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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1887)
lie gemacrat KRfDAY.. APRIL 15, 1887 THAT H!'K IMil'S. The accumulating surplus of public mousy in the treasury of the United States it a oiftitu about which the poo should at occe bo aroused. Tho r -duotioo of the public debt during the month of March, as shown by the pub iio debt statement, was $12,808,467.71. Now, this eo-oalled reduction does not mean that bonds or other evidences of indebtedness against the United States were taken up and this amount of mon J paid out to the holder of such pa per, but that the receipts of the treasury this amount above whet was ry to pay the current expense of the government for the month. If this proportion In the urpluj of receipts it to be maintained, what will be the malt after the $19,000,000 outstanding 8 par oeat bonds are oalled in and re deemed. No more of this aooumulating surplus oan be used in the redemption of bond, uoles the government shell decide to go inte the market and buy op four and four and a half par cent hood for redmption,non of which are now doe. This course could only be justified a a last resort to prevent a Money crash, aa the bond ere at a premium of from 110 to ISO, and the alrOadv burdened tax-payers should not bj oalled upon to pay these premium as io gold for bonds that origiually cost 50 oont on the dollar in groenbtcka. Both parties are responsible for this condition of things. While the Republicans wore io power they were appealed to by tax-payers all over the country to toko eteps to red uee taxation. But that party eloeed its ear to all such appeala and refused to make any red notion. However, when the political conven tion wore held in 1884 to nominate candidate for President, the public sen timent in favor of reduction of the tariff waa ao vociferous and outspoken thst both parties ia their platform pledged themselves to a reduction of tariff tax- ation. The maio, predominating body of the Democratic party in Coo trees ha more than once attempted to redeem this pledge, but a hand-full of Demo- orate, who io their zeal for protection, would plunge the country into a boan cial crisis rstfaer thin modify the pro tective tariff laws, aided by the united power of the Republican party, baa pre vented a fulfillment of this pledge made by both parties. Her etofor,$ 1 00,000, 000 per year of this heavy uxati o ha been applied to the extinguishment of the national debt, but this outlet wilt be closed by the firit of J uly, and then we will begin to hoard up a turpi ns io the vaul's of the government st the rate of $130,000,000 per year. The people shou'd eweke to this spproachi.14 dan THEY FOI'N'D Til CM. The Statesman sey : "If Pinker ton's detectives bave nothing better to do tbay might put in their tiire search ing Etstern cities to see what has be come cf the Democratic party." It d.e not require the skill cf a detective to find the Democratic party. A newspa per man of ordinary intelligence ran fad them in all tb sHies and towns in Rhode Ialand, and no ii'iiuerom.toobst they were able lo ctptura ail lbs St te officers and Legislature at the election there loot week something they have not heretofore baeo able to do io the history of the State. We might c ill attention also to Cleveland, Ohio. Mil waukee, Wis., Minneapolis, Min-i , St. Louie, If o., and other plc,bijt time and space will not admit of it. HOW TAM IT BE ? A dispsteh to the New York World fross Michigan, tbe next day after the elect ism ia tbst stste, says : "Dt-uccrstic districts iu tbe State which were confidently couoted on for large aati-Pfohihition majoriti aeot prohibitory, end eqnslly strong Repub lic&a localities want agiinst it." Now, in the nam of all that' R publtctn, how cn thssa tbiagfl be ? I' is Using th sre.tulity of an ordio i human being entirely too much to ask them to believe such impossible thing. Curtis Baird.Hti ix-Schoool taperla teadjeut of schools for Ciscktrea dud ty, hss beeu arrested, for forget y snd awindHug thesoho)! children of lb ft county out of $570 of their sch vl m m ey. It seems thst be ereatel a new school ditttrict in his county thn h ao exislenco, in fc, exept le hi own mind. When hi iiatriheteri aaboOl food he gve this district i s thsre.tnd would then go to the Cheat TriHHnrei and draw tbe funds for this distric, claiming to be authorized to d . ll i now in jail. He W4i r-T) ui.TH.ed before the lat election Vy the Rtpihli 0ns,bnt wss beaten by hii D lOMrttit Opponent, 'fesarvai t)Urrn i 3i periotendejit. He wss a hard drinker. Moral, Do not elect drinkers School Su perintendent?. Gentlemen of tbe County C urt, proceed very carefully before decid ing to purchase a poor farm. They have been tiled in Marion. Umatilla 0 and some other countie4, but they have not proved sntl-f ictory to tax payers. in wiiisUJijau-u A gentleman who hn hd the oppo tunity of talking with a great msny el the voters in tbe foot bills of Marion and Lion counties, says that tie pro hibitory amendment will receive a yery large vote in those localities. ekow THK WOltK Or Till: IWrTITlTlS. What ate the reunite of tho work of the Institute hld lat week T Are they beneficial, and if s who are the bene- Sciariss of these good results 1 Thee are practical questions that both teach ers and parent should inquire into. For some reason, to us wholly inexpli cable, there is much opposition to end prejudice against Teacher's Institutes. It moat bo the old "mosa back" oppo sition to all huoun proreai and all kinds of innovation A wetlthy man, a a school distriot n it a score of mile from A lb my, was heard to say, when a proposition was made to levy a tax to t the sch l house with com tor table, resoeotable a at. that when be was a boy school boost were seated with etata sj ' ma le from slabs with atieka for leg, snd that such were goad enough for children now a days. This lepreeerta the ex treme feeling against progress in our school system and method of teaching. Such Msrs uh cn have no just appre ciation nf th benefit resulting from teacher's saw ttng, and it is uot the judgment of such m n thst we now ap peal to that larger c'ass of broad, liberal minded people wh keenly ap preciate the faot that the of the nubtio is their own welfare. Some W IT & teachers are better and more auoceesfu than others Lire pmaoher or lawyer they rn,'e from a firat-olaa teacher to a very poor one. sThey all bee irne better and more successful by long ex perience. At these teacher's meetings the experieuue of all is made a cimmnn stock, from which ad are at liberty to eeleo. at pleasure. Io this way the un experienced teacher may acquire in e few day what it would require month of personal exuerienoi to gsio. This e r w Hr we added knowledge as to methods of io strnction inures directly to the public. As a teacher perfect hi method of teaching tin pupils ua let bis ohargo will beco ne the recipients of better training an 4 thus sooiey at large ia made better. We have n d rabt tht msny teachers iefi the Institute feeling and een knowing, that ss teacbervhey had been much bennfi tU I. Tcey fee that they are pre,r I to improve io their rastboda of instruction, and have- renewed tbir stl and devuti u to their calling. Th e Toatitutes sh uld been eouraged by every one who love and cherishes the ota of educati . The people of Tekae are to vote 00 a prohibitory amndjteat nix. Aint. A self-oonitituled committee has recent ly been inviting prominent Dm cr it to attend a msetiog on th 1 3 f jr th 1 purpose of 0 filing a D cr t'.ic c in vention in May to oppm pr ihibi'.ioa. Senator Reagan bat rati a rwp'y to such iovitsticn. After pictiriog th wretchedness a 1 dishonor to be en countered in every community rem! tin,' from the use of ltqio-,ha dis'.ing-iihd Senator say 4 : 4 I most eaortm m ie- gret thet any 1 iTtrt b.s Immmi made to make a ptrty q isu mi . f .r bibill hi, and especially d 1 I rwfjvwt thtt Demo crats Would neex to i InutifV thtt tfret and historic party with tbe fortunes and fat j of whisky sb p, drunkard and criminals. Wo no htvean opportun ity to pro note sbri-tjf thrift and b tp, ti nes 4 without endangering the success and the perpetoatioo or the piiueiples of tbe Dsmocrstia urtr, and I am iu favor of doing so, aod sbdl at the com ing election en rote, not because I believe prohibition is the most efficient remedy which cool I bs adopted for those evila, Lot bee in w it, io my j iJgmeot, favor a policy which will do much for tbe impro moi of th condition of our people,peouniarily end socially, aod to ward placing them on a higher and bettor plane of civilization. Eugene Semple bas been appointed Governor of Washington Territory. OORRESPONDB NOB PKETINCT LEAGUES. Halsey, April 13tb, 1887. On Friday, April 1st, meetings were held throughout tbe county st tbe vari ous polling place, aod organization of Precinct Leagues waa duly effected in accordance with a simple form prepared I and forwarded in advance for tbe pur- pose. Aiosny, jusoanoo, naisey and otber point made strong organizations. In some precincts permanent organiza tion was deterred for various reasons to sn adjourned meeting. The good work thus begun will be vigorously prosecute I until all the pre cinct are organized, and the several or ganizations are made complete. These league let it be distinctly un derstood, and once for all, have but one object in view, viz., campaign work in the interest of the Constitutional Pro hibitory Amendment. Tbe broad basis on which tbey are founded ia citizenship. All persons without any distinction, who are in favor of the adoption of the amendment, are eligible to membership, and are wel comed to a place in tbe ranks of our workers. Political, religious snd other differ ences are put out of sight, as having no plaee, and Democrat, Republican aod other party people join hand in band and march shoulder to shoulder under a common flag in this battle for tbe home and the right. In order to secure the benefit ot tbe counsel of all our workers and to estab lish a more perfect bond of sympathy, and secure tbe hearty co-operation of all interested in this is proposed to hold in tbe near future u County convention, composed of delegate from the various Precinct League. Friend of the amendment come promptly to tbe front and, take hrt I of this work with a resolution th it will insure success. T.J. WiL83ir, Member vf State Com. Tangent. The young folks of Tangent snd vi cinity mot at the Grange Hall, in this lace, on last Huaday at 4 o'clock, aod had an enjoyable time singing, tbe ting ing being led by J. H. Scott. There will be tinging Sunday, the 2Ub, after Rev. Davi' meeting close. Prof. Sibbits will move to Portland next Tuesday, tho 10th toot. Ha haa an engagement with a Bras Band there to aot as leader. Tangent and vicinity re sorry to loae him, as he haa been teaching tbe Brssa Baud her,also giv ing music lessons on the organ and piano. But what is out kit is Port land1 gsin. Mr. Irvin, of Cor vail is, was viailing Mr. A. Btrnes the first of th week. Mr. Carter Bhsrp returned the first of the week from ... "tended trip of U several weeks through K tstern Oregon I OJsO Vf . 1. Mrs. Dunkin, of Turner's Station, ia visiting relative in the vicinity of Tan gent. Mr. and Mr. Smith, of Grand Ronde valley, ere visiting io the neighborhood. Mia Joeie Moses- met with a severe accident laat Thurndav while out horse- back tiding. She was thrown from her horse and her left arm was broken near the wrist. Dr. Bart ley reduced the fracture and she is now doing well. Tbe young folks of this vioinltv met at tbe residence of Mr. J. B. Jenks Tueeday evening, and enjoyed a plot aot social aod literary feast The young folk should be oooouraged io such lit erary and sucia' meeting. Smith & Brysnt have recently added a stock of boot and shoes t their store. Tangent now has a good store, good drug store, go I sohool cenduoted by D. W. Jarvi. an able teaobt-r. 8hi also has a go ! church, blacksmith -shop snd is surrounded by the beet a;ricul- tural cmntrv in Oregoo. Peoria. Peoria it jmt onter log in upon a boom, which is, in our opinion, more lasting than any befom. Peoria It bound to become a large city, and tho deserves it. David Crewe returned home from Albany this week, without coming io contact with any barbed w'.re. Mln Lizzie Harton baa been upend ing the week lu thl vicinity. There will be a larger sereeg of barley and rye sown here than ever before. David Gibson ha a m' st severe attack of rheumatism. Little Johnny McBride ia quite low with the hooping cough, but Is Im proving. The City Marshal It building a now sidewalk between Keniston and Me- Corkal Street". Tbe Bnd boys gave Peoria a pleas. ant serenade Inst Saturday eve., by taking the te.uo ferry boat aod run ntng out 0-1 the river in front of twa. where they pUyed soma chancing mu4ic John (Join was tbe gjet f .Major Johnson last Saturday. Oolumbus (ioodell h the guet of Perry Carter. Mr Keniston h route m2lstirg opening s taw o trice In Peoria Js. Hawkeu's oungest son, wo bat been quite sick, Is now convales cent Mia Ella (lingm ui ia vllting her uncle, Mr. Finigm, in Peoria Mia Km in a Johrmot ha returned home from her grandfather', Mr. Garrett. Sundiy H-h x I in r'oorl next Sun day ft 1 oVIoek. We are rry t i any that the lector here by Pr-.f. G. Bayue wj4 very p orly tt ended, the pro'uhle cmuso w a th. huy time. Mr. R. Owens, the siege driver between Peoria and Sbedd met with quit an eceident Monday, by upset ting the atagH uear Carter's. No g'eat damage was done. The ball st the lid: in Peorl t thii wek was largely at tended from 8hedd, Halsey and other neighboring towns The MyerV Orchestra furn ished the muMC F. L Bayoe bas taken the con tract to shear 500 head of sheep for Pass Gtllism. John Crewse fell from a scaffold, while engaged at w rk on Mr. John son- oarniiM oiaung nis wrist.wnicn a a o e wu; oe iiaoiu 10 lay mm up tor a row r 1 a. t at m weeks. QuiU an excitement was the other day by Ton Cannon's arli hop- per catching Are. The fire was for tunately discoveiei in time to save the ashes. Robert Pra'er has purchase d a new bueTgy Lcok out girl. We will inform the Fine corres pondent that ague Is something that is unknown here since the city hss been improved, and It new sewerage system completed. There Is r.ot a healthier place In Oregon, as every thing about here is conducive to health, the pure water, invigorating atmosphere, good society aod various other things too numerous to men tion. Jas. Gsrrett will start to Extern Oregon next M ndsy for his health. Our merchant, Mr. Bain, Ins laid in his summer stock. Jack Garrett waa thrown from his horse last Monday and broke hh leg. John Pratt has returned from Cor vail is. Mr. Githcn's team rati awy last (Sunday whlleout riding,but the dam age was slight. Mr. Dive Gibson is tunning ti e boarding house at Shedd-. Dan McNah is trimming Mr. Co n's orchard. Pass Gilliam has taken h etrict for cutting l; 00 eords of w lit Bill DavK Our school opens May 1st. Plow Boy O e f wf nre nf th 1 tr i i,m !at k wno( pecn'iar iivkiweawsi, Ici I lioois and Wiscnshin mra to f mnd th hot of soeiattsoi stl nihilaisro. These people am nearly all foteignots To 'li. e kiim naiivM D in crulrt and Re lenbiieatm oted toother io order to ei ush out .he hydra-haaded mouster of social tea. MY Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Wall Paper and Decorating Paper, fc kept tn tin first-class Dry 1 demand for. AT B Novelties of the Season la every I line ; em prepared to,", MEET ANY PRICES quoted Io the papera or clrculsr, aod will take Cash or Merchantable Produce end will not toro you off when yon get out of money. Samuel E. Young. Canada. Several cattle buyers in the neigh borhood. Mr. J. 11. Bilyeo closed a six month's term of school last Friday ,in District N. 4. L. M. Curl hugan a thro month' term on Monday. We wi-h him aa setae. There Is talk of a new poet efflre here 00 the Narrow Gusgo it. R. Mr. B. O. Fellow passed through here last week. Asteesor Smith is pushing bos I nee right along. He left on the morning train for Portland, where he was call ed on business. A surprise party was given at Mr. L. H. Griggs' last Friday evening. Quite a crowd present and a nice time was had. The Gocee Neck ro porter says everything is quiet aod peaceable. Susan B. haa a divorce and la living a troo and devoted widow. Mrs. L Thomas, who hss been on tho sick bed most of the time for tbe past two years, la mending elowly. May Flo waa. The Drmocrat last week eleeud tbrir ent it e State ticket io Rhode Island, as well as a mjoiity of tbs Legislsture. Tbe like bas never occurred io tbst 8'ete before. Mugwumps rusks toed Uo ers wbsu ocee tkey set tbs r heads to it. LaaiM l" 1 or N H A I tea St 0 . are sow receiving direct from the mssufaoture, H J Holbrook A Co., si U iet. N. V , s (all lias of bis jastly eel. hrted Hoe sbes for ladies aod misses Is G I) A aaJ B. E. widtba These gooes will give splendid sattsfaettoo. ia fast there are no better made. Fresh Ysantea Bay aad Eastira oysters cu.taotly os bead after to-day at Hoffman Heifer's. Gey write st VTsllaee k Thompson's. N H. Allen A Co., save io stock a snlse dii line of corsets. C msisting of tbe jastly celebrated C. Ps, Dr Werner's, Dr Lee's 8. K's, the Albany Standard, oar spinal brand, slso tbe Everlasting, Self Adjusting, Nettie smawaosa. . Mt mny oth.r nmkss. Ladies are sepeeial . ..1. . . . . ... ly invited to call snd inspect them. ,nUr ootn pTai n 1 ? S h l lo b 's VUi, guaranteed to cure you. 1 SHILOH'S CATARRH RKMBDT a positive cure for Catarrh, Dlptberia, and Canker Moutb. SHILOH'S COUQH and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. Call e4 Settle. Persons knowing thsmsslvs indebted to Mr. John Brigga will find the account in the hands of L H Mootanye, Attorney at law, and will do well to call on him snd attend to the tame at once. Villi Y JU MV.DK miserable b by luai euion, 1; m-nipatun. uiz.insss. Lou o Los p petite. Yellow Skin t Sbiloh's Vitalissr Aa positive cure. nwai lewus n Absolutely Pure eMPjerwww vwi Taasaaws a en rwvt a iJ . itrength snd whobansssness. Mom eoooomket This powder aever vsrkw. " A svaaws! M MieeiheordbisryklBdt,sndoHBmbesoMbia eetiUon with the multitude of lew test, short woifirt, alur Ofpixapoete tomnUn. Srs.som.Tni Boraii aasnr eowssa Os., 10 Wsli-t, SPRING STOCK Has arrived, Including- oods and Boot tod Shoo, from tho cheapest to as good a quality as I bought those goods mostly io New York and Chicago and OTTOM CASH PRICES aod have aod am receiving TS Terr Best- SCiiosjssMiTcMeuw I bays addsd to eiy eaef aW stock s lias of th oUratd Laird, HckUer A Mitchell, Phtlml'lpiu Hm Short for ldi. intasss sod children. Acknowledged by "-- to bs tbo bet val" t:,i ; Bast fitting Ho ho ro4e. Widths C. D. K, and EE. A easM sea say aa eaeap as a rasa. Haarst. K. YOeso, Sale Agsat, Albaey, Oregoo. Tbs msesgvaabor. loar. Or I have all tbe negatives taken by A B. Px too and any one oan have dopll eases from tbelr negative by addressing ua, at its following prices : Card site, fi per doswn, cabinet else, S per dozen, u dottra. 4 per doaao. I keep the fines lis of Orawon views In tbe was, Cata- loams furaisbed on aoniloaiion. Copying aad enlarging old pictures a epectaity. J. O. Caawrean. tea's Aralea salve., Tbe beat salve ia tbe world for Cuts. Urates. Ho re. Ulcers. Salt itheunt. Fever Sore, fetter. Cneuped Hands. Cbilblsms, Oerae and all Hkln Kruptiona, sou ik-i-lively cures Ptlea, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perlect satisfaction, er money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Foabay A Mmoo, Send Bark hart a Keeaey nsmea aod ad sswaass of frieede daeinng ioformetios of Ore gon eod they will send them copies of the mat KttaU Cty9r which contains a com plete diseripttoa of one county ia each iveae with rather deeirsbU information as wether, of essaaSwatteate. Tree dalioacy of flavor with tree effleasy el eotioe. baa besa attained is the use of a California liquid fruit remedy. St reo of Figs It plesaaot taete snd beneHcisi t-ffeeU have rendered it immensely popular For sale by Foshsy 4 Mason, wholesale and retail. One hundred and twenty acres of the best quality of Improved wheat land, all fenced into tour fields, good house, hard finiih, good outhouse, excellent fruits of all kinds. Situated 3 miles west of Lebanon and one and a quarter miles south of the junction of the Narrow Guage R. R ..with the Lebanon branch of the O. St V. R R. Inquire at this office. Being Mare Pleasant to the taste, more acceptable to tbs ttomach and mora truly beneficial ia its action, the fasasas California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup at Figs, is rapidly superseding all others. Try it. For sals by Foshsy St Mason. alaswy Mark. Wheat 77 per bo. flat Bfj Butter -26 ota per lb. Eggs ! cent per doz. Beef on foot, 8Hc 4o Potatoes 100 eta per bushel. Apples -40 cents per bu, Peru We per lb. Bacons bams, lOe. shoulders, Sc. sides, 9c. Ird So per lb. Flour 4J0 per bbl. Chickens 2.60 per do. Soger San Francise C, So Dry granulated 1 0. Mill Feed bran, 11.00 per ton. shorts, 16. middlings, 19. Chops, 18. For lama bank, side or cbest, use Sbiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 26 cent. SLEFPLBSS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough. Sbiloh's Cure is the remedy for you, S fi t LOU'S Vi rAldZKR is what you es t for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, and ail symptoms of Dyspepsia, Price 10 and 76 cents per bottle. CROUP. WHOOriNO COUOH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Sbi loh's Cure. eQARDEN TOOLS AND SEEDS. Stewart A Sox keep an immense stock ot garden tools, and are also agent for the celebrated Walla Walla gardes seats, which gave better satisfaction than any sold In Albany last season, POWOBR, 8 HOT, ETC. Sporttnen can always find at our store a splendid line of ammunition of all kinds, and we alto keep giant and blasting pow der, fuse, etc, . Stewart A Sox TJAINTS AMD OILS Of alj, kinds, mixed ready for use, kal somine and alabastine brushes, etc , for sale oh cap by Stswart A Sox, TO WHOM It May Concern. Alhaxy, Oa.,Marrh 9.b, 18S7. Self oreeervati in la tho firt Isw -J nature. Among my old friend and customer who Inve lawn trading with me fbt the lat ten years, snd who still do the samo and profit thereby, some designing pirty with einnity in his siul h circulating tbe report that bocaus some one else re- ceived the sugar cor. tract that was let laat week by certain bualnoas man e agers I am higher In prices than others. Gentlemen, It was Impossi ble for me to get the ab ve contract, as I was not aked f r a hid, why, is best koown 1 1 ihemtelve. By call Ing nnd aaeert fining my prior you can judge fr yiuralva wnether Justice h a Ireeu d mo t ou or not, and whether the price of my good are not as tow or lower than any other house. In case that I should be com pelled to give up my bu-iness on ac count of the sb tv. J will h compelled to becomd an offl rcaki'r. Very respectfully y airs, P. COHEN. We Want To Catch Your Eye, snd get it on our big off ir in bargain -IN- GROCERIES. Money paid us means MOHEf IN YOUR POOKKTS. We sell groceries for your bansat as well as for our own. Wallace & Thompson. Always Victorious. irjfaiiiiVitiM'l ssaws IwUmsw or 1 i ai Iac dt lss laMilsaillWrliMH Every ona's duty is not to allow tbs liver, ttoe stomach and the kidneys, tbree great organs, to become clogged er torpid, and in time expel all impurities of the blood. The Oregon Blood Purifier, a purely vegetable compound, is The Remedy to cure all diseases of the kid neys and liver, also those caused by im Sure blood, as Biliousness, Constipation, lok Headaobe,Dyspepsia,Scrofula, Erup tions of the Skin, Rheumatism, eto. Try it and you will find it always victorious in its battle with disease. Sold every where, f I psr bottle, 6 bottles for 5 w OOD CUTTERS, ATTENTION Never forget that we always keen in stock a full line of axes, oross-out saws, steel and iron wdges,sledge, maul rings, etc. Stewart A Sox. W AGONS AND CARRIAGES, Hacks, sinale and double buatries. carta. buck boards, and all kinds of wheeled ve hicles. Don't bay until you see what we baye and learn our prices. Strwart A Box, .sHsFLLsmk J' ABIES, LOOK HERE. We want you to remember that we have a lot of thoae curling irons, also shears, scissors tracing wheels, abelf and flower pot brackets, and a good msny Other things you would like to bave. Stewart A Sox, BUM DOESN'T WANT THE EARTH !: aaesaBeBmVr w'- When Getting- Your Spring-Clothing-, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Furnishing- Goods Wend your way Who leads. eg CLOTHING New and in style, t unsurpassed HATS- Is the bent In tbe mr k embracing oil tbe tatt stylos. In FURNISHING GOODS He fakes a front position, with a reliable, well selected stock. Hfc sales of BOOTS AND SHOES Are large, because be kecpe tbe bast, in quality aod styles A SPLENDID LINE OF SUITINGS ON HAND IN HIS TAILORING DEPARTMENT. New Goods Arriving Constantly We wear th Liu'e ? Schoo' Umute cousins and our soot, tod if you want City Boot and Shoe Store where you will find a large and complete assortment of goods in this line, of ooarly every grade and m ;k, and A dollar waved U a dollar m-de. RE AD C ONN BROTHERS' ASH GROCERY STORE Opposite Deyoe A Robsoo's. ALBANY, OREGON. Ksepfresb stosk of all kinds of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, OLASS WARE, ETC., ETC. Silverware Given Away, with our Silver Prize Java Coffee, con sist iog of six prtises, doz. tsbie knives, doz, medium forks, doz, tables poons, 14 dos, tea spoons, X dos napkin rings and sugar spoon snd butter knife, all Roger Bros Al sliver ware, every chaser of a can getting one cbance. pur- B QR. C, WATSON MAST0N Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms 8 and 4. Foster's Bloek. ALBANY ' - OREGON. -pLOWS. Come in and see our new stock of steel and hilled plows. We oan snit you.botb in goods and prices. Every Russell chill ed plow is guaranteed to be equal to any chilled plow manufactured. e Stkwart a Sox. RECTANGULAR AND BARREL CHURNS. The largest stock ever carried in Albany and will be said at lower prices than for merly. We want all butter makers to come and see them. Stewart A Sox B ARBED WIRE. A large stock on hand and will be sold cheap. Also a fine lot of plain galvanized wire for woven fences at the store of Stewart & Sox. CONN ROS to tbe store of His Stood o In tbe Valley. His new stock cf II EN DERSONes COS Shoe, and s do our sisters ao I o them go to tne at prices which will open your eyes & BROWNELL. NOTICE ! This is to give notice tbst I bave purchas ed at a very low fibers the drag store, fancy goods, stationary, etc., frsm the Capital Ad entuie Company. I will sell all the stationary and fancy ar. t cles far below their value, Tbe low prices a Inch I paid for them enables roe to do so. I will sell all the patent medicines tan per seat below their usual piiee. Mr. Thornton, an experienced druggist, hss charge of tbe drug department. He will fill prescriptions 2o per ceut below any other drug store in thf city. Bring your prescriptions to him and gst them filled at 108 First Street, ia the store formerly occupied by the New Deal. On one side of tbe store I have opened ap a large snd well sslected stock of gents' furnishing goods, hats, notions, etc. I can give bettir bargains in bats than any ove ia U is city. It will pay yon to visit ns. Don't forget your purse, for yen are bound to pur- k I I. GaSXKBACM, 108 First Street, Albany, MONEY TO LOAN In aums to aait BY Burrs art A Kxshst, Albany, Or. J LUE MONDAY GOODS. Wringers, tubs, washboards, buckets, etc ., for sale cheaper than ever before by St wart Sox. Several kinds of wringers an 1 something new in washboards. apUTLERY. in packet knives, botcher knives, earv in; sets, scissors, shears, razors, etc,, we keop a very large assortment. Come arc unci and look at onr stock. Stbwaut JP Sox. S CALES. Me have s larare assortment of se&ta tn be sold on very reasonable terms, Special inducements given to farmers. Sirs wart A Sox.