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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1887)
Ik mmat Entered at the Poet Office at Albany, Or aa sooonddasa mall matter. fRlDAT. FBBltU A.KY 11 8T. BOTES & NUTTING. Alitor aad frwprlrtor. FRKD r. NVTTIVU. UmI Bdllar. OffOUHTY A MMTMUI MM a SMS l.onnilnl'hlUJrlBliU ttti Ni.wn4tapr Amr- i saw, of. awn. Aft AA When paid! strictly to d- A,,yy nca this will he th prion of the Democrat ; at the end of the year, $2.50, aod there will be no deviation from tri role. 4 MAN (BUIT TWWN. Next Monday U the time of the year when young men receive endearing epiatlea, in aeven colon, from their admirer, announc ing what donkeys, simpletons, blockhead, epooniea, etcetera, they consider them ; and the young ladle are delighted to know that they are looked upon as sloven, blinker, novel reader, old maids and ao forth, by their gentlemen friends. Thete I tome thing exquisitely beautiful and ao-the tic In this practice (?) It is lennement boiled down- in a horn. Sending valentine wa a very pretty custom in the day when Bobby Burns or even Dick Swlveler, wrote them, in their own liand writing ; but the tnuhy part of it now i simply "N. G." We need sentiment in this life The sentimen tal part of the custom is not bad. By all means scrape together a few hit and send your girl a valentine o steeped In Cupids arrows that she will know you are a "gone case." O We complain at an occ.-rsional cold snap and a few inches of snow in Oregon, be cause many of us came out here to get rid of these things. As a matter of fact.though, the experience is not a bad one. nor is the effect bad. It is a purifier, lite wheat is protected, and the ' spell" lasts such a com paratively small period that our joints do not get frost bitten. Withal it has its good sides. All the same there is a pervading feeling of relief when the snow dissolves and the Chinook is on us. O A gentleman has been in the city who located in Rogue River Valley a few years ago. He announces it a poor country for most anything ; but then there are always people to be dissatisfied with any locality. This gentleman tried to raise grapes. One vine in ten lived, and that was considered pretty good. It was an exception when fruit of any kind escaped the ravages of the frost. He stated that men owning four or five hundred acres were having to rustle to get the bare necessities of life. He had abandoned his own ranch and did not ex pect to get anything from it. O There is not a lightning rod in Oregon except on the light house. Lightning rod men is one of the afflictions this country has never been subjected to To those who came from the belt of State along the Ohio this fact is a powerful one in making tiieir cup of happiness full. O The value of good railroad transportation and competition is illustrated by the fact that while wheat is Co cents at Jacksonville it is about 1 8" cents more at Albany. The completion of the O & C will add several cents to the price of wheat in Southern Ore gon. O . The M. A. T. and wife and daughter are under many obligations to Mr and Mrs Fred Btu in here, for a pleasant sleigh ride on Monday, after Dodger and Coley. Such an event bevond the Rockies would hardlv be worth noticing ; but here it is a rare pro ceeding, rarely engaged in once, a privilege ti that uiiutner ot times. Meigning Is a rude, bumptty bump business in Oregon but we all like to try it just to write back to our friends about the wonderful event. Bar. T. B. While. A private letter from this gentleman at Homer, Louisiana, renewing his friendly and other relations to the Democrat, state that he lives now at Homer, Louisiana, that the weekly visits of the Democrat affords him and hi family much interesting news, which is eagerly read. He congratulates Albany and her people on their prosperity He and family are having good health. He has a fine field for ministerial labors, make many friends. That part of Louisiana is a desirable country, cotton main staple, good school and churches, ha a fine and inter esting pastoral charge, and is bending all his energies to the high and holy vocation of "calling sinners to repentance." We have taken the liberty of thus (riving the subject of the letter as Mr White's host of friends here will be glad to hear from him and hi famity. Mealier Then It is proposed to establish a reform school in Oregon. One is needed. All progress ive State should have one. If established it should be built at some other place than Salem. This statement is not made from a spirit of rivalry ; but, because the system of placing State buildings in different part of the State is a good one. They should not be concentrated in one place , and arc 'not in the leading States. In New York State, for instance, the Capitol is about all Albany has. Penitentiaries are at Auburn and Sing Sing, the insane asylum at Utica, an asylum for idiots at Syracuse, houses of ref uge or reform school at Rochester and xthcr places, etc., scattered all over the State, It should be so here. Into the Water. Last Sabbath while skating backwards on a slough running off from the Calipooia, William Daniels, of this city, went into a large air hole, going down head first. For tunately the water was only about five feet deep, so that he struck the bottom with his head and rebounded Into the hole, getting out safely. It was a marvel that h did not slide under the ice and drown. A Big Dark Record. last Satunlsy Mr Nick, Springer cams down tb Calipooia from Shedd, to this city, kidipf 107 di ck on th way. the b'ggcst kill of the seiaon. Mr S. was alone, running his boat, bajting and getting the bird him self. THIS PAPER I r il . iT"' I BBRNT KYRNTft. The New York coal strike caused that article to advance about $to In price. Five weeks of the 8Ute Legislature gone. The actual time has been about three weeks. Hon O N Denny has 'begun a suit for eighteen lots In Arlington. Tnlk of European war Is hut simply talk. Tbev .wilt never fight. Nowaday all the lighting 1 done by newspaper. Mr Stephen Mom has been appointed Past Master at Chewaucan, I,ake county. A solid appointment in every respect. It is estimated that $14,000 will secure the Willamette at Corvalli against the calamity of diverting its course from that City. Revet ing with a brush mattre I the plan pro- A bill providing for an appropriation of Suxiuno for a steamboat railway at 1 he Dalle wa reported In Congre last week In the cfrtiimittee on transportation. The Woman' Suffrage law of Washing ton Territory has been declared unconstitu tional. Langford and Turner voted aye ; Chief Justice Itreene dissented. The word show Is tirwt ued lnv Psalms II, 7. Coimressman who is keeping house In Washington started down town the other morning and his wife stooped him. Mv dear, she said, "don t lorget tornd up that coal. There Isn t enough In the place to get dinner with." "Can't It go over a day f - "No, it can't," he said. Hushing up a lit tle. "It Is made a special order for to-dav, and if it doesn't come up you will hear from one of vour constituents who is not to be trifled with." It came up. The gentleman with the "liar card" will please step forward and peruse the following from the Tacoma l.dgr : "A man named Jordin while walking along the Punallup ran 1, Mil Hearing a train coming orumu, turn ed quickly around, falling across the track, which wan on an embankment. Halt ol hi body lay outside of the rails, and in an In stant he would have been cut In two,but by a quick move he threw hi heel in the air, his head and shoulder lying against the embankment. When the" train had passed he got up and found that the wheels of the cars ha I taken the seat of hi breeches out as artistically as could a journeyman tailor have done. After feeling of hi limbs and finding them whole, he got up and walked home. At a swell dinner partv.savs the Chicago r-'Vw, the ostes retired tO her bou doir with the ladies leaving hr husband to open the Havana case and loosen the tongue of the gentlemen.while she displayed a tray of very choice opals, purchased In Mexico "a short 'time ago. Something like an hour was devoted to both occupation, and when madame came to collect the "melancholy gem the one 01 great pnee was mimg ()ne lady had been especially outspoken m her admiration for the solitaire, and when the search among the rugs and ruffled trains was exhausted, the mistress openly accused her appreciative guest of appropriating the stone. The consternation that ensued would have been a fortune to an Ouida. Jewelled hand went up in astonishment. plumbagoed eyebrows followed. lot cly white arms were oeseecningiv extended to tne fearless hote, who stamped about like a drum major, raised her voice in F sharp and authoritatively demanded the restoration of her "untet opal." The accused, who is something of a Delsarte, caught her cue. reeled toward a Persian couch.screamed and fell back with a degree of artistic finish that merited promotion to the most advanced class. Of course the partv broke up, and the correspondence now going on bear the stamp and signature of two well-known lawvers. The Siglin crowd in the famous Siglin . Wager controvert' completely backed down. I bey didn t turn out worth a copper cent. A bill before the Legislature provides that foreign insurance companies doing business in Oregon shall pay $Jrx each in annual dues for the benefit of the fireman of the State Certainlv it is a fact that the more efficient firemen there are the less is the loss of the insurance company. A row between Hermann an J live P. O. officials at Washington is reported because Oregon has inadequate mail facilities. Geo Hansel. while skating on Cnion Lake, Seattle, last Sabbath, was drowned. Th. following from the .Vetft is interest ing : A Portlander, who has just returned from ictorta, sav the passage of the run cries Retaliation bill bv the Cnited States Senate has aroused much discussion Vic toria is a British city, and the sympathy of the hnghsh residents is. of course, with the home Government. There is no loud war talk, but the Britishers express their ability to thrash I'ncle Sam with pop guns -pro vided the latter will fight that way ; and this is highly improbable, judging from the records of 1776 and 1812. The Portlander aid the militia at Victoria,Port afoody, Van couver and New Westminster have been ordered to drill regularly. Esquimault is jealously guarded, and suspicious character watched cioseiv. Not long ago a man wa taken in custody who had in hi possession a chart of Victoria harbor which he made. The chart was taken from him and destroy ed. Secretary Manning, it is reported will re tire from Cleveland's Cabinet at the close of the present session of Congress, and accept the Presidency of a bank. The office of Attorney General will prob ably be established by the present Legisla tureand already there are several applicants for the chicken before it is hatched. The rule in Western Oregon In reference to snow is reversed to that in the East. Last week it was about ten inches at Albany and increased to nearly threa feet at Ashland. Last Saturday a frightful railroad acci dent occurred near Montreal, Vt. About sixty passenger suffered excruciating death from injuries and the burning cars. The train went through a bridge and the scene that followed was one of the most horrible in the history of railroading. Richard J Murphy ,now of San Francisco, recently of the State penitentiary, has sued the Oregouiatt tor $50,000. He will prob ably recover 0. On Tuesday R. Thompson w as confirm ed P. M. at Albany, Jason Wheeler Agent at Warm Springs and J B McClane at Grand Ronde. George Rogers, editor of the Lancey at Salem, has been appointed printing expert by the Governor. The bill to increase the salaries of the Supreme Judges was beaten in the Senate. at. Valentine Racial. Tho members of tho M B. Church will giye a St. Valentines social at the residence of Mrs. L. A. McConnell on Monday even ing, Psb. 14 th, for the benefit of the pastor. Those desiring to propitiate or patronize this favorite Saint will please be there, also those who delight in piscatorial pastime, a there will be an opportunity affoided of gratifying thi propensity, or io boy parlance, "to go a fishing." Hpecial effort wsll be made for the enjoyment of all. Refrosh-ueut to be served General invitation 1 extended. By order of Committer. Mrs. lotst.m Nests with aa keti Ideal . A few days ago Mrs W H Gaston, of Coups ville, W. T., while walking on thelatreets of thst place, fell, Mpr.uniug on of hsr ank les and breaking a bone above it. Her sister Miss Lib Irvine, of this city, left yesterday morning to render her assistance. Mrs Gas ton s many friends in Linn county regtet tearing ot the unfortunate accident. Important to Unloa noldlers. If the families or friends of deceased Un ion soldiers or sailors, will make application soon, they can have head stones appropri ately marked and furnished "free" by the National Government. Give full name county and regiment or vessel and apply to shard tox, Com. G. A. R., Albany, Or Veneer. The concert to be given at the Opera House this (Friday) evening by the mem ber of the Congregational Church, will be the local musical event of the season, one deserving an overflowing house. Besides Albany's best local talent Miss Hallle Par. rish, Salem's most popular vocalist, will take part In the concert at seen by the pro gram. Her singing atone would be a treat The Kinder Symphony I splendid music al production and will be well rendered. Admilon 35 cents. Reserved seats may be had at Langdon's for 50 cents ; but the 35 cent admission takes one to any part of the house not thus reserved. Following Is the program : , PART I. N Quartet "The Moon I Brightly Beam ing," (White! K R Prichard, O 11 Irvine, Win Fort milter, Chas Brush. Vocal Duet -"Dream Faces" Etta Stites aad Kate Co haw. Instrumental Duet -Galop dc Hravuuse Lora Vance and Mildred Burmeter. Vocal solo -(Selection) Mi Hallle Parriah, of Salem. Instrumental Solo Vols Du Clel,( Needy) Lora Vance. Quartet- "God Pity the Men on the Sea Tonlght,"( White) -Messrs Prichard.Irvine, Fartmlller and Brush. Vocal Solo "Joyous Hours," (Adam Geibel) -Mr Fred Blumberg. PART II. Vocal Solo Selection) -Prof W 11 Lee. Instrumental Duet Overture to Tancredl -(Rossini) Mrs K I. Thompson and Mr OL Brush. Vocal Solo Selection) -Mis Parrish. Kinder Symphony -iRhombcrg.) Piano -Mrs E W Langdon. 1st Violin Mi U Richard. and ViolinMis Nellie Richard. Baa Violin -William Richard. Snare drum Paul Gustel. Cuckoo Mr E L Thompson. Triangle Mary Irvine. Trumpet -Mr C L Brush. Nightingale Mi. B L Thompson. Quail Mr C L Brush. Rattle -Mr W T Hearst. A Baaarkal Mary. When the steamer "Pacific" went down twelve years ago, it was reported that all on board were lost. Among the number were Rockwell St Hurlburt, the horse trainers and owners of the famous Maceppa, togcth-J er with Mr Rockwell aad their servant. Recent development make it appear that it i possible Mr Hurlburt survived the catas trophe. About two years ago, Mr Hurl burt, who reside in Chenango county, N. Y, received a letter purporting to be writ ten by her husband, from MilUm, in thi tate 1 but it was believed to be a hoax and was not Investigated at the time. Recently further correspondence with parties in Call fornia make it appear quite probable that Hurlburt is really alive, and at the prevent time In an insane asylum In that State. Ac cording to the story given Mr H. after the shipwreck he reached an island where he remained among the Indians for a number of year, when a vessel took him ashore rhc terrible catastrophe liad lierefr him of his reason and he wandered aimlessly until placed in the asvlum In California. The information seemed to be well enough au thenticated to merit investigation, and a son of Mr Hurlburt is now In California looking into the matter. Should any reader of the Drmocrat at Milton know anything about the matter referred to in connection with that place he will do a favor by communicating the same to this office. A Una C'Msaiy Tr.i A few week ago the Drmocrat men tinned the fact that a race between Linn county bred horse flesh wa being talked up, Saturday a contract wa made between Mc Knight Brothers.of Center precinct .and Mr A. 11. Mashall, of this city, for a trot on September 1st, next, at the Fair grounds. near this citv, between a two v ear old off spring of Onecoanda two year old offspring of A 1 wood Breeae. The two year olds have not been, named. Each side, though, has several to select from. The race will be for $350 a side, $135 of w hich has been put up. Business is meant, which insure the valley people a chance to see a race for "blood," on its merits. The object is to as certain which stock has the best speed. The race will increase the interest in Linn coun ty in blooded horses. The Drmocrat will keep Its readers posted In reference to the race. Arrests! la W. T. Several weeks ago an attachment was placed on some horses belonging to a Mr Bemer, living near this city. Afterwards Bemer left for parts unknown with the horses. A warrant was issued for his arrest and placed in the hands of Constable D B Monteith. Last week Mr Monteith having heard of Bemer's being in Spokane Palls, W T, went to that place, where he found the man and arrested him . They reached this place on Saturday. Bemer was ex amined before Justice Dorri and held to await the action of the Grand Jury, under $300 bonds. rialy of lee. A few weeks ago the Drmocrat remark ed that our ice men would have hard pick Ing to get ice for the coming summer. So it looked them. A few cold, lev Duffs from the north, though, changed the aspect of af 0 a fairs. This week Hoffman it Pfeiffer have been filling their large warehouse back of their soda factory with a good quality of the element that refreshes when the heat of the summer is upon us. rhc MaiRaerarie rarty. a Next Monday the Masquerade party of the season will occur at the Opera House in this city. The Dolce Far Niente society give it, and that means that it will be a suc cess. Those present will come from all parts of the county and Corvalli. Besides those who participate many. will attend to see the fun. Captain or tne Baarda. At least tne Albany man gets an appoint ment under the new State administration, Mr I C Dickey has been appointed Captain of the guards at the penitentiary, and has moved with his family to Salem where they will reside. The appointment is a good one. Card or Thanks. The undersigned takes this occasion to return her sincere thanks to the members of the A. O. U. W. and all other friends for their assistance and attention during the sickness of her late husband. Mrs. V. E. Houston. I S ; NBBE Quilts than yoa ever saw before a! Mon teith 4i SeiteabacVs, ni.HIIIIIUIIIMI ! Ml I HI III l; THR CAPITA! A the matter of swamp land Is now en grossing iatgely the attention of the masses without a statement being given as to what It Is all about it may be well to briefly state the case as It is found to be here. In 1870 the swamp land was passed, following the California law that was first enacted as far as possible. It gave to the first one who filed on the land preference to purchase lands In an unlimited quantity. In a very short time after the passage of this law nearly all the swamp land In this state was filed on. And the state pursued Its own methods of ascertaining the status of law ail (lied on for some years when the General Government Interfered and claimed a dif ferent rule and an agent In It own behalf to act in making selections. Up to 1878 there was more or less said about swamp lands. The Legislature of that year Intend ed to put an end to further large claims for thi land being made and passed a law re strictlng all subsequent applications to 330 acre ; an act that would virtually put an end to further filing upon these land. Cal cutta reduced her quantities very much in the same way and thereby tendered the grant of very little consequence. And the law of 1878 lesves Oregon swamp land In about the same condition so far as this grant to the State Is concerned and filings there after. In 1878 we find real opposition to the grant whether reasonable or not no one can tell from what was done. 8lnce 1878 the State has had it own agent and as all filing made prior to the passage of the law of 1878, were In force these agent respective- y of the National and State Government, were sent into the field to select, determine and report the status of these lands claimed as swamp land by those who filed on them prior to the act pasted In 1878, which could m ' . ... ' . not affect these prior filings as the Supreme Court decided For eight year and over this precautionary method of selecting these ms dssmsss time a very few settlers have antagonised, the swamp land claimant aad better feel ing were shown, but their trouble were left to the Court. It Is said but denied that dry land is reported as swamp land, be that as It may the Board hat Issued no cer tificates for land where this question was raised. So it does not figure In tm matter now. Alt sorts of statements have gone forth whether true or false, but always to the prejudice of swamp land claimants whose right under the law were like all others subject to the powers of the Court in si I case when questioned. The public do j not understand that swamp land applicant have any rights, and if the popular clamor about them Is to be considered they have The public have been told over and I over again without contradiction that it is all a popular 'steal," and hence the belief that It is so. It I strange that with current opinion no one can tell where the -steal" come in or even where there is any fraud. Not sn action at law it U said has even been instituted charging fraud against the State or claimants for the reason that none esist- ed. A'.l the law suit instituted and they have been but few, have arisen where the character of the land wa questioned. If it wa swamp the applicant held It by his fil ing, but if dry land then the settler received it It was a question of fact at all time. Of the suits tried the winning were about even, if there Is any fraud in tact the pub lie ha ye a right to know it, but no case has ever been cited showing It. An inquiry I how that the public impression of thi buines is very different from what the fact warrant. Under the administration j of thi State for eight year past rule form ulated with care from experience and de- cisions of our Court of final reOrt were adooted to carrv out the oro visions of thi. law. The plain fact are what are wanted and the ouhlk- should have them. The r suit of the past eight year show a follows . L'p to 1878 about J ,000 acres of swamp land had been approved to the State. Since 1878, under the administrations of Govs Thayer and Moody certificates far 564,969.60 acres have been Issued to purchasers. In reirard to these Undo Gov Mood v. as vs In hi me, Ml. . . , . . . " " "-". of the report of the Board) that within the ensuing two year funds v ill be received from the sale of swamp lands sufficient to -.1 i.i . .u wi. ., YJ iwiKtsvuinw viwiwiic ,wivo and leave it is believed not lea than $1,000, 000, and it may considerably exceed that sum and advises that it be turned over to the school fund. 1 he number ot acres re ported are free from contest and are for State disposal. And here we may remark that our public officers claim they have acted In this trust honestly and for the best nterest of the Stale and have been when- ever there was occasion for testing the law sustained by the Court. Against this swamp land fund warrants were drawn for wagon roads amounting to about $n 0,00- Up to 1878 about $43,000 were paid in cash on applications. These amounts have more than doubled by the accumulation of inter- est and now the tote! would not be less than $300,000. Add to this the expenses of etcht years since 1878 and we have a sum to be returned to thoe who have paid in cash and who owned or own these warrants, if this grant is to be held for naught, that will O AT . - III .a a aa require irom lour to nve mm on tne dollar to pay. This would be very oppressive to the people especially when the State looses lyeies were present from I falsey, Har over $1,000,000, by doing U. Now that the rftburg, Shedd and Albany. The next school lax t to he increased to live mill It would seem that that is all the additional tax that the people want and there will be very few indeed also will consent to pay four to five mills on the dollar to allow the State to loose $1,000,000. Swamp lands under the law of 1878 will not sell for the reason that so small a quantity is not avail able as 330 acres. This proved to be the case in California and no doubt has been so here since 1878. A this business Is new and not well understood, the recent action of the Board in rendering "null," the action of former Boards since 1878, will no doubt be taken into the Courts and litigation will follow. Then the public will Jcnow the true condition of affairs. Inasmuch as the present Board has rejected all that former Boards nave done since 1878 without having a case before It, or giving any reasons for this action against other Boards, further in their opinion than what was done was illegal, we must now look to the Courts for the so lution of a problem about which these Boards have differed so widely. In the mean time the Legislature should be slow in taxing the people upon statements that must be settled by the Courts before the people are made liable for the tax about to be imposed upon them. There is no charge of fraud made by the new Board; it simply confines its action to the question of the legal interpretation of the act of 1878 which forces the applicants into the Courts for another decision on this point or compel the State to levy the tax mentioned. The ac tion of the present Board leads to another view of this subject which may be the cor rect one. Evidently the present Board has set aside all certificates Issued to purchasers since 1 878 for the reason that they were Issued under a wrongful construction of the law of 1878. While this I not complimen tary to these former Boards on which there was one of the first lawyers of the State for four years, It shows that there Is great op position to granting a large tract of land to one man, It would also indicate that the present Board holds when understood that the law of 1878 is the only law now on the subject of swamp lands and that It governs the filings of 1870 whet e certificates had not been issued at the time of Its passage. Hence all certificates Issued In the part eight years must be considered null and void. This Is as sweeping as It Is surprising to the officers and parties to their contracts with the suite. As the grant Is a valuable one much Interest will be taken In the progress of this business. Having no Interest In wainp lauds, its friends or enemies, I simp ly desire to see the State benefitted. Hojot'RNRR. ABMiksr aadr vand. Siuoo Isst week Mr. W. W. Saaadsn has again bssa foaad for cat tain, in Kansas. The following letter si plains the whole business: roT Scott, Kansas, Feb. 3rd, 1887. Mr t 8 Smith, Sheriff of Man county , Or. liRAk Sir I have foaad oat where that man is at that escaped Jsil st Albany or st that pises by tha ora of W W Haeodr waa murdered Charts Campbell some whan ia thai Stale be is seats distance from here bat I kaow wbsr h is od if yoa will send mm lb warrant for hiss I wilt go aad gat Mas aad deliver him to yoa ws andrtnl that there i 81000 reward for him aod 1 know whsr h is st aad if you will ssod to the wsrrsittfor his arrt and I will ar rest bun sad deliver him to yoa sod yon will pilt m know if that reward esn b Mainssd without say troubl shoot it if s a A - - Attw . . 1 f T, rw, .T"1 7 , , " ' I will i him for you. B sur yoo sond in tbc mZtmut tut b is la a bad place - and io a desperate doa of tbisvsa aad dprsdo aod Uws and w slwsys bar to hva war- z? "mui: Xu thr. Bat ym sad as the weraot aod I will gt him for yoa. So I will elos my 1st tor by saying la yoa write soon, also scad ins photograph if you 00 gt 00 if not alt right for 1 know it ishim, So write soon. Years Vsry Resptfolly, J. W.WlCUAMS, Bos No. 48, Port Scott, Ksose, Of N. D. lore. A rta alios. The Orsffoa Pc4fie has bsee bar for soma ttm. Every boas ia Albany i oeeapisd. Wheat is aver 75 ceats a bashsl, aad A B. Mellin's eoaoUrs sr full of now gol for tb spring trad. Those facta combined spask far a prosperous year ia Albany. By asihac oa Mr. afoliwsiu yoa an gat yoar slothing at bottom prions alt sly lea and grades la seteet from, togstber with a na lias of faruisbmg good. Hold this us your mmd. U took of boots aad shoes is wsll saUwtod aad mbrsos a lery tarisiy of . osUsat goods. Hi dross goods salt 00 their own msnt t th not rsaaoosbis pnc In fact yry line is oompjete. mskiag so eoonterattou unuiOSMsry. In to Mr. Mctlwato has ao real competitor here in prmr. H boy in larg quaatitlee, mm!, teaaatly, before th advance, enabling to give startliag bargain. Watch hi shelve ! and ovaetere. with sir tasrallly. Romrri-ro, Or-, Feb. 3rd, 1887. P. M. Culp wa suspended by the com mhtee of investigation, and will be tried on a cliargc of gros Immorality at the quarter conference, to be held in Roacburg, March cth ,1887. E. - Msciiarl, Presiding Elder. Mr. Culp received the following anony- mous letter Instead of complying with it terms he published it and offered a re ward of S0 fur the publisher's name. The scandal is the topic of the day at Koseburg Kosrui'RG, Or., Jan. a$th. 18S7. F. M. t'7 -We aive you notice to lesve Roceburg and Douglas county on or before v. lanuarv aoth. im 1 ueemeu uffkient tunc for you to relieve the com munity of vour pestilential presence, which ha been contaminating Roaeburg ever 1 since you came to it. Be assured thi 1 no lau talk, a ur and feathers are already to ornament vou with. In the mean time, I would refer you to the 13 chapter of Mark J 37 ? . Your deptably, J. S Chairman Com. Bamaway. The horse is on of th fleetest animals ws have. I'erhsp it is not commonly under stood that a man whi 1 swirt of foot oaa outruns horse. Wbso a bora is running away i! is plain to as tht! a man my com ap to the horse much mors quickly by start- lag a! a point toward which the horse i raoniag and iot the hors. Most uy good runner oaa oat run a hors she first 100 yards, by running 00 yards to a givso point aad then wheel right about face and run I- ... - a a a bank to the point from which none ana man ataiiad. Mr. Thornton and myself esn baa! any korss th eitiseu of Albany may bring at and run against as. Yon esn find us at D'8 Stor io Moria baild,I, ner I .. a 1 a. B . woa" ae,,B8 ou w Vv aty aff . T's. A meeting of the County Lodge of Good I ttA wa. held at Halsev hist Friday. --tinir of the District Lodoe will be held Knox Butte on June 3rd. Mrs B F Ash- by, of Harrisburg was elected delegate to the State Temperance Alliance to meet in Salem on Wednesday of next week, G E Porter, of Halsey, alternate. Friday even ing a public meeting was held, when the following interesting program was render ed : Music Halsey Band. Address Prof J H Jewett. SongMaud Wi iley, Maud Scott, Amu Martin. Declamation Music Band. Charley Lewis. Reading -Mrs I L Fuller, Recitation Edith Ashby. Music Band. Recitation Ella Roach. Recitation Dolly Reams. Music Band. Declamation S A Hulin. Music-diand. Tee rrosea. Last Sabbath one of the younger genera tion of Knox boys skated with his straps drawn too tightly around his toss. That fact combined with the lowness of the mer cury In the thermometer resulted in two of his toes being frozen. The fact that any ones toes should be frozen in Oregon is hu miliating. It speaks, though, more for the tenderness of our toes, than for the icyness of the weather, ao above zero never should freeze anything but vegetables and choice plants. CATARRH CURED, health aad sweat breath secured, by Shiloh'a Catarrh Ram ody, Price 60 casta. Nasal Injector frna. MB ARB ABROAD f M Preach, jswelsr, Bon Ton shoe polish st Wallace Sc Thomp sons. Oysters served in all styles at Hoffman A Pfsiffsr's. Trains sre agsin running on the Oregon Pacific. J. P. Wallsoe, Physician and Surgeon, Al bany, Or. Oo to Rett A BrowuslTs for chuUis fresh groceries. Osff A Bushnsll, PhvrieUn snd Surgsons, Shod. I, Or. Tb Malum fauning mill for sal si Uyo k H'th ion's. Genuine NO molssss in barrel st Wal lao k Thompson's. DrLM Hsnssl, Phyioio and Snrgsou, Albany, Or. Pine tropica' fruits A all timi at Wallace Sc Thompson'. Trains are running regularly on lbs Narrow Gug It U President Clsvsl.od iigiid tb Interstate Contrasru Bill. Wesl! th Sea Bach cigar a' 5 mt at Bad Sc Browncll's, Lak Superior White Pish in kegs at W.I. Isue Sc Thompson's. Several Portland Hun lay impir are most oatraaaoosly personal. SUtghs wers st s ursmium Miimiiv snd Taesdsy, in this city. The regular moetino of tb '.fCT IJ next Tuesday at 3 o'clock p. m. Another tumble in the urio of hoot and boos at Head A BiowneU'. Lsrg reduction in th price of shot at Wdl Brothors, Albany. Or. J If Towoesad. spaoial gnt for tb Stat Insurance Co. of 81 m, Orgoi. Sis shave fur a dollar and a eh an tow .1 to every customer, at Ia Viorioka. Osrmla, Self itising Buckwheat, German Middlings at Head A Brewueli's. Ksamiue Woodin Kxtenaioo tables. They are -Weil go aud a them for yourself. Tweety iuebes of enow at Karens the first of she weak, report rmideut of that city. P M Prnch, au-eiit Sioimr Manufacturing Co.,oppoit Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Or. Watch, clock ami jewelry carefully 1 ptrd at reasonable prise at P M rreuob'a. Toa 00 get a splendid variety of .- at Mr John Hrig. Kor sl at reaconaal pesos. Tiger KogiooCo. of Salem is making sr rsngoments to have hers for its steam u gloat Mis Uo SUnuos will be st Harrt.burir BM B a v . mm M on inur svutug of uxt wk,rert.ry i . The water ia tas Willamatta st tbU city ha betn 8 fast abov low water mark this wsak. . Two BBBBB ate kept running at Vartck's barbershop, Ttt ptaos to gt a sbtv or ban cut. Or. M il. Kllu. 1 y si ,14 1 and orgou etty or AH any, Oregon, Cllc msd to country. W nop Mr Dickey will out bemoan hi fate too roue 'i. We will do ail w eu te get aim ut. Freb Yaquia Say au 1 Ksataru oytr teuti) o hso l after to-day at Uoff asn A l'fiffr's. Corn meal, yello and white. Or tbasa snd Bockwheet, all rf ruin, at ".Valla.. V Thompson'. St. VaJsetint list next Moulv. FanU tto displays in stor windows sre eutficient Announcement, Sunset Cos" i o ut- ill. O 1 to tb new Drug Htor in the Morgan building near tb Kn Moo. A windmill is Uung mtroJuoed in tht kBs2i ' ,nSjb satiation Doyoe 4 Rohou have tar tck of the brat ulor mad oa band. Tbry will b old at bedrock pn os. A class f loet tu, iu Carman, ha beu sWfBBBM IB thia oily, with Rev 11 V U.ou tnger a instructor. Albany has bn roonopoh d by life in urno men recently. Most hie inaarauc- now is "it tas eudowmoot plaa. Person desiring lioe putot Snivel f a new brand. Warranted, should c all at Will Hro. Thy havo jaat gotten in a new steek. Oav Pmiuoyer has vatosv! tn P.irtlnd bnda bill ou th aroood that it voei, ob struct aavigatiofl aud tho injur e-Humrce A fw dftyiaao Mr M V Kooata. of llalsay iu noma from th store fll on the toy id- walk fracturing two bone ia bu right . Wcduoaday noons train 00 it way between Sales and this city xpnmoad a slight tire, tne wood bus eaten tug on fir from the stove Wa have moved mr t wk of goo l anro tb stt from oar old tend, folio RS and w will tnak it to your ioteraai. Bead St Broweoll. Bev ISoworsox, P. K will hold qaartarly meeting in tb Kangticl Cburvb ax Sb bath. Proaabiug also Saturday s! 7 o clock, p. m. J Bark hart A Keoney soil tickets over th Northern Pacific Rail Road to all p not east. Call on them for rate and map showing route of travel. Th iadie of lb W C T U will bold aa open temperance meeting very soon. An ex cellent program ia being prepared which will appear in next wse's paper. Should you desir V II year proparty call oa Burkhart A Kaoney as they advtrtiee property placed iu Ureii han Is, and charge nothing unless they effect a sal. A hill Isefbr tks Lagislstur for fixing the southern houndary tin of Una county, if It pass, will out offM bel precinct or part of it, and attacn it totmi county. Q lite a number of citixm of Albiny hsvs been inquiring what kind of s ioB it u to toll s church 111 as if for th daad, just for fan, "Joke u not tne right name-. Linn county horse men seem to be in esn. est now abont the relative speed of their horse : but should take matters coolly and not get excited and call each other wind bags. B C Frost, of Portland, showed bis "Arouud tho World iu 80 Minute. " at the Opera House Wednesday svemng, to a com. paratively small house. It was wnrth sttond ing. Last Saturday while attempting to skats on Monteith 's pasture at this city Percy Young felt and apntined one of his ankles. It wilT cot.fiu him to hit homo for time. ome Mr Alyin Caro there recoutly chopped a fir tree iuto 00. d wood ou 11 0 Burk hart's farm that measured 180 feet iu length and 6 fet in diaoteter at th butt nd. Fourteen cord of wood were obtained from It, If you wear out two pair of shoes in a year and can save six bit a pur by buyiug them of iviad x lleownell remember m ten years time you will have saved fifteen dollar, this is well worth remembering. Oue of the great advantages of the immsdi ate delivery system i that it pel mils young men to notify their best girls at the last mo incut that they cannot call fur them. Several Albany youths have oaught on. The amendments to the Albiny city char tei have passed both houses of legislature Our oily, it U thought, will now be able to enforce its ordinances. Albany has long needed a charter thst was effective. About 6000 miners have been ou a strike in Western Pennsylvania. The trouble though, is practioUly settled. The New York City strike is also at an end. Will men uever learn the impracticability of strikes. The Aurora Boreilii, a nsw oaudidat for public 'favor from S tu Franoisco, is oao worthy of a large circulation. Full of choice liteiature, it ia a magssins for the family, and one any family would not hesitate to peruse. An interesting meeting of tho Albany C, L S. 0. was held last Monday evening at tho residence of Or J L Hill. At the next meeting roll call will be answered by original poems on the subject '"snow," four to eight lincs'in length. A bill introduced in the House providing for the establishment of a "Labor Day" the first Saturn! ay in June to be set apart, passed the House by a yote of 32 to 20. It would be against the interest of laboring men to have it pass. It means the spending of a months w8ee 50 tuv- Send Burkhart d K&aaey nam aod ad- . dresses of friends desiring information of Ore- gon aod they will send than eopise of the Meal mmt Conveyor which contains on -ptetn description of one ctanty in e:h IsSKt with either dsiK B infor natieB wsh , Ttm Wttt Hhore. for Pbrnry, appeal's in a nw dress, aod marks an sdvsRCl suxe la it history. Itiaonaof tb finest looking magftxiti to b seen anywhere, and ibows tho ! wavs increaatbg nterprie of its editor. The Indian training Mhonl near Salem ia Il lustrated. In aiwthei 0 tlumn will b 1 found a 1 Iv se tiMomeutof a putdi sale to he mad b. M W P B BtBJl 00 Marcn 1st, Though Mr Barrows will sell quite a number of roadster it should net he inferred that he is iroia out of the basins of raising that class of torse. hi win continue to do so, U nhard A Jones, of Portland ha been ap point! Chief Justice of tb Supreme Court of Washii njfon Territory, ai.d Piank Allyon, As -i i-r inw;. , Jndg.i J oio-s will I e re membered a th PortUud Attorn who con luctcd the oaa of Breym-Tti A Summer villi- aift liurkhart. at the lat ()iitobr term of tb Circuit Court in this city. ilfr f M Bowman, of Benton county, who ha in confined to his borne tor sometime ws in tb utty Tueadny. with a oa .mbia omit, containing over 4U00 ;ict mad by Mr Berinn, which ho expressed to oo in Doughs county. It will moat certainly corns handy durisg tbc present weather ;but i more valuable on account of its associa tions. ftBMIE, ASI rRBlMIVil. Clarne Osytord is .in lbs city, th guest of Ralph Kiaber. Mr MoKlmurry.a worthy resident of P ! county, wa ia Albany W dud y. W,.Uj ksr sailing. T A Riga, of Mbl, ha been i 1 th ty tins wk. Wbw lviog b ne tb snow wss sixteen ioche de-, H011 Harvey Sbeltoo. of g R was ia the city Wednesday. H reported Crabtree Creak as having bean on s spree. We understand o-irCdtu: friend, William Clark, will tvin a fear weeks for Sw York City, where bi psreote, well to do ueopla, reside. MrOoorg Blsekmsn left or Wednesday for his return trip Kvst. Mr B. u live business man, ami w hop something will pot it into hi bead to locate in Oregon. Rev Brnansoo, of this city hs aocsptad tb Pistdncy ot tb McMwnvi.Je Collage. He will move to hi new homo o a to bo there at tb opening of aeho g ia September. bk4l BBrare. Following were the recorded sale In Linn county during the past week 1 Andrew M.'lly, tnx. to C it Berk hsrt, lots, Mock 104 in Hackle- man' addition in Albay $ 75 Trustee MesaMR ff ivlg. No. M IO O F. to 0 W Phillip. SO .are ia Sec 131. SB 2 W. lao Jamas B Coffey, etax. toO W Phillip 10" acre ia To 10. 8 R I W -JOOO C O Hark hart t-. W H Huston, lot 8, block 101 Hekiuu's addition to Albaoy 150 Milton Houston to Clarence N Hoa. too, 47 acres ia Tp 10 S R 3 W 5 ! 1 Castor 11 Tuesday. Feb. 8th, 18S7. All preswnt bat M or C moeilmao Grd v .bl in U m chair. FoPowihg bill for crmavalk were opo- d : I Hayes, 8 f.H wals, $16 ; 4 foot. fll.l3 ; 3 foot, $tt &). I K lladley, 6 foot flfi '20 ; 4 foot, 912 ; 3 foot $0 23. Coatract waa 14 to I Hayca. Tb ordiaaao granting th rignt of way to tOe PdStal Telcvraob n.l ralhnma Ha lhro9h " Mrwu of th city, w. passed j" -m. v u lining iisni, iv'iii, rion man aod Wrigbtemaa. N Marshall. On petition of Mr D Froman .the Suset C mmtiuaw wa diretel to et tb dirt ia frout of Promm'a proprrty excvted by the nnatak of ao old aarvey. Tb Marshal wa directed to notify the . an n . m a m uregou ractne a tv Uo to maRa a wagon road crosiug on Sixth street at railroad track. The ity Recorder waa directed to make tavy f.w dalinquctit tax. Bills of J Jacoby, $2 ; Zeyss A Hocbstai- ler. tl sad A B Mcllwaiit. 311.23, war si lowed. Willed. A good joke la told on a Republican mem ber of the lower house of the Legislature, who live not a thousand miles from Al beny. The bill for exterminating Canada thistle w a up. The R. M. referred to made an enthusiastic speech for the bill When the oe wa called for the members began voting no. On reaching the gentle man the epidemic had gone ahead and to the astonishment of al! he also voted no. Moral -We need men at .Salem with 44and in the craw," who, when thev take a posi tion, know what it is for, whether Canada thistle or big bridges are up. Bteettea r Balegates. It t of the utmost importance that all Church, Sunday Schools and Tern pet snce organisation should be represented in the State Temperance Alliance, hick men Us in Salem on We luesday of next week, the Itith imvt. The question now is to secure a special lc ctiou . Let there be s truly represent stiys delegate from each organisation, chosen at one to voice the public seutimentin tnis bo half. Friends now hour goldeo opportunity. T. J. Wilsos, President County Alliance. Karnesllji Invited I Atlratt Mr. Michael McFadgen, of Puget Sound, a preacher of Christ, will hold meetings in the Evangelical Church, of Albany, the foi lowing tau siecks, when not occupied in rcjrular services. A revival of Chrstian religion is earnestly u anted in Albany Let every professor of Christ pray for it, between five and six o'clock every morning the following ta-o weeks and work. A.J. C. T (Be Pstbtlr, I am now better prepared than ever be fore to suit my numerous customers In al tines of goods. I have a larger stock v hich I personally selected, and have many nov cities l could not get by ordering goods ex clusiveij. I have just made extensive tm nrovements to my Boot and Shoe Store giving me much more room than forrr crty and enabling me to carry a larger a tsort ment and to sell you better goods for the monev. I have Hist received direct from the factory a full line of ladies' and gents slippers for the holiday trade espetiallv selected for this market, all of whjgji will be sold on their merits, and every pair guaranteed, even in cheap slippers and C ... shoes. Samuel E. Yotwa Oaatlaaes t Hay Morses. tar L So'iders cutiauei to bay hones at this citv. Will nay aoo I prie suitable horses weighing 110J to 1500 pounds, good order. Briug them ou. FO R D PE ?3 1 and Liver Co n pi a ial you have a printed guarantee on every bottle or shllovs vttaliaer. itnevartatls o care. THR REV UEO. 11. THAYER, of Bour bon, Ind . says : "Both myself and wife owe our lives to SHILOH'S CONSUMP TION CURE," Fosbay at Mason, agsnts, l"aa Bsst, MCII I I. aye ddl ti my t and thoe stock a ine of tho dlr ad fsurU, Hcfiober k tUrJv.U, PkiladtljthU Fin Shoe Utt ldia4 mi h s nail shtldrcn. Aoi.nwJMlgsl by deabo-a"r illy o be the hrst vain aad has! fiitim (tn shoe msda Width C, D, R, aad EE. A child can bar aa eheav aa a BAateaXJS. Yocsa, Sols Agent, Aioany, Oregon. Dr. J. B, IM ingt m a ill B St the Revsre flouoc Taeadsy afierumtu ud Wednesday forenoon fob. 15 and IS Any who wish to consult with him wi:l do welt to r him then, as bi health being retblihcd be will remain in Portland to attend to his irg prist ica there. irteUrt batcher knlvetat Will s ai n store. WHY WILL Y U cough whan Sbllob'a Cure wil. give Immiluis raliaf. Price 10 cte., 60 eta., and f I. A NAM XL iNJKCrOR bottle nf Miillob'sOatarrh f V) oont. fro with mmb' nody. Fried lak t Cloaks I Don't forgat thst N. H Allan A Co. nave just received a lrg tocV nf the Ktet stylea in cloak from New York, which bay ;ffr st ttihesrd of low prio SsrMrtoa. Oo to Allen A Co. when you wait grme ri. They bve s well solectod steek and II ebei . Lslia, when yon sm in waa! of a fine dress doa! forget to inspect the stock of N. H. Alien A (X They have a vary larg stock to select from aad at price never b for.: offered in Alb'anv. Aseala Wanted. To canvaaa for the Singer Mfg. Co. ln quire of F. M. French, Albany, Or. rr A good organ. Call at Dr Kelly's. A good shingle mitt. Call on J. H. Maine. Now stojk of fail tfoods, af sry tia come and examine them. faM. Marrams' A Clasafc. Th largest aid beet ae'etel s'cdk RB the vdlsr en hi t aod at Af lateith A Sai teubaeb'a. , Fan ry sawele. Tho deiriug the taU at aov'tis La lseas. tottoti, glove, etc., sh'mld sail ao Mao teith A Seiteobach. lanry Work. N. H. Aild A Co. have in stock a fo'l lite of materia! for foey work. eooiiie rf Firy xphyr. Shntlsn I too! and tea, che nille. xrseoe. Hllasille. "2 inch English felt, silk flos, knitting silk, etc. Bens vat. Viertck's shaving and hair dressing sa loon to opposite the Revere House, where he has first-class bath rooms. Will Bros have received a large lot of b"t gnus an I rifles from the East Bad will au 1 hem at Portland CLEARANCE SALE. OF-r Fall and Winter Goods -FOR THE NEXT- 90 DAYS -AT- Julius Joseph's. I offer my fine stock of Fail and Winter goods, snob aa WOOLEN UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, DRESS SHIRTS, CARDICAN JACKETS, CLOVES, RUDDER COATS, HATS AND CAPS, AT Greatly Reduced Prices! In order to make room for my Spring good. CIaRS and TOBACCO. I also keep on hand the beat assortment of ping snd out Tobaacos, Mercbaum and brier pipes, and smokers' article In Imported Key W&t aa wall aa In domestic- cigars, I keep the beat brands iu the market, and wiji sail at BOTTOM PRICES. Sailing cigars ly th Box a spec alty. (Customers furnished free of charge with private lock boxes if required ) Remember the Place. (Preiser's brisk, adjoining Rover House) Julius Joseph. PUBLIC SALE. On March 1st, 1S37, beginning at 9 o'clock a. m., oa the "Ji n Huberts" place, 10 miles south of Albany, I will sell at public auction the following described property, to-wit : Three or four wagons, three or foar sets har ness, two family carriages snd oae road cart, together with different kindsof iaraiiag tools; tea or tit teen head of horses, some good work horses and aora colts ot different ages, twa being well bred mares, oae sired by Western Chief, foaled by Jackson, th other sired by Early Pearl . Also 26 or 30 head of register, ed shr.rt horn cattle, consisting of one thor oughbred bull, 3 years old, four ball caly, sired by said bull, ten bead of good milch cows and a lot of young csttle of different ages. 1 in Terms of sale -All sums of $10 aad aadsr sash in hand ; all over $10, a credit of tan mouth will be givsn a! six psr cant par an auni from date of sale with approved security- V . f. Barrows,