Chares' Direrter U. P.OifciioM. Preaching every Sabbath, sseraiog and evening by Rsr. ft. Q. Ir sine, D. D. Sabbath School at 9:30 r. M Prayer uteetiag every Wei nessday evening. Bvaroslu'al Cuimm. Preaching on Ssb Sath aft 10,30 a. u., and 7 V. a. Sabbath School 10:00. I'rayer meeting every Wed neaday evening 7:30. 8. K. Da via, paaftor. All are invited. OawRROATioNALCHUcK. Serviceaevar iabbath morning and evening. Sabbath obool aft 12:10. . Prayer meeting on Wad neaday evening of each week. He v. II. T. Rominger, Paator. M. It Car aoM, South. r reaching every tlrd Sabbath in each monftb aft 11 o'clock a. at. and aft 7 o'clock r. m. Sabbath School aach Sabbath aft 10 "clock A. M. Prayer meeting Friday evening at 7 o'clock. J.W. Craig, Paator. at. K. Church South.Tawuknt. Preach iag on the first Sabbath of each month morn lag and evening. Sunday aohool each Sal bath at 10 o'clock a. m. Prayer meeftiug Thareday evening. J W Craig, Paaftor. M. E.CHOKCH. Preaching every Sabbath Moraiag aad evening. Song service in the eveniag before sermon. Sabbath School 4ft 1.-30 r a. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Rav. H. P. Webb, paator. Peasant iaiv Cnt am. Service every aVhbath morning and evening in Church ear. Breedalbin and Fifth Sta. Sunday School immediately after ftlia morning servioe, Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Rev 8 R Pritchard, pastor. Fiaar rUrria-r Ciii iii ii Pmachinir everv morning and eve'.at I hurch on 0th a 1. 1 i ua ..ii i . . 1 S. oauoata oonooi unineuasoy ' Bar. i.- l'.-. ..r ..,...( i ,r AVUfV Taaredsy eveaing aft 7:30 o'clock. T 0 nrewsson, pastor. Catholic Cacaca. Service every Sun day aft 10:30 A. M. and 7 P.-H. la Sunday af the month service at Kugene City. Rev. Louis Metayer, Rector. - ii They sleet St. John's Lodge, 6a, In Foster's Block aad Saturday of mouth. Corinthian Lodge, 17, at Hall, 1st Sat arday. lay ley Chapter, 8, at Hall, 4th Sat arday. K. of P., at O. F. Hall, every Thursday evening. L O. O. F., at their hall.every Wednesday evening. A. O. U. W., at their hall, every Monday evening. Orgeana Encampment, at O. F. Hall, every and and 4th Friday. G. A. R., at A. O. L. W. Hall, lat and grd Saturdays. L O. G. T.. at A. O. U. W. Hall, every Friday evening. , United Friends of the Pacific, at O. F. Hall, 1 st and 3rd Fridays. Conrad Meyer, -PROPRIETOR OF STAR BAKERY, Corner BroadalMn and First St?,, DEALER JM Qaameel Front, Caaaaoi Meats Glassware, Qneeesware, Iridratfa, Vegetable. Tobarre, Cigars, No gar, Spires, Coffee, Tea, Etc,, Ete.. Ia fact everything that i kept in a gen era! variety and grocery store. Highest Btaraec price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. AregonHacmc Hailroad I Inly Vopular Koute, liver 1 icturesquel langes, Wimm tlaaa ! Sara eoaneeiloa I law eqalaments I 233 aallaa shorter! 20 hoars leas time I Aeoommodatlona unsurpassed for com fort and safety. Fares and freight much i than by any ether route between all points in the Willamette Valley snd San Francisco. ONLY ROUTE VIA YAQUINA BAT TO SAN FRANCI8CO. Daily paosongor trains ouceft Sunday. Leave Yiselss, S36 a, a.. Leave Albany, lt;40 r. a. Arrive, CorvaJlie, 10 3 A.M. Arrive CorvaJlis, 1 :0 r. M . Arrive Albany, 11 : a. a, j Arrive Yaqulna, 6:25 r. a. Oregon and California trains connect at Albany and Cervallia. The Oregon Development Companya ateamshipa sail : raos tax' in Taenia CTuaeiafsb, Snu Maria, Mao dv, Feb.; I rc.aaadar, rt M, aatarday, Mar. h TO, Friday . March 1L S M, Thursday, Mare 17. T C, Wednesday, March 2$. rsascisco C.,1 buadaj ,r sbl0 , Saturday. Kk 12 day, Feb 22. nday, Tab 28. nda , March , M, Saturday. March IS Y V, Friday, March U. The Company rear ryes the right to sbange sailing daya. Fares Between Cor all la and Man Fran -eleoo : Rail snd cab i, 14. Rsil and steerage, 19.88. For information api y to . C. HOC I E, A. O. F. am F. Agent, Corral lis. OVfRLANO TOCAUFOBNIA VIA-s Oregon &, California It. R, AND COSNEfmORS. Far Irem Portland t San Frsacisw, $12 t Sacra saeata, SSU. close connection made at Aihiaud w.tb Si the California, Oregon and Idaho .stags (DAILY SXCEFT SUNDAYS.) Last Side Division, MKT WSKV FOKTLAHO AMD ASMLA2VD. Stall Train. taava Fortlagd 8.00 A M Albany 12:0 t u Ashland 8:45 r M Albany 11:46 A U Asaivs. 11:45 am ..... . 4:1)0 A M 11 :26AM Mru A t.Lijy.. Ashland... Albany Portland, . Albany Expresa Train. LBAVa, Aaaivs. ForUand 4:00 ru I Albany 8:84 ri Albany film I Lebanon j;H)r u Lehaaaa 4:46 a m I Albany 6:29 a m Albany bM a m Fortland 10:06 a M PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS daily between Fortland and Ashland. ' The O and CRB Perry make connections with all Mm regular trains on the East fcide Division from foot 4 F Streit. vTeat hide Division. MTWEI.t PORTLAND AND CORTALL1M. Hall Trala, WIAVE ARRIVE Portland 7:30 A M I CorvallU 12:25 f m Cervallia 1:30 r M Portland j0:16 t m At CorvaUle-connect with trains cl Oregon FaoiSc far Yaquina Bay. Express Train. . tSAVE. Aaatvi. PrtUad 4:60 r M I MuMinn vllle 8.00 r u asMinuTiiio t,:6 a s l Portland 0:00 a m Looal tioksts for sala mil bafcaifo checked at com Mt'l OD-lMnoflM !iir Pin ml w..,....,.l at YicfckU (or principal poluU in California can only b aroourva m company omoe, Uorner rand Front Ms., Portland Or, Freight will not be received for sbipiaaet afur flvs o'clock p. in. on either the East erivrss' -' uivisions. E. KOEHLEK, K. P. EOGEHS. rer. O. F. A Paaa 1m( PATENTS Ohtalaad, aad aU ether bnsiaess in the U. g. Paten 4se aHeadeded to for moderate fees. Oaressee ajopposit the U.S. Patent Office, and f ess btaia faten t leas time than those remote reea Wasltiastea. head ssedie er drawing. We ad" to patent a hilty fre eharge ; and we make o charge unless we ebieia patent. refer here, to the PosUtastcr, the Sunt, of Vestar Order Dir. and to official,, of the U. 8. Patent ssaa. PerSrcular, ad vies, terms, and eferences sahaaialimate ka jour own SUts or county, address, C A. NNOW&CO., OVSMevte Patent OStee, S aahfngtoe, D , Notice for Publication. Land OfUce at Orognn City, Or. ) January 3Ut, it. I Notice la hereby given that the follow ing named settler has died notice of his intention to make final proof In eupport of his olaha, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of the U.H. LandOfUce at Oregon Clty,Or..on Wednesday , Marob 23rd, 1887, via I W K Horrotn.Homeritead Kntry No.4Wlfl for the Iff W X of se. 4, Tp. 10 8 R S K, Willam ette meridian. He names the following witnesses to prove his eootlmieua residence upon, em) cultivation of, aald land, vis : Joseph O Turnbl(re, Thoinas L Hsnnasa, W J Turnldae and L T llenneas all of Rock due ami , I .i mi C Crook ounty, Otaj regon. W. T. llUHM&Y. " Register. BALK, One half block In eastern part of the oltywith fair bsuae and barn will besold oheap Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that ths under signed bas been by the Couuty ("onrt of Linn mint v. Oregon, sppoiuted Administrator of the estate of J. W . 81 voita, deceased. All parsons having claims against ssid estate ais hereby required to preseut them withiu six months from date, properly vended to the 1 J . 1.1 II o v unuersintn at nis rcaiueuce in .autiam i re riact, Unn eouaty, Oregon, or to Weather foil A Hlackbnrn, at Albany, Oregon March 2nd, 1887. AK CUAIITMKB. Administrator. Pr 6,000,000 PgQPLEUSE FERRY'S SEEDS avlae)varvtaS SEED ANNUAL For IBS? will be isflsit ran to an a f SB i" IflSS BBSl to last aaaatao's mm W Ail.SW,rw. mmtfmru. Ad m. rutt a 00 Detroit, Mioh. HARRTH ARAwcAiCuna HXRVOUS aTStse Mesiiha, SAM MAY, J. (.. al.NDF.kl MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General MerCHaudise. HARRISBURC - - - - OREGON Will bav Intfc, Wool and all kinds CoBiitry ir unw. NO HOME ULKxSKl) 1 1 II A BABY is complete without the monthly virile 01 2'ty '.g, that dftiight, com fort an i aid ot the mother. Only puhlics tion in the tforlci devoted to the cars of young clulil 1 eu. We are glad to recommend it. (5 Beekmao Ht.. N Y.) NISO a year; lioeslaaoopy Clubbed with .the Dkmo ca at lor $3 a year. ALBANY. COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1887. at:t . E. M . JTiloliiao. B). o , rresldeat. A full for j.n of iuetruclora, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of tudy arranged to cueet the need of all grsdeaAof students. Sffdal indmrments offertd to students from abroad. Tuition ranges from .r,50 to $17,&0. Board in private fsitil.'iea st icw ratw. Kooms lor aeif-boarding at small exreose. A careful supervision exercised over stu dent away from borne. Fall term oimum Heptomber 7th. For circulars and full particulars address the Frenidcnt. KEV. K. J. TUOMfMOW, 0. B. Albany, Oregon, Summons, In (he Circuit Court oj t)it. totnif. of Ornjon or Linn County. W R Muukers, Plaintiff. vs. S. F. Henderson, L. HenderHon, Florence K llarkley, Jim Hark ley, J. A. MctJann, 1 th McCaniLudemU Broyle",Jobn Broylcs, J. B. Goodrich, William Good rich, Alice Ground." and Eva Grounds, Defendants, To Ludemia Broyles ami her husband. John DroylfeH, FJorSOea E. Barkley and her : usband, Jim Parkley, four of tbe above named UelendaotM. IN TBE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon : You and each of you arc hereby notified and required to be and appear in the aoove named Circuit Court iu the sl-ovo entitled suit by tbe first day of the next rcKular term of tbe above Darned Court, following tbe expiration ef six weeks publication hereof, to-wit : Bv Monday the 27th day of June, 18S7, and answer tbe complaint filed against you and tbe other Defendants theroiu, by the above named l'laintiff, end you wilt take notice, thill if VOU fail so to annugr and answer, th Plaintiff will for want thereof apply to said Couit for the relief prayed for in said complaint which is, in brief, as follows : (I) For a decree forecloaing the mortcaire tnado bv Edward Grounds aud Husan Grounds to Wlliiam Jory on the day of January, 1877. on the W E I and the M W of Stction 2, in townsh'p 10, 8 R 1 W. of the Willamette tnoridan Linn county, Oregon, and subsequently purchased by the Plaiutiff nnd (2) for an order to sell HU,u l.mds and to apply the proceeds thereof to the payment or tbe principal sum of ($80) eight hundred dollars in U. 8. gold with interest thereon at the ram of ohm saw optt rur month from thn 17th div of Janiirv.1M77 nntil decree and lor tbe an in of $100 as At torney's foes and for cos - an I difcbiiteemD' and barrinir all rlaim i.f tha 1 1. I r i I i . i or either of diem in s tid nr in and t..r such other relief in the premises as may seem meet. This Summons iu s.-rrml hv mi 1.! i.ji ii.n for the neriod of six areiaha bv virtna of an order ot tbe Himi. ii. P, It'.i-c. Judge 01 earn uourt. Dated January 19tb, 1887, KaMHKV A UlNMHAM, Attorneys for tbe Plain till'. 1 sS3S I dorbac S. Ttvnopon 9kvtm naSSeel BEFh. rleaaaarAy1' 1 alsBaaBEPlaaalB To Regulate ffgfffl FAVOR 11 R ItOMK REMEDY INK warranted not to coniaiti a klngls i A UAJ licit ( Menury nr .inv injiiiUniin n'L tuner, but la purely vesetablo. It will Ours all Diseases caused by Derangement of the Liver, Kidneys and Stomach. If Mat Uvr Is out of order, thrn your wlii'lp vl in l drrannrd 'Hie Wood Impure, iho breath oRvnaiv feel laiiRUu!. l!i arrvtHi. lo rirevciti a morr ditltn, take at one Simmons LIVER REGULATOR. If yotl (d a aedentaiy llft, r suffer with Hltinrv Anellon. avoid tiimulant and tak blmmona l.ivct KrgulaiiNr. Sur to relicys. If you have tatvn anyihlnu hard ef ' digration, er frsl heavy after nivati or iI.h ,Um at idihl, take a dusa and you will fact rctkwd aad sleep pleasantly . If you ere a mUcraMe sofferer with ('n.tiHttloii, lyaetsta anl Hlltouaueaa, acek relief at eace In Si mi .mn I ivrr K-uitlafr l does Sot ( Ulng, and cutis but a It will cure you. tun. If you wnlie up In the morning with a btltcr. bad teat In your mouth. Ti Regulator. It cor. Stomach, sweetens Jteiws tlir Kmml I. .milt- t'lilltlrt-ii olirn n tic and Tonic to avert a Simmon. l.ivii RwiUtor wl aide. Sick Stomach. Indlgr' the ComoUmt. incidem lo C oik, I lead sassry, and At any time you frrl your .yairm neta rleanalng, toning, reculatmg without vtoket purging, or attmuLitlng without Intoat caUng, iak I II eurPAnto nv J. N. ZEIUH A C0.f PhihtMflhia, Pa. Palace Meat Market. PIPE & TALBOT, PROPRIETORS. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. Will ktsp constantly on hand beef, mutton, pork, veal, sauaage, etc., theheu meat and 1 trgeat variety In tbe city. Cash paid for all kinds or fat stock. Master's Sale. the V mitd States Circuit Court for tko Vt strut of Vrtgou . Tbs Now England Mortgage Security Co, vs. Jeunie A. Vader snd Uarvey W. V'sder. No. 1199, SOTtCE is hereby given that, In pur soanos of ths decree or ssid Court, made and entered in ths above entitled cauee, oo tbe 21th day of January, I8M7. I. Ghorge ii. Durham, Mastar la Chancery or aald Oourt, will proceed to sell at pub Ho auetisn, to ths highest bidder, for caah in hand, subject to redemption, as uj.on execution itted upon a Judgment at law, at the front door of the Court Houao or Linn county, at Albany in said Linn county, Oregon, on Wednesday, ths 13th day of April, 1HS7 at ths hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, all tbe right, title snd in tcr,l which the OcfrmdanU JesnlS A ailer and Harvey W. Vader had at the time of exec nine the umrtiraan set out In tbe bill barein, of, iu and fi the premises osscrineu in sain mortgage and bill as follows: Tbs aou.b half of tbe north wat quarter ar.d the northeast quarter or ths aouthweat quarter and tbe aoutheaat qusr far of ths northwest quarter and the south eaat quarter or Moctlott thre, and aUo ths nnrtbeaat quarter and the north half of Lthe nort iweat quarter snd the north hair or ih aoutheaat quarter of Section ten, a.l In Township thirteen south of Range two wast of ths Wallamet Meridian, contain ing 040 acres. Hi Linn ceonty, Oregon In satisfaction of ssid decree and In ptv, mentor the exnenos ut this sale. Raid tiocree is for tbe sum ol 9&39.1 1 and coats Used at 1 36. March 9tb, JSH7. .!... i: U. Dl'MUAX. Maxtor In Chsncerv of the IT. M. Circuit Court, District of Oregon. CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common Blotch, or CrasHon, to the worst Scrolalu. h ilt.rheam, "re ve rspreev BcaU y or Hough akla! to abort, sU dkaeases caused by badblood are saaaul bv 4hl DowerfuL rjnrltVln. and vtgoratlnamexiicuw Cireat Kaiitta lib cere) rapiuiy i iu unaT ita tM-nlun lnueiuv. fjxx-jly has It DULlMXcil lut iwrfeoc naetad ita intnirv In curtog Tetter, Dom Boah, Roll a, Car. hanelea. Sore Kres. a- ro in Ions gores Uhlte Nwelllnaa, ilollrr, or hies! Nerk.n, 1 I nlaigcl Vlnnda. 8cn4 tea oenti to staaipa.for aarvo tr-uue, with o.l- rrra praxes, on nam uiscaw ,,r the ThorotiRht ta, vital strength, and onndJissa at constitution, will Be esulushcd. CONSUMPTION, which M Icrofnlons Disease of tbe Lassga, Is promptly and cxrtuiurjr arrested and sarM by Uils Ood-g-l ven rvtnwjy, if taken before the last star.- of tim disease an. nsi-bid. From its wonderful pown- over this terribly fatal disease, when flrnt ofl.-rSng- tlaa now oaV tested remedy to tbo public. Da. 1'ixaca thought st-riously of calling- It bis 4C'on sasasxlon Care, biitutxindon-i that name as too litnlhd for a rnerllHiio which, from Its Madt-rf nl comtilnnilon of Ionic, or atsasaAsja. ing. alterative, or Wnnfl njiansaaj, anti-bilious, pectornhaud uutrlt ivo pn,r.rtii-a. la unequsled. not only as a rcmody lor consumption of ths lungs, but for all CHRONIO DISEASES or ma Liver, Blood, and Lungs. If von foal dnlL i lull, drowsy, debilitated, have skin, or yi llowiab-brown spotg r, frequent hcodsche or dkab aauow color or sain on face or body, fr neat, bail burte in mouth, InUrnol heat or cblUs. nltemaUng with hot hashes, low spirits and iflixmy borebodinga. irn-iruuir eniK-ttta. tit. end coated UmtrMi. you ero ring- from InsTU tLon.Kyspepsls-Rnd Torpid Liver. or kKl) toaauesS.' Jn tunny cases only part oi tiiiw symptoms are espTh-notd. At a P wvly ffr all sueh enw-n, Jr. Pierce's 43oIdcu Medical Discovery haa no C'JIIttl. For Weak Innrs. Snlttlna of ninnd. irhortnoa off nreatn, Bronehltle: i a he. oasamniinn. anil aevere C'onglts, ndrod affectiona. It Is a sovcrolra Send ten cents In stamps for f)r. PleroeS book on Consumption. old by Druggists. PRICE $l.00tS&VSTSS! WortfTs Dispensary Isilcal Association, Proprietors, (K3 Llato Stn Boitalo, Jf,y, little QWOTst PILLS. ANTl- V1XIOTJS and C A TH A BtXIC. Sold by lruggiata fa ceuu a vial. $500 REWARD in offered by the proprietors of Dr. bsge'B Catarrh Remedy for a case of catarrh which they cannot cure. If you havo a discharge from the nose, offensive or other wise, rinrf Ifll loaa of emcll Inafa eL-, - .h.1!!?0".0 'rV'm ""aj fun uavu VHtuirrn, X liou SUMS Of mean tnnnliiirfi In (vraimnlkn c.!?v i no worst a.1. . j raawBi Remarkable Offer. Ths Democrat f.'.OO New York Would 1.00 Fiwtc History ok 'jiis U. 8 1.50 American Fakmkr 1.00 $5.50 And cheap at the price ; but we offer the four for S3. 25, pinn remarkable bargain. Drop the American Farmer and yeu can have the three remaining for $3. Drop the World and Hintory and yon can have the two others for 92.25. The history in a 320 page book nicely bound, and is worth the eguiar price. TTfl Fommoes U Is K recta the Hi aAiJ 1 Ik Htvii. SiinmQiis Liver Rcplator. reamHDT using nr. Ialrrea joiacn aKseueai piscuvrrr, and goe4 digestion, a fair skin, hnoyaatt tlr. i "Ofirta as nm T;- U...-.V. ' easffl oTCata rrii. "ftSFi n und caaarvhol EJcadat lb fmoaat. KUIDAY MAH0I1 18, 1887 (Prent eur regular correspondent.) Waihimotom, Ftb. 2b th, 1887. But five morn working days re main to Congress, unless that body decide to work on Sunday, as Con gresses have often done before. This Congress will probably however work over nlghta during the abort remain ing term of ita life, and thh way par. tlslly make up lost time and neglect ed legislation. It has been the cus tom of former Presidents to spend tho last few hours of a congressional term at the Capitol, In order to sign thv bills that Congress may hurry) through In Ita last moment. Bu Presldeut Cleveland It Is aald will nut tdgn bills until he haa bad time for their critical examination. Con gross has been unoftkdaliy advised of this'fact and It is quite probable that some half cooked measures may fall for lack of the Presidential signature. SttttcttuuMi of both Mouao and Heji - ate have been too busy during the past week to give much attention to the question about an extra seas ion, but It is not improbable that one will be cslled. There are preaslng ques tions that cannot well be out aside until the regular meeting of the fif tieth Congress. It is beginning to be very general ly conceded that the Congressional seesiou ending it noon on the fourth of March Is all too short for the In terests of the country. It might have done for 1787, when the entire coun try bad a population Inferior to that of the State of New York and not one tenth of its wealth. But we have grown apace In tbe last hundred years -grown In almost everything but the Industry of Congressmen. They still retsln their stage coach habits and traditions. Something must be done to get out of thia. The prolongation of tne session will be only a panlal remedy ; and, aince a day cannot be stretched over twenty f iur hours, and since a Congressional dally session is only about five hours per day, Interrupted by frequent ad journment, endless roll cslU, filibus tering and long, drawling peechaa, It can be seen hew all too little time it lft for deliberate, Intelligent ac tion on national questions. Here on the very eve of the adjournment of Congress Important bills such as the Legislative, Naval, Sundry, Civil, Deficiency, Fortifications, Military Academy, Post Office, District of Columbia, and Indian bills have not yet ben placed before the President for his signature. By a vote of 87 to 16 the Senate drcld d that it would be wise to de tach the Weather Bureau from the Army and place it under toe propos ed new Department of Agriculture and Labor. The decision was taken by adopting the proposition aa sn amendment to the bill lo raise the present Agricultural Department to the dignity of an Executive Depart ment. After this had been done the bill was passed without resort to a roll call. Toe measure having al ready passed the House will now go to a conference committee of mem berr of r ach branch. Ills not cer tain that the conference will retain the amendment, but it la generally believed that the Weather Bureaa Wilt he taken from the Wr Depart ment by cme method, If not In the way uggtMed by the Senate. During the debate on the bill Mr. Miller atated that there wire many and Mlrious difficulties in the way of a transfer of the Weather Bureau, because of the fact among others, that those now engaged in that branch are enlisted men an J officers of tbe army and ail the supplies, instruments and other material of the bureau are the properly of thearmy . It the confer ence committee can prepare an amendment that will reduce these troublesome difficulties to a minimum or wipe them out ell together, the proposition will probably receive a good many more votes than the 87 caet for it already. As for the special object of the bill, which is to make the commissioner of Agriculture a cabinet officer, that has now beeu agreed to by both houses, and Con gres will. hardly let it be killed be-c.u-o of any failure to agree about the transfer of tbe Weather Bureau. Utiless tho President sees fit to ob ject to the measure, he will have an opportunity to add another to his present Iht ot advisers. see. Astoniahing Huccess. It is the duty of every person who has used i8octe'fl German Syrup to let its wonderful qualities be known to their friends in curing CocsumptioD, severe Coughs, Croup, asthms, Pneumonia, aud in fact all throat and lung diseases. No person can use it without im mediate relief. Three doses will-relieve any case, aud we consider it the duty of all drugg ists to recommend it to the poor, dying cos- sumutive, at least to try one bottle, as 80. 000 dozen bottles were sold last year, and no one ease where it failed was reported. Such a medicine as the German Syrup cannot be too widely known. Ask your druggist about it. Sample bottles to try, sold at 10 cents. Kegular size, 75 cents. Sold by all druggists aud dealers, is the United Statss and Canada A. 0. U. W. Members wtshingempioyment or desiring n lp, will pleasecail at Read k Brownells tore and register their names. By Obubk ofLooox. An Idea of tba msgnltnda of tbe Pus- lie Tavern In England may lie bad from these figures from ofhoisl tables, showing a fea of the yearly expendi tures of the people. For intoxicating liquors, $080,000,- 000. For bread, $350,000,000. For rent, $280,000,000. For butter snd obsess, $175,000,000. For milk, $160,000,000. For education, $55,000,000. For ootton goods, $70,000,000. For linen goods, $30,000,000. Thus tbs people of Kaglaod expead exactly aa muoh fur intoxicating liquors as for bread, butter, cheese, education, ootton goods and iinsn goods. The Timtt bas been interviewing Jsy Oouid about bis wealth, snd it would seem from what Gould ssys that his money is a bur dan to him. "I am kept on ike drive without any let-up day in and day out." Us ssid : "Tbe money I bave mad baa ens'.ayed me, for wi:b financial success came eares, responsibility snd trials innumerable. Tbey go oless together snd there is no escaping these responsibilities snd trou bles. The rich msn ought to lis judged pretty generously. He has a good deal mors to contend with then people who are not Hon suppose." . The Republican members of the House of Representatives of Penn sylvanla held a caucus the other evening, when they decided to knock Congressman Raudsll out of his dis trict in Philadelphia. This will be done by apportioning (he city of Philadelphia so thst the district In whi-h Ksudall resides will be made Republican by a large majority. Tbs separatum of Church snd 8tate is one thing ; tbe separation of religion from tbe community is soother and very different thing. Ds Tuoqusvile told hs half a century ago that religion was, if possible, more necessary to a free State than ta a monsteby. Ex pet isoe is beginning to demonstiste tbs profound truth of bis observation. 4 . - Uttarred wool from tbe stove, or cbarooal in aey shei, is excel lent for hogs. It is best to keep obstooal In tbe ptns whsm tbo bogs oan always bave free soesas to it. Kitten wood is also relished by hogs, sod tbey are very food of burnt b.ed or other sbsrred substances. B iae-meat U excellent for all kinds of poultry, as it not only supplies them with pbospbatea snd a proportion ef nitrogen, but also of Itme foi the shells of eggs. It ia used largely in tbe food of young chicks. Broken or pouned bones sre more acceptable to sdult fowls than bone-meal. Thrs is ao batten- savings bank on the farm than tbs manure hesp. It is a receptabte tipm wbieh evry out.e of Wants matertsl rosy be plaoed, snd tbsdail saviors of sm!l sinounts ao- oumulito into valuable dtpcsUs in fbe course of twelve months. CmI ssSes hsva been used success fully sronad currant sod giossherry bushes to drive away borers A plen tiful mixture of ashes with soil has kept tbe rsdisb maggot out of radish beds. A msn haa boon arrested in Texas for earryiog eoncfaled weapons. Io that atats a man who will cany weap ons small enough to be cooceale I may expect to ' pun sbed. A new grammar has been published whioh aells for 24 cents a copy,aod yet tber. are people who will continue to sey,"I would bave wsut." Orsaksassst, er Liqaor Habit, caa be Cared by aimiaisierlag Dr. Haines Ocldaa Specific. It caa be Riven In a cup of coffee or tea with eut ins knowledge of tbe person taktnR It, ef fecting a speedy and permanent cure, whether Die paUent is anxHierate drinker or an alco hols wreck. Tliouvutds of drunkard, have ieii made temp-rain men who have taken the tioldoa specific In their coffee without their kootvlsdse, and to-day believe they quit diink m of t heir own free will. No harmful effect rex'i.ts from Its administration. Cures suaran lev! Send for circular and full particulars. A i tres in eon ft dt nee Ooi.hkn besciric Co., taj luce St.. t bsJ Innatl, Ohio. The Barest ef Cembinatleas. True delicacy of flavor with true efficacy of action, haa bees attained in the use of a California-liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its pleasant taste and beneficial effects bave rendered it immensely popular For sale by Foshay 4 Mason, wholesale and retail. iassa Ceatlaaes to Bay Horses. Mr L Senders continues to bay horses at this city. Will pay good price for suitable horses weighing 1100 to 1500 pounds, in good order. Bring them on. Dr. Whites celebrated New York Cough Syrup, for sale at Hoffman & Pffeifer's Warranted to cure ooughsand colds. vntfani W ir haben die groosete und beat eingeriohtete Accidenz - Drackerei aus8erhalb Portland and liefern alle in nnser Fach einechlagenden Arbeiten zu meossigem Pretaen. Briefbogen, Circulars, Anschlag eettel, u. s. w. werden in kueraester Zeit angef ertigt Wir haben drei der beaten Job- und Cylinderpres een in Thsstigkeit. Burkhart Sc l?l"elfrerj Albany, Otegea. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under signs I Administrator of the copartnership estate of Black, Porter A Co., (T L Porter, deceased,) has tiled in the County Court for Lion county, Oregon, his rinal aocount and the Court haa fixed the 9th day of April, 1887, at the hour of one o'clock, p. in. of said day to hear objections to said account, and for the settlement ot said estate This 9th day of March, 1887. Wal. J. HTKWAiiT, Of PO iSD N I NJHE ASHES What tho Mt. Lebanon Shakers Found fur ii lent In the Hin tory of a (fillet Com in unity. The Mount Lebanon (New York) Shakers are a quiet com munity, secluded from the fret and worry of tho outside world. They aro widely known, how ever, for their strict honor and probity in business. Tho Shakers believe that na ture has a remedy for every dis eaHo. A few have been found the rest aro as yet unknown.' Many were discovered by acci dent Others came to light as the result of patient experiment and research. Nervous Dyspepsia is a com paratively iieiv disease, growing out of the conditions of modern life. It is a joint affection of the digestive organs and of the nervous system. These two were formerly treated as sepa rate ailments, and it was left for the clear-sighted Shakers to prove that the basis of this terrible and often fatal compli cation lies chiefly in the disord ered and depraved functions of digestion and nutrition. They reasoned thus: "If we can in duce the stomach to do its work, and stimulate the excre tive organs to drive out of the body the poisonous waste mat ters which remain after the life- fiving elements of the food ave been absorbed, we shall have conquered Nervous Dys pepsia and Nervous Exhaust ion. And they were right Knowing the infallible power of Shaker Extract (St-igel's Syrup) in less complicated though similar disease, they resolved to test it fully in this. To leave no ground for doubt they prescrilied the remedy in hundreds of cases winch had been pronounced in curablewith perfect success in every instance where tln ir directions as to living and diet were scrupulously followed Nervous Dyspepsia and Ex haustion is a peculiarly Ameri can disease. To a greater or less extent half the ieople of this country suffer from it both sexes and all ages. In no country in the world are there so many insane asylums filled to overilowing, all resulting from t his alarming disease. 1 ta leading symptoms are these: Frequent or continual head ache; a dull pain at the base of the brain ; bad breath ; nau seous eructations; the rising of sour and pungent fluids to the throat ; a sense of oppress ion and faintness at the pit of the stomach; flatulence; wake fulness and loss of sleep; dis gust with food even when weak from the need of it ; sticky or slimy matter on the teeth or in the mouth, especially on ris ing in the morning; furred and coated tongue; dull eyes; cold hands and feet: constipation; dry or rongll skin ; inability to fix the mind on any lnlor call ing for continuous attention; and oppressive and sad fore bodings and fears. All this terrible group Shaker Extract (Seigel s Syrup) removes by its pos itive, powerful, direct yet painless and gentle action upon the functions of digestion and assimilation. Those elements of the food that build up and strengthen the system are sent upon their mission, while all waste matters (the ashes of life's fire) which unremoved, poison and kill, are expelled from the body through tlie bowels, kid neys and skin. The weak and prostrated nerves are quieted, toned and fed by the purified blood. As the result, health, with its enjoyments, blessings and power, returns to the suf ferer who had, perhaps, aband oned all hope of ever seeing another well day. MILLER BROS., BDKALBK IN Field, Vegetable and Flower Seeds, IMPERIAL EGG FOOD, GARBDEX TOOLS, FERTILIZERS, ETC, tSS Seesad Street, Bet. Salmon and Taylor. PORTLAND, OREGON. JBTSsna1 for new catalogue, Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Or. ( March 8th, 1887. Notice is hereby siren that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he made be fore the County Judge or Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Oregon, ou Tues day, April 19th, 1887, viz . Caniwell Clark. Homestead Entry, No 4440, for the N E i ef S E i, S E i of N J5 i. and iota No. 1, 2, 3 and 4, of Sec. 20, Tp. 11 S K 1 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his oontinuoos residence upon, and cultiva tion of, said land, viz : Charles Clark, W Downing, Q M Clark and a J Fitawater, all of Scio Linn county, Oregon. W.T. Burnsy. JULIUS GRADWOHL lias the only eaalaslva fftoek at CROCKERY. CLASS, SILVER AND CHIKA WARE 1 Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choic Selection 0f Coffeejea and Sugar CKE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. i Oil, LEAD, W1NP0W LIGHTS AWb lime THE IIIGHEVr MARKET PRWE Remember! What I Say Mean, Bive Me a call. 600DS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co.. Nswspspsr Advertising Bureau, IO Spruoe St., New York. Sand lOota. tor lOO-Pavga pamphlet. House. giblin; Proprietor. This bona! is sow open and furnished with the best new furniture. Ersrything clean sod otmmodioss, offering to tbe cea ra! BaWs superior accommodations to anv ia tbs city. BEAST I Mexican Mustang Liniment Ol7R.Bal Scratches. Sprains. Strains, Stitches, SOffJoiats, Backache, Sails, Contracted Eruptions, Barns. Isaldi, tings, Bites, Braises, Bunions, Co.iu, Hoof ail. Screw Worms, Swinney, Saddle GalU, Spavin Cracks. THIS COOD OLD STAND-BY accomplishes for ewyhodr exactly what is claimed for it. One of tha reasons for tSa area popelattty of the Moats nx is found la its aaleereal applicability. Eesrybody aseds esel a saaMefss, Tbe I.anebersaaa aseds It la ease of Tbe It ea sessile aaias Ufa? Tbe ( ler needs it for Tbe .Mechanic Beads It always on sis work Tbe Miner needs U In ease of The rienesir needs It-esa'tBttalontWithoat it. Tbe Farmer needs it In bis house, his stable, sad hi stock j-anl. Tbe Steamboat ssaa er tbe Beataaan seeds It la Uberal supple afloat and aahorev Tbe nersefaaeler needs it it la his beat friend snd safest reliance. Tbe Htack-a-rewer needs it it will save hint taessasaa of dollars and a world ot trouble. Tbe Kail road maa needs it sad will need It so long as his life is a round of aocidenu aad dsager. Tbe Backweodsman needs iu Tbezsfsaotb ln like It as aa antidote tor the dangers to life. limb and comfort which surround the The Merchant needs It about his accidents will happen the Mustang Liniment Is wanted at once. Keep a Bottle la the Hanee. Tls the best of ssaaamy. Keep Battle la tbe Fnctery. Its Immediate ass in oaas of ssoidsst seres pain and loss of wages. Keee a Bottle Always la the Stable for ass when wasted. Notice for Publication. Land Office st Oregon Citv, Or. ) January, Slat, i887. J Notice ia hereby given that tho follow ing-nauied settler has tiled noticj of his Intention to wake final proof in support of bia claim, and, ibat said proof vrili he made before tho Iteiter and Receiver of U. s. Land Offioe at Oregon City. Oregon, on WeduestBty, Msreh 23rd, '1887, viz i Thomas L Lfennsas, Pre-Enaption O. S. 4786 lor the N H of !' K )4 and 8 W X of s K !, of Sec. 84 Tp, 9 B R 3 B. He names tbe following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, ssid land, lt : W F Hor rom, W J Turnidge, N Lewis, and Joseph O Turnidge, all of Rock Creek, Linn county, Oregon, W. T. Burnky. Register, IMotice for Publication, land Office at Oregon Citv. Or. February 23rd, 1887. Notice Is hereby given thut tbe to low ing named settler has filed notice of bis in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Judge or County Clerk of Linn county, at Albany, Oregon, on Monday, April 11th, 188?, viz: John D. Walton, Homestead Entry No. 54 tf i for the N. W. H of Bed. 32, Tp. 13, 8 R 4 east He names the tsl lowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz . Oliver Most Farland,of Swert Home, and L. McFar land, David Fit msn and John Alehouse, of Albany, all of Linn county, Oregon. W. T, BOHNKT, Register. ESTRAY NOTICE. .Shedd, Or , Feb. 12tb, 1887. I hve this tlay appraised an estray, taken up by J. B. Couey, of Oakville, described as follows: Oue brown cow, with some white about the face and on tbe beiiy ; the shell of the right horn off, crop aud split in left ear and undrr bit in right, is seven or eight yeara old. Said cow came to Mr. Couey 's about Jan. 7ttf, 1887, was taken up and post ed Jan. 2ith and aouraised bv If 11 ik v iiiiiii HOFFMAN & PFEIFPER s PROPRIETORS .OF Albany Soda Works, And Manafaef urara r- CHOICE COIFECTIOHEM, Wo sre sow prepared to sell at whole safo, slwsya fresh and pure at Portland fmoof 10 de,er We mlto kP full Huts and Tropical Fruits, 11V GROCERIES, Wekeepaftill Una, slwsys fresh and aft very low prices. OUR CIGAR AND TOBACCO department is cor.?Vt, We keep ths very finest atock of suokisg mnA ebewtac totatcoo, meorwhanm and briar Dines that Is a delight to smoker. . B. WOLVE8TOV, O, M, IKVISB, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW -Oaf00 up stairs la Foster's Block. ALBANY, OREGON- Old papers 25c. a hundred st the Dsmo CRar office. O ODfJMa yeaur. S SIS S'.sIIV 3.SOO wis ale Psetaura GIVES) Wholesale rlireiH to eonnumm oat all personal or fiaaally sasc Tails oreis r, sasst sjItcs exact coat of fcsrew Aue with. Thaaw iarw AM? AJtUB HOOKA roastolst tssfai suallsai srlaaiiosl from the aaavrhvrta ot tho wam. Wo will EHuau a eopjr SnaKSC to suay aroos poa recetsa of 10 eta. to A rtpeoa of mail titer- lt aw hostr on. Reaper tTaUly, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. sT 3L '2 i'.i Wasaush Avoaae. MANY LAMP CHTSrVEYS AIUD offered Tor sale represented as good aa the Famous BUT THUT ARE NOT! And Ilka all Counterfeit a lack tha ateoaarkable I. AST IXC Qauelitleo Of THE CEXCIXE. ASK FOR THE PEARLTOP And Insist THIS npon HAVING them with LIBEL on Each CU1MNIT PstOcUSO, 1888. The PEARL TOP is .nanufactttrd OWI.T t7 GZQ, A. MACBETH & CO., PITTSBURGH. PA. II hrsrarjr Street, aa Fran rt. co. Cel. Nerv ms Debility. Seminal Weakaesa. Exhausted Vitalitv, Spermatorrhoea, Lost ManboeS, lnpaXeaar, l'sralvis, Proatatorrhoaa, and all tbe terrible effects ot self ubuse, and excess in maturer years, sueh as toss of Memory. Lassitude, Nocturnal Kasiesfceas, STcrsion to "oclety, Dimness of elsiou, Koiscs in tbe Head, the vital fluia paastnr nnobset yeU 'u tbe uriae, and many other diseases that lead to insanity and death. lOrXG MEN Suffering frcm any of tbe above symptoms, abaeM consult us at onos. The drain can be stopped, vi tality restored, and life be made again a pleas are instead of a buiden. Thorn art mShy BUBBLK-1CE MKM who are trouble with toe frequent eracuatlnr of the bladdei, often accompanied ova alicbt smartlac or bumiii; sensation, and a weaken inx of tba system ia a manner tbey cannot account for, Ropy Sediment la the urine, etc. Many die of this difficulty ignorant ol the ci use, which is tbe seeond stage of seminal weakness. . ure gurarnteed In all such cases. CeasMltatioo free. Thorough examination aad adyiee, including chemical analysis aud microeoople examination of tbe urine, 5. An honest opinion given in every ease. The following medicines supplied at tha prices named SIR AS1XST COOI'ER VITAL RKSTORA Tit r, $3 a bottle, or tour times the quantity, $10, SAMPLE ROTIlia FREE. Sent to any one applying by letter, stating syms tems, st x and age. Strict secrecy In regard to SB business transactions. The Celebeited Kidney Remedy. XBrkKBTI' fIJll, f r all kinds of Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Leucorrhcea, etc. For sale by all druggists ; $1 a bottle, or six bottles for $5. The English DAK DELI tS, LITER AND B1S I Li's I A PILL is the beat in the market. For sals by all di ugeists ; ri. e 60 cents a bottle. Address Rngltah Medical Dyspeasary. No, 11 kearav Street, Ssn Francisco, Cat T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Puhlic- JNotice tor Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, .Or, ) March 8th. l.R7. I Noti. :e is hereby given that the folio Lttjj 8ettler ha tiled notice of his i te . Riakii final lirctof in ttunrtort: nf hia named tiun to claim, ... , rt . . inn that hmk. proof will he made he v'uunty Clerk of Liun county, Ore Albany, Oregon on Tuesday, April 987, vis : Charles Clark, Pre-etnptioa fore tht ;;ii, at 19th, 1 . 4b73 for tbe JN J of a W M of Sec. 11 SRI K . 21. Tp. Hen amss the following witnesses to prove :j -j i.: his con linuHi.s reameuiT upon, aim cniuva naiel land. viz. : Card wall Clark. W tioo of, Dotvnii ig, Q M Clark, aud A J Fits water, T 1 i ... i t .f S mm