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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1887)
JSBBBPSBBBWaewTW:saw' STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. rablUhtxt even Friday by 8TITB8 4 NUTTIW. BVAnKViorru K-ta Dwt-rat riiiinkb KramUlbla Street. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION lagl oopr, par yaar, In an.-.-. ........ . alnjts oopy, pr jrr. at end ot ysar itijft copy, its months IngU oopy, i)ir..f montha urU number. IS 0 f N 1 06 0 0 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. H. MONTA.NYB. TPORNKY AT LAW. AND-- Notary Public a I bay, Oregon. Om iipmiM, OTwr John BrtrjrV store, tsl street. vMii2Stf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTOUN RY AT LAW, ALBANY. .. tfTll.t. PRArrit'E IN ALL THE COURTS OP THE If --w HivUI attention Wen to collection aa ! r.ta-ii mtttar. Mrom in odd r.n.w' Temple. n o. rownr.u w. H. II T KV POWRI.L A BILYRU, .TTOHVRYS AT LAW, Aid Solicitors in f hancery aMtY. - - - OREGON. OollooMons promptly made on all point, fjoana navotiatad on reasonable tarma. ftsTOfflca In Foster's Rriok.-fca Tltelttf. J. J. WHITNEY. attorney And Counsellor It Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all or tba Court of uls State. All business Intrusted to htm will ba promptly attandad to. E. W. LANCDON, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, and everything kept in a first-class Drug Store. Also anna stock of piano and organ. ALBANY. 0REU0N. FOSHAY & MASON, "kll ASS UK Alb- Druggists and Booksellers, Agenu for John R. Alden's publications, which we sell at publisher's prices with postage addad. ALBANY, OREGON. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Met rticles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAIEFULLT PILLED. Open dy snd night. Albany, Or. FURNITURE. I have the bast stock of urniture in the city and will sail Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, Tha only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE u tba city and tbe lowest price In the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, a com plate stock an I can give SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN, Aloany Bath House. Is. SIB UMDIRSIQH1D WOULD RESPECT L tally iform ths oltissns of Albany and t! ! ntytaat I hare'.sksnohsrgsofthU Katablish at, and, by keeping olaaa rooms sad payia r la t mention to bailees, expect to salt si s who may fsror us r 1th thai r pstronsg arias istatofors aarrled on nothing but Flrst-Class Hair Dressing Saloons sioest to (It antlra tatlsf settee to si aCttlto nl Ladlae' Hair neatly ts b-r?-ei J08 WIP.B1R. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Omce cor. First and Ferry Street, ABANY - - OREGON. e. o owwtBT. c.B.rrags ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKF.S, (Socoessor to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Mwrights, and Iror founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist snd Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds f Iron aad Brass Castings. PATTBKFfft N4DR ON SHORT WOTICR. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also rnanufao ture the Improved Cherry A White Omin Separator N. J. HENTOti, lotary Public and Insurance Agent, 0. F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR Repre seat several of the best Fire In aura neeCompanles on the Coast. Call p m forreliahle insurance. GOOD for tho cure of Constipation and Indigestion. GOOD for the cure of Biliousness and Dyspepsia GOOD for (ho cure of Bowel Complaints GOOD for tho cure of Kidney Diseases. GOOD for the euro of Languisliness and Weary .Back GOOD for the cure of Liver Complaints. GOOD for the euro of Boils and Carbuncles. - GOOD for the cure of Foul Breath and Sour Stomach. Stab VOL. XXII. VITIATED BLOOD AerolulonM,InlicrltMl ud Con In tftons Humor Cured bjr 4 ti lit-urn. TIIRoroil tbe medium ut oneof vour books re wived thruugh Mr. Frank T. Wray, DrximrUt Aik.II.i. Pa.. I o.iii acoualntml with our t'lilti'ttru K.( . and take thU opMrtunlty U leetltv t you that um raw ferntanently cured inept one He wont oSeeeol bio! H4aiilitg, lit witinmHiuti with arr iplM,lhat I savs avsr stsn, sud Uiii tlur hsvluir bas prtuouiiocl tnvuraluo by town of lbs boat pby d .n in our count rv. I uk. irrt ilMwur tn lor ... .Im you tht lostlmoiilnl. unIWUctl ll ts by you. in oruwr Inst nthern uniltr In-ui .HuiUr aadtai nvkf b saasasaasa u giv your cutieur HotittllM m trial. P. H. wiiii i ku. UNHbburv. P. hhrwN : Fkaxk T. What, lruf1t. AHilto, Pa. CKOPl'LOl'M I f.t J MM K Hi.Urli, Out-m )Iuum, Now OtfBMMj on oath aays : "In ls7o (k rotiiloiu I'lcora broke out on my btnly until I w rim. of oorrutlon. Rvory thins known to th nu-m-ml bu-ully was irtoti in vain I hoiantaa mra wmk. At liuwa muU not lift tny bamlii to Ty boaii. omUi not tiun in tod ; was in . un Unt uatn, and locked apoii life as s rarss Ko re lll or cure iu ten year. In MM 1 beard ol th.futl cure KeiiKHltc, uwl theiu, and wa rfolly cured.' 8w..m to twloie 0 . 8. Com. J. O. K l' Arotn. ONE OF THE WORNT t'AHM. We have been evlllus yoar Cuticura Koinelim for yeir, ami hc I lu- tlr.t tiiilaint y.t to reoelvo front a purchaeer. One of the w Met raaoa of Scrofula I ever aaw was curv.1 by Uto uae of Ave buttles of t un cum tUaotvml, Cuticura. and Cutk-ura MafV The ik tin- '. kf " m.-.h,aJ p TAYLttK a TAYLOH, Drurvtot. rYankfort. Kan. m-ROFI'LOl'M, INHERITED. And t'ontagious Humors, with Loss of Hair, and hruittlim .! tttj sktn. arc tm4itivoly cured bv t utl- cura and t ut., ur Soap exu rna.'v, when all other inedicirn tail. Send tor tmihlt. Culicura Remetliee are sold everywhere. Irlce t'uUcurm, the iml akin cure, SO cts i CutU uraiap an bvautlfter, tft ets ; Cutieara Heaolvrnt trie w Hi Mki i'urtitcr, 91. lVtUr Irus and Chem kal Co., Beaton. IM.KS, Utockhceuls, Skin BtewWhce. Ilab Humor., uee Cutlcura Soap. end HOW MY BACK ACHES 1 Rack Acbo. hidnoy Pain, sad Weakness. !irenae, UunciiMa. Straiiur and Pals re lieve! in one minute by the I uUcira Ann Pm Pi.tur. ii.ailtble. nrriiTwmiBa ROCKFORD This to the awst PBAOTIO AL HIOH-GDT err OJCMTUBI, and DRESSY sad gtoas aba aasaa BfutscUoa as a boot or orsr-caitsr. It to apataaaadtbetoBcaabaatfJaatodM by simply Miovixu tha bottoos. far sale tar L. E. BLAIN, Albany, Or. Red CrownMills (SOU, LANM(i & 0., PROPR'S. raw raocmas txoca sotkrior bob families' Aim BAKERS DUE. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest ;Price in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber, laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only bst Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST. Hp! m. miller, Attorney and Gotinslor At Law. LEBANON. OREGON. Will practice iu all tho Courts In tba Sut MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, Fine Millinery OPPOSITE REYERE HOUSE. AOENTS WANTED to sell "REMINISCENCES of 80 YEARS tn the NATIONAL METROPOLIS. RT BEN PERLEY P00RE. Illustrating the Wit, Humor and Eccentricitlee of aatl eelebi Itlcs. A rlcbly lllatratel treat of inner Society History, from "ye olden time" to the wedding of Cleveland. Wonderfully popular. Agent report rapid sales, Address for circular and terms. A. t. KAM'KCFT A CO., Publish en, Ssn Francisco, CM. VwV t Pat. Congnujp I ffE HAMKNT PKATI'KKH OVTfll INTKKMTATK " u M M KKt'K UW. rrs APPLICATION. 1. It Hpplle. io. (he trsnportstlon of p mongers or properly by rail, or by mil and w i r combined (s) be tween diffi'nml 8Uts ; (b) to an ad. Jcent foreign country ; (c) through a foreign country. 2. It sppllea to tbe transportation of properly only, shipped to a foreign country by wy ol it port of transship meet 8. To the transportation of proper ty only, shipped from a foreign coun try, I y way of a port of entry, to a p int la the United States or In an a ij u i nt foreign country. 4. It doa not apply, in terras, to th transportation of passengers from foreign country, or an adjacent for eign country, to any point in the State wherein Is the port of entry. 6. It rioes not lu terms apply to the transportation of persons or prop erty between different points in tho same State, although tho carrier's line may run into other States. Query For the Court. Does It apply to the transportation of pen. gers, drstined for a foreign country, by way of a port of embarkation or transshipment ? What Is "a foreign country," and what is " to ndj tcent foreign country" wlthlulhe meaning of the act? Them terms appear to be used wlthoutdlscriminatlon. TUlNOS ui TO B( DORK 1. All chat gee shall bo jul" and "reetoaable." 2. Equal facilltios must be afforded for tbe interchange of freight and paaeenger traffic, by all carriers sub ject to the o f, between 'their respec tive lines and those connecting there With." Query What circumstances will make one lioe 'connecting" with an other ? Does one line .-connect'' with another when they come In con tact, or. must there be the will of tbe companies operating them, evidenced by tbe arrangement of time aehed ulea, snd the const ruction of facilities for Interchanging traffic t 8. Prloted schedules of freight rates and. passenger fares between all points upon tbe line to or from which piasengfrs or f.elgbt will he carried, shall be kept In ever defst, evmnen- lent f r public inspection, shotting the classification of freight in force, together with terminal charges stat ed separately, and all rules affecting rates or fares. This app!ies In terms only to the line of the company post ing the noice, and not to ir imj. r . tatlon between points on Its line and points ou a connecting line. Query -Does it cslt for oniy la rstes sn J fares between the taiion in which posted and oth.r stations, or d ea demand a chdn!e shewing I a tea and ferea between eaoti station on tbe lioe aod all other ststions ? The Isttct sppesis to be it quired by the terms used. 4. Simi!sr sehe4adea of ftt iht rates, bnt not of passenger fsres, for transjor- taticn through a foreign country to aM points beyond for which freight is ac cepted, sbali bo kept for public inspec tion at all depots where euch freight is received. It would ietm as though this applies only to re frona ths de pot wets rrcfitTid $ either ,oinr. 5. Ten d:y-.' public notice of any ad vance io rstes must be givt-n, to bs in dicated by staring the changes on new schedules or on the schedules already in force, Immediate nofice must bo given in a similar manner of any reduction io rates. 6. Copies cf sll such mhf.dules shall be filed with the commissioner, and al so copies o( all contracts, agreements or arrangements with other common c tr rists, rlaling to traffic sffaate i by tbe act. Also copies of joint tariffs estab lished by several common carriers oper aiing one continuous line. THINGS' FORBIDDEN TO BE DONE. I, Unjust disci imination the re ceiving or collecting of one person greatsr or less compensation for the same freight or pasuenger service than from soothe;. Query Does gratuitous carrtags,su ah as giving p8 without any considera tion, amount to charging or receiving more or less from one person thun from another? Does not unjust discrimina tion, as defined, relate ouly to a carriage for hire? And if drover's paas is a carriage for hire, the money paid for carrying ibe cattle being the considera tion, as hits frpqueutlj beeo decided, would there be anything to present the issue of such passe,providod all drovers were treated alike 1 2. Undue or unreasonable preference shall not bs granted to any particular person, firm or locality, nor shall any such be subjected to undue or unreason able prejudice. 3. Eicspt by consent of theeoiorois sien, no greater charge in tbeggrgate shall be made for similar freight or pas Senear service, for e ahorter than fo a ALBANY, OREGON, shsll ho mads for carry leg a oe of goods from Boston to Daubory than from Boston to New. York. And this section is tint to lie deemed ss authoris ing as great a charge. Q it t y Can a greater charge be made for carrying the same case of goedf from Danbury to Brewstefi than from Brtwsters to New York, the distance between tha last named points being gi ester then that between the former poinls ? 4. Different and competing liors shsll not enter into any arrangement for a division of their aggregate earnings. This does not apply to an arrangement between different companies jointly operating one cnntiuuotis line, looking towsrd a division of the joint aggregate earnings. 5. No combination shall he entered into or arrangement made to prevent, by change of time, carriage on different oars or other device, the carriage of freigb a from being continuous, sod no break or stoppage shall ojierate assueh, unless made for soma necessary purpose, iu good faith. 8. N i variation, either In a greater or lass amount, shall be made from the public Mit.edttlee of rates. PENALTIES. 1. Fsiltna to publish th schedules of rates for transpurtetiMi thiottgh for eign cottuiriea renders tbe got da liable to oustom detiee ss though of foreign production. 2. Peilure to tile or publish schedules of rate and farm eubjsai the carrier to a wtit of uiamlauiu,and failure te obey Ike wr.t subjects tbe carrier to an in -jouc'iou rt at iiiing It fioas rteaiviug ft eight. 3 Fail lira to do any of tbe things enjoined to be done, or tbe doing of anything forbidden to be done, renders the t'ffender liable to tbe person injured for the fall amount of damages sustain ed, together with sn attorney's fee to be fixed by tba oourt. Under this see lion damage are ouly tb-jss actually sustained. 4. A common carrier, ir the officer or employe of a corporation which is a common carriar,wbo shall wilfully vie late or willingly aunr to be violated an; provision of this sc, is geilty of a misdameanor, pun tab aide by a fine not to exceed $5000 Tha violation must be inteoiLI. Knowing whai the Ujvia, there Jk be an intent to violate it.or to fttfler it to be violste'l. eowsas op the commission. 1. To inquire into tbe management of the basinet of Uses subject to tbe sc', sod obtsin s ch information as it may need 5. To subpoena witnesses snd require the production of books and psjers. If a suboef,a is not obeyed, any Circuit Court msv make sn oidr accordingly, and failure to obey the order is contempt of eoutt. 3. To investigate otmplatnts, aod notify carrier-. Tbe notification of changes filed must precede investigation. 4. To serve carriers with copies of reports, whenever the same charge un lawful ae'.a, together with a notice to eease thesc'.s c-tumteined of, or make reparation. 5. To apply to the Cirouit Conrt in case of s failure to obey tbe require ments made. fk i sports are pritfta- facie evidence m the hotting. An in junction shall iasus whenever the law. fu) order or requirement of the eommis aion shsll sppear to have been disre garded. Failure to obey an injunction may subject tbe offsndsr to a fins not exceeding $500 a day. An opwal to 'the Supreme Court lis when the sum of $2000 cr more is involved. 6. To require annual reports from all common carrier. Thia dues not com pel rh carrier to make a report until it is required, 7. To ret ui re, in it discretion, uni form system of keeping accounts. A H. C, Pathfinder Railroad Guide. The effect of high license on the sale f liquors is variously estimated and the practical results shoe as vsried returns in diffarer.t cities. In Omaha, where the lowest licsnsu is $1,000, there are 57 sa.cons to every 10,000 population, and in Philadelphia, where license is only $50, there are only 70 saloons for each 10,000. Iu Rausas City, where the license is $845, there are 73 saloons for every 10,000 people. The lowest percentage of saloons to population is in Sc. Louia, where the liounso h $550 and there are only 46 saloons t 10,000 people, and the highest percentage of saloons is in St. Paul, where the lioenae is $100 and there ar 145 saloons to 10,000 population,or double the number there are in Philadelphia compared with the number of people. Philadelphia and Baltimore are the ouly great cities of the Union where saloon license is as low as $50. Iu all of the Western pi ties the cost of license ranges from $200 to $1,000. THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured by Shlioh's Cure. We guarantee it. Fosbay A Mason, ag'ta, FRIDAY, APRIL 1, tub rirrirrit ojnurkmh. lVrsoHHfl of the Measte as Hhowii Is lbs Completed blst. The breaking of the Senatorial dead locks in West Virginia aod New Jersey snd the appointment of General Fin lay to succeed the love-lorn Jones, of Florida, completes .he Hut of Senators as It will stand during at least a portion of the fiftieth session. Tbe outgoing Senate stood Republics na, 41 ; Demo erats, 34, and (ttiddleberger) Indepen dent, 1. The inclining body will stand Republican, 38 ; Democrats, 37, aod Independer t, 1 . The changes are Dem ocratic gains in four States California, Indiana, New Jersey and Virgiois and a loss in Nevada, where Stewart suo:eeds Fair. The Sontse of thsert a tic Etddlsberger is likely to become even esore interesting than before, in view of tbe feet that pique or resentment may at any time prompt him l desert the Republican leaders, whom he cordially bates, and by votin; with the Democrats tie tbe vote upon important measures. ALABAMA. 1891. James h Pugb, D 188$. John T Morgan, D. ABKANSAS 1891. James K Jones, D. 1889. John T Morgan, D. CALIPORNIA. 1891. Leland fl'aoford, It 189$. George Hearst, D. COLOBAlM), 1891. 'Henry M Teller, R. 188. Tbos M B ! R. OOXXKCTlCUT. 1891. Oreille II Piatt, R 1893. Joe. R Hewley, a uxLAwaaa 1889. Eti Saulabury.D. 1893. George Gray, D. PLoaioa. 1891. Wiikioson Csll, D. 1893. J J FinJey, D. t ocotsatA. 1891. Joseph K Brown, D. 1889. 4 H Colquitt, D. ILLINOIS, 1891. Chas B Farwell, R 1889 8 M Cul'om, R. INDIANA. 1891. D W Voorbeaa.D. 1893. David Turpie, D. IOWA. 1891. W B Allison.R. 1889. Jas F Wilson, R. KANSAS. 1891. John J I o gal Is. U. 1889. P B Plumb, B. iswrocxr. 1891. JOS Blacaburn.D. 1889. James R Beek, D. LOUISIANA 1891. J B Kuatis, D. 1889. R L Gibson, I). MAINS 1893. Eugene Hsle, R. 1889. Wo P Fry a, a MARYLAND. 1891. 1893. E la Wilson, D. A P Gorman, D. MASSACHUSETTS. 1891. Henry L Dawes, R 1889. Geo F Hoar, R. MICMIOAN. 1893. F B Stock bridge, a 1889. T W Palmer, R. MINNESOTA. 1893. C K Da via, R 1889. D If Sabio, a MISSISSIPPI. 1893. James Z. George, D. 1889. EdC Wsltball,D. Missorjai. 1891. Geo G Vest, D. 1893. F M Coekrell, D. NEBRASKA. 1893. A 8 Paddock, R. 1889. C F Man lersoa, a NEVADA. 1891. John P Jones, R. 1893. Win M Stewsrt, a NEW HAMPSHIRE. 1891. Henry W Blair, R. 1889. PC Cheney, R. f NEW JEKSBY. 1893. Rufus Biodgtrtt, D 1889. J R Mcpherson, D. NEW YORK. 1891. We M E.arti, a 1893. Frank Hisoock, R NORTH CAROLINA 1891. Zeb B Vance, D. 1889. M W Ransom, D. OHIO. 1891. H B Payne, D. 1893. John Sherman, R. OREGON. 1891. John H Mitchell, R. 1889. Joseph M Dolph, It PKNN8YLTANIA. 1891. J D Cameron, a 1893. M S Quay, R. RHODE ISLAND. 1893. N W Aldrioh, R. 1889. Jonathan Chase, R SOUTH CAROLINA. 1891. Wade Hampton, D. 1889, M 0 Butler,D. TKNNXSSaX. 1893. Wra R BAte, D. 1889. Isram G Harris, D. TEXAS. 1893. John H Reagan, D. 1889. Richard Coke, D. VERMONT. 1891. J 8 Morrill, a 1893. G F Edmunds, a TIRdlNJA. 1898. J W Daniel, D. 1889. H H Riddleberger, I. WX&T VIBOINIA. 1893. emafrat 187. I'891. John 0 SiKwrer, R. 1893. Philetus Sawyer, R. R punliosns, 88 ; Damoerate, 37 : Independent, 1. New member, fBy Kxertitite appointment. VVraajhinixtn. (Proat ear riilr eorrtfxnliit. ) Washixotom, March Utb, 1$87. Although the marble halls of the Capitol were deserted by our law makers a week ago, many of them till linger In Washington, end will continue here for months to ome, Tho northern Rer resentallves are loath to leave the mild climate of the Capitol at this season of tbe year, and are el ways disposed to remain here, Oingreet or no Congress, "until," ss one of them remarked, "it thaws out at home." Tie air is still fuU of astra session tslk. Democratic members of Con- grees and otben who hsvo means of knowledged on the subject, do not now believe that the Fiftieth Con gress will I called t igeiher soon, but that an extra session in the early au tumn la an evil that ought to be far ed. Tho Mouae of Representatives that was elected In November last, enter ed upon Its r ffkial existence on the 41b of this month, snd its memkert are now under pey. They ore doing no service and without organisation are Incapable of doing any. It ie not until they have assembled, elected a speaker, and been arranged in com mittees, that they can enter upon tba work of Leglaiatlon. If Congress does not meet until the usual time In December, In the? light of many pre cedents little or nothing can be ex pected of it until the beginning, of next year, for It Is well known that no Congress has attempted to do any real work until after the holiday re cess. An extra session la always unpop ular and the President is aoxtou, of course, to avoid it, but in order that some of the Imp rtant legislation to come up during the next yeer may t matured in time, ft Is thought to be tbe only alternative. Three Whose counsel Is frequently sought at tbe White House now y that tbe con templated extra session would begin a about the first o October and run along Into tfie regular session, and that th j questions of revtoue and taxation would receive attention first. Another reason why it is deemed expedient to make the Fiftieth Con gress take advantage of extra time hi the fact that the next yeer will be de voted largely to president making Although It seems but yesterday Mr. Cleveland was inaugurated, yet, only fifteen months from now, will the National Convention be held to nominate his successor. The two groat parties in Congress, when they assemble after the holiday recear,wiki lie surcharged with poll tics, and every ptovoment that is made at either end of the Capitol wilt have more or lees reference to candidates and politics and i ho issues of the ensuing cam paign. Between the friends of the Admin 1st ration on the one bend, intent on maintaining its credit and viudicat- tlag h record, and the opponents of the Administration on tho other, eager to disparage it In tbe confidence of tho peoplo between combinations here and combinations there io ths interest of rival aspirants the Capi tol will partAke far more of the char acter of an arena of partisan contro versy than of serious and disinterest ed labor for tbe welfare of the coun try. Considering all thls,the friends of tho Administration feel that the President would be entirely justified In promoting the chances of legisla tion which the public Interests de mand by the call of an extra session President Cleveland's care and In dustry in reading tl bills, great and small, and examining them person ally before signing his name to them has been criticised a9 an unnecessary assumption of labor on the part of the Chief Executive. It is quite certain Mr. Cleveland has taken more ptlns in this respect than any of his prede c-wsors, and it cannot he said tha evnv of his assistant ever wrote his sie-nature to enacted lawa. This re spcinslbility he never delegated to a member of his Cabinet even in the case of unimportant bills. On the 4th of March, 1885, when Mr. Arthur and his Cabinet arrived at the Capitol and entered the Presi dent's room where, on the tables, In large piles lay the bills to which his signature was to be affixed, one pen for the President was not enough. Half a dozen more pens were called J for, the door was locked (the luau l gu ration ceremonies wore then await ing) and in a remark bly -.hbrt space of time every one of the bills had Mr. Arthur's name to it. At the State Department where they can bo ex amined, the signatures to the bills of SO 86 I NEW SPRING GOODS. Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Etc. At prices never before offered in Alb 1 1 -1 (k N. D. ALLEN CO.. are the ones that are making the offer. We propose to sell goods for CASH AND PRODUCE 8nly, and will duplicate the prices given in any Spring Catalouge in the State. We propose here after to talk to point, and Give You Prices upon application by mail or otherwise that will ASTONISH YOU. Mail orders solicited, and samples sent upon ap ssaaasawsaasjawa N. E. ALLEN & Co., 57 First Street Alsssy, Tba Emperor of China is the shortest monarch in tbe world, except tbe baby King of Spain, being only five feet tall. The talKst monarch in tbe world is Emperor William, of Gerrus:v, who is six feet, just stirpssxing bis great-grand nephew, the Emperor of Russia, by owe inch. The late Mi. Beck, wife of tbe Ken- tncky. Senator, was oae ol the most brilliant women in official society, and, like Mrs. Logan, sirs. Morrison and Mrs. Carlisle, knew more of public questions tbsn half tbe men in Con gtess. S tons wall JckaVa memory is to be kept green by a monument on i bs bat tle-field at Cbaneel lore villa, a here be received the wound that caused hia death. The people of Ficderickaburg are taking the lesd in the movement. OraaksBBsis, or Liquor Habit, can bs Cared by administering Sr. Haints' Golden tipeeifie. It can be riven In a cup of coffee or tea wiUt et Use knowledge ol the person taking It, ef tecting a speedy sod eririHiient sure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an aleo hrtlis wreck. Thousands ol drunkards have irn mads temperate men who have taken the ; :dcn Specific In their coffee their ituwladae. and to-day believe they quit drink -ngol their own tree will. No harmlal effect -vi;ts from tta administration. Cures ruaran--."I. Send lor circular and roll particulars, x Mreas in ennndrnra (loi.nasr brKcmc Co., U :;;u t St.. tiWiCSSBStt, Ohio. Patents (.ranted. Patents granted to citizens of tha Pacific States during the past week and reported ex pressly for the Democrat by C. A. Snow & Co., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, opposite U. S. Patent Office, Wash ington, D. C. : J Brusie, Oakland, Cab, bicycle. S B Davis, Eureka, Cab, horse collar. W W Gilman, San Francisco, printer's galley. G L Henxel, San Francisco, dec ric bolt releaser. F A Huntington, San Francisco, r malga mator. W Jones, San Francisco, sampling appa ratus and storage floor. J C Lane, Sprague, W T., bridle ixsi for railways. A C McKinnon, San Francisco, pencil sharpener. H L Llghtncr, San Francisco, apparatus for atomizing sulphur. E I Nichols, San Francisco, copying pa per. J Kichards, San Francisco, centrifugal pump. EJShetwood, San Francisco, sash fishier J W Van Order, Arlington, Or., seed planter. J R Van Winkle, Aberdeen, W T. drag saw support and guide . Voarel. San I raneisco, enp lor owe STATE iltHTS DEMOCRAT. THE BEST ADVEETI8IH8 IEBICM II THE WILLAMETTE YALLII, Hpeclal buslnes notices In Loral esJ uiuns 10 cents per line, u cents eaWi additional Insertion. t,"p ''gal and trauaient advertfsetaet't 00 per sqnsre for tbe first iuenUaBtau ( t cents per square for each eebetowef ' iauertion, sejn Kates or other sdvertieemefcte wadU known on application. i New Store. Something Entirely lev in Albany. We have come to stay, and will eaal In SECOND HAND G0DDS of all kinds. STOVES, TIN WARE, CBSCKE8Y, CUSS WARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. rople who havebereteforeoeea aaabta to sell or dispose or article will 4 wall to call at our naw store and receive eeaa or trade for same. We will sail aew steak on hand at tbe verv lowest fisrnraa, aaaV you win do well before l oving elsewhere ,i ... -jw-mMx-uptoa oy swr. naker "cmjinu our psironsga. M. FRANKLIN & CO. First National Rank IYcai1nt . - CsshMW.... r.zo. a. SBAMBsaVBir TRAKSACTS A GENERAL ACCOUNTS KEPT aubtsat ss StOriT EXCHANGE and telsmatdt onWaw York, Ssn Prsnciw, cWg sjh CXU.I.ECTIONS MADR on fsTorste M MICT0H8. ... E Vai-w, mm, mm L. E Blabs. h. Viart, Waltss I TnrsstC J. U COWAN. Linn Connty Bank, COWAN & (HJSICI. ALBANY - - OREGON. TRANSACTS s asnsnd banking kastaass. DRAW SIGHT DR AFTS oa Naw TaA 'fjsa Bass eiacoand Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY oa approrsd fcrtr. RECEIVE deposits tnbteet ta .kMs COLLECTIONS entrusted ts as wll rssaisa tcntion. H. F. MERRILL, ALBANY, - - - 0RE80S. EXCHANGE o.t N.w Ywt. Portland, Or,, bought snd sold si lawaat ratsa DEPOSITS received tut.jeet to abeek. INTEREST allowed an tins dapastSt. COLLECTIONS will reeatve prestpt sMeattsn. Tire snd Marine Inaoranee plased la reliabl Cast, panies. MILLER BOBAUtR IK- Field, Vegetable and Flower liedf, IMPERIAL ECO FOOD, GARROEif TOOLS, FERTIUZSIS, mf SS scesMl Sjireet, Vat- Salsaasi aaal 9aytSM. 1 OOD for tho ome of Sleeieesnes8 anl ImtoMtlM