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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1887)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. Paailsaed every Friday y 8TITE8 4 NUTTING, fletsaeserrit a... HMri a.udi.... HramiUlbl MiMt. TERMS Of SUBSCRIPTION Ugt copy, par year, In sdvanee.... V 0 P. Pr yesr. at end of yeer t SO I u le oopy , Ms month , , 1 fft liirU eopy, three months & - ogl numr PROFESSIONAL OARDbT L. H. MONTA.NYB. TTORNEY AT LAW, -AND- Notary Public. Alfcaay Oregon. Oflloe upstairs, ovr John Rrigge store, st street. vMnZStr J. K. WE ATHERFORD , (NOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTORNRY AT LAW, fTTILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OK THE VY Stett Special attention riven In collection and r HUr muttor in Odd rl U.1 t. C. POWitL W. K. RILYBtT POWELL A BILYEU, iTTORNEYS AT LAW, And Sol pi tors in ( hatifer? U R4KIT. - ORROOM. Oolieotlnns promptly made on ell polnU. u tana negotiated on reasonable termi, MVORm In Poeter'a Brink.- 14nlMf. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In all of the Conru of .his State. All business Intrusted to him will hu promptly Attended to. L. W. CLARK, P ortrait Photographer Sittings by appointment, GOPYINC AND ENLARGING. Twaedale's Building. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. E. W. LANCDON, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, and everything1 kept In a first oJ see Drug Store. Also a fine stock of pianos and crgan. ALBANY. OREfiOX. FOSHAY A MASON, Drnggistsand Booksellers, A cent for John B. Alden'a publications, which we sell pjblihr'a prices with postage adiad. 4 1. RANT. ORROOR. A. PRU8NAW. DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet rticles, Etc. rtesciimiRi caibfdllt filled, Open day and night. Albany, Or. FURNITURE. have the beat stock of umiture In the city and will call Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE u the city and the lowest price In the V si ley. Come and eee. Undertaking, i complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN, A.ioany Bath Mouse. 1 1 K If tDRRSIQNRD WOULD RR8PRCT L ' t lly . for in t h t aitiaaas of Albsny and ri titythat I heTetakeo charge efthit Kttabliah i at4, by keeping alesa room, sad payia -lit ytttntltn to baainttt, txpett to foit al ytt -ho taayfaTor US with tkalr patronage etez karotofor a carried on nothing eat Flrst-OUss Hair Dresslne Saloons tcotett tu girt tstira latlafactlon to el ftlditn at t.diot' Heir neatly i Sitt JOS WBBBRR. OR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Offloe cor . Firet and Ferry Streets, ABAHY - - OREGON. o. a OK KURT. o.a.ppnvae ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) afacuinists, Millwrights, and Iror Fonnflera. vv EH AVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared to handle all kind of heavy work We will manufacture Mteam Entrlnwa, Oriet and Saw Mill VfRmlnery.and all kinds nt Iron and Bra Oastlnjra. ptTTP.It H4P, ON SHORT NOTICE. Special attention fctven to repairint; all Winds of machinery. Will also manufao t ore the improved Cherry A White Grain gpsrwr jgnStMMtajfEaaaMBawaBBa TT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO 8Y TOO Mt'CH IV PR.V1SE OP THIS OOOD OLD STANDARD family medicine. It canuot be tx hi0'U!y rocoinxeuded, at it It truly a MARVEL OP THE AQE, and no boutchold abou!d bo without It. It pn venlt at well at curat Skin Diseases, Gout, Rbenmatlam, Gravel, tnd all Kidney Dle.;a, AiTecteil Llrtr, Deadache, Nanact, Bi!o Wind, InditeatloB, Conatiputlun, DUrrbcBi tnd Dyten'.try, Fever and A;; no, Bleeplestnefia, Ltaaitade, Pool lirettb, and every dlaeaee brought on or i.j-ravU. d hj a ditordorod ttumach. It It n Kpe clCe agalmtt euut .uion and an el acioua roiui dy ior UiUom-ncant, Mtrvouaueta, Scrofula, Jaundice and Dyepepala. . - it Purifies tbe Blood, Oleanaes tbe ttomacb tnd Buwelt, and givoa tbe whole system a Heaittiy atul Dellbtfal Tone. Tljero never was t Medicine for the N artery equal to It State VOL. XXII. A Little Sufferer Cleansed, Purified, and Bewatl. lied hy the utieura Kmrlltf. li affurda rat pttaaurc to yW you Ihla report ot the saN of our hiliv uraii icUtLi o your t:utiuura Horn eiho. Whou sL lu.uilha old Ma l (I lian.l hrumtt .. a"ll an J liad weiy ai'ittareiHu ot a larve boil. W lllcvd It, but all lo no pttrp.iae. About Ret uion'hn aftrwai4 it Ii'iih it ruin. nit: aura, ,i. olliwr forttttd Hi' thru bad two ot them .mi tarb hand, ainl aa Ma blood btoaine niere and mora Impure li t..k lone tinio for them U break out. A tore oarue out on lb chin, beneath tli' miller lt, wliUh waa vary ot feitaiw iltitieail w as one solid aval, illa rotrglne a great deal. Till w hit condition at twenty-two mohtht oM, when I undertook t t cars of bits, hi mother having died whan he wm little mora than a yMtroitl, of opnumilto.i (aerofula of course ) ll cimht walk a lltUc, but could not irot up If he fell down, and oould not move a hen hi boil, baring no uee of hit hand. I Immediate! ootMSttMMd with the CutKnjra Kemedlea, ualng the Outlount and Cutkmrs freely, and whrn he Had taken one ! tilo of the "utl uia Hei iit. hi bead waa eootidetelv aSJfes, and be waa Improved In every way. Wt were eneourajred. and cullnuiil the um- f the for a rear at.e bail. One tore after an- ..titer healed, a bony nuttier f..rmiu In eaeh .ne of thtew Ave deen one Jut before beeJtntr, which would nnaiiy j row looaw and were taken out ; then they aaaM heal rapidly. Out ol thett ugly bite forma- I preterved After taking a dottn ami a half he waa completely cured, and la itow, at the Rgeafatx yeara, a alront; and healthy- chlbl. The acar on hit hand mutt alwaya itaialn : hit html are atrong, though we oiwe feared he would never bt able to uae them. All that phytieiana did fur him did him no good. All who aaw the child liefure ubIuk the tutlcura Kemedle and aee the child now ooottdtr It t wonderful cure. Htbetbo-e facta art of any uae to vou. you are at liberty to uee thetu. May th, leja, MRS. K. 8 DRHIOS. 61S K Oty Si., Blooutlnvton, 111. The child waa really In a worte condition than ha ameard l hia irrandmother. who, beinar with him every day, became accuttomed to the dlaaaaa. Auviis iiurrinu. Cuticura Remediea are told everywhere, rric Cuticiira, thtBreat akin cure. 50 eta ; Cuth ura Hoai. an asqutaite beaultfier. 5 eta ; Cuttcurm Ka.dvent, the Vew Bl.wd Purifier, 91 Potter Oruic and Chem ktl Co., Boston. ftaatt rr "Mow i Care ahla tMteaaea." YQS,goty,UuplyaitdOily fcktn btauU- BACK ACHE, WEAKNESS, W S tMifS area r BJ ' ai I tat4 lAIIIVIt. SB tly cartd by that new, nrWIsRl. nt and infallible antidote to ualn and the Cutimia AnU Pain Plaater At Druggtata. S5t. Wir habon die grcoeate and bejt- eiDgerichiete Accidenz - Drackerei aoHKorhalb Portland und lief era alle in unsor Fach einschlagendon A r be it en zu mawetgen Preisen. Briefbogen, Circulare, Anscblag- zettel, n. 8. w. werden in kaerseeter Zeit angefertigt Wir haben drei der beaten Job- and CyUnderprea- eu in Tha tigkeit. Burkhurt fr 1 fett m-r Albany, Oregon. Red CrownMills ISOX, LANNINti A 0., PROPR'S. NEW r fMM7a strruiioK poa pamiumb AJtn BAKxas csa. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cah fo Wheat ALBANYiOR. Will yon continue oaing blank stationery when yon can get Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Sec. neatly printed at tbe office of Bnrkbart k Pfoiffer for jttst about what yon pay for the blank paper, and per. haps a little lew. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber .laths and pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Connslor It Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Will practice in all tho Courts In the Stat MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, UPPUSIIt KfcVtRt HUUbt. AOKNTS WANTED to tell "REMINISCENCES of 00 YEARS in tbe NATIONAL METROPOLIS. BY BEN PERLEY P00RE Illustrating the Wit, Humor and Eccentricities of otcrt rr!eb.itla. A rleWjr llluM rnferi treat of inner Society History, from "ye olden time" to tht wedding f Cleveland. Woaderfully popular Acrenta report rapid aalea, Addreat for circular and term. A. t. RA KOIT at S. Publish rt, San Francisco, Ca . V aJsV IT" It ft All h tltaV at l I . W cms lii n it ton. (Prom our rtcular eorroaponStut.) Wasujnotom, April 11, 1887. The Inter-Stnl U 'oomeroo Com tnlstionsrs sre not likfly to nature an organlxttiun this weekr. They are all In the thy it id rettdy to begin, but Judge 0 Icy,'f Mi higao,has rahod the point th tl (he CotnmlssloD can not be organic d until the Oth of Ail?, becau- the law will not take effect unlit that dtle. Said he. "we will not bo CoramUlonet8 until thfn, and we have no right to organ. Ise before." It h said the flrtt question the Commlsaiou will rake up fur consid eration will ie regarding an sppllca. Ilun by the associated railroads of Kentucky, Tenneanee and AUbttma to be allowed pecial ritieson through traflio without affecting thtlr local traffic on account of the competition of the Ohl ttml Mht'iMdnid river Inea. It is held that the Commis sion is nuthorisod to tfrant npeeiitl rates In such ctues If It finds the water oompetltlon materially nffects he through traffic of tho road. At the White House, matters have been very quiet thit week. The President Is devoting a large share of bis attention to consider ttloit of the portent appointments aoon to be made. The newly appointed Aus trian Minlattr having arrived In Washington, It l-t probabl that Minister from thU country will soon be appointed in return. The Treasury change are still unannounced, and a g xm! deal of attention is now txdng be to ed by the public upon tb se ection by the President of the three Commiasiooefs for the Pacific Rail road Investigation. The task of find- ng the right men for these p'acea proves almost anfdimcult aa was the construction of the Itr-8tate Cni- mi alon. Every eek siuifl enemy of thu Admlnittratioo announces with great posltivenese that a specified member of the Cabinet la about to resign. Ist week it was Secretary Bndicotl. This week It waaHtcretary Whitney Next week It will he the Attorney Ueneral, or tbe Post master-General, or tbe Secretary of the Interior Of all these fool 1 ah Inventions pr.tmb y the mo-t aiurd U the latest allega tion, namely I bat w Mr. Wnltney It dissatisfied with bit position ttnd wants the Treasury portfolio. Mr. Whitney's ptr4ltion"JU't nw is about as "s.ttiifectory" In every way as la conceive' aa. He U wealthy, succesttfu', iofiuential and the centre of metropolitan society. Those who are closest to him know (hut he would not accept the Secretaryship of the Treasury If It were offered to him and everybody know he would not wlh to resign on the heel of the greatest triumph of hi life the I-. tiir.g of cootratts o.i favorable terms for the country f ir tbe immediate construc tion of a pv't rful navy. After all the denunciation thai President Cleveland rec Ived at t'e bands of hi enemies for the vigorous exercise of bis veto p wcr with re gard to fraudulent p$?nlo' cl i'm, a recent Incident I worthy of mention. On the 19th of Fehrusry the Prel dent vetoed a private pension Mil on tbe ground that the s ldler was en titled to a greater relief uml.-r the law than was accorded by tho act, as was shown by the records of the Pen sion Bureau. A fortnight ago he received a let ter from the claimant's attorney say ing that tho pension certificate bad not yet reached (ho heneflciary. Thereupon the President wroto an autograph letter to (he Commissioner of Pensions inquiring Into the c tuses of delay. This looks as If he were vigilant In behalf of the worthy sol diers as well ai careful of tho inter ests of the public treasury, and thai bis patient application to the detailx of his office is merciful a) well as just. But of all tbe bllla which have ever been suggest d f r tho relief of men in any way connected with the war, the worst probably, was one received a few days before Congress adjourned by a United 8tates Senator. It waa prepared by a citizen of his State,and was well drawn. It provided for the payment with intorest.of the money expended by every man drafted in the war, In souring a substitute. The Senator was asked if his consti tuent was really in earnest in asking him to Introduce that bill. ''Un doubtedly," whs his ret iy, "and furthermore," continued he, I think there is as much sense in it as there was In some of tbe so-c tiled pension measures which have bet u Introduced In the Senate at d House during the last five ear?." Queen Victoria refuses to accept jubilee presents from persons with whom she is not acquainted. That settles it. We intended to present her with soma advice, but haie never been introduced. Hiahts ALBANY, OREGON, CROP UKl'OKT. Contlltloas of W later Wheat Is Kattern, w .-.tern and Southern HtStM. Ths report of the department for Apt II rt-lates to the condition of winter grain od ths o totpsrative hnaMifnlnssa of farm aeiinala. Tbe returns h w that tbe oou ioiait ot ihesii at th time of seeding waa mint t uufttrcr abls in tin S ates on ths AtUmic and Qulf Coastt, owing to tl.s drought dur ing tbe late Hummer and autumn mmitha which was invi.rt. In (.otiiotm of Puna- svlvaaia, in Maryland and Virginia and parts of Txas, the same u&fstoishl oonditions pravNiled. in Westwrn Ml souri and in Kansas tbe continued dry wrather- uoiUe pit wing ilifnctilc ruJ aeedint! Im'.-, r! in U ealitiea wh. - 'lir soil was broken whse wintar set In.gsr- iaation was slow and '.ha Kali growth small. !u the groat wheat States, el the centred helt, from Tennefs to alt. souri, Reeding was late, but tba greater part of th" siea wss in fsvsrehl eondl Its, snd with heal exemptions, tba pUnt ms'ls gocd growth before going into witttt r 'i at NTf. Tbe Pacific Hlo, st batley-taotitag time, was dry, lot rsint came later, vnd tbe whole bredih wss pnt in ie fait condition, thougl , s itoHsh t slttr the usual date The orating f tnow durintt the earlv portion - f the winter was bettor than usual ovr large poitioe ol tbe wheat area, but there ate from man? srctiom oompUintt or canty proUc'inn dm tag tbe veiy ttying westKar Pbt uar 15tb. Tkn month of March was tbe taott aevete for a series of year, the (nn t tstme Uing ls!ow tbe average uvr the whole wheat area of tbe Mls- siwi) pi river, and sit. mate frersing and thawing brought seiious damage to tbe bate field, ea tcislly in tba bottom and pttorly draintd IsndV. Pennsyl raoia, Virginia st.d Obio suffeisd ae-Vrrt-ly from tbts inelemency. Tbe gen era avetRe f tbe condition is .88, tbe st'ko is ia 1881, and btgbar tbaa at the kscn time in 1883 snd 1885, wbeo It was .80 st.d 76, respect t-lv. Tba Apt it ooudiuon of last year was 915, which wsc siiil further improved by th- faorbla weather daring tbe mun b. The average for Caltfwtnia is .92 ; Or egocs, 98. Tbe damage from thu tlseaian fly is eomparatieely nu no(ieadt its ptesenoe is mentioned in from one to four unties ia New York, T-x-. T.-10 . . , Ohio, P. ro.'v ai.ia snd Michigan. Rye h witbstowd na favor all: meteotolcgictl conditions bet ter than wheat. The average condition being. 92 against .96 at the same dat one year ago. The returns of tbe con dition of 1 fin enimals -hi a Ioa of swine am untiug to 13 4 ier cen., or 5,500,000,'d ind'oations are cuntioutd if law widetprrad prevRlrnoa of bog cbul. it. The tosAea or si ei. m uni to 7 nar cent. : of eaitle.4.3 per cent. Tba loar f cattle are I at in the south, and on die ranges rf the Par West from 5 to 9 , r cMi.t , whilst ,t aeettana whs e shelter it provided snd bettor care tak. an, it asseaot to ontj 2 to 3 percent. st in NOTCS. O. B Cvms column ccd his school Moiriav niotning with a fine attendance In Diinict 88. Cdford E.!ry commenced his scbeel io Iong J hu Bityeu'a District Monday tbia bring hi tiist i-chool we wish hi success. J. ( . J hnaon is in Jfortiand upon buMneaa before TJ. S. Court as a wit- oes os tho Mortgage Tax question. S. A. D. Hsmilton postponed his anuiveis iy part at tba I, O. Q. T L !). To-, day evening for one weak long r on sccoarut of Miller and Wil li4iu scrspe. The t ew firm of Stone Brink, tie contractors aie doing a large business. On last Tbursdsy our city dads or law makers granted petition to reduce tbe city license $300 to $150. We have two sslooi s ar.d no room for mors Soto has had some of the best shows, for a few m mtht past ef any town of its site we think in the State. Lu all the qe.acks come. W. E. Price ill .Vave in a few days wo era informed to take his position as a travelling man for a Chicago bouse. Mr. Berry, of Fox Valley is in town taking the pictures of our principal business houses, and also family groups. His work ia No. 1 what we have seen. The official list of ths new House 0 Representatives baa at laat been com pleted, and it shows that that body will stand politically as follows : Democrats 169; Republicans, 152; Independents, 3 ; vacanoy, 1 ; tots', 325. There will be fourteen congested oases, lut their decision is not likely to alter the above classification. Mr. Randolph, a talented colored lawyar cf Richmond, is organising ths colored vote of Virginia. He declarea that President Cleveland has done more to give citizenship a value than all other Presidents since emancipation. Any United States Treasury note the number upon which is not divisible by four, is a oonnierfeit. FRIDAY, APRIL s, TOO KAKLY. Mauy Republicans are confidently piedicting that their party v ill be sre- u ful in the e'eeiion of a President to sucoeed President Cleveland. It might not Im out of plaee to remind (base eo pin thai it la entirely too early to make thess pred'otitins, or for Demoerats to do so, either, for that matter. There Is nu diaguising the tact thai politios are an inexplicable mass af ehaoe, out of which it i , imiessible to resolve data upon which to predicate lbs rvsuttt of the next presidential eleetion. There era so many unknown elnment to af fect tbe streogto of both artias that (be wary n.eibmatiol rxditiotan will be slow in mkina his prrxiiotivn. Th abor and prohibition movements eant a verv deep shadow over tbe borocope, and the relative strength of these must Ire known before an intelligent forecast of the result of the next presid'nti contest sen lie estimated with any de grtMi ut certainty. The prohibitory movement is tba stumbling block over wb'cb Republicsus are very likely to stumbla into defeat, as it weakens that party most where it mostly need strength, as in Now York,New, Connec'icut, California, Michigan, lu diana end Iowa. The U'..r movement to Democrats assumes a ibnatening aNtot to Democrats iu New Yrk. Out side of that state it wilt not bott Dam ocrata much mora '.ban Hspubiietna. The republicans will b aoijrtd t . snotber weakness, one thst they bav not been bnrdned with sines tbey went into power in 1860, t let of beaiig on. of power. For years they ut? l the whole newer of tba govsrnment m pra sideotial elections to keep theme-dves in power. Aearstment of fsdera( otfic-t-holders to raise money to carry ths elections wis depended upon to an vxunt not dreamed of in tbe days of I eou This will be a great wenkoassa to that party in ibeir eamiaign in 1888. All of wbicb show tht it ia too eariy to un dertake to say wliicb party wilt elect tbe Ptrttdent. ftEttATOKIAl, UTCttARY TATK Senator Inga'l likes old English novel- snd Is well un on scientific a Iterature. 8eLator Hoar ts regarded as the nest authority on American hhtory n the body. Senator Kuatls apeak 4 and reads French tike a netive, and i fond of yellow covered novels. Senator Ransom runs to Latin and dates, especially in Horace, whom he Is f nd of quoting In hh apeechea. Senator Beck la fond of poetry and ean repeat the "Lady of the Like" without a slip from beginning to end. Senntor Joe Rroiro of Georgia spends moat of his time pi ud-ig musty vol u mo of public record and d xrumetsts. Among the Senators who write for migaaiues at other periodicals are Snermm. Hoar,Ingdt , Rtrwom an I Male. Senator Vest is a great reader of the Bible,and knows whole chapters by heart. All scriptural fcts In dis pute are referred to film. Senator Sherman 1 a clashed scholar and reeds French. He scan the newspapers but does not believe In read in? a book until time has tried It Senator J re Blackburn ia well in formed in sporting nutters and can tell the record and pedigree of every fast horse in Kentucky without look. Ing it up. Senator Payne is not noted fur bis literary attainments, batt no h fond of biography and travel, ami has more reminiscences to tell th-tn moat any man ic tbe Senate. HOME-MADE REMEDIES. Try a sun bath for rheumatism. Try clam broth for it weak stomach. Try cranberry poultice ftn eryslpe laa. Try swallowing saliva when troub led with sour stomach. Try eating fresh radiahes and yel low turnips for gravel. Try eating onions and horseradish to relieve dropsical swt llings. Try the croup-tippet when a child Is likely to be troubled In that way. Try hot flannel over the seat of neuralgic pain and renew frequently. Try buttermilk for toe removal of tan and walnut stains and freckles. Try a cloth wrung from cold water put about the neck for sore throat. Try taking cod liver oil In tomato catsup if you want to make It palata We. Try walking with your hands be hind you if you are becoming bent forward, irv stiuraeg piwcOUi F . 1 the nostrils for catarrh il ccld In the head. Try breath in if fumes of turpentine or carbolic acid to relieve whooping cough. Try taking a nap in the afternoon tf you are going to be out It to ia tbe evening, eiMcrat .887. CORttBCriNO A MISTAKE. The Under of s drawbridge over tie Harlem rivr.r,who bad swung his port cullis to alt w a toboo.ier to pass up tbe liver, was warmly and violntU- aMsild 1 . 1 . a . B t oj me i:iiiiui or in o- af, for sum e slight inat en(i'in to duty a few ds)s previous wIf I had you tiiwn asj the deck u this vessel I'd bresk your neck," said the skipfer, shaking bis flit like a small bam. "Ter would, would ye, yet check- heeded salt horse ? If yer wss 00 tbe plank in' of tbe bridge I'd knock tbe flure wi l yer ugly carets, an' bang ver op to dry on tba truss' "Shut up, on anima.ed sltisb bucket. Fcr two brass pins, I'd sand my eabin boy up to feed distillery hogs with yeur remaie,you chop-snooted son of a gee "Arreb, ye bandy -legsred borse-tsa rina, I've s big notion ro drup off the bridge an' maul yer to s pulp." "Well, why don't yi-r drop." sneered the captain. "Just drop an I I'll fed iiahes with vo." "Vers IviV kin-jsck." 'You're a red -nosed scavenger with oris mo it sua s coat: eye. i em going to tie ftp put ahive here, and I'll give you a lively iutetvi-w when I get ashore." "Ia ft tie up yer goto' 1 1 hj fter d 1 in' V msjuire I tbe bridge-tender aX iousiv. "That a jeet what I'm going to do, sap." "Kerreet, m ted. When yer bare tied op yer schooner, kum nop here, and wa'll take in tbe lager baot saloon jist fernist the sate in 1 of tbe bridge. Per haps I've made s mistake." "All right, my heertia. Mebbe I iw a little quick, beoeuee when I ditak I -14 . rIqi to do it with gen tlemen " "An' it's a gentleman yer ia, cap. ' PROHIBITORY AMkNDXKNT. Tba follow iog is tbe proposed Pro hibitory Ameiidmeat to tbe Conatitu- tiou of th S:ate of Oregon, which tbe rtpla win vate on tbe 8tb of Novem ber, 1887 : Rmokl by the Hous9,the Senate Con curring, That tbe following amendment to tba constitution of th State of Ore Han be aad is hreha professed : Abt xti. Skctiox 2 The maautao tore, sale, or tbe giving away, or tbe offeriag to give away, or tba kseping fur saie.uf any apiritu u, vinous, malt, distilled, fermeuted,or eoy intosictting i. 1 a - . w liquors, whstvrr, is prohibited in this State, exocpt for m Hlintual, eoientifie or taecbnioai pntoaes. 8i.' ti on 2 Tbe legia'.stirs assembly shad provide by law in what manner, by whim snd al Wbtt plac Sttch tiuoorraot any jI IsteSB shRll i lusnufacturwi r " .Id, or kept for sala fur modtoinal, ae'nntitic or mw;haniMil purMjeee. Sbctiox 3. This amenilaaeut shall Uke effsot snd ha in full farce at ruontbs from the date 0 iva ratification by the el ctors. S'kction 4. Tba lettielative asembtv sbali without delay, pass ail neoeeary lews with sufficient Nrialtiee ueoessary to enforce thin amendment. Adopt! by tbe House February 2, 183. seal W. P. Ready, Speaker of the House. Concurred iu by tbe Setiatr),Fabruaty v, 1885. seal William Waldo, Pieeident of (be Saaete. According to recent experiments the vitality of the teeth seecni to be almost as fcreat ta that of seeds. Dr. W. J Younger, in a recent paper read before the California Dental Seiety, describes tbe planting of a bicuspid tootb, which had been extracted a year before. No care had been taken of the hav iog been oarried about for a time in travelling bag, and of tbe time shuffled about in a bureau drawer. To all appearances tbe tooth wss dry and void of vitality. On soaking it in warm water for half an hour, however, and then plaoicg it in tbe oavity of the jaw the to 3th aoon became firmly fired, and on the twelfth d ty was firmly united, true vital connection having, it is said been established between tbe living en viroament of gum and the alveolar sub stance. But it may be a case of encyst ing,as of a bullet lodged in the body. Senator Sherman's talk to tbe people about the benefit of protection to them reminds one of the conduct of tba hunt er who cut off hia dog's tail, roasted it, picked of? tbe meat, and gave tbe bone to the dog for his share. "Samantha at Saratoga." Miss Marietta Holly, the distinguished humorous author known as "Jeslah Al len's Wife," has Just finished her new book'Samantba at Saratogo," In the In imitsble mirth provoking style of "Sa mantha at the Centennial," "Betsey Bobbin," etc., and has sold the MSS. for a good round sum to Messrs. Hubbard Bros., of Philadelphia, who are employ incr tbe best humorous artists In the 1 cuupur iv 11 narrate u, ana pro brluinir it out this Spring at a ) popular price by subscription. Miss Holly spent all last season amid tbe whirl of . . . . t Afa li a S raanion at Saratoga, ana aes en its ioi lies, flirtations, pug dogs, law neck dress ing, etc., ia a style that is overflowing with richest humor, and muse create sen sation. The farmers about Ashland want more rain according to the Tidings. We have had pkntv to spare. v MO 38 I NEW SPRING GOODS. Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Etc At prices never before offered in Albany an N. H. ALLEN CO.. are the ones that are propose to sell CASH AND only, and will duplicate the price? given in any Spring Oatalouge in the State. We propose here after to talk to point, and Give You Prices apon application by mail ASTONISH YOU. Mail orders solicited, and samnles sent iimn an plication. N. E. ALLEN & Co., 57 First Street Albany, Oar Wealthy Mea. Much has bean said in new spa pert ef men who have mad large fort a net is oots pa en tirely a fe v years ia variou ba tineas iodns tries. Many of these articles are written by oorrespondente of protaiaent newt papers, and copied into ethers of !-er note. Gr res pondents generally are seldom mea of boai as qotlificationt and wrongfully picture these men and their business aa a thing of ao- eident : tbts is aot the esse with these we have met. We rind that where men have made large fortunes by their owe bninets. talent ana industry toey eome with sagacity j and forethought such business as would lead ; to success when handled with bnatneet judg ment. Mo man has been brought before ti c public) as sa example of enocees both in weatih and magnitude of his business (out side of stock and railroad men) mors prompt ly than DrOU Green, of WnodHury. N. J. He is at the bead of may large butost in dustries, and yet comparatively a young man. When the fact that August Flower, for dyspepsia and liver complaint end Boechee's German Syrup, for cugbt and lung troubles, has trwu to a wonderful sale ia all parte of the w.-rM, it proves that it was riot an ac cident eg .pontaaeous strike at wealth His medicine sre recognised as valuable and eetabiiehed ren ediet and the boai nest has grown gradually and trmanent!y during the lest eighteen yesrs on account not alone of Dr. Green's abilities aa a business man or his "good, luck." but on the actual mm its of th two preparations. Copied from the A". Y. Weekly S. of Dec 22, 1886 To be a member of a Militia Company it is ueoessary to be between eighteen and forty rive years of age. Enlistments are for five years, aad it takes not less than forty aor more than sixty to form a company. Uni forms, arms and equipments are furnished by the State, $300 is appropriated for ase of rooms. A drill once a month is requir ed ; alto an anneal muster from three to six days. No pay is allowed except in actual service; but members are exempt from mili tary, road tax and serving on jury) Drunkenness, or Liquor Habit, eaa be Cored by aiffliaitteriag Dr. H tints' Golden Specie 0. It can be glten In a cup of coffee or tea with out rue knowledge ot tiie person tak lug It, ef. fectlng a speedy anrl pcrmnneiit cure, whether the patient ia a moderate drinker or an aloo hoile wreck. Thousands ot drunkards have oeen mads temperate men who have taken the U!dun Specific in thMr coffee without their unoniedgo, and to-day believe they miltdrink vt of their own trc will. No harmful effect i-tits from its administration. Cures guaran Send fr circular end full particulars , A I Irets in 0011 fl f 'I'-c (I'M nn.v spiccirtc CO., - .Uee St.. Citxluttst .(..'... o. The coming will be an intensel y lively sporting season. Base ball, horse racing, yatching, sculling and boxing will rage as never before. THAT HACKING COUGH ear be eo quickly cured by Shiloh'a Cu-e. We guarantee it. Poahay & Mason, aj'te, - sa- WHY WILL YU cough when :?hiioh's Cure will give In nsdste relief. Fries THE RICHEST HUMOROUS HOOK (the Age is SAMANTHA AT SARAT36A by Jealak Allen's Wire, Ml Holly iweat all laat seatont andd tht arnirl of fashion at Saiatosra, and takes eff its foilits, fliruticna, low neek drctsing, pugdora, etc., In her illimitable mirth-i revoking style. The book it prtily ilhutraied by C pi er, tht renowned artitt of "Puck . " Will e I tausieavaeiy Price S2-60. KK1CXT AKKTS WtJiTHS. Ad drew A. L. RASOBOFT A CO,, Pubs. Sai, Kiancis-oo.CsL STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADYIRTMNfi BDID1 III THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY, Special basinee no' !' In Local d cents "tone iu cents per additional Insertion. line. For legs! snd tran-tcnt tatverUsewaete I 00 per squsre for tt.e first iiih r.loa sno .A?.1? aquare for ewh auhstnnMat Uaseniesh 4BI Kates for other nl veu.m.i.t ntsrt Known on application. Boots, making the goods for offer. We Ptmn CE IIUU or otherwise that New Store. Something Entirely lew in iltay, We have came to stay, and will deal fas SECOND HAM C0i9t of sP kinds. STOVES, TIM WARE, CRtCKifY, GLASS WARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS-. People who have heretoart, oeea aaaele to sail or dtep-tfte nf articles will t)e wail to call at our new store and rweeWe sash or trfla for earn. We will seli aaw He sit n hand at the verv lowest fignree, aad you will do wvll before suvlng elsewhere to rail ar the Mere occupies by Mr. KakSr maa. We snJlolt yaor patronage. FRAimilll & CO. First National Rank OF t1, OREGON. JISSVISBI... ...u 15 vioe nataoeat . s, B. ' eEO, E.CHAM TRANSACTS A GENERAL I ACCOUNTS KEPT auhjee. to i SIOHT RXCHAXOE ami telegraph le wensfer, aoW on New York. Sen Franeiace, OaJesga aad Peril s OMMVMt COLLECTIONS MADE on ftavesaste MaacToaa, Y JJ JrsM,W. eao.EesaMtsBi.Ais L. E Dlms, L. Fters, WLms E TiraaaiA, J. L. COW i NT. j. W. Stj3tCK Linn Connty Bank, COWAN CUSICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a General banking eatinesB. DRAW SIGHT l)R.FTSo New York, Sea fVas etaeoand Portland, Oregon. LOAN MOcKY an approved seearity. RKTEIVE deposits tabjeet to ebetk. COLLECTIONS entrusted to ut will receive nreannt tention. r H. F. MERRILL, aibany, - - - mm. " EXCHANGE a K,w York, Baa Francis-e to Portland, Or,, bought and told at lowest rates. DEPOSITS received subject to check. INTEREST allowed on time deposits. COLLECTIONS will receive prompt attaiUoR. Fire end Marine Insurance plated it reliable Ot a peats MILLER BROS., 8DEALKR - Fielfl, TegBtable and Flewer lit&i , IMPERIAL EGO FOOD, GARRBSN TOOLS, FERTILIZERS, ETI, SO Reread Street, Bet. Salsaea nvf TajrJev PORTLAND, OREGON. Jtf-Send for new catalogue. 1