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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1887)
t t the gemocrat. FRIDAY ....APRIL 1, 1887 Hoa. B. F. Burch has been Appoint ad Ktceiver of moneys at ths Land Otfioe at Oregon City. Good appoint ment. When Hsory Ward Beeoher applied fur a life insurance in the Union Mutual thirty years ago he wai asked the ueaal question as to the health of his heart. His answer read : "Experienced ft peculiar feeling about the heart daring the dejs of my courtship A friend f Mr. Blaine says that the great Maine statesman is in magnificent health save an occasional twinge of the gout and the conscience. It is the Presidential itch, though, that oausee him the greatest uneasiness. From what we tee and hear, we) es timate that the prohibitory amendment will receive a larger yote in Linn coun ty, in proportion to the number of votes cast, than it will receive in any county in the State. Nothing more cheerful in the way of sacrifice has ever been recorded than General Sherman's declaration that he isn't fitted for the office of President himself, but thst ha has a brother who is. Senator Edmunds gives out that ho thinks his irty is sure to nominate ft good man next time far President. This remark is cold enough to net back the spring for a mouth and compel Brother Blaine to pnt n extra flannels. It i4 reported that Senator Don Cmeroti,of Pennsylvania, will be before the nexc Republican convention as ft candidate for President. He will get the delegation from his own state through means of the ring of which he ie the head, but be is not likely to catch manv votes from other states. The Ameer of Afghanistan is d least isfied with the conduct of the Russians in his neighborhood and is howling for a holy war against the Cxtr. As the Muscovite potentate is anxious for something to divert tho minds of hie subjects, he will prohibit responl to the invitation to try conclusions with the Asiatic brother. Colonel Ingersoll thinks there should be a fairer division ef profit between employer and employed. This opinion is also entertained by a certain lecture committee, who hired the Colonel te deliver en address for the benefit of ft society and were obliged to pay hil $200 out of the $210 receipts. The decision of the United States supreme Oonrt in the California Cbinei ease?, overruling abe United States -court, has cail.d out a great deal of favorable curtneut a noi g the people whose sympathies run with the anti Chinrxe movement in the citv of Ssn Francisco, fbe decree virtually sus tains the doctrine of S:ate Rights, and coming from that high Republican tri bunal it ouht not longer to be qoss tiunsd. Tom Marshall, when in Gngres,i!lus trsted a point in political economy, and unconsciously delivered an agricultural suggestion, when be exclaimed in a speech : "Mr. Shaker, if I wers your neighbor and you were my neighbor, and we were farmers, and I raiaeoV po tatoes and nothing but potatoes, and you raised potatoes and nothing but potatoos, then, sir, I wiuld have noth ing to give y n for your potatoes but MfetoftCt1 Allen G. Thurmsn has written ft lei ter to the friendly editor of sn Ohio paper which advocated his nomination for Governor, in which he says : "I am thoroughly convinced that the time has come for ma to seek hsppiness snd improvement in a private station, snd these blessing I can best find in the society of my family, my friends and my book. I have received my foil share of the honors tbst our party could confer, and I am grateful for it, nod I shall never cease to take the greatest interest in the prosperity and success of the party. But I don't want to hold office." Secretary Whitney is highly pleased at the result of the bids for steel gun forgings and srmor plates. They will lead, he says, to the erection of workl for these manufactures, the first esaoc tials in any plan of national defense. The plant will cost $2,000,000 snd will require for its erection two years and ft half. And until the guns and plates are available the Secretary does not consider that heavy expenditures on fortifications are necessary. There ie little doubt tbst sny foreign foe, John Bull io particular, will wait more than two years and a half before attacking - the United States. The successful correspondent snd writer of the day must first have ideas or facts, lie vutt then put theae ideas or facts right down on paper in si few word a possible to give fhein proper expression, and lastly he must quit. There is an art in doing this handsome ly and well, and it requires more real talent to do it tfian to- spin out leng sentences expressing pretty nothings. 'Life is short and time is nVetiog,"is ft motto tbu every newspaper writer should remember snd act on. Few people raad long communications, even CARPINO. The readers of the Herald -Dimm inater of this city have doubtleee ob served that it has a very strong pen chant to lad fault with and criticise the administration of President Cleveland. All this ie very proper, for it is in this way that publio officials are kept con stantly reminded of their obligationa to the public A very ardent Republican paper, aa our oo temporary is, would be expected to catch at every opportunity to thus oriticua and condemn the ad ministration of a Democratic President. This is a privilege of partisan newspa pers, the proper exercise of which tends to strengthen a healthy sentiment emong the people in favor of a pare, honest and econemioal administration of publio affairs. We hope to see Repub lican papers all over the country keep ing n careful, watchful eye over the official aote of President Cleveland, and thus compel him to exemplify hi pet doctrine that "publio office is a public trust." We would regard this course of Republican papers as conducive to the publio weal. But when misrepre sentation and deception are resetted to by any one of those organs to make ft criticism sffctive,that would otherwise be weak and futile, then Democratic newspapers should eaters protest. And this we are compelled to do when our esteemed ootemporary,tbe Herald -Die eeminator, resorts to these means in ordsr to critieiee the President in his appointment of the interstate-commerce commissioners. That paper quotes ft half column article from the San Fran cisco Bulletin, in which very unjust criticism is indulged in, and tells ua the Bulletin is a Democratic paper. The object of course is to make the tiiilltdnfti effective. Now, we confess our surprise at the attempt of the DiseemUnator to induce its readers to believe that the Bulletin is a Democratic paper. The Bulletin, ee moet every one sn ardent Republican paper, and has been for loue years. And; moreover, i; ie the well-known orgtn of the great rail road monopolies of California, whioh accounts for its pompt antagonism to a commission that is expected to reatrict the efforts of these corporations In their attempts te throttle the peop.e. Amoag newspaper people on this coast it vjould be regarded as an insult to insinuate that any of thorn did not know that the Bulletin is a Republican paper of the strictest sect, as well as a pronounced railroad organ. In view of this feet how is our eo temporary 'a conduct in representing it as a Democratic (taper to be regarded ? Its purpose was to stake it appear s that the criticism was from ft D-ioi cratic paper, so that its readsrs w mid think itajuatooe, but the effort failed. THE TTRJfING POIJfT. Another cell for the redemption of $10,000,000 3 per cm rends made last week loaves but $19,889,85$ of that class of bends outstanding. No ether boodVare redeemable until Sept. 1,1891. What dees oer Democratic administra tion intend to do about the accumulat ing surplus- This is the problem that the negligence of Congress has thrust upon the attention of the oonntry. The effective appropriations for the next fiaccl year are $16,000,000 lose than for the present one. The revenue is steed Uy increasing. Secretary Manning's estimate of a surplus of $125,000,000 for next year is likely to be exceeded by $S,000,$00,owing to the failure of the Deficiency and the River and HarW bills. What shall be done with the sorplnt There is nothing that can be done ex- sept to hoard it, or to pay it out in the purchase of irredeemable bends at a premium that would s mount to the pre-pay meat to bondholders of four years' unearne 1 interest io addition to the discount value of the money. It will be six or sevsn months from the 1st of July before Congress can do any thing io regular session to prevent this eeeomulaticn of money at the rate of $10,000,000 a mouth, and it could then only relievo the contraction already effected by spending the surplus. The collection of soother $100,000,- 000 of superfluous revenue ought to be prevented, though it would take an extra session of Congress to do it. The newly appointed inter-state com merce commissioners have an immense task before them, but we believe that they wil! prove able te take care of it. The inter-state oommeree law has been best described as a mass of good inten tions, and front this mass the com mis ion must build up a act of regulations fair to the peop'e and to the corpora tions. The vagueness of the law may prove a help to them in doing this, for much is left to their discretion. No one need expect the lew to work well at first, nsw laws seldom do and the carrying companies will do everything possible to mske this one obnoxious to the people. It is probable that supple mentary legislation will be necessary in order to make the law effective, rut this was to be expected. A atart is now made and the experiment of controlling railways by national legislation will re ceive a fair trial. The Reseburg fteview rery truthfully says : "He that is indifferent to the welfare of others will have but, few claims of charity obtruded upon his notice ; but no truly charitable spirit need ever st a lose, It such s world ss this, for occasions io do good,nd we JOHN HHKKaU. This gentleman has been traveling in the South since the close of Congress ostensibly for the purpose of beslth and pleasure, but in reality for the purpose ftf inaugurating a presidential boom for himself. His friends, doubtleee, with ftgftoity arrangod the program of his trip so that he would make no speeches until he returned te Nashville from the gulf states. Why did not "Mr. Shsr- man make speeches in Louisiana, Florida ftftd South Carolina T For the vary manifest reason that these states are the seenee where one of the most stu pendous frauds, upon tbs people of the United Status and especially upon the people of the three states named, ever practiced upon any people, were com mitted. John Sbermen arrived in New Orleans on the 15th day of November, 1876, as a "visiting 8tatosman,"to con trive a scheme by whioh the vote of Louisiana, whioh had just been oast for Tildeo by a majority of 7000, might be counted for Hayes. Twelve or fifteen days were devoted to arranging the de tails of the conspiracy by which Hayes was to be made President, not withstand ing he had been beaten by a majority of over a quarter of a million of the voters of the country. This conspiracy, in which John Sherman acted a leading part, was sooeseeful. Hayes was count ed ie. By all the foul meane that John Sherman and hts coadjutors could con trive the people were cheated out of their ohoice for President. And now this ssme John Sherman oomee before the people at Nashville, Tennessee, and undertakes to pose . as one who would favor fair elections. Such hypaorisy is only equalled by the braxea cheek which that gentleman exhibits when attempt ing to appear fair and honest about elections. OORRB3PONDBNO S Peoria.. The read leading out east from Ptoria has been in a bed condition during the pact winter, and we tbtnk the super visor should try and improve it some this year. In fact, it needs a covered bridge over its entire length. Peoria needs a R. R. to Albany. John Mc Bride purchased of a Pert land agent last week one of the fluent organs in-this neighborhood. Miss Florence McBride ie visiting friends neer here. David O. HcNab has been engaged during the past week in pruning Mr. Clingman'a orchard. From the number of drummers io town and tha large orders our merchants are giving, tbey must expect a boom this spring. John Crawse hss taken the contract to build a barn for Major Johnson. We understand that Mr. Kniaton has employed James Johnson to work on his ranch. Earl May baa returned from Eastern Oregon, where he haa been engaged in the cattle business. His old friends are glad to welcome him back. The Brass Band is having a band wagon prepared, abich they will proba bly use oo covers! occasions this coming summer. Coyotes have been heard in this vi cinity, and abeep men are uneasy. Beat riding is getting to be quite a pastime here. The river has undermined the Gibson warehouse somewhat- Mr. Joha Porter is visiting at her aunts, Mrs. W. Githen,near this place. Arthur G ay' familiar face was seen this aide of the creek one day of this wees:. A large quantity of cord wood cord ed too Bear the river edge Ml in, the bank giving away one day last week. The wood belonged to Robert Owens. Greg. Carter will apeak on the pro hibitory amendment in Peoria next Monday eve. Mr. Carter a in a fine orator and all will do well to a tend. Several couples from this vicinity attended the hop at Shedd this weak, and reported en enjoyable time. M usio was furoisbed by the J. Porter and B. F. Zigglsr string bsnd. Mies Jsney Crewse has returned home from W. T., where she has been spending the winter. From present indication there will a large acreage of spring grain sown in this vicinity. Quite a number from this place will attend the theatrical entertainment at Oakville. Sains Mere Pleat to the taste, more acceptable to the stomach and more truly beneficial in its action, the famous California liquid fruit remedy, Myrop f Pigs, is rapidly superseding all others. Try it. For sale by Poshsy St Mason. ARB YOU MA.DR miserable by Indi e it ion. Constipation, Dizziness, Loss o p petite. Yellow SklnT Mblloh's Vitallser Aa positive cure. ftOTAl 4KIH POWDER .Absolutely Pure. This. lifinTsliir liaaai aw Trmitrlsasi A msevat rJ tmaU trangth and whoteaomaneo. Mora economical anjw ordinary kind,rl cannot be aoW in com. Fvunaa wiw sea muittsaaa low MY Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Wall Paper and Decorating Paper, Everything kept io a flrst-class Pry there 4s a demand for. Novelties of the Season io every line, am prepared to MEET ANY PRICES quoted io the papers or circular, apd wilt take Cash or Merchantable Produce aod will oot turn you off when you get out of money. Samuel E. Young. """""ei eeesar 11 W a Tata rnslsevasjhse, Alsaajr, Or. I have all toe asps three taken by A B. Pas too aod any ease oaa have dealt eatesfrom their negatives by addressing ns, st the following prices : Card else, tl per drawn, cabins atae, ft per doss a, sou doors, OS par doaan. I keep tbs fines Una of Oregon slows la the west. Cata logue furnished on application. Oopytag aod enlarging old picture a specialty. J. O. OOawossie, The Donation Load claim Cob eer. in see. , T 10. 8 R 1 W. Uoa oeeaty. 100 seres food land. 80 acres Umber. 20 acres is colttvsties. 110 sores feaosel 14 miles ts Seta, 6 miles Ie Martoa statioa. 2 milos to Marios Oases. Price, eaak. 01300. Title perfect, head for deed to . H. EL C sees, Atty at Law, Oregon City. Walla Walla ia to have a penitentiary. No. i for Washington Territory. Send Berk bart at Veesev nomas and ad dresses ef friends desiring information of Ore- Kn and they will aend them copies ef the iwat assess Chnesaor whioh eenaaiaa a Plata diaeription of oho oeonty ie with it bar tf asirabls uuorssattea aa SHlLOH'h CATARRH REMEDY,- positive ours for Catarrh, Dipt aerie and Canker Mouth. At Chicago the rate of tooo mile tickets has been incrcaaed from Sxj to $U. be cause under the new law railroads are not allowed to discriminate. Wholesale houte who send out drummers are mad. Mrs. Phoebe Chenlee. Paaorsnn. ru Co., Iowa, tolls the following; remarkable store, tho truth at whlnh la vatnhorf far by tbe residents of the town : "I am 7t years nia, nave neon troocied with kid . n aV a. a nay oompiaim and lameness for many Veers : COUld not ilraa niVMir llhnnt help. Row I am free from all pain and soreness, and am able to do all my ewa housework. I owe my thanks to ftcetrln Bitters for having renewed my y oath, and removed unm nlAtnl v all - Mia ' Try a bottle, only &0e. at Foebay and Ma. aon Drag Otors. Just Received Samuel E. Young, A foil assortment of the oeiebrated BROADHEAD DUESS GOODS. Read what the maaufacturers say, WHAT WE GUARANTEE FOR THE DRESS GOODS OF OUR MANUFACTURE. To be made from the very best ma terial, by skillful workmen, with the latest snd most spprovsd ma chinery, and to be the cheapest goods In tbe market when ssrvics is oonsldsrsd. Are so thoroughly finished that they ean be worn in damp weather or a ahewer, without fear of being ruined uy curling or shrinking. The manufacturing, dyslng and finishing is done in such a manner thst the goods can be washed If desired, without the least injury to the fabric. Our goods are wool dyed, and col ors as fast aa ths purest dyes and greatest care and skill san maks thsm. Goods show just what they are and will be until worn out, as there is no weight, stiffening, or artificial luatre uaed to increase the weight or fluiah ; as is the case with a large olaas of goods in ths market, but which dissppears after a few day'a service. As manufacturers we have taken great paina to supply an article in every way reliable, and unsur passed by similar goeda, either foreign or domestic, snd would respectfully ask an examination of the various styles and ahades to be found on sale by merchants whs are agents for the goods. SPRING STOCK -Has arrived, Including s Goods and Boot and Shoe House, from the cheapest to as (rood a quality as I bought those goods mostly io Hew York and Chicago and AT BOTTOM CASH PRICES, and have aod am receiving TO WHOM It May Concern. Alraxy, O a., March 9th, 187. Self preservation Is the first law of nature. Among my old friends and customers who base been trading with me for the last ton years, and who still do the aamo and profit thereby, tome deetgolng party with tmolty In bis soul Is circulating the report tbat because some one also re ceived the sugar contract tbat was let last week by certain business man. agere I am higher In prices than Others. Gentlemen, It was impossi. I bio for me to get the above contract, A I was imcWed ft a bid, why, fa la. m m. a&i . . . M aa beat known To them solve, uy can. log and ascertaining my prices you can Judge for yourselves whether Justice hss been done to you or not, end whether the prices of my goods are Dot as low or lower than any other In case that I should be com- polled to give op my buntnoos on ac count of the above,! will be compelled to become an office seeker. Very respectfully yoors, P. COHEN. Notice for Publication, Load Office at Oregon City, Or. February 23rd, 1887. J Netlee Ie hereby given that the to lew. ing named settler haeflled notice ef kla in tention to make final proof In aupport of hie claim, and that sold proof will be made before the County Judge or County Clerk of Linn county, at Albany. Oregon, on Monday, April lltb. 1887, vis : John D. Walton, Homestead Entry Ho. 6490 for tbe N. W. H ef Heo. S3, Tp. IS, 8 R 4 eaat. Us names tbe lol lowing witnesses to prove hie continuous residence upon, snd cultivation of, aald land, viz . Oliver M -Parland.ef Sweet Home, and L. Mc Far land, David F reman and John All home, of Albany, all of Linn county, Oregon. W. T, linssBT, Register. W OOD CUTTERS, ATTENTION 1 Never forset tbat we always keep in stock a lull lins of axes, c roes-cut aaws, steel and Iron wedgea,aledgea, maul rings, etc Stkwaht A Sob. W A (IONS AND CARRIAGES, Hacks, single and double buaeies.carte. buck boards, and all kinds of wheeled ve hicles. Don't buy until you aee what we have and learn our prices. Stkwart A Sox, QARDES TOOLS AND SEEDS. Stewart A Sox keep an Immense stock ot garden tools, and are also agent for the celebrated Walla Walla garden eeeds, which gave better satisfaction than any sold In Albany last season, jADIES, LOOK HERE. We want you to remember that we have a lot of those ourling irons, also shears , scissors, tracing wheels, shelf and flower pot brackets, snd a good many other things you would like to bsve. Stewart A Sox, For lame back, side or cheat, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cents. L. W. CLARK, Portrait Photographer. Sittings by appointment, COPYING AND ENLARGING. Tweed ale's Building. ALBANY, , OREGON. SLEFPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you, SHILOH'S VITA. LIZ BR is what you eel for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia, Price 10 and 75 cants per bottle. CLEARANCE SALE. OF- Fall and Winter Goods FOR THE NEXT 90 DAYS e AT Julius Joseph's. 1 offer my fine stock of Pall and Winter goods, such ss WOOLEN UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, DRESS SHIRTS, CARDICAN JACKETS, t LOVES, UBBER COATS, HATS AND CAPS, AT Greatly Reduced Prices! In order to make room for my Spring goods. CIGARS and TOBACCO, I also keep on band the beet aseertment of ping and cut Tobaccos, aferehaum anL In Imported Key West as well as in domestic cigars, t keep tbe best brands In the rmrket, and will sell at BOTTOM PRICES. Belling cigars by tbe box a a pec la icy (Customers f urn labed free of charge with private lock boxes if required ) Remember the Place, (Pf elder's briek, adjoining Revere Houae Julius Joseph. BOOTS, SHOES AND SUFFERS. I am sow receiving my fall and winter stock of boots and shoes, I have as nicely a fitted up Boot snd Shoe Store, and as complete a stock as any this side ef Portland and very few better in Portland. I buy all ray boots and shoes direct from manufacturers and am authorised, to warrant every pair no mat ter how cheap. No firm in Oregon have any advantage of me in buying as 1 buy in quantities and pay tbe cash. In ladiee misses and children's shoes, I keep much tbs largest, bs3t and great est variety in the city. My aim will always be to give as good value for the money as possibly can be done. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. wa ! vsjT Iviwfcl M BLAIN DOESN'T WANT THE EARTH When Gettinc Your Spring' Clothing:, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Furnishing Good Wend your way to ths store of Who leads. CLOT HING Hew and In style, la uneorpessed in the Valley. Hts new stock ef -HITS- Is the best to the market, embracing alt the latest style. Ia FURNISHING GOODS He takes a front position, with a reliable, well selected slock. His sales of BOOTS AND SHOES Are large, because be keepauhe beet, in quality and styles A SPLENDID LINE OF SUITINGS ON HAND IN HfS TAILORING DEPARTMENT. New Goods Arriving Constantly THE Boot and Shoe Store. MEN AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOES. LADIES AND MISSESISHOE8 AND SLIPPERS We have largely increased our stock of Boot and Shoes and are now prepared furnish all styles an I grde of goods at remarkably low prices. W buy of sever of the beat K astern factories and do not hesitate to any that our goods are atvktlv Are elaaa. We carry no bankrupt stock and can fully warrant our goods to wear equal to any in the market. REMEMBER We have the largee exclusive stock of Is tbe city and tbat wo ARE continuallay adding new novelties. We are selling so CB'BAP tbat you can not fail of being suited. We d r.o not follow bnt lead in lew prtoss, R .m Kar Ihu eA "Tho novrwr rf ).a ni4)lm. I- I : At READ c ONN BROTHERS' ASH GROCERY STORE: Opposite Deyoe A Robeon'e. ALBANY, OREGON, Keep a'freh stock of all kinds of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASS WARE, ETC., ETC. Silverware Given Away, with our Silver Prize Java Coffee, cor seting of six prises, 14 doz. table knivee, i doz medium forks, M doz, tables poon. X doz, tea apoona, M doz napkin rings and sugar spoon and butter knife all Roger Bros Al ailver ware, every pur chaser of a can getting ooe chance. COLD WATCH FREE. Every purchaser of a can of Domestic Baking Powder gets an article of jewelry and a chance in a gold watch. Call and see the prizes at the stors of CONN BROS. DR. CU WATSON MAST0N Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms S and 4. Foster's Block. ALBANY OREGON, )L,OWS Come in and see our new stock of steel and chilled plows. We can suit you.botb. lu goods and prices. Every Russell chill ed plow la guaranteed to be equal to any chilled plow manufactured. 8TKWAKT A Sox, RECTANGULAR AND BARREL CHURNS. The largest stock ever carried in Albas; and will be seld at lower prices than for marly. We want all butter makers to ceme and see them. Stkwart A Sox. B ARBED WIRE. A larse stock on hand and will bo sold cheap. Also a fine lot of plain galvanized wire for woven fences at tbe store ol Stewart A Sox. JpOWDER, SHOT, ETC. Sportmen can alwavs find at our store a splendid line or ammunition orali Hie Stock o CITY & BROWNE LL. NOTICE I This is to give notice that I have purchas ed at a very low figure the drag store, fancy goods, stationary, etc., from the Capital Ad ventuieCompauy. I will sell all the stationary and fancy ar ticles far below their valutt The low prices which I paid for them enables me to do so. I will aell all the patent medicines ten per cent below their usual pi ice. Mr. Thornton, an experienced druggist, has charge of. the drug department He will fill prescriptions 25 per cent below any other drug store in th? city. Bring yoor pi esoriptioos to him and got them filled at 108 First Street, in the store formerly occupied by the New Deal, On one aide, of the store I have opened ap a large and well selected stock of gents' furnishing goods, hats, notions, etc. I can give better bargains in hats than any one ia this city. It will pay yoa to visit ns. Don't rorgec your purse, tor you are bound to pur ees Of I. QajOKBAUM, 108 First Street, Albany. MONEY TO LOAN In sums to suit BY BCKRHART ft KXXXSY, Albany, Or. . B LUE MONDAY GOODS. Wriuufflrs. tnlta. was.lhnarrl Knn1rM etc, for sale cheaper than ever before by Stewart A Sox. Several kinds of wringers and something new in washboards. pUTLERY. In pocket knives, butcher knives, carv ing sets, scissors, shears, razors, etc,, we keep a very large assortment. Come around and look at our stock. Stkwabt Sox. S CALES. We have a lartre assortment nf iaOm Ia be sold on very reasonable terms, Special inducements given to farmers.' Stewart A Sox.