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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1887)
to reh Mml er V. r.OwmoB. rmhifif cTcry Sabbath, M II I M MM Sreblng b9 aad evening by Rev. S. O. Ir D, D. Sabbath Bohool ml 1:10 r. Player msating evory vYedneaeday evening, EvAMoauou. CaTVsOT. lYeeohiag en Sea- Hath at 10,: 10 a. end 7 r. at. ohool 10:00, Pmyw ssday evening 7 JO, lUU 9VTJ 8. t&m JJevia, AU are insitel 0ji iimi avion al Cav aca. Servioesever Sabbath mora lag aad wing. Sabbath School at 12:15. Pyw meeting on Wsdneeday erasing of each week, ttev, H. V. Komieger. Pastor. M. B. Chdhoh.Soutk. PnMkohlng every third babbeth in each month nl 11 e"clook A. at. and il 7 n clock p. u. Babbath School eaoh Snbbnth at 10 o'clock a. B. I'reyer meeting Friday eveoiug'a nt 7 o'clock. J.W. Cmig, Pa tor. M. K. Church Sotrr 11, Tanokht. Preach ig on the first Sbbnth of each month mora ing And evening. Sunday school each Snl eath t 10 o'clock n. m. Prayer meeting ThnradAy evening. J W Craig, Pastor. M. E. Cacacn. Preaching erery Sabbath morning and evening. Song am vine in tbe evening before eagssea. Sabbath School dt 2 30 r m. Prayer mooting every Thare- say evening. Kev. H. P. Wobb,pMlor jnuBbiramiAa CctraoH. Sorvloe every Sabbath moraine and evening la Church oar. Broadalbin aad Fifth SU. SaadaySok immediately after the morning service, rrayer meeting every Wedadkday evening. nev a K mtohard, pastor. t iut baft tsr L HObCH. nreeohtng every Sabbath morning and eve' Church on Church on 5th street, Sabbath immediately afUr morning eervioea. Prayer mooti eting dock. Thursday evening at 7:80 o'o Brawn son, paator. Catuouc Ckcrch. Service every Baa day at 10:80 a m. and 7 r. at. last Sunday of the month nervine ah City. Rot. Leoiv MeUyer, Rector. St. John a Lodge, 6a, In Foatcr'a Block aad Saturday of month. Corinthian Lodge, 17, at Hall, tat Sat- aider. Bayley Chapter, 8, at Hall, 4th Sat- erdar. K. of r at O. F. Hall, evary Tharaday owning. I . O. O. F., at their hall.overy Wedneeday OToning. A. O. U. W., at their hail, every Monday evening. Orgoana Encampment, at O. F. Hall, every and and 4th Friday. t. A. R., at A. O. U. W. all, tat and rd Saturdays L O. C. T., at A. O. U. W. Hall, every many evening. United Friende of the Pacific, at O. F. Hsll, 1 at and 3rd Fridsvs. Conrad Meyer, -PROPRIETOR OF CTi D R AIT 1711V O X lili If A IV Til IX I j m n j.n.i 1 unnnr jmaaaioin ana nm m, -DEALER IM Chaamcel Frail U, Cavaaiael Jfoata. arm ra, egetmalaa. OrioelJFraiU, Tob Clear. Taav, In fact everything that la kept la a gaa rai varioty and grocery atoro. baarkot prioa paid far ALL KINDS OF PRODUCI. Arsgonfiaclfic 1 ailroad I lily popular Hoate, jm m icmregqu8Mung88, rtmm Una ! Sare rowaeetloa ! wow rqainraeata I S3S nalleo aha r tar X mwwra laene ahaaa ! Aeoem mod ationa nnaurpaaood for oom- uurpoaood and freigt r root ham an ana aalety. Faroe and freight mvok 'am nn oy any amor route between all nohnbHntho Willamette Valley and San INLY ROUTE VIA YAQUINA BAY 8AN FRANCISCO. Daily fauengor trains enctft Sundays. mm. V Van m kb atHM a aa - - ill.. ta.iA rrtve,CerrBJlta,10:4S a.m. Arrir CorvaUla. I:t0r.n. my . i Alaaay, ll.-m a. m. Arrive Yaqnine, 6:2 r. u. i Oregon and California trains connect at Albany and CorvalMs. The Oregon Development Companyaj ateamahipa aail : raoa vaocwa Yaqeina C..Tnedejrb.l n ismam C.ThuaiJay.reblO asato Mri, UtuUr, F;li2I , Saturday rb 12 i ja soiMur, rea, tt b at, Saturday, March S. T K rrtdsy, March 11. 8 M, Tharaday, March 17 T C,W.lnnUy, March 13 edsy. Feb It uOsy, Keb U. a nday, March 6, M, Saturday. March 13 Y C.Friday, March It. The Company reserves change aailing days. the right to Faree Between Cor alliaand Ban Fran ataoo : Kail and cab i, f M. Kail and aieerage, 9,88. For information ap; y to c. c. noiB, AO. Jf. am P. Aseot, Cervallia OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -.VIA- Oregon & California B. R, ,7z, .iiuwi., nmarw i (DAILY KXCCPT SUBDATB.) kSAt.Stds Blvlalea, SBTWBBN r OUT A. AS D ABB ASH LABI. Mail Tram. UIAVB. PartlasMl 8.00 a S I Albany. . Albany VkOi e u AsblsoS.. Aattland r s Albany... Albany 11:46a s Portland, ABAIVB. .... 11:45 am ...4:00a u ..11:26 am ...fMr m Albany Expreea Trail LKAVB, assnra ParUand AJbasy.. Albany... .4:00 r s . ..l6r a , .4:46 a M I .6.80 A M Albany. 8:M pm Lebanon Albany Portland ..wpwr m .6:2 a m .10:06 A M Sabbath Wea- miii I Ii All dai Arte oi rrniain ai a uoJ ncree ana mr tne sum or yiuv aa At PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS torney'afceaand forcoetaand diaburaeranu Sally batwaen Portland and Aabland Tae osna ctl Perry makes eesaeationa with all tbereralar trains on tha Kast bida Divlai.n fnm. f. efPSiravt. Weet Side Mvlslsa. BaTfWajgg roBTLANB AM COBYALLiS. Msll TrsJn. . uuva Aaarva 7rMa 7:10 A M Corrallla ll:U r u Oervsnis l:Wn Portland 4:16 r m At CorTalli t-vnneet with trains el Oregon Pacific www a Mins nmj . Bxsreas Trsls. tAATS. AAAira ?arbajMd t w r s I UcMlnsTllle 8:00 r m BaaOaariUa f.u A u Portlsod 9:00 a M Laaal tiskeU (or aala nd beascs ebeeked at com fjsyauptowtioffloa.Cor. Plna and Hacond BtrsstA TtAhaU lor principal poWa In Callorn'a can only ba fsAA tympany's , oltcs, Cornar P and Front U.,Partlaad Or, lr.lght will not ba recaired tor MJBni-'ftY.t7. 'tiKk P- m- ilir th Eaat srJWaat lda Diriaiona. K. gOBHLKX. B. P. ROGERS. Manager O. P. PsasAteat. PATENTS btaiaed, and all ether baainesa ia the U; 8. i am asissaesae to lor mnuerate teas. Osreataa oppoait tb U. a. Patent Offloa. and wa aaa abtain Patents has Una than those ramots ra wueuurtoa. Send MMdlo or drawing a Maty fraa ct charge ; and Wo ad" to patent remake o chary unless we ebteia patei.t. We refer hem We refer here, to tha Postmaster, the Sunt, ef Meswy Order Dir. and to oOtelala eftheU taw. Tor ear (.trier, adri , terms, and Patent Per etrcwiar, adn i, terms, and eaetateJ eiiesw is your oar a State or county, sddrssa Administrator's No ioe. Notion in hereby given that the under sigasd haa bona by the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, appointed AdminUtrater of the eetote of J. W. SUvena, decoatod. All persons having claim against sata eat ate ate hereby required to proaent them a it bin ail aassths from date, properly verified to the nndereigaad at hla resiasaos la Sautiam Pre oiaot, Una 000 nty, Oregon, or to Weether foid k Black hurn, at Albany, Oregon. March 2nd, 1887. a hk Csastrss. Adminiatrator. Bat 6.000.000 ESfiOiUSS FERRY'S SEEDS lAtMIT btimbu Otiaaeavai M. FEftnV a CO'S XDMMM. Wor IN? will rata to ft ft! ast4ais4te let aAStsrsger. a a. itaiT a at inm Salsa. SAM MAT. a. aawDaaa MAY k SENDERS. Bealen in General lefciundiss. HARRISBURC - - - - OREGON fill kjf GriiD, Wool and ill kiids 1 atryprodiw. h 10 HOME BLESSED WITH A BABY VI u complete wtlaaat the monthly viaiu of BaOy4eed.tht delibt,ooni- jroiaAaed.that delight. feet aad aid of tbe mother. Only pnhUmv bkm in the world devoted to the care of yoaag children. We are glad to reoommead it. (9 Baikman 81. H. Y.) i M a year ; 15 oeota a copy Claahod with the Daao- oaAT for S3 a year 1LBAHY COLLEGIATE I18TITUTI ALBANY, OREGON, 1886, 1887. UT, ft .J .rami. a. O., rrvaltfrnt A toll eorpa of inAtruotora, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Cooraea of tudy arranged to meet (be Dead or all gradeo.orntuUenta. Strinl inducements of t red t stmdamti from abroad. Tuition ransaa from 5.60 to tULfaV Board in private faiailiee at tow ratee. Room tor oir-boardiBK at email extenae. A carofnl an per vision exercised over stu dents away from home. Fall term opens September 7th. For cirenjara and full partloulara addreae tbe President. C J. THaajrama, a. axemj Albany,Oregon, Summons, In the Circuit Court oj tin State of Oregon jor hum Vouniy. W R Munkers, Plaintiff. TL 8. F. Henderson, L. Henderson, Florence K Berkley, Jim Berkley, J. A. MoCann, Elizabeth McCann.Ludemia BroyleaJobn oroyiea, j. a. uoodnon, William Good rich, Alice Grounds and Eva Grounds. Defendants, To LudemiA BrOvlea a.n.1 hr hmhanil John Broyles, Florence E. Berkley and her i.uaband. Jim harkley, four of the above named Delendanta. g N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF J. Oregon : You and each of you are hereby notified and required to be and appear in tbe aoove named Circuit Court la the above entitled antt bv the first dav of the next regular term of tbe above named Court, following tbe expiration of aix weeks publication hereof, to-wit : By answer tbe complaint filed against you aaonoay tne Z7tn day or Jane, 1S87, and hu iu uiuar uoienuaou tneroin, oy tne shove named Plaintiff, and you wiU take notice, in At ii you rau so to sDDear and sppiy to said Court for tho relief prayed for iu said complaint which hi, ia brief, ss follows: (1) For a decree foreclosing the mortgage made by Edward Oroanda aad Susan Grounds to William Jory on ine - aay oi January, t77, on tbe ME J a I Lt aT 1 . a aa a t . . . nu vns aw oi section z, in townebln 10, 8 K 1 W of tbs Willamette msridan Linn county, Oregon, and aubeeooentlT mu n:ovwa oy ioe jrisiniiu sna tzi lor am eider to soli said lauds and to apply the prooeeaa tnereor to tne payment or tb e prmcipel sum of (WOO) e abt hnndrsd dollaraln U. 8, gold oaia with interest inereon mi tne rate ei one per cent per month from the 17th day of January, 1877, and barring all claims of tbe Defendants or either of them In eald D remises and for auch other relief in tho nrsmises mm mu tammat This Summona ia served by publication for tbs psriod of aix weeks by virtus of sa ordsr oi the Hon, R. P, Boise, Judgs of said Court. Dated January 19th, 1887, Ram sky & RlKOBTAM. Attorneys for the Plaintiff. Notice for Publication. Land Office At Oregon Oitj, Or. March 8th, 1887. Notice is hereby given that the following uatned settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make fioai proof in support of his clsiin, snd that said proof will be made be fore tbe County Judge or Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Oregon, on Tues day, April 19th. 1887, viz : Cardwell Clark. Homestead Entry. No 4440, for the N E i of 8 E i 8 E i nf N E . nnd lota No. 1, 3 and 4. of Sec. 20, Tp 1 1 ii R 1 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his ooiitinuoua residence upon, and cultiva tion of, said Isnd, viz : Charles Clark, W Downing, 0 M Clark and a. J Fitzwatcr, all of 8cio Linn county, Oregon. W. TBtTRKBT, Register. A 0 Ua We Members w is hi agent ploy in ent or desiring ueip, win pie see ca ii at nesct urowaeu a Ill hWl -re veaBBBBBBBaaeA. 1 W!Ss3oiS llna Fnowsvusb 0aaeja''HJX2l How's Your Liver? Ia tho Oriental wilutat ion, knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. When the Liver ia torpid the Bow els are sluggish and con stipated, the food lies in the stomach undi gested, poisoning tho blood; frequent headache ensues; a feeling of lassi tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how tho whole system ia do ranged. Simmons Lifer Regulator has been tho means of restoring more people to health and nappiness by giving them a health v Liver than any agency known on earth. It acts with extraor dinary power and efficacy. NtVCR aKtN DieAPWOINTCO. Aaafenarel fitmlly remedy for Dyapepela, Torpid Liver. ntlialUn. eto.. I hitnlly Liver, Oonatlpatton, etc., ever uee enytbtns else, nud hsv novnr Been dtsappoii Minted It seems to lie Aliuwt h rri'( rurr for uli nlaaasaa of the Htomaob nu tsowela w. j. MdSuwT, Maeuo, Ua. Master's Sale. In tho United Statu Circuit Court for tho District of Oregon ; Tbe Mew England Mortgage Security Co, Ta. Jeunle A. Vader and HarTey W. Vader, Vo.llSt, NOTICE la hereby given that, ta par auanoe of the decree of said Court, made end entered in the above entitled oauee, on the 2stb day of January. 1887. X. Georae H, Durban, Master in Chancery of eald Coort, will proceed to sell at pub lie anotleo, to the highest bidder, for oaah ia Ana, suojeoc to redemption, as upon execution Issued upon a Judgment at law, at tbe front door of the Court House of Unn county, at Albany la aald Linn county, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 13 day of April, 1887,at tbe boor of 10 o'clock la tbe forenoon, all tbe right, title and in tereet Which tbe Defendant Jssnka A Vader and Harvey W. Vader bad at the time of eaeonUng the mortgage set out In the bill herein, of, ia sod to tbe promisee described In said mortgage and hilt aa fellows : The south half of the northeast q Barter acd tbe northeast Quarter of the southwest quarter and the aoulbeeat quar tar oi uae nsnnwsst quarter end ins sontn east quarter of Section three, end also the northeast quarter aad tbe north half of tbe northwest Quarter and tbe north half of the southeast quarter of Section ten, mil sn Towusbip thirteen south of Range two west oi me waiiamet Meridian, contain log 40 acres, ta Unn county, Oregon, in asusiaotion or said decree and la day sent of the o nouses of tbte ssdev. Said decree is for the sum oi $2S3'Ul sod costs taaoo at whm. March 9th, 187. Qaoaoa H. Ddikam. Master In Chance rr of the U. H. Circuit vann, jmatrtot or Oregon, LLLCeU CURES ALL HUMORS, from a eonuBoa Blotrh. or Krnvtloo, to the worst acrotoioT aIt-rbVaaB Fever-Kree,' acaly or Moaarla Ski a! wanas it bv tmThlooa mri tJiKmrrfoL Wrtrytaf. sod wroai K.atnjg t u r BS haitam ailTTiMi in St BSantrsW Ua nrSaaniB ta getter, Rose Mask. Bolls, dar elee, Bore Cyee. Berofaloaeboraa awelltngsv, Mfp. Joint Disease. Wblte awelllna, oTtre7 e" Thlc? Week, and Enlarsed Uiamels. ttema tS ka wit h mL eatitatlial.wlfbo" CONSUMPTION. .eTofaiowa laleease off tfce guga, a promptly snd ot-rUUnly arrested eurod by this OooWtvea remedy. If takes we the hstsadthedJeeseea rd p Hs wonderful power over this terribtv ratal disease, when first offerhur thai nam mL stt snptlon Cn rs, but abandoned that rmme ,Jiim.,to Vl B. 5in whleb. frombB wonderful oombtnstlon of ton to, orsUvnartbeu aiaerAtlye. orbioodiesuislna, mSoSi peotorat, aodnutrWvepropmfcaTlaunequaSei luboaT"17 m CTLBONIO DISEa4SES OPTBB Liver, Blood, and Lungs. Tf too foal dnlL aaaaaaaa AhmtatA k sallow color of akin, or y libwtalwbrnrrl uSJ7SoiT '""lues headaobe or dhot- "ywm, mm uuwi in biouu, iniernsu nest or alternating with hot flaabea. low spirtta and gloomy borebodlngs, lrrepdar sppets. and coated tongue, you ere suffering from lad t part of these aymptome ere ezneWnraaif. aa a aemedy for all such eases. Or. l sasldlen Medical Discovery skot mwto bbbouom, it is a sovoroign remedy, book on Coneumptlon. Bold bp Draggle ta. PRICE $!.00feST&a Intft Dispsnsary isiical Association, Proprietors, S3 Main 8t, Bctbaavo, g.T. iXQXCtfS LITTLE UTttUVO saaa 3Tif PILLS. Aiirrf-Bir.OTJ8 aad cathartic told Bjr Druggists. 2S oouu A VbU. $500 REWARD ifflaaAaayPsttS for s ease of catarrh whlob they cannot ours. if you have adisbarge from S oea offensive or.othar wise, pamsi loss of araalL teste. f you haves you bare F OR SALE, One half block in eastern part of tbe ofty with fair house snd barn wi 1) besold oheap "Wir haben die grceest tind beit oingerichtete Accidenz - Dr ackerei aasserhalb Portland und lief era alle in unser Fach oinschlagondea Arbeiten zu mtossigen Freigen. Briefbogon, Cireulare, Anschlsg zettel, xl. g. w. werden in kuersestr Zeit angefertigt Wir haben drei der beaten Job- und CyUnderpres- ten In Thtigkeit. Congas, Coaaaanpsioa, and 1 - mi 2'Spf,, Whaad. youbavo cWrfk Tnou- iw in ai ii i u wiairniiiai iiuir ia n 9lU gttMKAt. KIUDAY...... APRIL 1, 1S8T TEMPERANCE DEPAKTIKIT, . aniTan ur rum Women'i ChrliUu TemperiBei lilu The W. a T. U. meets on the isl and 8rd Tuerday of each month al t o'clock r. at., at the O. U. W. Hall, over French's Jewelry Store. TUB CRY Of PROHIBITION. BY A. J. MORHia. Tuna "Ratty Round tho Flag.") m eaa A e A VTe have reached a omit grave in our country's butorv, Hounding the ory of Prohibition. From the rule of liquor sellers our Isnd aa most set free, Bounding the ory of Prohibition. Clio bus : Total abstinence forever, we'll stout it with a m ill, And Uncle Sam moat fice ua from the thralldom of the still. Let us vole for truth and right,and onr homes with gladness fill, Bounding the ory of Prohibition. Liquor long has bad dominion in onr legislative balls ; Bounding the ory of Prohibition. And it sneers at our efforts to release ua front its thralls : So nnding the ory of Prohibition. Choici : High lioanae ia a fraud, and at it Satan Uugba in glee, Sounding tbe cry of Prohibition; For wall be knows its aim is but to quiet you and me, Bounding tbs ory ol Prohibition Choroi : Then, patriot votere,streng and brave, be up and doing now. Sounding tbs ory of Prohibition: Let tbe light of lofty psrpose sear shins UjKin your brow, Shouting the cry of Prohibition. CaoRVt : Anti-prohtbttiso paopic, psrticulsily tbe press, are mskiog atrenoous raTorts to obtain converts by repeated asser tion that prohibition simply means free wbiakey. Ia tba first place tha teatl mooy of ralisbls witneasee ia Ksnsaa, lows sad Mains proves conclusively that this is nat true. Tag smcunt of liquor drank has been greatly decree aed; and tba number of crimes oommitted it small compared to tba record previoat ta tbe era of prohibition in those States. Tbe business bas become an outlaw and sneaks around in secret pieces, where at least tba Hsing generation cannot fad it. Like si I otbsr Isws prohibitory laws msy not prohibit entirely. Not withstanding our sum tee there is mur der, robbery and larceny ; oar Courts are buay meeting out punishment for them ; yet it takes no erudite mind to perceive that there Is lass tbsn tbere would be if tbeee crimes were I boosed. And so it is with prohibition, sod no amount ol assertion can obaaga tba fact. Hennas makes liquor aailing respects ble. It is not respectable, because it causes nine-tenths of tbe crime commit ted and misery untold, aad . were it possible for it to be true thet prohibi tion msAos free whiskey, better tbst with tbs stamp of outlaw on it tbsn to msks tbs cursed traffic io it respectable by liesuss. B jth high license ead low license, any license, is wroog,beosues it Is practically licensing crime, sod it is tbe duty of eery una who lores justice to lend a helping band towards remov ing the license system from our progres sive State. Lh us find out for on rati- whether prohibition prohibits. a) a PINED 11,860 FOR 184 OKFKN88M. Bennington, Tt., March U.Tbe Bennington County Prohibitionists ore keeping np a coast tot agitation for a strict enforcement of the State prohib itory Isw. Msoibsrs of ths Prohibition dab organ is id a Law sod Order Lsgue three nonth ego sod public sentiment for the suppression of the Is wless saloons hag baen rsoidlr cultivated. Lst B W v Tuesday the Leagus etussd tbe arrest of Jss. T. Fitzgerstd, s saloon keeper, and he was convicted of 135 offenses before Judge Cbss. II. Darliog and sentenced to pay a fine of $1,350 and costs. Fitzgerald bad recently paid a fine of $290 for 20 offenses. This is the moat successful liquor prosecution W . . . W 4 ever msoe in in jaennmgton county. There are eigns of a sweeping political revolution here on tbe liquor question. The Probibitiooists bslisve tbst Ben nington county will not again send to the L'gislature a politician willing to advocstea license law for Vermont. ' -e Prohibition is getting a mighty grip upon ths colleges of tbe country. In a movement that means progress, mag nanimity, heroism, yon can oount 6very time on tbe American student. Tbe hope of the nation is in tbe zeal of its young men for high ideals. God b'ess ths work among tbe college boys. By tea by, tbe publishers tell ut that scores of clubs for The Voic srs coming from the colleges. That is just ss we have hoped. There is no soil in all this land in which we would rather sow Prohi bition seed than io the hearts and minds within ths college walla. It will yield a quick and s mighty harvest. ''There ar many counties in Iowa where anything resembling a saloon osnnot bo found. I find in the ottiae snd eeuntieo where the prohibitory law is well enforced crime snd police ex penses fall off wonderfully." Governor Larrabee. of lows, in a letter. Feb. 3, liAIMRH IlKl'AKTMKNT. There teem to be no arbitrary roles at tbe present time in tbe matter of dress. Every Isdy msy consult her own iadividuslity, snd still be fssbionsbty dressed. Among tbe new Spring dress goods now being opened msy be seen fins Frsnoh arm ores, crepslines, tricots end imperial serges in severs) nsw abides, and also in exquisite shadings of msny of tbe stsndsrd colors. Heliotrope has lost nothing in popu larity, snd ssversl new tones sre aeon among the Spring color, one being a rosy lilac, which ia verv Incoming to blondes . " Thin Summer wools have their sur face roughened by knotted I breads in hart or groups, forming wide stiipim. Tbeee are said to be mors dursble than ths oanysA snd basket-woven wools of Isst yssr. Covert cletb, in drab snd Un sbsdta, slao brown snd grsy, sre used fur tbs short covert costs to be worn with suits of wool of light colors, or ss a wrsp for nw use with almost any dress. All the new colors sppea? in tbe new strsw bonnets, hence they mey be cbos en to tnstsb costumes of sny color Apricot, rose color.copper, pale terra- ootta, bisque blue, tbe regulsr old-fseb- ioned green and a new cf golden a . f t. i brown are prominent emong the colors used in Peris fct dsy costumes. -mm.. an A m e f inked ruobs trimmings are once more io vogue, snd sre used upon all parti of dresses. Many beautiful vsrt atlons srs sect, the rose ruchirtg and esrnetiooruchiogsppesring upon many of tbs nswly imported evening dresses. Camel's hair, slbstroaa, serge and nun's cloth era smong tbe white wool goods inte&ded for Spring snd Bummer wssr. Heevv watered ribbon an inch aad a quarter wide, will be used ss a mr grniture upon tbeee dresses, being ptsced in raws upon the overskirt, both front snd back. Bonnets of black Uee and black beaded Spanish net over foundations of primrose, lavender, pink, sea green or oheerv aatio. are vom by fashionable ST w m ladies at tbe present tiate. Aaoopa of velvet of tbe dsrkeet moss green srs used to ttim some of the new bonnets, and these sre lined with spin- sob or sii;le green set in, tbe Dowers need with tbeee trimmings being psle s a aw - green hope sod pink rosea. Present spia ranees indies te that ribbon will be used in profusion upon tbe Spring and Summer d teaser. Msny handsome cord orna stents sre also shown. Pointed tffecte ars noted in the pto- ductioas of both uiiliiseiS and d akers. This is achieved by trim raiaga btng to folde-l se to form a point st tbe top. A new bright bine is known ss jubi lee blue, this Wing tbe Veer of the queen'ejubilee. Smooth and beiges ate shown . . s ft .A-aSeV lis I among the nsw wool sOtffe. These are slwsys populsr, on scoount of thtir light weight, and msy lie hsd plsia or bsrred in lioee of contrasting eo'.or, or crossed with knotted threads of ths Sams shade, or striped with double and twisted threads, giving a rorgh snrfsoe. The coronet is e feature of the new Spring bonnets. It msy be simply a rovers of strsw, or of beads, or velvet ornamented with tieada, or elie fine flowers msssl together without foil Antoalsklsg Sseeaas. It is the duty of every person who haa ased Bitch ft' i German Syrup to let its wonderful j qualities be known to their 'needs in curiag Conauaiptioe, severe Coogha, Croup, aathov, Paeumoote, and in fact all throat and lung diseases. No person can use it witbeat it mediate relief. Three deses will relieve say , and we consider it the duty of all drugg ists to raeemmend it to tbe poor, dying cos- sumpUvs. at leaat to try one bottle, as so, 000 doaen bottle were sold last year, ami no eas oass where it failed was reported Such a medicine aa the German Syrup sennet be I ne IS toe widely known. Ask your druggist about it. sample bottles to try, sold at 10 cents, Regular size, 75 cents. Sold by all druggists an d dealers, in tbe United btatee and Canada Dr. Whites celebrated New York Cough Syrup, for sale at Hoffman & Pffetfer'e Warranted to care oeagbaend colds. Palace Meat Market. J. B, PIPS, PROPRIETOR. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. Will keep constantly on hand beef, mutton, pork, vesl, sausage, etc, the best meats snd largest vsristy In ths olty. Cssh paid far all kiodajof fat stock. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under- aigsed Administrator of the copartnership eat ate of Black, Porter Co., (T L Porter, deceased,) haa filed in the County Court for Linn county, Uregon, tits nnal aoeoant and ths Court haa fixed the 9th day of April, 1887, at the hour of one o'clock, p. in. of said day to hear objections to said account, and fer tne settlement ol said estate. This 9th day of March, 1887. Wat. J. Stzwast. Administrator of said estae). Will you continue nsing blank stationery when yon oaa get Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes, &c. neatly printed at the office of Burkhart it Pfoiffer for just about what yen pay for the blank paper, and per haps a little less. NO excuse whatever for sending away from home for Printing matter as long as Burk hart & Pfeiffer turn out such neat WHAT AILSTHE NATION? Tho A virago ld;n;rf h of LJfte Do crMwingNot lVtilrice Not Famine All our own Fault Moniwpf Cooking akd Mod ern Living have brought it on. It comics upon ua una ware. The patient have paum about the chest and Hides, and sometime in the back. They feel dull and sleepy; the mouth has a bad taste, especi ally in the morning. A sort ol aticky slime collects about the teeth. The appetite ia poor. There is a feeling like a heavy load on the stomach ; sometimes faint, all -gone sensation at the pit. of the stomach which food does not satisfy. The eyes are sunken, the hands and feet become cold and feel clammy. After a while a cough sets in, at first dry, but after a few months it is at tended with a greenish colored expectoration. The patient feels tired all the while, and I sleep does not seem to afford any rest After a time he be comes nervous, irritable and gloomy, and has evil forebod ings. There is a giddiness, a Aort of whirling sensation in the head when rising up sud denly. The bowels become costive; the skin is dry and hot at times ; the blood becomes 1 1 1 1 L ..ii. I at n n 4 . ilin V 8 Ii i " at 7' 7"'T I it tin- I'li'H I til tiiuruil ii'ttl. "i, f -, ? iwn f eajiiy mr;i fiiuns jecomes scanty and high col- ored, dejiositiiig a sediment after siandino;. There is fre quently a spitting up of the food, sometimes with a sour taste and sometimes with a sweetish taste; this is fre quently attended with palpi tation of the heart and Ast h matic symptoms; the vimon be comes unpaired, with spits be- fofe the ves; there 3 a fei 1- ing of great proM ration and weakness. Alt of these symp toms are in turn prtvseut. it is thought that nearly one-half of our jKJjutlation has this dis ease in some of its varied forms. Shaker Extract of Root (Sei gel's SjTiiji) changes the fer ments of the Iir -live organs so as to convert the food we eat into a form that will give nourish ment to the feeble body, arid good health i the consequence. The effect of this remcdv ia dimply marvelous. Millions Jar . ujkmi millions of bottles have been sold in this country, and the testimonials in favor of its curative powers are over whelming. Hundreds of so called diseases under various names are the result of indi gestion, and when this one trouble is removed the other diseases vanish, for they are but symptom of the real malady. Testimonials from thousands of people speaking highly of its curative properties prove' this bevond a doubt. Sold by! dniggiaa Sheriff's Sale. In the CireuU Court qfthe Slate of Oregon for Linn County. Moode. Governor. R. P. Earthart, Id ward Hirsch, Secretary of State and Edward Hirsch, Treasurer of the HtAte of Oregon, oonaUtu- ting tbe Board of Commissioners for tho esls of school laoda and the management oi tne common scnooi iumi, riaiiiiiir. VP. R. R. Humphrey snd Mary K Humph ray, hla wife, John Device, NlmroU Price, atugb Mieasrssn, J. u. fjowan and J. M. Ralatos, partners under tbe 11 rm name of J. a, cowan ex ce., and u. roiey, laisa dsnts. TaTOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of a writ of fxocuilon ard order of sale Issued out of tb above named Court in the above emu led suit, I will oa Saturday ISe :itn day ef April. 1SS1. at the Csatrt Uuuse door in tbe city of Al bany. Linn omity, Oregon at toe hour of ons o'clock p. in., sell at auetion for caih In ban I to the highest bidder the real property del ;ri bed In mid order of sale sa follows to-wit : tho south half of the southeast quarter of Section No. 2. the eouthwext quarter of the southwest quar ter of Section No, l.tbe northwest quarter ef the northwest quarter of Seotion No. 12 and the north half of the northeast quarter jef Section No. 11, Township No. 13, south of Range I west of tbe Willamette uteri dian in JLlnn county, uregon, containing 240 acres. The proceeds arising from such sale to be applied first to tbe pay ment of the coats and disbursements oi aald suit taxed at 836.65, and accruing casts, Second to the payment to Plain tins herein the sum of $912.54 with aecru init Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 30th day of Oc tober, 18S6. Third to the payment to the Defendants. eNImrod Price and nueti Niokerson ths sous of $362.34 with accru ing interest thereon from October 30th, 1886. at tbe rate of 10 per cent per annum and the overplus if sny to be paid to the said Defendant, R, R, Humphrey, or his legal representatives. ated March 24th, 1887. D, S. Smith, Sheriff of Linn Co,, Or. Remarkable Oiler. Ths Democrat $2.00 Nsw York World . 1.00 Pikr History or this U. S 1.50 American Farmer 1.00 $5.50 And cheap at the price ; but we offer tha four for $3.25, giving a remarkable bargain. Drop the Americas Farmer and you can have the three remaining for $3. Drop the World and History and yo can n?e toe two ethers for $2.25. The tery w JULIUS GRADWOHL Hexelaelte Ataest of CROCKERY, CLASS, SILVER AND CHINA WA RE A Large Assortment of Baby iJarriaps, And alOholc Selection of Coffee Jea and Sugar CKE DOZEN CUPS AMD SAUCERS SI. 00. SHELF HARDWARE. )1L, LEAD, WIHP0W LIGHTS AMHfas THE HIGHEST PIAHIaET PRICE Remember! What I Say lean, Give le a call. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, tO Sprue St., Haw York, and lOote. for 100-Pge Psmphlst Itiiss House. Proprietor. This house ia now opes aoal farniahid with the beat oew fornitore. Kvervtbioa etean sun crmmodiooa, oBertsg to tba gen eral public superior accommodations to any la the city. BEAST Mexican Mustang Liniment Scratches, tpraiast Strains, Stitches, StiffJoinU, Backache, QsxOs. fVjr.traetcd Lumbago, BhetttnsiUci. Barast Beaaliaa Hoef Ail, Warms, Ssrinoey, Saddle GaDa, Piles. Braises, BaaiooA, Corss, Spa Tin Cracks. THI8 GOOD OLD STAND-BY acoompllabes for everybody exaetly what U claimed fwrlt. One of Uie rca)n. Tor too great popularity ot tbe Hastens Unlrornt U found lo tu anlaersal apsllcnbtlttr. Everybody needs such a medicine. The Lantaeraaan needs U In oass of Accident. The Una a wife needs It for teaeral family use. The Caaaier needs It for hat teams and his men. The Mccbauic needs It always on has work Tha Winer needs It in esse ot The l'leneer need. It-cant ret along without tt. Tha Parmer needs tt ta has house, his stable, and bts stock yard. The Steamboat Man or the Boatman needs it In liberal supply afloat and ashore. The Horse-fancier needs It It Is his bast friend and safest reliance. The Stecherewer needs tt tt will tare aim thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. Tho Hal I road man needs tt end will need It sa less as his Ufa is a round of accidents and dancers. The Back woodsman needs it, There to eota Ins tike It as an antidote Cor the dangsrs to life. ltrnb and comfort which surround tbe Tho Merchant seeds ltsbont bis his employs sa Accidents will happen, and whan these coma the Mustang liniment is wanted at once. Keep a Bottle lathe Henae. Tis the best ot economy. Keep a Battle ia the Faetery. Its immediate ass la case of acctdsat sarss pain and loss ot wages. Keep a Battle Always la the Stable fer aee wbea wasted. Sheirff 's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon jor f t mi c emer y. Milton Hale, Plaintiff. va. James P. Warwick, Rebecks F. Warwick ana otto oat, Defendants, "VTOTICE ia hereby given that by virtue i. or an execution and order or sale issued out of the above named Court in the aboy e entitled suit, I will on Mat unlay the seta day of April, l&tT, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m at the Court House door in the citaT of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, sell at publio auc tion for cash in hand to the highest bid der the real property described in said execution snd order of sale sa follows, to wit : Beginning 30 chsins east of the northwest corner ef the Andrew Keen, Donation Land Claim, Notification 11(M and Clsttns S9 sad 71 in Townships it and 12, south Range 2 west of the Willamette meridian and running thence south 20 ohalna ; thence east 20 chains , thence north 20 chains; thonoe west 20 chain to the plaoe of beginning, containing 40 acres in Linn county, Oregon. The proceeds arriving from the sale to be applied, first to tho payment of the costs and disburse ments of suit taxed at $29.15 and tho costs and expenses of sale. Second to the Plain- tin Herein trie sum or stS44 with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per an num from March ISth, 1887. Dated March 24th, 1887. D. 8. Smith, Sheriff of Linn county, Or, ESTRAY NOTICE. Shedd, Or., Feb. 12tb, 1887. . I hove this day appraised an astray, taken up by J. B. Couey, of Oakville, described as follows i One brown oow, with some white about the face and on the belly ; the shell of the right born off, crop aad split in left ear aod under bit in right, is seven or eight years old. Said cow came to Mr, Coney's about Jan. 7 th. 1887, was taken up and post ed Jan. 27th and appraised by me at HOFFMAN & 1'FEIVFER PROPRIETORS'OF Albany Soda Works, "-Aad Manufacturers of- CHOICE COHFECTIOHEEY, We ars sow prepared to sell ' at whole r" frh "d Pur Portland prtoM to dealers. We sleo keep a full luti and Tropical ftraiti, I TV GROCERIES, JP1 lwsya fresh snd a very low prices. -OUR- CIGAR AND TOBACCO department is confess. We keen tha rnni- tux-c nfhawh?; tobacco, meerschaum and brier piuaa that is a delight to smokers. 9. a, wot va arrow, o, r, mew, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW af-Otlco np stairs ia Foster's Block. ALBANY, OREGON. Old papers 2c. a hundred at the Dsato crat office. O Bt YEBJ. GCIDK usaf 1 -aia awxiiui 3.SOO Uls wasM tctw Oailarr. uivbs waaiM Itrrrt to coHmmmrrs oa all peraasaal SMr fisaailsr sum. Tells! sreler, asset give exact cast, i tauag rem ssac, eat, awsaus he fsm with. Taws BOOKS romtavtm tatbrasat from Use asartiaes mf turn wiU saaU a copy VWUUt ta sacaapt est IO ata. to saafltng. lVet aa 1 Baspectfallr, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. tT as taw Waaaab Avaaaa. Chiaaaa taU MANT LAMP CHIMNEYS AIM offered, for aale represented aa good aa the Famous Dl'T THEI ARE NOT! And Ilka all Conntrrfeits lack tke kssblo LASTING HsusllUas OF THE GENUINE. PEARLTOP CHIX5KT The PEARL TOP ia Han a far to red ONLY b GEO. A. MACBETH & CO., aaaAi3XUJnuil, 1'JL. 11 Kesraev hlrect. Aaa Fraactsca, Cel. Nerrous Debility, Senile al Weakaees, SxaaaateS Vitality, Spermatorrhoea. Last llaahoeA. haaeteaer. mrsiyi si ssa : Paralyris, FrostAtorrhoea. and all tha tarrihas eCeata abase, and txcraa in matunsr Years, saah aa Lossot Memory, Laasituda, Maetaraal Kaslaslaas, aversion to society , Dimness ot vtaiou, Noises in tka Head, ths vtul flats passtnt onohsei sed 'a tha arise, and n any other diseases that lead to insanity and torso MBS Suffering from any of the above aiiniiiin consult us at once. Ths drain can hs stopped, yi taluy restored, and Ufa be mads sfaia a pisaeare laetesd oi a burden. There ars many HIDDLE-AtEO HEX who ars trouble with toe frequent aracaatlae- ef She bladder, often aecomraaied by a slight saartia or buminjf sensation, and a weakaningr or ths system ha a manner they cannot aceonnt for, Ropy Sediment la i he urine, etc Many die of this difficulty ignorant, of the cause, which is the second stag? of seminal weakness. Cures gururntecd in all such cases. Coasalfatiea free. Thorough examination a3 vlviee, including chemical analysis and rai mos opts examination of ths urine, t&. An honest opinion tiven in erery ease. The following medicines supplied at the -rises named : 8I AST LET COOPER VITAL SESTOKA Tit E, $3 a bottle, or lour times the suantity, SlO. SAMPLE BOTTLE EE EE. Sent to any one applying by letter, stating syaap oois, sex and ago. Strict secrecy in regard to ail basinsss transactions. The Cslebrated Kidney Beiuedy. NEPIIRETl CVal, for all kinds of Kidney and Bladder Complaints, 2onerrhoea, Gleet, Leucorrhoea, etc. Tot sate by oil druggists ; SI a bottle, or six bottles tor 5. The Knglish DANDELION. LIVED. AND BESV IPEEslA PILL is the best in the market, for sale by all druggists ; price 60 cents a bottle. ftauress Kagusa neUiral Dyspeasary. No, li Kearny Street, ban r ran Cisco, Cat T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Puhlic Notice for Publication. Land Office At Oregon City, Or. ) March 8th, 1887. Notice is hereby givea that the follow ing named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make final proof in euonort of his claim, and that said proof will be made be ft re the County Clerk of Linu countv. Ore- fn, at Albany, Oregon on Tuesday, April l!th, 1887. vis s Charles Clark, Pre-emption D S No. 4(7S for the Ni of S W U of Sec. 2i. Tp. 118R1E. Ho uamts the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva ti u of, said land, via ; Cardwell Clark, YV 's'v t ti y .a. . . a a - viarK. ana a ntiEWAter., ni Is tT THIS with W iat.Oct.80,188S. ENGLISH