The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 25, 1887, Image 3

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    illie gmortat.
Kntered at the Pout Office el Albany, Or,
a aooond oleosa mail raattor.
1 1
!. NtrrT.ti. I.eal MlUr.
PAPER PT.Sii?Ti": SlSi'.SS
1. -milo In Phlliflr luhl A
tldiiK Krm7 .f XNM
M. our suUxorl.oU stfvuU.
Hf! ft ft WhiMi ;id att icily m d- f
jpy vancftthtH will be UM
puce of th Dkmocrat ; at the end of
th year, $2.50, and there will be no
viation from thin ml.
An unKpular man in an important posi
tion will render the poition as unpopular
as he is. ThU Carlisle the Secretary of the
State Boat d of Immigration has done. Pco
pie arc generally beginning to think him a
pretty scrubby sort of a fellow.
Mr. Cleveland, a drummer, was in the
city Friday. Though a slim fellow with a
15 inch neck, the first question he is general
ly asked to "ah, are you a relative of the
President ?" This has been done so much
that new when he sees a peculiar expression
Hitting across a man's face he takes the lead
and remarks, "no I am not a relative, thank
you." People are bored most who have big
The number who get their mail through
the general delivery at the Postoftke, is as
tonishingly great. Two bits a month se
cures a private box with a key and makes a
man as independent as a boy la the back
seat of a high theater gallery. Why not
try it.
There arc people in this world, thousands
of them, who lack any reliable conception
of the meaning of personal liberty. They
think it means the license ta steal, rob, sell
diseased meat, hitch their horses to a man's
shade trees, trespass on another man's land
or run away with his wife, sell strychnine
for salt, and even to sell or drink ad liMim,
poisonous intoxicating liquors, the use of
which causes nine tenths of the crime of
the world, just as they please and as much
as they please. The truth is personal liberty
does not consist in the right to do anything
that will make a neighbor stumble, and no
ones liberty is infringed on if the privilege is
Several third-class theatrical troups are
billed for Albany for the next few days
We become used to third-class affairs here
and get to imagining them first-class because
they are about the best we have. It is be
cause they are compared to some of the
tenth-class affairs that prey on us occasion
ally. They will get good houses, because
Albany is a good theater town, and good
theater towns patronize everything. Flam
ing bill boards do not indicate the character
of a show anymore than the shucks of a
horse chestnut the meat inside.
KIIV Failing.
Last Monday William Fails, on charge of
George Piper, of this citv. was arrested at
Salem and brought to this city. Tuesday
morning he was examined before his Honor,
Justice Dorris, and admitted that he stole a !
pair of shoes from Mr. Piper, taking them j of a suspension of public opinion until prov
from Langdon's drug store, several weeks en guilty. He has returned to Tamers, or
ago. He was held to await the action of the will do so when in a physical condition to.
Grand Jury under $100 bail. I
"Can you f urnish the bail," said his Honor, j Jhe (
"No," said the prisoner, 'if I could, I j
wouldn't have stolen the shoes," which he The tudnU of the Albany College last
said he took because he absolutely needed
them. Fails i about sixteen, and already
has a checkered, mysterious career. Not
much though is known about him. He has
broken his limbs many times, is a lone or
phan, homeless, and has lived mostly by
begging meals from his boy companions
and sleeping in barns. His prospects are
not very bright.
The City Band.
The City Band reorganized the first of
the week, with the following officers : M E
Brink, President ; Chas Mueller.Sccretary J
Wm Fortmiller, Treasurer and Hank Hays,
Fred Whittier and Alfred Kctchum, Tru-,
tees. Chas Pierce, several years ago the
popular leader of the Mechanics' and Ladies
Bands will act as leader, with E flat cornet,
The other members of the band will be :
Chas Mueller, 1st B flat ; Alfred Ewert,
and B fiat ; Fred Whittler,3rd B flat ; John
Isom, 1st alto ; Will Mack, 2nd alto ;
Will Wright, ist tenor ; Francis Pfeiffer
and tenor ; A W Thompson, baritone ; M
E Brink, tuba ; Chas Vunk, snare drum ;
Hank Hays, bass drum. It has the make
up of a good band.
Albany Building Association.
The annual meeting of the stockholders
of the Albany Building Association was
held at the Opera 1 louse Monday evening.
The report of the Secretary showed the
Opera House property to be doing a good
business, and the Association nearly out of
debt. The following directors were elected
for the ensuing year : Chas. Pfeiffer, W
C. Twcedale, Jay Blain, O. H. Irvine, W.
M. Ketchum, Geo. E. Chamberlain and
Edward Zeyss. At a meeting of the direc
tors Chas. Pfeiffer was elected President,
Jay Blain, Secretary and George E. Cham
berlain, Treasurer.
A W. C. T. U. Hall.
The Albany W. C. T. U. are obtaining
plans for the erection of a hall on Ferry
street, on the property of 8. E Young, cor
ner of Second street. Work will be begun
at once. The hall will be a plain one, but
suitable for the present needs uf the soci
ety .
Puhlie (Examination.
The regular public quarterly examination
of teachers for Linn county, Oregon, will
be held at the Court House in Albany .com
mencing t noon on Wednesday, March
30th and continuing until noon Friday,
April ist, 1887.
D. V. S. Reii,
County School Supt.
Will Preach.
Rev. D. 0. McFarland will preach at Lib.
erty Church In the Forks of the Santia m,
April 3rd at 1 1 o'clock, a. m.
Kid Gloves.
Ladies when you wish a good kid glove
in the latest and most desirable shades, kind
ly remember that N H Alien & Co. is the
place where you can fiol them. A full line
of Royal aad Jon vins, also the "Clothilda'
undressed kids.
Fonr Legged Items.
A Montana paper figures out that the loss
01 sheep during the winter was jo per cent;
out that th natural increase overcomes
this so that the wool clip will be larger than
last vear by several hundred thousand
pounds. This is a cheerful aspect and quite
inconsistent with the general claim that the
loss was 75 per cent.
In Crook county the estimated loss of
stock is 10 per cent. In Southern Oregon
it was small.
Glanders is common at Helena nnd stables
are quarantined.
Speculation in cattle in Linn county has
been a paving investment. One gentleman
is reported to have made $500 on a $aooo
capital in a few week and another $100011
less than $300 in a month.
Mr. Wiles, our good naturned Benton
county neighbor a lew days ago sold three
horses to Mr r raxicr, the furtland dealer
for $000. Mr Wiles always gets good prices
for his horses because he raises good ones.
it pays.
Authorities differ in regard to the num
ber of 2 30 performers produced by Ahnont.
(ten. Ithers is authority for the statement
published in his catalogue that this celebrat
ed son of Alexander's Ahdallah has already
contributed thirty -two trotters and two pa
cers. McKnight Brothers Oneco is a de
scended of this famous horse.
If good weather continues sheep shear
ing will be in order.
AN.H. man has a ift months old calf
weighing 700 pounds.
The total estimated value of four legged
stock of all kinds in the C. 8. Is 3,4Uooo,
aoO. An immense interest.
When a circus and menagerie reaches
Oregon It is always with $1 0,000 lions, $jO,-
U00 elephants, etc. How near the truth
these claims may Ire can he judged of hv a
sale in Philadelphia a few days ago. Three
elephants brought $1550, $1360 and $1010;
a black antelope, $400 ; a lioness, $250 ; a
royal Bengal tiger, $350 ; a leopard, $190;
a camel, $140 ; an emu, $loo ; an elk, $75;
a hyena, $45, and a yak, $jo.
Itlnin K-.! Them.
L. E. Blain, the clothier, has the exclu
sive sale In this city, of goods manufactured
by the Brownsville Woolen Mill Co., which
have become justly very popular, resulting
in large sales of the goods. The following
from the Company is authority in reference
to the matter, and explains itself :
Office of the Brownsville Woolen Mills Co.
Portland, Oregon, March 23rd, 18S7.
This is to certify that L. E. Blain has the
exclusive sale in Albany of goods manufac
tured by the Brownsville Woolen Mills Co.,
of Brownsville, Oregon. No other firm in
Albany keeps our clothing. In connection
with the above announcement we take pleas
ure In thanking the people of Albany and
Linn countv for the liberal patronage since
Mr. L. E. Blain lias been handling our
goods. We shall endeavor In the future, as
in the past, to manufacture good, honest
goods, at as low a figure as those imported.
We guarantee our clothing for fit and quality
and warrant our colors as being as firm
dyed as any woolens in the market.
Very Respectfully,
Brownsville Woolen Mills Co.
1). Daluleikm, Agent,
Two Hides.
All stories have two sides to them. We
are informed the Turners' affair, given in
the Dkmocrat, last week, has. We gave
the only side published, the one generally
accepted as correct by the press of the
State. According to the other side, which
we get in an indirect way, Wilson was not
engaged to Miss Baker at all, quit going
with her for reasons of his own, and that
there was no seduction. We give both
sides because it Is a newspapers business to
1 In ast an, I kmnu Vf IL'il.- I I
I wwiu. . iwuii, wuu lias
friends in Albany, is entitled to the benefit
week organized an athletic association, and
at the close of the present term, about the
middle of May, will, after the fashion of
Eastern Colleges, have a genuine meeting,
probably on the fair ground, when all kinds
of athletic contests will be indulged in. En
terprising young men ! Following are the
officers of the association :
W H Lee, President
Collins Elklns, Sec'y and Treas
Percy Kelley and James Powell, Directors
John Geisendorfer and Frank W Power,
Chas. Cusick, Time keeper.
W. II. Lee, Referee
Our College is now in live hands and is
being appreciated. This is an evidence that
the students propose to be up with the
TrntfK-ntnr Meeting.
All persons in favor of the adoption of
tire pending prohibitory amendment to the
constitution of the State of Oregon are
hereby requested to meet at their respec
tive places of voting in the several precincts
of Linn county, Oregon, on Friday the ist
day of April, A. D., 1887, l l"e hour of 2
o'clock, p. m. for the purpose of organizing
Precinct Prohibitory Amendment Leagues.
A full attendance is desired.
T. J. Wilsox,
Chairman Linn County
Prohibitory Amendment League.
Dramatic Entertainment.
On Thursday, March 31st, at 7:30 o'clock
m., there will be rendered at Oakville
the highly interesting drama entitled, "En
listed for the War," by home talent, under
the auspices of the W. C. T. U. This en
tertainment will be most pleasing and en
tertaining, and will doubtless call out a full
house. The admission fee will be only 25
cents. Let everybody attend.
1 "Ml. I 1 .
Kml of Fifth Term.
F. M. Mitchell closed his fifth term as
teacher of the Tallman school last Friday.
The event was celebrated witth some very
interesting exercises, attended by a crowded
house, about seventy-five besides the stu
dents being present. Mr. Mitchell's popu
larity is shown by his being engaged to
teach the coming term, in the same school.
While looking after your supolies in the
above line, don't yoa forget that N H Allen
A Co. keep groceries, end don't you forget
that you can get just a much sugar.tes, cof
fee, ric or anything else for a dollar as you
can get ia any store in tha city, and all of the
best quality. Call on Allen k Co. when you
want kroceriss and letnember they never al
low themselves to be undersold.
N. H. Allen k Co., have in stock a uplon
did line of corsets. C jueisting of the justly
celebrated C. P's, Dr Warner's, Dr Lee's S.
K's, the Albany Standard, our spinal brand,
also the Everlasting, Self Adjusting, Nettie
and many other makes. Ladies are especial
ly invitad ta call and inspect them.
Council ProrreriingM.
Tuesday, March 23rd, 1887.
All officers and members present.
The Street Commissioner recommended
the cleaning of ulleys,repalrlng of sidewalks,
etc . and the same were ordered made .
A grade on Third street from Thurston
to the eastern limits of the city was ordered
made .
A petition from property owners on Ninth
street asking that the order of the Council
of about a year ago requiring the construe
tlon of certain sidewalks on that street he
enforced was referred to the Committee on
Streets and Public Property. Also a petb
tlon for a sewer In Block 18 and one for the
extension of Broudalhln sewer.
Petition of Conrad Meyer asking for per
mission to erect n wooden building on First
street was referred to Committee on Fire
and Water.
A petition was read from J S Morgon ask
ing that the Chinese laundry just east of
Ieyoe St Robson'sbe required to provide a
better dralnge ; referred to Committee on
Health and Police and the City Attorney
with power to enforce the same.
A letter from a Mr Uarrlsh, of Maine, vs
read, In which he offered to publish Oregon,
the county and city, in case the city would
take fifty copies referred and will prob-
ably die a natural death.
Ninth street from Lyon to Railroad street
was ordered opened, graded and graveled.
The Street Commissioner was ordered to
purchase 5,000 feet of lumber for building
side and crosswalks.
Tire Marshal was directed to notify the O
k 0 R R Co. to build a crossing at Ninth
and Montgomery streets within 60 days.
Second order. Take a shot gun.
The matter of constructing a sewer in the
Third Ward was brought up and referred
to a committee of the whole.
The Marshal was directed to order prop
erty owners near Montcith's Mill to drain
cesspool within 15 days. Third order.
Two dark lanterns were ordered purchas
ed for the nlghtwatchmen.
The Council will meet as a board of eqal-
bation on April 7th.
The following bills were ordered paid :
F M Westfall, Marshal's fees, $23.95 I Geo
West full, labor, $2005 ; D R N Blackburn.
fee as City Att'y, $i0 ; Conrad Meyer,
radse, $65 ; J A Warner, surveyor, $3 .50;
J Gradtvohl, mdse, $21.10; John Jones,
$60 ; Adam Ihrig, $.
Smiling I
On last Saturday morning Judge Black
burn and O. II. Irvine, two prominent Re
publican Attorneys of this city, were out on
the streets with bright.smlling countenances
that told of great happiness and joy reign
ing in their hearts. Everyone who met
then was struck with the resplendent self
satisfaction that scintellated from their wide
open countenances. The matter soon Be
came a subject of remark and inquiry as to
the cause of the gladsome news or luck that
had come to them. Many were the guesses
made by those who stood upon the street
corners. One thought a Croesus had brought
suit against a Gould mud that these gentle
men had received a large retainer. Others
thought rich relatives had died and left
them heirs to untold riches. Others know
ingly winked as they declared that these
limb of the law had made lanrc sums of
filthy lucre by speculating in Albany real
estate, and thus the iuee ran, and wc
suppose the guesses would have contirfucd
until now, if one of these gentlemen had not
been"heard telling with joyful glee of a very
pleasing occurrence which transpired the
night before at the Opera House where
Prof. Morris, the phrenologist, was lectur
ing. That gentleman, in order to convince
his audience that phrenology is a science.
proposed to his hearers that he would blind
fold himself, after which six Democrats
should be placed at one end of the stage and
six Republicans at the other end whereupon
the Prof, would feel their heads and tell
which were Democrats and which were Re
publicans. Now our friends Blackburn and
Irvine were among the Republicans, and
Senator Irvine and Jim Murray were among
V ' . J.A. .
the Democrats. Tnc Prof, with much a-
surancc prononnced the Democrats Repub-1
licans and the Republican Democrat,
The audience was not convinced, but it
.... m
leaked out that the t'rot. too oiacaourn tor
Senator Irvine, and lawyer Irvine for Jim
Murray, and it was this highly compllmen-
r .-mMrl tUat nUA nor !,
, r
lawyer irtends, nut it was currently report- 0 the various oftVcs appear to be all well
ed tint Senator Irvine and Jim Murray kept and all the officers courteous and ef
were mad as March hares all next dav for ficient, and we recommend that the county
thus being publically accused of being Re
Next Falls State Fair.
At the Bute fair next fall there will be
seven trotting races, with purses amount
Ing in tout to $3350, and eight running
races, with purses amounting in total to
$2300 and sweepstakes added, from $30 to
$100. So it will Ire seen that as usual it
will be a grand horse meeting and gamb
ling affair. A new feature to the fair will
be a military drill for a purse of $500.
Before the fair the Board propose to im
prove the grounds materially, by building
new fences, taking down the old 'shanties
called booths, sheds, etc., that have present
ed such an unbecoming in the
nast. When the Indications arc that the
fair Is being run in some ones else interewH
than iust Salem doodic the Democrat will
suooort it as Uartilv as even Marion countv
naners : but the present outlook is that the
next one will simply be a repetition of those
held during the past few years.
A Matter with a Point ta It.
The season of house cleaning and Spring
moving is about here, nous cleaning is a
mean business : but it ha 1 to bo done. You
will want a carpet this Spring by all means.
Get a good one. a tasty one, one that your
friends will like to see. A 13. Mcllwaiu has
a magnificent stock. No such fine designs
have oyer been surpassed here. He will ssll
those carpets at prices that defy competition
anywhere in the Valley. Portland too.
In general merchandise, boots, shoes, etc,,
Mcllwoin is prepared to matt a rushing
year's trade with splendid stock ef well
selected goods.
He will not be uudersold,
And will meet
Cut prices
Every time, and on the same terms or in
large packages undersell them,
He can do this because he buys in very
large quantites, gets better prices and much
cheaper freight.
Try him in sagara, coffee, tobaccos, pickles,
in fact anything in his stare.
Wall Paper, Shades, Etc.
N H Allen & Co. keep in stock a fall line
of the above goods, including a fine assort
ment of decorations for sealings, whieh they
will sell at the lowest possible prices. W
have now iu transit eae of the largest stocks
cf these goods ever in this market.
A Teacher's Instltuc for the Third JudL
cial district will be held at Albany on April
6th, 7th and 8th, 1887, and will be under the
supervision of State superintendent McK!
roy, assisted by Superintendent Reld, of this
county and others. The expressed object
of the Institute Is to acquaint teachers with
the best and latest methods of Instruction ;
to secure a uniformity of work, In methods
of organizations, In school records In school
government, In school recitations ; to gain
Inspiration In teaching ; to gain profession
al Information ; to learn to avoid "ruts f
to correct prevailing faults, consisting of r
Waste of time In movement of classes j In
conducting recitations, etc.
1'Vllowlng Is the program s
WKhKSUAY, A I'M 1 1. 6tll.
Morning session - -10 o'clock.
Organisation and Methods of Institute
Reading - Methods of teaching.
School Hygiene and Pnyslology -Methods
(general discussion What Motives nnd
incentives to Study Ought to be Appealed
Language Lessons - Value of.
Arithmetic Written and Mental
liUl Mrlh-
School Oranlxatlon
-Temporary and Per-
Morals and Manners In School -Method.
General discussion -Whispering or no
Whispering t
H KMI.SU MKftSIOM- -7:30 u'l'UK'K,
Lectures and discussions.
mi nsnAY, APR 1 1. 7th.
Morning session -9 o'clock.
Orthography Methods of Teachlug.
Primary Reading and Spelling.
Map Drawing.
Object teaching.
General discussion -Supplementary Read
ing in Primary and Grammar Schools
Newspapers, Magazines, etc.
Language a,d Grammar Work Methods-
I S. History -Methods of Teaching
Class Management.
Oral Instruction In Primary Schools.
General discussion -Reading How to
Control and Direct the Reading of Pupils ;
How to Induce Them to Read the Best
kvkniso SKhsjon - 7 :J0 o'clock.
Lecture and discussions.
Friday, Aran. 8th.
Morning Session ) o'clock.
Geography Map Work -Methods of.
School Organization -Continued,
Civil Government Methods of Teaching.
Occupations for Children In Primary
General discussion School Offices and
Business Men -Their Duties and Relations
to Public Schools.
Al imSmiN SKSHI..S . 1 O'CLOCK.
U. S. Historv Continued.
Morals and .Manners in School Contin
ue! Exhibition and Literary E&erciscs in
Public Schools.
School legislation' -The Teacher's Irgai
General discussion -The Question of Cor
poral PunUhment.
gvcxiojo aasaso 7:30 o'clock.
Literary and Musical Entertainment.
The day and evening exercises will be in
terspersed with good music, vocal and In
The leading teoclter from the Colleges,
Academies, Universities. Normal Schools
and Public Schools in the Duttut will be
present and assist In the work of the Insti
The O. k C. Railway will make usual
reduction to all teacher attending. Hotels
will grant reduced rates during the days of
the Institute.
iiraad Jury Keport.
Following is the report of the Grand Jury
given in lite Circuit Court last week :
To Ik HoMorabl the i ilfttit Court of Limm
( entity, Oregon :
We have examined into all case and mat
ter thus far presented to us, and have re
ported on the same where wc could do so :
and 61 justified In calling the attention
T V i i . .i Z " ,
I evasion of omclal duties on the part of Jus.
.i,.-- f Peac in ni tv fi7i-
1 "swwi llf ljWM)MMi IMVIS)
fully into matters and charges before them,
plainly shifting to this Court and causing
I OvrwinsO lUa ....... t. ... m i - - 1 T
I ltFTTT -T .Tvv mtJSm wmsa
I "-'go '" miwmvu iv nine inquiry inio
tne um( especially when defendants waive
I examination.
We have examined the county jail and
1 -a. r 11 -a . w m
Ul"v' "ug HUT wuinv . anu wc
the wme n a faif condition. The record
supply such few needed conveniences a re
quited by the Sheriff, Clerk and County
School Superintendent, in the matter of a
suitable desk each and matting for the floor
of the Superintendent's office ; and also
that a new set of township maps should be
procured, as the present file is in a very bad
L. C. Rtcs, foreman.
J. L. Miller,
Petkr III mi ,
David Smith,
A. P. Black burn,
Wm. M. Powers,
Newton Crabtrbb.
What is Geyserlte ? ThU seems to'be the
leading question to-day. Well it is simply
the name of the Irest line of laundrv and
toilet soaps In the market. Every one
know that mMt minerals contain cleansing
and thence goods are made from
the '"rals at the celebrated Geyser springs
of Colorado with pure cocoanut oils added
I j j i 1 rm
uno WMCO inrouK" Ai" patent process,
converting them Into the purest and best
soap ever offered the public. The Geyser
Sapone put up in six pound tin buckets and
retailing at 50 cents per bucket, is in jelly
form and unequaled for cleansing purposes,
such as cleaning paint, floors, tinware and
all metals, also for washing dishes and
laundry purposes. Wallace & Thompson
are the sole agents for this city for these
thoroughly reliable goods and all orders
will be promptly filled by them, as they are
taken at residences by the company's agents.
"Tlio Little llrown Jug."
The above drama will be presented to the
people of Albany and yiclnity by home tal
ent tinder the auspices of the Good Tem
plars on Saturday evening, April and, at the
Opera House. The managers are sparing
no pains to make this entertainment a com
plete success. It is to conclude with a very
laughable farce. This home movement
should meet with a hearty support from
the people, Admission to any part of the
house 25 cents. Reserved seats 35 cents.
Tickets for reserved seatjvfor sale at Lang
don's Drug Store.
'-' 1 S ' -
Call aad aetile.
Persons knowing themselves indebted to
Mr. John Brggs will find the account in the
hands of L H Montanye, Attorney at law,
and will do well to call on him and attend
to the saints at once.
W II 1 1 otms has bean appointed Clerk of
th S ipreme Gottrt,suoosdlng J A Stratton.
The first thing an Oregon town thai
wants to start a boom does Is to agitate a
woolen mill. All of them are now doing It.
Why not try something else.
A farmer at Ritzvlllr, W. T., mink a well
recently, but Instead of striking water he
found an immense underground cavity ,from
which a stiff brecxe continually blows, with
a noise like the humming of telegraph
The si James Hotel, at Buffalo, N. Y.,
was consumed by fire on "Friday morning,
about thirty people being destroyed In the
flames. As usual an elevator served as a
ventilator for the flames.
Corvattis wants a new Court House. The
present one Is a disgrace to the county, a
rickety old shell, too dilapidated to be used
as a barn.
In New York City there are 8034 saloon
of the COlintV m irn 1 7fu hav hll ronl'mrd I
, - - - , , - , , . , ---I
in police stations, and ihi6 have heeu tried
for crimes and acquitted.
A young married woman In England has
applied for a divorce on the ground that her I
husband will not cut his toe nails. The at-1
tentton of our State Legislators Is called to
this. So free to pass loose divorce laws.thls
-uouui ue emnooteu in our statutes wit 11 1
other divorce, bicvele, etc., laws.
Snow can be seen near Murray, Idaho.ovcr
100 feet deep.
Albany levied a 5 milt tax for school
purposes', galem a U mill tax. Pendleton a
6 mill tax and The Dalle a 7 'A mill tax.
So the latter Is ahead ; but all have done
remarkably well.
The oldest Masonic lodge in Oregon Is
Multnomah lxdge. No. i, uf Oregon City,
chartered by the Grand Iodgc of Missouri,
October, 1846. The charter was carried
across the plains by an ox team.
The town of Chautauqua, Pa., the well
known summer resort and place of meeting
of ttfe Chautauqua assembly, was nearly con
sinned by fire last Sunday.
Dakota has had a severe flood, much
property being destroyed.
A Corvallis man has a show case so ar
ranged that be can throw a box of dice on it
and holding the box down guess wliat spots
are up every time by looking into a looking-1
ijlas properly arranged beneath the box.
He easily wins all bets.
Dallas has decided to celebrate the ath of
July. Albany should do likewise this year.
And now the plow has begun to cut Us
way through the fertile, mellow, yielding,
fruitful Oregon sod.May Ceres' choicest
blessing follow the act.
Colfav. W. T. is assessed at $s(,ouo.
That city is showing a steady growth.
Daniel Moran, on his second trial, at
Portland, was convicted of manslaughter.
There is a law prohibiting the catching of
Chinook salmon before April ist Notwith
standing this, about eighty thousand pounds
of tbi fish were shipped Eat last week from
We'll bet "we'urts" of the press will
manage some way to obtain passe from the
railroads after the interstate commerce law
goes into effect. By putting all our treads
together the matter can be adjusted in some
Prof. Morris, at the Opera House, Hatur
dav nlght.though he had one chance In two
of guessing correctly, c npletely failed E
pick on? U I)en rats from six Kepubll- I
cans. He guessed the Democrat were Re-
publican, and vice versa. The ability to do
this is claiming too much, though any one
rould hit the nail in the dark half the time.
flump haven't much to do with polities'
In this cose the men on each side were par
tlaans from "way back.'
The road are dusty around Arlington.
Our excliange alt over Oregon announce
the movement of plows.
Mr Cone, the new milk man, will deliver
milk right at vour door ; no belt ; no run
ning out bareheaded In the rain or sun.
Tire DeMocRAT want live, energetic cor-
respondent, from all quattcr and on all
subjects, but It wants communications boil
ed down and then fried, and to the point.
r.mneror William, of uermany, was
ninety years of age, last Tuesday.
the people on the Sound arc anviou to
know what the teiminous of the N. P. is
Last Tuesday President Cleveland ap
pointed the following interstate com mis.
sioners : Thos M Coolev. Mich.. 6 year
W R Morrison, III., vear ; August
Schoen maker, N. Y., a vear ; Aldoce F.
Walker, Vl, 3 year ; Waiter S Bragg.
Aiftbama, 2 years.
From every quarter coin the report tht
grass on the rsugn u growing tine, and stock
of all kinds is recovering from the effects of
tb storm last month .... Or. E fa. Irvine
returned from Ssjem I naedsy, and wears a
complacent srrde whieh indicate that hit
future prospects are brilliant. Ockoeo Re
Keal aetata transfers are quite nnmrrons
of lata, but if yoa want to see jewelry,
watchm, clocks an t silverware unngtng
hand 1 just call at F. M. French's, the "Cor-
nsr ' Jewelry 8fr. And why is it ? Prot.
Following were the recorded sales
Linn county during the past week :
II Cbeadle and wife to A V Hill, 50
acre in tp!2 8 R2w
J F Venner and wife to J B McDowell,
one lot in Amelia. 3-M
00 B Chamberlain and wife to Sophi
Uuragart, 50X132 feet, H K cor
ner Lyon and Third street, Al
bany, Ur
Alios Dsnnals nd hasbaad to Aaron
Barnes, ons lot in Tangaat .......
Fred Kgs-rt and wif to B F fabler.
2 lots S W corner Ellsworth and
Seventh streets, Albany 1 50U
N W White ta J U FowU, 1 7th part
or block 49, H A. Albany and 4 of
1 -7th of 25 acres in to 11 8 It 2 w
A J Bilyeu to Sarah A Biiyo, revoca
tion of power of Attorney
E P Elliot ta Alice E Elliot, ft iuUrt
in estate of J M Elliot
D M Coop-r by D 8 Smith, Sheriff, to
John Conner. N El Sej. 8 ia to
14 8 R 3 w 3560
I Young to V M Rodridd. bond for
dd to 80 acres in tp 1 1 S K 3 w 3030 27
K D Hsrrett to M r Dawsoii. 1 21 100
sc. s iu to 11 ?J R 3 w 36.30
Henry Duvidsou to S B Power, 1 tot
inShedd 1
J I, Wigle, ex'r est- E Harry to David
Busey. 100 seres in tp 15 S R 2 w 350
Wilburn King, adm'r to U W Caspoll
44.94 acres ia tp 9 8 R 1 E 131 41
Sam I Uoty by I) 8 Smith, Sheriff to
W W Richardson. 20 acres ia to
lOSRlw 800
Martha Baugham, guardian to J O
Powell 5 6 of 17 ot block 49, H
A. Albany, Or., and 5-6 of 1-7 of
25 acres in tp 11 8 R 2 w 125
W E Newhous te Fred Muoller,
100x100 feet, N W corner Ells
worth and Third Streets, Albany. 1500
N P Briggs to O H Bond. 1 acre and
144 rods m Lebanon b JO
E J Lsnning to John Isom lots 3 and 4,
blook 114, H A, Albany 139
John Isom to h J banning lots 1 and 2
block 110, H 2nd A, Albany 300
John Isom to E J Lsnning and Edward
Uoins, g interest in lot 3, 4, 0, 6,
block 115, H 2nd A, Albany 400
W R MoDaniel to J P Schooling, in
terest in lot ia Harrisburg 120
W R MoDaniel to J P Schooling, ft of
lot 7 m Harnsbug 320
J G Powell to E D Barrett, 5.73 sores
in tpll 8 R3 w 117.90
E D Barrett to J G Powell, 1.58 acres
iu tp llSR2w.. 47.40
20 lbs. golden O., 18 lbs. extra G, or 15
lbs. granulated sugar for $1 at Wallace &
Buy your silver plated ware of Carter, the
jeweler and have it engraved
Pi iocs as low as the lowet and goods
good as tbe best.
Far Sale.
A good organ. Call at Dr. Kelly's,
good shingle jnill. Call on J. H. Maine.
Trout fishing.
Ethereal weather
Spring raile now.
Ululate yoa la vns.
F M French, jeweler,
Fiiuih ttees io bloom.
Correspondents, wake up.
() P trains da 1 g o I business .
Albany is literally full of pooplr.
Eggs tetail at 10 oente per doxen.
Hoose and !ot, $200. J B Hugh.
Chatoo hetf staik 'JO cents par pound.
The best harne4 at E L Thompmn's.
Fresh gaidvn seeds at Witllsos & Thoi. p
son 0,
Oysters served in all styles at Hifftntu A
P. Wallsoe, Physician nod Huraaon. Al
bsny, Or,
Goto Itetl k Br i vii i'.'.'s f ir choice fresh
o.srs. U..-I 11 tsi ii 1 m
" ", nysioians sun isurgeons,
. tF "' "UsfllOg mills hr ssls at Ueyoe
Home I eider vineir at Wallnod Sc
1 hompsou .
ft,, tropics' froits at all times at Wallace
dc Thompson's
Mr J W I'n. ( t will build a now residence
on his farm nn
IS cans of nd ny stars At IKallses Sc
Thompson's for f I
We Sell the Sa Itjseh cigar mt 5 cents at
Head 8i Brown hV Superior Whits Fish ia kens at Wal
sos St Thompson's.
Q ieei of the yatley sssjd patatojs at Wal
lace & i'homtisou's.
A fine stock of trunks and- valises iast re ¬
ceived at L K Blaine.
Genuine NO tnotsssea in barrels at Wal
laoe St Thompson's.
Engraving on all goods purchased at F W
Carter's jewelry store fise.
Another tumble in the priae of booti and
shoes at Read k Biownell's.
Vmim If iinUmsn was drink' Tuesday sad
s , v..i a fine try leaving the city.
J H Towusend. special agent for the State
Insurance ' . of Saiera, Orvou
Sis shaves for a dollar and a clean towel ta
every customs r, at L, Vieriok'a.
Krosb ptook of choice groceries alwavs on
hand at Wallace 4 Thompson's.
The right of way for the Oregon Pacific
east ol thetioutiam is being seen red.
7 cur j rheumatism, neuralgia and
toothaehe. Foebay A Mason. Aaents.
Examine Woodtn's Es tension table. They
are well go and see them for yourself.
Some gnutne Ksstern hickory nets mar
be eu at Hoffman 3c i'feiffer'e, in this city.
F M French, aent Singer Manufacturing
Co., opposite Odd Ki!ow Temple, Albaay.Or.
Fauunig mill (r on rive ta Un dollars, call
at WiraVwrks foot of Lyon .Street, Albany.
ltohinau St West bsvs bwgun running
their sasv mill, with a big supply of lotts on
Or. Si. 11. Kills, pbysiatsa and surgeon
Alt any, Oregon. U1U ia4 in city or
uoo u try ,
. " ' "" ""ua - ' "
Ta r
f u5t ,of "V f?? m . . buV
pnuung ora irnn Jan. io.h to March xaa,
Mtam 41.
Deyoe k Bobeon have a large stoek of tb
beat plows mods Oa band. Thry will b
sold at bedrock prices).
O C McLagan, a member of th Hook St
(dder Co , I th new Chief Euginr of tb
Curywlli br dtpitoot.
The OA C E It has been sold to the Sooth-
con I scitic sod will pass to the control oi
that rosvd lb first of April,
Mr Clark, tb nw photographer, has i.s
slier y arrugd i a vary lty manner, nd
i dti)iog some hoe ork.
Mi as Nancy Uray. aunt of UrUrsy. of this
city, dtd at CnswfordsvilUmi M ub 9th, at
th rmrkbly obi ag of 0A.
Mr 8 H CisUihtoo. t on time stag
dnvr btwu Albany ad Labauon, is bow
Slinntr ot ho wis county, W. T.
George Croft, who was shot by Harris, at
Set", will rovr front tbs effect of tne
wound, now biur eotiraiyoat ot daugar.
Itav. Waller, of the Christian Church will
urm wit t th M. E Charctt South ia t.u
city next SsturtUy votng aad ou Ssubatu.
Wood orkiug machinery, haftini. pal
lings, uotttug ana tc., at nail uric, luqair
- A W
of C. 1.. brush, foot of Lyoa Street, Aluauy,
Felix Ehy, of Harris burg last week passed
on xontinltoa iu this city for a tochrs
car 1 1 tie i sad will tech in the Harris Li
We bav moved oar stock oi goo is aors
the street f rom our old stood, follow as aud
we will make it to your interest. Bead St
Charles Came, u employee of the Oregon
Paci ic, was Hoed $5 and costs by Recorder
Haotou last Monday for bmg drunk aod
diicrd rly.
Mr Oavhl Fromao, aosign, is settling th
R L Steven estate, paying 100 eats oa the
dollar. Mr Froassn managed the matter ma
business way.
Tbe ladies of th First Coagrgtioaal
Chnrch wilt give aa "Bastei aocutole oc
Friday evening, April 8th. Further notio
will be given.
Tbe frout of TweedaU St Hepkins store
now presents a bright red and white appear
aaee. A few blue streks would make it a
good barber sign.
Black, Pearl k Co. is th j new tirin at
iUlsey, Jos Pearl, having bought into the
liriu, tb estate of Black, Porter k Co. just
haviug bed sattlad.
Burkhart k Keeney sell tickets over the
Northern Poottio Rati Road to all points
east. Call on them for rates ud maps
showing route of travel.
Mr T H Cone has started a milk rout ia
this city, and will deliver pure, fresh milk at
reasonabl rates, rhoroagnly reliable, be le
SArve a good patronage.
Frank E ilodgkiu, of Salem, has accepted
the positiou of special agent of the Loudon
ad Lancashire Fire Insurance Co., aad will
be located at Portland.
TUe last school teacher examination in
this county, uuder the present law, witl oc
cur next wuek, beginning ou Wednesday.
The new law is very strict.
Mr Crosby reoreseatiug a Sen Francisco
firm, has purchased during the past week
about 100.000 bushels of wheat, which he
will ship by way of Yoquinn.
Various rumors have been circulated about
ths Oregon Pacific's stopping work, but the
stop part only applied to a certain nrancn ot
th work in the u tannine shops.
Should you desire to sell year property
call ou Burkhart k Keeuey as they advertise
property placed iu then heads, aud oharge
nothing unless they effeot a sale.
Th next State Firemen's Touruameut, to
beheld at Vancouver is liable not to be
success, if thsre is a meeting at all. Th V.
firemen can only raise about $200.
Key C M Hill, of Eaaeae City, will preaoh
in the Baptist Church iu this city next Sab
bath, morning aad evening. Rev Browuson
will till Rev Hill's pulpit iu Eugene.
District Clerk Cal Burkhart and Recorder
N J Henton are assessing the city, tbe form
er for the District aud the latter for the eity
The total assessmeut of Albany will amount
to nearly 8800,000.
Hay in this county has sold for as high as
f-0 ton baled, delivered, oua lor over 913
loose. We understand, though, that iu aan
tinm precinct it may be obtained for less
thau 910 in the barn.
At a meetini? of the Lebanon St gantiam
Ditch Co. held last week, W B Doaaca, A C
Churchill and J M Ralston were appointed
committee to secure rights of way, and W B
Douse to solicit stock .
If you wear out two pair of shoes ia a year
and can save six bits a pair by buying them
of Read & Brownell remember in ten years
time you will have saved fifteen dollars, this
is well worth remembering.
Recently three Indian boys ran away from
the Indian scaool at Salem. JUast week vep
uty Marshal George Burkhart captured on
of them and hutided hi,n over to Hoprintfi.
dent Lee at this city on Mtturdsy.
Sheriff Smith is wo tr .inscribing tb d.
unquent tax list Tax-injere will do well
to nttend to their taxes taforo tlndr nm
net on the delinquent h-', as by so doitif
they will ssvd qoite 00 1 m of rxpei se.
A tlrst-c!ejs p!e to et groceries is at
tfoMii Itrothers, They k p a frush stoek and
sell as cheep as anyone. Tbvy alio have s
splendid stock of crockery and glassware
wnicn tney sell as obeapas tbe cheapest.
Powell A Bilyeu. who hv beu tit part
nership in the law business for many years
in this eity hav dissolved pirtrersh p. Jod
I'ovell will keep the present offio i and Mr
Bilyi-u will occupy t.h oiJl is formerly lohsb
itad by Judge Strahan.
There ia uo definitn knowld(e to whan
the maobine shop of tb Oregon !' iflc will
ho hnilt. The people of Albany would be
pleseed to see a sixty stall shop put up this
Hpring, r rather, perhaps, ttttceo of sixty
stalls. Now is the time wImo snch work
would help push tbe wheel of progress along.
The Interstate Com rn roe law widgo into
effect in about a week. The new schedule of
rates rnde out shows a great increase iu th
tariff of all kinds of freight, ou agriealiaral
implements, as an example, the increase be
ing 225 per cent. The tariff on psasengers
will remaiu tbe same as present ; except oa
editors who will be obliged to bay a ticket
wbsn traveling
Is another coluara will b found the call
f Key Wilson, Chairman of the Linn Conn
t y Frobibitorv Amendment Iasague, which
explains itaotf. Temperai ce people in tb
yorioes precincts of the cminty will be givsn
oa opportunity to show tbeir colors. lanu
coorjty will be tooroagtily organiied and a
com p let canvass made.
A Now York mercantile agency man is la
the city. According to t he system a debtor
gets a dun, in strong language from the cred
itor. If be is inaetive he gate another from
headquarter . If he continues to sleep li s
noma is pat oa a dead list that ctrealstee all
oyer the U. S , so that wherever he gcoe b
can be traced as a dead beat.
Money it is said notwithstanding tb strie.
geocy of the times was never before so plen ti
fat. Th vaults of the various monetary in
stitutions or filled to repletion. Is anything
further requisite to tbe lisppin of toe for
tnuate possessor of this golden start Many
of them are tbs victims of disease conges
Hon. liver or kidney onmplaiata, piles, fever
and sgae, or some similar ailment. To each
w say, do not be discouraged. Frese's Ham
burg Tea wilt sorely bring relief. It cieansra
tbe iKJwels, parities tb blood sod renayte
the entire system.
aUT All kind of grass need at s owart
4 SOX 'S.
Mr 8 Arnspisr, of Harrishorg,w i this
city Monday.
Mr A H Paolpe, of the Newport Maii,b
leen in th oity this week.
8 H Warren, on of UarrMbarg o pit!
lata, was in Allisny Wrdoely.
Jos Faster. Jr.. of Fort 3 1 vans. was is) Al
b&ny Tuesday u hi wy to the Fey.
Mr. C. P. Bark hart wss in Aalem Fridsy
attending mewtirg of tb Stat Agr c iltur
al Society.
Mr. J. Zukermsn, for many yaara in ths
jewelry basisr is tbi city, has movr-d
Will Lister, editor of tb Pomroy Keut
WwAimgUmiait, ho been in Harrisburg this
week, oa a visit. .
Tbi office ckuowld-e a call on lst
Tuesday from tbe Misses Aun ud Maggie
Gedley, ol Holoey.
Mr. Geor feimpti.i left loot Monday
morning f-r lUlis, whrr her oa W!1 is
lying dangerously sick with fever.
Mr Sm My. wif and child, spent Sunday
ia this city. Toe DkMoraar acknowledges
a csll fro the hd of tb fsnnly.
Will B Ric aod wife are viitiu at Gratis
Pa. They wer accompanied there 00 Mon
day by Mr Rios's mother aad sister.
Mr. Austin, who has been visiting at J W
I'ropst's several mouth left for Illiooi 1 tat
Monday, bis "beat girl" heiog there.
County Hc order Thompson aad Jsn
Sabio, of, were ia the city Mon
day, on their way to Arlington and vicinity.
Mr Jas hi kins returned from a trip to
t ortlano Wednesday. It will take bis baud
of yoartings to E, O. by way of The Dalle
Mr. Ted Carro arrived ia Albany Friday
by way of tho CHpoot with abut a million
feet of logs for Robinson & Wt Td is an
expert pilot an a leg choour.
Mrs Wilbur Weatlake arrived to Alaanv
Monday from Son Jos, t si., and ha since
been the guest of Dr. Maston. Sne will visit
bar fatbr, Dr. Alexander, at Cubarg, and
many friends through the county
Mr U Caster rata mod the first of tbe weak
from San Francisco, where be disposed of his
oar load of horse, which he recently took
there. Mr George McKnight, who went with
bim, had not yet disposed of bis horses.
Th Democrat office received a eall lt
Monday from Mr Pfefferee, who was in this
otty in tb interest of a colony ef aUiut
twenty Kansas families. Tin county suited
Mr. P. the best of any visited. He will re
turn to Kansas and as soon s prsctictble
using nis menus to mis locality.
L Douglas, of Harrisburg. who went to
Eastern Oregon some time since to see bis
stca mother, passed up the rood home last
1 u-mamj, m ssj in people 01 1 enaimoo
are moving in th matter of building a rail
T. 1 VK a . , - t n ji
road from that town to connect with tbe U.
when it shall have been completed across
th mountains That is a wise move.
Mr Van Brooks, real estate dealer of Men
ver, Colorado, was in th city the first of th
week, and expressed himself much pleused
with Oregon, He says throughout the North
west, ou car, in hotels od eyeiywbeie else
the cry is "Oregon, Oregon." He vry con
fidentially advised a friend of hi to hold on
to his real estate in Albany and ta bay more.
Rev. T. J. Wilson, of Hslsev, a mmber
of the State Central Prohibition Com mittee,
was in Albany Friday on his way home from
a meeting of the Committee at Portland.
Thorough organization is being effected, and
Rev. Wiboa is thoroughly in earner in th
part he will take towards obtaining a large
vote for Linn county, Thich, in proportion to
its population, will probably give as largo a
vote for the amendment as any county in
" 1 s
, Blue vitriol for wheat at Stewar; 4
Oeyserite at Wallace k Thompson's.
Samuel E. Young
baa just opened a tine assortment of ' he
latest dress novelties for apt tag and sum
uaer wear, including the newest designs
in all the most popular shades, eta, etc.
First Street.
STIMSON III ATT. On March aoth,
1887, at the residence of, and by Rev
Williams, Mr. George bxiMsox and
Mtss Mattie E. Hiatt both of Linn
STRONG ALLEN. On Tuesday eve v
ing, March 22nd, 1S07, at the residence of,
and by, Kev. b. vr. Irvine, U. U., Mil
George Strong and Miss I.Allen,
both of Albany,
House Furnishing Goods.
la now bowltiK tl.o rnlleet and oiaat com
ploto lin of caipein, , v-r brought to
tbe city,
Having enlarged id town for this do
part in. in, it wilt be foid in. o eouiplota
than ever.
Call early and sxauiiut Lia w.ectloo.
Samuel E. Young.
la Mrmrrrfam.
UK. avji n ricb.
Dr. Rice was born July 10th, 1817, at
Greenville, Kentucky, and was the grand
son ofeKcv. David Kice.the first Presbyter
ian minister located west of the Alleghany
mountains, who moved into Kentucky in
1783 ; and organized the first Presbyterian
church within the boundaries of the present
state. Dr. Rice moved to Illinois in i8lt :
read medicine and graduated at st Louis,
Mo., from the McDowell Collage in 1844.
At the outbreak of the war he entered tbe
army a surgeon of the load Reg. III.
Volunteers also brigade surgeon, and had
charge of Hospital No. 3 at Gallatin, Tenn.
After the second day's battle at Stone river
tlterc were 3300 soldiers in the hospital at
one time. Here his services were so well
appreciated that he was presented with a
fine gold watch, lie carried and treasured
till the day of his death. The watch was
purchased with money raised by small con
tributions from the men no sum over Si
being permitted from any one. Being broken
down bv hard service Dr. Rice was com
pelled to resigntand returned home tt Mon
mouth, III., where he acted a general med
ical examiner for the government in that
dUtrict. At the close of the war he came
with hi family to Oregon and settled in
Albany. He organized the Linn Co. Medi
cal Society, the first medical association
formed in Oregon, and was also one of the
originators of the State Medical Society of
Oregon, of which lie was elected president
once or twice. He took a prominent txart
in the organization of the Oregon Medical
College, and was one of its first professor.
About three year ago he came with his
family to Ashland and practiced hi pro
fession here till the time of his unt Illne.
lie was twice married, first in Jan., 1844
to Mis Isabelle II. Phelps, daughter of
Honorable S. S. Phelps of Okanogan, III
She died after but three months of married
life from a fever contracted from her hus
band, w lio was dangerously ill at the time.
In 1846, he was happily united with Miss
Mary M. Xorcross, of Monmouth, 111., who
survives him, after ever 40 years of happily
spent married life. Seven children were
born to them, only three of whom are liv
ing, the eldest, Will B. Rice, general agent
of the O. P. R. RMias Lillie,and t. Lvle,
O. & C. R. R. operator at Grant's Pass.
Dr. Rice was ever known as open hearted
and generous to a fault, ever ready to serve
others and placing too light a value upon
his services. With the opportunities and
advantage at his command a more selfish
and calculating man would have acquired
wealth, but he attended alike upon rich and
poor, and leaves the record of an honorable,
well spent, useful life, and a monument of
gratitude in many a heart in Oregon which
shines beyond the clouds with brighter ius
ter than the highest pyramid of gold.
He was a c onsistentand honored member
of the Presbyterian Church for many years
up to the time of his death. Ashland 7V-
T Vry Best.
I bay added to my boot susef stock a
tin of the celebrated Laird. Mehtber k
Mitchell, Philwie.'phiu Fin Short for ladies,
missea and children. Acknawhdfed by
dealer generally to be th beet value aad
beet fitting hne shoe made. Widths C, D, E
aud EL. A child can buy as chess as a
SamcklK. Yocsa,
Sol Agent, Albany, Oregon.
Following is ths list of Istssrs rsmsJaiBf i ths Post
Offiso, Albany, Lin county, Oregon. Men, Sit. 1SSS
Persons calling tor those totters usual girs ta Oat a
which ther war sdrertissd :
A brains, Jsms
Brics, H W
llrendle, John
tun, Andrew
hlsnchet, Kv F It
Chane, I
e, Mr
De Moss, Prof J M
Fsirvle, P T
Denny, Mrs Frank
Gill, Oa
liytle. Miss Emm
Jone,Hoti D Webster
McCoy. Chss (S)
Mitchell. Mrs Jait
Moorctsnd, J A
Powsll, F 8
Powers, Mrs K
8weJ, V R
She, Wm
Wrenn. Willie
Guj irn, Thos
nines. Alfrtni
McCorrasck, F H
McFerson. Mrs M
Mitch!), F M
Mathews, John J
rrent. J H
Smith, Mrs CM
Stewsrt, Joseph
Tiffany, Geo R
Portrait Photographer.
Sittings by appointment,
Tweed ale's Building.
Notice is hereby given that th partner
ship firm of Pipe & Talbott has been dissolv
ed. J. B. Pipe the business AH
parties owing the above firm will please eall
and settle with Mr. Pipe, who will attend to
all debts of the firm.
March 14th, 1M7.
J. B. Pipe.
E. H. Talbott,
Real Estate Agents.
Office on houth side of First Street b
tween Revere an Rasa Hon.