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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1887)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. rnblUtarcl nrr I rlaluy by STITKS& NIITTIM ttt7lEFIE..a Urmormt RnlldlMKon Mr,mll!llu Mrrrl, TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION lagl copy, )r year, in a.l van, ,. S3 o In ! opy, per jrr. at and of year t M infia copy, sis. month l 08 Ingle oopy, thro muni hi fto n?ls number ....... 0 )NAL CARDS. L. H. MONTANYB. VTTORNEY AT LAW, -ACT-- Notary Public. . I batty, Oregon. Office upstair, over John BriggV store, (t (street. vHni3tf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) ATTORNEY AT LAW, iLHll, 0atKS)W. ILL FRr fli'K l a I.I. THE COURTS OF THE Stvsclal attrition given t.i collections mi.l rohste matter roiflo. In Odd rl law's Temple 14:8 t. O. POWKLt.. W. R. nil. Y Kl" POVVKLL BILYEU, iTTORNRYS AT LAW, And Solicitor is Hiniffipyi II.R4NY. - ORRJDOR. Collections promptly made on all point. Coens negotiated on rwiionWi Urmi. irofflw In Foster's Brick.- Mnlttf. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Publics ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In all of tbe Conrta of .bis Stat. All business Intrusted to him will ba promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES. SOAPS. COMBS, and everything kept in a first-dsns Drug Store. Alao a fine stock of pianos aud crgans. ALBANY. OBEflOX. FOSHAY A MASON, f H.f.f.t S SSYalV- Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alden's publication, which we sell at publisher's prioes with eostageadJed. ALBANY, OKEGOI. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet rticloo, Etc. riESCUPTIOM C1REFCHT FILLED, Open day and nigbt. Albany, Or. FURNITURE. ( have the bee stock of urn it lire in the city and will aall Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE to the city and the lowest price In the valley. Come and Undertaking, a complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try ma, A, B, WOODIN, Aioany Bath Mouse. rHB UNDIRSIUNED WOULD RNHPECT f ally i iform tba oittoaai of Albany aad vi laity that I havetakan charge of this Ritablitb Kant, and, by keeping olaaa reoaat aad payin rtatattaatlon to baf isaf, ozpaeti to oit al ota who may favor OS with their patronaga avlag baratofora earrtad oa nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressltfir Saloons tpaott to giro aatirs istlif Hion to al rChHiaa vn) Ladfa' Hair neatly - ,r,ad JOS WBRRKR. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office oor. First and Ferry Streets, ABANY - - OREGON. C. O OWFRItT. O.B.PVKR-R ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Suoeeeeora to C. C. Cherry.) Hachinists, Millvnights, and Iror ?onnder8. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS AT-L completed, and are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Fin urines. Grist and aw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Tron aad Brass CaaltngH. PATTBBXa M lB O HBSKT NOTICE. Special attention wiven to repairing ail kinds of machinery. Will also manufac tnre the improved Cherry A White Grain aparator N. J. HENTON. lotary Public an1 Insurance Agent, 0- F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR Re pro tents several of the best Firs In nn nee Companies on the Coast, call tn him forreliable insurance. SsaaS ATlAJOrOT BE TOO HIGHLY RF.C09BXIEI, AH IT IH TRULY A XARVIi OF THE AE, and no household should be without It. It prevents as well as cures BRlN I USE A8EH, OlTT, JRIIETJ JI ATINM.URAVEL and all KIDNEY 1IHAE8, AFFECTED M VEB, HEADACHE, KAI WKA, BILE, WlXtt, IXDKJEKTION, COJlHTIPA TION, DUBttHtEA and DYHESITEBY, FEVEBM and AGUE, LEEI I,KlHiBrEl, XASUSITIJOE, FOIL BREATH, and every disease brought en er aggravated by a disordered Mtomaeh. It In a specific against Contagion, and an eAtcaeloua remedy for sudden and severe COUUII& COJLDN ASTHMA, the FIE, JAl.i)iCE, etc It Purifies the Blood, Cleanses tbe Stomach aad Bowels, and gives tho whole system a Healthy and Dcllgbtfnl Tone. There never was a Mulleins for the Nnraery equal to It, and being composed of hcrba only, it can be given safely L infanta. It is a trjiimpb lu medtcSliM harmless yet efficacious. Iuvalusblo in tho family, on tho road, st the mine, at sta, and VOL. XXII. VITIATED BLOOD rroitiloiiN. Inherited and Conl g-louH HuniorM 4 tirctl by Cnticitru, TIIKOl'Oll the medium it one of your hooks re celved through Mr. Krnk T. Wray, Drugulst, Ahi1I, Pa., I became aiquatitted with your CutU-ura Koinrilivs, ami take Oil opjiortunlty to testify to jrou that thrlr us Iim rmaneiU,v mml me of on of t- WatSt Mil of blood poisoning, In i onmx Hon with rr.vslHl,that I have ever eii, and this altar having been pronounced lnourabie by some of th boat phy stclan in our country. I take great pleasure In for warding to you this testimonial, unsolicited a it la by you, In order that other sulfurlng from almllar maladies may lie encouraged lu give vour Outlcura Remedie a trial. P. a. Wllttl.rNUKK, Leechhurg, Pa. Reference I Fkakk T. Waar, lmtgtrfst, Ak.iIo, Pa. James K. Richardson, Custom House, New Orleans, onoaUiaay: "In Ut7o Scrofulous fleer brake out on my body until I wa a mass of corruption. Every, thing kitowu to the medical faculty waa triad In valu. I became a mere wreck. At times could not 1 in my hands to say head, could not turn In btd ; was In can- unt itn. and lucke.1 upon Ufa as a rurae Mo re lief or cure In tan year. In into beard of th. Cull cura Remedies, uaed them, and was (r(o. tlv cured." a.rn t, lor. V S.I... ui. J. U. t'HaroHl. ONE Of THE WORNT CANEM. Wa have been aelllmr yojr Cutlcura Remedies for ears, ami iisvethe tlrl r,. miiU.iil .l to rr.-Hs from a purchaser. One of the w irst i-asea of Scrofula 1 ever saw was cured by lha use of Ave bottles id Cull cura Resuhent. I'uU.-ura. .i t'ullt-urm Soap. The soap Ukislhe "isks" hereasa medical a.p. TA l LOK a TAYLOK. !)ru;l.t Kraiiktort, Kan. Hi KOFI LOIN, INIIEKITED. And Oonlasjloiw Humor, with Loss of llalr. and Kmptioiis of th Skill, an MHi:tieiv currd bv I'Oii- cura and t'ulioura ttiap eitemail), when all other niedickeiu tall. Mend lor ami.litel. 'itttcura KenMMlie are snl.l rrrbrre. Price Outteura. tit (rest skin cura, M eta ; Cutlcura Soap an eK.pjiia beauilfter, ST. cts j Oytlcura Kreolvanl the New Rload Punlier, 11. Potter Dnur aud Cbem PI.K9, Rlarkheada. Skin UlrmUhoa, and Bab) Humors, use Catirura Heap. HOW MY BACK ACHES ! Rack Ache. Kidney Pains and VV-kuess, Soraaasa, Lamsnsaa. Strain and Pain re lieved In on uiniiu by. tb CuUoura Anii Pain Plaster, iufalllble. Tula to the BrtpRAOTIOAL HIGH -OUT BHOM erar In rented. It to very OBNTKELt and DBS88Y and rhas mm aamo protection as a bo t or orer-caUer. it saaTntent to pat on and the tnp can be adja i nut on and BS tr.a .a I anr ankle by aiuuly utoviaz mm Itoraalsfar L. E. SLAIN, Albany, Or. Red CrownMills ISOM, LANNINU & CO., PROPR'S. rsw raoews rxora surxaioa for tau iuh AJtO BAKKSS OSS. BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Highest ;Pric in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, drettid and seasoned lumber, laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST. Z F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Cornier At Law, LEBANON. OREGON. Willpractice in all tho Courts in the Stat MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. AGENTS WANTED to sell "REMINISCENCES of CO YEARS In the NATIONAL METROPOLIS. BY BEN PERLEY POORE Illustrating the Wit, Humor and Eccentricities of oted releb, Itlea. A richly Illustrated treat of inner Society History, from "ye olden time" to the wedding of Cleveland. Wonderfully popular Agents report rapid sales, Address for circular aud terms. A. L. BAKCROFT V CO., Publish era, San Francisco, Cel. 191 IROCKFOBDB at, ConBnuJF fflSPt mi ioi;i I. In mer&ottam v.t Mis. Mary Auu W R. Savsue, who died November Oih, 1886, tged 69 yrars, 3 mouths and 0 days. Now our ho rues arc filled wit h omitming, Sorrow sits on evt ry brow, For a kind and aged mother We in iiioi k submission boa. She has watched tn up from childhood, With a doting mother's eye. Here her vigilsnoe hut ended Jt nd she kef-us us from the sky. Every day we miss our mother, In the morning, noon, at night, Thmifch hearti era filled with sadness, Yet we fell bar home is bright. Safe within the oourta of heaven, Where the aged rind their rear. Has car loving mother journeyed, ad is numbered with the bleat. Patiently she bore life's bnrdans, And her ahare was nut a few, But she lid them down fotever And began her life anew. Yea began her Ufa with sngwl. And the loved ones gone before, In that beautious bouse eternal, They will dwell forever more. We shall never more behold her. Till onr new etm is begun. When thh mortsl is irairortal, Far above tke ooonday sun. In that eoch we shall meet her Face to face and hsnd in hsnd, When like her we've gained the shore Of the holy serephs land. I. c Other papers please copy. Washington (tram ear refutar oorr.svoaaetit. ) Washihgtok, March 4th, 1887. Er this letter reachea you the Forty-Ninth Congress will hsve ex pired, and I had as well write its obituary a few hours In advance of Its demise. M my "criticisms aud slurs and fllogs have been leytdcd at it during the two brief year of Its existence, and many attempts have been made to abow that it has an unworthy record. But as a matter of fact It makes a much better ahowlng than any recent Congress has done, espe cially when it la remembered that it was Democratic in ouo branch and Republican In the other, aud conse quently urn-quipped for harmonious and rapid progress. One reason that It was constantly derided and reviled as a failure was Decause extravagant promises were made for It and more Was expected than could be accomplhhod, where one House was under the control ot a vigorous aud alert opposition. Tne Forty-Seventh Congress waa Rtpuh- ican In both branches, and vet it did nothing that la worthy of mention, while tbe llltlu that it did was done very badly. Tbe Forty-Ninth has enacted a hw providing for the PnaldMtlaJ uccessioD ; u law for silver certifi es te : a l w reduciiiL' the feo for money orders ; a law forfeiting un earned land grants and restor rig aliout seventy-five millimi acrtM to the public domain open for actual aet- tten fa hw in the interest of the merchant marino ; a Uw providing for a valuable addition to the Navy , a law for a Natioiiul Library ; a law allotiog land? in severalty to the In diana ; the Interstate Commerce law; a law establhhinr; arbitration In labor controversies; and It has redeem n trude dollars and extended the freo delivery system. While then- Is llfei here is bope,nd while I am writing the Forty-Ninth session hu- three more hours to live. It is frantic in its efforts to in tke the most of this brief period of grace,nd bills are rushing through rapidly. It l-i hoped and expected thut among them will he the one changing Inau guration dy from the bleak, windy 4th ol Murch to the soft balmy day that the 30th of April brings. At thh moment tho reform measure has not passed. There have been night sessions in b th ends of tbe Capitol during the week and lively scenes have occurred In the House through the wild efforts of member wanting little bills through to catch the Speaker's eye. Ii is amu&ing and oven pathetic to see the eagerness with which mem bers stand In their places after morn ing prayer and wait forSpeaker Cr lisle to finibh laying before the Hou-e the documents and personal requests that accumulate on his desk. When he Is through and his eye is supposed to be abroad in thw House, the anx ious members flourish hits of paper alo(t in order fto attract hijjglance, while occasionally one impatient man calls "Mr. Speaker," before the prop er time, and then half a hundred others shout "Mr. Speaker," "Mr. Speaker," all at once. The Speaker is Imperturable and his voice is always calm and steady, no matter bow exciting his surround ings. At lat evening's session ti ore of members rushed into the Eights ALBANY, OREGON, ipacu in front of the clerk's dek,uud waiving tiitdr bills wildly in tho air, vociferously ilainfed recognlitoo.The coufuilon on the floor, added to tbe hues of conversation In the gallerie, which were tilled to their utmost ca pacity, was so grent for a time lht( busiueaa had to be aUHpendud, and II wan only by loud rappitigs of the gavel and repeated appeals to the merattera to preserve the proprieties, nevdstfHl by the efforts of the S'Tg-imt-at-Arms and his deputies, that tbe Speaker succeeded In restoring com pare 11 vo order. The President Is overwhelmed with work, and remains at hta desk during a greater portion of tbe night. These an tho busiest days of tb year, If not of his whole term. Con. greaa must adjourn at noon to-day, and any bills In his bands undisposed of at that time must fall. For the (mat fw d-tya he baa had more than a hundred bills lying before him moat of tho time, fr as fast as ho could dlsprwe of them others were brought In. Many of them require close ex. aminatlon which consumes much time. Three important incidents have oc. curred to keep alive the intereat in tbe ('resident's nomination of Jame Ma Trotter, of Hyde Park,lfaas.,to be Recorder of Deeds In the place of tbe eolored appointee from Albany, recent- ly rejected by the Senate. First, he arrived here from Boston, then his nomination was acted upon adverse ly, and he was appointed, a little later, by tho present incumbent, Deputy Recorder of Deeds,aJ! on tbe same day. TKtXY HA1I). The Pur'.land World makes tho fol lowing sensible tf marks : If it H true, as stated by Waahing. ton correspondents aad circulated by the uwepere, that President Cleve land is taking rsvenge on Democratic Congressmen who saw fit to override bis veto by vetoing aud otherwise iotetfer lag with bids introduced by them, then be it playing bthy to srt extent we ceo- not think poeiblin th d-rving head of a gteat nation ; a nation, the ground plan of wbcee exiteoo is freedom of thought, word and action. But the WorM not credit the rumora. It beliwvi; Mr. ClaveUfd u alm sm! bejond euch perty aotioo, and that no bill receive Ua veta by reason of sny certain ikmmou's championing thereof or opposition thereto,but because such Mil. of itself, presents to the president's judgtaeut 'rfufticieut oauae for diaappruv al." la an E iglisb dtsausitia of rail ay speeds it appears that ri;td teats with a Bristol sod K r eugine, with eioe root aiugls driving wheel, cev eighty miles an hour as the grettett stiaioabie rate doan an iociue if one in ninety with no load, a singls oar reducing this to aereuty-eiKht miles. A Gest West em eogtoe,with eight-foot wbele,cou!d do no letter than seventv-eight miles doaru one in 100. Oa a level or as ending grads the maximum caa be but little more than sixty mites an hour. As ih&e eujftnes were designed espe cially for giving the greatest puseitda 8ired,it is affirmed that no modern me tors air ad-tptt-1 for heating their records aod that i ii i h of traina running st mire than S(iveatj6ve miles an hour, oven or tbu shortest diatanoev.must be due to inaucarate timing or other er rors. If the o indor se i breath colUoled on the oool wiudow j.uti.-s of a room where a number of person have been assem bled be burtied, a smell of aiaued hair will abow the ptesenea of organic mat ter; and if the Ci:oditaud breath be al lowed to remain on the windows for i fnw days, it will be fjund, on examina tion by nieroeeopA, that it is alive wi'h animMlcula"). It is the inhalation of air containing suub putreoent mitter which causes half the sick headaoha, which might be. avoided by a circula tion of fruih airs W. Caspar Stewartan employe cf Pittsburg fiim of glass mauafacturers, ho traces bin ancestry back to the Stuarts cf Scotland and England, has heard that an estate of over $50,000,000 in awaiting a branch of that family in Great Biitain. S tar twelve heirs bare been discovered iu America. Mr Stewart is said to have received iutelli gence fom the English Consul at New York thut he U one of tbe fortuuate ones. Governor Lounsbury.of Connecticut, has set the peopla.ot that State to spec ulating on the question of hia sanity by ordering all the members of bis militar staff never to drink intoxicating liquots. The ''colonels" all eel tfaat their occu pation ia j;oue, and are wondering, like Flanagan, what they are there for,Dy way. Millionaire Farwell, who suceeeded Senator Logan and who paya taxes on $1,500 worth of personal property in Chicago, is said to closely resemble President Garfield. FRIDAY, MARCH ii mors rACTH. Acoording to an English botanist, II. Klwi-s, i In i e ere seventy -one Seci?s of lilies known. Dr. Q. O. Frasier of Rat.dolph.Obio, says that s small smount cf the oil of iunaraoD applied with a sirs, or lioy brush, is tbe tery best remedy for bee stings. It will blister tkeskiu, but will destroy the poison. A foolish woman at Butler, Q., buried $1 10 in bills in the v oodvard for sate keeping, and when she dug them up f.r use, found that they had been so bsdly aaten by Wocdlioe aa to render them almost lieyond rrooguitioo. A poatmsn who died lately inOsr- oiauy bad receivud a peioo tor fiftv- rssven years, Tbe areouot was onlv s t - aV about $9 par ynar, however, tie was disabled by an aocident soon sfter en tering upon bis duti, but lived to the age of ninety-three years. For soots time past experiments bsve been made io Germany with a cmpo. ition of oork, sand and lima mouldi-d ioto bricks for toe eonatruotiou of tixbt partition walla. This, it said, ex cludes sound better than brick work, mi la alao light and a good uon -conductor of beat. Tbe oldeat person in France, pe'teie io the world, ia said to be a Womsn who lives in tbe village of Auberive, in K v ana. She was born Maroh 16tb, 1761, wed is therefore 135 years old. TJie autbeotio record of bar btrtb is to be foand in the parish reg;ter of St. Just daClaix, iu the Department of the I sera. Dr. John 8. Peters advocates the ue of salt on snowy street, in which opin ion he is io accord with many other doctors of standing. Ho claims that tbe sals ia not iojurioue to bcrssa fe!, as is popularly supposed, but that it cure scratches aod sore heels. More over, It is one of the best disinfectant koowo, and wilt preveot tbe formation of sewoi get. It is found that when paraflioe ia thoroughly mixed with linseed oil, cast ioto total! hi ck, and cooled, it mey bo used to make any fabric, ss cloth, felt and leather, waterproof, by rubbing it with such a block aod ironing after ward to equalise tbe distribution of the material in the poree. If too much ia not putoo, the msterisl may be made to be oaly impervious to water, but not to sir, tbe sossil, greay particles simp- y repelling water. Souod is much increased t v the echoes a in a c'toaed vault. Ia e 9avs of tbe Pau- tbeoo, the guide by striking tbe flap cf bis great coat makes a oiselike tbe re port of a c moon. Toe same phenom. enoo is f jund io the Mammoth Cave ol Kentucky. Io the cave of 8mvllinf near Vh.-t.', io Fitilsod, by throwing io a live enimal teriible noises ere heard. Pliny tells of a similar cae in Dalmetia where the falliog of a etone raised a per feci storm. Fiogsl's Cave, in the island of Staff, presents sooth er remsrksble phenomenon. The end of this csve is dsrk aod gloomy, sod may be com ps red to the chancel of a ohuroh, while the basaltic columns msy be likened to tbe organ p pes. At the extremity of the grotto, aod near tho level of tbe water, is a small opening whencsoome harmonious sounds wbioh are produoeu by tbe riairg aod falling. t l ItllKNT KVKNTS. Ia the East Florida oranges are phetper than apples. Here apples are cheaper than ss sages An exchange suggests that as Kansas has changed St. John County to Logaa county the next thing In oruer is to change the gospel of St. John to the gospel of ht. Blain. Read this as an example of over produc tion. Coal oil should be cheap : Tits world now uses forty thousand barrels of coal oil daily, and America has enough on hand to keep up the supply for three hundred years. The newspapers of the country have now had their say about Beecher. Remember this fact,the U, S. has only had one Beecher. A witness in the Goldensen murder case in San Francisco, was fined $500 for refus ing to answer a question asked him in ref erence to his brother's (the murder's) sanity. A Salem paper says that city had better look out or Kiofeue will get ahead of it in building matters. Both of those cities had better look out or Albany will soon leave them in the distance. We mean business hers this year. It oo tsa bout one haudred dollars to get a divorce, in Linn county, where there ts no deiense. Certainly cheap for being dissolved from ones promise to "love, oherish and pro -tect a wife until death does thsm part.1' The population of a city, or county er State ira matter over which there is al ways great disagreement, regardless of cen suses. Last week the M. A. T. estimated the population of the county at the time of the last State census at 14,000. An en thusiast says that at the present time It is fully 20,000. It it has a bona nae popula tion of that number according to the cen sus of 189O we will think the county is showing great growth. Patents draeted. Patents granted to citizens of the Pacific States during the past weekend reported ex pressly for the Democrat by C. A. Snow & Co., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, opposite U. S. Patent Office.Wash ington, D. C. : G Swan, San Francisco, roofing material C M and W L Slayback, Folsom, Cal., header. W H Milliken.San Francisco.Cal., dredge. H Loomis, Alameda, Cal., hose patch. A David, San Francisco, grape and ap ple crusher. G Bergenheim, San Francisco, wash tmuml 85, 1887. TEMPERANCE DEPAETMENT, antTXD ST THO Wsmei'i Chrlitiia TemperiBec Oiita pwif? 1 ',ns '-.""'' ''"."ii , i..ri The W. C. T. U. meets on the 1st and 3rd Tnerdsy of eseb month at $ ooiosk t. v., at the A. 0. U. W. Hall, Over French's Jewelry Store. The motbcrmeeting held at tti tr ii I as t . s a tun, in this cit v, lent week, was rne of great iotereet to those present sod many good thoughts were advanced. Io the great fight against the '.iouor traffic the mother wields a powerful sword. If she starts bet own boys down life's journey in tbe tight paths the has performed a big task, one which if done by u'l of the toothers of .he laed would soon blot out the swful curse of intern neraoee ; but, alas, there are too many thoughtless mothers in the world, too many without influence, too many with vicious habits themselves, and there aro too many boys Worn drnnksrds, reoeiv ed their triheriUnce through gener atione, and as s result intemperance as we see it, is abroad all over the laod. Io Ore- goo mothers, while watching their own Ohildres must now during the OSXt few oo the labor with other peoples cbtl- dreo oto enough to ote sod i mince them to oast a ballot to on. law tbe sa loon btisioess. We have a big task be fore us, and e very additional ehevo will help move tbs load. AN 1M I0KNT T It. 4 V F.I.I Mi IN IOWA. The following waa related by a well knowo lawyer In Portland, who, baa lately returned from an eastern trip. While tiaveltng through the northeast part of lows, or. his return Journey to Oregon, a hurley, red-faced English man about t0 years of age.g t 00 the train. He was a Jolly, fleasant man, and he and onr Portland friend foil Into talking-, lie aald be was one of tne many English, who had come to Iowa under the auspices cf the Close brothers ; thst he had a large family of boys and girls growing up around him, and waa well satisfied with his prospects. After a long and pleasant talk, dinner was announced. The Englishman asked tor some beer with his dfoner. Tbe waiter remind ed him that they were In prohibition Iowa and coutd not get any. Tbe Buntie4ttaaeM perslsteu, He coUKl ana would have some. Tbe waiter stead ily refused, aod left him. Our Port land friend said, "How Is it, yon liv ing In lows, ere trying to get in this fashion ?" The English answered : "Tbe truth Is I like a glare of beer ss well aa ev r I did and I thought I might get some on the train, aa I hoard eucb things were done ; out I suppose It ts all right, certainly there seems none to be had." The Portlunder aald : "Why do yon slay in Iowa, a prohibition State, If you want your beer all the time V The Englishman replied ; "Wnyslr, I woutd not move out of s prohibi tion Into a liquor State if yen would offer me a farm free. That sounds strange, dees It not ? Well Til toll you. When the prohibition campaign came on, fought It all I knew how, and put some money Into the fight, too. I thought the place would not be worth living In unless I could get my beer aa usual. Why, sir, we had a barrel on tnu iu tbe cellar ever since we came to this country untlj this law came into force. But now we hnve had two or three years of prohibition, I've this to say, that if It took three-fourths of my farm to keep Iowa prohibition, three-fourths of my farm would go. Why, do you say ? For this reason, sir. I told you I had both boys and girls growing up around me and there isn't n lounging,driok Ids place within tweuty miles of us my boys and my neighbor's boya, either stay at home evenings, or 1 they gi out, wo know they are in safe places and when my girls get mar ried, the cbatieea are they will get buba' d brave as my boya are So that's the reason why I had rather go without my beer for the rest of mv life than have my boys run chances of perdition from saloons." r w Here the temperance talk ended but tho Portland lawyer made a note of It, and told it at Sdetn.and add he would like it told everywhere. He added, that as far as he could see prohibition prohibited In Iowa,let the liquor men talk as they please. THE POWER OF LETTERS. The Illinois W. 0. T. U. is depend ing entirely upon the influence of let ters to the Legislators for the socossh of their scitntific temperance bill. Just before we go to pres a word reaches us from Washington tLat one after anoth er of the men wbo stood iu the way of the passage of the education bill, have yielded under tbe pressure of public opinion, shown by the bombardment oi letters from their constituents. With this new indication of tbe power of such letters we urge, in addition to what has beea said in other u I nous, that esoh j jeader of the Organiser hold up the so u NEW SPRING GOODS. Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Etc At prices never before offered in Albany and N. D. ALLEN & CO.. are the 01168 that are propose to sell goods for CASH AND PRODUCE only, and will duplicate the prices given in any Give You Prices upon application by mail or otherwise that will ASTONISH YOU. . Nation d6rS solicited, and samples sent upon ap BL H. ALLEN & Co., 57 First Street A Ibaey, bauds of our champions of the sctenti6c bill, Hon. O. K. Tharp ia the Senate aod Hon. W.R.Uardiosr io tbs House, by pending by the next mail letters ex pressing your appreciation of their ef fort sad askiog that they pnsh tbe in terests ef this bill ; tbas you write also to the chairman of the Senate Commit tee on Education urging an early and favorable report, and to your Senator aod Representative, asking their sup port of tba W. C. l TJ. bill for eclen tiio temperance instruction. Please specify in thess tbs W. C. T. U. bill as this is the only one that meets Ur ap proval. Orgamser. ' 1v At a late convention of prison auer- intendeuts in New York, Dr. T. C. Mc Donald, Superintendent of tbs State Asylum for Iosana Criminals at Auburn ia repotted as saying that experience, observation, and study led him to be lieve thst tobacco whs detriment! to the bodily, mentel, and moral health of its prisoners , that "tobacco ranked next to alcohol as a deterioratirfg and demoralisttg agent when uod to ex cess." Two years ago hs withhold it from his patients, most of whom had loos; been addicted to its use He wa8 surprised to see how rapidly the clamor for it subsided. They had generally improved in tluir bodily health and mental and moral tone. The tobacco curse, so wide-spread, including among its victims nowadays so many even of very young boys, culta for a much more vigorous aod effective anti-tobacco orusxde than has yet been organized. Her Majesty Queen Victoria will leave Windsor Caatle for Aix-lea-Baiua April 4, proceeding by way of Cher beure,and willa return to England April 29. She will remain al Aix for sixteen days, after wbioh she will go to Darm stadt for six days, and then she will return to England by Flushing and Port Victoria. There are substantia! reasons why Congressman McMillin is regarded as the luckiest man in Washington. His wife ia a lovely woman, a brunette, young, graceful and accomplished. She is the daughter of ex-Goy. Brown, the richest man in Tennessee. Mrs. Me Miliin is tbe only ohild, and heir s, to his $6,000,000 or $8,000,000. m m - THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Foebay k Mason, ag'ts, i)SS 1 . WHY WILL, YUTJ cough wheb Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Pr ce 10 a., 60 cts., asd $1. STATE HIGH FS DEMOCRAT. THE BJBST ADYMISINB MEDIUM IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. special bnslnes notices "inns 10 ccrus ner line. in Local ry & cents seen "inn ii; cerus per aodllional InnerMm SKor legs) end transient advert'. mea i 90 per square for the first iuerik,siM JiiewrUon P1' qUiir for n est one i kntf ,or 1l',r "ertieemeie made snown on spiicatlon. Boots, mnlrincr tVi tit- New Store. SometMiig Entirely Hew in llbanj, We have came to stay, aud will deal a SECOND HAND G08D8 efsUfclods. STOVES, TIM WARE, CROCKERY. CLASS WARE AND HOUSE- FURNISHING GOODS. People wbo have heretAfnr.. ms ..t.i to sell or dispose of articles, will ! well to call st our new store and receive esse or trade for same. We will sell new slock on hsnd at the very lowest figures, sod you will do wi ll before t uying elsewhere 1 " i". toe lore occupied by Mr. Zoksr lunm, n e solicit vour oatronaM. M. FRANKLIN & CO. First National . Bank OFJ4LBANI. ORECiON. VI. T.,.;.i... rTTOIfTWli f m. ' . . uamci 1 1 w a. resftt inmnim " -..ueo. a. cuaui TRANSACTS A OENERAL ACCOUNTS KEPT subject te cheek awwm cAi.HA.Noe an.l teie,rrptii has on New York, San fraaelsea, tlilaaao seal saw COLLECTIONS MADS on fsToraVa uascroas. y. E. Tocso, Oso.E SSL L. E Wjaix, L. rusK, Walts E Tsshssa, J.L. COWAN. J. W.SVSME Linn County Bank. C0WAH & CUSICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking basin . DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS en Nsv Terfe Bee Stas eiscoaud Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY oa approvad sesarfty. RECEIVE deposits subject to absek. COLLECTIONS entrusted te as wiB tention. H. F. MERRILL, ALBANY, - - - OMSN. EXCHANGE 0.1 Nw York, S Eraaalsse a Portland, Or,, tioiight and sold at lowest sataa. DEPOSITS received subject bs sbeak. INTEREST allovrod on time deposits. COLLECTIONS will reeslv preaspt aMsaUea. Fire and Marine Insurance plaeed ia rsliabls Sess paniea. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregen 1ry, 9)r. Fsbrnary. Ttb. Ifl7, J Notice is hereby sivee that the fbllew log named settler ha Sled aet ae ef Bis intention te make final proof la bjhSI of his claim, and that said preef will Se made before the County Clerk ef Slaa county, Uregon, st Albany, resws, SB Tuesday. March 29th, lSSL v : Meyers, re Emptian I. ft. He. SlSf Aw theH ofNEKaneN X ef S IS J ef Ass 18 Tp. 10SR1E, He names the following witaesanu te prove hU oontinueua residence srpea, an cultivation of, said lend, vis: S W Bllysa, JefT Bilyeu. Edward Crimes aad ? kernes Wiiliama,ali of Scio, Linn eouaty.Oregoa. W. T. BrjsmT, Kegifcter. 1