire department was read. The matter of publishing a history of Al bany by the Maine man was Indefinitely postponed. A petition praying for the privilege of dri ving on Ellsworth street faster than al lowed by ordinance was referred . The matter of an ordinance in reference to the punishment of offences was postponed until a special meeting on next Monday evening. Also the matter of publishing the city ordinances, and a bkl on the same. Bids for constructing two lateral sewers running from Broadalbln street were opened and the contract let to James Laurent. Fol lowing were the bids 1 Jas Laurent 75c. ; A W Met Main, 80c. and 85c. Peter Black, Repairs of sidewalks heretofore ordered were directed to be made Inside of ten days; and crosswalks ordered to be four feet wide. The matter of Improving the landing at the ferry was continued. A petition from E J Lanning et al asking for certain grading and Improvements In the Third ard was granted. The Postal Telegraph Company was re quested to remove a certain pole from Ninth street. Property owners in block 4 were ordered to repair the alley In the same. Adjourned until next Monday evening, when everal special matters v ill be considered. A Cannery. ALBANY Population A boat tsM. C, W. Watts, the Job printer, lias just completed a very carefully made census of Albany, for a directory, which he is prepar ing to publish. The results of the work show 2064 actual white residents of the city, permanently located here. Add to t hi . the number of Celestials, students, etc.. and It will show a population of about 23OO, which la probably just about correct, as Mr Watts took the census in a manner to leave little doubt of its correctness , though, of course there may be a few errors. This shows an uncommonly healthy growth, and though it is not up to ths wilJ ,cctil.itl:in of same it is probably about correct. It Is alwaya custom ary to overestimate the population of a city. " We are Indebted to Mr Watts for the following summary of the census taken : Arsott ArMsta. . . . Architects Attorneys. Attaohas of K. Hah art linos masons ......... lUrtvitUrr. Brio builuorv Havana Booasssasrs Hookksspsf imuiiara ...... ...... Iiroksrs lUrbsrs I! inker. ..... ............. 111 auks ml IBs i.f i ' v f a County Clsra . ... (onatabla VwlHeMW i I .p.Ult.t. Ctorka .... . k.- T CURRENT EVNTM. annual convention of the State will be held at The Dalles on .................. 1 ......... ................ ........ .. ......... s ... ............... .............. a. .. ...... s ......... ......... ... .......... ..It . , . . . 1 s s s s .......... St ...... t 'iHtjwnr ,.h . .......... ..,.... ...... ........... Last week the Dbmocbat mentioned the fact that a cannery was talked of In this city. Arrangements have now been made for its establishment here The gentlemen who will compose the company are E J O'Conner, at present on the surveying staff of the O. P., Wm Wright, the contractor, B Brink and Chas Mueller, Clerk at the Re vere House. The building once used aa a nax mill, owned by Mr J O Writaman, has been rented and machinery will be Intro duced in time for the coming seasons fruit, of which all salable kinds will be canned. The industry is one which may gradually be enlarged,' and will from the start he a valuable one here. It should receive the hearty support of the citizen of the valley. In rears past fruit raisers have been exceed ingly careless with their fruit, more going to waste than has been preserved. IhU will open a new field,and will give farmers an opportunity also to go more into that diversified farming, which the Democrat has so often preached as necessary. Nearly fSOO Cost. Last week on complaint of B. S. Martin, Constable D. B. Monteith of this city went to Arlington and arrested Jasper Keeney and brought him to this city, J. B. Keeney i his father, of Brownsville was arrested on Saturday. They were examined before Justice Dorris, in this city on Monday, the charge being that they had stolen a calf from the Martin Brothers, heretofore some what famous in the annals of our Court proceedings. After a somewhat extended examination the prisoners were discharged and the coats amounting to ucarl v i00 en tered as a judgment against the prosecuting witness. According to a report of the af fair the Kcenevs were accused of taking cilf belonging to the Martin bov and branding it with their brand. In a quarrel over the matter revolvers were drawn but no shooting done. It seems hardly just that the county should pay so dearly on oc count of personal quarrels between neiah bor. for if we are rightly informed that is about what this matter was. We know nothing about the merits of the case beyond the decision of the Court. marka 'sneers Kumtturv Ft prists Oesserysasa UuumiUUw Hare wars I iorMUMO, ........ . Hsrasssmo 11 ..---...-. ........ ............ .-........- . 1 ! Jm&om of m Not. Lftbofont 1 ........ . ........ tUrkls cuiu . .......... a oasoss 1 Milliners. . MacBii.l.ta Milkman tri mmt ........ ........ 1 s Xuasra. Printers.. . ...... a a .-. ...... ........... . Surssvors. Tsl'oes laaeaa Cujr T V ...... Wira wnu Wagon mtasrs tfo.of malssbi cUr. No. f (stasias in cUj .1 t 17 4 .a J ...I .7 1 1 . .8 ..4 .1 t SO 1.1 it 1 J ,.T ..t J 3! ...i It ....4 .1 .1 J .2 t lit ...I to 10 t s ...( ...I ...I 4 It ...Jl is ..3 .6 ..a .1 .1 14 .. ... .. .. 1 is . 1 .It .J .1 4 ...... s s , ........ tO Sat ............... ... 0 OS HiM4tt I ......... ........ The fifth W. C. T. C May 17th. A bill la to tie Introduced In the Canadian parliament providing for absolute prohibition. The Oregonian county. places Tangent In Lane Our Albany contemporary says the ap point mem of Mr Lane as agent at SlleU must have been an oversight. This was an unkind remark as every Indian agent In the "tate Is an Oregon man. Corvatil has a man who preaches but Is not a preacher. The sensational story U started that while In Cuba John Sherman came very near be ing kidnapped -bv Home bandits. A close coll to the loss of a Presidential candidate. Missouri had another large cyclone on Friday. Mrtx.Osage and Blue Mound town ships were devastated. A large number of houses were blown down and fifteen people killed. It Is auch conduct on the part of Eastern weather that la building up Oregon with Mlssourlana. The City Council of Santa Crux has fixed the license of street fakirs who sell soap, jewelry, etc., at i s This is high license with a vengeance.but if the rascals are to be licensed it is the proper thing. Nova Scotia wants to become one of the U. S. Why not. Mayor Edwards, of Fargo, Dakota, weighs 390 pounds. The worst libel on the low necked dress yet (terpetrated Is that it Is sometimes mis taken for tlte garter. a s o m v a . a .i motnvu, 1 ., one dav la l week a man working in a saw mil: was cut com- iJ ef Mr Chas Pfiffr. pletcly In two parts,rnnglug down from his skllll. PKItSUN A li AND SOI'I A b. Fred Eggert, of Port! tut, is hi the city. Mr Thoa Morgao, Chewaean, waa in tne City Tuesday. Jadge Piper haa looated at Joseph, Wa Iowa county Alvia Marks and family, have mavml from Tallosao to this city. K B WiHoughby and wife, of Marrisbarg, were la ths eity Monday. Eft Skin worth hat gone in!o partnership with J P Waiter, st tWIetoo. Mrs I N Adair, of Salsm, spent Sabbsth in this eity. the aest of C C Cherry. , MrtB A Irvine and Mrs A Hacktemaa left y stents on a visit to Paodletoo. Mrs T J Stitaa aad daughter. Kile, paid Sdsm a Hyiag visit tha first of the weak. Mr Janioa Biakoly, of Diowasviile, left on a visit to hia former home in Missouri last Monday, Rsv T B Stewart, of 8 m Franoiaeo, preach ed in the U P Cburoh last 8ablath morning and evening. Dr MeClare, of Silvertoa, waa ia t ba otty on hia way to Eugene. Tba Dune asr ae knowledges a call. The O. F. aooial at their hall, in tins eity. on Tassday evening waa 04M of tha pUaaaut oat affaire of the seaaow. Mrs Alioa ffsoderaou, of Oakland, earns down Wednesday to attend the fuotral of bar mother, Mrs Martin. Mr Thoa WoaUake, brother of Wilbur Waetiake, of thia eity, arrived iu Albany Saturday front California. Miss Chlwick. daughter f ex Ooyernor Cbadwiek, of Salsm. baa bu in tb city, ths ...... ...... 10M IMal nil, aaoor 4 j Issaais. un4r I SWS4M4 SOdSI No. o rhlldrvo. ft Hit!. Ms. of tsMlas t.-twa oad ta No. oi aeasaa It, of awciiiuf. No. 4 N tf korsss NO ( NW....a... I S I ftns IIHIWII SJtf srs "t say at tens of sea...... OS .W ra .......... ...... P. to H. V. la 4'Jt Hoars. Chaaee for a Job. It is reported that the lateral pipes of the water works will betaken up on First street, so that there will be no hose for stree1 sprinkling in front of the stores of the city, during the coming summer. This is to prevent the great waste occasioned by the free use of water and add to the power at private places, and at the same time is the practice in cities as they grow larger. The change will afford an apportunity for some one with a team to get a steady job during the summer, as a sprinkler will be a neces v. Tried to Eat-ap. An attache to one of the hotels got on a ! spree the other evening resulting in his ar rest. The next day the Marshal took him to the hotel to get money for his fine, when ; the young man took leg bail by a back way j running for the Eastern part of the city.per haps hoping to find a haven of safety be- vond the Oregon Pacific bridge. By the Aaseadateat lagur Organised. The people of Mt. Pleasant and vicinity met and organized for the fight by electing A. F. Beard, Chairman, H. W. Parker, Vice, T. W. Bryant, Sec, Charley Irvine, Assis tant, Miss Julia Thayer, Chorister, Norah Darby, Assistant, and the usual committees. O. L. Hibbard addressed the meeting with a thirty minutes speech, followed by II. W. Patker, Irvine, Goodman, Beard, Weddle, Darby, and others for the amendment. Alex Downing the only speaker on the negative took the last turn left, and said this was a third party move. Will the reader ask himself the question what is the difference whose move, so that it is for the good of humanity. Great enthusiasm prevailed. The meeting cloing near midnight. Rev. Woolev of Lebanon will address tlte league next Saturday. T. W. Bryant, Secretary. Mot Ureses rey Vow. There k an old stamp in the County Treasurer's office at thia city, which reads "not paid for want of funds," once used on county warrants. It has been unnecessary in the office for about two years. Linn county is a first-class paymaster. It is a first-class county on general principles. Fer tile farms, wheat bearing, stock raising, The cltiaens of Prineville were asked If they would support a tax for a new school houe and only two men were found and tuated and small enough to say "no " Andrew Carnagie was married at New York mat week. He gave hia wife aa annuity of $joo,ooo a year. A husband worth having regardless of love. Last week a Temperance League waa organised at Sclo.with twenty-five names on the roll as a starter. Mr L Miller waa elect ed PresWcnt, T J Villa, Secretary, R Pent land. Treasurer. The Agricultural College building will be erected at Corvallls the comlntf summer Mr Boothby, the architect, will superintend its structure. Married at the residence of the groom's Events, on Sundav.the 17th Inst, Mr. A. II. mips to Mis Ida Lewis, W. B, Stout offi ciating Thus another printer has "locked no his forms and gone to press, as It were. I heir "proof sheet" will be revised and corrected in due time. and their first issue will be announced later on. Mav their pathway be strewn with rosea, and all their troublea be little ones. -Mmttrt Nw$. Contractor Q W Hunt has finished his contract on the Cascade branch of the Northern Pacific and is now in the valley, when he will give some attention to the Oregon Pacific. One night last week the weather was cold enough at Baker City to freese puanpa. The total value of taxable property In Pendleton la 740,59 gJ Thia is an increase of $ 754,677 .93 since last year. , Dcmpscy has again abandoned priae lighting, lie has hecn doing this contlnu allv for several ears. w a Portland butchers have paid as high as six cents a pound for Ist-ct on foot, hence M1hat article is decidedly of a golden hue In Ifjihhat citv. Mrs hid Dot ris la visiting in Albany while her husband la on a trip to rrinevlile. A Portmnd Sunday paper says three Al bany girls are on the downward road to ruin Won't some one reach out and atop them . Cogitate over this fact, the statement could not be made if there were not several mis crable hoodlums here to help them-along. Simmons, proprietor of the hotel at Moo terey, has been arrested for firing the build ing. The evidence is strong against him. 1 he long and short haul clause, as was anticipated a proving the great central point in the law. It has Iwen suspended for sev cntv five days. The people of the Pacific Coast will be glad to have it suspended en tlrely Geo W Mack went craiv at Salem last Saturday, lie waa in Oregon hunting young lady to whom he was engaged In the tast. t'oor, tool Mi fellow Milton has voted a six mill tax for school purposes. Any place conducting Itself In thia manner deserves the attention of the public. One of Senator Mitchell's daughters ai.l to !h- engaged to Sir L (' Vkcat, of Kng land. Poor girl. Have ycu forgotten NelUe urant and the rest of them. The OR 4 N railrrwd lines have been leased to the Union Pacific. Slowly the great are absorbing the small, and wealth U neing centralized. Chaunccv Lockwood. of Salem, while riding a hlcvcle across the river from that Mr A B Woodto went to Silent tba first of the wtek to aoo Governor Peaaayer in refer oaeo ta obtaining arms for the tf A R of this oily. Mrs Stephen Dookard and ohild arrivoJ ia Albaoy from Victoria last week and will re side with her husband in this eity ths coming year. Btah6p Morris, of th Kpisoopsl Charch, waa in the eity ysetorday. He is making arrangements toeatabtisb a pormsnant min later hero. Hon L H Mootaoya,DrG W Maston.Jodga Pdnn, Jadg Whitney, J L Cowan aad other Albsnians ntve bosn making short visits to Salem this weak. Mr George L Blaekmaa, wife aad daughter, arrived in Albaoy last Mouday, and intend making Dragon their home. On tkeir way hers tby pasocd throogh a snow storm tat Ohio flv J s Pert, of H sissy recently oaUhrat ad his eiaVteUi btrtbdsy. An eightieth birth -day ia aa event more dsaorviug of celebration than the possession of great rtobes, psrtiea- Urly when as to this oaos, it haa bom pre ceded by Will spent years. Mr John ion aad wife Uft Albaoy last Tueaday on a vunt to their former horns at I 'idepsonena. V. Mrs Isom baa been boi from there for thirty rive yesrs, this tmiog her first trip aoraaa the e .otisent. They will 90 gone aooat lores months. Collector l ric.t. of Ysqatns City, waa in Albany, lait Ssturday. Mr Priest was ferry - tn this eity t the tmtuof tne disappear - aaoe of Albaoy Ismoua eannou. By strict at tentina to busies bo baa rteeo to bo a collector of I ualoma for the gr.-j.tei. nation on tna face of the earth. Beginning w ith May 1st a new schedule of running time will go into force on the O. & C. Under it a passenger can leave Port land at 4 O'clock, including Sunday, and ar rive In San Francisco forty-two hours after wards for the sum of $30, unlimited, $31. Twenty-nine miles of staging only will be required. The return train to Portland will reach there at 11 o'clock in the forenoon. Cnder the new schedule Albany will be the railroad eating place of the Xorthwet,threc 1 times a day .and mine host Gross will have a j fine thing of it The noon trains will con i tinue on their present time.running.though, onlv between Eugene and Portland. Cnder this arrangement the evening through train will leave Portland at 4 o clock and arrive here at 7 -4 5, passengers taking supper here .and breakfast at Med ford in the morn ing at 8:35, arriving at Ashland at 9 o'clock. The North bound train will leave Ashland at I p. m .taking supper at Med ford at 545, arriving at Albany at 6x$ a. m., breakfast, and at Portland at 9:55. The local passenger train will leave Port land at 8 a. m. and run to Eugene. It will be at Albany at ia:x p. m , Eugene 3:20 p. m. The North bound train will be at Albany at 1 1 U5, Portland 3-45. Under the j. ... 9niinu.mnl I hp nlen of i-arn imr mail will be reversed, our through mail from city, in Polk county, Monday, took a -head- Port and irettini here at noon, while local 't -s ocu nu mail will come at nbzht and in the morn ing. This will cause a great inconvenience, j There should be a complete mail service on all of the trains. We need it. NOMg AND ABROAD. V M French, weler. Two fish markets iu Albany now. Fine millinery at Shane k Lens way 'a, Tha beat harness at K L Tiiompaou'a. Sit war "want up" half a tent Saturday. Ca faud astila your lumber bill. Ki Car. tar, H. Kw rt, practical watchmaker and lo. Fredi garden seeds at Wadset Si Thomp. ea'ii Oyttere sorve l in all styles at Hoffman A Pfeiffar'a. J, P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al bony, Or. Got) Baal A Broa-neli'a for choice fresh groceries. The Salem fanning mills for sale at Deyoe k Ribaou's. S.Hoe N .. I cider vinegar at WiUoe 3c Thorn pso us, Fine tropica' fruits at all times at Wallace St Thompson 'a. Old papers at tba DksiojRat office for 35 cents a hundred. Order the Ffaunamaker cltbiag through Shane A Lmsway. 12 oana of good oysters at ifallvoi St Thompsvm'a for SI. We sell tha Sea Beach cigar at 6 eon ta at Read St Brownell'a. hake Superior White Fish in kega at Wal aoe St Trt ompaoa'e. Genuine NO inolssses ia barrels at Wal I aoe St Thompson's B L Briatow baa btao appointod special awamp land exeat. For Horn ilrssi goods of the latest stylos go to Shaae St Uoe way's. the St. KKAL IXTATK In 1 1 0 ij Following were the recorded sales Linn county during the pat week : lame Blakelv to lienrv Blakclv.304 acres in tp 14 s K i w $2000 Minor Jackson to Thompson .v Wa ters, 4x38 feet in Brownsville. . . Elmarion Smith to James A Smith, undivided one hail of t a 1 r and j6 rods, 272 56 acres and 80 acres in tp ijH R 4 w Wesley X Lawrence u E E Upmev er, fractional river lots 5 and 6 "in liarrisburg Cyrua West lake and wife to W C Westlake, Iota i, a, 3 and 4 in block 50, Albany, Or Adda E Bryant, etal to Elndra Kirk pa trick, lota 3 and 4, block 4, E. A , Albany and all personal prop erty love and aff Matilda r Downing to Alev r How. -Ing. 31648 acres la tp 9 S R 1 E O at C R R to John Bryant, 80 acres latpoSR 1 E Albaoy Cemetery Associedoa to H W dettlemier 1 lot in cemetery. Goo I7J0 j66 IS ME10RIAM. aw assitanccof a large crowd he wa captured ' gardening ; cheap taxes, only excelled fn and placed in the faliboose, where he served j this respect In one or two cases ; magnifi W. T. These initials might stand for Washing ton Territory or Worth Trvinar. In this j - w case, though they refer to the initials of the enterprising grocers, Wallace St Thompson, whose fresh and well selected stock of goods arc certainly worth trying. Enterprising voune men. bv attending strictly to busb out his fine. Foolish Boy. Quite a senaation occurred in Corvallis Sabbath evening a young man named May er, having been rejected by his girl station ed himself in front of her house, drew a 38 calibre revolver and shot himself in the breast. As sometimes happens a rib was in the way and the shot will not prove fatal. He will live and deserves rejecting as often aa he proposes. none or iwo cases ; magnin ' . . . , - a- m ; summer resorts ; intelligent, UnK cheap giving good I goods and ople, excepting a few W ln8 c "iuare fn "WJZ&J ,u nn ... ,u:J Tw-m . .i.nLrt are working up a fine trade. Nearly everv ill not see this Item ; splendid . . . .P ... .t. cent scenery cultivated peo backs who will not see this item ; splendid schools ; plenty of churches with good ministers. Come to Linn county, the gem county of Oregon. An' Old A It. Geo. Keenev, of Sweet Home last Satur day waa arrested by Constable Barger on an indictment for assault on D. W. Rum baugh at Sweet Home two years ago. Bonds were furnished in the sum of $300. The case will be tried at the next term of the Circuit Court. Since the affair the pris oner haa evaded arrest. Tragedy Near Kageae. Last Monday near Eugene City a Ger man named Lochner attacked his wife with a brush hook, felling her to the ground and leaving her for dead. Then he assaulted a daughter ; but she succeeded in gettin away from him uninjured. After these v olent acts he went to his barn and hanged himself, being dead when found. Mrs. Lochner may possibly live, though this la doubtful, as the wounds inflicted on her were severe ones. The affair caused 5m- ; mense excitement in the community. f "Niagara." The play "Niagara," which Mr. Stuttz left at Albany while here, is being gotten up by Albany amateurs and will be present ed in a few weeks. Though containing a large number of parts we understand it has been well cast and will be worth hearing. It is proposed to make it the amateur fea ture of the season. Notice. Any information concerning the where about of R. L James, once a resident of Lebanon, will be thankfully received by Postmaster Montague of that place. Papers please copy. Bicycle for Sale. A 54-inch Victor bicycle, ball bear ings all around, as good a new, for sale cheap. Address or call on J. P. Hail. bodv is trvinur them, and sticking for the reasons given. Have you done so. If you would get bargains do so. Keep this fact in your mind and dream over it ! Wallace & Thompson are ortli lrying. Albany Horse Market. L. Senders has just built a new com mo dious stable one block south of the school house in this city, and is still buying all good horses that he can get weighing from 1050 to 1500 pounds in good order. Every one having such bring them to his stable where he will always be found. Towards the latter part of May he will go to Eastern Oregon to buy in that market, not finding the maaket here sufficient to supply his or ders. Parties desiring to make purchases will hnd he always has on hand a well se lected stock of horses which he will sell at small margin. Kid Gloves. Ladies when yon with a good kid glove in the latest and most desirable shades, kind ly remember that K ff Allen A Co. ia the place where yon can find them. A full line of Royal aad Jouvins, also the "ClothildV undressed kids. Yon The editor of the '' and Iludeiin, of San Francisco, have sued the editor of the C'Aros- icU for libel. The latter accused the former of receiving Stojooo, from the Southern Pacific for keeping 'their mouths shut. A drunken man who laid down on the track near Tacoma Monday, was run over by a train of cars and cut into four pieces. A new comer. Base ball ia raging with .a fearful rage this year. Why should not Oregon be up with the timet. The Albina paper treats Portland as the suburb of that place. The old story of the tail trying to wag the dog. T G Reames has resigned as postal in spector, Albany will probably celebrate the 4th the coming summer. The Dbmocrat's sugestion of several weeks ago has taken root. It is our time. The name of the Salem Tali, has been changed to 7'aV Sentry. The health of ex-Secrelarv Manning now travelling in Europe is improving. Senator Cartwright, of Crook countv, it Ik reported, haa left the Republican party and cast In his lot with the Democrats. Six hundred box cars are being built for the Southern Pacihc Company by the En sign Manufacturing Company of Virginia. Two hundred flat coal cars are being con structed for the same railroad at the Sacra mento shops. Tangent Grange No. 7, April -jrd, 1887. WiiKAKAH, Through the inevitable of nature death has removed from our mi. Kt our beloved Sister Hildertjc Ackertnan and Wmkbsah, By her death the Grange has lost a tattmul member, tne Church a devot ed christian, the community a worthy citi .an and the family an affectionate compan ion and living mother. Therefore be it JyVsWiW, That we bow in humble sub mission to the wilt of Almighty God. ReMilwi, Thai we tender to the bereaved family our heattfelt sympathy and com mend them to Him who doeth all things well. rdvt, That our charter be draped and that the members of the Grange wear the usual badge of inournlngfor thirty days AVvem, That a copy of these rcsolu tior.a lie spread upon the minutes, a copy presented to tne family of the deseascd and one to the papers of Albany for publi cation. Mrs. P. Cochram, M.J. NKKhUAM, Mas. D. M. Jos as, Committee. New To-day. We are showing a beautiful line of lace curtains, in pairs, and by the yard, plain and printed scrim, in designs entirely new to thia market and inviti those desiring goods NO. No idle carpenters in Albany. No empty houses here. No sidewalks without nails protruding, at least not many. No growth without enterpise. No use for tied up capital. No factories without an effort. No need for hoodlums. No bummers need apply. Dry goods boxes are now kept off the street. No farmer can get along well these mod ern days without diversifying his farming. aatr ah ktnri nr , .1 mi,, will find our stock of carpets, oil cloth, aa"-11 ea-- wa, BSIOT WM SO af saw Tf I Si Sox's. matting and window blinds full and attrac tive, all that is new in patterns and styles can be found in our assortment, to see is to believe. MOXTBITH & SkiTEMBACII. MrC W Watt's oomploio list. .f tax of Linn county is r.dy t-r distri la tino. It It a work f great vslne. By it can be ascertained the alienf each tax psyei property, tha vs ue of res I prinrty bema: separate, amount of indebtedness and exemption. The task of getting up sncb a work haa boon great. Sent pott paid to any address ttn $'A. Mr E B Maple s few days ago pur based the Dunn farm, aix or aovea miles from thia city, containing 334 acres for Sl3."0. mt the rate of $25 sn aere and will luuateou it after a while. The citizens of a town are the archit eta f ita prorperty . If snail like in sctmn 1 be toot, will be a snail ; if l. r Jiko tlo town a ill a dear, Push and enf rpi i. will build up a community every timer. MosshscUbrn sill ran one down, Mr Al Churchill, onoe of the Cory .Hi. QmttU, has leased I .son's Opera Houoe, a' Eugene, for a year. Prom the ink stand atd paste pot to manager of an Oiwra llou e Con template the elevation. Probably hoodlum thivs. Some time Sunday night some one broke a gless io ore of the front windows of Wallace A Chomp eon's groeary store and extracted ceveial deten lemons and oranges L E Blain hat just received at his atom an elegant adjuetable mirr-r by th ase o! which a customer may te li t, inkaon I is body without twiating aud aqatrnung. (Jood flu ar thaa alwaya obtained . If you wear sut two pair of shoes in a e. r aod c in save six bite a petr by baying ttieui of Road St Brownell retaember o tou yesrs lime yon will have sated fifteen dollar, this is well worth reotemlrering. A first -elaes place to get a a . . wr job niton m Duw ruftOSOef aftM I s e . . . . vnaries Hotel at istuaaoa. Another tumble in the prioa of boots aad shoes at Head 4 BiowneUs. Wheat too a boom and went up to $1.14 io San EraucuM; on Mouday I E J Forsyth, oaeo a resident of Browns villa, is now Mayor of Joseph. J II To I. apecisl agent for the State luauraaoo Co. of Salem, 0 regon. Six shaves for a dollar aod a clean towel to very ooetotnor, at L. Vierick'a. W II Haston has begun the erection of fa new rosidrooa on Second street. Tha now Christian Cbareb io tins city will bo dedicated suae time in May. RoeMBibor U c til on J Gradwohl at bis now qaa-rtera, ia the Brigg'a block. 7 0-ks euros rheumatism, neuralgia and toothache. Foahay A Mason, Agents Examine Woodio's Extension tablse. They ar -well go aod aoe them for yooraelf. Lsst M ntday Mr Mauls shinned a ear load 01 noraee 10 neaicie loriiie local market there. F M French, aint Sioaor Manafactorina Co., opposite Odd Petlowe TempU, Albaoy, Or. The lsle.t,lrget aad finest ass trtment of Spriug tntShaery tn tne valley at Miss a jhu bert s. Fine aaii.toery at Shane St Lonawav'a on- dor ta management of too expert Mi as Bar- Every i.uaviwable atvl of hats aad bouusts for ladies, mi eses end children at Miss Sbn bort's. Action on the Oregon claim amoaotiog to 169,000. wdi not bo taken until March. Hibboua. laces, fea.hera. tl ers aod 01 us- assoU to al! th I steal design at Miss Scha bert a. nr. at, u. cilia, ptiysKia 1 and aargooa A'laiiy, Oregon, 'li made 10 otty or coo u try. To chairs pjaj koog ruanioa at V wrick's barber shop Tne place to get a ahsve or hair cut. The price of wool will be lower thenueoal this year. Tne Hrst sal at Arlington brought la oenu. The Three St.tere" bat aoeoeaded ooera tnma on the Wii:..iitu. Toe -'B-nUey" wi 1 continue to run. a young ui.n uamed Moore attomptod 10 kilt his in -trior at Oaklau 1 Saturday, with roek, but failed. Clark Brother 1 are preparing to make aav eral hundred tbouaaod brick as aooa aa tba woathor permits. Ooveruor Poanoyer has refnaod to the reaignstioo of ifroeeriee 14 ut 4Voio Brother. They krp a fresh stock and soil as eheap as anyone. They also have a splendid a took of crockery and glaatwara wniea way nu as cheap aa tbe cheapest. Htx' Tooipto Commaudery, No 3, of this oft;, Sold a special coaclave in this city Wednas -day. State Supt M. -El my, (,'ouoty Clerl; Chapman, E M I-afore aed C U Bingham, ol Salem, and W P Coooway.of Iedepeodenoe, ween initiated into tbe mysteries of tboneilor. Citizens of Oregon sbou U reonioiber that the first opportunity for celebrating the celt, brste.l lsir day will oooaroa tb Brat Satur day in June Salt Creek, in Polk eoanty 1. already making arrangements to observe the day. Mr M M Keck ia building a marble abop, jast east of the Revere House, back of Conn Brother, a tine location for tbe boetneew. Mr Keck is a good workman, aod this w Ml bring hts work 10 a position for good dta play. On May 30th aud 31 t there a ill bo races at the new Eugene City dnyiog para furies $086 to all. There will be three running raoet free for all, 000 for Lane .county haras, and a trotting race for Lao ooonty horao. En tries will close May 23th. Saturday Mr WiUou Blain received from hwatatcr, Mrs W S Peter. I.Sau landrn. Col., a box of rnoebuds, grown to the open air. The oolioctioo wa an elegant one. a re- miodsr that Oregon ia behind California io the matter of early lowers. This yr par ttcaiarly, ia somewhat backward. J (i Crawford, the photographer has re cently Ukso s large number of splenCi I views ot tbe city, which show it off to floe advan- Parttoa dosirtog to abuw tbetr hi -od 10 tbe Eaat how wo loo, here have au oppor tunny 01 uotng ao. Mr Crawford's vtewa wtil oqnpare with any taken iu tha Eaat. Chas Wdiert k Soe ta no the p.tucips! blacksmithiog tiros io Cautcrville. The son only ainvod last week ami is hose of the tirw.r-lfeetoa leader. This it No 2. and Charley's fneuds bore will tasglad to know that Be has a striker in hi oao As aa offset to the aeti w of Ilev J R N 10 chaaging from tbe M E Church .South to tbe Prcsbyurian Church. Rev Header-on. ot MoMmnviiio. has left the Fr.a'vtrtan Charch and joined the Coogregational Church causing aeeaowfeat of a saoaatioo in that p!ac Albaoy march ante have been a gaod oasiossw uunng is poac row moii in , eome reporting a larger trade than for any c.rre. poudiug mouths io their boaiura ep.riei.oe ia Albany. Thia fact is worth digesting. Put a pin hero also in the iutorost of too newspa pers. The man doing thia are tbe ones ady. r- tutittg the moot. The roads near Albany need placing ia lirst -class ouaditioo for sommor driving. It would bo a good enterprise to make a speci ality of some particular mad ao that it would BO suitable tor drives when it ia desired to pi ' exhibit speed or shoo off our ,fine emu try to .a i. mm er Kn' blfp. Whit 'rn It, t (nl woH we live in Nature ghe nt grandeur of mouataiaa.gleaa and oceans, and thousands of means of enjoy ment. We can ftswlro no better when r feet health ; bot how often do the icajority of people feel like giving it op diahesrtod, discouraged and worn tut with disease whoa there is no occasion for this feeling, aa ovary aufferer can easily obtain satisfactory proof, tlat (Jrrrn m Avyuxt Fhvtf, u ill make tbtm fa 1 f m f'ieaac, ss wht-n borr. Dyrpsrpsia al I 1- 1 I'oniplaint are the direct caaaea of sa-VeB'J hv r cmt f sncb maladies aa BilioBtf , I rligntn n, Sick Headache. CoM ivi nr , Ni voua, PiostratioB, Dizziness of the Head. Pa'piteliou f the lieait, aid "th r difrritg atniptiBis. Thrro dotes i f AuLMt yiutrr will prove He ooderfal effect. Sample bottle, 10 et ate. Try it. liroiferlea. V hil- looking after y tar eoppliea in tha sbov line, don't yo 1 fort that N II AHb k Co. groceries, and dou't you forgot that you cn getju.t as muuh suarea, cof fne, ri"e or snything else for a dolbn aa yen can get in any store iu tins city, aad all of the best quality. Ctll on Alien 4V Co. when you want iroMriet aad iimm,ier thav aavar al low themselves to be ouderor'. Wall Paper. HkaJes, tl. N II Allen k. f. keep in stock a fall liao of the above good, including a fine assort merit of dee ration f r Maltnga, wh c they will sell at h Invest possible priora, W have now io tranrt 01 of tb large. stock 4 of these gnodaavnria this market. Bine vitriol for wheat at Stewart St Ttae Koreat mt eabtaatlaas. Trne delicacy of flavor with of action, h-u lcen attatctxl in true effieaey the asv of a California iinoi-l fruit remedy, Sjrrup of Figs. Its pleasant taste and beneficial effects nave rendered it immensely popular For sale by Foahay k Mason, wholesale aad retail. ae Ketos to the taste, morn actvptahle to the stomach and mora tnlv lneiictal in itt action, the famous Calt'orni iiqnid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs, is rapidly sufersdia2 aU others. Maaoo. Try it. For apldiy ale by Fobty 4 Indi miaeraoia or la u '.maaa, uom o Hhiloh'a YitaiJaor kR8 Y lU M IDE ett.i CiMpttln, p po'ite. Yellow skin? Aa positive cure. vtlLLYOU SUFFER w.tb Uses and Liver Corop'aim ? Shdoh's Vttal'a gutra nt etd 10 cure you. MHLOfrs CATARRH REMBDYr n poeitivo cure for Catarrh, Diptheria, and Canker Mouth. waod Bessa to Every aa. D. A. Br jd ford, wholes tie paper dealer of (.'hattanooco, Tenn.. writoa, that bo woo seriously afflicted with a severe cold that settled 00 Hia lungs ; bt I tried maaT remedies without bonefii. Bing fndoosa to try Dr. King's Now Disc iv-ry for Con sumption, did no and waa on li rely cured by 1 n use of a few b ulo. Si 1100 which time bo baa used it in bi faun v for all Couahe an I (old with beat results. TbJfl is the experience of thousands whose lives bars been aavoj by thia Wonderful Discovery. Trail bottle rro at Foahay ot Discovery. Trou boa Mason's Dsug tstore. too inotnuersoi ins otaie tnnt,m Board of Immigratioa. I prof. L-maway, oa accoont of bis buti- Mr Juhu Brtggs will repair aod abarpsa 1 '.nUrM.ta WU nUrm from he public lawn mowsrs at bu residence, corner of 4in I Bboo' l s close of tbs present tens there Notice to Farmer. It will now bo an object to farmers to look after their small fruita and fruit treat. Tne Willamette Packing Company intend to can a large qnaatity of fruits of all kinds. There by establishing a market for the tamo. Bee i:ved this weik direct from manufac tures in C ncigo, tailor made ulsters and faujy jacket, plain bl ick jersey jackets, blac i jerseys, ate. 3a m cel. E. Youho. Our Spring stock of dress goods, fancy goods, b Kta and shoes, etc , haye arrived and ws are now thowing tlte moat complete and attractive atoct ot goode aver brought to Albany. A visit to onr store will convince all that w are in the lead. Monteith & Sbitknbach. Call and Settle. For sole. Persona knowing themselves indebted to Mr. John Brgga will had tha account in the hands of L H Montauye, Attorney at law, OBITUARY. Mra Selena Martin departed this life at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. T. J Stites, in this city, on the 27th day of April 1887, In the 57th year of her age. Mrs, Martin was one of the early pioneers, having emigrated with her husband, to this State, in 1S53 and settled at Harrisbug which has been her home to the time of her death Mrs. Martin was a loving mother and de voted christian, having been a member of the Christian Church fdr many years. She leaves three daughters and three sons, and many relatives and friends to mourn her lOHH. 1 1 mi 1 1 SB B 1 I ! The Effect of Mental Exhauston. Many diseases, especially those of the nervous system, are the products of daily renewed mental exhauston. Businesa avocations often involve an amount of mental wear and tear vary prejuldioal to physical health, and the professions, tf arduously pursued,are no less destructive to brain and nerve tissue, It is one of the most Important attributes ef Hostotter's Stomach Bitters, that it compensates for this undue loss of tissue, and that it im parts new ouergy to ibe brain and nerves. Tbe rapidity with which it renews weak ened mental energy and physical vitality is remarkable, and shows that its invigo rating properties are of tbe highest order, besides increasing vital stamina, and counteracting the effects of mental ex haustoa, this potential medicine cures and prevents fever and ague, rheumatism chronic dyspepsia and coosUpation, kid A Hatter with a Point to It. Ths season of house cleaning and Spring moving is abcut here. Hons olsauing ia a moan business ; but it bat to lis dour. You will want a carpet this Spring by all means. Get a good one. a tasty nns, one that y onr friends will like totes. A B. Mcltwatn haa a magnificent ttook. No such line datigns have ever been surpassed here. He will sell these carpets at prices that defy competition anywhere m the V allay. Portland too. In general merchandise, boots, shoes, etc,, Mollwain is prepared to most a rushing ysar'a trade with a splendid stock of well elected goods. He will not be undersold, And will meet Cut prions Every time, and on ths asms torma or iu large packages undersell them, lis can do thia because ha b.iys in very large quantitos, gets better prices aad much cheaper freight. Try htm in sugars, coffee, tobaccot, pickles, n fact anything in hia store. Ueyasrite. What ia Qeyaerite ? This seems to be the leading queatlon to day. Well It is simply the name of the beat line of laundry and toilet soaps in the market. Every one knows that most minerals contain cleansing Drooerties. and thence troods are made from the minerals at the celebrated Geyser springs of Colorado with pure cocoanut oils added and passed through Zahus patent process, converting them into the purest and nest soap ever offered the public. The Geyser Sapone put up in six pound tin buckets and retailing at CO cents per bucket, ia in jelly form and unequaled for cleansing purposes, such as cleaning paint, floors, tinware and all metals, also for washing dishes and laundry purposes. Wallace & Thompson are the sole agents for this citv for these thoroughly reliable goods and all orders will be promptly filled by them, aa they are taken at residences by the company's agents Letter List. Following it tbs Hit ot letters remaining in the Post OSes, Albany, Linn count, Oregon, April 2sth, 1837 Person calling for these letter must give the dale on which they were sdysiiissd ; 1,. Davit, Eobt B Hanson, T H Hsmer, Emma Hlekmin, Jack tavertcn. r o Morris, atrs iron and Cahpoota streets. Deyoe ft Bobeoa have a large stock of the host plows mad oa baud. They will bo sold at bedrock prices. Ths tax levy io Nst Peres county, Idaho, has bosn placed at S3 nulls. That would aaako an O.-egooian aqosal. Tae "Yaqaiaa City" will sail from Ys qutaaon tuotday, May 3rd sad toe "Wil iamette Valley" on the 10th. Mr H W Candid, ike enterprising brick manufacturer Baa addsd a large wind mill to his brick yard west of ths city. Mr. Thornton, recently of d tern has sc. QOpten a position aa ciera in res Bay tt At a goo's drug a tore, succeeding Daaiola. Thi (Friday) evening Rev Davis will da liver an address 00 Labor aod Capital, at tba Evangelical Church. Admission free. Wood working machinery, sbaftin , pub lings, bolttog and etc., at half price. Inquire of C. L. Brush, foot of Lyon Street, Albany, Or. Last Friday eyening the cylinder head at Mr Jofar iwvedy's saw mill, 00 tha Santtam was blown out, causing mors fright than dam age. Ws have moved our atock of aoods across the street from our old stand, follow as sud we will make it to your interest. Read St Brownell. On our first page will be found tbe spring apportionment of school moneys for Liu 11 county. S.udy it ; for it contains soma pointers. Mite Ida L Spink, daughter ot Mr Perry Spink, of thia city a ill graduate the coming summer from the "Sacred Heart" Academy at Salem. Dr M W Johnson, a counterfeit ininty ex pert from Washington City, was in Albany Monday, teaching the art of detecting ooun- tertett mousy. Barkhart ft Keeney sell tickets ovsr the Northern Pant Ho Rail Road to all points east. Call on them for rates and maps ahowing route oi travel. On Monday of last week Prineville people voted to build an $8000 school house by a vote of 55 to 4. A 10 mill tax will ba levied and the district bonded. The Salem Lane ia nttchino- into Dr Josephi oi ths Insane Aaylnin rough abed Jt also is very properly piercing the rough, Boaly sides of King Alcohol The Railroad Commission haa been hoard from. Born, st Corvallis, on Tueaday, April 26th, 1887, to the wife of Hon. George Wag goner, R. C, a daughter. 4 Tha Oregon Blood Purifier it Nature's, own remedy, and ahould ha used to the exclusion of all other medieinea in all diaessee of ths stomach, liver and kidneys. Prof Lea, of tbe ColUze ia havine erected jutt south of Mr John lrving'a residence a new residence for occupancy by Mr and Mra Li. when tne event takes place. li D Wit hard, General Secretary of the International College t9ommil!le of the T.M. C. A- addressed ths pupilsjkt the College Chapel on luesday morning Should you desire to sell call on Burkhart ft Keeney aa they advertise property placed in then banda, aud charge nothing unless they effect a sale. Mr Herny Clark ia building a new rcaie deuce that will be an ornament to his local ity, tha south eastern part of ths city, by the way the growing part of Albany. John Caldwell, ton ef Mr V H Caldwell, Hying serosa ths Cslipooia, while going home ths other evening was stepped by a couple ef man and relieved of 2 or thereabouts. Who will have the honor of bringing the first box of atrawberriee to the Dxmograt of. floe this year. We will print hia name ia caps, Uie?s tue strawberry men aa way. Subscribe far the Helping Hand, a matri- menial paper, containing aavertuemea SEEDS. All kinde of grass seeds, Rod and White Clover, Ahdke Clover, gennine Silver Hall Buckwheat, Grmsn Millet, Kentucky Klue raa, and aeveral different varieties of sweet and V ieid Corn for sate by I art Has. will be a vacancy to bo Biled . The go-xi rep utation tbe school baa oetaind should be kept up by the selection of a first -class prin cipal. We uudertUud several application have already hexn male ; but, no action will probably bo taken so til ths whole held in the North woet is hoard from. The Ashlso'l Tiding after pitching into sa Albany contemporary for say tog ths fruit crop in Siotbetn Oregon was nearly rained says ; Uo to thi time tnrre is oromiao of an abundant fruit crop iu tbe Ashland orchards BOaOBtt, prunes, plums, chorrtes, spricots, pear, qntnoos, spplos. Wo have ha 1 some Irostv weather this soring not more thao in the Wiilismette, however but the tree will o,i oaded unless a May freeze-up should hap pen which oar Willamette friend t seed net, (hO) apptshsnd will occur. A young lady ia one of oar prominent in stitutions of learning, who was a groat favor ite, net only among bar eiaastnatos, but with ail the faculty, was obliged to give up her studios and return home seriously ill. Chron 13 nervous sick -headache, accompanied by unpaired digestion, by which the circulation and nutrition of the brain was impaired, rendered her yery miserable A physician was nailed, who, apparently, not understand ing the nature ef her ailment, failed to afford reiittf. A friend who had been similarly af dieted, and found immediate relief by asiug Freae's Hamburg Tea, re com mended ths same to her She sasds trial of it aad to her great juy f.aod a decided improvement aa the reaul.. After a few daya use of this popular remedy she was fully restored, Wm. Otto, who lives near Treat Lsk -, Klickitat county, had a terrible experience lately while out hunting, tie waa fortuuato enough to kill s large sized cougar, and lean ing bit gun against a tree proceeded to re move the animal's akin. The barking of hia doga caused him to raise his syes, and there, within a fsw feet of him, crouched his vic tims mate. Iu attempting to get hia gun he tipped and fel I and the oongat- waa on top of him, The cougar was tearing him with clawa and teeth whan Mr Otto whipped out hia knife and by great exertion of strength cut ths animal's throat and it fell dead at hia feet. Regaining hia guu a third cougar bit the duat, while two other made off into the moantsins. After ths eueountor Mr Otto did cot present an attractive tight, as he was covered with blood and his clothes were in shreds, but an examination failed to nveal aay eertoua injuries Yakima Signal. New Dry Goods Store. 3H4NE & iimn. Desire tocall the attention of thei rienda and tbe pu die generally to their ssieneit'o sicca or DRY AND FA3CY GOODS. embracing everything usually found it s tirsucia- exclusive Dry Uo U Store Wn gunuiitiM our prioet below tboot of Pi rt laud Wo invite cioe buvora to examine our gooda. Samples mailed to applicants. SHANE A LOSS W Y. From n't Bick. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oraaroot City, Or. 1 April SSib, 1S7, J Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named salt '.or has tied notice of hia intention to otske flnsl proof io support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Judge er County Clark, of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Or. oa Wedacidav. Jttac 131b. via : John Warren, lio-restoad Entry, ?to. toss, tor tBe w lA "I 4 , of Section 26, Tp. 13, M R 2 W. He names the fo. lowing witnesses to prove his continuous reddt.noe upon, and cultivation of, said land, via : Cyrua J Newland, James H Warreu. Wm H Kirk and John W tUvsett. all of trownaeille 'ostofnee, Linn county, Oregon. W. T. BvnsEY. Register. KM. yonr property LUDERMAN.-On Suadav, April 24th, 1887 to the wife of Carl Ludermnn a girl. MILLER On or about April 23rd at Knox isittte, to the wife o; Mr Mart Miller-twine. One of tbe infanta has already die 1, t ie other is improving, and we are k 1 id to know Kirs. Miller it ont of dtnger sn 1 a now d ing well. THOMPSON. Iu thia city 0.1 Apr 1 27th, 1887, to the wife of Rufus Thompson, our "Naaahy, a girl. 80 our Postrnaatsr lo ka after font; 1 1 well aa mail matter. MAKKIEK. DERTHICK KINZER In this city, on April 20th, by K. I. Uorris, j. F., M A. A. Dkrtmick and Martha J. K In zer both of Linn county. GARDNER GARDNER. On April 17tb 1887, at the residence of Sarah P Gardcer by Rev. Alderson, Mr. Jas. R. Uaiulnrr and Nellie M. Gardskr. all of Linn county. EtIED. Estrayad. One bay mare, from Salem, Or., about February 18th, 13-17, weight tf In good order about 100 lb 4.. while spot In fore- bead, one white fo t. years old thia spriug, high beaded, apparently wild, very long, slim, rnaok tail. Anyone giv ing information of the same will be re warded bv 0, H. Moot bob, Monroe House, Salem. Dissolution of Partnership, Notice is herebv triven that the nartner- ship heretofore existing between H. Bundy , W. Bundv, fc. Bund v, J . Bundv and L. 3undy, under the firm name of H . Bundy ons is dissolved bv mutual consent. I he business will be continued bv II. Bundv, Y. Bundv and L. Bundv. Harrisburg, April i9th, 18S7. H. Bt'XDY, W. Bundy, E. Bvxdy, J. Bundy, L. Bundy, Board of Equalization, Notice ia hereby given that the directors if School District No. 5, Linn county. Ore- iron, will set aa a Board of Equalisation at t tie omcs 01 tne uiera oi saia xsittncc at Ao. i9, First street, Albany, Oregon, on Friday, April 22nd, 168 . at 4 0 clock, p. in., for tbe purpose of examining, correcting and equalis ing the aaseeament roil of said D strict for the year of 1887. All persons interested hereby notitied to ba present and make i heir desires known, or files written atate msnt of the tame with the Clerk on or before taid date. By order of the Board of Dire tors of said District . C. G. BtTBRUART, District Clerk. Dated Atrll Hth, 137. 1 1 Hail, ALBANY, SR., AGENT in these or other lii