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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1887)
sttatgrstsl flu gcmoaat. KHIDAY APRIL 29. 1887 GOV. HllJs VETO. Much criticism of Gov. Hili of New York has been indulged io by the Re publican i , because of bit vnto of the Crosby High Licim.e Mil i by the Li-htur. Thin bill wa made to apply only to New York end Brooklyn, ana provided that saloon keepers should pay not leee than $1000 per year for lioeoB-, while in ritber oitiei end towns the lice os) fee ws placed t not lees than $30 nor more then $250. The main objection which Governor Hill urged eysiott the bill was that of its unconstitutionality, being cleas or special legislation. It seems thst the who.e matter pertook of tha oetnre of e party question, th' Republicans favoring the bill and the Democrats opposing it. Oaring tke pendency of the bill before the Legislature the Demoerata nerd every means in their power to secure the adoption of sn ammdrueut to make the l.-t jj nernl, so as to apply to ail cities, tillages end towns ia the State, but Republicans with much aeaurauoe declared thst tha high lieaosa law i not needed anywhere but in New York and Brooklyn, alleging that these cities were dotted all over with saloons end tht other cities ia the State had but reasonable number. The Governor in bti meesage knocks the wiud onl of the sails of tbeee Republicans, giviag a list of all the cities io the 8 ate and show- iug the number of saloons in each to every oae thousand inhabitants, frorc which it appears that io all the cities of the Stat', but six, there are more sa loons io ptoportion to the population then in X York, and that but one oitj in the State baa (wer saloons than Brooklyn in proportion to the popu!a tion. B itr.! with its nearly 200,000 inhabitants, has 14 aa loons to every 1000 inhabitants, while New York has 7 to every 1000 and Brook! j o 5 to every 1000 inhabitants. Nj, the q'lerv io the minds ot everybody, except these Republican legislators and politicians, was : If high licease is beoeSjul t New York and Brooklyn where saloons do abound, why is it not beneficial in tha other cities cf the S.ate where they do much more abound ? f he truth is these Republican leaders tiud themselves in a very tight place trying to steer clear o the Chary bdis of B&ccbus on tho one side and the Seylla of Prohibi tion on b other. S mu two year ago they pledge! themselves to their State convention to submit a prohibitory amendment to the poopl;, but auch was the bowl set up by the ealosniste that teey dared not d it. Tien the probi biti rusts raise ! equ illy as great a bowl an I a they ni i lm 1 i; they do and on lniua-1 if ilr-y d i Vu N Wonder the probibiti mia'.a op ! the Cro.y Li 1 1. Th- peopla do not like hih hceuf , or any lijensv, too wsll eny way, and when they were cfftied high lie me applying to two cities only in th- 3 ate ms full pa ment for the prohibitoiy aaitnJ n it th n had '-: promised th . n by th a Repub.icars,the spnrned the oflVr with di din and de served contempt. The upshot of the whole matter is that prohibition will lie stronger ii N-v V .u tbn eer. WHO CAN i'UOlIIKlT ? A snbjcrib'r ehdahas rad the Den Ocsat for twenty yetn" wants to know bow tbe Sr-ate ctu probibti any person from selling liq-iore after lis has obtain ed a Dniiei 3 t'e iaierial revenue ii cense ; or how ctn th i State of Oregon prohibit a man foui doing thit which tha United State.i has given hiiu a li cense to do. Toe U d i S'h'ih does not give any j.'tvj'i liawBSS to sell li quors Tften is no h i ;H tl in m terual reeoue liccn-," Tijn Uoited States can n t i-r prohibit nor lieeriee the sale of liq-i rs ii any S il Hilar as the general g iveraaasiit ias Jaeernad, any citizen hn tin liht tailt with tut any license. The light to prohibit or license tbe sale of liqu rs bii jugs ex clusively to tho State an ) not to Con gress. Such power w.a never duhgated to Congress, nor dos tbe constitution of the United State prohibit the States from exercising thn)Vd', therefire such power belonga exclusively to the States or to the pe,l i tharerf reapee tively. Hereto h tha truj d ctri i of atate' rights which the ensmiei of e MS stitutional govaromant ao often sneer at. The general governm?.it,f ir th pnrptfi of raising revenue to sseet t.h diiaids of governtaenr, taxes th wh se!i li quors on ihtiir buaineas. It d ms nut undertake to ay whether per mi uity or may nit sail, bo": it d h 4y is 'ery njan, "if you i-.eil I a!l! tax v m." Th i is why the tn )ro th in 4000 ittMn ia Iowa wh'i piid this tax 1 is; yur ate be ing iiael end etherwi-te pniihtd dtily undet the prohibitory Lw of fh; State. The fact that a pars i.ibn pi 1 this in ternal rdvenurt tax d m n at givd hin license to sell, but thit license mint ome from the Sta-te. We b pe ewr subscriber will ha pleased at thin euuu eiatioo of a cardinal principle of bis party. Q-' William Curtis, the editor of Harper's Weekly, and great Mogul of New York mugwumps, s)g that J din Sherman would be an objection ble as a oaadid ite for Piosidnt as B.aiue, him self. We believe it. S. F. FIojJ, former editor of tbe Pi-obioitiviu star, hail become auuiant OPRN YOUR EYES. A certain elaes of newspapers that soetn to have no regard lot the truth have seised upon the appointment of Joseph B. Lsue by the President to b ndian Aent at Silets, to say that at ast the President bad found an Ore gon i an whom he could appoint ei In dian Agent. Thfte papers have bean trying to make it. appeal that the Indian Agents heretofore appointed in this State bed been sent out riotn the Ktst or the Smth. If We had enl r.Msoo to believe that the troth would ediiy tbeee ohaps we would say to them tbet every Indian Agent yet appointed io O.egon has been selected from among the Dem ocratic cttiaens of this S.ate. No office of eny consequence io this Stste,except Poetat Inspector, has beeu nlted by the aoooinlinent cf a non-resident. Let e a these men put this in thdr bets end roid it when tompted to flaify again If tho Orvjonian hud the courage and couehrwnry to fight the living as It does the dead, would not Derao- BMttta flfb suffer ? Now, that it has saiiaUd lis ghoul-like appetite upuu THdeo, UenOrii'ke, Seymour, Mc Clellau and other dead Democrats, it turns Its capacious muff to the more aoeieut dead. For the last few days it has been feasting its hungry soul up m the deed carcass of John U. Calhoun. Well, all at.lmala require appropriate kinds of food, and nothing is so befitting the appetite of that paper as abuse of the. dead. This kind of food b 'ing so very chetp we trun no otht r paper will dispute that paper's right to use it. a9E9sWBBBK9S Tne Bancroft History Company state thst the fourteenth Oregon re ports of the Supreme Court, which they are publishing, will be ready for delivery by May 20. The tyie for the work is nearly ait up. This com puny is also publishing Hill's unn t4ted code, which is nearing comple tion. ssaawaag,1 ! Many rumors have been recently ae afioit that Cleveland has written a let tar sai ing that be would not be a can didate f r, nor accept e nomination far a second term. It appears the Preei dent has neither written such letter.nor has he said th tt he would or would not accept a nomination. is sa sansa a The Yaquioa Post sqnoals like a atuck pig because President Cleveland ap pointed s D jrnocrat to aucceed Wads worth, Republics, as agent at the Silets Agency. Hewl on, you'll get use to that sort of thing if you live twenty five years longer. OORRB3PONDBNOB Tbe Tangent Braaa Band gave a farewell supper to Prof. Sibbits on Monday night of last week. The Prof, has moved to Portland, where he goes to ioatrnct another bend. Gov. Pennoyer bat appointed J. J, Beard Notary Public. Be careful, Joe, yon are not allowed to marry people. Mr. D. W. Jarvis. Mr. Geo. La per end Hiss E ins Lnper visited Indepen dence last Saturday and Sunday. Tbe residence of Mr. Scott took fire laat Monaay at about 7 a. m , but was extinguished in a few momenta by the Tangent Fire Department. Damages, nominal. Tbe fire was caused by a de fective flue and sh mid be a warning to others. U. G. Hurley, photographer from Portland, was here a few days ago and made seyersl photographs of reaideucea. Tangent has residences which will com pare favorable with those of any town in the valley. Tbe much talked cf wedding near Tangent hes been indefinitely poatpiu -el. Hope deferred maketb sick tie heart Mr. Henry S '.tb.rni.-e has, grafted 50,000 fruit trees this seaso, iocbi iiug 3000 peach treea. He has on hand nearly 100,000 young treea. A. Bryan, of the firm ef Smith & B-y- .merchants of this piece, Lk got. k to Klamath reservation on a business trip. Mr. Herd, agent for Stover it Walker, of Portland, was in town oi Tssadaf on business. Albert Bryau has b night the La Francis property in Tangent. Mrs. Parton, of Eugene City, is vis iting Mrs. D. W. Jarvij thie week. ii. J. Moses and family have moved back to Tangent from Sle.a, wnerrr be has besn teaching music. What is home without tbe children 1 Tis the esrth without ks veidure. And the sky without its sunshine, Life is withered to the core. The perfect cbaraoter is not attained in a day. It is first the blade and then the ear. It is evil passions resisted and overcome, it is tne harsh word spoken, the unkind thought suppressed, and at last the life adorned and beautified by gentle helpful words and deeds. Piety and virtue are not oaly delightful for the present but they leave peace and contentment behind them. Tbe boc tibia passed off nicely last night at Rsv. P. A. Moses. All en joyed themsslves finely. Singing next Sunday afternoon at tbe Church. J. H. Scott, leader. All lovers of good singing and good order are invited. G. R Ward,Ei ,i. having his bouse painted. Hen'-y Coleman started to Eistern Oregon over tbe McKenzie route about two weeks ago. Ha ia likely to have a rough trip. Miss Ella Thompson cme home from school i Salem last weak. Mr. D. W. Tilton began a term of scLool at tbe Ward school house yester day. Mr. J. T. Fletchal! has tbe measles. Lucian Ward has moved from Har nsburg to tha Lvtle place. . Ii 'II ! , I. ,t, H Sunday School was permanently or ganised !ast Sunday by elsoting Mr. Tilton, Superintendent, and Mrs. Clar enoa Taylor, Seoretary. Perry Smith is tiying to etgat;o bop ptcKt-ra lor tne cuvm? hat-vent. (An extended account of a big event in Penti circles will appear next wek. -Eds ) Dr. Callinhatn, -eilir t ' i brain iseasef, ia waiting on Do id ( Mist Majub' Sh i h d has tiileil be poaitioo as Secretary in Mr. Kin- son's law office. The entertainment given by the My- er's orchestra at Prater's was a grsnd success, their being in attendance 94 persons from all over the county. The door receipts were as neat as we could ascertain $50. The eaaay delivered by Prof. F. CI ingman was very poor. Therewaaa arfe crowd nut and it was quite a dis- apiointmert to them. Chaa. Mtthew wn tavlly bitten by Major Johnson's doR last wk. When last heard from be was in a fair way to get away. I-airviewa Hen Stvta i the Baf building bridgi Rsv. Ge. Mead will piosch el Fair view on everv third Sunday at alevsn o'clock. Sunday School flourishing. Mrs. Broylesis visiting in Polk coun ty- Wm. Bsgue bs been sick. School et Orleans ii well attended. Mie Cora D M .rrii, of Cuvallis, is teacher. Onlcville. School progressing finely. Rev. Ach u attended ths Presby tery in Poitl-tnd last week. Too much rain. Many ef our farm era bsva not towed aoy wbett this spring. Boyd Hamilton spent Sabbath with his fo'kn. Mr. J. B. C'tiey has g mo Bist,tt be gone some time. Miss Nettie Smith ia tisiiiog heie. New pis iters at the church. Ta U ..ndrrfal llrhn- Pruprrlir uf Parhya Profitiylartir KlaiS'tn rsae of Arrldeata, tor Hnraa. Slaa.Pata, Vuod.ctr. Its prompt uae will invariable relieve and prevent Krysipela,' iaeirrsne.or frond Plash. Owing to the cleansing and purifying quaii tiea of the Plaid tho most obstinate Ulcers, Boils, Carbuncle i and Running 8orsa are rendered pore and healthy at. U speedily cared, no other applies Lioa being necessary For lame su'k. side or chest, uae Shlloh'e Porous Plaster. Price V ce:ta. tHCLOHa Vir vMZBa is what you 1 fir Ciiiv.ii)! m, Ls of Appetite, Dtxcinewe, and all symptom of Dyspepala, Price 10 ana 73 oents r bottle . " m e - Am BaS le - eerapleg. Edward Shephrr I, of Harriabarg. Ill, says : "Hsvioa- received so mocb bvnotit from Klectnc bitter, 1 feel it my dnry to let suffering humanity kaow it. Have had a running sore on my leg fur oight years my doctors told loe 1 Wutild have to have tbe bone scraped or leg auipotsted. I oaed, instead, three bottles of ICiectrio Bitter and seven boie Bucklen'e Aroica MaJve, and my leg i now soond and well," Kiectric Bitters are sold at bity cent a bottle, and Ruckleo's Arnica Salve at 5e. per boa by roshsy ct Maaoo. Geyserite at WalUoe A Thompson's. aeSlea'e Aralea aalve . The beet salve la tbe wurld for f'uta, Brulaoa. H ree. Ulcere. Malt Kbeom, Kver Sores, Tetter, Cnappd Hands, Cbllbtafos, Corns and all Mltiu Kruptlona. and Ksl tively eure' PIIm, or no pay required. It isguaraoteud to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bnz. For safe by Koahmy A Maaoo, Sead Birkiiart a Keeoey namns and sd dresaee of friend deainog iufortnatua of Ore gon and they will seed thenj ooptes ef the JW Etti Conveyor which oorttenis a com plete diaortptiou o' oat county in each iaue witn either desirsb! information aa wather. Tae Very Steal- I bays added to my boot mud shoe stock s line of the celebrated Laird, McMober k MUehrll, Philadephi Fin e'Aoea for ladies, iiiiaena and children. Acknowledged by dealer generally to be tbe best value and best fitting tins shoe made. Widths C, D, K, and EE. A child can boy aa cheap a a man. 8amdsx E. Yocmo, Hole Agent, Albany, Oregon. vlcui JVTV The PbotesrapSer, Albaar, Or I have all the negat vea taken by A B. Fazton and any one can have dupli catea from their negatives by addressing us, at tte following prioaa : Card t per dozen, cabinet size, $3 per dozen, bou duura, S6 per dozen. I keep the finest line of Oregon views In tbe west, Cata lgueurnianed on application. Copying and enlarging old picture a specialty. J. G. Ckawforo. Albany Market. Wheat 77 per bu. Oats 88 " " Butter -20 cts per lb. KMH 14 canta per doz. Reef on foot, 3'c 4 Potatoea 100 cts per bushel. Apples -80 cents per bu, Pork60 per lb. Bacons hams. 10c. shoulders 6s. sides 03. I-Ard -8c per lb. Plour 4.50 per bbl. Chickens 2 50 per doz. Sugar San Franoisc C, 8. Dry granulated 7 c. Mill Feed bran, 11.00 per ton. shorts. 15. middling, IS. Chop, 1 Fresh Yaquiua Bay and K istsrn oynters constantly :i Sand after t day at HofTnsn Pfeiffer'i. Coweta. N H Allan & Co., have in stuck a splen did hue cf corsets. C insisting of the justly celebrated C. P's, Dr Warner's, Dr Loe' 8. K's, the Albany Standard, our spinal brand, alao the Everlasting, S -M Adjusting, Nettie and many other n.akes. Luiiea are especial ly invitsd to call and inspet them. 8LEFPLH8S NIGHTS, mad i miserable by that terrible cough, Uhiloh'a Cure is Use remeJy lot you, S,3Co2M,TcMtt, MY Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Everything kept In a first-class Drv there is a aemana ror. AT BOT Novelties of the Season la every line ; am prepared to MEET ANY PRICES quoted In the papers or circular, and will take Cash or Merchantable Produce and will not turn you off when yoa get oat of money. e Samuel E. Young. raw One hundred and twenty acres of the best quality of improved wheat land, all fenced into four field, good house, hard finish, good outhouses, excellent fruit of all kinds. Situated 3 miles west of Lebanon and one and a quarter in lie aouth uf tbe junction of the Narrow Guage K. K ,itb tbe Lebanon branch of the tf as C R. R. Inquire st thl afffce. Leslie Uae N ii Alien & Cx era sow rsostviag direct from tha manufacture, H J Holbroek M Co.. of Utiea, N. Y , a foil line of his justly eel ebrsted fine abase for ladies and misses ia C. D. S. and K. K. widths These goods will give splendid satisfaction, ia fast tears are no better made. POWDER Absolutely Pure. wSaa,shMorjaiopti naieaaia, SoeoLT i a Bavaii Baanm luiisa Co., ICS WsOas NOTICE ! This is to give notice that I have porches - ed at a vary low figure the drag store, fancy good, stationary, etc., from the Capital Ad- ent ni e Company. I will sell all tbe stationary and fancy ar tides far below their value, Tbe low price which I paid for them enables roe to do so. I will sell all the patent medicines ten par cent below their usual pi ice. Mr. Thornton, aa experienced druggist, haa charge of the drug department. He will fill prescriptions 25 per cent below any other drug store ia the city. Bring yoor prescriptions to him and get them filled at 108 First Street, in the store formerly occupied by the New Deal. On one side of the store 1 have opened up a large and well selected stock of gents' furnishing goods, hats, notions, etc I can give better bargains in bats than any oe ia this city. It will pay yoa to visit as. Doat forget your purse, for yen are bound to pur chase of I. Gaxsasavav 108 First Street, Albany, PRUSHAW THE Druggist Would respectfully inform the people of Alb uiy and vioinity that he does not sell drugs or medicine for less than coat, hut -it lis and compounds fresh aud pare drugs at iiving profit above cost. Call on him next Revere Houe and you will find his medicines always have the desired effect. His "DEAD SHOT ON AGUE" has enred thousands ia this vioinity who will testify to its virtue. Call for Uttimonial. JJLOWS, ' Come in and see oor new stock of steel And chilled plows. We can anit you.botb in goods ana prices. Every Russell chill ed plow is guaranteed to be equal to any chilled plow manufactured. Stewakt 4l Box, U ECTANGTJLAR AND BARREL V CHURNS. The largest stock ever carried in Albany and will be said at lower prices than for merly. We want all butter makera to came and sea them. I Stswart A Sox. B ARBED WIRE. A large stock on band and will be sold cheap. Also a fine lot of plain galvanised Tre Woyjlfy tX sT VlsHO A tlaeVTVeI Csf p4iity, SaTWaetflnki.aesabaidUe(Mav peUUoo wish the ufttiwS of lew iaaa. ahtaS SPRING STOCK Has arrived, includlog- Window Shades, Wall Papa? and Decorating Paper, Goods and Boot and Shoe House, from i nougni tnewe gowas mostly in new TOM CASH PRICES, and have and am receiving ONN BROTHERS' ASH GROCERY STORE Opposite Deyoa at Robaon'a. ALBANY, OREGON. KeepHrvh stock of all kinds of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, ETC, ETC Silverware Given Away, with our Silver Prise Java Coffee, con slating of six prise. dos. table an i vea, H do medium forks, )( doa, tables pouns, H doa, tea spoons, doa napkin rings and sugar spoon and butter knife, all Refer Bros Al sliver ware, every pur chaser f a ran getting one chance. New Millinery Store. We deal re too!! tbe attention ef AU Ibaoy lad lee nod the public generally to our new and xunatve aiock of FASHIONABLE MILLINERY under the management ef Mias Hur hank, late head milliner of the wnol kalamilllnaarvaaaebliabment of M -onav Valentine A Ooh.smith of Portland. while our stock is all that nan be deeir ed, onr prions will be found extremely low for am class good. SHANE A liONSW Y, Froman'a Hri-k. Ross House. J. GIBLIN, Proprietor. This house) is now open and furnished with the best new furniture. Everything clean and eemmndioas, offering to the gen eral pnblic snperier accommodations to any ia the city. TO LOAN In sums to sait BY BtmUANT & Kbkskv, Albany, Or. DR. Ca WATSON M ASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms 8 and 4. Foster's Block. ALBANY - - OREGON. Sheriffs Sale, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lin County. J E Holt, Plaintiff. vs. Wm Alford and Mary Ann Alford, Ddfen danta, NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of sale issued ont uf the shore named Court in tka above entitled suit, I will on Saturday, the Ith day or May, 1SS7, at the Court Honse door in the city of Al bany, Linn county. Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., sell at public auction for cash in hand to the highest biddsr the re 1 property described in said order of sale as follows, tO'Wtt : Beginning at the N E cor ner of donation land claim of Elisabeth A Ray, claim No. 47, Not. No. 2860 in Tp. 15, 8 R 4 W, Willamette meridian ; thence west 48 00 ohains and 25 link,south 37.00 chains, east 43.00 chains and 25 links ; thence north 7.00 ohains te the place of beginning, con -taining 160 acres more or leas. Also begin ning at Z B Moss' northwest corner ; thencs sooth to David S Basey's land ; thence west to John D Love's land ; thence north to A W Lewis's land ; thence to place of beginning be ing in Sec. 11, Tp, 15, 8 R 4 w,containing 16 acres more or less, all in Linn county, Oreiion. The proceeds arising from the sale of- said fremisrs to be applied as follows, to-wtt .' irat to the payment of the costs and dis bursements of suit taxed at 820 and the costs and expanses of sale and the sum of 8100.00 as Attorney's fees. Next to the payment te the Plaintiff herein tbe sum of 8 2584.00 in U. S. gold coin with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from March 16th, 1887, and tbe residue, if any to be paid to toe Clerk of said Court for the use of the Defen dant, Wm. Alford. CONN BROS Petal this 14th day of April, 1887 the cheapest to as good a quality as York and Chicago and TO WHOM It May Concern. Alba xt, On,, March 9h, 1887. Self preservation Is thu first I tw cf nature. Among my nld friemlt and customers who hive bon trading with me Mr the lat ten year, and Who atill do tho samo and profit thereby, some designing pirly with emnity lu his suul Is circulating the report that b -caus some one else re ceived the sugar contract Hint was let last week by eertrin buinoa mm sgers I am higher In prices than others. Oeottemen, It was lm possi ble for me to gat the ntve contract, as I was not naked Car s I'M, why, h best known t litem advus. Hy c til ing end ascertaining ai prions yiu can judge fur you raid ves wnether justice hae b n done Is you or not, snd whether the prices of my giod" are not as low or lower than any otlirr house. In C4a that I should bo e iu pelled to give up my bu-im asj -count of the above, will U- coinp -lbd to become an i ffl -e kt r. Vry respect fully y- ur-, ? COHEN'. We Want To Catch Your Eye, and get it ou our bj( rrf r in bargains Groceries. Money paid us means MONEY IN YOUR PJOKITS. We sell groceries for your benefit m well as for our own. Wallace & Thompson. Always Victorious. .ee wsr ua w iii i !i lilMHMilim'iMMIirWtl WH IIIS r I UIIUV.I1 w JHWu n Every ono'a duty ia not to allow tbe liver, tbe stomach and the kidneys, three great organs, to become clogged or torpid, and in time expel all impurities of the blood. Tbe Oregon Blood Purifier, a purely vegetable compound, ia The Remedy to cure all diseases ef the kid neys and liver, alao those caused by im pure blood, aa Biliousness, Constipation, Sick Headaabe,Dyspepsia,8crofula, Erup tions of th Skin, Rheumatism, etc Try it and you will flad it always victorious in its battle with disease. Sold every where. 81 psr bottle, 6 bottles for $5 w OOD CUTTERS, ATTENTION ! Never forget that we always keep in stock a lull line of nxea, croaa-cut saws, steel and irou wedgee,aledge, maul rings, etc. Stkwart A So. W AQONS AND CARRIAGES, Mack a. single and doub'e buaeles.carts. buckboarda, and all kinds of wheeled ve hicles. Don't buy until you see what we have and learn our prices. 8tkwkt dr, Sox, ABIES, LOOK HERE, We want you to remember that we have a lot of those curling irons, alao shears, scissors tracing wheal, ahetf and flower ot brackets, and a good many other BLAIN DOESN'T WANT THE EARTH ! When Getting Your Spring Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Furnishing Goods Wnd your way Who leads. CLOTHING Hew and in stylo, i" onsnrpaaaed in the Valley. His new stock cf -HATS- la the beat in tho markat, -h a- iug all tbe i i:,t atylea. In FURNISHING GOODS He takes a front poailion, with a reliable, well selected stock. His sale cat BOOTS AND SHOES Are large, because he keepa tbe beat In quality and atylea A SPLENDID LINE OF SUITINGS ON HAND IN HIS TAILORING DEPARTMENT. New Goods Arriving Constantly I lie b'teat Philadelphia Clothing House! JOHN WANNAMAKER, The Great American Clothier and Leader in styles has ESTABLISHED AN AGENCY In this City at the Dry Good Store of SHANE & L0NSWAY. Hur dmla of Sa n i , I - - iu film ;ti ... ii.ii. ui. i... 11 4jrSKljr ISfe!1 CflffleATK BobreasoEa C- tWVlTjsJalMBB'""''1''1 " "" y """""BfB Agl jsMr ijly "saaasaaaaaa 7 W wear the Utile Jtl School eae NAoea. nod s do our sialan an 1 o coueii s and our aunt, and if you want them (? to ine City Boot and Shoe Store where you will find a large and complete assortment of goods in this line, of nearly every grade and m ke, and at prloea which will open your eyes. A dnllar savi d Is a dollar made. READ & BROWNE LL. J. GRADWOHL, Crockery, Glass Ware and Hardware. OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements, Agent lor Fire and Marine Insurance B HIE MONDAY GOODS. Wringers, tubs, washbnarda, buckets. eto fur sale cheaper than ever before by Htewart dr Sox. Several kinds of wringers and something new in washboards. lUTLERY. In pocket knives, butcher knlvna, carv ing sets, scissors, shears, razora, etc,, we keep a very large assortment. Come around and look at our stock. Stewart ? .Sox. S CALES. We have a large assortment ol be sold on very reasonable terms to tbe store of His Stock o from : n, rfert fit uarant1 nrbJ a ( 1 Alt DEM TOOLS AND SEEDS. Stewart A Sox keep an immense stock ot garden tools, and are also agent for tbe celebrated Walla Walla garden seeds, which gave bettor satisfaction than any sold in Albany laat season. -pOWDER, SHOT, ETC. iSportuien can alwavs find at our store a splendid line of ammunition of all kinds, and we also keep giant and blasting pow der, fuse, eto, Stkwart A Sox. T)AINT3 AND OILS