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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1887)
Tier MhI. St. John' Lodge, 62, In Foster' Block Mid Saturday of month. Corinthian Lodge, 17, at Hall, tat Sat orday. Bajlev Chapter, 8, at Hall, 4th Sat rday. K. of P., at O. F. Hall, every Thursday evening. I. 0. O. F., at their hall.erery Wednesday evening. A. O. U. W., at their hall, every Monday evening. Orgeat a Encampment, at (). F. Hall, very and and 4th Friday. G. A. K . at A. O. U. W. Hall, 1st and frd Saturday. I. 0. 0. T., at A. O. U. W. IUU, every Friday evening. United Friend of the Pacific, at O. F. Ball, ut and 3rd Fridaya. THE STAR A Xewaemper anpuortiug tho Prlnet pleia of a Democrvtle Adm.'niMrutlan. Publiabed In the City of New York. WILLIAM DORSHEIMER, Kdilor. Daily, MWaVy and Sunday Edittiins. THE WEEKLY STAR. An eight -page !lwHpaper,lMa4l every Wedueadaj. A olean, pore, blight and interacting FAMILY PAPER. a II ooataina the latest new, down to the hour of going to praaa. Iu oolumua will be found erowded with good things from Wlanln to ami. Original tor Ion tT dia- Ungulahed Amui and foreign writera olfleden Termaofthe Weekly Star to subscribere. ONE DOLLAR FOR ONE YEAR. For three month, on trial, 25oenta, M pre 11 term ami rt raorUluarj laelaeeaaeate to Agent and 4 amvaaaera. fteud for Iresslara. Terms of t -a Daily Star to atibcrlbera. sfrnMU.SBwaMylncludins- aejiej ) T Dailj, uboat Sunday, en jer -00 Ktrery Say, ix atonta S.M tlailr. wUh. ulSu.MUT. six month 3 Ifciaw. without Daily. oAe tear U Addi THE STAR, Broadway and Park Place, New 'ork. Administrator's Sale. HOTlCK la hereby given that by virtue of aa older of the County Court of Llnn county, Oregon, duly made and entered ofrecotd, the undersigned aa Adminis trator of the eatate of Ulack, Porter A Co., (T. L. Porter, deoeaaed.) will, on the -tfth day of February, 1887, at one o'clock p. m. of eaid day, at the door.of the Court Uouee in Albany. Linn count y, Oregon, aell at public auottou to the highest bidder all the right, title and interval of eaid aetata of Black, Porter A Co., at the tunc of the death of -aid T. L. Porter, in the following deeoribed premiaee. to-wit : Lota J, 3, 6, 6 and 7 in Block No. 9 in the city ef Halaey, Llnn county, Oregon. Term of aale. -Caah in band in U. S. gold coin on the day of aale, January 24tb, la;. W. J. Srawaar. Adminialrator. Oregonfacific W alj laf opular U m j ictur88queJH acific Aailroad opular Koute, ictuT88quemlang68, Wimm tlnao ! Hare) connection ! Mew eeaipmenta ! 393 nation honor ! SO Ltonra leave time ! Aeoom mod ationa unanrpaaaed for com feet and aafety. Faroe and freight much i than bv anv ether route between all fotnta in the Willamette Valley and Man raneJaoo. ONLY ROUTE VIA YAQUINA BAY 8AN FRANCISCO. Daily fntstnger trains otcrft Sundays. Laara Yaaeie, 04 , Arria,CoraJlia,lU:43 ,M. Arnva Albaojr, 11:20 A. a. Lcara Albany, 12:40 r. a, Arnva Cor ailta, 1 Ur, . Yaqoina, tr.-tSt r. a. Oregon and California train connect at Albany and Corvalln.. e The Oregon Development Company ftteainahipe tail : TWO TAUCIBA raw a aM rasciace Kant aUnaraandar,Jaa. 10 Vaqutna, Weleada , Jau V 8a-iU Mai la, V i hUj Tauetna. fnurOay.Jaa . U M. Wadaaaday, fab. S H H, KnUar, Jan. l Y C. Thumlay. ?!. Y C, Tttwaoay, KaO. a. a M, Wlnaday, Fab. 0. M, Mooday, fab It. Y C, Tuaaday, Kab. M. at. aatorday, Fab. 20. Y C, Friday , March, 4. YC, Tuaaday, Fab. la. DM, Monday, Fab. XI. I Y C, gooday. Fab. S7. The Company rmrym .he right to change aaiilug daya. Fur Between Corvailiaand Han Fran- eiaoe : Rail and cabin. S14. Kail and ateerage, $9.8e. For information apply to v. c., A.O. F. and P. Ah-ei.t, O.rvaliia. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -sVIA Oregon & Cdlilbrula K. It, AMD OOJINECTIOHS. Far a fraaa PorUaaal ta Saa Frmcia.-o, S2 t aWra aento, f3V. Cluaa oonnccUont inada at Aal ia:d f tha CiJiforuia, Oivg- a and nUlio fclatfv (DAILY EXCE1T HUKDAYH.) Caat Side Dlvlsloa. BTWKKX roKTLAa AMI ASHLANa. MallTraia. LSATK. AaiVK, rartlaad Jl 00 A M Albany 11:46 A a Alaaay 12:06 r u Aahlatid 4:00 a m Aahland.... 4.', r a Albany Uitftn Alaaey 11:46 a a IVriland I;4 r a Albany Kxarea Train. lbatb. Aaaiva. FarUand 4:00 r a I Albany 8:34 r u Albany tM r u Labanwn i,ti0 r u Lanua 4.4.' a a I Albany :,:.) a a Albany 5.30 a m rortJaud )0:06aM PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPINC CARS daily betwaen Portland and Aahlatul. The O and C E ft Kerry make connection with a!I Mm ragular train on ttia Kaat Hi Jo Dlt'iaiou from toot mtW garart. West aide Olvlalea. BSTWXE.Y rOKYLAXO AXO 4'OKYa 1.LIK, Mall Train. UXATI J.KKIV ParUaud .7:30 a m I CorvalU 12:26 p u Oarralll 1:30 r a Portland .6:15 r u At Corraili ennect with tram ct Oicguii pHeitlc tar Yaeaina Bay. Exgre Train. LBATB. AKHIVR, PcrtUad 4:50 r a I McUinnvitla s;00 r u MaJatanrUla 6:4 a m Portland 0:00 a a Laaal tiekets for aala and bagtaffo checked at com pany' up town offtoe,.Cor. Fine and Second Street. TtekaU far principal poli.U in California tea only be greurd a Company' office, Corner K and Fronc I ti . .Portland Or, Freight will not be received for atUMumt after live o'clock p. in. on cither the Eaat rTWaa 4 Diviaions. ft. KOEHLKR, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. G. F. A PasaAvent. PATENTS OVAalaad, and all ether busines In the D. B. Paten Oata atadded to for moderate foe. Oar afloe i oppoait the U.S. Patent Office, and wa aan abtain Patent lea time than thoaa remote Washington . ead modi or drawing. We ac,v- to patent atdaay fra af ohrga ; ana we make o charge uiilua wa ebtai patent. W refer bare, to the Poatmaater, tha Sttpt. of bUney Order Dit. and to official of the U. 8. Patent Oflet. For circular, advice, terms, and eferences aeaual otlaiite in your own State or county, addreaa C A SNO W &0., DUU irtfca Patent OStoi, Waauington, I) H. EWERT Keepa(couatantly on hand the Largest and Finest took of JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, RINGS, ETC. In Albany, la agent for ROCKFORD WATCHES. Kepalrlug dene promptly and aklllf ully nttU 8 A LB, r.. Um ir ,iv,lf in nuUrn nart of the oltvwith (air n. m! him ini win 'iu ... ' . . . . I I W.A . J . 1 . 1 obear F. P. NUTTING. A i it! Soallah luion Insursuov o, capital 140,000,000. Insure In an abeolutelj mpanj Co 2r 6.OOO.O0O EE2E1A1U1 FERRY'S SEEDS tit . Wafcer .re admitted to be the Hi i lafTls a i 4iir itiumi ta see earn. 0. M.FERRT ICQ'S lanWtniVMt aw annual For IM7 . far M. , 0. M. Itlll A M Detroit, Ml oh. Notice for Publication. Land office at Oregon City, Or. ) January, lih, lT. NOTICE la hereby given that the fo!-lowing-named acltler ha filed notice of hi intention to make Anal proof in -up-port nf hia claim, and that aaid proof will be made before the County Judge or Coun ty Clerk of Llnn county, at Albany. Ore gon. onVPbumday, March 10th, 1S87, via : Phiiiater Lee, !!ometeed Entry No, 4JM for the X W M of alec, H, Tp. 12, H K 1 B, He uatnea the following witneeaea to prove hia continuous rrideme upon, and cultivation of, aald land, vis : Cbarlea William. John W.SIavena, Joel Vail and Andrew Vail, alt of Lebanon, Llnn coun ty. Oregon. W. T. Buaarr, RegUur. HARRISRESipYW! Final Settlement. Notice la berebv aiven that the under aienel.ZM titor of the 1 ii- will and teKla mentcf IW njMnin Frcefand, deoeaeed, baa ftlftJ hia HimI a- -unt at ao' h executor. and the Court haa fixed tke hour of 1 o oleck p. n. of February 7,iaa7,ror hearing clywllon thereto. A, u. r aikctiii.d, Kaoeutor. Sheriffs Sale. In tke Circuit Court oj the tstaU oOrtyonor Lnm County. Z F Moody, Goyernor, 11 V Earlurt, Secre tary of State and Kdward Hirach, Treaaurer of the state ol Oregon, conaliluuiu! mo noaru of Commusioner for the aale of acbool and nriivaraitv landH and for of the fond arming therefrom, Plaintiff. A! lie Ann Farnrr, Andrew Bird Farrier, (ieorge Farrier, Irena Eiizaheth Burrell and ri :I Htin-i!, hoaband, tvltiiund farrier, John Farrier, Klla farrier, Phoebe Clinehammer and Frederick Clinebaramer, her bnahand, Defendanta. Notice ia hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of aalo iaded out of the alove named Court in the above entitled auit, I will ou .Saturday the 12tb day of Feb ruary. 1887, at the Court House door in the city of Alban, Linn county, Oregon, at the hour of one o clock p. at,, aell at public auction for cash in hand to the highest bid der the real property described in said exe cution and order of aale aa follow to-wit : The northeast i'oarter of the south weat quar ter aud the southeast quarter of the north -weat quarter and lota 'i, 3 and 4 of Section 24 in Township 12, tout h of Range 1 west of the Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, containing 154 13-100 acrea. The proceeds 6f aale to be applied (irat to the payment of the ceata aud expeuses of suit taxed at 155.80 and accrmug cost aud the further sum of 40 Attorney's fees. Next to the payment to the Plaintiffa herein the sum of $3'J7-50 with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 27th day of October, 188G, aud the overplus if any to be paid in to the Clerk of said Court. Dated this Uth day of January, 1887. 1). S. Smith, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. Palace Meat Market. PIPE & TALBOT, PEOPEETORS. FIRST ST. ALBANY, OR. Will keep co'natanlly on baud beaf, mutton, pork, veal, aauhage, etc, the beat uaeatM and lareat variety iu the city. Cash paid for all kind of fat atock. SAM MAV. SKKOKRS MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General Jlmmtiw, HARRISBURG - - - - OREGON Will buy Graiii, Wool and all kinds ( (Ellin jku-k 811 1 L positive Canker and llla I V FKCC to ell Hu. f fBBPyvvV wESCSS Hi k yjf ate4 jaattaHilto Saje JCeataa, a3aaTaiaa NO HOUSEHOLD SHOULD BE WlTHOUf .aStr mmmmmmwKmW-. .0"J0 gRj J aaaaa. aa. HI The majority of the ttla of the htuttaa hotly arlae from a tlaeaet IJver. Him muua Liver ltrgutator ha hm ii tin- miaii or rvstorlug more eople to health ami hnpptncea by giving: them a healthy Uver than auy other agency on earth. EK THAT YOU tiKT THE OKNVlNsa, Summons, a Citruit Court tftke StU o Ojryou for Irian County. Hattle 8. Broee, Plaintiff, ta, F. Q, Broee, Defendant. To F 0 Bros, th ahovr uamn! lUjtudaut 1 N the name of the State of Oregeu, von JL are hereby required to appear aud answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff In the above entitled Court, now ou file with the Clerk of aald Court by the llmt day of the next regular term or aaui Court, which aald term of tald Court he ;lnon Monday the HUi uuy m eiercu, 887, at the Court liouae In Albany In I .Inn conutvy Oregon, And you are here by untitled that if vou lai to aptMar and auawer aald oo i plaint aa hereby required the Plaintiff will take a decree agalnot you for the relief prayed for In her oompUiut tiled In aald oauae, to-wit : for a divorce from you and for her coata and dlaburac tnetita In thla ault,and changing her name to Hattle 8. Header, Thla Mumtuona la pubtiahed in pur auaoce of an order of the Hon. K. 1' Dlet Judge of aai I Court, made at Chambers on the 50th day of Ooiober.lMo, e Dated Jan, 2ftb. 1887. Pewau, A hti.Yav, Attorneya for Plaintiff. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1383, bkv. r. .Tatonrao. U , rrrableat. A lull eorpa of inatructora, CLASSICAL.tSCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Couraea of tudy arranged to meet the need of all gradeAofatiidouta, Sftrittf inducrmrutt ofrrtd to idmtt Q from abroad. Tuition rangea from $5.60 to 1?,V Board in private faml'iea at lew rata Boom lor aelf-bearding at email ox rene A carafnl auiwrvialon exercletl over etu denu away from home. Pali term opena oeptetuler 7th. ror circular and full particular add reaa the Praaideut. BV. c. J Tiero. o. Albany, Oregon, W AOON WOOD AND HARDWAHK. Box A Stewart have neck-voke and ingle treea. Ironed or uulrooed, neck yoke iron, aiugle-troe iron, n'.b Irone. felloe, apokea, ax trees, etc., all for aale neap. CURES ALL HUMORS, from a oaounon Rloteb, or Cmption, to the worst Mcrofnlaw Nnlt-rfeeasB, Fe ver-eorea," Scaly or Roughs akin, hi abort all diacaaee cnuaed rry tavl blood are tav!iWaingmeolclnW: era pldTy hc-ni under Ita U-nlu Influenor. j&apocuiJijr naa rc mniuri-o it conn Tetter . bn in ! a, Sore ana Kwolllnga, Hip-Joint lleesue, atlt aaareirinarau Uollro. or Thlrlf Heeka anrl EalargeA Olnnda. Fend ten cent, fa etampe for a larru tr. ti, with ooU ond plate, on! Bkln Dtacaana, or tbo same arnoont for a treatise on Bcrofaikme Affectaonav "THE BLOOD IS THK MrAV? Thoroughly ck-anae ht by ualnir lr. Plereea ftiolden Medical Irfecov rry. and oo6 dlajcetloit, m fair efcln, buoyant ilr Ita, vital etrcnatb, and eon ndueea of couatltutlon, will be eatabtlahod. CONSUMPTION, which fa Rrrofnloue Dleeaoe off tho linnffa, la promptly and certainly rfVtl and cured by thi (iod-rlven rtrtowly, if taken before the lustataaveof Uw tiim um: nrt r n h l. From If wonderful pov.'-r over tlila terribly fatul di-flxn, when first offering thla now cel ebrated remedy to tho public, )n. I'leaca thoiia-lit ecrloiialy of calfina; It ha "Con anmptlon Cure," but istmndoned that natiM a too limited for a mcdlclno which, from ita wonoeriui ooauMaauon or U)nie, oruirmu no aUon.t I..-.. f .lf-v...l..t......i.... .....I i. ptoTHl,and nutrftlvo proHTtiee, ie untiij not only a a remedy tor coaauinptlou ol luoga, but for all CHRONIC DISEASES or TUB Liver, Blood, anil Lungs. If you feel dnll, drowsy, debilitated, hove allow color of akin, or yt llowiah-brown spota on far-e or body, lifuient headache or rilzzi. nca. bad taste In mouth. Internal bent or chiUi altcrnutlnft' with hrt flashea. low apirite an Kiony ooroixxiincB, irreg-uiar appetite, coated tontrno. you are eu'.lerinflr from In or "Blllouaueee." In many caeee only part of theea aymptoma arc exiiericneed. At n rornedy for all such cases, r. Ilerce'a Golden Medical Diecovery has no eouui. Vor Weak Lnnife, Splttinjr off Blood, Bnoniiou oi asrcntii, uronchltta, Severe Couahe, , Conanmptlon, and kindred affoctlona, it is a aoverelan remedy. Send ten cents In stamps for Dr. Pierce's book on Consumption. Sold by Bruygiata. PRICE MtSSnSSl World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, 683 Main St, Bcttxlo, IT Y. WCOS LITTLE eas aw tmi'i xt 6ji m FILLS AMTI-BIIfOIJS and CATHAUXIC. Sold by Druggists. 20 cents a vial $500 REWARD Is offered by the proprietors of Dr. Sago's Catarrh fiemedy for a case of catarrh whioh they cannot cure. If you have a discharge from tbe nose, offensive or . other wise, partial loss of smell, taste, or hear In tr. weak evoa. dull oain CT pressure te head, you have Catarrh. Thou- (x eaaos terminate m oonaumntiom oassa ' al lleodacbe. SO oenr& n fx.trriry in how Hb. Holla, t ar. firee. Scrota lona Korea Ike gftuoctat. KHIDAV FEBRUARY. 4, 1887 From In pgs. doctrine, founded alono upon the deol aiuua of (Jourtf, which datea bok only a hundred yeara, which if, aa wa hare seen, without warrsnt either iu the 8(at or Federal Constitution, or in tho ooramon )aw,or in ressonjs based by the Coutt upon the supposed naoaasity in a (. jernoient limited by a written Oon atttution, of the lodgment somewhere of the power to oorreet and restrain any in fractions by the Legislaturo,of she fuu- dameoiat law of the land,and that aeces sarily it must inhere in the judiciary. Btit there cannot be discovered either! in the Federal or State Constitution any inkling of the theory that two of the three separate departments of Govern ment are fa'lible and that the third is infallible snd should therefore dominate over the other two. The Judge like Legislators ere men, and as sueh are fallible. They are ss liable to violate the Constitution as Legislators. In fact in tegard to this very sct,dectded by the Court to be unoonstitutionsl, the btst standard authorities sustain the Legis lature and not the Court. (Oooley on Constitutional Limitation, Go 1. ) And the history of ell State and Federal Leg islation for the last hundred years dis close no such bold sod palpable infrae tionof the Constitution as has been re oently exhibited by the Supreme Court of tie United States in a remarfable decision, iu which by a course of rea soning that would be ludicrous if 4be drift of it waa not ruthlessly broke down that Constitutional barrier which heretofore has prevented a State from being sued. (Ill U. 8., 269.) There is s corrective for any disregard of tho fundamental law by the Lgila tore, bul it is with the people and not with either of the other o-ordioali branches of Government If any Leg relators violate the Constitution, the people, whioh ere sovereign, will retire them tj private life and remedy the rong which has been committed, by repealing the unconstitutional law. The leoplo who make Constitutions are its rightful interpreters. This is the true theory of our Government. It is far superior to the theory of tke Courts that they can correct legislation and bat tbeir interpretation is 6ol and conclusive. This Gonrt theory not only shackles legislative action but it is a throttle upon the ;Kpu'ar will. By it the peopt can never give expreesioo to tbeir sovereign will as to s Uonatitotioa a quetion involved it a particular lew. The Courts claim tbat tbey bsv the final decision, instead of tbe sovereign whoae servants ther are. This claim ia an uaurpaftun wf power. Itisfjranny Genilvfuen of the Legislative As e sotubly of Oregeu : You are entrust ed by tho peupleof this State, under tbe Conititutloo, with the solo pow er of making, altering and repealing the laws of this coturnon wealth. You are uuder aotorait obligation to your oath pt ifttco to make those laws coo. form to the Const i to Hon sod you ere under tho very ssme obligation to ro ti.lo for the people of tbo Sett, is iti completes! vigor and scope, this highest and moat sacred prerogative of a free people, the exclusive right in Its g!slstlve Assembly of mak ing, altering and repealing law. Finding, therefore, no warraot,r llher in the State or Federal Constitution, fir the' Judlcla! Department to nullify an enactment of the Legislature, the conclusion Is Irresistible that tfie Reg istration Aot as passed by the Legis lature of Oregon is the law of the lend to-day, snd thst the order of the Court t-u "pending the operation of such law was in violation of Section 23, Article I. , of the Conititnilon, and therefore tbat it was void and of no effect. Such being the case, I would suggest to the Legislature tbat such law needs some modification. While it (a absolutely necessary, In order to have a fair ballot, snd In or der that tho constitutional provision entitling citizens "to vote at all elec tion authorized by law" may not be a worthies 1 privilege, that s regis tration should be had In our large cities, yet such registration in coun try districts is not only not necessary to a fair bailor, but it is s positive hardship and an unnecessary burden. A change in tbe election law should be made by which reghi ration may be had only where needed for a fair election, say iu counties contain ing cities of live thousand lobabi ttntsand over. You have ample warranty for such a change in the law in Section 8, Article 1L, of the Constitution, and It is your d uty to make the necessary amendment. Mt a Single dray Hair. "Yon may laugh and think me a vain thing," writes Mrs. J. R. C, of San Fran cisco, to a friend In this city, (,but I have not a gray hair in my bead, snd yet (sad to say) I am fifty and a day. Recent lv my hair waa not only quite gray but quite thin, too. Parker'a Hair BaUam smade In New York, I thlnk-dld wondara for me, Try it lf you have occasion. It real ly does what I say, and restores tbe color aiao." ixoi a aye, not greasy, highly per fumed, Only reliable 50c. dressing. Carer t p ! Help Is at Haad. "I'm afraid I shall have to be taken to a hospital or to tbe poerhouse. I've been sick so long tbat my husband, good aud patient as he is, can't atand tbe worry and expense much longer." No, you won't dear wile and mother. 8e what Parker'a Tonio will do for you. Plenty of women as badly off aa you are, have been rescued almost froL the grav by It It will build yon up, curing all-ailments of the stom ach, Hyer and kidneys, and is simple, pla&sant and safe, alAatBVVI. A MSI, llsaped Vnsa a Mated Kaliuaaa for Wis pea Meaetty. Wo, Ed, Robsoo, M, D., L. K. C. S. I., M. K. Q. a P. Lf late of the Royal Navy, of England, bas got into rofessional trouble lor. writing tbe fol- lowing open letter to the editor of tbe London Family Doctor "I believe it to be tbe duty of every l,..ll.n rt alr knaa. ana- man. nrl v ' , ., . nafl wliacaKu alnlrnaaa Man tut nr.- I HI"."; WMW.WWJ f" W I mA and i. ta fur fhla imi-imta f wriln I , , 10 give mv axperienee oovn nere sun , , L l uii t u u..,.uil I aalr I hn niililin.ilin if thai statement that people mav be warned before it is too late, to say to them thst tk , I there is at band a means by whicPtbev mav be restored to perfect health. It Is well known te tbe medical world,and a . ndeed, to tbe laity, tbat a certain dis ease is making s terrible havoc , that next to eoosumption it is tbe most fatal, and thai when folly developed there is ill. . i. r.. it- ' ' nuiom w w uwu ii I rbystclans and scientists have long haen t reins to throw liaht uuon tbe noIn f,,B locks, all kinds of am all iat bcrn trying to tnrow ugnr, u on ,.. ,n4 utcii-U. also flttlna- kev. cause, and if possible, find in nature a have shown, absolutely, tbat the blood, putlfvtng orgass Ol vttai imponanoe,are tka kidnevs. and tbat when tbev ones it ... . j i.i . t ..i .ii . . I I -v . rail, tue poiaon wnioo tney buouiu vaae out Ol tne moon ra uj v.....miu - 1I..J J j I 1 L iL. LI..J . . t j a I into every part oi mo oooy, aeveicpiug disease." . "In ra hospital practice in England, India and South Americs. snd also white a surgeon in tba R.yal Navy of r . ,. . . .1 t . . I VtWat nwiin, gave a gr( ..ra, o, av teotion to tbe study of diseaaes of tbe ... m i tbat not only was tbe cure of chronic U. ..I.. h k.iuUu H..I K.I L...1 I - - . a - I ...K.v v,-. , nsy disease was remarkably provaimi ; much more so than generally known, . .. .a ... .. ! and WSS tbe CSUS Ol th majontr rd eases of sickness, and further, tbat Ihe ma.linal baa no ri-mrdv whioh " I exerts any aosoiute control over tnese organs ia disease. " "some time ago when i bad a eaae a .mt a a a? a a which resisted all regular treatment, oklob I very limited, complicated i I tVh tba ptssing of stones from the kid- Mys, mush againt my will I tmrniilte.l ' , at n I 7 psHBBt w o Ta ran s ssbsj vwi, i rJ ,l,,,.h f had haard tr. . r rca.d ta . . . . in nts ease tne remit waa simpiy mar-r valoos, as tbe attaok wee a aeveie one, and development very grave, lor an analysis showed per cot of slhumeo aa granular tube casta." - "The sction of the medicine ws ain- I gular and ioeomprthenaible to me. I Ul never aeen anvthina like it. The . . ... Bl I .at tent recovered promptly, and :s to- dav a well Bnd health v .man. Thia . . . , . . stimoiateo my inquiry into tne merita of tbe remed v, and after analysis I found It to be of purely vegetable character, k.rml. t . t.W. ,.tJ! all lni..i.. CtSJ. it 'Castio sjaide all profesaionel preju dice I gave it a thorough trial, sa I was anxious tbat my patienta should be re stored to health, no matter by what medicine. I proscribed it in a great variety of caeee, Acute, f?brontc, Br igbt's Disease, Congestion of tbe Kidneys, Catarrh of tbe Bladder, and in every instance did it speedily effect a cure." "For this reason t deem it my duty to give to the world this statement le garding tba value of Warner's Safe Cm e I make this statement on facta I am prepared to produce and substantiate. I appeal to physicians of large praotioe who know bow oommon and deceptive diseaaes of tbe kidneys are, to lay asfde professional prejudice, give tbeir pa tients Warner's Safe Cure, restore them to peract health, earn their gratitude, and thus be true physicians." "I am sitisfied tbat more than one half of the deaths which occur in Eng land are caused, primarily by impaired astioo of the kidney, and the conse quent retention, in tbe blood of the poisonous uric and kidney acid. War. ner's Safe Cure causes tbe kidneys to expel this potion, chocks tbe escape of albumen, relieves tbe inflammation and prevents ill nee from impaired sod im poverished blood. Having bad more than seventeen years' experience in my profession, I conscientiously and em phatically state that I have been able to give more relief and ttTcctmote cures by tbe use of Warner's Safe Cuie than by a'.l tba other medicines ascertainable to tha profession, the majority of which, I am sorry to say, are very uncertain in their action.'' "Isn't that a straightforward, manly letter ?' "Indeed it ia." Woll, but do you know tbe author has been dreadfully persecuted for writing it V .a aeaaa asa a "How bo T What has be done to merit it ?" "Done ? He has spoken the truth 'out of school' and his fellow physi cians, who want tbe public to think tbey have a monopoly in curing dis eases, are terribly angry with him for admitting professional inability to teach certain disorders. "That letter created a wonderful sensation among the titled classes and tbe public This jarred tbe doctors terribly. The College of Surgeons and Queen's College, from which institution he was graduated, asked for an explan ation of his unprofessional conduct, and notified, him that unless he made a re traction tbey would discipline him. "The doctor replied that he allowed bis patients to make use of Warner's Safe Cure only after all tho regular methods bad failed, aud when he waa satisfied that there was no possible hope for them. Upon their recovery, after having used Warner's Safe Oure,howa so much surprised tbat hs wrote the above letter to tbe Family Doctor. He regrHtted that tbe faculties found fault with his action in the matter, but he could not conscientiously retract the facts as written to tbe Family Doctor- "The faculties of both colleges repli- a.l ti,.t. t 77: 7 T. T bar him from again prtetioiog bis pro- fetMMfrm tirtil u tad lifutnrif KSaa a a a. aJ aai as ' 1 another appointment in tbe Royal ' ' J Jnyy ' " J he illustrious doctor's dilemma is . , , , certainly an tinplcassnt one, euiohasis ' U,g'. " " '.. Wn boBM and tbe contemptible prejudice and I frtf it r M tf l.r. fsl tsK ,1... .1 Mas. 'Pi.. vvi t wa asHannn nir'Hiurti mrij, I II?? , , . T wwmrvr' "s " with tbeir nonsenae, keep on using the remedy he so highly recommends and get well, while the rhh and able depend upon the prejudiced doctors and die I Benalrlas llrrarnta, Ktc. 1'eraon diMlrlnur nuiairlnir ilnna.HiirOi aa Run, aewlnn maohlinw, umbrella, nara arinding enlaaora, etc. ,have now an oppor- to nave ine aHiun ione Bi moat rest- e rales and on aboil notice. We have engaged an ejerlenoei workman to ranted, at Wiu Uuo tor. Albany. r Tbe Uarrat af tembtaatloaa. T m.u . ( . - o( action, ha been atUloed in the e of a California liuuid frait remody, Myron of Kia. it." pleaaaot tsate and benehoial eiteots have wimmeasoiy papuur rorsaie.ur I Knaha ft M ivhAlaaala .ml mI.II ' e ry lnl., j, rjn.. of I rtlan,l a,- Am Uathumi i ail vert isiagageaU for the Drmo cbat lor seas city. OUDIUXOIIS. . rj tht Circuit Cvurl of (h, State of ()rr.u,n for bounty. Mrlb Houston, I'lsiatiff. ,I.10 Tin-mrrman anl C V Timmrrman. Uafrndariia - w SSSS Iimmcrman and U W Tirnmer tuan th- alu,v iinn.i-.l I i, i. . . IN the namo oftheKUte of Uirj,on. you and each of you are hersby required to ap pear and answer Wi complaint ol tho above riaintiiT in the abovtfcutitJ rl Cuurt. now ou tile with the t lark of tald Court, on or bo the acond Monday of March, A. I. I MM? it Uinn ll.n Atl, r.t M . .. I. a ft mad yuu are herohy notiliel that K you M appear and answer raid complaint. aervby rqoired, the PlarntilT will apply to tn Court lor Iho rUl demanded therein, U Wit ; fur B decree nartitmuiUjf and dtvtt.- ii'K' -ieu iiHT i laiuiui aul llie UvloedaaU aeor.liii to their respective iutret there lb floiag Jesonijed real property, to I fjafll. : I alii .4 . taH I. 'I tl ilul I Ul trs tbo city of Hvn ,, I jna county. Ureun ; alio. (hrgian ing at the smitheast corner of lot 70 a i v in - i.nrai ;u ii , ii ine i :i 4.j j,,,, Uun c.ionty, Orecrn, rannioc thence r,t i we aouthweat corner of lot .a iu laulcitv. Llin? ai.iilh l. tit., .w.rll, bank u Thomaa Creek ; tbeace in aa easter- My direction, along tlw North bank of said I 1 .1. ... m ........ . I t: I' ,vr"i wm "vvanssai v aim m a iiov with the East hue of aid lot 70 ; thence " W " a plato of legiunu ; ahu. lot 71 I SM city of Scio, escaspt the following, be- gi.muattb aoutheaet corner of id lot gj weaee weat fiO fet ; thence north 1 ft to the place of begtaning : also the lei lowintr. l-mhin It HH chain eaat of the fi'T' Tnit i arvtiiin jt; in lowiiaiup 103 B 2 wet ; thence eaat 5. 12 chain thence soush 20 chain : theoce' south MJ 4S west 40. M chain ; taeeee aoath 32. SO chains ; thence wet 4!t,GH chain ; thence north 52.80 chain to the place of beginuiog containing 100 arroe more or leas, aad ail lwintt situate in Linn county, Orexoe, and judgment ISf the easts and disbursement of tlna auit m the manner provident by law Tbt aa m ma i publiabed by order of Hon K I' Uoiae, Judge of aatd C urt, made at Chamber in the city of Halem, oo the 24th day of Dec. 1686, iu the Htatk Rrorrra Democrat. WaaTueasoan k Bi.At-KSt'aN, Attorusya for riaintiiT. Bsbray Notice. KHAXe. Or.. Jan. 3rd, 1S87. To the County CUrho Linn County,Orcgon Your are hareby notiiied thst I have thi day atipraiard an eatray hurae, described follow . Dark aurrel with fUlv mane and tail, alsO a white a pot in forehead, said horse ia about lli.'i hau l higl aud sunpoikNl to be almat 1'JlyaAT old. fh above was taken up by Mount Story and appraised by ma at $40. Jauaary 10th, 1887. O. W; KjaiTH, Justice of the I'oace. J. PQalbraitii, Couuty Clerk. Administratrix' Notice. Notice ia hereby giron that the undersign ed baa been duly appointed Administratrix of tbe estate of Kdwarl Murray, deceased, by order of the County Coart of Lion coanty, Oregon, duly made and entered of record, and all persons having claims agatnat said estate are hereby required to present the same to the underaigned atAlbany,Orego(duly yeri- tied within ix month,, from the data hereof. Dee. 24. 18eU Anna Murray; Weatherford A Hlackburu, Adm'r'x Attorneya T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public- After Forty xsara' u-nca in na i ni inn of mnre Oue Hunlrd tor patanla la tWing-it oodii (tia Scientifie t a .elicit or o-marks, oopjr Kl .Simon, and to obtain iiatt'tit in Cann.U. l!nKlanlv Kranca, Oermanj, ami all other oointrir Tbeir iprl anca la auaqaaUd aud tbair faeilitlua am vuur paaad. Urawinc and opacifloatlon praparad and fllad fn tha Patent Ofrlte on abort notioo. Tnrtn Tary raaonahla. No cbarsa for axaminatiou of modal er drawing;. Advice by mail free. Patant a obtained through Mn tin aOo.are noticed Intha MC1RNTIKIC ASLKRIf AS, which bas tha lariraat circulation and la tha moat influential nnwapapnr of Ita kind pubUahed in tha world. The ndvantagaa of such a notice avary patentee under! and. Thi large and ijilendiiVy Illustrated newspaper is publiabed WKUKI.Yat S.1.00 a year, and ia admitted to be tho baxt paper devoted to ecienoe. aaaobanica, Invantiona, engineering work, and ether departmeuta of industrial progre, pub lished in any country. It contains tho name of All patentee and title of every Invention patented acn week. Try it row Sold bv ail newidealara. tacit week. Try it four month (or one dollar- If you have an invention to patent writ te Mann A Co., publishers of Scieutiflo Amsricaa. HI Broadway. Now York. Handbook about patent mailed free. . Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE is horeb y given tbat the tin dersigned has filed In tbe County Court of Linn county, Oregon, his final accsunt as Administrator cf tbe estate of Andrew Miller, deceased, aud said Coart haa ap pointed Monday, tbe 7th day of February, 1887, at the hour of ten o'clock, a. m, ef said day, at tbo Cettrt House In Albany, Llnn eounty, Oregon, for the hearing of objections to said account and the settle ment of the same. At which time and plaee all person interested in said estate are hereby notified to appear and iilo ob jections thereto, if any tbey have. Dated January 5th, lss , . Gso. A., Hewitt & Bay ant. Administrator. Att'ys for Administrator. bbbs a uiaa . . .si BBajaaaaB riir)it. ct for tho ' JULIUS GRADWOHL Una tli; only eaelnwlvo fltock of a CROCKERY, CLA88,8ILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Ghoic Selection of Coffeejea ami Eugai CWE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS $1.00. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AM lime THE BIOBKHT MARsilCT Remember I What I 8a; leas, Give Me a call. GOODS A8 LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost 6f any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertieing Bureau, lO 8pruo St., Nsw York. Send lOotav for lOO-1'aga Pamphlet. lluss Houses Proprietor. This house ia bow open anl furnished with the beat new furniture. Kverv thing clean aud c mmodiou. ofTerin to the geo era! public aapcrior accommodation to any in the ctty. MADTS ItKS I A( KAT a if i Tare Antra t of Odd Fatluar' Temple. 2 ALBANY, - - OREGON, h Mr da al ail b ura ami all brio. KaaUni StKadwatar and Yaqulua Hajr OYSTERS ! Alwas am Hand Frcab njrstar open aarjr d.;, and a'd U i l..Uc l, 1 1 Uk .ni ..r uuif t. Irt al f,,f ijbaaSS. AST I Liniment OT3rH.22a3 Sciatica, Scratches. Cjctraccd Lambagc. Spvahu. Matcles, Kheumatlnr. Stsaiaa, Eruption, Banut Stitches, Hoof Ail, Scalds, EtiifJointa, Scrow Btings, Backache, Word, Bites, Gall, Swiaaey, Braiie. Sores, S&ddloGalis, BnnioaJt, Spsvia Piles, Coma, Cracks. THIS COOD OLD STAND BY accom;.i;uhwi for very body exactly what taclaimcd for it. Oue of ihd rMuoas for tbe treat popularity uf tl.o MuatW!- Ltulmcni u tocod Salts nnlYcrsai BiillralUliT. Ei'T7todr saaeds such a medic too. The rmau needs It la ease or accsdeot. Tbe IIoBaenifO ueeda It for geaeralfamUy oae. The Cnaaler need It for bis team and hi men. The Mcctmalc aseds it always on bis work twnca. The Miner needs It In case of emergency. Tbe Plaaeer needs It oaa'txet along without it. The Farmer needs It In his house. hU stable, and bis stock yard. Tbe Steamboat mrtn or the Boatman needs It In liberal supply afloat aud ashore. The Horae.-fancier needs It it Is bis beat friend and safest reliance. The PtocbMrrower need It It will savo him thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. The Railroad man need it and will need It so long as hia life is a round of accidents and dangers. TUv Hack woodsman needs It. There Is noth ing Uk it ar an antidote for tho dangers to life, limb and comfort which surround tho pioneer. Tke Merchant needs It about hi store among his employee. Accident will happen, and wbea these come the Mustang Liniment is wanted at once. Keep a Mottle In tho House. Tis the best of economy. Keep a Bottle In the factory. Its Immediate use in case of accident saves pain and Ion of a sees. Keep a Battle Always ta tke Stabio for nse when wanted. Notice of Executrix Sale of Land. NOTICE is hereby given that in pin suance of an order of aale made by the County Court, of Jackson County. Oiogon on tbe 7th day of December, 188ti, author izing and empowering the undoisigned as tbe executrix of the last will and testa ment of Edward A. Preeland, deceased, to sell certain real property described in said order of sale, the undersigned execu trix of the last will and teatament of said Edward A Freeland, deceased, will on Saturday the 5th day of February, 1887 at tbe hour of one o'clock p. m. of aald day at tho Court House door in the city of Al bany, Llnn county, Oregon, aell at public sale all the right title and interest which tbe said Edward A. Froeland bad at the time of his death in and to the following described real property, to-wit : Lots 6 and 6 in Block No. 32 in the city of Al bany, Llnn oouaty, Oregon aa tne eatne are described aud known on the recorded plat of said city now on file in tho ofUce of the County Clerk of Llnnoounty, Oregon, said property will be sold at said time to tbe highest and beat bidder on the follow ing terms : Ten per cent of the purchase price of said real property to be paid on the day of sale, and the balance of Baid purchase price to be paid when said sale is confirmed by the County Court of said Jackson oounty, Oregon, at which ,tim said executrix wiil execute, and deliver to the purchaser, at said sale, a good and sufficient deed of conveyance to said land, Datod this 24th day of Decern her, 1886. Marv a.. Frkkland, Executrix of the last will and testament of Edward A. Free! and, deceased. PllH H IMIDFOtt BOOS HOFFMAjy&PFEIFFER -PBGJ'ftlierORS OF Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of- CHOICE COHPECTIOHERY. We are now prepared to sell at whole aale, alwaya freeb and pure at Portland fgy dealers, We alao keep a Toll Huts and Tropical Frmti, 1TV GKOCEBIES, krp f?H Uno trmh and at very low prices. OUR CIGAR AND TOBACCO lepartment to com?. Ws keep tke fp flWstk of s2joai.uand.iiw0s 'obaeeo, meerschaum and brier pipoe tbat a a delight to smoker. c. :. woLraaroa, , o, , ran, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW pmTo(M op etair in Foater'a Block. ALBANY, OREGON Oid papers 'ITn, a hundred at the PSaSjfc c i: AT ulhcu. O The Bl VEtt' Gl IBM ts sesl SrpC esvefcjrimr. 4V 319 8KB US I 3.500 whole picture Gallery. OiVtm Wasolaaata Prta tUrrrt to conmumrrn on stU good Sasr M-reonal er family Bar. Telia hoar tar order, asset Rives exact coat of eeesty thing jro nee, eat, drink, wear, ear laaare fan with. Tsscse ISVALl'ABLB IMM)KS contain information flrassal Iron the aaarltet f the vtorlat. Wa irlil auail a cojty KRfcCK to any aeV- euroa opon receipt of 10 eta. to rtprnMi of mamas. aVettssl yon. HpN. tfully , f MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. VS7 &. iM iVsutoae Aaceae. MASY LAn CIII3rSTTFS ARB offt'rcil for aale repreaentasd as good as the Fatuous BIT THEY ARE NOT! Aud like all Counterfeits hack tit a aVeaaarkatble EAST IXC at lit lea of thi: gestitib. T PEARLTOP CH1M5ET The PEARL TOP is JMamu facte red OMY by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO., PITTSBURGH. PA. II Keurarj Street, Saa, Cal. Nervous DcUilitr, Semi; a! Wcakaes. KxhauaUd Viu.litv, Sertnatorrhoea. Ust Mihood, IiupoSraejr, lar vlyrf. IVoKtaiorrhoea, and all tha terrible ffeaaa t srlt abuse, andtxvsa in nr.aturer years, sueh as Loaxof Memory, l-aaaitudo, Nosturasp KmiMioDs, avci-i.n to s-cicty, HaaSSS of viaiou, Nobaa in the Head, the vital ttuia ;Kvssuig uuubaei vetl u tbe urine, and many other diseases that lead to insanity and deal h. yoisc: MKX SttSoring from any of the abo t niptems, should con sail ua at once. Tba drain can a stopet, ri Uliiy rsatored, and lite ho mads arain a plea. tire iitatiiad of a buideti. The: e r many MIDIt.E-t;t: MEW who are trouble with too (reaueot eracaatinir of the bladder, often aoconinled by a altsht kuiartiue or burning sensation, and a weakanUis; ot the ytem in a manner they cannot account for, Ropy Sediment in tha uriue, etc. Many die of thia difficulty ignorant of the cause, which is tha second stage ol seminal weakness. Cures gurarnteexl in all sueh case. Coaaa I tal loa Tree . Thorough exsmiuation and vlric, inctuditiK chemical analyKis and microacopu; exaioination of the urine, So. An honest eplnioa givea in ovory caso. The following modieinea supplied at the orieos named : Silt A ST LEV OOl'frU VITAL K EST ILL Til V, S3 a botUn, or tour times the quantity, BIO. st M lLE BltT f LK Ut EE. Sent to any one applying by letter, stating syaip oaassexaudage. Strict secrecy in regard to all business transactions. 'IT o OsBebrated Kidney Ketuetly. MCHIlKEfl LSI, for all kinds of Kidney and Madder Complaints, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Leueorrhoca, etc. For sale by all d uirgiata ; 1 a bottlo, or six bottle for $&. TM Kagttsn DANULlaN, LIVEK ami OV.k PEt'alA 11 LL is the beat in the market. For sale by all druggists ; price 60 eenu a bottle. Address EaaiUh Meellral Oyapensary. No. 1 1 Kearnv Street, Sati Frsuaisco, Oat Administratrix Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed ha Ufvn by the County Coart for Linn oounty. Oregon, appointed Adinlaia trnti ix with the will annexed of the estate of Jiiines Mady, deceased, late of Linn county, Oregon Ail persona having elaiitiR against said estat j are hereby re quired to present them properly verified as required by law, to the undersigned at Allitny, Oregon vi ithin six months from this oate. This January 3rd. 1887. MAKatum Mast, Ada inistratrix with the will annexed of the estate of James Mady, deoeaaed. W.fiATHBRKOHO A BliACKBURN, Alt . 'si for Administratrix. P MNT8 AND OILS, A i nil line of lead and oil, mixed paints, FatOct. 30,1SS8. me, era, atways on nana. Stk-wart a Soar,