The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 04, 1887, Image 3

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    Motored at the Poet Office at Albany, Or,
m aaoondclaas mall mattar.
8TITE3 &
Killtar awtt
rk r. ttnrrisu. Lseai (Miser.
rnoiUlj and JAPE&.
st. w. Aran Avon
ta on Itlo In PblU4f lM
at tlm Niwiwiht Ailv. r
turns iirai'T or iNn
AA A A When aid strictly in ad
m, UU vance thin will ha the
prioa of the Democrat ; ai the end of
tha year, $2.50, and there will ba no
deviation from trie rule.
II every tramp who enters Albany was
immediately captured at a vagrant and act
to work cleaning cron walk in the cold,
dreary, rainy winter weather, very soon
he would, like rats, sound a general alarm
and steer wide of our city's gates.
. One o( the saddest spectacle imaginable
is the sight of California cabbages and Iowa
butter In our markets. There will always
be big mortgages in our midst so long a
these have to be brought among us,
The present State Legislature will go on
record aa the most personal one ever to
grind out lows. Not only has it been twist
ed right and left by personal charges of
members against members, but, as well, it
has been filled with the reading of locally
personal Mils. It would seem as if most of
the members instead of working for the
State at large were simply rustlers for their
Immediate friend or friends or community.
The spectacle is a funny one. In a meas
ure though it is a repetition of all Legisla
tures, even Congress.
Chinamen may be very close fisted when
it comes to sawing wood, but in matters of
New Years festivity they are a needle going
through a camels eye. The M. A. T. can
remember when he rejoiced at being able
to secure a solitary bunch of fire crackers
and fire them one at a time. The Celes
tials, though, shoot them off by the hun.
dred bunches, aye by the thousand bunches,
Last week in this city Qwong Sing fired
$40 worth at a snap, and this is only a
country city. This is simply an indication
of superstition and not liberality. They fear
the devil more than thev love their moner.
af sr
February is upon us. This ought to be
a respectable sort of a month. George
Washington was born on the .und, Galileo
on the 15th and St Valentines day occurs on
the 14th. Instead of this it U about the
most suicidal, melancholy period of the
whole year. It is a continuation ofughs
and ooze. Mud by the square mile and the
tail end of our State Legislature flaps. Be
sides this Congress is always in session this
month, whether the session is long or short.
It will be observed in Mr Brigg's weather
report for January that the total rainfall was
1 2.58 inches. Remarkably large. The M.
A. T. has figured the matter and estimates
the weight of such a rainfall over the whole
of Linn county at 1,300,000,000,000 pounds,
showing the immense force in nature, be
sides which man's strength as an atom. In
February 1881 the rainfall was 13.0b inches,
the only other time the January rainfall has
been exceeded for many years.
A bill is before the Legislature asking
that all males of legal age be allowed to
vote at school meetings and women holding
property, now voters, be denied the privi
lege. The M. A. T. believes this law should
tau. lax paying women are entitled to
such a privilege. Once on a time we had a
big fight over this issue of taxation without
representation. Any man who proposes to
take this little privilege away from tax-pay-
a S a a mm
jng women snouia nave nis neaa used lor a
foot ball.
Legislative Exmr-lun.
Last Saturday forty -one members of the
Legislature passed through Albany on their
way to Yaquina Bay, they having accepted
I A.t a S fl . S a m
an invitation 10 nue over tne road and see
iL M I a . 1 TS MM . m a
wie woras ai me nay. iney returned on
Tuesday night. The present Legislature
has been exceedingly fortunate in the num
ber of free rides it has secured. In fact
that lias been the rule. This one turned out
more extensive than at first intended. A
land slide Monday morning prevented the
party reaching Salem until Tuesday night
The unfeeling pnblic ' generally ex
pressed regrets that they reached there at
all ; but this was, joking, though there was
some kernel to the nut.
Rrairan was re-elected Senator from
Texas on the thirty-first ballot.
If we can't print school books In Oregon
It is abont time we learned how.
It U reported that eattle Is povejrty strick
en, but this is probably an exaggeration.
An effort Is being made to have a life
saving station established at Yaquina Bay.
Roberts, the Representative about which
the scandal was reported, was exonerated hy
the committee.
About 400 hills have been Introduced In
th Stale Legislature. onv a fraction of
which will or should pass.
Maor Harrison, of Chic ago, has been sued
for $io,ooo for injuring the eyes of a boy
with a fire cracker on July $th, t8S6.
The office of Sheriff of Multnomah
county is worth about $1 1,000 and of clerk
$8,000 a year ; that of Governor of Ore
gon $1,500,'
Miss Van Zandt and Spies were married
bv proxy last Monday near Chicago ; but
that style is a relic of barbarous days and is
obsolete now.
The WillamHte Farmer, of Salem, Is can
did indeed. It admits that It owes $1000
and Insists on its subscribers paying up,and
they ought to do it.
Parliament opened on Thursday of last
week with a speech from Queen Vic. She
said her relations with foreign powers was
friendly. Forsooth It Is not.
J Seligman, a New York capitalist and
part owner In a Montana mine, last week,
was imprisoned In a mine and held until
the wages of the miners,about $75,000, were
Murder is rife in San Francisco. Last
week a crank entered a saloon and shot a
stranger dead because he imagined he was
a conspirator against his life. Justice is a
stranger to the Golden Gate City. The bal
ance is "busted."
None of the little jobs for appropriating
the state's money s for building private school
houses, county bridges snd county roads,
will pass in the present Legislature. Linn
county's representatives have been solid in
both houses against such bills.
A sensation has been started over the
finding of Brigham Young resurrected.
The report is so foolish that we only make
a mere statement of the fact The Amer
ican people like to be humbugged ; but
this is all together to immense a canard.
A Dallas man recently drew $500 in the
Louisiana Lottery. Such cases ate rare,
though. The Dallas paer estimates that
$100 a month is spent in that city In lottery
tickets. A poor way to invest money, as
this lottery Is undoubtedly one of the most
collossal swindles on record.
The Salem Vidett pars the following
compliment to three Senators : During the
debate vesterday, an the repeal of the usury
laws, Senators D. VT. Hare, J. K. Weather
ford and R. M. Veatch, who spoke in oppo
sition to the .repeal, made some telling re
marks and displayed forensic abilities that
would be a credit to any member of the
United States Senate.
The following is going the rounds of the
press: A sleeper is one who sleeps. A
sleeper is that in which the sleeper sleeps.
A sleeper is that on which the sleeper which
carries the sleeper while he sleeps runs.
Therefore, while the sleeper sleeps in the
sleeper, the sleeper carries the sleeper over
the sleeper under tha sleeper until the sleep
er which carries the sleeper jumps off the
sleeper and wakes the sleeper in the sleeper
by striking the sleeper under the sleeper,
and there is no longer any sleeper sleeping
in the sleeper on the sleeper."
Death mf sjihm stea.
Last Tuesday morning Mr Milton Hous
ton, of this city, died at his home on Second
street, after a lingering illness of several
years, at the age of 56 years, 9 months and
5 days. Mr Houston came to Linn county
from Dayton, Ohio, in 1S48 and took up a
section in township to R. 3. W. a few miles
northeast of this citv, where he resided un-
til within a few years. He was a man high
ly respected, noted for his peaceable nature,
industrious habits and strict integrity. One
of our earliest pioneers, he has always done
honor to the name. The deceased leaves
a wife and son and daughter to mourn the
loss of an exemplary husband and father.
He was a member of A. O. U. W. of this
city in good standing.
Funeral services took place Wednesday
afternoon and were attended by a large
number of friends, notwithstanding the in
clement weather. "
Following were the recorded sales In
Linn county during the past week :
Rue! Custar to Greg W Wlsweli, lot
6 block 15, E addition to Albany $iaoo
Ellis Warren and John Brown and
wife to Nancy J Galbraith, BH
acres In tp 13 snd 14 S R 2 w. .
II H Spauldlng to Nancy 3 Galbraith,
quit claim to tst
Frank shedd to Solon and K W Shedd
tac seres In tp 13 S R Jw
Julius Joseph to Sarah Brenner, is
feet front on First street, S side
between Perry and Broadalbln . .
Peter Smith to Henry Isley, a lots
in Bilyeu's addition to Sclo
David Klrkpatrick to Henry Isley,
18 W by l as rods In Sclo. Date
of deed March 5th, 187a 100
U S to Joseph Hite, )I5 seres In tp
13 9 R 3 w patent
U S to Alfred seres
In to 14 8 R a w patent
Ashby Pcarce and wife to D B Mon
telth, an undivided one-half In
terest, and to J L Cowan and J
W Cuatck an undivided one
fourth Interest, 3a by 1 a feet at
north end of Ellsworth St. .wharf
lots 7, 8 and 9, and ferry boat
and cable and appurtenances
with franchises 5900
G H Turner and I E Kinney to
Henrv Isley, several pa reefs
land and lots
tures now presented complete the list, ti e
State having already purchased the balance
of them snd no doubt will add these to
those now belonging to the State. Other
States find that much history is carried
along with the times In which each execu-
which we derived our knowledge af those tive lived .i he nr-ure.i the nmit.
principle." By the common law of Eng. of all of them snd they adorn rooms In their
land an act of Parliament could not be ques- Canitoi buildhms. Orenon will not be be-
tloned or its authority controlled In any Court htnd ,n . ,.,.. M imtMrtant. All the
of justice. England's great law writer said otUer Governor. hare mentioned am llvlna-
"this was the highest authority that the This is an expense older State, have refErd
kingdom acknowledged on earth." The d as essential. 1 mlht add In those davs
Water an Weather.
Monday the various streams tha get their
sustenance from the mountains and run
Into the Willamette were on a free Legisla
tive expedition. The Callpooia wss ss high
as In the winter of '8o-i. The bottoms were
flooded. At the time Dr. Jones, of this city,
had a herd of Celestials grubbing on that
creek, southwest of the city. Theft" camp
was flooded. The frightened Chinamen
took refuge in some trees, where they were
discovered and liberated by Nick Bprenger
and R B Vunk," these gentlemen taking
them off on a raft There were about fifteen
of them, and they went thirty hours with
out anything to eat, and after a varied ex
perience. A couple of young men who
visited them in a boat asked $4 to take them
off. They offered $a.x which was refused
The campers across the river also had to
take flight The Willamette was about
twenty three feet above low water mark.
Tuesday morning snow began failing and
the waters subsided. In Benton county
both Mary's and Yaquina rivers were flood
ed as rarely ever before. The railroad
bridge beyond Philomath was partially
taken out. The heavy rains all along the
mountainous part of the road caused numcr
ous land slides on the track, one of which
was nearly a mile long. Another at the
Summit nearly fifteen feet deep, and others
of less magnitude, As the passenger train
was at the west end of the road traffic waa
entirely stopped.
states that held this view of the legislative
power at the adoption of the federal consti
tution also held that the limitation to legis-
atlve enactment could be disturbed only
by the veto of the Governor. In which case
the legislature still held Its power to pass
the law over the veto of the Executive. And
our Courts like the English Courts could g
no farther than to give statutes reasonable
constructions where they were repugnant or
impossible to be performed. There never
wn a question in the English Courts and
Entertain sneai.
Senate Mils.
A Concert
The members of the Congregational
Church of this city are rehearsing for a con
cert to be given at the Opera House, in this
city, on the evening of February nth. As
the best musical talent of the city wHl take
part it promises to be a rare treat. Among
the prominent features will be the "Kinder
Symphony," by Romberg, which has be
come popular wherever heard.
Weatherford's corporation bill, passed the
Senate on Tuesday, and should pass the
House. General sentiment is in favor of it.
notwithstanding the slur cast at it by the
leading Portland daily. Foreign corpora
tions should most certainly be confined to
the same lesources in their suits as home
corporations and citizens, and not given the
advantages they generally receive by going
before a Court entirelv in sympathy with
corporations. Coleman's bill making one
petitioner enough to secure a new road
also passed the Senate. Chamberlain's bill
providing for a County Road Commission
er was everlastingly "snowed under.
Ell Ceasing.
Eli Perkins is reported as coming this
way. Albany liars will now take a back
seat. Mr Perkins was here once before,and
some liked htm so well they declared they
would never hear him ' again. Mr Perkins
has a broad field and is welcome to come to
Albany or not as he pleases. If he comes
on his own hook, and not under the auspi
ces of some society with a Y. to it we can
assure him a small house. This item mav
prevent our getting any camps ; but we
will have our say on the subject if we never
hear another liar talk.
un -Thursday evening, February 10th,
Miss Rosa Stannus will give a dramatic re
ciui in this city. She i. highly spoken of.
. . ss . mwim
ine bssfSEsKS, W, I . NmgwH says of her
recitations : -All seemed to agree that It
was the most refined, poetic and delightful
entertainment ever held In Chehalis. Miss
Stannus' readings appeal to intellect ; they
are thoughtful and represent the mental
side of human nature. The material Urr'
ficance of her humorous pieces are the deli
cate satire, the cleverly consistent charac
terization, the good acting, and the correct
analysis of human motives snd actions
These are among the most admirable fea
tures of her entertainment. " From the Ta
coma ,vrtw we clip the following 1 "MU
Stannus not only shows the dramatic fire
. I a -a m.m m a
wunin out ts gtrteu with a rich, resonant
voice which has been so carefully cultivated
that the light tones of comedy, the heavy
accents of tragedy or the quivering notes of
pathos follow each other without percept i
ble effort In "Eugene Aram's Dream,'
one of the recitations rendered, her portray
M . I 1 . . mm .m
ai tM use guuy murderer was realistic and
forcible without being shammed. Her ges
tares, like her acting, spring from feeling
within rather from mechanical study, and
are therefore natural.
Miss Stannus will recite at Harrisburg on
Thursday evening. February 17th.
Tht Slacker- Ewnauti Una.
the "olden times." He made Oregon his
home after his term of office was out until
his death. He was annotated bv President
Governor Pennoyer is making an efficient Tevlor. Ihn W n.vl. was annotated Gov-
Executive snd his forcible manner of Inv ernor of Oregon by Franklin Pierce to sue
parting his views on alt Important subjects General Un who was Appointed by
meets with universal respect, It Is a matter PrtMcnl Pleree, but resigned In Mav. 81
mi history that In our own country st an to run tor ConaroM Gen Lsne held the
early day Judges in two states were Impeach, office of Governor for a very short time In
ed for annulling laws of the Legislatures of l8,, Governor D.vU to Oreeon in
their respective states. The views of the! Aprl. i8u. and resinned in Auaust follow.
Governor on this subject are very far from ing, He WM naUv. pnn born in
being cranky. The colonies and early states ,7Wi but WM from IndUn. to Qreiron. i le
were governed more or less by the prece- WM A ver. noted !nan. havin filled many
dents of the common law of England, snd pjMM of tru, n.,! mwi 8utei. Gov.
si sa sa a m M m I
vnc supreme t.oun 01 me u. ., nye years u.v,. dM in tg(0 i Indiana. The ale
Wheat, 80 eeuta.
F M French, jeweler.
Some isighs and such sleighs.
Oysters served m sit styla at H'fTfiiAn A
J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surtfeon, Al
bany, Or.
Oo t Real k BiMwnsH's f .r ehdion f resh
Gaff A Bushaell. Physicians and Surgeons,
Shedd, Or,
The Salem fanning milts for sale at Dsyne
k KibimiV '
swiii.tvis rattsosat.
sfter the adoption of the Federal constitu
tion enunciated the doctrine "that the rem
edies of the Federal Courts at common law
snd In equity were to be according to prin
ciples of common law and equity as dis
tinguished and defined in that country from
the mileage of Congressmen or Governors
appointed In the East for Oregon was ten
thousand dollars.
Puts tropica' (raits at all tunas at Wollaee
ft Thosnpsoa'a.
Slaty years of a busy journalist's life at
Washington are epitomized In Maj. Ben,
we may say in our own st an early day as to Perlt-y Poore'' forthcoming book. One of
the binding efficacy of the statute. This inc 'ere t ne major recently saw inni
S 1 si 1 w it 1 E t 1 a A us 1 aval
was then the relation between the Court " )Eei npe period ot me tne ms-
E a a a m a -a
and the Legislature. The Supreme Court I jor ,cPla growing 010, ana since men,
of the U. S. was no more than an appellate llk m lh ch MEderla of which
Court. And it would seem that this fact " wrnem wtin '"uch "llnf. ne only
was forgotten, for U was only last week that I accumulating boquet snd navo.'
ustlce Miller, In the Bell Telephone case Mh t oOT n " h best known
1 . m . m .a. a a ... a
before that Court parallzed the lawyers I ana " 01 mo1 snowtngmen in wean-
preset t by staling that the patent could not inn oclet " century. His is
be attacked for fraud In that Court unlesa temperament delighting in bright,
there had been proceedings against it In the Intercourse. Yet his connection with
Court below. Stramra that eminent law vers 9 urn,1,m and hU P0"0" th U'
overlooked this fart. It onlv shows howl S n plsced him always In the thick of
easllv lawver and Court, str.v aw.r from I PolUU:1 fir" Bnd SP- lle wa
' . I i . 1 .i . ..a n .1
their old oolnlons and Uan more towards 1 c " " n,ngwn ow.m,
surta. rwr than In e.lnta. It Tha " wUh W V'fr' nd ""r
tag to hear or see what was said and done.
His book will not only add lustre to hit
fame as a writer, but is of so unique a char-
acter and so Intensely Interesting in matter
that it will proe a valuable contribution to
the literature of the country. It has mirth
for the mirthful, wit for the witty, informs
tion for all, and we doubt if it has been
equalled by any subscription book since the
It f beinjt issued by the well-known
house of A L. Bancroft & Co. San Fran
Cisco, Cat .and sold exclusively by subscrip
doctrine cannot be questioned rightfully
that the powers of states remained after the
adoption of the constitution what they were
before, except so far as they had been
abridged by that instrument No state has sur
rendered Its Legislative power to the union
The power of Congress is merely affirmative.
That Is if Congress does not pass taws, the
8Ute can far its own benefit but both can
not occupy the same ground at the ame
time and provide for the same objects. It
is admitted that if the constitution of Oregon
gives the power to our Courts to annul a
statute If void under the constitution, then
the doctrine claimed by the Governor does
not prevail. It would seem as If titer pro-
vision of the constitution of Oregon on this
subject was taken from some old constitu
tion of another State where the supremacy
of lite Lesftslature was held above the I Sntaeaary of Mstswrotoey for Jaa. I
Courts. 'The only question Is does the con-1 trees ibnr stioos taken at Albaay.Liaa Oo
stitution of Oregon in this particular give Oregon, by John Brigys.Kaq.
the power to our Courts for any cause to HkVee Bar. SOU ; lowest, .S4 j saess
snnul the sets of our own "Parliament. . . ... .
Iris surprising that not one of our learned I -saaa.4S.S4.
Judges has taken the pains to meet this le-1 Mass at 7 a. ta . 4154 t S f. ss., 43.83 ; 9
sue falHt for the public good. The people P-
are thinking it over and the more they
Jr t M Menssl, Physician and Mareon,
Albany, Or.
About six inches of s i w mi ths groaikl
ss wa f o to praas.
We sell tbs Ha Batch char a 5 asuta at
Read St tirowneli's.
Tha ust iueoms of tha Chicitfo P O last
year was 1 1,823. UM.l'T.
Aoothor tumble in tha trti- of boot
shots at Kad A BiowoeU's.
I . true reduction la ths prica of shut
Wilt Brothers, Albany, Or.
J H Tuwnssod. special agent far tha HUt
asurauce Oo. of Hln, Oregon,
Six shaven for a dollar and a aUaa towel to
every customer, at I Vienck s.
Oermia. Half ilisioit Huckwlmit. 0nnau
If "Idlings at U'l A BrawiiftU'a.
Tha expenses of the present session of the
Legislatare are estimated at 833.000.
Msdv's restaurant is now in cbsrsa of its
new proprietors, Huff nau St Monteith.
F M French, a EEflt Mingor Msnafacturuw
Co., opposite Odd Fellows Temple, Albauy, Or.
Hatches, vlocks and iewelrv usrefulty ie
paired at reasonable prices at F M French's.
Postal notes re matle psyable aoy where
dos seo-lina owe it like seu liaa a biok
Too can iret a splenit 1 vanity of t .. t
Mr John H'ig2. For sde at rsonsbtr
The averaeo attendance of the present I-
ulsturs has boon s little oyer three dsys a
Mrs Arootd has U her aiiik r -ute and
outlit to Mr Htte, aa old resident of tLe
Two chairs are kept raniiiuu at Wick's
barber sbp. Toe place to gt a shsvo or
hair eat.
Dr. M. 11. Kili. phyeiisian aud soran
Alraoy, Oregon. Galls mia to city or
It will py y tt t call at f M Frouch a
and price his on m before parckastox oaa
sloe where.
rrosb xeutitu Hy nl Etstor.i oysters
oonstsutly am haul after to-day a. IfolTusao
A FfouTer'a
"Sunset Co" is qoito 1U. O j to the new
Orog A tore in the Mnrgao building oer the
Koss II 1
IUe Albany Cdleeiata lustilata will pro-
sent lie first coin pic to aata'oyoe dortoj the
coming sonimer.
ThwU P has its hand foil ruiria s i Is
downs sui rsh ..u' Alxmt haudrsd
mto are at work.
Doyoe A Kobsoa bsvs a Urge st o of the
beat plows made 01 band. They wUl bo
sold at bedrock prioas.
Tbo net earnings of the Mherin ot
(isoaiao MO lolooses in barrels at
A Thoaspooa'a
Sorb, of Corrsllis, was in Albany Tuesday.
Mr W F lhrr.w, of Shsdd visited Port
land Isst week,
W A UoX has been In f ',rv d)i thii w k
J IsyjjKf brick for (hot) P Hi
MrsMEf .e B'ackm!.. i Rut BloomfiflJ,
N. Y., te at th cit-y, tb tias; ., Mr F W
Francis Pfoiffer left Monday for the South
era part of the Statj with his case of confec
tionsry. Oasrge Caldwell, an employe t Briak'o
furniture factory, lf t on W,:dneidy for
Pnndlotoo, to reside.
Mr J B Sperry. of Hepmr, a rosideatof
this county foi tweuty-sovea years, wxi iu
Albany VVodnesilay.
Mr 0osr Btoarit, of Ashland. Or., is in
the city, fid&ug friend. There is a very
suspicious look in his eyes.
Mr Oar i Laderrn tu returned last Monday
from a visit to his parents in California. The
ocean trip woo rouh one.
Mr George Will, of this city, has rouontiy
loeu oil a visit to Missouri, tie is 00 his way
home by way of the H mttaern Pacific.
Udter'. It Burahart, of this count', re
turned from Portland last Wed oosday, after
having completed a c wroe st the Portland
Business College.
Tne Very Rest.
'! ra...
I linye ad led to my bol and he stook s
line of th olebratel Lird, Sftober A
StitcMl, PhUadttplU Finn Sfteet for ladisw,
mi snd children. Acknasrledged by
ial-rs generally to be the l-t value and
hoot fitting line shoe made. Widths 0. D, Jt,
and KK. A child coo Iray as cheap as a mas.
Hauvkj. E. Yocxo,
Sole Agent, Aloaoy, Oregon.
Firat'clossj bub
gnn atoro.
her knivdsat Will Bros
WHY WILL YvU tmifth when K:ii loh'E
Curo wll; ulvo limn i tnio roliof. I'rico 10
eta., 60 eta., and SI.
A NAMVL lNJRf.;rOR free wlthfacy
bottf of Hhiloh'sCatsrrh ttetnotly.
80 EOtlts,
Snow Hallloa
Tbo present enow storm has caused much
persecution of tbo Mongolian in this city.
The sight of one has been tbo tignal for a
shower of snow balis. Several windows have
been shatUrodod " lint" became indignant
and endeavored to have some of tbo boys or
rested. If a white mas goto hit, and he does
unmercifully, he good natu redly takes it aa a
joke, bat the Celestial get rod hot mod and
scowls au awful scowl. Chinamen should bo
treated just as wall as white man, bus this
uw balling business doesn't last h og, and
it is foolish to take a snow balling to boars,
if it doas burn a little, whether one is lfoa
golian or Melican man.
Rev. Browosoo, of this eitt , hao boon an-
a s f a . a a ssay aaa a a
poinum rresmeiii 01 .vj-. at m. vi w uollsgo.
flo els lea's tea Ira Halve.)
The be waive In tbo world forJCuta,
Bruise-. Sores. Ulooro, Halt Kho in, Fever
Horno, Tftttor. Cnoppod Hand. ('hilhloUio,
Corns an i all Skin Krnp'.Hns, and posi
tively rrur(M Pilaa, or ri piy roqaired. It
iagiMrautai) to gfea -t oitisfootlnn.
or money refunded. Price 25 cento per
boa. For sale b Foohay k Mason,
Just Received
8amael E Young,
A fall assortment dT the ediebreied
The faetegrarsar, Albany, SNr.
I have all the aagat'vaa taken by A
B. Paz'on and any one can bay da pi I
catee rrotn tbeir nogatlveo by addraeolag
uo, at tha following priooo : Card oUo, i
par dozen, eabioot size, S3 per doaea, boa-
iloura, $A per doaon. I keep the floss
line or Oregon views in tbo wast, cata
logue furnlabod on application. Oofying
and enlarging old pictures a specialty.
3, O. CnawfoitD.
Ear fala.
One hundred and twenty acres of tl e best
quality of improved wheat land, all fenced
into four fields, good house, hard finish,
good outhouses, excellent fruits of all kinds.
Morton 1 75 seres of grain. Inquire at this office.
think the nearer they will get to Governor
Pennoyer. The authorities upon an exam
ination seem to be on the side of the Gov.
The attempt to connect the Willamette
Valley with Eastern Middle Oregon by
wagon road as presented in Senate Bill No.
85, meets with objections. The bill calls
for jcvooo to moke a road over the Minto
Pass. The constitution Is now held up as a
solid wall against the paasage of this bill.
When the Pine creek wacon road bill and
the bridge bills passed at a former session
the constitution was never thought of. If it
had been, it was in ouch cases only a paste
board objection. Now that the Willamette
Valley wants a link to connect the cattle
and farming interests of two empires the
constitution is held up as a fatal objection
The law asked for is neither special nor
local. It is a public law in its broadest
sense. A discussion of the constitutional
Provaihaa winds, 8.
Maximum locity foeoo.6
th.12 &t toobas. Soew 3 ioohoo
Number of days on which .01 iaoh or
rata foil. 23
N author of days of sIcsiEsEEEi, average
ta scale of 10. 8
Of 33 obaorvattoaa 22 woro elaady, 4 fair
11 clear , 1 misty, 7 foggy SS rainy, frost on
Bob Too shoo polish at Wallace & Tbotnp-
Ta f he rattle.
t. Valentines Day.
The party to be given at the Opera I louts
on the evening of St. Valentines day, prom
1 sea to be a big affair. Extensive prepara
tions are being made and some fine costumes
are looked for. A special train will run
from Corvallis ; fare, 75 cents round trip
Admission to the ball will be $1.50, ladies
free ; spectators, 25 cents.
We Wont a Woolen Mill.
A till : f 0
n. ancuigan man is reeling his way
through Oregon for the biggest subsidey
for a woolen mill. Albany has been an
proacned. We want a woolen mill here
and the Democrat moves a bid be made
of a liberal nature, if the responsibility of
the woolen men is ascertained to be al
right, and they mean business .
Ferry Hold.
Last Saturday Cowan St Cusick and D B
Monteith, of this city,purchased the Albany
ferry of Mr Ashby Pcarce, together with
three lota, paying $6000 for the same. Thi
is and has ieen for years a paying property
The Mackey-Bennett telegraph office In
this city is arranged at Prushaw's drug store
read V for business whan the Asvrstm U
for the sending forth of the electric .park. '"1 J ,n
Mr. rf the f A C .111 i r--7 B'-
have charge of the office, and states that
probably messages will be received by the
middle of next week. Those who believe
messages will be sent for 00 will be disap
pointed. The Company is established to
make money. The Western Union will do
business as cheaply as the M B and Is as
able to stand competition. The result will
probably be a pooling of rates. It will be
Mr. Irvine's bill to simplify proceedings in
Justices Courts was indefinitely postponed.
It passed the house and lacked two votes of
passing the senate last session and ought to
have passed now, or something like the
bill. Where a man has five dollars due
him and it costs ten to make the experiment
to collect it, he should be heard.
The so-called scandals resulted in nothing.
And the real truth no doubt is the result Is
I am now better prepared than ever be
fore to suit my numerous customers in all
lines of goods. I have a larger stock which
personally selected, and have many nov
cities I could not get by ordering goods ex
clusively. 1 have just made extensive im
provements to mv Boot and Shoe Store
giving me much more room than formerly,
and enabling me to carry a larger assort
ment and to sell vou better goods for the
money. I have just received direct from
the factory a full line of ladies' and genu'
slippers for the holiday trade especially
selected tor this market, an 01 wntcn win
be sold on their merits, and every pair
guaranteed, even in cheap slippers and
Samuel E. Youko.
surprising if in time thev are not absorbed
" W I f -. . II . Y. 1. .t- J.I
ti.u u i .1 I jusi u an pmrucs. 11 was nui vnc scanuai
...Mr v.H. wiiij'Mii j . IMS UCCII inCI
history of telegraphy in the U. S. The
A riaaeer of '47.
Mr. J R. Tempteton, of Halsey, writing
to the Willamette Fanner at Salem, savs :
' 0
"I am an old Pioneer of 1847 and had the
pleasure of seeing Dr. Whitman on the Co
lumbia river, camped with us and ate sup
per with us, remember most of the conver
sation between father and the Doctor. Then
the Rev. H. II Spalding was near neighbor
and I went to school to him in 1849 ; have
heard him and Mrs. Spalding tell the story
of the massacre, his flight and escape from
the Cay uses and of theii trip across the
plains and how the raft of bull-rushes was
taken across Snake river and how they
crossed the next time ; then a great deal
about their eleven years of missionary work."
Senator Dawson's bill allowing the killing
of pheasants has patsedSsnato Steel'a bill
regulating dentistry has passed the Senate.
Chamberlain's bill appropriating $20,000 tor
building wagon road oyer the Minto Pass
failed to pass. Mr Bievins has introduced a
bill providing for tha election of preciact
In SO Minnies.
Mr. Frost, of the Portland Y. M. C
will present the panorama "Around
World in 80 minutes," in this city, on Wed
nesday evening, February 9th, The enter
tainment deserves a full house.
For stoves and tin ward ate at go to John
so much as It was the personal feeling that
was 'contingent." It is well for all parties
In such cases to remember that discretion la
the better part of valor,
The O R & N bridge bill will become a
Uw. It is resting in the House to come up
in its order yhen amendments will be of
fered not for the purpose of killing It, but
for the protection of other similar interests
that will depend on this bridge. , No State
In the union has been so obliging to rail
road companies as Oregon. They have al
ways received whatever they called for
The amendment to, or our really new as
sessment law, reported by the commission
appointed by the last Legislature and ma
tured at great expense to the State died be
fore it was day light. When on its second
reading in the House It was indefinitely
pos toned. It is a patent fact that one might
as well introduce a Bengal Tiger into a Leg
illative body as to offer a new assessment
law for its consideration. This law possess
ed merit and it was calculated to reduce
taxation by having all the property assessed
Patents granted to citizens of the Pacinc rhe State has not less than two hundred
States during the past week and reported ex- millions of assessable property in it, but the
oresslv for the Democrat bv C. A. Snaw I amount found by assessors, and it is not
people want cheap rates and we at least
hope this company will give them.
Meanders Oera la Texas
Sheriff Smith a few days ago received tbo
following letter, which is self explanatory
Of course it is a Chestnut aa Mr S. whan last
heard of woo oofoly boarding at ths hotel
Do Minto ; bat it is unique and we loavo off
the man's name, oo ho is a detective aod
might not like to see but name in print :
Dallas Texas.
Mr D S Smith,
Linn Co Oregon.
Deatr sir Wii you please send me a photo
a nr as it ...
01 w w naers homo yon Wont for mur
der 1 think I have seen your maud hero
Westoa union
Detective agent
Patents Ciraoteil,
& Co., Solicitors of American and Foreign
Patents, opposite U. S. Patent Office, Wash
ington, D. C. :
S B Davis, Eureka, Cal, name tug,
H P Garland, San Quentin, Cal., wheel
for tslivering jute .
A Harding, uaKiand, Ual., electric arc
D E James, Compton, Cal
A F LaShells,
W Madden, San Francisco,
for boiler furnances.
S Tuton, San Gorgonio, Cal., butter
H R Stevens, Solcdad,Ca!., windmill reg
Corn meal, yellow and white, Graham and
Backwkeat, oil self rising, at Wallaao At
Lsdias. when you are in wank of a fine
drees dont forgot te inspect the stock of N.
H. Alton A Co. They have a very largo
stock te select from and at prioas never be
fore offered in Albany.
Lake Superior White Fish in koga at Wal
lace Si Thompson's.
Oeatlaaes to Bay arses.
Mr L loaders continues to bay horses at
this citv. Will uav sood urioo for suitable
horses weighing 1100 to 1500 pounds
good order. Bring thorn on.
Ea Fast.
New goods at Fort miller Si
oral new styles of elegant bed
and a splendid variety of upholstered goods,
just received, ny Keeping a iirsi-tua
stock of goods they go fast.
county for two years ei'lm- Djc. Slot were
fa.S87.Mrf clerk, $S,tf0 77.
Messrs W Prtoaitler A Co.. of this city,
Sre fflttogo contract for the furniture for tbo
aow St. Charloa Hotel of Kogooo.
The Council of SodavUle hao passed aa or
diaatft prohibiting the aoe of the sods wa
ter there for speculating purposes.
List Tuesday Mrs Bn Broooer pa roasted
of Mr Julius Joseph the property occupied
by Hoffman St Pfoiffir. C11.1 ieralio.i $2 000
Persoos desiring lije picket kaivjs of a
now brand, warrantod, should call at Will
Bros. Thay have just gotten to a new stook.
James Jamison, after losvtag Albxuy last
week traveled to Haletn. where ha t.csmu
disorderly and received a soutane to ttsa
os 1 1 boose.
W have moved our stock 0 glt across
the stioet from oar oUI otattd, follow us aud
wo will make it to your iaterest. K i At
Burkhart A Keeney sell tickets over the
Northern PaaiMc Kill Iliad to all point
t. Call on then for rotas and mips
showing route of travel.
A report woo circulated in tbb city that
tbo NORR brtdae over tne Nortn Senium
had gone net. On g .moral prtuetp'os wa
preson.0 the report is true.
A cot respondent of a contemporary from
Lane eouoty e-mplains that all the boy ba
bias born in bio vtotoity are D:uoeraU
That's nothing to ootnplaio of.
Should you desire to soil your property
call 00 Burkhart A Keeney as they advertise
property placed ia then bands, aud charge
nothing uoleaa they effect a sale.
Bead Wallace St Tnompsoo's now grocery
ad. This enterprising Arm bos a tirst-clsos
stock of fresh goods on hiud aod will sell at
tbo most reasonab'o rates imaginable .
The prohibitory amendment resolution
pesos d both booses of the legislature almost 1
unanimously. It will bo submitted to the
people of Oregon one year from next June.
If you wear out two pair of shoos io a Mat
and can save six bits a pair by baying them
of Bead & Brown si I remember n tea year
time yon will have saved fifteen dollars, thi
is well worth remembering
Verity, tho Portland Mormint OrtgomiaH
has eat a big figure iu tbo present legisla
ture. Tbo idea of taking toto Legislature
Hallo what newspapers have said is exceed
ingly ridiculous, and shows the poor timber
of some of tho mem iters.
Io a fow days tho Oregon Pacific's new
steamer, "Tho E is tern Oregon, formerly
tho "Palatka," will leave New York, for tho
Yaquioa This steamer waa bout by John
Roach and is ss good as new. Six 200 foot
long, 34 foot beam, and 12 foot hold.
The room in the O' Toole Block recently
occupied by L Yierook his boan rented to a
gentleman from Minneapolis, Minn., named
OOOSS, wno will soon. open a mwi aim musiu
store. Mr Jones is now Bast after his family.
Bond Burkhart A Keeney nam is aod ad
dresses of friends desiring information of O re
in and they will sood thorn copies of ths
Vo7 KUtft Conveyer whioh contains a com
plete disoriptiou of oaa county in each issue
with either desirable information as wither,
Tho steamer "Benttoy" put in an appear
ance at this city Saturday loaded with wheat
and other freight, io as good a condition as
whan now. It will now run regularly uspt
Smith and tho aonse crew propelled it, when
it was sank and "totally wrecked" have
charge of it ,
Tuesday evening the Juveuilo Bind of this
city favored several of Albany a cttixens
with acceptable serenades. 1 no uemocrat
extends thanks for being ouo of the number.
Band music 011 a cool evening with acoit ot
snow on the ground always sou
Agents Waa ted.
To canvass for the singer X. fg. Co.
quire of P. M. French, Albany, Or.
A good organ,
good shingle mill.
Ear Sale
Call at Dr. Kelh's. A
Call on J. H. Maine.
as efh
Now stock of fall goodr, eyery have foil,
come and oxamiao them.
Mo?rrxTrn A
The laraoot and boot selected ttoett in
tho valley out be ton ad at Mooteith A Sot
teo bach's.
N. HL Allen AC j. have ia
tine of hoots, shoes and 1
bo sold at very low prices.
stock a full!
whioh will
Why not call on Thos Brink for something
in Sfee (urottur. line for holiday pre onto.
lasts) to
On from one to three years time, on good
security, in sums of $500 up. Call on
Clink, Moxtbite & Co.
Don't foreet that N. H. Alien A Co., toko
produce ia exchange for merchandise at tho
market prices.
Dr. Whites celebrated Now York Cough
Svrup, for aalo at Hoffman A Iffetfor'e
Warranted to cure oagheand colds.
Read what the manufacturer nay,
To bo mod from the -cry lsl ma
teria', by okU'fut workman, with
tho lateat atrl moot approved mo
di! netry, an I to be the o he peat
goo I In tne mirket when service
is considered.
Are ao thoroughly finished that
they can bo worn indomp a eat her
or a shower, without fear of bedng
ruined uy curling or shrinking.
Thf rsjoii'ift luring, dyeing and
fiiiidiing io done t a such a manner
that the go da can be washed if
deaired, without lb least Injury
tt the fsorid.
Our goods ore wool dyed, and col
ors oo fast as t he pureat dyto and
greatest c wa and aktii eta moke
Goods show j-tsi svhaltby ore and
will ba until worn out. aa there io
no wo ght, stiffening, or arU ficial
lustre need to increase tbo weight
or flulab ; ao io tbo case with a
large clans of gojda In tho market,
but which disappears after a few
dty'a ns-rvice.
At manufacturers we have liken
groat poino to supply auartiulein
ovary way reliable, end anur
peoed by similar good, either
foreign or domeatie, nod would
reapecttuliy oak on exH-nlnatmn
of the vtri tit atyleo and ahadssto
be fouod on aale by uijrol.aote
who art agenta for the goods.
Satxtph a aont by mall.
New Grocery
raver Boosts.
Those desiring tho latest novelties in laooo,
buttons, giovoo, etc,, tthould call on Mon
teith A Hcitenbach.
Vmmtf Weret.
Lumber and Posts.
Briggu, Cal., revolving
Cal., shield
Quilt than you ever saw before at
I toith A Soitenbach'o.
t -
their fault under the law, is only seventy
nine millions, about what Multnomal
county alone has of taxable property,
county that Is assessed less than nineteen
millions. It Is far better for the tax-payer
to have all property assessed. But it can
not be done.
Senate Bill providing for the purchase of
alidlnw irate.. I the portraits of our Governors that have
o o I
not been procured by the State, possesses
merit. There are seven of them. They are
nearly full size. Commencing in their or
der, Govs. Gains, Davis, Woods, Grover,
Chadwlck, Moody and Pennoyer. Of these
we may especially refer to two. 'Govs Gains
and Davis were executives under the Tend-,
tory. Gov John P Gains arrived in Oregon
in August, 185O, and assumed the duties of
his office. He was succeeded by General
Lane, in the Sprfhg u 1853. General Gains
was from Kentucky, and a gentleman of
Tha undersigned will sell all kinds of
umber and oedar fence nosts at the folio'
ing stations on tho Narrow Gauge Railraod,
Lotto's. Lawaon and Bellville. Persons build-
in houses or barns oaa have bills cat and
delivered at anv of tha above stations on
short notice. Lumbar is of tho very best
fatality, the logs being brought from the line
nmoer regions on ino mgnnuus air.
We. R. SricRR,
Cloaks ! Clonks I
. N. H. Allen A Co. hivvain stock a fall lice
of material for fancy work, coosi sting rf
Fairy s-mhyr, Shetland wool and iees. che
nille,, araseao, Hllasille. 72 inch English felt,
silk loss, knitting silk, etc.
Viereck's shaving and hair dressing sa
loon to opposite the Revere House, whore
he has first-class bath rooms.
FOR DY-S PEPSI and Liver Complaint
Son have a printed guarantee on every
otdo of Shiloh'a Vital hear, ft never fal la
o euro.
hnn. Tnd . aavs: -Roth ravaelf and wife
oweour Uvea to SHILOU'S CONSUMP
TION CURE," Poohoy A Maaon, agenta.
A Captain s fortunate Olsoov sry
Capt. Coleman, schr. Weymouth, plving
etvreen Atlantic Citv and N. Y., had been
roubled with a cough so that he was unable
o sleep, and was induced to try Dr. King's
New UlscovfW for Consumption. It not
nds bettor only gave him "instant relief, but allayed the
than under anv other condition. The boys
show considerable improvement Forsooth,
thoy play well.
A r ran somen ta have boon made for convey
ing Wolis A Far go's express to California by
way 01 tne urogoit racism losieau u vue
past by the O R & N. For this purpose a
messenger has boon plsced on ths Oregon
Pacific tram. Light and more yaiuaoie mat
tor will for tho present betaken overland.
This arrangement will urobablv not be con
tinned after completion of tha extension to
tho O A C.
extreme soreness in his breast. His children
were similarly affected and a single dose
had the, same happy effect. Dr. King's
New Discovery is now the standard remedy
In the Coleman household and on lioard the
schooner. Free trial bottle of this Standard
Remedy at Foshay St Mason's Drug btore
Axes, Axes.
i,n to Stewart St Box's and examine
those fine Oregon made axes, xajserior to
all others. Manufa-Hurod by H. B. Dor
rick, of Crawferdsvllle, Jutnn uo., ur. rvm
ranted first eiasa.
Norses, Cattle and Cfaleltrns.
Will Bros, have received a lanre lot of
shot gnu, and rifles irom me Jiaas nau
will sea tnem at ronisn -,
. 11 11 -
Don't foraet that N. H. Allen A Co. have
jaat received a large stock of thm latest
sty loo ia cloaks from New York, which haye
offer at unheard ot low prices.
Letter 1,1st.
Following is the list of tetters remaining In the Past
Office, Albany, Unn county, Oregon. Feb, 3rd, 1196.
Persons sailing-for those letters must give the c sis on
which they were advertised :
Boylei, Miss Allio Cohen, Arthur,
Foster, T W Gregory, Wis
Jordan. H. O Lohson, Abnsr
Pstnent, Herman Reese, C T
Simpson, Leonard I4 Wrilf, Ferdinand
J. If. IRTTKO, P. af.
For oollc and grubo, for lung fever,
cough or hido-hound, I give Simmons
Liver Regulator In a mash twice a day.
You cau recommend it to everyone having
stock os the best medicine known for the
abnveoom plaints In UHin-r it with my
ohinkAtis. for c;hflara and eranea. I mix it
witn dough and fegd it to thorn once a
m WW a t i ............ T kana lot nAfIa
aay. ny tw S:Z n ".' rr nmmtlv and thorouahlv itbDar-
. j ii 75. it., I'roiinvisouc riuiu. hid ii"iu
111 Idtl HllV. I w . - j. "5 .. -
ot tbo v anaar-
Searlot Fevor and Diphtheria
are spread by contagion, by tho trsnsfor of
liviuij tnixtttr liom tno sain, me mtmureu
1 lining at tha mouth, nose anil U, root, and
from the inteatines and urinary organs
nri rftjrulnrlv.
E. T. Taylor, Agt., fir Grangers of Oa.
Wallace & Thompson's,
S. W. Corner First and Breadalbin 8U,,
A choice stook of freU gooda, embrac
ing everything in tbo grocery lino. Pro
duce in ilo ooaou.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Oregon City, Or. )
January, Slat, 1S87 j
TsTatioo is herebv aiveti that tho follow-
Ing-nomed settler has filed notloi of his
Intention to ma&e final proof in Rtipport
of bio elaim, and, ibat said proof will he
made before tho tlem-aer an l Kocoivor or
U. S. Land Offleo at Oregon City, Oregon,
on Wednesday, March 2:ird, 1887, via :
Thomas L Henness, Fre.EtHption D. 8.
4735 lor tho N X of S E M and
H W i
K ii of Sec. 34 1 p, 3 u o ru.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous reaidona upon, and
ouitivation of, said land, vix : W F Hor
rom, W J Turnidgo, N Lewis, and Joseph
O Turnidge, all or Rock Creek, Linn
county, Oregon,
W. T. BuaNBT.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Oregou City, Or.
January 3 1st, 187, j
Notice is hereby Riven that the follow
ing earned rettler has fiiod notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof wilt be
made before the Register and Receiver of
tho U.S. Land Office at Oregon City,Or.,on
Wednesday, March 23rd, 1887, vir. : W F
Horrom, Homestead Entry No.916 for the
N W M of Sec. 4, Tp. 10 S R 3 R, Willam
etta meridian.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, said land, via : Joseph O
Turnidgo, Thomas L Honnosa. W J
Turnidge and L T Henneaa all of Reek
Creek, Linn county, Oregon.
W. T. BuBirsT,
60 to Alien St Co. when you want groce
ries. They have a well selected stook and
ell cheap.
Examine Woodin's Extension table. They
m -well go and see them for yourself.
bvs Prophylactic
srv t r m T a.K
trnvftr. IToI tl I uuurou
bilt University, xenn., says : ai a uum
fecUut and detergent Darbys Prophylaotio
Fluid superior to any prepart.Bion witn
which I am acquainted."
bany, to the
-On Jan. 31st,
wife of Jas
1887, in Al
Illustrating ths Wit, Hum r and Eoosatrtcwss OZ
noted celeb, 1 ties. A richly lllastratod treat
ot tnnar Society History, Irom "ye oldea Ums" to tho
woddrbgof Clevslasd. Wonder fan j popalar
AgenU report rapid sales, Address for rctllar
and terms. A. I. BAKCatOFT fc CO.. l ublisb
rs, San FraaoUwO, Cel.