The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 25, 1887, Image 2

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    imiDli IfHBRUARi' 25, 1887
The Lialature of two jeers ago ap- I
preprinted from tha State treasury over
800,000 for the two yearn ended Jan. I
i ana rr a a .'tat I
I at, ibpi. Ana state ooaru, e mitating
of the Qo?eroor,Secretary of State and
State Treeaurer, whose duty it ia to
make the tax levy for the State, met
last September and made an estimate
of tbe amount necessary to run the
state for the tear commencing Jan. lit, 1
1887, and their estimates aggregated
f27y,i3V. l. At tarn rate lor wo
years commencing Jan. 1st, 1887, tha
amount would bo $558,379.42. But
tha Legislature just closed, inataad of
appropriating this Utter amount, appro
priated over $700,000. Now what
doe this all meant Tbe State ad minis-
tratioa waa Rapubliean for the two
years ended Jan. 1st, 1887. Tbe State
administration will be Democratic for
si- . r t.
1887. It baa been the hackneyed bue
and cry of Republican papers that while
tha nmivrit war in iwierar
...k t tk !,. .K.n
aw- mvm Hiviv wa a vaaw vuw mwmmm -w
their party was ia power. Hence wheal
th a tat a hnard mt last fall it aunaara
to have beea thought necessary that
tba Republican tioard should do soma
... . ,: i i e I
th'nw tit intra ivtltlia! ftinltil out Of. I
&ail thia ia tha wav tfaav did it. Thev
Mum.ud thai it ald . 4279.139.-
71 to run tha state the first year of
Governor Pennoyer's administration.
t) K-! .ku ... .h.i a
RaarMi KliAsin Wrksafl .lAArni niNUUhrV tO
-s .
fin.nP ... t tlte halm. And
tK. -..d .knM tWhar haar in mind
that thia board wa, C3anint of the
f.,t K.t th. laat ,Mr a , bir admin.
. . . aiaa u-j i
wtrausn ovar tw,uw drq www ijwui.
Why did thia b rd think a Deraoeratic
II u r,
ajtBin.atraiioa couia run laa nvi iur
more than $120,090 lea per year than
they bad done ? Tne truth is that the
last Legislature which the Dim mats
m. u.j : a 17 7i a
91 to run the etate two yeara. while the
Legielature of 1583, which was Koub'
liean, had appropriatad over $800,000
for twe years. Now tbe board, by mak-
in the aatimite low laat fall, could
.k. ,h. r.t. of I... low. .nd b.a
aaa reuucwa .hhub. buv iu oBt
watahful eyeeortne tax-payere pene
irate this thin gauz wuh but itttte
effort. Well, based upon thia estimate
the board find, that after applying
$124,850 estimated miaeelUneoua re-
oaipte.that one and nineUen-twentietla
di m upon an me property or ui 'ia
..... uuU 1 K ;
... ,, .. m . i
would raiae tbe Oalano,hne- tbatr laej
was put at that figure. Tha laat two
yeara of Moody's term tbe LagisUttira
was Republican ard the appropriattoPg
exceed $800,000. Tbe first two years
of Pennoyar'e term ths Legislature,
though Republican, apprjpriatss $100,
000 leas than tbe last Legielature.
Hare aro figures for thought, but one
thing h certaie, there ia no comfort io
them for Reoublicin" aarking political
capita! for their party.
rnxr jasmriB.
Tt ia a mat'er of great satisfaction to
attorneys throughout the Ssat.and peo
ple who have huaioee in tbe Suprema
Couit, to know that that body, ss now
eooatitated, ia composed of hard-work
int, zealous, painstaking Judges. The
Democrat vary earnestly anpported th
election of Judges Thayar and Straban,
because its editor biiieved thst they
were eminently fitted by ability, legal
acquirements and experience to fill
these very important offices. As an
ridence of the amount of work dona
by Judge Thayer we refer to the 13tb
Oregon Reports, which contains 39
aaaes, the opinions of whwh were writ
ten by him, while Judge Lord tendered
27 and Judge Waldo 6. Many of tbe
opinions written by Judge Thayer are
quite lengthy, occupying altogether 380
pages of the report apoken of, while
those written by Judge Lord cover 150
pages, and those written by Judge
Waldo cover but 37 pages. Here will
be aeon the reason wLy so many Rspub
Iieaos refuted to support Judge Waldo
for re elect! an. Tbe work of the Su
preme Court should be done with ax
much diapatc'i aa possible coufuat.-n
with a proper finding of tbe law of the
eases, and our present Court seems to
fully eooiprebeud thsir duties in the
sm.wi'U'n aia.ap
TOE eiSMIATD AXB wasifissTax. -
The Oregonian wonders that Dem
ocrats always celebrate the birthday
of Washington. This is became the
Oregonian editor never did, and doubt
lefts nver will, understand what
manner of nun Washington wa.
Washington wan a patriot. Not that
kind of patriotism which causes a
man to love one psrt of his country
and to lute and despise another part,
with a nnre unrelenting hatrad than
he does a foreign enemy, as Is the
ease with the editor of the Oregonian
who bite the South and her people
With a more bitter hatred than hf
does the "red custs" of England, but
the kind of patriotism that will had
any raanto hed th admonition of
Washington In hia farewell address
to know no South, no Nrth,n East,
no Wt. But the Oregonian knows
the Sutb, but only to hate it and
everything appertaining to it. Th e
Or&tonimn editor has hut one little
Tbe Legislature mote ! the amount
of the incidental fund from l8.000,the
amount apiiropriated tiro years g , to
125,000, the amount appropriated this
tear. Tbii amount is entirely under
the control of tha S wretary ot State, to
ba expends I at bin discretion for such
incidental purpose at LegUUture
. , V. . - mm
oonld not weh provide lor. We aee no
roaaon for the inereese, and are inoliaed
t0 think none can be given. Two years
ag0 tbe Legislature appropriated ftOOO
for clerical ssrvioes in tbe office of
Secretary ot State, and this year 10600
it Appropriated. We think this is un-
0al ted for, as the Secretary's office ia
M,d to be worth at least f IU.WU par
year, and out of this sum he should
pay his own elerks. Tbe traveling ex
psnaes of the State Superintendent were
raiged from $1000 to $ 1400. Clerics
id in that office was raiaed from $830
to $1600. An important item U $15,
000 to ealarie an I expenses of railroad
aava i a a csuaust
A apirit of mutiny stems to be run
it oost'B ,a ,WQ tne empl yes of tba
In,Qe Asylum
An opeo rupture oo-
earred the other dty bjiweao Frailer,
.... , , ....
lrini.4eat, iu whieh the former
i said to grow out of ths discharge a
Btty,who was aoouied ef baring bean
wr'" f ,r t.un a system of
Pi lrmaw. If there we. no other
reason the anUgoni,miexttmg bet veen
are anffij'ent to j istify a thorough re-
orianieuioo of ths foro from lowt to
W lhiok MW Superintfn-
dnt hou,d Uke
P!c of Df Joaephi.who seems data r..
lined to bold on whether wntJ or not.
. .
Mr. in Mo$s bearded tbe train here
tbe otbar day, intending to -o to Iowa.
ftiand, wod r.Uriva in thia vicinity .'.eft
oert MooJay for h-sr home in Latere
A, H. Crooks, a member of tba lata
I v a e .
legielatere irom Uooe couoiy, was in
ana at ar a r 1
r "'r ""' '""
I w. I
Mi glQtU4 vVaiton, of Sbadd, waa
Uiaitirg fmndi in this vicinity laat
O. P. DnnU, of Albany, waa in
town Monday.
LA,bTf ?rJnj,s' l'm9mio P-
i autu wun ij. r. in iu? wcivwivui
. ,p fi
busieem, in Tangent. Tne new 6rm
tb6y 9in K(a: f0-4j M 0hep as
merchant do in Albanj, on the aqttare.
Old jack tot bu looaenod bis grip
and tbe farmers are glad, ae tbe wheat
crops are not damaged any, not even
the oats. Sitae of tbe stubble oat fields
will make better voluntary crops than
they did latt year, on spring sowing.
Would those farmers that complain
of tbe Cnioesa pheasants doing so muoh
damage like t have them killed if all
of tbem that come on their farms be
longed to i b
Tbe Brass Bnd, of this place, ia
saaking extendi vo piepaiations for aa
entertainment, to oome off on the even
ing of tbe 4th of March. Tangent bai
some good musical talent end some good
dramatic talent. Any one wishing a
good treat will do well to attend this
Snow ! Snow ! ! Snow I ! ! This is
fioe Oregon weather, webfoot.
Frof. Litchfield appeared in our town
last week, and as a humorist he is a
complete success. Everybody was well
pleased. "Brother Wtkios"i a great
Miss Firming, of Wall WsiU.istbe
guest cf Mrs. H. W. Settlemiro.
Every one attend tbe Brass Band ex
hibition, to be given at tbis place March
R. E. Moore has sold bis property le
A. W. Moses,aso contemplates mo, ing
to A! ban".
Floyd Jenktt has been quite sick with
typhoid fever. With tbe careful watch
of Dr. Brtloy has fully recovered.
Little Sunflower.
Mr. Tr of mn aod family, of Shedd,
spent Ut Saturday night with Mrs.
Fletcher. They were on their way to
E;jgene City.
Mrs. W. H, H. Grant ia visiting her
rister, Miss Ward, at present.
Mrs. Jennie Barger returned from
Eugene City last week, where she had
been attending the bedside of her
daughter, Mra. Horn,nnd tbe funeral of
her grandchild.
Mr. and Mra. Clark, who have been
living in the Wheelan house,have mov
ed to C burg to Xeep house for Mr.
John Cr.ehran.
Senator Colemnn ictu-ned Lome from
Slem last S tturday, aod Mr. Tbomp
son and Fir. nenry anaamiiy return
a mw TV a. j- a
ed yesterdsy.
Mr. Dinwid Ji was considerab'v un
dor tbe weather last week, but believe
be ia feeling some better this week.
Mrs. Thompson snd Mrs. Getohell
were called to tbe bedside of, Miss Ora
Armitage the other morning. She has
brain fever and is not expected to re
caver. Mr. Pnrdy'.i f imiiy h atliicted with
tbe cbicken-;ox.
Mr. Cole nun has lost about twenty
bead of ca'tle aincb the storm began.
Oibnr istoclr aesm to bedoiug very eell.
TbeditbbeK has rexumsd work again.
They are making a di eh for S. D. Hoit
at present.
Koata aad abort.
Tho Otapttiil.
The Fourteenth aession of tha Legin-
ature hAa closed. U wa oompoaed ef
men who aimed to do .their duty and
are oonsoious of having done It. There
are oouatitutienal amendments to be
submitted to the people i.i November
next, amsng which is that respecting
aalaries of Judges, xlute offiosra and
Logtslatora, and that prohibiting the
manufacture aad aale of spirituous li
quors in the State, kuewn as the prohi
bition amendment, liioro ia the rs
anpertieament law that must be pub-
lished to be understood, tt was oasea
. . a. r
on the census of 1885, which wssas
incorrect as it oould bo possibly. But
this law must stand aad await tba gov
ernment census of 1890 for correction.
Several important bills were lost for
want of time, In fact there was not a
great deal of troe given to legislation.
Want ot evening sessions by both
houses towards the last was seriously
felt. When it is fully contidsred,tbere
was not an average of thirty hours per
week given to legislation. It may be
said this is all for the beat, as too much
legislation Is worse than to have too
little. Speaking ot the time we may
add farther: Some time was olairoad
for committees. Allow all the time
used, and this same amount of work
oou'.d have bean done ia twenty daya.if
the day was seven hours of legislation
or perhaps six. When wecouuder that
the expanse or tbis legislature amounts
to aver 600 per day, exclusive of mite-
ace, wa may eatimate tha expense for
foity days. When it comes to saving
money to tbe State, it would seem that
these members who ware ever talking
economy should have made a point an
more work and shorter time. Tba
work might have been done in twenty
dava if so ordered. But there is an-
other- view of this matter. There abou'd
be time for deliberation even with tba
committees. One great point should be
to avoid legislation at much as possible.
And to accomplish thia, timo and in
dustry are required. That tha limit
will be filled aa to time, experience
ahows to be an arbitrary rule. No one
will leave before tha forty days expire
Aad it is aaid toere are two hundred
tiilis that have failed to peas in both
bouses for want of time, or either larger
daily sessions. It may be justly said
that our legialature is not pwd enough
It would be better to pay members $5
per day, and when tbeir work la done
adjourn. Have ne limit aa to time,but
make it a partisan auestioa as to which
party would do tbe most snd better
wotk for the 8tats io the least period
of time.
Consistency in action of a large de
liberate body should not be looked for.
It may be said to be never found there.
Evan bare if money was refused to build
earn wagon road it was appropriated for
another. If tt was wrong to exempt
bonds from taxation for tbe purohaae ef
water supply for a city it waa not so to
exempt bouds from taxation for build
ing a bridge. If it aaa unconstitution
al to raiie tbe aalaries of one class of
J udgea it whs ooustiiutidual to raise
those of another class, uoder the same
constitutional provision. If one mem
ber could make three speeches against
a measure and then walk out so as aot
to vote on it, and another member
could make a tearing speech in favor of
a measure and then vote agdost tt, we
are not sarprised at tbe many inconsis
tencies thst run through deliberate
bodies. Wa have cited a few cases fur
Aad this brings us to the last impor
tant measures. The tax bill waa
amended to suit every one, and tbea it
waa voted down. The swamp land bill
passed, but no aaw light was thrown
upon tbe subject. Tba 320 acre limit
or even 640 will prove a failure to tbe
State. Tbe bettor way would be to da
mend tbe money due, tbe eighty per
cent, within tbe year from swamp lead
owners, aad close tbe thing up; They
will have all tbe land tbey need if they
have to purchase it in the namts of
others. Hence tba State should waste
no time in getting tbe money for tbeaa
lands, amounting to near $1,000,000,
and open them up for taxation. On
the heels of the present legislation cornea
a decision from Judge Doedy that the
swamp land act lapsed,bence there is no
swamp land owned by tbe State. In
this opinion in tbe case of Psngra V.
Mnnr, we fail te see why tbis question
should base entered iato it. Tbe prem
ises laid down by tbe Court would give
tha iaod to the plaintiff, whether the
land was swamp or agricultural land
selected since tbe grant "in present?'
was made to tbe wagon road. Ejren if
the land -was swamp and tbe validity
of the grant was beyond question,aeeerd
ing to the opinion of tbe Court, if the
wagon road great attached before tbe
land was selected at swamp the plsintiff
woald reoovor the land. The State
having located this wagon road grant it
could net afterwards distrust its title
and permit another party to purchase
the land of the State. But when tbe
Court goes farther snd attacks tbe
swamp land grant ard states that this
swamp land grant was made to tbe
State on conditions precedent, aad that
these conditions were never complied
with, hence this great lapsed, it pre
sents a new and wondciful aspect tc
the swamp land business. Thia point
has been long disputed, diyeated of its
plausibility and put at test as it was
supposed. We have only time to re
mark that tbis opinion on this one
point is confronted by opinions of some
of the ablest Jurists, Attorney Gener
als and Land officers of the U. S , who
have had tbis subject before them. And
when it ia all over the fact will remain
that the State has its swamp land, and
those who bought it will have to pay
for it in the manner in which tbey csn
tracted 'or it with tbe State.
The crowd of ladies aad gentlemen
that attended tbe closing scenes ef tbe
Legislature was immense.
Free Trade.
The reduction of internal revenue and
the taking off of revenue stamps from
Proprietary Medicines, no doubt has large
ly benefitted the ooftaumers, as well as re
lieving the burden of horns manufactur
ers. Especially is this tbe case with
Green's August Flower and Boschee's
German Syrup as tbe reduction of thirty-
six cents per ftozen, has been added to in
oroase tba size ot tbe bottles containing
these remedies, thereby giving one fifth
more medicine in tbe 75 cent size, Tbe
Anaust Flower for dyspepsia and Liver
Complaint, and the German Syrup for
fJongb and Lung troubles, have perhaps
tbe largest sale of any medicines in the
world, rue advantage of increased sizes
reatiy appreciated
X toria.
My f i lend Vi di, in a neighborhood
where everything is known, should re
member items are of very little interest
without any attetap; at wit er humor.
Wo oaa easily surmise who he is, and
now if Hope will atop his persona! bits
in the Herald be may rest easy. As to
the family that waa gathered around
tka death bed no disrespect waa meant,
ss tha article was written aad published
before the death occurred. And now,
Hope, you have foaad out that other
people can write beside yon, and you
must learn that tbey who live in glass
houses must not throw stones.
Tbe snow is gone and tbe farmers
are glad, as feed is getting aoaroe.
Joe Teha has a new wagoa.
Ths orope are looking well. Tbe cold
did aot injure the fall graia muoh in
this vicinity.
Mrs, Gillmore Porter is visiting in
Dave Gibson bas returned from
Joe Tebn is talking of going to Call.
fornia in the apt ing.
Jim Height baa several head of fine
mutton sheep almost ready for the mar
Mr. Pass Gilliam, we uaderstsnd, is
going to statt a drug store ia Peoria.
He is a thorough business man, and we
wish him success.
Oat md Stonx.
Iliintrnville, W. T.
The warm, southwest wiad,ealled by
tba natives, obinook, got bitched down
about Wallula, or The Dalles.snd frose
up. Tbas tbe hope of tbe Washing
toaiana ia gone. The cattle are stand
ing around the sfrawstaeks. Said stacks
are eaten away under. Danger of
murrain. Tbey say, Oh I it didn't
eh i nook that time, but it soon will."
Meanwhiie another saow is coming.
Fine sleigbiog. The wolves oome down
near town and bowl. Exhibitions at
the school houses round about. Slegb
belli are beard almost all night. Tie
young folks go to tbe exhibitiona aad
crowd in. Awkward school boys acting
negro. Burnt cork and sheepskin wig
Jaek rabbits eating down the orchards
But they aay it will cbiaook by and by
Never bas failed. But, with
flections, yon may gel an im
about how things are here. Nothing
like Oregon. We remember Oregon.
Our sehaol near tbis plaee continues
three weeks yet, under the teacbershjp
of 1'rof. tT. .M. Mitchell.
Mr. Perry Smith left this place for
Eastern Oregon laat week.
Surprise party at Mr. Story's laat
Friday evening. Tbe evening was
spent in very many interesting games.
Mi. Leslie Mattoca left this place for
Monmouth last Monday.
A good many of tbe Tallmaeites are
waiting far tbe oyster supper that is to
be given at Mr. Hemmsok's, aa soon as
hia new residence is completed.
Pr. McAllister preaches at tbis place
on the first Sunday of every &0bth,and
tells ns that tbe moralist will be saved
sure. Rev. Mead preaches for ns on
tbe second Sundays, and tells ns that
tbe moralist is n. g.
seram cm.
Another call for tbe redemption of
$10,000,000 haa been issued by acting
Secretory Faircbilds. Three more
such calls will wipe out all of the 3
per cents, after which no more bonds
are payable until Sep., 1891. Mean
while Congress neglects and refuses
to adopt any moms to check the ac
cumulation of the surplus in tbe
treasury. Democrat and RepublL
earn are alike culpable about tbis
M i, ii
a. a. CeaveaUea.
PoaTLAHD, On, Feb. 14th, 1887.
i lie Second Annual Convention oi the
Oregon State Sunday School Association
will be held at Salem, Or., commencing
Tuesday evening, March 8th, and closing
Wednesday evening, March oth, 1887.
While this is a mass convention and all
interested in the Sunday School work will
be welcome to participate in the work of
the convention, but to insure a represents
lion, all Sunday Schools throughout the
State are earnestly requested to elect dele
gates pledged to attend.
Newspapers, pastors, superintendents.and
all to whom this notice shall come, are re
quested to make it as public as possible. A
good program lias been arranged.and prom
inent speakers and workers have been se
cured. Notwithstanding the fact that the good
people of .Salem have been feeding an Ore
gon Legislature and its attachees for the
past forty days, yet the assurance comes to
us that there is still something left and theb
latch string will be found out to all who de
sire to make use of it. All such are request
ed to send their names to Mr PH Raymond,
Salem, at as early a date as possible. The
O & C R It and the Oregon Railway Co
(Narrow Gauge Lines) will return all del e-
gates paying full fare In going, at one fifth
E. W. Allxh,
S. J. Barber, President,
ie.oeo Awarded.
"I was so sick and low spirited I would
have given anything to get well ; and if any.
one had ensured me the good health produc
ed by using Simmons "Liver Regulator, aod
charged me a thousand dollas, 1 would will,
ingly have paid itin fact, $10,000 would be
worth less to as than what it has done for
me. Geo F Barrett, Macon, Ga."
bon, Ind , ssys : "Both myself and wife
owe our lives to SHILOK'S CONSUMP
TION CURE." Foshay A Manon, agents,
eiseee to Lean.
Oa from one to three years time, on good
security, in sums of $500 up. Call on
Clink, Montbitm & Co.
Prod aee.
Don't forget that N. H. Allen k Co., take
produce in exchange for merchandise at the
market prices.
- e
Ths raetegraafcer, Albany, wr.
I have all the nesrativas taken bv A
B. Pax ton and any one ean have dnU-
nates from their negatives iy addressing
us, at ins roiiowiug price-: Card alia, t'J
pcrsjoaen, cabinet slxe, 8 per doaeo, bou
dours, as per dosen. I keep the finest
line or uregou views in tbe west, Cata
logue furnUned on application. (Jopylag
and enlarging old pictures a specialty.
J. (i. Caawvemn.
Baby was atek, ws gave bat t
Waea ab. waa a Child, aswsvtod fat friltllt.
baesnM Mia, see ltw, u Casterfe,
abeaadCbildfaa i
Heel Ksrrllrat.
J J Atkins, Chief of Police, Knozrllle.
Tenn., writes s "My family and I are
series of your moat excellent medi
cine, Dr. King's Now Discovery for non
sumpUon having found It to be all that
yon ciaint ror it, uesire to testify to its
virtue, sav rrwnosM) wnom i nave rec
ommended it, praise it every opportunity."
Dr King's New Discovery for Consump
tion Is guaranteed to cure congas, colds,
nrouonius, mm aaa. croup and every ar
(eotion of throat, chest and lungs. Trial
bottles fre at Feehay A Mason Drug
Stare, Laage slxe $1.
Hill LOU'S VITAL? ZKtt is what yoa
eed for Constipation. Loss of Appetite.
Ptssinass. and ail aymptomw of Dyspepals,
Price 10 and 75 cants par bottle.
utwui. vvHUvrim ixjuoh and
Broncbitis Immediately relieved by Shi
lob's Cure.
tenlfcarn Aastdefe fas Malaria
It is generally known thst Simmons Liver
Regulator, purely vegetable, is relied upon te
secure immunity from all malarial dtardera.
ibat tbta maatoina does this ia proven bv its
popularity and any one who has lived in the
eeata aaa seen its curative enacts aad th
protection it gives against tbe return of the
weakening ao4 daafseses malady. It seta
more promptly than calomel or quinine, with
out any of tba injurious oonseqaenoea follow
log tbeir
WILL YOU SUFFER with dlsea
and Liver Complaint ? Mb I lob's Vltalls
guarant eed to core yon.
For tame back, side er cheat, use Hbtleb's
roroue r tester, wiee 3ft cent.
Ml.JfKPi.EHS NIGHTS, mads miserable
by that terrible cough. Hhlloh's Cure la
use remeay ror you,
senates Veva aaa Mpktfcatte
are spread by ramtagion, by the transfer ef
uvtag leaner frees tba skin, the m era bran
eas Kaiag of the month, nose aad throat, sad
frees tbe iatsstsees aad urinary argans.
Ihemfect promptly aod thoroughly with Dar
bye Prophylactic Fluid, the treat germ de
stroyer. Prof a T Upton, of the Vender
bilt University, Tenn , says : "As s diem
feasant aod detergent Derhye Prephy lactic
Fluid is superior to aay preparation with
which I am acquainted."
s Sralea Saive.j
The best salve in the world forJCnta,
Brnlasa, tsoree. Ulcers, Halt Kbeum, Fever
orsw, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns and all Hkln Eruptions, nod posi
tively cores Piles, er no pay required. It
la guaranteed to five perfect saUsfeotion,
er money refunded. Price M cents per
box. For sale by FOahay If aeon,
Yon are feeling depressed, yoor appe
Mm is poor, you are bothered with bead
aobe, your are fid stetty .nervous, and gen
rally out of aorta, and want to brace op
Brace up, but not with atliuulsnta. spring
medial see, or hitters, which hsvefor thair
bents very cheap, bad whisky, and which
stimulate yon for an boor, and then leave
you In worse condition than before.
What yon want is an alterative that will
Srify your blood, start healthy action of
rer and Kidneys, restore your vitality,
aad give renewed health snd strength.
Hoch a mdteine yon will And In Kleotrlc
Hit tera, and only eO tents a bottle at Fo
sbay at Mason Drug store.
The San Francisco Weekly Alt win
be cent te any address thirteen weeks
on trial for 25 cents. Splendid premi
ums ere oflhred to yearly subscribers.
San Francisoo. OaL
"TWT excuse whatever
kl 1 I for sending away
from home for
Printing matter as long as Bark'
hart dc Pfeiffer tarn oat such neat
work at way-down prices.
Tall and Winter Goods
Julius Joseph's.
I offer my fine stock of Fall and Winter
goods, such as
Greatly Reduced Prices!
In order to make room for my Spring
I also keep on hand the best assortment
of plug and out Tobaccos, Merohanm and
brier pipes, ana smokers' articles
In Imported Key West as well as in
domestic cigars, I keep the best brands
iu tbe market, and will sell at BOTTOM
Selling cigars by the box a specialty.
(Customers furnished free of charge with
private lock boxes if required.)
Remember the Place,
(Pfeiffer's brick, adjoining Revere House)
Absolutely Pure.
Jl y ty$egjieSjg
MPMefl flu iff
A twrel purity.
then to ordinary htnrts, wvl cannot be sob) tn ny
pemou wlib the multitude of low last, ah
mam wt,u(rit, j y
siua, or uhoephau
aa Nov Basics Pew
ftoteowi.r is
tC, 104 Watts
m. t.
Just Received
Samuel E. Young,
full assortment of tbe celebrated
Read what tbe manufacturers say,
To be made from tbe very !
Uriel, by aklllfol workmen, with
tbe latest and most approved ma
c to be tbe cheapest
goods la tbe market when service
iss SaHSeS SWfri
Am ae thoroughly finished that
tbey ean be worn in damp weal bet
or a shower, without fear of being
ruined uy curling or shrinking.
The aannfaotnrf ng, dyeing and
finishing la done I a snob a manner
that tbe goods can be washed if
desired, without tbe least injury
to tbe fabric.
Our goods are wool dyed, and col
ors aa fast as tbe purest dye and
ears and skill ean make
Goods show Just w hat tbey aee and
will be until worn out. aa there Is
no weight, stiffening, or artificial
lustre used to increase tbe weight
or finish ; aala tbe ease with a
large class of gooda in tbe market,
hut which disappears after a few
day'a service.
Am manufacturers we have taken
great palne to supply an artiote In
every way reliable, and unsur
passed by similar gooda. either
foreign or dooiastie, and would
reapeottulijr ask an examination
of the various aty lee and ebadea to
be found on sale by merchants
wbe are agents for the goods.
Samples sent by mail,
1 am bow receiving my fall and
winter stock of boots and shoes, I
have as nicety a fitted up Boot and Shoe
Store, and as complete a stock aa aay
this side of Portland and very few better
in Portland. I bny ail my boots and
shoos direct from manufacturers and am
authorised to warrant every pair no mat
ter how cheap. No firm in Oregon
have any advantage of me in buying as
1 buy in quantities and pay the oash.
In ladies', misses and children's shoes,
I keep much the largest, and great
est variety in tbe city. My aim will
always be to give ss good value for
the money aa possibly can be done.
Opposite Deyoe dc Robaon's.
Keep ajfreah stock of all kinrJe'of
When Getting
Your Spring1
Wand yoor way
Who leads.
H.w and In Mjl., 1. an.nrpu, th, V.ltor. HMWMkf
Is the best ia tbe market, embracing all ths latest styles. Io
He takes a front position, with a reliable, well selected stock. Hia aalsa f
Are large, because be keeps tbe best, io quality and styles
New Goods Arriving Constantly
Boot and Shoe Store.
We here largely increased our stock of 1 loots and Sboee and are now prepared
furnish all aty! an 1 ajradan of gooda at remarkably low prioea. Wa buy of sever
of tbe bat Kaatern factories and do not hesitate to asy thst our goods are strictly first
class. We carry no bankrupt stock and can fully warrant our goods te wear eoual te
eny in the market.
We bare tba large
! ths city
continual) ay adding new novelties. We are selling ae
that you can not fail of being suited. We (is co not follow but lead a rues Miuee Re
member the old adage "The proof of the pudding is in chewing the string
We keep a fnll assortment of
We handle tbe
" for ail kSnVaf'raarhuea8. liJpaiVsewng mwhirlLd IPf' Td sttrM
ments a specialty" instru-
New Grocery
Wallace & Thorn' son's,
8. W. Corner First and Bre bin Sts,,
A choice stock of fresh good smbr8C.
log everything in the g . n V'rr,
duoe in its seison, .ooery line. Pro-
Physician 4nd Surgeon.
Office rooms
Boots, Shoes and
Furnishing Goods,
te tbe store of
Bis Stock of
exclusive stock of
and that we
It Stand s at (he Bead.
Don't fail to see the
and the work it does before buying a
sewing machine.
Albany, Or.
In sums to suit
. Bukkuast & Kasxasr,
Albany, Or.
' v AMlfciltfsW
r. '.lUaSsWSiay Jaafc?M et t lHBNaaflB
, in every town
ted Now York Couch,
feodum mm u ixoiAie
Hoffman k Pfteiier'si