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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1887)
FRIDAY..... MARCH II, 188? IT HAS COMB. Tbe Owynimn of the 11 th last, has m Artie! under the caption of "The Good Time Ooming,"in which the ques tion it asked whether the time will ever eoneio I he South" when the aer timcntel memories of the war will be outworn, when sectional jealousies will die of inanition ; when a higher average intelligence will bear better fruit ia shape of a higher average of social humanity, aod a higher average respect for the individuality of equal right under impartial lawe." If that paper means by this question to inquire if the people of the Sooth have fully aooaplod of the results of the war, and without evasion or mental reserva tion have become at truly patriotic and loyal to the general government as those of any other section, and have, with an earnest purpose, entered upon the com mon effort to build up and strengthen our common country, ton the question can only be regarded at an intuit to the integrity and patriotism ot the people of the South, and the intelligence and love of fair dealing of the people of the North. Since 1877 the people of the Sooth, (we mean the great predcoi eat ing body of tham,) have been laboring just as earnestly and faithfully to beget ia the minds of the people a respect for the equal and exact rights of all people, at those of any other section, and the Ongoma baa well chosen a remarkably notable date to mark the point from which the South started out to place itself abreast with the North ia indus trial progress as well as devotion to our common country. But when the Ore gowem .undertakes to tell the cause which led the South ia 1877 to 'call a halt," we are constrained to say that it makes a miserable, wholesale misrepre sentation of the facta which are known to nearly every American now of mid dle eg. Here is what that paper says: "Bat in 1887 some of the shrewder eta teamen of the South like Ben Hilt, Hampton, L mar, Gordon, end Colquitt, began te eee that it was high time to call a halt, to choose between a super, fioiel respect for the decent opinions of mankind or a steady drift to social and political destruction. They caw that if the Sooth persisted ia its turbulence and bourbooism it would weaken aad wither before the slowly gathering blasts ef public opinion, just as sorely at la very fell at the feet of the outraged and incensed moral force of the country, despite the fact that at the very boor of its fall it was stronger by statute and constitutional enactment than it had ever been since the birth of the nation. The sin ef a nation inevitably finda her out, aad either ha lea her to jadgment and atonement or einks her in the Styx." Now is it true that Baa Hill,Hmpoo, etc, called a halt ? Not at all. It will be remembered that io 1876 Samuel J. Til den had been elected President by a majority of the popular vote ef more than a quarter of a million, and that certain Republican leader, among whom were Ztch Chandler, John Sherman, Gat field, Morton and others, had enter ed into a conspiracy, immediately after it became known that Tilden was elect ed, to 8 teal the presidency from bim and transfer it to Hayes, his defeated oppo nent. This conspiracy was successful and was properly denounced by Adams as "fraud first triumphant in A mericsn history." For the eight years ol Grant's administration the Sutb bad been ru.ed by the ever hated and hate ful military power. During all these years that section had been, as the Ore go nian properly says, "a boiling politi cal caldron, bubbling over with riot, blood and trouble." This riot, blood and trouble was the inevitable outgrowth of brutal military rule. The South bad prayed long and earnestly to be rid of this relic of the middle ages, but a deaf ear had constancy bona turned t it by Grant and bis advisers. The indigna tion sod chagrin at the shameful and unabashed stealing of the presidency were so keen and d ep aeate 1 am lag Democrats and oneervativee that Hayes felt that bis ti'le to tM offioo was supported by so slender a thread that he was likely to 1 s :t at any time. His ajeC, craven, truckling nature was such that he waa willing and ready to do anything, or mki any kill of concession, to make s ire of bis otfioe. Here war the turning point for the South. It was as the (araelites passing out of the wiWsrness. Htyes sai l t Hill, Lamar, Gordon and others, who had so long been laboring to cause the removal of the military yoke from their people, that if they would freely and fully acquiesce in bis title to his offio without question be would cruse the army to be removed. This they cheer fully accepted st the band of tbe fraud nlent presiden', and from that time on the South has been moviog ownward and upward in the scale of industrial and educational progres. As every one now see, except those who are blinded by narrow prejudice, tbe real and only reason why tbe South m ide no progress from the close of tbe eivil war up to 1877 was in consequence of the attempted control of that people by the bayonet. Tbia attempt failed,as it is surely failing in Ireland, and as it will always fail, where the victims of such rule have ever tasted of the sweets of freedom. Thus it ras that Hayes old out tbe Republican party aid its olerisbed policy of military rule to make bisnself secure in an office which tbe leaders of bis party had stolen and J graciously given to him, and nine-tenths of his party to-day hold him in con tempt for his faithlessness and eo war dice. "POLITICAL AND LEGISLATIVE DMttA DATION." The Omgonian In aa article under the above caption calls attention to a uit brought by a "well-known profes sional lobbyist" against a firm owning a fish wheel at the Uascedoa.for service rendered in defeating legislation te abolish fish wheels. That paper uses the following strong language condemn etary of the manner of securing or de feating legialation by means of paid lobbyists sod bribers who congregate at Salem when the legislature convenes snd remain until it adjourns, indus triously pursuing their nefarious calling: "Do the people of Oregon know tbst legislation ia its more important feat- urea, is controlled not by the men elected to represent the people but by political bosses on the one hand end by lobby agents on the other t Do they knew that about every legislature thsre hangs a coterie of professional corrup tion agents ? Do they understand tbst there agents, not rising even to the plane of lobbyists in a sense which im plies intelligent attorneyship, equally ready to bribe a legislator or lead bim into vice and than hold him under fear of exposure, or to steal or mutilate a bill, aad that tbeae are their common methods 1 D they know that there are no lees than half a score of such men In this state who make their whole living during the six weeks of the legislative session every second year f We cannot believe that tbeae facta are realised. If they were, the moral sentiment of the country wouid rise in hot indignation and overthrow this despotism of cor ruption." We thank the Oreyeas'aw for these wholesome words,snd we trust that they will have the effect of awak ening th i people to the fact that these professional lobbyists and bribers are not all from Portland and Eetero Ore gon, fas soon people have been wont to believe, but that other localities, well M those named, are eureed with them, and tans educate a sentiment among tbe people that will indignantly frown down upon and crush out so vicious and dangerous a growing evil. Tbe Republican papers with a uaaa imity of feeling unparalleled in that party, except the desire to return to the place where loaves and fishes are plen ty, are applying" to the president for hie pocket veto such choice epithets as borley buffalo Sheriff,'' and other choice lis hits from the vocabulary of billingagate These coarse, semi-civil-bed remarks ere simply indicative of the manners and morals of tbeae people who use them, and serve no other pur pose. Br w hope the seven by -nines all over tbe country will exercise the utmost liberty in tha direction. All signs ioint to the fact that Al bany will pit on a livelier air this spring, summer and fall then for msny years. R ml estate ia ch raging hands quite frequently, ami shrewd epesulators in that line of property are picking it op wherever found for sale. . A heavy immigiatloa it is said will be tushiog in upon us during tbe next few seeks. Let every one giie the new comer a hearty welcome and such assistance snd information as will en able every one of them to find a home smoog us. Albany sad Salem ere heartily en gaged in building up tnsir public school system, tbe former bsviog voted a tax of five mills and the latter five and half mills to sustain these schools tbe coming year. New comers like to set tle in such towns. OORRBSPONTDa NTOB le b&n On- Gardening is the popular amusement now in Lebanon. Mrs. Orpha .Wheeler went to Port land Monday lo spend a few weeks. She left her shop in cbsrge of Mrs. J. Usher. The Ladies Aid society are on a strike for higher wages. Hereaf ter there will be no more work done for 50 cents an afternoon, but they can be had for fie a member, and tbe lady desiring their services can leave sn otder for as many or as few as she likee. She may not gt as much news, bus probably will get as much sewing done as though she bsd the whole number. Miss Annie Wooley and Miss Mary Roberts went to Junction on a visit Isst Wednesday. Last week our public schools hsd a vacation that was enjoyed by both scholars and teachers. Miss Griggs, teacher in the Primary room, spent last week ia Junction vis iting her sister, Mrs. Dr. Lee. She cams home Saturday ere , to be ready for duty Monday. Prof. Stobblefield attended tbe S. 8. convention io Salem last wsek. Re ported a very good time. Prof. J. L. Gilbert will c!cae a suc cessful term of school the 25th of this month. The Apron festival given Isst Friday eve for the bsnefit of the C. P. Church proved a success socially with a very fair financial report. Tbe gross receipts I were $83. Rev. Struble filled bis regulsr ap pointment. Rev. J. T. Wolfe failed to fill his last regular appointment, on acoou ot of sickness. The Sunday School is flourishing. Good attendance on lt Stbbath. Jo3epc Yates attorn i Court this week. Frank Stdford will leave soon, to make bis residence io Portland. The annual school meeting pasted of Juietly .resulting in the reelection of A. Sieving Director, and D. Houor.Cletk. The Directors have secured the ser vices of Prof. D. W. Jarvis, of lade pendence, to teaoh the next school. Prof. J art is holds a Bute Diploma. Ths school will commence on the 38th of this month. Tbe Brass Band entertainment given at this pi ace, on ths evsning of the 4th, was quite a success, taking in $30. 70. Pretty good for a cold night and that in a cold room where there was neither stove nor fire. A. W. Moses has rsnted bis house to Prof. Jarvis, and will teach school in District No. 24,oommsnoing next Mon day. Tangent is on ths improve, as a e no tice some new vide side walk between the two stores, and Mr. Wsrts has re ceived two or three oar loads of material to build a barn. We notice the familiar face of H. McClung In town, who has been absent for six or seven years. The oitixsns are building a new side walk from the R. R. to the school boose, Roclc Hill A. P. Blsokburn was elected Direc tor and W. K. Temple Clerk ot our school district at the annual election. Mrs. Uopew has been engaged to teach the school. Our distriot needs a new school house very muob. Hope we will have one soon. Rev. W. A. Cathey.of Sweet Home, p reached here on last Sunday to a good audience. He has appointments here once s month. J. W. Giiraore, of Elleosburg.W. T., is visiting relatives aud friends here. W. H. Kium snd wifs spent Isst Frtdsy in Albany. E. G. Easthsm has lost over 100 bead of sheep. Heavy loss. We understand that D. H. Peterson wilt spend 3 or 4 months in Eastern Oregon during tbe spring snd summer. Bob. Gilmore bss gone to Silvsrton for a few days. E. Mills is still sick. He has been sick for over a year. Stock doing pretty well,thongh poor. Tbe "light fantastic toe" wan tripped at Mr. Bardwell'e some evenings ago. Wbbpootcb- We have bad a pretty severe winter over here since tbe middle of Januery, but it has moderated now, and tbe fes tive robin and blue bird are with as again. The snow, which was from 15 to 20 inches deep, is gone, except in places where it is sheltered from the south wind. Vegetation is starting up nicely aud everything is looking like spring lime. John M. Smith starts to-day for Pomeroy, W. T. Samuel Smith is down tbe Mobaak looking after his loge, which went down with the freabet io January. He has not sold them yet. I understand he baa had a proposition from Harrishurg and also from Ooborg for tbem. A good many horse here died here with staggers or some kind of fever. I suppose io s few weeks more we wilt belong to tbe commonwealth of Lane county. Some about Crswforde ville talk of whipping us back into ibe onion again, claiming that ws have se ceded, Hot I guees they will bard'y make tbe effort. Uncle Tim has been summoned as a juror io Circuit Court this woek. Ma UK LIT . Peoria. Peoria has a new drag store. Freak Bayoe.son of ths Rev. Beyne, of this place, arrived here Friday from the Bast. He is to take charge of a half interest in the drug atore with Mr. Gilliam. The entertainment given by tbe Brass Band Monday eve was immense. Myer Bros, have tken a contract for getting out 10,000 ties for the O. P. R. R. John Coon killed aixty ducks tbe other day in two hours. Dr. Oallibsm has left Peoria. Prof. Worth.of Soda ville, was visiting friends near Peoria last week. The Peoria warehouae contains slout two thousands bushels of grain yet, tbe greater part oi which bet mga to Dvid Gibson. Mr. J as. Garrett dedicated hi new house last Thursday. Q-iite a number from this place at tended the dance at Wm. Shepherd last Friday nigh'. They reported a pleasant time. Pxoria U A Mi Kit. Oak: ville. The euteriainment given by the Ladies Aid society was a success. Tbe Sunday School and Church was represented in tbe Sunday School Con vention. Mrs. Aekermsn was verv low on last Sunday. There is thought to be no hopes OS her recovery. The drams, "Eilisted for the Wr," will bs presented here in the i.ear fu ture. MUs Anna McCinuick la visit ing friende Ijhim. Miss Ella Crawford, of Halaey, baa been visiting lelativeir bre. t"1 i i " ",' l Active, Pahlag and Reliable. Foahay & Mason can always be n il 1 up on to carry ia stock the purest and heat goods, and sustain the reputation ( hoiog active, pnahing and reliable, by recommend ing articlea with well HstablUhed sserit and such ss are popular. Having the agency for thecelebrated Dr King'a New Discovery for consumption, colda aud coughs, wili aell it on a positive guarantee. It will surely cure sny snd svery affection of throat, lours, or cheat, and in order to prove our claim, we ask you to call and got a trial bottle free. Knelt tea's Aratca Salve. The best salve in tbe world for. Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rbeum, Fever Sores, Tetter, C napped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, aad posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It i guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, er money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Fosbsy A Mason, R. A. JlrK AULA Nil. Another pioneer citizen is goue 1 Another christian soldier fallen 3 Reuben Anderson MoFarlaud was born in North Carolina Feb. Oth, 1805. With his parents moved to Cooper Co., Missouri, in 1811. To Pettis county about 1830, where be remained until 1850, when he. crossed tbe plains to California, returning home tbe winter of 1851-2. About tbe first of May, 1852,he started with his family,by way of the plains, with ox teams, to Oregon, whsre hs arrived after six months travel, locating five miles south of Al bany in Linn county, where he has since lived. Hs departed this life in great peace March 6th, 1887. When about 16 years of sgs he professed re ligion snd joined tbe Cumberland Pres byterian Cburob, of which be remained a member until he came to Oregon. There being no church of hi choice in the neighborhood whsre be located, he united with the M. K. Church North, and remained with them until the or ganisation of the M. E. Church South, with which he united, and in which he died. He lesves three sons and ons daughter, many grandchildren and sev eral great grandchildren. His was a noble type of christian manhood. He served bis own generation both in church sod State faithfully and efficient ly, snd has left behind him a legacy of whioh his familv may well be proud. Hs lived and die! in tbe faith of Christ and in hope ef a glorious resurrection. We mourn the loss of our fathsr,brotb er, friend, and with the bereaved fam ily, mingle oar tears of sympathy and sorrow ; but we rejoice, also, together, in hope of the "glory to be revealed io . a e a as a a as tne saints." lie oame to bis end in s ripe old age, ss a "shock of corn ready for tbe harvest. Peace to his asbis. J. W. Csaio. Pane Per Sale. The Donation Land claim of W. It. Con. S ' aa saw a sat sat a a we a asr, in tee. e, i tu, 9 n I w. won county. 100 seres good land, 00 acres Umber, 20 seres in cultivation. 110 ecrea fenced. Ik miles t ttcio, 6 miles to Marion station, 24 miles to Marion Gauge. Prioe, cash, $1600. Title perfect. Bread for dsed to H. K Caoa, Atty at Law, Oregon City. The re leave pfcar, Albany, Or. I bave all tbe negatives taken by A B. Pas too and any one can nave duei! nates from their negative byaddroeeing ua, at the following prices: Card elite, Si per dozen, cabinet slxe, f.1 par doxen. Lou Jours, rj per dozen. I keep the Quest line of Oregon views In tbe weet. Cata logue furnished on application. Copy In a and enlarging old pictures a specialty. J. O. Caawreao. I Cave. D Hoy I a Co., Wholesale aad Retail Druggists, ef Rome, ft a., says : We bave base selliur Dr Kings New Discovery, Elec tric Biters and Buokleo a Arnica Salve for two years. Bave never handled reared ice that sell ss well, or give sack universe! set- There hav been aome wonderful ed by these medicines in this city. Several esses of proaeeaesat eeaeamp- tiou have been entirely eared by use of a few bottles of Dr King's New Discovery, a a i ajt fTs staa . . teneo is oonnecnon wrin r.iecmc rotter. We guarantee them always. Sold by Poehay k Mason. Send Burkhart Keeaey as saw sad ad dresses ef friends desiring information of Ore gon aed they will send them espies of the W Ruatt Vonvfyor which contains a com- plete diacription of one county la each issue w ith mtbsr desirable information as wether, eaa Liver BawwbMer la what the name Indicates a Regulator" of that moat important organ, the Liver. is your Liver out or order T Then ia your whole system deranged, the breath offen sive, yeu nave headache, feel languid, dispirited, and norvons, no appetite, sleep troubled and unrefroshing, Himmone Liver Regulator restores the health v ac tion of tbe Liver. eVepared by J. H. Zcalin A Co. SLKFPLK8S NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough. Bbtloh's Cure is tno reuteiy tit you, For hams back, eido or cheat, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price IS cent. WILL YOU SUFFER with discs and Liver Complaint ? Mb I lob's Vitalis guaraat aed to cure yon. Mew esartfed by a Fresalaeal Phyaietaa. "No other remedy within my knowl edge can ill its place. I bave been prac ticing medi.ine for twenty years, and bave never been able to out no a vege table compound that would, like 8im raone Liver Regulator, promptly and ef. reotiveiy move the Ijver to action and t tne same time aid (instead or weakening) the digestive powers of the system. L-M, ninion, m. ,, wasningten, Ara. m sj aajan a mil wm-N vi IAM.KK is what von aed for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, uiauiinens, and an symptoms or Dyspepsia, rrice iv anu io cams per roottie, CROUP. WHOOPING COUOH and Krone hi Us immediately relieved by Shi ioh's Cure. ARE YOU MY.DK miserable by Indi geation, Constipation. Dizziness. Loss o AP petite. Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Vltaliaer a positive cure. SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh, Dlptbsria, and (.anser moutn. BBSS REPORTOF THE CONDITION or TUB FIRST NATIONAL BANK, AT ALBANY, IN THB STATB OP OREGON, At tha close ot business, 4th day of Mar eh, 1887, Kruanreem t Loanaand discounts 0)10700.88 OvardralU.. i6UI v. a. Bonos io secure circulation 80000 00 u. h. uonas sn nana 4000 00 Other utoclts. bond, snd mertssges US. 09 isusirom oiner nations! nanus 6678.81 uue irom state Banks and bankers 30M.&6 Current expenses awl taxes paid 86s!78 t Jisf Vf" " " seeeaeseei 6007.60 wnecss anu otner casn items , 2046.78 uiiis ot otnsr oanas 166.00 rrscuoiuu psper currency, nickies and cents 10.06 Specie ., 26376.86 Legal tender notes.... xjj QO Redemption fund wiOi U. 8. Treasurer (five par eenl ot circulation.) 000.00 Tt tl78,814 86 Liabilities r Cspital stock paid In 860000.00 Surplus fund 8060 00 Undivided proSts.... 1668,68 National Bank notes outstanding ' 12840 00 Dividends nnpsid... 60 00 Individual deposits subject to check 68766 82 Demand certificates of denostt bsisa'kt Due to othr Nstlonal Bank.. ..,.. ,, ngj gg Due to State Banks and bankers 8827 46 fetal.. 8178,814.86 State or Oasoox, Cocsrr or Lixm, mi : 1, Geo. E, Chamborlaln,Oashler of the abovs nam ed bank do solemnly swear tint', the above statement, is true t the best of my knowledge and belief. GEO. E. CHAMBERLAIN, Cashier. Subscribed and iworn to before ras this 16th day of March, 1887. FRED. P. NUTTING, (i ) Notary Public. CosascT Attest : I.. E. BLAIN, SAMUEL E. YOUNG. Directors. WALTER E. TUBRKLL, Albany Marker. Wheat -7.1s per bu. oats sn " Butter 'J & ot per th. ssjalt cents per do, eefon foot, SHoQ 4o Potatoes 1 00 ot per bushel. Apples H0 oenta per bu, Perk - &Mo per lb. Baoona ham, lOe. shoulders, re. aldee, tfc Lard So per lb. Flours.ftO per bid. Chickens 2.60 per dor.. Sugar Han Franobtn 0, sc. Dry granulated-? e, Mill Feed-bran, 11.00 par ton. short, IS. alddiings, in. lops, is. Being Mere Pleasant to ths tests, more acceptable to the stomach and more truly beneficial in its action, the famous California liquid fruit remedy, Hyrnp ef Pigs, is rapidly superseding all others. Try it. For sate by Peshay Sc Mason. Per Bale. ' One hundred and twenty acres of the best quality of improved wheat land, all fenced Into four fir Ids, good house, hard finish, good outhouses, excellent fruits of sll kinds. 75 acres of groin, Inquire at this office. ROTA I POWDER Absolutely Pure. A marvel ef poriiy . M .IS ef Soveeei.vrs a, IC9 Wallet, W ACONB AND CAKRIAoKtf, Haoka. single and doub'.e burwles.rarte. buck board, and all hinds of wheeled ve hicles. Dna't buy antll you see what we bave and learn our prieew. Brawaar A Bos, QARDKN TOOL AND HEED. Stewart A Bo keep an immense stock ef garden tool, aud are also agent for the celebrated Walla Wei; a garden seeaVs, wntoa gave better eauerantion than sny sold in Albany lost season, B ARBED WIRE. A lerce stock on hand and will be sold cheep. Also a fine let of plain galvanised wire for woven fences at tne store of Stewart A Box. ' ADZES, LOOK HKRE. We want yon to remember thai we have a tot of those curling Irons, also shears, scissors, tracing whaela, nheir ana nower pot bracket, aad a good many other things you would like to bave. wrawaav at box, W ODD CUTTERS, ATTENTION ! Never forget that we always keep In stock a full line of axes, cross cut saw. steel and iroi wdgee,sledge, maul rings, sge. srawAKT A Boa. jo W UK It. 8 ROT, ETC. N port men can alwav find at our atore a splendid line of ammunition of alt kloda, snd we also keep giant snd blasting pow der, ruse, etc, wrawaar at soz. 1 A, I NTS AND OILS of all kind, mixed ready for use, kal so mine and alabaatine brushes, etc , for sals cheap by SrawaaT A Sox, LI IE MONDAY OOODS. ringers, tube, washboards, buckets, etc , for sale cheaper than ever before by Stewart A Sox. Several kinds of wringers aad something new In waahtoarda. QCTLERY. In pocket knives, butcher lenivea, carv ing seta, scissors, shears, raaors, etc,, we keep a very large assortment. Coma arsand and look at our stock. Stewart a Sox. 8 CALEB. We have a large assortment ol scales to bo sold on very reasonable terms Special lnoucemeota given to Termer. Sykwaht A Sox. TO WHOM It May Concern. Albany, Ob., March Oth, 1387. Self preservation Is the first I kw ot nature. Among my old friend and customers who have been trading with me for the last ten years, and Who still do the same and profit thereby, some designing party with enmity in his soul Is circulating the report that because some one else re ceived the sugar cob tract that was let last week by certain business in in agers I am higher in prices than others. Gentlemen, it was impossi ble for me to get the above contract, as I was not asked for a Ind, why, is best known to themselves. By c ing aud ascertaining my prices you can judge for yourselves whether Justice has been done to you or not, and whether tbe prices of my goods are not as low or lower than any other house. In case that I should be com pelled to give up my business on ac count of the above,I will be compelled to become an office seeker. Very respectfully yours, $. COHEN, SaeTaw ordiaary klaos. and sseael hsssid ia eww Just Received Samuel K. Voting, A f til I assortment of tbe celebrated BROAD UK A I) DRESS OOODS. Read what ibe manufacturers say, WHAT WE GUARANTEE FOR THE DRESS G000S OF OUR MANUFACTURE. To be made from tbe very beat ma terial, by skillful workmen, with the latest and most approved ma oblnery, and to be the obaapeet goods In the market when service Is considered. Are so thoroughly Auisbed that they ean be worn In damp weather or a shower, without fear of being ruined oy ourling or shrinking. Tbe manufacturing, dyeing and tin tab Ing is done la such a manner that tbe goods ean be washed If desired, without tbe least Injury ta the fabric. Our goods are wool dyed, and col ore ae feat aa the p ureal dyes and greatest care and skill ean make them. . Goods show Just what they are and will be until worn out, aa tbore ia no weight, stiffening, or artificial lustre ueed to Increaae the weight or Union j as Is the ease with a large class of goods in tbe market, but which disappears after a few day's service. Aa manufacturer we bave taken great peine to supply an article in ovary way reliable, and unsur passed by similar goods, either foreign or domestic, aod would respeoUnlly ask an examination of tbe various styles and shades to be found on sale by merchants wbe are agents for tbe goods. Ssmplts sent by mall, SAMUEL E. V0UNC CLEARANCE SALE. OF Pall and Winter (loads FOR THK NRXT 90 DAYS AT Julius Joseph's. I offer my fine stock of Fail and Winter goods, snob as WOOLEN UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, DRESS SHIRTS, CARDIGAN JACKETS, CLOVES, RUBBER COATS, HAT8 AND CAPS, AT Greatly Reduced Prices! In order to make room for my Spring goods. CIGARS and TOBACCO. I also keep on band the beet assert men t of plug and cut Tobaoooa, Merchsum aud brier pipes, and smokerV srtlcleu lu imported Key West as well aa in domestic cigar, (keep tbe - beat brands In the market, aud will sell at BOTTOM PRICKS. Soiling eigars by tbe box a specialty. (Customers furnished free of charge with private look boxes if required ) Remember the Place, (Pfeifler's brink, adjoining Revere House Julius Joseph. BOOTS, SHOES AND SUFFERS. I am now receiving my fall and winter stock of boots and shoes, I have as niosly a fitted up Boot snd Shoe Store, and as complete a stock as any this side of Portland and very few better in Portland. I buy aH mv boots and s w ' shoes direct from manufacturers and am authorized to warrant every pair no 'mat ter how cheap. No firm in Oregon have any advantage of me in buyiug as 1 buy in quantities and pay the cash. Tn ladies', misses and children's shoes, I keep much the largest, best and great est variety in the city. My aim will alwya he to give as good value for the money as possibly can be done. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, .b-. VflsfeBHsi Bar Ml I ssaBnw When Getting Your Spring Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Furnishing Goods, Wend jour Who leads, PCI CLOT HIN G N. and In i. un.Qrpuwd In lb. Bla uw ttoek er I I I ' 8 Ia tbe beat in the market, embracing all the ltet style. In FURNISHING GOODS He takes a front position, with a reliable, well selected stock. His sales of BOOTS AND SHOES Are Urge, because be keeps tbe beet, in quality and styles A SPLENDID LINE OF SUITINGS ON HAND IN HiS TAILORING DEPARTMENT. New Goods Arriving Constantly THE Boot and Shoe Store. MEN AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOES. LADIES AND MISSEStSHOES AND SLIPPERS We have largely Increased our stock of Boots and Shoes and ara now furnish all styles an 1 grades of goods st remarkably low prices. Wo buy of sever of tbe beet l astern factories and do not hesitate to say that our goods are strictly firs class. We carry no bank run', elock an 1 can faV.v warrant nnr nwl tn ar mi t any In the market. REMEMBER We bave tbe largaa exclusive stock of ia tha city and that wo ARE contlnuailsy adding new novelties. We are eelliag so that you can not fail of being suited. We do o not follow but lead in low prices. Re marnKav the r) A A. tat ewe TfHiea nrswif rtf t Kc nnrlHna fan lass ikats.. iL. i ss uiviuviii a saw viu ss 11 aa u ji vs a, READ New Grocery Store. Get Your at Wallace & Thompson's, S. W, Corner First and Breadalbin Sta., ALBANY, OREGON, A choice stock of freak goods, embrac ing everything in the grocery line. Pro duce in its season, DR. G.WATSON MAST0N Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms 3 aod 4. Foster's Bioek. ALBANY OREGON. 'I'TP'V excuse whatever m for sending away from home for Printing matter as long as Burk hart dr Pfeiffer turn out such neat work at way-down prices. LOWS. Come in and see our new stock of steel and chilled plows. We can suit you.both in Roods ana prices. Every Russell chill ed plow in guaranteed to be equal to any chilled plow manufactured. Sine wart A Sox. naw - RECTANGULAR AND BARREL CHURNS. The largest stock ever carried in Albany and will be sold at lower prices than for merly. We. want all butter makers te come and see tbem. STSW4.RT fc SOX, way to tbe atore of 01a Stock of CITY ywuuiu aav aaa vaao vv MRHj aUO BsrIU. & BROWNELL. MONEY TO LOAN In suras to suit BY BiTKRHaar ft Kaasxv, Albany, Or. 0NN BROTHERS' Wash grocery store Opposite Deyoe A Robson's. ALBANY, OREGON. Keep a fresh stock of all kinds" of GROCERIES. FARM PRODUCE, CANNED GOODS1 ETC, ETC. BESIDES TOBACCO, CIGARS, WILLOW WARE, LAMPS, SHADES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE ETC., ETC. produce tap m mum Will sell as cueap s any store ta USany Will you continue using blank stationery when you can get Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes, fec. neatly printed at the office of Burkhart dc Pfeiffer for just about what you pay for the blank paper, and per haps a little less. ESTRAY NOTICE. Notice ia hereby given that I have taken up a aorrel horse, mue years old, wart under the left eye, branded "J." "H." on the right anouider. fifteen and a half hands high, aed have had the same dnly appraised by the Justice of the Peace of East Albany precinct. Appraised at $40. My residence ia near Knox Butte, four miles east of Albany. Or. En. Chambers, THK REV. UEO. H. THAYER, of Bonr bon, Ind., says : "Both myself and wife owe our lives to SHILOH'S CONSUMP TION CUBE,' Fosbay A Mason, agent