Site grmoaftt VKIDaY FEBRUARY It, 1887 OentUaea of the Legiaiature.noue of your lock and iUmn" swindle. mmm When Mr. Buiue calmly couaidera Mm Fishery bill, ha realiaoa that a hid ail par. of hia oooupation ia gone. Aeoordtog to Mr. Cleveland the re ports of tha beauty of Baltimore woiucd are no exaggerated at all. Jay Gould haa juat purchaaed a little plot of ground in Louisiana that com prises 200,000 aoraaof aighing pinea. The resolution to submit the pro hibition amendment at a special elec tion In November, paased both hous es of the State Legislature. Nut only are our coast defenses im- perfaot, but have no reserve force of trained men who could sot a quarter master in time of war. Senator Iogada ia probably intereaU ed in tithing himeetf. Ha ia fiahing for at leaat the second place on the jingo Presidential ticket for 1888. n Mr. Blftine is aaid to regard SenaU r Cameron 'a Gettyaburg monument meas ure as a pernicioua tflkrt to make Prts idenlial capital out of war memories. It doubtless abocke him very deepl . lieutenant Schwatka telegraphs from Montana, where he ia now with the ex ploring party he waa reported to have abandoned, that the winter scene in the Yellowstone exoeed to beauty any thing that has been een there for many yean. MssaaehuaetU has tried "the stholar ia paiitica" without get'ing much prao tieal good out of bun, and has lately bad an unaatiafactory experience with "the gentleman in politic." There would eeeaa to be nothing t do exoept to giva the plain, everyday Democrat a a chance J. W. Book waiter, of Ohio, who Las juet returnrd from Birope for the twettieth time, aaya: "Fiom what I eonld eee I tbink the Germans wcr!d whip the F ranch again. Fiance ia full of soldiers, but Chey all bva e boyish, smallish look, and make no great im pteaaton on etr eager." Secretary of War Eodieott, who bae been taking a little rea. in Satem.Msse., w.e to return to Washington yetrrdsy. Rumor h-a it that the genial old gen tleaaan took a slide down ona of the aceep hills of Siem on a toboggan and when pitched out near the bottom arose in his wrath aid akook his fiat towarda Canada wi.h graat vahamanc. It may be doubtad it there evar was before aucb an immense amount t.f i:et ting ready for w.r as ia reported to b going on now in Eiroie. But look to which government w.e wiil, nothing but pwseafol expreaaions are forthcoming. Tbete ia no ia eaid,in tha report tbst Bismarck will ask Fiance to ex plain bet military movmntM,and Gen. Boulanger say. that ha not making any. Russia, verbally, is a. mild as a dove. At the eamr time the Biuraee are in a nervous onuditi m, and the e ia a tremendous Strain generailr, with no breakages ac far. "If these internal revenue laws are not rriewhd by tha Dioiocrstin iMtrty," eaya ike Atlsnta Conttilution, ' the eempeign of 1888 wiil result ti a defeat of (he party, gad this defeat will be hronght about by defection n Virginia, North Carol ine-and Tennee.'' But if the taxes on whiskv, rrr and tobacco ere repealed, and the taXaa on sugary salt, clothing, lumlr, iron, coal end glass are left at the wr level, would not the Democrat, ba Imbfa to lose S'etes of even more imporf -ce than those named ? "Free Inxurieaand high, taxed neoeeaities' ia not a good Demo cratic shibboleth. A atTTRRC. KOCT- Democrat, io Cjorm. .houl I not be deteired from joining in the effort to redoM the need'e-41 war tegeg 1 y the Stale trick of dangling a "Fre-Trade" bog before their cy The ".0' ahonld U Ve gone from th;a fa-niliar epook by this time. The eople of Nrw Yark supported thr.i -T: ader." for Major last year and olected the ablest of them. At two Congressional elec tions lb. people hve ehcted a mij nity of the L- wer H o froj par v p'edg ed to "revise the tariff" a ..I itdeoc the war uxea as e mrju of pr : ef ;n the aurplus. And in 1884 they elected a Preetdent upon a platform uietinctly declaring the same policy. Every man of ordinary intelligence upon the subject know, tb.t no one is proposing "," or anything remotely resembling it. The pending Morrison Bill would leave the average 4 itv t 1mm double what 'V, was before the a sr. It would not effect the 20 per e nt re inc i m recom needed by Republican PriStdent, strongly urged 4y two Republican Secretaries of the Treasury, r i.n-ed by a Republican Tariff Cominieion, and ftlaay elsimed e bavo been made by a Republican Congress. What nonsense and what di.honet.ty,thr,t,o .peak of a moderate and necessary tariff reduction from the war maximum as a "FrteTrde" menu ure ! - Neither I) eni'icra'a nor honest Re publican revenue ref .rurs should o frightened from their duty by this let tered old ' Fret -Trade ' bogy. TMK IWHUTI KR A reeoluttoo noioruliiing Congrest to ,on.ion veteran, of the Indian war of 1855-6 ha. naeaed both br.nehe. T. G. Hendrioka and U. C. Beekman have been reappointed by tneuoyernor ... .. ,i .t k. Hnata aa recent. f.tha St.te UnWettUy. Pomeroy ha. introdacod a bill appropriating $5000 m b.dld a .aeon road from Tillamook Bay to Clatakaioa Landing on the Co m lumbis. (Vote it down.) Crook haa a hill .uthoriain the Diittina of Bates in ouoty rosda by consent of the County Court. Tha houHO very wiaely indeft- nitely postponed the further oonaidera uireii ""'" m - w -- i tion of Johnson', bill to .pjw. priate I lloOO to build a eohool house in district w- ... . . . tv.o aiaiin. number 4,tn Gr.nt county. The Stgl in Wssjer investigation ends up Tf lib Stg- r I lin Iwinir supinely on hia baok with Wager .tending by with his foot on ths ww a r... " ... P.Uen ha- a bill ... , luri maiiuiuK rj ..... I former1 IVI U1VI m vaavi w w -w lovinsr women to k-u k- f County School Superintendent. Max well has a bill appropriating $2000 to )build a bridge scroas Traak river, in T.llamookoounty.oteHaown ; in. b-. a bill i.rovidica for i.recinct rs. Haarv. bill to allow e school i i Linn county to build a achool district in UI.VIIV.V IU I u k .... ia. ba.e. f We da not know what the nature of the .... . J - - SWAWr LAMM. Wa publish acimmuf.icati .il in at.- other column from al, m, ivi nome- wh it of a hiatoty rf land matters Th'a iae"iatd tulctbeiew t.lrn of the matter by the tte stato admiuw- tratio We ere not oonversant with awau p l.i.d mtera, bet we join with our corr. , oodent m cslitng for a run fof Moh urtfBrrea br, and tb oom- defeated in the Hooar. The bill to in and fair invent igtixn of the whole sub- oo gllt00r1 will get one Central orsaae the salary of lupreme Judge jt, but we 4 i i. it believe the woik a. a a I t can be done properly while toe i-egie- latttre is in session for want of time. Woo'd it not be beat to appoint e com- mittee i sit in vacttioo, and when the work Is computed to rsport to the Gov- ernor const sxT. TbM Pnrtl.t:tl World ve.V t r n h'uli V savs: "If the mesa of O.egnn end ar w ww Washington Ttr;i:ory i. t le heeded, the mem bars of tho State Senate must conclude that Hon. J. P. Wager hss risen way above those who were so noxious to investigate him. There aeeeas to be ssarcely two opinions, and the pres. ma be quoted se soli J for Wager, both D.inocric and U.;ubli- can. WMKLf nt MOl Rtl We are la receipt of a enry f the Weekly Democrat , published at Portland by the Democrat Publishing Gampany. A ita ateaae imp' ee the Vtmectnt ia a Demcem'i: p?per, ed ted with aUlity and dtvot aej to the cau of democrscr. It is full of n ws and ypgrphiotlly neat and clean, patronage. I iorVf) a .'wral er it OtfWg. Th' b:'' now pendi bif r. '.l- L isla'iir, k ! ). as Kij-e hitf. BMsaaHer 119,.bouU : Totedd iwu u tsnimously. Ita psasage w i! 1 be en out', -j. Any membor who vjfci for it will c m.ign himself to pititiotl obiiiou. It would kill the publ'c acho'tU io every town in the ettta except in Portlsnd. The Soprem1? Cmit of Washington Territory h.a ''eel t red the woman ruf- frage act unco-iHtit utional. The ground ofdecidon W44 want of conformity to the organic sc', the title of the bill be ing defective in not stating it. object. If legiela'on are not competent to draw bills that will sttnd in the Court, (snd three -fourth of tham are no,) they sboiid einu.'oy cimpet;tit persona to do so. It :nay n Ha sttelv said that the people of thit territory wit! again vote in favor of woman Young tcsn, rntuember the character you for u in youtli will cling to you in old sgs. Tf yon are hones, truthful and upright in your boyhood dsys, you wi'.l have tl.ese.qualiti 11 a a stay of life in middle n old ae. If ycu are in doleo', profligate aod unstesdy in youth, you wi I bss when von .rrive .t man hood. "'Jua ar tha twi' m bent the tree't i ic nei." lio imnortaut then to moll ixemoljry ch4rac'.ers in the day of youth. The Legislature s'tosial make ba.te very .lowly about buying the locks at Oregon City. It tho b:ll ehtch bsf baen intro iucel for fhu pnrpcac should pt, the state would rind ittelf with 1 very large elephant on it. bands. W do not bell vi ;.h puo'ij want to buy the locks now. At all event, they I n "v r 0 m90t to give $400,000 for them, n this is ntrageously exor bitant. The defenseless condition of our sea ports and the inaccessible character of the Treasury surplua have attracted the attention of Congressman L-ialer, He horrified the House with a resolu tion yesterday, Lased upon the bollig .rent attitude of Canada, and calling upon tbfl President f r information as to what ought to be dooe for the pro tection of our twenty-seven exposed pets. Ex-Shei iff Dickey, of this plsee, has beeu appointed Ctptaiu of the guard at the Penitentiary. We feel safe in say ing that Mr. Dickey will fill his office to the M&faetion of hi. gnperior. W congratulate him on hia appciutment. A gentleman from AahUnd reports train, will run into Montagu, on the California and Oregon railroad, on rith tha train at 1 land will connect MenUgur, and III" UIHtlUVQ upvwnii Ashland and Montagu, ia only fifty miles. An immenne force is at wore 1 i - t. i i . .... t'.k ;h k I w laid to Laird'a, ten nile. furth.r on,and this will reduce the staging to about forty ilee. From Montague o he Bbkiyou there ia about lWTOlF"' Vi w,u . . . . . . . i level country, in wtiicn me roaa csn ... . . . 7 " K 1 I a - ...... ......... I. iw.n am it. m I I" r"r,7 """'t'"7 ' " " preaiciea tnai iv win cuiupivi - J"" e . - - ... ... m aa I T..l 1. 1WH7 77 uu.y iws. The latest concerning the sale of the M . . . -r. j . t I "8 nd California nai.roau io .ua Southern raotan company is warn from the Kailway Age or January o. It reads as follows : fha Oregon and California first raort gage landholders are to receive st the - - I "wou lu iU "- r "I . i j .. .i.i . .i.i r a w Pr cent bonds, guaranteed both prinel. .Mt- I. I T itreat,b the Southern Paelfc Company, together with i in cash fcr ssn. .. a . i . i each bond, lheao new uonua, io a li i .1 .lniiiWiM. 1 taaueu at ms r ui fvivw wn are to be secured by a new mortgage, eouivalent in noint of lieu and priority to the existing first mortgage rf the w0n .nd Ciforni,.nd will bear IH:T:J:T7h.T3 3! I " I tf,rt froDJ J y I, 1886 The Oregon bJuj California preferred stock hold, rs r,.oej,e 0ae hare of Cential Pacific tock fof tV9rj lwo of their own togwther with 4 shillings sterling paeifio inar for tt,frf four 0f owo I h toga.ber with three shilling, Sterling for c-eb c:nmim share. Wa ofteu boat H remaiked when nome u .foituoate criminal die. "gam-" on the gallows, that he must ne a man a a of grf .t courga,bui it doe. not require .. muah to thus 4 at it doee. to live a long life of bonaaty, iotagtity aud up- r10 - OORRB3 P O O a 5TOB JPeoiii We have hd . tn. old weather the leet week. 3- B. Ptnnigan.our pugili.',htS gue to Portland. B F. Ztggler i. aim let through ship (4ng grain from this plaee. Misa Clingm.n has returned boofrom an extende.1 visit to Helaey. Quite a aumber of tbe ycung men from this place "took the eaka" at the dance up on the rher the o".br nighr. 'ftah fur the boys. We notice tbe col I weatbar lies beeu the cauan of aome of th- Ixiys losing the tux. from their upper lipa. Little Annie Oitruus is still on the aick list, being no better. Mrs. 8. B. ndut'. is visiting her pai ante in Corvaliie. Knox llaitfht is going to bve bi. ''shin'' p'lllwi when tbe enow goes off. PoHUoeasis s ,4akolern from way back generally on bis back. Our town is situated on the eai bank of tho Willamette Uiv.-r. It can boast of more baobelora iban any town of it size io the stste Thu principal occu pation of its citisens is whittling hn gles, chewing gum and hunting- coon. It is tbe birthplace of Benedict Arnold, and a .-tu-d dog could not pick up s meal iu six weeks. BUTCtllR Knikk. Kn ix Haigh 's injured shin Is still improving. Sam BJcIlree is still solid on the old Sane. S. B. Finnigan haa gone to Trout Dl". Will probably stop at Htltm on bis return home. Mies Ella Owens ia visiting friends in the vicinity of Peoria. Jbn Crewe haa m turned from B'-rte, Montana, a little lank in th Sank. Politeness bas leturnr d home some what improved. The young married couple 1 f Peoria will support their buh dog, snd he isn't to lie ginned at by other dogs that h.veot any teeth, snd thofe Utiles of Sbttdti needn't be afraid to attend the Coming hop. H. L. Rudd ba the Gueu team and fleigb in Peoria. Pug can always find tin wnomjh to pay his way. Doctor Johuson ha. Lcated, and will be glad to accommodate any one in hia line of business. James GarreU has returned fiotn Eastetn Oregon, lie is somewhat im proved. It is a sa l thing to aotno of tbe young gents of Peuiia., Major Johnson i. aa happy as a big sunflower. You don't see any change in bis looks. Robert Owen, is having gome veiy cold days, bet be never fails. The pleasing face of J. L. C in will be found st tbe Post Othr. O. Pucket is still hunting ud trap ping in this vicinity, lit- soil) has his little Dick. Pbir.t Porter has the finest, house rented in town and i. batching. Ben Zaigler is piug 75 ceuf. for wneat. Ben does love pig. Miss Anna Githen. U .till hick. John Pratt ia sorry the Poi.rf. ny bot ia gone. Hi will probably cross st Cor vail is. A. L. Cannon is a heavy Joser cn hogs by high water. Tone ha. got sp he aiufc afraid to come to P.eoria. Owen Bond ia ta!king of ha i ing a big hop, ss soon a. waather settles. Carter A'dugham is still in hopes. Billy Snephard cut his foot badly. Snow Bau, Health good. water did. Some damage. It several at res of wheat up for Hon. Harvey Bh rfton, and deposited much drift wood a nd logs on the field beloneioir to Lyn and Hooker, and tore the head gate eut of their mill and m v - . - . , ' washed the daui partly out. On the 2nd leal. John Richard son ... . . . . was taking ms ooys eoross toeoreek in boat when he slipped in getting out of his beat and fell, breaking tLree of I L l. IT. a. ... ...; N er on the lift and all othere poor. . h((, b9re.attendanoe . . m . . but we fear thi. will noUa.t long mnmm miMln.rl Ulrn to Kf.l.l thai. m"' - T EinfftiM. 0 priohe- .very thim Son d4 aftob month Bt pr0,id,BM. Hii Uubject on tha third Sabbath of this . , Oonvir,bo of A Y0I)Q. Ktog.., rSTAd 1NKOK. Jfine. TltAVA mmu A flanntncr imi4v m lh reeidence of Clarence Taylor one even- U. lMk fc ing last week I If.. Tul. Mi.. Dal., fl-ith' q( Mrs A Hanry " ' " r,! days Isst week Mrs. Gstcheli is still quite poorly, . .a . . .a a a s though some neiter than she nas neen .lit i -l-U I- -ll nr. xsiiiaHuam wm hvi bwhj of last week, butts oonealeeeent now. Nearly every one has had enough of i . i IDW wnm, eepeeiauy vooaa woo nau B11D WIBIItUU tllU A M' ml iaiat W W VWI1B WS m jouroto ib"e meaibere wuld com. home and help wilb the ebon a. The bill to repeal the law allowing women to voce st. school meetings waa was defeated in the Senate, The House hss passed a bill declaring ike first Saturday of June of each year as poblio holiday, to he known ss "Labor Day." Tits eaaaegaaabaff. iiaaay. Or B. Paston end any one nan have dei owee irom in air negat ivea by eddreaslng us, a ice r.iiiowiug pnoaa j card else, a per doseo, oabtnat as per doors, ge par dosen. I keep the fines line of Orecoo views In the waat. Cam logue rurnlahed on applloation. Ooptag. ana rniergirg 010 ptofare. e epeciaity. J. Q. gaawaoan. aa rrre Trade Tbe reduotbm of toternal revenue and VbeiablngorY of revenue atatnpe from ft iprteury Medicine vi'i d mot Uaa large ly tieeeiftsd the eo nau mere, aa wall aa re lieving the btirdoo of bom. manufactur er, especially ta tbla the ease with Oreen'a August Flower and Boas Uerman Syrup aa the reduction of thirty la oenta jr dos.rj, haa baan added to U- ereese (be size of tbe bottles containing thee ra mediae, thereby giving one fifth more medicine In the 7ft cent sisa. The August flower for dyanepela and Uver tumplaint, and the (tarman syrup for ('ough .nd Lung trouble., have perhaps the largeat eaSe of any medicine. In ths world. Toe advantage of increased alas of the boltiee will Km greatly appreciated i tbe skk end arttlotod, in every town end village in olvillaed countries. Sample IxHtlea for 10 cents remain tbe seme esse wiseee ia . On from one to three years time, on good security, in mm of y o up. Cell on Clixk, Momtbitm k Co. rradaea. Don't forget that N. H. Allen 4 Co., take produce in ctchangs for marcbaodisa at tbe market prices. Dr. Whites celebrated New York Cough Svrup, for sal. at Hoffman k PAWar's Warranted to ears OMghaand colds. If. II Allen A Oj. have ia stock a full line of boot, shoes and robbers, which will be sold at very low pru "HACKMEIACK" a last in and frs cents. grant perfume. 1'rleefft and When Baby was atek, wa gave eat Osiawte, Wbaa she waa a Child, shaavtad tm Cast ei la. MUeaisaUUa, aha elong to Caaioria, aix had Cbitdna, 1 Reaews Me aiau Mrs. Phoebe Cheater, Peterson, Clay Co., lows, tell, the following remarkable story, the truth of which ia Touched for by the residents of the town : "I am 78 years aid, bays been troubled with kid ney complaint and lameness for many Jeers ; could not dress myself without elp, !ow I am free from all pain and mireuua, inu am auie w no an my own housowork. I owe ray thanks to Electric Hitters for having renewed ray youtb.and remoyed uompletely all dlaeaseand pain." Try a bottle, only &0o. at Poshay snd Ma son Drug 8tors. feathers Anildete far Malaria It is generally known that Simmons Liver Regulator, purely vegetable, isreUsd upon to secure immunity from all malarial disorders. That this medicine does this ia proven by its popularity and any ona who haa lived io the South has seen ita curative affects and the protection it give, against tha return of tha weakening and dangerous malady. It acta mora promptly than calomel or quinine, with out any of the injurious consequences follow iog their use. A Captain's fertaaate Blseeveiw. Capt. Coleman, schr. Weymouth, plying etween Atlantic City and Pf. Y.. had been roubled with a cough so that he was unabie o sleep, and was induced to try Dr. King'H New Discovery for Consumption. It not only gave him mutant relief, but allayed the extreme soreness in his breatd. His children were similarly affected and a single doe had the same happy effect. Dr. King's New Discovery is now the standard remedv in theColeman household and on board the schooner. Free trial bottle of this Standard Remedy at Foshay & Mason's Drug Store Scarlet Fever aad Diphtheria are spread' by contagion, by ths transfer of uviog matter irom tno sum, tbe membrao ous lining of the mouth, nose aod throat, and from the intestines and urinary organs. Disinfect promptly and thoroughly with Dar bys Prophylactic Flnid, the groat garni de stroyer. Prof H T Lupton, of the Vander InJt University, Tann., says; "As a disin fectant and dtergent Dsrbys Prophylactic r mm in superior o any preparation With t which I am acquainted." mm POWDER Absolutely Pure. nmi isslsa Aasurvalnf purity, atKi whOlMa.mvtm Osm sorelaary sEaes.aadeanruH t sofcl inrone aeMUon wlUi tha muliUud at rw Uml, M,.t easdst, ahae erjihesshais soadti s. m.ntmvtm aa miii uji rom rowsas 00., ice wsu at, m. t. Just Received BT Samnel K. Young. A fall assortment of tbe celebrated BROADHKAD DKKSS GOODS. Bead what tbe menu facte rers say, WHAT WE GUARANTEE FOR THE DRESS GOODS OF OUR MANUFACTURE. To be made from the very best ma terial, by skillful workmen, wltb the latest and most approved ma chinery, and to be tbe cheapest goods In the market when sendee ta eaoaldered. Are so thoroughly finished that they can be worn In damp weal bar or a ebowar, without fear of being ruined oy curling or shrinking. Tbe manufactarlog, dyeing a,nd finishing kjdone igeuob a msnnsr that tha goods ceo be washed if desired, without tbe 'seat injury to tbe fabric. Our gooda are weoi dyed, and ool ore aa fast aa the purest dyes and great eat care and skill can make them. Quods abow Just what they ave and will be until worn out. as there ia no weight, stiffening, or ertifleial lustre need to increase the or gulah j as is tbe oaa with a large olaes of go da in tbe market, but which disappears after a few day'r eerr Ice, Aa manufacturers we have taken great peine to auppty an artlelelo every way reliable, and unauv piiaasd by similar gooda, either foreign or domeetie, and would reepeciiully ask an examination of the yarious atylea and ehadaato be found on sale by merchant wbe are agents for tbe goods. KampUs sent by mall, SAMUEL E. YOUNG NO MORE 8ELLINC OUT AT COST. John BriggN, Having rented hia t ir to Julius (Irad wobl now otfsra bia remulninff atock of STOVES, TIN V ARE, PIPE AND HOSE, ETC., ETC., ETC. AT LESS TITAN COST aa fcvery thing must be e eared out at anon notice. How is Tour Time for Bargains. It Stands at the ti n I Don't fall to see the II DOMESTIC'' snd tbe work it does before buying 1 sewing macntne. . WILL BROS. Albany, Ojr. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon Oity, Or. ) February, 7th, 18S7, Notice ia hereby given that tbe follow ing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of bia claim, and tbat said proof will be made before the County Clark of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Oregon, oa Tueaday, March 29th, 1887, viz: NO Meyers, Pre Kmption D. 8. No. 5189 for tbe 3 X of N E J ana N of 8 E M of Bee 18 Tp. 10 8 R I E, He names tbe following witnesses to prove bia eontinuoua residence upon, and culti vation of, aaid land, viz : J B Bilyeu, Jeff Bilyeu, Edward drimes and Thomas Wiiliams.all of Solo, Linn county .Oregon. v. T. Burmky, Ksgistor. ARE YOU MA.DE miserable bv IncTi gestion, Coustipation, Dizetnesa, Loss o Appetite. Yellow tskln? Shiloh'a Yitalizer Is a positive cure. A and Children's FALL and WINTER GARMENTS, To be offered for thirty days at COST. A GREAT OFFER. BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. 1 am now receiving my fall snd winter s toes' of boots aod, I bate as nicely s fitted op Boot and Shoe Store, and asc mplet a stock as sny this aide of Portland and eery few better in Port lend. I bny a'l my boots aod shoes iireot (rose ms tin fact ur era and am ant hot (sad to variant every pair no mat tet how cheap. Nj firm in Oregon have any advantage of me in buying aa 1 buy in rjMiititiea and pay tbe cash. In ladies', misses a.d children's shore, f kaeji n i?S 'hi h--', bait and g'eat eet variety in tbe otty. My aim wit) elwaya be to give as gtod value' f r tbe money aa Kiesibly can be done, 8AMUEL E. YOUNG. G ONN BROTHERS' ASH GROCERY STORE Opposite Deyoe X Robaon'a. ALBANY, OREGON. Keep afresh stnek of all kinds GROCERIES, FARM PRODUCE, CANNED GOODS ETC., ETC. -BBHIDES- TOBACCO, CIGARS, WILLOW WARE, LAMPS, SHADES, CROCKERY, CLASS WARE ETC., ETC. produce mm vs exghanbe Will sell aa cnesp s any store ia Lissny DR. Cr WATSON MAST0N Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms 8 and 4. Foster's Blosk. ALBANY - - OREGON. New Grocery Store. Get O Tour at Wallace & 'Thompson's, 8. W, Corner First and ftreadalbin 8ta., ALBANY, OREGON, A choice stock of fresh goods, embrac ing everything lu the pfocery line. Pro- duoe in its season, MONEY TO LOAN la aama to suit BY BlTKKHART Si KkJCKKT, Albany, Or. Bueklea'a Aralca salve. : The beat salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Uloers, Suit Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Cnapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns an all Skiu Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to stive perfect satisfaction, er money refunded. Price 25 cents per dox, or saie 07 rosmay & Mason, Great Midwinter Offer ! Our Full Line of Ladies', L. E., First Street, Clothings Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes and Eats. TAILORING DEPARTMENT UNDER EXPERT T The Gold and Silves Dress Shirts are manufac tured from the finest obtainable materials tn ap proved patterns, by experienced operator, They are out lengthways of the muslin and have our patented reinforced backs and four ply raised edge linen lined fronts, reinforced, Pour ply neck bands with hand made button holes and patent continuous facings in back and sleeves. Possess ing all the latest improvements, superior in qual ity, perfect in fit and elegant in finish They are unquestionably the finest shirt upon market. THE Boot and MEN AND BOYS BOOTS LADIES AND MISSES SHOES AND SLIPPERS We have largely increased our stock of Boots and shoes and are now crenarad t furnish all styles an i irr.dss of tioods at of the best Kaitern fsotorias and do not hesitate to aay tbat our goods are ttriet)y ft rat class. Wo carry no bankrupt stock and "in fully warrant our uoods to sear toual io any iu tho market. REMEMBER Wo have the largos exclusive stock of in the city and that we ARE oontlnuallay adding new novelties. We are selling eo that you can not fail of being suited. We member tne 01a aaa?e " mo prooi 01 tne READ WILL BROTHERS, ALBANY AND CORVALLIS. OR. LEADING DEALERS IN 1 I GUNS, SEWING MACHINES AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. We keep a fu:l assortment of RIFLES, SHOTGUNS, PISTOLS, CUTLER Y, A MUNITION FISHING TACKLES. WARRANTED RAZORS BUTCHER AND POCKET KNIVES. We hurdle the 4VIS, DOMESTIC, NEW HOME, WHITE. a AMERICAN. CROWN,tiIN6ER, HOUSEHOLD. EEDREDGG SEWING MACHINES, And all of. the leading Pianos and arcana. Sewing Machine Needles, Oil aod extra for all kinds of machines. Repairing of sewing machines and fine instru ments a specialty. ALL GOODS WABRRNTE3T0 BE AS REPRESENTED. BLAIN. Albany, Oregon OITY Shoe Store. AND SHOES. remarkably low prices. We bnv of aarava do (.0 not follow but lead in low prices. Re puaaing is in cnewing the string' & BROWNELL.