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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1887)
IMUL I ' 1 J ' ' 11 TBey Meet St. John's Lodge, 6a, in Foster's Block nd Haturdav of mouth. Corinthian Lodge, 17, at Hall, Ut Saturday. Baviev tarda?. Chapter, 8, at Hall, 4th Sat- K of P., at O. F. Hall, every Thursday evening. I. O. O. F., at their hall.evcry Wednesday I evenlnc. I A. O. U. W.,at their hall ij ,... Mondav all, ever Monday t, at O. F.Hall, evening. Orreana Encampment trtry and and 4th Friday. G. A. R.. at A. O. U. W. Hall. 1st and frd Saturday I. O. G. T., at A. O. U. W. Hall, every f riday evening. United Friends of the Pacific, at O. F Ball, ut and 3rd Friday. THE STAR A Nteieaprr aDaartlaE the Prlaetple af a ttenaorrsitlr Asia ! latratlaa. Published in the City of New York. WILLIAM DORSHEIMER, Kdltor. XXrir, tl'eotfy mnd Sunday Editions THE WEEKLY STAR. A a eight pa- Nwppcr,laael very Wednesday. A olean, pure, bright and intsrsstirg FAMILY PAPER. It contain the latent news, down to the hour of going to preas. Jts columns will be found crowded with good things from biauins to end. Ortfrinal storlea by dla- Unguiahed American and foreign writers of Aouen. Terms of the Weekly Star to subscriber. ONE DOLLAR FOR ONE YEAR. For three months, on trial, 25 eenta, Mpeettml terms and extraordinary tudareaseata to Agent and taarassfrs. Nead for t'lrenlar. Terms of tie Daily Star to subscribers. Brer? day, for one year (inclaliug Sunda.v) 7 .00 Daily, t tthoat Sunday, eue veer COO Xefv dav. six uionth . S.S0 Daily, ertthouliunday. six months 3. Sauday. without Daily, um yser.. ...... LM THE STAR, iHSBawsy uiu srarat i iacet iuia, n I I n.t Til V..l Administrator's Sale. HOTlCK ia hereby given that by virtue or an order of Ih County court or Ldnu county, Oregon, duly made and eutereu of record, the undersigned as Adininia- t rater of the estate of attack, Porter A Co., (T. L. Porter, deceased.) will, on Hie -Joth day of February, 1887, at one o'clock p. m. of said day, at the door of the Court House in Albany. Linn county, Orirn, Mii at public auction to the hibet bidder all tb riaht, title and interest of said estate of Black. Porter A Co.. at the time of the death of Ktd T. L. Porter, in the following described premise, to-wit Lou 5. 3. 6. t aud 7 in Block No. 9 in the city ef Halsey, Linn county, Oregon. terms of sale, Cash in baud in U, 8, gold coin on the dav of sale. January 24th, 137, Y. J. Stkwakt. Administrator. A regonlfcacific Wk aiiroad Inly laf opular Isfoute, liver 1 ictttr88Que langes, Fine tlnao X Rare connection lew equipment I 325 miles shorter f 20 It oar le time ! Accommodations unsurpassed for com fort and safety. Pares and freight much than by any ether rout between all points in the illarnette Valley and BRfl int. in the WUl rrancisco. ONLY ROUTE VIA YAQUINA BAY TO SAN FRANCISCO. Daily ?rtttmgr t reins tuceft Sundays. Lssts Ysqsissy Si a.m. Luti Albany, K'.tO t. n. Arrive, Carvalli,lu.3 a, I Arrive CorvaiUs, 1:20 r. U. Imn Albany, 11:20 a. s. Arria Yaqulua, s:26 r. at. Oregon and California trains connect at AJbsnv and C'orvaliis. The Oregon Development Company s steamships sail : rao tii.mii buC..TuasdK.b.l rsAsrusco C.Thuaday.reblO .MsturOay Kak 12 eaday. r.b 22. ixlay, fab 2S. nda) , March 6, S M, Saturday. Mare IS YC, t'rlday, Marc U. iMna.M.,'.FebJl T C. Isnf . Kes. 27 Bf, Maturday, March 6. T O, Friday, starch 11. 8 M . TharvOay, March 17 T C, sTaSSJ , March 23. The Company reeryes the right to ehsnjfe sailing days. Fare Between Cor allisandSan Fran elsoo : IUil and cab I, f 14. Kail and steerage, 9,88. For information ap y to . C HOCl E, A 0. f. stv P. Agent, Cenrsllis. OVERLA NO TO CALIFORNIA -VIA-. Oregon & CJ Uifornla H. K, AND COMNECTIOM8. far frm Portland tsaVta i'rxr.-A , ttt S icru sscnta, $3J. Closa caunacUims mada at AshtaaJ w tb sUfss. ol ths CiUfuniia, O. n and lilaho Utayit Oatapany. (DAILY MXCKPT HUM DAYS.) Ksl aide DlvlKloti. BITWtM PORTLAND AND ASHLAND. Mall Train. mutb. aaaiva, FertiaiMt .8 00 a u I Albany 11:45 a u Albaay.., 12:06 r u j Ahlaml 4:U0 a m Ashland 8:46 r a I Albany 11:26 AM Albaay ,11:45a u Portland, Wot Albany Express Train, LBATS. ABKIVB. Portland 4:00 r M I Albany 8;34 p M Albany 8:36 r a I Lebanon 0;20r a Lssaaaw 4.46 a a Albany 6:2S a m Albaay .50 a m Portland io:0d a M PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS daily between Portland and Ashland.. Ths O. and ORE Perry makes connections with si! She regular train on the East bide Division from foot f f Sorest. West Side Dfvlstoa. BET WEEN PORTLAND A.D CORYALL1S, Mail Train, ' - ISAVB ARBITB rrtlail . .7:30 A u I CorrallU 12:26 r a Qsrrsllis 1:30 r a I Portland 4:16 , M All Cbrvallia connect with trains of Oregon Pacilc r Ysquina Bay. Express Train. MATS. ARBITB. PerUana1 4:60 r a I McMinnville 8:00 r n McMinuT.Jle.... 5:48 A u Portland .0:00 A a Local tiekets for sale and baggage checked at com S?V ,u to"rnofflc't!r- Pin6 nd Scotxl Streets. Tlckeu for principal pol..U in California can only be creeersd at Company's office, Corner V ami Front Mi.,Psrt!nd Or, Freight Will not be received for sblpBient after 6ve o'clock p. in. on either the Eaet Wn' 49 Divisions. . KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. O. F. PsssAgent. PATENTS ObAalaed, aad all ether business in ths U. g. Paten Odses attendsd td to for moderate fees. Oar a is opposit ths U.S. Patent Office, and we mm obtain Patent less time than those remote imm WashiagtilB. Baas' ssedle sr drawinr. Wa ad" ir, n.i.nt aMiltn free el enarga :anuwemaks o chanre nnlnaa vr?Zt W ths ro.ttua.ter. the Sunt, of ll 11 T V I wmm mm int. .' .w ...... . .. ... . t . , , . , m a . . , - w mmrr . ... .1 J . . . Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oreaon City, Or. ) January 31st. 187. 1 X0II..0. tm hnrehv sri veil that the follow ing, iamed settler hat filed nottco of his intention to make final proof In support of hi; claim, and that Raid proof will lo made before- the Register ami nooyiver 01 the U.H. LandOfflco at Oregon City,Or..on ur..l..,.l... at ......I. !.-. I 1XS7 vl f W 1' Wn.ln.-H.ti4V. Murtrii ISHl. Vl7. t W 1" Hrrom, Homestead Kntry tor uie N W of Sec. 4, Tp, 10 8 K 5 K, Willam TV . . '..neat - .i ette meridian. He name tho followlnir wltueeaee to provo hla oontluuoua residence upon, ant. uUSviaUm of Uml vlx . Joseph O Tumldce, Thomaa L Pen USSR , W J Turnldiie and la T Hen noun all of Hock Creek, Linn tountv, Oregon. w .-V - n YV . T. UUWIT, Register. IMOR 8ALK, On half blorsk In tmatorn wirt of the city with fair houao and bam will beold eneap a n aiiTTliin Asnt Booms o.. capital 110.000.000. Insure In an absolutely safe I n.n Co or 6,000,000 pgoPUUK FERRY'S SEEDS SSI. r aaa v ssw adsaMied ssbs tS UtMtT IttltMlN s a ssrst D. M FERRY ACQ'S aSBSk, lllMtraW, - aasm EEO ANNUAL For 1887 will be aaaOad ULMI sJLNaarvsw. ... 0ifwii AddMSS i. M. rtltT A . Detroit, , M l'H, Notice for Publication. Lnl office t Oregon City, Or. ) January. lOtk, 1887. f KOTICK la hereby aivoo that the foJ. lowini'-iiamet settlor hvt fllol notK-e of uia Intention to make final proof in aui nnrt nf bin claim, and that sal.! proof will be made tb t'oui.ty Ju.lrx or Court t r Tlerk of Linn county, at A I ban v. Ore iron. ontTburttilav. March 10th, MW7. via t i C .... w a Maa . . v a ia . Phil later 1 , iiomtonti r.mry no. saw for the W J, of Sec. 14, Tp. 12, H R 1 K, He name the ioliowing witness to Drove bis cttntinuous rt'sirlenc uion, and cultivstion of. asid land, via : Churl Williams. John W.Slavcns, Joel an ami Andrew Vail, all of Lebanon, Unn eoun ty, Oregon. - YV. X. tlUBUSBTt ter. ARAossALOuas KERVOUS atFHTSXOAfal. e7 InYmmaAJslkl ToprreroBj Save rcAJta V US I MM tHouJSD n aw, T9MAXMMM9. 7A" . Jrt Palace Meat Market. PIPE & TALBOT, PaOPRIBTOES. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY. OR. Win keep constantly on hand be, mutton, pork, veal, sausage, etc,, tb beet od largeel variety lu me city. Ceah raid for all kiodsof fatatock. SAM MAY. J. O. RNDCRI MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General Merchandise. HARRISBURG - - - - OREGON Will bay Grain, Wool aid all kinds lotilijirniwc. N O HOME BLE8.SED WITH A BABY is complete without tb montiily visits ol ZfaWtttx.tbst del ittlit, com fort anJ aid of the mother. Only publica tion in the world devoted te the care of young children. We are glad to reconimoud it. (5 Beekman Ut.. N. Y.) f 1.50 a year ; 15 cents a copy Clubbed with ,ithe Dkmo caATfor 83 year. ALBAHY. COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY. OREGON, ,1888, 188T. BtEf . V. JJ jTUOMI'MlV. a. a President. A lull eorpa of Inatructor, CLASSICAMSCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Course of tudy arranged to meet the need of all gradesof atudenta. S fecial inducements offered to students from abroad. Tuition ranges from S5.50 to $12,50. Board in private families at ovr rates. Room lor uelf-boarding at amall ex' ecae. A careful auprviaion exercised over stu dents away from home. Fall term openK September 7th. For circulars and full particulars add res the President. REV. E. J. THOMfKOW, l, 1. Albany, Oregon, w AGON WOOD AND HAHDWaUE. - '-: A Stewart have neck-yokes and alnglo treew, ironed or unironed, neck yoke irons, aingletrce irons, nib irons, felloes, spoke, ax trees, etc., all for sale heap. for infants Caatorla is so well adsaSM children that iitieosuiwmditasi mm r lmmtUta r JTY mm VnCSnA sVitasMWCXaaaj bTbwJbwWbW 4BHsbh r.'Jt BsWflfs vsw saassaw 1 JH? '-J2Bt3J naLssia SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR I for all I)Uob i,t ih" Liter, Sidneys, Stoauch and Splosn. ThL purely vs;tabl pre nnrailon. now so ccUbratsd as s Vsmlly Melldn. orlinnetl In the South in 1MM. It scu srently on lhi llowota and HIiliH'ya ami .orr'otn iKa cUiw o iho Llvsr, nni U.thsrs lore, tho tai r arntary tttedletne, whattysr tho atefi nets may provs to a nil common uUeatts it will, un- Ti ItrgulatiTr U anto to silmlmstor in any ,.n of die syst'm.atl nnili-r no iriuu- SMuilti siMiicva ran It do liurui. It will liiviiS'irara Bk. a (Uw a wins, uit i t Im-V.T- sf to Wad to Intcmi rrsm to H- ratlou. Ualtt' h'1atili ami iTriir aliT tonr. tn the ayatrm. 1 li iljwe i.II, Uut unideant, snd its vlttues undoubisd. No loss of tlmo. no Inter ruutlon or atommgo oC business wlills laklntf ths Regulator. CM!.lrn complain Ins of Colic, 111 ail.ii li". -i r.l M, .!. I. ssorc witl giva If taksa cm tit ii U esp .,(. , l.ftll IT CI. 'maIa'Iiia! Will ( A PMV 1 ti . v beon prr. an i have nrvsr I cmnpouiul that wr hi- nltf iri i,i;llv- .nil .' ,''1vr V' ' rm I. I. 1Iim" . ' ' P..i'ivmei Hi -rti i vet' .t;i TW.-: UN I " J. It. Zcilifi & Co., Philadelphia, C jr. Summons. the Circuit Court othe Stat of Orfym for Liaa County. II title a. Broee, rialutitT. v, F. U. Urose, Defendant, ToFQ Urote, the ctUi numrd Defendant f N tb name of the Hlate of Oregon, you I s.r herebv romiired to appear and anawer th ooipliut of the above named plaintiff in the above entitled Court, uow ou file with the Clerk of said Court by the first day of tho next regular term of earn Court, which aald term of said Court be gins on Monday tb 14th day of March, 1887, at the Court House in Aibany In Unn onnntv. Orraoti. And vou are here by notified that tf vou iai to pper and anawer aald oo plaiut aa hereby required tb Plaintiff will take a dxme aalnt yon for tb relief prsyd for In her com plaint a leal in said 4use. towlt i fur a divorce fiom you aud fur her costs and disburse menta in this suit.and changing her name to Ilsttle H Kea lcr. This Summon is published In pur suance of an order of the Hon K. 1'. Hoia Jadue of sai l Court, made t Chamber on the .VHh day of uctober.lhg. Dated Jan, 28th, 1887. PowaLL A lULYStr. AUoruoyi for Plaintiff. Remarkable Offer. TttS Dcmocsat 2.00 Nur Yoaa Wokm . 1.00 Fin HufTORTor tur. U, S 1.50 Ajnrarcax Farm a 100 $9.50 And cheap at tbe price ; but ws offsr the fear for 3. 2A, giving a remarkable bargain Drop the Ameri-un Parmer and yen can baVe the three remaining for $3. Drop tbe World and nitr and yon can hay the two ethers for 12.25. Tb history is s 320 age book nicely bonnrt, and ia worth tbe egalsr f r:cs. CURES ALL HUMORS from a common BlotefA, or JBraatloa, to the worst Scrofula. NalUrkesai! i(t'evrr.ores,'hc(ily or Koogh akin, in short, all oJeeswea caused by bad blood ar Svlng It aasjcohqjy has It tnanlfested to rurtn Tetter. Roe Mask, 2ia, oro Kye. Hcroru Ions Sore al Hweltlnarsw llfp-Jolut Disease. raito weinuas, Ooltre. or TkicM ram urged f. In uds. Hcod ten BsrteiM, with oot hy usinar Dr. Pier i8S oiess neaieai asieeoverr, and gossel stlgeetVoas. a fair skin, buufant Iplr ite, vital strength, anf sou tittaeee ol constitution, will tu tuahLLtUML CONSUMPTION, wmoa a aeromious Disease off the A.uug, Is prornrtly and drialnly arrested borThe lllis rlsiSS Jrom wooderfuT power over this terribly fatal I disease, when tin.t oUcring this now ceU f'bniU-d remedy to the rmhUo, lie. J'lCBCS thought seriously of calling It tils "Con- sBssFiion sjorr," rMiausoaaneo tcatraune as too Jlniiuyl for a medicine which, from Its wonaerTuieomniBfttiori of n)nlo,orstte in, aiurntive, or blood-ciansliiK. antl pot onir as remedy j lungs, but for all imronu, anu aumnvu projM-nH-B, as ny ss reracoy zor ooaaasl tm;uuiiJUou of CHRONIC DISEASES Or tub Liver, Blood, and Lungs, it you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated. Sallow color of skin, or y llow tab-brown on faoe or body, fnx4ucnt headache or ness. bad taste in mouth. Internal hestwi alternating with hot flashes, low spirits aTiiKjiiiy uunnwuuuaj m lrrearnlsr mnrtftltm tonguo. you are suffering from In Or Biliousness,) In many caeca ante part or tnese symptoms are experienced. As a remedy for all snch cases, r. PlereVa sSolden nodical. Discovery has no 2 nab for Weak Long, Spiftinjr off Blood. lortueae off Breath, flronehitli! uyiw huwuuui, i as a ooreret tend ten cents in stamne for book on Consumption. Mold by Bruggio. PRICE SI.OOVSTSS Werift Dispsfisary Hsdical AssoelttioB, Proprietors, COT Main St, BtOTAiO, BT.T. wsSsTVisa: JULVJittt 9UU iS rxJLJbBs ATI-BILIOTJ8 and CATHAB.TJ.C Sold by Uruggista, 25 couta a vial. $500 REWARD is offered by tits proprietor of Dr. Bego's Catarrh Remedy for a case of catarrh which they cannot euro. If you have a dlsobarge from the nose, offensiv or. other, wise, parfMlosiof smell, taste, (WnMnnir.vMlrMM nil Mln V pressure in head, you havu Catarrh. Tfiou- terminato in corjgu and Children. Castorfa cares Cone, fJoostfpation, Bear Stomach, IMarrhma, Baptatkm. ,a Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes d hare rhllla and a; iiasnrr Fe. rapoom wi.WIUUUB Ik gtm0ni KIUDAY MARCH 4,1887 TSMFSEAHOS DEPARTI8IT, 8DITKD MX run WtmrD'tl Cbrlitiia Tempeniti Cilu The V. 0. T. U. meet on the 1st and 8rtt Tuerday of each month at 8 j o'clock P, at., at the A. O. V. W. Hall, over French'! Jewelry Store. Mil: BIErTMK RATIONS. W n AT CAM " i Summaries concerning the amount of money paid.out for istoxicatiog drink in the year 1879 are given si follows I sr-By ::::::: Sicn AAA am I Great Britain .... 750,000,000 United States...; 720,000,000 Total 2.700,000.000 This is the n-oord of the isadingfciv- iliaed nations cf the world nearly a da cads ago ; the report now (1S87) woald swi ll the total to over tars milieus ot aaaa . k .0 a S . atl 1 II 1 I L. L.4LJ - -I UOIIHIH. r. OIBJUK BSSVBVUIIUIB VSHHV1 narallel this record. Indeed. beathen BBBJBJ m li learning that civilization means a small amount of gospel and sn over whelratotf amount oi whisky, ttistis ice, quantities of thorn, could be built out of our summing up of this atrocity t-iii .1 .1 i i oi our ciTiiiasiioo -snowing how iubuj empty beer kegs this vsst earn re pre tats, and bow msny times they would talt the abbe s but wbat wa need ia , rather sorgo vsy to bait ids beer tt stile Or, we could say, these billions would build to many millions of boms ; but something bettor weuldjbs a way to unroof the homes of ths liquor trattic, the saloons, distilleries, breweries sod their adjuncts, the prisonsjaiis and in sane asylums. Statistics, figured out in wbst oould bo done, only sause tbe liquor traffie to smile with gloating pieasuts over its own power, ttow many people are a there outride of the liquor interest bo need figures to prove th.t th. drink a Mm - 1 at. - tL I J L a sT II a s a saaW a traffic is the bligbtiog ours of sll nations that best tho name of Christian f Wbat can ws do about it f Let as consider one of tbe answers to this vital ques tion. As in t vary crisis of ths past,tb eolation of this problem lias with ths Ood-iaerina. Qod serving people. But they seem sslsap to the daager of the .... . hour. Temperance was preached by Faol,as wall as righteousness and jud.. rnent, but how seldom we boar tsmpsr- sac preached now. Wbat is tb mat' ter.wilb tbe pulptll Wbat oombness U it over the popl. t Wby should not this horrible traffic in men's souls most opposiuoo ofurrepeatou from pulpit and pew 1 You know you shift off this load, sod say it is none of youis ; jooc ! tor says it is nuns of bis ; ths ounJsy school superintendent says it certainly isn't bis business. Whoso is it, tbsn ? Nsy, come back and let us see. If too as a ebureb member will kindly, quietly and persist- ently urge your psstor to prsch on this viui question ; if yon will speak to your Christian friends sad ask them to org tbe eame doty on your pastor , if you will make the subject one of! prsysr ; if you will speak bout it in prayer meeting, to yonr Monday school olaas, to your Sunday school sujerin-1 tendent, you will stsrt foroes st work, Your psstor wili preach about it ; yourj class will sign tbe pledge, end your urinteo(lcot will not bo afraid to urge temperance as well at righteous neat. Dr. Prime ssys : ''The mystery of mysteriee, tbe wonder of woodeis is tbst tbe Christian world can look oa with such comparative indifference when tbe evil of intemperance, is go enormous, tbe remedy so simple, and tbe power so manifestly in tbe wise and ths good." It lies with yon, and yon, and yen, to create pubtie sentiment. May God help tbe reader of these words to see tbst this is trus. Fsith is laid to consist of three steps, ''Knowledge, assent, consent." Power msy equally be named as 'Dfinttioa,eonvictionl ac tion." Will you actt Here ia another item concerning tbe government and tbe opiom trad. Three thuufaai OJta dollar it amps eame into one custom house oo the Pacific Ccast in one dayllate1y,markad"Dooes tic 0,ium." An astonished employs asked, "Ii opium manufactured io this country ?" "O yes, st Seattle' was the reply. "But poppies do not grow here." "No, the opium is imported from China in a crude state and boiled down by Ch'nese firms in this country; the government derives a Urge revenue from this source." "I was talking with our jailor tbe other day," writes a friend, "about ths oaose of crime. He told me he had been jailer over twenty yean and oould safely say nine tenths of the prisoners were brought into crime through drink, 'Then you will aamit,' I said, 'ihat prohibition would be a blessing to the country.' 'The greatest blessing it could have,' he answered. 'Why then don't you voce for it 1' 'Becaste,' he rjplifd, slapping .his pocket, it would kmck $50 a month out of here. You wouldn't need a jailer if there were no saloons.' Suitaestire, isn't it ?'' It t4 rumored that Ohio's Governor, Foraker, is about to resign, and ths Genius of History pauses with pen whavaslstm nation? The Averago Lentil of Life !) creuNinp: Not IVHtiloiice . Nat Faniino AH our own Fault. MODKRW Cook I N U AND MoD- kun LrviNa Luve bmuglit it on. It oonieit iixn us una wares. The pationta have m paina about tho chest and mdanf and Bomotimea in the back. Till'V flH'l fill 1 find H (HtW! t.ll ' rs f a m w -sj . inouui ii aa a baa taste, cHpcci- ally Dl the morning. A sort of sticky slillio collects about te teeth. The aopetite is Door. a fr..,g uk heavy load on the stomach ; sometimes - f.5n .tnniM Ki-fiwjii inn f. a A !a a1. A 1 1 1 Vll ot U1 awmacn wiiii-u food does not satisfy. The eyes are sunken, the hands mr feet become cold and feel A.f .1.!U . vmuuut. uwi a "lie J cough sets in, at first dry, but after a few months it is at tended with a greenish colored expectoration. The patient feels tired all the while, and gi doeg not to afforJ any rest After a time he be comes nervous, irritable and gloomy, and has evil forebod ings, There is a giddiness, a sort of whirling sensation in the head when rising up sud- denly. The bowels become costive; the skin is dry and hot at times ; the blood becomes thick and stagnant; the wbit of the eyes become tinged with yellow i the kidney ftretiun becomes scanty and high col ored, derximtiuga sediment v. . a wasjs fre- m itt; of h& with a sour taste and sometimes with a sweetidh taste; this is fre, qufiitly attended with palpi tation of the heart antl Asth matic symptoms; the vision be come impaiivd, with spots lw- fore the eye: there is a, feel r . . ' i I w -r-w -r-J j o 'ptmtion and weakntm AlJ Df thaie Um m m tum t y H on(vhnlf Q om tUU dw- in imie of ita varied fonnfl. siiaker Exteact of Roots (Bei- Synip) chatlgen the fer- tnt)U 0f tlu Difcrtive organs HO 1 MMf mnvert 1i fnml wupiiI Sntn a form that will give nouriali. ment to the f wble bodv. and good health 18 the OOIafKHjueriCe. The ?fft of this n?iiicdv ig simply marvelous. Millions I mwm millinnn of Vmttl linv- m tbb country, and the testimonials in favor of its curative powers are over- I whelming. Hundreds of 80- called diseases under various names are the result of ir.di- gestion, and when this one trouble is removed the Other rlisoafleo vanish, for they are but SVIllptoms OI the real malady. Testimonials from thousands of people speaking highly of its curative properties prove this beyond a doubt Sold by druggists. . . .f The fact that the United States Sen ate is completely uoder the control of tbe railroad corporations was never more dearly shown than in its action on ths Railroad Attorneys bill. Jake Sharp is said to bs worth $10, 000,000. His place is in the United State Senate and not in the peniten tary, where New York proposes to put him. Ths vast army sf Germany cast $91,000,000 per yssr. We psy within sixteen millions of tbst amount to our pensioners. It looks as if tbe bsekbone of winter has broken, but tbo spinal column of Grover Cleveland appears to b as tough as ever. The British lieu ays ths tail twist ing he received in the American Senate didn't hurt ; but his roar gave him away. m m m Onmksaasss, or Liquor Habit, can be Cured by administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea with out the knowledge of the person taking it, ef fecttng a speedy and permanent cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alco holic wreck. Thousands ot drunkards have been mads temperate men who have taken the Golden Specific In their coffee without their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drink ing of their own free will. No harmful effect results from Its administration. Cures guaran teed. Send for circular and full particulars. Address In confidence Goi.oen hpacurio Co., U llace St., Cincinnati, Ohio. THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured by Sbiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Fosbay A Mason, ag'ts, WHY WILL YOU cough when Sbiloh's Cure will (rive immediate relief. Price .0 ots., 50 ots., and f l. axes. Axes. (to to Stewart A Sox's and examine those fine Oregon made axes, superior to all others. Manufactured by H, B. Oer rick, of Crawferdsvllle, Linn Co., Or. Wai ranted first class. li ABN DOORS, Never t up a rj Set a Single Cray flair, "Yon may laugh and think me a vain thing," writes Mrs. J. R. C, of Son Pran- doo, to a friend In this city, "but I have not s gray hair ia my bead, and yet (sad to say) i am fifty am say i a am miy ana a oay. iteeently y hir wa not only quite gry but quilo my lialr was not only m in. too. barker's Hair italsam-.made in New York, I thlnk-did wonder for me. Try it if you hsve oocaslon. It real -ly does what I say, and restores th color also." Not a dye. not gresay, highly per fumed, Only reliable Soe. draasing. Seer Ky I Help is at Ma. "I'm afraid I shall have to be taken to a hospital or to the poorhouse. I've been sick so losg that my basbasd, good and patient ss bs Is, can't stand the worry and espouse much longer." No, you won dear wile end mother. See wbat Parker' Tonic will do for you. Plenty of wme aa badly off as you ore, have boon resuu almost frot the grev by It It will boll yon up, curing all ailments of tho atom sub, liver and kidneys, and Is simple pleasant and safe, The Barest ef Ceb!aatlee. Tree delicacy of flavor with true efficacy of action, has been attained in tbe use of a California liquid fruit istnedy, Syrup of Figs. te pleasant taste and VeneHci! effects have rendered it irntuousoly jK.jmliir For sain by Koshay k afasou, wholesale and retail. lweaber mm 4 rsts. Tbe undersigned will sell all binds ef umber and cedar fence posts at tbe follow ing stations on tbe Narrow Gauge Uailraod, Lena's, Lawson sod Hellville. Persons build ing bouses or barns can bavs bills cut and delivered at any of th above stations on short notice, t.uu brr is of tbe very best quality, tbe logs being brought from tbe line timber regions on tbe McKensie stiver. Wat. & Serosa. 1 CourteousSaf Active Moy (roo6 fcrttm follow the tesdsrs o The Daily Alta Tho for cm cut no wspapor of the Paol&o Coaat, which prcsenw both sides of all matters of public interest Mo eoemiej to punish or friends to pit, but late and trut&iul wiUagU. The Weekly Alta Proeeiits tbe strongeet poaclbla olnlm to a family circulation. It is filled with good reading, stories, fashion notes, and pays lrtUigent atteution to too Ilooao and Farm. Splendid premiums with ths Weekly Alta, TERMS OP THE ALTA ty Mali, fessage ritatae OatseS States and Osliy. (taetsdUtc aadai ) One Tear IS 00 Oailf, Osaatosaa.. SO SQAar BdiUoe. Oim Taar SCO WskJ?alla,Oae fasr.... 110 goad postal card request for free pso copy of Daily or w Draft. should bo payable to th order of too ALTA CaXXFOlUVIA PUB. OO. Han PrandsooL California. ssBsaaBtss SO asBBSBawssBawvws srsawwe Summons. In tho Circuit Court of the Stat t o Oregon for Linn County, atari ha I Ions ton, Pi sin tiff. vs. Josis Tm.mrrmaa sad G W Tiuimerman, lie feadaat. To Josie Timmerman and G W Tiumer man, tb above named Defendants : IN tbe name of tbe Stat of Oregon, yoo and each of you are hereby required to sp Kand answer tbe coeiplaibt of the above stiff in tbe above entitled Court, now oa nie with tbe Clerk of said Court, oo ur be fore the second Monday of March, A D. 1M7, it btmg tbe Utb day bf March, A. D. 1887, and yoo are hereby notified that if yo fail to appear and answer ssid aissptsisl, as hereby required, tb Plinttu" will apply to tbe Coort lor the relief demsadod therein, to-wit : for decree partitioning and divid ing between the Plaintiff and tbe Defendaata accordirc ha their respective interest there in, the to. l -v. ing described real property, to wit : Lot 74. 75, 67, 68, 69, 70 aud 130 in the city f Sci, Linn oodnty, Oregon; also, beginning at the southeast corne r of lot 70 a recorded in tbe original survey of tbe city of 8c to, linn county, Oregon, running thence west 3674 feet to tbe southwest corner of lot 75 in said city, thence sooth to the north bank of Thomaa Creek : thence in an easter ly direction, along the North bank of said Creek, to point opposite to and oo a lino with the East line of aaid lot 70 ; thence north to tbe place of beginning ; also lot 71 in tbe city of 8oi. except the following, be ginning at tbe southeast corner of aaid lot 71 ; tbenos west 50 feet ; thence north 16 feet ; thence east 50 feet ; thence south 16 feet to tbe place of beginning ; also the fol lowing, beginning 14 88 chains east of the northeast corner of Section 22 in Township 10 S R 2 west ; thence east 5. 12 chsins ; thence south 20 chains ; thence south 89 48' west 40.54 chains ; thence south 32.60 chains ; thence west 45,66 chains ; thenoe north 52.80 chains to tbe place of beginning, containing 160 acres mors or less, and all being aitnate in Linn county, Oregon, and judgment for tbe costs and disbursements of this suit in the manner provided by law. This summons is publishod hy ordor of TT T T f-J T. J . . - , - . . njra nr ooise, junge s sm v; urt, inane af Chambers in the city of Salem, on the 24th day of Doc. 1886, in the Statk Rioirrs DEMOCRAT. WbUtiiebxobd k Blackburn, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Administratrix' Notice. Notice is hereby given that ths undersign ed lias been duly appointed Administratrix of the estate of Edward Murray, deceased, hy order of the Couuty Court of Liun county. Oregon, duly made and entered of record, and all persons having claims againat aaid estate are hereby required to present ths same to the undersigned atAlbany,OregoB,dHly veri fied within six months, from the date hereof. Dec. 24. 1886. Anna Murrav, Weatherford Hlackburn, Adm'r'x Attorneys. After Forty yeara' xparience in tb iraiiarr.t ioa of mora lian ('no llunilied Thouasnd aniiHrilitrH fur pateuUi in ths United hiate I'.v.l l'iminn aoun- i (1m S.)ntino to mi a. ifllicitors t.-f In-marka, sepy If-ij'iul StalpN. and to obtain patents in OaanU. Knxlaitd, Vranca, Germany, and all other co-intri.'!' 'I'hoir rxpari anoe ia uneyaalad aud their ficiUlii i are .u.ur passsd. Drawtnea and peeiflcations prepared and Iliad In the Patent Office on abort notice. Tonus very reaaonable. No charge for etami:.nion of models or drawings. Advioe by mml free Patents obtained t h rough M unn ACo.are not iced Inthe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. which ha the largest circulation and in tl. most InOu.iitial BSWSDSBSr or its 'ana aaratiiasas or sue ry patentee Bnaarsianas. This rhis lam and anlennidiv iliuitrated nawsnaoer to pnbliebed WKEKI.V at 3.0U a year, and it, admitted tb be the beat paper de.oted to science, BBSooanies, lnentioa', eusmeerinc worts, and ther department of industrial prosreea, pub ltofasd in any country. It seataiaa the nic.a ot an aatsntaas and title of erery mretstion patented nRasst 111 rm pi- g S.'"r l--i''1 IsbhbbI ' r 1 1 - i JULIUS GRADWOHL II h Ihe only axela.! ve Mfeek ol CROCKERY, CLA88,8ILVER AND CHINA WARE I large luortment of Baby Carriage!, And a Obolc Selection of Coffee.Tea and Sugar C KE DOZEN COPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. Oil , LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AM line TSJK IIKIHKMTMABKKT Remember! What 1 Say lean. Give le a call. G00D8 AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruoa St., Mew York. Send lOot. for lOOHacie Pamphlet. a Iluss House. el. ci i $r.i Proprietor. This hooae? is sow open anal furnished with tbe beat oew furniture. Everything clean and ocmmorlioos, offering to th ea eral public superior accommodations to any la tb city. a BEAST Mexican Mustang Liniment 0sa4ra8Bsl Empties, Hoof Ail, Serev wTanss, Swinney, Saddle BDS, Piles. Stiff Joint, Baekccbp, Galls, Braises. B aniens, Corns, Spavin Cr.icks. THIS GOOD OLD ST Arab-BY acooTflpllebes tor rarybodjr exactly wbat toeUknctl for It. Oae of to resaoaa fox tae treat popularity of the Uitstaaa Ualateat U foaadialU universal SUcnhlllt7. Everybody nasat eas SBa1ctws. The Lssnbrrraan ueed It la caa of accldsnt. Tbe 1 leu ae wife seeds it tor gsmeralfasall' use. The Caaaler needs It for hla teems sad his men. The Mechanic beads tt always on bis work hsnb Tbe M later aseds It In case of erawgeat j The l'lsneer needs lt-cant gat atonfwlthcnt tt. Tbe Farsaer aseds It la bis boose, his stable, sad bis stock yard. Tbe Steamboat man or tbe Baatssaa needs HI liberal supply afloat and ashore. Tbe Horae-fancler seeds It It Is his best Mead sad safest reliance. Tbe Stock -arower needs It It will sm him thousands of dollars and a world of trocble. The Railroad sana needs tt and wUl need It so leas ss bis life Isaronndof sesatsattaasjsrs. The Backwoodsman needs It. Than to noth ing like It as an antidote for tbe dangers to life, limb and comfort which stirroaad ths psonssr. The Merchant needs tt about his store among bis employees. Accidents will bap pen. and when these come the Mustang Liniment Is wanted at once. Keep a Bottle lathe II obsc. TU the best ot economy. Keep a Bottle la tbe Factory, lu immediate use in case of accident saees pain and loss of traces. Keep a Bottle Always 1 th (stable for use when wanted. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Or. 1 January, Slst, 18872 j Notice ia hereby given that the follow in$r-natned tottler ha tiled notion of his intention to make final proof in support of hia elaim, and, that said proof wl f bo Beetle before tho Rettixtar antl Receiver of U. S. Land Office at Oregon City, Orogon. on Wednesday, March 23rd, 1887, viz : Thomas L Hennese, PreKmption I. 8. 4785 lor tbe N of S E M and 8 W 14 of SK!i of Sec. 84 Tp, 9 8 R 8 B. Be names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resideuc upon, and cultivation of, said land, via : W F Hor rom, YV J Turnidge, N Lewis, and Joseph O Turaidge, all of Rock Creek, Linn county, Orogon, W. T. BtJRNKV. Regiaier. . Bstray Notice. Lidakon, Or., Jan. 3rd, 18S7. To tie County Clerk of Linn County, Ortg-ou: Your are hereby notified that I hare this day appraised an astray horse, described as follows .- Dark sorrel with tkly mane and tail, also a white spot in forehead, said horse is about 10 "2 hands high and supposed to bo about 12 years old. The above was taken up by Mounts Story and appraised by tae atfll e-t. l W. January 10th, 1887. G. W. Smith, Justice of th. Pease. J. PGalbraith, County Clerk. EST RAY NOTICE. Shkm, Or., Feb. 12th, 1857. 1 hve this day appraised an estray, take up by J. B. Couey, of Oakville, described aa follows : One browu cow, with some -ehite about the faoe aud on the belly ; the shell of the right horn on, crop and split in lefi ear and uoder bit in riant, ia seven or sight ara old Said MW came to Mr fJaiav's PBICB PAID FOR BOG HOFFMAN A VFEIVFE R -PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda. Works, And afannfactursr of CHOICE COIFECTIOIIEY, We are sow prepared to sell at whole sale, always fresh and pur t Portland line of 0fien, we hw keep a full Huts and Tropical Fruit, I1V GROCERIES, !kTafnU ln9 laya fresh and aft 'vi j ww price. -OUR- CIQAR AND TOBACCO department ia com.v1av W keep tho Try flcest stock of sajoSsg snd.cb.wiJa tobcoo, meerschaum and brier pipe th Is s delight to smokers. C K, WOLVKKTOW, QV H. IRWrw- W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW srCe up stairs in Foster's Block. ALBANY, OREGON. Old paper 24c. a hundred st th crat offios. O Vise BCYEStS OfJtDSE BS sBsaa ss . omm yasar. 43r 8i 3.SOO waale P leisure CilVBtS W si BBS ttiretO mo ssmsiisw rrs en all psrsosssvl or Aussily rase. Tells order, aasat lvce exact east ot i . f mw mi, to, anas, www, ac fkus wtta. TawS LIVALrABIJI inteta iBforsnataWSB raarkrti or Uae w wUl suui a cony FKKBt t aasy i wposk rceript of IO eta. to or mailing-. Let as assr Oess BeepectrWlly, rVtONTCOMERY WARD A CO. SWT eV t99 Veaub AvesMSSs MANY LAMP CBTOfNEYS ARB offored for sale represented as good as the Famous BUT THEY ARE NOT! And like all Counterfeits lack tbo Reraarkablc LASTING QnaXltles OF THE GEaTJRVE. PEARL TOP The PEARL TOP is .Ttanufactared 0ILT W DEO, A. MACBETH & CO A-A A ASlSUItUH. PA. 11 Kearaey Street, sss rraaelsee, Cel. Monro as DtUHty, Seminal Weaksess, ExkaasteS Vitality, Spermatorrhoea. Lost Mao hoed, IsapeSeaev, Faralveis, Proatavorrhoee, and all tbe terrible eSaeSs ol sell-abuse, and excess in mat urer jears, ssjsh as Lossef Memory, Lsssitade, Nee to real Kmiesisaa, a.eraion to eecisty, Uimoeeaol eUiou, Mokes in ike Head, ths vital Suio paasmr nuobeeived 'a ths arias, and many other diseases that lead te issasity sad death. iavn MBS Buffering Iron any ol ths above svmptosas, shstiM consult us at ones, Ths drain can' be stopped, vi tality restored, and life be mads again a pleasure instead ol a burdsn. Thsis are many MIDDLE-ACE MEM who are trouble with toe frequent a vacua Cor af tae bladder, often accompanied by a slixkt sBBStrsisc or burning sensation, and a weakening or the systeas la a manner they cannot account for. Ropv Sedimeat ia the urine, etc. Many die of this difficult v ignorant of ths oauss, which t the sesond stage el sessiaal Cures gur&rnteed in all suck oases. CosisMltMtiea Tree- Thorous-b examiasaaUn and advice, including- chemical analysis aud I tiisussIs examinaUoa of ths urine, SS. An honest epinloa riven in every Ths following medicines supplied at the prises named : SIB .4 -ST LEI' t OOIMKK VITAL KEMTOEA- T1V V, S3 bottle, or tour times the auantity. SiO. StMPLR KOTTLK PKKK. Sent to any one applying by letter, stating syaBf Urns, sex and age. Strict secrecy in rsnra to an business transactions. The Celebrated Kidney Remedy. F.tKBEXI CCM, for all kinds of Kidney snd hlsdder Complaints Uonsrrhoes, Gleet, Leucorrhoea, etc. Tot sals by all druggists ; $1 a bottle, or six bottles for SS. The English IttNOt Llo. LIVER AND BVS rKklA FILL is tbe best in the market. For saB by all drugsriata ; price 60 centa a bottle. Address BallaB Med leal Dyapeasary. No, 11 Koarnv Street, San Praneisoo, Oal Administratrix Notioe. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has ben by the County Cort fcr .Linn county, Oregon, appointed Admiaia tratrix with the will amexed of the estate of James Mady, deceaacd, late of Linn county, Oregon All persons having elatniR against said estate are hereby re quired to present them properly verified aa required by law, to the undersigned at Albany, Oregon within six months from this state. Ihia January 3rd, 1887. MAROARkrr Mast. Administratrix with the will annexed ef the estate of James Mady, deceased. WK.TH8BJPOKD it Fi LACK BURN, Atty'a for AdsninistratrpK. -TroTsfiTisr- I ns istj THIS Try it