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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1887)
II T 1 mmj a.- I . . . M m u I Jt J0hn". Lodge, M. in roter. Notice ft, hereby KWen th.t the follow d .wtturday of month. . named -ettler - he filed notice of bis Corinthian Lodge, 17, at Hell, 1st !at- 1 - 1 aWyley Chapter, 8, at Hell, 4th w unlay. 11 K. Of F at 0. F. Halt, every Thursday evening. I N I. U. U. r.,at ineirnan.every wcuhcimv . II 11' I......UI 1 iMln I evening. 1 A. O. U. W., at their hell, every Monday ervaalng. Encimoment. at O. r . Hall, I every and and 4th Friday G. A. R., at A. 0. U. W. Halt, t ami grd Saturday. I. O. G. T.. at A. O. U. W. Hall, every Friday evening. United Frienda of the Pacific, at O. F. Hall, 1 at and 3rd Friday. THE STAR A Mnvaeaaer uaawortlaK taa PrtaelaJea af a Oaasacrat AJntalatratlan. Published In the City of New York. WILLIAM DORSHEIMER, Editor. Dent?, Weekly and Simla? Edition, THE WEEKLY STAR. An eight-page Newspaper, iMsueel vary Watsaeattay. A oleaei, pure, bright end Interesting FAMILY PAPER. It con Ulna the latent new, down to the hour of toinc to orees. It column a will be fen ad crowded with Rood tbinse from hearten lac to and. Original atoriee by din-1 lingo labod garter leer end foreign writers of OeUon. Tarsus of the Weekly Star to subscriber. IKE DOLLAR FOR ONE YEAR. For throe month, an trial, 25 cent, a octal torano and estraoreHaary lactareoaeate ta Ageate anal C'aavaeeere. Mead far CM real are. Teres of ta I ally Uar to eobacribera Bs7 eaa.avea jwar (UMtaita; Ownjiay) 97.00 aUy, wlifcasaaaeillJ. n jrasr COO HaWy 4aVt, flaX aWataMa JLfcO Dsilr, wiiboatauiMfcur. sis mooUw S 98 OMS7, wHaoot Usiljr, on yw... ......... Addreee, THE STAR, l o Broadway and Park Plaoo, Mew York, Administrator's Sale. NOTICE la hereby given that by virtue of aa order of the County Court oruon eeaaty, Oregon, duly made and entered ofreooid, the undersigned ae Admlnie- tracer of the estate of Black, Porter A Co., 2. L. Porter, deceased.) will, on the Bah jr ef February, 1887, at one o'clock p. at. of said dey , et the door of the Court Hoaee in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, all at public auction to the highest bidder all the right, title and intoreet of arid potato of Black, Porter A Co., et the time of the death of aid T. L. Porter, in the following described promisee, towit : Lota 1, 8, 8. 6 and 7 in Block No. 9 in the city ef Haleey, Linn county, Oregon. Tertav of eala. -Cash in hand in U, 8, gold coin on the day of eale, January 24tb, 1I&7, W. J. Stewart. Administrator. OngOBffcaciflc flailri aly Infopular UouU rer J ictumpeJIang! ailroad oute, es, Flae liana I Mara roaueetloa I low eejalpaaeata ! SSS aal lea short or ! SO boar lean time X Aeootnmodatione unenrpassed for com fort and ssety. Faroe and freight much Lane than by any ether route between all points in the Willamette Valley end San Fraaaaaeo. INLY ROUTE VIA YQUINA BAY SAN FRANCISCO. Daily fwngir trmins except Sundays. Lb Tsqstsa, tM a.m. .Losv Albsny, li:40 r. M, Arrt v,Cryllia,10:U a.m. Arri Corrsilto, IMr.m. Amr Alkssy, 11. a m, Arrive Vsquuis, r. a. Oregon and California train connect et Albany and Cor vail in. The Oregon Development Company steamship sail : raos TAODDJA rAcico r.iuinsC.,TbaaiUy.Kt 10 Tseolas U.,TuMUjrb 15 mi asiis, aeses, rtsi KilwO;, rb, tl B U, SAtorsAr, M rch i T C, Fries, asrafa 11. M, Thorte, MArota 17 T C.WmIbskU, Msrcb U. sssism,, aaneaj 1- i C, Tucwlay, Kb 22. at, Mosdy, r"s St. U, Suih1a , March . !, BAture. MArch U i C.rriUay, March 1. The C nipanv reserves i.he right to ehange eiiling days. Parse Between CorveJlieendSan Fran oieoe : Rail and cabin, 14. Hail and eteerage, 88,88. For information apply to A. O. P. sad P. Agent, Corral Ik. OVULA NO TO CALIFORNIA -iVIA- Oregon & C alifornia K. K, AND CONNECTIONS. fr from Portland to Soji rnutsi jo, $S2 t Ssers- , aw. Cleo connection tnad at Aar.ian4 f ta Ciliforsi, Orga uU Idaho 8tag (DAILY XXCCPT SUNDAYS.) fcast atate DtvtslsN. srrwBsa poktland an amhlaku. all Tram. uun. Pr04 AOO A M Albsajr 12:06 r s AshUna 8:46 r m Atasa ..11:45 a m AKKIV. Albsny 11:45 m Aabland 4:U0 A u Albany 11:26 a U Portlsml, a;6 r a Alhaey Kx pre Train. UUYB. ASSIVK. ...... . . .4:00 r u I Albany 8:84 r u Alhaav t jb r s I Lebanon ;20 r u Ltbaso 4.46 a u Albsny 5:29 a u Albany , 60 AM Portland 10:06 a U PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS daily btwn Portland and Aahland. The O and Oil Perry makea connection with all ttrfulr train on th Eat bid. Division from foot f f Wt IMe Blvlslea. BtTWIKX roKTLAMa AX COKYALL1H, Mslt Train, uuv Aaaiva Porvkjid 7:30 a M I Corrsllia 12:26 r m 0rrfll 1:10 r a Portland r u At Corrallla connect with train ef Oregon Pacific for Y equina Bay. KxpreM Train. UATB. Aaairs. Portland 4:60 r m I McMinnriU .8:00 r U ashtissria ..,.5:46 a u j Portland 9:00 A a Looai Ueketi for aal and baggie checked at com pos' op-town offioe, Cor Pin and Hecond fctreets. TieaoUftfr principal points in California can only b arooured at Company' ttce, Corner P and Front I a. .Portland Or, Freight will not bo received for sMpcaest after flv o'clo k p. m. on either the East r4W '! Wvialon. t. KOKHLER, E. P. ROGERS, Mauager. Q. W. P Arent. PATENTS Obtained, sad all other btisin in the V. A Paten issSAda to tor n oderate fa. OwsfJe ) oppewit tl U.S. Patent Office, and haste Patent isa tiro than those remote rja WaaUsgtsw. jsd AoeT or drawing. We adv to patent afenty Imo of charge ; am ire make o charge unlet woebtsis paUnt. W nfar hor, to Uu PoateiMter, th Sunt, of Htmwr Order Mt. and to 4Beial of the U . 8 Patent efursnost for Publioation. m w w Land Office at Oregon C.ty, Or. 1 .lam.arv .urn. ioe' i lntMulon to make final proof In anppori ., tii ut il itrmil win w 0r.,ori ..i....,i. vi,h tfii. vie : W V I VI Ml I 111' MSB m W . IS BBS - s . Herrom.Hom.eteed Kmry No.4WlO for me W of so. 4, Tp. 108 K s m, v OIA ..!. 1 I - -.. witneseea to lie IIBiun niw "" . , 4M,i,4imn rasddanna iuon, n ,. vlUton 0r M, nd. vis : Joseph O Turnldee, Thomaa L Heiiiieaa. vy j TurnUtitt' ami ij r it en re " - TmaW I.Iiiii 1 'mint V. DlPCUll. I " W ltll l.b f V TV , I . lttgWter. fOR BALK, w in mi tarn oert of the oltywUh fair house and ham will beeold law p. p. NUTTING. Off t2Z :Vlt I'ojw.OOO. Ituuir. to sn absolutely a e . , l'tti w,uw,wv. , u.!" C m 6.000.000 fsgu FERRY'S SEEDS lilt III1 UMtST IttUMIl aMri P.M FERRtiCO'S Bb iriiUn !e V ita4 SEE01RNU1L for 1007 wUl k aal rail to SSS Jl VaVJaaSMV a) a.awM. 'UMiImU a, m. runt a av Dtrol, Mich. Notice for Publioation Land office at Oiegno City, Or. ) Jenuerv. 10th, 1887. J NOTICK I herhv el veil that the fo!- lowins-named settler him filed notice of hie Intention to min nuai prooi in aun- Dort of bis claim, end that i I proof win be made before the County J u ige or Coun ty Clerk of Linn county, et Albany, Ore imn. ontTburedev. Ifsrch 10th, I8R7. via Pbllieter Iee, Homestead Kntry No. 490d for the 8 W M of Sec, 14, Tp. 12, 8 R 1 K, He names the following witnesaee to I orove his continuous residence upon, and " . . a m a . m s e a tivst m o. said lent, viz: i usnes WUIiame. John YY.Mavcn. Joel Vail and ndrew Vail, all of I-ebeuon, Linn coun ty, Oregon. W. T. BuaxKT, Kpfiator. lot iiaiaaejalaffi fTATIiif.Iy AfUeaoALOuai BEBVOTJ8 Palace Meat Market. PIPE ft TALBOT, PROPRIETORS. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. Will keep conatautly on hand ban, mutton, prk, reel, sausage, etc., the beat mla and 1 trgest variety In the city. Cash paid for all kinds of fat stock. a AM MAY. J. G. SENDEE MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General MbitliandiBe. HARRISBURG - - - - OREGON Will bay Grain, Wool and all kinds ( urlnjiitm. N O HOME BLESSKD WITH A BABT u complete wtboat the montbly viit ol tiabulu. xi,tht delight, com fort an i aid of the mo her. Only pablica tion in tho world dt voted to the care of young child ten. We ars glad to recommend it (5 botkinao 8t.. IN. Y.) ttlJtO a year; 15cenucouy Clnbbed witlt Uh Demo crat for fS e year. ALBANY. COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1886, 1887. MET. E J..THOMrftOX. . President. A lull corps of instructors,-- CLAS$ICAL,tSCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Coursed of f-tudy arranged to meet the need of all grades.of studeute. Special inducements offered to students from abroad. Tuition ranges from $5,50 to 912,59. Hoard in private families at low rates. Kooms lor felf-boarding at small ezr ense. A careful supervision exercised over stu dents awsy from home. Fall term opens September 7th. For circulars and full particulars addreee the President. KEY. B. J. THOMPSON, 0, 0. Albany, Oregon, W AGON WOOD AND HARDWARE, Sox A Stewart have neck-yokes and tingle-trees, ironed or unironed, neck yoke irons, single tree irons, nib irons, felloee, spokes, ax-trees, etc., all for sale heap. for Infants "Csatforlaisso well adapted to eluldrea that lioomxaend St as superior to any roription iU So, Oxford St., BrookJya, N, T. lleW amll mm aggysagsfsl tsensastiaau iBasse?aiSB n&asTt?S &Lc! H - r 5 ,nVAilleVS-HKSK TaavFoeoa JJj How's Your Liver? Is tho Oriontal salutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. When tho Liver is torpid tho Bow els arc Hlutftfish and con stipated, the food lied in tho stomach, undi gested, poisoning the blood ; freauont headache ensues; a teoling of lassi tude, despondency and nervousnoss indfbato how tho wholo system is de ranged. Simmons Liver Regulator has been tho means of restoring more tropic to health and happiness by giving them .a healthv Liver than any agency Known on earth. It acts with extraor dinary power and omcacy. NCVCR BE K N DlSAPPOINTfD. A Kunwiil nimll y rvmodv for lvatH'la, I I .Ivor. Ci.natti', etc.. I hnnlly v..r ..... uilvlhlllK i'W. mtd Imvo noviT hm-n iltMlliDiilllt. llllli.lllll.'ll Ml IIIC ir"ini""i i in for nil tfutuit, ya. it ftofiiia to to nlliioat n dlcnvuf iho MUin.u li mi. Summons. In the Circuit Court tftht State e Orryos for litiH Coesiy. HattleS. Broae, Plaintiff, a, F, Q. Broae, Defendant, TFO Brse, Ike nboxe namexl Defendant IN the name of the State of Oregon, too are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named niolntirV In the above entitled Court, BOW on Ole with the Clark of aald Court by tba flrat day of the next regular term of said Court, which said term of aald Court be irin mi MoiuUv the llth Juv of llarcn, 1SS7. at the Court House lu Aibaoy In Linn oonnty , Oregon a .,.1 vmi , hare by notified that ll r von isi oufal to appearand m . - answer said co plaint aa hereby reouireo m m . - m ik aiotntlrr will tka a deeree aaalttst yon for the rel ief prayed for In her complaint nisei in said cause. towu : ior ui' fram ou and for her eoats and diabure menta In this suit,and ohanglug her name to Ilattlo 8. Reader. Thta Huinmon ia nubliahed in pur auanoe of an order of the lion K. i' Uoisei J edge of sail Court, made at CUaiuoers on the 30tu day of tKoDer,lfcoO. Dated Jan. mb, 18S7. Few a rx A Hiltbc, Attorney for Plaintiff. Remarkable Offer. Tata Daaot bat 92.00 Nsw Vobx Welti i 1.00 Fm HurroBv or thb U. 8 1 50 tCAV Fa ansa 100 $5.50 And eheae at the prloe j bat we offer the four for 18.35. etvios a remarkable bargain Drop the American farmer and yen can have the three remaining for $3. Drop the Work! and nitru and yob can lisve the two ether for 12.25. The history i a 320 page book nicely bound, and is worth the egeiar price. f ovafid s'lfotellSorgfcal Institute BXJPPAlrO, 2KT. TT- waft) a fan SeUUfnl gralclaae few flae fraaiajeofl of OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. CBroale Nasal Catarrh, Throat and &aag Oiofis, Liver end Kidney IMeeaeee, UI adder Pis eases, Diseases of Women. miooA Diseases and Nerv aae Af fee (lone, ourod here or at homr-, with or without snolng the Mtknt. Come e 1 Sua, or eepd n-p oenis lu etiunp for our nrallds tiutde &Jook, which gives pejrtlculars. sssssssssaassn nCTVOTJe WCDIIItf jlmpo- -a a.- aa T. at s L?i' Diseases. 1 WlOtiMfcO I tar VpsetlM am onooAl ana permanently cut. a iy our JJooav post-paio. m cts. ux stamps. Rnwtnre, or Breaob, rndl- csiiy cured, waacut the knife. without dependence upon trussoo. snd with very Jittio Mln TtsM.! a...-. ...m . Jj Q.m r ' SUM. AW HV WUl 4 FTI.E TTTMOHi end STRICTITISCS treated with the ireatest suconas. Book sent for tea cents fn stamps. Address Woauo's DiSPBssART MxpiCAXi ASSOC! STfOaT, 06 Main Street, Buffalo, W. Y. .The treatment of many thousands of coes of those peculiar to raUda IfoO-l mnA Institute, lino f. fcraed .large experience In adapting rauedies h hiw van, Dal PIBRCB'8 Favorite Prescription IS the result of this vast experience. It 1 and Is a powerful Beetoratlre Ton la wervlnc, imports vlxor and strength system, and cures, as if hv mnerto i,n. to the system, end cures, as 11 corrhca. or vhltn eorrhoo. or vhltns.f ....ui flowing, painful meaatraatlon, un natural suppressions, prolapsus or sailing or. me uterus, weak back, down eensatlons, chronic otiees. tion. Inflammation and. nice ration of the womb. Inflammation, pain uwroraivuf rsirw version, . ut-ariiiia . . ' of the vrontb, lit flam m End tendernese in ovarl eat. and female weal ovaries, lnterual weakness." and cures Ifaneea If promptly relieves and c ana weasui nese of Stomach. India-as tion, Bloat ins;, Kervou Prostration, and gleoplossnese, in either sex. PRICE $1.00, Se WaZSt aold by Druggists ere ryti here. Send ten cents In stamps for Dr. Pierce's large Treatise on Diseases of Women, lUustrated. World's Dispensary Medical Association 603 Main Street, BUFFALO, K. Y. SICK-HEADACHE, Billons Headache, Dizziness, Constipa tion, Indigestion and Billons Attacks; promptly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. 26 cants a vial, by Draggis&h and Children. I Castmia cores Colic, Ooaftlpatfoa, I teroiso: artSaes d I Wttbont iajurkws medicatkn. Diseases of I Woiei Wht gemorrat Fill DAY KKHltUARY 20, 1T TEIFEE110I DEPiSPIiSr, boitbd ot turn WtBii'i CkrliUii TiMMraiN liiti The W. & T. U. moots on too lsi and 8rd Tuorday of each month at I o'clock P. at., at tho . O. U. W. Hall, over French's Jewelry Store. PaOMiaiTIOM THB SOLO MBMBOT Bishop & M. Merrill, of tho Malho dial Bpitoopal Church, Is tho author of a pamphlet entitled 'Outline Thoughts oo Prohibition' in which ho ably dis cusses prohibition, ileeoee sod taxation, and party and non-partisan methods of action. Wo quote from bia oonolttding arsgrapht as follows ; "PiohiUtion ia tho sols remedy for ha liquor-traffic. The people of the oouotiy are rapidly coming to rooog- nise thta fact In all tbs parties thara are thousands of good men and true for the overtbrswof tho salooos snd waitiog ior the issue to ho joised in a tactioabla way, whan their vet eg will be oast against tho stupendous wrong which has so long held sway on dtr direct or Implied legal sanation. In order to bo snccessful the interdiction of the traffic moat go Into tho oonstita- ttons of the severs States. This sac be effected on the noo -party plan, and oot in an? other way. Heoee doty is plaio. $xehd all side- issues, drop til poltiioal partisanship, hasp oot all dis turbing eiemoBta,and go before tho poo pie on tba simple choice of saloons or no saloons, and pot the issue squarely oo the ground of righteousness, and more then half the States of the Union will vote for prohibition inside of twelve months, f!see tho cause where alt can work for it, man and women, preacher and churches, schools and teachers, temperance lodges and unions, and where ail can under tend that its tri umph is for the common good sod not for the benefit of a party, end the traf fic will go down as certainly aa justice is divine. Let thequeatioo be so valued that every good chiton will bo willing to sepeteio this vital issue ft om all other issues, and for the time sink all parties out of sight, so that in this contest, while (he issoa is pending, there shai be no other division ot voters thso that wbieb places all io favor ef prohibition on one aide and all opposed to it oo the other, and the good work will soon he done. With every citisen so free thst be 3n enter into such a oomhtoation oteide of all pat t lee, and work In en orderly, lawful, oomnon-seoao way bring about this desirable end, and not ooty will prohibition be an aeoomplieb ed fact, but much wilt ho done io sbwri time towards tho sohtevemnet ot a general political reformation.'' 'The people may ho trusted whoa freed from the shackles of party. Whan they era sufficiently enlightened, and fre enough to study and decide this crest qui st ton of public policy on its B a m w terite, they are simply raalisiog the ad vantages of self government advan tages only partially secured under the rale of the patties, snd not bo enjoyed i i full till (be politicians and their par ties learn that the people are their masters- The accomplishment of prohibi tion by the people, without the aid of any political party, as such, will be woith to the nation alt it ooatr, in teaching the partis their dependence, and tberefo e their obligation to respect the poblio intelligence, especially in ra le lion to moral questions of gstersl in tereat. It ia worth while to try this plan. The issue is here. Cot it loose from all entanglements. Lift tbs eauss high above party and party platfoims. Divorce it frsm office-seeking, from per sonal am bit ion, from all entanglements, and keep it clean 1 Plant it on the btd-lock of eternal justice, and gather siound it tba sympathies, and prayers, and leans, and the consecration of the millions who plead for righteousness, aud you place it where the turmoil of patty-strifee,tue winds of prejudice, the raging of passion, and the surging waves of opposition will beat upon it in vain. Tbs yesrly circular of a leading Sag Ffanoitco firm of winsedealsrs, J. Gundlacb & Co., issued on the 6r,h ult.( says of the wine products of California for 1886 : ''The ssason hss been one of the most profitable known, and both quality and quantity are greatly above the average. Tbs viotsge cf tbs State is 19,500,000 gal'ons, one-ssvsnth of which will be turned into brandy. Tbs quality is so high tbst tbs vintage of 1886 will be reckoned as famous. The production of sweet wises, owing to low prices, has been restricted. Potts and cherries will therefore be sos'es. The proportion of red to white wine is two to one." It will be seen from these figures that tha business of wine and brandj making in California assumes jncieaingly large proportions. This nteiRB added opposition to the temper auce movement. Whatever gains a strong commercial foothold, whether i be wine or beer making, becomes there by a formidable obstacle in the path way of the total-abstinence reform. The friends of tampersoce obviously have yet much to do iu teaching the fundamental lesson cf the wisdom sod - . i A J ATeiTiiMcalMoii A FATAL MISTAKE. Thk Cleveland (Ohio) Ve, of February 23d, 1883, pub lished an account of a fatal surgical operation which caused a great commotion among med ical men throughout the whole country, Dr. Thayer, the most eininent surgeon in Cleveland, pronouncing it scandalous. It appears that a Mrs, King had been suffering 'or many years from some disease of the stom ach, which had resisted the treatment of all the physicians in attendance. The disease commenced with a slight de rangement of the digestion, with a poor appetite, followed by a peculiar indescribable dis tress in the stomach, a feeling that has been described as a faint "all gone" sensation, a sticky slime collecting about the teeth, causing a disagree able taste. This sensation was not removed by food, but, on the contrary, it was mcreased. After a while the hands and feet became cold and sticky a cold perspiration. There was a constant tired and lan- fuid feeling. Then followed a readful nervousness, with gloomy ibodingt, Finally the patient was unable to re tain any food whatever, and there was constant pain in the nVnlomen. All prescribed rem edies failing to give relief, a consultation was neld, when it was decided thai the patient had a cancer in the stomach, and in order to save the patient's life an operation was justifi able. Accordingly, on the 22d of Fbroary, &e opera tion was performed by Dr. Vance in the pretence of Dr. Tuckerman, Dr. Perrier, Dr. Arms, Dr. Gordon, Dr. Capner, and Dr. Halliwellof the Police Board. The operation consist ed in laying open the cavity of the abdomen and expOHiuj; the stomach futd howls. When this had ' 't t'ii done an examin ation of the organs was made, but to the horror and dismay of the doctors there was no cancer to be found, The pa tient did not have a cancer. When too late the medical nu n discovered that they had made a terrible mistake ; but they sewed the parts together aud dressed the wound that they had made, but the poor woman sank from exhaustion and diet I in a few hours. How sad it must be for the husband of (his poor woman to know that his wife died from the effects of a surgical operation that ought never to have been performed. If this woman had taken the proper remedy for Dyspepsia and Nervous Prostration (for this was what the disease really was), she would have been liv ing to-day. Hhakkk .Extract of Roots, or Skiokl's Ci rattve Syrup, a remedy made ex pressly for Dyspepsia or Indi gestion, lias restored many such cases to perfect health after all other kinds of trcfttpivnt Jiave failed. The evidence of its efficacy in curing this class of cases is too voluminous to be published here ; but those who read the published evidence in favor of this dvsnentic reiaedv do not nucsHou its convincing nature, and the article has an extensive sale. , MOBS BUST IN SOWS, The Floyd county (lows) Advocate says : "If justice is dons to the esuee prohibition, the State will be made tsn times hotter than it waa aver known to be on this itsus. The probibittonis who folds bis bsnds snd becomes indif ferent to the rigid enforcement oi the righteous statutes for the protection o sur homes agsinst the saloons is guilty of morel perQdy against the most stored . a i sra causa that can enlist fbe hearts and consciences of mankind." Jfrobtbitory statutes are enective in Iowa or elsewhere only ss warmed and vitalised by the heat of an aroused con setentioas publio sentiment. Mannl ng,8ecretary cf the Treasury has resigned, his resignation to taktj effect upon the appointment of a suc cessor. Treasurer Jordan has also re signed. Both these gentlemen will go into s new national bank just starting in New York City. Axes, Axes. fro to Stewart Sox's aud examine those fine Oregon made axes, superior to all others. Manufactured by ft. B. Der rick, of CrawferdsviUe, Linn Co., Or, Wat ranted first class, TJ APN DOORS, J3 Never put up a new barn door nor re bang an old one until you first call on Stewart A Hox and see what they have new in bass door hsyigersz-eameihlxi g that will net break dowa. Set a single gray ir, "Yon may laugh snd think me a vain thing," writes Ux; J. K. C, of San Fran cisco, Io a friend In this city, "but I have not a gray hair In my bead, and yet (sad to say) I am fifty and a day. Recently my hair was not only quite gray but quite thin. too. Parker's Hair Balsam-made ,n "Taf crM 1 Uln-ld wonders for me, Try It if you have occasion. It real ly does what 1 sav. and restores th alSO." Mot O dVS. not umluv. hlerhlv mooj fumed, Only reliable Sic. dressltiir. Cfeeet- Kg 1 Helg Is at Haag. "I'm afraid 1 shall have to be taken to a hospital or to the poerhouse, I've Iwion sick so long thst my hnsbsnd, good sod patient as be Is, can't stand the worty and empenae much longer." No, yeu won' dear wile and mot bur. See what Parker' Toole wlil do for vou. Plenfv nfBm. ae badly off aa yeu are, have been rescue almost frot the srav bv It It win FOB Hp, Olirinir ail aliments of ilia atom acb, llyer and kidneys, and is slmole pieaaant a&d safe, The Barest ef CesablaaUea. Trae delicacy of flavor with true efficacy of actios, baa been attained in the as of a Csl if ernia liquid fruit isoiedy, Syrap of Figs. ts pleasant taste snd beosHcial eftVot have rendered it immsaseiy popular For sale by Poshay k Mason, wholesale aud retail. laanbtr BBS PeU, The Badersiaoed will sail all kinds eff umbvr and cedar fenou pots i the follow ing fetation on the Narrow (lnn Ksilrsod. eoga, lawsoasiKl ti!ivill. futmon hurtl ing r.eaes or brn osn hsv dslivcred st say of tti alio hills out snd tStlOM OI. short notice. Lan tier is l tbs vsry h-i Slity, the log lw!inK brought Irem the tin Ur regiona oo tho McK-uwi stiver. Wi, K. Sru.-Ktt. ft? Baag 1 1 CourteouiKr A o t i v e , -s" 'Liberal. May good fortune follow the rsadsr s o The Daily Alta The foremost newspaper of thaPacdBO Coast, which presents both sides of all matters of publio Intereat Mo aoemici to punish or Wands to pet, but fair and truthful with all. The Weekly Alta praallite oLolm to a family olrooiatSoa. It ts filled with good reading, storlea, taahlon notes, and pays Lntelilgect attention to the Bouse and Farm. Splendid premiuma with the Weekly A1U. TERMS OF THB ALTA By Btsfl, fwasgs Free, ia Bw aaaWal Saawi aad Canada. DaUy. (taetsdtag Saaday ( o Tr fSOS fllf. " OaeMeeta. M Saaday tVStUea. Oas Tar. SCO Wsly AM. OB Tr. egesaeeeee a bbb atg copy of Dally or Weakly Alta. warns, cneoka, and otaar remlttanoee shooid be made payable to tho order of ALTA CAJLIFORN1A PUB. OO. Franoiaoo, Cailfornia. Summons, In the Circuit Court tfth State ot Ortgemfor Linn County,' Martha Houston, 11a in tiff. vs. Joy TimaersBSB and G W Timnaennan, To Jesae Timmermaa and O W Tiauacr mao, the aboye named Defendants i IN the name of the State of Oregon, you sad each of job ate hereby required to ap pear aud anaw tr the complaint of the aboye Plaiotiff in the above entitled Court, now oo hie with the Clerk of said Court, oo or be fore the second Monday of March, A IX ISS7, it being the 14th day ef March, A. D. 1887. and you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer raid complaint, aa hereby required, the Plain tin" will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein, to- wit : for a decree partitioning and divid ing between the Plaintiff nd the Defendant according to their respective intoest there in, the following described real property, to wit t Lota 74, 75, 67, 68, 69, 70 sad isu in the etty of Seao, Linn county, Oregon ; also, beginning at tie southeast ooroer ef lot 70 a recorded in the original survey of the city of Soto, Lion county, Oreccn. tunning thence rest 8674 feet to the southwest corner of lot 75 in sid city, thence sooth to the north beak of Thomas Creek : thence in an caster, ly direction, along the North bank of said Creek, tea point opposite to aud on a lino with the Esst line of said lot 70 ; thence north to the place of begiaoing ; also lot 71 in the city of Scio, sicept the followiaff, be. ginuing st the southeast corner of said lot 71 thence west 50 feet ; thenca north 16 feet ; thence east 60 feet ; thence south 16 feet to the place of beginning ; also the fol -lowing, beginning 14 88 chains seat of te northeast corner of Section 28 in Township 10 8 R west thence east 5.12 chains ; thence south SO chains ; thence south 89 48' west 40.54 chain ; thence south 32.80 chain ; thence west 45,66 chains ; theuce north 52.80 chains to the place of beginning, containing 100 sere more or less, snd all being situate in Linn county, Oregon, cd judgment for the costs and dUburssaaents oi ints suit in the manner provided by law, Thi summons it published by order of Hen R P Boise, Judge of said C-aurt, made at Chambers iu the city of Salem, on the 24th day of Deo, 1880, in the Statk Rights UgalOCAAT. WBvrusftSOKP A Blackburn, Attorneys for Plsintiff. Administratrix1 Notice. Notice is, hereby given that the underaisn- ed has been duly appointed Administratrix of the estate of fcdward Murray, deceased, by order of the County Court of Linn countv. Oregon, duly made and entered of record, and all person having claim agsinst said estate are hereby, required to present the asms to the undersigned atAlbany,Oregoa,ds)y yeri- nea witain six montnsjrom the date hereof Dec 24. 1886. Anna Murray. Weatherford & Blackburn, Adm'r'x Attorneys. After Forty ysar' eiiHpit'Gf in tn n rc-.iamtion or mow Hi.n One Handn at Thousand r. tha llnttoS pall iriH itr pateau rurt I'oreijrn ooun- tfii, tli pnli'lfhrr .l tbo Scientifle Amurirnn ooutuia loiic-t i ollcitor for patents, oavef, trRl-mrlc, copy rict't.s. oto.. for ha 1 ",,. 1 1 hlnt. and to obtain pntenU In Caaadft, Kii);land, Francs, Germany, u,i all othe coiintrKm Their experi ence is uaeqiialed ana their facilities are vu.ur paased. Drawing and ttp.ifieation prepared and filed In the Patent Office on short notice. Terms very rasaonabl. No charge for lamination of modal er drawing. Advice by mail fro. Patontx obtained hrouah Muun AOo.aro noticed in the SCIBNTIVIC AMEIUCASI, which ha th largest circulation aud i the most influent il new.saper of it kind published in the world. The advantage of such a notice every patents This large and splendidly illustrated newspaper Is published WKEKIit at S3.00 a year, ami is admitted to be the best paper devoted to science, saoobsnies, inventions, engineering- work, and other departments of industrial progr, pub lished in any country. It contain the name of all patentee sad title cf evory invention patented acb vrek. Try it four month for on dollar. Bold by all wsdeaior. am una msf 10 " wi rim JULIUS GRADWOHL Haa the only eaelaalee Mloek of CROCKERY, CLASS, SILVER AND CHIPA WARE i Large Assortment of Bab; Carriages, And a Oholc Selection of Coffeejea and Sugar CNB OCZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS Afib line THE BIGBEttT MABKET PRICK PAI FOB EOOS Remember! What I 8a; GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advert', sing in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, IO Spruoe St., Mew York. Send lOote. for lOOPsas Fwmwsilsf II ia IS a! SS V9S9 SSVUiH a I G1BON, Proprietor. This bonse is bow opea and furnished with the best sew rarnttere. Byerythieg clean and atfuodioas, ff nnsr ta the see- oral publio auperier acrommodations to aay ia the eaty. Mexican Mustang iwmm OU JtZ. 8cjraUh?i. Srraict. Strains, ntitthes, Stifl-Jointa, Bsaaaaaa Gal), Sere, Spavia Craelks. Cmti:-xi A Lumbago, BJaaaaBsBa Burnt, Scalds, Stings B:tes. Bruises Daaioaa, CaraSj Errjrtiw?, Hoof Ail, Screw Wonr.i, Bwinay, Saddle Osils, riles. THIS COOD OLD 8TANb-BY a.-coer41abe for erei?tKdy exactly what teclslnel fori. Oac cf tl reason; lav Ut great popsUsrttr cf the Muctaaj Uaimcat to foonClnlU ualTersal npellcultllltr. Kerybodr need ch a meClcln The l.Mauari man neoJ U tavassof sccktent. The lln;i e-w i fe oeed tt tor aeaami f amity ut,,-. The Cannier needs H for his teanusaC bis men. The Mechanic Meeds U always oa als tmtA keasa The MlneTUoodatt tncaaoof emeaeaeys The IMoaeeraesftolt-oaasidoagwaaaat tt. The Farmer need it In hi cease, ha Maotoy snd hu stock ) aril. The Steamboat saan or io Boat man assda ii in uuerai auptdr afloat anoiwhorc The Hsrse-raaclev needs tt it to hto seat friend snd safest reaaace. The Steckirower aeeds tt tt win save aft a t " - J ii -f trnmaes. The Railroad maa aeeds it and will asodts se tone a hto lite to a round of eoMecuaddsaee t. The Backwoodamaa need tt. There torn th iag Uke it a aa antidote Cor the dangers to ute lUnb and comfort which surround the pionsee-. The Merchant aeed H about hto store, iwm hto employees. Aeeideats wtU happen, aad whoa these ocm the Muataag Urdment Uwaniod atoaos. Keep a Bottle In the Hesse, Thi tat best ot economy. Keep a Bottle la the Factory. I tab amedtato use la case of sccideat saves pain and losr f wages. Keep a Bottle Always la the Stable far aae when wanted. Notice for Publication. land Office at Oretron City, Or. 1 January, 31st, 1887 Notice is hereby niven that the follow- Ing-named settler has filed notice of bia intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and, that said proof will be made before tho Resistor and Receiver of U. S. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, March 23rd, 1887, vis : Thomas L Hetineea, Pre-Kutption D. S. 4735 for the N ) of S E X and SV4 of S K M of Sec. 34 Tp, 98KSB. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, via : W F llor to in, w J Turnidge, N Lewis, and Joseph. O Turnidge, all of Rock Creek, Linn county, Oregon. W. T. BtTRNKY. Register. Bstray Notice. Lebanon, Or., Jan. 3rd, 1887. To the County Clerk of Linn County, Oregonx Your are hereby notitied that I have this day appraised an astray horse, described as follows . Dark sorrel with flaly mane and tail, also a white spot in forehead, said horse ia about 18 hands high aud supposed to be aboot 12 years old. The above was taken up by Monot Story and appraised by me at $40. January 10th, 1887. G. W. Smith, J tist i co of the Peace. J. PGalbraith, County Clerk, ESTRAY NOTICE. Shedd, Or., Feb. 12tb, 1887. I hve this day appraised ah estray, taken up ny j. B, Louey, ot Uakville, described as foliowa i One brown oow, with sooic white about the face and on the belly ; the shell of the right horn oil, crop and split in left ear anft under bit in right, ia seven or eight year old. Said cow came p Mr. Couey's out Jan. 7th, 1887, wan taken up and post Mean. Sire le a HOFFMAN & I'b'ElFFE R PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of CHOICE COIFECTIOHEEY, smS .7..?p,'r.d bol aaie, always frt-sh end pure at Portland Bfc We aiiao keep a full Huts and Tropical Fruits, IIV GKOCERIES, vV.rywprli.lto ---- -OUR- CIGAR AND TOBACCO , dejiartment la conj-V We keen . verj flnea. stock of suokiagandvJ?? obecco, meerschaum and brier plr JA 1 a delight to smokers. P ev k, woLvaaxov, o, a. raviasj. W0LVERT0N & IBVIME, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AeT-Oea up stairs in Foster's Block. ALBANY. OREGON- Old papers 32b. a cauT office. hundred at the Dnto- O Ot IDK a BIB SHaUKl 3,500 WS9M Oallosr. 01VB 'llrrct tm afuni'r on oil or family use. Tells j awves exact cost of i thttas; yow sue, swt, drtnfc. -w aav 1mm wtiau Taeee IXVALIMUBUB :UMUM roataan laforsaatioa glewasd rram tle niarlwti of the wsiM. Wo will asmU a iir KBKK tm asr asV. avert lit or I Oct, to euf , or WHS til WW. 1.SC1 yon. BiM-rarnlIr, III1IIT i-i nur-ni r t.r.m tvrwm i uumcky Wrr e m ff cat A- 820 WaSask A ess opw vx.. ta. irACTURco ONBBbI GEO. Pi. MAG BE VapiTTSBURG FDR SALTSVUJALERS II Kearney street. aaa taaeteo, Cal. Nenrou Debility, Seminal Weakness, Exhsustcd Viutitv, Spermatorrhoea, Lost Manhood, imposes?, Paraly.ia, l'rustatorrboea, and all tho terribl osTsets of Mlt-abuM, and excess in mat u rer year, such ss Los of Memory, Lassitude, Nocturnal Emissions, aversion to society, Dimness of vision, Noise la the Head, th vital Snia pawing utiohset-ed 'i the nria, and many other diseases that lead to insanity and death. l'OtSC MKV SuSorins from any ot th above symptoms, should consult us st once. The drain can b stopped, vi tality restored, and lifs be mads again a pleasure instead of a butden. s The i e r many MCDOLC-AUt.O MUM who are trouble with to freauont svacnaCae of ths bladder, often accompanied by a sl'ht f martin, or burning sensation, and a weakening af th ytm in a manner t hey cannot oconut fur, Ropy Sediment iu the urine, rto. Many die of this dittieulty ijtnoraut of the cause, which t th seoond Uff of seminal weak new. Cures rani teed in all such cases, Coasaltalien rree. Thorough examination and vdyico, Includini; chemical aualyais aud microscopic examination of th urine, S5. An honest epinion -iven in even- case. The followi'u; medicine supplied at th pries lamed : SIR AMTLEY t OOPES VITAL REKTOKA- 1' 1 If, S3 a bottle, or tour time the quantity, 10, SAMPLE BOt ILK FREE. sent to ny one ply ing by letter, stating ywi me, mi ajj-e. oinct secrecy in regard to 'uwiics-- imusaciioii!., Tho CelebraUHl SMaw Remedy. KEPHRRTi. fJVM, for all kinds of Kidney and bladder Comt'lainto Uonerihoc, uleot, Leucorrhoe. etc. Fsr sal by II drumtiats : $1 a bottle, or six hnttlM tnr A nfu.. B ii . . ' mo r.iiiisn ia ait.L,l!V, Lit LR ASD ova- 1 PILL is the bent in the market. I y all dnureist ; price 50 eont s bttle. ror aa Medical OyapeBsary. f o. 11 Kearnv Street,. San Frsnsiseo, Cat jldministratrix Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under, s gned nas ben by tbe County Court tor L inn county, Oregon, appointed Adminis tratrix with-the will annexed of the estate o James Mady, deceased, late of Linn county, Oregon All persons having clainiR against said estatj are hereby to q urtd to pr8ent them properly verified at required by law, to tpe undersigned at Albany, Oregon within six months from tl is ,iate. 'i his January 3rd. 1887. Maroarvtt Ma by. Administratrix with the will annexed of the estate of James Mady, deceased. WeATIIKRVOhI) A BbAORD'JRN, Ally's for Administratrix. T. j7 STITE S. A TTORNEY AT JL, A v 5 mW. OMIteSBV AS 3k I a El.. BY u c- I yEfrY WHERE. ra ? flfrre m .wroouoa ja wnt ed Jan. 'J, tti au aMprawett by me t Nl)