The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 18, 1887, Image 3

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    Ik gtroorvat.
at the Pont Olnceat Albany. Or.
mm second ohuw mall matter.
ttilliev aa4
rreprlssaea .
ratten M rrivu. i.eai Hiur.
When ti man get down how he does get
kicked. Of course It Is not the proper thing
to embrace him If he has shown that he i
unworthy of confidence ; but he at least
should not be eternally kicked if he uy he
la going to ref rom, at' least until he doe
something to indicate that lie Is playing
lf!renologlt MorrU In hU private lectures,
however much he may have sometimes
missed the mark on hi examination of
bump, gave some very aolid advice. The
Professor apoke without glove against
many aocial evIU that certainly need reform
jackets, and vt many to thinking, and there
are many who need to be set to thinking in
Albany, purtk'ulartv In reference to the
management of children who have reached
the love-nick age with the lower part of the
cerebellum developed too much.
Those who knew George R. Wilson in
Alpanv regret deeply hearing of the Turn
er's affair. If the charges against him are
true he deserves a greater punishment than
he received. Whatever the law may be it
Is a fact that few. blame a brother for pro
tecting his sisters virtue, or revenging it.
even if a little blosxl is spilt. The protection
of the good name of the family fireside is
above most other consideration. The use
of force may not be favored ; but when
used the puhlk mav be excused for "wink
ing" at it
saootiag at Terser.
On Thursday of last week awhile before
the noon train came in John and Solon
Baker, sons of a prominent farmer of Turn
ers, went to the depot in that city, and find
ing George R. Wilson, recently In the mill
there, the former began cow hiding Wilson,
and then drawing a revolver with his left
hand shot him, hitting him in the shoulder,
causing a severe though not dangerous
wound. Wilson was taken to Salem, where
the ball was extracted. Walker's reason for
shooting Wilson was that the Utter had se
duced his sister, Uattie.who on Wednesday,
to avoid the disgrace of the affair, had at
tempted to commit suicide by taking poison,
in which she failed. Walker was arrest ed
and Wilson not appearing was discharged.
The young lady was a sister-in-law
of Arthur West, a former resident of this
city, and WUson resided here two or three
years ago .at the time woi king in the Albany
City Mills. The couple had been keeping
company for a year and a half and had been
engaged far some time.a fact which Wilson
is claimed to have taken advantage of. About
six weeks previous Wilson had ceased his
attentions. When here Wilson was con
sidered a young man of good character ;
but evidently, if the charges are true, has
fallen sadly from grace. No language Is
strong enough to express the deserved cen
sure of the seducer. In value money and
property have no comparison with character.
Our laws do not provide for a sufficient
punishment for the crime of seduction.
Srboul Matter
The adjourned annual school meeting of
Dist. 5 was held at the Court House hut
Monday evening. A 5 mill tax was levied.
The reports of the Clerk and Directors were
read and ordered filed. The report of the
Clerk published last week contained the
substance of the Directors report.
The following estimates for the ensuing
year were made :
9 months wages of teachers $360000
r ucl 80.00
Janitor's wages 225.60
Interest on bonds 84OOO
Incidental expenses 700.00
I ndebted ness to teac hers, etc 76 A 50
To meet these are the following available
funds : Cash, $36.86 ; State and county
tax, $23. The amount to be raised bv
tax will be $3320.64.
Monday afternoon the annual school
election occurred with the following result
Director lohn Foshav, ito ; L II Mon-
tanye, 1.
Clerk C G Burkhart, 1 13 ; J R Stock
man, 52. Burkhart's majority, 71.
Look at
Daring this spring theis have been shij
fed to this market from Califomiaaboat 7000
pounds of cabbage and sold at retail at about
four cents par pound. Oar dealers say that
twice that quantity might have been sold i
it had been easily accessible. About 4000
pounds of batter bare been shipped here from
California and sold at 25 cents per pound.
Ouions by the ton have been shipped here
and sold not only to people of the tow a but
farmers in the country as well. Now can any
one explain why our markets should not be
continually and profitably supplied with ail
these articles by our home producers ? Why
should even some farrum get their supply of
onions, beans, cauliflower, celery, cic., from
supplies shipped from California ? fV no will
explain ?
Adjourned Meeting.
There' will le an adjourned meeting of
the stockholders of the Odd Fellow's Hall
Building Association on this (Friday) even
ing in the Library Rooms of Odd Fellow's
Hall at 7 o'clock, p. 111., for the purpose of
electing seven directors to serve the ensu
ing year and tor the transaction ot any
other business th; may come before said
meeting. All stockholders are particularly
requested to attend.
Teacher's Institute.
The annual County Teacher's Institute
and the State Teacher's Institute of the
third judicial district will be held, as one, in
this city on the 6th, 7th and 8th of Apri
next. Full announcement next week. Let
all friends of education lend a helping hand
to make it a success.
sale of City Property.
Last Tuesday Mr Fred Mustier purchased
ths Newhouse property eu Third
tweea Liisworth and Lyon, paying $1500
for it. On the ssmedsy Mr B F Tabler pur
chased the Egert property, corner of Ells
werth and Seventh Streets. Consideration,
N. H. Allen A Co., hav in stuck a snlsn
, - w
did line of corset i. C insisting of tbe justly
celebrated C. P's, Dr Warner's, Dr Lee's 8.
K's, tbe Albany Standard, our spinal brand,
also the Everlasting, Self Adjusting, Nettis
and ma ay othsr makes. Ladies sre especial
ly invited to call nd inspect tbe m.
The Circuit Court convened In this city
last Monday noon. Judge Boise on the
wool sack, Sheriff Smith, Deputy Sheriff
Humphrey, and bailiffs I Hayes and A W
Andeison hold of the gavels, juries, etc. ;
District Attorney Belt at the helm of crim
inal matters and County Clerk Galbraith
behind the desk.
The following Grand Jury was drawn ;
L C Rk-e, foreman, J L Miller, Peter Hume,
David Smith, A P Blackburn, Win M
Powers and Newton Crabtree.
The case of the State of Oregon agt W
W Saunders, many times mentioned In the
Democrat, was called Monday afternoon
when n motion was made tor a change of
venue. Tuesday morning Hon W R Bhyeu
and J R N Blackburn argued the case for
the defense and Oapt N B Humphrey and
J J Whitney for the State. Thlrtv-slx al-
Ada v its were presented by the State bearing
on the ability to have an Impartial trial here
and one uguinst. It Is said that it was im
possible to obtain any affidavits here by the
prisoner. Judge Boise granted the motion,
and the second trial of W W Saunders itlll
take place at Salem in June next. Taw!.
delays" are luivlng full play In this case.
The following is a list of the cases dis
poscd of up to time of going to press :
I. State agt W W Saunders. Murder.
Change ol venue to Marion county.
5. 8 A Newhouae agt Win Newhouse.
Divorce. Dismissed.
8, HA Holman agt Tempa Hunt, et al.
Partition. Continued.
9. TJ Crclghton agt 1 M Wilson, et
Action an note. Dismissed for want
prosecution on motion of Deft.
10. W H Baker set O P Scott, et
Equity. Dismissed without prejudice.
13. II D Burkhart agt Rob't Burkhart.
Partition. Sale confirmed.
14. I D Miller agt W Johnson, et al. Ac
tion on note. Continued.
16. Jas A Hearing agt Geo Slavens
Equltv to recover possession of real prop
erty . ' Dismissed by Pl'ff . .
19. Prior Wilson, et al agt J C Wilson, et
al. Partition. Report confirmed.
SO. Sarah J Morris agt Jessy Morris. Di
vorce. Dismissed.
24. John A Crawford agt John Foster, et
al. Dismissed for want of prosecution.
26. Assignment R L Stevens. Report of
sale of real property confirmed.
42. A P Blackburn agt Geo Fogle. Mo
tion. Continued.
46. Walter Huston agt Wm 8 Huston.
Continuation. Sale continued.
53. School Fund Commissioners ant A A al. Confirmation. Sale confirm
72. I D Miller agt W lohnson and J W
Johnson. Action to recover monev. Judg
ment against W Johnson continued a to J
IV Johnson.
76. W B M tinkers agt S F Henderson, ct
al. Foreclosure. Continued and I A Mc-
Cann appointed guardian ad litem for min
or let ts.
"9- aam'l King agt C A Titus, T J Mont
gomery and J A Montgomery. Action to
recover monev. Judgment for Pl'ff and at
tached property ordered sold.
81. Milton Hale agt Jas F War wank, et
al. foreclosure. Default and decree.
82. Eliza A Bentlev art Rob't P Ben tie v
Divorce. Divorce granted.
85. J W an Brocken, et al agt J L Full
er, et al. Action to recover monev. Dc
fault as to Fuller and Kriescl and continu
ed as to others.
So. David Froman agt Coll and F L Van
Cleve. Motion. Motion allowed. Sile
con finned.
90. David Froman agt Eli and Ed R M
Carter. Action to recover monev. ludtf-
ment for Pl'ff.
93. Mary S Smith agt Wm G Smith. Re
covery of personal property. Judgment a
per agreement ol counsel.
96. Dundee M Si T I Co.. Limited agt
Herbert Cross and F M Hazen. Foreclosure
Decree granted.
9S. Mary A Long agt John Long. Di
vorce. Divorce Krantrd .
99. J H Bridges agt Bert rand Herman, et
al. Motion. Moti.n allowed.
100 In the matter of copartnership est.
Houck Sc Meyer, (Henry Meyer, deceased.)
Appeal trom County Court. To be sub
mitted and argued at Chambers at Salem
April 10th.
1O1. Enoch Hoult vs. II Smith, et al;
Confirmation. Sale confirmed.
103. Wm Cooper vs O W Croisant. Deed
ordered made.
101. Joaie E Tiinmsrmn vs A J Houston.
Deed ordered mads.
103. J F Williams vs A J Houston
ordered made.
25. F A Watts agt Jacob MHler.ctal. De
cree granted.
41. R A Rampy agt II L Thompson and
Amos Dunham. Action on note. Comp
lied. 43. J E Holt agt Wm A Ford. Forcclos
ure. Decree granted.
70. I R Dawson agt J J I lay
Action to
recover money. Continued.
80. Hattic Broseagt F G Brose. Divorce.
Divorce graoted and name changed.
92. Mary 8 Smith agt Wm G Smith.
Divorce . Divorce granted.
102. Fleckenstioe & Meyer vs. M L
Hamiitoa. Actioa to recovery money. Con
106. State vs C K Wright. Dismissed and
deft, discharged.
107. State vs Geo Plamondon. Sent to
the penitentiary for one year.
108. State vs E H Shroeder. Plead guilty
and imprisoned in County jail one month.
100. State vs Geo Rogers. Omtioned.
lt His Wife.
V. C. Conley, of Toledo, Benton county,
lias lost his wife, and sends the following
description of the matter to a Portland pa
per. The case is certainly one needing look
ing into : "On Monday morning, February
27th, I sent my wife and child from Toledo
to Corvallis, there to wait until the ssext day
for me. May wife was to write me in re
gard to some business I was to attend to be
fore joining her. Then we were to go to
Sacramento, Cal. 1 have wailed and look
ed for her letter, but not one word have I
received. I have written and inquired, but
no one having seen her I cannot but think
she been foully dealt with, for she was a
km i and loving wite. Wc never had any
family trouble to speak of, and parted with
all affection due husband and wife. She is
of the blonde type, stands 5 feet 6 Inches in
height, weighs 120 pounds ; auburn nair
and dark eyes ; birth-mark on right cheek ;
always a smile when first spoken to ; is a
food conversationalist ; wore a fur cap and
lack cloak and dress ; aged 28 years. The
little boy was dressed in navy blue, aged 7 ;
looks like his mother. Any information
will be very thankfully received, either
through this paper or by letter."
A Horse Laid Down In the Htrret.
A balky horse bolougiog to our popular
draymao, Stewartson, laid down in ths street
the other dsy leaving the driver with an im
mense load on his truck in the lurch. Did
tbe driver get msd and hammer the sullen
brute, hold bis nose er put a handful of gravel
in his ear ? Not he. He simply leaned over
and whispered confidentally in Dobbins ear,
when the old nsg wss up and off an instance
never stopping uatir he pulled up in front of
one of our busiest stores. All he said to tbe
balky horse was : "Please get up and try
again for it is only two more blocks to rFal
lace Sc Thompson's store, and when we get
there we will unload." Tuis is a fact, by the
way, that is about the goods, for they are
receiving aud immense lot of goods by every
Uaeeu of the ysiley seed o jUto a at Wal
. lace A Thompson's.
Jas B Eads, the great ship railway builder,
and man of genius generally, died last week
at Nassau, N. II. At the time of his death
he had several colossal projects on hand
Crook and Curry counties are not repre
sented In the State penitentiary. A feather
In their caps. .
On Thursday Inst as I N Woodle, veteri
nary surgeon, 6( Albany, accompanied by
another gentleman, was driving Into Leb
anon from Sodavl'.le, when the neck-yoke
broke and let the buggy pole to the ground.
This frightened the team and they lit out at
a lively run. Mr Woodle in his attempt to
hold them In, broke one of the bridle bits
giving the horses their freedom. In anoth
er Instance both men were hurled from the
buggy and the team came flying Into town
and In turning to go down the county road,
off Main street, one of the horses turned a
double somersault, and every one thought
the animal was seriously hurt. Fortunate
ly no harm befel either the occupants of the
buggy or the team. i?xrM.
Two members of an eccentric and wealthy,
Brunswick, N . J . ' family, died several
weeks ago and were kept in their beds five
weeks before their deaths were discovered.
The members of the family did not want
them taken away.
An automatic machine gun Is now in use
that fires 71x1 time a minute
Some whales possess a 145 horse power
andean travel twelve milesan hour.
Mollie Fllnpen, an inmate of a house of
III fame, in Tacoma, was burned to death on
Friday morning of last week. While bidd
ing a fire her night clothes caught Are and
she met a terrible fate.
II II Hampton has been appointed Post
Master at Newport, and Hannah Ruther
ford at Marlon.
We have receives! Vol. I. No. t, of the
East Portland Pm r, published by O P
McCall, recently of the Weston Leader. It
displays goad ability ; but lacks the num
ber of ads, necessary to keep paper In
gfbod humor.
The heaviest individul tax paver of Lane
county is G R Chrisman, who pays on $50,-
Last Monday u fearful accident occurred
an the Boston ,V Providence railroad. A
passenger train loaded with passengers
broke through a bridge and five cars went
to the road Iwneath, a distance of thirty feet.
The last car, a smoker turned over striking
on the others, all of them being crushed
out of shape. Between thirty and forty
killed, and many Injured for life. None
were injured by fire. The fatality by rail
road accidents is proving alarmingly great
Jimmy Blaine, Jr., has quit the newspaper
Salem will probably have the free deliv
ery system, beginning In lulv, though the
matter Is not settled. Think' of one little
eit v like Salem having a big bridge and a
free delivery system at tlie same time
The s,t;, , of Union, lias followed the
advice of subscribers often given newspa
pers, "please stop the paper" and stopped.
A Jacksonville paper says that the In
dians at Klamath Agency' are In a hungry
The Salem Lame Is for prohibition.
And now it transpires that since l8?l a
river and harbor bill has never been clear
through at a short session of Congress.
Some of the amounts remaining unex
pended for improvements in Oregon arc :
Mouth of Columbia river, about, $180,000 ;
Yaquina Bay, a little less than $70,000 ;
Coos Bay, $itvx ; Coquille river, $10,
000 ; Cascades canal, $130,000.
la a collision between a pieeongsr and
freight train on the Northers Pacific weat af
Fargo Tuesday two engines and eight oars
were smashed to piece, aud two men were
killed and severs! injured.
C H Prescott has resigned as manager of
Mm o R Sc N Co.
At the sehoel meeting at Tallmaa Statioa
David Smith was else tad Director and V. Y.
Hsmmsck Clerk, sad the name of the school
Soae was changed from Beotlajr to Tollman
At Lang Station Msnoa Arrant was elected
Director and Wm Hammer Clerk.
Our lawol .Market.
T'.e Albany, market is in a peculiar con
Mm. The prevailing prices have features
distinct from the customary ones. In many
repccts the Linn county farmer who be
lieves In diverse farming Is on his best legs
Wheat is 73 cents in the steady market
oats, 38 cents ; potatoes retail for $1 1
bushel ; apples, ditto. Onions are worth 1
cents a pound ; California cabbage, 4 cents
a pound. 20 pounds of Golden C. sugar
can be bought for $1 and ten cans of oys
ters for the same Hay is worth consider
able, and that is about all we can And out
about it, for there is almost no hay for the
market. Farmers lacked even straw for
their cattle through the severe weather
The first pie plant appeared Monday
at 15 cents a bunch. Flour retails at $4,50
1 it
a Darren.
A Cant of Thaaks.
Extended to Mis- Allie Parkinson. Miss
Trixie Morgan, Miss Maud and Mr J
We, the members of the Tangent Brass
Hand beir leave to extend to vou our sincere
! tnanks fr the aid you so willingly gave us
aunng mc pasi cnicnaimncm given in our
behalf to defray the expenses that will nat
urally fall on the members of the Band in
the future. You will he long remembered
by us for your kindness.
We remain your true friends.
The Band.
Bay your silver plated ware of Carter, the
jeweler and bave it engraved
Pi ices as low as the lowrM and goo Is ae
good as the best.
An Aoswer.
Amis v, Oa., March 14th, 1SS7.
I notice in the Bente LeaJer,ol Corvallis,
March nth, a statement printed concerning
in'-. After reading it over I thought it best
to answer it tike this. Supposing that I,
through drink, had lost all my mdnev, all
my friends and "walk in darkness," do you
want to kick ine down to the bottomless pit
or have you the principle to let mc come
out of this miserable condition ? I walk the
streets of Albany and try my best to do
what is right. I do not drink anything in
toxicating whatever, neither do I go into
saloons. I have drunk the bitter cup and
have come to this town to follow the straight
path, and I will fight it out on this line to
the end.
A. Stisut.
Watered with the dew of good intention,
wrmd by the sunshine of fair dealing, the
dollar you bring us will grow and expand to
colossal proportions.
Wallace A TiumrsoN.
While looking after your supplies in the
above Hue, don't yo.i forget that N H Alloa
A Co. keep groceries, and don't you forget
that you can get just as much sitgar,tee, cof
fee, rice or anything else for a dollar as you
caa got in any store in the city, and all of tbe
best quality. Call on Allen A Co. when you
want groceries and lemsmber they never al
low themselves to be undersold.
Kid Gloves.
Ladies when you wish a good kid glovo
in the latest and most desirable shades.kind-
lv remember that N H Allen A Co. is the
place whsre you can hud them. A full line
of Royal aad Jouvius, also the "Clothilda
undressed kids.
V. S. Grand Jury mm.
The following members of the U.S. G rand
Jury were drawn from Linn county:
W J B ram well, Harrisburg.
Rob't Pentland, Scio.
Thos Brandon, Ualsey,
(J. J. Whitney Judirs ; Mtouh Mlllsr, Aiox llrandon
Mr Alex Van Ness reslngned as road su
pervisor of Dint. 4 1 and John Montgomery
was appointed ; J N Brotherton of Dlst t,
Miles Rainwater appointed ; J H Wlgle of
Dlst 37, Wm Pearl appointed ; J Archi
bald of Dlst 13, J I Knox appointed . Jas
Gay of Dlst 39, O p Abrams appointed , Y
M KUt al Dlst 36, aud Wm Davidson ap
pointed ; T W Parmer of Dlst 34 and B
Cummlnger apolnted,
The description of road district 39 was
corrected according to application.
Application of W W Parrlsh et al for
county road granted and damages allowed
as follows : A Parrlsh. Sjc : Isaac Mc-
, u r -
Ilmurry, $8.
A road was ordered opened in accordance
with application of T A Rltfg, et al.
Fees examination of Hausman, an In
sane person, Drs Hill and llenscl, Ass't
Dlst Att'y Montanye and County Clerk
Galbraith, $19 allowed. Also In Insane case
of Mrs Stellmacker, Drs Hill and Wallace,
Dlst Att'y Montanye and County Clerk, $18.
Fees In State agt John Ixmg, amounting
to $31.70 ; state agt E II Shroeder, $15.80;
State agt Frank Arnold, $&. 10 allowed.
Bill for keeping paupers bv Grant county,
$97 3-65 was disallowed.
Fees of County Court officers allowed.
Warrants were ordered drawn for the fol
lowing :
R Glass St Son, tndse poor ,$15.00
Mover Bros, lumber 14.30
1 1 J A verill, acc't poor 8.00
M Wilkin, rebate taxes tO.aa
(' 1 Hogue, rebate Lae iK Vi
EH Bahr, copying iQ.00
Mrs C Houck. keeping poor. 10.OO
Robert Kent, sawing wood 8a
P Spinks, wood 24.00
U 8 Smith, Sheriff's frr jlt.Jt
Mary Davis, poor acc't aj00
Andrews & llacklcmau, tude tnxir. . 800
W E Curl, salary 83 33
Mrs J J Dorris, keeping poor -j9l75
as Lament, setting out shade trees. . 45.75
B Fits water, keeping poor 8,00
'ctcr Hume, keeping poor ia.90
Long, keeping poor 7.35
.' I. Morri, keeping poor 61.00
J C Brood well, keeping poor 7.00
w V oung repairing .Sanderson
bridge , a8ft
E T T Fisher, Survevors lees .to
M Irving, postage.... 4.75
l) SSmlth,fee arresting Frank Smith 120O
Ladle' Aid Society, poor acc't XM
I K Riley, work on Sanderson bridge 61.50
K Pearl, rebate taxes 9 46
Alex Cunningham, rebate taxes 8 00
. V . . . . .
u V a kciu, 2 montns salary 100.00
II Dorri. clerical work 22.50
J P Galbraith, County Clerk's fees. . , 75.90
John Schmeer, livery 500
G W Young, vie'wint; Sanderson
bridge ,
rho Rome, aid
Iter. F. M Vmlp.
Our readers are already familiar with the
scandal at Roseburg in reference to F. M.
Culp, for a year a resident of this city or vi
cinity. Below we give extracts from an
article in tlie Roseburg ftriu; probablt
written bv Rev. Bell, and hence authority
on the uliecl. It now up a very crooked
career :
In all the history of this country, no man
pci hap-, ever abused the confidence and
sympathy of the people as much as the
man, whose name heads this article. Last
Saturday the Quarterly conference of the
Roseburg circuit Columbia Annual confer
ence at. r,. enure n south unanimously de
posed this man from the ministry .and abso
lutely expelled him from the church upon
the following charge and specification
CI uirge : gross Immorality .specification 1st,
a.lultery ; specification 2nd, concealing and
abetting an abortion performed in his own
house ; speelfu-atlon 3rd, blackmailing Dr.
E. J. Page for Uc purpose of obtaining mon
ey under false pretenses. These speciftca
Hon were unanimously sustained by the
following church court: M DeanWm
I.eo'grrwtjod, Vf A Willis, Henry Wilev, J
11 Whitsett, with Rev E G Michael, P". E.,
In the chair. Many other charges could
have been brought against this consummate
impostor, but these were sufficient. This
man Mr. Culp signed a bill of sale (or a
piece of property in this city, and received
money thereon, when the property was not
his to sell. We also learn that he did re
ceive money from two parties at Myrtle
Creek for the same piece of work, when he
should have received pay but once. The
circumstances and facts show that while he
was here. anil since he left, that he, Mr Culp,
was and is the most plausible and unmiti
gated falsifier of truth that it was ever this
community's misfortune to endure. This
.it tn ie is written and published bv the di
rection of the members of the Quarterly
conference. W hile pretending to conciliate
I r . . I M. .1 1 fllf.t 1 . ..
some inue uomesuc inicuciiies in one 01 tnc
best families In Oregon, he, Culp, was all
the while hemeaning the husband and fos
tering the smiles of the wife, until she was
alienated from her husband and children, as
thev, the woman and Culp, were guilt v of
the first specification above mentioned, that
of adultery. Ills history from Walla Walla
via Albany, Independence, Tangent, until
he reached Roseburg, was one of almost
continuous trouble. "His hand was against
every man, and every man's hand against
him. His very nature was that of concen
trated meanness. He was a man of good
ability in the pulpit, fine address, always
neat as a "new pin, rather proud,and withal
the most jealous minded and vindictive in
dividual we ever met. One word of advice,
do not treat every stranger as a rogue, vet
be sure that vour confidence Is not mis
placed, before you bestow all your sympa
thy upon him. A stranger if he is worthy
will be wining to uniuc nis time ta nave a
place in your affections, If he Is not worthy
he is el ways in a hurry to get there.
A Matter wl k a Polat to It.
The season of houso cleaning and Spring
moving 1 1 antut lu re. Mouse cleaning is a
moan buniness ; bat rt ha i to be done, Yon
will want a carpet this Spring by all means.
(Jet a good one. s tasty one, one that your
friends will like to sss. A. B. Mcllwain haa
a magnificent stock. No such fine designs
have eyer been surpassed hers. He will sell
these carpets at prices that defy competition
anywhere in tbe Valley. Portland too.
Iugsusral merchandise, boats, shoes, etc,,
Mcllwain is prspared to matt a rustling
year's trade with a splendid stock of well
selected goods.
He will not be undersold,
And will meet
Cut prices
Every tinio. and on ths same terms or in
arge packages undersell them,
lis can do tins hoosuse be buys in very
arge quantites, gets better prices and much
cheaper freight.
Try him in sugar, coffee, tobaccos, pickles,
in fact anything iu his store.
LadhM Flan Shoes.
N H Allen & Co. ars aow receiving direct
from the manufacture, H J Holbrook St Co.,
of Lhioa, N. Y., a lull line of his justly cel
ebrated fine shses for ladies and missss in
C. D. K. and E. . widths. Thess goods
will give splendid satisfaction, ia fact there
arc no batter made.
CtU and settle.
Persons knowing themselves indebted to
Mr. John Briggs will find the account in the
hands of L H Montanye, Attorney at law,
and will do well to call on him and attend
to tbe aamo at once.
OUlilNANCK, MO. I at).
An Ordinance to create the office of Street
Commissioner and to define his duties, to
provide for the repair of sidewalks that may,
in the judgment of the Street Commissioner
and the Committee on Streets and Public
Property, lie In a dangerous condition, for
the Improving and repairing of streets,alleys
and sidewalks, and to provide for the as
sessment and collection of the cost and ex
peine of such repairs.
The people of Albany do ordain us fob
lows :
Ski 1 1. is 1. It shall be the duty of the
Council to appoint a suitable person to serve
as Street Commissioner, wIki shall hold of
fice during the pleasure of the Council and
shall receive such comjicnsatlon for his ser
vices as the Council may direct.
Sac. 2. It shall be the duty of said Com
missioner to superintend the grading and
graveling, Improving and repairing of ail
streets und alleys, and to sec that the same
are graded and gravelled, Improved and re
paired In accordance wii the orders of the
Council provkllng therefor, and to superlu
tend of construction of alt crosswalks,
bridges, culverts and acquediicts ordered by
the Council and see that they are construct
ed In accordance with the orders of said
Council and the ordinance governing the
construction of such -crosswalks, bridges,
culverts and acquediicts.
Nr.. . 3. In the case of the failure or re
fusal of any property -holders to grade,grav
el, improve, drain or repair the street or al
ley, or construct or tepair any sidewalk or
sewer adjacent to their respective property,
when ordered so to do by the CUy Council
within the time specified In such order, af
ter notice thereof having been duty given
by the Marshal, it stiall be the duty of the
Street Commissioner under the direction of
the committee on Streets and Public Prop
perty to cause the same to be done without
delay and present his bill thereof to the
Council. Said bill stiall specify particular
ly the lots, lot or part of lot adjacent to the
work done, the name or names of the owner
or owners thereof and the exact cost of the
work done on the portion of the street or
alley adjacent to such tot or part thereof
and the date when said work was done.
Sec. 4 . When the work shall have been
done by the Street Commissioner and his
bill therefor shall hae been presented to
the Council as provided in Sec. 3 of this or
dinance, the Count i .hall then proceed to
ascertain and determine what lots, lot or
part thereof shall be liable therefor and
what proportion of the cost of such work
shall be paid by the owner or owners of lot,
lots or part thereof, and shall then, by or
der duty made and entered on its journal
assess upon each lot or part thereof its pro
portionate share of such cost.
Sac. 5. As soon as the Council shall have
ascertained and determined what property
shall be Ibbte for the cost of such improve
ment, the proportion thereof to be paid by
the owner of each lot or part thereof and
shall have assessed upon each lot or part
thereof Its proportionate -hare of such cost,
tlie Council shall, by order duly made and
entered upon Its jounial.dirert the Recorder
to enter a statement thereof In the docket of
City Liens ; and when such statement si tall
be entered In such docket as aforesaid, the
same shall constitute and be a lien upon the
lot or part tlirreof therein described from
the date of such entry, '
Sac. 6. Whenever, In the judgment of the
Street Commissioner and the committee on
Streets and Public Property, any street or
alley or sewer or part thereof, or any side
walk or part thereof, shall be so out of re
pair as to endanger the life or limb of man
or beast, the Street Commissioner under
the direction of Committee on Streets and
Public Property shall Immediately repair
the same at the expense of the owner or
owners of tlie adjacent property : and. if
the cost of such repairs be not paid, on de
mand by said Street Commissioner, by the
owner or owners ot such property, the
Street Commissioner shall present his bill
therefor to the City Council. Such bill shall
specify the lots, lot or part thereof adjacent
to the repairs so made, the name or names
of owner or owners thereof, and the actual
cost of the repairs made on that part of the
street, alley or sidewalk adjacent to each lot
or pan tncrcoi. anu tneuatc 01 waning sttcn
BBC. 7- When such repairs shall hava
been made bv the Street Commissioner and
his bill therefor shall have been presented
to the council as provided in the foregoing I
Section, the Council shall then proceed to
ascertain and determine what lots, lot or
saw w 1
part thereof shall be liable therefor, and
what proportion of the cost of such re
pairs stiall oc paid by the owner or owners
of each lot or part thereof so liable, and
shall then assess upon each lot or part
thereof Its proportionate share of the cost of
such repairs. Each assessment so made
shall be entered upon the journal, and the
Council shall direct the Recorder to enter a
statement thereof in the docket of City
8c. 8. When the statcmenL shall be en
tered in the docket of City Liens as provid
ed in the preceding Section the same shall
constitute and lie a lien ujion the lot or part
thereof therein described from the date
Skc. 9. If the owner or owners of any
lots, lot cr part thereof, against which a
statement has been entered in the docket of
City Liens, fail or refuse to pay the same,
together with the tee of the Kecorder tor
such statement In said docket, the Council
shall, by otder duly made and entered on
its journal, direct the Recorder to give to
the owner or owners, or the agent of the
owner or owners, of the lot or part thereof
against which an assessment lias been made
and a statement enterfed In said ducket of
City Liens, five days' notice thereof. Said
notice shall be served by the Marshal and
must contain' substantially the matters re-
Julred to be entered In the docket af City
dens concerning such assessment.
Sec. to. If within five days from the ex
piration of said five days notice as "provided
for In Section 9, the sum assessed upon any
lot or part thereof, and a statement of which
has been docketed as hereinbefore provided
for, together with the accruing costs and not wholly paid to the City
Treasurer, the Council shall thereafter or
der a warrant for the collection af the same,
together with all the costs and charges ac
cruing upon such warrant, to be issued by
the Recorder and directed to the Marshal.
Skc. II. Immediately upon the receipt
of ths warrant provided for In Seoti in 10
of this ordinance, tbe Marshal shall lev?
on tbe lot or part thereof against which
such warrant is issued and shall deliver
to tbe owner or owoers.'or to the agont of
the owner or owners thereof a copy of
such warrant ; tha Marshal shall then,
after having first given notice of the Unas,
plane and terms of sale, together with a
reasonably certain description of tbe prop
erty to be sold, by posting a written or
printed notice thereof in at least throe
tubllo places in the City of Albany, for
0 days prior to tbe day of sale, and hav
ing published a copy thereof ones a week
for at least four weeks, in the official pa
per of the city, prior to said day of sale,
soil said lot or part thereof at public auc
tion to the highest bidder for gold coin, to
be paid cash in hand on the day of sale,
at the door of tke Court House in Albany
Oregon, or the purpose of satisfying such
make relnrn of sack aalu In writing en
dorsad on ald warrant, lie shall then
return nald wartant to the Recorder , to
get her with the amount realized at inch
Male, lata the cost and expense of making
iucb sale.
HKO, 12. Whenever the Marshal aha) I
make a sale of any property aa aforesaid
he shall I 1 mediately make a deed there
for la the purchaser, subject to ledamp
lion, however, within three years from
the date of said owsd. Tim cost and x
nau of making such deed shall bo paid
y the purchaser.
0ko. 13. If any property, when so sold
as aforesaid, shall bring inor 1 than suffi
cient to pay such assessment and ail ao
orulug ousts and the oosts and expenses of
such sale, the surplus shall b paid by
the Reoordor to the Treasurer of said city,
and the Treasurer shall execute to the Ite
oorder a receipt therefor.
Mac. 14 The Treasurer shall keep all
money paid over to htm by th Recorder
under the provisions or Section l.t of this
ordinance sepsrsta and apart from all
money that may come to bis possssslon
from any otbsr source and shall pay over
the same to the person eutltlad thereto
upn the presentation of a warrant there
fur drawn by the Keworder under sn or
dar from the Council. He shall also keep
a book In whloh he shall enter each sum
of money so paid blm, the tot or part
thereof, from the ste of whloh the same
was realized, with the number and loca
tion of the Block in whloh the ssme Is
situated and the name of the owner, if
Mgr. 15. Ordlnauoa la, 3d. entitled "To
create the of lite of Sire at Commissioner
and to define his duties," approved Sept
isth, -';, Is hereby repealed.
Mac. 16. All ordinances and parts of or
dlnanoss in conflict bare with are hereby
Sue. 17. This ordinance shall take af
feet and be in full forca from and after its
approval by the Mayor.
Passed the Council March 3th, 1837.
Approved March 12th, 1837,
J. K. WaaratKaroaa,
Attest :
N. J. Hkmtojt,
Recorder of the City of Albany,
Follow were the recorded sales
I .m:i county during the past week i
J W Andrews and wife to Asttby
. lulL block 14, K A., Al
bany $ 400
II Bryant and wifs to Mrs M A Daly,
110 by 132 fast la II . A-, Albany 500
Chris Haruman aud wif u P J Haiti
more 1 Is 10 rods and 1 black in
Sodavilie 800
Jas Chsstaiu to Charlotte K Chsststn.
80 acres in tp 14 S R 4 w 1300
W R MeKiauoo to Jus S Joslio, 1 lot
iu Sweat Home 12
David Kruuisn and wife to Mary W
Rhodes, loU 3 and 6 block 130 in
II. A., Albany 800
Eons Mberfy to Joel liberty 48.8V sores
iotplISK2w 19W
W K Dteksos to J W Dickens, 1 8 in
Urest ialH D I. C. J Dickens . 225
tieorge Orees sad wifs to Mary
tiroes 1 lot in Sodsvilie 300
D B Munteith sad wife to Christine M
Motttettfa, 134 1 134 feet ia M S A.,
AUsaoy 1
W Y IMeke'.s to A L Dickens. 1 t, ia-
tersst iu G5 seres intp 11 8 R 1 w 85
L and K h llasbmeek to Jas Abracu,
5 seres into 14 S R3w 100
II (1 Powell and wifs to Directors Diet
93, 1 1 teres 1
ii ffisweli nBF Tablor lota 3 and 4
bloek 100, M 8 A., Albany 480
Lifeyette Osbora to Henry aeplsr, 40
acres ia tp 10 S R 1 w 380
lUasoin Smith and wifs to K Gary
144.30 acres in tp 10 S R 2 w. . . .937848
ft'in Miller to John ACoaser, to cor
rect deed inade io 1389 1
Tnos MoClaog. et al to Turner, 36
ectasia tp II S R 3 w 450
T B Prater by D S Smith, Snenff, to
Ifm Kaber, 184 acres in tp 12 S
R4 w 1629.65
B llermsa et al by D S Smith.Shenff,
to J II Bridges, 320 sores iu tp 9
1 R 1332 27
t M Preach to Thos McClong. 1 6 in-
terest iu 36 acres intp 11 S R3 w 80
J B Coffey to Jas Williams 5 67 100
seres near Scio 975
Mary A Long to John Long, 320 acres
ia tp 12S R3 w 1
A J Huastoa by D 8 Smith, Sheriff,
to J os is Tin. menu ao, 180 acres ia
tp 10 S R 2 w 2300
A M Veong to W T Logsn, 3 lota in
Scio 449
John Loog to Mary A Ing. 100 acres
in tp 12 S R 3 w, wheat crop re
served 1
A J lb .u. t..o by D 8 Smith. Sheriff,
severs! lota sad parcels of isad ia
As Artisiif Affair.
In a fiont window of an Albany grocery
stoma very artistic box of sogers, teas sad
coffees is displsyed. In the center is a star
of golden C and granulated sugar, sud around
it in shapely form different kiada Uu
ad coffees, the price marks bsine .h
of tua divisions in rice or other .nr-ri
a i a. .a a a
uciea to sou me color. Across earn pies ot
I Jwt g lorfl. 15 lbs grsn -
I SW I .. a l - 1 a.a. ll ... .
ZTf ',?"", ie"CIT'.T. "J'kS" lat'
sob, who were first to sell 20 lbs of sugar fur
1 feisBvis ui vi 111 new iirm or rr aiisaa m i kamm.
its (trend Jury found trns hiits against
treo r.eincndon. larceuy from Pome Coeh
ranr.ous yesrio penitentiary ; F H Sohroed
or, 1 ireeny of pair of overalls, one month in
jail ; tseorgs Rogers, libel against O T Por-
tar. Bonds f 20a Continued.
Te the Pahllr.
I am now better prepared than ever be
fore to suit my numerous customers in all
lines of goods. I have a larger stock which
I personally selected, and have many nov
eltles I could not get by ordering goods ex
clusively. 1 have just made extensive im
provements to my Boot and Shoe Store
giving mc much more room than formerly
ana enabling me to carry a larger assort
incut and to sell you better goods for the
money. I have just received direct from
the factory a full line of ladles' and gents
slippers for the holiday trade especial lv
selected tor this market, all of which will
be sold on their merits, and every pair
guaranteed, even in cheap slippers and
Samuel E. Youno.
laist, Wednesday Mr Abe Hackleman pur
chased two hundred head of young cattle
from Mr Mark Hurlburt,aod will take them
to his ranch in Crook county.
Public Examination. .
The regular public quarterly examination
ot teachers tor Ltnn county, Oregon, wil
be held at the Court House in Albany, com
mencing at noon on Wednesday, March
30th and continuing until noon Friday
Apnl 1st, 1007.
D. V. S. Reii,
County School Supt
Third Anniversary.
On next Sabbath morning Esv TO Brown
sou of the Baptist Church will preach his
third anniyersary sermon, and in the svoning
vill deliver sn address on the occasion
the third anniversary of the Sabbath School.
The public are cordially invited.
The Very Best.
I have added to my 000 utid shot stock a
lins of ths celebrated Laird, 8ckbtr A
Mitchell, PhiUulelphi Fin Shoe for ladies,
misses and children. Acknowledged by
dealers generally to be ths best value and
best fitting an shoe made. Widths C. D, K,
and EE, A child can boy as cheap as a man.
Samuel K. Yocxo,
f M Preach, jeweler.
House and ! d. 820 ). . H Hu!n .
To 1 wet in Litro costif v to plow yet.
Kiesb garden seeds at .Vslbcn & Thotnp
Oysters served 111 all s ls at Il.dLnait A
Pf Hirer's.
J. P. Wallace, Physici so sod Snrgeon, Al
bany, Or.
GtolS It s-4 A Br !.! f di saw fresh
Usff A Buehnell, Physicians sn I Sirgsons,
Sbedd, Or. '
Tbe Salem faulting mills far sale at Dryoe
fc Robson'. a
Mr Wslter McGie
-Station school.
is teaching Wis Ling
s tin.1 N . 1 vi .('. r
- 1
st Wallace &
1 iinnijinou s.
Pine tropic ! frnits at ail timos et 'Wallsos
of Thompson's.
12 osos of gond o) stars at ffeMses &
Thompson's for 81.
We se'l the Sea Beach cigsr a. 5 cufs at
Read Si Browoeli'e.
I Aks Superior White Pub in begs al Wsl
ace Si Tnorn peon's.
A fins stock of trunks aud valises just re
ived at L K Blsia's.
Genuine NO molsssos in baird, at Wsl
lacs Sc Thompson's.
Eagraviag on all goods purchased st F W
Csrtor's jewelry store fiee.
Another tumble in the price of loots sud
shoes st Read A Biowaell's,
J H Townsend. specisl sgent for tbo State
loeuraaceCo. of Salem, Oregon.
Sis sbsves for s dolisr and a ckan towel to
every customer, at L. Vierick's.
Kxamiae Woodiu's Kstaosioa tables. They
are -well go and see them for yourself.
Fresh -took of choice gricsries always on
hsmt st Wallace A Thompson'
R i Dorris is scting Deputy Oouoty Clerk
daring the term of Circuit Court.
Dr Sender, ones of this city is baviag a
row with one of tbe Portland papers.
Seme genuine Ktstarn hickory nuts may
be 'sen at Huffman k Pfriffer's. io this city,
F M French, sgsnt Snner Manufacturing
Co., opposite Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Or.
Feaoiug mills from five to tea dollars, sail
st Wire Works f..t of Lyon Suset, Albany,
Dr. M. H. Kiln, physician aud
Air any, Oregon. Ci!s iads in
serge tu
city or
Two chairs are kept ruuuiog at Vc rick's
barlier shop. Tils plecu to gst a sbsvs or
bstr cut.
Six hi ad of sheep were killed by an O P
tram between Albany aad Corvallis 01. day
last week.
Services at ths U P Church Sabbath even
ings on aad after aext Sebbath will begin at
7 30 o'clock.
Dsy os A Robson havs a large stock of tke
bast plows made on bawd. They will Ims
sold at bedrock prices.
B Y Parsons, the sewing osaehine repairer,
is now stopping with U A Howmaa.oorner of
6th aad Js-ffereoa.
The wmd howls-1 stoag Crabtree Creek
last Friday moraiag.reenlUag ia tke blowing
down of fences, ate.
W understand a couple ef Albany yimug
men will sooa take a tnp East overland. This
is turning backward.
Mr Jho I eedy is establishing his saw
mill on the Sao t tare t the j action of tbe
Oregon Pacific A wise act.
Last Monday Mrs Mil toe Houston was
psid 12.000 by tbe A 0 17 W, oa seoosot of
the recent death of her husband.
Dr Josepbi has banded iu his resigns una
as Superintendent of tha State Insane Asy
lum, to take efteot Jaty 1st next.
Koer esfioeers aow ran between Portliod
and R reebarg, the rued being divided into
two divisions with the split at J suction.
Pie plant has pat in an appearance tn ocr
local market. We hail this fact with pleasure,
as this plant is a medicine of tine qualities.
Wood working maebiaery, ahaftiat. pol
lings, belting and etc.. at half prioe. Inquire
ef C. L Brash, foot of Lyon Street, Alaaay,
We have moved ear st ick of goods across
tbe street from our eld stand, follow as aud
we will make it to your interest. Read Si
Burkhart A Ceeoey sell f.oketa over tha
Northern Paotae Rail Rsd to all points
east. Call oa the n for rates and maps
showing roots of travel.
Mr Sanders wind mill wss shuVd to the
Ureases last Saturday at tbe foot of Ferry St.
To old residents of Illinois and adjoin ng
States it is a remiuder.
Should you desire to sell year property
call on Burkhart A Kocney as they advtrttse
property placed ta then bands, aud charge
nothing unless they effect a sale.
Heary Hamilton and E I Martin, of CrcoU
couoty, arrtvtd to Albany Monday from s
trip serosa the Cascades 00 suow shoes. The
snow waa life or six feet deep at Fish Lake,
Tbe report of tbe First National Bank of
this city pablubed in another column shows
it te he ous ol the solid, reliable institutions
of tbe State, with a steadily increasing buei
If you wear eat two pair of shoes ia a year
sod can save six bits a pair by buying them
of Read A Browoell remember m ten years
tints you will have saved fifteen dollars, this
is well worth remembering.
Mr T A Rtggs. the juryman from Mabel
precinctllivrs ta the section attached to Ijine
county by the last Legislature ; bat as tie
law has not yet gone into effect he wss de
clared aa eligible juryman.
Last Saturday evening io a good natured
tussle is H'lll Bro's gan store W N Miller
was thrown against s sewing machine io su h
a manner as to i ujure him in tern ally, necei-
tatieg his conbuement for several days.
Win Clark, recently of 0'vmDia.hs own-
ad su rt gallery over Twasdsle's. His work
is well spoken of. Mr doaea. recently m m
Minneai making arrangements to open
a music aud news store in the O'Toolc block.
Yesterday while standing in Oourley's
blacksmith shop Mr. Shunnoj, the boise
trainer, was hit with a piece of steel on the
back of his right hand, causing a serious
wound. Dr. Mas ton extracted the metal
and dressed the wound.
A three year-old daughter of WiliUm
Smith, of Long Tom, Benton county, was
burned to death last Saturday, her sloth
catching tire from a firs place. Mr Smith
is a son of our much respected W B Smith,
of Brownsville, in this couoty.
Around the 0. P. depot is quite a live'y
bustuess community. Among the snterpns
ing citizens thers is Mr W A Cox, who h;
opened a hoarding house, and as well sets s
tine table for transients. He is receiving a
big patronage, which serves him in the pro
sr manner.
On Thursday or last week while aervitg
subpoenas for the present term of Circuit
Court Deputy Sheriff Humphrey and his
horse, took a plunge ia the Cslipcois bear tl e
Kendall brides, aud ouly by great exertio 1
did Mr Humphrey reach land. Fortunately
both he and his horse got ut in safety.
A Pendleton paper offers a reward of $10
for information leading to the conviction if
any saloon keeper selling liquor to a minor.
This law is violated in Albany repeatedly,
and needs looking into. A few days ago
striolioa of about sixteen was seen to drink
three times at a bar ia this city.
George Wilson, the seducer of Hattie Bak
er, at Turners, was in Albany Saturday is reported, on his way t Corval
lis When tbe case of the State against Mist
Baker's brother was called Wilson failed tc
anoear aad Baker was discharged. Sentiment
io Turners is strong against Wilson.
Mr. B. F Parsons, an experienced sewint
machine man, is stopping in this citv ami
mav be found at Mrs. Easts, Cor. Second
and Washington Sts. He has a complete ont
fit for repairing sewing machines of all maket
in a first-class manner. Work guaranteed.
Orders may he left there or at this office and
will receive prompt attention.
Wall Paper, Shades, Etc.
N U. Allen St Co. keep in stock a full line
ot th above, goods, iacluding a fine assort
ment of decorations for sealiucs, which thaj
will sell st ths lowest possible prices, W
have now ta trans s ana ot tne largest stoc u
if K P.'J, of t
rit r precinvt, was im
of Brownsville, wss ia
tosn V c'f e c'aj .
Mr N'-lsio Criioie,
... I. as . s
me ssrf i-t rndsy.
Jss Carroll, one of lVl'a most f Ops lar
citizens was io Albany Friday.
Hnn J K Wsstherfnrd, of this city, hss
ben in Hcpin-r stteudiug Court.
Miss Lib Irvine rat rued from If ashing
ton Territory Iset Saturdsy evening.
R O Nort-n and George Rogers, two Salem
edit, r, bave been in tht city tin week.
Mrs I.ltis, formerly of this city, but now
f Newport, hss been yisitiog frieads brre
this week.
N It Allen left last Monday for Sao Frsa
cisec to lay in a trig stock of goods for tbe
cun Jog lar trado of I he year.
Judtfs Pipsr, of Xlcm,hae attending
Court Ibis wek. We uoderstand be intends
moving ta Eastern Oregon to locate.
Mr J D Arthurs, one of Brownsville's en
terprisiog citizen, was in ths city Wednes
day. Mr Arthur's daughter is ie attendance
st ths College ia this city.
20 lbs. golden C. 18 lbs. sstrs C.
Itw. grsnaUted
soger for $1 at Wallace St
rer Sate.
A good organ,
good shingle mill.
Call at Dr Kelly's.
Call on I. II . Maine.
Kr--!. yaquina Pa a
ennstautiv oa hand after
A Ffsiffcrs,
f Kistarn oyaters
to Jay at Hoffman
Tbis is to giys notice that I have parches
sd st a vert low Jfgnre the drag store, feoey
good, stationary, etc, from tha Capital Ad
vents 1 e ( Vrmpsny.
I will sell all ths stationary aad fancy ar
ticles far Mow their vain. The lew ptire
which I paid for them enables me to do se,
I will sell all the patent medicines tea per
cent below their asaal price. Mr. Thorn ten,
sn c p-r it need druggist, has charge el ti e
drug department. He will fill prescriptions
25 per seat below soy other drag store ia
the city. Bring yosr prescript tors to bin
sud get them filled at 108 First Street, ia tbo
store formerly occupied by the New Deaf.
On otto side of the store I have opeard ap
a large ai d well selected stock of goats'
furnishing coorls, bate, notions, etc. I can
gips better bargains ia hats thaa say one ia.
this city. It e-ill pay yo to visit as. Don't
forget year parse, f r yoa are bound to par
chase of ' I. Oeeksbaom,
IM First Street, Albany.
Po rtrait Photographer.
Sittings by appointment,
Tweetiale's Building.
Look at these
30 !b C sogar for tl.00
18 lb extra C sasar for 1 00
16 lb granulated soger 1-00
I box Kirk's fall weight soap 1.00
cans of corn 1.00
10 cans of oynters 1.00
3 Ibi good tea LOO
9 cans tomatoes 1.00
1 five gallon keg of pickles LOO
Aad give a chrumo free. We havr THE
LARGEST STOCK of groceiies iu the city,
all bought when prices wore low.snd we 1E
Notice is hereby given that tbe partner
ship firm of Pipe & Talbott has been diesoiv.
sd. J. B. Pipe cootiooing the business All
parties owing the above brut will please call
and settle with Mr. Pipe, who will sttead t
s'l debts of the firm.
March 14th, 188?.
J. 11 PlFB.
E. H. Talbott.
Real Estate Agents.
Office on sooth side of First 8 tree be
tween Revere ana Ras-t House.
TEMPLETON. On March 10th, in Port
land, to the wife of Dr. Charles Temple
ton a son.
CROWDEK. On March 4th, 1887, in this
city, to the wife of Mr. Charles Crowder
a daughter .
ST. CLAIR. On March 9th, I887, in thi
citv, the infant son of Aubre and Birdie
St. Clair, of Walla Walla, at the age of a
months and 16 days.
TABOR. -At her home near Ewartsvllle
Whitman county.W. T., March 4th,t887
Mrs. Mklcknv Tabor, wife of John R.
Tabor, aged 58 years.
Mclceny Tabor, daughter of John and
Elizabeth Taylor, was born in Franklin coun
ty, Missouri, January 22,189. She crossed
the plains with her parents in 1047, and set
tied in Marion county, Oregon, where she
was married to Win. Hamilton December
13, 1849. Her husband was killed soon
after their marriage ; and in 1852 she was
again married to John B. Tabor and lived
with him in Linn county, Oregon, until
1872, when they moved to this countiy and
settled near E wartsville. Mrs. Tabor leaves
to mourn her loss a husband, two daughters,
Mrs. J. B. Holt, of WawawaUand Mrs.Wm.
La Fallette, of Ewartsvllle,and one son, W.
J, Hamilton,of Colfax. Her remains were
interred in the Lone Pine cemetery, near
E wartsville. overlooking the home where
she had spent so many happy hours. A
large concourse of neighbors and friends, to
whom she had been a "friend in need" tes
tified to her worth by assisting in the last
tribute of respect. Colfax paper.J
SKEELS. Oa Monday, March 14th, H87,
Chkstkr Mcbei-s, son of Mr. Skeela,
who liv is across the river from this city,
of censauaptioo, aged aboat-22 years.
A large circle of friends eyu)psth''svt with
ths pueida and otaer relatives in this their