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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1887)
Ik gcmocrat. Kntorod lit the Port Oftloeat Albany, Or, aa tenond-clam mall matter. FRIDAY FKKUUAKY 25 1887. 8TCTE3 NUTTING. K.iu.r nn I Truprlrfr. riRD r. NrTtlMti. Lara I K4Mr. Qjfioial Jj" Paper. paper mis A lit rfUlBrf TTT A(l A A Wood paid etriotly in ! ySyy vane (his will he the mice of the Dkmihrat : at the end of the year, $-.M, em! there will he no deviation from ttia rule. 4 St 4 eBOIT TOWS. A doctor in St. Look explain the neces mltjr for having two ear by the fact that sound Is always heard more distinctly by one ear than by the qthcr, and in this way it Is located. A man with but one ear can hear just as wel. at a man with two, hut he cannot locate sound. A recent ear ache and consequent temporary deafness in one of his ears lull v establishes this fact in the mind of the M . A T. O As the M A. T. expected the MackeV Bennett telegraph line is willing to receive the same amount for despatches the other company gets. We are not astonished. Mackey did not used to mine for nothing ; Bennett never run the Herald for fun, and Mackey Bennett will never telegraph for nothing There are no more grasping men in the world than these two and so do not look for anything very philanthropic from them O Next week Spring, about which so many songs have been sung, will be upon us. An old school reader contains a "piece" that be gins thuslv, "Spring is the pleasantest season of the year." fn anticipation of this we fill our lungs for the event. O An instance of the supreme carelessness of people and their habit of doing things in an unbusinees like manner, is the fact that there are 1500 patents filed with the Regis ter at Oregon City that should have been recorded some as early as twenty-five years ago, to make the record good. O It is now being demonstrated as plainly as a man's red nose that a crank is a neces sary evil, and that all treat retorms are established by him ; that he is the man who sets all one hundred ton guns p shoot ing. And snow is black. O The M. A. T. understands that O'Malley, the insurance man, stumped Kansas for pro hibition and New York City for Blaine, taw Hanlon and Courtney row and it a high protectionist from way back. Mr. O M certainly has a fluent tongue, and should be given a hall. rartnlller TUmm On last Tuesday morning, at lO ofclock, t the Presbyterian Church, in thi city Mr. William Fortmiller, the popular furni ture dealer and manufacturer, and Mis Mary Thompson, the accomplished daughter ol President Thompson, of the Col lege, were aid ted in marriage, Rev. Thompson assist ed by Rev. Pritchard, performing the cere mony. A large gathering of invited friend witnessed the very impressive wedding rite. Prof. Lee played the march and ac companiment with an expression and deli cacy touch that added much to the affair. The bride was tastily dressed and likewise M VMM phi MiMr. w ute. xne groom ; urn wnai ucucr urx oui uay ctiapei guaro i.iw W together with those qualities of character O........... 00 that always bring the happy wedded mjJ& S which host ot trtenu unite with the urmo- cbat in wisiung tticm. A tumptuout re-1 tumptuout. oast waa served at thc home of the bride's father. On Ferry street, of which relative and a few intimate friend partook ; when the happy couple left for Portland on a abort trip. Cattle . " - - 1 From Hon. James Peery, who called at this office during the week we learn that cattle are dying off in considerable number in the "Fork.." The hard continuous rain. of January left them poor, and the nowy, cold weather that dNM prevailed since has ahnut exhausted all the feed farmers had ad ba th cattl die. lohn C vru has ."''. Expenses incidental to the man tost nine head of cow, Lee .Bilyeu fourteen agement of university land ihead and ma-iy others from Ojc to five and funds 300 00 head. This it to be regretted a cattle are Repayment of amountt upon cer u ? . u iii tificatet of tale of swamp cah. We trust the wiatcr will at o,ce ,ands deciared avoid 33,000 00 iiiogcmiu opiiugHim u exuberance ot grass. a Kxclilnz AWalr at Harrlsbarg. Last Saturday forenoon a Mr. Davis and "wife, of Cretwell, Lane Co. arrived in Har risburg, on tbe north bound train. Shortly -after noon, while standing in front of the Copia Hotel Davis drew a revolver and threatened to kill his wife. A crowd gather- ed and prevented a tragedy. The revolver was taken from him after a hard struggle and he was arrested. Davis had been drink ing hard, and as well, it is etated, is a victim of the opium habit. Considerable excitement wa occasioned by the affair. O'Malley oh rreblbllloB- King O'Malley, the wild, Irish, Catholic, prohibitionist, will "spake" at thc Opera House, this (Friday) night, on the pending prohibition amendment. Lots of fun and s ame solid prohibition talk. O'Malley was in the heat of the fight in Kansas, and is an eloquent, fluent talker, full of anecdote and argument Everybody should hear O'Mal ley, bejabbers, and no mistake. a Pair of oaeratlM. Ijaai Tuesday moruiug E. II. Seiireeder, a b .rdwr at the B.-oadwetl place, across from tbe l)BB .MRaT "(no, was arrested on the ohargx of tarjeur, of a pur of ovordlls from another boarder, Harry Smith. Hi waa ex amiued bofore (ieore Hampnrey, Esq., and held in the mm of $100 to uvait the action of the Oread Jury. In default of bail he is now a hoarder at tbe empty jul. Kewoval. d hair dressing mere ArrROI'KlsTIO MIA. The appropriation bill passed by the Leg islature last week provides for the following for the coming two yearn : BXBCCTIVB 1 M Salary of Governor 3,000 00 Private Secretary 1,40000 Salary of Secretary of State 3,000 00 Clerical assistance 3,00000 Salary of State Treasurer 1,600 00 Salary of Superintendent of pub lic instruction 3, 600 00 Salary of State Librarian 1,000 00 Salary of prison Inspector 400 00 OBNKBAL fl'NO, Salary of pilot commissioner. . .$ 1,100 00 Clerk i.aoo 00 Salary of health officers 3,600 00 Salary of janitor and assistants. . 3,140 00 Traveling expense of Supt, pub lic instruction 1,40 00 Night watchman at Capitol 1,80000 Contingent expense of State Library 400 00 Book for State library 5,000 00 Mute School 11,700 00 Blind school 8,000 00 Purchase vol t3,Oregon Supreme Court report 1,800 00 Addtl. clerW in office Sec'y State 3,600 00 Clerk to Sunt, public instruction 1 ,r00 00 JState board of agriculture 1 0,000 00 Protection of dairy product. 5.000 00 Lighting public huilUings Relief of Or. pioneer aociation. Improvements, and for industrial 10,000 00 500 00 department at the Oregon blind school 1,000 00 Wireing public buildings for the electric light 3.7 W 00 Electric light, from Oct. 1886 to Dec. 31, 1886 1, 10 00 Blanks for public school 1,700 00 Pay of T A Mc Bride, att'y In pll- oi.i-p- cast x v 00 Relief of T V Powell 1O8 00 Wiihelm & Strobcll for rent I4O 00 JQABowlby 300 00 Relief of W W Travillion i,0i8 40 State mllUla expense sot 2: Additions, repair, etc., insane asvlum 55.SSO 00 Orphans' Home at Salem 3.000 00 Home at Portland 3,000 00 Preparing accounts for claims of State against the general gov ernment and for other expen ses of adjutant general' de partment 600 00 State Agricultural College 5,000 00 Dehciencie in Appropriation for prison and capitol improve ments 16,858 5O Pay of Albert Oilnger 4O1 00 Conveying insane patients to the as'vlum (deficiency) 95O 00 Pay of J A St rat ton.. 49 96 Two cisterns for capitol 7OO 00 Pay of reward to John Thoma ' and. Wm Griffith, for arrest of Henry llarvcv for killing Robert Grant 5OO 00 Purcliase of t.000 copies of Hill' code 10,000 00 Capitol improvements 30,000 00 Improvement Orphans' Home Salem 1,000 00 Purchase of portraits of governors of Oregon 3,000 00 faymentotexpeasesoi vij Rog ers, delegate from Oregon to attend Cattle Growers asso ciation at Chicago 159 75 Relief of W L Wade 14O 00 Advertising state warrants, etc . . 4OO 00 Purchase of set of surgical mstru menu for penitentiary 1 00 00 Salaries supreme judges, circuit judges,prosecutlne attorney. and clerks and bailiffs of su preme court 76,000 00 For pay of mileage and per diem of members and officers of the legislative assembly, in addition to amount appropri ated therefor by act approved Feb. 2nd, 1887 6,000 00 For lights, f uei.and other inciden tal expenses of the executive and other departments 25,000 00 Oregon insane asylum 15'AOOO 00 Returning patient to homes. . . . 1,000 00 For conveying insane and idiotic persons to asylum 1 0,000 00 Transportation of convicts 14,000 00 The arrest and return of fugitives from justice 3.000 90 Deficiencies in excess of past ap propriation 3.733 8; Public printing 35,000 00 Deficiencies in excess of past ap propriations 14.O93 10 Support of non-resident poor in the several counties 3.000 00 Deficiencies in excess of past an propriation 6,793 05 Salary of 8upt penitentiary 3.000 00 Teameter Si 00 Fouguards In 'shop at '$60 per ' crto Ml Turnkey and book -keeper 1,600 00 lnMe nignt watchman 96O 00 Outside night watchman i.JUU uu Fire wood i,ww m . . . i a Keeping prisoners ana general expenses 33.009 Erection of a brick building for laundry and additional work shops 6,000 00 Hydrants, hose, etc 1,500 00 Erection ot ortck building tor hospital and unitary purpose 6,000 00 Rrirk marWxne. ric 1.000 00 Iron fnce " ' ' 6j00 00 Salary of clerk of board of school land commissioners 3,000 00 In"t!, "P?nsc m m1c of , M.HUUI iaiiu, w TncianUl expense in tale of state lands 3,400 00 Attorney's fees in foreclosing L oitgage, ?. 300 00 i .Selecting, viewing, and hearing Ti i i proo i ywop u-.., w swamp land 3,UOU uu For the return of money to pur chasers of collecre lands to which state cannot give title 35 00 Return of money- paid on land purchased to which ttate can not give title i,5 w Return to Philip Ritz of purchase iv'S to SET . : -J t , i v..- Rturn of money paid on land to . ' . . .- which state cannot give title 1 ,0o5 00 Total $7 1 7.733 69 Band Bufertaiament at Tangent. The Tangent Brass Band ha made ex tensive preparations for an exhibition on the eyening of March 4th. Below is given a list of the principal plays including a number of negro interludes and farces, many of which J are not given below, too numerous to men- I tion The Virginia Mummy Negro farce. De Trouble begins at nine. How Pat sold the Dutchman. National Representatives Satirical bur lesque. uncle Pete a burlesque scene. De Tuchanans answer. The Darkey Photographer Felix Gumbo Advertising for a wife. The train to-morrow. How he managed the Irish Servant. Entertaining her big sisters beau. The above is onlya variety of the prin cipal plays, which will be intersected by music, speeches, dialogues, etc. Admission, 25 cents. Children under years, 10 cent,. com. a Call and Mettle. Persons knowing themaelvet indebted to Mr. John Bright will find the account in the hand of L H Montanve, Attorney at law, i and attend iTRMKVr KtKXrf. Frequently a change of climate when taken too late U disastrous. The following from the Lokevlew Examiner is a striking Illustration of this fact : If our information i correct, several thousand sheep have died in the north part of the county ,lately. They were brought from California' last all, were poor and could not stand the change of cll mate. It was quitt generally reported that the snow at Ashland wa three feet deep during the recent storm. It now transpires that it wa only ten Inches deep,and Southern Ore gon people are worked up over the libel on their fair country. A whale would drown if it remained over half an hour under water. 8010 satle of railroads were built In the U. S. in 1886 at an average cost of $io,xk 'a mile. L Wllson.J A Brown and 0 Leiuenweber were on Thurtdsy of last week elected pilot commissioners by the Legislature. The last named is a Democrat. J B Putnam, Rep., was elected State Librarian. Boston Corbett, the man who stayed Wllke Booth, wo recently declared lnane at Topeka, Kan., and taken to an asylum. 1 13 vote were caat at the Hepngr elec tion on Monday. The Esmond House, Portland, has been sold for $96,000. The board of director of the Oregon Pa cific met at Corvalll on Saturday and re elected the old officer. Mr Abe Hackle man, of this city wa elected a director. Brink & Wright, of Corvalll received the contract for getting out 60,000 ties, and about 1 4O miles of road are to be built the coining summer. Small pox is prevalent in Southern Cali fornia. The Immigration Board died a dishonor able death on account of the lack of an ap propriation. Served It right. Now, as a matter of (act, had the Board had the right kind of a man for Secretary there would never have been the amount of kicking there has been from the cow counties, Montana not only has suffered greatly from loss of caltle,'but a well from loss of life from severe weather. The mercury went a low as 60 below aero In some parts, 43O bill were Introduced by the last Leg islature, 185 In the Senate, 17O in the House, 112 passed. ATATft TSam AUCI ALLIIKCK. The Sixteenth Annual session convened In M. E. Church, Salem, at 2 p. m., Wed nesday, Feb. 16th, Prof. G. M. Miller.Presl dentin the chair. The attendance was very large and enthusiastic, the usual boy and girl element gave way to older heads and maturer judgments. All sections, political parties and churches, and grade of society were represented. Lodge of Good Tem plar, Alliances, W. C. T. U.Blue Ribbon clubs, Prohibition clubs. Bands of Hope, Churches,Sunday Schools,Granges,KnlghU of I .abor.etc, were represented by delegates. At times the largest church was crowded to it utmost capacity, and not only the great est enthusiasm but the deepest determina tion to carry the Stale for prohibition next November was manifested. An address of welcome by Rev. J. W. Webb, response by Mr. L. H. Additon, Corvallb ; annual re port by the President ; speeches by Rev. S. P. Davis,editor Pe$Ji Baftisi, I. D. Driver, Prof. Crowhurst, Rev. Dr. Bines, editor Parifk Advocnte, Jane E. Weeden, J no. P. Robertson, Master of Salem Grange, Revs. M.Judy, - Richards, T.J. Wilson, E. Mc Lean, of Colorado, G. M. Pierce, Warren Landon, of Calvary Church, Portland, Dr. Atkinson gave earnest addresses. The Leg islature was thanked for passing the amend ment. On Thursday morning Walli Nash re ported for the executive committee, recom mending a bureau of literature. On motion of Webb greetings were sent to Michigan, Alabama, Tennessee temperance workers. Prof. G. M. Miller was re-elected President, receiving 114 out of 163 vote. In the afternoon the special prohibition election in November was the topic. A State Central committee waaorganizetLcon slsting of one from each county. Also an organization for forming State and County Clubs. A. M. Smith was elected Chairman and E. W. Cornell Secretary of the State CeBtr1 committee. Thc feature of the e"n,n lively sauabble between the notorious Madame Dunlway and Rev. I. D. Driver. Mr, Doniway tpoke on privilege and said ne-erdrank anything .tronger than ginger tea.and demanded onlhat authority Rey. Driver had ttated brandy and wine had been taken to her room in Washington Territory ; and wanted to know how he would like to have a goip repeated that he had killed four women. Rev. Driver answered amid immense excitement and said his informant a to the Madame't drink ing was a hotel keeper on the 8ound,givlng his name. Mrs. Duniway wa then shut up and Prof. Crowhurst delivered the ad dress of the evening. On Friday resolutions werit passed. It wa voted to bold the next annnal meeting at The Dsllsfl, and to hold a speotal meeting of tho Alliance in Portland in October. PrahibltUn Mass Meeting. ..... ' The ball was set rolling in this city Mon day evening at the M. E. Church, by a stirring prohibition address by T. J , Alley, on the pending constitutional amendment. On Tuesday evening of next week, at the ,,u..l. .U- W ri T r ! will hnlH . ,,, - w"" . " - z meeting, when Mrs A R Riggs, President of the State W ( T U and other able speak ert will be present and addrett the meeting. The management propose to make it an en thutiastic affair. It was arranacd to hive thi meeting at " ? "' ' " . 1 1 .... t M: j 1 3 : ink, uu, uwiuj bu m uiinuuuereuiiiiiiuK, the house was engaged for that evsning to an opera troupe. The open meeting will there fore be held in the U. P. Choicht The fol lowing program will be rendered : Music. Prayer Rev. Thompson. D. D. Recitation Mm, C. N. Raukin, of Port I land. Music. Addrr-a Mrs. A. R. Riggfl, State Presi- dot w c T Music. Three five minutes speeches. Collection Recitation Mr. C. N. Riokin, Music. Benediction Rey. Davis. Running Accident, Our Pine correspondent gives the following account of a serious accident between Har risburg and thu pMrco : The twin sons of Rev. J. P. Allisor. met with a d accident lastThursday evening about dark. While - they were watching for duck their guns were accidentally discharged, each receiving the charge from hi own tun,one in the right . 1 al ' . l r v t. ? 13 1 arm, tne otner iu tne utit. uru. u.vvn auu Hendrex were called iud found it necessary to amputate the lefc arm just hoJow the shoulder, which they did suoeetsfully, and both boyt are getting along as well or even better than could have been expected MOBS i Quiltft than yen eyer saw before at Mon LttUlsft t TlVi; WOKtt. Hclow we give a list of the Mil passed by the last Legislature, those signed or be coming law by limitation or passage over ve to, and those unsigned being given separate- ly ftBNATK uit.t.s airman. 16, a6, 8j, o0, ioj, ti7, 134, 149, 151 , 15a 163, amending charters of IMnovlllr, Salem- Albaiiy,Marhfleld,Sllverton, Astoria, Hill' boro, The Dalles, Oakland, Jacksonville McMlnnvllle. 3, Incorporating town o( Cottage Grove. 7, to prevent bull from running at large In Linn, Clackamas, Benton, Polk, Wash ington, Multnomah, Columbia, CtaUep and Douglas countiea. 15, Portland railroad bride bill. 17, providing for a health oflicer at (lard- Iner. 18, Hare' wamp land bill. jo, providing for punishment for misrep resenting a breed of stock. 37, authoriitna- the construction of cuttle croing under public road. 35, providing that all live slock killed on unfenced railroad be paid for In full value, .111,1 that comoanie or agent give notice by publication of all uch tock killed. 37, providing for thc publication of Su preme court report. 41, that witnce In Clatsop county re ceive no fee. 47, by Allen, amending the divorce law o that one year's willful deertion be suf ficient cause. 48, providing that disputed boundary line between real property may he settled by a court in a suit of euuttv. 9 54 and 55, authorizing the lease of the O R Ac N system to the Union Pacific. 57, authorizing county court to expend county money to the limit of three mills for Improvement or construction of county roads. 6a, abolishing the LaGrande land office. 67, authorizing the Multnomah County Court to build an armory. 80, providing for the sale of .Baker City school house. tj3, providing that salaries of school su perintendent may be Axed by county courts. 95, authorizing the Governor to bring to Oregon and properly inter the remains of the late Gov. Gibbs, appropriating $1500 therefor. 103, providing that in aii counties east of the Cascade mountains owners of stock 10 jured hy wire fences may only recover ac tual damage. 1 07, providing for the sale of a small strip of land adjoining the state asylum ground. lOo, requiring the state school superintend ent, so far as practicable, to visit each coun ty annually, to hold a -teachers' institute In each judicial district biennially, to in all chartered educational institution, and keep their statistic. The bill Increases the Su perintendent's salary from $1500 to ftbJO a year. 1 10, reimbursing the counties of Douglas, folk, Marion, Washington, Clackamas, iienlon, Columbia for moneys paid the state as taxes assessed against mortgages which taxes were not collected. Hi, amending Pendleton charter. 1 1 3, creating the office of Recorder in Linn, Marion, Washington and Yamhill counties. 1 J5, authorizing the investment of the ir reducible school fund at 7 per centum. 135, providing that the Crook County Court shall be held thc first Monday In January and the first Monday in every al ternate" month thereafter, 137, incorporating the town of 1; rant's Pass. 153, providing that the Portland city au ditor hail receive no pay a clerk of the police comrahauoners. - 1 54, providing that the relative of insane persons, or their property, be not responsi ble for the cost of keeping such insane per wm, 155, authorising John Krusc to maintain a dyke- 156, providing for terms of the Circuit Court i t thc Filth judicial district. 1 58, authorising a dyke across Duncan slough. Lane county. 165, reapportionment bill. 164, authorising a suspension toll bridge across the Willamette river at Oregon City. 166, creating thc railroad commission. 175, creating a fish commission of three. $10,000 for the maintenance of a hatchery on the Columbia river, fiOOO for enlarge ment and aupport of Ute present hatchery on Koguc river. 176, general insurance law. I78, amending thc Halsey charter. 180, providing for an additional Circuit Judge in the sixth judicial district. 18a, directing the Governor to submit three pending constitutional amendments, for prohibiting the liquor traffic, giving the legislature authority to regulate the salaries of state officers, and changing the time of state elections from June to November at a special election on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday in November ncxL 184, providing term of the circuit n the Sixth Judicial district HOUSB BILLS StOXKD. court 19, 32, 36, 31, 113, iaS, 169, incorporating Myrtle Point, Alblna, Hcpner, Joseph, Sell wood, Drain, Springfield. 3, 66, creating Wallowa and Malheur counties. 99. 303. J33. 3x7, amending charters of Eugene, East Portland, Arlington, and Ashland. 1 2, providing terms of the Circuit Court in the First Judicial District. 13, providing for a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $300, or imprisonment not exceeding one year, and forfeiture of li cense for allowing minor in a saloon. 18, to allow Yamhill county to relocate county seat and providing for a special elec tion In November next. 37, increasing alary of thc Multnomah county assessor from' $2750 to $3500, ami allowing $938 for money expended for ex tra clerk hire. 33, providing for holding Klamath Coun ty Court. 44, reducing the minimum price of school and state lands, excepting Agricultural College land-., at $1,25 per acre. , 43, providing for the maintenance of kindergartens a part of the public school system, where directors in districts of 5OO Inhabitants are authorized by vote of the electors. 46, allowing holders of scalp of wild ani mals to make proofs before Justices of the Peace. 53, fixing the pay of the Morrow county Judge at $600, and county treasurer at $300 59, authorizing school director to lease or build school houses,or buy land for school )juipu" " 11v.11 aHiuuiitEii uj a. iwajii iiy ui tne voters present at any school meeting. 60, requiring school clerks to keep a roll of persons of school age in the district, and to deltyer the same to successor. 73, minor charges in school laws, public exambjBtion of teachers. 82, giving county courts authority to fix rates on toll roads, Sridges, etc. 87, requiring county clerks on the 1st day of April and the 1st day of October of each year to publish in one issue of a weekly pa per in the county a complete statement of the county finances. 9O, appropriating $585 for relief of A W Presley. 93, providing for holding Gilliam county court. 94, authorizing a general levy of 5 mills tax for school purposes, 96, requiring school clerks to make a dis trict assessment roll within thirty days from date of tax levy. iOO, providing imprisonment not to ex ceed thirty days, or fine not to exceed $30. for unlawfully wearing a badge or button the G. A. R. tO J at 113. fixing salary of superintendent of penitentiary at $1500. t37 giving Portland authority to condemn riparian right of Bull Run fiver. 140, providing term of tho Circuit Court H the Seventh Judicial dUtrict. 147, providing for pay of school clerks of districts. 149, defining boundary line between Yam hill and Tillamook countle. 16I, to facilitate recovery by heir of prop erty echeated to thc State. 164, amending the dairy law. 186, defining the boimdarle of Linn county. aOa, abolishing the ofll.:e of county clerk of Multnomah counly. an, granting exempt privilege to all member of the Portland Volunteer Fire department, a 1 8, providing term of circuit court In the Second Judical district. aaa. providing for iter diem and mileage of members of the legislature. 338, authorising i'ilJaui k county to negotiate a loan of $5000 to build a court house. 141, amending Newport charter. 948, authorizing the director of school district Mo, 47, 1 .urn county, to build a school house with district money now on hand. J54, creating the office of county commit loner In Columbia connty. a6i, amending Dallas charter. J70, the general appropriation bill. MBMATB BILLS NOT io m 66, providing that dentists must have di plomas. 70, requiring twelve weeks attendance each year at school of children between the ages of 8 and 14 years. 80, providing for the punishment of va grants and person who live in and about houe of ill fame. 83, providing for an inspector of stock in every county. MOlSB BILLS NOT MOSB0. 3 . the militia bill. , appropriating f 1 5OO to Insure the pilot chooner Gov. Moody." -, providing for property sold for taxes. The foMowiog resolattun and m -.mortals were pasted 2, providing fur payment of certain spocifto Radian war claim to the astoaot of 918,848. B, pray tag for improyvoMfltof tb Umpnea river. 3, praying for the raoation of the Kerthern t'keilic rattnad grant between Wallnla to Portland. 4. 'proving that veteran of the Indian war of 53 and 56 be pensioiiad. 8, requesting repeesanUttvet in Coogr to saonre a law pravanltng ! front gras lag stock 00 public ln is.. 8. praying for tb ms truction of a boat railway at The Di lea. 7, praying for an appropriation of 80OO.OUO for improvemsot of th Upper Colombia river. 0. previa- that ami b brought by tbe geo-ral government to osooal the land grant of the Willamette Vaily k Cteeede Moun tain Road eoaipaay. u, tttburiaiag the eeperinteadeet of public instruction to enfore the law for Utehtog physiology and bygurae in tb public eshooU. ' 10. direeboic tb its rotary of State to pabhsb the antaadsd ohool law h pamph let form. 10, praying for aa appropriation to mska a read around Cspe Prpnul. Benton, ooooty. 10, directing the Sooretary of Slate U pob- hsb ths road law In psmphiot form. 11, directing the Hoeretary of State to have cop of log-islativ journal propsrod for publication. '12, providing that all printing authorized by the legislature (or any purpose whatever be done by the Stat printer. 12, approprialiag $500 to ab!a tba Ore goo Pioneer society to publish certain rec ord. 15, aothotietog tbe Governor, in person or by prosy, to tepreaaat tb State at the Can teouial Anniversary of the framing of tb f p. Ural eooetitattoo. to be hold at 1'htltdel phiaia September next. 18, praying Congreat to reimburse stUr on tbe & ' ' railroad land graot fr caees above govamrnant price pai l for land. 19, asking that veterans of the Caynee war bo psusioaed. 20, dircotiHf the Sacretsry of State to scud each ma ubr of tbo peasant legislature a copy f Hill s eods, whtm lb BBBM shall have been published. Resolution nbmitting three amendments to tbe State constitution. A rtae V3B The Oregon Pacific hae beeo here for some Ume. Every house in Albany is ooeopied . heat is over ti cent a bashel, and A, B. Mdlwair.'s cnuter ar- full of new gaol for tbe pnu2 trade. These fact combined speak fr a protpemu year in Albany. By ealhog oa Mr. Mcllwaia you oan gt yoar oiothing at bottom priue-ali ttyle and grade to select from, together with a tine lias of furnishing good, (old this in your mind. Hi slock of boot and shoes i well selected sod embrace a lare variety of ea . eellent goods. Hisdre good sell on their own merits at the mot reasonable prices imaginable. In fact eyery hue ia complete, making aa enumeration unnecessary. In to bacooB Mr. Mcllwatu ha no real competitor here in prises, lie buys in large qusutities, and, recently, before the advance, euabliug to give startling bargain. Watch his sh elves and counters. Prohibition Lecture. Mr. T. J. Alley will address thc people on the prohibitory amendment at the fol lowing time and places : Halsey, Friday and Saturday, Feb. 25th and 26th. Harrisburg, Monday, Feb. abth. Peoria, Tuesday, March 1st. Browhsville, Wednesday, March and. Crawfordtville, Friday and Saturday, March 4th and 5th. Lebanon, Monday, March 7th. Sodavllle, Tuesday, March 8th, Miller's, Thursday, March tOth. Knox Butte, Friday and Saturday, March nth and 12th. Scio, Monday and Tuesday, March 14th and 15th. The meetings will be held at 7:30 o'clocjc p m. Everybody U cordiaHy invited to be present. Notice to ail. Tho subject for the young folks mooting at tbe U. P. Ciiuroh, to corannnoe as usual quarter before ten a in., next Lord's day, with an earuett desire for alt youug folks aud old ones too, regardless of denominational distinctions, is St. John, V ohapter.39 verse, whioh reads, "Search the scriptures ; for in them ye think ye have eternal iife ; and they are they which testify of me." We intend bringing up scripture from God's word on Spiritualism, to see if it is from God or the dsvil. Lkxdur kor bkxt Mkbtinq. Died iuddeniy. Last Friday afternoon, while in the store of May & Senders, at Harrisburg, Mr. J. II, Pierce fell suddenly to the floor and imni'c dlately expired. Heart disease was reported as the cause. Mr. Pierce lived a few miles east of Harrisburg, and leaves a wife and several children to mourn his death. Ht was about sixty years of age, and was a of V armer in good circumstances. Will Rrns. hv rataivswt a tartMt lot a! ah fit urn ii and rift team then fCast. awal set v vj j m ua ww atmne HOttfc 4B AA t M Proiioh, jewe- r, Potato, $1.25 a bushel. Oyaters served iu ell tyl at HfTmn A PfeiJfera. J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al bany, Or. Gkfte Rail A BriwneH's tr choice fresh groceries. UaiTA ItaV.uieH, Physician and Surgeon, ihedd, Or. The Salem fanning mill fr ale at Deyoe R ib ton'. Orauine NO rnolassn in birnd at Wal lace k Thorn 0011 V Dr I, M If enaol. Physician and Hnrseoo. Albany, Or. H mi H. I cider vineafsr at Wallaci & Thnntpsoii'a. John Sliermsa hae resigned a President nf the N ir Pine tropics1 fruit. at all timo at Wallace k Thompson'. Carter'- jVwelry i the beil. Call oa him for eioe good. W eel I the H-a I '.each eigar at 5 cant at Read k HiiMVneli,. Ukt Mm pen ir Whit Fish in keoe at Wl- ace k Tliomptou's. , Quean of the yathiy see I ootatOM at Wal- taee k Thompson's. Work on the aew Portland R. R. Inri Ige 111 b begun at one. Auothar tom'hie in the price of oote and hoe at Road A Hiownell'. f.sree reduction in the price of shot at Will Brother, Albany. Or. J If Townsen 1. apeoial agent for tb State Inturanee C. o( Hslem, Oregon. Mix abaves for a dollar end a eltati towel to every customer, at I.. Vieriek's. dermis, Half Ituing Buckwhett, Oermao Middling at Rial A Brown. U . Kxamiua Woo.lin' KtUnaion table. They Be -well go and aee them for yourself. Stop at K W Carter for a watch, gold iMidedoaaeor firei-dae oloek. The O k C R R C. i talking of rnnnieg a regelsr Muodsy train. Freh stook of ehoiee grwinee el way on hind ai Wallace A Thompson 'a. P M French, agent Hiuger Manufaeturing 0.,opXMite Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Or. Watches, clocks and jewelry carefully te pured at reaeoaab'.e prtee at F M r reach' a Ton can get a eplandid variety of rrseat me John ling, ror tale at reaaonable prices. A cial daaee will be give hy Richard B.'os. at Parriab' Hall to-morrow (.Saturday) ev' .ing. Too chair ate kept runuing at Veriek's barber sb p. The plaoe to get a shave or hair cut. aiL- a m er ea.a - e nr. Hi is. r.iiia, puyairfian and enrgeou A'rany, Oregon. Call made tu city or CO 1 11 try, . Frash YvUiua Bay aai Katern oysters 00 t kut I ', oa hsnl after to-day at iloffutan A Pfeiffor-. Corn meal, yellow and white, Graham and Biok wheat, all self rutog. at Waliae Ht Tk .mpoo e. "Sunset - is quite ill. Go to the new Drag Store ta tbe Morgan building near the Roe iloxee. Deyoe A Robeon have a large tok of the bet ploe made Oa head. They will be old at bedrock prices. Tuesday waa Weehiogton'e birthday. Our public ecboolt very properly celebrated the event wish a vacation. Nett Monday evening, at tbe Evangelical Church. Rev. Davie wdl deliver a lecture on "lsbor and Capital." Admieaioa free. A month ago the Ortolin did not know what Dr. Jotepbi'a polities were. Now it calls him "a Republican." Tbo world move. Tbe Uorinan election have resulted fevor sbiy to the policy of Btmara. Phis strength' ens tbe probabiiitee of war with France. Speaker Carlisle haa beeo ofered the posi tioo of Secretary of 8ute, to saooasd Mean tag resigned. In doubted if he accept?. Persons desiring dtt pooket keive of a new brand, warranted, huuld c .11 at Will llro. Tbey have jaet gotten ta a bow atoek. We have rnvd ear stock of geol aoroea the street from oar old stand, follow as and we will make it to your iatereet. Read k Brownsli. The stove most go from railroad coaches. A Kageo? City man eiaiat to have aa iavee thjt take ih-ir plac, nJ be jwr- fectily afe. A seaodil is being hinted at in connective wub one of ihe newly elected State offioer. Borne people seem to thrive oa scandals. A nsuseuut du-t, though. Burkhart A Keeney sell tiekets over the Northern Pact be Rail Road to all point east. Call on the:n for rate and maps showing route of travel. Should you desire to sell year property eali on Burkhart A Keeney as tbey advertise property placed to then band, aud oharee nothing unlea tbey effect a sale. Last Bibbath Dr, O' Toole received a baud- some gold headed cane from Mr X b West, eeitut bridge apurintendnt ou the O. P. It wee gtveo as an expression of good wuL If yon wear out two pair of shoes iu a year aud can save six bit-a pair by buying tbem ol Road & Brownell remember m teu years time you will have saved fifteen dollars, thh i well worth remembering. The Dbmocv at office has received a pack age of aeeds from 1 M Ferry & Co., the re liable eeed boa of Detroit, Mieb. Beads from thi house can always he relied on. We have tried thorn for y e r aud know where fore we speak. Send Burkhart Keeney name and ad dresser of friends desiring information of Ore gon and thoy will seod them copies of the KfiU rMw Lonoeyor whioh contain a com plete description of one county ta each issue with either desirable informstioa a Wather, A woman named Biggsr waa down for aotne kind of an entertainment, tuoh a sing ing or omcthuig of the km. I, iu ibi city, iaat week, bat her agent got things wrong i1e np without care, and the enteitainineot was cancelled aud the money refunded for tickets for reseryod seats, aud people kicked Mr H F Morrili haa just received the ap pointment as agent at Albany of the Scottish Union and National lutnranee Co. The Scottish ia one of the most powerful of the British otHoua. It was organised A. D. 1834 and ha available assets amouotiug to $37, 000.080. The Oregon Department of the O. A. R has been iu session in Portland tnia week. M L Olmstead, of Baker City, waa sleeted Commander. A B Woodiu, of this oity ia the new inspector general. The next encamp ment meeting will be at Albany, date to be named hereafter. A Literary entertainment will be given under tbe direction of the Laidet' Missionary Society, in tne Oakvill United Presbyterian (Jhurch, Fridav evening, March 4th, 1837 A small fee will bo collected at the door The money is to go toward purchasing a ear pet for the church fPeorieaUo ha a troubleaem oorretpondeut iu the Herald who haa created no little an- noyance by a few personal communications His name is liable to he published also. By the way correspondents whatever paper they write for should drop personal bits. A new statute wul divide the office ol County Clerk of this county directly ia the middle. Tbe County Recorder will do all of the recording and the Clerk the remainder. It will be the means of making both office small Ones financially. N doubt though there will be plenty of daadidates for each. The committee to investigate the Oregon City fish ladder reported that the river was in a condition for tish to pass np the falls, rocks that obstructed the course having been sufficiently blasted. Let them come ; feat then this is probably an excuse to drop th whole matter and make it easy for those who built the ladder. ' Rev E L Wheeler aud wife of Portland, general Sunday School Secretary . for North Pacihu Coast, wul hold a Sunday School Iu stituts at the Baptist Church on Friday and Saturday evenings, Feb. 25th and 28th. Subject addreas, Friday evening, "America's Sunrise." All interested in S. S. work are cordially invited to attend, Mr, B. F Parsons, au experienced sewing nt I machine man. is stooDins in this city and I mav Km found at Mr. Haata Cor. Sennnd a wwj r. - - - fit for repairing tewing mac aloe of alt makes in a Hrat-ciass man'-er, rVora guaranteed. Order may be Lft th-e or a this office and will wceiye prompt attention. Invaluable, Al a specific against enntagior tnd an efficacious reBStHiy for sudtnn and severe eonghs, colds, a-1 lunt, the pile, son, 're. ales, hm breath, et ,thr is no remedy qnsl to tin- eel.d.r-iUd Kmil Fri se' Hani hurg Tea. It iiurifi tli blood, cleanse tb tomaoh and bowe'a, and g.. tne who! vvtern a healthy srwl drPghtful tone. Then nevr wae s medicine for 1 1 eoraerv eon i toit ' " Nothing but instriosic ratrtt can r ecount for thc enormous ! of Frese' ILtminrg Pea, tbe demand for wlilob i constantly in creasing. The reuiou i obions to nil. It ia purely vegetable urtflinf on. m h'. vet "ffieient in it action carrying off all im purtlie from the system, ami imparting a slow and vigor, which only those who have used it can appreciate, Delicate persons, and all whose ay stem have become debiliated. should hear io mind that Simmon Liver Regulator i not s drae tic, purging- medicine, doe not weaken r.r deplete the system as other purine do, nut act gently, it will invigorate like a ! "f wine, bat is no intoxicating beversge to lead to intemperance ; will promote diges tion, diseipao headache, and general' t ee up the system. The dose i amall. not on piraeaut, and its virtues undoubted. 8M8tS rr.MB vti.. Mr O B Hsi (ht and danghter returned to the Bay last Friday. Wm ffoag, of the Oregon Pacific hae gone Fast on a buaioeee trip. Mr R Caster left Wednesday for San Fran eieo with a band of horaee for tha-- market. K L Budd and Knog Height, two of Peoria' popular citiseos, were ia Albany last oatnrosy. If re lit J L Hill and Mr T J Btiter, of thi city. left yesterday for OAlaad, wlere t ey will yisit friend. Franci Pfeiffer. of the firm of H .Sf niu A Pfffr, left Monday for Souther 1 Or. g n, with hi sample ease ia hand. Mr. A, A. Roberta parehaaed the atoek of atoves, tin war, etc . of Mr Jebn Briir.. together with the mC'i'..erv. aod 00 Mondav moved to Phdomatb where he will dispose of tne icx I -aa Wedoeedry evening a nnmlier of the friend of Mis Carrie Gaibraith gave ter a arpria at the home of her father, corner of roarth and WatbtngtoB Street. As on joy able time wae had. 800 hvra were loat by an esrtl.i uake in itaiy isai y fulneeoay. steat, car atk. Following were the recorded sales Linn county during the past week : Mary A Freelaod to L Seeders, lets 8 and 6 block 32, Albtoy in 1 300 Mary A Preeland. ex's will K A Free lend to L Seoderr. Sam a hurt. . If P Champen to John B and M J Moor,270i aeree in tp 15 S R 4 w WJ Bramw.ll.l v J K Char (ten. Sbenff five lots in Harrisburg 77fi CO Was retro and D L Fctre to George Roe, 28f 11 8R2 W.. 1 D Cohen and A Weill to Wm Petre aod D T Petre. 48 73 100 aeree in 4 tf l 8 R! W l5 Ta tba raBlle, I am now better prepared than ever be fore to suit ray numerous customers in all line of goods, I have a larger stock which I personally selected, and have many nov elties I could not get by ordering good ex clusively. I have just made extensive im provements to my Boot and Shoe Store giving me much more room tlian formerly, and enabling me to carry a larger assort ment and to sell you better goods for the money. I have just received direct from the factory a full line of ladies' and genu' siippcr for the holiday trade especially elected for thi market,' all of which wifl be sold on their merits, and every pair guaranteed, even in cheap slipper and hoes. Samuel E. You for One hundred and twenty acres of the best quality of improved wheat land, all fenced into four fields, good house, hard finish, good outhouses, excellent fruits of all kinds. 75 acres of grain. Inquire at thi office. iirweerlea. Go to Allen A Co. when yea want rreee riee. They have a well selected stock and ell cheap. letter Ust follow! of i n list ot tetters reaaainiag la tfc Past OS, aJbaay, Una eouaty, Oregea, fab, .talk, 1SSB Person ealnaf far the letter meet give tea est 011 wbieb Ussy were advertised : Mia Allie lUtes, Mr Aareh i -it! .11. Miss Brtba 'srr.dr, rrsak tiuitbes, Wm Hale, Parker Nartbrup, W A Pickens, A R Vrs. Mrs B B Stockton. Geo larlor, Mrs Maay Wrt, rt Crane, Mia Mai hut L cook, r 11 Ore so, John Warren Hill man, H L. Moore, Levfwa Pj bum. Mr Hallie (2) Roper. Kit alorrell, John (?) atatham. Albert H Jr. Whit. Martin (l wise, J c I. M. iRvrxo, P. M. Droaksanstt, or Liquor Habit, eaa he Oared by administering Dr. Haiaet' Golden Spselfle, It can be given In a cup of coffee or tea with out the knowledge of the person taking It, ef fecting a speedy and permanent cure, wt ether the oan lent la a moderate drinker or analeo kble wreck. Thousands of drunkards have "rets mads temperate men who have taken tbe tioldim Specific In their coffee without their . 1.. . icdgc, and to-day believe tbey quit drink v -t t their own free w ill. No harmful effect -. i:t fmra Its administration. Cures guantn Send for ciretrtar and full particulars, v !ns in conftdeneo t;.n hen M'Kctri-; Co., t .' itoce St., Cii:clnnati, Chin. CeaUawe to stay Herscs, Mr L Senders continue, to bny horses at this city. Will pay good price for nitabi horses weighing 1100 to 1 tO porais, in good order. Bring the n mi. Faatey aieetts. Those desiring the latest novelties ia laeee, buttons, gloves, etc., should eall ea Me teith A Seiteabach. e i Ageats Wnateel, To canvass for the Singer Mfg. Ce. quire of F. M. French, Albany, Or. AKSIKD. In HINDMAM -MORGAN, On Feb. JOth, 1887, at 8 o'clock, p in, at the residence of Martin Payne in this city, Kev t b, Davis officiating, Mr. S. M. W. Hihd- man, of Camp Polk and Mat. Fakkib Morgan, of this city. A select number of the friends ef the happy pair were present, and, after the mat rimonial ceremony was performed, partook of a most excellent supper prepared by Mrs. Payne. The Dkmocbat extends the heart iest congratulations and hopes that the choicest blessings may attend them to the end of life. NELSON TURNER. At the Metiodist Episcopal parsonage, in the city of Cor vallis, on the aOth Rev J T Wolfe, Mr. Edward Nklsow, of Chicago, and Miss Effir Turner, of Linn county. ACHESON-OOUEY-On Feb, 23. it the home of the bndw father iu Oakville, 1 J Rev. A M. Acheaon Geor a s. Achescr, and Lilliaa Coney, both ef Oakville The Democrat oongratnlates BALDWIN. Iu Kennett, Miasouri. Noy 6th, 188t, John W. Baldwin, foimerly of thi place, aged 7 1 years. tiraat county aapers please oepy.i tonus I I'rtneUlnas Tuescay, Feb. 22, 1887. Present --All ofBcets and members wi council. An ordinance providing for the office of Street Commissioner was read twice and referred to tbe Committee on Ordinance. Licenses to sell Ikptors were granted J A Gross and Huffman k Monteith and their bonds approved. Report of Htieet Commissioner in refer ence to certain needed Improvement wa referred to committee on treet and public property. The street commissioner wa directed to see that a wagoi. crossing wa constructed by the O&CRR Co. at the junction of Sixth and Mnditon street. Petition of E, Sander for privilege of erecting a windmill at the south end of Ferry steet was referred to committee on streets and public properly. Petition of George Hochttedler for aa established grade of sidewalk at east er.d of Third street and the privilege of building ditch under sidewalk on north tide of Third street and Montgomery street, waa granted. Petition of Wm 11 Huston for privilege of putt i 1 g ditch urder sidewalk on Third street was referred to committee on streets nod public property. The Street Commissioner wa directed to notify the O P R R Co. to repair crossing at Hecond ar d Sloth street, and not to use dirt lo street for grading purposes. The matter of depot, other buildiegs and side track wa referred to committee oa street aod public property. Cost in the cases of the city agaiust John Bogardus, $40 ; Ja. Keller, $5.85 ; 8 P Hewlett, $3.85, and Wm. Mason, $585 were ordered paid. Also bills of F M Westfall, 86 ; Foshay A Matoe, $18.33 j N J Hentoo, $9 60 ; Adam Ihrfg, $50 ; John Jones, $60. The Committee on Ordinances and City Attorney were directed to amend City Or dioances to conform to amended charter. Tbe Very 1 hay added to say boot mmd Ae stoek a line of the celebrated Laird, aTcAeeer A Mitchell, PhUadeJphi Fitu Shoot for ladies, mikece end children. Aekaewledgod by dealer generally to be the beet value nod heat fitting fine shoe made Widths C, D, 8 aud EE. A child can buy ae cheap aa a assay 8ambblK. Yoexa, Solo Agent, Albany, Oregon. rteokaf Don't forg-t thet N. H. Allen A Cc. have just received a 110 stock of the latest styles to cloak from Hew York, whioh haye oifer at aaheerd of low price. Ladies, whoa you are ia want of a fine dress dont forget to inspeet the stoek of X. H. Allen A Co. Tbey have a very large stock to selec t front nod at prieee never he fore offered in Albany. raster Weertx. X. H. Allen A Co. have in stoek a fall line of material for fancy work, eeaaiating ef Fairy tjphyr, Shotland Tool and Ion, che nille, aretene, hiUaille. 72 inch Eogliak felt, silk dees, knitting silk, eta. A good organ. Call at Dr. Kelly's. A good hingle mill. . Call on J. II. Maine. New stock of fall goods, every line faJL come and examine then. MONTEITH A Clewka. The largest and beet selected ataak ia the v tttey cn be tdhnd at Vf oateith A Sei teubtck's. First-elasa butcher knivaaat WV1 Bros gun ttere. Annual School MsetiDg. Notice i hereby given to the legal of School District No. 5, Linn county, Or., that the at.nnal achtol meeting of said Dis trict will be held at the Court Hon ia at id District on Monday tbe 7lh day of March, 1887, at the hour of 7 o'clock, p. sa. for the purpose of bearing tbe rv porta of the Diret tors and Clerk and to levy a tax for the sor port of the schools for the ensuing 3 ear. Abo for the purpose of levying a tax for the pai poeetd paying iatereet on the bonds of the District. By order of the Board of Directory, Fehrosry 24th, 1887. J. H. BCBXHABT, Clert. Wir haben die grcesste und best eingerichtete Accident? - Dmekerei ausserhalb Portland nnd lief era alle in unser Fach einschlagenden Arbeiten ru meossigen Preieen, Briefbogen, Circulare, Anschlag zettel, u. a. w. werden in knerxester Zeit angefertigi Wir haben drei der bee ten Job- und Cylinderpren sen in Tbsetigkeit llurlcnnrt A ltelWry Albany, Orogots. PUBLIC SALE. On March let, 1887, beginning at t o'clock . . . s t . ka t A I a. m on the '"Jim ttouerts pisee, jo muse south of Albany, I will sell nt public auotiea the following described property, to-wit : Three or four wasroos, three or four seta har - 1 uses, two family carriages and oee road eart, J together with different kindsof larnung tools; I ten or hfteeu bead of horses, teme good work I horses and some celts ot different ages, two being well bred mares, oae tired by Western Chief, foal d by Jackson, the other sired by Early Pearl . Also 25 or SO bead ef abort horn cattle, consisting of oae thorough bred bull, 3 years old, four ball ealyet, aired by said ball, ten head ef good mileh I cows and a lot of young cattle of different ages. Terms of sale All turn' of $10 and under cash in hand ; all over $10, a credit ef ten mouths will be given at six per eeot per an num from date of sale with approved securi ty. W, W, Babbows. Will you continue using blank stationery when you oan get Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Ae. neatly printed at the .office of Burkhart A Pfoiffer for just about what you pay for the blank paper, and par- hape a little less. fHBfeRnl"V IT Jem