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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1887)
I 4 1 mm 1 Kntered at the Past Office at Albany, Or, enW (WJO Use el(fc Ifl I lUeH J FRIDAY APRIL 1 1887 STTTE3 & NUTTING. Kilttor aat Preprleters. vkkd r. Nirrri, iai Riitr. OflOUNTY A FACIAL aad APR, PAPER fTCS 1 1 loitar.wuKWi WHU JUSW XI THIS THIS PAPER H. V. AVER ION U on fll In l'MUdr I phi at tho Nwnir AOvi-h tlaln twni'V of Moiwrm. . our uuu.ruti ifMA When paid strictly in ad vance this will he the price of the Democrat ; at the end of the year, $2.50, mod there wilt be no e viattoe fr-ma K rule. $2.00 t A MAN ABOUT TOWN. Wednesday a street fakir who carried hit occupation in his face took eut a license and opened hi valise of two cent jewelry on the corner of First and Broadalbin street. He sold several cuff buttons for 25c, 50c and iouc and immediately made the pur chasers a present of twice the amount which they paid. Then he offered chain foi $1 a piece and sales were electric. Our christian citizen thought they could bilk the poor, lone fellow by paying a dollar and getting back twx as he said he had five ctacs,and they thought he would keep giving them money for nothing. When sale became slow he made each purchaser a present of a gold watch, made out of brass and pa per, on receipt of an additional dollar, and just as the noon train whistled put all of the money. ust $a3 in hi pocket and drove awav, leaving a crowd of sheepish looking men behind, The M. A. T. has observed that some people will never learn by experience, that you cannot beat a man at his own Sme, that street fakirs do not travel for rir health, and would like to warn peeple for the hundredth time that there is money made bv leaving such fellows alone ; yet it serves men who try to beat them right if they get left. O Albany people catch cold as much as manv other people. It is now fullv estab lished that all people catch cold who live in doors. Writers in the Sdemtijic Amserkam Erove conclusivelv that catching colds can e s voided bv living and sleeping out doors in all kinds of weather. Though a big sav lag the M. A. T. prefer to decline. The great fault in reference to colds is the uai vernal carelessness in passing from warm rooms Into the open air, or the reverse. Quit it. O Trout may now be caught with impunity and a fish hook. The law goes into effect to-day. Those caught out of season, as many have been in Albany, had as delicious a taste as the legitimate ones. O The time is approaching when street fakirs will put in an apoea ranee and apply for a city license with which to swindle the Eod people of this city and vicinity. Right re the If. A. T. protests against the prac tice of granting licenses for such purposes. The pretext that it is for selling soap or something of the kind, is no excuse for it. It only takes a medium sized bump of hu man nature to pick out a street iakir, and when he makes his call with his box of soap there should be a spirited NO ready. Down on frauds generally. P. . No. I has been here, Last week the M. A: T. mentioned the fact that several third-class shows would be in Albanv within a few days. He now ad mits that lie spoke hastily. He should have said fifth-class, if not less ; yet there were some good actors among the number. O The amount of money Phrenologist M r : is cleared in Albany is now figured out at $x Now that the Professor has retired he is generally set down as a medio cre phrenologist, with a big bump of ac quisitiveness. O According to the M A. Ts Astronomic al chart the heavens now are about in their glory. At 8 o'clock in the evening Venus may be seen near the horizon in the west, the queen of planets ; Jupiter just 4 in the East, the king of planets ; Saturn to wards the south, not many degrees from the Zenith, and near the Twins, Castor and Pollux. The brightest star in the south, wending westward, is Sinus, which forms a triangle with Betelguese, near Orion, and Procyon, farther north, all of the first mag nitude. The Pleiades is in the south, well up, "glistening like a storm of fire flies," according to Tennyson. High up is Capella and north of the Pleiades Is the reddest of stars Aide! a ran. UTTRDKR AT HARR19fUTKG. Three or four weeks ago Schuyler Ford, of Ilarrisburg, a young man about twenty one years of age, disappeared At the time he was just getting ready to open a saloon In Coburg, having purchased a lot and put up a building for the purpose. When seen the last time in Ilarrisburg he had on his person about $7ca in money and checks on Albany bank. After his disappearance an overcoat and pistol belonging to him, were found in the Harrisburg Hotel. Foul work began to be feared, and friends of the young man began to make Inquiries. Sunday morning hi body was discovered lying against a log near the bank, in the Wlllnm ette, between two and three miles below Harrisburg, somewhat decomposed ; but not so bndl v that the body was not easily f w tf identified. The head was crushed on one of the temples and the lower jaw broken, In dicating that the young man hod been killed by some instrument, perhaps an ax. The money and checks were gone ; his watch remained in the pocket, the hands pointing ts b o'clock, the chain was gone. The deed to the Coburg property and several letters were found in the pockets. The case was given te a Coroner's jury, which are now making investigations before repotting. There is no doubt that a foul murder was committed for Ford's monev, and the cac should be thoroughly investigated. A liberal reward will probably be offered by the citi zens of Harrisburg, and to their purse the counts- should add a liberal amount. Die mystery of the murder, If one has occurrred, should be ferreted out, l.i-'- Monday the body of Ford was taken through this city to Corvallis for interment . The deceased was a step-son of Mr Peter H Wigle. of Harrisbarg precinct, and was well known in that part of the county. "Little lirowa Jag." This well known and popular play will be presented at the Opera House to-morrow (Saturday) evening, under the auspices of the I. O. G. T. of this city. Following is the cast ef characters : John Nutter, shoemaker .J J Dorris Will, his son LC Knoell Ned Hartshorn, apprentice Harry Da v Hen Douglas, spendthrift Lake Dorris Jarius Jordan, Yankee specula tor, Jas Tomlinson Mrs. Nutter Mi-. Bet tie Johnson Mary, her daughter Miss Mattle Shields Sally Peasly, Yankee Help,. ..May Rldeout The entertainment will close with a laugh able farce entitled "Too Greedy by Half." Our citizens, always liberal to support home talent, should, attend this entertainment in a body. Admission 25 cents. Reserved seats, at Langdon's, 35 cents. Good music will be furnished for the occasion, and all who go will spend an evening in a profitable manner. RRAL ROTATE Following were the recorded sales In Linn county during the past week : Andrew Grass to Rnoch Thompson, 2 lots In North Hrownsvllle. .$ 80 Mary A Thompson to R N Thomp son, about lets In N. Browns ville 600 E J Lanning to Rob't Johns, part of one block in Hackteman s addi tion to Albanv JCJ K (Has toG W P'uglM lots In Lw tordsvitle 60 J C Barker to George W Pugh, 160 acres in tp 14 8 K 2 w 1000 R Glass toG W Pugh, 3 lots In Craw- fords vllle 45 Noah Shanks to G W Pugh, 1 lot In Crawfordsville 15 R Glass to George W Pugh, 1 lot in Crawfordsville 15 0 P Abrams to George W I' lot in Crawfordsville . .. II 3.50 E E Pierce to Ashby Pearce, 2 lots in IPs Mid A. to Albany 1000 R Koehler, Trustee to E J Lanning, Eart of block In H's and A., AT anv V7S Nelson D Conn and wife to Ella Conn, too acres in tp 1 1 S R 3 w 1 W B Donaca to Lebanon Lodge 44, A F & A M, 70,45 ttci 35O 1 ' R Cheadle to D B Montelth, lot 2, blocks, Albany Boco Lcander Stites to B W Cundlff, 3 .87 acres just west of Albany, near limits 4OO V S to Win Ray, 30 acres In tp 11 S R 1 w patent Four Legged Items. Albany should have a horse show. s Mr Riewartsen's dray horse noted for his chronic rp and down stiff kneed kick, has been laid by for recuperation if not for re tirement. $5.00 a head is about the average price for mi l ion sheep 'n this county. 6 and 7 cents will be the prl -e of shearing in Eastern Oregon. A fast man will shear 100 sheep in a day. Helena, Mon., people eat beet shipped from Chicago I - ' Horses stand cold weather twice as well as cattle and cattle twice as well as sheep. Sheep have to be inspected before being placed on the cars under the new taw. Notwithstanding the large number of horse shipped from Llan county there ara plenty lef. Xdie number raised In the county is large, much larger than ship ments. In Chicago hogs area cent a pound high er than a year ago. EslerUlsssest a' Oskvile. Last (Thursday) evening the play En listed for the War" was ;o be presented at the Willamet.e Church at Oal.ville for the benefit of the W. C T. U. w!lh the follow ing cast of cttaracters : ('t'RRRNT KVKNTH Keep a Stiff Upper Up. Hunt in; Coal. The Democrat office acknowledges a call on Monday from Coi Frank J. Parker, editor of the Walla Walla Statesman, who accompanied by Dr. Oglesoy and C S Mill er, of Fossil, had been prospecting for coal in the Coast Range. They found good in dications but nothing definite, not making a complete search, as they were anxious to return home before Parker's pass became outlawed by the action of the interstate commerce law, which goes into effect in a few days. Albany is gradually becoming the stop ping point of the Central Willamette Valley. Speculators in wheat, oats, etc., are making their headquarters here. Eastern manu facturers have their eyes on our city. They have heard of our magnificent water power Various rumors .a re afloat ; but rumors often do more hurt than good before they assume tangible form. There is too much of a habit among Pacific Coast people to make mountain-, out of molehills iust from unre liable rumors. This is true particularly with the press. Certainly no city in the Valley has half the bright prospects of Al bany for rapid growth. We need to hold our horses though and not run into the fence the way many booming towns do, Hhaar A Ixmsway. Mr. T. A. Shane, who has been in busi ness here during the last year, and Prof. L. V. Lonsway, Principal of the public schools, have formed a partnership, and will greatly enlarge and add to the present business. A millinery department, under an experienced milliner, will be a feature, and also a line of Wannemaker's clothing, they having the agency here. They propose keeping a splendid stock of fine dress goods and mak ing a specialty of that line. A reliable firm, the public should call on them and see their new goods, which will be arriving constant Robert Trueworth Wilder Rowell.... Hosea links IliVam jink.;, his son . ..J. Y. McCune ...I. Fred Yates . ... Win, Barton ..C. C Stockton Crimp, colored .Thos, Currie General Grant 8. Mrllrre Lieut. Coi. Bo W. D. Smith Garlle Glfforti Una ILnnford M is T. uewo.-;h Louella Stocklo 1 Mattie Truewch Annie McCorro ck Ilnrglary at t'orvallU. Mail Routes Changed. According to the despatches the mall route from Albany to Lebanon, on April 10th will be curtailed, Albany to be omi.ted and to begin at Spicer. Houte from Halsey curtailed by ending at Brownsville. Route from Turner to Mehama leaves out Tui ner and begins at Aumsville. These changes are made on account of mail service being established on the Narrow Gauge R. R. The change puts Lebanon farther off than Seattle from Albanv. Last Wednesday a thief entered Dr Winter's room at the Vincent House and took $100. a razor and some other articles. and Hodge's gun store and :00k about $$ worth of revolvers. On account of pawn ing the razor and subsequently redeeming it he was identified, but escaped and came to Albany, where he was arrested about noon by Marshal Wetfalt, and identified bv Dr. Winter. He gave his name as Meredith. He certainly was a reckless burglar. New To-day. We are showing a beautiful line of lace curtains, in pairs, and by the yard, plain and printed scrim, in designs entirely new to SJ w r this market and invite those desiring goods in these or other lines to g'.re us a call. MoVTBITH & Sr IT ESS At 11. The residence of Dr Cuslck, of Sale m brother of Banker Cuslck, of Albany, was entered by burglars on Thursday morning of last week . The Doctor fired three times at one of them. They were thought to be Celetlals. Gov Gibbs' body will be brought to 'Ore gon at an expense of $1500. Some of our e.-.changc have made It a costly affair by adding another o. At a mccdn of the Ixmrd of Trustees of the Corvallis Agricultural College held ie- enfly the resolution which authorised the deeding of the farm to the State was re scinded. Corvallis people are vrv Indignant ami the papers talk hot lead. The Chronicle cults it a contemptable action and hints ilia, the Incentive is the prospect of fiiux) per annum from the government. Geese are reported quite numerous In the country. Salem's Annual Stallion show toek place att Saturday, a large number of horses be it exhibited. Amomr the number was Millard Si Klkln's Cleveland Uav. of this Ity. The Dkmockat has often advocated such a show here ; but our horse men have not yet awakened to the Importance of the movement. In the great ocean sea voyaire race across he Atlantic het ween the Coronet and the )auntlr, the former won.maklitif the voy age In about fifteen days. The Coronet wrs buMt on a new plan, and It was partly to est the superiority of the new and old stvle that the race was arranged. rhe Baker City Willis Skiff mvsterv ha beep one of the most perplexing ones in the n.o-y 01 me mate. The following from an exchange makes it more mvitrrtuu. than ever : The mystery of the disappear ance of Willis Skiff, which caused such a sensation last summer, has been cleared up. j uetecuve set nimseii to clear It up and l said to have traced the missing man to Can ada. In the evidence on the trial of three men suspected to have murdered him a idtiht watchman in the employ of the O. R. & N. testified to seeing a man answering his dKcrlption warming himself at night bv a sage bush fire, and it Is supposed now the man wa Willi Hkiil. In view of the present lively Interest in Kusoia the readers of t lie April number of irer'j Stagazitw will enjoy the attrac tive article by Ralph Meeker skctche a Uit made to the most unfamiliar province in that anomalous realm during the excite ment of the late war between Russia and Turkey. He claims that "no country havlmr railroad and telegraphs is so little known as Kula. l very type of epilation and evei v grade of barbarism are found within Its tioundaries." The 111: ration are bv the author's fellow traveller, F. D. Millet, and ai j capitally done. The conclusion of the atUcle will appear in the May number. Just at this time cottuce for rent would pay well on the investment. A few weeks ago the Drmocrat nub- I'shed an account of the disappearance of a M.s. Can ley from her home in Benton county. According to : exchange Mr C. left home to go to her parents and hod reason for leaving, it being charged that Iter husband was a hard drinker and an opium smoker. Several new business houses In Albany are rumored. The Portland city directory tor 1887 nuts the population of that city at 37,5c x Notwithstanding the small amount raised by the Vancouver firemen this years tourna ment according to President Wosiey b bound to be a success. Here is what he say "The Association bocs In this time In better financial trim than at any time since its organization. We have $446 on hand ; Astoria firemen will raise $250 be tween now and the date of the tournament ; $io Is promised from Eugene, ftco from Walla Walla, fsMJrom Lebanon, $ioo from Mc Mi see ;hat thfllueea citv of the Sound will se-nd ioo ; Oregon City will contribute $75 ; Eugene as much more i Albany and Salem $150 apiece. Here is $wfoJ. and If Vancouver contributes $400, which, doubt teas, it will, we'll go there with $1,000 hung up to compete tor." It is reported that Hyman A beam has been appointed Collector of Customs at Portland and E J Jeffrey, U S Marshal for Oregon. Benjamin Burch ha been ap pointed Receiver of Public Moneys at Ore goo City. Goldenson, the S. V. murderer, was found -A Militia Coinvauy. An effort U being made in this city to or ganize a Militia Company under our State laws. The signitures of a sufficient number are being obtained ; but how the State au thorities will view the matter is a matter for speculation. As a Scoo prize drill will be given at the State fair there is quite an in centive to secure such a company at the present time. One would be an ornament to Albany and an evidence of the enterprise of our young men . Mr. Julius Gradwohl has just removed his large stock of crockery ware, hardware, etc , to the store formerly occupied by Mr. ohn Briggs, which has been fitted up par ticularly for his use. He has a well select ed stock of goods, runs the only exclusive crockery store in the city and should re ceive a targe patranage. ual at his new quarters and see how things look. ra wul find our stock of carpets, oil cloth, matting and window blinds full and attrac tire, all that is new in patterns and styles can be found in our assortment, to see Is to believe. MOKTEITII & SEITEHBACH. K away. Last Saturday forenoon Mr. Jas. Elkins accompanied by his mother in-law Mrs, Fisher, who is over 85 years of age, was driving along Ferry Street, when his team ran away, throwing both accupants out near t he residence of C. H. Stewart. Mrs. Fisher was slightly injured ; but is doing remark n . a a amy wen ior one 01 sucn advanced years The team aud wagon were saved. Fell from a Porch. iasi oaooain auernoon tne tnree year old daughter of Postmaster Rufus Thomp son fell from the second story porch of the residence of Dr.R.C. Hill, on Fourth street and striking on a fence, bounded to the side walk below. The injuries received quite severe but not dangerous. No were broken. The little girl is now well. were bones doing Henry Ward Beeeher. fhia (r rulay) evening Rev, H. V. Rom inger will delnver a lecture at the Congrega tional Church, on "Henrv War' PhMi. Hale. On Saturday, April 16th, at my residence 3 miles east of Tangent, I will sell at public auction the following : 6 head of good heavy work horses, brood mares, 2 fresh milk cows, 3 two-year olds, 3 yearlings. graded thne-year aid bull, 21 head of stock hogs. Terms Cash or eight months cre it witltout interest. John Long. Wmr Male. One hundred and twenty acres of the best quality of improved wheat land, all fenced nto four fields, good house, hard finish, good outhouses, excellent fruits of all kinds. Situated 3 miles west of Lebanon and one and a quarter miles south of the junction of the Narrow Guage R. R., with the Lebanon branch of the O. Si C. R. R. Inquire at this office. AND HOPIAli, Mr. John Hoffmsa went to the By Tues day. Gsn. Waggoner, Jr. ef CorrAllis pal in the eity Tueeday. W R Psrksr and John 8h-s, of Solo, are soh reported vsry Ifok. Prof ft 11 Smith has returned to He left Saunders here. Oliver Hyde, of Harrisburg, lett 00 Mon day fur Eastern Oregon. Hon, Binuer Herman passed through Al bany Monday on his way to Itosebuig. Vioe President II ag, of the 0. P. U et Pctd here to-day, by wsy ef ths O A ' Ist Saturday Joe Webber, Jr., returned to i'orlUod after a sojourn here of several days. Jeff Meyers aud A robin Johnson, of Soio were in Albany the first of the wak mi btisi- Mr T A Hbsne, of SUtoH d L msway, left for Portland Wednesday to nil to their took of goods. Mr V Knoell, of The Dalles, hst been in Albany this week visiting bis broth it, L C Knoell. Mr James Oarothers, ot Shedd, who has been vtiiting in Illinois for several weeks re turned to his heme last Tuesday. Mr Jobn Rogers, who has been confined to nis bonis for some time, is a-in street, a faet over which his nieuy rejoio. Mr O vV Vaughn, of Ltoeooaaty.who has Iwen in the eity several days, returned home Wednesday, aeoompanied by his daughter. The DKMOt aaT acknowledges a call from Mr Vaughn. Mr William Oaliaway and family, recent ly ef the Palnee country have been in the city. They intend locating in Western Ore g , Mr O. is a brother of Mr Martin Payne, of this city. Mr Bateee. of Ohio, was in tbeoity Satur day. He r presents seyeral families front Ohio, and is pleased with oar ooaoty. Win! here he remarked that h liked AH. any !. tor than any pise be ksd bevi id since leav ing the East. George McK night has returned from San Kraocie-o. While there be saw the famous Harry Wilkee trot in 'ill The horse last 'ear bad the beet reeord of A mart am nurses or the year's races. Oa Thursday tanrniog of next week Mr George L Walker and Mtss Utie Wakefield, of Portland, will be married at tbn home of the bride'e psrenta. Several relative of Mite W. will attend from this eity. M1S4 Paulina May, the popt Ur daughter of Mr Ham Msy, of HsrrtaHurg, who b is bee vuittag in the otty several weeks, the goast of Mr L Senders, returned home ea Moodsy. aceompanted by Mm Belle Senders. KOMI AND ABROAD. t Si Frene't, jewelr. Wallas wants a gel l evel. House and 'ot, $: Vi J R Hugh The best 1 ames at R L Thomp ton's Wsllttr k Tbaytr, of Port'end, have fail- 1, nal'oaal a i t be started at Arling tea. . Fre.h 41 den six ds at Wll ici 5t Thomp aonV, Public examination this week at the Com! II use, (lowland is the nemo of a new P. (. near H deey. Oysters served tu all styles at Hoffman ak net tier's. J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al nany, ur. Goto Read at Browns! Fa f r choice fresh grooeriri. Gaff A Bushnelt, Physicians and Surgeons, Hhedd, Or. The Salem fanning mills fer sale at Deyoe k Rob ton's. Some Ho. I oidnr vinegar at Wallace & Thumps hi g Pine tropica! fruit at all timoe at Wallace k Thompson's. Mr J W Pronet will build a aew residence on the I " farm soon. friends I one of good oysters at rfaHace k I horn peon's for ft. WeU the Hea Bosch oiasr a 5 cents at Read & Browoelt's. Laks S iusrior Wmi. Pith in keii at Wei aoedc t'n omp ma's. A fine stock of trunks and valises iust re ceived at h K Blain's. Genuine NO molaeee in barrels at Wei leee at I horn peon s. Revs Sails and Jones ere holding revival meetings at usrrtsourg. A Matter with a Petat te It. The season of bones eteutiag and Hprii moving ia abcat here. House evening is af inoao buaioeee ; bat it ba to be daw. You will wast a carpet this Spring by all means. tiet a good on, a teety erne, one that your friends will like to see. A B. Mollwaia has a magainoeet steak. No each foe desigrt have ever been snrpased here. He will sell those crpta at prises thtdsfy competition anywhere ia the Valley . Portlsed too. In general msrehan its, boats, shoes, . U Mollwaia ia prepare I to meet a rushing year's trade with a pl undid stock ef welt selected gaxia. He will not be undersold, And will asset Cat prices Ever time, end oa the same terms or in targe packages Ou.h-reeli them. a . R C e e no cao an tau uec4e ne k iys in vary MUjUie Chief Kellogg, of .Scattle.wlll I large qnantites, get better prices and much at tne queen cuy ot the found win cheaper freight. Try him in sugar., offae.tobaco-je.pio'iles. a faet anything in his store, Oeyxa '.j. t Wiiat is Geyserite ? Tills seems te be the leading question to-day. Well it I simply the name of the best tine of laundry and : a ai La . . a tonet soaps in tne market. Evert one knows that meet minerals contain cleansing -1 a a. j m. a m propenies, ana mence goods arc maae from guilt y of murder in the first degree. Let the the minerals at the celebrated Geyser springs sciuodv rascal hang. of Colorado with pure mil Mi lag oils added Senator V arner Miller, of New York and nased through Zahus oaf rot iirmrv. State, will he in Oregon in a few weeks. COflV4.rtlBtf thm i, tK m,rt A fee soap ever offered the public. The Geyser Sapone put up in six pound tin buckets and reta 1 1 stcenU per bucket, is in jeHy form and unequalefl for cleansing purposes, such as cleaning paint, floor, tinware and all metals, also for washing dishes and laundry purposes. Wallace k Thompson are the sole agents for this city for these thoroughly reliable goods and all ordera will he promptly filled by them, as they are taken at residences by the company's agents. Engraviag on all goods purchased at V W Carter's jewelry store fiee. Ki-mnved. Halsey Entertainment. Miss Emily Webb, of Salem, will give an Elocutionary entertain tnent in the U. P Church at Halsev, Wednesday evening " 0 ear April 6th, for the benefit of the Young Woman's Christian Temperance Union of that place. Admittance, 2$ cents, Gar Spring stock of drees goods, fancy goods, boots and shoes, etc , haye arrived and we are now snowing the moat complete and attractive stock of goods ever brought to Albany. A visit to oor store will cenviace all that we are in the lead. Mon? KITH k SirrgVBACH. Netiee. Members of the United States Dealers Protective Association of Albany will find copies of the Annual Report wit to S. E. Young, James V. Pipe and at Democrat office. Kid (ilovee. Ladies when you wish a good kid glove iu the latest and most desirable shades, kiod ly remember that N H Allan k Co. is the place where yon can find them. A full line of Royal and Jouvins, also the "Clothilda undreased kids. Ladies Flee Shoes. Kedueed Rate The O. & C. R. R. and the hotels of this city will grant reduced rates to teachers at tending the Teacher's Institute to be held in this city next week. A Captain's Fertsmate Discovery. Capt. Coleman, schr. Weymouth, plying etween Atlantic City and N. Y., had been roubled with a cough so that he was unabl e o sleep, and was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery foe Consumption. It not onl gave him instant relief, but allayed the extreme soreness in his breast. His children were similarly affected and a single dose had. the same happy effect. Dr. King's New Discovery is now the standard remedy in the Coleman household and on board the schooner. Free trial bottle of this Standard Remedy at Foshay & Mason's Drug Store Drummers in Montana have to oav N H Allen & G. are bow receiving direct from the manufacture, II J Hoi brook A Co., of Utica, N. Y., a full line of his justly eel ebrated fine shoes for ladies ansV misses in C. D. E. and E. E. widths. These goods will give splendid satisfaction, in fact there aro no better made. "Wheel Baby was sick, we gave bee CMSaste, When she waa a Child, abe etied tat CeOerla, Wbee she became Miss, she clang to Caetorie, When she had Children. ho gave them C The Barest of Ceuabiemtlens. True delicacy of flavor with true efficacy a a a a a e 01 action, naa neen attained in tne use Of a California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its pleasant taste and beneficial effects have rendered it immensely popular For sale by Foshay k Mason, wholesale and retail. In a icoyard foot race at Sydnev, Aus tralia, Meyers, of New York beat George of England about eighteen feet, in 3:19. Very usi time. Fred Merrill, the bicyclist, of Portland, is preparing to issue a paper to be called "The Oregon Cyclist." Every person interested in sporting matters should subscribe for it. The Ashland Tidings has a squib about two young men of that burg. Oscar Blount and F. Newman while playing some game at a private party, rushing their headlights together, resulting in the former having his nose broken. He walked into the office of Dr. Parson, had his olfactories adjusted and eturned to. the party with his nose almost os good as before the accident. The Dalles City Marstta! has made a war on tramps, resulting in their being driven f om the city. How would that do in Al bany. Every one begging a meal at a pri vate residence should be reported. The Grand Ixlge of O-F.'sof W. T. will meet In Tacoma on May 10th. In Seattle the salen of real estate are a rtfeT several beina reported ranging from $ituvx to $6j,CUU, In Albany we are iust cutting our eye teeth. At the Opera House Tuesday evening about thirtv bovs and men broke open the north gallery door and secured Lee seats to "Uncle Tom's Cabin." It cost the Opera House management $7.50. That was steal ing just as much as taking money from a merchants drawer would be. Ben Holladay, once the railroad king of the N. W. is now a poverty stricken man. No one here likes Len Holladay ; but all people feel sorry for poverty stricken men. Now the Newt, of Portland, is coming to the front. It uets practically all of the dis- patches from the East and foreign countries. Let it increase Its telegraphic correspon dence in the Northwest and it will be the peer of any paper in the Northwest so far as news is concerned. The people would like to see the Netvs prosper, Hon J II Slater has been appointed Dem ocratic member of the Rail odd Commis sion. SV The gross earnings of the Union Pacific Company for 1886, according to the repoit just issued compared to 1885, were $17,806, 133, against $17,455,031 for 1885 ; operat ing expenses, $9,685,771, against $8,563,- 631 In 1885 ; taxes, $597,654.45, against $48?733-96 ; net eandngs, $7,822,707, against $8,4114,676 ; average number of miles operated, 1,832. The Southern Pacific system operates 4,594 miles of road. Gross earnings in 1886 were $26,603,797, against $25,67,674 for 1005 ; -operating expenses, 910,553,109, against $15,083,175 ; taxes, $1,055,509, against $904,038 ; net earnings, $8,995,178, against $687,441. After payment of all ftxed charges and deduction of the goyern ment requirements, the balance applicable to a dividend in 18C6 was $3,746,368, or 6,15 per cent upon the capital stock. The Union Pacific Railway Company dividend, as com" pared, was $2,471,181, or .06 per cent in 1885. The Corvallis Hornet 16x10 has appear ed. Its mission seems to be to attack Pipes of the Leader. George Smith, of Turners committed suicide last Tuesday by taking strychnine. Cause ; ill health and Wines; troubles. Salem's famous cow is said to be a dead letter. Just as many cows on hand in other peoples yards as ever. fkW Alljtinds of A tfox'a. Te She rt!ir. 1 am now better prepared than ever be fore to suit my numerous customers in all lines of goods. I have a larger stock which I personally selected, and hare many nov -ettles I could not get by ordering goods ex cluaively. I have just made extensive -improvements to my Boot and Shoe Store giving me much more room than formerly, and eaubling me to carry a larger assort ment and to sell you better goods for the money. I have just received direct from the-factory a full line of ladies' and gents' slippers for the holiday trade especial I selected for this market, all of which wlfl be sold on their merits, and every pair guaranteed, even in cheap slippers and shoes. S AMI' hi. E. You MO. Wall Paper, Shades, Kte, N H Allen k Co. keep in stock a full lire of the above good, including a fine assert mant of dec iratious for sealings, which they will sell at the lovott i mm!, Is prices. We have now m transit oae of the largest stocks of tblto goo Is ever m this market. Groceries. While 1,0k ing after your supplies in tho above line, don't you forget that N II Allen A Co. keep groceries, and don't you forget that you can get just as much ugar.tcs, oof fee, rice or any thing else for a dollar as you can get in any store in thi oity.and all of the beet quality. Call on Alien k Co. when you want groceries and leraember they nertr al low themselves to bo undersold. Corsets. N H. Allen k Co., have in stock a splen did line of corsets. Consisting of the juat'y celebrated C. P's, Dr Warner s, Dr Leo's S K's, the Albany Standard, our spinal brand also the Everlasting, SjU Adjusting, Nettie and many other n.akes. Lulies are especial ly invitad to call and inspect them. Call and Mettle. Persons knowiug themselves indebted t Mr. John Briggs will fTsid the account in the hands of L U Mont mye. Attorney at law and will do well to Cilt on him and attend to the same at once. WILLYJU SUtfVifi t witu dim and Liver Cotnplniut T Sliil.ih's v"i . 1 ia gara me id to oura you. Old Bottler's Reunion An old settlers reunion Will soon be. held at the store of Wallace & Thompson, as these young men are desmans of proving Kuchlen's A ret tea Halve Tho beat naive in the worhi for Cuta, Bruises, Sores, Ulcera, Salt Rheum, Fever I Sores, Tetter. Cuapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns ana afi Sam fctruptiona, and uosi- Auother tumble in the price of boots and shoes at Used A HiowaeliV J W Halsey drear the gold watch ia Coon Brothers sale ef baking powder. J H Townsend. spouts! agent for the State nan ranee Off of Sale. a, Oregon. Sis shaves for a dollar aud a oUau Utwnl to svery ouatoiner, at L. Vieriek's. Last Saturday Curranafc Moateith te!d 30 three 'or fleOO. Mutton ie high 7 cures rheu natism. neuralgia and toothache. Foshay k Mason. AueaU. wniae Woodio e Ksteneioe table. They era - well go and see Uie.e'fur yourself. Mr Ahby Pearce is erecting a residence at the corner of Stcoad and Kaker Streets. Some genuine Kwtern hickory nets mtv be teen at Uotfman St Pfeufer'e, ia tbie city, The Albany band have sold their ani Uim to tbe M. A C. .baud of Salem. Wny 1 P M French, ageut Singer Maoafacturinu Co. .opposite Odd Kedowt Temple, Albany, Or. PaiiutuLlottlls from five to teudillars. call at Wire Wurks foot of Lyon Street, Albany, Or. K djins u eY West have begun raeaiog their eaw mill, with a big supply of logs oa band Bey Father Ltois Metayer of tne Catholic Church held strncj ia Hrowasvilte on Sab bath. Johnny Scbmesr has invented au attach awnt for dog oeris, to be used for training horses. Ur. M. U. KUts, phaiaiaa sad surgeon AH any, Oregon, ('ells made tu city or I ington. D. C. cm o try. Tnro chairs ate kept rata ng at Verick'e barber b . p. To 9 plea j to get a eh tee or hair eat. Tuesdsy was observed ae a day of prayer by tne .v V, S U fer tbe soouess of the teiu perauce cause. Soveoteeo shows aed Phrenologist Merria in Albany daring Msrch. "It never reins but it poors," Wbst has become of the electric light sseti. Is it possible the brtlltact light seea was only aa ignis fetoae. Deyoe k Robeoo have a large stock of tbe beat plows made oa head. Tbey will be sold at bedrock prices. Rev J W Craig will preach at the U K Cbureh South in this eity next Sabbath evening at 7:30 o'clock . Road Supervtaor Dsvid rorkbsrt while attending to his duties last week fall aod sprained oae ot his wrists. April fools day, aad the biggest fools are those who fool themselves by taiaktug th .y ere fooling some other feol. Tbe drat of the week Mr I surge Harris sold bis bouse aud lot te C-msty Treasurer Curl. Consideration $1200. Sol 'a. Robt Bewmaa's job wagon had a ruuaway mish np on last Saturday, resulting in a btokeu wmgne aud a few scratches. The "Little Browo Jug'' at the Opera House to-morrow (Saturday) night. G and encourage home talent. See program. Major aa I Mrs George Stroog have the Dcmo-js -r's thanks for apiece of wedding sake. May their lives bo full of sunshine. Wood working msobiuery, ahaftioi. pal- ings, belting and etc., at half price. Inquire f C. L. Brush, foot of Lyon Street, Albany, Or. A larxo and elegant lot of opal, diamond and plain It and 18 carat riagj, jaat receiv ed from the factories in tho Rati, by K VV Carter. We bavo moved our stock of goods across the etreet from our old stand, follow as aud we will make it to your interest. Read Si Browuell. Tuesday Mr Robert Johns purchased of G B Height, through Burkhart St Keeney, a fadf block ia H ack (era mi's addition ts Al bany, paying $350 for the property. Should you desire to sell yonr property call on Burkhart A Keeney as they advtrliee proixsrty placed la then han ts, and charge nothing unless tbey effect a sale. One W Young, W C Tweedale and T J Stites have beeu elected delegate from the Albany lodge to the grand lodge of U r e which meets in East Portland iu May. In addition to other good companies Mr. H. F. Merrill now has the agency of the Hartford, Commercial ef California and Lon don aad Lancashire Insurance Companies. The auueuueement of the appointment of W 11 Holmes as Clerk of the Supreme Court, was well received by the legal fraternity of Albany, as well as A tne State generally. 7,006,000 farmers and 64,000 lawyers in the U. S. ; yet in the U S Senate there ia only one farmer. Nearly all the rest r.r- law yers. This stele ot affairs snouiit oe rev erses. Warunoth Brothers, of Halsey, duriug the nast vear have bought and sold nearly 1150, 000 worth of stock, which they have ;old ia Portltnd. Thu is a big industry and will be bigger. The old building recently occupied by -Mr Broadwell. near the Dkubsr r ottos is be- in 2 removed this week. Mr Yonag who owns the Drooertv will probably build oa it e er e next spring. Mr Stntts, the r.ctor, was kind enough to leave iu the city atday entitled "Niagara' tor our amateurs to act. As it requires thirty characters is is stfs to predict It will net be presented here. If you wear eut two pair of shoes ia s year and can save six bits a pair by buying them pf Bead k Brownell remember in ten years time you will have saved fifteen dollars, this is well worth remembering. The StutU Company showed in this city Friday and Saturday. Mr Stutta is one of the best ever to Albany. His support, ex cepting Miss Stntts and youngster very amateurish and weak. Albany people who think the time be tween scenes in oar theaters is too long should remember that in Paris it is so extended that theaters have regular promenades for their gueati. They take tbeir time. MrSE Young last Saturday purchased t)e south two lots off the home property of C H Stewart, aud will begin at oaoe to erect a residence for family uae, whioh will be oae of the finest in this part of the State. A first-class place to get groceries is at Boon Brothers. They keep a fresh stock and sell as cheap as anyone. They also have a splendid stock of crockery and glassware which they sell as cheap as tbe cheapest. Tho judgment 0 th lower Cuurt In tin oaae of the State agt W S ,Johmy. of tan city, was affiroimf, and Johnny will 'l.e eMigM to eerve out fin full te o , except it is lessee d ny good behavior, which it p-obably wil be. Last Wednesday M,s '.'head! purchased tn roti gb Currsu ft Monts n s aiaoy eighty seyeo feet from off tbe ft . VV . corner of Firt sod H-tkrr sti of Judge Stia'isn, peaft f 12230 for the same, Mrs CheadU is a ibei ough Aloauian. Referring to the biik in the city Wdn- day a third werder trade tho reresr that if M no worse to license a man to sell a 10 cent chain for $1, than 'to license mrn to sell 1 cents worth of whiskey for 10 (tests. Toe remark is worth digtstieg. (Uv Geo W Hill, who will gradustefroK tbs Rochester theological seminary this vear, has been tendered the pscioretc of the Bsp tiet Church, of this city, to go iuto effect ee the retirement of R-v. Bowason to tbe Presi dency of IfoMinaville College. Messrs Mueller aod Oarretof t he P jvere House, haye the plans ready for two horn residences on thetv new lots, ew tr of Ells worth and Third Streets, and work will h began at once on them. Already the areands are being pnt in eooditioa for wort'. Mr George Smith, of Lebanon, has a aew which care birth te a catf an Murch 12th end to a second oae oa lest Tsidey the 20th inst. This is a rare Leak of o.itnrr. and one some would nstsrally be skeptical ia refereaee to it : but it comes from aeod an tbority. e A letter from Union c unty sae a mo. named Moraeds introdo :iog Double Laptc a j st a . a . . a w nay torn, aau toes tne esii Moree is a frau l As he is liable to be in the valley we civa the information. There is only one ss'e rale to follow and that is, do not trust strangers pre. tntscuoeily. Ceorge H William oasscd throneh Aibenv last Friday oa bis way to Salem to serve e term io tbe Penitentiary for stes!in tm horse. nmrm toe migniy laiien. Uoos iitort H Wiliiame was Attorney. General of tbe (eatawt of nations and rodein a lauadalet of abeJeagi price, ones but this wi. another George H . Last Tneedav Dr. Kills eaeieW b. n. Wei lace performed aa nonreturn oa oae f the eves of Miss Carrie Vase, ef B-i toa Ce., who has been affected with erees cyee, eeieo t.fically eellod strshtomo.,. Tbe affoctie was remove and aew Mies Vase's ayes are a natural ccndittoR. Beio is get tin a worked am in nloMM rv the Oregm Pee 1 Be coming past Hut place, and considerable activity is being displayed were. His reported another survey was made taking the road throngb tbe city. It te te be hoped it ia tree. Aceordioe to the ere. eat enryey it wilt run from one to two miles north or tbe city. A Urge neraber of tie are being gotten est in the vicinity of the eity. Under tho proposed chaaee ef mail eervb-A h twees Albany and Ubaaoa a Isttor placed in the poatoffiee at either place oa Monday win reacu use otnur place oa TT art need sr It may ehorten the route of the etaee 1 hat it tacreaace tbe dietenc mail will have te travel about ten times. Deli ver ns fineea snrb a curtailment. A petition is beine circulated rsyMirawiag agamat tbe obangc. Every body is signing it. We have jest received from tbe National Kepuoueen. Washington. I) C.ahsadseat y ii'Miriiei etiiuou. c miisttrg or lg pages aod ooataiaiog over ooe hundred aad fifty porcrsua 01 nenaiors, congressmen aad (iOv- rnors ; the President and his Cabinet aad many of the Foreign LeeatioM. Tbie ad Ji tfcmi is the first of the kind ever published. serf te certeinly ooe thst should be read by ei. oecn iuc. te .stiooai Republican, Waah We Want To Catch Your Eye, and get it 01 ear b off .r in bergefiu Groceries. Money paid ne means mm IN TOM PO0KETS, We sell gr xsenee fo- year benefit ae well as for oor own. Wallace & Thompson. J. P. Hail, ALBANY, AGENT Columbia Bicycles and Tricycle?. Second ban 1 wheels onetantiy on band. east tor 1887 eataloae, The Predictions Are that we are geing to have fl:i -r o- a good business year, aad tbe fact Ie JULIUS GRADWOHL Has movd 1 to the Briggs Block. Tbe Terr Sees. I have added to nay boot mnd esSee stock a itoe of the celebrated Laird, ScJber Mitehell, Philmtetpkim fine Shoes fot lad ire misses aod children. Acknowledge! by dealers generally to be tbs bast vidua aed beet fitting fine shoe made. Widths C, D, E and EE. A child can bay as cheap aa a man. Sole Agent, Albany, Oregon. A. STiMT & CO., Real Est at s Agants Offlci tn sMith side of First Stress be tetn Kev ere ana ttust H job. ALBANY, ORECSIf. Admiaistrator's Notice. Notici ie hereby given that the uoderstn ed has bvb defy .,,..-.iti Admioistretsr f tbs estite of George A Hal', deceased, by order of the Coooty Cart of Lion cos sty, Oregon, duly made and entered ot record, aad all persona having claims eg sine said estate are bersbv required to w reseat the same to the undersigned at Seto. Oregon, dnly n6i wtttvie six mouths fro -a tbe date berrof. March 3I.. 1SS7. Jnrr. Msfsaa. SherifFs Sale. In the Circuit Court of the Stale ofOrtfo, Jr Linn county. Oregon newspapers general lv are spread ing themselves in a very promiscuous man ner in the endeavor to get up an it :m w. . n the right kind of a poetical tingle te L, in reference to the farmer turning the fei Mt sod preparatory to a bountiful harvest. Blue vitriol for wheat at Stewart at Goyeerite at Wallace k Thompson's. graes seed al Btewart "The Dance of Death Nosr that tbe excitement rc .-siooed by the advent of this publication is at a fsvnr heat, aed the triUcs, gre.t cr small, ere sxc hang ing their bro.-tda:dee, the faet etill temairs that people will dance ; and when tbe Hood ia heated aod tbo pores are opeu. s sodden draft or slight exposure will oase many te contract colds, which, if neglected, will ant eiy lead to serious rtsults. Krcss's Hnmbjrg Tea 'a a sovereign remedy fer congestion, bilioneness, soids, ste. The Wonderful Healing Properties of Da-by . Propbylactle Fluid in ea of Aeeidests. for Boras, SrahbsCatft, Its prompt use will invritble relieve red prevent Erysipelas, Gangrene, or Proud P's-h. Owing to the cleansing and purif ving quali ties of the Fluid the most obstinate Ulcers. Boils, Carbuuclea and Running Soree are rendered pure and healthy ai.d speedily cured, no other apphoatio bsiug nsosaaar . Hon. Alexander H. Stephena. "I am directed by my node, Hon A H Stephen, to say that he has derived bvnstit from the use of Simmons Liver Reg 1 let or, and that he wishes to give it further trial. W O Stephens, Crawfordsville. Gee, March 31, 1870." Extract of a letter from Alexan der H Stephens, dated March 8, 18711 1 1 use, when try condition requires it, Dr Sim moos Liver Regulator, with good effect." Albany Market. Be! estate transfers are quite numerous Wheat 70s per bu. Oats S8 " " Butter 2a ota per lb. Egg, II cents per do. Reef on foot, 3c 40 Potatoes 100 cts per bushel. Apples SO cents per bn, Peru 5Jo per lb. B toons hauls, lOo, shoulders, 5e. sides, 9 v Lard 83 per lb. flour 1.50 per bbl. Chickens -2.50 per d ox. Sugar San Pranuiso 0, 80. Dry granulated 7 0, Mill Peed bran, 11.00 per tou. shorts, 15. middlings, 19. Chops, 1. The Dundee Mortgage ana Trust Ti meat Company, Limited, Plaint ff. vs. Herbert Cress and Mary E. Cross, lie wis and P. M. Ilasea and EHzabetn TTe , bis wife, Defsadaats. yruTICE m hereby give that bj virtue ij of as exayutien and order ef sals ts "st'i eat of the abevn named Court in the above eatitled suit, I will en atardar ts TiU 4 ay ef May, IMT. st the Court House doer ia tbe City ef AI beay . Linn county, r - , at the hour of one o'clock, p. m , sell st public anetion fer cash in band to tbe highest bidder the real property described iu said execution aad order of sale a follows, to-wit : The north half of aiectton fifteen. (Itr) except fourteen (14) acres in a rectangular form, extending across the east end of the north half (H) of the northeast quarter (la) ef said section fifteen (15) end one (1) acre in said Reel len used aa a burying gennd, also tbs east one-hall (J) of tbe northeast quarter, (M) the southwest quart or ef the northeast quarter, (3) the southeast attests? (K) of the nrtb wet qoanier (3eS 1 10 northast quar r li ) of tbe southwest quarter, (4 (be west half (X) of tne notth wet quarter (J) and t be noi th west quarter (i) of tbe southwest quarter () of beotkvn sixteen (16) all of tbe above lands lying and being ia Township twelve (12) seuta range one (1) west of the Willamette me ridian in Linn county, regon, Also be ginning at tbe quart sr section corner in the center of tbe east boundary llae ef I Section sixteen (16) in said Township twelve (12) south range (l) west or ton Willamette meridian and running thence south twenty-four (24) chains and thirty eight (38) links te the north line of I. W, Moo res nonauon Leni claim, noun tion 2509, Claim Io. 44 im said Township and ltange ; taenco ot fifty-four chains aud tb itly-one links to tbe eastern bouse. dary line of the Donation Land Claim ox M. K. tiara man, nounoauon aoiz, otnun 43 in said Township and Range : thence north twenty four chains and thirty-eight. links ; thence west arty -four castas ana thirty one links to the p'.sos of beginning, containing one hundred and thirty-two acres and forty one hundredths of an acre, all of said real property containing in tne aggreg ite seven hundred fifty seven and forty one n on a reams acres, more or leaa. The proceeds siLtng from the sale of said real piperty to be sppnea ss ioiiows, 10 wh : First to tbe payment of the costs, auddtsbnrsemonta ef suit taxed at the sum of 8384.70 including therein tbe At torney's fees allowed in said suit, te-wit : the sum of 33S 80 and the costs and x penses of sale. Second to the payment to the Plaintiff herein the suns of $3401 whi accruing interest thereon at tbe rate of 18 per oent per annum from the 15th day of March, 1SST, and the overplus If sny t hare be to be paid to the Defendants, Herbert Cross and Mary E. Cross, Dsted this Its! day of March, 187. D. 8. Sum, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. Hotice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersign -el Administrator, ae bonis non, of the estate of 0. P. Adams deceased, has filed in the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, his final account in said estate and Tuesday the 3rd day of May, 1887. at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the County Court room in the Court House in the city ot Albany, in Linn county, Oregon, is the time and place set for the hearing of objec tions to said account and the final settlement thereof. Dated at Albany, Or., April 1st, 1887. C. Farlow, Administrator de bonis non. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that my wift has left mv bed and board, and all persot s a e hereby forbidden trusting her on my ac count, as I shall pay no debts of her con tracting. Dated Albany, March 35th, 1887. George W. YouifG. ROE. ARRANT. On Monday, March 8th, 1887, to the wife of A. M. Arrant, a few miles from Albany a boy. 51 ESK Mm of Straet Improvement, Notice is hereby given that at the next regular meeting of the Common Council of the city of Albany, Lino connty, Oregon, to be held at the Couucil Chamber of said eity, Tuesday the 12th day of April, 1887. at 7:30 o'clock, p. m the Council of said City of Al bany will order a grade established on the following described streets, to-wit : On Third street from the west line of Tauntox Street, to the east mi b undry line of the city. Oa Niatk street from the west Uns ef Lyon street to the east line of Railroad street. Albany, Or., March 80th. 1887. N. 1. H:Ne, City Keoerdar,